Ijerph 15 01972
Ijerph 15 01972
Ijerph 15 01972
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Understanding the Role of Mobile Internet-Based
Health Services on Patient Satisfaction
and Word-of-Mouth
Dongxiao Gu 1,2,† , Xuejie Yang 1 , Xingguo Li 1,† , Hemant K. Jain 3,† and Changyong Liang 1, *
1 The School of Management, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China;
[email protected] (D.G.); [email protected] (X.Y.); [email protected] (X.L.)
2 The School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering, Bloomington, IN 47405-3907, USA
3 College of Business, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 615 McCallie Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37403,
USA; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +86-181-2391-7616
† These authors contributed equally.
Received: 30 July 2018; Accepted: 3 September 2018; Published: 10 September 2018
Abstract: With the rapid advancement of Web 2.0 technologies, Internet medicine, and mobile
healthcare, the influence of the use of patient-oriented Mobile Internet-based Health Services
(MIHS) on patient satisfaction and the electronic word-of-mouth (WOM) of health service agencies
is becoming the focus of the academic research community. Many large hospitals, including
some Internet hospitals, have provided various online healthcare service platforms that enable
patients to expediently consult with physicians and obtain healthcare services in an online to offline
format. The purpose of this study is to analyze the main mechanisms of how the features and
users’ experiences of MIHS influenced patient satisfaction and continuous use behaviors of the
system to generate additional WOM dissemination behaviors. Based on post-adoption behavior
and Expectation Confirmation Model of Information Technology Continuance (ECM-IT), this study
conducted an empirical study through data collection from users (patients) from a large hospital
providing online healthcare services. A total of 494 pieces of data were collected and analyzed using
SmartPLS2.0(SmartPLS GmbH, Hamburg, Gernmany). The results show that: (1) patient satisfaction
with MIHS and their intentions to continue use of MIHS have significantly positive influences on
WOM; (2) patient satisfaction with MIHS is positively influenced by perceived usefulness and
confirmation of MIHS performance expectations; (3) and patient intentions to continue use of
MIHS are also affected by some technology factors, such as facilitating conditions and perceived
risk, as well as some subjective feelings, such as perceived usefulness and perceived interactivity.
The results of this study provide important implications for both research and practice of public health.
Keywords: patient satisfaction; mobile Internet-based health service; expectation confirmation model;
patient participation; Internet medicine; patient word-of-mouth
1. Introduction
Health care is one type of service, which involves intangibility, heterogeneity and deep customer
participation. With the advancement of Web 2.0 technologies, the traditional method of understanding
disease and treatment has been changed, and an increasing number of public sector big hospitals
are providing online healthcare service by using an online healthcare platform. Among these kinds
of platforms, there are also a healthcare service and communication community in which patients
can easily find preferred doctors and make appointments for diagnosis and treatment. For patients,
finding a doctor through an online healthcare platform has significantly changed from the traditional
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 1972; doi:10.3390/ijerph15091972 www.mdpi.com/journal/ijerph
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 1972 2 of 23
post-satisfaction behavior, such as continued use of services. For example, previous studies showed
that a Hospital Information System (HIS) can promote patient satisfaction by improving doctors’ work
efficiency, reducing waiting times, and offering patients convenient services and useful information [15].
Close relationships are also proven to exist in information technology along with the use behavior and
outcomes [16,17]. Among these studies, various studies did not examine the patient post-satisfaction
behavior. Additionally, the factors affecting patient WOM behaviors are diverse and complex,
which likely include technical factors as well as social, economic, cultural and psychological factors.
Moreover, MIHS has more convenient and interactive functions compared to traditional health service
platforms. Few studies examine the role of MIHS on patient WOM. Thus, it is extremely important
to explore factors affecting patient WOM and post-adoption behaviors in the context of Internet
medicine, social networking, and interactive technology applications. To fill this gap, the current study
draws upon the theory of post-adoption behavior and Expectation Confirmation Model of Information
Technology Continuance (ECM-IT) to discuss the role of online health services on patient WOM to
health service agencies.
On the basis of our related literature review, this research could be considered as first empirical
study to examine MIHS’s role in promoting patient satisfaction, the continued use of MIHS and WOM.
This study investigates the connections of factors for patient satisfaction, continued use and WOM.
Therefore, this research work will be helpful for hospital management, offering a better understanding
about the role of online healthcare service platforms to improve patient satisfaction and hospitals’
reputation. Moreover, it can also provide guidance for researchers and practitioners who design and
develop these types of systems to support convenient and interactive online heath care services.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, based on reviewing relevant theories
and research, we develop a research model and propose hypotheses. Section 3 discusses the research
methodology used to validate our proposed hypotheses. Section 4 presents the results. Finally, this
paper concludes with a discussion of findings, implications for theory, practice and opportunities for
future research in Section 5.
Facilitating Conditions
Intention to
continued use of
Perceived Risk
Perceived Interactivity
H1-2 Electronic
H8 H3
Perceived Usefulness
Confirmation of MIHS Satisfaction with
Performance MIHS
Figure 1.
Figure Research Model.
1. Research Model.
Hypothesis 2 (H2). A patient continued intention to use MIHS has a significantly positive effect on WOM
towards MIHS.
Hypothesis 3 (H3). A patient satisfaction with MIHS has a significantly positive effect on the continued
intention to use MIHS.
Hypothesis 4 (H4). A patient confirmation of MIHS performance expectations has a significantly positive
effect on his or her satisfaction with MIHS.
Hypothesis 5 (H5). A patient confirmation of MIHS performance expectations has a significantly positive
effect on his or her perceived usefulness of MIHS.
Hypothesis 6 (H6). A patient perceived usefulness of MIHS has a significantly positive effect on his or her
satisfaction with MIHS.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 1972 6 of 23
Hypothesis 7 (H7). A patient perceived usefulness of MIHS has a significantly positive effect on his or her
intention to continued use of MIHS.
Hypothesis 8 (H8). Perceived interactivity has a significantly positive effect on the perceived usefulness
of MIHS.
Hypothesis 9 (H9). Perceived interactivity has a significantly positive effect on the continued use intention
of MIHS.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 1972 7 of 23
Hypothesis 10 (H10). Perceived risk has a significantly negative effect on the continued use of MIHS.
Hypothesis 11 (H11). Facilitating conditions have a significantly positive effect on the continued use intention
of MIHS.
3. Research Methodology
(a) Patients can access MIHS via the Internet or the hospital’s WeChat public account.
Doctors’ information and their schedules are also available in the system, and patients can search,
choose, and make appointments with their preferred doctors. They can complete registration,
prepay online instead of waiting in line, and cancel appointments.
(b) The hospital can conduct post-operation health tracking and evaluation for a patient. The medical
staff can obtain feedback from patients and offer medical and health-related suggestions,
if necessary. Patients can communicate their symptoms to the doctors or nurses directly.
They can discuss their current health status, postoperative rehabilitation, relevant precautions,
etc. Additionally, the doctors can also provide online remote diagnosis services to patients with
chronic diseases.
(c) Patients can assess their own health status based on a case-based health self-assessment subsystem.
The type of assessment is based on historical cases and the whole life-cycle dynamic health data
of the patients. Generally, only health status (level), but sometimes potential health risks and
health promotion solutions can also be obtained. Patients can also consult with doctors about the
assessment results and ask for suggestions.
(d) Patients can acquire various health care and expense information. Health care information
includes electronic health records, physical examination reports, etc. Expense information
includes registration fees, detailed operation fees, drug fees, etc. Digital health care reports can
be printed out by patients via a procedure of application and verification. This allows patients
to easily track care processing and outcomes. Patients can voice concerns about their treatment,
the nursing process, and expenses.
(e) Patients can also perform medical care service satisfaction evaluations on doctors, nurses,
departments, teams, the hospital, or a specific medical service event, such as an operation.
They can leave detailed information about why and in what areas they are satisfied. The hospitals
can conduct a satisfaction analysis based on the collected assessment data, which will be helpful
for the promotion of its health care service.
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Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 23
• Prepaid
Cyber patient- • Bank transfer to your healthcare card
oriented payment • Payment & Receipts
service (a) • Questions or suggestions on payment
Figure 2. The
2. The main
main features
features of MIHS.
of MIHS.
3.2. Measures
3.2. Measures
Measures for all concerned variables were taken from previous studies and adapted to the context
Measures for all concerned variables were taken from previous studies and adapted to the
of healthcare. Eight variables were measured in this study: Confirmation of MIHS performance
context of healthcare. Eight variables were measured in this study: Confirmation of MIHS
expectations, Perceived Usefulness (PU), Perceived Interactivity (PI), Facilitating Condition (FC),
performance expectations, Perceived Usefulness (PU), Perceived Interactivity (PI), Facilitating
Perceived Risk (PR), Patient satisfaction with MIHS, Intention to continually use MIHS, and Electronic
Condition (FC), Perceived Risk (PR), Patient satisfaction with MIHS, Intention to continually use
Word of Mouth (WOM). The questionnaires were formed by using Likert scales ranging from 1
MIHS, and Electronic Word of Mouth (WOM). The questionnaires were formed by using Likert scales
(strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree), which requires respondents to select a number from the scale.
ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree), which requires respondents to select a
In Table 1, the measurement items and their sources are listed.
number from the scale. In Table 1, the measurement items and their sources are listed.
To measure the confirmation of MIHS performance expectations, we used a four-item scale
To measure the confirmation of MIHS performance expectations, we used a four-item scale
adapted from previous studies [73]. Facilitating Condition (FC) was measured by a three-item scale
adapted from previous studies [73]. Facilitating Condition (FC) was measured by a three-item scale
adapted from previous studies [74,75]. Intention to continued use of MIHS was measured by a
adapted from previous studies [74,75]. Intention to continued use of MIHS was measured by a two-item
scale adapted from previous studies [74,76]. Perceived Interactivity (PI) was measured by a three-
item scale adapted from previous studies [77]. Perceived Risk (PR) was measured by a three-item
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 1972 10 of 23
two-item scale adapted from previous studies [74,76]. Perceived Interactivity (PI) was measured by a
three-item scale adapted from previous studies [77]. Perceived Risk (PR) was measured by a three-item
scale adapted from previous studies [78]. Perceived Usefulness (PU) was measured by a five-item scale
adapted from previous studies [79,80]. Patient Satisfaction with MIHS was measured by a two-item
scale and adapted from previous studies [80]. The seven-item scale for Electronic Word of Mouth
(WOM) behavior was also adapted from previous studies [4,81–84]. The users of MIHS are patients
and doctors, which are different from the classic users of a transactional application who use a system
for their daily operations. To ensure that all measurement instruments are reliable and valid for our
current study in the context of healthcare, we consulted with the relevant medical specialists and
experts in the field of management information systems and conducted the necessary adjustments and
adapted the scales to the special targeted respondents in the context of healthcare.
Based on these measures, we developed the survey questionnaire. After compiling the English
version of the questionnaire, the items were translated into Chinese by a bilingual faculty member
and then verified, refined, and back-translated for translation accuracy by a professor of healthcare
information management. The content validity of all scales was established through both a literature
review and a content validity expert panel comprising six faculty members and three doctoral students
who are experienced in the research methods of quantitative and quantitative analysis.
Table 1. Cont.
Patient Satisfaction PS01 I am pleased with my use of MIHS system. Bhattacherjee & Premkumar,
with MIHS PS02 I am satisfied with my use of MIHS system. 2004 [80]
4. Results
values of all the constructs are exceeding the cut-off value of 0.70 [89], which indicated adequate
internal consistency [90]. The AVE for each construct is higher than 0.50, suggesting that the observed
items explained more variance than the error terms [91]. In addition, the square root of the AVE
for each construct was higher than the correlations between the construct and all other constructs,
suggesting excellent discriminant validity. Thus, all scales of the measurement model demonstrate
adequate internal consistency for further analysis of the construct model.
Item Statistics
Construct Items Mean Std. Deviation Loading 1
CPE01 5.60 1.23 0.7951
Confirmation of MIHS CPE02 5.44 1.24 0.8270
performance expectations CPE03 5.61 1.23 0.8508
CPE04 5.78 1.19 0.8730
FC01 5.46 1.49 0.7480
Facilitating conditions FC02 5.65 1.38 0.8544
FC03 5.69 1.38 0.8572
ICU01 5.69 1.20 0.8950
Intention to continued use of MIHS
ICU02 5.62 1.29 0.8848
PI01 5.77 1.20 0.8293
Perceived interactivity PI02 5.86 1.19 0.8662
PI03 5.65 1.28 0.8163
PR01 3.41 1.93 0.8708
Perceived risk PR02 4.12 2.04 0.8440
PR03 3.86 1.91 0.7674
PU01 6.07 1.10 0.8150
PU02 6.02 1.10 0.7965
Perceived usefulness PU03 6.02 1.05 0.8435
PU04 5.93 1.16 0.8177
PU05 5.83 1.18 0.7494
PS01 5.75 1.45 0.8950
Patient satisfaction with MIHS
PS02 5.63 1.46 0.8848
WOM01 5.99 1.18 0.7999
WOM02 6.17 1.06 0.7809
WOM03 6.04 1.09 0.8258
Electronic word-of-mouth(WOM) WOM04 5.71 1.23 0.7823
WOM05 5.88 1.17 0.8102
WOM06 6.06 1.07 0.8084
WOM07 5.74 1.20 0.7869
1 The loading is reported by SmartPLS 2.0. It shows a high correlation level between observed variables and
structural variables.
Composite Cronbach’s
Reliability Alpha
CPE 0.8812 0.7981 0.7121 0.8439
FC 0.8705 0.7769 0.6916 0.7992 0.8316
ICU 0.8839 0.7374 0.7919 0.6429 0.6063 0.8899
PI 0.8756 0.788 0.7013 0.677 0.6183 0.7159 0.8374
PR 0.8676 0.7812 0.6865 −0.2154 −0.2115 −0.2218 −0.2235 0.8286
PU 0.8995 0.851 0.6912 0.6546 0.5965 0.6918 0.7817 −0.1018 0.8314
PS 0.9003 0.7786 0.8187 0.8016 0.7924 0.6238 0.6539 −0.1842 0.6277 0.9048
WOM 0.9294 0.9134 0.6221 0.7336 0.6848 0.6561 0.7174 −0.1365 0.7887 0.7199 0.7887
1AVE stands for Average Variance Extract. The bold numbers listed diagonally are the square root of the variance
shared between the constructs and their measures. The off-diagonal elements are the correlations among the
constructs. For discriminate validity, the diagonal elements should be larger than the off-diagonal elements.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 23
WOM06. As a result, all of the construct correlation values are below 0.75. The highest construct VIF
Int. J. Environ.to
is lowered Res. PublicConstruct
2.521. Health 2018, reliability
15, 1972
validity are still established. The results show that14all
and of 23
the path coefficients are significant at 5% level. Using multiple commonly accepted approaches, we
4.2. shown that our results
Methods Varianceare not threaten by multicollinearity.
To test for
4.4. Structural Common Methods Variance (CMV), we conducted Harman’s single factor test.
According to Podsakoff et al., if a detrimental level of common method bias exists, “(a) a single
To determine the statistical significance of the path coefficients, we ran the bootstrapping
factor will emerge from the exploratory factor analysis (unrotated) or (b) one general factor will
method setting the number of samples at 2000 and the number of cases at 494. The parameter
account for the majority of the covariance among the measures” ([92], p. 889). In the exploratory factor
estimated in the structural model exhibited the direct effects of one construct on the other; a
analysis of this study, more than one factor emerged to explain the variance, and one general factor
significant coefficient at a certain level of α reveals a significant relationship between the latent
did not account for most of the covariance among the measures. Thus, the common method bias in
constructs (Figure 3, Table 5).
this study is low.
H1, which hypothesized a positive relationship between patient satisfaction with MIHS and
electronic Word of Mouth (WOM) behavior, was supported (path coefficients = 0.508, p < 0.01).
4.3. Multicollinearity
Additionally, H2, which hypothesized a positive relationship between the intention to continue use
To ensure that there is no risk of multicollinearity, we tested the data and found that none of the
of MIHS and WOM behavior, was also supported (path coefficients = 0.339, p < 0.01). Satisfaction with
bivariate correlations was above 0.90 [93]. Additionally, the tolerance values, which are averaged to be2
MIHS and the intention to continue use of MIHS explain 58.8% of the variance in WOM behavior. R
greater than 0.30, are acceptable. The highest VIF among the constructs was 3.537. This is comparable
represents the degree of interpretation of the dependent variable by the independent variable.
to many prior studies and is well below the commonly accepted threshold: 10 [94]. This suggests
50%~60% is a suitable number. Patient satisfaction with MIHS has a positive and significant effect on
that multicollinearity is not severe in our research model. To further demonstrate that our results are
Intention to continued use of MIHS (H3) with path coefficients of 0.124 (p < 0.05). As predicted by H4
robust to multicollinearity, we removed the following measurement items (that caused high construct
and H5, confirmation of MIHS performance expectations significantly influenced patient satisfaction
correlation) and estimated the model again: CPE01, CPE04, FC01, PU03, PI02, WOM06. As a result,
with MIHS and perceived usefulness with path coefficients of 0.684 (p < 0.01) and 0.232 (p < 0.01),
all of the construct correlation values are below 0.75. The highest construct VIF is lowered to 2.521.
respectively. As predicted by H6 and H7, confirmation of MIHS performance expectations and
Construct reliability and validity are still established. The results show that all of the path coefficients
perceived usefulness significantly influenced the intention to continue use of MIHS with path
are significant at 5% level. Using multiple commonly accepted approaches, we have shown that our
coefficients of 0.18 (p < 0.01) and 0.279 (p < 0.01), respectively. Perceived interactivity had a positive
results are not threaten
and significant effect onby multicollinearity.
perceived usefulness (H8) with path coefficients of 0.625 (p < 0.01). Perceived
interactivity, perceived
4.4. Structural Model risk and facilitating conditions significantly influenced the intention to
continue use of MIHS with path coefficients of 0.322 (p < 0.01), -0.072 (p < 0.05) and 0.127 (p < 0.05),
To determine
respectively. the statistical
The path coefficientsignificance of the path
of H10 is negative coefficients,
because we ran thethat
we hypothesized bootstrapping method
perceived risk had
setting the impact
a negative numberon of the
samples at 2000
continued and
use the number
intention, that of
is, cases at 494.the
the higher The parameter
perceived estimated
risk, the less in the
structural model exhibited the direct effects of one construct on the other; a significant
the patient would continue to use MIHS. All these indicators showed that the model fit the data well. coefficient at a
certain level of α reveals a significant relationship between
We will discuss these findings in detail in the next section. the latent constructs (Figure 3, Table 5).
Facilitating Conditions
-0.072* Intention to
continued use of
Perceived Risk MIHS
Perceived Interactivity Electronic
0.279** Word-of-
0.625** 0.124* Mouth(W
Perceived Usefulness
Patient 0.508**
Satisfaction with
Confirmation of MIHS MIHS
Performance R2=0.661
Figure 3.3.Model
Figure Modelresults. Path
results. coefficients
Path coefficients t value
withwith in parentheses;
t value * represents
in parentheses; p < 0.05; **
* represents p represents
< 0.05; **
< 0.01. p < 0.01.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 1972 15 of 23
H1, which hypothesized a positive relationship between patient satisfaction with MIHS and
electronic Word of Mouth (WOM) behavior, was supported (path coefficients = 0.508, p < 0.01).
Additionally, H2, which hypothesized a positive relationship between the intention to continue use of
MIHS and WOM behavior, was also supported (path coefficients = 0.339, p < 0.01). Satisfaction with
MIHS and the intention to continue use of MIHS explain 58.8% of the variance in WOM behavior.
R2 represents the degree of interpretation of the dependent variable by the independent variable.
50%~60% is a suitable number. Patient satisfaction with MIHS has a positive and significant effect
on Intention to continued use of MIHS (H3) with path coefficients of 0.124 (p < 0.05). As predicted
by H4 and H5, confirmation of MIHS performance expectations significantly influenced patient
satisfaction with MIHS and perceived usefulness with path coefficients of 0.684 (p < 0.01) and
0.232 (p < 0.01), respectively. As predicted by H6 and H7, confirmation of MIHS performance
expectations and perceived usefulness significantly influenced the intention to continue use of MIHS
with path coefficients of 0.18 (p < 0.01) and 0.279 (p < 0.01), respectively. Perceived interactivity had a
positive and significant effect on perceived usefulness (H8) with path coefficients of 0.625 (p < 0.01).
Perceived interactivity, perceived risk and facilitating conditions significantly influenced the intention
to continue use of MIHS with path coefficients of 0.322 (p < 0.01), -0.072 (p < 0.05) and 0.127 (p < 0.05),
respectively. The path coefficient of H10 is negative because we hypothesized that perceived risk had a
negative impact on the continued use intention, that is, the higher the perceived risk, the less likely
the patient would continue to use MIHS. All these indicators showed that the model fit the data well.
We will discuss these findings in detail in the next section.
5.1. Discussion
In this study, we focused on the impact factors that influence patient electronic word-of-mouth
(WOM) based on post-adoption behavior and ECM-IT. The empirical results supported all research
hypotheses and proved the significant impact of the use of MIHS on patient WOM behaviors.
The supported H1 and H2 indicated that patient satisfaction and the continuous use of MIHS had
a significant positive influence on improving the patient WOM, and the supported H3 shows that
satisfaction with MIHS could promote the intention to continue using MIHS. The empirical results
of H6 and H7 indicated that the perceived usefulness of MIHS had a positive influence on patient
satisfaction and continuous use of MIHS. Both the perceived interactivity and confirmation of MIHS
performance expectations positively and significantly affected the perceived usefulness.
From the IT perspective, we mainly studied MIHS. MIHS is an emerging generation of healthcare
system platforms that provide interactions between hospital staff and patients, and allow patients
to access various pieces of healthcare information through smartphones. The main characteristics of
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 1972 16 of 23
MIHS are accessible to both doctors and patients, and allows for convenient interactions with one
another. The use of this novel MIHS is powerful for doctor-patient interactivity experience.
In our study, the perceived interactivity enhanced the perceived usefulness. This is understandable
because the interactivity of MIHS helps patients ascertain their healthcare situation instantly and
obtain suggestions by consulting with their doctors at any time. Perceived interactivity and perceived
usefulness helped users make decisions on their continued use of MIHS. Perceived usefulness also
promoted patient satisfaction experience. The patients with higher satisfaction levels were more likely
to continuously use MIHS, which was consistent with a previous study [16]. The patient expectation
confirmation on MIHS performance was also an important factor when evaluating the patient perceived
usefulness of and satisfaction with the system. Facilitating conditions, such as increasingly convenient
WiFi and 3G networks, as well as increasingly widespread use of smartphones and WeChat, further
enhanced continued use of MIHS. The reduction of perceived risk also improved users’ intention to
continued use of MIHS, further motivating their WOM behavior.
There are five pathways to “use intention” (H9 vs. H8 + H7). The pathways are a little complicated
but is normal in this kind of SEM-based behavioral and empirical study. Based on the results of data
analysis, there are two main pathways (path coefficients are over 0.25). For a specific individual, it is
possible for him to have high perceived interactivity but low perceived usefulness. But for our study,
our conclusion is based on SEM-based statistical analysis. This phenomenon with high perceived
interactivity but low perceived usefulness will not cause influence on our conclusion.
5.2. Implications
trust and relationships between doctors and patients [96]. In fact, the purposes of IT use are to improve
efficiency and performance. In the context of online healthcare, the continued use of MIHS could
improve the communication efficiency between doctors and patients, encourage trust [97], and improve
the WOM of patients. Our research could help promote this type of study in theory to further focus on
the purpose and effectiveness of IT implementation in depth in the internet medicine era.
5.3. Limitations
This paper analyzed the main mechanisms of how the features and users’ experiences of MIHS
influenced patient satisfaction and continuous use behaviors of the system to generate additional
WOM dissemination behaviors. This study could link the improving trust of doctors and patients to
the use of MIHS. However, there are some limitations that can be addressed by further studies.
Firstly, we used continued use intention rather than actual use behavior. In the research area of
information systems use, most researchers only studied behavioral intention rather than behaviors [99],
because it is not easy to obtain the real use data by survey methodology. We did not follow up and
track the actual use of MIHS, considering its difficulty and complications. It is a challenging issue
to explore other means of obtaining data. It is a further challenge to include other research methods
to obtain data indicating specific individual use of modules from MIHS data bases, as permitted
by policies associated with the use, disclosure, and privacy protection of individual healthcare data.
Future studies could consider how to establish dynamic tracking mechanism of patients continued
use behaviors.
Secondly, this paper did not analyze individual differences, so the impact mechanisms of MIHS
on patient satisfaction in different populations are not clear. In fact, the attribute variables have shown
a significant influence in the medical service area [100,101]. Future studies should further explore the
moderating effects of these attribute variables.
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The third one is that our study did not consider excluding patients who could not read or write
although the number of such participants is small.
Author Contributions: D.G. conceived the research, X.Y. wrote the draft; X.Y. collected the data and conducted
data analysis; C.L., H.K.J. and X.L. provided some guiding suggestions and revised the paper.
Acknowledgments: This research is partially supported in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data by
the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 71331002, 71771075, 71771077, 71573071,
and 71601061.
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