C++ Generic Match Function: Vicente - Botet@

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Botet C++ generic match function P0050

Document number: P0050

Date: 201509-24
Project: ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21
Programming Language C++,
Library Evolution Working Group
Reply-to: Vicente J. Botet Escriba <[email protected]>

C++ generic match function

Vicente J. Botet Escriba
Experimental match function for C++17.

Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 1
Motivation and Scope...........................................................................................................................2
Tutorial................................................................................................................................................. 2
Customizing the match function...................................................................................................... 2
Using the match function to inspect one sum type.......................................................................... 3
Using the match function to visit several sum types....................................................................... 4
Design rationale....................................................................................................................................5
Result type of match ....................................................................................................................... 5
Multiple cases or overload............................................................................................................... 6
Grouping with overload .................................................................................................................. 6
Order of parameters and function name.......................................................................................... 6
const aware matchers....................................................................................................................... 7
Customization point......................................................................................................................... 8
Grouping with overload .................................................................................................................. 9
Considering any type as a sum type with a single alternative......................................................... 9
sum_type_alternatives................................................................................................................... 10
Open Points........................................................................................................................................ 10
Technical Specification.......................................................................................................................11
Header <experimental/functional> Synopsis................................................................................. 11
Header <experimental/optional> Synopsis....................................................................................13
Header <experimental/variant> Synopsis......................................................................................13
Further work....................................................................................................................................... 14
Acknowledgements............................................................................................................................ 14
References.......................................................................................................................................... 14

This paper presents a proposal for generic match functions that allow to visit sum types
individually or by groups (product of sum types). It is similar to boost::apply_visitor

Botet C++ generic match function P0050

[boost.variant] and std::experimental::visit from [N4542], but works for any model of
sum type.

Motivation and Scope

Getting the value stored in sum types as variant<Ts...> or optional<T> needs to know
which type is stored in. Using visitation is a common technique that makes the access safer.
While the last variant proposal [N4542] includes visitation; it takes into account only visitation of
homogeneous variant types. The accepted optional class doesn't provides visitation, but it can be
added easily. Other classes, as the proposed expected class, could also have a visitation
functionality. The question is if we want to be able to visit at once several sum types, as variant,
optional, expected, and why not smart pointers.
std::experimental::apply() [N3915] can be seen as a particular case of visitation of
multiple types if we consider that any type can be seen as a sum type with a single alternative type.
Instead of a visit function, this proposal uses instead the match function that is used to inspect
some sum types.

Customizing the match function
The proposed match function works for sum types ST that have customized the following
overloaded function
template <class R, class F>
R match(ST const&, F&& );

For example, we could customize boost::variant as follows:

namespace boost {
template <class R, class F, class ...Ts >
R match(variant<Ts...> const& v, F&& f)
{ return apply_visitor(std::forward<F>(f), v); }

In addition we need to know the sum type alternatives if we want to use match with several sum
types. This must be done by specializing the meta-function sum_type_alternatives as
template <class ...Ts >
struct sum_type_alternatives<variant<Ts...>>
using type = ...;

There must be defined specializations of the tuple-like helper meta-functions

std::tuple_size and std::tuple_element for the nested typedef type. In addition this
type must be a variadic template such as e.g.

Botet C++ generic match function P0050

template < class ...Ts >

struct type_list {};

Using the match function to inspect one sum type

Given the boost::variant sum type, we could just visit it using the proposed overload
function (See [P0051]).
boost::variant<int, X> a = 2;
[](int i)
[](X const& i)
), v);

The same applies to the proposed std::experimental::variant

std::experimental::variant<int, X> a = 2;
[](int i)
[](X const& i)
), a);

We can use in both cases the variadic match function

boost::variant<int, X> a = 2;
[](int i)
[](X const& i)

std::experimental::variant<int, X> a = 2;
[](int i)
[](X const& i)

We can also use a single matcher

std::experimental::variant<int, X> a = 2;

Botet C++ generic match function P0050

[](int i)
[](X const& i)

Using the match function to visit several sum types

The variant proposal provides visitation of multiple variants.
std::experimental::variant<int, X> a = 2;
std::experimental::variant<int> b = 2;
[](int i, int j )
[](auto i, auto j )
), a, b);

The match function generalizes the visitation for several instances of heterogeneous sum types,
e.g. we could visit variant and optional at once:
std::experimental::variant<int, X> a = 2;
std::experimental::optional<int> b = 2;
std::experimental::match(std::tie_tuple(a, b),
[](int i, int j )
[](auto const &i, auto j )

Alternatively we could use a inspect factory that would wrap the tuple and provide two
functions match and first_match
std::experimental::inspect(a, b).first_match( // or match
[](int i, int j )
[](auto const &i, auto j )

but this first draft doesn't include it.

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Design rationale
Result type of match
We can consider several alternatives:
same type: the result type is the type returned by all the overloads (must be the same),
common_type: the result type is the common_type of the result of the overloads,
explicit return type R: the result type is R and the result type of the overloads must be
explicitly convertible to R,

Each one of these alternatives would need a specific interface:


For a sake of simplicity (and because our implementation needed the result type) this proposal only
contains a match version that uses the explicit return type. The others can be built on top of this
Let Ri be the return type of the overloaded functor for the alternative i of the ST.
same_type_match: Check that all Ri are the same, let call it R, and only then call to
the explicit match<R>(...),
common_type_match: Let be R the common_type<Ri...> and only if it exists call
to the explicit match<R>(...).
Matt Calabrese has suggested a different approach:
1. If match is given an explicit result type, use that.
2. If match is NOT given an explicit result type, use the explicit result type of the function
object if one exists.
3. If neither match nor the function object have an explicit result type type, but all of the
invocations would have the same result type, use that.
4. If none of the above are true, then we have a few final options:
1. Produce a compile time error
2. Return void or some stateless type
3. Try to do some kind of common type deduction

To be optimal with compile-times, which is something that becomes a serious consideration with
variants having many states and/or doing n-ary visitation for n > 1, users would prefer option 1 or
option 2, since otherwise the implied checking, especially if common type deduction is at play,
could be considerable.

Here the explicit result type of the function stands for a nested result_type of the function object.

Note that [N4542] std::experimental::visit requires that all the overloads return the

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same type.

Multiple cases or overload

The matching functions accept several functions. In order to select the function to be applied we
have two alternatives:
use overload to resolve the function to be called
use first_overload to do a sequential search for the first function that match.
The match function uses overload and the first_match uses first_overload.
An alternative is to restrict the interface to single inspect function and let the user use either
match or first_match.

Grouping with overload

We could also group all the functions with the overload function and let the variadic part for the
sum types as std::experimental::visit does.
boost::variant<int, X> a = 2;
boost::optional<int> b = 2;
match<void>(std::tie_tuple(a, b), overload(
[](int i, int j )

This has the advantage of been orthogonal, we have a single match function (no need to make the
difference between match and first_match. The liability is much a question of style, we need
to type more.

Order of parameters and function name

The proposed visit function has as first parameter the visitor and then the visited variant.
visit(visitor, visited);
The proposed match function reverse the order of the parameters. The reason is that we consider
that it is better to have the object before the subject.
match(sumType, matcher);
Of course we can also reverse the roles of the object and subject and tell that the object is the
std::experimental::apply function follows the same pattern
apply(fct, tpl);

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If uniform function syntax is adopted we would have


const aware matchers

A matcher must match the exact type. The following will assert false
const boost::variant<int, X> a = 2;
[](int& i) { ++i; },
[](auto const&) { assert(false); }

and the following will even not compile

const boost::variant<int, X> a = 2;

[](int& i) { ++i; }
[](X const& i)

The two parameters of the match function can be variadic. We can have several sum types and
several functions overloading a possible match.
If we had a language type pattern matching feature (see [PM]) the authors guess it would be
something like:

boost::variant<int, X, float> a = 2;
boost::optional<int> b = 2;
match (a, b) {
case (int i, int j ) :
case (int i, auto j ) :

The sum types would be grouped in this case using the match (a, b) and the cases would be the
variadic part. The cases would be matched sequentially.
This is a major motivation to place the sum type variables as the first parameter and let the matchers
variadic since the second parameter.

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In addition, the match statement would allow to const-aware cases on some of the types

const boost::variant<int, X, float> a = 2;

boost::optional<int> b = 2;
match (a, b) {
case (int i, int j ) :
case (X& x, auto j ) :

This is not possible with the variadic interface proposed in [ N4542] as all the variants must be
either const or not const. However the multiple sum types uses a const tuple as parameter, but the
tuple types can be const and non-const and can contain references or not depending on whether we
use std::make_tuple or std::tie_tuple.

const boost::variant<int, X, float> a = 2;

boost::optional<int> b = 2;
std::experimental::match(std::tie_tuple(a, b),
[](int i, int j )
[](auto const &i, auto j )

Customization point
A customization point must be defined for any sum type ST as an overload of this function
template <class ST, class F>
match(ST & st, F&& f);

template <class ST, class F>

match(ST const& st, F&& f);

It is required that any customization respect the following, but it can be more restrictive.
Requires: The invocation expression of f with for all the alternative types of the sum type ST must
be a valid expression.
Effects: Calls f with the current contents of the sum type.
Throws: doesn't throws any other exception that the invocation of the callable.
Remark: While the std::experimental::visit function proposed in [] requires the
invocation of the callable must be implemented in O(1), i.e. it must not depend on
sum_type_size<ST>, this proposal suggest to leverage this requirement and considered it as a

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Grouping with overload

We could also group all the functions with the overload function and let the variadic part for the
sum types as std::experimental::visit does.
boost::variant<int, X> a = 2;
boost::optional<int> b = 2;
match<void>(std::tie_tuple(a, b), overload(
[](int i, int j )

This has the advantage of been orthogonal, we have a single match function (no need to have match
and first_match. The liability is much a question of style, we need to type more.

Considering any type as a sum type with a single alternative

We could try to apply the language-like match with types that have as single alternative, themselves
int a = 2;
boost::optional<int> b = 2;
match (a, b) {
case (int i, int j ) :
//... make use of i and j
case (int i, auto j ) :

This seems not natural as we are able to use directly the variable a inside each match case.
int a = 2;
boost::optional<int> b = 2;
match (b) {
case (int j ) :
//... make use of a and j

Using the library solution each case is represented by a function and the function would not have
direct access to the variable a
int a = 2;
boost::optional<int> b = 2;
auto x = inspect(b).match(
[a] (int j ) {
return sum(a,j);

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[a] auto const &j ) :


Allowing types with a single alternative makes the code more homogeneous
int a = 2;
boost::optional<int> b = 2;
inspect(a, b).match(
[] (int i, int j) {
return sum(i,j);
[] (auto const &j ) :
[](...) {

[N4542] variant proposal specialize tuple_element and tuple_size for
variant<Types...>. The author think that as variant is not a product type, specializing these
function is weird. However the alternatives of a sum type are a product type and so we can
specialize tuple_element and tuple_size on
The current implementation uses a patter matching approach and it requires just
sum_type_alternatives<ST>::type to be a variadic template instantiation. As for

template < class ...Ts >

struct type_list {};

Note that his proposal doesn't proposes this class, this is just an example.

Open Points
The authors would like to have an answer to the following points if there is at all an interest in this
Which strategy for the match return type?
Which complexity for the customization point?
match versus visit
N proposes a visit function to visit variants that takes the arguments in the reverse order.
What do we prefer visit or match?
Which order of arguments do we prefer?

Botet C++ generic match function P0050

Do we want a variadic function of overloads or just an overloaded visitor functor?

Seen a type T as a sum type with a unique alternative.
Do we want to support this case?
Matching several sum types
Do we want the inspect factory?
Do we want sum_type_alternatives?
Do we want type_list?

Technical Specification
Header <experimental/functional> Synopsis
namespace std {
namespace experimental {
inline namespace fundamental_v2 {

template <class ST>

struct sum_type_alternatives; // undefined
template <class ST>
struct sum_type_alternatives<ST&> : sum_type_alternatives<ST> {}
template <class ST>
struct sum_type_alternatives<ST&&> : sum_type_alternatives<ST> {}
template <class ST>
struct sum_type_alternatives<const ST> : sum_type_alternatives<ST> {}
template <class ST>
struct sum_type_alternatives<volatile ST> : sum_type_alternatives<ST> {}
template <class ST>
using sum_type_alternatives_t = typename sum_type_alternatives<ST>::type;
template <class ST, int N>
using sum_type_alternative = tuple_element<sum_type_alternatives<ST>, N>;
template <class ST>
using sum_type_size = tuple_size<sum_type_alternatives<ST>>;
template <class T, class F>
'see below' match(const T &that, F && f);
template <class R, class ST, class... Fs>
'see below' match(const ST &that, Fs &&... fcts);
template <class R, class... STs, class... Fs>
'see below' match(const std::tuple<STs...> &those, Fs &&... fcts);


Type trait sum_type_alternatives

The nested type sum_type_alternatives<ST>::type must define the tuple-like helper
meta-functions std::tuple_size and std::tuple_element and be a variadic template

Botet C++ generic match function P0050

Template function match

template <class R, class ST, class... Fs>
'see below' match(ST const& that, Fs &&... fcts);

template <class R, class ST, class... Fs>

'see below' match(ST& that, Fs &&... fcts);

Requires: Let Ri be decltype(overload(forward<Fs>(fcts)...)

(declval<sum_type_alternative<ST,i>()) for i in
1...sum_type_size<ST>. Ri must be explicitly convertible to R.
Returns: the result of calling the overloaded functions fcts depending on the type stored on the
sum type using the customization point match as if
return match(that, overload(forward<Fs>(fcts)...));

Remarks: This function will not participate in overload resolution if ST is a tuple type.
Throws: Any exception thrown during the construction any internal object or thrown by the call of
the selected overloaded function.
template <class R, class... STs, class... Fs>
'see below' match(const std::tuple<STs...> &those, Fs &&... fcts);

Requires: Let {i,j, } one element of the cartesian product

declval<sum_type_alternative<STs,j>>(), ...) must be explicitly convertible to
Returns: the result of calling the overloaded functions fcts depending on the type stored on the
sum types STs....
Throws: Any exception thrown during the construction any internal object or thrown by the call of
the selected overloaded function.

Customization point match

A customization point must be defined for any sum type ST as an overload of this function
template <class ST, class F>
match(ST & st, F&& f);

template <class ST, class F>

match(ST const& st, F&& f);

It is required that any customization respect the following, but it can be more restrictive.
Requires: The invocation expression of f with for all the alternative types of the sum type ST must
be a valid expression.
Effects: Calls f with the current contents of the sum type.

Botet C++ generic match function P0050

Throws: doesn't throws any other exception that the invocation of the callable.
Remark: While the std::experimental::visit function proposed in [N4542] requires the
invocation of the callable must be implemented in O(1), i.e. it must not depend on
sum_type_size<ST>, this proposal suggest to leverage this requirement and considered it as a

Note: If we accept that any type can be seen as a sum type with it as single alternative we can add
the following overload:

template <class T, class F>

auto match(T &const that, F&& f) -> decltype(f(that))
{ return f(that); }

template <class T, class F>

auto match(T &that, F&& f) -> decltype(f(that))
{ return f(that); }

Header <experimental/optional> Synopsis

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
inline namespace fundamental_v2 {
template <class T >
struct sum_type_alternatives<optional<T>>
using type = __type_list<nullopt_t, T>; // implementation defined
template <class R, class F, class ...Ts >
R match(optional<T> const& v, F&& f)
if (v)
return f(*v);
return f(nullopt);
template <class R, class F, class ...Ts >
R match(optional<T>& v, F&& f)
if (v)
return f(*v);
return f(nullopt);

Header <experimental/variant> Synopsis

namespace std {
namespace experimental {
inline namespace fundamental_v2 {
template <class ...Ts >
struct sum_type_alternatives<variant<Ts...>> // implementation defined

Botet C++ generic match function P0050

using type = __type_list<Ts...>;

template <class R, class F, class ...Ts >
R match(variant<Ts...> const& v, F&& f)
{ return visit(std::forward<F>(f), v); }
template <class R, class F, class ...Ts >
R match(variant<Ts...> & v, F&& f)
{ return visit(std::forward<F>(f), v); }

There is an implementation at https://github.com/viboes/tags including a customization for
boost::variant and std::experimental::optional.

Further work
The multiple sum type matching not only can be used with tuples created with
std::make_tuple, we should be able to use also std::tie_tuple and

Many thanks to Matt Calabrese for its insightful suggestions on the result type approach.

[boost.variant] apply_visitor
[N4542] N4542 - Variant: a type-safe union (v4) http://www.open-
[N3915] N3915 - apply() call a function with arguments from a tuple (V3)
[P0051] P0051 - C++ generic overload function
[PM] Open Pattern Matching for C++


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