Catalogo de Music and Motion 2022
Catalogo de Music and Motion 2022
Catalogo de Music and Motion 2022
Spring 2020
w ith
Hands on the classics
O - R O U N D S
MUSiC-G Silicone Manipulatives
Playable Roll-Up
Keyboard Mat
Peter and the Wolf p. 17
Use them everywhere!
The most e whiteboa oor mats tched ins in games
flexible tool in o n th rd on fl lor
-ma tr
your classroom.
Our revolutionary Music-Go-Rounds™
l at i ve s
silicone manipulatives help bridge the gap between
M a n i p u
Silicitoebnoaerd, Charts, Floor Mats & more!
sensory experience and cognitive understanding.
Created by Mary Ann and Amy Stewart, these soft,
flexible manipulatives offer students the chance to
for Wh
physically engage with the elements of music through
their hands, eyes and ears, resulting in better focus,
quicker learning, and improved memory. Designed for
students of all learning styles, Music-Go-Rounds™ open
up a world of expressive play, movement, and social
Focus attention
through hands-on activities, movement, and games
Increase concentration
by activating multiple areas of the brain and expanding
neural connections
Hands on the Classics
Stories, fairy tales, and folklore have Make these classics even more
Engage multiple senses always inspired composers. Music has
its own storytelling power, and narra-
memorable with Music-Go-Rounds
manipulatives for music appreciation.
with colorful, fun-to-touch, flexible manipulatives
tive works like Peter and the Wolf are These tools for active listening,
an exciting way to introduce children movement, learning about
Enhance memory to music and literature. Musical instruments, and playing games
by combining visual, aural and kinesthetic learning
District-wide narratives personalize characters
and events in a stronger way than
make the music and stories come
alive for a new generation.
Accelerate comprehension pricing available words alone can convey.
as kids move from concrete sensory perception to
abstract concepts PETER AND THE WOLF Peter and the Wolf p. 17 The Carnival of Animals p. 16
MUSiC-GO-ROUNDS™. Tubby the Tuba p. 15 The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra p. 15 WOLF PUPPET/HAT
Entire catalog ©2020 Music in Motion · Plano, TX. Prices subject to change without notice. 28171 $18 p. 17 4162 $25
Download free
Enough rhythms in
each set to form 1 1 1 1 4 4
9 6 6
Inspired by Gunild
Keetman's Orff rhythm
Rhythm Building Bricks
Combine hearts and stick rhy
building bricks, these
Use with Ch
thms a rhythms?
2-beat patterns include
Need a few extr n dots
quarter notes and rests,
half notes, and double
Use write-o
3 3 3
2 2 2 eighths. Ideal for ear
Use with Music-Go-Rounds
training and for
or erasable markers. Great for
combining in longer
RHYTHMS - COMPOUND TIME rhythm dictation, learning notes
patterns to clap, play,
3¾" silicone dots. Set of 28 28053 $36 3 3 3 on staff, etc. Staff(s) on one
create grooves, add
RHYTHM BUILDING BRICKS side, blank on the other. Staff
words for chants, and MINIs p. 20-21.
Cut 9 silicone strips into 18 individual pieces. fits
improvise tunes. 22" x 17". Set of 6 $24.95/set
Heartbeats & Rhythm Reading Kit 6" x 21/2", with PDF Activity Guide.
All 3 Rhythms sets above All 3 Set of 18 28193 $26 28135 Double Staff
Stick Rhythms WHITE WRITE-ON DOTS Rhythm sets above 28136 Single Staff
52-piece Kit 92 pieces 99102 $105 Set of 6 28110 $7 117 pieces 99530 $89
99098 $56 6 or more sets $6/set
4 FREE REGULAR SHIPPING in USA on prepaid orders over $250. see p. 91 800-445-0649 • fax 972-943-8906 5
Music and Math Connections
Playing with Rhythms using MUSiC-GO-ROUNDS clap
Activities for Match numbers to ensembles!
Grades 1-5 by 2
Cheryl Brown. 48 includes one 8 8
blank white Front
reproducible pages write-on dot
of A-Rhythm-E-Tic,
which is adding, Back
subtracting, multi- Numbers & Ensembles RHYTHM INSTRUMENTS
plying, and dividing notes and rests, 99517 $24 PDF Activity Guide shows how useful this set is 4 4 4 4
with answer key. PB 6568 $16.95 for listening, learning about timbre, orchestrating
rhymes as "tone poems," and creating and playing RHYTHM CRITTERS CARDS. Say aloud the BASIC RHYTHMS
groove ensembles. Set of 16 28113 $22 critter names, and you’re on your way to read- This set of 35 silicone manipulatives offers
ing rhythms! Cards are proportionally sized to the same basic rhythms as Rhythm Critters
Create mus show durations, with pictures on one side and Cards, while expanding possibilities for
for rhythms, ical number bonds
Complete Kit
15 Instruments plus corresponding rhythms on the back. Create activities on the whiteboard, in small groups,
ensembles & Rhythm Instruments patterns to chant, clap, or play with instru- or music centers. The proportionally sized,
more 99432 $146 ments or body percussion. Play ear-training color-coded pieces show relative durations.
games. Perform rhythm sequences concerto- PDF guide includes activities for reading,
Rhythm Instruments, Ensemble, style, alternating soloists and tutti. Explore playing, moving, and eartraining. This
& Simple Rhythms (p. 4) 99514 $75 musical forms (binary, ternary, rondo) as you flexible set works well as a stand-alone set,
compose your own chants, melodies, ostinatos or in combination with other manipulatives.
and grooves. Cards are 7½" x 2½" and Cut 9 silicone strips into 35 individual pieces.
3½" x 2½". Set includes 70 glossy 2-sided cards 21/2 tall". With PDF Activity Guide.
and a 4-page reproducible teaching guide. Set of 35 28183 $26
1121 $29.95
6 FREE REGULAR SHIPPING in USA on prepaid orders over $250. see p. 91 800-445-0649 • fax 972-943-8906 7
Explore Pitch & Melody Play melodies with
color-matched instruments
28104 Giant Keyboard Chart
Matches Kidsplay instruments. & Kidsplay Instruments p. 81
Set of 8 28055 $12
our write-on/wipe-off plastic mats have 4 grommets for hanging. AlphaDots Set 1 & Numbers
80" x 24". $39.95 ea. 99142 $26
& Chroma-Notes Instruments p. 82
Use these on the keyboard when you’re ready to
introduce chromatics. See p. 12.
RESONATOR BELLS Set of 14 28028 $18
With case & 2 mallets.
1020 $36
Add extra
more Key octaves with
ts! 20 songs in each volume, with lyrics
Grand Staff Mat,
KING KEYBOARD Floor Mat and chords, include folk, children's Form melodie
with AlphaDochords
with PDF Activity Guide and and classical tunes—ready to project
Resonator Bells (p. 81) storage tube. Vinyl, 6' x 3'.
to play on ma ts
and AlphaDots Set 1 or print. Songs are color-coded to
Q182 $39.95 use with Kidsplay and Boomwhacker/
99258 $99 tc
3 or more $36 ea. ChromaNote instruments p. 80-83.
boomwhacke hing
PDF Download $10 ea. rs
4' x 6' vinyl mat & storage tube.
22034 Vol. 1 All 3 & bells
22035 Vol. 2 Downloads
28159 $55 22038 Vol. 3 99453 $27
FREE REGULAR SHIPPING in USA on prepaid orders over $250. see p. 91 800-445-0649 • fax 972-943-8906 9 9
Sing & Sign Solfege with MUSiC-GO-ROUNDS™ Teaching with Solfege
Solfege gives students a hand hold on
pitch, intervals, melodic shapes, literacy,
John Feierabend’s
Conversational Solfege
more Feierabend resources
p. 30, 36, 55
An American Methodology
by Ann Eisen and Lamar Robertson
Single Staff Charts AN AMERICAN METHODOLOGY: An Inclusive Approach to Both
Set of 6 28136 $24.95 Musical Literacy 2nd ed. This text was written to answer two ques-
Heartbeats, Stick Rhythms, 9063 $165
MINI Solfege 152-piece Kit 99320 $72 tions about Kodaly philosophy: 1. What do I teach next? 2. How do
I keep up with preparation and practice in the same lesson? It pres-
see Hearts and Stick Rhythms p. 4 ents musical elements in sequential format by year for K-6; clarifies
Lavender. Play games that chal- the terms preparation, presentation, and practice; contains song
lenge you to hear, read, identify, lists, a glossary, model lesson plans, a song index, and an appendix
HAND SIGN LADDER and perform solfege melody pat- of rhymes and songs. 440 pp. Spiral PB 9061 $95
Use as staff 12 6 10 8 12 10 6
Introduce hand signs terns. 2 levels of play have sound lines with YEARLY PLANS coordinates with American Methodology, with
sequentially or display the samples both with and without MGRs plus 32 blanks printed on translucent silicone
sequenced lessons by grade level that cover the school year.
complete scale and use HAND SIGN LADDER syllables for C pentatonic and
to use for dictation, or to write extra syllables
Poster by Mary Ann Stewart. Spiral PB 9062 $75
with a pointer for sight- C Major scales. Kit has 30 revers-
singing. Includes plastic Color-coded signs show the ible cards, online access of sound MINI SOLFEGE SYLLABLES
rings to link the cards. active/passive relationship of sequences, Teacher’s Guide, For notating, reading, singing, and ear FROM FOLK SONGS TO MASTERWORKS: Art Music Listening Lessons
10" x 6". Set of 8 Cards scale tones, with half steps MAGNETIC STRIPS for Whiteboards. Introduce staff training/dictation (with or without the for Gr. K-6. A primary objective of “listening” in a Kodaly-based music les-
plus a Kodaly Hand Sign poster.
28105 $16.95 clearly noted. Kodaly info on reading gradually from 1 to 5 lines, adding magnetic staff). MINIs fit the staff charts above son is to practice a learned element in a selection of art music.This book is
Tokens not included. Gr. 3-8.
poster, plus repro activity sheet. 6166 $39.99 strips as singers progress. Practice solfege patterns and whiteboard p. 41. Cut strips along divided by grade with specific excerpts and lesson plans that integrate skills
20" x 30". 3328 $9.95 using Music-Go-Rounds without having to worry guidelines into 64 syllables and 32 learned from folk songs with practice using classical selections found on the
Bingo tokens 300 tokens, 3/4". about disappearing hand-drawn lines! Adjust lines to blanks, enough for up to 6 individual 4 CDs. Includes appendices of song lists, sources, games, & glossary. This
Color may vary. 3770 $5.50 fit either regular or MINI MGRs. ⅜" strips are students. With PDF Activity Guide. 1¼" comprehensive listening & learning resource is boon to all, even non-Kodaly
12" long. 24 ft. total. 24 pieces 28167 $8 Set of 96 28124 $18 teachers. 285 pp. Spiral Paperback & 4 CDs 6688 $149
see Gagne’s solfege-based
Melody Flashcards p. 38 Magnetic Strips & Solfege MGRs 99516 $16 6 or more sets $16 ea. All 3 books & 4 CDs 99533 $309
ft. lo
1512 $39.95
p. 13
12 FREE REGULAR SHIPPING in USA on prepaid orders over $250. see p. 91 800-445-0649 • fax 972-943-8906 13
Emojis! Expression & Timbre Musical Instruments
What do
have to do
with music?
Absolutely everything!
The word "emotion"
derives from the French MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS
EMOJIS help kids recognize and articulate feelings in "emouvoir," which means Name the instruments, group them in families, aurally identify them individually and
themselves. Explore and communicate these feelings through move- to "stir up." E-motion is in duets with 2 optional Audio CDs below, and play other games from the PDF Activity
ment, facial expressions, gestures, body language, vocal sounds, and also etymologically linked Guide. Manipulatives adhere to whiteboards, laminated charts, or any smooth surface.
words. Emojis are also a great active listening tool for music class, so to "motion," as emotions Silicone, 33/4". Set of 27 28180 $36
kids learn to "hear" feelings as well as to "see" them. Play "feelings" can be physically "mov-
charades. Make up cooperative stories with Emojis as characters.
Instrument Music-Go-Rounds go hand-in-hand with these resources:
ing." Sometimes music
FEELINGS FLASHCARDS Explore descriptive vocabulary that describes Emojis' expressions. class is the only time
by Todd Parr. Each card captures a common Choose an Emoji of the Day to discuss and explore in words and in the school day when
feeling kids experience, with its opposite music. And post Emojis on the board to reflect class behavior! kids can freely "stir up"
feeling on the reverse side. Act out feelings 3¾" silicone disks for whiteboards, floor, or any smooth surface. movement and feelings.
non-verbally with facial expressions, gestures, With PDF Activity Guide. Set of 9 28029 $12 So try Emojis and other
and movements; then flip the card and try the expressive resources to
opposite. Listen to music and pick the feeling encourage kids to explore
card you think best fits the music. Play “Feelings 100 BEST FILM CLASSICS 6-CD SET
Nothing stirs our emotions like film music! their own feelings, recog-
Charades” in teams. Use cards for story-telling, nize and respect others'
role-playing, discussion starters, and games. Hear John Williams’ playful, friendly E. T.
theme, and compare to the jeering, bullying, emotions, feel empathy,
40 feelings on 20 heavy-duty cards, 6½" x 5". develop a vocabulary of 300 Bingo BERNSTEIN FAVORITES:
Flashcards 28037 $14.99 “let’s have a rumble” Mambo in Bernstein’s Tokens ¾"
West Side Story. This collection of classical feelings, improve com- Children’s Classics CD
munications, and begin 3770 $5.50 Bernstein and the NY Philharmonic
THE FEELINGS BOOK by Todd Parr. music from famous films is perfect for Emojis
PB 21068 $7.99 PB & Flashcards 99131 $21 (above) and feelings activities, running the emotional gamut from to understand what the introduce children to instruments
suspense and fear in Wagner’s Valkyries to excitement and joy in expressive arts are all with narrated classics—A Young
Identify 24 instruments by sight and sound CDS with listening samples
Beethoven’s 9th. Over 7 hours. Set of 6 CDs 21309 $32 about. . .especially music. Person's Guide to the Orchestra,
ADVENTURES WITH THE in 2 levels of play: randomized audios of of instruments played
ORCHESTRA by Artie Almeida. solo instruments for beginners, and 2 dif- individually and in duet Peter and the Wolf, and Carnival
Exploring moods...
Few are those A great all-in-one resource: guided ferent instruments in duets for intermedi- with another instrument. of the Animals. Boost active lis-
99132 $39.95 who see with tening (and fun!) by having kids
listening activities, web links, audios, ates. Also play Instrument Sleuth, Relay, (Same recordings as in
their own eyes PDF activity sheets, flashcards, and 5 other games! 30 reversible cards, Instrument Bingo left. put Musical Instruments MGRs on
with Color, Music, and feel with game pieces, and more! Gr. 3-6. caller cards, online audio, & instructions. 2-CD Set 21331 $19.99 the whiteboard as they hear them
in the music. 4107 $12.95
their own hearts.
and Movement - Albert Einstein
PB & Enhanced CD 22022 $39.95 Gr. 3-8. 6099 $39.99
2 CDs & MGR Instruments
PB, Enhanced CD, Bingo & MGR Instruments CD & MGR Instruments
& MGR instruments 99457 $69 99286 $69 99479 $49 99532 $45
Listen to Carnival of the Animals and identify the animals by placing the Carnival s on the
Peter’s and
Peter and the Wolf
Grandfather’s Hat
whiteboard. Next to each animal, add Dynamics, Tempo, and Articulation dots showing expressive 27081 $12.95 ea. Peter and the Wolf
elements the composer uses to depict each animal. Listen for the fortissimo and glissando in the Kit includes 2 Playtime Kit
Royal March of the Lions, grace notes and staccatos of the kangaroos, and pianissimo and legato
in the Aquarium. (Use the Listening Guide below for ideas!) Have fun, move like the animals, and
™ 99444 $99
create your own animal pieces with MUSiC-GO-ROUNDS™.
for the
Tempo, Articulation, and Dynamics Mustache/Beard Bird Wings 27078 $5.95 Kit includes 3.
99249 $95 One piece. Cat Ears & Tail 19" x 47"
Feather Boa 40"
27082 $5.95 4359 $6.95 27080 $19.95 27079 $3.95
recreate hens
hens get
and louder... the end!
the DVD. Suzie Templeton’s
Academy Award-winning
rhythms film has no dialogue or
narration, so the music
Simple Rhythms tells the story, brilliantly
28051 $45 p. 4 synchronized with stop- PETER AND THE WOLF MUSiC-GO-ROUNDS™.
motion animation. This Match the characters with the instruments that portray them as
beloved Russian tone poem, written by you listen to the music. The manipulatives cling to whiteboards
Prokofiev in 1936 to introduce children to PETER AND THE WOLF illus. and laminated charts, and include a PDF Activity Guide for lis-
orchestral instruments, takes a surprising by Peter Malone with a CD by tening games, movement, storytelling, and more. Silicone, 3¾".
twist at the end. Includes an hour of bonus the Cincinnati Pops. Dreamlike Set of 14 28171 $18
material: The Musical Themes, The Story in paintings and a kinder ending,
s and CD below
Pictures, The Making of…, Behind the Scenes, with a short bio of Prokofiev.
99419 $29
Audio Commentary, and an Educational HB & CD 9691 $19.95 CHILDREN’S CLASSICS CD
Workshop. 32 min. plus extras. Bernstein presents 3 narrated classics: Peter &
HB/CD & s 99418 $35 the Wolf, Carnival of the Animals, and Young
DVD 5630 $29.95
Person's Guide to the Orchestra. 4107 $12.95
TEMPO The original animated version of Peter with Prokofiev’s
ANIMALS Listening Guide The Carnival just got more fun! Can you DYNAMICS
3¾" silicone dots, 3¾" silicone dots, music, plus other Disney classics including
and Coloring Book identify the animals as you listen to with PDF guide. 3¾" silicone dots, PETER AND THE WOLF
with PDF guide. Willie the Operatic Whale, Casey at the Bat,
by Mary Ann Stewart, illus. St.-Saëns’ musical suite? Music-Go-Rounds Set of 14 28120 $18 with PDF guide. Coloring Book
Set of 15 Mickey Mouse’s The Band Concert,
by Amy Stewart. How many cling to the whiteboard or any smooth Set of 10 Color the story, and learn about
28119 $20 Farmyard Symphony, & more.
times do the lions roar? surface for games and activities—a great 28083 $14 67 min. DVD 7582 $29.95 Prokofiev. PB 6286 $4.95
What instrument imitates visual and manipulative tool to help kids 10 or more $4.50 ea.
the sound of the cuckoo? CARNIVAL OF THE ANIMALS
focus, listen actively, and remember more!
Develop listening skills and Listening Bingo. Play 3-in-a-row Bingo
Includes PDF guide with Carnival listening
learn about instruments and as you identify the animals & music in the
16 FREE REGULAR SHIPPING in USA on prepaid orders over $250. see p. 91 800-445-0649 • fax 972-943-8906 17
Create music one element at a time with MUSiC-GO-ROUNDS ™ “Creativity
is just
Visualize. Explore. Combine. connecting
Visualize the sounds and patterns that make music! Our large Like building blocks, the elements of music can be explored and With Music-Go Rounds, children have the tools at their fingertips to visualize, explore, compose, and
colorful posters introduce musical elements and terms with combined in wondrous ways. Music-Go-Rounds silicone manipulatives play their own music. Choose and combine the elements, then perform, listen, and evaluate. Try it
concrete everyday objects and motions kids can easily under- allow you to play with the elements in group games, listening and again by changing dynamics, instruments, or maybe the rhythm or tempo. How does it sound now?
–Steve Jobs
stand. They are handy references while exploring the elements movement activities, at the whiteboard, on charts, or in centers.
with Music-Go-Rounds, and while listening actively to music. Mark’s book will show you how!
AlphaDots p. 9
MUSIC ELEMENTS Poster. A colorful guide to Pitch, Dynamics, 28031 AlphaDots 1 (14) $18
Composing Kit
Silence, Timbre, Structure, Texture, Tempo, Duration. Includes a
reproducible chart and glossary. 40" x 28". 3292 $24.95
28126 Solfege Syllables (8) $10
28025 Solfege Handsigns (8) $10 Which for whiteboards or wall charts.
28083 Dynamics (10) $14 instrumen 33/4" silicone dots. Includes:
Both Posters 28119 Tempo (15) $20 ts? Simple Rhythms Set 1 (36),
99085 $39 28120 Articulation (14) $18 How fast? Loud or so AlphaDots Set 2 (28),
28121 Ensemble (10) $14
28029 Emojis (9) $12 f t? Add more Instruments (16), Tempo (15),
Dynamics (10), Emojis (9),
28113 $22 p. 6 Tempo
expression! Articulations (14), Ensemble (10)
28119 $20 p. 16 Dynamics 138-pc. Kit
28083 $14 p. 16 with online Activity Guides
99254 $149
Articulation (save $32)
28120 $18 p. 16
UND S help kids see a
n creations!
Elements of Music Kit
Minuet in G
MUSIC VOCABULARY Poster. Visuals of common musical 10 MGR Sets above (188 individual pieces)
dynamic and tempo/duration terms. 40" x 28". 2172 $19.95 99491 $169 BECOMING BACH
by Tom Leonard. Like his
family for the past 200
Mini sized for maximum class participation. Mini Notation & Theory
MINI Note Names/Numbers,
Intervals/Chords, Theory in All
Keys & Wall Chart
Put MINI versions of Music-Go-Rounds in the hands of students and expand the learning exponentially! 99462 $69
Made of the same grippy hypoallergenic food-grade silicone as their larger counterparts, they cling to MINIs
whiteboards, laminated charts, and any smooth surface. MINIs come in strips to cut along guidelines Complete Kit
into individual pieces, 11/4" tall. For most activities, each set has enough pieces for 4 to 6 students. All 11 Mini MGR Sets
MINIs mean everyone participates, not just the person at the whiteboard. Try them in music centers 99267 $175 MINI
too! Each set includes a PDF Activity Guide by Mary Ann Stewart.
Note Names/Numbers
Kit & Storage Case DOUBLE STAFF WALL CHART. Write-on wipe-off
& Wall Chart
99353 $189 wall chart sized to use with MINIs: Note Names/Numbers,
99460 $39
Intervals/Chords, Theory, & AlphaDots. Vinyl, with grommets.
Mini Pitch & Melody Mini Rhythm & Meter 4 ea. 40" x 22". 28129 $29.95 2 or more Charts $25 ea.
6 4 6 4
fits on staff
ng le interval, and
16 ea.
16 16 16 16 8
Each strip is a si
Matches Kidsplay instruments p. 80-81. 4 2 2
16 of each letter. Set of 112 28152 $18 . 4 4 4 4
6 or more sets $16 ea.
8 write-on blanks for extra rhythms,
time signatures, dynamics, or symbols 1 1 1 1 REVERSIBLE WIPE-OFF KEYBOARD/STAFF
Laminated chart to use with MINIs, erasable markers, or gel
MINI HEARTS & STICK RHYTHMS crayons. Keyboard on one side, staff on the other. Buy 2 to use
32 hearts, 40 rhythms, 16 numbers and includes ch d
8 blanks. Set of 96 28125 $18 and inversioor
keyboard and staff simultaneously, or combine both staffs to
2 2 2 2
Printed on strips & labels make a Grand Staff. 36" x 10". 28149 $12.95
clear silicone
16 ea.
6 or more sets $16 ea.
MINI ALPHADOTS Set 2 Full set of 29 pieces
Matches Boomwhackers and more p. 82-83. MINI Intervals/
1 each Chords, Theory in All PORTABLE REVERSIBLE
16 of each letter. Set of 112 28156 $18 MINI INTERVALS & CHORDS
Keys, Double Staff WHITEBOARD
6 or more sets $16 ea. 11/4" wide. Height varies. Set of 29 28154 $18 4' x 6' porcelain steel board.
6 or more sets $16 ea. Charts/6 99481 $55
2 2
Staves are sized to fit MINIs.
4 8 16 16 8
Printed on clea Blank on reverse.
r and 6331 $1,250 p. 41
white silicon e
1 each
20 ea.
4 2 2 12 8
in Boomwhacker Colors. 20 of each color. MINI RHYTHMS - Simple Time
For district-wide MUSiC-GO-ROUNDS quotes and
7 in-service 4
Set of 80 28150 $18
7 2 workshops,
1 3 contact us.
2 each
Set of 140 28158 $18
6 or more sets $16 ea. 6 or more sets $16 ea.
Mini Solfege
1 1 1 1
16 8 8 8 8
1 of each
RHYTHM N’COUNTERS 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Rhythmic duration is shown by 1 each
the relative length of the pieces.
12 6 10 8 12 10 6 Set of 58 28114 $18 MINI THEORY IN ALL KEYS 28135 Double Staff 28136 Single Staff
8 8 8 4 4
plus 32 blanks printed on translucent
6 or more sets $16 ea. Symbols and letter names are 11/4" wide.
silicone to use as notes on the staff for dictation,
or to write on with markers for extra syllables
Both Clefs are 21/2" wide and fit staff charts. notatkinon back For MINI Notation and MINI
Simple Time Add-ons Simple Time Set of 60 28153 $18 dictatg rhythm for
Set of 80 28151 $18 ion, et s, Theory Sets left, or to use with
Rhythm Sets 6 or more sets $16 ea. c.
MINI SOLFEGE SYLLABLES 6 or more sets $16 ea. 99266 $32 erasable markers. Laminated,
Set of 96 28124 $18 blank on back. 17" x 22"
All 3 MINI Sets above Set of 6 $24.95/set
6 or more sets $16 ea. 99461 $48
As a child, my piano theory classes 4 sets each of letters C to C in red (lines)
distinguish line and space notes on the staff,
were action-packed, with sets of and blue (spaces), plus 4 sets of numbers
The staff, invented 5 so that visual patterns of scales, intervals, and
colored note disks (red for lines, blue 4 1-8. For most activities, there are enough
1000 years ago, is the 4 chords make theory concepts easier to grasp
for spaces) that we placed on large 3 letters and numbers for 4 students. Cut
reason we can read 3 and remember. Then add Chromatic Notes and
individual Grand Staff boards. When silicone strips along guidelines into 96 indi-
music today. Can you 2 Sharps/Flats to do theory in all keys! With
Mrs. Freeman said “Treble Clef, line 2” 2 vidual pieces, 11/4". With PDF Activity Guide.
guess why it has 5 lines 1 PDF Activity Guides by Mary Ann Stewart.
I still remember the thrill of racing 1 Set of 96 28116 $18
& 4 spaces? Each kit accommodates up to 4 students.
to find the red G and quickly place Why use colors to learn the notes? 6 or more sets $16 ea.
it on the staff. I didn’t know it at the It helps us see the patterns and MINI Note Names & Numbers Mini Learn-to-Read Kit 99446 $99
time, but I was also learning to listen relationships of pitches. and set of 6 Double Staff Charts Includes these manipulatives and charts:
attentively, sequentially process
99311 $39 28116 MINI Note Names & Numbers
information, think ahead, move
STEP Scale 28154 MINI Intervals & Chords
quickly, and form neural connections
that eventually turned me into a
first-rate sightreader.
“Scale” means ladder, and it helps Play the scale up
and down as you
Mini Theory in All Keys 28153 MINI Theory in All Keys
28135 Double Staff Charts (Set of 6)
us learn keyboard/staff geography. 28149 2 Keybd/Staff Reversible Charts
sing aloud the note
The alternating color pattern of the names to connect
After endless fun with line/space
steps in the “ladder” makes the your ear, eye,
races, when later we began to form
Mini Intervals & Chords
scale easy to remember! What hap- and brain!
intervals, chords, and scales on those
pens if you go down the scale? Try
same old staff boards, spatial and
it and you’ll see: now the musical
color patterns began to emerge
alphabet moves backward! le markers
visually, along with the sounds of Use erasab
r the root
those patterns (which we played on Printed on clear and
white silicone to colo
the piano). I was able to grasp the
sight and sound of notes in meaning- Odd intervals (3rd, 5th, 7th) Even intervals (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th)
ful “clumps” rather than singly. always match: space/space (blue) are different: blue space to red line
Intervals measure the distance or line/line (red). or red line to blue space. 7 7 2 3 1 4
These activities with manipulatives, between 2 notes. Learn to
reinforced at the keyboard and in recognize intervals by sight
written exercises, allowed me to and sound on the staff and
“grasp” and apply the concepts of keyboard (or whatever instru- 1 of each
theory that are essential to good ment you play, including your
voice), and you are on your 1 of each
musicianship. So Mrs. Freeman, 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
thanks for teaching me to read, for way to becoming a good sight Use erasable markers to color or write note names on the
reader and performer. clear silicone interval and chord templates.
helping me understand what I was MINI THEORY IN ALL KEYS
reading, and for inspiring my lifelong Arrange sharps/flats in order on the treble or bass staff. Form major/ MINI INTERVALS & CHORDS see full set p. 21
love of music. I dedicate these read- minor key signatures and identify the key notes. Form intervals, Clear silicone templates show ascending and descending
ing kits to you!
STEP Chords triads, and scales on the Double Staff Chart lower right or Keyboard/ intervals on the staff up to an octave, as well as root triads
Staff Chart below, and label with terms strips—major, minor, and inversions. Place them anywhere on the staff: identify the
We have designed two Music-Go- Who doesn’t love chords? They create augmented, diminished, perfect, natural, harmonic, melodic. Cut white interval or triad and the note names. Color the clear notes
Rounds reading kits: one for the harmony, which is when several notes and clear silicone along guidelines. 1½" tall. With PDF Activity Guide. with dry erase markers or gel crayons to highlight interval and
whole class with staff and keyboard are sounded at the same time. The Set of 60 28153 $18 chord patterns. Or fill in the pitch names of the intervals and
floor mats (p. 12), and the other for triad is built of skips or 3rds, so they MINI Theory in All Keys & Set of 6 Staff Charts 99437 $39 chords with a marker. Combine with Theory in All Keys on
individuals or small groups (p. 23). are easy to spot! The root note on left to add accidentals to form and label intervals and chords
Another wonderful teacher always bottom gives the chord its name.
Root triad: 3 red line notes by type: perfect, major, minor, augmented, diminished. Full
reminded us to “move from big to Triad and Inversions:
or 3 blue space notes. Easy! Color the root in red set p. 21 includes intervals, triads, and numbers. Cut clear sili-
little.” So both kits work together,
cone strips along guidelines into individual pieces, 21/2" wide.
but the “big” Move-to-Read Kit
Heights vary. With PDF Activity Guide. Set of 29 28154 $18
p. 12 is the place to start with
STEP Tonality
younger students. If music literacy is MINI Intervals/Chords
one of your primary teaching goals, I & Set of 6 Staff Charts 99485 $39
Hooray for sharps and flats! Now
hope our Music-Go-Rounds reading Reversib
kits will make it happen! you can play in any key, which is le
what “tonality” is all about. With Use
MGR Minis, learn the chromatic MINI Theo Wipe-Off
scale, major/minor scales, ry
in All Keys Double Staff
TIP: Manipulatives are quicker and key signatures, major/minor/ on Charts
easier for younger kids to use than Charts
writing out notes or rhythms. But augmented/diminished intervals 17" x 22"
writing is an important memory tool and triads, & more. REVERSIBLE WIPE-OFF KEYBOARD/STAFF Set of 6
too. So whatever the activity, after kids Keyboard on one side, staff on the other. Buy 2 to show
are able to do it with manipulatives, 28135
reinforce it with markers on the keyboard & staff simultaneously, or to combine 2 staffs into $24.95/set
write-on, wipe-off Staff and Keyboard a Grand Staff. Laminated. 36" x 10". 28149 $12.95
Charts p. 23.
2 Keyboard/Staff Charts & MINI Theory in All Keys 99367 $36
Circle of Fifths with Mini Theory in All Keys these MINI rhythm sets to expand hands-on learning to individuals, All 4 Rhythm MINIs plus PDF
small groups, and music centers. Includes PDF activity guides. Activity Guides 99466 $64
The Circle of Fifths illustrates tonality, the theory behind over 400 years of Western music. It shows 1. Sharp major keys move up by fifths.
Starting from C at the top of the Circle of
all 12 tones of the chromatic scale, separated by the interval of a perfect fifth. Learn the order of
the sharps and flats on the staff, key signatures, relative major and minor keys, and more. Fifths, move clockwise to see this sequence. Steady Beat and Stick Rhythms Note Values, Rhythm Reading & Ear Training
Place MINIs in order, and show the number
of sharps in each key. Duration & Meter
Sharp Keys:
No. of Sharps: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
16 16 16 16 8 4 8 16 16 8
2. Flat major keys move down by fifths. 8 write-on blanks for
Starting from C on the Circle of Fifths, move extra rhythms, time
signatures, dynamics,
counter-clockwise. Place MINIs in order, and or symbols
show the number of flats in each key. 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 12 8
Flat Keys:
Back: Key signatures 1¼" Set of 96 28125 $18 1¼" Set of 80 28150 $18
Front: Key notes
No. of Flats: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 or more sets $16 ea. 6 or more sets $16 ea.
Spinner. Practice what you learned in the 3. Learn the order of the sharps and flats.
Circle of 5ths Poster! Find the note on a Guess what? Sharps move up by fifths, and
keyboard, identify key signatures, relative flats move down by fifths! MINI RHYTHM N’COUNTERS
minor keys, spell the tonic chord, play the Rhythmic durations are shown by the
scale, etc. Laminated and reversible: simply relative length of the pieces. Cut silicone 16 8 8 8 8
remove the arrow and snap it on the other Flats: strips into 58 individual pieces, 11/4" tall.
side. Includes self-checking answer sheet Set of 58 28114 $18
and PDF Activity Guide. 11" sq. Place sharps and flats in order on the staff. 6 or more sets $16 ea.
28195 $8.95 8 8 8 4 4
17" x 22" poster with PDF Guide by Mary MINI RHYTHMS
Ann Stewart. Includes explanations, tips & Poster & Spinner MINI Rhythm N’Counters & Simple Time Add-ons
keyboard exercises that make theory easy to 99513 $16 MAGNETIC FRAMES SET. This 10-frame math Magnetic Frames 99422 $39 1¼" Set of 80 28151 $18
understand and at your finger tips. counting kit for magnetic whiteboards works great 6 or more sets $16 ea.
Poster & PDF Guide 28515 $9.95 for beat boxes! Trim with scissors to make 4/4, MINI Hearts/Stick Rhythms
3/4, and 2/4 beat boxes. 4 magnetic ten-frames & Magnetic Frames 99361 $39 Both Simple Time Sets above
12¼" x 5", 40 magnetic disks 1½" (20 ea. in green, 99266 $32
Mini Theory in All Keys 4. Identify Major key signatures.
In sharp key signatures, find the last sharp
blue). 4 Frames & 40 Disks 28168 $24.95
24 FREE REGULAR SHIPPING in USA on prepaid orders over $250. see p. 91 800-445-0649 • fax 972-943-8906 25
Instruments & Composers Fun and Games for Music Centers All 3 Dice Sets
Musical Dice
1" dice.
Music Center Handbook
15 Do-It-Yourself Learning
99162 $36 Stations by Danielle Bayert.
Shake ‘N Play
A surefire way to energize music
class! Kids gain independence
and confidence as they reinforce
for aural memory and sound discrimination! music concepts and encourage
each other. Learn music terms
SHAKE ‘N PLAY: Sound Game and symbols, read and notate
The first player chooses a shaker, RHYTHM DICE music, compose, identify and
shakes it, then selects another one 1 die each of 1-beat, play instruments, and more.
MY FIRST...MUSIC BOOKS COLOR ME MOZART: to try to find the matching sound. If DOMINOTES. Students quickly learn KEY SIGNATURE DICE 2-beat, 3-beat, and Book and enhanced CD includes
by Genevieve Helsby. Clever Biographies, Recordings & he gets it right, he keeps the 2 shak- note and rest values as they play Roll the dice and identify 4-beat patterns. grade-level lesson plans, objec-
text and cartoon illustrations Coloring Pages for 25 Great ers and gets another turn. If not, the Dominotes. A great learning tool in sharp and flat major and Set of 4 99161 $16.95 tives, activities, reproducible templates for manipula-
are keyed to CD tracks. Meet Composers by Anna Wentlent, next player takes a turn. Game is music classes or centers, or a unique minor key signatures in DYNAMICS tives, and more. Centers include A-G Word Spelling,
composers and hear their music. Charles Grace & Mitch Wyatt. Read over when all the shakers have been gift for a musician of any age! Easy to both clefs. 2 red dice with DIE Find the Instruments, Music Fortune Tellers, Rhythm
Learn about instruments with a bios & fun facts and color while matched. Pictures on the bottom play and self-checking, with instruc- sharp key signatures and f, ff, p, pp, Flippers, SOL-MI Composition, recorder, boomwhack-
little green troll and hear them listening. Connect composer and of shakers help players confirm a tions included. For 2 to 4 players. 2 blue with flats. mp, mf. er and Orff work, and more. Gr. K-6.
in classical works. Enjoy stories, music—like coloring Gershwin on match. A clever sound discrimination Q183 $45 3 or more $42 ea. Set of 4 99157 $16.95 28090 $4.95 PB & Enhanced CD 21594 $24.99
and more. Ages 6-12. the streets of New York while listen- & memory game, and the differ-
HB & CD $12.99 ea. ent shakers add variety to rhythm
Word Wall Kit play familiar card games by reading
notes rather than numbers. Beginners
enjoy Go Fish and Memory, while more
ZOO! A Wild advanced love the fast and furious fun
and Wacky of Spoons and Crazy 8ths. 6 self-check-
Way to Learn ing games in all. Includes two octaves of
about the Musical treble and bass notes. 3436 $10.95
Instruments Families
by Sally Card Game Magnetic Pockets 12½"
Albrecht, 3212 $10.95 Set of 4 28078 $10.99 FIDDLESTICKS
Charles Grace, & Mitch p. 27 A new twist on Old Maid! Ask
THE MUSICAL LIFE Families Card Games
Wyatt. Color a tiger on the trom- for instrument cards from other
OF GUSTAV MOLE introduces the Play 6 games to identify
bone or a hippo on the harp and WORD WALL KIT. 100 large color-coded cards reinforce musical players that match those in your
instruments and the joy of being a instruments, families, and
learn about each of the 29 instru- terms and concepts: rhythms, tempos, articulations, dynamics, hand, and don’t get stuck with the
musician. Hear each instrument Both animals. 4-6 players, ages
ments. CD has 60 sound samples and more. Create music stations for each element, so kids can match “Fiddlesticks” (violin bow)! For 3-6
individually and in ensemble on the 9070 $19 3-10. 3212 $10.95
of the instruments and printable symbols to the terms on the front of the cards or to their players ages 4 and up. 4352 $8.99
CD. Perfect for a PreK-Elem music Gustav Mole PB/CD p. 26
PDFs of the coloring pages and definitions on the back. Also use the cards to play games like BEAT THIS! The rhythm and NOTE NABBER. Sharpen your note-
instrument info sheets. Gr. K-4. center. PB & CD 9607 $18.50 Jeopardy and Tic Tac Toe. Guide included. Gr. 1-8. 11" x 41/2". meter card game for all ages! reading skills as you race to acquire
PB & Enhanced CD 7742 $24.99 PB/CD & Game 99278 $28 100 Cards 4324 $29.95 Players build measures in speci- the musical alphabet in this card
fied time signatures, and cast game. But watch out for fellow “note
Word Wall Kit & : Dynamics, Tempos, spells with "Rhythm Wizard" cards nabbers” and some dicey wild cards!
GREAT COLOR MY Articulations, Simple Rhythms Set 1 99248 $99 forcing opponents to perform in Play with a full deck of Grand Staff
COMPOSERS ORCHESTRA hilarious ways. Different levels of and ledger lines, or adjust the games
Coloring Book 21722 play fit students' ages or skills. to fit the skill level. For 2-10 players.
Music Kits
30 composers For 2-8 players. 3460 $10.95 3473 $10.95
with dates & 21721 by Veronica Harper deck with as many major/minor
scales or 5-finger patterns as there
mini bios. 16 instruments in
PB 6660 are players. Shuffle, deal, then play
each, with MUSIC CENTERS KITS like "Go Fish": players ask for notes
$3.95 CLASSICAL SNAP! See who’s
perforated pages. Add these fun games and activities to they need to complete their scale or
fastest at matching the famous
12 or more PB $8.95 ea. classroom centers to reinforce dynamics, 5-finger pattern. For 3-10 players.
Both composers. For 2 or more play-
$3.50 ea. Both 99264 $17 tempo, note names and symbols. Includes Laminated Deck 3440 $8.95
99044 ers, ages 4 and up. 4351 $9.95
4 each of several different game boards
and cards, reproducible activities and $12.95
“cheat” sheets so kids can check each COMPOSERS CARD GAME
other and give clues or suggestions. CLASSICAL COMPOSERS INSTRUMENTS Playing Cards Who was a barber and a surgeon to
OF MUSIC by D. Brian Weese. a prince? Who fled from Napoleon?
Gr. 3-6. $25 ea. Playing Cards by Surmani & D’Elia. by Surmani. This full deck of play-
60 instruments to Discover the design
The 4 suits represent the eras: ing cards has four suits: brass, Learn these tidbits and other facts
color. Perforated by using the key to Kit 1 7183 Kit 2 7185
Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, and woodwind, string, and percussion. as you Go Fish for 4 compositions
pages. 9" x 12". rhythms, music sym- Both 7116 $48
Romantic. Each suit consists of 13 Each card shows an instrument from a single composer until you
PB $14.95 ea. bols, note spelling, match all your cards. You can also
Both Music Center Kits composer cards with picture, brief and facts about it. 4 jokers have
Book 1 21671 recorder fingerings, play any other card game with this
and Word Wall Kit 9882 $75 bio, and music works. 4 jokers have descriptions of the instrument
Book 2 21672 and solfège. Easy &
info on the corresponding style families. 28014 $6.99 52-card deck. Ages 8 and up,
hard versions. Reproducible. 2 to 6 players. 2207 $7.95
Both 99221 $27 Gr. K-6. PB 7826 $16.95 period. Play any game using this
52-card deck. 2204 $6.99 6 or more $6.95 ea.
s p. 4, 16
26 800-445-0649 • fax 972-943-8906 27
Combine Spinners and Music-Go-Rounds in identification games,
movement activities, relay races, circle games, at the whiteboard and
in music centers. For example, try a Tempo or Dynamics scavenger
All 4 Spinners
99159 $32
Classroom Games Magnetic Clips
p. 41 Game On!
Music Spinners
race. Scatter MGRs around the room, and after someone spins, two
from each team compete by racing to find the matching MGR, 2-sided
placing it on the whiteboard under their team’s name, then write o
for you n it
Laminated and reversible: simply remove the arrow and snap it TOSS ‘N SING Music Ball
identifying and defining it to score a point.
on the other side, 11" sq., with PDF Activity Guides. $8.95 ea. Toss and catch the ball. Whatever
own ga r your right thumb touches tells you
mes what to do: name or sing a song in a
given category, a verse of a song
containing a given word, a song of
a given performer, etc. Also play a
Musical Chairs version: pass the ball
in a circle, and when the music stops, Both Games
the one with the ball takes a turn. 6168 $33
Ball is 24". 1063 $18.95
28098 $8.95 28096 $8.95 28097 $8.95 28099 $8.95 MUSIC TALK Conversation Cards READY, AIM, FIRE! Music games, with ready-to-hang Velcro
50 cards with fun facts and open- targets and 4 Velcro balls. Instructions, self-checking sheet,
ended questions cover all genres. and hangers included. 20" x 26". $17.95 ea.
There are no right or wrong
answers, and all levels and ages can
join in the fun! 2205 $7.95 ya
aa “No Yell”
too ay
RHYTHMS - o-t rd,
Matches Kidsplay instruments. DYNAMICS GOTTA HAVE GAMES: 25 Creative Competitions tick o
tock ot. Tap and reco
2 of ea. letter.
Simple Time. Set of 36 HANDS & FEET for the Music Classroom by Greg Foreman & ! tap and p lay!
28051 $45 Set of 10 28083 $14 ding ding!
Set of 14 28031 $18 Set of 12 28084 $16 Valeaira Luppens. Compete to learn rhythms, notes,
terms, symbols; recognize instruments and families,
timbres, phrases; grasp history; practice clear diction;
and have fun! 25 games include movement, relays,
circle games, dry-erase board games, Charades,
Music Baseball, Rhythm Bean Bag Toss, more! RECORDABLE ANSWER BUZZERS
Reproducible game pieces too. Gr. K-8. “NO YELL” BELL. Select from Endless possibilities for games!
PB 21780 $24.99 7 attention-getting sounds: hand- Record and play your own fun
bell, bugle call, alarm clock ring, buzzer sounds—words, music, silly
space alert, chimes, tick tock and messages, rhythms, instruments, or
Matches Kidsplay instruments. Time Add-Ons. Set of 28 TEMPO WRITE-ON DOTS MUSIC MADNESS: Totally Terrific Interactive buzz alarm, and applause. Assign found sounds. Record up to 7 sec-
Set of 8 28055 $12 28052 $36 Set of 15 28119 $20 6 of ea. color. Games by Artie Almeida. In her tradition of “heavy meanings to the sounds and save onds per buzzer. Just tap, record,
Set of 36 28032 $28 academics delivered joyfully,” have some serious fun your voice! Starting time (bugle), tap, and listen! Great for the whole
C Major/Numbers Spinner Rhythms Spinner with An Apple a Day to learn note values; Eggs-plosion Time’s up (handbell), Good job
Dynamics/Tempo Spinner & Hands & Feet/Color Spinner class or small-group music centers.
& Both Sets & Both Sets unscrambling musical terms; Football Frenzy testing (applause), Wake-up call (alarm
Both Sets 99238 $39 & Both Sets Buzzers are 3½" and each requires
99196 $36 99199 $85 knowledge of instrument families; Percussion Penguins clock), etc. With volume control.
99200 $49 2 AAA batteries (not included).
sequencing timbres, and 4 more. Options for individual or Takes 4 AAA batteries (not includ- 4 Buzzers and Activity Guide
team play and levels of difficulty make the games flexible ed). 9". 28005 $29 28010 $24.99
Book, Tunics & s: for mixed ages and skill levels. Download 7459 $39.95
Simple Rhythms 1, AlphaDots 1,
Solfege Syllables and Handsigns,
Emojis, Dynamics, Tempos
Game Tunics Bingo Games
more games p. 10, 15
PB & Enhanced CD 21575 $19.95 tains 30 laminated reversible
MUSIC-GO-ROUNDS: Using player cards and caller cards.
Manipulatives to Explore the CLASSROOM MUSIC: Games & Activities Tokens not included.
Elements of Music by Mark Burrows. by Julie Eisenhauer. Teach the basics—terms, 300 Bingo Tokens
Mark’s teaching expertise and humor notation, instruments, and more! Whole-class, Color may vary. ¾"
shine in his guide to musical elements DRY-ERASE CLASSROOM TUNICS HANDS UP! group, and individual activities & reproducibles. 3770 $5.50
using manipulatives. 44 hands- Let the games begin! Stick s on our plastic Dry-Erase Answer Boards Gr. K-6. PB 7733 $12.95
on activities and movement games tunics, (or use erasable markers) and kids become Keep the whole class focused and
are grouped by Rhythm and Meter, LINES & SPACES BINGO MELODY BINGO w/CD. Identify
the game pieces! Form 4-beat rhythms, a scale, physically involved! Use s or ELEMENTARY MUSIC GAMES by
Melody and Harmony, Expression, Reinforce notes on treble and melodies aurally and visually.
or solfege patterns for the class to perform. Play markers to customize with music Vanessa Christian. 20 reproducible
and Form. Variations and extensions bass staffs. 3481 $19.99 Recognize range, direction, rhythm,
matching games with music terms and symbols. symbols, terms, rhythms, etc. (with activities with rhythms, note names,
add flexibility. His fun game-oriented & major/minor. 6102 $34.99
Color-coded tunics also help group kids quickly answers on the back). Host a music instruments, music symbols, terms,
approach makes concept “stick,” and RHYTHM BINGO Level 1
in game or dance formations, or let you call out quiz show, or play team games! and more. Music math, word MUSIC SYMBOL BINGO
empowers kids to combine the ele- Identify rhythms through listen-
directions by color. For awesome game ideas see 24 two-sided hands with Teaching searches, note spelling, etc. Gr. 3-6.
ments and compose their own music. ing and reading. 6108 $16.99 Recognition & identification of
Mark Burrows’ book. 8" x 24½". Guide. Plastic, 5" x 111/2". PB 21696 $16.95 common symbols & terms.
Gr. K-6. 64 pp. PB 21731 $24.95 Set of 20 in 5 colors 28062 $49 Set of 24 28038 $31.95 All 4 99527 $84 6105 $16.99
28 FREE REGULAR SHIPPING in USA on prepaid orders over $250. see p. 91 800-445-0649 • fax 972-943-8906 29
Singing N EW !
John Feierabend First Steps in Music Slide Whistles—a playful singing tool!
Slide whistles are fun, tuneful, easy-to-play, and full of tricks
Pitch Exploration
ask students to read and sing each of them in combination using the
AWESOME BOOKS WITH poems/chants provided or your own. Replace a voice card with the
Children's Literature to Expand
Your Musical Horizons by Katie
Song Collections “clap” card or the “think” card (for inner hearing). Sing the shapes on
the exploration cards. Use the Pat, Step, and Clap cards to get the kids
changing gears rapidly. Switch between Beat and Rhythm cards to
Grace Miller. Simple, effective les- These heritage song collections supplement his understand the difference. 13 cards (8½" x 11") and a teacher’s guide
son plans help kids play an Orff First Steps curriculum, and are valuable resources with reproducible assessment. 6020 $20
bordun, or learn the difference in any PreK-6 music program. PB
Set of 12 9991 $189
Hear yourself sing
between short and long sounds in
Bear Snores On. Discover high/low 9611 Playground Songs & Rhymes $17.95 Both
singing voices with Good News, 9641 Song Tales for Upper Grades $18.95 Card Sets
Bad News. Identify and play steady beat with Pete 9219 Beginning Circle Games $15.95 6240 $38
the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons. A Frog in the 9639 Call and Response: You Sing, I Sing $14.95 PITCH EXPLORATION STORIES
Bog has kids perform and name sol, mi, and do. Sing and play quarter, 11 stories on 11" x 17" cards to PITCH EXPLORATION PATHWAYS
9241 Canons $21.95
half and whole notes with Bear's Loose Tooth. Lesson plans and teach- help children explore vocal mus- 11 designs/drawings to inspire chil-
9640 Children’s Song Tales: Stories in Song $14.95
ing suggestions for 16 books, plus PDFs of manipulatives, melody and cles with their responses. Stories dren to use their vocal muscles in
9638 Echo Songs: I’ll Sing After You $14.95
rhythm cards on CD. PreK-Gr. 5. PB & Enhanced CD 22023 $24.95 9222 Fingerplays & Action Songs $14.95 are printed on the back of each head voice range. 11" x 17".
TOOBALOO amplifies the sound of your
9227 Movement Exploration $14.95 card. 12 cards 6098 $19.95 12 cards 6097 $19.95 singing or speech, increasing attention and
9637 Pitch Exploration $12.95 see Feierabend’s Conversational Solfege p. 11 focus, and improving pitch, diction, & tone
9217 Songs and Rhymes with Beat Motions $19.95 quality. The auditory feedback benefits music Toobaloo Headset
Sing-Along Favorites
is easy to clean and dishwasher safe. Toobaloo &
Fits all ages! $5.95 ea. 6 or more Headset $8.95
Red 4549 Blue 4546 per color Red 4529
6628 Shape Song $5.50 ea. Blue 4524
Colorful sing-along
books and enhanced 6625 A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea
6627 Over in the Meadow SINGING FUNDAMENTALS KIT. Inspired by Helen Kemp, Lee Gwozdz created this
CDs with music and treasure trove of toys to help children develop singing skills and musicality. Mr. Pooch
video animation of 6626 If You’re Happy and You Know It
6880 The Animal Boogie assists with vowel formation; the Hoberman Mini-Sphere helps with breathing,
the songs. crescendo-decrescendo & diphthongs. The Foam Rocket and Stuffed Dog help find
PB & Enhanced CD 6987 Knick Knack Paddy Whack
6661 Walking Through the Jungle head voice. The Chinese Yo-Yo and Magic Spring show breath control, dynamics, and
$9.99 ea. phrasing. Paddle and Grip Ball focus final consonants, upbeat entrances, and initial
6076 Creepy Crawly Calypso
6662 Wheels on the Bus attacks. The 45-min. DVD begins with a vocal checkup to identify and enable every
Set of 12 child’s voice, then moves to working with all types, including uncertain singers. The
99480 $112 6888 Space Song Rocket Ride
21112 Dinosaur Rap vocal pyramid of posture, breath, sound, embouchure, and diction is demonstrated
21038 Parrot Tico Tango $7.99 by Lee’s choir using the materials in the Toy Box.
(with online audio) Toy Box, DVD, Instructional Guide, and Storage Bin 9880 $139
Keys to Music
tunes from Color-Coded Songbook below to play
Body Percussion and sing. Explore rhythms and tempos as you move up
and down the mat. Add AlphaDots &
Activity Kit Sharp/Flat Notes and learn theory as you step, play,
and sing notes, intervals, chords, and scales too! Adjust
volume control to change dynamics. Explore timbre and
orchestrate your own compositions with 8 instrument
sounds—piano, vibraphone, harp, trumpet, saxophone,
accordion, violin, and guitar. Requires 4 AA batteries
Snap Pat (not included). Made of heavy duty vinyl, 79" long.
Mouth Sound 3019 $89
ing, play
Floor Staff Stomp/tap
Vinyl, 4' x 6', s to step, s
with storage tube. BODY PERCUSSION Add theory!
28159 $55 Create body percussion echoes and canons. Combine and learn
this set with MGR Rhythms (p. 4) to create and perform ALPHADOTS
grooves with body percussion. Designate specific move- SET 1 Play Mat,
ment for the icons to suit different activities. 2 of ea. letter. AlphaDots Set 1,
For example, the mouth icon might Silicone, 33/4". Sharp/Flat Notes, &
Explore staff and keyboard geography as Hands & Feet,
be a tongue click, a vocal sound, Set of 14 Songbook 1 Download
you hone your directional skills! Play games Cube, Spinner, & Floor Staff
talking, or singing. The open hands 28031 $18 99431 $129
with the Cube and Spinner, as you move on 99285 $79
can be a quarter rest or a sign
the floor staff and keyboard p. 8. With online Hands & Feet, to be silent. To practice
Activity Guides by Mary Ann Stewart. Cube, Spinner 99187 $29 inner hearing, write the words
Wri of a familiar rhyme or song on
wip e-on, the board, then add Mouth dots
e of
f! for the lines to be chanted or sung
aloud, and Open Hands dots in
front of the lines to perform silently COLOR-CODED
in your head. Play circle games too, SONGBOOK Vol. 1
like passing beats along according to
SHARP/FLAT NOTES Lay AlphaDots on the keys,
Identify notes and enharmonic then step and play the color-coded
the body percussion dot on the floor Explore keyboard geography with our hands-on, pitches on the Play Mat! Silicone, tunes. With chords and lyrics.
in front of you. Silcone, 3¾", with online feet-on 5-octave floor keyboard! Learn pitch
Jumbo Pocket Cube 33/4". Set of 14 28028 $18 PDF Download 22034 $10
Activity Guide. Set of 24 (6 of each) direction as you step up/down, right/left. Learn
with clear pockets for COLOR/HANDS & FEET SPINNER 28194 $32 note names with games using beanbags and
s or flashcards. Reversible, with PDF Activity Guide. Colors match
plastic letters. Toss the beanbags or stretch your-
4½" 28021 $7.95 spot markers & hoops for positioning and movement self in Musical Twister to identify note names,
games. Laminated, 11" sq. 28099 $8.95 accidentals, intervals, and chords. Add an extra
-on Fun
Feet & Hands
keyboard to accommodate a larger class. Double-
RAINBOW HOOPS 20". sided tape on the back of the mat lets you attach
Hoops are hot! Spin, bal- it to the floor, or the wall. Mat rolls up for easy
ance, roll, toss, stand or sit storage. Kit includes 10-ft. lightweight woven
in them. Walk, hop or jump synthetic keyboard mat, 14 plastic 4½" letters Legs stretch up to 70 inches
through them. Create music chy legs promo
(blue & red), 3 bean bags (4"), and Activities &
stations. Organize groups for Games Guide by Mary Ann Stewart. te ind Great fo
circle dances or games. Make ivid r all ages
Complete Kit 6201 $30 Center “body” ual
an obstacle course. Frame keeps group focus
HANDS & FEET Extra Floor Mat 6003 $15 Sync to musical phrases, mo
your face as an emoji. Create vem
Use as spot markers in games of movement
individual, partner, and group Extra Set of 3 beanbags, 14 letters 6008 $20 dynamics, tempo, form ent
and directions. Lay spots on the floor staff or dances, and acrobatic
floor keyboard p. 8; spin the spinner or roll the 36 non-skid silicone dots. Play circle
games like Musical Chairs, orga-
routines. Heavy duty plastic.
Co-op Band
cube, then place your correct hand(s)/feet on Set of 6 28039 $18.95
the corresponding spot and name the note. nize groups by color, eliminate the
tab last ! ®
Play twister, balance games, more. 3¾" sili- “shrinking game circle,” and more.
cone dots, with online Activity Guide. Use erasable markers to create your
ELASTABLAST! Kids develop coordination,
Set of 12 (2 of each) 28084 $16 own symbols, arrows, etc. Dots cling
listening, and team skills as they explore the
to whiteboards, or any smooth sur- OCTABAND. Grab the “legs” and
dynamics of balance, tension and release,
Spot Markers face! 3¾" diameter. 6 of ea. color.
Set of 36 28032 $28
expansion and contraction, proximity and
distance and more! Through structured and
move like an octopus by stretching, shrinking,
flowing, flexing, cooperating, and connecting.
Sing Octopus's Garden, as you lift and lower
Mix 'n match color-coordinated markers for movement activities, games, learning Blank Dots and improvisational movement, the musical
stations, music centers, stage blocking, and dance choreography. Essential 12 Gel Crayons possibilities are boundless! Create rhythm the legs so classmates can “swim” underneath.
organizational tools for music, movement, drama, dance and P.E.! 99288 $39.95 “waves”, crescendo/decrescendo, chang- Sway to legato, flowing "watery" music of
Lots of possibilities! ing tempos, patterns, and shapes to reflect Saint-Saëns’ “The Aquarium”. Non-slip wrist cuffs
musical forms, phrases, concepts, etc. Made ensure a steady grip, so kids can pull two legs
of fleece-covered heavy-duty elastic. Let’s Play with Octopus’s Garden easily. Washable nylon & spandex. With online guide.
JUMBO SPOT MARKERS the Elastablast® Ringo Starr reads 8-leg Octaband. For 4-8 people 4135 $59
Small 8' (1-3 kids) 4553 $89 and performs.
Heavy-duty 9-inch non-skid Medium 12' (3-5 kids) 4552 $119 PB & DVD 16-leg Octaband. For 8-16 people 4138 $89
rubber spot markers. 9557 $39.95 HB & CD 24-leg Octaband. For 12-24 people. 28172 $115
Large 16' (4-12 kids) 4551 $149 8828 $19.99
Set of 6 1021 $19.95
32 FREE REGULAR SHIPPING in USA on prepaid orders over $250. see p. 91 800-445-0649 • fax 972-943-8906 33
Movement Props Bean Bag Activities
sFScarves, Oh My! BEAN BAGS
4" vinyl. 2 of each color.
SCARVES, OH MY! Listening Lessons with Round 3174
Movement Props by Artie Almeida. Movement Square 1003
and props are surefire tools to focus active listen-
ing! With Artie’s lessons, activities, reproducibles, DANCING RAINBOWS Wrist Streamers
All 3 CDs below & 6 satin ribbons—red, orange, yellow, green,
interactive CD with classical favorities, and DVD
12 Round Bean Bags blue, and purple—flow from a satin-covered
(with first-take demos with kids), just add kids and
with 5569 $59 elastic wrist scrunchie. Wear on wrists, arms,
props (see kit below) and watch the fun begin!
Explore the Finale from William Tell with non- Interactive elbows—even pony tails—and whirl away
pitched percussion, parachute, and flashlights. Rock to music of the '50s & '60s to without fear of dropping them! Great with
The Syncopated Clock and The Viennese Musical learn concepts such as body identifica- younger ages too, or those with no, or limited,
Clock come alive with flowing scarves. Tchaikovsky’s Russian Dance tion and directionality, while improving grasp ability. Ribbons are 1" wide, 28" long.
Trepak crescendos and accelerates with colorful ribbon wands. Activate coordination, team work, movement Pkg. of 12 28060 $36 3 or more pkg. $32
March from The Nutcracker with plastic candy canes, plates and a co-op and listening skills. CD 5461 $15.95
band. Choreograph The Stars and Stripes Forever with a flag routine. CD & 12 Round Bean Bags
80 pp. Book, Enhanced CD & DVD 7443 $39.95 5477 $29.95
• 12 Flashlights
• 12' Parachute
• 12 Rainbow Scarves 27"
• 12 US Flags
Stewart and Gallina. Learn body-part
Ribbon Wands
RAINBOW SCARF KIT • Large Co-op Band • 10 Inflatable Stick Horses
identification, right/left, eye/hand BODY BINGO: Creative
Perfect for expressive • 12 Streamers • Storage Bin
coordination, and team skills. 2 tracks, Movement & Musical Fun with
movement, musical Book/CD/DVD & Movement Props with & without vocals. PreK-3.
interpretation, and cos-
Scarves & Beanbags. Parents
99521 $355 CD 5141 $15.95 Choice Gold Award winner.
tumes! This essential kit
MUSIC AND CD & 12 Round Bean Bags Upbeat music, narration, and
contains 24 washable
MUSICAL SCARVES & MAGICAL 5143 $29.95 songs help with body identifica-
nylon scarves (36" sq.),
ACTIVITIES CD. “A” You’re MOVEMENT, tion, locomotor and non-
accompaniment CD, activ-
Adorable, God Bless America, Up OH MY! by Katie Grace Miller. The BEAN BAG FUN CD. Develop locomotor movement skills.
ity booklet, and a reseal-
able storage bag. PreK-5. a Lazy River, Over the Rainbow, “magic” in turning kids into active lis- coordination, rhythm, listening and CD 4944 $15.95
Scarf Kit 4283 $109 Take Me Out to the Ballgame, teners is simple: add movement and team skills with easy-to-sing original
more. 14 songs for ages 4 to 10. props! 16 high-energy lessons with songs. 2 tracks, with and without Body Bingo Set RAINBOW RIBBON WANDS. 9" sparkle wands
CD/Guide 4289 $15.95 digital maps, templates, composer vocals. PreK-3 & Spec. Ed. CD, 12 scarves (27"), & with colorful ribbons attached to swivels to
RAINBOW SCARVES Bulk Pack. Diaphanous, CD/Guide and 12 Scarves (27") worksheets, recommended classical CD 4907 $15.95 12 Square Bean Bags prevent tangling. Each set includes 6 ribbon
flowing nylon scarves in rainbow colors, plus black 9950 $58 recordings, teaching tips & “magic CD & 12 Round Bean Bags wands, one of each color.
9618 $75
and white. Pkg. of 12. All 3 Sets 3101 $185 words”. K-6. 4911 $29.95 36" Ribbon Wands Set of 6 1007 $22
Small 27" 3077 $48 3 or more sets $45/set PB & Digital Files 21748 $24.95 3 or more sets $20/set
Medium 36" 3078 $62 3 or more sets $58/set
Large 54" 3079 $85 3 or more sets $79/set 72" Ribbon Wands Set of 6 1008 $26
3 or more sets $24/set
Listening Fun
Includes props 1-6, Complete Kit
& storage bin. 8795 $169
Both Volumes
9725 $75
with Movement, Props, Activities RIBBON DANCE CHOREOGRAPHY Kit
Dan Fee & Denise Gagne present active listening lessons that introduce 20 large 81/2" x 11" flashcards of ribbon wand
works of Bach, Grieg, Mussorgsky, and others with movement routines and movements, teaching tips, & DVD of demos.
props. Kits include Teacher’s Guides with lessons, movement routines, and 4214 $39.95
reproducible composer biographies; CDs have printable PDFs of activities Kit & Set of 36" Ribbon Wands 99006 $59
and charts, videos of routines, and audios of all the music. Gr. 1-6. 12 Stretch Worms
Glow-in-the-dark RIBBONS & RHYTHMS CD by
LISTENING FUN MORE LISTENING FUN with 12 Square 14" stretch bands for Rubber Balls & Michael Plunkett. Grab ribbon
with Scarves and Tennis Balls Parachutes, Paper Plates, Ribbons, Beanbags expressing dynamics, Stretch Bands 6 12 Magic wands or streamers and get ready
PB & 2 CDs 6156 $45 and Scarves PB & 2 CDs 9749 $35 4" vinyl phrasing, breath control. 3797 $45 Streamers for waving, clapping, stomping,
1003 $18.95 1160 $8 1 large ball 10" 8' mylar with tapping, energizing rhythm rou-
Kit & Props: Kit & Props: 12-ft. Parachute
1 medium ball 7" plastic handle. tines. Action songs have pattern
12 Rainbow Scarves (27"), 12-ft. Parachute, 3216 $49
24 small balls 2" 3367 $12.95 and purpose, enhancing motor
24 Rubber Balls (2"), 6 Ribbon Wands (36"), 12 Rainbow 6-ft. Parachute skills and imagination in styles from
Scarves (27") 4 Chinese Jump Ropes
12 Magic Streamers (8'). 12 Rainbow Scarves (27"), (not in kit) (48" circular stretch bands) cha cha to bossa nova, reggae to rap. Adaptable
99064 $125 10" Playground Ball, King’s Crown, 3077 $48 3220 $21.95 for special needs. CD/Guide 5234 $16.95
and Storage Bin 9748 $169 CD & Set of 36" Ribbon Wands 9795 $36
Square Dance
cumulative games with PDFs voice, body, heart, All 3 PBs/CDs 9736 $99
Vol. 1 PreK-Gr.2. 6146
Vol. 2 K-Gr.3 6149 and PowerPoint files. PreK-Gr.3 and mind with lively
Vol. 3 Gr.2-5
All 3 Sets 6153
PB/CD 9533 $20
Vol. 2: 50 clapping, stick, add an
fingerplays, songs,
games, and dances,
NEDM Traditional Singing Games
action, warmups and shakeups.
GET both new and tradi- Traditional singing games for children with music,
PRIMARY DANCES with PreK-Gr.3 PB/CD 9536 $20
READY TO tional. PreK-Gr.2 instructions, teaching tips and a glossary, plus
Carmen Bryant. 27 dances and SQUARE Spiral PB/CD/DVD authentic music on the CD. Spiral PB & CD $36 ea.
singing games with music on Vol. 3: 50 warm-ups/organizers, DANCE CD 7740 $36
special days, and world games Down In The Valley. Hambone, Charlie Over the
CD, directions, teaching tips, 10 favorites
LEARN THE DANCES OF THE with PowerPoint files. PreK-Gr.3 Ocean, Razzama Tazzama, 25 in all. 7027
and PowerPoint files. PreK-Gr. 3. with calls,
50s, 60s, 70s, 80s PB/CD 9534 $30 introduced Rise Sally Rise. Alabama Gal, Shoo Fly, Skip to
PB & CD 6037 $20 Both 9944 $68
Christy Lane teaches dance era favorites: sequentially. Turkey in My Lou, 21 in all. 9911
Vol. 4: 50 singing/action games
Hand Jive, Bunny Hop, Swing, Conga, Twist, MOVEMENT SONGS and movement canons, and the Straw, Shoo Fly,
Jerk, Monkey, Pony, Mashed Potatoes, Swim, CHILDREN LOVE. Statue Game, PowerPoint files. Gr. 3-6 Tie a Yellow Ribbon,
Locomotion, Night Fever Line Dance, Funky Sam the Robot Man, and more PB/CD 9535 $30 Cotton-Eyed Joe, ALABAMA GAL. 9 of the best folk dances and singing games,
Worm, Bus Stop, Street Hustle, Latin Hustle, for singing, moving, and laughing! Comin' Round the selected from the NEDM collections above. Book of instructions,
Moonwalk, Roger Rabbit, Robo Cop, Pac With PowerPoint files. PreK-Gr. 3. All 4 Sets 9600 $95 Mountain, more. CD of music, and DVD of live demos. Never-fail favorites!
Man, Funky Twist, Break Dancing, & more! PB/CD 6154 $20 CD 5190 $17.95 PB/DVD /CD 7743 $32
For all ages. 100 min. DVD 5989 $55 Gagne's MusicPlay Curriculum p. 91
36 FREE REGULAR SHIPPING in USA on prepaid orders over $250. see p. 91 800-445-0649 • fax 972-943-8906 37
Re a d i n g & Wr i t i n g Music Writing Paper Erasable Boards, Charts and Tools
Rhythm & Melody Flashcards Pad of 25 sheets. Lines are 1" apart.
29" x 20". 6112 $18.95
fits MGR MINIs
p. 20-21
Both Sets
6139 $49.95 2 or more
$10.95 ea.
3 or more Laminated chart to use with Erasable Markers, Gel Crayons or
$17.95 ea. with MINIs. Keyboard on one side, staff on the other.
RHYTHM FLASHCARDS MELODY FLASHCARDS Buy 2 to use keyboard and staff simultaneously, or combine
both staffs to make a Grand Staff. 36" x 10". 28149 $12.95 Does not qualify
based on rhythm patterns of familiar tunes Includes patterns based on s-m, l-s-m, s-m-d, for free shipping.
with a song list indexed by rhythm patterns. m-r-d, l-s-m-r-d, in the keys of C, G, and F, plus
Gr. K-8. 100 Cards 6125 $30 a blank template. Gr. 1-5. 80 Cards 6132 $25
Music Font and Symbols for Windows/Mac front and back with dry erase on the staff. Flip the card
6 or more markers or gel crayons. Save the over to check your answer.
$4.95 ea. worksheets to use over and over in Give Note Teacher to every
STAFFWRITER FONT learning centers or when you have ERASABLE STAFF CARD beginner in your studio,
PAPER KEYBOARD PAD. Over Laminated wipe-off flashcards and watch the note read-
All the symbols and notation you need 2 octaves of keyboard, printed on a sub! Assorted red, yellow & blue.
to easily make your own review sheets, 10" x 13". Pkg. of 12 28174 $18 with staff on one side and blank ing improve! Laminated,
14" x 4" sheets. Great for writing note on the other. Staff lines are 6" x 9". 2296 $8.99
tests, sightreading sheets, games, flash- names, intervals, sharps and flats,
cards, etc. Installs like any font and works Mini Felt 7/8" apart. 111/2" x 81/2". self-checking back
enharmonics, scales, and chords. Erasers 12 Covers & 28173 $1.50 6 or more $7.99 ea.
with all software on Windows and Mac. 50 sheets per pad. Q102 $5.95 12 Mini Erasers
Staffwriter TrueType Font 3524 $46 Pkg. of 12 Set of 48 2177 $16.95
28044 $12 99406 $28
Portable Cart
Create your own musical staff on any blank
as s e t S ta n ds glass. Cleans off easily.
M anh
Write-on, wipe-off panel, super-grip Set of 12
whiteboard! Adjust lines to fit either regular or
magnets, large gusset, Velcro 23046 $17.99
MINI MGRs. ⅜" strips are 12" long. 24 ft. total.
closures. Each holds up to 50 s!
24 pieces 28167 $8 see p. 10
3-IN-1 9¾" x 6". Set of 4 28164 $24
Portable Stands
Magnetic Pocket
Chart includes
three 5-pocket
Charts (above)
can be hung on
the sides. Keep in Time and Tune Music Keepers Black MANHASSET
sections: green, 4530 STANDS
yellow, red, each Case Heavy duty
34" x 20". Each SNARK CLIP-ON TUNER CONCERT FOLIO 29019 stand, 20"
section has Cart & Tune any instrument with the Black vinyl, with
wide, with
grommets for 4 Pocket Charts built-in mic or vibration sensor. deep inside pockets Purple a base that
hanging, plus Boomwhacker Flashcards 99358 $89 Color display, transposing and 7 elastic bands 4533 Green Blue extends from
pre-attached p. 83 feature, visual-only “Tap Tempo” to secure multiple Case 4534 4532 Red 26" to 48". 10 or more
Velcro strip to metronome, 360° rotation, and pieces of music. 9½" x 12" x 1". 3093 $10.95 29015 Case Case 4531 $69 ea. $12.95 ea.
connect it to the “stay put” clip. Only 1½" diam. 25 or more $9.95 ea. 29016 29017 Case
Case of 6
other sections. Full Rhythm 2784 $21.95 29018 $389
size 34" x 60", with Flashcards MUSIC FILE BOXES Cases of 36 DESKTOP STAND
15 clear pockets. p. 38 One-piece fold-up available for $1999 Great for recorder
Q180 $29.95 PORTABLE ORGANIZER CART boxes for filing cabinets see web for details books! Folds flat for
Organize and store all your or shelves, with fold-over storage. Metal,
2 Pocket Charts Music-Go-Rounds sets and teaching tops. Lots of room to 9½" wide, 5½" tall.
see website
& Stand supplies. 10 removable plastic drawers record info! Sturdy,
durable, white, clay-coated
2729 $8.95
99048 $119 (13½" x 9½" x 2½") serve as trays to
Hang 2 charts back to back transport supplies to your whiteboard,
Use tuner & metro- CHROMATIC Kraft back board. $2.50 ea. on 25 + STORAGE RACK
12 or more
$7.95 ea.
or side to side! Adjusts from desk, or workstations. Lightweight nome separately or PITCH PIPE 25 or more per style $2 ea. per style Easy, compact
storage on wheels. FOLDING STAND. Wide 20" rack holds
35" to 75" width and from 50" steel frame, removable steel top, and together. Built-in mic Precision-tuned brass
reeds & patented tone Concert Band/ Choral Octavo full-sized open score, with finger wires
to 80" height. Durable steel, rolling casters for mobility (two of and stand, memory 8½" x 11" Medium. Holds 13 stands.
chambers. $32.95 ea. Orchestra to hold music in place. Black steel, with
with 5 movable chart rings which can be locked). back-up, auto shut- 43"h x 22"w x 58"l 6158 $399
9½" x 12¾" x 1½" 29003 1 in. protective foot pads. Adjusts up to 60".
and swivel casters, making it 15"D x 13"W x 36"H. off. 41/3" x 3". 1326 C to C Pitch Pipe 29007 29004 2 in. Large. Holds 25 stands. Folds to 20½". Includes carrying bag.
easy to move from room to Cart does not qualify for free shipping. 2768 $39.95 1327 F to F Pitch Pipe
room. 28007 $65.99 29005 3 in. 43"h x 22"w x 90"l 6159 $599 2824 $14.95
Portable Organizer Cart 29013 $69 more Metronomes p. 46
40 FREE REGULAR SHIPPING in USA on prepaid orders over $250. see p. 91 800-445-0649 • fax 972-943-8906 41
Awards Trophies
on trophies & plaques
• up to 2 lines
• up to 25 characters per
line, including spaces
Ribbon Medallions
With 30" ribbon
• $2 for each
additional line.
2½". 23514 $4.95
*MEDALLION *3-D 12 or more
2¾" MEDALLION $4.50 ea. *MUSIC
6659 $5.95 2¾". Specify
12 or more G (gold), S (silver),
$4.95 ea. B (bronze).
3257 $5.95 MEDALLION 3". 1703 $6.95 1709 $6.50 ea. 1708 $6.50 ea.
2¾". 3293 $6.95 M-60 $6.95 ea. 12 or more 12 or more
12 or more 12 or more
$4.95 ea. 12 or more 6 or more per style $5.95 ea. $5.50 ea. $5.50 ea.
$5.95 ea. & color $5.95 ea.
3304 $14.95 4058 $14.95 10½" 4143 $10.95 3812 $8.95 3834 $9.95 Marble base. Select G (gold), S (silver), B (bronze). $4 ea.
with asterick *. $2 per line. Clear plastic top with
4633 $14.95 4630 $9.95 12 or more per style & color $3.50 ea
MEDALLIONS. Up to 2 lines of foam pad. For ribbon
25 characters per line, including medals and medallions
spaces. up to 21/4" diam.
35/8" x 25/8". Pkg. of 6
RIBBON MEDALS. Up to 2 lines 2719 $6.95/pkg.
of 15 characters per line
including spaces. 6 or more pkgs.
$6.25/pkg. *M-79
*M-80 Star
Performer Orchestra
2" $3.50 ea.
*Tri-Color Music *Gold Music Stars *Gold Music Specify G (gold),
2½" 3298 2½" 1912 2" 4479 S (silver), B (bronze).
*MEDALS. 1¼" $3 ea. 12 or more per style
*MEDALLIONS. 2" $4 ea. Select G (gold), S (silver), B (bronze). & color $3 ea. *M-82
Select G (gold), S (silver), B (bronze). *M-81 Music Star Performer
12 or more per style & color
12 or more per style & color $3.50 ea. $2.75 ea.
Holographic Embossed, and surrounded with cut-out stars. 2¼".
DIAMOND STAFF MUSIC BREAK THROUGH Specify G (gold), S (silver), B (bronze). $4.50 ea.
Large. 8¼" x 6" Ice Trophy
7¼" x 5½" 3637 $16.95 Ice Wave Trophy 12 or more per style & color $4 ea.
3306 $15.95
Medium. 6" x 4½"
Small 3½" Medium 4¼" Large 4¾" Medium 5" Large 6"
$4.95 ea. $5.95 ea. $6.95 ea. $7.95 ea. $8.95 ea. *M-65 Music *M-66 Band *M-67 Clef 2¼" *M-68 Band *M-69 Music
You did
Tack Pins good job!
All items on this page shown actual size, unless otherwise indicated.
Achievement Plaques
1579 Bach 1589 Liszt $3.50 ea. 1737 1960
1565 Bartok 1590 Mendelssohn 1739
1580 Beethoven 1591 Mozart Chorus
1581 Brahms 1574 Rachmaninoff $4 ea. 12 or more per style $3.50 ea.
1583 Chopin 1594 Schubert 1146 3041 1197 1242
1584 Debussy 1596 Robert Schumann
1570 Grieg 1597 Tchaikovsky 2497 1207
1586 Handel 1598 Verdi
1599 Vivaldi
$2.50 24 or more per style $2 ea.
1587 Haydn ea.
1572 Joplin 1600 Wagner Choral 1167 Music 1168 Band 1166
1151 2477
see Composer Statuettes p. 46 HANDBELL 1238
ACHIEVEMENT PLAQUES. Wood, with brass- TACK PIN ¾" 1202
finish mylar plate (not for engraving) and wall hook. Enameled. 3031
4" x 3". $2.95 ea. 1263 $4.50 1858
12 or more per style $2.50 ea. 6 or more $4 ea. 1860
Award Certificates 11" x 8½" unless otherwise noted. Inkjet & laser compatible.
Guitar Classical
2009 Guitar
Double Bass Cello Violin Viola Ukulele Sax Recorder Flute Clarinet
2005 2010 1662 Band 1656 Choir
2004 2006 2007 23508 2022 2014 2016
Pkg./25. Q314 $5.50 Pkg./25. 23518 $5.50 Pkg. of 30. 1291 $6.95 Pkg. of 30. 3354 $6.95
Pkg./25. Q346 $5.50
6 or more $4.95 ea. 6 or more $4.95 ea. 6 or more $4.95 ea.
Sea Life Minis
1280 $3.95
Incentive Chart
Owl 3" Ladybug 1½" Kitty 2" Mouse 2" Hedgehog 2" Bookmarks
Ass’t. colors. 23030 LIQUID TIMER 23051 Beethoven 23049 Mozart
2742 23004 23003 For games, Fill in practice
2740 plays “Für Elise” plays “Rondo Alla Turca”
flashcard drills, time, and earn
60-MIN. PRACTICE TIMERS. A friendly practice timer encourages self-motivation etc. Approx. 60-min. COMPOSER TIMERS 4" mini stickers when
and self-discipline, shifting responsibility for practice from parents to students. goals are met!
Rainbow Rainbow Music
3 minutes. 5" Plays tune when time’s up!
Divide practice into smaller chunks of time to achieve specific goals. $7.95 ea. 7½" Pkg. of 24
Chart Q247 Award Certificate
2778 $6.95 $16.95 ea.
10 or more per style $6.95 ea 1697 $4.95 Music Treasure Bravo Bravo Award Chart & 8½" x 5½" Pkg. of 30
10 or more Chest Certificate Treasure Chest Chart
4481 Chart Q248 Certificate Certificates Q249 $3.95
$5.95 ea. Charts with 8½" x 5½" Pkg. of 30
more Composer Busts p. 44 Stickers #1260 Chart & 8½" x 5½" Pkg. of 30 1673 $7 Chart with
Q341 $3.95 Chart & Certificates
QWIK TIME METRONOME Certificates Q343 $3.95 Rainbow Minis
Halbe Statuettes
(below) 1671 $7
Easy-to-hear tick, flashing red light 99384 $7.95 1672 $7 (#1483, below)
to use with or without sound, 1668 $6.50
A440 tuning tone, Italian tempo
markings, metric beat patterns,
fold-out stand, earphone jack, and
Mini Stickers for Incentive Charts shown actual size
Pocket Folders
6923 Brahms 6929 Mozart
Cumulative timer tracks multiple
6924 Chopin 6936 Rachmaninoff more metronomes p. 40
practice sessions. Also has
6925 Debussy 6930 Schubert 9" x 12", with 2 pockets.
A440 tuning tone, digital clock,
6935 Grieg 6931 Schumann $2.95 ea.
and handy clip on the back to
6926 Handel 6937 Strauss 24 or more per style
bookmark your music. 5½".
6927 Haydn 6932 Tchaikovsky $2.50 ea.
2779 $16.95
6934 Liszt 6938 Wagner
Bookmark Merry Music
Sparkle Stickers ¾"
Practice Bracelets your music! 72/pkg. 1592 $2.95 Music Seals 1"
120/pkg. 1367 $2.95
Music Rewards 1"
100/pkg. 1273 $2.50
Bravo 1"
120/pkg. 1274 $3
Use as bookmarks, paper Bookmarks 6½"
clips, or magnets. Write name, etc. on back.
MUSIC BANDZ Pkg. of 8 2652 $4.95 Pkg. of 12 2647 $4
Students will practice hard Music
PRACTICE BRACELETS 12 or more pkgs. 6 or more pkgs. $3/pkg. Keeper
Repeat a trouble spot to collect all these glow-in-
the-dark silicone bands!
$4.50/pkg. 1398
correctly 5 times in a row,
and put on a bracelet each Pkg. of 24 1538 $5.95
time. If you make a mistake 6 or more pkgs. $4.95 pkg.
before you reach your goal,
remove them all and start
again! Assorted colors, vinyl.
Pkg. of 144 1585 $4.95 PRACTICE BUDDY
10 or more $3.95/pkg. Bookmark & Pencil
Marks your place and MUSIC PAPERCLIPS Music
STICK-ON MUSIC FLAGS holds pencil. Plastic, Ass't colors. 1"-1½" Terms
STAR STUDENT Bracelets Adhesive tabs have room to assorted colors. 7". Pkg. of 15 1109 $4.95 UNCLE SAM Poster 1357
write. Assorted. 2¾" 9" x 12" 3362 $2.25 PRACTICE
Pkg. of 24 1557 $4.95 99429 $2.50 ea. 6 or more pkgs. SHOULD YOU BE PRACTICING? Poster 17" x 22" 4721 $7.95
Pkg. of 120 1501 $2.99 12 or more $2 ea.
6 or more pkgs. $4.50/pkg. 24 or more $2.25 ea. $4.50/pkg. Poster 11" x 17" 3246 $9.95 Bookmarks 6½" Pkg./12 2647 $4 Music Madness 1343
i n ds 1
B o x4
1832 Keyboard/Notes Box 4858
odw 478
Wo on 1
s i 2
Per x4 1836 Instruments Box 4860 SHARPENER
Bo PIANO Ass’t. blue & white. 2"
14 GRAND PIANO 23065 $3.95
s ic 813 Plastic. 1"
Mu o x4 1754 I Music Box 4840 SHARPENER 2¼"
12 or more $3.25 ea.
B Die-cast metal. 1444 $2.95
1 55 14 1423 $4.95 Box of 24 2680 2683
no x 48 GOLD CLEF Acrylic. 2" 1231 $3.95 Clef 4" Piano 3"
P ia B o 12 or more $4.50 ea 1453 $60
Bookmarks 6" 24 or more $3.50 ea.
Pens & Pencils
1 1784 I Chorus Box 4826 Plastic, assorted. MAGNETS
oir 15
Ch x 48 Pkg. of 25 2482 $16.95 Acrylic. $4.95 ea.
B o
2684 23055 12 or more per style
1 3 or more pkgs. Music Symbols/ Instrument $4.50 ea.
d 16 $15.95/pkg.
Ban o x 48 Scale Families
1 1765 Styles of Music Box 4836 BOOKMARKS 6"
ra 17 2-sided. Pkg. of 36 $4.95
h est x 48 (assorted colors)
Or c B o
6 or more pkgs. per style
1 564 $4.50/pkg.
g 18 1775 Magical Music Box 4835 COLORFUL NOTEPAD
Box 3½" x 4" 1503 $3
24 or more $2.50 ea.
e l ls 1 19
n db x 48
H a B o
ff 20
Sta x 48 with erasers. Pkg. of 10 GLITTER SPIRAL NOTEPADS
B o
1863 $6.95 PEN/PENCIL/ERASER plus 108 white vinyl glitter stickers
1 623 Pkg. of 3 1862 $6 to decorate pads. Ass't. colors. 3" x 5"
rd 21 Box of 50 1874 $25 KEYBOARD RULER
boa 48 Pkg. of 24 1875 $15
Key Box Box of 36 3584 $48 Measures centimeters, not inches!
2 Plastic, ass't colors. 6". 3676 $1.50 3 or more pkgs. $12/pkg.
t es 1 12 or more $1 ea.
No 485
Box $2.50 ea.
3½" x 4"
S taff Piano Names and dates on the back. $2 ea. 24 or more
es/ Clef
Note 1071
1072 4765 Great Composers
per style
1050 Pkg./36 $2 ea.
Ass't. colors. 3" 1046 Pkg./36 4768 Great Women of Music
1233 $2.95 ea. Pkg./36 3575 4767 Rock & Roll
Pkg./36 3578 3577
6 or more $2.75 ea. 3576 MAGNETIC RULERS 6" $2.50 ea. 4766 Jazz
Need custom pencils? BENTCILS Pkg. of 3 $6.75 23067 Country Music
Call or see website! 3664 Do Re Mi 3663 Keyboard
Pkg./36 $68 24 or more per style $2 ea. 12 or more per style $1.75 ea. 1446
Pocket Books
Durable, waterproof. ¾" x 15 ft. detachable
23066 $5.95
1221 1439 1092
1850 $4.95 clip
1074 4792 Pkg./100 4793 Pkg./100 2701 2702
MEMO CUBES. 500 blank sheets. 3¼" B/W Rainbow 4841 Roll/1000 4842 Roll/1000
$8.95 ea. Both 1624 $16 Notes Notes
zip it! 6 or more per style $7.95 ea.
Use with
Word Wall
right &
MGRs p. 71.
MGRs stick
to the plastic
Organized in color-coded catego-
pockets! ries: Notation, Rhythm, Melody,
Harmony, Expression, Form,
WITH MUSIC 3330 “We are the music makers,
Bookmarks 6½" I SING 3221 THE WORLD 3350 And we are the dreamers of dreams…
Genres, Periods, Instruments, Folk
I don’t sing because I’m happy. (Beethoven) because it can Designed by George Tope and MAGNETIC POCKET CHARTS Dancing, & more. Comprehensive,
Pkg./12 2647 $4 I’m happy because I sing. change people (Bono). Amy Stewart. Yet we are the movers and shakers
5 clear pockets, 2 storage pockets on
of the world forever, it seems.” with index, storage box, and file
- William James. By Amy Stewart. back, grommets, and Velcro tabs to con-
- Arthur O’Shaughnessy dividers. 11" x 3½".
nect them vertically or horizontally. 406 Cards 4650 $89.95
14" x 17" ea. Set of 4 28143 $26.99
Word Wall & Pocket Charts
99404 $115
SOUNDS OF THE SYMPHONY Trace the periods of music within an historical context, with a 4-page
ORCHESTRA repro guide. 3 pieces, each 39" x 9". Timeline & Guide 6239 $19.95
Learn all about instruments—interactively!
Identify them by sight and sound, individu-
ally, in families, and in various ensembles.
Play listening games and activities, and
Music Through the Ages Timeline
CIRCLE OF FIFTHS Poster learn about musical styles. Discover the ft.
Based on Pythagoras’ circle of pitches, the background and history of each instrument over 16
Circle of 5ths depicts the wheel of tonal- and how the symphony evolved through the
ity and harmony which is the foundation of ages. Versatile for Gr. 4-12!
Western music. Our Circle of 5ths shows Sir Enhanced CD 3423 $39.95 INSTRUMENTS FLASHCARDS
Isaac Newton's color spectrum, and a PDF for games or bulletin boards. Color-coded by
Activity Guide by Mary Ann Stewart explores Symphony Enhanced CD,
family, with reproducible guides. 8½" x 6".
relationships of keys and colors, along with Poster/Repro Guide 9030 $59
Set of 24 28185 $21.95
helpful tips to learn key signatures, relative COMPOSERS POSTERS
major/minor keys, and more. 17" x 22". CD, Poster & Guide, Flashcards 99523 $79 With information on the
Poster & PDF Guide 28515 $9.95 composer, his style, and
music. 11" x 17".
Set of 8 4486 $16
Poster & Spinner
99513 $16 ONCE UPON A
Meet the four
families of
instruments Composers, dates, and more for 5 musical periods,
A CHILD’S through stories, with a 4-page Teacher’s Guide. 5 posters, over 16
INTRODUCTION songs, and listening activities. Learn about Timeline and Guide 2067 $24.99
TO THE ORCHESTRA their origins in illustrated tales, then meet
by Robert Levine, revised and updated. Now with the modern instruments with humorous
CIRCLE OF FIFTHS/KEY SIGNATURES downloadable music and an 18½" x 10" orchestra post- songs. Kit includes 4 DVDs, website links,
SPINNER. Laminated and reversible: simply er! Listen and learn about instruments, composers and PDF Teacher's Guide, and reproducible
remove the arrow and snap it on the other their works, and periods of music history. Cartoon illus- student activity sheets. Ages 6-12. 55 min.
side. Includes self-checking answer sheet and trations and a clever text make this an ideal intro for 4-DVD Kit 5702 $129
PDF Activity Guide. 11" sq. 28195 $8.95 elementary ages. HB & Audio Links 21147 $19.99
Both Posters
LEARN TO CONDUCT Poster by Mary Ann Stewart. Tips
for blank staffs Kit plus WOMEN COMPOSERS Poster GREAT COMPOSERS Poster with
or decorations! Add-on Symbols and activities for learning to conduct. 20" x 30" 3341 $7.95 From all periods with brief bios, bios, arranged by musical periods.
Set of 198 99128 $21.95 KID’S BATON 3756 $3.95 ea. Poster and 6 Batons arranged chronologically. 20" x 30". 24" x 36". 2101 $16.95
28512 $8.95 99503 $24 Q276 $10.95
12 or more $3 ea.
Orchestral Instruments
to 100 Years of American Popular Music on DVD
Renowned drummer and educator Daniel Glass
5777 5783 weaves commentary, vintage photos, and live per-
formances into his fascinating 14-part presentation
of popular music in America from the end of the Civil
War through the British Invasion. He connects styles,
5777 Rock Roots instruments, cultures, and historical events in each
5778 Every Note Counts: brief segment, followed by full performances of each
Posters Instruments of the Orchestra
& Guide style. Enhanced by a CD-R of downloadable PDF
5779 Latin Legends: Afro-Cuban Music 5780 teacher guides and student activity sheets, segments
99407 $93 5780 Caribbean Carnival cover the effects of slavery, immigration, post-Civil
Posters. 25 posters, 14" x 22," on heavy stock. 5781 Journey Through Jazz War brass bands and march music, ragtime, early
Instruments are pictured both individually and in family 5782 Ars Antiqua: Sounds of a Distant Tyme jazz, blues, singers and songwriters, swing era, bebop,
groups. Set of 25 5904 $89 5783 African Dance & Drumming R & B, country and rockabilly, early rock 'n' roll, and
Set of 4 posters includes reproducible activity sheets, and a Teacher’s Guide the British Invasion. Jr. High-College. 90 min.
Teacher’s Guide. Reproducible, 12-pages. 5907 $4.95 & Answer Sheet. 17" x 22". 4 Posters, 4 Repros, Guide 4418 $16.95 Set of 7 DVDs 5805 $259 5781
DVD & Enhanced CD 25010 $24.95
Marsalis on Mus
sound effects, are recipes for adventures! Ages 3-10. DVDs $19.95 ea.
Set of 4 DVDs 9786 $69
Wynton Marsalis hosts this exciting PBS series, LADY Who Swallowed
Set of 3 Duke Ellington; Ella
with Yo-Yo Ma, Seiji Ozawa and the Tanglewood a Fly by Simms Taback.
99522 $54 Fitzgerald: The Tale of a
Orchestra. He introduces classical music and jazz Dem Bones, Giraffes Don’t Vocal Virtuosa; Ellington
to a live young audience. Whether comparing Dance, This Land Is Your was Not a Street; John
rhythm patterns to playing basketball, or teaching Award-winning children's intro to jazz by Matthew Land, The Chinese Violin, Henry. Jazz & blues scores
sonata form through a story about chasing a pet Gollub, illus. by Karen Hanke. Scat along with Frog Went A-Courtin’, Over bring black history & jazz
hamster through a shopping mall, his humor and rhythmic, rhyming lyrics, clever art, and top-drawer in the Meadow, Changes, to life. 70 min. DVD 5542
everyday analogies resonate with kids. jazz in 3 styles! HB & CD $18.95 ea. Changes. 57 min.
Elem-Jr. High. 208 min. 4-DVD Boxed Set 5889 $115 by Charlotte Voake and Remi Courgeon. An excellent all-in-one teach- DVD 4785
ing package for elem/middle school. Each bio includes a CD with musi- JAZZ FLY. ZA-baza, BOO-zaba, ZEE-zah Ro-ni! Jazz Fly is WHERE THE WILD
Why Do Toes Tap? Marsalis on Rhythm cal examples keyed to the text, photos and drawings, and suggested lost and can't understand the animals he meets on the way THE WHEELS ON THE THINGS ARE… and
Listening for Clues: Marsalis on Form activities. HB & CD $22.99 ea. to his gig. When finally he joins his Quartet, listen for the BUS by Paul Zelinsky. Other Sendak Stories
Sousa to Satchmo: Wind Band to Jazz Band animal sounds in his riffs! 9408 Musical Max, Joseph Had a In the Night Kitchen,
Tackling the Monster: Marsalis on Practice 9300 Bach 9308 Schubert JAZZ FLY 2: The Jungle Pachanga. Latin jazz and a bit of Little Overcoat, Hush Little Pierre, Chicken Soup
9301 Beethoven 21067 Tchaikovsky Spanish. CHOO-ka CHOO-ka TING. Ay, caramba! 9409 Baby, Keeping House, All With Rice, Alligators All
Companion Hardback with Interactive CD 9303 Chopin 9309 Vivaldi
JAZZ FLY 3: The Caribbean Sea. The Jazz Bugs groove to the Colors of the Earth, Around, One Was Johnny.
176 pp. 9178 $29.95 9304 Debussy 21066 Louis Armstrong
Afro-Caribbean jazz on a cruise caught in a storm. Critters Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!. 35 min. DVD 4784
HB/CD & 4-DVD Set 99140 $139 9305 Handel 21076 Ella Fitzgerald
speak a little French and Spanish...and scat! Bonjour, bon- 45 min. DVD 4783
9306 Mozart 21087 Ray Charles Complete Set/12 bonjour. Wa-ba ZEE ba-VOO! 21150
99155 $262
Classical Kids DVDs ARTHUR’S MUSIC JAMBOREE from PBS Artie’s Jazz Pack
Fictionalized stories about the composers, filled with Getting to Know Kids. Arthur pits classical music vs. jazz, faces
stage fright, enjoys a world drumming class, and ARTIE’S JAZZ PACK: Games and Activities for
Dance Wi ngs
3847 Cat 30 Student Books, Piano/Vocal Score, 30 Family Guides, and digital
downloads to share with the whole cast and crew (Performance Gentleman’s Monocle
3849 Dog Spider Hat Ages 14 up. 3022 $5.95
Accompaniment Tracks, Rehearsal Vocal Tracks, Choreography
3850 Donkey 27068 $5.95 5 ea.$19.9 Videos with step by step instructions, and Downloadable Templates
Set of 4 Masks
3852 $32 for Auditions, Press Release, Programs, etc.). Order a CD Sampler
for any show for $10. Include show name and which version, Elf Hat
Antennae with jingles.
BREMEN Kids or Jr.
Headband Monarch Felt, one size fits
TOWN JAM! 4206 $6.95 27012 most. 4323 $4.95
BROADWAY JR. $695 ea. BROADWAY KIDS $545 ea.
A New Take 12 or more $4 ea.
on a Classic Bee Wings/ For Middle School-Jr. High, 60-70 min. For Elem. ages, 30 min.
Road Trip Antennae 21348 Aladdin 4423 101 Dalmations
3535 $6.95 Fairy 27013
by Jacobson BUGZ 4698 Alice In Wonderland 4657 Aladdin
& Higgins. 20-min. musical 4420 Annie 4654 Annie
25 min. Gr. 1-3 Classroom Kit
Performance 9186 $89.99 4644 Beauty and the Beast 4663 Aristocats $445
Kit 21727 21340 Doctor Dolittle 21334 Frozen
$79.99 Bird 21352 Elf 4430 The Jungle Book Genie Hat 3312 $9.95
Ladybug 27014
27080 21330 Frozen 21317 The Lion King $645 Lamp 3315 $6.95
more Creative Dramatics, 21350 High School Musical 21336 The Music Man Both 9661 $14.95
Musicals on our website 4638 The Little Mermaid 21338 Seussical
Animal Puppets 21318 The Lion King $795
21319 Mary Poppins
4697 Willy Wonka
4665 Winnie the Pooh
Plush, 8" $8.95 ea. 21354 Moana
4422 The Music Man
2303 Bear 21346 Peter Pan
2314 Cat
2328 Chimp 21344 Pirates of Penzance
Mini Musicals
Bring stories to life with drama, music, art, language, and movement.
2329 Cow
2330 Dog
2333 Duck
4636 Seussical
21342 Singin' in the Rain
4637 Willy Wonka Marching Band Hat
Book includes songs, lyrics, activities, simple costume and set ideas, 2337 Elephant Lightweight plastic and
dialogue, and P/A CD. 15-20 min. each. PreK-3. PB/CD $17.95 ea. 2338 Frog gold foil, red/white/blue
Set of 10 99209 $169 2340 Giraffe 3267 assorted. 2687 $3.95
2348 Horse Black 12 or more $2.50 ea.
6383 Little Red Hen 6387 Holiday Plays 2364 Lamb
6384 Three Piggy Opera 6394 Cows in the Kitchen 2366 Lion
6385 Stone Soup 6380 Goldie and the Bears 2368 Mouse Major-General Hat
6386 Three Nanny Goats Gruff 6392 The Little Engine That Could Sing 2371 Owl Felt with gold braid
6388 Tikki Tikki Tembo 3268
21697 The Very, Very Gingerbread Man 2372 Pig and button. Peter Pan
2377 Rabbit 3458 $29.95 Captain Hook Props Hat
2391 Tiger Hook, Cutlass, Felt, with
Pirate Skull Cap Eye Patch, & money feather.
Complete Set Pirate Hat. Felt. Polyester jersey. $3.95 ea. pouch with coins 27075
9054 $145 4326 $5.95 12 or more per color 3286 $5.95 $6.95
Bobby Hat $3.50 ea.
Black Bear
Animal Masks 3899 $5.95
More Hats
Ears & Paws
2605 $11.95 Cane Black Plastic Black Fedora
Cow Hat Velour.
3 or more Plastic. 32" Top Hat Pkg./12
27007 $6.95 3896 $5.95
$10.95 ea. 4258 $2.95 5101 $20
All about China! 12 or more $2.50 ea. Tricorner Hat
Flexible foam half Felt. 4332 $7.95
masks leave the
mouth and nose
for better hygiene
Train and clearer voices!
Whistle Ages 3 & up.
1979 Set of 12 2278 $12
Chinese Hat Mandarin Hat
3 or more Satin with tassel. Pioneer Bonnet Mob Hat. Fits all, Straw Sombrero
Silk, with neck strap. Railroad sets Fez. Rigid felt, French Beret Assorted calico prints. with elastic band.
4379 $7.95 Engineer’s Cap 4234 $5.95 with gold tassel. Felt. 2587 3989 $5.95
$10/set 4398 $7.95 4395 $6.95 10 or more $4.95 ea. Cowboy/Farmer
12 or more $5.95 ea. 3988 $3.95 4307 $5.95 $4.95 12 or more $6.95 ea. 3802 $4.95
Toy Band Set of 3 4470 $55
Classroom Kit Clap hands for a crisp Pkg. of 12 4562 $15
99314 $49 9379 $79.99 percussive sound. Add TRAIN WHISTLE
Plastic, ass’t colors. 3 or more $12/pkg.
a black light for visual
ROCK AROUND effects! Fits all sizes. 61/2" 1645 $2 ea.
THE 50’S 4448 $3.95/pr. Pkg./12 1653 $18
Classroom Kit 12 or more $3/pr.
21794 $79.99
Large Small
Inflatable Guitar
HOBERMAN SPHERE. With the large or small one, Ass’t. colors. 39"
expand and contract it to express musical dynamics, Mega Pkg/12 3429 $2.50 ea.
phrasing and rhythms. Toss it on the upbeat and catch 2174 $18
it on the down beat to see and feel the gravity in 12 or more
music. Pass, roll, spin, or toss and catch it in $2 ea. PLASTIC TAMBOURINES
different tempos as you listen to music. Assorted colors.
Cool props for movement and dance.
Activity sheets included. Large. 7¾" 1639 $3.50 ea.
Inflatable Microphone MINI NEON MARACAS JINGLE STICKS. Plastic with GLITTER RECORDERS. Full-sized 12 or more $3 ea.
Large. 91/2" to 30" 5349 $36 Ass’t. colors. 9" Plastic, ass't colors. 5". metal jingles, ass't colors. 5"
playable plastic recorders. Ass’t. Small. 5½" 1630 $2 ea.
Small. 51/2" to 12" 5348 $16 Pkg. of 12 9622 $9 Pkg. of 24 1655 $12 Pkg. of 12 1780 $10 colors. Set of 12 2832 $12
Inflatable Sax. Ass’t. colors. 12 or more $1.50 ea.
Mega-Sphere. Clamps included to hold it in 3 or more pkgs. $8/pkg. 6 or more pkgs. $9/pkg. 6 or more pkgs. $8/pkg.
place when expanded. 16" to 48" 28182 $129 22". 1076 $2.50 ea. 6 or more sets $11/dz.
Found Sounds Soundmaker Kit
Sound forStories & Poems
Soundmaker Kit
The best train whistle
ever, and made in the 8" Rainmakers These large jingle- Soundmaker Kit Train Whistle
Clapping Gloves
Frog Guiro
Owl Whistle
12 Bird Warblers
POEMS For Interactive Listening
USA! 4-tones, with train 1935 9053 $34 bands make a joyful Easy-to-play instruments and
16" “sleigh-ride” sound.
Cowbell Jingle Band 1 pr. Sand Blocks and Reading Fun by Cristi Cary
signals printed on the $12 soundmakers for music class, Horse Clapper Woodpecker Block Guiro Crow Sounder
2788 Easy-close velcro Jambourine 4" Triangle Spoons Miller. Reproducible stories &
side. Pine, 8½". $24 storytelling, and dramatic play. Slide Whistle Whistling Tube Plastic Kazoo poems highlight specific words
1979 $7.95 RAINBOW tabs adjust to fit any 63 Soundmakers & Case 8" Rainmaker Thunder Tube 7" 12 Neon Whizzers
child’s or adult’s wrist Echo Mike 12 Storm Tubes 3¾" Tick Tock Block as sound cues for kids to express
Engineer Cap 6 or more $7.50 ea. RAINMAKERS 99003 $209
or a child’s ankle—so
Egg Shaker Ocean Drum Plastic Storage Bin rhythmically with suggested
3988 $3.95 A kaleidoscopic treat for Duck Call Jumbo Kazoo
you’re ready to per- Police Whistle 1 pr. Rhythm Bones instruments & vocal effects.
the eyes and ears! Make
form Jingle Bells or a Reinforce music, listening, and
the sounds of gentle rain,
rain dance. 9¾" long reading skills as you perform on
waterfalls, or crashing waves.
in assorted colors, the sound cues. Gr. 2-5.
A great shaker, too! Made of
durable plastic with colored with 1" metal bells. SOUND STORIES PB
beads. Ages 3 and up. From Woodstock. 2825 $5.95 ea. 7307 $19.99
6 or more $5.50 ea. Box of 36 1946 $179 Play legato roll- SOUND STORIES CD-ROM
ing surf sounds, or 2 PBs, 2 CD-ROMs,
Clap hands for a crisp
a staccato steady SOUND POEMS PB/CD-ROM & Soundmaker Kit
percussive sound.
beat. Skin head. 7458 $29.99 99030 $265
Fits all sizes.
4596 $12.95 Tick Tock Block 7" JUMBO KAZOO 8"
4448 $3.95/pr.
Like a ticking clock! Plastic, ass’t colors.
12 or more $3/pr. SOUND STORIES ‘ROUND THE
2494 $5.95 1932 $2.50 YEAR: Folk Tales, Fables, & Poems
ECHO MIKE. This toy microphone WOODPECKER BLOCK 6" Pkg. of 12 1994 $24 for the Music Classroom Gr. 1-5
makes a booming echo. Fun for role Resonant hardwood, with by Karen Farnum-Surmani & Anna
playing and great for overcoming wooden mallet. 2583 $6.95 Wentient. Add instruments and found
COWBELL 3" sounds to these popular tales,
Metal, made in India. shyness. Operates without batteries
or electricity. 9½" 3691 $2.95 organized by seasons. Project or
1771 $2.50 print using Data CD.
Set of 12 12 or more $2.50 ea.
PB/Data CD 7839 $24.99
1773 $18
Deluxe Rhythm Band Instruments spatial connections, teaching tips for specific
35 premium instruments as ages. Digital CD has P/A
pictured, with storage bin more. Ages 2-6. PB 9652 $14.95
tracks and PDFs to proj-
68 FREE REGULAR SHIPPING in USA on prepaid orders over $250. see p. 91 800-445-0649 • fax 972-943-8906 69
Sight & Sound Kit
Use flashcards for pre-reading sight and sound
activities with rhythm instruments.
Rhythm Band with MUSiC-GO-ROUNDS ™
Bucket Drumming
finger! 2" Play-Along Activities
26115 $12.95 for Bucket Drums and
Classroom Percussion
CLASSROOM CAJON by Tom Anderson.
Small Cajon
With the NINO® Classroom Cajon, 8 individual Warm-ups to rhythms
Large Cajon snare cajons are fused together for the ultimate and grooves in a mix Mark Shelton by Mark Shelton
8-Jingle Foot drum circle experience. Up to 8 children can play of styles like Southern
All 3 Cajons Tambourine it sitting on the floor, and the sound ports face Rock, R & B, Rock 'n'
9492 $279 Attaches with the center to allow full resonance. With an optional Roll. Full scores, digi- All 3
elastic band. 4" stand below, kids can either sit or stand. Add tal access play-along Shelton Sets
2269 $14.95 Boomwhackers or Jumbo Resonators p. 82 recordings, PDF parts for Gr. 4-8. 99525 $62
Bongo Cajon
for a tuneful color-matched ensemble. Up the PB & Online Audio 21662 $29.99
challenge by laying Rhythm Dots on the FLEX! Mark Shelton’s latest
Add authentic cajons to your classroom ensemble. Sit on it and tap, slap, ensemble collection works with what-
pat the sides for a variety of sounds. A hit with all ages! Made of Baltic drums to turn it into a rhythm reading circle! THE BUCKET
Cajon stores easily on its side. Made of birch, BOOK: A Junkyard ever you have—barred instruments,
birch with internal snares and adjustable corners to tailor the sound. buckets, Boomwhackers, classroom
34" diameter. 26057 $399 Percussion Manual
Small Cajon Large Cajon Bongo Cajon. Hold between by David Birrow. percussion, found sounds, or body
13" tall x 9½" x 9¾" 17¾" tall x 11¾" x 12" the knees or play on the Note: Classroom Cajon ships on a pallet with a percussion! 30 ensembles (with audio
$100 freight charge. Teach rhythm reading
(ages 4+) (ages 10+) floor. Plays 2 different and percussion tech- downloads) display a variety of styles:
2254 $99 2256 $149 pitches. 12" x 5½" x 5" WOODEN STAND. Raises the nique STOMP-style.
EASY BUCKETS: GIVE ME A BUCKET: A salsa, swing, march, Irish jig, funk,
2299 $39 classroom cajon for standing With easy-to-teach
Grooves for Beginning Rockin' Collection for Bucket polka, shuffle, rock & more. His spot-
or sitting. Foam padded corner reproducible lessons,
Ensembles Gr. 3-6 Ensemble. 12 rockin' pieces on playing and listening tips are novel.
provides a concise Try his march (in 6/8 time!) after hear-
a edges prevent damage. 17" tall. utilize buckets, pails, and
lots of photos and tips,
26085 $139 tutorial with basic set up drumsticks, with teaching and ing Sousa’s classic 6/8 march Semper
and a data CD for pro-
m- and drumming techniques, performance tips, choreog- Fidelis. Learn the Cuban son clave pat-
rhythircle with Cajon & Stand 99509 $533 jection, you can bring
30 simple grooves plus raphy, and a CD of P/A tracks tern which adds the sauce to the salsa
c -GO - out the junkyard musician in kids! Elem/MS.
2 mallet ensembles, and and PDFs of student scores. groove. Listen to Brubeck’s Take Five
MUSiCNDS™ Deluxe
PB & Data CD 7841 $29.99
an audio/digital file CD. Time to set up your bucket before playing Mark’s Fiver Jiver in
PB & Enhanced CD 5/4, and a Strauss waltz before tack-
BUCKETS TO BODY ensemble! Gr. 4-8.
Drum, Cajon, and Shaker. One side has a to hold them tightly in a circular shape.
and others. Reinforce rhythmic
crisp lower pitch, the other a higher pitch. Simply remove separate cajons from the
concepts, note reading, play-
Hand-held, it’s a shaker. Strap it around base to play in other formations, and stack 4 4 4 4
ing techniques, and more with 12 skill-building (and
your waist and the shaker becomes reverb them for easy storage. 36" 26083 $599 BASIC RHYTHMS
audience-pleasing) arrangements! Schay offers full
to whichever side is up. Child-friendly, Silicone manipulatives for whiteboard,
printed scores and PDFs of student parts to print or Note: Deluxe Classroom Cajon ships on a
made of Finnish birch plywood. Take it with STOMP LIVE STOMP OUT LOUD drumming activities, and more. Cut along
project, plus teaching tips and rehearsal strategies. pallet with a $100 freight charge.
you wherever you go! 7" x 7" x 2" 172 min. DVD 50 min. DVD guidelines into 35 pieces, 2½" tall. With PDF
Bravo! Gr. 4-9. PB & Online PDF 21787 $34.99 Both
26112 $55 2 or more $49 ea. Deluxe Cajon and Stand 99524 $733 5295 $21.95 5324 $21.95 Activity Guide. Set of 35 28183 $26
99219 $39
72 FREE REGULAR SHIPPING in USA on prepaid orders over $250. see p. 91 800-445-0649 • fax 972-943-8906 73
Practice Drumming
With 2 rows of jingles.
Ass’t. colors. 9½" x 8"
2691 $12.95
Percussion Jam Add texture, timbre and fun to drum circles!
All 3 Drums
10" head 4499 $65
2865 $28
8" head
6" head 4497 $25
Easy to play. Ass’t colors,
Pad & Sticks plastic. 2782 $3.50 ea.
99371 $12.50 12 or more $2.95 ea.
6½" 10" VIBRA-SLAP. Slap the ball to make the
26037 $16 26005 $29 metal “teeth” rattle. Based on the tradi-
RUDI-PAD. Practice pad for drumming, with Strike with a mallet for a bell-like
the 26 rudiments printed on it. Indispensable, STIR DRUM with handle. Wooden tone, then tap your finger on the tional donkey jawbone rattle. 10".
portable, and ear-saving tool for practicing tongues produce different pitches hole for wah-wah effects. Aluminum 26092 $24
paradiddles… pianissimo! Machine washable. 9". when struck individually, or a tube, 6" with mallet. 26025 $14.95
1588 $9.95 6 or more $8.95 ea. glissando effect when stirred.
Lollipop Drums
Both Stir Drums 99135 $42
Drumsticks The easy-to-hold “drum on a stick”
Hold the handle and swing it
around to make a loud ratchet KidStix
15½" 2798 $3/pr. is an ancient idea, found in Africa and sound. Try an accelerando and by Artie Almeida
12 pr. or more Japan. From Remo. ritardando by controlling the
$2.50/pr. speed. Hardwood. Tambourines 8"
26093 $12 Wooden
Drumsticks Plastic, ass’t colors.
FRIKYWA BEAT KEEPER 1639 $3.50 ea.
This one-handed African castanet 15½" 2798 $3/pr.
Wrist Bells 12 pr. or more 12 or more
is ideal for directing an ensemble, $3 ea.
as its high pitched cutting tone with Velcro closure. $2.50/pr.
play i ord & is easily heard over other Ass’t. colors.
4914 $3.50 ea.
t bac instruments. Put the bell on your KidStix,
k finger, the ring on your thumb, SLAPSTICK 15" 12 prs. drumsticks,
and clack it like a castanet. Hand Slap it on your hand, or 12 tambourines
PORTABLE ROLL-UP DRUM KIT forged in Ghana. 26114 $18 with a flick of the wrist, 99487 $99
Flexible, portable, and durable, our drum kit for a comical loud slap!
sounds like a real drum set: 3 toms (high, Hardwood. 4921 $16.95
middle, and low), snare, 2 crash cymbals, open/ TUNABLE BONGOS. Professional quality. KIDSTIX: Rockin’ Repertoire for Rhythm Readiness Gr. 3-6 by Artie Almeida.
close hi-hat, ride cymbal, plus foot pedals for 7" and 6" heads, 6" tall. 26058 $79 Set up StickStations™—homemade instrument centers featuring BeatBoards, Crash Cans,
bass drum and hi-hat. Plug it in to headphones CABASA SHAKERS tambourines, and drumsticks—then let the fun begin! Artie offers hints for creating and
for family-friendly “quiet” practice or to an from Latin Percussion storing StickStations, high-quality audio tracks, reproducible and projectable scores, and
external speaker when it’s time to broadcast teaching tips to launch kids into Rhythm Readiness. Exercises, 10 Folk & Patriotic Play-
your chops or jam with your band. Play along Alongs, and 16 StickWorks arrangements to play along with the CD of classical and
with demo tracks, changing tempos with popular music. PB & CD + Printable Resources 7444 $44.95
Steel Drum
the press of a button. You can even connect CASTANETS 8" Each has a different sound.
your MP3 player to jam with your own music! Small 5½" Large 7"
3204 $7.95 Plastic. Set of 4 2887 $33
4572 $38.95
Includes electronic silicone drum pad, profes-
sional demos, record and playback functions,
4571 $54.95 3 or more sets $31 ea.
What to do with your random instruments? Hoop 'em!
multiple sound styles, sticks, 2 foot pedals, USB
Protect your Hearing
power cord, and instructions. Also runs off 2 WOODS, METALS, SHAKERS, SKINS
AAA batteries (not included). Steel drums, developed in Trinidad and Tobago in the
Artie Almeida's strategy on what to do with your
Spectrum Drum Kit (shown). With head- 1930’s, are hugely popular with kids today. As both a
random mix of classroom percussion instruments:
phones & color-coded guide. 26076 $69.95 melodic and harmonic instrument, the steel drum steals
EARasers: Musicians’ use plastic hoops to organize them in families!
the spotlight in solos and adds vibrancy to percussion
Black & White Drum Kit without headphones. EARasers are
Hi-Fi Earplugs Students gather around hoop stations, and each
ensembles. Our authentic easy-to-play 8-note drum in nearly invisible
26035 $49.99 Filter up to 19dB of high group has the chance to play instruments from a
G Major has 2 mallets and a collapsible, height-adjustable when inserted:
only the tiny frequency sounds but hear specific percussion family. Then switch, giving
floor stand. Drum includes free online Beginner’s Guide & pull string is
the quietest treble ranges. students a chance to play a different set of
Song Book with play-along audio tracks. The joyous island visible.
LIGHT-UP Made of soft medical-grade instruments. Kids experience different timbres
sounds and calypso beat are infectious, so jump on the
DRUM STICKS silicone, they are comfort- and playing techniques, and Artie’s in-depth
Jumbie Jam band wagon and you’re on your way to
Unbreakable clear lessons mean they are focused on learning at the
forming a steel pan band! 2250 $229 able and reusable, and fit
plastic sticks, with discreetly in your ear canal. same time. With online audios, and PDF visuals,
glowing, color- Case included. Specify size. student pages. Gr. K-5.
changing ultra- H19 $39.99 PB & Online Resources 21755 $39.95
with stand, mallets, Color-coded medical-
bright LEDs. With online Guide & Songbook. grade silicone with pull XS - most kids PB & Hoops Set 99335 $56
string for easy removal
3 AA replaceable 26095 $199 S - most teens, women
batteries. 16½". Case pack of 4 M - most men RAINBOW HOOPS 20"
Case Pack of 4 Heavy duty plastic hoops.
26021 $26/pr. 26008 $759 26096 $669 L - large men
Set of 6 colors 28039 $18.95
76 FREE REGULAR SHIPPING in USA on prepaid orders over $250. see p. 91 800-445-0649 • fax 972-943-8906 77
Latin Rhythm Set Global Percussion 9-Inst. Set
99501 $199
African Instruments
Authentic instruments
from Nigeria and Ghana.
6" tall. 5¾"
Cactus Rainsticks
Handmade Chilean rainsticks.
9 instruments
& African storage basket
Agogo Gong
99502 $235 with beater. 10"
and 5" heads. Approx. 2" diam. Sizes may vary.
Tambourine 4517 $36.95 1090 $27
8" Mini 10" 2802 $9
4516 $12.95 Wood Maracas 11" Small 20" 2806 $18
1698 $15.95 Set of 4 Gourd Mbira 8"
2890 $79 Medium 30" 2803 $24 2255 $18
Large 40" 2801 $35 Talking Drum
Wood 6" x 11" 2238 $63
with Scratcher 12" Set of 7 Instruments
4514 $15.95 plus Rhythm Instruments
booklet 2900 $109
Traditionally used for meditation,
music, and relaxation, each Nepalese
CELTIC BODHRÁN DRUMS hand-hammered brass bowl "sings" in
Handcrafted in Ireland from fine its own vibrant voice, pulsating with
wood, with a sturdy goat-skin head harmonic overtones. Tap the bowl The Djembe shell is
handpainted with the Celtic Trinity like a gong to warm it up, then stir roughly carved in
symbol. Includes a beater and the mallet slowly around the outer West Africa of Tweneboa
carrying box. GOURD SHEKERES
GOURD SCRAPER edge with gentle, even pressure. Like West African ceremonial shakers from Ghana. wood or “African Cedar,”
PAN FLUTE and headed with goat skin.
Hand etched. 12". 15 hand-tuned 12" Celtic Bodhrán 3271 $59 mastering any instrument, it takes Available with colorful plastic beads or natural
2485 $25 18" Celtic Bodhrán 3189 $96 practice and patience. 6" bowl with white shells. Plastic bead colors may vary. These goblet-shaped hand
(Peru) bamboo tubes, with drums have a rich, full
suede-tipped wooden mallet and silk
neck strap. 12". Both Celtic Bodhráns 3299 $145 Shekeres - Colorful Plastic Beads sound.
26091 $22 cushion (colors vary). From Nepal. MINI DARBUKA
(Peru) 18" Bodhrán (no design) 3197 $85 26029 $115 Jumbo 8" diam. 26007 $46 Both Djembes Lightweight but big on
Large 7" diam. 26016 $42 2565 $499 sound and tonal variety.
Global Instruments Kit with reproducible PDF guide Set of 19
3181 $299 Tambourine
Medium 5½" diam. 26017 $33
Set of 3 99069 $99
Large Djembe
With tuning key. 7¾", with
4¼" synthetic head & hand-
hammered frame. Made in
Play the “rhythms of the world” with this collection of 19 authentic global instruments. 8" (China)
Includes downloadable reproducible guide to the instruments. Exclusively from
Shekeres - White Shells 24" tall, 12" head Turkey. 26024 $28
4516 $12.95 Large 2170 $36.95 4909 $339 Medium Djembe
Medium 2171 $28.95 18" tall, 10" head
Talking Drums
Small 2226 $21.95 4908 $219
BAMBOO FLUTE Set of 3 2147 $79
13" (India) 2980 $3 Castanets
Box of 12
3006 $28
Tongue Drum Washboard
8", wood. (India)
3204 $7.95 Conga Drums Large Talking Drum
8" x 20" 2230 $119
Easy to handle and economically priced, Medium
11¾" (Indonesia) 2286 $55 8½" x 18" (USA) with an adjustable carrying strap. Talking Drum
Djembe 3207 $24.95 AFRICAN
8" (Indonesia) TALKING DRUMS 7" x 15"
Nutshell Rattle Gourd Etched Gourd 2287 $89
2395 $18 Maracas Hardwood and
(Nigeria) Spin Drum Shaker 8" (Peru)
2236 $19.95 8" (Mexico) leather with
10" (Peru) 2487 $16.95 Set of 3
2453 $7.95 animal hide heads
2470 $12.95 Talking Drums
Gourd Mbira and curved sticks.
Exceptional sound! 9140 $239
(Thumb Piano) 8" Gourd Shekere
(Africa) 2255 $18 Finger Cymbals 15" Conga From Ghana.
Large Guiro 6" (West Africa)
2½" (India) 2226 $21.95 7" head.
16" (Mexico)
2264 $7.95 3208 $16.95 4922 $65
Grass Frog Guiro
Brass Gong Caxixi Rattle 4½" (Thailand) 21" Conga
8", with hanger (China) 7" (W. Africa/Brazil) Tin Small
1617 $14.95 7½" head.
2317 $47 2041 $9.95 Cowbell Talking
Cactus 5½" (India) 4938 $75
Rainstick Drum Pull cords to
2402 $6.95 Both Drums 6" x 11"
30" (Chile) 4942 $129 change pitch.
2803 $24 2238 $63
80 FREE REGULAR SHIPPING in USA on prepaid orders over $250. see p. 91 800-445-0649 • fax 972-943-8906 81
Boom, Ring &Boomwhacker/Bell
& Chroma-Notes Instruments Flashcards
DIATONIC ALPHADOTS Set 2. Arrange melo-
Boomwhackers BOOMWHACKERS Pocket dies or chords on the whiteboard—
& AlphaDots Set 2 2850 $24.95 SONOR GLOCKENSPIEL then play them with color-matched
p. 83 Includes F# & B bars Boomwhackers and ChromaNotes
99090 $55 p. 40
and 2 mallets. 12" x 4" instruments. 4-octave set.
1508 $56 3¾" silicone dots. With PDF Guide.
Set of 28 28030 $36
AlphaDots Set 2 & Diatonic
Boomwhackers 99090 $55
CHROMA-NOTES Diatonic - 8 tubes, C Major Scale 2850 $24.95
HANDBELLS Chromatic - (sharps/flats) 5 tubes 2851 $16.95
2918 $45
by Mary Ann Stewart. Develop active listening and MINI AlphaDots Treble Extension - 7 tubes
Mallets (2)
2858 $16.95
2860 $7.95
pre-reading skills with games of pitch, melody, Treble Extension & Mallets 2863 $23
rhythm, meter, tempo, dynamics, harmony, ear Bass Diatonic - 7 tubes C-B 4192 $45.00
training, composing and more. Color-coded to Set of Diatonic & Bass 4739 $66
match diatonic instruments (left), the cards show Bass Chromatic - 5 tubes 4194 $33.00
pitch names, with single beats on one side and 16 ea.
Octavator Caps - Set of 8 4208 $10.95
divided beats on the other. Also includes quarter MINI ALPHADOTS Set 2 Caps fit on tubes to lower the pitch one octave.
JUMBO RESONATOR BELLS. Extra large, rests, meter, time signatures, tempo, symbols,
solidly built C-Major resonators have a rich, Matches Boomwhackers and Pentatonic - 6 tubes (C,D,E,G,A,C) 2848 $19.95
and dynamics cards with definitions on the back. ChromaNotes instruments. Use
ALPHADOTS Set 2. Arrange dots on a Boom & Ring Kit long-lasting sonority. Play them handheld in 89 two-sided 4" x 6" cards. Boomwhacker Super Set:
whiteboard to form melodic phrases or familiar tunes, ensembles, or solo style on the table or floor. on whiteboards or laminated
All instruments above plus Flashcards & Activity Guide 1728 $29.95 charts p. 21. 16 of each letter. all above except Pentatonic 9858 $155
then play and sing. Stack the dots vertically to make With 8 mallets and carrying case.
AlphaDots Set 2, 1086 $109 2 or more sets $99 ea. Kit: Flashcards, Activity Guide, 11/4". Set of 112 28156 $18
chords, so color-coordinated instruments can play
Boomwhacker/Handbell 3-in-1 Pocket Chart (p. 40), 6 or more sets $16 ea.
harmony while the rest of the class sings or plays the Resonator Bells &
Flashcards (p. 83) & & Diatonic Boomwhackers 9119 $79
melody. Or compose and play your own tune! AlphaDots Set 2 99104 $135
Color-Coded PDF Songbook 1
4 ea. of A-G. With PDF Activity Guide. 3¾" silicone
99443 $287
dots. Set of 28 28030 $36
BOOMWHACKERS by Petra THE BASICS by Durable fabric, with elastic
Hugel. 10 easy choreographies Tom Anderson. Play bands and Velcro closures.
Recorder Monster
• 80 printable worksheets 24 or more $2.99 ea.
• Interactive testing & tracking of students
• Graduation ceremony for all 9 belt levels
Inkjet and laser compatible.
RECORDER MONSTER INTERACTIVE Gr. 3-6 Single Computer Disc 7281 $129 8½" x 5½"
by Mari Schay. Happy monsters meet music instruc- Pkg. of 30 Q345 $3.95 pkg.
tion in this fun recorder curriculum. In it you’ll find Animated score shows fingering
monster-narrated lessons with monster mantras of as it highlights the note 6 or more $3.50/pkg.
music skills, repertoire based on familiar songs with
monster lyrics, & collectible trading cards.
Teachers’ Ed. PB, CD of accomp. tracks, & CD-ROM
Student Books/CDs
Colorful graphics, each with reviews & 3 belts
Alto Recorder
with PDFs of student pages, posters, monster cards, (colored ribbons matching karate levels to tie RECORDER BASEBALL RECORDER FINGERING &
visual aids and online access in and out of the on your recorder), and CD accompaniments in by Nancy Otto. Assessment game NOTE FLASHCARDS
classroom. 21694 $24.95 super slow and regular tempos. $12.95 ea. tests note reading/playing skills by Veronica Harper. 24 fingering Aulos F ALTO RECORDER
from B-A-G to full octave. From a charts (81/2" x 11") for soprano & Add a second dimension to your recorder classes with an
Interactive CD-ROM to project. 22027 $24.95 7284 Vol. 1 7285 Vol. 2 7286 Vol. 3
single to a home run, the bigger tenor recorders, Baroque & German F alto recorder. Play duets, hear and understand the pitch/
Student Book 21693 $5.95 12 or more $5.50 ea. 20 or more per volume $11.95 ea. quality difference, challenge talented kids, add to your
the challenge the bigger the hit! fingerings, and 20 Note Flashcards
Recorder Monster Trading Cards (See web for additional quantity discounts) Powerpoint for whiteboard, plus (5½" x 4½"), plus games, worksheets, choral performances. Deep, round tone in an easy-to-play
30 each of 25 monster cards to collect or trade. and reproducible fingering chart. 3-piece Baroque alto recorder with thumb rest, zippered
3-CD Pack. Slow/fast accomp. tracks for all 3 Volumes. 7287 $29 PDFs to print. Batter up!
Fun incentives! 900 laminated cards. 23043 $19.95 6025 $19.95 plastic case and cleaning rod. 26044 $29
CD-ROM 5479 $19.95
84 FREE REGULAR SHIPPING in USA on prepaid orders over $250. see p. 91 800-445-0649 • fax 972-943-8906 85
Easy to
Classroom instruments Alfred's KIDS
Book 1, DVD, &
pick out
melodies Great for Classrooms
Ukes: the ideal classroom Online Audio
21507 $20.99
instrument for all ages!
and Music Centers! Blue
Brown 26045
Their mellow timbre supports the singing voice
CHROMA-NOTE and allows students to play, sing, and hear
STICK-ONS melody and harmony together.
500 removable Gold
Fun, popular & easy to play 26048
stickers, including
diatonic, chromatic, Portable and affordable
and blanks. PORTABLE ROLL-UP KEYBOARD. Handy for musicians and teachers on Mellow — no squeaks!
1172 $11.95 the go! This silicone keyboard features 61 standard keys (with raised black Sing as you play and introduce harmony Red
(brighter tone) Easy to see keys), built-in speakers, record-and-play function, 128 different timbres, 26047
26073 whole vs half steps drum kit, 128 different rhythms, 45 demo songs, digital display, volume Strengthen rhythm skills through strumming
Low action for and tempo buttons, sustain and vibrato functions, audio input function, Learn music theory of chord progressions, UKULELE 24"
great playability
and earphone/speaker output interface. It is compatible with all MIDI soft- key signatures, and rhythms Great sounding uke Light Blue
The stringed instrument ware, and includes rechargeable battery, charger, and USB power supply.
40" long. 26059 $99
Train the ear to pitch accuracy
A lifetime skill and intro to other instruments
made of mahogany in
easy-to-play concert SOPRANO UKULELES 21"
Learn Guitar
23057 $2.50 ea. combine speech, instruments & body percus-
KIDS’ CLASSICAL GUITAR 12 or more $2 ea. sion, singing, movement, dance, and recorder. EASY UKULELE SONGS
COLOR-CODED Our 30" guitar is sized just Teacher’s Guides include reproducibles and Teacher's Guide
DIATONIC SONGBOOK right for ages 6-12. Natural audio accompaniment tracks. by Denise Gagne. 32 folk
Familiar songs with wood with a high gloss Teacher’s Guide, Repros, Audio Tracks songs for beginners to sing
melody, chords and lyrics finish, nylon strings, and $34.95 ea. and strum, teaching tips, CD
to sing and play on the a pleasing tone. With Level 1 PB/CD 21690 of P/A tracks, projectable/
Merlin. 20 songs in each. illustrated song EASY GUITAR SONGS printable chord charts and
Level 2 PB (with Audio App) 21777
Download $10 ea. & instruction by Gagne & O’Brien. lyric sheets, and web links to
see more Teacher’s PB/CD 9043 $30 Student Books. PB/Audio Tracks/Stickers/
Vol. 1 22034 All 3 book, and pick. UKULELE more play-along pop songs.
Guitars on Student PB/CD 9044 $8 3 Belts $14.95 ea.
Vol. 2 22035 99453 3084 $59.95 TACK PIN 1½" UKULELE CERTIFICATE
website Level 1 Set (wth CD) 21681 Teacher PB & Enhanced CD 21508 $30
Vol. 3 22038 $27 Case Pack of 4 10 or more Student Bks/CDs 23508 $4.50 8½" x 5½" Level 2 Set (with Audio App) 21776 Student PB & Enhanced CD 21584 $8
5725 $199 $7.50 ea. 6 or more $4 ea. Pkg. of 30 23509 $3.95
12 + Student Books per level $12.95 ea. 10 or more Student Bks/CDs $7.50 ea.
Orff Classroom Sets • Listening and Perf/Accomp CDs (over 100 selections per grade)
• Listening Resource Kits PB/CDs, with reproducibles, maps, listening logs and activities
• Movement Songs Children Love PB/CD
see • Smart Rhythms 1 and 2 Digital CDs for Smartboard or computer
• Teaching Music Reading with Boomwhackers PB & 2 CDs
• Rhythm Instrument Fun PB & Digital CD
• 3-year Online Subscription to MusicplayOnline for one teacher or school ($510 value).
Let us customize an Activity Kit • Music-Go-Rounds Silicone Manipulatives. 491 manipulatives including • 3-in-1 Recorder/Solfege/Staff Flashcards. 8 cards with Kodaly hand
rhythm, meter, articulation, tempo, dynamics, orchestral and rhythm signs on one side, recorder fingerings and staff notation on the other.
t rict - for your current curriculum. instruments, solfege hand signs and syllables, theory, note names, and • Color-Coded Songbooks. Set of 3 downloadable PDF songbooks
D is ilable
emojis. Downloadable activity guides included. with 20 folk and children’s songs in each, color coded to 8-note
ng av a • Wipe-off Single Staff Charts (6). Use with Music-Go-Rounds manipu- Boomwhackers and handbells. Includes melody, chords, and lyrics.
Quality German craftsmanship at affordable prices! Instruments are constructed $60.01 - $80 9.95 19.95 Call
from environmentally protected forests, FSC certified. All-wood resonator chambers Designed by Carl Orff for Studio 49, these instruments crafted in Germany are $80.01 - $100 10.95 20.95 Call
and boxes are stackable for easy storage, and note names and staff notation are perfectly tuned and of the highest quality available. All tone-bar instruments listed $100.01 - $500 10% 18% Call
imprinted on the bars. Xylos and metallophones have bars of equal widths for ease in below are diatonic, C to A, with 16 bars and 2 mallets included. Note names are on
transferring playing skills from one instrument to another. Diatonic and full chromatic Over $500 8% 16% Call
bars. See website for chromatic add-ons.
sets include 2 mallets. See website for chromatic add-ons. Alaska, Hawaii & US Territories: add $7. Drop ship charges are extra.
2953 Soprano Alto Bass *Rush shipping outside the contiguous US incurs an extra charge.
Soprano Alto Bass
Glockenspiel (steel bars) 2910 $225 2909 $245 not available
2957 Glockenspiel (steel bars) 2950 $145 2951 $157 not available Xylophone (wooden bars) 2901 $635 2902 $910 2903 $2050 FREE REGULAR SHIPPING
Xylophone (wooden bars)
Metallophone (metal bars)
2955 $440 2956 $566
2952 $410 2953 $545
2957 $1150
2954 $1175
Metallophone (metal bars) 2905 $690 2906 $920 2907 $1925 on prepaid orders over $250
in contiguous USA (check, credit card or PayPal), except heavier or over-
Mallet Madness
sized instruments and equipment. (Payment must accompany order).
on r style
pe Orff Instrument Stands Timpani, Small
13" head. Artie Almeida's exciting collections for mallet percussion and
Payment Options
A. Bass XYLO/METALLO. Adjustable height drums explore beat, rhythm, melody, harmony, form, and
2966 $325
C (10" to 19") and length (27" to 41"). 2873 $139 expressiveness using a flexible rotation system so all students
B. Sop/Alto XYLO/METALLO. Adjustable height Timpani, Large get to play all the instruments. Gr. K-6.
We accept payment by credit card, PayPal, money order in U.S. dollars, or by
(22" to 37") and length (21" to 36"). 2877 $139 16" head. check drawn on a U.S. bank in U.S. dollars. When paying by credit card, your
Paperback Smartboard Promethean
C. TABLE STAND for Glocks. Adjustable height 2967 $350 $39.95 ea. $39.95 ea. $39.95 ea. account will not be charged until the order is shipped.
B (18" to 28"), with 13" x 36" wooden top. Holds 2 glocks. 2966 Legs adjust playing Madness 7440 7445 7446 INDIVIDUALS: When mailing, please prepay by check, money order (U.S. $),
2878 $169 2967 height from Madness Strikes Again 7441 7447 7448 or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express). On credit card
A All 3 stands orders, include your card number, name as it appears on the card, and
TABLE STAND for Bass Instruments (Not pictured) 23½" to 37¾". Both Both Both
2881 $399 expiration date.
26032 $169 7442 $75 7449 $75 7450 $75
PURCHASE ORDERS for Schools, Churches, and Institutions: Register at
Music-Go-Rounds Manipulatives & Kits . . . . 2-19 Awards & Practice Motivators . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-47
Shop Online at Quick For
bill-to address, phone and fax numbers, and signature of authorizing official.
Minimum order for billing is $25. Terms: Net 30 days.
Save on our quotes
Rhythm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 Incentives & Gifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-52 Exclusive MUSiC-GO-ROUNDS™ Interactive White and in-service INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: See our website for shipping info.
Online Specials
exclusive kits,
Pitch & Melody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 Posters & Bulletin Boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53-58 • Huge selection items or are our exclusive sets, and bulk Board format for workshops,
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contact us
your eye on
details online • Twitter Tuesdays something from Music to white boards the green! often with audio,
Staff/Keyboard Reading Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 Musicals, Hats, Props . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62-64 in Motion & other smooth 6999 Gift Certificate with Catalog (min. $20)
• Watch video clips & weekly specials for Twitter followers you need? surfaces
video, PDFs, etc.
Expression & Timbre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15 Classroom Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65-91 Call or email
hear audio samples • Web Wednesdays
Purchasing Cooperatives
Active Listening to Classics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17 Found Sounds, Rhythm Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65-71 us for a
• Register for email weekly specials on website Performance Rights
Combine the Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19 Cajons, Drumming, Global . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72-79
MINI MGRs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-25 Bells, Boomwhackers, more . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-83
updates on specials, • Facebook Fridays
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indicates a DVD that
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100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
new products weekly specials for Facebook fans restriction in a class- Our goal is to make you happy! Should you wish to return an item in
Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-29 Recorders & Pre-Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84-85 product— room or public venue.
• Place Purchase even ones good condition within 30 days, please use the Return Merchandise Form
Singing Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-31 Ukuleles, Guitars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86-87 Orders online
For all other DVDs, see
enclosed with your order, or download one at If your
Movement/Dance & Props . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-37 K-6 Curriculum Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88-89 not in our Music in Motion
Music in isMotion
an Approved
is Vendor
an the Fair Use exemption
clause on our website, shipment is damaged, save the box and contact the carrier, then notify
Reading/Writing Tools & Equipment . . . . . 38-41 Orff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-91
• Weekly specials
catalog or
on our
with many Purchasing
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• Download a PDF of with many
room viewing for an
website. Contact us Purchasing
if we’re not Co-ops.
on your educational purpose.
our full catalog Contact us if we’re Vendor
not on your
We’ll find it school’s Approved List. When in the Dallas area, please visit our Showroom:
school’s Approved Vendor List. 1601 E. Plano Pkwy, Suite 100 • Plano, TX 75074 • Open Mon-Fri 9-5
for you!
Entire catalog ©2020 Music in Motion · Plano, TX. Prices subject to change without notice.
Prepaid U.S. Orders over $250
P.O. Box 869231 Plano, TX 75086-9231 PAID
Some restrictions apply • See p. 91
Printed in the U.S.A. MUSIC IN MOTION
Using Manipulatives 3951
to Explore the $3.95
Elements of Music
by Mark Burrows. Mark’s teaching Torch
expertise and humor shine in his & Crown
guide to musical elements using our MUSIC OLYMPICS: 99534
unique silicone manipulatives. Summer Games $9.95
44 hands-on activities and movement by Mark Burrows.
games are grouped by Rhythm and Reproducible games
Meter, Melody and Harmony, Expression, reinforce rhythm, pitch,
and Form. Variations and extensions dynamics, instruments,
add flexibility. His fun game-oriented note reading, ear training,
approach makes concepts “stick,” music history, and more.
and empowers kids to combine the Synchronized Strumming,
elements and compose their own Scale Hurdles, Interval High
music. Gr. K-6. 64 pp. Jump, Rhythm Marathon, See Medals,
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