Current Issues in Chinese Language Teaching: Jiaji Zhang

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 637

2021 International Conference on Education, Language and Art (ICELA 2021)

Current Issues in Chinese Language Teaching

Jiaji Zhang1,*
The University of Sydney
Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

Globalization has increased the importance of second language acquisition. This article examines three problems in my
language teaching practise as a Chinese pre-service language teacher. There are differences between students. Thus,
strategies to cultivate student autonomy in second language learning, and cross-cultural communication in second
language learning are very important. Doughty and Long believe that language acquisition is a very complex cognitive
process. To fully understand this process, extensive learning and thinking must be carried out. In addition, as a pre-
employment language teacher, assessing language learning processes and problems can help professional growth.

Keywords: Chinese teaching, Pre-service language teacher, Second language acquisition, Learning

1. THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN STUDENTS Second, each student's learning style is unique. Some
students learn better visually, while others learn more
Ellis [2] summarised the research on second language aurally. This necessitates a diversification of the
acquisition into four categories: what second language instructional approaches. Florian [4] believes that
learners learned, how language learners acquire the inclusive education should consider the unique
second language, how learners' personal acquisition of requirements of each student. Two students may face the
the second language varies, and the impact of classroom same problems in the whole learning process. However,
instruction on second language acquisition. Thus, the the reasons for the problems may be different, which
variations between students have a significant impact on requires teachers to understand the diversity of students,
how the second language is taught. For pre-service teachers to strive to meet their unique learning
teachers, dealing with the disparities in language requirements, and teachers to help improve their
competence and learning styles among the students in the learning. The differences in children's ways of learning a
same class may be a challenge. It is critical to second language create some teaching challenges. This
comprehend the variables that influence students' requires student teachers to choose learning techniques
learning. appropriate for each student's characteristics based on
First, students' learning differences can be classified their cognitive level and capacity to learn in future
as internal or external. Motivation, language ability, and teaching practice.
physiological differences are all internal variables [2]. In
addition, external variables may affect the context of 2. HOW TO STIMULATE STUDENTS’ INTEREST IN
second language acquisition. It encompasses, but is not LEARNING A SECOND LANGUAGE
limited to social elements, parental influences, and the
educational environment [3]. Australia is a multiracial Interest in the target language by students is critical
nation. Students studying Chinese come from a variety of for language acquisition. In order to increase students'
cultural backgrounds. Even for kids from Chinese interest in language, it is essential to cultivate their
immigrant households, the language environment of the autonomy in language acquisition. However, external
first and second-generation immigrants may be very incentive tends to erode students' autonomy in the
different. This explains why their comprehension of classroom [5]. According to research by O'Regan [6], the
Chinese is varied. As a result, it is critical to ascertain number of students participating in HSC to learn a second
learners' language proficiency and develop a customised language has been declining. For pre-service teachers, if
and adaptable learning plan. language teaching is not based on students' interests, it is
impossible to carry out future teaching practices. In

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 637

addition, if students' enthusiasm for language learning communication skills. Intercultural communication is a
weakens, this will affect the government's funding for dynamic process that requires teachers to develop their
language teaching, which will directly affect the Ministry intercultural communication skills [12]. For in-service
of Language Learning research. Therefore, strategies to teachers, it is essential to strengthening cross-cultural
improve students' interest in learning Chinese are crucial. adaptation before focusing on cross-cultural education
[13]. Therefore, while presenting Chinese culture,
From experience, one approach to interest students in
teachers also need to understand and respect other
Chinese study is to increase their autonomy in the
cultures in future teaching practices.
classroom [7]. Sociolinguistics has shown that language
has economic value and that people's language The variety of language teaching resources enables
acquisition is utilitarian, undermining learning autonomy pupils to grasp the language's cultural meaning [14].
[5]. For example, many people learn Chinese to make Diverse literary works from the media, such as novels,
money or do business with Chinese people in China, not films, and news, may also be used for language
to love Chinese. Therefore, it is necessary to regard instruction. In contrast to traditional Chinese literature,
students' external learning motivation as internal these modern works illuminate another facet of Chinese
motivation to learn. Deci and Ryan [8] noted that, culture. Along with exposing students to classic novels
according to self-determination theory (SDT), satisfying such as Dream of the Red Chamber during the Chinese
students' desire for competence is critical to increasing lesson, teachers may also urge the students to interact
their autonomy. When students believe they are capable with Chinese media and broadcasts. Students may
of completing learning activities, their learning understand contemporary China's political and cultural
autonomy increases. Dover and Schultz [9] stated that contexts while also acquiring the newest linguistic
regular examinations are not conducive to the connection expressions via these study resources. In a nutshell, one
between students and tutors and are not conducive to of the goals of second language instruction is to develop
students' learning autonomy. Therefore, changing students' capacity for intercultural dialogue [12]. The
students' evaluation methods can reduce their pressure extent to which learners comprehend the target
and increase their sense of ability, thereby increasing language's social culture is critical to their learning
their interest in language acquisition. For instance, efficiency and communication skills.
teachers can invite students to create a WeChat instead of
Many instructional resources may aid students in
writing a 100-word article to explain their daily lives.
comprehending the language's cultural context.
Additionally, as a teacher, it is critical to recognise the
3. CULTURAL BACKGROUND AND variations in students' learning styles and to use teaching
INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION techniques that are appropriate for each student. Using
this approach, pupils may be more driven to fully grasp
Another critical problem in second language
the language. The student-centred approach may boost
education is how to develop students' intercultural
students' feeling of accomplishment and may be an
communication abilities. Language acquisition is
effective technique to pique kids' interest in language
inseparable from communication skills, language
acquisition [15]. Continuous transformation of the
application ability, and a knowledge of one's cultural
educational system necessitates better teaching quality.
background [10]. Allowing pupils to comprehend the
cultural connotations of the language may help to pique
their interest in language acquisition. In Chinese 4. CHINESE LANGUAGE TEACHING IN
language instruction, it is not sufficient for students to AUSTRALIAN SCHOOLS
grasp the literal meaning of the material; it is also
The teaching of Chinese in Australian primary and
necessary for students to grasp the implicit or extra
secondary schools dates back more than 40 years, but it
meaning [11]. If students do not grasp the cultural
has only become mainstream in the last two decades.
connotations of the language, it will be difficult for them
Nonetheless, until this year, the Chinese had the lowest
to comprehend the content, which will inevitably result
number of students among the six most often taught
in communication breakdowns.
languages in schools [16]. Many factors contribute to this
Additionally, students must develop a more nuanced situation, the most important of which is that compared
grasp of certain critical cultural and linguistic concepts with other languages, students have a longer time to
[12]. Therefore, students should be familiar with some master Chinese; the pediatrics and resources that make
relevant cultural backgrounds. For instance, there are learning Chinese an intellectually stimulating
many appellations in Chinese, such as "Zhao lao educational experience are still underdeveloped. At the
shi"(teacher Zhao) and "lao tong xue" (old classmate). To same time, learning Chinese has become an untapped
properly comprehend such appellations, a particular pediatrics and resource that stimulates the educational
cultural context is required. As a result, it is critical to experience of intelligence [17].
expose students to actual language learning activities and
to help them convert cultural information into


Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 637

The sluggish pace of development in the language is that even five-year-old native speakers already have, so
a continuous deterrent for many second language users. these methods are usually ineffective.
Even pupils who persevere only learn 500 characters by
A significant flaw in the effort is that in Australia,
the end of secondary school, equivalent to 1st grade in
instructors in training for the different languages taught
China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. At the same time,
in schools are all put in the same course. Thus there is
students of European languages read newspaper articles
little specialised education in teaching the unique
and other material intended for first language adults [16].
difficulties of any one language. Since almost only native
Suppose the students believe it is worthwhile to
speakers have received Chinese teaching training and no
continue.In that case, success must be much more
one has walked the path that students must take, Chinese
significant, which necessitates fresh ideas about how the
teaching is mainly hindered by the lack of direct work in
language is taught and acquired.
Chinese teaching skills. Teachers who have received
The poor Year 12 Chinese as a second language teaching Chinese as a foreign language in China often
statistics reflect that 95 percent of Chinese students drop have a strong understanding of the characteristics of
out before reaching Year 11 [18]. These kids are all from Chinese. However, they have not established enough
non-Chinese families, and many of them leave since they learning concepts to support teaching practice. Their
know they will fail their final year. Children who have curricula also do not cover classroom management and
Chinese-speaking parents have usually spoken Chinese teacher-student relationships, critical success factors in
from birth. They constitute a significant proportion of schools outside of China.
most school populations, and by Year 12, they outnumber
actual classroom pupils by a ratio of around 7:1. Because 5. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS
the results are ranked, it has been almost difficult for
anybody not of Chinese ancestry to obtain a high score Despite the complicated issues mentioned earlier,
for over a decade [18]. Even the most seasoned there are many reasons to be optimistic regarding
educational programmes are losing momentum in the Chinese education in Australian schools. In addition to
final years, not least because they openly encourage their more than doubling the number of students learning
pupils not to continue if they require a good grade. This Chinese, our understanding of the challenges Chinese
is true regardless of the pupils' actual performance. Many poses to English learners has also improved. We have
people who abandon Chinese are skilled at it and would also made some progress in developing new ways to
want to continue. demonstrate Chinese to students and successful exercises
aimed at learning problems—progress [18]. Many of the
Teachers are in a precarious position in the current new programmes launched in elementary schools are
scenario. The inclusion of home speaker kids in the actual language courses with sessions three times a week
Chinese as a Second Language group is often an issue or more for each grade level. Many of them also teach
involving their children or co-workers. There are always substantial material in Chinese, such as Science, utilising
children of individuals they know every year. There is an immersion method, which makes the study more
much pressure not to give in. They also often find relevant and promotes acquisition. Suppose children
background speaker courses simpler to teach, so some have the opportunity to continue to maintain an
claim that second language students drop out because appropriate level in middle school. In that case, it can be
Chinese are difficult or lazy. Others are caught up in the expected that the proportion of students who graduate
consequences of these issues, declining student numbers from high school will be much more significant, reaching
at senior levels resulting in decreased working hours or a higher level of ability than they are now.
even a reduction in personnel.
The solid foundation of language teaching in schools
Many Chinese instructors in Australia are utterly will provide most students with the foundation they need
clueless about the problems their language presents to to reach university-level competence levels, allowing
foreign learners and have no clue how to cope with language to access adult materials in professional
student issues. For example, they do not comprehend the languages such as literature, social sciences, or the law.
kind of effort required by foreign learners to grasp the This is the level that the Australian government and many
Chinese tone system. Therefore, they ask pupils to listen educators, teachers, students and parents hope to see
and repeat. When this fails, many people no longer pay Australian Chinese as a second language student [18]. If
attention to the students' tone, thinking they are too such an ambition is to become a reality, three main areas
complicated for English speakers to learn. It is of growth are required. To begin, the Year 12 assessment
undeniable that tones are challenging to master, so levels should be split such that all students who study
students need particular exercises to master them [18]. hard have a real opportunity to succeed. Second, much
Similarly, in developing literacy skills, teachers often more study on the nature of the learning challenges for
rely on teaching them to write when they are young. English speakers to grasp Chinese is required. In
However, foreign learners lack the vital language skills comparison to other global languages, very little is
known about this element, and there is also a great deal


Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 637

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