LTB General Brochure 9AKK108467A7132 en AA23
LTB General Brochure 9AKK108467A7132 en AA23
LTB General Brochure 9AKK108467A7132 en AA23
leader, driving
Live Tank Breakers
(LTB) innovation
First 420 kV First 800 kV Composite Circuit Breakers
breaker breaker insulators (DCB)
L I V E TA N K B R E A K E R S P I O N E E R A N D T E C H N O LO GY L E A D E R | 3
Ludvika, Sweden
EDF 36 kV- 72.5 kV
LTA 72.5 kV - 145 kV
LTB D 72.5kV - 170 kV
LTB E 245 kV- 800 kV
DCB 72.5 kV - 550 kV Beijing, China
HPL 170 kV- 1100 kV
LTB D 72.5kV - 170 kV
LTB E 245 kV- 420 kV
HPL 72.5 kV- 550 kV
DCB 72.5 kV - 550 kV
10 th of Ramadan
City, Egypt Tangerang, Indonesia
EDF 72.5 kV LTB 170 kV
Guarulhos, Brazil
EDF 72.5 kV Vadodara, India
LTB D 145 kV EDF 72.5 kV
Manufacturing facilities LTB E 245 kV LTB D 72.5 - 170 kV
Local service centers HPL 550 kV LTB E 245 - 800 kV
Product service centers HPL 420 kV
Applications Benefits
• Transmission lines, transformers, capacitor, reactors • Advanced and proven technology with low
and harmonic filters switching energy requirements
• Renewable power to grid offshore and onshore wind • Low environmental impact and life-cycle costs
power connections
• High current switching capability
• Onshore wind power connections
• Compact design and easy installation
• High altitudes
• High quality standards and safety
• Seismic applications – reinforced porcelain, robust
support structures and dampers that stand the test • Global footprint and service organization
of earthquakes
• Low temperature applications
• DC applications
6 | L I V E TA N K B R E A K E R S P I O N E E R A N D T E C H N O LO GY L E A D E R
Standard Breakers
EDF up to 72.5 kV
LTB D up to 170 kV
High performance circuit breaker protecting more networks than any other high-voltage
LTB E up to 800 kV
HPL B up to 1100 kV
DC applications
By-pass switch, high speed, neutral switches and other customized products for High
Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) applications. All switches are based on the well proven
LTB and HPL technology platform.
Type DC
Rated voltage to
kV 550 550 800 1100
Rated current A 4000 4000 4000 6300
By-pass insertion
A 6800 6800 6800 10000
Scalable eco-efficient Live Tank Breaker, providing both switching and isolation
functionality in one compact device.
Gas-mixture CO2+O2
L I V E TA N K B R E A K E R S P I O N E E R A N D T E C H N O LO GY L E A D E R | 9
Switchsync® PWC600
Point-on-wave controller
Switchsync® PWC600 is Hitachi Energy’s newest generation of PWC600 features:
point-on-wave controllers, based on the successful Relion® • Automatic optimization of switching targets
platform of protection and control products. • High accuracy through compensation of external
parameters and adaptive correction
Switchsync® PWC600 is designed for single-pole operated • Semi-automatic learning of circuit breaker operating time
circuit breakers, controlling each pole to close and/or open at • Circuit breaker operations monitoring
the point on wave that is optimal for the switching load, the • Setting wizard for guided entry of application data
circuit breaker, and power quality. In combination with a suitable • Setting group for maximum application flexibility
Hitachi Energy circuit breaker, it effectively mitigates switching
transients to optimize power quality and maximize equipment
Improve power quality and grid Significantly reduce contact Prevent exposure of circuit breakers and
stability. erosion for generator circuit power equipment excessive switching
breakers and in turn optimize life overvoltages and thereby damage to
cycle costs. insulation.
10 | L I V E TA N K B R E A K E R S P I O N E E R A N D T E C H N O LO GY L E A D E R
We are advancing the world’s energy system to be more sustainable,
flexible and secure. As the pioneering technology leader, we collaborate with
customers and partners to enable sustainable energy future.
Our products are type-tested according to international We have placed sustainability at the heart of our purpose and
standards: made a promise to advance a sustainable energy future for all.
• ANSI/IEEE Sustainability 2030 is our new strategic plan for sustainability,
• GOST summarizing our key commitments to act and drive business in
a sustainable way.
Hitachi Energy LTB operating units are certified according to
the below standards: Through Sustainability 2030, we are advancing four key areas:
• ISO 900 – Quality
• ISO 14001 – Environment Planet
• ISO 45001 – Occupational health and safety Towards carbon-neutral
• ISO 270001 – Information security
Diversity plus collaboration equals great
Peaceful, inclusive and sustainable societies
Foster multi-stakeholder partnerships
L I V E TA N K B R E A K E R S P I O N E E R A N D T E C H N O LO GY L E A D E R | 11
Hitachi Energy
High Voltage Products
Air-insulated switchgear
[email protected]