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Arab J Geosci (2017) 10:514



Petrography, provenance, diaganesis and depositional

environment of Murree Formation in Jhelum Valley, Sub
Himalayas, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Muhammad Zaheer 1 & Muhammad Sabir Khan 1 & Muhammad Saleem Mughal 1 &
Noman Abbasi 1

Received: 16 January 2017 / Accepted: 2 November 2017

# Saudi Society for Geosciences 2017

Abstract The clastic sediments of the Murree Formation of igneous rocks. The rock fragments of volcanics, slate, phyllite,
Miocene age are exposed in Jhelum valley areas of Azad and schist suggest igneous and metamorphic provenance. The
Jammu and Kashmir Pakistan. Field observations revealed petrographic data suggests that at the time of deposition of
the cyclic deposition in the Murree Formation. The sandstone, Murree Formation, igneous and low grade metamorphic rocks
siltstone, and shale constitute a single cycle within the forma- were exposed. However, presence of some clasts of carbon-
tion. This single unit is divided into five different lithofacies ates indicates that sedimentary rocks were also exposed in the
which constitute the Bouma sequence in the Murree source region. The quartz content and clay minerals in the
Formation. The Murree Formation shows faulted contacts shale revealed that source region was igneous and metamor-
with Panjal Formation and Nagri Formation in the study area. phic rocks. Cyclic deposition, lithofacies, and various sedi-
The modal mineralogy data obtained from the petrography of mentary structures like cross bedding, ripple marks, and cal-
sandstone indicates that sandstone is litharenite and lithic cite concretions suggest that deposition of Murree Formation
greywacke. The mineralogical and textural data suggests that occurred in fluviatile environment by meandering river sys-
sandstone is compositionally mature and poorly to moderately tem having decreasing turbidity current.
sorted. The dominantly angular to sub angular quartz grains
show nearness of the source area. Fractured and sutured quartz Keywords Petrography . Provenance . Diagenesis .
grain reveals tectonodiagentic changes that occurred in Depositional environment
Murree Formation. The sandstone experienced diagenetic
changes. The pressure solution and cementation reduced the
primary porosity of sandstone. However, alteration of feldspar Introduction
and fractures in grains have produced secondary porosity. The
X-ray diffraction (XRD) of the shale samples indicates that The study area lies in Sub Himalayas, Jhelum valley which is
shale of the Murree Formation is argillaceous and dominated the part of northwest Himalayas (Fig. 1). The rocks exposed
by illite clay mineral. The illite crystallinity values indicate are clastic sediments of the Murree Formation of Miocene age.
very low grade metamorphism of Murree Formation in core The area under investigation includes Chinari to Batangi
of Hazara Kashmir Syntaxis. The petrographic data suggests (CB), Saran to Chikar (CR), Saran to Chakothi (S and CK),
that the provenance of sandstone is recycled orogen. Quartz is Naili to Lamnian (L), and Chinari to Gormandy (G) sections
of igneous and metamorphic origin. Feldspar (albite and mi- (Fig. 2). The study area covers toposheets nos. 43F/12 and
crocline) composition suggests its derivation from acidic 43F/16 of Geological Survey of Pakistan. The area is bounded
by latitude N34°05′ to N34°15′ and longitude E73°40′ to
E73°54′ (Fig. 2). The study area is about 30 km SE of
* Muhammad Zaheer Muzaffarabad city and easily approachable through Jhelum
[email protected] valley road which joined the Muzaffarabad and Chakothi.
The study area signifies the clastic sedimentary sequence of
Institute of Geology, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, north western margin of the Indian plate. The geology of
Muzaffarabad 13100, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan Muzaffarabad and adjacent areas is studied by different
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Fig. 1 Tectonic map of Northern Pakistan. Where MFT = main frontal thrust, MBT = main boundary thrust, MCT = main central thrust, and JT =
Jhelum thrust. Compiled after Rana and Kazmi (1982)

workers like Wadia (1928, 1931, 1934), Calkins et al. (1975), 1991), Bossart et al. (1988), Bossart and Ottiger (1989),
Shakoor (1976), Ashraf and Chaudhry (1985), Greco (1986, Critelli and Garzanti (1994), and Khan et al. (1994).
Arab J Geosci (2017) 10:514 Page 3 of 22 514

Fig. 2 Route and traverse map of the study area

Wadia (1928) demonstrated the geology of Poonch State rocks were deposited in a very shallow marine tidally influ-
(Kashmir). Wadia (1931) described the tectonics and orog- enced environment. They stated that the rocks of Murree
eny of north-west Himalayas and their rocks. Wadia (1934) Formation lie conformably on Paleocene rocks in area be-
also described the Cambrian-Triassic sequence of north- tween Balakot and Muzaffarabad, whereas in yadgar
west Kashmir. Calkins et al. (1975) described the geology section of Muzaffarabad area, Murree Formation lies
of the southern Himalayas in Hazara, Pakistan, and adjacent unconformably on Eocene rocks of Kuldana Formation.
areas. The investigated area lies in the southern foothills of Greco (1991) described the stratigraphy, metamorphism,
the Himalayas between the Jhelum river on the east and and tectonic history of HKS. Critelli and Garzanti (1994)
Indus river on the west. They described that the geological described the provenance of the lower Tertiary Murree red
formations of Precambrian to Quaternary age are exposed beds in the Northern part of the HKS. On the basis of pet-
in the area. Shakoor (1976) described the geology of rographic study, they suggested the collision orogen prov-
Muzaffarabad and Nauseri area Azad Kashmir with enance for the sandstone of quartzolithic composition.
comments on the engineering behavior of rocks exposed. Khan et al. (1994) described the geotechnical properties of
Ashraf and Chaudhry (1985) described the petrology of Miocene shale of Murree Formation of Muzaffarabad, Azad
Murree Formation of Poonch district, Azad Kashmir. Kashmir. Previous work related to engineering aspects on
They described the petrographic analysis of sandstone and Murree Formation and associated rocks of adjacent area has
shale. They classified the formation into upper and lower been found. No detailed petrographic work of Murree
Murree Formation on the basis of grain size in the field. The Formation has yet been taken in the study area. The purpose
petrographic investigation showed that these were almost of this study is to carry out detailed petrological and petro-
similar in mineralogy and have same provenance. Greco graphic investigation of sandstone and shale of Murree
(1986) carried out the geological investigation of Rashian Formation in Jhelum Valley, Azad Kashmir.
area. Bossart et al. (1988) described the stratigraphic and
structural features of Hazara Kashmir Syntaxis (HKS) in Tectonic and geological setting
southern Himalayas, Pakistan. Bossart and Ottiger (1989)
described the rocks of Murree Formation in Northern The study area represents the north western margin of Indian
Pakistan. They carried out a detailed sedimentological and plate and forms the core of the HKS (Fig. 1), which lies in Sub
micropaleontological survey of 8-km-long profile of Himalayas. The Indian plate was drifted away from
Murree Formation in the apex region of HKS in Northern Gondwanaland in Middle/Late Jurassic and Early
Pakistan. From these surveys, they concluded that these Cretaceous. The northward drift of Indian plate resulted in
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Table 1 Stratigraphic sequence of Muzaffarabad and surrounding areas. Modified after Munir and Mirza (2007); Basharat (2012)

Formation Age Lithology Exposed areas

Quaternary Holocene Stream bed deposits andalluvium. Gojra, Chatter, Chellah, Saran,
Hattian and Chinari areas.
Siwalik Group Pliocene/ Pleistocene Sandstone, shale andclaystone.. Chikar towards Bagh area.
Kamlial Formation Late Miocene Sandstone, shale, claystone and Kumar Bandi and Garhi Dopatta areas.
minor intreformational conglomerate.
Murree Formation Early Miocene Sandstone, shale and siltstone. Muzaffarabad Nauseri section, Saran,
Chinari, Lamnian and Batangi areas.
KuldanaFormation Early Varigated shale, siltstone and calcareous sandstone. Yadgar section of Muzaffarabad area.
to Middle Eocene
Chorgali Formation Early Eocene Pale to light gray thinly bedded limestone and Yadgar, Neelum valley section.
dark brown to black shale.
Margalla Early Eocene Dark gray to black, fine to medium grained, nodular, Yadgar, Neelum valley road section.
Hill Limestone highly fossiliferous, highly tenacious, jointed and
fractured limestone with subordinate marl and shale.
Patala Formation Late Paleocene Creemish to dark brown splintery shale and subordinate Yadgar, Neelum valley section.
fine to medium grained, nodular limestone.
Lockhart Limestone Early Dark gray to black, fine to medium grained, nodular, highly Yadgar section.
to middle Paleocene fossiliferous limestone with medium to high tenacity.
Hangu Formation Early Paleocene Light gray, medium to coarse grained, ferruginous, Yadgar section.
oolitic and pisolitic sandstone, siltstone and fireclay.
Panjal Formation Carboniferrous to Basaltic lava flows, sills, dykes, agglomerates Nauseri, Lamnian, Rashian and
Permian and carbonates. Batangi areas.
Abbotabad Cambrian Light to dark gray, fine grained, highly fractured, jointed, sheared, Muzaffarabad areas.
Formation cherty and stromatolitic dolomite, and dolomitic limestone.
Mansehra Cambrian Granites and Granitic Gneisses, Nauseri, Chham and Rashian areas.
Type (Rashian and Chham Granite Gneiss).
Tanol Formation Precambrian Quartzite and metasammites, metapellites, Nauseri and Chham areas.
with minor metaconglomerates and marbles.
Hazara Formation Precambrian Slates, phyllite and shaleswith minor limestonesand Gojra, Chatter and Lohar Gali areas.
graphitic layers.

Fig. 3 Geological map of Saran to Chikar, Saran to Chakothi, Naili to Lamnian, Chinari to Batangi, and Gormandy sections of the study area
Arab J Geosci (2017) 10:514 Page 5 of 22 514

closure of Mesozoic Tethys ocean. The Indian and Eurasian gneisses. The Himalayan orogeny resulted in widespread re-
plate collided and Himalayas were formed (Najman et al. gional metamorphism of the rocks deposited on northern pas-
2002; Calkins et al.1975). sive continental margin of the Indian plate. The metamorphic
Gansser (1964) characterized the Himalayan system (from rocks are pelitic schists, marbles, paragneisses, orthogneisses,
south to north) into Sub Himalayas, Lesser Himalayas, and amphibolites, and migmatites (Burg et al. 1987). The
Higher Himalayas. The Sub Himalayas are composed of a mtasediments were also intruded by Tertiary granites. The
narrow strip of folded Neogene molasse sediments of Trans Himadri Fault (Valdiya 1989) marks the northern
Rawalpindi Group and Siwaliks (Greco 1991). South of the boundary of the High Himalayas and its central crystalline
Himalayan Frontal Thrust, the folded Neogene sediments are complex while its southern boundary is MCT. The Tethyian
covered by the Indo-Gangetic alluvium. Northward the Sub sediment rocks extend from Trans himadri fault to Main
Himalayan rocks are bounded by Main Boundary Thrust Mantle Thrust (MMT). The Nanga Parbat Syntaxis (NPS)
(MBT) (Fig. 1). The area of Lesser Himalayas is bounded and HKS lie in north-western Himalayas.
on the north and south by Main Central Thrust (MCT) and HKS is a complex tectonic region and includes the Lesser
MBT, respectively (Fig. 1). The Lesser Himalayas are and Sub Himalayan rocks (Bossart and Ottiger 1989). HKS is
comprosed of Precambrian meta-sediments of Hazara demarcated by thrust faults, MBT and Panjal thrusts, which
Formation and Tonal Formation in the area. The Late are folded around its apex (Fig. 1). Precambrian to Neogene
Paleozoic Panjal Volcanics and associated meta-sediments al- sedimentary, volcanic and metamorphic rocks are exposed in
so constitute the Lesser Himalayas (Greco 1991). The rocks of the syntaxial zone and its vicinity (Bossart et al. 1988; Greco
the Higher Himalayas are thrust southward onto Lesser 1991). The core of HKS comprises rocks of the Abbottabad
Himalayan rocks along the MCT (Greco1991). The rocks of Formation, Paleocene Eocene rocks, and Murree Formation.
the Higher Himalayas are exposed to the north of the project The metamorphic rocks of Salkhala, Hazara, Tanol, and Panjal
area (Fig. 1). Its basal part is composed of Precambrian formations are wrapped around its periphery (Calkins et al.

Fig. 4 Sample location map of Saran to Chikar, Saran to Chakothi, Naili to Lamnian, Chinari to Batangi, and Gormandy sections of the study area
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Fig. 5 Modal mineralogical Q Q

classification diagram of arenite a
sandstone of Murree Formation.
Where Q = quartz, F = feldspar,
and L = lithics. Field boundaries c
b c b
are after Pettijohn et al. (1973). a
Quartz arenite. b Subarkose. c
Sublitharenite. d Arkosic arenite.
e Litharenite

d e d e

a Chinari to Batangi section b Saran to Chakothi section

a a

b c
b c

d e d e

c Saran to Chikar section d Naili to Lamnian section

1975). The metamorphic rocks are also intruded by the Samples were collected from all the sections for study and
Manshera type granites. The rocks of the Murree Formation are shown on sample location map (Fig. 4). A total of 40
exposed in the core of HKS extend eastward into Jhelum samples were taken from all the sections. For a detailed inves-
valley. The rocks in the Jhelum valley, Muzaffarabad area, tigation, Chinari to Batangi (CB) section was selected.
are ranging from Precambrian to Recent. The geological suc- Twenty-three (23) samples of this section (Fig. 4) were inves-
cession with description of each rock unit is given in Table 1. tigated for petrographic study. Sandstone is classified on basis
of percentage of matrix followed by Blat and Tracey (1996).
The sandstone containing matrix less than 5% is arenite while
Materials and methods more than 5% matrix is greywacke. The 19 samples of sand-
stone fall in the field of arenite (Fig. 5a) and four (4) samples
Himalayan molasse were derived due to Himalayan orogeny in the field of greywacke (Fig. 6a). Visual modal percentage of
resulted from continent to continent collision of Indian and mineralogical compositions and normalized mineralogical
Eurasian plates. These molasse were deposited in Himalayan compositions of sandstone are given in Tables 2 and 6, respec-
foreland basin in an inverted sequence. The oldest molasse tively. Arenite sandstones are further classified on basis of
deposits, the Murree Formation (Fig. 3), is exposed in the quartz, feldspar, and lithic (QFL) fragments (Pettijohn
study area. The rocks are sandstone, siltstone, and shale. The et al.1973). According to this classification, 19 samples fall
dip and strike data were collected for preparation of geological in litharenite field (Fig. 5a) and four lie in lithic greywacke
map (Fig. 3) of the study area. The Murree Formation shows field (Fig. 6a). Provenance of this sample according to QFL
faulted contact with Nagri Formation in Chikar area (Fig. 3). provenance discrimination diagram of Dickenson et al. (1983)
In Batangi and Lamnian areas, contact of the formation with is recycled orogen (Fig. 7a). From Saran to Chakothi (S and
Panjal Formation is also faulted (Fig. 3). CK) section, a total of seven samples (Fig. 4) were selected for
Arab J Geosci (2017) 10:514 Page 7 of 22 514

Fig. 6 Modal mineralogical Q

classification diagram of Q a
greywacke sandstone of Murree a
Formation. Where Q = quartz,
F = feldspar, and L = lithics. Field
boundaries are after Pettijohn
et al. (1973). a Quartzwacke. b
Feldspathic greywacke. c Lithic

b c
b c

a Chinari to Batangi section b Saran to Chakothi section

a a

b c c

c Saran to Chikar section d Naili to Lamnian and Gormandy section

petrographic study. Modal mineralogical compositions and study. Modal mineralogical compositions and normalized
normalized mineralogical compositions are given in Tables 3 mineralogical compositions are given in Tables 5, 6, 7, 8 and
and 7. The classification diagram indicates that one sample 9. The classification diagram indicates that two samples fall in
falls in the arenite field (Fig. 5b) and six fall in greywacke the arenite field (Fig. 5d) and four fall in greywacke field
field (Fig. 6b). The sandstone is classified to litharenite (Fig. 6d). The sandstone is classified to litharenite (Fig. 5d)
(Fig. 5b) and lithic greywacke (Fig. 6b). The sandstone prov- and lithic greywacke (Fig. 6d). The sandstone provenance
enance according to QFL provenance discrimination diagram according to QFL provenance discrimination diagram of
of Dickenson et al. (1983) is recycled orogen (Fig. 7b). A total Dickenson et al. (1983) is recycled orogen (Fig. 7d).
of four samples were selected from Saran to Chikar (CR) The methodology includes the field mapping, collection
section (Fig. 4) for petrographic study. Modal mineralogical of fresh and representative rock samples, and laboratory
compositions and normalized mineralogical compositions are tests. Multiple field visits were carried out for geological
given in Tables 4 and 8. The classification diagram indicates mapping and collection of rock samples. The topographic
that two samples fall in the arenite field (Fig. 5c) and two fall sheet nos. 43F/12 and F/16 of Geological Survey of
in greywacke field (Fig. 6c). The sandstone is classified to Pakistan, geological hammer, brenton compass, Global
litharenite (Fig. 5c) and lithic greywacke (Fig. 6c). The sand- Positioning System (GPS), hand lens, measuring tape, and
stone provenance according to QFL provenance discrimina- camera were used during field work. For petrography of
tion diagram of Dickenson et al. (1983) is recycled orogen Murree Formation sandstone, thin sections were studied
(Fig. 7c). A total of six samples (L3/1, L6/1, L9/1, G0/2, under petrographic microscope. Visual estimation method
G0/3, and G2/1) were taken from Naili to Lamnian (L) and was used for calculation of percentage of each mineral pres-
Chinari to Gormandy (G) sections (Fig. 4) for petrographic ent in thin section. The shale of the Murree Formation was
514 Page 8 of 22 Arab J Geosci (2017) 10:514

Table 2 Modal mineralogical composition of Murree Formation sandstone of Chinari to Batangi (CB) section

Sample No. Qt Qm Qp Ft P.F A.F Mt M B Mtx Ca.C O.M R.F I.RF S.RF M.RF Ch Trm Ep Hb T

CB 0/2a 39 36 3 9 3 6 5 3 2 2 14 3 28 9 6 13 – – – – 100
CB 0/2b 42 39 3 7 3 4 6 4 2 4 12 2 27 10 5 12 – – – – 100
CB 5/1 43 41 2 5 2 3 5 3 2 2 11 3 29 10 7 12 1 – 1 – 100
CB 7/1 45 44 1 4 1 3 4 3 1 3 12 2 28 9 6 13 1 Tr – 1 100
CB 8/1 47 45 2 5 2 3 3 2 1 2 10 2 30 11 5 14 Tr – 1 Tr 100
CB 10/1 41 40 1 4 1 3 5 3 2 3 7 2 28 10 5 13 Tr Tr Tr – 100
CB 11/1 45 43 2 6 4 2 2 1 1 6 9 4 27 10 7 13 1 Tr – Tr 100
CB 14/1 43 42 1 4 1 3 4 3 1 4 10 3 32 10 7 15 – – – – 100
CB 16/1 44 42 2 6 2 4 5 3 2 3 11 2 29 9 7 13 – – – – 100
CB 18/1 46 45 1 8 3 5 3 2 1 2 12 3 25 8 5 12 1 Tr – – 100
CB 23/1 38 36 2 9 6 3 4 3 1 7 9 4 29 10 6 13 1 1 – – 100
CB 24/1 44 42 2 10 4 6 3 2 1 2 10 2 28 9 5 14 Tr – – 1 100
CB 33/1 41 40 1 9 4 5 4 2 2 3 8 3 31 8 10 13 Tr – 1 Tr 100
CB 43/1 39 38 1 12 4 8 4 1 3 2 11 2 29 12 7 10 1 Tr – – 100
CB 45/1 38 37 1 10 4 6 5 2 3 4 12 2 28 13 6 9 1 – Tr – 100
CB 47/1 39 38 1 10 3 7 6 2 4 4 10 2 27 11 7 9 1 Tr 1 – 100
CB 49/1 38 36 2 8 3 5 3 2 1 4 11 1 33 13 11 9 1 Tr 1 – 100
CB 51/1 40 39 1 9 4 5 4 1 3 3 9 2 29 12 10 7 3 – 1 – 100
CB 55/1 39 38 1 7 5 2 4 1 3 7 11 3 28 13 8 7 1 – – Tr 100
CB 57/1 42 41 1 6 4 2 3 2 1 8 9 2 29 11 8 10 – – – 1 100
CB 61/1 43 41 2 9 3 6 3 1 2 2 9 1 33 14 8 11 Tr – Tr – 100
CB 62/1 40 39 1 10 4 6 4 1 3 2 10 2 30 13 7 10 2 Tr – – 100
CB 64/1 41 40 1 8 3 5 7 2 5 3 7 2 32 11 8 13 – Tr Tr – 100

Qt total quartz, Qm monocrystalline quartz, Qp polycrystalline quartz, Ft total feldspar, P.F plagioclase feldspar, A.F alkali feldspar, Mt. total mica, M
muscovite, B biotite, Mtx matrix, Ca.C calcite cement, O.M opaque minerals, RF rock fragments, I.RF igneous rock fragment, S.RF sedimentary rock
fragment, M.RF metamorphic rock fragment, Ch chlorite, Trm tourmaline, Ep epidote, Hb hornblende, Tr trace, T total

investigated for mineralogy by XRD analysis. The XRD marked by the sandstone. The sandstone exhibits basal struc-
analysis was conducted with XPERT PRO model. The re- tures like load casts (Fig. 8a), flute marks, and grooves. The
sulted data from XRD analysis were compared with Joint conglomerates and breccia also occur at the base of the sand-
Committee on Powder Diffraction Standard (JCPDS 1974) stone. The rock fragments of different lithology also occurred
data to identify mineralogy of Murree Formation shale. To in the sandstone. Close to MBT in the area, the sandstone
find out crystallinity of Murree Formation, shale crystallin- shows conglomerates of Panjal volcanics, quartzite, marble,
ity of illite minerals was calculated by using Kubler Index and dolomite. The sandstone displays graded bedding (de-
(KI) (Arkai et al. 2003). creasing grain size from base towards top, Fig. 8b). The sand-
stone body is characterized by cross bedding and ripple marks
(Fig. 8c). The color of the sandstone body is also variable. It is
Results and discussions generally gray to grayish green, dark gray, brick red, and ma-
roon at places. The top of the sandstone is marked by the fine
The lithofacies, petrography and provenance, XRD analysis, grained particles. The thickness of the beds and lamella is also
diagenesis, and depositional environment of Murree variable in the sandstone body. The thickness varies from
Formation are discussed below: 2 mm to 3 cm. The siltstone is deposited over the sandstone
body. The siltstone is characterized by worm burrows
Lithofacies of Murree Formation (Fig. 8d), calcite concretions, slump structures, convolute bed-
ding (Fig. 8e), and lenticular bedding (Fig. 8f). The color of
Lithologically, the Murree Formation comprises sandstone, the siltstone is usually reddish brown to maroon. It also ex-
siltstone, and shale. The sandstone, siltstone, and shale con- hibits the intraclast of sandstone and shale. The top of the
stituted a single unit in the formation. The base of the unit is siltstone is marked by the finer particles and abundance of
Arab J Geosci (2017) 10:514 Page 9 of 22 514


Recycled Orogen
Recycled Orogen

Dissected Arc
Dissected Arc

Transitional Arc Undissected Arc

Transitional Arc Undissected Arc

a Chinari to Batangi section b Saran to Chakothi section


Recycled Recycled
Orogen Orogen

Dissected Arc
Dissected Arc

Transitional Arc
Undissected Arc Transitional Arc
Undissected Arc

c Saran to Chikar section d Naili to Lamnian and Gormandy section
Fig. 7 Provenance discrimination diagram of Murree Formation. Fields are after Dickenson et al. (1983). Where Q = quartz, F = feldspar, and L = lithics

calcite concretions. The siltstone is followed by the shale and studied, which divide this fining upward sequence into five
claystone. The shale shows calcite concretions and calcite divisions. Field observations are compared with the obser-
nodules. These are in the form of long cylindrical tubes in vations of Bossart and Ottiger (1989) and Bouma (1962). In
the shale. The color of the shale is reddish brown, maroon, studied cycle of Murree Formation, five facies are identified
and brownish. However, locally, it may vary from light green which constitute the Bouma sequence. Total thickness of
to yellowish brown. the measured cycle is 13 m, which is divided into five dif-
This unit is repeated in a regular fashion in the formation. ferent lithofacies (Fig. 9).
That unit is also divided into five main facies which consti- The facies identified in the measured section from bottom
tute the Bouma cycle. The measured section is composed of to top in a standard cycle of Murree Formation are mentioned
many fining upward cycles. The sedimentology of Murree as follows:
Formation in the core of the Hazara Kashmir Syntaxis in the
southern Himalayan region of Hazara and Azad Kashmir i. Type A: Medium and cross bedded sandstone
was carried out by Bossart and Ottiger (1989). They iden- ii. Type B: Plane parallel laminated sandstone
tified six main facies in a standard cycle of Murree iii. Type C: Wavy or convolute laminated sandstone
Formation. Bouma sequence (Bouma 1962) was also iv. Type D: Laminated siltstone facie
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Table 3 Modal mineralogical composition Saran to Chakothi (S and v. Type E: Shale facie
CK) section sandstone of Murree Formation

Mineralogical Sample no. The description of each facies is as follows:

S S S CK CK CK CK i. Type A: Medium grained cross bedded sandstone
1/1 3/1 5/1 1/1 3/1 4/1 9/1

Qt 42 44 41 39 37 41 39 The facie comprises maroonish to grayish, medium

Qm 40 43 40 38 36 39 38 grained sandstone beds (Fig. 9). Thickness of the facie is
Qp 2 1 1 1 1 2 1
6 m. Bedding plane thickness ranges from 1 to 25 cm. The
Ft 4 5 5 7 5 3 6
P.F 1 3 3 5 2 2 4 sandstone displays a graded bedding and cross bedding. At
A.F 3 2 2 2 3 1 2 the base of the sandstone bed erosional structures, load
Mt 5 3 4 4 3 4 3 casts are observed.
M 2 2 2 3 1 3 2
B 3 1 2 1 2 1 1
Mtx 3 6 7 9 12 7 8 ii. Type B: Plane parallel laminated sandstone
Ca.c 12 9 10 11 13 10 11
O.M 2 3 3 3 3 3 2
R.F 31 28 29 26 27 30 29 The facie consists of fine grained parallel laminated sand-
I.RF 11 12 13 12 9 13 10 stones (Fig. 9). Thickness of the facie is 1.5 m. Thickness of
S.RF 7 9 8 6 12 10 7 lamina is 0.3 to 0.7 cm.
M.RF 13 7 9 8 6 7 12
Ch Tr – Tr Tr – – 1
Trm Tr 1 Tr Tr Tr 1 – iii. Type C: Wavy or convolute laminated sandstone
Ep 1 1 1 1 Tr 1 1
T 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
The characteristic features of this facie are the wavy or
convolute lamination (Fig. 9), and its thickness is 1.3 m.
Bioturbations are common.

Table 4 Modal mineralogical composition Saran to Chikar (CR) sec-

tion sandstone of Murree Formation Table 5 Modal mineralogical composition of Naili to Lamnian (L) and
Chinari to Gormandy (G) section sandstone of Murree Formation
Mineralogical compositions Sample no.
Mineralogical compositions Sample no.
CR 1/1 CR 2/2 CR 7/1 CR 10/1
L 3/1 L 6/1 L 9/1 G 0/2 G 0/3 G 2/1
Qt 43 42 40 38
Qm 41 40 38 37 Qt 47 48 42 41 44 39
Qp 2 2 2 1 Qm 44 46 41 39 42 37
Ft 4 3 3 4 Qp 3 2 1 2 2 2
P.F 1 1 2 3 Ft 7 5 6 4 6 5
A.F 3 2 1 1 P.F 3 1 4 3 4 3
Mt 4 3 4 4 A.F 4 4 2 1 2 2
M 1 1 3 2 Mt 5 6 5 5 4 3
B 3 2 1 2 M 2 3 3 3 2 2
Mtx 3 4 7 8 B 3 3 2 2 2 1
Ca.c 12 12 13 11 Mtx 3 2 6 10 6 9
O.M 3 2 2 1 Ca.c 8 10 8 10 12 13
R.F 29 33 30 32 O.M 2 2 3 2 2 2
I.RF 13 14 8 12 R.F 27 26 28 27 26 28
S.RF 6 10 10 7 I.RF 10 11 12 9 8 10
M.RF 10 9 12 13 S.RF 4 7 6 6 6 6
Ch 1 – – 1 M.RF 13 8 10 12 13 12
Trm Tr Tr Tr – Ch – Tr – – 1 1
Ep 1 1 1 1 Trm Tr 1 1 1 – –
Hb – Tr Tr – Ep Tr Tr 1 – 1 Tr
T 100 100 100 100 T 100 100 100 100 100 100
Arab J Geosci (2017) 10:514 Page 11 of 22 514

Table 6 Normalized mineralogical composition of Murree Formation sandstone of Chinari to Batangi (CB) section

Quartz, feldspar, and rock fragments (%) Accessory minerals (%)

Sample no. Quartz Feldspar Rock fragments Total Chlorite Tourmaline Epidote Hornblende
CB 0/2a 51 12 37 100 – – – –
CB 0/2b 55 9 36 100 – – – –
CB 5/1 56 6 38 100 1 – 1 –
CB 7/1 58 5 37 100 1 Tr – 1
CB 8/1 57 6 37 100 Tr – 1 Tr
CB 10/1 56 5 39 100 Tr Tr Tr –
CB 11/1 58 7 35 100 1 Tr – Tr
CB 14/1 54 5 41 100 – – – –
CB 16/1 56 7 37 100 – – – –
CB 18/1 58 10 32 100 1 Tr – –
CB 23/1 50 12 38 100 1 1 – –
CB 24/1 54 12 34 100 Tr – – 1
CB 33/1 51 11 38 100 Tr – 1 Tr
CB 43/1 49 15 36 100 1 Tr – –
CB 45/1 50 13 37 100 1 – Tr –
CB 47/1 51 11 38 100 1 Tr 1 –
CB 49/1 48 10 42 100 1 Tr 1 –
CB 51/1 51 12 37 100 3 – 1 –
CB 55/1 53 9 38 100 1 – – Tr
CB 57/1 55 7 38 100 – – – 1
CB 61/1 50 11 39 100 Tr – Tr –
CB 62/1 50 12 38 100 2 Tr – –
CB 64/1 51 10 39 100 – Tr Tr –

Table 7 Normalized mineralogical composition of Saran to Chakothi (S and CK) section sandstone of Murree Formation

Quartz, feldspar, and rock fragments (%) Accessory minerals (%)

Sample no. Quartz Feldspar Rock fragments Total Chlorite Tourmaline Epidote Hornblende
S 1/1 54 6 40 100 Tr Tr 1 –
S 3/1 57 7 36 100 – 1 1 –
S 5/1 54 7 39 100 Tr Tr 1 –
CK 1/1 54 10 36 100 Tr Tr 1 –
CK 3/1 53 8 39 100 – Tr Tr –
CK 4/1 55 4 41 100 – 1 1 –
CK 9/1 52 9 39 100 1 – 1 –

Table 8 Normalized mineralogical composition of Saran to Chikar (CR) section sandstone of Murree Formation

Quartz, Feldspar, and rock fragments (%) Accessory minerals (%)

Sample no. Quartz Feldspar Rock fragments Total Chlorite Tourmaline Epidote Hornblende
CR 1/1 57 5 38 100 1 Tr 1 –
CR 2/2 54 4 42 100 – Tr 1 Tr
CR 7/1 55 4 41 100 – Tr 1 Tr
CR 10/1 51 6 43 100 1 – 1 –
514 Page 12 of 22 Arab J Geosci (2017) 10:514

Table 9 Normalized mineralogical composition of Naili to Lamnian (L) and Chinari to Gormandy (G) section sandstone of Murree Formation

Quartz, feldspar, and rock fragments (%) Accessory minerals (%)

Sample no. Quartz Feldspar Rock fragments Total Chlorite Tourmaline Epidote Hornblende
L 3/1 58 9 33 100 – Tr Tr –
L 6/1 61 6 33 100 Tr 1 Tr –
L 9/1 55 8 37 100 – 1 1 –
G 0/2 57 5 38 100 – 1 – –
G 0/3 58 8 34 100 1 – 1 –
G 2/1 54 7 39 100 1 – Tr –

iv. TypeD: Laminated siltstone facie v. Type E: Shale facie

This facie consists of fine grained siltstone of maroon color The top of the cycle is composed of reddish to maroon
(Fig. 9). Thickness of the facie is 1.2 m. Sedimentary struc- colored shale (Fig. 9). The thickness of the facie is 3 m.
tures are very rare. Parallel lamination is visible. Calcite con- Shale exhibits calcite concretions.
cretions are also visible.

Fig. 8 Sedimentary structures

observed in various sections of
Murree Formation
Arab J Geosci (2017) 10:514 Page 13 of 22 514

fluviatile and turbidite deposits (Bossart and Ottiger 1989).

The cyclic sedimentation of these rocks seems to be best
interpreted as the product of meandering tidal channels in a
continuously subsiding foreland basin, where the turbidity
currents are decreasing. Type A facies are interpreted as chan-
nel fill deposits, which is distinguished by shale flake breccia,
load casts, and flute marks at their base. With decreasing
channel size, the mud content increases. Large-scale cross
bedding produced by ripples and are common at point bars
b a
e d c and here due to high turbidity currents coarser particles are
deposited by meandering rivers as channel deposits. Due to
lateral accretion of these channel deposits, cross bedding is
Type B also represents high turbidity currents and sand is
Fig. 9 Field photograph showing different lithofacies in a measured deposited on point bars and is laminated. Type C represents
cycle of Murree Formation of Chinari to Batangi section. Where a =
medium and graded bedded sandstone, b = plane parallel laminated
lower flow regime, and here, due to low turbidity currents,
sandstone, c = wavy laminated sandstone, d = laminated siltstone, and wavy or convolute laminated sandstone are deposited. Types
e = shale D and E represent that they are deposited from suspension on
flood plains where the flow velocity decreased due to low
The spectrum of facies that is observed in the Murree turbidity currents. The area between the channels was proba-
Formation standard cycle is similar to that observed in many bly only flooded by storms which forced waters above the

Monocrystalline and
Limonite Well-rounded polycrystalline quartz
Sub rounded quartz quartz

Sub angular

a (Sample No. CB 61/1) b (Sample No. CR 2/2) c (Sample No. CB 11/1)

Sutured contact Calcite filled fracture


Zircon Concavo-convex contact

d (Sample No. CB 64/1) e (Sample No. G 0/2) f (Sample No. CB 61/1)

Highly fractured

Planer Contact

Point Contact

g h (Sample No. G 0/2) i (Sample No. CB 23/1)

Fig. 10 Photomicrograph showing: a = sub angular and sub-rounded concavo-convex contact and calcite filled fracture, g = planer and point
quartz, b = well rounded quartz and limonite, c = mono and contact, h = highly fractured quartz and zircon, and i = apatite inclusion in
polycrystalline quartz, d = sutured contact, zircon inclusions in quartz quartz, (Cross Nicols)
grains, e = stretched and strained quartz, deformed muscovite, f =
514 Page 14 of 22 Arab J Geosci (2017) 10:514

Plagioclase Alkali feldspar

(Albite) (Orthoclase)

a (Sample No. CB 5/1) b (Sample No. CB 23/1) c (Sample No. CB 64/1)

Microcline Perthite
Alteration of

Silica cement

d (Sample No. CB 64/1) e (Sample No. CB 24/1) f (Sample No. CB 24/1)

Strained quartz
Volcanic clast (Basalt) Slates

Carbonate clast Sandstone

g (Sample No. CB 62/1) h (Sample No. CB 64/1) i (Sample No. CB 64/1)

Fig. 11 Photomicrograph showing: a = zircon inclusion in quartz, plagioclase, g = volcanic clast (basalt), h = altered muscovite, slate, and
b =zircon and epidote inclusions, c = plagioclase and alkali feldspar, carbonate clast, and i = strained quartz and sandstone clast (Cross Nicols)
d = microcline feldspar, e = perthite and silica cement, f = alteration of

maximum high tide position. In many cycles, the upper most grains are dominant. The presence of monocrystalline quartz
parts appear to have been eroded by meandering channels, in abundance and displaying unit extinction shows their deri-
which give rise to the deposits forming the base of the follow- vation from igneous source rocks. Polycrystalline quartz with
ing cycle. sutured contact (Fig. 10d) and presence of stretched and
strained quartz (Fig. 10e) reveals that they are derived from
Petrography and provenance of Murree Formation metamorphic source rocks. Grain contacts are mostly
concavo-convex (Fig. 10f) with minor amount of sutured,
The thin section study was carried out to investigate the tex- point, and planer contact (Fig. 10d, g). Presence of sutured
ture and mineral composition of the sandstone. The represen- grain contact and fractured quartz grains (Fig. 10h) indicates
tative rock samples were taken from each rock unit to classify tectonodiagenetic changes during burial. Mineral apatite
the sandstone and to determine the provenance. (Fig. 10i), zircon, and epidote (Fig. 11a, b) occur as inclusions
On basis of petrographic study, sandstone of Murree in quartz grain. Fluid inclusions in quartz grain are indicative
Formation is classified as Litharenite and Lithic greywacke of hydrothermal solution precipitations. Feldspar in Murree
(Figs. 5 and 6). Petrographic investigation of Murree Formation sandstone is characterized by small amount of pla-
Formation sandstone indicates abundant quartz followed by gioclase and alkali feldspar (Fig. 11c–e). The presence of pla-
rock fragments and feldspar. The presence of angular to sub gioclase and alkali feldspar reflects acidic igneous source,
angular quartz grains (Fig. 10a) reflects that the source area respectively. Mineral sericite indicates alteration of feldspar
was closed to depositional site. The presence of few rounded (Fig. 11f). Rock fragments (igneous, sedimentary, and meta-
quartz (Fig. 10b) reveals that it traveled long distance of trans- morphic) are more than feldspar grains. Igneous rock frag-
portation or represents multiple cycle of erosion and deposi- ments are mainly of volcanic rocks (Fig. 11g). These frag-
tion. Both monocrystalline and polycrystalline quartz ments increase upward in the section measured. The volcanic
(Fig. 10c) are present from which monocrystalline quartz clasts are dominantly basaltic in composition. The basaltic
Arab J Geosci (2017) 10:514 Page 15 of 22 514

Phyllite Graphitic schist

Mica schist

Calcite filled veins in quartz

a (Sample No. CR 7/1) b (Sample No. S 1/1) c (Sample No. CB 24/1)

Quartzite Marble

Calcite cement

d (Sample No. CB 24/1) e (Sample No. S 1/1) f (Sample No. CB 10/1)

Alignment of Pyrite
muscovite Magnetite



g (Sample No. S 5/1) h (Sample No. G 0/3) i (Sample No. CB 55/1)

Fig. 12 Photomicrograph showing: a = phyllite clast and calcite filled muscovite, h = pyrite and biotite (Cross Nicols), and i = magnetite and
veins in quartz, b = mica schist, c = graphitic schist, d = quartzite and hornblende (plane polarized light)
calcite cement, e = marbleclast, f = pumpellyite, g = alignment of

fragments indicate that at the time of deposition of Murree observed in studied thin sections of Murree Formation. They
sandstone, basaltic rocks were eroded and deposited in former are deformed and show alignment of flakes. Micas indicate
sandstone. The basaltic clasts are of Panjal volcanics and vol- that they were derived from metamorphic source rocks.
canics in the Kohistan island arc. Sedimentary rock fragments Accessory minerals hornblende (Fig. 12i), chlorite, epidote,
include carbonates (limestone and dolomite) (Fig. 11h) and and tourmaline (Fig. 13a–e) are observed in few thin sections.
siliceous (siltstone and sandstone) (Fig. 11i) fragments. The Their presence gives information about provenance. Heavy
carbonate influx in this sandstone represents the weathering mineral such as tourmaline indicates igneous source rocks
and erosion of pre-existing carbonate formations. while epidote indicates metamorphic source rocks.
Metamorphic fragments are dominant at the base of all studied Provenance of studied sandstone of Murree Formation accord-
section. Metamorphic fragments include slate (Fig. 11h), ing to QFL provenance discrimination diagram of Dickenson
phyllite (Fig. 12a), schist (Fig. 12b, c), quartzite (Fig. 12d), et al. (1983) is recycled orogen (Fig. 7). The majority of
marble, and pumpellyite (Fig. 12e, f) from which slate, angular to sub angular quartz grains suggest that the
phyllite, and schist are more dominant. The metamorphic rock source area is close to the depositional site. However,
fragments in the sandstone indicate that during deposition of few rounded and stretched quartz grains (Fig. 13f) are
Murree formation, low-grade metamorphics were exposed in the indicators of far and metamorphic source. The feld-
the source region. In study area along the MBT, clasts of spar, generally albite and microcline, shows that the gran-
Panjal volcanics, quartzite, and carbonates are observed in ite and granite gneiss rocks were exposed at the time of
sandstone of Murree Formation. These evidences indicate that the deposition of Murree Formation. The rock fragments
the sediments forming Murree Formation were derived from are of slates, phyllite, and volcanic rocks which indicate
metamorphic rocks, volcanic, and sedimentary rocks. Minor that these rocks are exposed in lesser and higher
quantity of both muscovite and biotite (Fig. 12g, h) are Himalayas in Kashmir. The presence of these rock
514 Page 16 of 22 Arab J Geosci (2017) 10:514


a (Sample No. CB 47/1) b (Sample No. CB 47/1) c (Sample No. CB 16/1)

Rounded quartz



d (Sample No. CB 5/1) e (Sample No. CB 5/1) f (Sample No. CB 45/1)

Quartz grain Biotite altered to

Hematite cement
replaced by muscovite

g (Sample No. L 3/1) h (Sample No. CB 24/1) i (Sample No. CB 0/2 b)

Fig. 13 Photomicrograph showing: a = chlorite (Cross Nicols), b = rounded and stretched quartz (Cross Nicols), g = hematite cement (plane
chlorite (plane polarized light), c = epidote (Cross Nicols), d = polarized light), h = quartz grain replaced by calcite (Cross Nicols), and
tourmaline (Cross Nicols), e = Tourmaline (plane polarized light), f = i = biotite altered to muscovite (Cross Nicols)

fragments suggests that the sediments were derived from Sample no. CB 11/1
the Northern part of Kashmir.
The XRD analysis of this sample indicates quartz, illite, chlo-
rite-montmorillonite, calcite, goethite, chlorite, aragonite, sid-
X-ray diffraction analysis erite, muscovite, mica-montmorillonite, kaolinite, and dolo-
mite minerals (Fig. 14a, Table 10). Mineralogically, it contains
X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique is used for the identifica- 50% clays, 23% quartz, and 27% carbonates (Fig. 15).
tion of shale mineralogy of Murree Formation. The result
obtained in the form of diffractogram of each sample with Sample no. CB 51/1
relevant intensity and 2 theta position of each peak of the
diffractogram. To identify these peaks, current d-spacing is From the XRD analysis of this sample illite, quartz, smectite-
compared with the standard list of d-spacing given by joint montmorillonite, vermiculite, aragonite, siderite, dolomite,
committee on powder diffraction standard (JCPDS 1974). In mica-montmorillonite, and calcite are identified (Fig. 14b,
this way, different clay and non-clay minerals are identified in Table 11). Mineralogically, it contains 68% clays, 17% quartz,
each sample. The percentage of clay minerals, quartz, and and 15% carbonates (Fig. 15).
carbonates are calculated from the intensity data of each sam-
ple given in table of resulted XRD data and plotted on ternary Sample no. L 11/2
diagram (Fig. 15) to classify shale whether it is argillaceous,
arenaceous, or calcareous. The XRD analysis of this sample reflects the orthoclase, illite,
The XRD analysis of each sample and their mineralogical smectite-montmorillonite, hematite, aragonite, quartz, calcite,
variation are discussed below. siderite, mica-montmorillonite, and dolomite minerals
Arab J Geosci (2017) 10:514 Page 17 of 22 514


Chlorite montmorillonite

Mica montmorillonite
Mica montmorillonite

Goethite Chlorite











a Sample No. CB 11/1 b Sample No. CB 51/1

Smectite montmorillonite

Chlorite montmorillonite

Chlorite montmorillonite
Mica montmorillonite













c Sample No. L 11/2 d Sample No. CR 8/2

Fig. 14 X-Ray diffractograms of shale of various sections of Murree Formation. Where a, b Chinari to Batangi section, c Naili to Lamnian section, and d
Saran to Chikar section

(Fig. 14c, Table 12). Mineralogically, it contains 66% clays, aluminum silicates. The presence of illite clay mineral sug-
13% quartz, and 21% carbonates (Fig. 15). gests illitization of micas. Chlorite clay mineral indicates that
it was derived from mica alteration. The mineral kaolinite is an
Sample no. CR 8/2 alteration product of feldspar. Quartz in the shale indicates that
it was derived from acidic rocks and quartzo-feldspathic
The minerals identified from the XRD analysis of this sample schist. Carbonate mineral calcite, aragonite, and siderite indi-
are chlorite-montmorillonite, illite, quartz, calcite, pyrite, ver- cate precipitation of calcium-rich fluids in pore spaces of
miculite, goethite, muscovite, lepidocrocite, and dolomite Murree shale. This is supported by the presence of calcite
(Fig. 14d, Table 13). Mineralogically, it contains 10% clays, concretions and nodules in the shale. Some of the carbonates
56% quartz, and 34% carbonates (Fig. 15). are also derived as detritus. The dolomite indicates the calcite
Bulk mineralogy of shale of the Murree Formation was replacement during diagenesis. The presence of muscovite
examined. XRD analysis of Murree Formation shale of stud- suggests that the source was acidic igneous and metamorphic
ied sections was carried out (Tables 10, 11, 12, 13). The anal- rocks. The pyrite in shale was formed during deposition of
ysis revealed clay and non-clay minerals. Clay minerals are clays and sand in the basin. Lepidocrocite and goethite were
illite, chlorite, montmorillonite, kaolinite, vermiculite, and derived from weathering of primary iron minerals in the shale.
mixed layer clays (mica-montmorillonite, chlorite-montmoril- The ternary classification diagram (Fig. 15) of mineralogy of
lonite). Non clay minerals are quartz, calcite, aragonite, dolo- Murree Formation shale indicates that shale is mostly argilla-
mite, goethite, muscovite, orthoclase, albite, hematite, pyrite, ceous (clay rich) except sample no. CR 8/2 which is
siderite, gypsum, and lepidocrocite. Clay minerals are formed arenacious. Crystallinity of clay mineral illite BKubler index^
by the weathering of pre-existing minerals containing (KI) values (Tables 14 and 15) indicates epizone and
514 Page 18 of 22 Arab J Geosci (2017) 10:514

Table 10 Showing mineralogical composition of Murree Formation shale (CB 11/1)

Peak no. Position 2 (theta) Observed relative intensity FWHM [°2Th.] Observed-spacing Standard-spacing Mineral identified

1 19.8 6.8 0.3149 4.47 4.48 Illite

2 20.9 15.05 0.1181 4.24 4.26 Quartz
3 25.34 4.37 0.6298 3.51 3.53 Chlorite-montmorillonite
4 26.70 100 0.1378 3.33 3.33 Illite
5 29.48 41.75 0.1574 3.029 3.035 Calcite
6 33.19 5.34 0.2362 2.69 2.69 Goethite
7 34.89 5.34 0.4723 2.571 2.576 Chlorite Thuringite
8 36.11 6.31 0.1574 2.487 2.481 Aragonite
9 36.60 7.28 0.1574 2.454 2.458 Quartz
10 39.53 14.08 0.1574 2.279 2.282 Quartz
11 42.53 6.31 0.2362 2.12 2.13 Siderite
12 43.57 7.28 0.1574 2.090 2.095 Calcite
13 45.78 3.4 0.6298 1.981 1.999 Muscovite
14 47.65 8.25 0.2362 1.908 1.902 Mica-montmorillonite
15 48.65 6.8 0.2362 1.871 1.875 Calcite
16 50.20 11.65 0.0787 1.817 1.817 Quartz
17 57.61 3.88 0.4723 1.599 1.589 Kaolinite
18 60 9.71 0.1181 1.541 1.541 Quartz
19 68.3 4.37 0.96 1.371 1.389 Dolomite

anchizone metamorphism in Murree Formation that is very pressure solution, silica, calcite and hematite cementation.
low to low grade metamorphism occurred at shallow depth. Compaction resulted in local fracturing of quartz grains
The very low grade metamorphism is also reported by Bossart (Fig. 10h) and bending of mica grains (Fig. 10e). The
et al. (1988). It is also supported by petrography of sandstone cemented rocks when subjected to overload and tectonic
in which pumpellyite (Fig. 12f) is observed. The clay minerals pressure produce sutured planes called stylolites (Tucker
indicate that the detritus of the Murree Formation was derived 1988). The sutured contacts of quartz grains (Fig. 10d) were
from the igneous and metamorphic rocks. formed as a result of pressure solution. The silica cementa-
tion (Fig. 11e) in the sandstone indicates that the silica was
Diagenesis of Murree Formation derived from chemical weathering of feldspar. The silica is
also derived from the dissolution and replacement of quartz
Diagenetic changes that are observed in petrography of by calcite (Fig. 13h) during diagenesis. The sandstone grains
Murree Formation sandstone include compaction and are bounded by chiefly calcite (Fig. 12d) and hematite ce-
ments (Fig. 13g). The presence of calcite veins (Fig. 12a)
indicates late diagenesis event. Replacement of quartz by
CL calcite reveals about chemical process of diagenesis that
takes place in medium of water due to change in pH (a
measure of the hydrogen ion) and Eh (redox potential) of
water. Hematite occurs as thin coating around grains. It also
develops within cleavage planes. Iron is leached out from
CB 51/1 biotite and occurs along cleavage planes (Fig. 13i). This
L 11/2
indicated that iron was also released from the minerals dur-
ing diagenetic processes and deposited as cementing materi-
CB 11/2
al. The iron cement imparted reddish to brownish color to
sandstone. The other cementing material is pyrite (Fig. 12h)
and limonite (Fig. 10b). The pyrite may come from erosion
of hydrothermal veins. The studied thin section of Murree
Formation sandstone shows that the grains are mostly angu-
CR 8/1 lar to sub rounded and are poorly to moderately sorted. It is
texturally immature to mature sandstone. Sandstone maturity
Q C also reflects the depositional processes. Immature sediments
Fig. 15 Ternary classification diagram of mineralogy of Murree
are formed where current activity is low while persistent
Formation shale. Where: CL = clays, Q = quartz, C = carbonates current activity results in mature sediments (Tucker 1988).
Arab J Geosci (2017) 10:514 Page 19 of 22 514

Table 11 Showing mineralogical composition of Murree Formation shale (CB 51/1)

Peak no. Position 2 Observed FWHM Observed- Standard- Mineral

(theta) relative [°2Th.] spacing spacing identified

1 19.9 5.81 0.3149 4.45 4.48 Illite

2 20.9 15.48 0.1181 4.24 4.26 Quartz
3 26.7 100 0.1574 3.33 3.33 Illite
4 29.5 76.13 0.1378 3.02 3.02 Smectite-montmorillonite
5 34.8 5.81 0.6298 2.57 2.57 Vermiculite
6 36.1 9.68 0.1968 2.48 2.48 Aragonite
7 39.5 19.35 0.1574 2.27 2.28 Quartz
8 42.5 6.45 0.2362 2.12 2.13 Siderite
9 43.3 9.03 0.2362 2.08 2.01 Dolomite
10 45.6 2.58 0.9446 1.98 1.97 Aragonite
11 47.6 9.03 0.3149 1.906 1.902 Mica-montmorillonite
12 48.6 8.39 0.2362 1.87 1.87 Calcite
13 50.2 7.74 0.2362 1.815 1.817 Quartz
14 60 8.39 0.2362 1.54 1.54 Quartz
15 68.2 6.45 0.768 1.37 1.38 Dolomite

The sandstone of Murree Formation indicates that dur- occurred that resulted in low feldspar content. The pri-
ing its deposition, current activity was low to persistent. mary porosity of the sandstone is reduced by cementing
The sandstone is compositionally mature because they material. However, fractured quartz grains and feldspar
contain much quartz with little feldspar and matrix. It grain alteration indicate the secondary porosity of
indicates that during transportation, intense weathering sandstone.

Table 12 Showing mineralogical composition of Murree Formation shale (L 11/2)

Peak no. Position 2 Observed relative FWHM Observed- Standard- Mineral

(theta) intensity [°2Th.] spacing spacing identified

1 20.9 17.8 0.0886 4.23 4.22 Orthoclase

2 26.7 100 0.059 3.33 3.33 Illite
3 29.5 39.77 0.1574 3.02 3.02 Smectite-
4 33.2 4.17 0.2362 2.69 2.69 Hematite
5 36.1 6.06 0.1181 2.48 2.48 Aragonite
6 36.9 9.47 0.1574 2.45 2.45 Quartz
7 39.6 13.64 0.1574 2.27 2.28 Calcite
8 42.5 4.92 0.2362 2.12 2.13 Siderite
9 43.3 6.06 0.1181 2.08 2.09 Calcite
10 45.9 4.17 0.4723 1.97 1.96 Siderite
11 47.7 5.68 0.1968 1.903 1.902 Mica-montmorillonite
12 48.6 6.82 0.2362 1.87 1.87 Calcite
13 50.2 12.12 0.1574 1.815 1.817 Quartz
14 54.9 4.17 0.9446 1.66 1.69 Hematite
15 57.6 3.03 0.3149 1.59 1.58 Kaolinite
16 60.1 6.82 0.2362 1.53 1.54 Quartz
17 68.3 5.3 0.384 1.37 1.38 Dolomite
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Table 13 Showing mineralogical composition of Murree Formation shale (CR 8/2)

Peak no. Position 2 Observed FWHM Observed- Standard- Mineral

(theta) relative [°2Th.] spacing spacing identified

1 12.4 4.67 0.9446 7.09 7.08 Chlorite-montmorillonite

2 19.8 4.93 0.4723 4.47 4.48 Illite
3 20.8 13.54 0.1378 4.25 4.26 Quartz
4 25.2 5.98 0.4723 3.52 3.53 Chlorite-montmorillonite
5 26.6 100 0.4723 3.34 3.34 Quartz
6 29.4 45.54 0.187 3.03 3.03 Calcite
7 33 4.23 0.4723 2.70 2.70 Pyrite
8 34.8 6.12 0.4723 2.57 2.57 Vermiculite
9 36.5 8.09 0.2362 2.45 2.45 Goethite
10 39.4 11.03 0.1771 2.28 2.28 Calcite
11 43.2 6.48 0.2362 2.09 2.09 Calcite
12 45.4 3.85 0.9446 1.99 1.99 Muscovite
13 48.5 8.46 0.2362 1.87 1.87 Calcite
14 50.1 11.31 0.1181 1.819 1.817 Quartz
15 60.7 1.81 1.8893 1.52 1.52 Lepidocrocite
16 68.2 5.79 0.576 1.37 1.38 Dolomite

Depositional environment of Murree Formation flood plains during floods in rivers. During floods at flood
plains, turbidity currents are slower and as a results finer
The cyclic deposition of Murree Formation, their lithofacies, grained suspended particles of silt and clays were deposited.
and characteristics sedimentary structures are the best evi- In this way, fining upward cycle produced by meandering
dence to interpret their environment of deposition. The cyclic rivers in the basin was repeated many times during deposition
deposition is characteristics of point bar succession of fluvia- of Murree Formation. The cyclic unit starts with coarser sand-
tile environment caused by meandering streams and rivers. In stone at base. The basal sandstone is marked by conglomer-
meandering river, different channels and sub environments ates, basal structures and large-scale cross bedding. The grain
occur (Tucker 1988). Turbidity currents can also occur in the size decreases towards top. Sandstone passes to fine grained
meandering river. As a result of the turbidity currents, Murree siltstone and shale. In fine grained siltstone and shale, carbon-
Formation shows Bouma sequence in the study area. The ate concretions are more common. The initial high rate of
clastic sediments forming Murree Formation were transported rising Himalayas supplied more sediments to foreland basins.
by meandering rivers in the foreland basin. The coarser parti- Uplifting in Himalayas also caused southward migration of
cles and sand were deposited at river channel as channel bar the thrust sheets. The thrust sheets stacking caused subsidence
and point bar deposits where the turbidity currents are higher. of the basin. The accumulation of sediments in the basin also
The river banks erosion caused lateral migration of rivers caused basin subsidence. This resulted in huge pile of sedi-
flowing in the foreland basin. The point bars were character- mentation in the form of Murree Formation in foreland basin.
ized by the large-scale cross bedding and ripple marks as
observed in the sandstone of the formation. The erosive base
of sandstone of the formation suggests lateral accretion of
Table 15 Showing Kubler index (KI) and zone of metamorphism in
point bars. The sand, silt, and clays were also deposited on selected shale samples of Murree Formation

Sample no. Kubler Index (KI) (Δ°2 ) Zone of metamorphism

Table 14 Range of Kubler index (KI) values to indicate zone of meta-
morphism (After Kubler 1967, 1968, 1984) CB 11–1 0.23 Epizone
CB 15–2 0.24 Epizone
Range of Kubler Index (Δ°2 ) Zone of metamorphism
CB 45–2 0.20 Epizone
Less than 0.25 Epizone CB 51–1 0.24 Epizone
0.25–0.42 Anchizone CK 2–1 0.26 Anchi zone
Greater than 0.42 Diagenetic zone L 1–1 0.25 Anchi zone
Arab J Geosci (2017) 10:514 Page 21 of 22 514

Conclusions geology, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad for pro-
viding an environment for research and also providing laboratory facility
for thin section analysis. I feel highly privileged in taking opportunity to
Conclusions drawn from the field observations, petrographic express my deepest gratitude and sincerest thanks to Professor Dr.
studies of sandstone, and X-ray diffraction analysis of shale of Muhammad Sabir Khan for his kind help, proper guidance, valuable sug-
the Murree Formation are summarized as below: gestions and inspiration throughout the research work. I am also thankful to
honorable Mr. Saleem Mughal (Lecturer) for their affectionate attitude,
constant help, advises, cooperation and sincerest support during the re-
1. Miocene rocks of Murree Formation in Sub Himalayas search work. I am very thankful to Geo Science Advance Research
of Jhelum Valley (study area) are exposed. Laboratories Islamabad and Department of Chemistry Quaid-I-Azam
2. These are Himalayan molasse and are deposited in University Islamabad of their timely contribution for the preparation of thin
sections and XRD analysis. I am also thankful to all my friends especially
Himalayan foreland basin. Mr. Noman Abbasi for their cooperation during my research work. I am
3. The lithology of study area reveals that cyclic deposition also thankful to my parents and my whole family members whose invalu-
occurs in Murree Formation. able prayers and encouraging attitude kept my spirit alive to work hard for
4. Identified lithofacies in Murree Formation constitute the knowledge and integrity which enable me to reach that milestone. May
Allah bless all these people with all of his blessings (Ameen).
Bouma sequence.
5. In study area, the contacts of Murree Formation are
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6. Near the contact with Panjal Formation, large clasts of References
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Acknowledgements All the praises and thanks to the Almighty Allah, technical properties of Miocene shales of Muzaffarabad, Azad
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