Urban Councils Act (Chapter 29-15)
Urban Councils Act (Chapter 29-15)
Urban Councils Act (Chapter 29-15)
1. Short title.
2. Interpretation.
3. Application of Act.
4. Provisions relating to establishment, alteration or abolition of municipalities, towns, councils and council
4A. Membership of municipal and town councils.
5. Extended systems of local government.
6. Provisions relating to establishment, alteration or abolition of local government areas and local boards.
7. Provisions relating to vesting of administration of local government area in council or person.
8. Provisions relating to divesting of administration of local government area.
9. Promotion of local government.
10. Effect of incorporation of existing local authority in a council area.
11. Advertising of intention to exercise powers under section 4 or 6.
12. Date of coming into being of council and first election.
13. Succession from former local authority to newly-established local authority.
14. Town and city status.
22 to 37 [Repealed].
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47. Assumption of office by councillor.
48. Assumption of office of mayor.
49. [Repealed].
50. [Repealed].
51. [Repealed].
52. [Repealed].
53. [Repealed].
54. [Repealed].
55. [Repealed].
56. [Repealed].
57. [Repealed].
58. [Repealed].
59. [Repealed].
60. [Repealed].
61. [Repealed].
62. [Repealed].
63. [Repealed].
64. [Repealed].
65. [Repealed].
66. [Repealed].
67. [Repealed].
68. [Repealed].
69. [Repealed].
70. [Repealed].
71. [Repealed].
72. [Repealed].
73. [Repealed].
74. [Repealed].
75. [Repealed].
76. [Repealed].
77. [Repealed].
78. Special vacancies in office of councillors.
79. [Repealed].
80. Minister may appoint caretakers to act as council.
81. [Repealed].
82. [Repealed].
83. [Repealed].
223. Co-operation through agreement with State, local authorities and persons.
224. Joint committees by agreement and joint boards.
225. Joint committees by Minister’s authority and joint boards.
226. Provisions as to members and proceedings of joint committees and joint boards.
AN ACT to provide for the establishment of municipalities and towns and the administration of mu-
nicipalities and towns by local boards, municipal and town councils; to provide for the conferring of
town and city status on growth points, municipalities and towns; to provide for the declaration of local
government areas and the administration of local government areas by local boards; to confer func-
tions and powers and impose duties upon municipal and town councils and local boards; to provide for
the establishment of the Local Government Board and to provide for the functions thereof; and to
provide for matters connected with or incidental to the foregoing.
[Date of commencement: 22nd December, 1995.]
1 Short title
This Act may be cited as the Urban Councils Act [Chapter 29:15].
2 Interpretation
(1) In this Act—
“appointed councillor” means a councillor appointed in terms of section 4A(1)(b);
[Definition inserted by section 5 of Act 2 of 2008.]
“by-election” …
[Definition repealed by section 16 of Act 21 of 1997.]
“by-law” means any by-law made by a council in terms of this Act or which is continued in force by virtue of
section three hundred and twenty-three;
“chairperson” means the chairperson of a town council who has been elected in terms of section 103;
[Definition substituted by section 5 of Act 1 of 2008.]
“chamber secretary” means the chamber secretary of a municipal council who has been appointed in terms of
section one hundred and thirty-three;
“combined private sewer” means a sewer, exclusive of soil pipes, waste pipes and vent pipes, for the purpose
of conveying to a public sewer or a conserving tank or other receptacle the sewage from two or more
private sewers and includes all other things necessary in connection therewith;
“Commission” means the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission appointed in terms of section 61 of the Constitu-
[Definition inserted by section 5 of Act 1 of 2008.]
“committee” means a committee of a council;
“conserving tank” means any covered tank without overflow which—
(a) is used for the reception and temporary retention of sewage; and
(b) requires emptying at intervals;
“consolidated revenue account” means the account into which all net surpluses and deficits from all accounts
of the council, with the exception of all funds as defined in subsection (6) of section two hundred and
eighty-six, the housing account referred to in section three hundred and one, the traditional beer account,
the services levy account, the parking account and the capital account of the estates account, are trans-
“construction”, in relation to a building, includes the alteration, subdivision, conversion or reconstruction of,
or the addition to, a building;
“council” means a municipal council or town council;
“council area”, in relation to—
(a) a municipality, means the municipal area;
(b) a town, means the town area;
“councillor” means a member of a council;
[Definition substituted by section 5 of Act 1 of 2008.]
“district administrator”, in relation to a council or proposed council, means—
(a) the district administrator within whose district the council area or proposed council area lies; or
(b) any person appointed by the district administrator referred to in paragraph (a) to exercise his or
her functions in terms of this Act in relation to the council or proposed council;
[Definition inserted by section 5 of Act 1 of 2008.]
“elected councillor” means a councillor other than an appointed councillor, and includes a person elected or
appointed as a mayor or deputy mayor in terms of section 103;
[Definition inserted by section 5 of Act 1 of 2008.]
“election” …
[Definition repealed by section 16 of Act 21 of 1997.]
“executive committee” …
[Definition repealed by section 4 of Act 1 of 2008.]
“finance committee” means a finance committee appointed in terms of subsection (2) of section ninety-six;
“general election” …
[Definition repealed by section 16 of Act 21 of 1997.]
“growth point” means an area declared to be a growth point area in terms of the Income Tax Act [Chap-
ter 23:06];
“local authority” means a municipal council, town council, rural district council or local board;
“local authority area” means—
(a) a council area; or
(b) the area for which a rural district council has been established; or
(c) the local government area for which a local board has been established;
“local board” means a local board which has been established or is deemed to have been established in terms
of this Act;
“local government area” means any area which has been declared or is deemed to have been declared in
terms of this Act to be a local government area;
“Local Government Board” means the Local Government Board established by section one hundred and six-
“mayor” means the mayor of a municipality who has been elected by the councillors of that municipality in
terms of section 103;
[Definition substituted by section 5 of Act 1 of 2008.]
“Minister” means the Minister of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development or any other Minister to
whom the President may, from time to time, assign the administration of this Act;
“municipal area” means the area of a municipality as fixed in terms of this Act or the repealed Act;
“municipal council” means a municipal council which has been established or is deemed to have been estab-
lished in terms of this Act;
“municipality” means a municipality which has been established or is deemed to have been established in
terms of this Act;
“nomination day” …
[Definition repealed by section 16 of Act 21 of 1997.]
“owner”, in relation to land means—
(a) the person in whose name the land is registered in a Deeds Registry; or
(b) a person who is a party to an agreement which, on the fulfilment by him of the conditions fixed
in that agreement, entitles him to obtain transfer of the land; or
(c) a statutory authority or body to which the ownership of the land has been transferred by any Act;
and, save in Part IV, includes—
(i) the trustee of an insolvent estate or the liquidator of a company being wound up which is so reg-
istered as the owner of the land; or
(ii) the representative recognized by law of a person so registered as the owner of the land who has
died or is a minor or of unsound mind or otherwise under disability;
so long as that trustee, liquidator or legal representative is acting within the authority conferred upon him
by law;
“polling day” …
[Definition repealed by section 16 of Act 21 of 1997.]
“private drain” means a conduit for the conveyance of storm-water or any surface, subsoil or spring water
from one premises to a public drain;
“private sewer” means a sewer, exclusive of waste pipes, soil pipes and vent pipes, for the purpose of con-
veying to a combined private sewer, a public sewer or a conserving tank or other receptacle the sewage
from one premises and includes all other things necessary in connection therewith;
“provincial administrator” means the provincial administrator appointed in terms of the Provincial Councils
and Administration Act [Chapter 29:11] for the Bulawayo or Harare metropolitan province;
[Definition inserted by section 5 of Act 1 of 2008.]
“public drain” means a conduit vested in or under the control of or used by a municipality or town for the
conveyance or storm-water or any surface, subsoil or spring water and includes all other things necessary
in connection therewith;
“public sewer” means a sewer vested in or under the control of or used by a municipality or town into which
is discharged or intended to be discharged the sewage from private sewers or combined private sewers
and includes pipes, manholes, chambers, ventilating shafts, ejectors, sluices and all other things neces-
sary in connection therewith;
“public stream” bears the meaning assigned thereto in section 2 of the Water Act [Chapter 20:22];
“rateable property”, subject to subsection (4), means property on which a rate may be levied in terms of Part
“rate”, subject to subsection (4), means a rate levied in terms of this Act;
“ratepayer”, subject to subsection (4), means an owner of rateable property who is liable in terms of this Act
for the payment of any rate by virtue of such ownership;
“Registrar-General” means the Registrar-General of Voters referred to in section 18 of the Electoral Act
[Chapter 2:13] (No. 25 of 2004) or, in respect of any particular function vested in the Registrar-General,
any person to whom he or she may have delegated that function in terms of subsection (3) of that sec-
[Definition substituted by section 5 of Act 1 of 2008.]
“repealed Act” means the Urban Councils Act [Chapter 214 of 1974];
“returning officer”, in relation to—
(a) the first election of a council, means the person appointed by the Minister to be the returning
officer for that purpose;
(b) an election not referred to in paragraph (a) or a ballot held in terms of section three hundred and
eighteen, means the town clerk;
“road” means any road, street, highway, thoroughfare, sanitary or other lane, cycle track, footpath, sidewalk,
alley, subway, passage, square, bridge or other place of a similar nature or any portion thereof, and in-
cludes all appurtenances thereto;
“sanitary fitting” means any water closet, urinal, bidet, slopsink, bath, wash basin, sink, shower or other fit-
ting of a like nature from which soil-water or waste water is disposed of into a soil pipe or waste pipe, as
the case may be;
“sewage” includes trade effluent;
“sewage works” includes reservoirs, tanks, strainers, filter beds, ponds, engines, pumps, machinery, build-
ings, lands and all other works and things, except public sewers, which are necessary for the treatment
and disposal of sewage;
“special vacancy” means a special vacancy in terms of section seventy-eight;
“standing order” means a standing order made in terms of section one hundred and two or the corresponding
provision of the repealed Act;
“storm-water” means all flow of water directly due to rainfall before such water joins a public stream;
“town” means a town which has been established or is deemed to have been established in terms of this Act;
“town area” means the area of a town as fixed in terms of this Act or the repealed Act;
“town council” means a town council which has been established or is deemed to have been established in
terms of this Act;
“town planning scheme” means a master plan, local plan or scheme as defined in section 2 of the Regional,
Town and Country Planning Act [Chapter 29:12], and “approved”, in relation to a town planning
scheme, means such a master plan or local plan which is operative in terms of the Regional, Town and
Country Planning Act [Chapter 29:12], or an approved scheme as defined in section 2 of that Act;
“trade effluent” means any liquid, with or without particles of matter suspended therein, which is produced
either wholly or in part or results from or has been or was intended to be used in any trade or business or
commercial, manufacturing or industrial process;
“voter” …
[Definition repealed by section 16 of Act 21 of 1997.]
“voters’ roll” …
[Definition repealed by section 16 of Act 21 of 1997.]
“voters’ roll board” …
[Definition repealed by section 16 of Act 21 of 1997.]
“ward” means a division of a council area which has been fixed in terms of section four or the corresponding
provision of the repealed Act;
“water main” includes any conduit, pipeline, valve, valve chamber, meter, meter chamber or house, brake
pressure tank, scour pipe or scour chamber which—
(a) is vested in, under the control of and used by a municipality or town; and
(b) is used for the conveyance and control of water supplied by the municipality or town;
and includes all other things necessary in connection therewith.
(2) Any reference in this Act to—
(a) “deputy mayor” means—
(i) in the case of a municipality or municipal council, the deputy mayor thereof;
(ii) in the case of a town or town council, the deputy chairman thereof who has been elected in terms
of section one hundred and three;
(b) “town clerk” means—
(i) in the case of a municipality or municipal council, the town clerk appointed in terms of subsec-
tion (1) of section one hundred and thirty-two;
(ii) in the case of a town or town council or a local board, the secretary of that council or local
board, as the case may be, appointed in terms of subsection (3) of section one hundred and
(c) “the total membership of a council” means the number of members which in terms of this Act composes
the council, other than appointed councillors.
[Paragraph substituted by section 5 of Act 1 of 2008.]
(3) Where anything is required by this Act to be lodged, posted, open for inspection or otherwise done at the
office of a council, such thing shall be lodged, posted, open for inspection or otherwise done at the offices of the
town clerk or at such other office as may be notified by the town clerk by notice in a newspaper.
(4) Where any area has been included within a council area and the council has been authorized or required
in terms of paragraph (g) of subsection (4) of section four the corresponding provision of the repealed Act to im-
pose a levy in terms of the Rural District Councils Act [Chapter 29:13], in lieu of rates in respect of any property
within that area, any reference in this Act to—
(a) “rateable property” shall be construed as including a reference to property in respect of which such levy
may be imposed;
(b) “a rate” or “rate income” shall be construed as including a reference to such levy or the income there-
from, as the case may be;
(c) “a ratepayer” shall be construed as including a reference to a person who is liable for the payment of
such levy.
(5) Where in this Act any notice is required to be given or published—
(a) in a newspaper, such notice shall be given or published in a newspaper circulating in the council area or
other area concerned;
(b) in more than one issue of a newspaper, such notice shall be given or published in weekly consecutive
issues of a newspaper circulating in the council area or other area concerned.
(6) Where in this Act any resolution is required to be passed or thing is required to be done or agreed by not
less than two-thirds or one-third, as the case may be, of the total membership of a council or committee or of the
members present at a meeting of a council or committee and the total membership of the council or committee or
the number of members present at the meeting is not an integral multiple of three, such resolution or thing shall be
deemed to have been duly passed, done or agreed, as the case may be, if it is passed, done or agreed by the af-
firmative votes of not less than two-thirds or one-third, as the case may be, of the number next above that of such
total membership or of the members present, as the case may be, which is an integral multiple of three, and any
other reference in this Act to a thing being done or agreed by, or at the request of, not less than one-third of the
total membership of the council or committee or of the members present at a meeting of the council or a commit-
tee shall be construed accordingly.
3 Application of Act
This Act shall apply to—
(a) every city or city council which was established before the date of commencement of this Act or which
is established in terms of this Act;
(b) every municipality, municipal council, town or town council which is established or is deemed to have
been established in terms of this Act;
(c) every local government area which is declared or is deemed to have been declared in terms of this Act
and every local board which has been established or is deemed to have been established in terms of this
223 Co-operation through agreement with State, local authorities and persons
(1) Subject to this section, a council may by agreement co-operate with the State or with any other local au-
thority or other person for the better or more economic carrying out, either by any of the contracting parties or by
the use of joint facilities, of any matter which the council may by law perform and in which the contracting parties
are mutually interested.
(2) The conditions of any agreement referred to in subsection (1) shall be embodied in a deed of agreement to
be entered into and subscribed to by the contracting parties and shall, inter alia, as far as may be necessary or ex-
pedient, provide for—
(a) the date upon which the agreement shall come into force, the period for which it shall endure and the
terms and conditions on which—
(i) any of the parties thereto may withdraw therefrom; and
(ii) another local authority or other person may become a party thereto; and
(iii) the agreement may, during its currency, be terminated; and
(b) the money, material, land, buildings or other property or things to be provided by each of the contracting
parties, and the payment, if any, to be made therefor; and
(c) the charges, if any, to be borne by, and the income or profit, if any, to be payable to each of the contract-
ing parties; and
(d) the apportionment between the contracting parties of the income, profits, assets, losses and liabilities
arising out of the operation of the agreement; and
(e) the raising of loans, subject to the approval of the Minister, either jointly or separately by the contracting
parties and the determination of their liability under and generally the terms and conditions of any such
loan; and
(f) the management, control, execution and audit of any matter forming the subject of the agreement; and
(g) the rights, powers, privileges and duties of each contracting party; and
(h) the amount of and the manner of fixing and collecting the charges, if any, to be paid in regard to any
matter forming the subject of the agreement; and
(i) the making of regulations or by-laws, subject to this Act or any other law conferring the power thereof,
in regard to any matter forming the subject of the agreement; and
(j) the delegation by the contracting parties of any or all of their powers and duties relating to any matter
forming the subject of the agreement to one of their number or to a joint committee appointed by them.
(3) Where the Minister considers that the co-operation of any council with any other local authority or other
person for any purpose which they may by law perform would be of public advantage, he may make an order for
the drawing up of a deed of agreement for the purposes specified therein, and such agreement shall, subject to
subsection (4), be framed in accordance with the requirements of subsection (2).
(4) Where any council or local authority objects to the exercise by the Minister of any powers conferred by
subsection (3), the Minister shall appoint investigators in terms of section three hundred and eleven to hold an
investigation into the objections and to report to him thereon and that section shall apply accordingly.
(5) On receiving the report submitted in terms of subsection (4), the Minister may make such order as he
thinks fit.
(6) If the Minister has ordered a council to draw up a deed of agreement in terms of subsection (3) and the
council fails or refuses to do so within such period as the Minister may direct, the Minister may, on behalf of the
council, enter into such a deed of agreement, and that deed of agreement shall be binding on the council and the
other party or parties thereto as though it had been entered into by the council.
(7) If the agreement concerned so provides, a joint committee referred to in paragraph (j) of subsection (2)
shall be a body corporate capable of suing and being sued in its own name and having such powers as may be con-
ferred upon it by the agreement concerned.
224 Joint committees by agreement and joint boards
(1) In this section—
“councillor” includes a member of a local authority, however designated.
(2) Subject to this section, any council and any other local authority may, on such terms and conditions as
may be agreed between them, combine for any purpose which they may by law perform and in which they are
jointly interested, including, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the purpose of conducting and
managing their affairs and the employment of their employees.
(3) Any agreement referred to in subsection (2) may, inter alia, provide for any or all of the following—
(a) the appointment of a joint committee of the parties thereto consisting of such number of councillors as is
specified in the agreement and the delegation to such committee of any function relating to any purpose
for which the parties have combined;
(b) the joint exercise in any other manner by the parties thereto of any of their functions;
(c) the supply by any one or more of the parties thereto or on behalf of the other parties of any service for
which they have combined in terms of this section on terms and conditions specified in the agreement
which may, in addition, provide that, notwithstanding anything in this Act or any other law, councillors
of other local authorities may be appointed members of any committee or subcommittee of the party or
parties providing the service for the purpose of dealing with matters arising from the provision of the
(4) The expenses of any joint committee appointed under an agreement or combination of local authorities
referred to in this section shall be defrayed by the local authorities concerned in the proportions specified in the
agreement, and the proportion of the expenses falling to be defrayed by any local authority shall be defrayed by
the local authority in the same manner as they would have been defrayed had the service been provided by that
local authority.
(5) The Minister, on the application of all the local authorities concerned, may, by statutory instrument, de-
clare a joint committee appointed in terms of this section to be a body corporate with such name as may be deter-
mined by him, and that joint committee shall thereupon be a body corporate, to be known as a joint board, capable
of suing and being sued in its own name and shall have such powers as may be conferred upon it by the agreement
referred to in subsection (2).
225 Joint committees by Minister’s authority and joint boards
(1) Subject to this section, if it appears to the Minister that it would be of advantage to combine a council
with any other local authority or local authorities with which it may combine in terms of section two hundred and
twenty-four for any purpose which those local authorities may by law perform, the Minister may make an order
combining the local authorities for such purpose:
Provided that no such order shall be made unless—
(a) an investigation has been held in terms of section three hundred and eleven; or
(b) all the local authorities concerned consent to the order.
(2) Subsection (3) of section two hundred and twenty-four, shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to an order under
subsection (1) as though it were an agreement referred to in the said subsection.
(3) An order under subsection (1)—
(a) shall define the powers, rights, duties, liabilities and obligations of the local authorities concerned and
the method of defraying the expenses of the combination; and
(b) may provide for any other matter or thing which the Minister considers to be necessary or proper to
regulate for the better carrying into effect of the order.
(4) The Minister, after consultation with all the local authorities concerned, may, by statutory instrument, de-
clare a joint committee appointed in terms of this section to be a body corporate with such name as may be deter-
mined by him, and that joint committee shall thereupon be a body corporate, to be known as a joint board, capable
of suing and being sued in its own name, and shall have such powers as may be conferred upon it by the order
under subsection (1).
226 Provisions as to members and proceedings of joint committees and joint boards
(1) The members of a joint committee or joint board established in terms of this Part shall be appointed at
such times and in such manner and shall hold office for such period as may be provided in the agreement or order,
as the case may be, regulating the combination, and failing any such provision a member shall hold office for such
period as may be fixed by the local authority which he represents.
(2) Every member of a joint committee or joint board referred to in subsection (1) shall, if he ceases to be a
councillor or member of the local authority by whom he was appointed, cease on the expiry of two months thereafter
or on the appointment of his successor, whichever first occurs, to be a member of the joint committee or joint board.
(3) Unless otherwise provided in the agreement or order regulating the combination referred to in subsection
(a) the joint committee or joint board shall elect a chairman who shall hold office for such period as shall be
fixed at the time of his election;
(b) the proceedings and place of meeting of the joint committee or joint board shall be such as the joint
committee or joint board may determine;
(c) the joint committee or joint board may appoint subcommittees and delegate to any subcommittee any of
its functions, and every such subcommittee shall, as soon as is reasonably practicable, report its proceed-
ings to the joint committee or joint board;
(d) the chairman or other person presiding at a meeting of the joint committee or joint board or a subcom-
mittee thereof shall have a casting vote as well as a deliberative vote;
(e) the quorum at any meeting of the joint committee or joint board shall be not less than one-half of the
total membership.
(4) If at any meeting of a joint committee or joint board referred to in subsection (1) the chairman is absent,
the members of the committee or board shall elect one of their number to preside at that meeting.
114. (1) Requiring the provision on land and in buildings of precautions against the outbreak and spread of fires and warning devices in
connection therewith and regulating the maintenance, use and inspection thereof and the prevention of interference therewith.
(2) The prohibition of the obstruction of fire escapes, stairs, doors or other means available of exit from any building in the event of a
(3) The conditions under which, in the absence of any agreement under Part XVI of the Act, the council may permit the use of the fire
brigade outside the council area.
(4) The reporting of fires and the prohibition of—
(a) interference with a fire brigade or appliances provided for or in connection with the extinguishing of fires; and
(b) the giving of false alarms concerning fires.
(5) The prohibition of the use or occupation of buildings which constitute a fire hazard.
Bonfires and burning of rubbish
115. The prohibition or regulation of the burning of rubbish, trees, bushes, weeds or grass and of the making of bonfires.
Combustible or inflammable material and explosives
116. (1) In this paragraph—
“petroleum” means petrol or any other liquid which has a flash- point in any apparatus specified in the by-laws for the purposes of
this paragraph of sixty-five degrees Celsius or under.
(2) The regulation of the keeping of fodder and other combustible stores or materials.
(3) The restriction of the sites which may be used for or in connection with, and the regulation of the size of, stacks or timber, coal or
other inflammable materials and the manner of stacking or storing such materials.
(4) The regulation of the generation or storage of any inflammable or explosive gas, and the construction, maintenance and use of ap-
paratus connected therewith.
(5) The regulation and licensing of the storage of petroleum and the restriction of the sites thereof.
(6) The regulation of—
(a) the construction and maintenance of places of storage of petroleum; and
(b) the construction, maintenance and use of buildings and premises connected with the storage of petroleum.
(7) The limitation of the quantities of petroleum that may be stored on any premises and the issue of permits regulating the quantities
of petroleum that may be stored on any premises.
(8) The regulation, for the purposes of the prevention of fire or explosion, of the manner of use or conveyance and the nature of the
conveyance of petroleum.
(9) The regulation of pumps, whether portable or otherwise, for petroleum and the sites therefor and the use thereof, whether within
the limits of any road or on private property.
(10) The prohibition or regulation of the use of fireworks and combustibles.