Health - Lesson Materials
Health - Lesson Materials
Health - Lesson Materials
(A ) Look at the picture. This person is obese, a way of saying that they are so overweight that it is dangerous
to their health. All across the developed world obesity is becoming a serious issue.
Can you think what the reasons for this might be?
Hopefully, this list of questions should have helped you find the answer(s) to the original one. Now, let’s look at that
again: Why is obesity such a big problem today in the developed world?
Think of as many reasons as you can and write them down in the box below.
- Most homes have two working parents and they have no time to cook
(B) Compare your list with your partner’s. W rite down any points
A sedentary lifestyle
you may have missed. Then ask each other these questions.
If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, this
• Why is fast food so popular today? means that you are not very active
• Do we lead more sedentary lifestyles today than in the past? in your day-to-day life. A person
• What types of food are the best for our health? who sits in front of a computer all
• Are healthy foods affordable? day at work and watches T.V all
• What problems do obese people have in their day-to-day lives? evening leads a sedentary lifestyle.
• What more serious problems can obesity lead to over time?
(C ) Which of the following foods do you think has the most calories? Put the foods in order from I -5 based
on how many calories you think they contain, 1 being the most calorific.
A n o rex ia
If you are anorexic, you have a fear of becoming fat and do not eat
enough food. As a result, you become very weak and thin, and risk
death if the condition gets serious.
Young Sm okers
Every year about 165,000 young people take up smoking in Britain; that works out at around 450 a day. In fact,
proportionately, more young people smoke than do those aged 30-plus. Nearly one in every ten I I - to 15-year-
olds describe themselves as regular smokers. That figure is one in every five for 15-year-olds taken on their own,
and, by the age of 19, one quarter of all teens smoke regularly. Alarmingly, only 40% of underage smokers said they
found it difficult to purchase cigarettes. That means that 6 in every 10 found it relatively easy to do so, despite the
fact that it is illegal for shopkeepers to sell cigarettes to under-18s. Young girls are more likely to have tried a cig
arette or become regular smokers than young boys today. More 20- to 25-year-olds smoke in Britain than any
other age group.
(i) What evidence is there according to the text to suggest that smoking among young people continues to be
a serious problem? Write the evidence down in short points (in note form) below.
I: ___________________________________________________________
2: _______________________________________________________________________
3: ______________________________________________________________
4: ______________________________________________________________
5: ______________________________________________________________
6: _______________________________________________________________________
Smoking amongst young people is not the problem it once was. Do you agree?
(i) List the causes of the problem as identified in the above text in note form. Then write a proposed solution down
next to each problem, as in the example.
parents or siblings smoke need to get parents and siblings to quit
(H ) What are the long-term health problems associated with smoking? Read the text and then list them on the right.
(I) (i) Smoking is a serious addiction. What other types of addictions can you think of? Write them in the space
provided below.
consultant someone who receives treatment and leaves hospital the same day
cut a disease that has spread across a large area and affected many people
scan -
the method a doctor uses to try to help a patient recover to full health
when you go to the doctor to make sure that you are still healthy
check-up someone who must remain in hospital for treatment for at least one night
It was the final of the inter-schools soccer tournament, and I had scored two goals playing a blinder in midfield.
I was dictating play; passing well; I was on fire. It was turning into one of the best days of my life.
And then it happened. A crunch and snap; someone had come in hard from behind. I felt my leg go from under
me and lost ( I ) _______consciousness_____ When I woke up briefly, I was in an (2 )_______________________
or something as far as I could make out. Then I drifted back into sleep again. My mother told me the rest...
For a while, they had thought that they would have to (1 0 )________________________ , but luckily I had the
best doctor in the country looking after me. Thank goodness my mum had taken out ( I I ) _____________________;
otherwise we would never have been able to afford to go (1 2 )________________________ for treatment.
I woke up about three hours later, tired and sore, but all in one piece. The doctor kept me in hospital for
(1 3 )________________ ________for about a week before I was released. I had ( 14 )_________________________
on my leg and needed to use (1 5 )________________________to walk, but at least I still had it! In time, the doc
tor said, it would be as good as new.
I was very nervous after all the trauma, and perhaps this induced an attack of (2 0 )______________________,
which I hadn’t had since I was eight years old. On seeing my breathing difficulties, the nurse quickly brought me
an (2 1 )________________________ .
(i) Write down as many reasons as you can think of to support each side of the argument, ( I) Yes and (2) No, as in
the example.
( I ) Yes (2) No
it s a government service - we pay for it through taxes top-class medical care is extremely expensive - someone
(ii) Now, try to answer the question. Ask your partner the question and then switch roles.
You should look at both sides of the argument before giving your opinion. Use linking words of contrast to examine
both sides of the argument (On~the one hand ... but on the other... etc.)
Sto ck Phrases: When you want to indicate that you have considered both sides of
the argument before giving your opinion.
• Weighing everything up, I have come to the conclusion... • All things considered, I believe...
• Having looked at it from both sides, I have drawn • Having looked at it from both angles,
the conclusion that... it now seems to me...
• Taking everything into account, I have concluded that... • Taking everything into consideration, I’ve decided...
(N ) Look at the pictures. They show different activities
people do to keep fit. Discuss with a partner:
K arate
The examiner will then ask you some questions about one or two other topics. See the example below.
Now let's talk about Your Health.
What kinds of exercise do you do regularly?
When and how often do you brush your teeth?
Do you play any sports competitively?
When was the last time you went for a check-up at the doctor's? Did you have any problems?
What time do you get to sleep at most nights? How many hours of sleep do you get each night?
P art 2
The examiner will give you a topic on a card like the one below and ask you to talk about it for one to two minutes.
Before you talk you have one minute to think about what you want to say. The examiner will give you some paper
and a pencil so you can make notes if you want to.
The examiner may ask you one or two more related questions when you have finished, like those given in the
example below.
Do you tend to get sick often?
Have you ever been very seriously ill?
Do you like going to the dentist's?
How regularly do you go for a check-up at the doctor's and dentist's?
P art 3
The examiner will ask you some more general questions which follow on from the topic in Part 2.
Why is obesity such a big problem today?
What needs to be done to stop obesity levels growing?
This country's health system is very good - do you agree?
What could be done to improve the nation's health system?
Does everyone have a right to free healthcare?
Do you think rich people get a better quality of healthcare than poor?
How can eating healthily and exercising regularly benefit your life?