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European Journal of Endocrinology (2003) 149 257–271 ISSN 0804-4643


Circulating leptin and thyroid dysfunction

Tina Zimmermann-Belsing, Georg Brabant1, Jens Juul Holst2 and Ulla Feldt-Rasmussen
Department of Endocrinology, Rigshospitalet, Panum Institute, 1Department of Clinical Endocrinology, Medizinische Hochschule, Hannover, Germany and
Department of Medical Physiology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
(Correspondence should be addressed to T Zimmermann-Belsing, Department of Endocrinology P-2131, University Hospital, Rigshospitalet,
Blegdamsvej 9, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark; Email: tzb@dadlnet.dk)

The identification and sequencing of the ob gene and its product, leptin, in 1994 opened new insights
in the study of the mechanisms controlling body weight and led to a surge of research activity. Since
its discovery, leptin has been the subject of an enormous amount of work especially within the fields of
nutrition, metabolism and endocrinology. Leptin is accepted as an adipose signal, and even though
the underlying mechanisms are not fully clarified, leptin, in addition to the thyroid hormones, is
believed to be involved in regulation during the switch from the fed to the starved state. It is not
clear whether leptin and the melanocortin pathways interact with the thyroid axis under physiologi-
cal conditions other than during starvation or in response to severe illness, both states in which the
hypothalamo – pituitary –thyroid axis may be severely suppressed. In addition to the suggested central
relationship between leptin and thyroid hormones, there might also be a peripheral relationship
although this effect is not clear. Both thyroid hormones and leptin might be involved in the adaptive
thermogenesis through mitochondrial uncoupling proteins and heat production because both thyrox-
ine and triiodothyronine are involved in the starvation-induced decrease in thermogenesis. Both
rodent and human studies of leptin have failed to show any consistent relationship between thyroid
function and serum leptin concentrations. However, leptin might have an important role in thyroid
pathophysiology due to thyroid hormone involvement in thermogenesis and regulation of uncoupling
proteins. In this review, we have focused on leptin in relation to thyroid pathophysiology.

European Journal of Endocrinology 149 257–271

Introduction (T4), which regulate gene transcription throughout

the body (9). Unlike insulin or cortisol levels, which
In 1994, Friedman and coworkers succeeded in cloning fluctuate widely in response to food ingestion and
the ob gene and demonstrated that the gene product stress, thyroid hormones are typically maintained at a
was a 16-kDa protein subsequently named leptin constant level that keeps the metabolic machinery run-
(derived from the Greek term ‘leptos’ meaning thin), ning at a proper metabolic rate (9). Thyroid hormones
synthesized by fat cells and secreted into the blood are crucial for survival both in rodents and humans
stream (1). The human leptin gene is localized on (9); yet, thyroid hormone levels are subject to major
chromosome 7q31, and contains 15 000 base pairs physiological regulation during the transition from
and 3 exons as the major coding sites driving protein the fed to the starved state, since starvation rapidly sup-
synthesis (2). It was also demonstrated that correction presses T4 and T3 levels with a subsequent reduction in
of leptin deficiency in the ob/ob mouse caused a the obligatory use of energy stores. Disturbance of thyr-
marked reduction in food intake and a normalization oid function is associated with marked changes in both
of the obesity syndrome, in agreement with the hypoth- body weight and energy expenditure and it therefore
esis of a circulating anorexic factor (3 – 5). Subsequent seemed likely that leptin and thyroid hormones played
studies showed that the db mutation resided in the gene a mutual role. The aim of this review has been to sum-
encoding the leptin receptor. Thus, both leptin marize the current state of knowledge of circulating
deficiency (in ob/ob mice) and leptin resistance (in leptin in relation to thyroid dysfunction.
db/db mice) lead to severe obesity, strongly implying
leptin as a negative feedback signal critical to the
normal control of food intake, energy balance and Leptin structure, receptors and transport
body weight (6 –8).
The function of the thyroid gland is to produce the Leptin is a 167 amino acid, 16-kDa, 4 a-helical protein
thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine with striking similarities to the cytokine family and

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258 T Zimmermann-Belsing and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2003) 149

growth hormone (10). Leptin receptors (OB-R) were statistically significantly lowered by a decrease in
identified and cloned from the rat choroid plexus body fat during a weight reduction program. When
cDNA. They are related to class I cytokine receptor pro- thyrotoxic patients increased their body fat mass by
teins like gp130, and are known to occur in at least 5 successful antithyroid drug therapy only serum free
variably spliced forms, designated OB-Ra – e (8, 11). The leptin concentrations reflected this increment, support-
receptors have an extracellular binding domain of 840 ing the hypothesis that the free leptin fraction selec-
amino acids, a transmembrane domain of 34 amino tively represents body fat mass. In contrast, bound
acids, and a variable intracellular domain characteristic leptin decreased indicating a regulatory role distinct
for each of the OB-Ra – d receptors whereas the OB-Re from free leptin and not related to body fat mass (19).
lacks both the hydrophobic transmembrane and intra- These findings might contribute to the understanding
cellular domain (8). In rodents but not in humans, of leptin actions related to thyroid pathophysiology.
leptin receptors have been identified on thyroid follicu- Total plasma leptin levels showed a significant pulsa-
lar cells (7, 12), and both in rodents and humans leptin tility characterized by highest leptin levels between
receptors are widely expressed in the brain and periph- midnight and the early-morning hours and lowest
erally in a variety of tissues (7, 12, 13). The function, if levels around noon to mid-afternoon in both adults
any, of leptin in many of these tissues has yet to be and children (Table 1) (8, 13). The circadian pattern
determined, but recently it was suggested that system- of leptin is similar to that of prolactin, thyrotrophin
atically administered leptin in rats stimulated growth (TSH), free fatty acids and melatonin (8, 13), inversely
and secretion of the thyroid gland through a direct related to that of adrenocorticotrophin and cortisol
mechanism involving OB-R (14). (23), delayed in relation to that of insulin (6), and
Short-form leptin receptors (OB-Ra,c,d) in the choroid synchronous to the variation of circulating luteinizing
plexus epithelium may mediate the transport of circu- hormone and oestradiol in normal women (24).
lating leptin into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and, At present, the physiological significance of pulsatile
similarly, leptin receptors in the brain capillary endo- leptin secretion is unknown, as is the mechanism
thelium may mediate direct transport of leptin from involved in generating leptin pulses, but there is
blood to the brain interstitium, possibly by a saturable agreement that it is necessary to use appropriate
receptor-mediated transcytosis (7, 15, 16). The exist- sampling procedures to account for this pulsatile
ence of this saturable transport system led to the release in clinical studies (7, 8).
notion that there is a threshold level of serum leptin
above which increases in serum leptin are not trans-
lated into proportional increases in CSF or brain Leptin, thyroid hormones and central
leptin, a fact that may result in an apparent leptin regulation
resistance (15). Also, the balance between free and
bound leptin might have an impact, since in humans The thyroid system is regulated at multiple levels, one
the majority of leptin circulates in serum bound to or more of which might account for nutritional adap-
macromolecules, which may modulate ligand bioactiv- tation (9). Thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TRH), a
ity and bioavailability to target tissues (17). In lean neuropeptide produced in the paraventricular nucleus
individuals with relatively low adipose tissue depots, (PVN) of the hypothalamus, controls the release of
the majority of leptin exists in a bound form, whereas TSH from the pituitary. TSH acts on receptors in the
the proportion of free leptin is increased in serum of thyroid to promote synthesis and release of T4 and
obese subjects (17, 18). During overnight fasting, free T3. In primary hypothyroidism, TRH expression
leptin levels decreased more in lean subjects than in increases in the PVN of the hypothalamus, and TSH
obese persons, whereas bound leptin was unchanged production increases (9). In a state of starvation,
in both groups (18). It thus seems that the ratio of TRH expression in the PVN is suppressed, although
free to total leptin may not be constant, but rather a TRH continues to be expressed in the remainder of
dynamic equilibrium between the circulating binding the central nervous system (CNS) where it does not
proteins and free leptin, and this balance may be play a role in the regulation of pituitary TSH pro-
affected by the metabolic/nutritional state as has been duction. Thus, TSH production falls, and the pattern
demonstrated for other members of the cytokine of glycosylation is altered (9).
family and haematopoietic growth factors (8). The Initially, leptin was viewed as a hormone designed to
hypothesis that free leptin selectively reflects body fat prevent obesity, but several studies now suggest that
mass whereas bound leptin is closely associated with leptin also signals the switch from the fed to the starved
energy expenditure has been tested in several studies state (reviewed in 6, 9) indicating an important
(19– 22). In one of these studies of lean and obese interplay between thyroid hormones and leptin. Thus,
healthy subjects, there was a positive correlation the dominant, and perhaps sufficient, signal to the
between both free and bound leptin and the degree of brain that suppresses TRH expression in the PVN is a
obesity but with a steeper slope for the free hormone. drop in the level of leptin. Falling leptin levels decrease
Serum concentrations of both leptin moieties were the activity of arcuate neurons expressing proopiomela-


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Table 1 Characteristics of the clinical studies of circulating leptin levels in thyroid dysfunction.

Tox Type of Myx Controls Antithyroid Follow-up Body Leptin Other

Reference F/M Tox F/M F/M treatment (months) composition assay Pulsatility Gender factors

Zimmermann-Belsing 8/2 GD 0 12/6 MMI 12 DEXA Linco Fast F/M No

et al. (51)
Corbetta et al. (63) 27/13 GD/nodular 38/36 561/393 ND 6 BMI RIA Fast F( " ) Yes
Mantzoros et al. (64) 0/22 Iatrogenic 0 0 T4* 0 ND Linco Fast M No
Sreenan et al. (65) 6/0 GD 3/3 8/3 ND 0 BMI Other ? F/M No
Valcavi et al. (66) 12/4 Unknown 12/4 12/4 MMI 6.5 BMI Linco Fast F/M Yes
Wolthers et al. (67) 0/8 Iatrogenic 0 0 T3* 0.5 BIA Linco Fast M Yes
Sesmilo et al. (68) 12/4 GD 12/4 0 MMI 3 BIA Linco Fast F/M No
Yoshida et al. (69) 19/0 GD 17/0 23 ND 0 BMI Linco Fast F No
Ozata et al. (70) 20/0 Mixed 20/0 20/0 PTU 1 BMI Other Fast F No
Leonhardt et al. (71) 14/5 Mixed 19/4 13/8 ND 0 BMI In house ? F( " ) No
Pinkney et al. (72) 17/1 GD/nodular 20/2 46/23 ND 0 Waist–hip, BIA RIA in house Fast F( " ) Yes
Diekman et al. (73) 21/0 Mixed 14/0 0 MMI, PTU 3 BMI Linco ? F Yes
Kristensen et al. (74) 12/0 Iatrogenic 0 0 T4* 0.5 BMI Linco Fast F Yes
Miyakawa et al. (75) 28/12 GD 11/0 53/49 MMI, PTU 6 BIA Linco 13– 15 F( " ) No
Kautzky-Willer et al. 16/3 GD 21/4 40/4 MMI 5 BMI Linco Fast F/M Yes
Song et al. (77) 39/11 GD/nodular 18/6 52/8 ND 0 BMI/BIA Linco 10– 12 F( " ) No
Asami et al. (78) 0 — 32/19 0 ND 0 BMI Linco ? ? No
Chen et al. (79) 20/0 Unknown 20/0 20/0 ND 0 BIA Linco Fast F Yes
Simo et al. (80) 0 — 24/6 0 ND 1 BMI ELISA Fast F( " ) Yes
Sera et al. (81) 15/0 GD 0 0 PTU, MMI 3 Leptin/%BF ELISA Fast F Yes
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Song et al. (82) 11/5 GD/TAO 0 0 PTU, MMI 0.5 BIA Linco Fast ? Yes
Pinkney et al. (83) 17/1 Unknown 20/2 46/23 ND 0 BIA RIA in house ? F/M Yes
Nakamura et al. (84) 32/0 Unknown 0 30/0 MMI 6 BIA Linco Fast F No
Matsubara et al. (85) 95/0 Unknown 76/0 197/60 MMI, PTU 9 BIA Linco ? F( " ) No
Ozata et al. (86) 19/9 GD/TAO 0 13/7 ND 0 BMI RIA Fast F( " ) Yes
Seven (87) 41/9 GD/nodular 0 12/3 PTU 1 BMI Linco Fast F/M No
Obermayer-Pietsch 23/5 Nodular 0 22/2 I131 12 DEXA, BMI Linco Fast F/M Yes
et al. (88)
Hsieh et al. (89) 0 Iatrogenic 26/7 30/8 T4* 6 BMI/BIA Linco Fast F( " ) No

Leptin and thyroid

Tox ¼ thyrotoxicosis; Myx ¼ myxoedema; *indicates iatrogenic hyperthyroidism with either levothyroxine or triiodothyronine; GD ¼ Graves’ disease; ND ¼ not done; PTU ¼ propylthiouracil; MMI ¼
methimazole; BMI ¼ body mass index; BIA ¼ bioimpedance; DEXA ¼ dual energy absorption; BF ¼ body fat; Fast ¼ measurements after an overnight fast/12-h fast; F( " ) ¼ serum leptin increased in
females compared with males; F or M ¼ only female or males included in the study; F/M ¼ both females and males included in calculations; Other factors include factors, which might be important for leptin
measurements such as smokers, noradrenaline, propranolol, obesity, diabetes, insulin, glucose, prednisone, sex-steroids, cortisol, IGF-1, growth-hormone or TNFalpha.
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260 T Zimmermann-Belsing and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2003) 149

nocortin (POMC)/a-melanocyte-stimulating hormone TRH synthesis and processing suggesting a direct

(a-MSH) and increases neuropeptide Y (NPY)/agouti- impact of leptin-induced alterations on TRH (25, 26).
related-protein (AgRP). Neuronal projections of It is unknown whether falling leptin levels are sensed
NPY/AgRP and POMC neurons to proTRH neurons in directly by the leptin receptor (the OB-Rb isoform)
the PVN have been delineated (Fig. 1). Manipulation found in TRH neurons, or indirectly (27). A role of
with both NPY/AgRP and a-MSH directly modulates the melanocortin pathway in mediating the nutritional
response of TRH neurons to leptin has been suggested
(27, 28) since the central melanocortin system can
regulate the thyroid axis and is well positioned to med-
iate the actions of leptin on the thyroid axis (Fig. 1), but
it is not known whether the leptin and melanocortin
pathways regulate the thyroid axis under normal phys-
iological conditions and not only during starvation or
in response to severe illness, another state in which
the thyroid axis may be severely suppressed.

Leptin, thyroid hormones and

Total body energy expenditure represents the conver-
sion of oxygen and food (or stored forms of energy
such as fat, glycogen and protein) to carbon dioxide,
water, heat and external work, and can be measured
by direct calorimetry as produced heat, hence the
term thermogenesis, or indirectly as the amount of
oxygen consumed (indirect calorimetry). Thermogen-
esis can be expressed as standard metabolic rate
(SMR). In contrast, adaptive thermogenesis, also
referred to as facultative thermogenesis, is defined
operationally as heat production in response to
environmental temperature or diet, and serves the
purpose of protecting the organism from cold exposure
or regulating energy balance on changes in diet.
Several factors influence the adaptive thermogen-
esis such as environmental temperature, starvation
Figure 1 A possible relationship between leptin and the thyroid and feeding (29). In general, humans as opposed to
hormones. A sufficient level of leptin signalling is needed to main-
tain TRH expression in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus rodents have a broad thermoneutral zone with rela-
(PVN), which is necessary for normal production of TSH and tively small changes in metabolic rate occurring
production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid. Two mechanisms over relatively wide temperature changes. This differ-
may be involved. Leptin regulates arcuate neurons expressing ence is due, in part, to behavioral responses such as
proopiomelanocortin (POMC) (induced by leptin) and agouti- adjustments in the amount of clothing and diet
related-protein (AgRP) (suppressed by leptin). These arcuate
neurons project to TRH neurons, where they influence TRH (29). Starvation can decrease resting metabolic rate
expression by antagonistic actions of a-melanocyte-stimulating by as much as 40%, and food restriction sufficient
hormone (a-MSH) (stimulatory (þ)) and AgRP (inhibitory (2)) on to maintain a 10% reduction in body weight is associ-
melanocortin 4 receptors (MC4Rs). Leptin may also act directly ated with a decrease in energy expenditure (30). On
on TRH neurons through leptin receptors on these cells. In the
absence of leptin signalling, the feedback loop between T4/T3
the other hand, feeding increases energy expenditure
and the hypothalamus–pituitary– thyroid system is lost. Hence, by acutely increasing metabolic rate by 25 – 40% in
although levels of T4/T3 may be low, TRH and TSH levels remain humans and rodents (29).
suppressed. Peripherally, in the starved state (absence of insulin) The brain detects exposure to cold, leading to
T3 inhibits leptin mRNA accumulation in adipocytes and the
activation of efferent pathways controlling energy
opposite effect occurs in the fed state (presence of insulin). In
addition, leptin itself can stimulate T3 production via activation of dissipation. The main effector component of this
the conversion of T4 to T3 and an increased T3 production stimu- response is the sympathetic nervous system, which
lates heat production, uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) expression in heavily innervates thermogenic targets such as brown
muscle tissue and beta3-adrenergic receptors (influenced by the adipose tissue and skeletal muscle (29). Hypothyroid
catecholamines). In contrast, an increase of these 3 factors
inhibits leptin expression in fat tissue, which overall leads to an rats die immediately when exposed to cold indicating
inverse relationship between leptin and T3 both peripherally and that thyroid hormones are involved in thermogenesis
centrally regulated. mainly at the brown fat level. The primary molecule


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EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2003) 149 Leptin and thyroid 261

involved in cold-induced thermogenesis in brown fat is increased by elevation of T3 levels and decreased by
uncoupling protein 1 (UCP-1), a mitochondrial inner- reduction of T3 levels (35). In addition, central leptin
membrane protein that uncouples proton entry from was demonstrated to stimulate T3 via activation of
ATP synthesis (31, 32). Two homologs of UCP-1 have the conversion of T4 to T3, and this stimulation
been identified, UCP-2 expressed in most tissues and could be responsible for the effect of leptin on muscle
UCP-3 expressed predominantly in skeletal muscle UCP-3, thus indicating that thyroid hormones could
and brown adipose tissue (33– 35). These UCPs have be important mediators of the effect of leptin on
proton transport activity suggested by several studies energy expenditure (35, 45). This contrasts with the
(29, 33 –36). Beta-adrenergic-receptor stimulation, role of UCP-1 in thyroid thermogenesis. Although T3
due to cold exposure or pharmacological agents, has stimulates UCP-1 expression, brown fat is actually
both acute and chronic effects on brown adipose less active in hyperthyroidism probably due to a com-
tissue (29). UCP-1 activity increases within seconds of pensatory mechanism, adjusting for the extra heat pro-
acute b-adrenergic stimulation, and chronic stimu- duction from other tissues (35, 46). Yet, there are
lation over hours and days leads to an increased strong implications of a relationship between leptin,
amount of UCP-1 protein, mitochondrial biogenesis, body composition, thermogenesis and thyroid hor-
and hyperplasia and hypertrophy of brown adipose mones, but the exact actions still have to be elucidated.
tissue. In addition, there is evidence that brown adipose
tissue is also important in diet-induced thermogenesis
since sympathetic nerve activity to brown adipose Leptin, thyroid hormones and body
tissue is reduced in many models of obesity, including composition
leptin-deficient ob/ob mice (29, 37 –42).
Several studies have suggested that thyroid hor- Initially, in humans, it was proposed that leptin
mones have a permissive role in adaptive thermogenesis expression and circulating levels increase in parallel
because their levels did not change during cold or are positively correlated to the amount of adipose
exposure or consumption of high-calorie diets (29). stores estimated as total fat mass, per cent body fat or
However, this may not be correct as thyroid hormone body mass index (BMI) (47 –50). Recent evidence
levels have been found to rise in some models of (reviewed in 7) has suggested that (i) the relationship
increased caloric intake and, importantly, to drop between leptin levels and fat mass is curvilinear,
during starvation, an effect associated with falling rather than linear, implying that leptin secretion
leptin levels and decreased expression of hypothalamic increases exponentially with increasing fat mass,
TRH (29, 43). Falling thyroid hormone levels may (ii) leptin production may reflect the process of fat
thus contribute to starvation-induced decreases in ther- accumulation in the adipocytes rather than the overall
mogenesis. The mechanisms of starvation-induced amount of stored fat, (iii) adipocyte size per se appears
thermogenesis may be a central effect on the nervous to be another major determinant of leptin mRNA
system or a direct effect on peripheral thermogenic tis- expression and (iv) the type of adipose tissue
sues (fat or muscle tissue). Both thyroid hormone and distribution may also be related to leptin levels, because
leptin receptors are found in fat, and both leptin and the expression is higher in subcutaneous than in
thyroid hormone increase UCP-1, UCP-2 and UCP-3 visceral fat depots.
expression (44). During starvation leptin decreases Increased body weight contributes to insulin resist-
which, in turn, decreases UCP-1 mRNA and protein ance. Patients with thyroid disturbances change their
levels in brown fat. In the nucleus, UCP-1 is regulated body composition dramatically during development of
by the enhancer element, which has binding sites for thyroid disease (51) and during antithyroid drug treat-
the thyroid hormone receptor. The binding of peroxi- ment; also circulating leptin is probably changed
some proliferator-activated receptor-g (PPAR-g, a although conflicting results have appeared (Table 2).
nuclear receptor expressed in white and brown fat) is Thyrotoxic patients are resistant to insulin (52, 53).
essential for the function of the UCP-1 enhancer as Insulin and glucocorticoids are inversely related, both
well as PPAR-g co-activator (PGC-1) that also binds increase total leptin levels in vitro and in vivo, and glu-
thyroid hormone receptors and positively regulates cocorticoids are known to increase insulin levels and to
expression of UCP-1, which, in turn, is influenced by cause insulin resistance (54). Thus, insulin resistance
both leptin and thyroid hormones (29). Thyroid hor- in thyrotoxic patients may contribute to any effects
mones and leptin might, therefore, be involved in the on serum leptin concentrations. However, actual
adaptive thermogenesis through the mitochondrial leptin levels for the human studies are not comparable
uncoupling proteins and heat production (29). nor are they candidates for a meta-analysis because of
UCP-3 is expressed in high levels in muscle tissue the different study designs, materials and methods
and brown fat in rodents and is regulated by thyroid used; they are not, therefore, listed in the tables.
hormone, beta3-adrenergic agonists and leptin (35). An initial observation of sexual dimorphism with
Thus, the physiological variation in T3 appears to be higher serum leptin concentrations in women has
regulating UCP-3 since UCP-3 mRNA levels are been discarded since subsequent studies found no


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262 T Zimmermann-Belsing and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2003) 149

Table 2 Results of the clinical studies of the relationship between circulating leptin levels and thyroid diseases. Patients with
thyrotoxicosis (tox) and myxoedema (myx) were compared with controls and changes in leptin levels during treatment were
compared with baseline (base). Further correlations were made between serum leptin and thyroid hormone levels (TH) and fat mass
(FM). Actual leptin levels are not shown due to the different study designs, materials and methods used; the values were therefore
not comparable.

Tox vs Myx vs Tox vs Myx vs Leptin Leptin

Reference controls controls base base vs TH vs FM

Zimmermann-Belsing et al. (51) " ND " ND ns P , 0.002

Corbetta et al. (63) $ $ ND ND ns P , 0.0001
Mantzoros et al. (64) $ ND $ ND ND ND
Sreenan et al. (65) $ $ ND ND ns P , 0.0002
Valcavi et al. (66) $ # $ # ND ND
Wolthers et al. (67) " ND $ $ ns ns
Sesmilo et al. (68) $ $ $ $ ns P , 0.0001
Yoshida et al. (69) $ # ND ND ns P , 0.0001
Ozata et al. (70) " $ $ $ ns ns
Leonhardt et al. (71) $ " ND ND P , 0.009 P , 0.0001
Pinkney et al. (72) # " ND # ns P , 0.02
Diekman et al. (73) " # $ $ ND P , 0.004
Kristensen et al. (74) $ ND $ ND ns P , 0.001
Miyakawa et al. (75) # $ # $ ns P , 0.0001
Kautzky-Willer et al. (76) $ " $ $ ns P , 0.0005
Song et al. (77) $ $ ND ND ND P , 0.001
Asami et al. (78) ND $ ND ND P , 0.05 P , 0.01
Chen et al. (79) " " ND ND ns P , 0.005
Simo et al. (80) ND ND ND $ ns ND
Sera et al. (81) # ND " ND P , 0.008 ND
Song et al. (82) " ND ND ND ns P , 0.001
Pinkney et al. (83) # " ND # ND ND
Nakamura et al. (84) $ ND $ ND P , 0.05 P , 0.05
Matsubara et al. (85) $ $ $ $ ns P , 0.001
Ozata et al. (86) $ ND ND ND ns P , 0.001
Seven (87) $ ND ND ND P , 0.05 ND
Obermayer-Pietsch et al. (88) # ND " ND P , 0.03 ns
Hsieh et al. (89) ND ND " " P , 0.002 P , 0.0001

ns ¼ not significant; ND ¼ not done; $ / " / # ¼ unchanged/increased/decreased serum leptin compared with either controls or baseline.

differences in serum leptin when men and women with Leptin and thyroid function
a similar percentage of body fat were compared.
Twenty-six thyroid studies have taken possible gender Thyrotoxic patients are usually euthyroid after the first
differences into consideration (Table 1). These studies 3 months of antithyroid drug treatment (ATD), but
were performed with different designs, materials and many thyroid patients especially patients with Graves’
methods and are not, therefore, directly comparable disease experience several poorly defined complications
(Table 1). However, when the relationship between such as change in body composition several months or
total serum leptin and fat mass was compared between years after obtaining euthyroidism (56). It is not clear
female and males with thyroid diseases, total serum whether these complications are related to thyrotoxi-
leptin levels were higher in females in nine studies cosis, autoantibodies, ATD, leptin or other factors.
(Table 1). The reason for these conflicting results Seven animal studies (44, 57 – 62) (Table 3) as well
regarding gender is not clear. The majority of the as 28 human studies (51, 63 –89) (Tables 1 and 2)
studies which found a gender difference were based have each tried to clarify a possible relationship
on simple measurements of body composition such as between leptin and thyroid dysfunction.
BMI, bioimpedance (BIA), anthropometric index of
abdominal fat distribution and/or the waist –hip ratio.
However, when robust body composition techniques Animal studies
(Dual Energy X-ray (DEXA)) and diet control measures In hyperthyroid rats serum leptin was decreased in
(isoenergetic levels) were taken into consideration, the five studies (44, 57 – 59, 62) while in hypothyroid
relationship between log plasma leptin concentrations rats four studies found increased (57 – 59, 62) and
and percentage body fat was not different in men and three studies showed unchanged serum leptin levels
women (55). Thus, observed gender differences might (44, 60, 61) (Table 3). The reasons for these conflicting
be a result of methodological differences rather than results are not clear but the conditions under which the
biological factors. studies were conducted differed (rat strain, weight, age,


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EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2003) 149 Leptin and thyroid 263

Table 3 Serum leptin and thyroid dysfunction studied in various strains of normal rats.

Weight Groups Rats Controls Age Time Body Leptin

Reference Tox Myx Rat strain (g) (no.) F/M F/M (days) Treatment (days) composition assay

Syed et al. (44) # $ Sprague– Dawley 180 3 0/6 0/7 20 MMI/T3 7/14 Body weight Linco
Fain et al. (57) # " Sprague– Dawley 204 –275 3-11 0/2–12 0/2 –12 21 PTU/T3 1– 2 Body weight Linco
Escobar-Morreale # " Wistar 120 –150 13 5 –6/0 6/0 28 Tx/T4/T3 12–13 Body weight Linco
et al. (58)
Fain and # " Sprague– Dawley 240 –275 ? 0/20 0/20 21 PTU/T3 1– 2 Body weight Linco
Bahouth (59)
Curcio et al. (60) ND $ Wistar 150 –200 4 0/4 0/4 28 Tx/MMI 3– 4 DEXA Linco
Wang et al. (61) ND $ Sprague– Dawley 250 –300 7 0/8 –10 0/8 28 Tx/PTU/T3 21 Body weight Linco
Lossa et al. (62) # " Wistar 70 8 0/8 0/8 25 PTU/T3 4/7/15 Body weight Linco

Serum leptin in thyrotoxic (Tox) and myxoedema rats (Myx) respectively, compared with controls and/or euthyroid rats. $ / " / # ¼ unchanged/increased/
decreased serum leptin compared with controls. F/M, female/male; ND, not done; Tx, thyroidectomized; MMI, methimazole; PTU, propylthiouracil.

sex, different diet, measurements of mRNA leptin in rat dose of T3 increased cAMP for a specific b3-adrenergic
fat tissue, administration of catecholamines or leptin, agonist and lipolysis. These data indicated that T3 is a
different measurements of body composition and differ- potent regulator of leptin and b3-adrenergic receptor
ent ways to induce hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism) mRNA in vitro. Therefore, it was suggested that the
(Table 3) (57, 60 – 62). inhibitory effects of thyroid hormone on serum leptin
Escobar-Morreale et al. (58) used thyroidectomized might be a physiological phenomenon (58).
(Tx) Wistar rats treated chronically (12 – 13 days) Later, Fain and Bahouth (59) confirmed their earlier
with subcutaneous infusion of placebo, T4 or T3. One results and designed a study to determine whether
group (six animals/group) was treated with placebo enhanced leptin release and mRNA content were
(hypothyroid rats) and 6– 7 groups were treated with observed in adipocytes in primary culture from
increasing subcutaneous doses of T3 or T4 (thyrotoxic hypothyroid rats, and whether T3 could reverse this
rats). When compared with a control group, leptin enhancement by directly inhibiting or stimulating
concentrations in the hypothyroid animals were leptin formation and release by rat adipocytes
unchanged. The infusion of T3 or T4 resulted in a (Table 3). In conditions that approximated the fed
decrease in serum leptin when compared with either state (addition of high glucose plus glycocorticoids
hypothyroid animals or the control group, indicating and either insulin or growth hormone), the concurrent
high levels of serum leptin in the hypothyroid state presence of T3 stimulated leptin mRNA accumulation.
and low levels in the thyrotoxic state. Hypothyroid ani- In contrast, in conditions mimicking the fasted state
mals had an elevated serum leptin relative to their body (addition of glucocorticoid alone or in the presence of
weight, which was normalized and even decreased a b3-adrenergic agonist) the addition of T3 enhanced
when T3 or T4 were infused. The results were in agree- the loss of leptin mRNA. Thus, T3 was found to
ment with 3 other studies (57, 59, 62) in which either inhibit or stimulate the net leptin mRNA content
hypothyroid rats showed increased leptin mRNA of white adipose tissue indicating the complexity of the
levels and increased leptin secretion, which were effects of T3 on leptin release and leptin mRNA
acutely reversed by administration of supraphysiologi- accumulation in adipocytes (59).
cal doses of T3 (Table 3). Syed et al. (44) evaluated leptin expression and the
Fain et al. (57) induced hypothyroidism by feeding influence of food intake, fat mass and body temperature
2 –12 male rats/group for 3 weeks on a low-iodine in rats with pharmacologically altered thyroid status.
diet with the addition of 6-N-propyl-2-thiourasil They used male Sprague – Dawley rats (n ¼ 6/group)
(PTU), and T3 was subsequently injected intraperitone- treated with methimazole (MMI) (hypothyroid rats) or
ally to induce hyperthyroidism. The different groups T3 (hyperthyroid rats), and compared them with an
were compared with an age- and weight-matched age-matched euthyroid group of 7 rats. Acute thyro-
euthyroid group of rats. To examine leptin and toxicosis was induced in rats by 24-h T3 treatment
b3-receptor expression in adipose tissue, RNA was prior to death. Euthyroid rats or hypothyroid rats with-
extracted from epididymal adipose tissue (E-fat). Fain out T3 treatment served as controls. Fat weight was
et al. (57) demonstrated that expression of the mRNA calculated as the sum of E-fat and retroperitoneal (R)
leptin was elevated in E-fat from hypothyroid rats fat (R-fat). In hypothyroid rats total body weight, food
compared with euthyroid and hyperthyroid rats. In con- intake and temperature were decreased while fat
trast, the level of b3-adrenergic receptor mRNA was weight was decreased in both chronically hypo- and
lower in E-fat from hypothyroid rats compared with hyperthyroid rats. E-fat leptin mRNA was higher in
that from controls. Administration of T3 reversed the euthyroid rats compared with chronically hypo- and
elevated leptin secretion, mRNA leptin and the low hyperthyroid rats. In contrast, R-fat leptin mRNA per
b3-adrenergic receptor mRNA. In addition, a single total RNA was unchanged in the 3 thyroid states (44).


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Conflicting acute responses of E-fat leptin mRNA Curcio et al. (60) used intact or Tx adult male Wistar
content have been reported, with a decrease (57) or no rats (n ¼ 4/group), fed a standard or high calorie diet
change (44, 59) in hypothyroid rats subsequently treated (cafeteria diet) to study diet-induced thermogenesis in
with a high dose of T3. However, confirmatory data rela- hypothyroid rats. They tested the modifications of
tive to thyroidal state, such as serum hormone levels, posi- energy intake and basal metabolic rate (BMR), brown
tive tissue control responses, or adiposity of the rats was fat UCP content and thermal response, and consequent
not always included. The effect of thyroid hormone on changes in body composition when the rats were fed
body temperature was rapid and observable within 12 h the cafeteria diet. In intact rats, the cafeteria diet
of T3 treatment of hypothyroid rats (44). Thyroid hor- increased energy intake 5 –7 times and caused BMR
mone-associated increases in core body temperature to increase 25%, total brown fat thermal response to
appeared to be independent of or inhibited by leptin, noradrenalin (NE) increased two- to threefold, and
because leptin levels were decreased in hyperthyroidism total brown fat mitochondria increased 60%, UCP
indicating an influence of thyroid hormones and leptin percentage increased 40% and total fat UCP increased
on UCP-1 to -3 and thermogenesis (44). In contrast to ear- 2.2-fold confirming a diet-induced thermogenesis and
lier reports (57–59, 62) serum leptin concentration was the activation of brown fat (29). Feeding the cafeteria
higher in the euthyroid rats but not significantly different diet to hypothyroid rats led to higher daily calorie
from the hypothyroid group (Table 3). On the other hand, intake, normal food absorption, increased R-fat, adipo-
serum leptin was significantly lower in chronically cyte volume, body fat, BMR, brown fat mitochondrial
hyperthyroid versus the euthyroid group of rats, in agree- protein, UCP percentage and total brown fat UCP but
ment with previous studies (57–59, 62), but in contrast not brown fat thermal response to NE infusion. A four-
to human studies (Table 3 vs Table 2). However, the differ- fold increase in serum leptin was demonstrated in
ences in serum leptin disappeared when rats were cor- intact rats fed the cafeteria diet in contrast to the
rected for fat weight, indicating that thyroid hormone hypothyroid rats which showed no substantial
administration altered fat mass, which in turn influenced change. Thus, it was suggested that hypothyroidism
the expression of leptin mRNA and serum leptin caused the brown fat to become unresponsive to NE,
concentration (44). Although thyroid status had the even after 1 month on the cafeteria diet. However,
expected effects on body temperature and food intake, it these rats were able to increase basal metabolic rate
did not produce parallel changes in serum leptin and did not gain fat or serum leptin beyond that
concentrations (44). observed in intact controls kept on a similar overfeeding
Furthermore, it has been suggested by Wang et al. schedule.
(61) that calorigenic actions of leptin are additive to, Iossa et al. (62) studied the influence of thyroid hor-
but not dependent on those of thyroid hormones. mones on the relationship between serum leptin and fat
They hypothesized that the effects of leptin on energy mass, as well as on energy and macronutrient balance.
metabolism may be regulated independently of the Sixty-four male Wistar rats were used, divided into
TRH/TSH/thyroid hormone axis, and they therefore eight rats/group. Three groups of rats were pretreated
studied the effect of systemic administration of leptin with PTU added to the drinking water for 4 days,
on body weight, food consumption, and variables of two groups were treated with either PTU þ saline or
indirect calorimetry in Tx rats. They used 55 Spraque– PTU þ T3, two groups were treated with daily injec-
Dawley rats, fed a balanced diet and treated with PTU tions of T3 for 15 days and the remaining normal
for 4 weeks. They were divided into two groups rats served as controls. Measurements were performed
(Tx þ T3 or Tx 2 T3) and three subgroups (n ¼ both in the transition period from euthyroid to hypo-
8–10/group). The resting oxygen consumption (VO2), or hyperthyroid (0 – 7 days) and in the stable thyroid
carbon dioxide production (VCO2), and respiratory condition (15 days). Measurement of body composition
exchange ratio (RER) were determined by use of an was performed by measures of protein, fat and lipid in
oxymax indirect calorimetric system. Serum leptin gut contents. Body weights and food intakes were
levels were not significantly affected by the hypothyroid monitored daily to calculate body weight gain and
state, in agreement with two other studies (44, 60) gross energy intake. Feces, urine and spilled food were
(Table 3). In addition, Wang et al. demonstrated for collected to measure energy content in a bomb calori-
the first time that the effects of leptin in reducing meter, and, based on these data, measurements of
food intake and body weight and in stimulating metabolic energy (ME), gross energy efficiency, energy
energy metabolism were not dependent on the expenditure and total cost of storage. It was demon-
presence of thyroid hormone. The thyroid gland did strated that in the absence of T3 energy and lipid bal-
not constitute an integral component of the leptin ance were not maintained despite the increased
action mechanism, but it was suggested that serum leptin concentrations found in hypothyroid rats
leptin and thyroid hormones might share some (62). Thus, it appeared that T3 plays a major role in
common downstream action sites and could act addi- the maintenance of energy and lipid balance. As in
tively, although independently, to enhance calorigenic previous studies (57 –59) serum leptin concentra-
metabolism (61). tions were significantly increased in hypothyroid rats


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and decreased in hyperthyroid rats. In addition, in concentrations. It appears from Table 1 that the studies
altered thyroid state (i.e. the same amount of fat) it differed in terms of patient characteristics, length of
was suggested that the relationship between serum treatment (if performed), and method for measuring
leptin and body fat changes gave significantly higher serum leptin as well as for evaluation of body compo-
leptin concentrations in hypothyroid rats and signifi- sition. It is therefore not surprising that extreme vari-
cantly lower concentrations in hyperthyroid ones, con- ation in the results was seen. In hypothyroid subjects
firming that the inverse relationship between T3 and serum leptin was found to be increased in five studies,
serum leptin was not only induced by T3 (62). How- decreased in three and unchanged in eight compared
ever, the inhibitory action of T3 on leptin production with a control group and/or euthyroid subjects (Table
could be the result of the altered sensitivity of white 2). In hyperthyroid subjects serum leptin was increased
fat to sympathetic stimuli. This was in agreement in six studies, decreased in five studies and unchanged
with earlier studies (57 – 59, 90) but in contrast with in 14 (Table 2).
those of Syed et al. (44), although the induction of Matsabura et al. (85) reported the results of a large
hypothyroidism was different, rats were older and fat Japanese study and found leptin levels were lower in
mass increased differently during development. Thus, hyperthyroidism compared with a large control
there might be an interaction of circulating T3 with group. This was accounted for mainly by a decrease
the leptin system and the effect of thyroid hormone in BMI in overt hyperthyroidism. In other studies,
on the leptin system seems to be inhibitory (62). BMI-matched healthy persons were used as controls
Conflicting results have been demonstrated with (51, 70, 87, 88), and in these studies mean serum
increased (57 – 59, 62) or unchanged serum leptin leptin concentrations in the cross-sectional comparison
(44, 60, 61) in hypothyroid rats. However, the rat were unchanged in hyperthyroid patients compared
studies universally show decreased serum leptin with with controls, irrespective of whether hyperthyroidism
chronic hyperthyroidism, which has failed to be was due to autoimmune Graves’ disease (51, 77, 87)
demonstrated in human studies (Table 3 vs Table 2). or toxic adenoma/multinodular goitre (87). In the
Thyroid hormones might have physiological inhibitory study by Seven (87), only the patients with Graves’ dis-
effects on serum leptin because the inverse relationship ease were hyperthyroid while the patients with multi-
between leptin and thyroid hormones was maintained nodular goitre were studied after one month of ATD.
over a wide range of thyroid hormone levels, from Control subjects (n ¼ 15) were claimed to be matched
severe hypothyroidism to hyperthyroidism (58, to both groups (n ¼ 27 and 23 respectively), but
60 – 62). However, a change in fat stores is likely to con- actual BMI data were not given nor was it stated
tribute to the decrease in leptin as seen in chronically whether the two patient groups had similar and
hyperthyroid rats (44). Although hyperthyroidism- comparable BMI values.
associated decreases in leptin may mediate some of The first published cross-sectional study (63) divided
the associated changes in, e.g. food intake, the regu- 114 patients into primary (n ¼ 36) or central (n ¼ 38)
lation of food intake with alterations of thyroid status hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism (n ¼ 40) respect-
must also involve other mechanisms such as body tem- ively. The patients with hyperthyroidism comprised a
perature (44). Thus, thyroid state-associated changes mixture of Graves’ disease and multinodular goitres
in body temperature did not correlate with changes (numbers of each not defined). Patients with central
in serum leptin, suggesting that thyroid-associated hypothyroidism had pituitary tumours, were replaced
thermogenesis was independent of alterations in with cortisol and sex steroids, had untreated growth
leptin concentration (44). On the other hand, it was hormone deficiency and untreated hypothyroidism
demonstrated that the metabolic actions of leptin and were studied again after 6 months of T4 replace-
were not dependent on euthyroidism and that the ment. Body composition was measured by BMI with a
effects of leptin and T3 treatment of thyroidectomized defined reference range but the patients were not
hypothyroid rats on oxidative metabolism were matched to controls. Leptin levels were adjusted for
additive (61). gender and BMI by calculating a standard deviation
A possible relationship between leptin and thyroid score (SDS). A correlation between serum leptin levels
hormones might be a physiological phenomenon and BMI was seen in female patients with thyroid dis-
(Fig. 1). The conflicting results both in animal and orders, although the difference in correlations found
human studies might be due to the complexities in in females and males could be accounted for by the
the regulation of the different compounds involved in different numbers in the various groups. No evidence
the brain, in thermogenic cells and all other cells was found in this paper for a role of thyroid hormones
harbouring the conversion of T4 to T3. in leptin regulation (63). A small cross-sectional study
(65) described groups of 25 each of eu-, hypo- and
hyperthyroid patients. No further specification of the
Human studies patients was given except in subgroups of 11 euthyroid,
As in rats, studies in humans have failed to show a six hypothyroid and six thyrotoxic patients where BMI
consistent effect of the thyroid state on serum leptin was also available. Leptin was correlated to BMI but


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266 T Zimmermann-Belsing and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2003) 149

not to free T4 or TSH. The conclusion in this study was and in another study of patients with nodular toxic
also that thyroid function had no influence on leptin goiter before and up to one year after radioiodine
regulation. The same conclusion was reached by therapy (88). In both these studies (51, 88) serum
Song et al. (77) who studied 50 hyperthyroid patients leptin changes were dissociated from body weight
(43 Graves’, seven nodular), 24 hypothyroid and 50 changes as measured by BMI and from proportional
euthyroid patients and compared leptin levels with or actual fat mass as measured by DEXA, indicating
BMI and percentage fat as well as fat mass by BIA. different rates of lean and adipose mass weight gains
No overall differences in serum leptin concentrations during normalization of thyroid function, irrespective
were found (except by gender) and no relationship of whether this was achieved by radioiodine therapy
was demonstrated to free T4. (88) or ATD (51).
Ozata et al. (70) further divided the patients with Pinkney et al. (72) divided their cross-sectional
Graves’ disease into those with and those without thyr- hyper- and hypothyroid patients into lean and obese
oid associated ophthalmopathy (TAO), based on the subjects and compared their leptin levels to thyroid
theory that human preadipocyte fibroblasts in orbital function, BMI, percentage body fat by BIA, and
connective tissues from patients with TAO differentiate plasma noradrenalin and found evidence for a modifi-
into cells resembling adipocytes and acquire expression cation of leptin secretion by thyroid status independent
of leptin and functional TSH receptors (91). Mean of adiposity and noradrenalin (72). The study was pre-
leptin levels were similar in all the groups compared sented as a short communication with relatively small
both to matched controls and to each other (70). numbers in each group. Also, 11 initially hypothyroid
Chen et al. (79) studied premenopausal women cross- patients were studied when euthyroid after T4 treat-
sectionally. They investigated 20 patients with ment and a decrease in serum leptin without changes
hypothyroidism, 20 with hyperthyroidism and 20 con- in BMI was demonstrated.
trols that were not BMI matched to the patients. The A different approach was used by Simo et al. (80)
hypothyroid patients had a higher BMI and also a who studied 30 patients previously thyroidectomised
higher serum leptin level compared with euthyroid con- for thyroid carcinoma, 4 weeks after discontinuation
trols. Hyperthyroid patients had similar BMI compared of T4 therapy (in connection with whole body scinti-
with the euthyroid controls (20.9^0.6 vs 21^0.5), graphy with I131). Profound short-term hypothyroidism
but with higher leptin concentrations (10.1^1.1 vs was obtained without any noticeable change in body
6.5^0.9). These authors provided indirect evidence weight and no difference whatsoever could be observed
for the influence of thyroid function across the range in plasma leptin levels. This strongly suggested that
from hyper- via eu- to hypothyroidism on leptin regu- serum leptin was unrelated to thyroid function when
lation by finding a correlation (albeit weak) between body composition did not change. Similar to Pinkney
leptin concentrations and the zinc/copper ratio in et al. (72), Kautzky-Willer et al. (76) divided their
plasma, the bioavailability of which is altered by thyroid patients into lean and obese subjects and compared
hormones. A later study (89) confirmed the evidence for them to BMI-, age- and sex-matched controls. Their
the influence of thyroid function across a range from hypothesis was related to thyroid hormones being per-
hypo- via eu- to hyperthyroidism on leptin regulation. missive for adrenergic activation, which, in turn, has
In the Japanese study (85), comprising a total of 368 been shown to decrease leptin expression in adipocytes
Japanese females, only 27 had pre-treatment and thus plasma leptin (58). By this subdivision of
hyperthyroidism and 19 had pre-treatment hypothyr- patients each study group consisted of about 10 mem-
oidism, but no classification of the hyper- or hypothyr- bers. Serum leptin levels were only elevated in obese
oidism was performed. Leptin levels did not correlate subjects and were unrelated to thyroid function or
with either thyroid function or plasma lipids respect- lipid status. The patients were studied again at euthyr-
ively. This study also reported few hyper- and hypothyr- oidism (12 – 20 weeks) after either ATD or T4. The
oid patients before and after therapy with ATD and former hyperthyroid patients displayed a fall in
levothyroxine respectively (85). Unfortunately, the plasma glucose, insulin and free fatty acids, but not
patients were studied only during a short follow-up in plasma leptin concentrations. Neither was there a
period, which may account for the lack of significant significant change in plasma leptin in the formerly
change in serum leptin concentrations. In contrast, hypothyroid patients, so even after restoration of
when two large cross-sectional groups of female normal thyroid function plasma leptin and insulin
patients with either pre-treatment hyperthyroidism or remained higher in obese than in lean patients with
hyperthyroidism during treatment were compared a former thyroid dysfunction. However, a direct compari-
difference was indeed found, with low serum leptin at son of changes between pre-treatment and post-treat-
the time of newly diagnosed hyperthyroidism and ment leptin values in individual patients cannot be
normal serum leptin in euthyroid patients treated found in the paper – only mean values of pre- and
with ATD. Thus, an effect of ATD to increase serum post-treatment levels respectively are given. A type
leptin could be suggested, which was later confirmed 2 error due to small numbers may also play a role.
in a prospective study of ATD in Graves’ disease (51) Their main conclusions, although not directly related


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EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2003) 149 Leptin and thyroid 267

to thyroid function, were (i) the correlation of leptin placebo. REE was assessed by indirect calorimetry and
with body fat mass was preserved in thyroid dysfunc- body fat by BIA. Serum leptin levels did not change
tion, (ii) plasma leptin was markedly increased in under the influence of either growth hormone or T3.
obese hypothyroid hyperinsulinaemic patients and Valcavi et al. (66) found lower leptin levels in 16
(iii) plasma leptin was not affected by oral glucose untreated hypothyroid patients and an increase after
loading. 6 –30 weeks of T4 therapy. In 16 hyperthyroid patients
Kristensen et al. (74) performed both in vivo and in leptin levels were similar in the untreated state and
vitro studies. Twelve healthy premenopausal women after 12 – 28 weeks of methimazole. In the cross sec-
were given 60 mg T3 daily for 7 days and were investi- tional part of this study an age-, sex-, and BMI-matched
gated before, and at days 8 and 14 (7 days after stop- control group was used. Diekman et al. (73) also looked
ping T3) using indirect calorimetry (resting energy at 21 hyperthyroid and 14 hypothyroid patients before
expenditure (REE)) in seven of the patients and and after 3 months of ATD and thyroxine respectively.
plasma samples in all. T3 induced a 1 kg weight loss They compared with BMI and found that serum
which was not regained the week after. Leptin levels leptin concentrations were lower in hypothyroid com-
did not change significantly during this short-term pared with hyperthyroid women. Also when leptin con-
hyperthyroidism while both REE and oxygen comsump- centrations were expressed as Z-scores from the mean
tion increased. The in vitro study in this paper demon- values of female controls matched for BMI and age,
strated an approximately 50% reduction in basal leptin Z-scores were lower in the hypothyroid than in the
and the dexamethasone-stimulated release of leptin thyrotoxic women (15 Graves’ disease) (2 0.63^0.21
from cultured human adipocytes as well as an approxi- vs 0.53^0.18, P , 0.001). After treatment, Z-scores
mately 50% reduction in basal and stimulated leptin did not deviate from the expected values (0.05^0.28
mRNA expression within the cells. The results of the vs 0.08^0.16; P ¼ 0.98) and their study thus
in vitro study were in accordance with another study supported the concept that the thyroid state modulates
by Fain and Bahouth (59) in which leptin mRNA serum leptin concentrations independent of BMI, with
expression decreased in isolated rat adipocytes and rat a small decrease in hypothyroidism and a small
adipose tissue fragments after T3 addition, whereas increase in hyperthyroidism. Restoration to euthyroid-
the reverse was found when thyroid hormone was ism was accompanied by an increase in serum leptin
added together with insulin. Yoshida et al. (92) studied in both cases, which is in keeping with the previously
the mouse preadipocyte cell line 3T3-L1 and found mentioned longer-term prospective study of Graves’
stimulation by thyroid hormones. However, in preadi- disease (51). Sesmilo et al. (68) studied 16 patients
pocytes, leptin expression was only a small fraction with hypo- and 17 patients with hyperthyroidism, all
(1%) of that in mature adipocytes, and, in addition, of autoimmune origin, before therapy and every 6– 8
the 3T3-L1 cell line is a clonal mouse preadipocyte weeks until euthyroidism was reached. Body compo-
cell line making the study less relevant to human sition was measured by BIA and BMI which both corre-
leptin physiology. The authors concluded that T3 at lated with serum leptin concentrations. No correlation
very high concentrations might possibly be a negative was found with thyroid hormones. Leptin levels in the
physiological regulator of leptin levels in humans. patients were not compared with healthy controls but
Nakamura et al. (84) found no difference in serum individual changes were looked for, and although an
leptin concentrations between 32 women with increase was seen both in hypothyroid patients after
Graves’ disease compared with 30 controls with similar treatment (14.5^2.6 vs 16.9^2.7) and in hyperthyr-
percentage body fat measured by BIA. The correlation oid patients after treatment (10.7^1.8 vs 12.4^2.2)
between serum leptin and percentage body fat was these increases were not significant. No change was
strongest in the controls but was also present in the observed in BMI or body fat. This was unlike the signifi-
patients with hyperthyroidism, and there was some cor- cant increase in mean serum leptin observed in a
relation to free T4 levels. Treatment with ATD of a sub- longer study (51) of Graves’ disease. Mean BMI also
group of these patients demonstrated no change in increased in these patients but the increase was less
leptin levels but a significant change in the anthropo- relative to the increase in total leptin.
metric indices and thus a reduction of percentage In children (n ¼ 51) a study was performed during
leptin (from prediction). Two other short-term studies ongoing T4 replacement of hypothyroidism. Serum
in healthy males treated for a short period with T3 leptin concentrations correlated only in the group of
did not demonstrate any changes in leptin levels. older children (n ¼ 16) with serum T4, but not with
In the paper by Mantzoros et al. (64) 22 males were TSH or free T4. The numbers were, however, too
given T3 in order to induce a hyperthyroid state verified small for a significant correlation to be expected (78).
by a drop in cholesterol and an increase in osteocalcin. Miyakawa et al. (75) used a cross-sectional study of
No mention of BMI was made and no leptin changes patients with Graves’ disease (12 males and 28 females)
were seen. Wolthers et al. (67) used a randomized, and hypothyroidism (11 females). Body composition
placebo-controlled cross-over design in 8 healthy was determined by BIA, and they also measured TSH-
males receiving T3 and/or growth hormone and/or receptor antibodies. They found a correlation between


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percentage fat mass and leptin only in female patients of body composition by DEXA scans, which allows
with Graves’ disease, with hypothyroidism and in better correlations to fat measures (51, 88), and
female controls, but not in male patients with Graves’ found that although serum leptin levels increased
disease, despite the fact that they had lower leptin during the 12-month ATD treatment of thyrotoxic
levels and percentage fat mass. This was in keeping patients compared with baseline and in accordance
with the notion that testosterone possibly inhibits with what was found in rats (57, 58, 62), there was
leptin levels (93). A subgroup of female patients were no relationship between changes in serum leptin and
studied approximately 5 months after reaching euthyr- total fat mass.
oidism with either ATD (n ¼ 9) or levothyroxine
(n ¼ 11) treatment. No change in leptin concentrations
of patients with hypothyroidism, but a small significant Leptin and thyroid autoimmunity
decrease in the mean leptin level of patients with
Leptin is capable of modulating the immune response.
Graves’ disease (10.4^8.2 mg/l vs 8.2^6.4 mg/l) was
Proinflammatory cytokines induce leptin production
demonstrated. No correlation was found to thyroid
and leptin has a direct effect on the generation of an
function or presence or absence of thyroid autoanti-
inflammatory response (94). Graves’ disease and
bodies in the patients, but in 66 healthy controls log-
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis are autoimmune diseases of
transformed serum leptin levels significantly correlated
the thyroid gland, which best fit a polygenic, multifac-
with serum TSH levels and, concomitantly, a negative
torial model of disease in which genetically susceptible
correlation was observed between free T4/TSH ratios
individuals are exposed to a constitutional or environ-
and log transformed leptin levels (75).
mental insult resulting in immune system activation.
Sera et al. (81) studied 15 thyrotoxic patients under
Autoantibodies directed against the TSH receptor are
the influence of either beta adrenergic blockers alone
responsible for the hyperthyroidism of Graves’ disease.
(only 11 patients), or ATD þ /2 beta adrenergic block-
Seven human studies of the relationship between
ers. No significant changes in serum leptin/percentage
leptin and autoimmune thyroid disease included
body fat (by BIA) were seen in hyperthyroidism during
Graves’ disease with or without TAO and Hashimoto’s
beta adrenergic blockade alone. They found a decrease
thyroiditis (Table 1) (51, 65, 69, 75, 81, 82, 86).
in plasma leptin/percentage body fat during beta adre-
One study demonstrated an increase in serum leptin
nergic blockade and normalization of thyroid function
before and after pulse therapy with methyl-prednisone
during ATD therapy. There was a further significant
but no significant changes were found when the
correlation between the change in leptin/percentage
Graves’ patients with TAO were treated with oral
body fat and the change in free T4. After normalization
methyl-prednisone indicating that acute immune sup-
of thyroid function leptin/percentage body fat did not
pression with methyl-prednisone may influence serum
change further when the beta adrenergic antagonist
leptin while a more chronic suppression might not
was withdrawn. The authors concluded that thyroid
(82). Serum leptin levels were similar in Graves’
hormone increased serum leptin levels during suppres-
patients with or without TAO. Based on the studies
sion of beta adrenergic receptors in hyperthyroid
summarized in the previous section there is not
patients. They also hypothesized that the thermogenic
enough evidence for a relationship between auto-
effect of thyroid hormone might be partly mediated
immune thyroid disease and leptin. None of the studies
through leptin secretion and they advocated taking
found any correlation between serum leptin and thyr-
into account the adrenergic receptors when the func-
oid autoantibodies, and four of the studies found evi-
tional relationship between thyroid hormone and the
dence that thyroid function is more important than
leptin system is investigated in clinical studies. This
autoimmunity in determining serum leptin concen-
has not been done in any of the other studies.
trations (78, 81, 84, 88).
Their hypothesis on thermogenesis was supported by
a recent demonstration of divergent serum leptin con-
centrations depending on whether free and bound Conclusions
leptin were measured instead of only total leptin; free
leptin and total fat mass increased while bound leptin As mentioned earlier, the results of the clinical studies
and REE decreased during correction of thyrotoxicosis, of leptin and thyroid disease are very confusing.
indicating that the free leptin fraction selectively rep- Different factors such as autoimmunity, leptin binding
resented the fat mass (19). This study might explain proteins, leptin pulsatility, fertility, gender, oestrogens,
the conflicting results obtained when measuring total insulin, cortisol, beta3-adrenergic agonists and
leptin in the majority of the studies of thyroid patients thermogenesis have been taken into account, but
(Table 2). even then, no explanations were found for the
As previously mentioned, one of the problems with conflicting results (Table 2). However, it is likely that
the human studies is the fact that BMI may not reflect there is a relationship between leptin and the thyroid
body fat (70) and the majority of the studies were based gland probably via an influence of leptin on the
on such measurements. Two studies used measurement negative feedback regulation of thyroid hormones as


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19 Brabant G, Horn R, Von zur Muhlen A, Mayr B, Wurster U,
possible important mediators of the effect of leptin on Heidenreich F et al. Free and protein bound leptin are distinct
energy expenditure but further studies of the influence and independently controlled factors in energy regulation. Diabe-
of thyroid function on the various forms of leptin tologia 2000 43 438–442.
(free, bound, total) are still required to gain more 20 Widjaja A, Hofmann R, Bruhn J, Von zur Muhlen A & Brabant G.
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