Memories and Legacies
Memories and Legacies
Memories and Legacies
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The year 2016 marks the 50th anniversary of the launch of the Cultural
Revolution in China, where controversy continues to rage over its meaning
and its legacies. The Communist Party's unequivocal condemnatory labelling
of the entire movement as “a grave ‘left’ error ... responsible for the most severe
setback and the heaviest losses suffered by the Party, the state and the people
since the founding of the People's Republic" has remained in place since
1981.1 Yet, even decades after the Party's official resolution, the Cultural
Revolution remains a lightning rod for contention, particularly in Chinese cyber
space.2 As a result, in March 2016, with the anniversary of the start of the
Cultural Revolution still months away, the Party tabloid, Global Times
(Huanqiu shibao 环球时报),issued an ominous warning against "small groups"
that might seek to generate “a totally chaotic misunderstanding of the Cultural
Revolution." The editorial sternly reminded Global Times readers that "discus
sions strictly should not depart from the Party's decided politics or thinking,"3
a prohibition that appears to have short-circuited both popular discussion and
scholarly reflection on this critical watershed in 20th-century Chinese polkics.
This issue of The China Quarterly is not concerned with further excavation into
what happened during that tumultuous decade; that has been amply covered in a
wealth of new scholarship.4 Instead, we focus on how the Cultural Revolution is
remembered today and what its legacies are, both in the People's Republic of
China (PRC) as well as elsewhere across the globe. Five decades after Mao
declared the beginning of a new movement to "touch people to their very
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Introduction 605
souls," how are we to assess its relevance for China today? In this special issue of
The China Quarterly, we offer a range of contemporary perspectives on the
Cultural Revolution as reflected in memory - both individual and collective -
and through a range of historical legacies that continue to exert impacts on
China's contemporary social, political and economic realities.
Engaging with the Cultural Revolution is fraught with difficulty. The Xi
Jinping 习近平 regime's statements on the socialist past have been taken by
some as signs of a softening in the regime's position on the Mao era, but not
one that enables or encourages scholarly enquiry into the topic. Only months
after assuming power, in January 2013 Xi summed up the spirit of the 18th
Party Congress by drawing a clear distinction between two periods of PRC his
tory: before Deng Xiaoping's 邓小平"reform and openness," and after. Despite
acknowledging profound ideological and policy differences, Xi argued that the
two periods form an indivisible whole, with each period playing an indispensable
role in the construction of Chinese socialism: "One cannot use the historical per
iod following reform and opening to negate the historical period prior to reform
and opening, and one cannot use the historical period prior to reform and open
ing to negate the historical period following reform and opening."5
This theme of simultaneously recognizing the fundamental differences between
the two periods and denying the power of the inherent contradiction between
them was reiterated again in March 2013,in the infamous Document No. 9,
an internal notice promulgated by the General Office of the Party Central
Committee.6 Further instruction from the Party leadership on this thorny issue
came in November, on the day before the third plenum opened, in the form of
a full-page article placed by the CCP Central Party History Research Office in
the People's Daily {Renmin ribao 人民日报)entitled, "Correctly view the histor
ical periods, before and after reform and opening." Repeating the condemnatory
language laid down in the "1981 Resolution on certain questions in the history of
our Party since the founding of the People's Republic of China," the People's
Daily article noted that the Cultural Revolution "brought untold disasters to
the Party, state, and the people of all nationalities," but nevertheless warned
against "deliberately negating Comrade Mao Zedong's mistakes in his later
years, much less completely negating Comrade Mao Zedong and Mao Zedong
Thought." On the contrary, the "two historical periods" (i.e. before and after re
form) "are never separated from each other, let alone fundamentally opposed to
each other."7
5 "Haobu dongyao jianchi he fazhan Zhongguo tese shehui zhuyi zai shijian zhong buduan yousuo faxian
yousuo chuangzao yousuo qianjin" (Unhesitatingly uphold and develop socialism with Chinese charac
teristics; have some new discoveries, some new innovations, and some advances in the course of prac
tice), Renmin ribao’ 6 January 2013.
6 Document No. 9 was published on 19 August 2013 in Mingjing yuekan; the above translation appeared
in Fewsmith 2014, 5.
7 Central Party History Research Office. 2013. "Zhengque kandai gaige kaifang qianhou liangge lishi
shiqi" (Correctly view the two historical periods prior to and after reform and opening up), Renmirt
ribao, 8 November.
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606 The China Quarterly, 227, September 2016, pp. 604-612
Xi's new directive, along with the restrictions that have since followed on pub
lic and scholarly discussion of the meaning and import of the Mao era in the pre
sent, has greatly hampered reflection on the pivotal event in the final decade of
Mao's life, the Chinese Cultural Revolution. The "case closed" official line on
the post-1949 past provoked Chinese scientist Fang Lizhi 方励之 to write his
essay "The Chinese amnesia" whilst sheltering in the American embassy in
Beijing in 1989.8 Indeed, the sustained official effort to produce, maintain and
police a certain type of cultural amnesia can itself be claimed as one of the leg
acies of the Cultural Revolution, even as individual and collective memories of
the late Mao era persistently break out of the confinement imposed upon them
by the officially constructed "master narrative" laid out in the 1981 Resolution.9
Among social scientists who seek to explain precisely how history matters, leg
acies are understood to represent deeper underlying historical continuities that
continue to shape contemporary realities in profound and complex ways. Yet,
while continuity and change have long been centrai in the study of politics and
society, it is clear that we do not yet fully understand the criteria by which claims
of such continuity can be made. How are we to understand and investigate the
difference between continuity and change from the past? Historical legacies
have emerged as a key social science variable in many explanations of contem
porary outcomes in authoritarian, transitional and hybrid regimes, although
there is still no clear understanding of what a legacy is or how legacy arguments
actually work.
Many political scientists have chosen to hone in on "communist legacies," in
cluding cultural practices, encompassing attitudes, beliefs, and shared knowledge
and experience acquired during the communist period. Anna Grzymaia-Busse,
for example, has recently drawn attention to the skills developed and retained
by communist parties over several decades that have allowed them to weather
the transition to new political environments and demands.10 Jan Kubik has
argued that the hybrid mix of nationalism and socialism that proved inimical
to liberal values has slowed the progress of reform in post-communist regimes,
and Phineas Baxandall has traced how beliefs and expert knowledge about
how centrally planned markets work continue to affect economic planning in
post-communist countries attempting to undertake market reform.11
Yet, as we attempt to identify how legacies continue to affect contemporary
outcomes, a number of important analytic and conceptual distinctions emerge.
First, and perhaps most clearly, not all outcomes that appear at the end of causal
chains can be construed as legacies. Social scientists agree that there is a need to
establish the existence of a measurable outcome or influence on the present that is
rooted in the past. It also follows that a necessary (although not suflicient)
8 Fang 1990.
9 Yang 2005, 14-15.
10 Grzymata-Busse 2003.
11 Kubik 2003; Baxandall 2004.
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Introduction 607
Turning to memory, it is clear that although it overlaps in some cases with leg
acy, not all memory can be regarded as legacy. Memory is far more fluid and
mutable, admitting no clear boundaries between past and present, but most
often presents as a fusion of the two. Pierre Nora, for example, argues that mem
ory "remains in permanent evolution, open to the dialectic of remembering and
forgetting, unconscious of its successive deformations, vulnerable to manipula
tion and appropriation, susceptible to being long dormant and periodically
revived. Memory is a perpetually actual phenomenon, a bond tying us to the eter
nal present."16
To also qualify as legacy, memory has to have an effect in and on the present,
and on social,cultural and historical features of the present that go beyond the
individual. Recently, an older contestant on â Chinese reality show sang about
his memories of his family's suffering during the Cultural Revolution.17 As
long as Yang Le 杨乐 kept those memories to himself, few would consider
them to be a legacy. But does injecting them into the public domain through
his performance qualify them as a “legacy,,? Certainly, the performance visibly
moved many of the listeners in the television studio and commanded a lot of
media attention; however, perhaps even in these circumstances, we can say that
12 Wittenberg 2013.
13 Lee 1980,10.
14 Gold 1985.
15 Chen 1991
16 Nora 1989,8.
17 Phillips 2016.
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608 The China Quarterly, 227, September 2016, pp. 604-612
by putting personal memories into public space and culture in this way, Yang Le
invoked the broader collective memory from his audience, thereby creating the
potential for them to become a recognizable cultural legacy.
Distinctions like these between different analytical categories and types of
memory underpin the field of memory studies, although the issue of legacy itself
is not often directly discussed in the field. All the scholars who work on memory
understand it as something that is constructed and sustained through various
practices of telling and retelling. However, for the major writers in the field as
it has developed over the years, a primary distinction is between informal and
often unrecorded memory and official memory. For example, this distinction is
often taken to characterize the key difference between the approaches of the
two scholars now understood to be the founding fathers of the field. On the
one hand, Maurice Halbwachs’ "collective memory" stands in contrast to both
the discipline of history's interest in times beyond the reach of memory and the
interest of his contemporaries such as Freud and Bergson in individual memory.
Halbwachs stressed the social nature of collective memory as something sustained
in various ways, but especially in those ways that are dependent on informal and
taken-for-granted interactions.18 On the other hand, where Halbwachs' interest
leads to a focus on the ephemeral, Nora's work on memory sites, or lieux de mém
oire, focuses more on material sites, which of course are generally more formal
and often officially endorsed.19
Jan Assmann makes a similar distinction in his discussion of "cultural mem
18 Halbwachs 1992.
19 Nora 1996-98.
20 Assman 2008.
21 Bodnar 1992, 13-20; Hirst and Manier 2UU8, 183-2UU.
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Introduction 609
carries with it the possibility of financial compensation and the pursuit of justice
through the legal system. Concerns such as these subtend the efforts of former sent
down youth, as discussed in Michel Bonnin's essay in this volume, and the efforts
to determine and discuss killings, as discussed in Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik
and Cui Jinke's essay.
For scholars, we need to recognize that writing about memories of the Cultural
Revolution also participates in their production. Although this is usually moti
vated by scholarly aims concerning the pursuit of deeper knowledge and under
standing of what happened during the Cultural Revolution, we need to
acknowledge that scholarship is in this way implicated in extending the impact
of the Cultural Revolution into the present, and therefore plays a role, however
small or unintended, in the production of legacy.
These issues are reflected in the range of contributions we have assembled here.
Broadly speaking, after Roderick MacFarquhar's timely foreword, the essays
move from considerations of legacy and the international impact of the
Cultural Revolution (Andrew Walder, Julia Lovell, and Alessandro Russo), to
Chinese politics (Changchang Wu, Patricia Thornton, and Michael Dutton),
and then on to everyday life, the archive, and memory (Michel Bonnin,
Peidong Sun, and Frank Dikôtter). However, all the essays engage with memory
and legacy to lesser and greater degrees.
On the one hand, Michel Bonnin's article documents a resurgence of latent
zhiqing memory and nostalgia in the wake of the massacre on 4 June 1989 that
in turn gave rise to the phenomenon of zhiqing restaurants and other "places
where memory sits," which participated in remaking the shared past in the pre
sent. Nora reminds us that, "at the heart of history is a critical discourse that
is antithetical to spontaneous memory. History is perpetually suspicious of mem
ory, and its true mission is to suppress and destroy it."22 And, of course, this is
particularly and spectacularly true of the contemporary party-state, which is ac
tively engaged in tightly controlling, if not eliminating altogether, unofficial dis
cussion of the Cultural Revolution era. Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik and Cui
Jinke's examination of the apologies offered by former Red Guards and the lar
ger context of the absence of prosecution further illustrates the ongoing nature of
these tensions around history and memory.
Both Changchang Wu and Patricia Thornton touch upon the contradictions
inherent in the Party's struggle to suppress debate regarding the alternative pos
sible futures contained within the radical Maoist past. As Wu demonstrates, the
key tension within the debate turns on concepts raised by the liberal and reform
minded constitutionalists on the one hand, and "the Maoist constitutional move
ment" on the other. Likewise, Thornton concurs that one chief historical legacy is
the unresolved struggle between the liberal bourgeois model of constitutional and
parliamentary democracy, and the unrealized potential of radical alternatives.
22 Nora 1989,8.
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610 The China Quarterly, 227, September 2016, pp. 604-612
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Introduction 611
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612 The China Quarterly, 227, September 2016, pp. 604—612
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