The Steps Program - Character Building Handbook

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STEPS is a comprehensive and unique character and values building curriculum covering 40 different study
topics. The STEPS program is made up of two curriculums, which can be completed within a year: the Founda-
tions of Faith and Character Building series. Each series includes 20 Student Books, a program Handbook for
parents and teachers, and a Sing Along audio CD.

The STEPS program is intended for use at home, camp, or classroom, by parents, counselors, caregivers,
and teachers alike. The STEPS program is geared toward the primary level of education, but can be used with
children of varied ages.

In the Student Books: Stories set the stage for reflection and group discussion on the study topic. Large pic-
ture pages illustrate the lesson, and help bring each story to life. Purposeful questions are provided, to help the
children apply the story’s principles to themselves and their lives. Activity and coloring pages, also supporting the
primary topic, are included within each unit.

Study aids and supplementary materials, which are provided in the handbook for teachers and parents
include project guides, interactive games, drama, songs and more! Additional audio visual materials are also
available to enhance the STEPS program.

Topics covered in the Character Building series

* Anger and Arguments

* Be the Best You Can Be
* Comparing
* Courage
* Diligence and Faithfulness
* Forgiveness
* Friendship
* Giving
* Honesty
* Kindness
* Making Decisions
* Obedience
* Overcoming Difficulties
* Patience
* Perseverance
* Positive Outlook
* Power of the Tongue
* Selfishness/Unselfishness
* Taking Responsibility
* Working Together

Special thanks to those who contributed to the production of

the STEPS program, especially: Sabine Rich, Aaron Wormus,
Anne Grete Aarhaug, Max Belmont, Peter Van Gorder, Jacques
Elan, Christina Goodnow, Natacha Biard, Olivier Biard and
Marie Biard.

By Amber Darley and Agnes Lemaire

Copyright © 2006, Aurora Production AG, Switzerland.
All Rights Reserved.
Making Decisions.................................................................69
God Made Me (Just for Fun)........................................70
Let’s Be Carpenters (Just for Fun).................................70
A Man, a Boy and a Donkey (Sing Along)...................71
Anger and Arguments..........................................................9 Decisions, Decisions (Active Learning)........................73
Taking the Bacon (Just for Fun).....................................10
Arguments, Goodbye (Sing Along)..............................11
Follow the Leader (Just for Fun)...................................76
Stop and Go Sentences (Active Learning)...................13
Do It Now (Sing Along)..................................................77
Be the Best You Can Be.......................................................15 The Story of Jonah (Active Learning)............................79
That’s Me! (Just for Fun)................................................16 Jonah and the Whale (Active Learning).......................81
Be the Best (Sing Along)................................................17
Overcoming Difficulties......................................................85
Do Your Best (Active Learning)......................................19
Stand on the Fish (Just for Fun)....................................86
Comparing...............................................................................21 We All Make Mistakes (Sing Along)............................87
Spin the Bottle (Just for Fun).........................................22 Moving Card (Active Learning)....................................89
Guess Who Left (Just for Fun).....................................22 A Boy Named David (Active Learning)........................90
The Happiest Oyster (Sing Along)...............................23
Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors (Active Learning)........25
Squeeze, Don’t Jerk (Just for Fun).................................92
Butterflies and Moths (Active Learning)......................26
Three-Legged Race (Just for Fun)................................92
Courage....................................................................................27 God Takes His Time (Sing Along)................................93
The Laughing Stream (Just for Fun).............................28 Time to Sprout (Active Learning)..................................95
No Matter How Small You Are (Sing Along)...............29
The Royal Scepter (Active Learning).............................31
Small but Mighty (Just for Fun).....................................98
Wolves (Active Learning)..............................................32
Try Again (Sing Along)..................................................99
Diligence and Faithfulness................................................33 Perseverance Promise Box (Active Learning)............101
Lost Sheep (Just for Fun)...............................................34
Positive Outlook..................................................................103
Helping Hands (Sing Along)........................................35
Belly Laughs (Just for Fun)...........................................104
Be Faithful (Active Learning).........................................37
A Smiling Face (Sing Along)........................................105
Forgiveness.............................................................................39 Happy All the Time Game (Active Learning).............107
Pass the Feelings (Just for Fun)....................................40 Power of the Tongue...........................................................111
Nip It in the Bud (Sing Along)........................................41
You’re Special (Just for Fun).........................................112
Forgiveness and Mercy (Active Learning)..................43
Words Coming from a Heart of Love (Sing Along)....113
Friendship................................................................................45 Watch Your Words (Active Learning)..........................115
Somebody’s Friend (Just for Fun).................................46
Tiptoe on the Tightrope (Just for Fun)..........................46
Chain of Events (Just for Fun).......................................118
What Are Friends For? (Sing Along).............................47
Make Each Step a Loving Step (Sing Along)..............119
My Friend (Active Learning)..........................................49
A Cheerful Giver (Active Learning)..............................121
Gift Giving (Just for Fun)................................................52 Taking Responsibility..........................................................123
You Never Lose By Giving (Sing Along).......................53 Tug of Winners (Just for Fun)......................................124
Giving to Others (Active Learning)...............................55 Pairs Tag (Just for Fun)................................................124
Happy Helper (Sing Along).........................................125
Honesty.....................................................................................57 What Can I Do to Help? (Active Learning).................127
Giggle Time (Just for Fun).............................................58
Guess the Kid (Just for Fun)..........................................58 Working Together................................................................129
Whatsoever Things Are True (Sing Along)..................59 Cups of Water (Just for Fun)........................................130
Honesty Reminders (Active Learning)..........................61 As a Team (Sing Along)...............................................131
The Carpenter’s Tools (Active Learning)....................133
Kindness...................................................................................63 My Body (Active Learning)..........................................134
Happy Faces (Just for Fun)...........................................64 Elephants (Active Learning)........................................135
Time to Smile! (Just for Fun)..........................................64
Chord Diagrams....................................................................136
If You’ll Be Kind to Others (Sing Along)........................65
Deeds of Kindness (Active Learning)...........................67 Audio and Video Materials..............................................139
Just for Fun

Numerical Contents Alphabetical Contents

Taking the Bacon (Anger and Arguments).......................10 Belly Laughs (Positive Outlook)........................................104

That’s Me! (Be the Best You Can Be).................................16 Chain of Events (Selfishness/Unselfishness)...................118

Spin the Bottle (Comparing)...............................................22 Cups of Water (Working Together)..................................130

Guess Who Left? (Comparing)..........................................22 Follow the Leader (Obedience).........................................76

The Laughing Stream (Courage).......................................28 Gift Giving (Giving)..............................................................52

Lost Sheep (Diligence and Faithfulness)...........................34 Giggle Time (Honesty)........................................................58

Pass the Feelings (Forgiveness)........................................40 God Made Me (Making Decisions)...................................70

Somebody’s Friend (Friendship)........................................46 Guess the Kid (Honesty)....................................................58

Tiptoe on the Tightrope (Friendship).................................46 Guess Who Left (Comparing)..........................................22

Gift Giving (Giving)..............................................................52 Happy Faces (Kindness)....................................................64

Giggle Time (Honesty)........................................................58 Let’s Be Carpenters (Making Decisions)...........................70

Guess the Kid (Honesty)....................................................58 Lost Sheep (Diligence and Faithfulness)...........................34

Happy Faces (Kindness)....................................................64 Pairs Tag (Taking Responsibility).....................................124

Time to Smile! (Kindness)...................................................64 Pass the Feelings (Forgiveness)........................................40

God Made Me (Making Decisions)...................................70 Small but Mighty (Perseverance)......................................98

Let’s Be Carpenters (Making Decisions)...........................70 Somebody’s Friend (Friendship)........................................46

Follow the Leader (Obedience).........................................76 Spin the Bottle (Comparing)...............................................22

Stand on the Fish (Overcoming Difficulties)......................86 Squeeze, Don’t Jerk (Patience)...........................................92

Squeeze, Don’t Jerk (Patience)...........................................92 Stand on the Fish (Overcoming Difficulties)......................86

Three-Legged Race (Patience)..........................................92 Taking the Bacon (Anger and Arguments).......................10

Small but Mighty (Perseverance)......................................98 That’s Me! (Be the Best You Can Be).................................16

Belly Laughs (Positive Outlook)........................................104 The Laughing Stream (Courage).......................................28

You’re Special (Power of the Tongue)..............................112 Three-Legged Race (Patience)..........................................92

Chain of Events (Selfishness/Unselfishness)...................118 Time to Smile! (Kindness)...................................................64

Tug of Winners (Taking Responsibility)............................124 Tiptoe on the Tightrope (Friendship).................................46

Pairs Tag (Taking Responsibility).....................................124 Tug of Winners (Taking Responsibility)............................124

Cups of Water (Working Together)..................................130 You’re Special (Power of the Tongue)..............................112

Sing Along
Numerical Contents Alphabetical Contents
Arguments, Goodbye (Anger and Arguments)................11 A Man, a Boy and a Donkey (Making Decisions)............71

Be the Best (Be the Best You Can Be)...................................17 A Smiling Face (Positive Outlook)....................................105

The Happiest Oyster (Comparing)....................................23 Arguments, Goodbye (Anger and Arguments)................11

No Matter How Small You Are (Courage)........................29 As a Team (Working Together)........................................131

Helping Hands (Diligence and Faithfulness)...................35 Be the Best (Be the Best You Can Be)...................................17

Nip It in the Bud (Forgiveness)...........................................41 Do It Now (Obedience).......................................................77

What Are Friends For? (Friendship)...................................47 God Takes His Time (Patience).........................................93

You Never Lose By Giving (Giving)....................................53 Happy Helper (Taking Responsibility).............................125

Whatsoever Things Are True (Honesty)............................59 Helping Hands (Diligence and Faithfulness)...................35

If You’ll Be Kind to Others (Kindness)................................65 If You’ll Be Kind to Others (Kindness)................................65

A Man, a Boy and a Donkey (Making Decisions)............71 Make Each Step a Loving Step (Selfishness/Unselfishness).119

Do It Now (Obedience).......................................................77 Nip It in the Bud (Forgiveness)...........................................41

We All Make Mistakes (Overcoming Difficulties).............87 No Matter How Small You Are (Courage)........................29

God Takes His Time (Patience).........................................93 The Happiest Oyster (Comparing)....................................23

Try Again (Perseverance)..................................................99 Try Again (Perseverance)..................................................99

A Smiling Face (Positive Outlook)....................................105 We All Make Mistakes (Overcoming Difficulties).............87

Words Coming from a Heart of Love (Power of the Tongue).113 What Are Friends For? (Friendship)...................................47

Make Each Step a Loving Step (Selfishness/Unselfishness)..119 Whatsoever Things Are True (Honesty)............................59

Happy Helper (Taking Responsibility).............................125 Words Coming from a Heart of Love (Power of the Tongue).113

As a Team (Working Together)........................................131 You Never Lose By Giving (Giving)....................................53

Active Learning

Numerical Contents Alphabetical Contents

Stop and Go Sentences (Anger and Arguments)............13 A Boy Named David (Overcoming Difficulties)................90

Do Your Best (Be the Best You Can Be).............................19 A Cheerful Giver (Selfishness/Unselfishness).................121

Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors (Comparing)....................25 Be Faithful (Diligence and Faithfulness)............................37

Butterflies and Moths (Comparing)..................................26 Butterflies and Moths (Comparing)..................................26

The Royal Scepter (Courage).............................................31 Decisions, Decisions (Making Decisions).........................73

Wolves (Courage)...............................................................32 Deeds of Kindness (Kindness)..........................................67

Be Faithful (Diligence and Faithfulness)............................37 Do Your Best (Be the Best You Can Be).............................19

Forgiveness and Mercy (Forgiveness)..............................43 Elephants (Working Together).........................................135

My Friend (Friendship).......................................................49 Forgiveness and Mercy (Forgiveness)..............................43

Giving to Others (Giving)....................................................55 Giving to Others (Giving)....................................................55

Honesty Reminders (Honesty)...........................................61 God Takes His Time (Patience).........................................93

Deeds of Kindness (Kindness)..........................................67 Happy All the Time Game (Positive Outlook).................107

Decisions, Decisions (Making Decisions).........................73 Honesty Reminders (Honesty)...........................................61

The Story of Jonah (Obedience)........................................79 Jonah and the Whale (Obedience)...................................81

Jonah and the Whale (Obedience)...................................81 Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors (Comparing)....................25

Moving Card (Overcoming Difficulties).............................89 Moving Card (Overcoming Difficulties).............................89

A Boy Named David (Overcoming Difficulties)................90 My Body (Working Together)...........................................134

God Takes His Time (Patience).........................................93 My Friend (Friendship).......................................................49

Time to Sprout (Patience)...................................................95 Perseverance Promise Box (Perseverance)....................101

Perseverance Promise Box (Perseverance)....................101 Stop and Go Sentences (Anger and Arguments)............13

Happy All the Time Game (Positive Outlook).................107 The Carpenter’s Tools (Working Together).....................133

Watch Your Words (Power of the Tongue)......................115 The Royal Scepter (Courage).............................................31

A Cheerful Giver (Selfishness/Unselfishness).................121 The Story of Jonah (Obedience)........................................79

Elephants (Working Together).........................................135 Time to Sprout (Patience)...................................................95

My Body (Working Together)...........................................134 Watch Your Words (Power of the Tongue)......................115

The Carpenter’s Tools (Working Together).....................133 What Can I Do to Help? (Taking Responsibility).............127

What Can I Do to Help? (Taking Responsibility).............127 Wolves (Courage)...............................................................32

The STEPS Character Building program can be used with children of varied ages. Lessons in this
series are brought out through clearly illustrated stories, which will captivate both younger and older
children. Classes also include Bible verses to memorize, songs to sing, projects and activities, coloring
pages, plus games to play. These materials can be adapted to fit your class needs. For example, if you
are using the program with a younger group of children, you may choose to skip certain discussion
questions or activities that may be too difficult for their age group. Each study topic includes something
for everyone.

Character Building Handbook

The STEPS Program Character Building Handbook, outlines the 20 Character Building study topics.
When you’re ready to plan your class, simply flip to the page of your desired topic of study. There you’ll
find a class outline to follow, incorporating the student books and other supplementary materials. The next
few pages include corresponding songs, games and activities to supplement your class. The songs and
activities can be photocopied as needed.

Just for Fun

The Just for Fun games can be used at any time during your class to add variety and give the children
a chance to get up and move about.
Each of the games do not necessarily teach a lesson to enhance the class, as they’re simply “just for
fun” as the title of this section states. But as we all know, fun is important too! A child who is enjoying a
class will pay better attention and learn more from the lesson.

Sing Along
In this book you will find a song to teach the children on each of the topics covered in the Character
Building series. A CD or audiocassette accompanies the series so children can learn the tunes to the songs.
Two pages are dedicated to each song. The first page lists the song text, so children can follow along as
they sing. The next page includes music chords for those who would like to play along. For those who
play the guitar, you will find chord diagram pages at the back of this book.
All the songs are simple and easy to learn, and can even be sung a cappella.

Active Learning
This section includes a variety of activities, projects, skits, fact sheets, wall displays, games boards,
etc. that were chosen to help supplement each particular class topic. You will find one or two activities
listed for each subject. The activities in this section do not have to be done only with the corresponding
class but can be used whenever you like. The games can be played over and over, and the skits may take
weeks to learn.

Bible Stories
Bible story references have been included for each subject in the program outline of this handbook. You
can use Bible books, flannelgraphs, videos or anything else you have available to teach these stories.

Audio and Video Materials

A listing of audio and video materials is included in each program outline. Flip to page 139 at
the back of this book to find a complete listing of all the audio and video materials used in the STEPS
program. You can write to the address given for information about ordering these materials.

Student Books
Each child should receive a copy of the student books. An alternative to giving each child their own
student book is to have a set (or a few sets) of books for each class. The teacher can pass the books out
before the class begins and collect them later. If this method is used, activity pages at the back of the
book would need to be photocopied for each child.
We suggest that you distribute the material at the time the subject is taught, so the children do not do
the activity pages and read the stories beforehand.

Each student book contains:
Story Lessons
There are three to four stories in each student book. Each story teaches a lesson on the particular
subject being covered. In order to encourage student participation and discussion, as well as emphasize
the lesson and make sure that the students understand what is being taught, we’ve included a set of
discussion questions at the end of each story. These discussion questions don’t have to be the only
questions you ask at the end of each story lesson, but they’re a start, and hopefully by using them you can
begin some lively discussions with your class.
At the end of each lesson, try to find out what the children plan to do or change in their lives in order
to live the lessons they have been taught. Discuss, “What are we going to do about this when we go home,
or in the classroom tomorrow?” Through this you will be teaching the children how to practically apply
knowledge and be “doers of the Word and not hearers only” (James 1:22).
Each story has an illustration to go along with it, which the children can color at any appropriate time.
Prayer and Praise
Take time at the end of each study topic to pray the written prayer with the children, committing the
lesson learned to prayer. Some prayer ideas are:
 Have the children bow their heads and close their eyes while you read the prayer aloud.
 Have the children stand up and hold hands while they repeat each line of the prayer after you.
 Choose a child from the class to come up front and read the prayer.
 Dedicate a minute to silent prayer, where each child reads the prayer on their own and talks to Jesus
 Have the children read the prayer out loud in unison.
Memory Fun
Each subject includes a simple Bible verse that the children can commit to memory. This will help to
etch the lesson in their mind, and hide God’s Word in their heart (Psalm 119:11). By the end of the course,
they will have committed 20 Bible verses to memory on all the subjects covered. All Bible verses in the
STEPS program are taken from the New King James Version. In some cases, a word in a verse is better
emphasized in the older King James Version, and these changes are included in brackets.
Pencil and Make and Do Pages
At the end of each book you will find Pencil and Make and Do pages on the subject of the story
lessons they just learned. Each of the students will need their own copy of these activity pages.
The Pencil Pages will vary in difficulty, with one being for younger children and the other for older
children. In some cases both Pencil Pages can be done by the group being taught, in other cases, only one
may be appropriate depending on the children’s scholastic level.
The Make and Do pages can be done by both younger and older children, though some children may
need more help than others depending on the difficulty of the project.
From Jesus—With Love
From Jesus—With Love is a special illustrated message from Jesus on the subject being taught. Here
are a few ideas of how you can use this section:
 Have the children close their eyes and picture Jesus as you read the text aloud.
 Choose a child in the class to read the text for all.
 Have the children read the text quietly on their own, after which they can color the picture.

Once the children complete the Character Building program, they can be given their own personal
award certificate, which is included in the STEPS kit.

Our prayer is that children will learn and grow through the Character Building lessons in this program.
“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it” (Proverbs 22:6).

 Check
 off each box as you complete the study.

Materials Included in the Student Book

Story Lessons: Memory Fun:
 A Soft Answer  Proverbs 15:1
 Danger: Anger
 Anger Doesn’t Pay
Pencil Pages:
 Word, Puzzle, Picture
 Filling the Coal Scuttle
 Nails in the Gatepost Make and Do:
 Let’s Play Together
 Prayer
 From Jesus–With Love

Materials Included in this Handbook

Just for Fun: Active Learning:
 Taking the Bacon  Stop and Go Sentences

Sing Along:
 Arguments, Goodbye

Supplementary Bible References

Bible Stories:
 Exodus 2:11—15 Moses learns patience
Note: Use any Bible or Picture Bible you have available.

Supplementary Audio and Video Materials

Video: Audio:
 I Get Along with My Brother (Peepers and Penny)  I Get Along with My Brother (I Like to Sing)
 Arguments Goodbye (At the Carnival)  Arguments, Goodbye (Best Friends)
 The Sun and the Cloud (Rain or Shine)

Note: See page 139 in this book for information on how to order this material.
Anger and Arguments 
Taking the Bacon

All the players are divided into two equal teams. Two lines
are drawn about 10 meters apart, and each team lines up
behind their line. The players on each team are each given a
number, from one through however many players are on a
The “bacon” (a hat, scarf or any piece of cloth) is placed in
the center, and when the leader calls out a number, the two
players that have that number (one from each team) run to
grab the “bacon.”
The one who gets it and takes it back behind his line
scores a point for his team. However, if the player with the
same number from the other team is able to tag him before
he reaches safety (crosses over his team’s line), he does not
get the point.

You will need:

A hat, scarf or any piece
of cloth.

10 Just for Fun Anger and Arguments

Arguments, Goodbye

Verse 1 [Girl:] Yes, I agree!

[Boy:] Yes, I can! You’re my friend and not my enemy.
[Girl:] No, you can’t! [Boy:] Your opinion is relevant,
[Boy:] I think I will! [Both:] So let’s stop this argument!
[Girl:] No, you won’t!
[Boy:] I sure did! Chorus 2
[Girl:] No, you didn’t! Let’s be open to each other’s views,
[Boy:] I really do! And live in harmony in all we do.
[Girl:] No, you don’t! Let’s discuss the reasons why
[Boy:] I think I could! We can see eye to eye.
[Girl:] I’m sure you couldn’t!
[Both:] We’re in the middle of an
argument! Verse 4
[Boy:] Yes, I can!
[Girl:] I’m sure you could!
Verse 2 [Boy:] I’d like to try!
[Girl:] I was first! [Girl:] I wish you would!
[Boy:] You were last! [Boy:] It looks better!
[Girl:] You were slow! [Girl:] Much nicer!
[Boy:] No, I’m fast! [Boy:] Now it’s done!
[Girl:] I’m taller! [Girl:] That was fun!
[Boy:] You’re shorter! [Boy:] It’s so good!
[Girl:] It was me! [Girl:] It’s excellent!
[Boy:] I disagree! [Both:] And we didn’t have an argument!
[Girl:] It was straight!
[Boy:] No, it was bent!
[Both:] We’re in the middle of an Chorus 3
argument! Let’s be open to each other’s views,
And live in harmony in all we do.
Let’s discuss the reasons why
Chorus 1 We can see eye to eye.
If things aren’t right, we shouldn’t fight.
Let’s talk it over in a kinder way.
When tempers flare, we get nowhere. Chorus 4
Watch those words we say! Let’s be open to each other’s views,
And live in harmony in all we do.
Let’s discuss the reasons why
Verse 3 We can see eye to eye!
[Boy:] I don’t like this argument.
[Girl:] It makes me angry and discontent. Arguments, goodbye!
[Boy:] So let’s stop!

Anger and Arguments Sing Along 11

Arguments, Goodbye
Lead vocals: Michael Daniel McNally, Keiko McNally
Lyrics and music: Peter Gehr

Capo: 1st fret [Boy:] So let’s(G)stop!(C-G)

Intro: (D-G7-G#7-A7) [Girl:] Yes, I agree!(C-G)
Verse 1 You’re my(D)friend and(G)not
[Boy:] Yes, I(D)can!(G-D) my(D)enemy.(G-D)
[Girl:] No, you can’t!(G-D) [Boy:] Your o(A7)pinion is rele(G)vant,
[Boy:] I think I will!(G-D) [Both:] (D)So let’s stop
[Girl:] No, you won’t!(G-D) this(A)argu(D)ment!
[Boy:] I sure(G)did!(C-G)
[Girl:] No, you didn’t!(C-G) Chorus 2
[Boy:] I really(D)do!(G-D) (F#-G)Let’s be open to each other’s views,
[Girl:] No, you don’t!(G-D) (D)And live in harmony in all we do.
[Boy:] I think I(A7)could! (F#7-G7)Let’s discuss the reasons why(F7)
[Girl:] I’m sure you(G7)couldn’t! (E7)We can see eye(G#7)to(A7)eye.
[Both:] (D)We’re in the middle of
an(A7)argu(D)ment! Verse 4
[Boy:] Yes, I(D)can!(G-D)
Verse 2 [Girl:] I’m sure you could!(G-D)
[Girl:] I was(D)first!(G-D) [Boy:] I’d like to try!(G-D)
[Boy:] You were last!(G-D) [Girl:] I wish you would!(G-D)
[Girl:] You were slow!(G-D) [Boy:] It looks(G)better!(C-G)
[Boy:] No, I’m fast!(G-D) [Girl:] Much nicer!(C-G)
[Girl:] I’m(G)taller!(C-G) [Boy:] Now it’s(D)done!(G-D)
[Boy:] You’re shorter!(C-G) [Girl:] That was fun!(G-D)
[Girl:] It was(D)me!(G-D) [Boy:] It’s so(A)good!(D-A)
[Boy:] I disagree!(G-D) [Girl:] It’s excel(G)lent!(C-G)
[Girl:] It was(A)straight!(D-A) [Both:] (D)And we didn’t have
[Boy:] No, it was(G)bent!(C-G) an(A)argu(D)ment!
[Both:] (D)We’re in the middle of
an(A)argu(D)ment! Chorus 3
(F#-G)Let’s be open to each other’s views,
Chorus 1 (D)And live in harmony in all we do.
If(G)things aren’t right, we shouldn’t fight. (F#7-G7)Let’s discuss the reasons why
(D)Let’s talk it over in a kinder way. (E7)We can see eye(G#7)to(A7)eye.
When(G)tempers flare, we get nowhere.
(E7)Watch those words(G#7)we(A7)say! Chorus 4
(G#-G)Let’s be open to each other’s
Verse 3 views,
[Boy:] I don’t(D)like (G-D)this argument.(G- (D)And live in harmony in all we do.
D) (G)Let’s discuss the reasons why
[Girl:] It makes me angry(G)and(D)discon- (E7)We can see eye(G#7)to(A7)eye!
tent.(G-D) Arguments, good(D)bye! (D7-G7-A7+5-D)
12 Sing Along Anger and Arguments
Stop and Go Sentences
“Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath”
(James 1:19).

Color the STOP sign red and the GO sign green. Then paste them on large sheets of
Have the children write out some of the things they normally say on strips of paper,
the bad things and the good things. The GO sign stands for words you want to hear
often, and the STOP sign stands for words you don’t want to hear.
As the children read out their strips of paper, have them decide if the paper should
be pasted to the GO sign or the STOP sign. After the decision is made, the child can
come to the front of the classroom and paste his or her paper on the appropriate sign.


Anger and Arguments Active Learning 13

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 Check
 off each box as you complete the study.

Materials Included in the Student Book

Story Lessons: Memory Fun:
 Flying Feet  Ecclesiastes 9:10
 How Johnny Saved His Daddy
 Be the Best
Pencil Pages:
 Secret Message
 Little Drop of Troy
 Letter Maze
 The Hen and the Peacock

Other: Make and Do:

 My Best Butterfly
 Prayer
 From Jesus–With Love

Materials Included in this Handbook

Just for Fun: Active Learning:
 That’s Me!  Do Your Best

Sing Along:
 Be the Best

Supplementary Bible References

Bible Stories:
 Mark 12:41—44 The widow’s mite
Note: Use any Bible or Picture Bible you have available.

Supplementary Audio and Video Materials

Video: Audio:
 Instruments of the Orchestra (Be the Best)  Be the Best (I Like to Dance)
 Be the Best (Be the Best)  Instruments of the Orchestra (I Like to Dance)

Note: See page 139 in this book for information on how to order this material.
Be the Best You Can Be 15
That’s Me!

The class should spread out in a large area and sit

down in a circle. When you name something that describes
a child, that child, or children should jump and shout, “That’s
me!” and then sit down again.
Remind the children to pay close attention when some-
one jumps up so they can learn more about their friends and

Name descriptions such as:

• Likes to play
• Likes to draw
• Has a brother
• Has a sister
• Likes to dance
• Likes to sing

16 Just for Fun Be the Best You Can Be

Be the Best

Chorus 1 Chorus 2
Be the best, you can be the best, Be the best, you can be the best,
Be the best of whatever you are. Be the best of whatever you are.
Be the best, you can be the best, (You can be the best.) Whoah! Come on, baby!
Be the best of whatever you are. (You can be the best.) Be the best of
whatever you are.
(Be the best, ooh. You can be the best.
Verse 1 Yeah, woah, woah, ooh, yeah. You can be
If you can’t be a pine on the top of the hill, the best of whatever you are.)
Be a bush by the side of the rill. Woah, if you can’t be the sun, then be a star.
If you can’t be the sturdy trunk of a tree, Just be the best of whatever you are.
Be a branch, or a twig, or a seed.

Chorus 3
Verse 2 Be the best, you can be the best,
If you can’t be a flower, then be the grass. Be the best of whatever you are. (You can
If you can’t be a muskie, be a bass. be the best.)
If you can’t be the sun, then be a star, Be the best, you can be the best, (You can
Just be the best of whatever you are. be the best.)
Be the best of whatever you are.
Repeat Chorus 1
Verse 3 Chorus 4
If you can’t be a highway, then be a trail. Be the best, you can be the best,
If you can’t be a hammer, then be a nail. Be the best of whatever you are.
If you can’t be the head, then be the tail. Be the best, you can be the best,
If you can’t be the stairs, then be the rail. Be the best of whatever you are.

We can’t all be captains, there’s got to be crew.
There’s something for every body to do.
If you are big, or if you are small,
Just do your best, and give your all.

Be the Best You Can Be Sing Along 17

Be the Best
Lead vocal: Olivia Mathews
Lyrics: Douglas Malloch
Music: Joanna Carruthers

Intro: (Csus2-G) Chorus 2

Chorus 1 (A-D)Be the best, you can be the best,
(C)Be the best, you can be the best, (F-C) (G-D)Be the best of what(G)ever you(A)are.
Be the best of what(F)ever you(G)are. (You can(Bm)be the(D)best.) Whoah!(G)Come
(Am)Be the(C)best, you can(F)be the(C)best, on,(D)baby!
(F-C) (You can be the best.) Be the best of
Be the best of what(F)ever you(G)are. what(G)ever you(A)are.
(F-C)(Be the best, ooh. You can be the best.
Yeah, woah, woah, ooh, yeah. You can be the
Verse 1 best of whatever you are.)
If you(C)can’t be a pine on the top of the hill, (G) Woah, if you(Am)can’t be the(C)sun,
Be a bush by the side of the rill. then(F)be a(C)star.
If you(Am)can’t be the(C)sturdy(F)trunk of (F-C)Just be the best of what(F)ever
a(C)tree, you(G)are.
Be a branch, or a(F)twig, or a(G)seed.
Chorus 3
Verse 2 (A-D)Be the best, you can be the best,
(A)If you(D)can’t be a flower, then be the grass. (G-D)Be the best of what(G)ever you(A)are.
If you(A)can’t be a muskie, be a bass. (You can(Bm)be the best.)
If you(Bm)can’t be the(D)sun, then(G)be Be the(D)best, you can(G)be the(D)best, (You
a(D)star, can be the best.)
Just be the best of what(G)ever you(A)are.(F-C) Be the best of what(G)ever you(A)are.

Repeat Chorus 1 Chorus 4

Verse 3 (D)Be the best, you can be the best,
If you(C)can’t be a highway, then be a trail. (G-D)Be the best of what(G)ever you(A)are.
If you(G)can’t be a hammer, then be a nail.
If you(Am)can’t be the(C)head, then(F)be
If you can’t be the stairs, then(F)be the(G)rail.

We can’t all be(F)captains, there’s got to
There’s something for(Dm7)every(G)body
If you are(F)big, or if you are(C)small,
Just do your(Dm7)best, and give your(G)all.

18 Sing Along Be the Best You Can Be

Do Your Best
Make strips of people as explained below. Make enough so there is one
person for every child in your classroom. Have some discussion time with your
students about things they are good at and can do their best in. Then, paste the
string of people on colored cardstock and post on the wall. Have each child write
their name and what they’re good at on their person. They can even draw their face
if they like.
Each of us has something that we’re especially good at. Even though that one thing may seem
small to us, still God can use it and needs us! We should all try to do our very best with the gifts and
talents God has given us!

 Cut out a strip of paper and fold it
back and forth, as shown below.
 Draw a figure of a person on the
front, and cut around all sides except
the hands.

fold forward
fold back

fold back

Be the Best You Can Be Active Learning 19

(This page intentionally blank)
 Check
 off each box as you complete the study.

Materials Included in the Student Book

Story Lessons: Memory Fun:
 The Moth and the Butterfly  2 Corinthians 10:12
 The Legend of Mother Earth
 The Garden
Pencil Pages:
 Complete the Puzzle
Other:  Alphabet Quiz
 Prayer
 From Jesus–With Love
Make and Do:
 Your Own Glad Garden

Materials Included in this Handbook

Just for Fun: Active Learning:
 Spin the Bottle  Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors
 Guess Who Left  Fun Facts: Butterflies and Moths

Sing Along:
 The Happiest Oyster

Supplementary Bible References

Bible Stories:
 Genesis 37:1—11 Joseph and his brothers
Note: Use any Bible or Picture Bible you have available.

Supplementary Audio and Video Materials

Video: Audio:
 The Garden (We Can Get Along)  The Garden (Coloring the World)
 The Story of Twinkie–The Little Star (Sweet Dreams)  I Have All that I Need (Best Friends)

Note: See page 139 in this book for information on how to order this material.
Comparing 21
Spin the Bottle

Form two groups and have each group sit in a circle. Put a
plastic bottle in the middle of each circle. Have children take
turns spinning the bottle. When the bottle stops spinning and
the arrow points at a child, that child should jump up, run to
the other circle and join their game. Children will constantly
be switching circles.

You will need:

Two plastic bottles with
an arrow drawn on them.

Guess Who Left

This game is called “Guess Who Left.” If the children don’t
know each other so well, then take a minute or so to go over
each child’s name before playing this game.
Choose one child to be “It” and have him/her close their
eyes. (Make sure they keep them shut!) Then walk over to
another child and whisper in his/her ear to leave the room for
a short time until you say for him/her to come back in.
Now “It” uncovers his/her eyes and tries to guess within
five or ten seconds who left. If they guess correctly, the child
who left the room becomes “It.”
For older children, make the activity more challenging by
having more than one child leave the room, without telling “It”
how many left.

22 Just for Fun Comparing

The Happiest Oyster

One day I got a piece of sand stuck inside,

And it bothered me all day.
I didn’t like it in my shell,
And I tried to make it go away, (make it go away).
But that was just the beginning of what
Now is a beautiful pearl;
And now I see that it wasn’t so bad,
And I’m the happiest oyster in the world.

Da, da, da, da, da, da.

Da, da, da, da, da, da.
Da, da, da, da, da, da.
Da, da, da, da, da, da.
Da, da, da, da, da, da.
Da, da, da, da, da, da.

Yes, that was just the beginning of what

Now is a beautiful pearl,
And now I see that it wasn’t so bad,
And I’m the happiest oyster in the world.
(Happiest oyster in the world.)
Yes, I’m the happiest oyster in the world.
(Happiest oyster in the world.)
I’m the happiest oyster in the world.

Comparing Sing Along 23

The Happiest Oyster
Lead vocal: Joanna Carruthers
Lyrics and music: Joanna Carruthers

(C)One day I got a piece of sand stuck inside,

And it(F)bothered(G)me all(C)day.
I didn’t like it in my shell,
And I(Dm7)tried to make it go a(G)way, (make it go away).
(F)But that was just the beginning of what
(C)Now is a(G)beautiful(C)pearl;
(Dm7)And now I see that it(G)wasn’t so bad,
And I’m the(Dm7)happiest(G)oyster in the(C)world.

Da, da, da, da,(C)da, da.

Da, da, da, da, da, da.
Da,(F)da, da,(G)da, da,(C)da.
Da, da, da, da,(C)da, da.
Da, da, da, da, da, da.
Da,(Dm7)da, da, da, da,(G)da.

(F)Yes, that was just the beginning of what

(C)Now is a(G)beautiful(C)pearl,
(Dm7)And now I see that it(G)wasn’t so bad,
And I’m the(Dm7)happiest(G)oyster in the(C)world.
(Happiest oyster in the world.)
Yes, I’m the(Dm7)happiest(G)oyster in the(C)world.
(Happiest oyster in the world.)
I’m the(Dm7)happiest(G)oyster in the(C)world.

24 Sing Along Comparing

Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors

Have you ever heard the Bible story about Joseph’s coat of
many colors? Many years ago there was a man named
Jacob who had 12 sons. One of his sons was called
Joseph, whom he loved very much. One day, Jacob made
Joseph a beautiful coat of many colors. Joseph’s brothers
felt a lot of envy* because Joseph’s dad liked him best.
Joseph got a bright colored coat and his brothers didn’t.
Sometimes we feel envy just like Joseph’s brothers when
we don’t get what we want.
Let’s talk about things that make us envious
and see how we can change those feelings of
envy into good feelings. Let’s play a little game!
I’ll stand up and tell you some good news, and
then I’ll sit down. Then you stand up and say “I’m
glad for you!” and sit back down.
(To teacher: When you stand up to give some
“good news,” mention some of the things that the
children may have said which made them envious
previously, like new toys, fancy clothes, rich parents,
etc. This will encourage them to have a positive
reaction to something they would normally have a
negative reaction to.)
Sometimes it isn’t easy to be glad for others when they get
something we’d like to get, but that’s what God wants us
to do.

*envy: a feeling of discontent; wanting what someone else has

We are happy for you!

We like to see you happy!

You will need: Paper and crayons for each of the children.
Pass out the paper to the children, tell them to draw a picture of a blessing, for
example, a favorite toy, pet, or somewhere nice they’ve been. When they finish, let
them show their pictures to the others. After the pictures have been shown around,
have everyone stand up and say “I’m glad for you!” as they look at their classmates.
God blesses all of us with gifts, so none of us need to envy others.

Comparing Active Learning 25

Butterflies and Moths
Butterflies and moths are members of an insect order characterized by two pairs of large,
scale-covered, membranous* wings. A pair of well-developed compound eyes, mouthparts
consisting of a long, coiled, sucking tube, or proboscis, and antennae, additionally characterizes
adults. Around 148,000 species are known worldwide.
There are no consistent characteristics that exist for separating butterflies and moths. Butterflies
generally have scaleless, threadlike antennae with a club on the end. Their wings are often brightly
colored; the wing color and pattern play a key role in recognizing mates and courtship. Nearly all butterflies
fly during daylight, but some tropical species fly at dawn or dusk, and a few are nocturnal*.
The largest butterflies (bird wings of Melnanesia) have wingspreads of up to 25 cm (10 in); the smallest (pygmy blues)
may barely exceed 1 cm (0.4 in).
Moth antennae come in a variety of forms but they are often feathery in appearance. Although many moths,
especially day-flying ones, are brightly colored, most are dull shades of brown. Most moths fly at night, although many also
fly during the day, especially in colder climates where evening temperatures often drop to freezing. The largest species are
the giant silkworm moths of Asia, which may exceed 30 cm (12 in) in wingspread. The wings of the smallest moths may
span only a few millimeters.
Coloration and Mimicry
The colors and patterns of the wings of butterflies and moths help to protect them
against predators*. Some species possess eye spots or other markings that draw the
attention of enemies away from vital body parts to the wings. In many species, cryptic*
coloration–wings that look like the natural background of soil, bark, and leaves–provides camouflage*,
protecting the insects from visually hunting predators.

*membrane: a thin layer of tissue covering surfaces or other organisms.

separating or connecting structures, or organs of an *cryptic: secret or hidden in some way: cryptic coloring.
animal or a plant. *camouflage: designed to conceal by imitating the colors
*nocturnal: most active at night. and textures of the surrounding environment.
*predator: an animal or organism that lives by preying on

Butterfly Mobile
This will make a nice gift, a butterfly mobile! You can use odds and ends of You will need:
paper or material to create this beautiful mobile. used match sticks
strong glue
1. Wrap wool or yarn around the 2. Draw and cotton thread
middle of the matchstick to make cut out several wool or yarn
a firm, rounded body. Glue down butterfly wings. scraps of colored
the wool end to prevent it from Paste torn scraps paper
unwrapping. Repeat to make of colored paper
several butterfly bodies. on them.

3. Pin the middle 4. Hang the

of the wings to the butterflies as a
wool or yarn body. mobile.
Use sticky tape to
fasten a length of
wool or yarn to the
underpart of the

26 Active Learning Comparing

 Check
 off each box as you complete the study.

Materials Included in the Student Book

Story Lessons: Memory Fun:
 The Wolf and the Cobra  Deuteronomy 31:6
 He Did It
Pencil Pages:
 Christopher Columbus
 Courageous Bamboo
 Bamboo
 What Is Courage?
Other: Make and Do:
 Prayer
 My Courage Kit
 From Jesus–With Love

Materials Included in this Handbook

Just for Fun: Active Learning:
 The Laughing Stream  The Royal Scepter
 Fun Facts–Wolves
Sing Along:
 No Matter How Small You Are

Supplementary Bible References

Bible Stories:
 Esther 6—7 Esther’s courage
Note: Use any Bible or Picture Bible you have available.

Supplementary Audio and Video Materials

Video: Audio:
 Two Frogs (Lights! Camera! Action!)  Two Frogs (Best Friends)

Note: See page 139 in this book for information on how to order this material.
Courage 27
The Laughing Stream

Everyone stands on one side of the room (or field, if

played outdoors). One person is chosen to be “It” and stands
in the middle facing the rest. Everyone calls out in unison,
“May we cross the laughing stream?”
After they have all called out, “It” answers with something
for them to do. For example, he could tell them, “You may
cross, only if you can gallop like a horse.” Or he may choose
to say, “Only if you are wearing the color red.”
All must then make their way to the other side of the room
(or field). The ones who have the color red or can gallop like a
horse may cross to the other side safely. If you cannot gallop
like a horse, or do not have the color red on you, you must try
to cross this imaginary stream over to the other side without
getting tagged by “It.” If you get caught, you become the next
person in the middle.

28 Just for Fun Courage

No Matter How Small
You Are
Verse 1 Verse 3
If you’ve got God with you, you’re Keep fighting the Enemy with the Word
unbeatable, of God
No matter how small you are. And your faith.
If you’ve got God with you, you’re The Devil can’t stand the Word of God,
unbeatable, He’ll turn tail and run.
No matter how small you are.
Chorus 3
Chorus 1 ‘Cause if you’ve got God with you,
If you’ve got God with you, you’re you’re unbeatable,
unbeatable, No matter how small you are.
No matter how small you are. If you’ve got God with you, you’re
If you’ve got God with you, you’re unbeatable,
unbeatable, No matter how small you are.
No matter how small you are.
Chorus 4
Verse 2 If you’ve got God with you, you’re
When the Devil tempts you to get down, unbeatable,
When the Devil tempts you to get down, No matter how small you are.
When the Devil tempts you to get down If you’ve got God with you, you’re
and discouraged, unbeatable,
Fight, fight, fight! No matter how small you are.

Chorus 2
‘Cause if you’ve got God with you,
you’re unbeatable,
No matter how small you are.
If you’ve got God with you, you’re
No matter how small you are.

Courage Sing Along 29

No Matter How Small You Are
Lead vocals: Wayne Edward Van Blarcom
Lyrics: David Brandt Berg
Music: Wayne Edward Van Blarcom, Al W. Trenholm

Spoken Verse 3
(B)Okay, this song is especially dedicated Keep(B)fighting the Enemy with the
to all you little guys out there.(F#) Word(F#)of(B)God
And your(F#)faith.
Verse 1 (Sung) The Devil can’t stand the(B)Word
If you’ve(B)got God with you, you’re of(G#m)God,
unbeatable, (E)He’ll turn(F#)tail and(B)run.
No matter how small you(F#)are.
If you’ve got God with you, Spoken
you’re(B)unbeata(G#)ble, Get outta here!
No(C#)matter how(F#)small you(B)are.
Chorus 3
Chorus 1 ‘Cause if you’ve(E)got God(F#)with you,
If you’ve(E)got God(F#)with you, you’re you’re(B)unbeata(G#)ble,
un(B)beata(G#m)ble, No(E)matter how(F#)small you(B)are(B7).
No(E)matter how(F#)small you(B)are(B7). If you’ve(E)got God(F#)with you,
If you’ve(E)got God with(F#)you, you’re(B)unbeata(G#)ble,
you’re(B)unbeata(G#)ble, No(C#)matter how(F#)small you(B)are.
No(C#)matter how(F#)small you(B)are.
Verse 2 (B)Okay, all you kids out there that
When the(B)Devil tempts you to get down, think you’re too small or too little or to
When the Devil tempts you to weak, but with God you(F#)are big. So
get(F#)down, when the Enemy comes up and tries
When the Devil tempts you to get(B)down to tempt you or get you(B)down and
and(G#)discouraged, discouraged,(G#m)you just sock it to him
(E)Fight,(F#)fight,(B)fight! with the (C#)Word. O(F#)kay? O(B)kay!

Chorus 2 Chorus 4
‘Cause if you’ve(E)got God(F#)with you, If you’ve(E)got God(F#)with you, you’re(B)
you’re(B)unbeata(G#m)ble, unbeata(G#m)ble,
No(E)matter how(F#)small you(B)are(B7). No(E)matter how(F#)small you(B)are(B7).
If you’ve(E)got God(F#)with you, If you’ve(E)got God(F#)with you, you’re(B)
you’re(B)unbeata(G#)ble, unbeata(G#m)ble,
No(E)matter how(F#)small you(B)are. No(C#)matter how(F#)small you(B)are.

Yes, Sir!

30 Sing Along Courage

The Royal Scepter
Read the following Bible story about Queen Esther. After your discussion time,
have the children make royal scepters following the instructions below.

Queen Esther
The king of Persia needed a queen. All the prettiest girls in the kingdom were brought before him.
Esther was the most beautiful girl of all. The king said, “You are the prettiest girl of all, you shall be my
No one in the palace knew Esther was Jewish. “Keep it a secret,” said Esther’s Uncle Mordecai.
Esther always listened to his wise advice.
One day Haman, the king’s officer, came to the city. Everyone bowed down, but Mordecai would
not bow. He worshipped only the Lord God. Haman hated Mordecai the Jew.
Haman made an evil plan to get rid of Mordecai. He tricked the king into signing a law to kill all
the Jewish people living in the land.
Esther was very sad. She loved her Uncle Mordecai and her Jewish friends very much. Mordecai
asked Esther to talk to the king. Esther said, “If I go to the king without being invited and he doesn’t raise
his royal scepter towards me to show that he is pleased to see me, I could be punished, or even killed.
There is a law that forbids me from going to the king without being invited.”
Esther knew that she would be risking her own life by going to the king to plead with him to save
her people. Mordecai said, “God may have let you be queen for such a time as this. You are the one
God wants to use to save your people.”
Esther prayed for courage. Then she went to see the king. The king raised his scepter toward her
as she approached his throne. He was happy to see her! He listened to what she had to say about the
evil plan his wicked officer Haman had tricked him into signing.
God used Esther to save her people, and Haman was punished for his wickedness. Esther was
afraid to go to the king at first, but God gave her strength and courage as she obeyed and did His will.
God can do the same for you!

Divide the class into groups of four and discuss these questions:
• Would you have gone to the king if you were Esther? Why or why not?
• When are some times you’ve needed to do something that took courage?
• Why do we sometimes need to do things we’re afraid to do?
• How can we find the courage Esther had when we’re afraid?

Make a Royal Scepter

Instructions You will need:
Give each child a straw, a sheet of aluminum foil (or colored paper), and two straws,
pieces of tape. Have the children make a royal scepter by forming their sheets of foil aluminum foil or
into balls and taping them to the top of their straws. color paper,
Now play this game: Give the children and scotch tape
instructions such as, “sit down,” “touch your head”
etc. explaining that they should only do what you
say if your royal scepter is lifted above your shoulder.
If a child obeys your command when you haven’t
raised the rod, have him or her touch the tip of the
rod you are holding and then continue playing.
Children can take their royal scepters home as
reminders that God can give them the same courage
that He gave Esther.

Courage Active Learning 31

Facts Wolves
Wolves are the largest member of the dog family, measuring at least 2 meters (6 feet)
in length including the tail. When food is easy to find, wolves may form a pack made
of up to 20 wolves. When food is difficult to find, a large pack of wolves splits up into
smaller groups of about seven animals.
Wolves use their sense of smell to track prey and avoid enemies. Wolves can reach
speeds of up to 65 km (40 miles) an hour. Cubs learn through play. They don’t hunt with
the pack until they are six months old.

Living habits Marking their territory

Wolves usually live in packs, Wolves urinate and scratch the
controlled and guided by a dominant* earth around their lair and also
male and female. Old wolves who scratch certain landmarks such
have been rejected by the pack live as trees to mark their territory.
alone, but never far away from the Sometimes they also howl, as if to say
others. Wolf cubs are raised in a lair* to others, “This is my home here!”
and are nursed for about a month.
The father stays with the family until
the cubs are grown. If anything *dominant: having a commanding influence over others
*lair: a place where a wild animal rests
happens to the mother, he takes care
of the cubs.

32 Active Learning Courage

 Check
 off each box as you complete the study.

Materials Included in the Student Book

Story Lessons: Memory Fun:
 Muwamba’s Work Day  Luke 16:10
 The Potato Peeler
 The Lost Bracelet
Pencil Pages:
 Faithfulness Maze
 The Bear Story!
 Faithfulness Word Search
 Prayer
Make and Do:
 Helping Hands
 From Jesus–With Love

Materials Included in this Handbook

Just for Fun: Active Learning:
 Lost Sheep  Be Faithful

Sing Along:
 Helping Hands

Supplementary Bible References

Bible Stories:
 Genesis 39:1—6 Joseph in Potiphar’s house
Note: Use any Bible or Picture Bible you have available.

Supplementary Audio and Video Materials

Video: Audio:
 Do It Right Now (Wear a Great Big Smile)  Helpful Habits (Coloring the World)
 Helping Hands (Wear a Great Big Smile)  Mama, I Remembered (I Like to Sing)
 Keep Clean (Wear a Great Big Smile)  Brushy, Brushy (Be So Happy)
 Mama, I Remembered (Back On the Air)  Keep Clean (Be So Happy)
 My Name Is Time (Best Friends)

Note: See page 139 in this book for information on how to order this material.
Diligence and Faithfulness 33
Lost Sheep

Everyone forms a circle, and sits down on the floor.

Choose one child to be the shepherd and blindfold him/her.
You’ll need a hat to represent which child is the “lost
sheep.” Take the hat and put it on the lost sheep. Now, set
your watch or timer for one minute (or more, it’s up to you).
The shepherd walks around inside the circle trying to find
the lost sheep before time runs out. As he gets close to the
lost sheep the children clap faster, and as he moves away,
the children clap slower!
Have fun with this game and vary it as you like!

You will need:

A hat and blindfold.

34 Just for Fun Diligence and Faithfulness

Helping Hands

Verse 1 Repeat Chorus 2

When I see someone fall down
I will lift them up. Verse 4
If they’re lying on the ground Hands should never hurt or fight
I’ll use my helping hands. Or make someone unhappy.
Do some good and make things right
Chorus 1 With your helping hands.
Helping hands helping one another.
I’ll do all I can with my helping hands. Chorus 3
Helping hands helping one another.
Verse 2 Let’s do all we can with our helping
If my Mommy is the cook hands.
And the baby’s crying,
I will read to him a book Repeat Chorus 3
And use my helping hands.
Oh, let’s do all we can with our
Chorus 2 helping hands.
Helping hands helping one another. Oh, let’s do all we can with our
I’ll do all I can with my helping hands. helping hands!

Verse 3
If my Daddy is alone
Working in the garden,
I will help him weed and hoe
With my helping hands.

Diligence and Faithfulness Sing Along 35

Helping Hands
Lead vocals: Carmen Mireya, Cathy Darley, Sammy Fridley
Lyrics: John Johnson, Cathy Gehr
Music: John Johnson

Intro: (G-C-D-G) (G-C-D-G) Repeat Chorus 2

Verse 1 (A-D-E-A-D)
(G)When I see some(C)one fall down
(D)I will lift them(G)up. Verse 4
If they’re lying(C)on the ground (G)Hands should never(C)hurt or fight
I’ll(D)use my helping(G)hands. Or(D)make someone un(G)happy.
Do some good and(C)make things right
Chorus 1 (D)With your helping(G)hands.
(G)Helping(C)hands(D)helping one
a(G)nother. Chorus 3
I’ll do all I(C)can(D)with my (G)Helping(C)hands(D)helping one
helping(G)hands.(A) a(G)nother.
Let’s do all we(C)can(D)with our
Verse 2 helping(G)hands.
(A)If my Mommy(D)is the cook
(E)And the baby’s(A)crying, Repeat Chorus 3
I will read to(D)him a book
And(E)use my helping(A)hands. Oh, let’s do all we(C)can(D)with our
Chorus 2 Oh, let’s do all we(C)can(D)with our
(A)Helping(D)hands(E)helping one helping(G-C-D-G)hands!
I’ll do all I(D)can(E)with my

Verse 3
(A)If my Daddy(D)is alone
(E)Working in the(A)garden,
I will help him(D)weed and hoe
(E)With my helping(A)hands.

36 Sing Along Diligence and Faithfulness

Be Faithful
Show the children the examples below. After you read each one,
have the children say together “be faithful.” You can color and post this
on the wall or bulletin board to remind the children to be faithful.
Have the children draw a picture of something they need to do today, that they don’t
really want to do. Say a prayer together that the Lord will help each one to be faithful.

“A faithful man will abound with blessings”

(Proverbs 28:20).

Mom said to come right That girl looks sad.

home, but I really want to Maybe I should tell her
play with my friends. about Jesus.

I know I shouldn’t watch

this television program,
but no one will know. My room is so messy!

I sure don’t feel like I know I should do my

memorizing my Bible homework, but I’m having
verses. so much fun playing.

Diligence and Faithfulness Active Learning 37

(This page intentionally blank)
 Check
 off each box as you complete the study.

Materials Included in the Student Book

Story Lessons: Memory Fun:
 Forgiving Bobby  Matthew 6:14
 A New Page
Pencil Pages:
 The Dishonest Neighbor
 Unscramble the Words
 The Light Bulb
 Words and Shapes
 Let It Pass
Make and Do:
Other:  Forgiveness Flower
 Prayer
 From Jesus–With Love

Materials Included in this Handbook

Just for Fun: Active Learning:
 Pass the Feelings  Forgiveness and Mercy

Sing Along:
 Nip It in the Bud

Supplementary Bible References

Bible Stories:
 Luke 15:11—32 The Prodigal Son  Matthew 6:14—15 Forgive and receive forgiveness
Note: Use any Bible or Picture Bible you have available.

Supplementary Audio and Video Materials

Video: Audio:
 Stay Sweet (Birthday Surprises)  Nip It in the Bud (I Like to Dance)
 Nip It in the Bud (Barks ‘n’ Sparks)  Stay Sweet (Best Friends)

Note: See page 139 in this book for information on how to order this material.
Forgiveness 39
Pass the Feelings

Everyone sits in a circle back-to-back. The first person

passes a “feeling” to the one beside him. For example, a
pat on the back for “understanding,” or a hand shake for
“friendship,” etc.
The second person passes it on to the third (no words
spoken), and so on. When it gets to the last person, he says
what he interprets the “feeling” to be. Then the first person
says what it really was.

40 Just for Fun Forgiveness

Nip It in the Bud

Verse 1 [Nip it in the bud!] Don’t keep bitterness in

I can’t forgive what Danny did to me, your heart!
I’ll pay him back some day, just wait and see! Love can heal all the hurt that you feel if
It seems he’s always doing things that I hate; you’ll just forgive and forget.
I get so angry and bent out of shape!
Verse 2 Hey, you wanna know how to quit that
My pride is wounded, my ego, too. bitterness?
I can’t go on this way; don’t know what to do! Yes!
Yes, they call it “bitterness;” it’s like a tiny seed, All right! Give me some numbers!
But it grows into a dangerous weed! (One!) Admit it, get it out in the open.
There’s no use hopin’
Chorus 1 You can hide those seeds inside you.
[ Nip it in the bud!] Don’t even let those little (Two!) Get things right! Let go of your
roots start! gripes,
[Nip it in the bud!] Don’t keep bitterness in And hold on tight to the positive (positive)
your heart! side of life!
Love can heal all the hurt that you feel if (Three!) Go to your friend and mend,
you’ll just forgive and forget. And put an end to all the bad you have
that makes you feel so sad
Verse 3 (Four-get it!) Leave it in the past!
When people bug me, or do me wrong, Don’t let those feelings last! Stop it! (Drop it!) Do
I’m good for nothing ‘cause I’m fuming all it today!
day long! That’s one, two, three, four ways to ...
Like pollution that just poisons your heart,
It’s an emotion that can tear you apart. Chorus 3
[Nip it in the bud!] Don’t even let those little
Verse 4 roots start!
Those feelings harm your mind. [Nip it in the bud!] Don’t keep bitterness in
My body, too. your heart!
Destroy the happiness of those around you. Love can heal all the hurt that you feel if
Don’t be fooled; you’ll just forgive and forget.
Don’t be ruled by this invisible seed, ’cause
it grows into a dangerous weed, no! Repeat Chorus
Love can heal all the hurt that you feel if
Chorus 2 you’ll just forgive and forget.
[Nip it in the bud!] Don’t even let those little Love can heal all the hurt that you feel if
roots start! you’ll just forgive and forget.

Forgiveness Sing Along 41

Nip It in the Bud
Lead vocals: Francesco Greene, Michael Listen
Lyrics and music: Michael Listen

[Note: The recorded version is a half-step lower.] Music break: (Bb-F) (Am-Bb-F) (F-G-C)

Intro: (Am-G-Am-E7) Spoken

[Person 2:) Hey, you wanna know(F)how to quit that
Verse 1 bitterness? [Group:] (Em)Yes!
[Person 1:] (Am7)I can’t forgive what Danny(Dm7)did [Person 2:] (F)All right! (G)Give me some numbers!
to me, (One!) Admit it, get it out in the open. There’s no use hopin’
(Am7)I’ll pay him back some day, just(Dsus4)wait and see! You can hide those seeds inside you.(C-Bbmaj7-C)
(C)It seems he’s always doing(Dm)things that I hate; (Two!) Get things right! Let go of your gripes,
I get so(Fmaj7)angry and bent out of(E7)shape! And hold on tight to the positive (positive) side of
Verse 2 (Three!) Go to your friend and mend,
(Am7)My pride is wounded, my(Fmaj7)ego,(E7)too. And put an end to all the bad you have that makes
(Am7)I can’t go on this way; don’t(C)know what you feel so sad.(C-Bbmaj7)
to(D)do! (Am7) (Four-get it!) Leave it in the(F)past!
[Person 2:] Yes, they(C)call it “bitterness;” it’s like Don’t let those feelings last!(Dm)Stop it! (Drop it!)
a(Dm)tiny seed, (Em)Do it today!
But it(Bm7)grows into a dangerous(E7)weed! That’s(Dm)one,(Em)two,(F)three,(F#)four(G)ways to ...

Chorus 1 Chorus 3
[(C)Nip it(Csus4)in the bud!] Don’t even(F)let those little [(C)Nip it(Csus4)in the bud!] Don’t even(F)let those little
roots(Bb)start! roots(Bb)start!
[(C)Nip it(Csus4)in the bud!] Don’t keep(F)bitterness [(C)Nip it(Csus4)in the bud!] Don’t keep(F)bitterness
in(Bb)your(Fm6)heart! in(Bb)your(Fm6)heart!
(Am)Love can heal all the(F)hurt that you feel if (Am)Love can heal all the(F)hurt that you feel if
you’ll(Dm7)just for(G7)give and for(C)get.(E7) you’ll(Dm)just for(G7)give and for(C)get.

Verse 3 Chorus 4
[Person 1:] (Am7)When people bug me, or(Bm7)do [(C)Nip it(Csus4)in the bud!] Don’t even(F)let those little
me(E7)wrong, roots(Bb)start!
(Am7)I’m good for nothing ‘cause [(C)Nip it(Csus4)in the bud!] Don’t keep(F)bitterness
I’m(D)fu(Dsus4)ming all day long! in(Bb)your(Fm6)heart!
[Person 2:] (C)Like pollution that just(Dm)poisons your (Am)Love can heal all the(F)hurt that you feel if
heart, you’ll(Dm)just for(G7)give and for(Am)get.(C7)
[Person 1:] It’s an e(Fmaj7)motion that can tear you (F)Love can heal all the(Am)hurt that you feel if
a(E7)part.(Dm/B-E7) you’ll(Dm)just for(G7)give and for(C)get.

Verse 4 Ending
[Person 2:] (Am7)Those feelings harm your mind. (Nip it!) What did he say? He said (nip it in the bud!)
[Person 1:] My(Fmaj7)body,(E7)too. (C)All right! Hmmm,(F)hmmm,
[Person 2:] (Am)Destroy the happiness of(C)those ((Bb)Nip it in the(F)bud!) [(C)Nip it(Csus4)in the bud!]
around(D)you. [Group:] Don’t be(C)fooled; There’s one(F)thing I can assure you.(C) (Nip it!)
[Person 2:] Don’t be ruled by this in(Dm)visible seed, Only God’s(F)love is gonna(Bb)cure(F)you. [(C)Nip
’cause it(Bm7)grows into a dangerous(E7)weed, no! it(Csus4)in the bud!] Bitter(F)ness will effect you!
(C)(Nip it in the bud!) Oh, watch(F)out, or
Chorus 2 it’ll(Bb)wreck(F)you! [(C)Nip it(Csus4)in the bud!]
[(C)Nip it(Csus4)in the bud!] Don’t even(F)let those little Don’t(F7)let those little roots start. (Nip,(C)nip it in the
roots(Bb)start! bud!) Only God’s(F)love can heal(Bb)your(F)heart.
[(C)Nip it(Csus4)in the bud!] Don’t keep(F)bitterness [Girl:] (Dm)Hey, you’re looking(Em)happy today!
(Am)Love can heal all the(F)hurt that you feel if
you’ll(Dm7)just for(E7)give and for(Am)get.
42 Sing Along Forgiveness
Forgiveness and Mercy
“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy”
(Matthew 5:7).
Read these stories from the Bible on forgiveness, mercy and compassion. Then,
have the children act them out.

 Matthew 18:21–35 Parable of the unmerciful servant

 Luke 15:11–32 The Prodigal Son
 Luke 15:3–7 The lost sheep

Color in and post these pictures up on the wall to remind the class of the lessons
learned on forgiveness from the Bible.

Matthew 18:21—35 Parable of the unmerciful servant

Luke 15:11—32 The Prodigal Son

Luke 15:3—7 The lost sheep

Forgiveness Active Learning 43
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 Check
 off each box as you complete the study.

Materials Included in the Student Book

Story Lessons: Memory Fun:
 Jimmy and the Street Boys  Proverbs 17:17
 The Greatest Gift
 The Snapping Turtle
Pencil Pages:
 A Garden of Friends
 Someone Needs You
 Be an A-maze-ing Friend
 My Special Friend

Other: Make and Do:

 Friendship Picture Frame
 Prayer
 From Jesus–With Love

Materials Included in this Handbook

Just for Fun: Active Learning:
 Somebody’s Friend  My Friend
 Tiptoe on the Tightrope

Sing Along:
 What Are Friends For?

Supplementary Bible References

Bible Stories:
 1 Samuel 18:1—4 David and Jonathan
Note: Use any Bible or Picture Bible you have available.

Supplementary Audio and Video Materials

Video: Audio:
 What Are Friends For? (Little Creatures)  What Are Friends For? (Coloring the World)
 We Can Get Along (We Can Get Along)  Fantastic Friends Theme Song (I Like to Dance)
 As a Team We Do It Better (The Fantastic Friends)  Happiness Growing Everywhere (I Like to Dance)
 Fantastic Friends Clubhouse Song (The Fantastic Friends)  Be a Friend (Best Friends)
 Happiness Is Growing Everywhere (Rain or Shine)  We Can Get Along (Best Friends)
 You Don’t Have to be Shy (Peepers and Penny)
Note: See page 139 in this book for information on how to order this material.
Friendship 45
Somebody’s Friend

Ask all the children to hold their thumbs up. Now the
children run around the room pressing their thumbs against
other children’s thumbs saying, “I’m thumbody’s friend, and
that thumbody is you!”
The children can continue this exercise until they’ve inter-
acted with and pressed thumbs with most or all of the other

Tiptoe on the Tightrope

Divide the children into two teams. Lay the rope on the
floor in a straight line. Have each team line up at opposite
ends of the rope.
Choose one child to start. Have that child tiptoe on the
rope, trying not to “fall off.” When he or she gets to the end,
have the first child of the other team start across. If a child
falls off, have him/her start again.
Start out slowly. As children become more confident,
encourage them to tiptoe faster. Have a contest to see which
team has the most members tiptoe along the tightrope
without falling.

You will need:

A 3- to 8-meter (10- to 25-
foot) rope.

46 Just for Fun Friendship

What Are Friends For?

Verse 1 Bridge 2
What are friends for? A friend is someone you know
I came over to play on this rainy you can depend on
day For a helping hand.
‘Cause I’m feeling a little sad. If you lose your temper, I won’t
What are friends for? hold it against you;
I can talk with you; I will try to understand.
You’re the kind of friend that [Understand.]
makes me feel glad.
Verse 3
Bridge 1 What are friends for?
And when you’re feeling down We can share the things that our
and in the dumps, friendship brings.
I’ll tell you a funny joke. Oh, it’s really so much fun!
And if you have to stay in bed What are friends for? They can
with mumps, bring such joy,
I’ll send you a snack or a get-well Every girl and boy should have at
note. least one.

Verse 2 Ending
What are friends for? We can They can bring such joy
share ideas, To every girl and boy,
Help each other with our home Every girl and boy should have at
work ’til it’s done. least one.
What are friends for? They can Every girl and boy should have at
bring such joy, least one.
Every girl and boy should have at
least one.

Friendship Sing Along 47

What Are Friends For?
Lead vocals: Angelique Greene, John Russell
Lyrics and music: Wayne Edward Van Blarcom

Intro: (C-F-Bb-F-Bb-F-Bb-F-C) (C-F-Bb- Bridge 2

F-Bb-F-Bb-F-C) A(A)friend is someone you(Dm)know you
can depend on
Verse 1 (G)For a helping(C)hand.
What are(F)friends for? If you(A)lose your temper, I(Dm)won’t hold
I came(Bb)over to(F)play on it against you;
this(Bb)rainy(F)day (G)I will try to(C)un(F)der(C7)stand.
‘Cause I’m(Bb)feel(F)ing a(Bb)little(C)sad. [(D)Un(C)der(D7)stand.]
What are(F)friends for?
I can(Bb)talk with(F)you; Verse 3
You’re the(Bb)kind of(F)friend What are(G)friends for?
that(C)makes me feel(F)glad. We can(C)share the(G)things that our
Bridge 1 Oh, it’s(C)real(G)ly(C)so much(D)fun!
And(A)when you’re feeling(Dm)down and What are(G)friends for? They can(C)bring
in the dumps, such(G)joy,
I’ll(G)tell you a funny(C)joke. Every(C)girl and(G)boy should(D)have at
And(A)if you have to(Dm)stay in bed with least(G)one.
I’ll(G)send you a snack or a(C)get(F)- Ending
well(C7)note. They can(C)bring such(G)joy(C-G-C-G)
To every(C)girl and(G)boy(C-G-C-G),
Verse 2 Every(C)girl and(G)boy should(D)have at
What are(F)friends for? We can(Bb)share least(G)one.
i(F)deas, (C-G)Every(C)girl and(G)boy
(Bb)Help each(F)other with our(Bb) should(D)have at least(G)one.
home(F)work(Bb)’til it’s(C)done.
What are(F)friends for? They can(Bb)bring
Every(Bb)girl and(F)boy should(C)have at

48 Sing Along Friendship

My Friend
Materials Needed:
A large piece (about 50 x 50 cm) of paper, a bright lamp, chair, masking tape,
crayon or pencil.
• Tape the paper to a smooth part of the wall.
• Place the lamp so it shines on the paper.
• Put a chair between the lamp and wall. When one of you sits in the chair sideways, a shadow of your
profile should appear on the paper.
• Have a friend draw the outline of the shadow with pencil first for easy erasing if needed.
• Fill in the outline of your profile with light strokes of a gray pencil. You may draw in the
details of the mouth, eyes and hair or leave it plain. Give everyone a chance
to be the model and artist.

Isn’t it nice to know that you are loved by someone? Here is something you can
do for your friends.
Write this poem on a piece of paper and decorate the borders with little
pictures that you colored. You can put it on a colored paper and give it to your
friend to put on his or her wall.
You’re ...
My friend,
My companion,
Through good times and bad
My friend,
My buddy,
Through happy and sad,
Beside me you stand,
Beside me you walk,
You’re there to listen,
You’re there to talk,
With happiness,
With smiles,
Through pain and tears,
I know you’ll be there,
throughout the years!

Friendship Active Learning 49

(This page intentionally blank)
 Check
 off each box as you complete the study.

Materials Included in the Student Book

Story Lessons: Memory Fun:
 Gain by Giving  Luke 6:38
 What Do I Give?
Pencil Pages:
 A Cup of Cold Water
 Coloring Surprise
 Give and It Will Be Given
 Find the Hidden Message
 Butter and Honey
Make and Do:
 Make a Thaumatrope
 Prayer
 From Jesus–With Love

Materials Included in this Handbook

Just for Fun: Active Learning:
 Gift Giving  Giving to Others
Sing Along:
 You Never Lose By Giving

Supplementary Bible References

Bible Stories:
 1 Kings 17:8—16 Elijah and the widow of Zarephath
Note: Use any Bible or Picture Bible you have available.

Supplementary Audio and Video Materials

Video: Audio:
 If You Give Love You’ll Receive Love (Happy All the Time)  All That I Have (Great Adventures)
 When You Give You Will Receive (Making Friends)  If You Give Love (Be So Happy)
 You Can Share My Light (Making Friends)  Pour Out a Blessing (Great Adventures)
 Jesus, Our Savior, Kind and Good (Christmas Friends)
 The Lost Kite (A Smiling Face)

Note: See page 139 in this book for information on how to order this material.
Giving 51
Gift Giving

Everyone sits in a circle. Choose a person to begin.

The first person acts out a “gift” that they want to give to the
person on their right (no words, just acting). Then that person
passes a different “gift” to the one on their right.
Keep on going until everyone in the circle has passed a
different “gift” to the person on their right.
Now go back to the first person who received a gift, and
ask them what they got. The person on their left then tells
them if that was really what he/she gave them. Continue
going around until everyone gets a chance to say what they
think they received.

52 Just for Fun Giving

You Never Lose By Giving

Chorus Repeat Chorus

You never lose by giving,
Giving from your heart. Verse 2
Don’t wait for the millions, Freely ye have received,
Give what you’ve got. Also freely give.
For whatever you give Jesus gave His life for us
Shall be given to you. That we might freely live.
So if you start giving
You’ll never lose. Repeat Chorus

Verse 1 So if you start giving,

To those you meet today, You’ll never lose.
Anywhere you’re living,
His voice will speak to you
To show your love by giving.
What are you waiting for?
Look inside your pocket.
Your gift makes room for more;
God’s got plenty of it!

Giving Sing Along 53

You Never Lose By Giving
Lead vocal: Cathy Gehr
Lyrics: David Brandt Berg, Cathy Gehr
Music: Cathy Gehr

Capo: 2nd fret

Intro: (G-C-G-C-G-C-G-C)

(G)You never lose by(A)giving,
(C)Giving(D)from your(G)heart.
(Em)Don’t wait for the(Bm)millions,
(C)Give what you’ve(D)got.
(G)For whatever you(A)give
(C)Shall be(D)given to(G)you.
So if you(C)start(D)giving

Verse 1
(D)To those you(C)meet to(G)day,
(D)Anywhere you’re(C)li(G)ving,
(D)His voice will(C)speak to(G)you
To(Am)show your(C)love by(D)giving.
What are you(C)waiting(G)for?
(D)Look inside your(C)poc(G)ket.
(D)Your gift makes(C)room for(G)more;
(Am)God’s got(C)plenty(D)of it!

Repeat Chorus

Verse 2
(D)Freely ye(C)have re(G)ceived,
(D)Also freely(C)gi(G)ve.
(D)Jesus gave His(C)life for(G)us
That(Am)we might(C)freely(D)live.

Repeat Chorus

So if you(C)start(D)giving,

54 Sing Along Giving

Giving to Others

What can we give when we

feel we have nothing?
When I was a boy, I was very poor, but we were
rich in faith and love. I had a dear friend and I
wanted to do something special for him to show
him that I cared. But what could I do? I couldn’t buy
him a shiny new toy car or even give him one of my
own, because I had nothing. I thought and I thought, but I had no
personal possessions to give. I felt it was hopeless, and wished I was rich so that
I could give and make others happy. But then I was reminded of the story of the
shepherd boy. The Wisemen gave Jesus special gifts, but the shepherd boy had
nothing to give, for he was poor, but he gave Jesus his heart and his love. I thought
to myself, “Yes, that’s what I can do, I can give gifts to my friend every day through
my kind deeds.” And so I did, and I learned that I was rich, for the love Jesus filled
my heart with never ran out, and I always had a heart full of love that I could pour
out on others. I learned that a friend is not something money can buy and the spe-
cial times we had playing together and caring for one another were much more
special than all the toys in the world that I thought I needed to make him happy and
to show him that I cared and that he was my special friend.
Love, Martin

You can show your love for others by giving of yourself like Martin did!
 Show your love by lending a helping hand.
 Tell your friends that you care about them and that they are special to you.
 Comfort others when they’re sad or are hurt.
 Spend time with someone who needs a friend.
 Show your parents you love them by
helping to clean the house,
being obedient, showing
them appreciation and
praying for them.

Can you think of someone

special that you’d like to give
something to? Trace or copy the
little heart card from the next
page; cut it out and write some-
thing on it that you’d like to say
to a special person.
Giving Active Learning 55
Have the students make their own hearts or copy or
photocopy this page. Color them. Then on the back
of the heart, have students write different things that
they find special about the person they’re writing to.



To: From:

56 Active Learning Giving

 Check
 off each box as you complete the study.

Materials Included in the Student Book

Story Lessons: Memory Fun:
 The Trampoline  Ephesians 4:25
 Emily’s Sad Mistake
 All Those Feathers
Pencil Pages:
 Maze to Truth
 Wolf! Wolf!
 Turtle Talk
 Prayer
Make and Do:
 Spinning Message
 From Jesus–With Love

Materials Included in this Handbook

Just for Fun: Active Learning:
 Giggle Time  Honesty Reminders
 Guess the Kid

Sing Along:
 Whatsoever Things Are True

Supplementary Bible References

Bible Stories:
 Genesis 12:10—20 Sara acting as Abraham’s sister  Genesis 27 Jacob: Cheating never pays
Note: Use any Bible or Picture Bible you have available.

Supplementary Audio and Video Materials

Video: Audio:
 Wolf, Wolf (Happy and Healthy)  Wolf, Wolf (Coloring the World)
 Talk About It (Story Time)  Talk About It (I Like to Dance)

Note: See page 139 in this book for information on how to order this material.
Honesty 57
Giggle Time

Tell the children that when you shout “giggle,” they should
start laughing. After a few seconds, you’ll shout “1,2,3, STOP!”
and then everyone has to keep a perfectly straight face. Keep
signaling “giggle” and “stop” until everyone’s laughing.

Guess the Kid

Blindfold one child in the class and lead him or her to the
middle of the room. Ask him/her to sit down. Ask the rest of
the children to form a circle around the blindfolded child.
Have the children slowly walk around the blindfolded
child. When you say “stop,” the children must freeze and the
blindfolded child points at someone. The child being pointed
at must make any kind of sound he or she chooses, being
careful to try not to give away who they are. The blindfolded
child gets three chances to guess who the child is. If the
blindfolded child guesses, he/she trades places with the
person he/she guessed. If the blindfolded person doesn’t
guess, he/she gets one more turn by pointing out a different

You will need:

A blindfold.
A chair.

58 Just for Fun Honesty

Whatsoever Things Are True

Whatsoever things are true,
Whatsoever things are honest,
Whatsoever things are just and pure,
Whatsoever things are lovely,
Whatsoever things are of good report;
If there be any virtue, if there be any praise,
Think on these things, think on these things

Repeat Verse

Repeat Verse

Think on these things.

Think on these things.
Think on these things, think on these things.
[Whatsoever things are true,
Whatsoever things are true.]

Honesty Sing Along 59

Whatsoever Things Are True
Lead vocal: Jeremy Spencer
Lyrics: Bible–Philippians 4:8
Music: Jeremy Spencer

Intro: (F-C-Dm-C-F-C-Dm-C)

(F)Whatsoever(C)things are(Dm)true,(C)
(Bb)Whatsoever(F)things are(Bb)ho(C)nest,
(F)Whatsoever(C)things are(Dm)just and(C)pure,
(Bb)Whatsoever(F)things are(Bb)love(C)ly,
(F)Whatsoever(C)things are of(Dm)good report;
If there(Bb)be any virtue, if there(C)be any praise,
(Bb)Think on these things,(C)think on these(F)things

Musical Interlude: (C-Dm-C-F-C-Dm-C)

Repeat Verse


Repeat Verse

(C-Dm-C-Bb)Think on these things.

(C)Think on these(F)things.(C-Dm-C-Bb)
Think on these things,(C)think on these(F)things.
[Whatsoever(C)things are(Dm)true,(C-F)
Whatsoever(C)things are(Dm)true.] (C-F)

60 Sing Along Honesty

Honesty Reminders
Read these Bible verses with the class and talk about ways we can remind
ourselves not to lie. Sometimes we lie and don’t realize it until afterwards. What
should we do then? Honestly confess that what we said was not the truth. Take
some time to discuss these issues with the class, then, color in and post these
Honesty Reminder posters.
 Psalm 119:29–30 - Remove from me the way of lying. I have chosen the way of truth.
 Ephesians 4:25 - Putting away lying, let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor.
 Colossians 3:9 - Do not lie to one another.
 Proverbs 28:13 - He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and
forsakes them will have mercy.

“Remove from me the way of lying. I have chosen the way of truth” (Psalm 119:29–30).

, I forgiv
Yes, I did it. It’s okay .
I’m sorry.

“He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and
forsakes them will have mercy” (Proverbs 28:13).
Honesty Active Learning 61
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Materials Included in the Student Book

Story Lessons: Memory Fun:
 A Little Kinder  Ephesians 4:32
 Remember My Name
 The Sun and The Wind
Pencil Pages:
 Word Search
 A Kind Deed
 Sprinkle Drops of Sunshine
 Prayer
Make and Do:
 Kindness Pockets
 From Jesus–With Love

Materials Included in this Handbook

Just for Fun: Active Learning:
 Happy Faces  Deeds of Kindness
 Time to Smile!

Sing Along:
 If You’ll Be Kind to Others

Supplementary Bible References

Bible Stories:
 Luke 10:30—37 The good Samaritan
Note: Use any Bible or Picture Bible you have available.

Supplementary Audio and Video Materials

Video: Audio:
 Manners (Making Friends)  The Right Way to Play (Coloring the World)
 If You’ll Be Kind to Others (Happy All the Time)  Sing a Song of Joy (Be So Happy)
 Sing a Song of Joy (Fun on the Farm)  Look Around (Best Friends)
 You Don’t Have to Be Shy (Peepers and Penny)  You Don’t Have to Be Shy (Best Friends)
 The Right Way to Play (Happy Holiday)
 The Sun and the Cloud (Rain or Shine)

Note: See page 139 in this book for information on how to order this material.
Kindness 63
Happy Faces

Have the children form a circle. Choose one child to be “It”

and stand in the center of the circle. Ask everyone else to be
quiet and keep a serious “stone” face. Have “It” go around the
circle making faces, trying to make others laugh or smile–no
tickling or touching allowed.
When children smile or laugh, they join “It” in the middle
and help make other children smile and break their “stone”

Time to Smile!
Have the children run around the room. When you say
“stop and smile,” each child pairs up with another child face
to face and smiles. Repeat the activity over and over so the
children get to share a smile with lots of different partners.

64 Just for Fun Kindness

If You’ll Be Kind to Others

Chorus Repeat Chorus

If you’ll be kind to others,
They’ll be kind to you. Verse 2
Just give a little cheering up So later in our garden,
And see what love can do! Little sister came again,
If you’ll be kind to others, I shared my toy and gave a hug,
They’ll be kind to you. We played a happy game.
Just give a little cheering up
And see what love can do! I’m so glad we’re friends again,
I’m happy as can be,
Verse 1 And now that I am nice to her
One day when I was playing, She’s always nice to me!
My little sister came, Because …
I didn’t really want her there,
I called her a bad name. Repeat Chorus

Then Mommy had to sit me down Just give a little cheering up

And have a little chat. And see what love can do!
I knew I’d been a naughty girl,
I really needed that!
She said, “If …

Kindness Sing Along 65

If You’ll Be Kind to Others
Lead vocal: Carmen Mireya
Words: Charlotte A. Hopper
Music: Michael Fridley

Intro: (D-Em-Dmaj7-Em) (D-Em- Repeat Chorus

Verse 2
Chorus So(G)later in our(D)garden,
If(D)you’ll be kind to(Em)others, Little(A)sister came a(D)gain,
(Dmaj7)They’ll be kind to(Em)you. I(G)shared my toy and(D)gave a hug,
Just(D)give a little(Em)cheering up We(E)played a happy(G)game.
And(A)see what love can(D)do!
If(D)you’ll be kind to(Em)others, (G)I’m so glad we’re(F#m)friends again,
(Dmaj7)They’ll be kind to(Em)you. I’m(Em)happy as can(D)be,
Just(D)give a little(Em)cheering up And(G)now that I am(D)nice to her
And(A)see what love can(D)do! She’s(A)always nice to(D)me! Because …

Verse 1 Repeat Chorus

One(G)day when I was(D)playing,
My(A)little sister(C)came, Just(D)give a little(Em)cheering up
I(G)didn’t really(D)want her there, And(A)see what love can(D)do!
I(E)called her a bad(A)name.

Then(G)Mommy had to(F#m)sit me down

And(Em)have a little(D)chat.
I(G)knew I’d been a(D)naughty girl,
I(A)really needed(D)that!
She said, “If …

66 Sing Along Kindness

Deeds of Kindness
Read these stories from the Bible on kindness.

 Luke 10:30–37 - The good Samaritan.

 Joshua 2:6–16 - Rahab and Joshua’s spies.
 Exodus 2:5–10 - Pharoah’s daughter with Moses.

Have the children draw examples of what they can do for others to show kindness. Below are
some ideas. Once the children have drawn their pictures, make a display of them on the wall or
bulletin board using the heading below.

Deeds of Kindness
“Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another”
(1 John 4:11).

Kindness Active Learning 67

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Materials Included in the Student Book

Story Lessons: Memory Fun:
 even Ways To Know God’s Will  Proverbs 3:6
 Mr. Gladstone
 The Cloudburst
Pencil Pages:
 Guiding Sam
Other:  The Best Choice
 Prayer
Make and Do:
 From Jesus–With Love
 Super Scales

Materials Included in this Handbook

Just for Fun: Active Learning:
 God Made Me  Decisions, Decisions
 Let’s Be Carpenters

Sing Along:
 A Man, a Boy and a Donkey

Supplementary Bible References

Bible Stories:
 1 Kings 3:5—15 Solomon’s prayer for wisdom  Luke 10:38—42 Mary and Martha
Note: Use any Bible or Picture Bible you have available.

Supplementary Audio and Video Materials

Video: Audio:
 You Can’t Judge a Book By Its Cover (Birthday Surprises)  You Can’t Judge a Book By Its Cover (Best Friends)
 A Man, a Boy and a Donkey (Peepers and Penny)  A Man, a Boy and a Donkey (Coloring the World)

Note: See page 139 in this book for information on how to order this material.
Making Decisions 69
God Made Me

Play a simple guessing game with the things God made.

Have the first child to be “It” say, “God made me. I begin with
the letter ‘t’. What am I?” (Tree.)
Whoever guesses correctly would have the next turn. “God
made me. I begin with ‘g’.” (Grass.)
Choose a subject that the children have to stick to, such as
plants, animals, etc.

Let’s Be Carpenters
Did you know that Jesus learned to be a carpenter from his
dad, Joseph? Let’s all pretend we’re carpenters and build a
house together!
Have the children choose which part of the house they’d
like to build. Do the motions with them.
Here are a few ideas:
• Measure the wood
• Saw the wood for the door
• Drill the wood
• Hammer the floor boards
• Paint the house

70 Just for Fun Making Decisions

A Man, a Boy and a Donkey

Verse 1 Verse 8
On a fine Summer morning a boy and his father went So the man and the boy both went walking and
To market, to market one fine Summer day. walking,
At the market the man and the boy bought a donkey, The man and the boy and the donkey walked home.
At the market, the market one fine Summer day. Everybody they met had a different opinion,
So the man and the boy and the donkey walked home.
Verse 2
The man and the boy took a ride on the donkey, Verse 9
They were traveling, traveling, traveling home. Then someone said, ”Look at this! It’s ridiculous!
The man and the boy took a ride on the donkey, They’re walking with a donkey and not riding it!
They were traveling, traveling, traveling home. I don’t think it’s right!”
Then someone said, ”Look at this! It’s ridiculous!
Verse 3 They’re walking with a donkey and not riding it!
But a girl said, “How cruel! I don’t think it’s right!”
See, the donkey can’t carry you both!
You’re too heavy! I don’t think it’s right!” Verse 10
A girl said, “How cruel! So they said to the people all standing around,
See, the donkey can’t carry you both! “Do you want us to just pick the donkey up?!
You’re too heavy! I don’t think it’s right!” I say no, we will not pick the donkey up!
We’ll get on our donkey and ride out of town!
Verse 4 We’ll get on our donkey and ride out of town!”
So the father kept riding, his boy walked beside him,
They were traveling, traveling, traveling home. Verse 11
The father kept riding, his boy walked beside him, Some people like this way, and some like it that way,
They were traveling, traveling, traveling home. And some like it their way, and some couldn’t
care less.
Verse 5 You cannot please everyone all of the time,
Then a lady said, ”Maybe the father is lazy So decide what’s the right way and do what is best.
And is making his boy walk. I don’t think it’s right!”
A lady said, ”Maybe the father is lazy Ending
And is making his boy walk. I don’t think it’s right!” For your situation, when making decisions,
Decide what’s the right way and do what is best.
Verse 6
So the boy rode the donkey, the father walked briskly,
They were traveling, traveling, traveling home.
The boy rode the donkey, the father walked briskly,
They were traveling, traveling, traveling home.

Verse 7
Then a neighbor bootmaker said,
”Why does the boy make his old father walk?!
Well, I don’t think it’s right!”
A neighbor bootmaker said,
”Huh! Why does the boy make his old father walk?!
Well, I don’t think it’s right!”

Making Decisions Sing Along 71

A Man, a Boy and a Donkey
Lead vocals: Michael Fridley, Allan Pratt,
Jeremy Spencer, Christina Renfro, Angelique Greene
Lyrics: Cathy Gehr
Music: Traditional American folk tune

Capo: 3rd fret Verse 7

Then a(D)neighbor boot(G)maker said,
Intro: (C-G-F-G-F-C-F-C-G-F-G-F-C-F-C) (D)”Why does the(G)boy make his(D)old father(G)walk?!
Well, I(A)don’t think it’s(D)right!”
Verse 1 A(D)neighbor boot(G)maker said,
On a(C)fine Summer(F)morning a(C)boy and his(F)father went (D)”Huh! Why does the(G)boy make his(D)old
To(C)market, to(F)market one(G)fine Summer(C)day. father(G)walk?!
At the(C)market the(F)man and the(C)boy bought Well, I(A)don’t think it’s(D)right!”
a(F)donkey, (D-G-D-A-D)
At the(C)market, the(F)market one(G)fine Summer(C)day.
(F-C-G-C) Verse 8
(C)So(G)the(C)man and the(F)boy both went(C)walking
Verse 2 and(F)walking,
The(C)man and the(F)boy took a(C)ride on the(F)donkey, The(C)man and the(F)boy and the(G)donkey
They were(C)traveling,(F)traveling,(G)traveling(C)home. walked(C)home.
The(C)man and the(F)boy took a(C)ride on the(F)donkey, Every(C)body they(F)met had a(C)different o(F)pinion,
They were(C)traveling,(F)traveling,(G)traveling(C)home. So the(C)man and the(F)boy and the(G)donkey
(C-F-C-G-C) walked(C)home.
Verse 3
But a(D)girl said, “How(G)cruel! Verse 9
See, the(D)donkey can’t(G)carry you(D)both! Then(D)someone said,(G)”Look at this! It’s ri(D)diculous!
You’re too(G)heavy! I(A)don’t think it’s(D)right!” They’re(G)walking with a(D)donkey and not(G)riding it!
A(D)girl said, “How(G)cruel! I(A)don’t think it’s(D)right!”
See, the(D)donkey can’t(G)carry you(D)both! Then(D)someone said,(G)”Look at this! It’s ri(D)diculous!
You’re too(G)heavy! I(A)don’t think it’s(D)right!” They’re(G)walking with a(D)donkey and not(G)riding it!
(D-G-D-A-D) I(A)don’t think it’s(D)right!”
Verse 4
So the(C)father kept(F)riding, his(C)boy walked be(F)side him, Verse 10
They were(C)traveling,(F)traveling,(G)traveling(C)home. So they(Bb)said to the(C)people all(Am)standing
The(C)father kept(F)riding, his(C)boy walked be(F)side him, a(G)round,
They were(C)traveling,(F)traveling,(G)traveling(C)home. “Do you(D)want us to(G)just pick the(A)donkey up?!
(C-F-C-G-C) (G)I say(D)no, we will(G)not pick the(A)donkey up!
We’ll(G)get on our(D)donkey and(G)ride out(A)of(D)town!
Verse 5 We’ll(G)get on our(D)donkey and(G)ride out(A)of(D)town!”
Then a(D)lady said,(G)”Maybe the(D)father is(G)lazy (G-D-A-D)
And is(D)making his(G)boy walk. I(A)don’t think it’s(D)right!”
A(D)lady said,(G)”Maybe the(D)father is(G)lazy Verse 11
And is(D)making his(G)boy walk. I(A)don’t think it’s(D)right!” Some(C)people like(F)this way, and(C)some like it(F)that
(D-G-D-A-D) way,
And(C)some like it(F)their way, and some(G)couldn’t
Verse 6 care(C)less.
So the(C)boy rode the(F)donkey, the(C)father You(C)cannot please(F)everyone(C)all of the(F)time,
walked(F)briskly, So de(C)cide what’s the(F)right way and(G)do what is(C)best.
They were(C)traveling,(F)traveling,(G)traveling(C)home.
The(C)boy rode the(F)donkey, the(C)father walked(F)briskly,
They were(C)traveling,(F)traveling,(G)traveling(C)home.

72 Sing Along Making Decisions

Decisions, Decisions
Sometimes when we find ourselves having to make a decision, there are so
many choices, we just don’t know which way to turn! One of the first things you can
do is ask God for His help, then do what He tells you. Let’s make a poster for our
wall with action reminders of what to do when we don’t know what to do!
Cut out and color the signs and figures. Glue them on a colored sheet of cardstock in the order
shown below and post them on your wall or bulletin board. Or, you can simply stick the figures and
signs directly on your wall without gluing them on cardstock first.

When I don’t know

what to do, I will:

Stop and pray

“Teach me Your way, O Lord,
and lead me in a smooth path”
(Psalm 27:11).

Ask others for help

“In a multitude of counselors
there is safety”
(Proverbs 24:6).

Trust God to work it out

“Trust in the Lord with all your
heart, and lean not to your
own understanding. In all your
ways acknowledge Him, and
He shall direct your paths”
(Proverbs 3:5—6).

Making Decisions Active Learning 73

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Materials Included in the Student Book

Story Lessons: Memory Fun:
 Faithful Men Listen to God  John 13:17
 The Harvest
 The Photograph
Pencil Pages:
 Unscramble and Draw
 Milky, the Calf
 Lost Sheep
 Prayer
Make and Do:
 Springs to Obey
 From Jesus–With Love

Materials Included in this Handbook

Just for Fun: Active Learning:
 Follow the Leader  The Story of Jonah
 Jonah and the Whale
Sing Along:
 Do It Now

Supplementary Bible References

Bible Stories:
 Genesis 6:8—22 The story of Noah  Jonah 1—4 The story of Jonah
Note: Use any Bible or Picture Bible you have available.

Supplementary Audio and Video Materials

Video: Audio:
 Growing (Making Friends)  Snowflake (Coloring the World)
 Snowflake (Let’s Have Fun)  Achoo–I’ve Got a Cold (Coloring the World)
 Achoo–I’ve Got a Cold (Let’s Have Fun)  Abraham, With Your Caravan (Great Adventures)
 Do It Now (A Smiling Face)  Noah, Noah (Great Adventures)
 Do It ‘Cause Daddy Says So (Growing Together)  Go, Jonah (Great Adventures)
 Rise and Shine (The Fantastic Journey)  Do It Now (Be So Happy)
 Abraham (The Fantastic Journey)  Growing (Be So Happy)
Note: See page 139 in this book for information on how to order this material.
Obedience 75
Follow the Leader

Gather together in a circle. Choose one child to go out of

the room, while you choose a “leader.” The leader keeps his/
her place in the circle and begins silently doing actions for all
to follow.
Once the leader has begun, call the child back in, to stand
in the middle of the circle. He now needs to look around the
circle and guess who the leader is. He gets three guesses.
That leader then goes out of the room, while you choose
a new leader. You can play this over and over for as long as
you like. It might be fun to have some music playing as the
children do their actions.

76 Just for Fun Obedience

Do It Now

Do it now, (right now!) Do it now, (right now!)
Later may mean never, never, ever, ever!
Do it now, (right now!) Do it now, (right now!)

Verse 1
When your mommy calls you in to eat, [(Mother:) Johnny!]
Wouldn’t it be real sweet [(Johnny:) Yes, Ma’am!]
If you would obey her right away [(Johnny:) Coming!],
And be on time for supper by coming in from play.

Repeat Chorus

Verse 2
Little jobs are things we need to do, [(Girl:) I picked up all my toys!]
Don’t leave until you’re sure that you are through. [(Girl:) Oh, there’s one I missed!]
When the job is finished, you’ll feel good, [(Girl:) There, now it looks nice!]
And others will be happy that you did it like you should.

Repeat Chorus

The quicker you begin, the quicker you will win!

Repeat Chorus

Do it now! (Right now!) Do it now! (Come to eat!)

Do it now! (Right now!) Do it now! (Time for sleep!)
Do it now! (Right now!) Do it now! (Right now!) Do it now!

Obedience Sing Along 77

Do It Now
Lead vocal: Armendi Russel
Lyrics and music: Chris Jung

Do it(D)now, (right now!) Do it now, (right now!)
(A)Later may mean never, never, ever, ever!
Do it(D)now, (right now!) Do it now, (right now!)

Verse 1
(G)When your mommy calls you in to eat, [(Mother:) Johnny!]
(D)Wouldn’t it be real sweet [(Johnny:) Yes, Ma’am!]
(G)If you would obey her right away [(Johnny:) Coming!],
And(E)be on time for supper by coming in from(A)play.

Repeat Chorus

Verse 2
(G)Little jobs are things we need to do, [(Girl:) I picked up all my toys!]
Don’t(D)leave until you’re sure that you are through. [(Girl:) Oh, there’s one I missed!]
(G)When the job is finished, you’ll feel good, [(Girl:) There, now it looks nice!]
And(E)others will be happy that you did it like you(A)should.

Repeat Chorus

The(E)quicker you begin, the quicker you will(A)win!

Repeat Chorus

Do it(D)now! (Right now!) Do it now! (Come to eat!)

Do it now! (Right now!) Do it now! (Time for sleep!)
Do it now! (Right now!) Do it now! (Right now!) Do it now!

78 Sing Along Obedience

The Story of Jonah
Use this little poem as a skit and have different ones act
out the characters in the story.

Characters needed: Narrator, Jonah, God, Sailors

Narrator: Then the shipmaster found Jonah

The word of the Lord came to Jonah Sleeping like a log–
Arise, arise, I say, Go warn Nineveh What meanest thou, O sleeper?
That she has gone astray! Arise and call thy God!
But Jonah arose and away he fled Sailors:
From the presence of the Lord; Who brought this curse upon our head?
And he found a ship to Tarshish, Let’s cast lots, the sailors said.
And quickly got aboard. It must be someone with us here.
Jonah: Jonah knew and began to fear.
I won’t go down to Nineveh town, Jonah! Jonah! It falls on you!
I won’t go down, I say, Tell us! Tell us! What did you do?
I won’t go down to Nineveh– What is your country?
I’ll go the other way. Of what people are you?
What is your job?
And what did you do?
Oh no, no Jonah!
You’re not going to get away! Jonah:
Go warn Nineveh I am a Hebrew,
She only has forty days! Servant of the Living God,
He made the land and He made the sea;
He made all of you and He made me.
Then God sent a wind upon the sea;
And now I know and plainly see
The ship was about to break.
That from His presence I cannot flee!
The sailors cried unto their gods,
And their goods they did forsake! Sailors:
A mighty storm was What will we do?
upon the sea, What will we do?
With waves so very high, What will we do?
Yet Jonah slept in the sides of With a man like you?
the ship Jonah:
And didn’t hear Cast me into the raging sea!
their cry. Save your lives, for now you see
That all this evil is because of me!

Obedience Active Learning 79

Oh, Lord, Oh, Lord, have mercy,
As we cast him in the sea;
For Thou, O Lord hath done it,
As it has pleased Thee.
The raging storm was over,
Its stop was so abrupt;
And a great fish swam beside
the ship
And swallowed
Jonah up!

Three days and nights lay Jonah

In the belly of the fish, Narrator:
Then he cried to the Lord his God Then the great fish swam to a point of land,
And God Almighty heard his wish. Nineveh was not far away,
Dark waters washed about him, And the fish did cast up Jonah
Weeds wrapped around his head, On dry land that very day.
Then Jonah cried to the Lord his God So Jonah cried in Nineveh,
And this is what he said:
Jonah: Nineveh, you’ve gone astray!
Oh, Lord, have mercy, Woe, woe to Nineveh,
Have mercy on me, You’ve only got forty days!
For my soul is fainting
At the bottom of the sea.
God in His mercy spared Nineveh,
Yet when my soul is fainting,
For the people repented that day
I remember Thee,
Of all the evil they had done
My prayer is come to Thy temple, Lord,
And that they had gone astray.
And my afflictions You do see.
So let’s not be like Jonah,
I am down at the bottom of the mountains,
And try to get away,
I am down at the bottom of the sea,
Let’s obey God with all our hearts,
I am down at the bottom of the earth, Oh, Lord,
And never go astray.
Yet I know You can still save me!
Go on God’s way,
Bring me up from this watery grave,
You’ll be happy if you obey,
Oh, my Lord, this wretched sinner save,
Go on God’s way,
Bring me up from this watery grave,
You’ll be happy if
Thou alone can sinners save.
you obey.
To forsake Thy mercy
No man can afford;
Salvation is of the Lord!

80 Active Learning Obedience

Jonah and the Whale
Read the story of Jonah from the Bible! (Book of Jonah.)

Nineveh Jonah’s home

You will need: Instructions:
 1 large piece of card 5 1  Using the cut-outs on
paper or material
2 this and the follow-
 Pens and markers ing pages, follow the
 Small beans or rice (or sample picture on the
left, numbering each
you could use small
stones or pebbles)
 Color in the picture if
 An old sock 4 3
you like.
 Cut and glue pic-
On the way to Tarshish
tures onto your large
cardstock or piece of
How to play: material.
· Place the picture on the floor.  To make a Jonah
· Stand several feet from the picture and toss the beanbag onto beanbag, fill up the
scene number 1. sock with rice, beans
· If it lands on the correct scene, you get another try to then toss the or pebbles and make
beanbag onto scene 2. a tight knot to keep it
· If you miss, then it’s the next person’s turn and so on. together.
· The object of the game is to complete all 5 scenes in order and  Draw eyes, hair,
help Jonah get to Nineveh and do the Lord’s will. mouth (and clothing, if
· The first person to complete the story is the winner! you like) on the sock.

You can use these cut-out pictures on the next two pages as illustrations
to tell the story of Jonah. Cut them out and color them nicely. If you like you
can even use the pieces to make a simple puppet show.


Find more cut-outs on the next page.

Obedience Active Learning 81
(This page intentionally blank)
More cut-out
pictures for God Jonah’s home
the story of

On the
way to



Obedience Active Learning 83

(This page intentionally blank)

More cut-out
pictures for the
story of Jonah.
Obedience Active Learning 85
(This page intentionally blank)
 Check
 off each box as you complete the study.

Materials Included in the Student Book

Story Lessons: Memory Fun:
 The True Life Story of Fanny Crosby  Psalm 46:1
 Our Father Knows
 Amy’s Prayer
Pencil Pages:
 Overcoming Difficulties
 Footprints in the Sand
 A Bridge for Progress
 Prayer
Make and Do:
 Special Bookmarks
 From Jesus–With Love

Materials Included in this Handbook

Just for Fun: Active Learning:
 Stand on the Fish  Moving Card
 A Boy Named David
Sing Along:
 We All Make Mistakes

Supplementary Bible References

Bible Stories:
 Exodus 14:13—31 Parting the Red Sea  1 Samuel 17:12—51 David and Goliath
Note: Use any Bible or Picture Bible you have available.

Supplementary Audio and Video Materials

Video: Audio:
 We All Make Mistakes (Happy Holiday)  We All Make Mistakes (Coloring the World)
 David and Goliath Story (The Fantastic Journey)  Shepherd Boy (Great Adventures)

Note: See page 139 in this book for information on how to order this material.
Overcoming Difficulties 87
Stand on the Fish

Make a game mat by drawing a large fish in the center of

a plastic cloth. Draw a little fish (about the same size as your
children’s feet) to completely surround the big fish, about 10
centimeters (4 inches) apart. Draw the little colored fish in a
random pattern.
One child who is “It” starts by standing on the big fish. Then
another child will take a turn spinning the spinner (or roll-
ing the cube) to determine which color fish “It” should put a
foot on. Then someone else will spin (or roll) to see where “It”
should put their other foot. Do the same thing for their hands.
“It” should try to stay balanced as they put their hands and
feet on different color fish. Once someone falls over, they’re
out and the game begins again.
Older children can play this game two or three at a time.
Once someone falls over, they’re out.

Note: This game can also be played on cement that you

can draw on with colored chalk.

You will need:

A white plastic cloth;
red, yellow, blue, green,
and black permanent
markers; a spinner or
cube with red, yellow,
blue, green, and black
spaces, or a cube marked
with those colors.

88 Just for Fun Overcoming Difficulties

We All Make Mistakes

Verse 1 Verse 3
People were pointing and I put a letter in the mail today.
laughing at me, I wrote my Uncle and Aunt,
And then I found out But the envelope had no stamp!
It’s okay, we all make mistakes. Ha! See, we all make mistakes.

Verse 2 [Sorry!] We all make a lot of

No one could drink the hot mistakes!
chocolate I made,
But it wasn’t their fault, Repeat Chorus
The sugar really was salt! Oops!
I guess we all make mistakes. So don’t give up, you don’t need
to quit,
Chorus ’Cause you made a mistake.
So I won’t cry ‘cause I’ve made a It’s something easy to make.
blunder, We all make a lot of mistakes!
That dark cloud I don’t need to
get under. [Sorry!] It’s okay! We all make
I’ll cheer up for everyone’s sake, mistakes!
And have a little giggle at my silly Try again when you make a
mistake. mistake!

Overcoming Difficulties Sing Along 89

We All Make Mistakes
Lead vocals: Consuelo Pratt, Angelique Greene
Words: Jeremy Spencer, Peter Gehr
Music: Jeremy Spencer

Intro: (D-G-D-A-D-G-A) (D-G-D-A-D- (D)Ha! See, we(A)all make

G-A) mis(D)takes.(A)

Verse 1 Musical Interlude: (D-A-D-G-D-G)

(D)People were pointing and(A)laughing
at me, [Sorry!] We all(D)make a(A)lot of
(D)And then I found(G)out mis(D)takes!
(D)My shirt was on inside(G)out!
It’s o(D)kay, we(A)all make Repeat Chorus
(D)So don’t give up, you(A)don’t need to
Verse 2 quit,
(D)No one could drink the hot(A)chocolate (D)’Cause you made a mis(G)take.
I made, (D)It’s something easy to(G)make.
(D)But it wasn’t their(G)fault, We all(D)make a(A)lot of mis(D)takes!
(D)The sugar really was(G)salt! (D)Oops!
I guess we(A)all make mis(D)takes. Musical Interlude: (D-A-D)

Chorus [Sorry!] It’s ok(D)ay! We(A)all make

So I(G)won’t cry ‘cause(D)I’ve made a mis(D)takes!
blunder, (A)Try a(D)gain when you(A)make a
That(A)dark cloud I don’t(D)need to get mis(D)take!
under. (A-D)
I’ll(G)cheer up for(D)everyone’s sake,
And(A)have a little giggle at my silly

Verse 3
(D)I put a letter in the(A)mail today.
(D)I wrote my Uncle and(G)Aunt,
(D)But the envelope had no(G)stamp!

90 Sing Along Overcoming Difficulties

Moving Card
Read the story of David and Goliath in the Bible (1 Samuel 17).

Instructions: You will need:

Front View:
1. Draw some grass on your sheet of card. cardstock
2. Draw a curved line, as shown in the glue Glue figures to tip of “L” shape once slid through slit.

diagram on the right. Carefully cut the scissors Curved slit

curved slit. colors
“L” shape “L” shape
3. Cut out two “L” shaped pieces of card
and place one end through the slit on
your paper and one end sticking out the
side, as shown in the diagram. These
will be used to glue David and Goliath
on and the sides sticking out in the back
will be used to rock them back and forth.
4. Photocopy, trace or copy the David and
Goliath figures. Color and cut them out.
5. Glue David and Goliath to the top of the
“L” shapes that are sticking out of the
curved slit on your card.



Now you can have fun rocking

David and Goliath, while you move
the L shape tabs on the sides of
your card back and forth. Use this
picture to tell the story of David and
Goliath to your friends or younger
brothers and sisters.
Overcoming Difficulties Active Learning 91
A Boy Named David
Read the story of David and Goliath from the Bible and learn this poem.

Only a boy named David

Only a little sling

Only a boy named David

But he could pray and sing

Only a boy named David

Only a rippling brook

Only a boy named David

But five little stones he took.

And one little stone went in the sling

And the sling went round and round

And one little stone went in the sling

And the sling went round and round

And round and round and round

And one little stone went up in the air

And the giant came tumbling down.

92 Active Learning Overcoming Difficulties

 Check
 off each box as you complete the study.

Materials Included in the Student Book

Story Lessons: Memory Fun:
 Growing Time  Psalm 37:7
 The Hare and the Tortoise
 The Diamond Necklace
Pencil Pages:
 Picture Sequence
 Go Slow
 Finish the Poem
 God Takes His Time

Other: Make and Do:

 I Need Patience
 Prayer
 From Jesus–With Love

Materials Included in this Handbook

Just for Fun: Active Learning:
 Squeeze, Don’t Jerk  Time to Sprout
 Three-Legged Race

Sing Along:
 God Takes His Time

Supplementary Bible References

Bible Stories:
 Luke 2:25—33 Simeon’s patience rewarded  James 5:10—11 Examples of patience
 Hebrews 6:11—15 Abraham’s patience
Note: Use any Bible or Picture Bible you have available.

Supplementary Audio and Video Materials

Video: Audio:
 God Takes His Time (Birthday Surprises)  God Takes His Time (Sweet Dreams Tonight)

Note: See page 139 in this book for information on how to order this material.
Patience 93
Squeeze, Don’t Jerk

Have the children line up, facing the game leader who
is about 20 meters in front of them. When the leader turns
his/her back to them and says “Squeeze ...”, the children in
the line-up creep forward. When the leader says “... don’t
jerk!” and turns around suddenly, all the children must freeze
in place.
If someone is caught “jerking” they have to go back to the
starting line. The first child to arrive at the leader is the winner
and becomes the next leader.

Three-Legged Race
Divide your players into pairs. For each pair, tie the left
ankle of one to the right ankle of the other. The pairs line up
and race for the finish line. Try a four-legged race too–three
players tied together in the same way.

You will need:

Thin rope or shoelaces.

94 Just for Fun Patience

God Takes His Time

Chorus them to read and to talk.

God takes His time to make Show lots of patience in all
a tree, a baby so tiny, or a that you do.
bumble bee. Remember you once were a
He grows them slow so we baby, too.
can see and know the way
we ought to be. Repeat Chorus

Verse 1 Verse 3
The farmer can’t plant the So don’t be discouraged
seeds and say, when something goes slow,
“Come on and hurry up, and Though it is hard to wait, I know.
grow in one day!” Remember the plants and the
He has to wait for the rain baby so small.
and sun Take time to go slow, you’ll
To help the plants grow one grow big and tall.
by one.
Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus
And know the way we ought
Verse 2 to be.
We can’t expect babies to get God takes His time with you
up and walk; and me.
And it takes time to teach

Patience Sing Along 95

God Takes His Time
Lead vocals: Cathy Gehr, Jeremy Spencer
Lyrics: John Johnson, Cathy Gehr
Music: John Johnson

Capo: 3rd fret

(G)God takes His time to make a tree, a(D)baby so tiny, or a bumble(G)bee.
He grows them slow so we can see and(D)know the way we ought to(G)be.

Verse 1
The(B)farmer can’t plant the(Em)seeds and say,
(C)“Come on and hurry up, and(G)grow in one(D)day!”
(B)He has to wait for the(Em)rain and sun
To(Am)help the plants grow(Bm)one by(D)one.

Repeat Chorus

Verse 2
We(B)can’t expect babies to(Em)get up and walk;
And it(C)takes time to teach them to(G)read and to(D)talk.
(B)Show lots of patience in(Em)all that you do.
Re(Am)member you once were a(Bm)baby,(D)too.

Repeat Chorus
Verse 3
So(B)don’t be discouraged when(Em)something goes slow,
(C)Though it is hard to(G)wait, I(D)know.
Re(B)member the plants and the(Em)baby so small.
(Am)Take time to go slow, you’ll(Bm)grow big and(D)tall.

Repeat Chorus

And(D)know the way we ought to(G)be.

God(D)takes His time with you and(G)me.

96 Sing Along Patience

Time to Sprout
Sometimes it’s hard to wait for things, isn’t it? We want things to happen right
away and waiting just takes so long! But if we are patient and wait, then we’ll
receive the blessing! God takes His time too. Think how long it takes a tree to grow,
or even a flower or blade of grass! Having patience shows that we have faith and
are trusting God to take care of everything. Let’s do a little project together to teach us patience. We’re
going to make a sprout.–It’ll be worth the wait!

Avocado Sprout
Wash an avocado pit in warm water
and then poke several toothpicks into it.
Set it on a glass of water with the large
end down so it is in the water. Put it in
a warm, dim place for four to seven
weeks. Add water as needed. When the
stem is five inches tall, plant it in dirt in a
large flowerpot, at least 23 centimeters
(9 inches) in diameter. Keep it in a sunny
spot and water twice a week.

Sweet Potato Sprout

Follow the same procedure as the avocado. A sweet potato will produce both
leaves and roots if a portion of it is suspended in water, and later becomes a nice

Onion Sprout
Put three toothpicks into a large onion and then suspend it over a small glass of
water so that only the bottom is in the water. Put it on a sunny window sill and it will
send up leaves and produce a flower after a while.

Patience Active Learning 97

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 Check
 off each box as you complete the study.

Materials Included in the Student Book

Story Lessons: Memory Fun:
 Go to the Ant  Mark 9:23
 Young Louis
 Two Frogs
Pencil Pages:
 Maze Fun
 If at First You Don’t Succeed
 Don’t Give Up
 Prayer
Make and Do:
 Get that Fish
 From Jesus–With Love

Materials Included in this Handbook

Just for Fun: Active Learning:
 Small but Mighty  Perseverance Promise Box

Sing Along:
 Try Again

Supplementary Bible References

Bible Stories:
 Luke 11:5—13 The importunate friend
Note: Use any Bible or Picture Bible you have available.

Supplementary Audio and Video Materials

Video: Audio:
 Try Again (Wear a Great Big Smile)  Try a Little Laughter (I Like to Dance)
 Don’t Give Up (Happy All the Time)  I’ve Got a Job to Do (Great Adventures)
 Try a Little Laughter (At the Carnival)  Try Again (Be So Happy)
 Two Frogs (Lights! Camera! Action!)  Don’t Give Up (Be So Happy)
 Two Frogs (Best Friends)

Note: See page 139 in this book for information on how to order this material.
Perseverance 99
Small but Mighty

Children will toss soft “stones” at a high target to get an

idea of what David’s battle with Goliath might have been like.
Mount a paper plate on the wall with tape for the target.
(The paper plate can also be substituted with a circle cut out
of paper, or some marking on the wall.) For small children
put the target at eye level. For older pre-schoolers or children,
mount the target about four meters high.
Mark a line for the children to stand on. The distance from
the wall should be determined by the age and skill of the
Now the children are going to see how hard David might
have had to work to hit his target. Demonstrate how to wad
up newspaper (or any available scrap paper) into stones and
try to hit the target.
Everyone should stay behind the marked line, so no one
will get hit.

You will need:

A target on the wall (for
example: a paper plate or a
paper circle taped on the wall.)
Newspaper (or other available
paper) to wad into balls.

100 Just for Fun Perseverance

Try Again

Chorus 1 Verse 3
Try again, I will try again, There are so many things that I have
I will try again ‘til I get it right! learned to do,
I may be slow, but there’s one thing I Like reading books, and cleaning up,
know, and now I tie my shoes.
That if I try a gain, then I’ll make it. It wasn’t easy, and at first it was real hard,
But thanks to those who helped me,
Verse 1 now I’m off to a good start, ‘cause I ...
It’s so difficult to even write my name.
I’ve tried to do it many times, but still I Chorus 2
can’t spell ”Jane”! Tried again, yes, I tried again,
But if I try to do my very best each day, Yes, I tried again ‘til I got it right.
I know like my big brother I will learn Though I am slow, there’s one thing
to write a page. So I’ll ... that I know,
That when I tried again, then I made
Repeat Chorus 1 it. So if you ...

Verse 2 Chorus 3
I am learning now to ride my bicycle. Try again, if you try again,
I keep on falling down, and it just If you try again you will get it right.
seems impossible. You may be slow, but there’s one
But if I quit I know that I will never win. thing I know,
In learning anything I have to take That if you try again then you’ll make it.
time to begin. So I’ll ... Keep on trying ‘til you make it.
Keep on trying ‘til you make it.
Repeat Chorus 1

Perseverance Sing Along 101

Try Again
Lead vocals: Rebecca Rudow, Abe Johnson, Alisa Ryder
Lyrics: Gregory Janes, Cathy Gehr
Music: Gregory Janes

Capo: 1st fret Repeat Chorus 1

Intro: (A-E-A) Verse 3

(Bm)There are so many things that(D)I
Chorus 1 have learned to do,
(A)Try again, I will(D) try again, Like(A)reading books, and cleaning up,
I will(A)try again ‘til I(E)get it right! and(E)now I tie my(Bm)shoes.
(A)I may be slow, but there’s(D)one thing I know, It wasn’t easy, and at(D)first it was real hard,
That if I(A)try a(E)gain, then I’ll(A)make it. But(A)thanks to those who helped me,
now I’m(E)off to a good start, ‘cause I ...
Verse 1
(Bm)It’s so difficult to(D)even write my name. Chorus 2
I’ve(A)tried to do it many times, but(E)still I (A)Tried again, yes, I(D)tried again,
can’t spell(Bm)”Jane”! Yes, I(A)tried again ‘til I(E)got it right.
But if I try to do my(D)very best each day, (A)Though I am slow, there’s one(D)thing
I(A)know like my big brother I will(E)learn that I know,
to write a page. So I’ll ... That when I(A)tried a(E)gain, then
I(A)made it. So if you ...
Repeat Chorus 1
Chorus 3
Verse 2 (A)Try again, if you(D)try again,
(Bm)I am learning now to(D)ride my bicycle. If you(A)try again you will(E)get it right.
I(A)keep on falling down, and it (A)You may be slow, but there’s(D)one
just(E)seems impossi(Bm)ble. thing I know,
But if I quit I know that(D)I will never win. That if you(A)try a(E)gain then
In(A)learning anything I have to(E)take you’ll(A)make it.
time to begin. So I’ll ... (D)Keep on(E)trying ‘til you(A)make it.
(D)Keep on(E)trying ‘til you(A)make it.

102 Sing Along Perseverance

Perseverance Promise Box
To make promise cards, look up following verses on perseverance and any
others you can think of in the Bible, and write them out on a piece of cardstock.
Then cut each verse out individually. Now, we’ll make a box to put them in. You can
make your own original box, or you can make the box as shown below.

 Exodus 14:14
 Joshua 1:9
 2 Chronicles 15:7
 2 Chronicles 32:8
 Nehemiah 4:20
 Psalm 28:7
 Psalm 55:22
 Matthew 19:26
 Luke 1:37
 1 Corinthians 15:57
 2 Corinthians 12:9
 Galatians 6:9
 Ephesians 6:10
 Philippians 4:13
 2 Thessalonians 3:13
 1 Timothy 6:12
 2 Timothy 2:3

Use a square of paper. Find the center point by folding the paper in
1. Fold two corners to the center.
2. Fold diagonally through the center point.
3. Fold the top point down. Fold the left point behind.
4. Put your thumbs into the model; separate the two layers and let
points X and Y come together.
5. Fold two top layer corners to the center. Repeat behind with bottom
layer corners.
6. Take the top layer left flap across to the right. Repeat behind.
7. Fold and tuck the front flap into the model (take care not to confine
the inside flaps). Repeat behind.
8. Raise the four sides while pressing on the top point. Turn over.
9. The box is completed.

Perseverance Active Learning 103

(This page intentionally blank)
 Check
 off each box as you complete the study.

Materials Included in the Student Book

Stories Memory Fun:
 God Is Good  Philippians 4:8
 The Magic Mask
 Is Less More?
Pencil Pages:
 Out of the Hole
 Two Pockets
 Look and Find
 Prayer
Make and Do:
 Positive Outlook Glasses
 From Jesus–With Love

Materials Included in this Handbook

Just for Fun: Active Learning:
 Belly Laughs  Happy All the Time Game

Sing Along:
  Smiling Face

Supplementary Bible References

Bible Stories:
 Acts 27:9—26 One of Paul’s journeys  Philippians 4:11—13 Rejoice in the Lord
Note: Use any Bible or Picture Bible you have available.

Supplementary Audio and Video Materials

Video: Audio:
 Have a Good Laugh at Yourself (Growing Together)  A Smiling Face (Coloring the World)
 Happy God (Happy All the time)  The Way to Wake Up (I Like to Sing)
 A Smiling Face (A Smiling Face)  H-A-P-P-Y (Be So Happy)
 The Way to Wake Up (On the Lookout)  Have a Good Laugh at Yourself (Be So Happy)
 Happy Smile (Best Friends)

Note: See page 139 in this book for information on how to order this material.
Positive Outlook 105
Belly Laughs

Here’s something real fun to do! Have everyone lie down

on the floor–use a soft rug or carpet, blanket, etc. if you have
one available.
We will make curvy shape (or any shape you choose) by
having one person lie down on his back and then someone
else with his or her head on his stomach. Repeat this until
everyone has his/her head on someone’s stomach–except
the first person, of course.
Now the first person says, “Ha”! The second person then
says, “Ha! Ha”! The third person will say, “Ha! Ha! Ha”! and
on and on it goes till it reaches the end. By the time you get to
the end, everyone should be laughing!

106 Just for Fun Positive Outlook

A Smiling Face

Verse 1 Bridge 2
The world looks brighter when you wear More than seventy little muscles form a
a smile. frowning face,
It’s always in fashion, never out of style! But only fourteen muscles put a smile in
Share that expression all over the place, its place.
And try to make others happy with a
smiling face! Verse 4
The world looks brighter when you wear
Verse 2 a smile.
So in the morning when you start your day, It’s always in fashion, never out of style.
Make a resolution, stand up and say, Share that expression all over the place,
“I’m gonna keep smiling come what may, And try to make others happy with a
And try to make others happy with a smiling face.
smiling face!”
Verse 5
Bridge 1 So in the morning when you start your
More than seventy little muscles form a day, [Start your day!]
frowning face, Make a resolution, stand up and say,
But only fourteen muscles put a smile in [Up and say!]
its place. “I’m gonna keep smiling come what may,
And try to make others happy with a
[On your face!] smiling face!”

Verse 3 Oh, try to make others happy with a

If you can’t speak Russian, or Japanese, smiling face!
If you don’t know German, or any Yeah, try to make others happy with a
Portuguese, smiling face!
In every language, with every race,
Try to make others happy with a smiling

Positive Outlook Sing Along 107

A Smiling Face
Lead vocal: Angelique Greene
Lyrics and music: Peter Gehr
Intro: (C)

Verse 1
The world looks(C)brighter(F-C)when you wear a smile(F-C).
It’s always in fashion(F-C), never out of style(F-C)!
Share that expression(F-C)all over the place(F-C),
And(C)try to make(D)others(F)happy with a(G)smiling(C)face(F-C)!


Verse 2
So in the(C)morning(F-C)when you start your day(F-C),
Make a resolution(F-C), stand up and say(F-C),
“I’m gonna keep smiling(F-C)come what may(F-C),
And(C)try to make(D)others(F)happy with a(G)smiling(C)face!”(F-C)

Bridge 1
More than(F)seventy little muscles form a(C)frowning face,
But(D)only fourteen muscles put a(G)smile in its place.

[On your(A)face!]

Verse 3
If you can’t speak(D)Russian,(G-D)or Japanese(G-D),
If you don’t know German,(G-D)or any Portuguese(G-D),
In every language(G-D), with every race(G-D),
(D)Try to make(E)others(G)happy with a(A)smiling(D)face.(G-D)

Bridge 2
More than(G)seventy little muscles form a(D)frowning face,
But(E)only fourteen muscles put a(A)smile in its place.

Verse 4
The world looks(D)brighter(G-D)when you wear a smile(G-D).
It’s always in fashion(G-D), never out of style(G-D).
Share that expression(G-D)all over the place(G-D),
And(D)try to make(E)others(G)happy with a(A)smiling (D)face(G-D).

Music break: (G-D-E-A)

Verse 5
So in the(D)morning(G-D)when you start your day(G-D), [Start your day!]
Make a resolution(G-D), stand up and say(G-D), [Up and say!]
“I’m gonna keep smiling(G-D)come what may(G-D),
And(D)try to make(E)others(G)happy with a(A)smiling(D)face!”(G-D)

Oh,(D)try to make(E)others(G)happy with a(A)smiling(D)face(G-D)!

Yeah,(D)try to make(E)others(G)happy with a(A)smiling(D)face!(D)
108 Sing Along Positive Outlook
Happy All the Time Game
Preparing the game: How to play:
 Photocopy this page as  Place your markers at the “start” arrow.
many times as you need to,  Roll the die. The player with the high-
depending on how many est number begins. He then rolls the
die again and moves the same amount of spaces as the
players you have.
number he rolled.
 Cut out the faces along the  Follow the instructions for the shapes you land on: yellow
dotted lines. Lay them out face circle = pick a face card; gray circle = pick a bonus card
down on a flat surface so the and follow the instructions; blue square = pick a question
players can’t see the faces. card, if answered correctly, go ahead two spaces; gray
 Color the white circles on the square = pick a question card, if answered correctly, go
game-board (page 108) yellow, ahead three spaces; red triangle = move forward one
the white squares blue and the space if you have a happy face card, or back one space if
white triangles red. you have a sad face card; gray triangle = take an extra
 Cut out the question and bonus turn.
cards on page 109.  When the first person reaches the “end” star, the game
 Use buttons, pebbles, leaves or
 All must then add up their happy face cards and minus
any other small objects you like their sad face cards from that amount. The winner is the
as markers. one who is then left with the most happy faces. Have fun!

Positive Outlook Active Learning 109

Happy All the Time Game Board



110 Active Learning Positive Outlook

Happy All the Time Playing Cards
Cut out these cards
Question Question Bonus Bonus
“A happy smile doeth
Read a Bible verse on Quote your memory good like a medicine.
Tell about a time
happiness. verse for the day and The Lord healed you
you helped make
Psalm 144:15; Psalm 146:5; move forward three from your sickness.
someone happy. Proverbs 14:21; spaces. Move forward two
John 13:17.

Question Question Bonus Bonus

Happiness is think- The Lord made life
The way to be How does it make
ing about others. You for you to enjoy. Enjoy
happy is to make you feel when you
made your friend his yourself while you
______ happy. see someone who
favorite snack. Move take three big steps
is sad?
forward two spaces. forward.

Question Question Bonus Bonus

Tell about a time What do you do Smiling is contagious.

that you were sad Pick a face card.
when someone Smile away as you
and someone smiles at you? take an extra turn.
cheered you up.

Question Question Bonus Bonus

If we please the Lord,
He lets us do the When we have Jesus
Who can make us Act out something
things we like to do. in our hearts, we
truly happy, even if that you like doing
You got to go out on have true happiness.
difficulties come our and that makes you
a fun outing. Move Move forward to the
way? happy?
forward one space. nearest triangle.

Question Question Bonus Bonus

When you feel sad or
Can you list three you just made a mis- You smiled through
things that make take, what is some- your tears. Pick an Pick a face card.
you happy? thing you can do to extra face card.
make you feel better?

Question Question Bonus Bonus

You saw someone
Why should we even The way to be happy is without a smile, and
What is something
be happy we receive to make others happy. when you smiled at them
you can do to
correction? You shared your favor- they smiled back. Move
brighten up
(Hebrews 12:6,11) ite toy. Move to the forward one space and
someone’s day?
next circle. pick a face card.
Positive Outlook Active Learning 111
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 Check
 off each box as you complete the study.

Materials Included in the Student Book

Story Lessons: Memory Fun:
 Just Like Toothpaste  Psalm 141:3
 Guard Your Tongue
 Words Like Honey
Pencil Pages:
 Winning Words
 Watch Your Words
 Good Advice
 Prayer
Make and Do:
 Kind Words
 From Jesus–With Love

Materials Included in this Handbook

Just for Fun: Active Learning:
 You’re Special  Watch Your Words

Sing Along:
 Words Coming from a Heart of Love

Supplementary Bible References

Bible Stories:
 James 3 The tongue
Note: Use any Bible or Picture Bible you have available.

Supplementary Audio and Video Materials

Video: Audio:
 God Made All the Animals (Making Friends)  Making Fun (Coloring the World)
 Making Fun (Happy Holiday)  Say Something Nice (I Like to Dance)
 Say Something Nice (Barks ‘n’ Sparks)  Boomerang (I Like to Sing)
 God Made All the Animals (Be So Happy)

Note: See page 139 in this book for information on how to order this material.
Power of the Tongue 113
You’re Special

All stand in a circle, facing inward, while playing some

lively music in the background. One child walks around the
outside of the circle, gently patting each child on the back as
he or she passes, until the music stops.
When the music stops, have the child hug the person he or
she is behind and say, “You’re special!” or some other sweet
words. Then have those two children switch places and
continue the game until each person has a chance to walk
around the circle.

You will need:

A CD or tape player with
music or a radio.

114 Just for Fun Power of the Tongue

Words Coming from
a Heart of Love
Verse 1
A little lie can really fly
So very far.
The words we say, our deeds today
Can heal or car.

Chorus 1
The winds and the breeze will carry the seeds of our tongue.
The words that you’ve said, what have they begun?

Verse 2
Our every word can help or hurt,
So listen well.
Each and every day pray before you say
The things you tell.

Chorus 2
The winds and the breeze will carry the seeds of our tongue.
The words that you’ve said, what have they begun?

You can blow out a match, but you can’t blow out
The fire that it starts.
Speak the words of love He will give to you,
Words coming from a heart of love.

Repeat Chorus 2

Repeat Bridge

Words coming from a heart of love.

Words coming from a heart of love.

Power of the Tongue Sing Along 115

Words Coming from a Heart of Love
Lead vocals: Heidi Spencer, Mene Berg, Armendi Russel
Lyrics and music: Cathy Gehr

Capo: 3rd fret Bridge

You can blow(D)out a match, but
Verse 1 you(A)can’t blow(F#m)out
(A)A(Bm)little lie(C#m)can(Bm)really fly The(Bm)fire(Bm/A)that it(Esus4)starts.(E)
(A)so(Bm)very(C#m)far.(Bm) Speak the(D)words of love He will(A)give
(A)The(Bm)words we to(F#m)you,
say,(C#m)our(Bm)deeds today (Bm)Words(F#m)coming from a(Esus-
(A)Can(Bm)heal or(C#m)car.(Bm) E)heart of(A)love.(Bm-C#m-Bm)

Chorus 1 Repeat Chorus 2

(D)The winds and the(Dm)breeze will
carry the(A)seeds of our(F#m)tongue. Repeat Bridge
(D)The words that you’ve(Dm)said, what
have they be(E)gun? (D)Words coming from a(Esus-E)heart
Verse 2 (D)Words coming from a(Esus-E)heart
(A)Our(Bm)every of(A)love.(Bm-C#m-Bm-A)
word(C#m)can(Bm)help or hurt,
(A)Each and(Bm)every day(C#m)pray
be(Bm)fore you say
(A)The(Bm)things you(C#m)tell.(Bm)

Chorus 2
(D)The winds and the(Dm)breeze will
carry the(A)seeds of our(F#m)tongue.
(D)The words that you’ve(Dm)said, what
have they be(Esus4)gun?(E)

116 Sing Along Power of the Tongue

Watch Your Words
“Set a guard, O Lord, before my mouth; keep watch over the
door of my lips” (Psalm 141:3).

It is very important to watch our words. Words are real things. They can help or they can hurt, they
lift up or they knock down. Read James 3 with the class about the power of the tongue and then pray
and ask God to set a watch over our mouths and teach us to know which things to say and which
things not to say.
Mount these verses and quotes on colored cardstock and post them around the classroom as

“Let every man be The tongue can be a

swift to hear, slow to blessing, and the tongue
speak, slow to wrath” can be a curse. How are
(James 1:19). you using yours, for better
or for worse?

“Every idle word men

may speak, they will Pray before
give account of it in the
day of judgement” you say.
(Matthew 12:36).

“There is a time to We have two ears and

keep silence and only one tongue in order
a time to speak” that we may hear more
(Ecclesiastes 3:7). and speak less.

Power of the Tongue Active Learning 117

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 Check
 off each box as you complete the study.

Materials Included in the Student Book

Story Lessons: Memory Fun:
 The Tug of War  Acts 20:35
 The House that Glowed
 The Little Newsboy
Pencil Pages:
 Love Cups
 The Selfish Chief
 Find the Differences
 Prayer
Make and Do:
 Unselfishness Wheel
 From Jesus–With Love

Materials Included in this Handbook

Just for Fun: Active Learning:
 Chain of Events  A Cheerful Giver

Sing Along:
 Make Each Step a Loving Step

Supplementary Bible References

Bible Stories:
 Luke 12:13—21 Parable of the rich fool  Acts 5:1—11 Ananias and Sapphira
Note: Use any Bible or Picture Bible you have available.

Supplementary Audio and Video Materials

Video: Audio:
 I’d Like to Be Invisible (Happy All the Time)  I’d Like to Be Invisible (Be So Happy)
 Land of Not Too Much (Growing Together)
 With a Few Little Hugs (Wear a Great Big Smile)

Note: See page 139 in this book for information on how to order this material.
Selfishness/Unselfishness 119
Chain of Events

This game is like “Follow the Leader”–with a delayed

reaction. Have the children line up single file behind you.
Tell them they must each do the same action as the
person in front of them, but they can’t do the action until after
that person actually does it. Have the first person in the line
do different actions for people to follow, such as squatting,
skipping, jumping, walking while bent over, shaking your
head or wiggling.
Start a second action before the whole line finishes the first
one. Change the line leader and let others think of actions to
pass down the line.

120 Just for Fun Selfishness/Unselfishness

Make Each Step
a Loving Step
Verse 1
Wouldn’t it be wonderful for people to be
Living unselfishly?
If we would help our neighbors as ourselves,
This would solve our problems, too.

Make each step a loving step,
Kind and helpful every day.
A little love and understanding
Go such a long, long way.

Verse 2
A loving heart will make others happy,
’Cause love never fails.
Even when some people are crabby,
Love will always prevail.

Repeat Chorus

Verse 3
And remember, your neighbor is not
Just the one who lives next door.
It is anyone who needs your help,
So keep on loving more and more.

Repeat Chorus three times

A little love and understanding

Go such a long, long way.

Selfishness/Unselfishness Sing Along 121

Make Each Step a Loving Step
Lead vocals: Billy Blanco Jr., Tommy
Lyrics: Steven Siebel, Cathy Gehr, Peter Gehr
Music: Steven Siebel

Intro: (D-A-E-Dmaj7-C#7) (F#m-A-E-Dmaj7-C#-A)

Verse 1
(A)Wouldn’t it be wonderful for(D)people to be
(E)Living un(A)selfishly?
If we would help our neighbors(D)as ourselves,
(E)This would solve our problems,(A)too.

(D)Make each step a(A)loving step,
(E)Kind and helpful(A)every day.
(D)A little love and(A)under(Adim)standing
(Bm)Go such a(E)long, long(A)way.

Verse 2
(A)A loving heart will(D)make others happy,
(E)’Cause love(A)never fails.
Even when some(D)people are crabby,
(E)Love will always pre(A)vail.

Repeat Chorus


Verse 3
(A)And remember, your(D)neighbor is not
(E)Just the one who(A)lives next door.
It is anyone who(D)needs your help,
So(E)keep on loving more and(A)more.

Repeat Chorus three times

(D)A little love and(A)under(Adim)standing

(Bm)Go such a(E)long, long(D)way.(Bm-Dm-Amaj7)

122 Sing Along Selfishness/Unselfishness

A Cheerful Giver
There are many ways in which we can be unselfish and give of ourselves–
our time, our love, our prayers and our friendship.
Paste the cheerful giver sign on an envelope. Cut out the cards below and
put them in the envelope. Read these over, look up the verses and discuss them with the class. Now
decide that at the beginning of each day for the next five days you will read out one of these cards and
everyone will try to do what it says that day. Post the card for the day so all will be reminded.

“God loves a cheerful giver”

(2 Corinthians 9:7).

Give your LOVE. Give your STRENGTH. Give your TIME.

(1 John 4:11) (Galatians 6:10) (Psalm 55:17)
Do something nice for Volunteer to do a job that Take time today to thank
someone today. is difficult for someone God for all He has given
else to do. you.

Give time to GOD’S

Give kind WORDS. Give a kind DEED. WORD.
(Ephesians 4:29) (Matthew 5:16) (Psalm 119:11)
Say something kind to at Pick up a mess that Choose a favorite verse
least three people today. you see laying around out of Psalm 119 and
today. memorize it today.
Selfishness/Unselfishness Active Learning 123
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 Check
 off each box as you complete the study.

Materials Included in the Student Book

Story Lessons: Memory Fun:
 Picking Up the Pieces  Galatians 6:2
 Who Will Help Me?
 Good-Bye Grumbles
Pencil Pages:
 My Responsibilities
 I’m Here, Sir!

Other: Make and Do:

 Treasure Box
 Prayer
 From Jesus–With Love

Materials Included in this Handbook

Just for Fun: Active Learning:
 Tug of Winners  What Can I Do to Help?
 Pairs Tag

Sing Along:
 Happy Helper

Supplementary Bible References

Bible Stories:
 Genesis 41:28—57 Pharaoh gives Joseph  John 11:1—46 Roll ye away the stone
responsibility  1 Thessalonians 4:11—12 Work with your hands
Note: Use any Bible or Picture Bible you have available.

Supplementary Audio and Video Materials

Video: Audio:
 My Mommy Is Having a Baby (Wear a Great Big Smile)  Mrs. Farmer Friendly (Coloring the World)
 Happy Helper (Happy All the Time)  It’s a Beautiful World (I Like to Dance)
 Baby Brother (Growing Together)  Helping Hands (Be So Happy)
 I’m a Baby (Making Friends)  Baby Brother (Be So Happy)
 Mrs. Farmer Friendly (Fun on the Farm)  My Mommy Is Having a Baby (Be So Happy)
 It’s a Beautiful World (Our Beautiful World)  Happy Helper (Be So Happy)

Note: See page 139 in this book for information on how to order this material.
Taking Responsibility 125
Tug of Winners

Divide the children into two teams. Have each team line up
on either end of a rope, as if they were going to play Tug of
War. Instead, play “Tug of Winners.”
In this game the two teams will try to get into a rhythm of
see-sawing back and forth with the rope.
Once they get the rhythm, have them seesaw: quickly,
slowly, as if they were in a wind storm, as if they were in a hot
desert, as if they were in the rain, etc.

You will need:

A rope about 4 meters long.

Pairs Tag
Two players join hands and try to tag the other players.
When they tag someone, they form a chain of three. But the
moment they tag a fourth person, they split into two pairs.
This continues until the last one tagged is the winner.

126 Just for Fun Taking Responsibility

Happy Helper

Verse 1
Peeling the potatoes, shining up the shoes,
You can be so happy in the things you do.
Cleaning a toilet, washing the clothes,
Please go get a Kleenex to wipe the baby’s nose.

Verse 2
Changing a diaper, giving baby a bath,
Helping someone smile, helping someone laugh.
Picking up the paper, sweeping the floor,
This is just a little list, there is so much more to ...

Be a happy helper, show a sample of, a sample of real love.
Oh, be a happy helper, show a sample of real love.

Verse 3
Taking time to listen, learning how to share,
Loving up the lonely, showing them you care.
Be a happy helper in all you do and say,
Happiness is waiting to be your friend to day. So …

Repeat Chorus

Oh …

Repeat Chorus

Show a sample of real love.

Taking Responsibility Sing Along 127

Happy Helper
Lead vocals: Anim
Lyrics and music: Cathy Gehr

Intro: (C-G-F-G-C)

Verse 1
(C)Peeling the potatoes,(G)shining up the shoes,
You can be so happy in the(C)things you do.
Cleaning a toilet,(F)washing the clothes,
(D)Please go get a Kleenex to wipe the baby’s(G)nose.

Verse 2
(C)Changing a diaper, giving(G)baby a bath,
Helping someone smile,(C)helping someone laugh.
Picking up the paper,(F)sweeping the floor,
(D)This is just a little list, there is so much(G)more to ...

(C)Be a happy(G)helper,(F)show a sample of, a(C)sample of real(G)love.
Oh,(C)be a happy(G)helper,(F)show a sample(G)of real(C)love.

Verse 3
(C)Taking time to listen,(G)learning how to share,
Loving up the lonely,(C)showing them you care.
Be a happy helper in(F)all you do and say,
(D)Happiness is waiting to be your friend to(G)day. So …

Repeat Chorus

Oh …

Repeat Chorus

(F)Show a sample(G)of real(C)love.

128 Sing Along Taking Responsibility

What Can I Do to Help?
Have each of the children draw and cut out a little figure of themselves with their name on it.
Color and post the picture below on the wall and have each child place their figure in one of
the star marked spots that need help. There is room for 10 children. If you can, enlarge or copy this
picture onto a larger sheet of cardstock. If you have many children in your class, you can make several copies of the picture
below, or you can draw another scene so that all the children will have a spot. Some ideas are: at school; at the park or
playground; in the garden.

Taking Responsibility Active Learning 129

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 Check
 off each box as you complete the study.

Materials Included in the Student Book

Story Lessons: Memory Fun:
 Many Trunks Make Light Work  Ecclesiastes 4:9
 Badger and Honey Guide
 The Carpenter’s Tools
Pencil Pages:
 What Is Teamwork?
 Who Flies the Kite?
 Body Maze
 Prayer
Make and Do:
 We’re a Team!
 From Jesus–With Love

Materials Included in this Handbook

Just for Fun: Active Learning:
 Cups of Water  The Carpenter’s Tools
 My Body
Sing Along:  Fun Facts - Elephants
 As a Team

Supplementary Bible References

Bible Stories:
 1 Corinthians 12:12—31 One body  Philippians 2:1—4 Be of one accord
Note: Use any Bible or Picture Bible you have available.

Supplementary Audio and Video Materials

Video: Audio:
 Blind Man and the Elephant Story (Birthday Surprises)  As a Team (Best Friends)
 The Carpenter’s Tools Story (Be the Best)
 The Sailboat Story (Story Time)
 As a Team (The Fantastic Friends)

Note: See page 139 in this book for information on how to order this material.
Working Together 131
Cups of Water

On a warm day, take the children outside and form two

teams equal in number. If necessary, ask an adult to join a
Have each team form a line parallel to the other team.
Place a full bucket of water at one end of each line and an
empty bucket at the other end. Give each child a paper cup.
We’re going to play “Cups of Water.” When the teacher
says “go,” the person standing next to the bucket of water
must fill his or her cup and then pour the water into the
second person’s cup. That person will pour the water into the
third person’s cup, and so on.
As soon as the first person has emptied a cup, he or she
can fill another cup of water from the bucket. The goal is to fill
the empty bucket at the end of each line with all of the water.
The first team to move all the water (or the most water, as
some will probably spill) from one bucket to the other wins.

You will need:

Cups for each child.
Four buckets, two of
them full of water.

132 Just for Fun Working Together

As a Team

Intro Chorus 2
Everybody helping everyone. As a team we do it better,
Everybody helping everyone. That’s the way to get things done.
Everybody helping everyone. Everybody helping every one.
Everybody helping everyone.
Verse 4
Verse 1 So I need you and you need me.
Have you ever tried to do [“Can you please help me? Oh,
Something very hard for you? thank you so much!”]
All alone you tried and tried, Let’s work together in unity.
Until you almost quit and cried. [“I agree! That’s a very good idea!”]
I’ll help you and you’ll help me,
Verse 2 And, oh, what fun our job will be.
Then someone came and helped
you, Chorus 3
Mom or Dad or friend so true, As a team we do it better,
[friend so true]. That’s the way to get things done.
‘Cause big or little, old or young, [Everybody helping everyone!]
We all need help from someone. As a team we do it better,
That’s the way to get things done.
Chorus 1 (Everybody helping every one.
As a team we do it better, Everybody helping every one.
That’s the way to get things done. Everybody helping every one.)
Everybody helping everyone.

Verse 3
Look at how your body’s made:
Eyes and ears and arms and legs.
Each part needs the other one
To see and hear and catch and run.

Working Together Sing Along 133

As a Team
Lead vocal: Chioko McNair, Keiko McNally
Lyrics: Cathy Gehr
Music: Kirk Allen, Michael Fogarty

Capo: 1st fret Chorus 2

(D)As a team we(Bm)do it better,
Intro (A)That’s the way to(D)get things done.
(A)Everybody helping(D)every(A)one. (Bm)Everybody(E)helping every(F#m)one.
helping(E)every(A)one. (D)Ah,(E)ah,(F#m)ah!
(A)Everybody helping(D)every(A)one. (D)Ah,(E)ah,(F#)ah!
helping(E)every(A)one. Verse 4
So(B)I need you and you need me.
Verse 1 [“Can you please help me? Oh, thank you
(A)Have you ever tried to do so much!”]
Something very hard for you? Let’s work together in unity.
(E-A)All alone you tried and tried, [“I agree! That’s a very good idea!”]
Until you almost quit and cried.(E-A) (F#-B)I’ll help you and you’ll help me,
And, oh, what fun our job will be.(F#-B)
Verse 2
Then(A)someone came and helped you, Chorus 3
Mom or Dad or friend so true, [(D6)friend (E)As a team we(C#m)do it better,
so(A)true]. (B)That’s the way to(E)get things done.
‘Cause big or little, old or young, [(C#m)Everybody(F#)helping
We all need help from someone.(E-A) every(E)one!]
(E)As a team we(C#m)do it better,
Chorus 1 (B)That’s the way to(E)get things done.
(D)As a team we(Bm)do it better, (C#m)Everybody(F#)helping every(B)one.
(A)That’s the way to(D)get things done. Everybody helping(E6)every(B)one.
(Bm)Everybody(E)helping every(A)one. (G#m)Every(B)body helping(F#)
Verse 3
(A)Look at how your body’s made:
Eyes and ears and arms and legs.
(E-A)Each part needs the other one
To see and hear and catch and run.(E-A)

134 Sing Along Working Together

The Carpenter’s Tools
You can
cut out and use
these figures
while telling
the story of “The
Carpenter’s Tools”
from the “Working
Together” student
book. You can also
make your own life-size
props for the children
to use in acting out the
story, if you like.

Working Together Active Learning 135

My Body
Read this poem to the class. When you get to a picture in the text, draw it on the chalkboard and have
the children guess what the word is.

Suppose one day the

foot should say: “Because I’m not a hand

I am not part of a whole man

Or if the ears should think

That, since they are not eyes, they have

No role that they can play.

If all the body were an eye,

How could we hear, I say.

If all the body were an ear,

How could we ever smell?

God made each part to do its work,

And He made all things well.

So some are Jews and some are Greeks,

Some are blind, and some can see.

But God made all to play their part,

And together to agree.

136 Active Learning Working Together
Facts Elephants
How God made the elephant:
The elephant smells, drinks and feeds itself
with its trunk. No animal has a better nose. The
elephant’s trunk is strong enough to pick up a
600 pound log, yet skillful enough to pick up a
peanut. Elephants use their tusks to dig for food
and to fight. With their tusks they can carry a load
weighing up to a ton.
The elephant’s trunk is about six feet long and
has 40 thousand different muscles. Elephants
have the largest ears in the world. They constantly
move them and use them as fans.

Elephants are especially useful in moving

logs. They can work on rough ground or in thick
forests where big machines cannot go. The
elephant will put the log down exactly where it is
told to.
The average male Asian elephant is nine feet The elephant is the largest and most powerful
tall at the shoulder, and weighs between 7,000 animal that lives on land. Trained elephants are
and 12,000 pounds (3,174 and 5,442 kg). It lives usually calm, obedient, loyal and affectionate.
in parts of India and Southeast Asia. They are still used as work animals in Asia and
rcer, Africa today. Elephants were once used as
A fr ic a n e le p h ant is larger, fie personal transportation by Indian maharajahs
The the Asian
d m o re d ifficu lt to train than ephant (the title of a ruling prince in India) and princes.
A n a ve ra g e male African El
Elephan t. oulder,
b o u t 11 ½ feet tall at its sh A herd of elephants can go through the jungle
stan d s a ounds
h s fr o m 12 ,0 00 to 14,000 p with surprisingly little noise. They usually shuffle
and weig kg).
(5,442 to 6,349
e along in single file.
They mainly liv
ica An elephant feels with the sensitive tip of its
in areas of Afr
hara trunk, and uses it to caress its mate or its young.
south of the Sa
ave Elephants kiss by putting
Desert. They h
n the the tips of their trunks
larger ears tha
ts in each other’s mouths.
Asian Elephan
ray. Elephants are the best
and are dark g
swimmers of all land
Elephants eat up to 600 pounds (272 kg) of grass, leaves and small
branches a day. To do this they must almost constantly be eating.
An elephant can also use its trunk as a trumpet, or to give itself a
Usually the same driver or “mahout” stays with the elephant
for its whole life. The
mahout guides the
animal by giving it
signals behind its ears
with his feet. A well-
trained elephant can
learn to obey about 30
different spoken orders.
Working Together Active Learning 137
Chord Diagrams

(D )
(E )







(F )



Audio and Video Materials
Video Materials:  Little Creatures

Kiddie Viddie  On the Air!–Sing Along!

 Christmas Joy  On the Lookout

 Growing Together  Our Beautiful World

 Happy All the Time  Peepers and Penny

 Making Friends  Radio Waves

 Wear a Great Big Smile  Rain or Shine

 Story Time
Treasure Attic
 Sweet Dreams
 A Smiling Face
 The Fantastic Friends
 All Aboard
 The Fantastic Journey
 Around the World
 We Can Get Along
 At the Carnival
 Back on the Air Fantastic Friends
 Barks ‘n’ Sparks  Be a Friend
 Never Out of Style
 Be the Best
 Birthday Surprises
Audio Materials:
 Christmas Friends
 Be So Happy
 Fit to Win
 Best Friends
 Forever Friend
 Coloring the World
 Fun on the Farm
 Great Adventures
 Happy and Healthy
 I Like to Dance
 Happy Holiday
 I Like to Sing
 Learning Is Fun
 Sweet Dreams Tonight
 Let’s Have Fun
 Little Drummer Boy
 Lights! Camera! Action!

Produced and distributed by: Contact STEPS at:

Aurora Production AG STEPS
Neugasse 3 PostNet Suite 99,
CH-6300 Zug, Switzerland Private Bag X3,
Tel: +41-41-7201531 Westville 3630,
Fax: +41-41-7106745 South Africa
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Web: Web:

The STEPS program in an
easy-to-follow handbook!
Each of the 20 course subjects in the Character Building series are clearly
outlined and supplemented with Sing Along songs, Active Learning activities, Just
for Fun games, Bible References, Audio Visual Resources, and more! 
Sing Along brings you 20 easy-to-learn songs. Have you ever found yourself
humming the tune to a song you learned in school as a child? What better way to
help children carry with them the theme of the lesson being taught than through a
meaningful song that will stay in their minds and hearts for years to come?
Active Learning activities help children remember and practice the lessons
taught. The activities suggested will add variety and action to the program. In
this section you will find skits, indoor and outdoor projects, activities, games, wall
posters, displays, fun facts, and more to choose from.
Add action and fun to your classes with the Just for Fun games. Encourage
student participation and increase learning through play!
If the children have been sitting still for awhile, after a short game where they can
move around and stretch their legs, they will be more inspired, alert, and eager to
participate in class.
Bible References and Audio and Video Materials are listed to accompany and
supplement each lesson.
The Character Building Handbook is your personal activity source book to help
guide you through the STEPS program.


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