Net Games
Net Games
Net Games
Net/wall game skills
Net/wall games are games in which players send an object (e.g., ball, shuttle) over a net or against a wall so that it lands in an area that an opponent is defending.
The aim is to make it difficult for the opponent to return the object or force them into a mistake.
Net/wall game skills What this is What it looks like – Success criteria
Flight reception It is tracking an object in flight • Players track the ball or shuttlecock with the eyes while moving in under it, reaching to make contact in front of
and moving into position to the eyes.
receive and return a ball or • Players place the object (ball or shuttlecock) in the best place on the court to try to beat the opposition.
shuttle in flight.
• Players time the length of the shot to arrive with the fastest delivery, spin, or best position on the court.
It varies depending on the
• Players use different kinds of shots in different attacking and defending situations to change the amount of time
game, but essentially means
their opponents have to react to different shots
reading the flight path
of the object and moving • On the full, players strike or volley on the full, moving into line, side on, or under the object and, when possible,
appropriately into position to move forward to receive the ball or shuttle.
receive it. • In overhead striking, the players aim to be side on and to the back of the object so that they can make contact at
the highest point. They rotate their hips and shoulders, strike, and follow through in line with the return flight
path of the ball or shuttle.
• In bounce ball games (tennis, padder-tennis squash, etc.), players are back and to the side of the bounce, positioned
side-on to move forward during the shot to make contact at the top or near top of its bounce.
Court positioning It is setting up in position to • Players anticipate the return shot and are in the best position to play the next shot.
receive the ball to be in the best • Individual players move back to the T or centre between shots so that they can best cover the court. This involves
position to cover any return. side or backward side-stepping while watching the ball and the opposition.
• They will be moving back to the centre of the court or playing area.
• Team players read the play and move to the best position to execute their role as an attacker or defender.
• Players move constantly. They try to work out where the other team will place the ball.
• All players are on their toes, ready to speed up, while reading the play and anticipating the opposition’s most
likely return.
3. Net/Wall Games 85
Net/wall game skills What this is What it looks like – Success criteria
Ball or shuttle It is placing shots into open • The players make the opponent/s move from side to side or short to long.
placement spaces on the court or playing • They place the ball or shuttlecock into the opponent’s court (within the boundaries) so that they are unable to
area, away from the opponents return it to score.
so that they are unable to
• They attack the net to place the ball or shuttle on angles that are hard to return.
return it.
• Players control the pace, spin, and direction of play, i.e., being on attack not defence.
Building an attack It is setting up moves for a • Players build up shots to move an opponent into a court position that they are able to attack with a winning shot.
Defending an attack winning shot. • They move an opponent short, long, or side to side on the court and/or keep them out to one side while building
It is trying to find the the opportunity to hit a winner to the open court.
opponent’s weakness to exploit. • They use the entire court to place shots in the open spaces, away from the opponent.
It is transitioning from defence • At the same time, players anticipate where the opponent/s will return the ball or shuttlecock.
to attack.
• Players vary their choice of shots (volley, lob, clear, ground stroke), the speed, the distance, and the height of the
It is thinking strategically to ball or shuttlecock and use spin and faking to gain an attacking advantage.
win the rally.
• They use a recovery position to return to the T or the centre of the court.
3. Net/Wall Games 87
3.1 Continuous Rally
Set up:
• Use a padder-tennis court area.
• Nets or stacked benches to divide the court.
• 4–6 players per court (four on the court at
any one time).
• Use slower bouncing short-tennis or half-
pressure tennis balls to provide more time
for children to read the flight.
• Start the game by hitting the ball over the
• Players try to continue the rally for as long
as possible to see how many hits they can
EQUIPMENT achieve.
3. Net/Wall Games 89
3.2 Bounce Ball
Set up:
• Use large soft balls that bounce well.
• Teams of six a side.
• Use a court area with a net.
• One team throws the ball over the net.
• The other team attempts to catch the ball
and has up to three passes on their side to
pass it back over the net.
• The aim is to play the ball in a way that the
opposition cannot return it.
• Initially, play by allowing one bounce
between catches.
EQUIPMENT • After each point, rotate players around the
court area so they play different positions.
Large soft ball (1 per group) Volleyball (1 per group) Nets or benches per group
Challenge by choice
Challenge by choice is a teaching strategy
that allows players to choose their level
of participation and practice difficulty.
Initially developed by Project Adventure,
it aims to empower children and foster
increased engagement by creating a safe
environment in which participants feel
Step One: Step Two: Step Three: confident and comfortable about choosing
to be involved.
Throw the ball over the net to start the Introduce hitting the ball rather than Players choose if they want to let it bounce
game. Play the game with a low net height. catching it. The ball can be returned over or play it on the full. This is an opportunity The concept works by encouraging
The ball can be caught on the full or after the net on the first shot, or the team can use to explore different ways of hitting the ball, children to choose the most appropriate
the bounce and passed around the team up up to three shots to return it over the net. including those methods used in volleyball, participation for themselves without peer
to three times before returning it. The ball must still bounce before it is hit or such as off their forearms (dig shot) or pressure or teacher or coach direction. In
returned over the net. Highlight to children fingertips (set shot). its pure form, challenge by choice allows
how the height of the flight changes the time participants to choose whether or not to
they have to move and play the ball. participate in an activity. Offering choice
has the effect that children enjoy their
participation more, and it also allows the
LEARNING QUESTIONS REFLECTION teacher or coach to work with groups of
children at different ability levels.
• How did you choose the version of the game that you found to be After the activity, can the children: Strategies for teaching through challenge
the most suitable for you? by choice include:
• understand the three different versions of the game?
• Did you try different versions of the game? Why or why not? • Provide options based on difficulty and
• choose the version of the game that they are finding the most
allow children to choose where they
• Can you think of any changes we should make to these games? challenging and enjoyable? (Challenge by choice)
start and how they progress through
• What strategies did you use in this game? • demonstrate the game skills of flight reception, court movement,
the options.
• What did you do to improve your ability to move from catching to and ball placement in a version of Bounce Ball?
• Discuss the effect of choice on their
hitting in the games?
involvement and the effect of peer
pressure on individuals.
3. Net/Wall Games 91
3.3 Bench Ball
Set up:
• Two teams of any size.
• Mark out a court area to suit learners.
Divide the area into halves. Teams occupy a
half each.
• Place benches along the baseline.
• Use 3–4 soft large balls per side.
• 1–3 players start on the bench.
• The aim is to throw a ball on the full to your
player on the bench. If it is caught, the court
player joins the bench and becomes an extra
bench player.
EQUIPMENT • Players can move with the ball and must
3.3 Bench Ball throw to their bench from inside their zone.
• The other team can try to intercept a ball
heading towards the bench behind them.
• The team that gets all their team on the
bench first wins.
Large soft dodge balls (10) Hoops (4) Cones or markers Benches (4)
3. Net/Wall Games 93
3.4 Live
Set up:
• Use padder-tennis-sized courts, with a net.
• Have four players on the court at a time.
• Use half-pressure tennis balls.
• Begin by rallying diagonally to the opposite
player using two balls.
• Cooperate to keep the diagonal rally going
for as long as possible.
• When one rally breaks down, a player calls
• Now the pairs compete against the other
pair to win the rally with the remaining ball.
EQUIPMENT • When a point is won, the game starts again
with the cooperating pairs rallying on the
diagonal with two balls again until a player
again calls “live”.
Use one ball. Encourage four players to Use two balls. Increase the complexity, Play Live on a larger space, such as a tennis Building an attack is an important net/wall
develop an M or W pattern to pass the ball by introducing the concept of cooperation, court, and begin to play with tennis racquets game skill and requires children to be able
around the court, using both cross-court then playing “live” and transitioning to and tennis balls. to read the play, plan ahead, and transition
and straight shots. See how long they can competition and setting up play to win from defence to attack and vice versa. The
keep the pattern going. the point. game allows for moving both players up
to the net, both players back, and/or one
attacking the net while the other player
drops back to cover the shot.
Strategies to teach how to build an attack
LEARNING QUESTIONS REFLECTION 1. Using the entire court to place shots
in the open spaces and causing
• What is the best way to keep the ball going diagonally across the After the activity, can the children: the opponent to move and create
court? • play cooperatively to keep a diagonal rally going? opportunities.
• Can you place the ball to where you want it to go? How can you do • move around the court to be in the best position to play the ball? 2. Anticipating where the opponent/s will
this? return the ball.
• transition from cooperating to competition and build an attack?
• What is the first thing you do when you hear the word “live”? 3. Varying the selection of shots (volley,
• Were you able to think ahead and build an attack? lob, clear, ground-stroke), the speed,
the distance and the height of the ball,
• Why is it important to be able to do this?
and using spin.
• Where would you play the ball if both the players were up at the net?
4. Thinking about the best place to place
• Where would you play the ball if both the players were at the back
the ball (side lines, corners, short and
of the court?
long) so that the opponents are unable
to return it.
3. Net/Wall Games 95
3.5 Bombardment
Set up:
• This game can be played inside or outside.
• Create two teams who stand on either side
of a court area.
• Each player has a ball if possible.
• Place a large Swiss ball in the centre of the
playing area.
• Players throw the balls at the large Swiss
ball in the centre.
• The aim is to apply sufficient force to the
Swiss ball to roll it over the opposition’s line.
EQUIPMENT • Players can retrieve the balls from the
centre, but they must return to behind their
throwing lines to launch the ball again.
• A point is scored when the ball is
successfully rolled over the opposition’s
Soft dodge balls
Swiss ball (1) (1 per player)
Use soft balls and a small playing area to Use volleyballs or similar and increase the Play the game with four teams, one along Games forms that require collective effort
make it easier to apply sufficient force to get playing area. Play the same game rules. each side of the playing area or court. The and teamwork help build team cohesion
the Swiss ball rolling. The ball must cross the team needs to bombard the ball across the and cooperation by encouraging children
opposition’s line to score a point. opposite line to score a point. to learn about how they can help one
another and use one another’s strengths.
Exploring the effect of combined effort
also applies to physical forces. Applying
force is an important concept for games
play and is enhanced when players
LEARNING QUESTIONS REFLECTION work together to apply more force when
required. Players need to be able to apply
• What is the aim of this game? How is it played? After the activity, can the children: force to objects, learn the effect this has
on them, and as a result, learn how to
• How effective was it when everyone fired the balls in their own • explain how they used collective strength as a team?
accelerate, apply spin, and decrease the
time? • explain why they chose the tactics they used in this game?
speed of objects in play.
• What tactics did you use to combine your team’s force? Were they effective in applying collective force? Why or why not?
• What did you learn about applying collective force and effort from • differentiate the player roles needed to be successful in this
playing this game? game?
• Did you naturally take on the role of thrower or ball retriever?
• How did the team work collectively to stop the ball from rolling
over your base line?
• Are there any changes you would make if you played this game
3. Net/Wall Games 97
3.6 Staircase Badminton
Set up:
• Two teams of any size on either side of a
badminton court with a net.
• Each player has a racquet.
• One team serves the shuttlecock and begins
the rally.
• When a player misses a shot, they begin
to move down the staircase with each
subsequent miss. They go from standing, to
kneeling, to sitting, and then lying on their
back on the floor.
• If they can return a shot back over the net,
they can move back up to the next position
EQUIPMENT on the staircase.
• As more players are forced onto their backs,
other players will need to move to cover the
court to get team-mates back to their feet.
3. Net/Wall Games 99
3.7 Kick It
Set up:
• Small teams of 3–4 per side.
• Teams stand on either side of the net.
• The game is started by one player dropping
the ball onto the ground or their foot to kick
it over the net.
• The ball can be kicked on the full or after one
• The players attempt to score a point by
returning the ball into the opposition’s court
EQUIPMENT so that they cannot return it.
• Teams have up to three kicks on their side of
the net.
• The players need to decide if they will kick
the ball back on the first, second, or third
Court area
the size of a foot touch.
Cones/markers Nets or benches Soccer or dodge balls court or smaller
Set up:
• Three players, each with a racquet position:
one attacker at the net, a defender on the
baseline, and a feeder at the side at midcourt.
• The feeder has a bucket of balls.
• Use low nets as court dividers.
• The aim is to get to be the attacker.
• The feeder throws the ball to the defender’s
• The attacker tries to volley it back.
• Whoever wins the rally either remains as the
attacker or becomes the attacker and the two
EQUIPMENT 3.8 ATTACKERS & DEFENDERS players swap positions.
• Players stay on attack as long as they keep
• When the bucket of balls is empty, collect
them and rotate the feeder in as the attacker.
• Start another round of the game.
1 bucket of low-pressure
Short tennis racquets (3) tennis balls Net or bench (1 per group)
Set up:
• Use a small court area, divided by a net or
• Groups of 8 players.
• 4 at each end with a racquet.
• Begin with short tennis racquets and slower
• The focus in this game is on cooperation to
keep the rally going.
• A player hits the ball over the net to a player
at the other end and runs anticlockwise to
that end to join the other team.
• Players should aim to hit the ball where it
can be received and returned easily.
Set up:
• Play in pairs using a large soft ball as the
• Use chalk, tape, or hoops to mark the
position of Earth on the ground, the Sun on
a wall, and the planets in hoops or circles
on the ground in order away from the wall
(Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune).
• One player stands on Earth (in the hoop) and
throws a large ball (the rocket) at the Sun
(the large circle) marked on the wall.
• Their partner tries to catch the rocket after
EQUIPMENT one bounce and run it into the closest hoop
3.10 Around the Planets
• Next turn, they catch the ball off the bounce
and try to run it to Venus slightly further
away. Repeat in subsequent turns trying to
get the rocket to Neptune.
• Players swap over.
Chalk or hoops (8) Dodge ball (1) Net or bench (1 per group)