Municipal Corporation Act, 2000
Municipal Corporation Act, 2000
Municipal Corporation Act, 2000
ACT, 2000
(Act No. XXI of 2000)
Section Section
CHAPTER I 14. Election petition.
Section Section
29. Offence of booth capturing. CHAPTER III
30. Other offence and penalties. FUNCTIONS OF THE
31. Power to make rules regulating the
election of Councillors. 41. General Powers of Corporations.
42. Functions of Corporations to be
32. Bar to interference by Courts in
entrusted by Government.
electoral matters.
43. Obligatory functions of the
33. Oath of affirmation by Councillor. Corporation.
34. Removal of or resignation by 44. Discretionary functions of the
Councillors. Corporation.
34-A. Disqualification on ground of CHAPTER IV
34-B. Disqualification on ground of UNDER THE CORPORATION
defection not to apply in case of 45. Appointment of Commissioner.
46. Appointment of Joint/Assistant
34-C. Decision on question as to Commissioner and certain other
disqualification on ground of officers.
47. Salary and allowances of
34-D. Appeals. Commissioners.
Section Section
54. First Meeting of the Corporation 68. Officers and other employees not
after general elections for election to be interested in any contract etc.
of Mayor. with Corporation.
Section Section
83. Provisions as to unexpended 92. Recovery of taxes on lands and
budget grant. buildings from occupiers.
83-A. Reservation of land for housing to 93. Taxes on lands and buildings as
economically weaker sections and first charge on premises on which
low income groups. they are assessed.
83-B. Identification of eligible persons 94. Assessment list.
and determination of cost of land
or houses. 95. Evidentiary value of assessment list.
Section Section
110. Levy of development tax. 129. Notice to be given of
circumstances in which remission
111. Amount of development tax. or refund is claimed.
112. Payment of development tax.
130. What building etc. are to be
113. Notice on completion of scheme. deemed vacant.
114. Assessment of development tax. 131. Notice to be given of every
occupation of vacant land or
115. Tax on advertisements.
116. Prohibition of advertisement
without written permission of 132. Appeal against assessment etc.
Commissioner. 133. Conditions of right to appeal.
117. Permission of Commissioner to
134. Finality of appellate orders.
become void in certain cases.
118. Presumption in case of 135. Taxation not to be questioned
contravention. except under this Act.
119. Power of Commissioner in case of 136. Power to inspect for the purposes
contravention. of determining the rateable value
of tax or fee.
120. Fee on building applications.
137. Composition.
121. Time and manner of payment of
taxes or fees. 138. Irrecoverable debts.
122. Presentation of bill of tax or fee. 139. Obligation to disclose liability.
123. Consequences of the failure to pay
140. Power to amend list in certain
tax or fee within thirty days.
124. Manner of recovering tax or fee.
141. lmmaterial error not to affect
125. Power of seizure of vehicles and liability.
animals in case of non-payment of
tax thereon. 142. Powers of exemption.
Section Section
145. Time for repayment of money 160. Mode of executing contracts.
borrowed under section 144.
146. Form and effect of debentures.
147. Receipt by joint holders for the
161. Maintenance of Accounts.
interest or dividend.
162. Report by Audit agency.
148. Maintenance and investment of
sinking fund. 163. Action by Commissioner on the
149. Application of sinking funds.
164. Procedure to be followed by audit
150. Annual statement by agency.
165 Power of auditor to make queries
151. Priority of payment for interest etc. and call for returns.
and repayment of loans over other
payment. CHAPTER XII
Section Section
174. Cutting of supply to premises. 191. Power to drain group or block of
premises by combined operations.
175. New premises not to be occupied
without arrangement for water 192. Power of Commissioner to close
supply. or limit the use of private drain in
176. Public gratuitous water supply. certain cases.
182. Power to close or restrict use of 196. Appointment of places for the
water from polluted source of emptying of drains and disposal
supply. of sewage.
183. Water pipes not to be placed where 197. Connection with water works and
water will be polluted. drains not ot be made without
184. Joint and several liability of permission.
owners and occupiers for offence
198. Buildings and private streets not
in relation to water supply.
to be erected or constructed over
185. Public drains etc. to vest in drains or water works without
Corporation. permission.
186. Control of drains and sewage 199. Right of user of property for
disposal works. aqueducts, lines etc.
187. Certain matters not to be passed 200. Power of owner of premises to
into municipal drains. place pipes and drains through
188. Application by owners and land belonging to other persons.
occupiers to drain into municipal
201. Railway administration be
informed in certain cases.
189. Drainage of undrained premises.
202. Power of Commissioner to
190. New premises not to be erected execute work after giving notice
without drainage. to the person liable to do so.
Section Section
203. Power of Commissioner to affix 217. Compulsory setting back of
shafts etc. for ventilation of drain building to regular line of streets.
or cesspool.
218. Acquisition of open land and
204. Power of Commissioner to land occupied by platforms etc.
examine and test drain etc. within a regular line of streets.
believed to be defective.
219. Acquisition of remaining part of
205. Employment of Government building and land after their
agencies for repairs etc. portions within regular line of
streets have been acquired.
206. Work to be done by licensed
plumber. 220. Setting forward of building to
regular line of street.
207. Prohibition of certain acts.
221. Compensation to be paid in certain
cases of setting back or setting
STREETS forward of buildings etc.
214. Power to acquire land and 228. Projection over streets may be
buildings for public streets and permitted in certain cases.
for public parking places.
229. Ground floor door etc. not to open
215. Defining regular lines of streets. outwards on streets.
Section Section
231. Special provision regarding streets 246. Sanction or refusal of building or
belonging to Government. work.
237. Naming and numbering to streets. 253. Order of demolition and stoppage
of building and works in certain
238. Commissioner to take steps for cases and appeal.
repairing or enclosing places.
254. Order of stoppage of building or
239. Measures for lighting. works in certain cases.
240. Prohibition of removal, etc. of 255. Power of the Government to give
lamps. direction for compounding
CHAPTER XIV deviations from sanctioned plan.
Section Section
CHAPTER XV 275. Power of Commissioner to require
improvement of buildings unfit for
SANITATION AND PUBLIC human habitation.
276. Enforcement of notice requiring
261. Provision for daily cleansing of execution of works of
streets and removal of rubbish and improvement.
277. Power of Commissioner to order
262. Rubbish etc. to be property of demolition of buildings unfit for
Corporation. human habitation.
263. Provision for placement of 278. Insanitary huts and sheds.
receptacles, depots and places for
279. Prohibition against washing by
rubbish etc.
264. Duty of owners and occupiers to
280. Obligation to give information of
collect and deposit rubbish etc.
dangerous disease.
265. Removal of rubbish etc. 281. Removal of patient to hospital
accumulated on premises used as suffering from dangerous disease.
factories, workshops, etc.
282. Disinfections of buildings and
266. Prohibition against accumulation articles.
of rubbish etc.
283. Destruction of infectious huts or
267. Commissioner ’s power to get sheds.
premises scavenged and cleansed.
284. Means of disinfection.
268. Public latrines, urinals, etc.
285. Special measures in case of out-
269. Construction of latrines and break of dangerous or epidemic
urinals. disease.
270. Latrines and urinals etc. in new 286. Infected clothes not to be sent to
buildings. washerman or to laundry.
271. Latrines and urinals for labourers etc. 287. Contamination and disinfection of
public conveyances.
272. Provision of latrines and urinals
for markets etc. 288. Driver of conveyance not bound
to carry persons suffering from
273. Other provisions as to private dangerous diseases.
289. Disinfection of buildings before
274. Removal of congested building. letting the same.
Section Section
290. Disposal of infected articles 304. Registration and control of dogs.
without disinfection.
305. Stacking or collecting
291. Prohibition of making or selling inflammable materials.
of food, etc. or washing of clothes
by infected persons. 306. Care of naked lights.
292. Power to restrict or prohibit sale 307. Discharging fire works, fire arms etc.
of food or drink.
308. Power to require buildings, wells
293. Control over wells and tanks etc. etc. to be rendered safe.
294. Duty of persons suffering from 309. Enclosure of waste land used for
dangerous diseases. improper purposes.
295. Disposal of infectious corpse, CHAPTER XVII
where any person has died from
any dangerous disease. EXTINCTION AND
296. Conditions of service of Safai
Karamcharies and certain other 310. Establishment and maintenance of
classes of persons employed in fire-brigade.
Corporation services.
311. Power of members of fire-
297. Power to call for information brigades and other persons for
regarding burning and burial suppression of fire.
312. Limitation on operation of this
298. Permission for use of new burning Chapter.
or burial ground.
299. Power to require closing of
burning and burial grounds. MARKETS, SLAUGHTER
300. Removal of corpses. OCCUPATION
301. Disposal of dead animals. 313. Provision of municipal markets
CHAPTER XVI and slaughter houses.
Section Section
317. Prohibition of keeping markets CHAPTER XIX
open without licence etc.
318. Prohibition on use of unlicensed
markets. 332. Improvement scheme.
333. Matters to be provided for in an
319. Prohibition of business and trade.
improvement scheme.
320. Levy of stallages, rent and fees. 334. Submission of improvement
321. Stallages, rent etc. to be published. scheme to the Corporation for
approval and to the Government
322. Butcher ’s, fishmonger ’s and for sanction.
poulterer’s licence.
335. Publication of the notice after
323. Factory etc. not to be established scheme is sanctioned.
without permission of the 336. Rehousing Scheme.
337. Improvement scheme and
324. Premises not to be used for certain Rehousing scheme to comply
purposes without licence. with master plan and zonal
development plan.
325. Seizure of certain animals.
338. Provision of housing
326. Power of the Commissioner to
accommodation for the
prevent use of premises in
economically weaker sections.
particular area for the purposes
referred in section 324. CHAPTER XX
327. Licence for hawking articles etc. REGULATION OF FELLING
328. Eating houses etc. not to be used
without license from Commissioner. 339. Prohibiting felling, cutting,
damaging, destroying any tree in
329. Licensing and control of theatre, any urban area.
circuses and places of public
amusement. 340. Constitution of Tree Authority.
Section Section
345. Permission for felling of tree. 362. Regard to be had to social or
religious usages.
346. Planting of adequate number of
trees. 363. Prohibition of obstruction or
molestation in execution of work.
347. Planting in place of fallen/
destroyed trees. 364. Public notice how to be made
348. Responsibilities for preservation
of trees. 365. Newspaper in which advertisement
of notices to be published.
349. The recovery of expenditure on
366. Proof of content etc. of
failure to comply with orers for
Commissioner etc.
planting of trees.
367. Notices etc. to fix reasonable time.
350. Appeals.
368. Signature on notices etc. may be
351. Seizure. stamped.
352. Penalty. 369. Notice etc. by whom to be served
or issued.
353. Compounding of offences.
370. Service of notices, etc.
354. Operation of other laws not
barred. 371. Power in case of non-compliance
with notice, etc.
355. Power to make rules.
372. Liability of occupier to pay in
CHAPTER XXI default of owner.
POWER, PROCEDURE, 373. Execution of work by occupier in
OFFENCES AND PENALTIES default of owner and deduction of
expenses from rent.
356. Signature, conditions, duration,
suspension, revocation, etc. of 374. Relief to agents and trustees.
licences and written permissions.
375. General power to pay compensation.
357. Power of entry and inspection. 376. Compensation to be paid by
358. Power to enter land, adjoining offenders for damage caused by
land in relation to any work. them.
Section Section
379. General powers and procedure of 395. Powers to make bye-laws.
the Court of District Judge.
396. Penalty for breaches of bye-laws.
380. Fees in proceeding before the
Court of District Judge. 397. Supplemental provisions respecting
381. Repayment of half fee on
settlement before hearing. 398. Bye-laws to be available for
inspection and purchase.
382. Power of the Court of District
Judge to delegate certain powers CHAPTER XXIII
and to make rules.
383. Punishment for certain offences.
399. Power of Government to require
384. General Penalty. production of documents.
Section Section
411. Prohibition against removal or 427. Power to remove difficulties.
obliteration of notice.
428. Repeal of Act No. VIII, Samvat
412. Prohibition against unauthorised 2008.
removal of deposit, etc.
First Schedule.
413. Liability of Councillors.
1. Short title, extent and commencement. ––(1) This Act may be called
the Jammu and Kashmir Municipal Corporation Act, 2000.
(2) It extends to the whole of the State of Jammu and Kashmir excluding
the cantonment areas therein.
[(3) It shall come into force on such date as the Government may, by
notification in the Government Gazette, appoint :
1. Chapters I, II, V, section 79 of Chapter VII, Chapters XV, XVI, XVIII, XIX, XXI (except
section 386) and XXIII have come into force w.e.f. 18th February, 2003 vide SRO 46 of
2003 dated 18-02-2003.
(6) “Chief Electoral Officer” means the Chief Electoral Officer of the
State ;
(13) “District Judge” means the District Judge having jurisdiction over
the municipal area ;
(17) “dry latrine” means a latrine or privy from where night soil is
removed through manual scavenging ;
[(17-a) “economically weaker section” means such class of persons, being
permanent residents of the State, as may be notified by the
Government from time to time, for the purpose of providing housing
sites of the dimension 4 meter x 7.5 meter and carpet area within
the range of 25 square meters to 30 square meters] ;
[(23-a) “group housing” means more than two buildings on a plot with one
or more floors and with one or more dwelling units in each floor] ;
(26) “land” includes benefits that arise out of land, things attached to the
earth or permanently fastened to anything attached to the earth and
rights created by law over any street ;
[(27-a) “low income group” means such class of persons, being permanent
residents of State, as may be notified by the Government from time
to time, for the purpose of providing housing sites which may be of
dimension 4.5 meter x 10 meter and floor area of not exceeding 50
square meter in case of flatted accommodation] ;
(a) any person who for the time being is paying or is liable to pay to the
owner the rent or any portion of the rent or any portion of the land
or building in respect of which such rent is paid or is payable ;
(e) any person who is liable to pay to the owner damages for the
use and occupation of any land or building ;
(38) “owner” includes a person who for the time being is receiving or is
entitled to receive, the rent of any land or building whether on his
own account or on account of himself and other or as an agent, trustee,
(44) “private street” means any street, which is not a public street and
includes any passage securing access to two or more places
belonging to the same or different owners ;
(45) “public place” means any place which is open to the use and
enjoyment of the public, whether it is actually used or enjoyed by
the public or not ;
(47) “public street” means any street which vests in the Corporation or
which under the provisions of this Act becomes, or is declared to be
a public street ;
* The word “State” does not exist in the original Act. It has been inserted by the Author so that the
Administrative Department takes note of it and initiates move for making necessary amendment
in the Principal Act.
(49) “rateable value” means the value of any land or building fixed in
accordance with the provisions of this Act and the bye-laws made
thereunder for the purpose of assessment to property taxes ;
(51) “reside” : ––
(52) “rubbish” includes ashes, broken bricks, broken glass, dust, mulba,
mortar and refuse of any kind which is not filth ;
(53) “rural areas” means the part of the municipal area which
immediately before their inclusion within the limits of the municipal
areas were situated within the local limits of a Gram Panchayat but
shall not include such portion thereof, as may, by virtue of a
notification under section 417 cease to be included in the rural
areas as herein defined ;
(56) “sewage” means night soil and other contents of latrines, urinal,
cesspools or drains and polluted water from sinks, bathrooms,
stables, cattle sheds and other like places, and includes trade
effluents and discharges from manufactures of all kinds ;
(58) “slaughter house” means any place ordinarily used for the slaughter
of animals for the purpose of selling the flesh thereof for human
consumption ;
(60) “street” shall mean any road, footway, square, court alley, gully or
passage, accessible whether permanently or temporarily to the
public and whether a thoroughfare or not, and shall include every
vacant space, notwithstanding that it may be private property and
partly or wholly obstructed by any gate, post chain or other barrier,
if houses, shops or other buildings abut thereon, and if it is used by
any person as means of access to or from an public place or
thoroughfare, whether such persons be occupiers of such buildings
or not, but shall not include any part of such space which the
occupier of any such building has right at all hours to prevent all
other persons from using as aforesaid and shall include also the
drains or gutters therein, or either side or the land, whether covered
or not by any pavement, verandah or other erection, up to the
boundary of any abutting property, not accessible to the public ;
(61) “trade effluent” means any liquid either with or without particles of
matter in suspension therein, which is wholly or in part produced in
the course of any trade or industry carried on at trade premises *[and
in relation to any trade premises] means any such liquid as aforesaid
which is so produced in the course of any trade or industry carried
on at those premises, but does not include domestic sewage ;
(66) “water course” includes any river, stream or channel whether natural
or artificial ;
(67) “water seal latrine” means a latrine with a minimum water seal of
20 mm in which excreta is pushed in or flushed by water and is not
required to be removed by human agency ;
(68) “water works” includes all lakes, tanks, streams, cisterns, springs,
pumps, wells, reservoirs, aqueducts, water trucks, sluices, main
pipes, culverts, hydrants, stand-pipes and conduits and all lands,
buildings, machinery, bridges and things used for, or intended for
the purpose of supplying water ;
(3) The Government may, from time to time, after consultation with the
Corporation, by notification in the Government Gazette, alter the limits of the
municipal area of the Corporation declared under sub-section (1) and (2) so as
to include therein or exclude therefrom such areas as may be specified in the
(4) When the limits of the municipal area are altered, so as to include
therein any area, except as the Government may otherwise by notification direct,
all rules, regulations, notifications, bye-laws, orders, directions and powers
issued or conferred and all taxes imposed under this Act and in force in the
municipal area, shall apply to such area.
(5) When a local area is excluded from the Corporation under sub-section
(a) this Act and all notifications, rules, bye-laws, orders, directions
and powers issued, made or conferred under this Act, shall cease
to apply thereto ; and
(2) Save as provided in sub-section (3), all seats in the Corporation shall
be filled by persons chosen by direct election from the territorial constituencies
in the municipal area and for this purpose the municipal area shall, by a
notification issued in this behalf, be divided into territorial constituencies to
be known as wards.
(3) In addition to the persons chosen by direct election from the territorial
constituencies, the Government may, by notification, nominate the following
categories of persons as Councillors of the Municipal Corporation :––
Provided that the persons referred to in clause (i) above shall not have
the right to vote in the meetings of the Corporation.
(4) After the commencement of this Act, all powers and duties conferred
and imposed upon the Corporations by or under this Act or any other law,
shall be exercised and performed by the Commissioner for a period not
exceeding 1[two years] or till a Corporation is constituted under the provisions
of this Act, whichever is earlier.
(b) before the expiration of a period of six months from the date of its
dissolution :
Provided that where the remainder of the period for which the dissolved
Corporation would have continued is less than six months, it shall not be
necessary to hold any election under this section for constituting the Corporation
for such period :
[Provided further that the first election to a Corporation constituted after
the commencement of the Act shall be held within a period of 3[two years] of
its constitution].
(a) divide the municipal area into wards in such a manner that––
Provided that the population in each ward shall not be less than 7500
and the number of total seats to be filled by direct election shall not exceed
seventy five ;
(c) determine the ward or wards in which seats are reserved under this
(c) his name is registered as an elector in the electoral roll of any ward
in the municipal area.
(h) if he holds any office of profit under the Government *[or the
Municipal Corporation] ;
(j) if he holds any office of profit under *[the Government or] the
Municipal Corporation ;
(m) if he, having held any office under the Government, the Corporation
or any other local authority, any Government company or any
corporate body owned or controlled by the Government, has been
dismissed from service ;
(p) if he has been ordered to give security for good behaviour under
section 110 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, Samvat 1989 ;
(q) if he fails to pay any arrears of any kind due to him, otherwise than
as an agent, receiver, trustee or an executor to the Corporation
within three months after a notice in this behalf has been served
upon him ;
(a) a disqualification under clause (g) of sub-section (1) shall not take
effect until three months have elapsed since the date of such
disqualification or if within these three months an appeal or petition
for revision is brought in respect of the conviction or sentence until
that appeal or petition is disposed of ;
(ii) any agreement for the loan of money or any security for the
payment of money only ; or
(v) the letting out on hire to the Corporation or the hiring from
the Corporation of any article not exceeding two thousand
rupees in the aggregate in any year during the period of the
contract or work ; and
(3) The Electoral Authority shall frame its own rules and lay down its
own procedure.
[10-A. Reservation of seats for certain categories. ––(1) Seats shall be
reserved for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes in every
Corporation in proportion to the total population of the Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes in the area falling under the Municipal Corporation and such
seats may be allotted by rotation to different constituencies in a Corporation.
(2) Not less than one-third of the total number of seats reserved under
sub-section (1) shall be reserved for women belonging to the Scheduled Castes
or the Scheduled Tribes, as the case may be.
(3) Not less than one-third (including the number of seats reserved for
women belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes) of the
total number of seats to be filled by direct election in the Corporation shall be
reserved for women and such seats may be allotted by rotation to different
constituencies in the Corporation.
[(3-A) A person who becomes a member or an office bearer of a
Corporation on production of a false Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe
Certificate, shall be disqualified from the date on which it is found that he had
become such member or office bearer on the basis of such false caste certificate
and shall continue to be disqualified for further period of six years].
11. Right to vote. ––(1) For every municipal area there shall be a list of
voters which shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Act
and the rules made thereunder.
(3) If the vacancy be a vacancy reserved for any category, the vacancy
will be filled from the same category.
Provided that the names of all the councillors elected at a general election
shall be so published as far as possible simultaneously.
(3) A petitioner shall join as respondents to his petition all the candidates
at the election.
(a) shall contain a concise statement of the material facts on which the
petitioner relies ;
(b) shall, with sufficient particulars, set forth the ground or grounds
on which the election is called in question ; and
(c) shall be signed by the petitioner and verified in the manner laid
down in the Code of Civil Procedure, Samvat 1977, for the
verification of pleadings.
(a) a declaration that the election of all or any of the returned candidates
is void ; and
(a) that on the date of his election a returned candidate was not qualified
or was disqualified, to be chosen as a Councillor ; or
(2) When a returned candidate or any of his agents, has been alleged to
be guilty of any corrupt practice but the prescribed authority is satisfied––
(a) that no such corrupt practice was committed at the election by the
candidate, or such corrupt practice was committed contrary to the
order, and without the consent of the candidates ;
(b) that the candidate took all reasonable means for preventing the
commission of corrupt practices at the election ; and
(c) that in all other respects the election was free from any corrupt
practice on the part of the candidate or any of his agents,
it may decide that the election of the returned candidate is not void.
(2) If any person who has filed an election petition has, in addition to
calling in question the election of the returned candidate, claimed declaration
that he himself or any other candidate has been duly elected and the prescribed
authority is of the opinion––
(a) that in fact the petitioner or such other candidate received a majority
of the valid votes ; or
(b) that but for the vote obtained by the returned candidate the
petitioner or such other candidate would have obtained a majority
of the valid votes, the prescribed authority shall after declaring
the election of the returned candidate to be void, declare the
petitioner or such other candidate, as the case may, be, to have
been duly elected.
(3) Any person aggrieved by the order of the prescribed authority may
file an appeal before the High Court, within a period of thirty days from the
date of the order and the High Court shall hear and dispose of the appeal
within a period of ninety days.
Provided further that the use of any public transport vehicle or vessel or
any railway carriage by an elector at his own cost for the purpose of going to
or coming from any such polling station shall not be deemed to be a corrupt
practice under this clause ;
Explanation:––In this clause the expression “vehicle” means any vehicle used
or capable of being used for the purpose of road transport
whether propelled by mechanical power or otherwise and
whether used for drawing other vehicles or otherwise.
(viii) any other practice which the Government may by rules specify to
be corrupt practice.
(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of sub-section (1) shall
be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months
or with fine, or with both.
the polling station, or in any public or private place within a distance of one
hundred meters of the polling station, namely :––
(c) persuading any elector not to vote for any particular candidate ; or
(e) exhibiting any notice or sign (other than an official notice) relating
to the election.
(2) No person shall convene, hold or attend any public meeting within
any ward on the date and dates on or at any time within twenty-four hours,
preceding the start of the poll for an election in that ward.
imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months, or with fine, or
with both.
(3) If the presiding officer of a polling station has reason to believe that
any person is committing or has committed an offence punishable under this
section, he may direct any police officer to arrest such person, and thereupon
the police officer shall arrest him.
(4) Any police officer may take such steps and use such force as may be
reasonably necessary for preventing any contravention of the provisions of
sub-section (1) and may seize any apparatus used for such contravention.
26. Penalty for misconduct at the polling station. ––(1) Any person who
during the hours fixed for the poll at any polling station, misconduct’s himself
or fails to obey the lawful directions of the presiding officer, may be removed
from the polling station by the presiding officer or by any police officer on
duty or by any person authorised in this behalf by such presiding officer.
(3) If any person who has been so removed from a polling station re-
enters the polling station without the permission of the presiding officer, he
shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three
months, or with fine, or with both.
(2) No suit or other legal proceeding shall lie against any such person
for damages in respect of any such act or omission as aforesaid.
(3) The persons to whom this section applies are returning officers,
assistant returning officers, presiding officers, polling officers and any other
person appointed to perform any duty in connection with receipt of nominations
or withdrawal of candidatures or the recording or counting of votes at an
election ; and the expression “official duty” shall for the purpose of this section
be construed accordingly.
(2) If the presiding officer of a polling station has reason to believe that
any person is committing or has committed an offence punishable under sub-
section (1), such officer may, before such person leaves the polling station,
arrest or direct a police officer to arrest such person and may search such
person or cause him to be searched by a police officer :
(3) Any ballot paper found upon the person arrested on search shall be
made over for safe custody to a police officer by the presiding officer or when
the search is made by a police officer, shall be kept by such officer in safe
Explanation:–– For the purposes of this section, “booth capturing” includes, among
other things, all or any of the following activities, namely,––
(c) fraudulently defaces or destroys any ballot paper or the official mark
on any ballot paper or any declaration of identify or official envelope
used in connection with voting by postal ballot ; or
(d) without due authority supplies any ballot paper to any person or
receives any ballot paper from any person or is in possession of any
ballot paper ; or
(e) fraudulently puts into any ballot-box anything other than the ballot
paper which he is authorised by law to put in ; or
(g) fraudulently or without due authority, as the case may be, attempts
to do any of the foregoing acts or wilfully aids or abets the doing
of any such acts.
(2) Any person guilty of an offence under this section shall :––
31. Power to make rules regulating the election of Councillors. ––(1) The
Government may in consultation with Chief Electoral Officer make rules to
provide for or regulate all or any of the following matters for the purpose of
holding elections of Councillors under this Act, namely :––
(h) the date, time and place for poll and other matters relating to the
conduct of elections including :––
(ii) the hours during which the polling station shall be kept open
for the casting of votes ;
(v) the marking with indelible ink of the left fore-finger or any
other finger or limb of the voter and prohibition of the delivery
of the ballot to any person if at the time such person applies
for such paper he has already such mark, so as to prevent
personation of voters ;
(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of any rule framed under
this section shall be punishable with fine which may extend to one thousand
(2) If a Councillor resigns his seat by writing under his hand addressed
to the Commissioner, he shall cease to be a Councillor on the date of acceptance
of his resignation and his office shall thereupon fall vacant.
[34-A. Disqualification on ground of defection. ––(1) A member of a
Corporation belonging to any political party shall be disqualified for being a
member of the Corporation––
(a) have become members of such other political party or, as the case
may be, of a new political party formed by such member ; or
(b) have not accepted the merger and opted to function as a separate
and from the time of such merger, such other political party or new political
party or group, as the case may be, shall be deemed to be the political party to
which he belongs for the purposes of sub-section (1) of section 34-A and to be
his original political party for the purposes of this sub-section.
(2) For the purposes of sub-section (1), the merger of the original political
party of a member of a Corporation shall be deemed to have taken place if,
and only if, not less than two-third of the members of the political party
concerned have agreed to such merger.
34-D. Appeals. ––(1) Any person aggrieved of any decision of the Chief
Electoral Officer, may prefer an appeal to the Special Tribunal constituted
under the Jammu and Kashmir Special Tribunal Act, 1988.
(2) Appeals shall be preferred within a period of 15 days from the date
of decision.
(3) The decision of the Special Tribunal shall be final and conclusive.
36. Annual election of Mayor, Deputy Mayor and their term of office. ––
(1) The Corporation shall at its first meeting and thereafter at the expiration of
[two years and six months, elect through open ballot one of its Councillors]
to be the Chairperson to be known as the Mayor and another Councillor to be
known as the Deputy Mayor of the Corporation.
(2) The term of office of the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor of the
Corporation shall be 2[two years and six months] from the date of his election,
as such, unless in the meantime he resigns his office as Mayor or Deputy Mayor
or unless in the case of Deputy Mayor is elected as the Mayor and he shall
cease to hold his office on the expiry of his term of office :
1. Substituted for the words “every year, elect one of its Councillors” by Act No. VIII of 2010,
s. 2, w.e.f. 21st April, 2010.
2. Substituted ibid for the words “one year”.
Provided further that the election of a new mayor or the Deputy Mayor,
as the case may be, at the end of every term, shall be held before the expiry of
the term specified in this sub-section.
(3) The Mayor and Deputy Mayor shall be entitled to the payment of
such honorarium and may be given such facilities in respect of residential
accommodation, telephone, conveyance and the like as may be prescribed
by bye-laws.
(4) The Mayor of the Corporation shall have access to the record of the
Corporation and issue directions to the Commissioner or other functionaries
of the Corporation or call for reports from them with a view to ensuring proper
implementation of the decision of the Corporation.
(5) The Mayor shall have such powers as may be necessary to carry out
the purposes of this Act and to implement the decisions of the Corporation.
(2) When the Mayor is absent from duty on account of illness or any
other cause, the Deputy Mayor shall act as Mayor during his absence.
39. Resignation of Mayor and Deputy Mayor. ––(1) The Mayor may, by
writing under his hand addressed to the Deputy Mayor, resign his office.
(2) The Deputy Mayor may, by writing under his hand addressed to the
Mayor, resign his office.
(3) A resignation under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) shall take effect
from the date of its acceptance by the Mayor or Deputy Mayor, as the case
may be.
40. Standing Committees. ––(1) The Corporation shall have the following
standing committees, namely :––
(2) Each standing committee shall consist of not less than five and not
more than nine Councillors including the Mayor or the Deputy Mayor, as the
case may be, elected by the Councillors of the Municipal Corporation from
amongst the elected Councillors :
Provided that Social Justice Committee shall include at least one member
who may be a woman or a member of a Scheduled Caste or of a Scheduled Tribe.
(4) The Finance and Planning Committee shall perform the functions
relating to the finances of the Corporation, preparation of budget, scrutinising
proposals for increase of revenue including taxes, examination of receipts and
expenditure statement, sales and leases of Corporation properties, recovery of
loans, examinations of schedule of rates, consideration of all proposals affecting
the finance of the Corporation and any other functions relating to the
development of the municipal area.
(5) The Public Health and Sanitation Committee shall perform functions
relating to the health, sanitation, water supply, drainage and sewage disposal.
(6) The Social Justice Committee shall perform functions relating to––
(b) protection from social injustice and all other forms of exploitation ;
(7) The Mayor shall be the ex-officio member and also the Chairman of
the General Functions Committee and the Deputy Mayor shall be the ex-officio
member and Chairman of the Finance and Planning Committee.
(8) The members of the other Committees shall elect its Chairman from
amongst themselves.
(b) the construction and maintenance of works and means for providing
supply of water for public and private purposes ;
(c) the scavenging, removal and disposal of filth, rubbish and other
obnoxious or polluted matters ;
(e) the regulation of places for the disposal of the dead and the
provisions and maintenance of places for the said purposes ;
(l) the lighting, watering and cleaning of public streets and other public
places ;
(s) the fulfilment of any other obligation imposed by or under this Act
or any other law for the time being in force ;
(b) the establishment and maintenance of and aid to, libraries, museums,
art galleries, botanical gardens or zoological collections ;
(c) the establishment and maintenance of, and aid to stadium, gymnasia,
akharas and places for sports and games ;
(iii) infirmaries ;
(v) houses for the deaf and dumb and for disabled and
handicapped children ;
(i) any measures for the welfare of the Corporation officers and other
Corporation employees or any class of them, including the
sanctioning of loans to such officers and employees or any claim
of them for construction of houses and purchase of vehicles ;
(q) the construction and maintenance of garages, sheds and stands for
vehicle and cattle biers ;
Provided that his appointment may be renewed for a term not exceeding
three years :
(b) may in the public interest recall the Commissioner at any time
during the term of his appointment.
(2) Subject to the approval of the Corporation and rules made in this
behalf the Joint/Assistant Commissioners appointed under sub-section (1) shall
be subordinate to the Commissioner and shall exercise such powers and
performs such duties as may be conferred and imposed upon the Commissioner
under this Act and are further delegated to them by the Commissioner.
(a) exercise all the powers and discharge all the duties specifically
conferred or imposed upon him by this Act or by any other law for
the time being in force ;
(b) prescribe the duties of and exercise supervision and control over
the acts and proceedings of all Corporation officers and other
Corporation employees and subject to any rules that may be made
in this behalf dispose of all questions relating to the service of the
said officers and other employees and their pay, privileges,
allowances and other conditions of service ;
(d) the Commissioner shall bring to the notice of the Corporation any
act or resolution of the Corporation which may be in violation of
any Government instructions or the provisions of this Act, provided
that if such act or omission of the directions of the Government or
the provisions of the Act, as the case may be, is not rectified within
15 days of the communication, it shall be the duty of the
Commissioner to bring such omission or violation to the notice of
the Government.
Provided that the Commissioner shall not be bound to comply with any
such requisition if with the previous approval of the mayor he makes a statement
that such compliance would be prejudicial to public interest or to the interests
of the Corporation.
(b) that if the exercise of such power or the performance of such duty
involves or is likely to involve expenditure for any period or at any
time after the close of the said year, such expenditure shall not be
incurred without the sanction of the Corporation.
53. Meetings. ––(1) The Corporation shall ordinarily hold at least one
meeting in every month for the transaction of its business.
(2) The Mayor or in his absence the Deputy Mayor may, whenever he
thinks fit, and shall upon a requisition in writing by not less than one-fourth of
the total number of Councillors, convene a special meeting of the Corporation.
(3) Any meeting may be adjourned until the next or any subsequent date,
and an adjourned meeting may be further adjourned in the like manner.
54. First Meeting of the Corporation after general elections for election
of Mayor. ––(1) The first meeting of the Corporation after general elections
shall be held as early as possible but not later than thirty days after the
publication of the results of the election of the Councillors under section 13
and shall be convened by the Commissioner.
56. Quorum. ––(1) The quorum necessary for the transaction of business
at a meeting of the Corporation shall be one-third of the total number of
(3) Where a meeting has been adjourned under sub-section (2) the
business which would have been brought before the original meeting if there
had been a quorum present, shall be brought before, and may be transacted at
an adjourned meeting, whether there is quorum present or not :
57. Presiding Officer. ––(1) The Mayor or in his absence, the Deputy
Mayor shall preside at every meeting of the Corporation.
(2) In the absence of both the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor from the
meeting the Councillors present shall elect one from amongst themselves
to preside.
(3) The Mayor or the person presiding over a meeting shall have and
exercise a second or a casting vote in all cases of equality of votes.
(2) The voting shall be by show of hands, but the Corporation may, subject
to such regulations as may be made by it, resolve that any question or class of
questions shall be decided by secret ballot.
officer at the meeting and the result of the voting shall be deemed to be
resolution of the Corporation at such meeting.
(2) The Mayor or the person presiding over a meeting may direct
any Councillor whose conduct is in his opinion grossly disorderly to
withdraw immediately from the meeting, and any Councillor so directed
to withdraw shall do so forthwith and shall absent himself during the
remainder of the meeting.
Provided that the Mayor or the person presiding may at any time cancel
such suspension :
Provided further that such suspension shall not debar the suspended
Councillor from serving on any committee of the Corporation of which he is
a member.
(4) Subject to sub-section (5), every meeting shall be open to the public
unless a majority of the Councillors present at the meeting decide that any
inquiry of deliberation pending before the Corporation shall be held in camera.
(5) The Corporation may make regulations for the purpose of admission
of the members of the public to its meetings and for the removal by force if
necessary, of any member of the public admitted to a meeting for interrupting
or disturbing the proceedings of the meeting.
(7) In the case of grave disorder arising in a meeting the Mayor or the
person presiding may, if he thinks it necessary to do so, adjourn the meeting to
a date or time specified by him.
61. Right to attend meetings of Corporation and its committees etc. and
right of Councillor to ask the questions. ––(1) The Commissioner or any
Corporation officer authorised by him in this behalf may attend, speak in, or
otherwise take part in the proceedings of any meeting of the Corporation or
any of its committees, but he shall not be entitled to vote in any such meeting.
(2) A Councillor may, subject to the provisions of sub-section (3) ask the
Commissioner, during first half of any hour of every meeting, question on any
matter relating to the municipal administration of the area or the administration
of this Act.
(a) not less than seven days clear notice in writing specifying the
question shall be given to the Commissioner ;
(vii) raise question of policy too large to be dealt with within the
limits of an answer to a question ;
(4) The Mayor shall disallow any question, which is, in his opinion in
contravention of the provisions of sub-section (3).
Provided that the time, place and procedure for the first meeting after
the Constitution of the Corporation under section 4, shall be determined by
the Commissioner.
(2) The Director or the Government may also in any case ask for a copy
of any paper or all the papers which were laid before the Corporation or any
committee thereof and the Corporation shall forward to the Government, a
copy of such paper or papers.
66. Validation of proceedings etc. ––(1) The Corporation shall have power
to act notwithstanding any vacancy in the membership thereof and no act done
or the proceedings taken under this Act shall be questioned on the ground
merely of :––
(a) the seat of any Councillor remaining unfilled for any cause
whatsoever ;
(b) the existence of any vacancy in, or any defect in the constitution of
the Corporation, or in any committee thereof ;
(d) any defect or irregularity not affecting the merits of the case.
(b) the share of money, along with interest accrued thereon, to the credit
of such a person in the Contributory Provident Fund on account of
his own contribution, shall be transferred to his credit in the General
Provident Fund established for the purpose ; and any loss caused
to the Corporation through withdrawals during the service shall be
made good by him.
regularly but not later than fifth day of each month following the month to
which the contributions relate, into the Pension and Gratuity Fund.
(6) The “Pension and Gratuity Fund” and “General Provident Fund”
referred to in sub-section (4), shall be established and maintained by the
Director, Urban Local Bodies, Jammu and Kashmir in such manner, as may be
(a) all funds which, immediately before the declaration and constitution
of any Corporation under sections 3 and 4 of this Act, vested in
(c) all proceeds of the disposal of the property by, or on behalf of the
Corporation ;
(e) all money raised by any tax, rate or cess levied for the purposes of
this Act ;
(f) all fees collected and all fines levied under this Act or under any
rule, regulation or bye-law made thereunder ;
(h) all interest and profit arising from any investment of, or from any
transaction in connection with, any money belonging to the
Corporation including loans and advances under this Act ;
(2) The Corporation Fund shall be held by the Corporation in trust for
the purposes of this Act subject to the provisions herein contained and a general
account relating to all moneys received by or on behalf of the Corporation
shall be maintained.
[69-A. Constitution of Basic Services Fund. ––(1) There shall be a
separate fund called the ‘Basic Services to the Urban Poor Fund’ constituted
by every Municipal Corporation for delivery of basic services to the urban
poor including the inhabitants of slum areas.
budget shall be earmarked and used for providing basic services to the urban
poor, including inhabitants of slum areas on a yearly basis. The allocation to
the fund shall be made from the following budgetary resources,––
(3) The earmarked funds under sub-section (1) shall be for providing
basic services to the urban poor including the inhabitants of the slum areas.
Explanation:–– For the purposes of this section, ‘basic services’ shall include
expenditure on capital and revenue account directly incurred
on water supply, drainage, sewerage, construction of
community toilets, solid waste management, connecting roads,
street lighting, public parks and play grounds, community and
livelihood centres, community health centres, pre-primary and
primary education centres, affordable housing for poor, and
other services as determined by the Municipality but shall not
include establishment expenses, including salary and wages,
not directly and specifically incurred for delivery of basic
services to the poor.
(4) The allocation of the funds and its utilization for providing basic
services to the urban poor should be detailed and enclosed with the Municipal
Corporation’s Annual Budget as Budget for Poor along with the corresponding
figures for the previous year.
(5) The fund shall be in the nature of a non-lapsable fund. In the event of
the annual allocations not fully utilized, the balance funds should not be
transferred to the municipal corporation’s general fund but carried forward
for utilization in the subsequent years. The fund allocation in the subsequent
years shall be considered in addition, and shall not be reduced by the unspent
funds of the previous years.
Provided that this section shall not apply to payment made in the following
classes of cases, namely :––
(b) refund of taxes and other moneys which are authorised under this
Act ;
(ii) under any other enactment for the time being in force ; or
(b) required for any payment referred to, or specified in section 72.
76. Payments from Corporation Fund for works urgently required for
public service.–– On the written requisition of the Director or any other officer
authorised by the Government, the Commissioner may at any time undertake
the execution of any work to be urgently required in the public interest, and
for this purpose may temporarily make payments from the Corporation Fund
so far as the same can be met without unduly interfering with the regular work
of the Corporation.
(2) The constitution and disposal of such funds shall be effected in the
manner laid down by regulations.
(i) the distribution between the State and the Corporation of the
net proceeds of the taxes, duties, tolls and fees leviable by
the State, which may be divided between them and the
allocation between the Corporation at all levels of their
respective shares of such proceeds ;
(ii) the determination of the taxes, duties, tolls and fees which
may be assigned to or appropriated by the Corporation ;
80. Budget Estimates.–– The Corporation shall not later than the first
week of February of every year, adopt for the ensuring year a budget estimate
which shall be an estimate of the income and expenditure of the Corporation
to be received and incurred on account of the Corporation.
(2) The budget estimate adopted under sub-section (1) shall be submitted
to the Government not later than the last week of February preceding the year
to which the budget estimate relates.
(4) The budget estimate shall be prepared in such manner and shall
provide for all such matters as may be prescribed.
(i) increase the amount of any budget grant under any head ;
(ii) make an additional budget grant for the purpose of meeting any
special or unforeseen requirement arising during the said year ;
(iii) transfer the amount or portion of the amount of the budget grant
under any head to the account of budget grant under any other
head ; or
(iv) reduce the amount of the budget grant under any head :
Provided that due regard shall be had to all the requirements of this Act
and in making any increase or any additional budget grant the estimated cash
balance at the close of the year shall not be reduced below the sum of one lakh
rupees or such higher sum as the Corporation may determine in respect of
each budget estimate.
(2) Every increase in budget grant and every additional budget grant
made in any year under sub-section (1) shall be made with the prior approval
of the Government and after such approval shall be deemed to be included in
the budget estimate finally adopted for that year.
(3) The Commissioner may, from time to time during the year––
(4) The Commissioner may, from time to time during the year sanction
the transfer of any amount not exceeding fifty thousand rupees within a minor
head if such transfer does not involve a recurring liability.
(2) For the purpose of sub-section (1), the Corporation may either reduce
the sanctioned expenditure of the year so far as it may be possible to do with
regard to all the requirements of this Act.
[83-A. Reservation of land for housing to economically weaker sections
and low income groups. ––(1) In all Area Planning Schemes such as a Town
Planning or Land Re-adjustment Scheme, there shall be reservation of not less
than ten per cent of the gross land area under each scheme for the purpose of
providing housing accommodation to the members of economically weaker
sections and low income groups.
(2) In all residential layouts of extent above 4000 square meters, not less
than ten per cent of the gross land area shall be earmarked for economically
weaker sections and low income groups :
1. Sections 82-A, 82-B, 82-C, 82-D and 82-E inserted by Act No. XIII of 2012, s. 7.
Provided that where the total extent of land is between 1000 square meters
and 4000 square meters, either land may be reserved for economically weaker
sections and low income groups or shelter fee as may be prescribed by the
Government may be collected, as the case may be.
(3) All residential layouts of extent below 1000 square meters may be
exempted from reservation of land as well as payment of shelter fee.
(4) The size of the plot reserved under sub-sections (1) and (2) for
economically weaker sections and low income groups shall not be less than 30
square meters or higher, as may be prescribed by the Government.
(5) In all residential buildings with total plot area above 1000 square
meters, not less than ten per cent of the floor area shall be reserved for
economically weaker sections and low income groups by way of flats :
Provided that where the total plot area is between 500 square meters and
1000 square meters, either floor area may be reserved for economically weaker
sections and low income groups or shelter fee be collected, as the case may be.
(6) All residential buildings with plot area below 500 square meters
may be exempted from reservation of floor area as well as payment of
shelter fee.
(7) The size of the unit reserved under section (5) for economically weaker
sections and low income groups shall not be less than 25 square meter of carpet
area or higher, as prescribed by the Government.
(8) The earmarking in sub-sections (1) and (5) shall be such that a
minimum of 20 per cent of developed land or 20 per cent of floor space Index
in all land development or housing projects (both by Public and Private
Agencies) is reserved for the economically weaker sections and low income
groups category taking into account the reservation at area plan or layout
approval stage or group housing approval stages together.
persons and the determination of the cost of such plots or houses shall be such
as be prescribed by the Government.
(b) such other tax, at such rates as the State Government may, by
notification, in each case direct ;
less than one per centum and more than two per centum on the
amount of the consideration, the value of the property or the amount
secured by the mortgage, as set forth in the instrument. The said
duty shall be collected by the Registrar or Sub-Registrar in the
shape of non-judicial stamp paper at the time of registration of the
document and intimation thereof shall be sent to the Corporation
immediately. The amount of the duty so collected shall be paid to
the Corporation.
(c) a tax on the increase in urban land values caused by the execution
of any development or improvement work ;
(g) any other tax that may be imposed under the provisions of the
Jammu and Kashmir Municipal Act, 2000 :
(3) The taxes as specified in sub-section (1) and sub-section (2) shall be
levied at such rates as may, from time to time, be specified by the Government
by notification and shall be assessed and collected in accordance with the
provisions of this Act, and the bye-laws made thereunder.
not already imposed, within such period as may be specified and the
Corporation shall thereupon act accordingly.
(5) If the Corporation fails to carry out any order passed under sub-
section (4), the Government may by a suitable order notified in the Government
Gazette impose the tax and the order so passed shall operate as if the tax had
been duly imposed by the Corporation under sub-section (1) or sub-section
(2), as the case may be.
85. Fees that may be charged by the Corporation. ––(1) Subject to the
prior approval of the Government, the Corporation may in the manner
prescribed levy a fee with regard to the following :––
(vii) any other fee as deemed fit by the Corporation for services rendered.
(2) The rates at which and the conditions subject to which the fees as
laid down in sub-section (1) may be levied by the Corporation would be decided
by the Government.
86. Components and rates of taxes of lands and buildings. ––(1) Save as
otherwise provided in this Act, taxes on lands and buildings in the municipal
area shall consist of the following, namely :––
(a) a water tax at such percentage of the rateable value of lands and
buildings as the Government may deem reasonable for providing
water supply in the municipal area or in lieu thereof water
charges at such rate as may be decided by the Government from
time to time.
(b) a general tax not more than fifteen per cent of the rateable value of
land and buildings within the municipal areas :
Provided that the general tax may be levied on a graduated scale, if the
Government so determines.
(b) which are situated in any portion of the municipal area in which
the Commissioner has given public notice that sufficient water is
available from municipal water works for a reasonable supply to
all the lands and buildings in the said portion.
(a) in the case of land, the gross annual rent at which it is let ;
(b) in the case of any building the gross annual rent at which such
building together with its appurtenances and any furniture that may
be let for enjoyment therewith, is let, subject to the following
deductions :––
(i) such deductions not exceeding ten per cent of the gross annual
rent as the Commissioner in each particular case may consider
reasonable allowance on account of the furniture let therewith ;
(ii) a deduction of ten per cent for the cost of repairs and all
other expenses necessary to maintain the building in a state
to command such gross annual rent. The deduction under this
sub-clause shall be calculated on the balance of the gross
annual rent after the decision, if any under sub-clause (1) ;
Explanation II.–– The term “gross annual rent” shall not include any
tax payable by the owner in respect of which the owner and
tenant have agreed that it shall be paid by the tenant ;
(c) where the gross annual rent of any land or building cannot be
determined under clause (a) or clause (b)––
(ii) in the case of buildings, ten percent of the sum of the cost of erection
of the building and the cost of land :
Provided that in the calculation of the rateable value of any building ten
percent of the rateable value so determined shall be deducted for the cost of
repairs and for all other expenses necessary to maintain the building :
Provided further that where the property is in the occupation of the owner
for the purpose of his own residence, the annual value shall first be determined
as in clause (c) and further be reduced––
(B) Where the covered area of a by full amount so determined, for first
building exceeds fifty square one hundred square meters and by half
meters. of the amount so determined for the
area by which it exceeds one hundred
square meters ;
(d) where the gross annual rent of the whole of the land or a building
cannot be determined under any of the clauses (a), (b) and (c)––
Explanation.–– For the purposes of this section “cost of land” and “cost of
erection of the building” shall mean cost of land and/or cost
of erection of building at the time of purchase of such land
and/or erection of building, as the case may be.
Provided that nothing in this section shall prevent the Corporation from
charging the service charges in lieu of services provided as may be leviable as
per Government of India instructions.
90. Incidence of taxes on lands and buildings. ––(1) The taxes on lands
and buildings shall be primarily leviable as follows :––
(c) if the land or building is unlet, upon the person in whom the right
to let the same vests.
(2) If any land has been let for a term exceeding one year to a tenant and
such tenant has built upon the land, the taxes on lands and buildings assessed
in respect of that land and the building erect thereon, shall be primarily leviable
upon the said tenant, whether the land, building are in the occupation of such
tenant or a sub-tenant of such tenant.
Explanation.–– The term “tenant” includes any person deriving title to the
land or building erected upon such land from the tenant whether
by operation of law or by transfer inter vivos.
(3) Assessment of any building to a tax under this Act would not imply
or be proof of the fact that the building is an authorised one.
(2) If the land or building is sub-let and its rateable value exceeds the
amount of rent payable in respect thereof to the tenant by his sub-tenants or
the amount of rent payable in respect thereof to a sub-tenant by the persons
holding under the sub-tenant, the tenant shall be entitled to receive from his
sub-tenant or the sub-tenant shall be entitled to receive from person holding
under him, as the case may be, the difference, between any sum recovered
under this section from such tenant or sub-tenant and the amount of taxes on
lands and buildings which would be leviable in respect of the said land or
building if the rateable value thereof were equal to the difference between the
amount of rent which such tenant or sub-tenant received and the amount of
rent which he pays.
(3) Any person entitled to receive any sum under this section shall have,
for the recovery thereof, the same rights and remedies as if such sum were rent
payable to him by the person from whom he is entitled to receive the same.
(2) An occupier from whom any sum is recovered under sub-section (1)
shall be entitled to be reimbursed by the person primarily liable for the payment
and may in addition to having recourse to other remedies that may be open to
him, deduct the amount to be recovered from the amount any rent from time to
time becoming due from him to such person.
94. Assessment list. ––(1) Save as otherwise provided in this Act the
Corporation shall cause an assessment list of all lands and buildings in the
municipal area to be prepared in such form and manner and containing such
particulars with respect to each land and building as may be prescribed by
(2) When the assessment list has been prepared, the Commissioner shall
give public notice thereof, and of the place where the list or a copy thereof
may be inspected, and every person claiming to be the owner, lessee or occupier
of any land or building included in the list and any authorised agent of such
person, shall be at liberty to inspect the list and to take extract therefrom free
of charge.
(3) The Commissioner shall, at the same time, give notice of a date not
less than one month thereafter, when he will proceed to consider the rateable
value of lands and buildings entered in the assessment list, and in all cases in
which any land or building is for the first time assessed (or the rateable value
of any land or building is increased) shall also give written notice thereof to
the owner or to any lessee or occupier of the land or building.
(4) Any objection to rateable value or any other matter as entered in the
assessment list, shall be made in writing to the Commissioner before the date
fixed in the notice and shall state in what respect the rateable value or other
matter is disputed, and all objections so made shall be recorded in register to
be kept for the purpose.
(5) The objection shall be inquired into and investigated and the persons
making them shall be allowed an opportunity of being heard either in person
or by authorised agent, by a Committee consisting of two members elected by
the Corporation for that purpose and the Commissioner or an officer of the
Corporation authorised by him in this behalf.
(6) When all objections have been disposed of, and the revision of the
rateable value has been completed, the assessment list shall be authenticated
by the signature of the Commissioner, or as the case may be, the officer
authorised by him in this behalf, who shall certify that except in the cases, if
any, in which amendments have been made as shown therein, no valid
objection has been made to the rateable value or any other matters entered in
the said list.
(a) by inserting therein the name of any person whose name ought to
be inserted ; or
(c) by striking out the name of any person not liable for the payment
of taxes on land and buildings ; or
Provided that the valuation and assessment contained in the list for any
year shall not be adopted for a period exceeding five years.
98. Notice of transfer. ––(1) Whenever the title of any person primarily
liable for the payment of taxes specified in section 86 on any land and buildings
is transferred the person whose title is transferred and the person to whom the
same is transferred shall within three months after execution of the instruments
of transfer or after its registration, if it is registered, or after the transfer is
effected, if no instrument is executed, give notice of such transfer in writing to
the Commissioner.
(2) In the event of the death of any person primarily liable as aforesaid,
the person on whom the title of the deceased devolves, shall give notice of
such devolution to the Commissioner within six months from the date of the
death of the deceased.
(3) The notice to be given under this section shall be in such form as
may be determined by bye-laws made under this Act, and the transferee or
the other person on whom the title devolves shall, if so required, be bound
to produce before the Commissioner any documents evidencing the transfer
or devolution.
(4) Every person who makes a transfer as aforesaid without giving such
notice to the Commissioner, shall, in addition to any penalty to which he
may be subjected under the provisions of this Act, continue to be liable for
the payment of all taxes specified in section 86 from time to time payable in
respect of the land or building transferred until he gives such notice or until
the transfer has been recorded in the Commissioner ’s book, but nothing in
this section shall be held to affect the liability of the transferee for the payment
of the said taxes.
99. Notice of erection of building etc.–– When any new building is erected
or when any building is re-built or enlarged or when any building which has
been vacant is re-occupied, the person primarily liable for the taxes specified
in section 86 assessed on the building, shall give notice thereof in writing to
the Commissioner within fifteen days from the date of its completion or
occupation, whichever first occurs or as the case may be, from the date of its
enlargement or re-occupation and the said taxes shall be assessable on the
building from the said date.
within such reasonable period as the Commissioner fixes in this behalf, with
information by such owner or occupier––
(c) as to the actual cost or other specified details connected with the
determination of the value of such land or a building.
(2) Every owner or occupier on whom any such requisition is made shall
be bound to comply with the same and to give true information to the best of
his knowledge or belief.
(3) Whoever omits to comply with any such requisition or fails to give
true information to the best of his knowledge or belief shall, in addition to any
penalty to which he may be liable, be precluded from objecting to any
assessment made by the Commissioner in respect of such land or building of
which he is the owner or occupier.
(2) No person shall wilfully delay or obstruct any such person in the
exercise of any of his powers under this section.
(2) The Corporation after the lapse of five days from the seizure and after
the issue of a proclamation fixing the time and place of sale may cause any
property so seized, or so much thereof, as may be necessary to be sold by auction
to satisfy the demand with the expenses occasioned by the seizure, custody and
sale thereof, unless the demand and expenses are in the meantime paid :
107. Tax on vehicles and animals.––(1) A tax under clause (b) of sub-
section (2) of section 84 shall be levied at rates specified, from time to time,
by the Government in this behalf on :––
(a) vehicles, other than motor vehicles and other conveyances plying
for hire and kept within the municipal area ;
(b) animals used for riding, driving, drought or load when kept within
the municipal area.
(2) A vehicle or animal kept outside the limits of the municipal area but
regularly used within such limits shall be deemed to be kept for the use in
municipal area.
109. Exemption from taxes on vehicles and animals. ––(1) The tax
under clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 107, shall not be leviable in
respect of :––
(c) vehicles kept by bona fide dealrs and vehicles merely for sale and
not for use.
(2) The tax under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 107 shall not
be leviable in respect of animals belonging to the Corporation, the Government
or the Government of India.
before the date on which the scheme after sanction is finally notified under
Chapter XIX :
Provided that for the purpose of calculation under this section the
land shall be treated as free of all building.
(3) After the opportunity has been given to the objector of being
heard the Commissioner or an officer authorised under sub-section (1)
shall decide the objection and may then confirm, modify or cancel the
(d) relates to the name of the land or building upon or over which the
advertisement is exhibited, or to the name of the owner or the
occupier of such land or building ; or
(2) The fee on any advertisement leviable under this section shall be
payable in advance in such number of instalments and in such manner as may
be determined by bye-laws made in this behalf.
(b) the fee, if any, due in respect of advertisement has not been paid.
(a) if the advertisement contravenes any bye-laws made under this Act ;
(c) if the advertisement or any part thereof falls otherwise than through
accident ;
(e) if the building, wall, boarding, frame, post or structure over which
the advertisement is erected, exhibited, fixed or retained is
demolished or destroyed.
Provided that if the tax or fee is not paid within one month of the due
date, an interest at the rate of one percent per month shall be charged for every
calendar month or part thereof.
122. Presentation of bill of tax or fee. ––(1) When the tax or fee has
become due, the Commissioner shall cause to be presented to the person liable
for the payment thereof, a bill for the amount due :
(2) Every such bill which shall be in the prescribed form, shall, for the
purposes of this Act, be considered a notice of demand and shall specify the
particulars of tax or fee and the period for which the charge is made.
(3) If the amount specified in bill is paid within a period of fifteen days
from the presentation thereof, a rebate of ten percent shall be allowed in the
amount of tax or fee.
(4) If the tax on vehicles and animals or the show tax is not paid after it
has become due, the Commissioner may cause to be served upon the person
liable for the payment of the same a notice of demand in the prescribed form.
(5) For every notice of demand served under sub-section (4) a fine of
such amount as may be determined by bye-laws made in this behalf shall be
payable by the person on whom the notice is served and shall be included in
the costs of recovery.
123. Consequences of the failure to pay tax or fee within thirty days.––
If the person liable for the payment of any tax or fee does not within thirty
days from the serving of the notice of demand under sub-section (2) or sub-
section (4) of section 122, pay the same, the tax or fee together with the costs
of recovery shall be recoverable in the manner provided hereinafter.
124. Manner of recovering tax or fee.–– Any sum due on account of tax
or fee payable under this Act may be recovered, together with costs of recovery
by all or any of the following processes, in the manner prescribed :––
(iv) in the case of octroi and toll, by the seizure and sale of goods and
vehicles ;
(vi) by a suit.
(2) The surplus, if any, remaining after the application of the sale proceeds
under the sub-section (1) shall, immediately after the sale of the property be
credited to the Corporation Fund and notice of such credit shall be given at the
same time to the person whose property has been sold or his legal representative
and if the same is claimed by written application to the Commissioner within
one year from the date of notice a refund thereof shall be made to such person
or his representative.
(3) Any surplus not claimed within one year as aforesaid shall be the
property of the Corporation.
(2) If any land not being land appurtenant to a building has remained
vacant and unproductive of rent for sixty or more consecutive days, the
Commissioner shall remit or refund, as the case may be, one half of such portion
of the fire tax and the general tax assessed on the rateable value thereof as
may be proportionate to the number of days during which the said land remained
vacant and unproductive of rent.
(2) When any tenement, the rateable value of which has been thus
separately recorded, has remained vacant, unproductive of rent for sixty or
more consecutive days such portion of any tax assessed on the rateable value
of the whole building shall be refunded as would have been remitted or refunded
if the tenement had been separately assessed.
130. What building etc. are to be deemed vacant. ––(1) For the purpose
of sections 127 and 128 no land, building or tenement shall be deemed vacant
if maintained as a pleasure resort or town or country house or be deemed
unproductive of rent if let to a tenant who has a continuing right of occupation
thereof, whether he is in actual occupation or not.
(2) The burden of proving the facts entitling any person to claim relief
under section 126, or section 127, or section 128, shall be upon him.
132. Appeal against assessment etc. ––(1) An appeal against the levy or
assessment of any tax under this Act shall lie to the Special Tribunal and every
such appeal shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, be received, heard and
disposed of by him.
(2) In every appeal, the cost shall be in the discretion of the Special
(4) If the Corporation fails to pay any costs awarded to any appellant
within ten days after the date of the payment thereof, the Special Tribunal may
order the Commissioner to pay the amount to the appellant.
(a) the appeal is, in the case of tax on lands and buildings brought
within thirty days next after the date of authentication of the
assessment list under section 94 (exclusive of the time requisition
for obtaining a copy of relevant entries therein), or, as the case
may be, within thirty days of the date of the receipt of the notice of
assessment or of alteration of assessment or, if no notice is given,
within thirty days of the date of the receipt of the notice of
assessment or of alteration of assessment or, if no notice has been
given, within thirty days after the date of service of the first notice
of demand in respect thereof :
Provided that an appeal may be admitted after the expiration of the period
prescribed therefor by this section if the appellant satisfies the Special Tribunal
that he had sufficient cause for not preferring the appeal within that period.
(b) the amount, if any, in the appeal has been deposited by the appellant
in the office of the Corporation.
Provided that the Tribunal shall not pass an order under this section
prejudicial to any person without giving such person reasonable opportunity
of being heard.
(2) No refund of any tax shall be claimable by any person otherwise than
in accordance the provisions of this Act and the rules made thereunder.
136. Power to inspect for the purposes of determining the rateable value
of tax or fee. ––(1) The Commissioner or any other person authorised by him
in this behalf, may without giving any previous notice, enter upon and make
an inspection of :––
(a) any land or building for the purpose of determining the rateable
value of such land or building ;
(b) any stable, garage, or coach house or any place wherein he may
have reason to believe that there is any vehicle or animals liable to
a tax or fee under this Act ;
(c) any place or premises which he has reason to believe are being
used or are about to be used for any performance or show in respect
of which the show tax is payable or would be payable ; and
such person and may examine such person or servant as to the number and
description of vehicles and animals owned by or in the possession or under the
control of such person and every person and servant of such person so
summoned shall be bound to attend before the Commissioner and to give
information to the best of his knowledge and belief as to the said matter.
(2) Every sum due by reason of the composition of a tax under sub-
section (1) shall be recovered as an arrear of tax under this Act.
138. Irrecoverable debts. ––(1) The Commissioner may write off any
sum due on account of any tax or of the costs of recovering any tax if such sum
is, in his opinion, irrecoverable :
Provided that no sum exceeding one thousand rupees shall be written off
in favour of any one person without the previous sanction of the Corporation.
(2) The Commissioner shall report to the Corporation every case in which
any sum has been written of under sub-section (1).
(a) whether such inhabitant is liable to pay any tax or fee imposed by
the Corporation under this Act ;
(c) the rateable value of the land or building which he occupies and
the name and address of the owner or lessee thereof.
(2) If any person when called upon under sub-section (1) to furnish
information neglects to furnish it within the period specified in this behalf by
the Commissioner or furnishes information which is not true to the best of his
knowledge or belief, he shall be liable, in addition to any penalty which may
be imposed under this Act, to be assessed at such amount on account of tax or
fee as the Commissioner deem proper.
(c) for the execution of any permanent work, the provision of any plant,
or the doing of any other thing which it has power to execute,
provide or do, if the cost of carrying out the purpose in question
ought to be spread over a term of year ;
(e) to repay a loan previously raised under this Act or any other Act
previously in force ; or
(f) for any other purpose for which the Corporation is, by virtue of
this Act or any other law for the time being in force, authorised to
borrow :
Provided that ––
(ii) the amount of loan, the rate of interest and the terms including the
date of floatation, the time and method of the repayment and the
like shall be subject to the approval of the Government.
(2) When any sum of money has been borrowed under sub-section (1) no
portion of any sum of money borrowed for any of the purposes referred to in
clause (c) of sub-section (1) shall be applied to the payment of salaries and
allowances to any Corporation employees other than those exclusively
employed in connection with the carrying out of that purpose.
145. Time for repayment of money borrowed under section 144.–– The
time for the repayment of any money borrowed under section 144 shall in no
case exceed sixty years and the time for repayment of any money borrowed
for the purpose of discharging any previous loan shall not except with the
express sanction of the Government extend beyond the unexpired portion of
the period for which such previous loan was sanctioned.
146. Form and effect of debentures.–– All debentures issued under this
Chapter shall be in such form as the Corporation may, with the previous sanction
of the Government, determine and shall be transferable in such manner as
shall be expressed therein, and the right to sue in respect of the money secured
by any of such debentures shall vest in the holders thereof for the time being
without any preference by reason of some of such debentures being prior in
date to others.
147. Receipt by joint holders for the interest or dividend.–– When two
or more persons are joint holders of any debenture or security issued under
this Act, any one of such persons may give an effectual receipt for any interest
or dividend payable in respect of such debentures or security, unless notice to
the contrary has been given to the Corporation by the other persons.
(2) All moneys paid into the sinking funds shall, as soon as possible,
be invested by the Commissioner in public securities and every such
investment shall be reported by the Commissioner to the Corporation within
fifteen days.
(3) All dividends and other sums received in respect of any such
investment shall, as soon as possible after the receipt, be paid into the sinking
funds and invested in the manner laid down in sub-section (2).
(4) Any investment made under this section may, subject to the provisions
of sub-section (2), be varied or transposed.
(a) the amount which has been invested during the year under
section 148 ;
(b) the date of the last investment made prior to the submission of
the statement ;
(c) the aggregate amount of the securities then in his hand ; and
(d) the aggregate amount which has up to the date of the statement
been applied under section 149, in or towards discharging loans.
151. Priority of payment for interest and repayment of loans over other
payment.–– All payments due from the Corporation on account of interest and
repayment of loans shall be made in priority to all other payments due from
the Corporation.
Provided that no such attachment shall defeat or prejudice any debt for which
the fund was previously charged in accordance with law ; and all such prior charges
shall be paid out of the proceeds of the funds before any part of the proceeds of
the funds is applied to the satisfaction of the debt due to the Government.
(a) all such public towns, walls, gates, markets, stalls, slaughter
houses, manure and depots a nd publi c building of every
description as have been constructed or are maintained out of the
Corporation Fund ;
(b) all public streams, springs and works for the supply, storage and
distribution of water for public purposes and all bridges, buildings,
engines, materials and things connected therewith or appertaining
thereto, and also any adjacent land (not being private property)
appertaining to any public tank or well ;
(c) all public sewers and all drains, and sewers, culverts and water
courses in or under any public street, or constructed by or for the
Corporation alongside any public street, and all works, material
and things appertaining thereto ;
(d) all public lamps, lamp posts and apparatus connected therewith or
appertaining thereto ;
(f) all public streets, not being land owned by the Government and the
pavements, stones and other materials thereof and also trees
growing on and erections, materials, implements and things
provided for such streets.
(5) When any public institution has been placed under the direction,
management and control of the Corporation, all property, endowments and
funds belonging thereto shall be held by the Corporation in trust for the purpose
to which such property, endowments and funds were lawfully applicable at the
time when the institution was so placed :
(a) The Commissioner may, with the prior approval of the Corporation––
*(b) in cases not covered by clause (a) the Commissioner may, with the
sanction of the Government on recommendation of the Corporation
lease, sell, let out on hire or otherwise transfer any property,
moveable or immovable, belonging to the Corporation ;
(c) the consideration for which any immovable property may be sold,
leased or otherwise transferred shall not be less than the value at
which such immovable property could be sold, leased or otherwise
transferred in normal and fair competition ;
(d) the sanction of the Government under the aforesaid clauses may be
given either generally for any class of cases or specially for any
particular case ;
(2) The contracts by the Corporation under this Act would be made in
the manner prescribed.
(b) no such contract, for any purpose which in accordance with any
provision of this Act the Commissioner may not carry out without
the approval or sanction of the Corporation, shall be made by him
until and unless such approval or sanction has been duly obtained ;
(d) no contract other than a contract falling under clause (c) shall be
valid unless the same has been made with the prior approval of the
Corporation :
Provided that contracts exceeding rupees fifty lacs in value or such other
higher amount as the Government may fix, shall be entered into by the
Corporation only after prior approval of the Government.
(4) For the purpose of examination and audit of the Corporation accounts,
the audit agency shall have access to all the Corporation Accounts and to all
records and correspondence relating thereto and the Commissioner shall
forthwith furnish to the audit agency any explanation concerning any receipts
or expenditure which they may call for.
162. Report by Audit Agency. ––(1) The audit agency shall :––
(2) On receipt of the report under sub-section (1) the Corporation shall
take such action thereon as may be deemed necessary.
(3) As soon as may be after the commencement of each year, the audit
agency shall deliver to the Corporation a report of the entire Corporation
accounts for the previous year.
(4) The Commissioner shall cause the said report to be printed and shall
forward as soon as may be a printed copy thereof to each member.
(2) If there is a difference of opinion between the audit agency and the
Commissioner or if the Commissioner does not remedy the defects or
irregularities pointed out in the report within a reasonable period the audit
agency shall refer the matter to the Secretary, Housing and Urban Development
Department whose decision shall be final and binding.
(2) In the discharge of his functions under this section, the auditor shall––
(3) The auditor shall examine and audit the statement of accounts relating
to the commercial service conducted in any department of the Corporation,
including the trading, manufacturing and profit and loss accounts, and the
balance-sheets where such accounts are maintained under the order of the
Corporation, and shall certify and report upon these accounts.
(4) The auditor shall in consultation with the Commissioner and subject
to any directions given by the Government, determine the form and manner to
which his reports, on the accounts of the Corporation shall be prepared and
shall have authority to call upon any officer of the Corporation to provide any
information necessary for the preparation of these reports.
165. Power of auditor to make queries etc and call for returns. ––(1)
The auditor may make such queries and observations in relation to and of the
accounts of the Corporation which he is required to audit and call for such
vouchers, statements, returns and explanations in relation to such accounts as
he may think fit.
(3) The powers of the auditor with regard to the disapproval of and the
procedure with regard to the settlement of objections to the expenditure from
(4) If the auditor considers it desirable that the whole or any part of the
audit applied to any accounts which he is required to audit shall be conducted
in the offices in which those accounts originate, he may require that those
accounts together with all books and documents having relation thereto, shall
at all convenient times be made available to the said officers for inspection.
(5) The auditor shall have the power to require that any books or other
documents relating to the accounts he is required to audit shall be sent for
inspection by him :
(6) The audit agency shall have authority to frame standing orders and to
give directions on all matters relating to audit and particularly in respect of
the method and the extent of audit to be applied and the raising and pursuing
of objections.
(a) where the premises supplied with water abut on the part of
the street in which the main is laid, and the service pipe enters
those premises otherwise than through the outer wall of a
building on the street and has a stop-cock placed in those
premises and as near to the boundary of that street as is
reasonably practicable, so much of the service pipe as lies
between the main and that stopcock ;
(b) in any other case, so much of the service pipe as lies between
the main and the boundary of the street in which the main is
laid, and includes the ferrule at the junction of the service
pipe with the main, and also––
(ii) “main” means a pipe laid by the Corporation for the purpose of
giving a general supply of water to individual consumers and
includes any apparatus used in connection with such a pipe ;
(iii) “service pipe” means so much of any pipe for supplying water from
a main to any premises as is subject to water pressure from that
main, or would be so subject but for the closing of some tap ;
(iv) “supply pipe” means so much of any service pipe which is not a
communication pipe ;
(v) “trunk main” means a main constructed for the purpose of conveying
water from a source of supply to a filter or reservoir or from one
filter or, reservoir to another filter or, reservoir, or for the purpose
of conveying water in bulk from one part of the limits of supply to
another part of those limits or for the purpose of giving or taking a
supply of water in bulk ;
(vi) “water fitting” includes pipes (other than mains) taps, cocks, valves,
ferrules, meters, cisterns, baths and other similar apparatus used in
connection with the supply and use of water.
(a) carry out a survey of the existing consumption of and demand for
water supplied in the municipal area and of the water resources in
or available for the municipal area ;
(c) carry out a survey of the existing quality of sewage disposal of and
the manner in which it is disposed of ;
(2) If any question arises under clause (b) of sub-section (1) as to whether
anything is or is not practicable at a reasonable cost or is to the point or points
to which pipes must be taken in order to enable houses to be connected to
them at reasonable cost, or under clause (c) thereof as to whether a public
supply can be provided at a reasonable cost, the Corporation shall determine
that question and thereupon the Commissioner shall give effect to that
(2) Apart from the charges for the domestic supply at rates as may be
fixed by the Government, additional charges will be payable for the following
supplies of water :––
(a) for animals or for washing vehicles where such animals or vehicles
are kept for sale or hire ;
171. Power to supply water for non domestic purposes. ––(1) The
Commissioner may supply water for any purpose other than a domestic purpose
on such terms and conditions consistent with this Act and the bye-laws made
thereunder as may be laid down in this behalf by the Corporation in receiving
a written application specifying the purpose for which the supply is required
and the quantity likely to be consumed :
Provided that for building purposes, water supply shall be made for a
period of one year in the first instance, on an application accompanied by
a copy of a building plan duly sanctioned by a competent authority and
thereafter be extended, by six months at a time for a period of not exceeding
the period allowed for the completion of the construction or for three years
whichever is less :
Provided further that the water supply made, for the building purposes,
on or before the commencement of this Act, shall continue for a period of
three years reckoned from such commencement.
(2) The Commissioner may withdraw such supply at any time if it should
appear necessary to do so in order to maintain a sufficient supply of water for
domestic purposes.
176. Public gratuitous water supply. ––(1) The Commissioner, with the
approval of the Corporation, may provide gratuitous supply of wholesome
water to the public within the municipal area and may for that purpose erect
public hydrants or other conveniences.
(2) The Commissioner may with like approval, close a public hydrant
for other convenience when it is no longer, required for the supply of wholesome
water to the public.
177. Powers to lay mains. ––(1) The Commissioner may lay a main
whether within or outside the limits of the Corporation––
(b) with the consent of every owner and occupier of any land not
forming part of a street, in, over or on that land, and may from time
to time in respect of repair, alter or renew or may at any time remove
any main so laid whether by virtue of this section or otherwise :
Provided that where a consent required for the purpose of this sub-section
is withheld, the Commissioner may after giving the owner or occupier of the
land a written notice of his intention so to do, lay the main in, over or on that
land even without such consent.
(2) Where the Commissioner in exercise of the powers under this section
lays a main in, over or on any land not forming part of a street or inspects,
repairs, alters, renews or removes a main so laid down, in, over or on any such
land he shall pay compensation to every person interested in that land for any
damage done to, or injurious affection of that land by reasons of the inspection,
lying, repair, alteration, renewal or removal of the main.
178. Power to lay service pipes etc. ––(1) The Commissioner may, in
any street, whether within or outside the limits of the Corporation lay such
service pipes with such stopcocks and other water fittings as he may deem
necessary for supplying water to premises and may from time to time inspect,
repair, alter or renew and may at any time, remove any service pipe laid in a
street whether by virtue of this section or otherwise.
(2) Where a service pipe has been lawfully laid in, over or on the land
not forming part of a street, the Commissioner may, from time to time, enter
upon that land and inspect, repair, alter renew or remove the pipe or lay a new
pipe in substitution thereof but shall pay compensation for any damage done
in the course of such action.
(2) To denote the situation of every hydrant placed under this section,
letters, marks or figures shall be displayed prominently on some wall, building
or other structure near such hydrant.
(4) The Commissioner may at the request and expense of the owner or
occupier of any factory, workshop, trade premises or place of business situated
in or near a street in which a pipe is laid (and not being a trunk main and being
of sufficient dimensions to carry a hydrant), fix on the pipe and keep in good
order from time to time to renew one or more fire hydrants to be used only for
extinguishing fires as near as conveniently may be to that factory, workshop,
trade premises or place of business.
(5) The Commissioner shall allow all persons to take water for extinguishing
fires from any pipe on which a hydrant is fixed without any payment.
181. Power to test water fittings.–– The Commissioner may test any water
fittings used in connection with water supplied by the Corporation.
(2) Before making any order under this section, the Commissioner may
cause the water to be analysed at the cost of the Corporation.
(3) If the person to whom an order is made under this section fails to
comply therewith, the Commissioner may do whatever may be necessary for
giving effect to the order and any expenses reasonably incurred by him in so
doing may be recovered by him from the person in default as an arrears of tax
under this Act.
184. Joint and several liability of owners and occupiers for offence in
relation to water supply.–– If any offence relating to water supply is
committed under this Act or any premises connected with the Corporation
water works the owner, the person primarily liable for the payment of the
water tax, and the occupiers of the said premises shall be jointly and severally
liable for such offence.
185. Public drains etc. to vest in Corporation. ––(1) All public drains,
all drains in, alongside or under any street and all sewage disposal works
whether constructed out of the Corporation Fund or otherwise and all works,
materials and things pertaining thereto which are situated in the municipal
area shall vest in the Corporation.
(2) All public and other drains which are vested in the Corporation are
hereafter in this Act referred to as Corporation drains.
(4) All drains and ventilation-shafts, pipes and all appliances and fittings
connected with the drainage works constructed, erected or set up out of the
Corporation Fund in or upon premises not belonging to the Corporation
whether ––
(b) for the use of the owner or occupier of such premises or not,
shall unless the Corporation has otherwise determined or does at any time otherwise
determine, vest and be deemed always to have vested in the Corporation.
186. Control of drains and sewage disposal works. ––(1) All Corporation
drains, all sewage disposal works and works, materials and things appertaining
thereto, shall be under the control of the Commissioner.
(2) The Commissioner shall maintain and keep in repair all municipal
drains and sewage disposal works and when authorised by the Corporation in
this behalf, shall construct as many new drains and sewage disposal works as
may from time to time be necessary for effectual drainage and sewage disposal.
(a) any matter likely to injure the drain or to interfere with the free
flow of its content, or to affect prejudicially the treatment and
disposal of its contents ; or
(b) where separate Corporation drains are provided for foul water and
for surface water to discharge directly or indirectly :––
(c) to have his drains made to communicate directly with a storm water
overflow drain.
time within one month after receipt thereof, the Commissioner may by notice
to him refuse to permit the communication to be made, if it appears to him that
the mode of construction or condition of the drain is such that the making of
the communication would be prejudicial to the drainage system and for the
purpose of examining the mode of construction and condition of the drain he
may, if necessary require it to be laid open for inspection.
(3) The Commissioner may, if he thinks fit, construct such part of the
work necessary for having a private drain made to communicate with the
municipal drain as is in or under a public street and in such a case the expenses
incurred by the Commissioner shall be paid by the owner or occupier of the
premises, or as the case may be, the owner of the private drain and shall be
recoverable from the owner or occupier as an arrears of tax under this Act.
(b) to provide and set up all such applications and fittings as may appear
to the Commissioner necessary for the purpose of gathering and
receiving the filth and other polluted and obnoxious matter from
and conveying the same off, the said premises and of effectual
flushing such drain and every fixture connected therewith ;
(e) to provide and set up all such appliance and fittings as may appear
to the Commissioner to be necessary for purpose of gathering and
receiving the waste water from floors and galleries of buildings
when they are washed and conveying the same through spouts, by
(f) to carry out any work to improve or remodel an existing drain which
is inadequate, insufficient or faulty.
(2) Where in any case not provided for in sub-section (1), any premises
are in the opinion of the Commissioner, without sufficient means of effectual
drainage, he may, by written notice, require the owner of the premises––
(3) Any requisition for the construction of any drain under sub-section
(2) may contain any of the details specified in sub-section (1).
190. New premises not to be erected without drainage. ––(1) It shall not
be lawful to erect or to re-erect any premises in the municipal area or occupy
any such premises unless :––
(a) a drain be constructed of such size, materials and with such fall as
shall appear to the Commissioner to be necessary for the effectual
drainage of such premises ;
(b) there have been provided and set up on such premises, such
appliances and fittings as may appear to the Commissioner to be
necessary for the purpose of gathering or receiving the filth and
other polluted and obnoxious matter from and conveying the same
off the said premises and of effectual flushing the drain of the said
premises and every fixture connected therewith.
(2) The drain so constructed shall empty into a Corporation drain situated
at a distance of not exceeding thirty metres from the premises, but if no
Corporation drain is situated within that distance then such drain shall empty
into a cesspool situated within that distance to be specified by the Commissioner
for the purpose.
(2) The expenses incurred in carrying out any work under sub-section
(1) in respect of any group or block of premises shall be paid by the owners of
such premises in such proportion as the Commissioner may determine and
shall be recoverable from them as an arrear of tax under this Act.
(3) Not less than fifteen days before any such work is commenced, the
Commissioner shall give to each such owner––
(4) The Commissioner may require the owners of such group or block of
premises to maintain the work executed under this section.
(a) that such drain be closed, discontinued or destroyed and that any
work necessary for that purpose be done ; or
(b) that such drain shall from such date as may be specified in the
notice in this behalf be used for filth and polluted water only or for
rain water and un-polluted sub-soil water only :
Provided that––
193. Use of drain by a person other than owner .––(1) Where the
Commissioner either on receipt of an application from the owner of any
premises or otherwise is of opinion that the only or the most convenient means
of effectual drainage of the premises into Corporation drain is through a drain
belonging to another person, the Commissioner may by notice in writing require
the owner of such drain to show cause within a period specified in the notice
as to why an order under this section should not be made.
(2) Where no cause is shown within the specified period or the cause
shown appears to the Commissioner invalid or insufficient the Commissioner
may by order in writing either authorise the owner of the premises to use the
drain or declare him to be joint owner thereof.
(3) An order made under sub-section (2) may contain directions as to––
(b) the construction of a drain for the premises for the purpose of
connecting with the aforesaid drain ;
(c) the entry upon the land in which the aforesaid drain is situated
with assistants and workmen at all reasonable hours ; and
Provided that no place which has been not before the commencement of
this Act used for any of the purposes specified in this section, shall after such
commencement be used therefor without the approval of the Corporation :
Provided further that on and after such date as may be appointed by the
Government in this behalf no sewage shall be discharged into any water course
until it has been so treated as not to effect prejudicially the purity and quality
of the water into which it is discharged.
197. Connection with water works and drains not to be made without
permission.–– Without the written permission of Commissioner no person shall
for any purpose whatsoever, at any time make or cause to be made any
connection or communication with any drain referred to in section 186 or any
water works constructed or maintained by, or vested in the Corporation.
199. Rights of user of property for aqueducts, lines etc. ––(1) The
Commissioner may place and maintain aqueducts, conduits and lines of mains
or pipes or drains over, under, along or across any immovable property whether
within or outside the limits of the municipal area, if necessary through an
agreement, and may at any time for the purpose of examining, repairing, altering
or removing any aqueducts, conduits or lines of mains or pipes or drains after
giving a reasonable notice of his intention so to do, enter on any property
over, under, along or across which the aqueducts, conduits or lines of mains or
pipes or drains have been placed :
Provided that the Corporation shall not acquire any right other than a
right of user in the property over, under, along or across which any aqueduct,
conduit or line or mains or pipes or drain is placed.
(3) In the exercise of the powers conferred upon him by this section the
Commissioner shall cause as little damage and inconvenience as may be
possible and shall make full compensation for any damage or inconvenience
caused by him.
200. Power of owner of premises to place pipes and drains through land
belonging to other persons. ––(1) If it appears to the Commissioner that the
only or most convenient means of water supply to and drainage of, any premises
is by placing, or carrying any pipe or drain over, under, along or across the
immovable property of another person, the Commissioner may, by order in
writing authorise the owner of the premises to place or carry such pipe or
drain over, under, along or across such immovable property :
Provided that before making any such order the Commissioner shall give
to the owner of the immovable property a reasonable opportunity of showing
cause within such times as may be prescribed by bye-laws made in this behalf
as to why the order should not be made :
Provided further that the owner of the premises shall not acquire any
right other than a right of user in the property over, under, along or across,
which any such pipe or drain is placed or carried.
(2) Upon the making of an order under sub-section (1) the owner of the
premises may, after giving reasonable notice of his intention so to do, enter
upon the immovable property with assistance and workmen at any time between
sun rise and sun set for the purpose of placing a pipe or drain over, under, along
or across such immovable property or for the purpose of repairing the same.
(a) cause the pipe or drain to be placed or carried with the least
practicable delay ;
(b) fill in, reinstate and make good at his own cost with the least
practicable delay and land owned, broken up or removed for the
purpose of placing or carrying such pipe or drain ; and
(4) If the owner of the immovable property over, under, along or across
which a pipe or drain has been placed or carried under this section while such
immovable property was not built upon, desires to erect any building on such
property, the Commissioner shall by notice in writing, require the owner of
the premises to close, remove or divert the pipe of drain in such manner as
shall be approved by him and to fill in, reinstate and make good the immovable
property as if the pipe or drain had not been placed or carried over, under,
along or across the same :
rate and subject to the terms for the time being applicable in the case of works
constructed by the Government on behalf of a local authority.
(2) Every person who employs licensed plumber to execute any work
shall when so required, furnish to the Commissioner the name of such plumber.
(4) The Corporation may make bye-laws for the guidance of licensed
plumbers and a copy of all such bye-laws shall be attached to every licence
granted to a plumber by the Corporation.
(5) The Corporation may from time to time prescribe the charges to be
paid to licensed plumbers for any work done by them under or for any of the
purposes of this Chapter.
(8) No licensed plumber shall contravene any of the bye-laws made under
this section or execute carelessly or negligently any work under this Act or
make use of bad materials, appliances or fittings.
(9) If any licensed plumber contravenes sub-section (8) his licence may
be suspended or cancelled whether he is prosecuted under this Act or not.
(a) wilfully, obstruct any person acting, under the authority of the
Corporation or the Commissioner, in setting out the lines of any
works or pull up or remove any pillar, post or stake fixed in the
ground for the purpose of setting out lines of such work or deface
or destroy any works made for the same purpose ; or
(b) wilfully or negligently break, injure, turn on, open, close, shut off
or otherwise interfere with any lock, cock, valve, pipe, meter or
other work or apparatus belonging to the Corporation ; or
(c) unlawfully obstruct the flow of, or flush, draw off, or divert or take
water from any water works belonging to the Corporation or any
water course by which any such water is supplied ; or
(d) unlawfully obstruct the flow of, or flush, draw off, divert or take
sewage from any sewage work belonging to the Corporation or
break or damage any electrical transmission line maintained by the
Corporation ; or
(f) bath in, at or upon any water work or wash or throw or cause to
enter therein any animal or throw any rubbish, dirt, filth into any
water work or wash or clean therein any cloth, wool or leather or
the skin of any animal or cause the water of any sink of drain or
any steam-engine or boiler, or any polluted water to turn or be
brought into any water work or do any other act whereby the water
in any water work is fouled or likely to be fouled.
(2) All public streets vesting in the Corporation shall be under the control
of the Commissioner and shall be maintained, controlled and regulated by him
in accordance with the bye-laws made in this behalf.
(d) lay down and determine the position and direction of a street
or streets in any part of the municipal area notwithstanding
that no proposal for the erection of any building in the vicinity
has been received.
213. Power to prohibit use of public streets for certain kinds of traffic.––
(1) The Commissioner may––
(a) prohibit vehicular traffic in any public street or any portion thereof
so as to prevent danger, obstruction or inconvenience to the public
or to ensure quietness in any locality ;
Provided that the Commissioner shall not take action without the sanction
of the Corporation in cases under clauses (a) and (c).
214. Power to acquire land and buildings for public streets and for public
parking places.–– Subject to the provisions contained in Chapter X the
Commissioner may :––
(a) acquire any land required for the purposes of opening, widening,
extending or otherwise improving any public street or of making
any new public street and any building standing upon such land ;
(b) acquire in relation to any such land or building, all such land with
buildings, if any thereon as the Corporation may think expedient
to acquire outside the regular line or the intended regular line of
such street ; or
(c) when any land, whether within or outside the limits of the municipal
area is required for the purposes of this Act the Government may,
at the request of the Corporation proceed to acquire it under the
provisions of the Land Acquisition Act, and on payment by the
Corporation of the compensation awarded under that Act, and of
any other charges incurred in acquiring the land, the land shall
vest in the Corporation.
Explanation.–– When any land is required for a new street or for the
improvement of an existing street, the Government may on the
request of the Corporation proceed to acquire, in addition to
the land to be occupied by the street, the land necessary for
the sites of the buildings to be erected on both sides of the
street and such land shall be deemed to be required for the
purpose of this Act.
Provided further that the regular line of any public street operative under
any law in force in any part of the municipal area immediately before the
(2) The line for the time being defined or redefined shall be called the
regular line of street.
Provided that if within 60 days after the receipt of application from any
person for permission to construct or reconstruct a boundary wall or a portion
thereof the Commissioner fails to take steps to acquire the land within the
regular line of the street in accordance with section 218 then that person may
subject to other provisions of this Act and the bye-laws made thereunder
proceed with the work of construction or reconstruction of such boundary wall
or portion thereof.
216. Setting back of building to regular line of street. ––(1) If any part
of a building abutting on a public street is within the regular line of that street,
the Commissioner may, whenever it is proposed to repair, remove, construct
or reconstruct or make any additions to or structural alterations of, any portion
of such building which is within the regular line of the street by order which
he issues concerning the additions to rebuilding, construction, repair or
alterations of such building require such building to be set back to the regular
line of the street.
(2) When any building or any part thereof within the regular line of a
public street falls down or is burnt down or is whether by the order of the
Commissioner or otherwise, taken down the Commissioner may forthwith, take
possession on behalf of the Corporation of the portion of the land within the
regular line of the street therefore occupied by the said building and if necessary,
clear the same.
(3) Land acquired under this section shall be deemed to be a part of the
public street and shall vest in the Corporation.
such building or part thereof which is within the regular line of the street should
not be pulled down and the land within the regular line acquired by the
Commissioner on behalf of the Corporation.
(2) If such owner fails to show cause as required by sub-section (1) the
Commissioner may, with the approval of the Corporation require the owner by
another notice to be served on him in accordance with the provisions of this
Act to pull down the building or part thereof which is within the regular line of
the street within such period as specified in the notice.
(3) If within such period the owner of the building fails to pull down the
building or part thereof as required by the Commissioner, the Commissioner
may pull down the same and all the expenses incurred in doing so shall be paid
by the owner and be recoverable from him as an arrear of tax under this Act.
218. Acquisition of open land and land occupied by platforms etc. within
the regular line of streets. ––(1) If any land, whether open or enclosed, not
vesting in the Corporation and not occupied by any building is within the regular
line of a public street or if a platform, verandah, step, compound wall, hedge or
fence or some other structure external to a building abutting on a public street or
a portion of such platform, verandah, step, compound wall, hedge or fence or
some other structure is within the regular line of such street the Commissioner
may after giving to the owner of the land or building not less than seven days’
notice of his intention so to do take possession on behalf of the Corporation of
the said land with its enclosing wall, hedge or fence, if any, or of the said platform,
verandah, step, compound wall, hedge or fence or other structure or of any portion
thereof which is within the regular line of the public street and if necessary clear
the same and the land so acquired shall thereupon be deemed to be part of the
public street and shall vest in the Corporation :
Commissioner is satisfied that the land remaining after the requisition of the
portion within the said line still not be suitable or fit for any beneficial use he
may, at the request of the owner, acquire such land in addition to the land
within the said line and such surplus land shall be deemed to be a part of the
public street and shall vest in the Corporation.
(2) Such surplus land may thereafter be utilised for the purpose of setting
forward a building under section 220.
Explanation.–– For the purpose of this section a wall separating any premises
from a public street shall be deemed to be a building and it
shall be deemed a sufficient compliance, with permission or
requisition to set forward a building to the regular line of a
street if a wall of such material and dimensions as are approved
by the Commissioner is erected along the said line.
Provided that––
(b) if any such increase in the value exceeds the amount of loss
sustained or expenses incurred by the owner, the Commissioner
may recover from him half of the amount of such excess as a
betterment charge.
(3) If the additional land which will be included in the premises of any
person required or permitted under sub-section (2) to set forward a building
belongs to the Corporation the order or permission of the Commissioner to set
forward the building shall be a sufficient conveyance to the said owner of the
said land and, the price to be paid to the Corporation by the owner for such
additional land and the other terms and conditions of the conveyance shall be
set forth in the order or permission.
(4) If, when the Commissioner required any building to be set forward,
the owner of the building is dissatisfied with the price fixed to be paid to the
Corporation or with any of the terms and conditions of conveyance, the
Commissioner shall, upon the application of the owner at any time within fifteen
days after the said terms and conditions are communicated to him, refer the
case for the determination of the Court of the District Judge whose decision
thereon shall be final.
(a) the plots into which the land is proposed to be divided for the
erection of building thereon and purpose or purposes for which
such buildings are to be used ;
(b) the reservation or allotment of any site for any street, open space,
park, recreation ground, school, market or any public purpose ;
(2) The provisions of this Act and the bye-laws made thereunder as to
width of the public streets and the height of building abutting thereon shall
apply in the case of streets referred to in sub-section (1) and all the particulars
referred to in that sub-section shall be subject to the sanction of the Corporation.
(3) Within sixty days after the receipt of any application under sub-section
(1) the Corporation shall either accord sanction to the layout plan on such
conditions as it may think fit or ask for further information with respect to it.
(a) if the particulars shown in the layout plan would conflict with any
arrangement which have been made or which are in the opinion of
the Corporation likely to be made for carrying out any general
scheme of development of the municipal area whether contained
in the master plan or a zonal development plan prepared for the
municipal area or not ; or
(b) if the said layout plan does not conform to the provisions of this
Act and bye-laws made thereunder ; or
(5) No person shall utilise, sell or otherwise deal with any land or layout
or make any new street without or otherwise than in conformity with the orders
of the Corporation and if further information is asked for, no step shall be
taken to utilise, sell or otherwise deal with the land or to layout or make the
street until orders have been passed upon receipt of such information :
Provided that the passing of such order shall not be in any case delayed
for more than 60 days after the Corporation has received the information which
it considers necessary to enable it to deal with the said application.
(6) The layout plan referred to earlier in this section shall, if so required
by the Corporation, be prepared by a licensed town planner.
(2) If any person on whom such notice is served fails to show cause to
the satisfaction of the Commissioner why such street should not be so altered
or demolished, the Commissioner may pass an order directing the alteration or
demolition of such street.
(2) If such work is not carried out within the time specified in the notice,
the Commissioner may, if he thinks fit, execute it and the expenses incurred
shall be paid by the owners referred to in sub-section (1) in such proportion as
may be determined by the Commissioner and shall be recoverable from them
as an arrear of tax under this Act.
226. Declaration of public streets. ––(1) If any street has been levelled,
paved, metalled, flagged, channelled, sewered, drained, conserved and lighted
under the provisions of section 225, the Commissioner may, and on the
requisition of the majority of the owner referred to in sub-section (1) of that
section shall declare such a street to be a public street and thereupon the street
shall vest in the Corporation.
(2) The Commissioner may at any time, by notice fixed up in any street
or part thereof, not maintainable by the Corporation, give intimation of his
intention to declare the same a public street and unless within one month next
after such notice has been so put up, the owner or any one of the several owners
of such street or such part of a street lodge objection thereto at the Corporation
Office, the Commissioner may by notice in writing, put up in such street or
such part, declare the same to be a public street vested in the Corporation.
(a) overhang, jut or project into, or in any way encroach upon and
obstruct in any way the safe or convenient passage of the public
along any street ; or
(b) jut or project into or encroach upon any drain or open channel in
any street so as in any way to interfere with the use or proper
working of such drain or channel or to impede the inspection or
cleansing thereof.
(3) If the occupier of the said premises removes or alters any structure
or fixture in accordance with such notice, he shall be entitled, unless the
structure or fixture was erected, set up or placed by himself, to credit into
account with the owner of the premises for all reasonable expenses incurred
by him in complying with the notice.
228. Projection over streets may be permitted in certain cases. ––(1) The
Commissioner may give a written permission on such terms and on payment
of such fee as he in each case thinks fit, to the owner or occupier of the building
or any street––
(2) The Commissioner may at any time by notice require the owner or
occupier of any building to remove a verandah, balcony, sunshade, weather
frame or the like put up in accordance with the provisions of this Act and such
owner or occupier shall be bound to take action accordingly but shall be entitled
to compensation for the loss caused to him by such removal and the cost
incurred thereon.
229. Ground floor door etc. not to open outwards on streets.–– The
Commissioner may at any time by notice require the owner of any premises on
the ground floor of which any door, gate or window opens outwards upon a
street or upon any land required for the improvement of a street in such manner
as in opinion of the Commissioner is likely to obstruct the safe or convenient
passage of the public along such street, to have the said door, gate, bar or
window altered so as not to open outwards.
(a) any stall, chair, bench, box, ladder, bale or other things whatsoever
placed, deposited, projected, attached or suspended in, upon, from
or to any place in contravention of this Act ; or
(b) any article whatsoever hawked or exposed for sale on any public
place in contravention of this Act and any vehicle, package, box or
any other thing in or on which such article is placed.
(3) Any animal tethered or any cow or any buffalo found being milked as
aforesaid in any street may be removed by the Commissioner or any Corporation
officer or employee and be impounded and dealt with under the provision of
the Cattle Trespass Act, Samvat 1977.
(c) cause such bars, chains, or posts to be fixed across or in any street
in which any such work of construction or repair is under execution
as are necessary in order to prevent the passage of vehicles or
animals and avert danger.
(3) The Commissioner shall, with all reasonable speed cause the said
work to be completed, the ground to be filled in the said street, drain or premises
to be repaired, and the rubbish occasioned thereby to be removed.
(a) open, break up, displace, take up or make any alteration in, or cause
any injury to the soil or pavement or any wall, fence, post, chain or
other material or thing forming part of any street ; or
(c) set up in any street scaffold or any temporary erection for the
purpose of any work whatever, or any posts, bars, rolls, boards or
other things by way of an enclosure, for the purpose of making
mortar or depositing bricks, lime, rubbish or other materials.
(2) Any permission granted under clause (b) or clause (c) of sub-section
(1) shall be terminable at the dissertation of the Commissioner on his giving
not less than twenty-four hours’ notice of such termination to the person to
whom such permission was granted.
Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall apply to cases under clause
(b) or clause (c) of sub-section (1) in which an application for permission has
been made with such fee as may be prescribed by the Commissioner in this
behalf but no reply has been sent to the applicant within seven days from the
date of the application.
236. Disposal of things removed under this Chapter. ––(1) Any of the
things caused to be removed by the Commissioner under this Chapter shall,
unless the owner thereof turns up to take back such things and pays to the
Commissioner the charges for the removal and storage of such things, be
disposed of by the Commissioner by public auction or in such other manner
and within such time as the Commissioner thinks fit.
(2) The charges for removal and storage of the things sold under sub-
section (1) shall be paid out of the proceeds of the sale thereof and the balance,
if any, shall be paid to the owner of the things sold on a claim being made
therefor within a period of one year from the date of sale, and if no such claim
is made within the said period, shall be credited to the Corporation.
(a) with the sanction of the Corporation, determine the name or number
by which any street or public place vested in the Corporation shall
be known ;
(2) No person shall destroy, remove, deface or in any way injure or alter
such name or number or sub-number or put up or paint any name or number or
sub-number different from that put up or painted by order of the Commissioner.
(2) The Commissioner may, before giving any such notice or before
the period of any such notice has expired, take such temporary measures as
he thinks fit to prevent the danger or inconvenience arising therefrom and
any expense incurred by the Commissioner in taking such temporary measures
shall be recoverable from the owner or occupier of the place as arrears of
tax under this Act.
(a) take measures for lighting in a suitable manner all such public streets
and public places as may be specified by the Corporation ;
(b) procure, erect and maintain such number of lamps, lamp posts and
other appurtenances as may be necessary for the said purpose ;
(a) any lamp or any appurtenance of any lamp or lamp post or lamp
iron set up in any public street or any public place ;
(c) any post, pole, standard stay, strut, bracket or other contrivance
for carrying, suspending or supporting any electric wire or lamp.
(a) to erect a new building on any site whether previously built upon
or not ;
(b) to re-erect :—
(iii) any frame building of which more than a half of the number
of the posts of beams in the external walls have been pulled
down ;
(d) to convert into more than one dwelling houses a building originally
constructed as one dwelling house only ;
(j) to convert into or use as a dwelling house any building which has
been discontinued as or appropriated for any purpose other than a
dwelling house.
(2) Every such notice shall be accompanied by such documents and plans
alongwith specification as may be prescribed :
Provided that every such plan and specifications shall be duly signed by
a qualified structural engineer who shall be registered with the municipality
for the purpose.
shall apply for sanction by giving notice in writing of his intention to the
Commissioner in such form and containing such information, as may be
prescribed by bye-laws made in this behalf.
(2) Every such notice shall be accompanied by such documents and plans
as may be so prescribed.
245. Condition of valid notice. ––(1) A person giving the notice required
by section 243 shall specify the purpose for which it is intended to use the building
to which such notice relates and a person giving the notice required by section
244 shall specify whether the purpose for which the building is being used is
proposed or likely to be changed by the execution of the proposed work.
(2) No notice shall be valid until the information required under sub-
section (1) and any further information and plans which may be required by
bye-laws made in this behalf have been furnished to the satisfaction of the
Commissioner alongwith the notice.
(a) that the building or work, or the use of the site for the building or
work or any of the particulars comprised in the site plan, ground
plan, elevation, section or specification would contravene the
provisions of any bye-law made in this behalf or of any other law
or rule, bye-law or order made under such other law ;
(b) that notice for sanction does not contain the particulars, or is
not prepared in the manner required under the bye-laws made in
this behalf ;
(d) that in cases falling under section 222 layout plans have not been
sanctioned in accordance with section 223 ;
(f) that the site of the building or work does not abut on a street or
projected street and that there is no access to such building or
work from any such street by a passage or pathway appertaining
to such site ;
(h) that a building for habitation, does not provide for a flush or a
water seal latrine.
(3) The Commissioner shall communicate the sanction to the person who
has given the notice ; and where he refuses sanction on any of the grounds
specified in sub-section (2) of this section or under section 250 he shall record
a brief statement of his reasons for such refusal and communicate the refusal
alongwith the reasons therefor to the person who has given the notice.
247. When building or work may be proceeded with. ––(1) Where within
a period of sixty days after the receipt of any notice under section 243 or
section 244 or of the further information, if any, required under section 245
the Commissioner does not refuse to sanction the building or work or upon
refusal does not communicate the refusal to the person who has given the notice,
the Commissioner shall be deemed to have accorded sanction to the building
or work and person by whom the notice has been given shall be free to
commence and proceed with the building or work in accordance with his
intention as expressed in the notice and the documents and plans accompanying
the same :
(3) If the person or any one lawfully claiming under him does not
commence the erection of the building or the execution of the work within one
Provided that if the commencement does not take place within seven
days of the date so notified, the notice shall be deemed not to have been given
and a fresh notice shall be necessary in this behalf.
(6) For the purpose of ascertaining, whether the strata of the land, over
which a building is to be erected is geologically fit, and the building operation
thereon can be carried out in accordance with the sanctioned plan, the
Corporation may, within seven days from the intimation under sub-section
(5), cause inspection of excavated foundation to be made by such persons as it
may direct, and in such manner as may be prescribed :
Provided that the person at whose instance the building operations are
carried out shall be associated in the inspection.
(7) The persons making the inspection under sub-section (6), may
communicate to the person, from whom intimation under sub-section (5) has
been received, its views in regard to the result of such inspection and may
after ascertaining the opinion of the said person, recommend to that person
the action to be taken as a result of such inspection and also report to the
Commissioner the action, if any, which is proposed to be taken for the purposes
of implementation of any such recommendation.
(8) On the receipt of the report under sub-section (7), the Corporation
may, within seven days from the date of intimation under sub-section (5), give
such direction to the person concerned, as it may deem fit.
Provided that before making any such order the Commissioner shall give
reasonable opportunity to the person affected as to why such order should not
be made.
(2) The erection of any such building or the execution of any such work
may be refused by the Commissioner if such building or any portion thereof
for such work comes within the regular line of any street, the position and
direction of which has been laid down by the Commissioner but which has not
been actually constructed or if such building or any portion thereof or such
work is in contravention of any building or any other scheme or plan prepared
under this Act or any other law for the time being in force.
Provided that no order of demolition shall be made unless the person has
been given, by means of a notice served in such manner as the Commissioner
may think fit, a reasonable opportunity of showing cause why such order should
not be made :
Provided further that where the erection or work has not been completed,
the Commissioner may by the same order or by a separate order, whether made
at the time of the issue of the notice under the first proviso or at any other
time, direct the person to stop the erection or work until the expiry of the
period within which an appeal against the order of demolition, if made, may
be preferred under sub-section (2).
(4) Save as provided in this section no court shall entertain any suit,
application or other proceedings for injunction or other relief against the
Commissioner or restrain him from taking any action or making any order in
pursuance of the provisions of this section.
(5) Subject to the order made by the Tribunal on appeal, the order of
demolition made by the Commissioner shall be final and conclusive.
(3) After the requisition under sub-section (2) has been complied with,
the Commissioner may, if he thinks fit, depute by a written order a Police
(5) Where the owner of the building submits the revised plan, after the
work has been stopped by him or the work is completed by him and deviations
from the sanctioned plan are minor in nature, the Commissioner may subject
to the special and general directions of the State Government under section
255, compound the cases of deviations.
(a) to make such alteration as may be specified in the said notice with
the object of bringing the building or work in conformity with the
said sanction, condition or provisions, or
(b) to show cause why such alterations should not be made within the
period stated in the notice.
(2) If the person or the owner does not show cause as aforesaid he shall
be bound to make the alterations specified in the notice.
(3) If the person or the owner shows cause as aforesaid, the Commissioner
shall by an order either cancel the notice issued under sub-section (1) or confirm
the same subject to such modifications as he thinks fit.
(a) use or permit to be used for human habitation any part of a building
not originally erected or authorised to be used for that purpose or
not used for that purpose before any alteration has been made
therein by any work executed in accordance with the provisions of
this Act and of the bye-laws made thereunder ;
(b) change or allow the change of the use of any land or building ;
(3) The Commissioner may also, if he thinks fit, require such owner or
occupier by the said order either forthwith or before proceeding to demolish,
secure or repair the building to set up a proper and sufficient board or fence
for the protection of passers-by and other persons, with a convenient platform
and hand rail wherever practicable to serve as a footway for passengers outside
of such board or fence.
(5) If the owner or occupier of the building does not comply with the
order within the period specified therein, the Commissioner shall take such
steps in relation to the building as to prevent all cause of danger therefrom.
Provided that at the time of making such order the Commissioner shall
record a brief statement of the reasons therefor.
(2) If any person fails to vacate the building in pursuance of such order
the Commissioner may direct any police officer to remove such person from
the building and the police officer shall comply with such direction accordingly.
(3) The Commissioner shall, on the application of any person who has
vacated, or has been removed from any building in pursuance of an order
made by him, allow such person to re-occupy the building on the expiry of the
period for which the order has been in force ; provided that the reasons on
account of which the vacation was ordered have been rectified or have ceased
to exist.
(c) the area of land in such unbuilt area which shall be transferred to
the Corporation for public purposes including use as public streets
by owners of land either on payment of compensation or otherwise ;
provided that the total area so transferred shall not exceed thirty-
five per cent and the area transferred without payment shall not
exceed twenty-five per cent of any one owner’s land within such
unbuilt area ;
(h) the transfer of ownership of a plot from one person to another ; and
(i) the details of the internal services, estimated cost for providing
them, the extent of the liability of the owners of buildings and lands
for the payment of the cost and the manner of payment of the same.
(v) sewers and drains both for storm and sullage water and
necessary provision for their treatment and disposal ; and
(vi) any other works that the Corporation may think necessary
for the development of the area comprised in the scheme.
(2) When a scheme has been drawn up under the provisions of sub-section
(1) the Corporation shall give public notice of such scheme and shall at the
same time intimate a date not less than thirty days from the date of such notice
by which any person may submit to the Corporation in writing any objection
or suggestion with regard to such scheme which he may wish to make.
(6) After the scheme has been sanctioned, the Corporation shall proceed
to provide internal services as soon as possible and complete it within a period
of five years from the date of its sanction.
(7) If under the provisions of any scheme sanctioned under the preceding
sub-sections the erection or re-erection of building in a specified area for a
specified purpose is prohibited, any person who after such scheme is sanctioned,
uses any building for such purpose shall, unless it was used for this purpose
before the scheme was sanctioned, on conviction be liable to fine which may
extend to five thousand rupees, and if after such conviction he continues to
use such building for such purpose shall be liable to fine which may extend to
one hundred rupees for every day during which such use continues.
(8) For the purpose of drawing up a building scheme for built up areas and
a town planning scheme for unbuilt up areas, the Corporation may, and if so
required by the Government shall, cause the geological survey of the municipal
area conducted by such persons and in such manner as may be prescribed.
(i) “built area” is that portion of a municipal area of which the greater
part has been developed as a business or residential area ; and
261. Provision for daily cleansing of streets and removal of rubbish and
filth. ––(1) For the purpose of securing the efficient scavenging and cleansing
of all streets and premises, the Commissioner shall provide––
(a) for the daily surface cleansing of all streets and the removal of the
sweepings therefrom ; and
(b) for the removal of the contents of all receptacles and depots and of
the accumulation at all places provided or appointed by him under
the provisions of this Act for the temporary deposit of rubbish,
filth and other polluted and obnoxious matter.
filth and other polluted and obnoxious matters and for the final
disposal of rubbish, filth and other polluted and obnoxious matters ;
(c) provide vehicles or other suitable means for the removal of rubbish
and offensive matters ; and
(d) provide covered vehicles or vessels for the removal of filth and
other polluted and obnoxious matters.
264. Duty of owners and occupiers to collect and deposit rubbish etc.––
It shall be the duty of the owners and occupiers of all premises––
(b) to cause all filth, rubbish and other polluted and obnoxious matter
to be collected from their respective premises and deposited at such
times as the Commissioner, by the public notice prescribe, in public
receptacles, depots or places provided or appointed under section
263 for temporary deposit or final disposal thereof ;
(b) after giving such owner or occupier notice of his intention cause all
rubbish, filth and other polluted and obnoxious matter accumulated
in such premises to be removed and charge the said owner or occupier
for such removal such fee as may, with the sanction of the
Corporation, be specified in the notice issued under clause (a).
(2) No owner or occupier shall allow the water of any sink, drain, latrine
or urinal of any rubbish, filth and other polluted and obnoxious matter to run
down on or to be thrown or put upon, any street or into any drain in or along the
side of any street except in such manner as shall prevent any avoidable nuisance
from any such water, rubbish, filth or other polluted and obnoxious matter.
(3) No person shall, after due provision had been made in this respect
under the foregoing provisions of this Chapter for the deposit and removal of
the same––
(a) deposit any rubbish, filth and other polluted and obnoxious matter
in any street or on the verandah of any building or on any
unoccupied ground alongside any street or on the bank of a water
course ; or
(b) deposit any filth or other polluted and obnoxious matter in any dustbin
or in any vehicle not intended for the removal of the same ; or
(c) deposit rubbish in any vehicle or vessel intended for the removal
of filth and other polluted and obnoxious matter.
270. Latrines and urinals etc. in new buildings. ––(1) It shall not be
lawful to erect any residential building without providing flush or water seal
latrine and accommodation for bathing or for washing clothes and utensils on
each floor of such building as may be prescribed.
(b) what shall be the site or position of each latrine, urinal, bathing or
washing place or site and their number on each floor and their clear
internal dimensions.
(4) In this section the expression “to erect a building” has the same
meaning as in section 241.
271. Latrines and urinals for labourers etc. ––(1) Every person
employing workmen, labour or other persons exceeding twenty in number shall
provide and maintain for the separate use of persons of each sex so employed,
latrines and urinals, of such description and number as the Commissioner may
by notice require and within such time as may be fixed in the notice and shall
keep the same in clean and proper order.
(a) require the owner or other person having the control of any private
latrine or urinal not to put the same to public use ; or
(b) require the owner or other person having control of such private
latrine or urinal which in the opinion of the Commissioner
constitutes a nuisance, to remove the latrine or the urinal ; or
(c) require any person having the control whether as owner, lessee or
occupier of any land or building––
(i) to have any latrine provided for the same shut out by a
sufficient roof, wall or fence from the view of persons passing
by or dwelling in the neighbourhood ; or
(d) where the premises intended, or used for human habitation are
without any latrine or urinal accommodation or are provided with
insufficient latrine or urinal accommodation, require the owner,
lessee or occupier of such premises to provide same or such
additional latrine or urinal accommodation as may be prescribed,
if necessary, by causing any part of such premises to be vacated
and demolished in accordance with the bye-laws made in this behalf.
(2) If upon receipt of such report the Commissioner considers that the
sanitary condition of the block is likely to cause risk to disease to the inhabitants
of the buildings or of the neighbourhood or otherwise to endanger the public
heath, he shall with the approval of the Corporation select the buildings which
in his opinion should wholly or in part be removed in order to abate the
unhealthy condition of the block and may thereupon by notice in writing require
the owner of such buildings to remove them within such period as may be
specified in the notice :
(2) In addition to serving a notice under this section on the owner the
Commissioner may serve a copy of the notice on any other person having an
(2) If any of the persons upon whom a notice has been served under sub-
section (1), appears in pursuance thereof before the Commissioner and gives
an undertaking to him that such person shall, within a period specified by the
Commissioner, execute such works of improvement in relation to the building
as will, in the opinion of the Commissioner, render the building fit for human
habitation or an undertaking that the building shall not be used for human
habitation until the Commissioner on being satisfied that it has been rendered
fit for that purpose, cancel the undertaking the Commissioner shall not make
an order of demolition of the building.
(6) In determining for the purposes of section 275 and this section whether
a building is unfit for human habitation, regard shall be had to its condition in
respect of the following matters, that is to say––
(a) repair ;
(b) stability ;
(g) facilities for storage, preparation and cooking of food and for the
disposal of rubbish, filth and other polluted matter,
(h) removal of rubbish, filth and other polluted and obnoxious matter ;
(i) any other work including the demolition of any building or any
part thereof which, in the opinion of the Commissioner is necessary
for executing any of the works specified above.
278. Insanitary huts and sheds.–– Where the Commissioner upon any
information in his possession is satisfied that any hut or shed used as dwelling
house or as a stable or for any other purpose, is likely, by reason of its being
constructed without a plinth or on account of the impracticability of
scavenging and cleansing it or owing to the manner in which it and other
huts or sheds are crowded together, to cause risk of disease to the inmates
thereof or to the inhabitants of the neighbourhood, or is for any reason likely
to endanger public health or safety, he may by notice in writing require the
owner or occupier of the hut or shed or the owner or occupier of the land on
which the hut or shed stands to remove or alter the hut or shed or carry out
such improvement thereof as the Commissioner may deem necessary within
such time as may be specified in the notice.
(2) When any such prohibition has been made, no person who is by calling
a washerman shall in contravention of such prohibition wash clothes except for
himself or for personal and family service or for hire on or within the premises
of the hirer at any place other than a place appointed under sub-section (1).
(b) living in a room or house which he neither owns nor pays rent for,
nor occupies as the guest or relative of person who owns, or pays
rent for it ; or
the Commissioner or any person authorised by him in this behalf may, on the
advice of any medical officer of the rank not inferior to that of an assistant
surgeon, remove the patient to any hospital or place at which persons suffering
from such disease are received for medical treatment and may do anything
necessary for such removal.
(2) Where the Commissioner is satisfied that the destruction of any hut
or shed is immediately necessary for the purpose of preventing the spread of
any dangerous disease, he may order the owner or occupier of the hut or shed
to destroy the same forthwith or may himself cause it to be destroyed.
(a) provide proper places with necessary attendants and apparatus for
the disinfection of conveyance, clothing, bedding and other articles
which have been exposed to infection ;
(3) The Commissioner may direct the destruction of any clothing, bedding
or other articles likely to retain infection and may give such compensation as
he thinks fit for any article so destroyed.
(2) No person shall commit a breach of any direction given under sub-
section (1) and if he does so, he shall be deemed to have committed an offence
under section 183 of the Jammu and Kashmir State Ranbir Penal Code, 1989.
(b) uses a public conveyance for the carriage of person who is suffering
from any disease ; or
(c) uses a public conveyance for the carriage of the corpse of a person
who had died from such disease ;
(2) Where any person suffering from, or the corpse of any person who
has died from a dangerous disease has been carried, in public conveyance
which ordinarily plies in the municipal area or any part thereof, the driver
thereof, shall forthwith report the fact to the Commissioner who shall forthwith
cause the conveyance to be disinfected if that has not already been done.
(3) No such conveyance shall be again brought into use until the
Corporation Health Officer has granted a certificate stating that it can be used
without causing risk of infection.
289. Disinfection of buildings before letting the same. ––(1) Where any
building or part of a building is intended to be let in which any person has,
within six weeks immediately preceding been suffering from a dangerous
disease, the person letting the building or part shall, before doing so, disinfect
the same in such manner as the Commissioner may by general or special notice
direct together with all articles therein liable to retain infection.
(2) For the purposes of this section the keeper of a hostel, hotel, lodging
house or sarai shall be deemed to let a part of the building to any person
accommodated in such hostel, hotel, lodging house or sarai, as the case may be.
(a) make, carry or offer for sale or take any part in the business of
making, carrying or offering for sale, any article of food or drink
or any medicine or drug for human consumption, or any article of
clothing or bedding for personal use or wear ; or
(b) take any part in the business of the washing or carrying of clothes.
manner or prohibit for such period as may be specified in the notice, the sale
or preparation of any article of food or drink for human consumption specified
in the notice or the sale of flesh of any description of animal so specified.
293. Control over wells and tanks etc. ––(1) If the Commissioner is of
opinion that the water in any well, tank or other place is likely, if used for
drinking, to endanger, or cause the spread of any disease, he may––
(a) by public notice, prohibit the removal or use of such water for
drinking ; or
(c) take such other steps as he may consider expedient to prevent the
outbreak or spread of any such disease.
(2) In the event of the municipal area or any part thereof being visited or
threatened by an outbreak of a dangerous disease, the Corporation Health
Officer or any person authorised by him in this behalf, may without notice and
at any time, inspect and disinfect any well, tank or other place from which
water is or is likely to be taken for the purpose of drinking and may further
take such steps as he may think fit, to ensure the purity of the water or to
prevent the use of the same for drinking purposes.
(d) throw or cause to be thrown into any latrine or urinal any matter
which he knows to have been exposed to infection from a dangerous
disease and which has not been disinfected properly.
295. Disposal of infectious corpse, where any person has died from any
dangerous disease.–– Where any person has died from any dangerous disease
the Commissioner may by notice in writing—
(a) require any person having charge of corpse to convey the same to
mortuary thereafter to be disposed of in accordance with law ; or
(b) prohibit the removal of corpses from the place where the death
occurred except for the purpose of being burnt, buried or for being
conveyed to a mortuary.
(2) The Corporation may by resolution direct that on or from such date
as may be specified in the resolution, the provisions of this section shall apply
in the case of any specified class of persons employed by the Corporation
whose functions are intimately concerned with public health or safety.
(2) Such permission may be granted subject to any condition which the
Commissioner may think fit to impose for the purpose of preventing any
annoyance to or danger to the health of any person residing in the
(2) In respect of the disposal of the carcass of dead animals under clause
(b) of sub-section (1) the Commissioner may charge such fees as he may by
public notice specify.
(d) make any grave or burn or bury any corpse at any place not set
apart for such purpose ; or
(e) at any time or place at which the same has been prohibited by the
Commissioner by public or special notice, beat a drum or tom-tom
or blow a horn or trumpet, or beat any utensil, or sound any brass
or other instrument, or play any music ; or
(g) let loose any animal so as to cause, or negligently allow any animal
to cause injury, danger, alarm or annoyance to any person ; or
(h) save with the written permission of the Commissioner and in such
manner as he may authorise store or use night-soil, cow-dung, manure,
rubbish or any other substance omitting an offensive smell ; or
(i) use or permit to be used as a latrine any place not intended for
that purpose.
(2) Every person shall take all reasonable means to prevent every child
under the age of twelve years being in his charge from easing himself in any
public street or public place.
(3) The owner or keeper of any animal shall not allow it straying in public
street or public place without a keeper.
(5) Any swine found straying in a public street or public place shall be
liable to be destroyed by any officer or other employee of the Corporation
appointed in this behalf.
(b) require that every registered dog shall wear a collar to which shall
be attached a metal token to be issued by the registering authority,
and fix the fee payable for the issue thereof ;
(c) require that any dog which has not been registered or which is not
wearing such token shall, if found in any public place, be detained
at a place set apart for the purpose ; and
(d) fix the fee which shall be charged for such detention and provide
that any such dog shall be liable to be destroyed or otherwise
disposed of unless it is claimed and the fee in respect thereof is
paid within one week.
(b) by public notice direct that after such date as may be specified by
the notice, dogs which are without collars or without marks,
distinguishing them as private property and are found straying on
the streets or beyond the enclosures of the houses of their owners,
if any, may be destroyed and cause them to be destroyed
(4) No one, being the owner or person incharge of any dog, shall allow it
to be at large in any public street or public place without being muzzled and
without being secured by a chain lead in any case in which :––
(a) he knows that the dog is likely to annoy or intimidate any person ;
(a) allow any ferocious dog which belongs to him or is in his charge to
be at large without being muzzled ; or
(b) set on or, urge any dog or other animal to attack, worry or intimidate
any person ; or
306. Care of naked lights.–– No person shall set a naked light on or near
any building in any public street or other public place in such manner as to
cause danger of fire :
Provided that nothing in this section shall be deemed to prohibit the use
of lights for the purpose of illumination on the occasion of a festival or public
or private entertainment.
and if the danger is, in the opinion of the Commissioner, imminent, he shall
forthwith take such steps as he thinks necessary to avert the same.
(a) remove or order the removal of any person which by his presence
interferes with or impedes the operations for extinguishing the fire
or for saving life or property ;
(b) close any street or passage in or near which any fire is burning ;
(c) for the purposes of extinguishing the fire, break into or through or
pull down, or cause to be broken into or through or pulled down or
used for the passage of houses or other appliances, any premises ;
(d) cause mains and pipes to be shot off so as to give greater pressure
of water in or near the place where the fire has occurred ;
(e) call on the persons incharge of any fire engine to render such
assistance as may be possible ;
(f) generally, take such measures as may appear necessary for the
preservation of life or property.
(3) No person shall be liable to pay damages for any act done by him
under sub-sections (1) and (2) in good faith.
(2) Municipal markets and slaughter houses shall be under the control of
the Commissioner who may at any time, by public notice, close any municipal
market or slaughter house or any part thereof.
314. Use of municipal markets. ––(1) No person shall, without the general
or special permission in writing of the Commissioner, sell or expose for the
sale any animal or article in any municipal market.
(2) Any person contravening the provisions of sub-section (1), and any
animal or article exposed for sale by such person, may be summarily removed
from the market by or under the orders of the Commissioner or any officer or
employee of the Corporation authorised by the Commissioner in this behalf.
315. Private markets and slaughter houses. ––(1) No place other than a
municipal market shall be used as a market unless such place has been licensed
as a market by the Commissioner.
(a) to restrict the slaughter of any animal in any place on the occasion
of any religious festival or ceremony, subject to such conditions as
the Commissioner may, by public or special notice, impose in this
behalf, or
(2) When the Commissioner refuses to grant any licence, he shall record
a brief statement of the reasons for such refusal.
(3) The Commissioner may, with the previous approval of the Corporation
and for reasons to be recorded, suspend a licence in respect of a private market
for such period as he thinks fit or cancel such licence :
(4) A private market of which the licence has been suspended or cancelled
as aforesaid, shall be closed with effect from such date as may be specified in
the order of suspension or cancellation.
(2) Any person contravening the provision of sub-section (1) and any
animal or article exposed for sale by such person may be summarily remanded
by or under the order of the Commissioner or any officer or employee of the
Corporation appointed by him in this behalf.
320. Levy of stallages, rent and fees.–– The Commissioner, with the
previous approval of the Corporation may :––
(a) charge such stallages, rents or fees as may from time to time be
fixed by him in this behalf :––
(i) for the occupation or use of any stall, shop, stand, shed or
pen in a municipal market or municipal slaughter houses ;
(ii) for the right to expose articles for sale in a municipal market ;
Provided that no licence shall be required for any place used for the sale
or storage for sale of preserved flesh or fish contained in air tight hermetically
sealed receptacles.
(3) Every such licence shall expire at the end of the year for which it is
granted or, at such earlier date as the Commissioner may, for special reasons,
specify in the licence.
(4) If any place is used for the sale of the flesh, fish or poultry in
contravention of the provisions of this section, the Commissioner may stop
the use thereof by such means as he may consider necessary.
324. Premises not to be used for certain purposes without licence. ––(1) No
person shall use or permit to be used any premises for any of the following
purposes without or otherwise than in conformity with the terms of a licence
issued by the Commissioner in this behalf, namely :––
(b) any purpose which is, in the opinion of the Commissioner dangerous
to life, health or property or likely to create a nuisance ;
(2) In prescribing the terms of a licence granted under this section for
the use of premises as mills or iron yards or for similar purposes the
Commissioner may, when he thinks fit, require the licencee to provide a space
or passage within the premises for carts for loading and unloading purposes.
Provided that anyone claiming such animals or birds may within seven
days of this seizure get them released on his paying all expenses incurred by
the Commissioner in seizing, impounding or removing and in feeding and
watering such animals or birds, and on his producing a licence for keeping
these animals and birds issued under the provision of section 324.
(2) Whenever the Commissioner is of the opinion that the user of any
premises for any of the purposes referred to in sub-section (1) of section 324
is causing a nuisance and such nuisance should be immediately stopped, the
Commissioner may order the owner, or the occupier of the premises to stop
such nuisance within such time as may be specified in the order and in the
event of the failure of the owner or occupier to comply with such order, the
Commissioner may himself or by an officer subordinate to him, cause such
user to be stopped.
(2) No objection to any such declaration shall be received after the period
of one month from the publication of the notice.
(3) The Commissioner shall consider all objections received within the said
period giving any person affected by the notice an opportunity of being heard and
may thereupon make declaration in accordance with the notice published under
sub-section (1), with such modifications, if any, as he may think fit.
(a) hawk or expose for sale in any place any article whatsoever, whether
it be for human consumption or not ;
(b) use in any place his skill in any handicraft or for rendering service
to and for the convenience of the public for the purpose of gain or
making a living.
328. Eating houses etc. not to be used without licence from Commissioner. ––
(l) No person shall, without or otherwise than in conformity with the terms of
a licence granted by the Commissioner in this behalf, keep any eating house,
lodging house, hotel, boarding house, tea shop, coffee house, cafe, restaurant,
refreshment room or any place where the public are admitted for repose or for
the consumption of any food or drink or any place where food is sold or prepared
for sale.
(2) The Commissioner may at any time cancel or suspend any licence
granted under sub-section (1) if he is of opinion that the premises covered
thereby are not kept in conformity with the conditions of such licence or with
the provisions of any bye-laws made in this behalf.
(3) If within one month of such seizure the owner of the animal, carcass
or flesh fails to appear and prove his claim to the satisfaction of the
Commissioner or if the owner is convicted of an offence under this Act in
respect of such animal, carcass or flesh, the proceeds of any sale under sub-
section (1) shall vest in the Corporation.
(4) Any person slaughtering any animal or selling or posing for sale the
flesh of any such animal in any place or manner not duly authorised under the
provisions of this Act shall be punishable with imprisonment of up to six months
and may be arrested by any police officer without a warrant.
(5) No claim shall lie against any person for compensation for any damage
necessarily caused by any entry or by the use of any force necessary for effecting
any entry under this section.
(b) that the most satisfactory method dealing with the conditions in
the area is the rearrangement and reconstruction of the streets and
buildings in the area in accordance with an improvement scheme,
(h) the water supply, street lighting, drainage and other conveniences ;
(i) the provision of urban amenities and facilities such as parks, garden,
play-ground ;
(j) the sanitary arrangements required for the area comprised in the
scheme ;
(r) public amenities including street light, parking lots, bus stops and
public conveniences ; and
(s) any other matter for which, in the opinion of the Commissioner, it
is expedient to make provision with a view to the improvement of
the area to which the scheme relates.
(3) If the Commissioner, fails to acquire the land within a period of six
months from the receipt of the notice, the improvement scheme shall have no
effect after the expiration of the said six months as if the land were not
designated as subject to acquisition by the Commissioner or were not required
to be kept as an open space.
(c) the place at which particulars of the scheme, a map of the area
comprised in the scheme, and a statement of the land which it is
proposed to acquire may be seen.
(h) damage to trees by throwing debris or stones but such damage shall
not include the damage which is caused—
(iii) the Divisional Forest Officer having jurisdiction over the city ;
341. Meeting of Tree Authority. ––(1) The Tree Authority shall meet at
least once in two months at such place and time as the Chairman may decide.
(c) specifying the standards regarding the number and kind of trees in
each locality, type of land and premises ;
(3) The permission granted under this section shall be valid for a period
of 180 days from the date on which the sanction is conveyed to the applicant.
If the applicant fails to cut, fell, lop or remove the tree permitted to be cut,
felled, lopped, or removed within the aforesaid period of 180 days, the
permission granted shall lapse, unless the applicant obtains from the
Commissioner and extension of time on an application for extension and
payment of prescribed fee.
(2) When an order is made under sub-section (1), the owner or occupier
of the land shall comply with such order within thirty days from the receipt
thereof or such extended time as the Tree Officer may allow.
(2) When an order is made under sub-section (1) the owner or occupier
of the land shall comply with such order within thirty days from the receipt
thereof or such extended time as the Tree Officer may allow.
350. Appeals. ––(1) When any decision is given or order is made under
section 346, section 347 or section 348 by the Tree Officer an appeal shall lie
to the Tree Authority.
(2) The appeal shall be made within thirty days from the date the
decision is communicated to or the order is received by the owner or occupier
of the land.
(3) The Tree Authority shall, as far as possible, decide the appeal within
ninety days from the date of its receipt after giving a reasonable opportunity
to the appellant of being heard.
(4) The decision of the Tree Authority shall be final and shall not be
questioned in any court of law.
351. Seizure.–– When the Tree Officer has reason to believe that an
offence under the provisions of this Chapter has been committed in respect of
any tree, he may seize the tools, ropes, chains, boats, vehicles or animals used
for the commission of the said offence alongwith tree or part thereof which
has been severed from the ground or the trunk, as the case may be.
352. Penalty.–– Whoever fells or abets the felling of any tree or causes
any tree to be felled in contravention of the provisions of this Chapter or any
rules made thereunder or without any reasonable excuse fails to comply with
any order issued or conditions imposed by the Tree Officer or any other officer
subordinate to him in the discharge of their functions under the provisions of
this Chapter shall on conviction be punished with imprisonment which may
extent to three months or with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees
or with both.
354. Operation of other laws not barred.–– Nothing in this Chapter shall
be deemed to prevent any person from being prosecuted under any other law
for any act or omission which constituted an offence under these provisions or
from being liable under such other law to higher punishment or penalty than
that provided by these provisions or the rules made thereunder.
granted for any purpose, such licence or written permission shall be signed by
the Commissioner or by the officer empowered to grant the same under this
Act or the bye-laws made thereunder or by any Corporation officer authorised
by the Commissioner and shall specify, in addition to any other matter required
to be specified under any other provision of this Act or any provision of any
bye-law made thereunder :––
(b) the purpose and the period, if any, for which it is granted ;
(d) the name and address of the person to whom it is granted ; and
(e) the fee, if any, paid for the licence or written permission.
(3) Save as otherwise provided in this Act or any bye-law made thereunder
any licence or written permission granted under this Act or any bye-law made
thereunder may at any time be suspended or revoked by the Commissioner or
by the officer by whom it was granted, if he is satisfied that it has been secured
by the grantee through misrepresentation or fraud or if any of its restrictions
or conditions has been infringed or evaded by the grantee, or if the grantee has
been convicted for the contravention of any of the provisions of this Act or
any bye-law made thereunder relating to any matter for which the licence or
permission has been granted :
Provided that :—
(b) every such order shall contain a brief statement of the reasons for
the suspension or revocation of the licence or the written
(c) for the purposes of taking any action or executing any work authorised
or required by this Act or any bye-law made thereunder ;
any soil, gravel, stone or other materials or for obtaining access to such work
or for any other purposes connected with the execution of the same.
(2) The person so authorised shall, before entering on any such land
state the purpose thereof and shall, if so required by the owner or occupier
thereof, fence off so much of the land as may be required for such purpose.
359. B reak ing into buil ding. ––(1) It sh all be la wful for t he
Commissioner, or any person authorised by him in this behalf or empowered
in this behalf by or, under any provision of this Act to make any entry into any
place, and to open or cause to be opened any door, gate or other barrier :––
(2) Before making any entry into any such place or opening or causing
to be opened any such door, gate or other barrier the Commissioner or the
person authorised or empowered in this behalf, shall call upon two or more
respectable inhabitants of the locality in which the place to be entered into is
situate, to witness the entry or opening and may issue an order in writing to
them or any of them so to do.
(3) A report shall be made to the Corporation as soon as may be after any
entry has been made into any place or any door, gate or other barrier has been
opened under this section.
or occupier, as the case may be, not less than twenty-four hours’ written notice
of the intention to make such entry :
364. Public notices how to be made known.–– Every public notice given
under this Act or any bye-law made thereunder, shall be in writing under the
signature of the Commissioner or of any Corporation officer authorised by
him in this behalf and shall be widely made known in the locality to be affected
thereby, by affixing copies thereof in conspicuous public places within the
said locality or by publishing the same or by beat of drum or by advertisement
in local newspaper or by any two or more of these means, and by any other
means that the appropriate municipal authority may think fit.
367. Notices, etc. to fix reasonable time.–– Where any notice, act, order
or requisition issued or made under this Act or any rule, regulation or bye-law
made thereunder required anything to be done for the doing of which no time
is fixed in this Act or the rule, regulation or bye-law, the notice, act, order or
requisition shall specify a reasonable time for doing the same.
370. Service of notices, etc. ––(1) Every notice, act, summons, order,
requisition or other document required or authorised by this Act or any rule,
regulation or bye-law made thereunder to be served or issued by or on behalf
of the Corporation or by the Commissioner or any Corporation officer on any
person shall, save as otherwise provided in this Act or such rule, regulation or
bye-law, be deemed to be duly served :—
(4) For the purpose of enabling any document to be served on the owner
of any premises the Commissioner may by notice in writing require the occupier
of the premises to state the name and address of the owner thereof.
(6) Nothing in section 368 and section 369 and in this section shall apply
to any summons issued under this Act by a Court.
(7) A servant is not a member of the family within the meaning of this section.
371. Power in case of non compliance with notice, etc.–– In the event of
a non-compliance with the terms of any notice, order or requisition issued to
any person under this Act or any rule, regulation or bye-laws made thereunder,
requiring such person to execute any work or to do any act, it shall be lawful
for the authority or officer at whose instance the notice, order or requisition
has been issued, whether or not the person in default is liable to punishment
for such default or has been prosecuted or sentenced any punishment therefor,
after giving notice in writing to such person, to take such action or such steps
as may be necessary for the completion of the act or the work required to be
done or executed by such person and all the expenses incurred on such account
shall be payable to the Commissioner on demand and if not paid within ten
days after such demand, shall be recoverable as an arrear of tax under this Act.
374. Relief to agents and trustees. ––(1) Where any person, by reason of
his receiving rent of immovable property as a receiver, agent or trustee would
be bound to discharge any obligation imposed by this Act, or any rule, bye-
law, regulation or order made under it for the discharge of which money is
required, he shall not be bound to discharge the obligation unless he has, or
but for his own improper act or default might have had, funds in his hands,
belonging to the owner sufficient for the purpose.
(2) The burden of proving any act entitling a receiver, agent or trustee to
relief under sub-section (1) shall lie upon him.
(3) Where any receiver, agent or trustee has claimed and established his
right to relief under this section, the Commissioner may, by notice in writing
require him, to apply to the discharge of his obligation as aforesaid, the first,
moneys which may come to his hands on behalf, or for the use of the owner,
and on failure to comply with the notice, he shall be deemed to be personally
liable to discharge the obligation.
person who sustains damage by reasons of the exercise of any of the power
vested by this Act or any bye-law in the Commissioner or in any Corporation
officer or other Corporation employee.
377. Mode of receiving certain dues.–– In any case not expressly provided
for in this Act or any bye-law made thereunder any sum due to the Corporation
on account of any charges, costs, expenses, fees or rent for any other account
under this Act or any such bye-law may be recoverable from any person from
whom such sum is due as arrears of tax under this Act :
Provided that no proceedings for the recovery of any sum under this
section, shall be commenced after the expiry of three years from the date on
which such sum became due.
(2) The Court on receipt of such application may make a written order
requiring the occupier of the land or building to afford all reasonable facilities
to the owner for complying with the said provision, or notice, order or
requisition and may also, if it thinks fit direct that the costs of such application
and order be paid by the occupier.
(3) After eight days from the date of the order referred to in sub-section
(2), the occupier shall afford all such reasonable facilities to the owner for the
purpose aforesaid as may be specified in the order and in the event of his
continued refusal to do so, the owner shall be discharged during the continuance
of such refusal from any liability which may have been otherwise incurred by
reasons of his failure to comply with the said provisions or notice, order or
380. Fees in proceeding before the Court of District Judge. ––(1) The
Government may, by notification in the Government Gazette, prescribe what
fee shall be paid :––
(a) on any application, appeal or reference under this Act or any bye-
law made thereunder to the Court of the District Judge ; and
(b) for the issue, in connection with any inquiry or proceedings before
that Court under this Act or bye-laws, of any summons or other
process :
Provided that the fee, if any prescribed under clause (a) shall not in cases
in which the value of the claim or subject matter is capable of being estimated
in money, exceed the fees liable for the time being under the provisions of the
Court Fees Act, Samvat 1977, in cases in which the amount of the claim or
subject matter is of a like amount.
Provided that the Court may in any case in which it thinks fit so to do––
(b) with the approval of the Government, make rules not inconsistent
with this Act or any rule, regulation or bye-law made thereunder,
providing for any matter connected with the exercise to the
jurisdiction conferred upon the Court by this Act which is not herein
specially provided for.
(b) fails to comply with any order lawfully given to him or any
requisition lawfully made upon him under any of the said sections,
sub-sections, clauses, provisos or other provision shall be
(i) with fine which may extend to the amount specified in the
third column of the said Table ; and
385. Offences by Companies. ––(1) Where an offence under this Act has
been committed by a company, every person who at the time the offence was
committed, was incharge of and was responsible to the company for the conduct
of the business of the company, as well as the company shall be deemed to be
guilty of the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished
accordingly :
Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section shall render any such
person liable to any punishment provided in this Act, if he proves that the
offence was committed without his knowledge or that he exercised all due
diligence to prevent the commission of such offence.
officers and men who shall respectively receive such pay, leave, allowance,
gratuities and pensions as the Corporation may from time to time after
consultation with the Director General of Police and subject to the final decision
of the Government direct.
387. Arrest of offenders. ––(1) Any police officer may arrest any person
who commits in his view any offence under this Act or against any rule,
regulation or bye-law made thereunder if,––
(a) the name and address of such person be unknown to him ; and
(b) such person on demand declines to give his name and address or
gives a name and address which such officer has reason to believe
to be false.
(2) No person so arrested shall be detained in custody after his true name
and address is ascertained or, without the order of the nearest Magistrate, for
a period longer than twenty-four hours from the time of arrest exclusive of the
time necessary for the journey from the place of arrest to the court of such
(3) It shall be the duty of all police officers to give immediate information
to the Commissioner or any other appropriate Corporation officer, of the
commission of or the attempt to commit any offence against this Act or any rule,
regulation or bye-law made thereunder and to assist all Corporation officers and
other Corporation employees in the exercise of their lawful authority.
388. Powers to initiate legal proceedings etc. and obtain legal advice.––
The Commissioner may,—
(i) any offence against this Act or any rule, regulation or bye-
law made thereunder ; or
(d) withdraw or compromise any claim for a sum not exceeding one
thousand rupees against any person ;
(e) defend any suit or other legal proceeding brought against the
Corporation or against the Commissioner or a Corporation
employee in respect of anything done or omitted to be done by any
one of them in his official capacity ;
(f) with the approval of the Corporation, admit or compromise any claim,
suit or other legal proceeding brought against the Commissioner or
any Corporation officer or other Corporation employee in respect of
anything done or omitted to be done as aforesaid ;
(h) obtain such legal advice and assistance as he may from time to
time think necessary or expedient to obtain or as he may be required
by the Corporation to obtain for any of the purposes mentioned in
the foregoing clauses or for securing lawful exercise or discharge
of any power or duty vesting in or imposed upon any municipal
authority or any Corporation officer or other Corporation employee.
(2) Every rule made under this Act shall be laid as soon as may be after
it is made, before each House of the State Legislature while it is in session for
a total period of ten days which may be comprised in one session or in two or
more successive sessions, and if before the expiry of the session in which it is
so laid or the successive session aforesaid, both the Houses agree to make any
modification in the rule or both Houses agree that this rule should not be made,
the rule shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no
effect, as the case may be however, any such modification or annulment shall
be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done or omitted to
be done under that rule.
(2) Any regulation made under this section may provide that contravention
thereof shall be punishable with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees.
(3) No regulation made by the Corporation under this Act shall have
effect until it has been published in the Government Gazette by the Government.
(ii) the inspection of and the obtaining of copies and extracts from such
books and registers and fees, if any, to be charged for the same ;
(vi) the wearing of badge by the driver of any such vehicle and the
display of number plate on such vehicle ;
(vii) the submission of returns by the persons liable to pay any tax under
this Act ; and
(viii) any other matter relating to the levy, assessment, collection, refund
or remission of taxes under this Act.
(i) the power of the Commissioner to close water works for the supply of
water, whether for domestic purposes or not, or for gratuitous use and
to prohibit the same and use of water for the purpose of business ;
(iii) the making and renewing connections with municipal water works ;
(vii) the size, material, equality and description and position of the pipes
and fitting to be used for the purpose of any connection with or
any communication from any municipal water works and the
stamping of pipes and fitting and fees for such stamping ;
(viii) the size, material, equality and description of pipes, cisterns and
fittings which are found on an examination under the provisions of
this Act to be so defective that they cannot be effectively repaired ;
(xiii) the regulation in any manner not specifically provided for in this
Act of the construction, alteration, maintenance, preservation,
cleaning and repairs of drains, ventilation, shafts, pipes, latrines,
urinals, cesspools and other drainage works ;
(xix) the period or periods of the day during which trade effluent may be
discharged from any trade premises into municipal drains ;
(xxi) the elimination from trade effluent, before it enters a municipal drain,
of any constituent which in the opinion of the Corporation would,
either alone or in combination with any matter with which it is likely
to come into contact while passing through municipal drains, injure or
obstruct those drains or make specially difficult or expensive the
treatment or disposal of the sewage from those drains ;
(i) the closure of streets when any work is in progress and alternative
passage during the progress of such work ;
(i) the regulation or restriction of the use of sites for buildings for
different areas ;
(iv) the plans and documents to be submitted together with such notice
and the information and further information to be furnished ;
(v) the level and width of foundations, level of lowest floor and stability
of structure ;
(viii) the number and height of storeys composing a building and height of
rooms and the dimensions of rooms intended for human habitation ;
(ix) the provision of open spaces, external and internal and adequate
means of light and ventilation ;
(x) the provision of means of egress in case of fire, fire escapes and
water lifting devices ;
(xix) the wells, tanks and cisterns and pumps for the supply of water for
human consumption in connection with buildings ;
(xx) in the case of wells, the dimensions of the well, the manner of
enclosing it and if the well is intended for drinking purposes the
means which shall be used to prevent pollution of the water ;
(xxii) the setting back of garages and shops from the regular line of a street ;
(ii) the provision of air spaces between latrines and buildings of places
used for various purposes ;
(vi) the seizure of ownerless animals straying within the limits of the
municipal area and the regulation and control of pounds ;
(vii) the fixing and regulation of the use of public bathing and washing
places ;
(ix) the segregation in or the removal or expulsion from any part of the
municipal area or the destruction of animal suffering or reasonably
suspected to be suffering from any infectious or contagious disease ;
(i) the days on, and the hours during which any market or slaughter
house may be kept open for use ;
(iii) the keeping of markets and slaughter houses and the lands and
buildings appertaining thereto in a clean and sanitary condition,
the removal of filth, rubbish and other polluted and obnoxious
matter therefrom and the supply therein of pure water and of a
sufficient number of latrines and urinals for the use of persons using
or frequenting the same ;
(vii) the setting apart of separate areas for different classes of articles
in market buildings and market places ;
(ix) the destruction of carcasses which from any disease or any other
cause are found after slaughter to be unfit for human consumption ;
(x) the regulation of the entry of animal into slaughter house and
bringing out of the carcasses of such animals after slaughter and
the fee to be paid for use of slaughter houses ;
(xi) the proper custody and care of animals for the keeping of which
licences are granted under section 324 ;
(xii) the regulation of the import of animals and flesh within the
municipal area ;
(xiii) the rendering necessity of licences for the use of premises within
the municipal area as stables or cow houses or as an accommodation
for sheep, goat or buffalo and the fees payable for such licences
and the conditions subject to which such licences may be granted,
refused, suspended or revoked ;
(iii) the local inquiries and other hearings that may be held before a
scheme is framed, approved or sanctioned ;
396. Penalty for breaches of bye-laws. ––(1) Any bye-laws made under
this Act may provide that a contravention thereof shall be punishable—
(b) with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees and in the case
of continuing contravention, with an additional fine which may
extend to fifty rupees for every day during which such contravention
continues after conviction for the first contravention ; or
(c) with fine which may extend to fifty rupees for every day during
which the contravention continues, after the receipt of a notice from
the Commissioner or any Corporation officer duly authorised in
that behalf by the person contravening the bye-laws requiring such
person to discontinue such contravention.
(2) Any such bye-law may also provide that a person contravening the
same shall be required to remedy, so far as lies in his powers, the mischief, if
any, caused by such contravention.
(2) The Government in approving a bye-law may make any change therein
which appears to it to be necessary.
(2) Copies of all such bye-laws shall be kept at the Corporation office
and shall be sold to the public at the cost price either singly or in collections at
the option of the purchaser.
(a) that any duty imposed on the Corporation or any of its authority by
or under this Act, has not been performed or has been performed in
an imperfect, insufficient or unsuitable manner ; or
(b) that adequate financial provision has not been made for the
performance of any such duty,
the Government may direct the Corporation or the Commissioner, within such
period as it thinks fit, to make arrangements to its satisfaction for the proper
performance of duty, or, as the case may be, to make financial provisions to its
satisfaction for the performance of the duty and the Corporation or the
Commissioner concerned shall comply with such directions.
403. Power of revision.–– The Government may at any time, for the
purposes of satisfying itself as to the correctness, legality, propriety or regularity
of any proceeding or order passed by any officer of the Government or the
Commissioner or any officer subordinate to him, call for and examine the record
and may pass such order with reference thereto as it may think fit.
(a) all Councillors, shall on such date as may be specified in the order
vacate their offices without prejudice to their eligibility for election
under clause (d) ;
(b) all powers and duties conferred and imposed upon the Corporation
by or under this Act shall be exercised and performed by such person
or authority as the Government may by notification appoint in this
behalf ; and
(2) The Commissioner may by order direct that any power conferred or
any duty imposed on him by or under this Act shall, in such circumstances and
under such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the order, be exercised
and performed also by any Corporation officer or other Corporation employee
specified in the order.
(2), the Collector shall proceed forthwith to recover the amount as if it were
an arrear of land revenue, and have it credited to the Corporation Fund.
(2) The person against whom an order under sub-section (1) is made by
the Director may within thirty days of the date of communication of the order
make an appeal to the Government :
(2) The Commissioner shall prepare such report and the Corporation
shall consider it and forward the same to the Government with its resolution
thereon, if any.
(3) Copies of the report shall be kept for sale at the Corporation office.
of the rural areas shall cease to be included therein and upon the
issue of such notification that portion shall be included in and form
part of the urban areas ;
(i) exempt the rural areas or any portion thereof from such of
the provisions of this Act as it deems fit ; and
(ii) levy taxes, rates, fees and other charges in the rural areas or
any portion thereof at rates lower than those at which such
tax, rate, fee or other charges are levied in the urban areas, or
exempt such areas or portion from any such tax, rate, fee or
other charge.
Provided that no such notification shall be issued unless the same has
been published for inviting objections and suggestions, if any, which have
been duly considered to.
(2) The Corporation may recruit additional staff where necessary subject
to the conditions as may be laid down by the Government.
Act, be deemed to have been vested in, to have been incurred and made by the
Corporation and shall continue in operation accordingly.
(2) All proceedings pending before any authority of the said municipality
including area comprising rural or a part thereof, if any, on the day the
Corporation was constituted under the provisions of this Act, are required to
be instituted before or undertaken by the Commissioner, shall be transferred
to and continued by such authority before or by whom they have to be instituted
or undertaken under the provisions of this Act.
(3) All appeals pending before any authority of the said municipality
including area comprising rural area or a part thereof, if any, on the day the
Corporation was constituted, shall in so far as may be practicable, be disposed
of as if the same were pending before the said authority after the declaration
and constitution of the Corporation.
(2) On the report being made by any Councillor that an officer or official
of the municipality or any other class of Government officers or officials
discharging any duties in relation to the functions of the Corporation, to which
the Government may, by notification extend the provisions of this section, has
failed to perform any duty imposed upon him by any law or rules, the
Corporation may, by notice fixing a reasonable period, require him to perform
the duty and, on his failure to do so, shall report the matter to the superior
officer whom it may concern, and the said officer shall, after such enquiry as
may be required, take suitable action under intimation to the Corporation and
the Government.
428. Repeal of Act No. VIII, Samvat 2008. ––(1) On and from the date of
commencement of this Act, the Jammu and Kashmir Municipal Act, Samvat
2008 shall stand repealed (hereinafter referred to as the repealed Act) :
(a) the previous operation of the repealed Act, or anything duly done
or suffered thereunder ; or
Provided further that anything done or any action taken (including any
appointment, or delegation made, notification, notice, order, instruction or
direction issued, rule, regulation, bye-law, form or scheme framed, certificate
obtained, permit or licence granted, registration affected, tax imposed or fee
or rate levied), under the repealed Act shall, in so far as it is in force immediately
before the commencement of this Act and is not inconsistent with the provisions
of this Act, be deemed to have been done or taken under the corresponding
provisions of this Act and shall continue to be in force accordingly, unless and
until superseded by anything done or any action taken under this Act.
1. Banking.
8. Grain, parching.
21. Carrying on the trade or business of or any operation connected with the
trade of :—
(ii) Blacksmithy.
(iii) Coppersmithy.
(iv) Electroplating.
(viii) Goldsmithy.
(xiii) Silversmithy.
(xiv) Spinning or weaving cotton silk, art silk, or jute or wool with the
aid of power.
(iv) Bitumen.
(vi) Bones.
(ix) Brushes.
(x) Candles.
(xi) Catgut.
(xiv) Charcoal.
(xv) Chemicals.
(xviii)Cotton, cotton refuse, cotton waste, cotton yarn, silk, silk yarn,
silk inclusive of waste yarn, art silk, art silk waste, art silk yarn,
wool or woollen refuse or wastes.
(xx) Dammar.
(xxi) Dynamite.
(xxiii) Fireworks.
(xiv) Flax.
(xxvii) Ghee.
(xxx) Hemp.
(xxxiv) Lime.
(xxxviii) Offal.
(xxxix) Oil-cloth.
(xliii) Paints.
(xlvi) Pitch.
(li) Soap.
(lii) Sugar.
(liv) Tallow.
(lv) Tar.
(Ivi) Varnishes.
1. Asafootida.
2. Ashes.
3. Bamboos.
5. Blasting powder.
6. Blood.
8. Camphor.
9. Carbide of calcium.
12. Cement.
13. Charcoal.
16. Chillies.
21. Coal.
23. Coke.
24. Compound gas, such as oxygen gas, nitrogen gas, carbon dioxide, chlorine
gas, acetyalom gas, etc.
25. Copra.
30. Detonators.
32. Dynamites.
33. Explosive paint such as nitrocellulose paint, lacquer paint, enamel paint etc.
34. Fat.
35. Felt.
36. Fins.
37. Firewood.
38. Fire-works.
40. Flax.
41. Fulminate.
44. Golatino.
45. Gelignite.
46. Grass.
47. Gun-powder.
48. Gun-cotton.
50. Hair.
51. Hemp.
56. Hoofs.
57. Horns.
59. Jute.
61. Lacquer.
62. Leather, leather cloth, raxin cloth and water proof cloth.
65. Nitro-cellulose.
66. Nitro-compound.
67. Nitro-glycerine.
68. Nitro-mixture.
69. Offal.
72. Old paper or waste paper including old newspaper, periodicals, magazines.
74. Paints.
75. Paper other than old paper in pressed bales or loose or in reams.
77. Phosphorous.
81. Plywood.
82. Rags, including small pieces or cutting of cloth, hessian cloth, gunny
bag cloth, silk, art silk or woollen cloth.
86. Saltpetre.
88. Sanitary-ware, hardware and other articles made of iron, iron sheets,
pipes, iron angles and GI pipes.
89. Shoes including leather, PVC, Canvas, rubber and plastic shoes.
90. Silk waste or silk yarn waste, art silk waste or art silk yarn waste.
93. Straw.
94. Sulphur.
95. Tallow.
97. Tarphlin.
98. Thinner.
99. Timber.
101. Varnish.
* Second Schedule is missing in the Original Act as enacted by the State Legislature.