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C.4PF b011.


Test Booklet Series

Time Allowed : Two Hours
Maximum Marks : 250
2. Please note that it is the candidate's responsibility to encode and fill in the Roll
Number and Test Booklet Series A, B, C or D carefully and without any omission or
discrepancy at the appropriate places in the OMR Answer Sheet. Any omission/
discrepancy will render the Answer Sheet liable for rejection.
3. You have to enter your Roll Number on the Test
Booklet in the Box provided alongside. DO NOT
write anything else on the Test Booklet.
4. This Test Booklet contains 125 items (questions). Each item is printed both in Hindi
and English. Each item comprises four responses (answers). You will select the
response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is
more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any
case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.
5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided.
See directions in the Answer Sheet.
6. All items carry equal marks.
7. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Sheet the response to various items in the
Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars in the Answer Sheet as per instructions
sent to you with your Admission Certificate.
8. After you have completed filling in all your responses on the Answer Sheet and the
examination has concluded, you should hand over to the Invigilator only the Answer
Sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet.
9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end.
10. Penalty for wrong answers :
(i) There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for
which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one-third of the marks
assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.
(ii) If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even
if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as
above to that question.
(iii) If a question is left blank, i.e., no answer is given by the candidate, there will be
no penalty for that question.
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1. Consider the following statements : (b) steadfast passion in placing
the power and discipline of
1. The Planning Commission of
science in the hands of farmers
India in its environment
performance report, released (c) passionate commitment as a
on 26th July, 2012, ranked journalist to restore the rural
Himachal Pradesh as top poor to India's consciousness,
State in the country on moving the nation to action
environmental performance
index. (d) convincing validation of free
and fair elections as the
2. The World Bank approved an
foundation and best hope of
1100 crore rupees loan for
secular democracy in strife-
Himachal Pradesh to promote
torn India
green initiatives and sustain-
able development in the State.
4. Which among the following
Which of the statements given
statements about the acquisition
above is/are correct?
of wireless division of WPCS
(a) 1 only International by a Bengaluru-based
Indian firm Kavveri Telecom in
(b) 2 only
July 2012 is/are correct?
(c) Both 1 and 2
1. WPCS International has been
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 into the business of wireless
communication making
2. India signed an agreement to avoid solutions used by the police
double taxation and prevent fiscal officers, firemen and other
evasion with respect to taxes on emergency services.
income on 27th July, 2012 with 2, Kavveri Telecom makes
(a) Japan cellphone tower antennas,
radio frequency (RF)
(b) Indonesia
components, repeaters and
(c) Sweden other telecom products.
(d) Bangladesh 3. WPCS International is a
London-based firm.
3. India's Kulandei Francis was
Select the correct answer using the
awarded the year 2012 Ramon
Magsaysay Award for his code given below.

(a) visionary zeal and profound (a) 1, 2 and 3

faith in community energies
and his sustained programmes (b) 1 and 2 only
in pursuing the holistic (c) 2 and 3 only
economic empowerment of
women and their families (d) 1 only

1.-Pd d (Jci 2.F1 faq-7*0-7 : (b) faR) fa r4 -2rfffi 147T7
1. 4Tta k zt-ST aTrzhrr 4 26 VII 4, 7-aq th1.4 * 34 3T H-1- N1
al CsTElt 7711t17
f7E7F<7 fralz A tar-i-@ 5rkwr al
(c) ch14 11-1Thlt err
4,-71d1ur 1-4L1/47r4 T[7-* A -41* kzra'r
q444 a3 1.T1T9 i ;;1(1-11
*tft*thr3f WT C41 f-c7r I
qrrrl =4-a:4 * Rig 1TR +,,L1 1-4
2. fq7q ,Zch 4 itAri-@ ma-sr-quT tr.frim4dr*
1100 03 t■ 144 71-sof (.T4 A ft-d
ofR N771:74 faro- X51 (d) :1*-44-14-e-,rfccr 1.7r4 ii2.4f*4Pa
fc,“ 31171t4 f*,4r 71-4 -aft( 1R-41-7,2 331Yi1 k,4 xl
7,4 f4upa 1afadl
T2TRIAR4 -r-T7/A wet t3?
(a) rT 1
4. 4r1—qT W.2.M ogcR11±4 SCIMIR 47#1
(b) *-d-F 2
(c) 1 ati{ 2 1.-11 fdITTIT 3Tilt-617
1-1=frri6(1 Tar-41 rl 8 t)-r-n/A
(d) 7 1 at 7 tt 2 1'0 kt?
1. WPCS d.k1.-1(.1 1c1TT, mm TT.
2. 3TRI 77 4-,a mgr A Cla2 ,omrtrF «a H1a it 7i t, e4.111!,
31-74-q-4 IMP 34 W1, th-74414i 7:4 3i.+4
3T7-4 4 --kqZYr RE2z ) *11( ITT 31-77-4Tmf14 *4-T.311 Aiu A-7 r
27 2012 T1 WRIRH %V? 3.11;:r !. I
2. *Wr ZrIIcf4, 17-d-T7 1;,11-11,
1-f 4t 3T11k (RF) 31-1-1cf,
acLIK' eft t I
3. WPCS Ct:PI-lc.1 1* dC-1 attTa
wolf-114 n l I 1 t

ir -R7 TR c • -1 TiFf ft 0 f

3. %1- Rd 1—d-Edt Sh-nRTF l 2012 WE 074 11:-R1

4177# 7F47 fa SET7Nzir TP;11?

(a) 1, 2 at 3
(a) filCalch .2-TrthRdl A 4-i
(b) *a@ 1 at 2
74 JIN aTTP-TT Aeffran
74 3-4 4ita-71* tfienc,tiici1 arrfik (c) 2 at 3
HYlfcha,Mt 7-4 thicr *RITA
fcru, (d) t-d9 1
5. Facing the east R walks straight 9. Three dice, whose all six faces are
4 km, turns left and walks 3 km marked '1' to '6', are thrown. The
and again turns left and walks number of ways of getting a sum
4 km. How far is R now from the of 16 is
starting point?
(a) 3
(a) 2 km

(b) 3 km (b) 4

(c) 10 km (c) 6

(d) 11 km (d) 12

6. Which of the following is the odd

one? 10. The constitutional principle of the
'Basic Structure' was invented by
(a) 31
(b) 41
(a) Executive
(c) 51

(d) 61 (b) Judiciary

(c) Legislature
7. The missing number in the box
(d) Civil Society
3 7 52

5 11 126
11. Consider the following statements
? 9 107 about Parliamentary Committees :

is 1. They are a subset of Council

of Ministers.
(a) 6
2. The scrutiny of Legislative and
(b) 18 Constitutional Amendment
(c) 26 Bills gets done in these
(d) 36
Which of the statements given
8. The average of x, y and z is 30, above is/are correct?
and the average of x and y is 20.
What is the value of z? (a) 1 only
(a) 10
(b) 2 only
(b) 20
(c) Both 1 and 2
(c) 40

(d) 50 (d) Neither 1 nor 2

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/ 35A 4
5. 71 tt TAT, R 1:fit11 4 to -410 9. d1d 44, F.,4 '1' 4 6' dcb
t, -91,TF 31-17 3 fto 410 344 1
-+-74 H3/41 41I9EF 16 1414
t, 9241 icF 4141 cikv, If4-47r, (V&41 t-1 t?
4 f3i o to 1 SirfiTT fq-1U R
1-d-ThOtRt? (a) 3

(a) 2 fto
(b) 4
(b) 3
(c) 6
(c) 10 fto to
(d) 11 "r--}0 1fic (d) 12

6. f4Hreirild 4 4 3TR 4 fa,*

10. '3** *4 tft7-qTrEd-Tfated fel
4 4 -4-4, aHf,o-Hicf t?
(a) 31

(b) 41 (a) chf

(c) 51
(b) -41HHHoiti
(d) 61
(c) -N4*-zr*--r
7. 4W f- 11 clIchti 4 qg (-42* Vrq-41 t?
(d) fwd
3 7 52
5 11 126
? 9 107 11. *1-<174 arH1 t (-ICHH ,11-1 cH15cf 42It
is4 fa44 :
(a) 6
(b) 18 2. Wzil *Nti-re4T
(c) 26 414i* t
(d) 36 314:47ffi i xl i.4 .*R-13TRIH.-!:, tin
8. x, y 3t1T z 31 19 30 t iiWi x afft y
(a) 1
Afrff 20 tlz t?

(a) 10 (b) ti-F 2

(b) 20
(a) 1 ak 2 alai)
(c) 40

(d) 50 (d) 1 3tR4t 2

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/35A 5 [ P. T. O.
12. Consider the following statements 15. A television remote uses
about Indian elections :
(a) infrared waves
1. The Constitution provides that
elections to the House of the (b) cosmic waves
People and the Legislative
(c) microwaves
Assemblies of States are to be
held on the basis of universal (d) ether waves
adult suffrage.
2. The Constitution stipulates
16. A microwave oven uses wave with a
that there will be separate
electoral rolls for Parliamentary (a) large wavelength in the
and State Assembly elections. invisible range
Which of the statements given (b) small wavelength in the visible
above is/are correct? range
(a) I only
(b) 2 only (c) large wavelength in the visible
(c) Both 1 and 2 range
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) small wavelength in the
invisible range
13. Consider the following statements
about the Indian Constitution :
17. A thin pin of iron can be made to
1. In addition to the structure of
float on water (drinking) in a bowl.
the Government, it has also
This phenomenon is due to the
concerned itself with some
aspects of a desirable civil (a) surface tension of water
society and economy.
(b) viscous nature of water
2. Through amendments in the
year 1976, it has also outlined (c) presence of ionic bonds in
the fundamental duties of water molecules
citizens along with their rights.
(d) presence of covalent bonds in
Which of the statements given
water molecules
above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only 18. To start your loaded trolley bag, you
(c) Both 1 and 2 exert more force than when it is
moving. This is an example of
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
(a) first law of thermodynamics
14. Wi-Fi in a computer implies
(a) wired local area network (b) second law of thermodynamics
(b) wireless local area network
(c) Newton's second law of motion
(c) high fidelity
(d) high efficiency (d) Newton's first law of motion

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/ 35A 6
12. A-rrff A 1-111441 T.Rlf A fia-IFoRth-t *24-4I 15. 2.(11=4,5I4 *1 7-f1qt* -74-111
fdqR *If-47 : (a)
1. t f* M1 tztwr
atr{ khril Tt1.41341 fou,
1-r kit Hdifir*R
aritm ER 1atu, ,414 % I (d)

2. ficw14 31-11WAT *01 Tftsr-

16. TIP,-14-clif 3-TiaR f*-{T SITR *21 d+'1 *I TATr
Tr- t fdalra Trwr *
*cdr t?
aiwt-ar-ffrt t-1-4t
tti 6t,1
(a) 3774 'TITAT, *I (-4'14 d l) a (-PIT

arrith*24-41 1-:1-t-Trt/A RR-er tit?

(b) 514 crfrw (4191
(a) -49. 1

(b) --q9 2 (c) 7-4 1127 t .?,r4

(c) 1 a 2 C141 *T
(d) R 41 1 3Tft R er 2 (d) 3490-4 ITPCUT i7'q
13. 141 * Hr4T.TIR 4-411 (.g *QTRI
7 faqi-{4tr-A7 : 17. V,* Arf (.7)
1. *ik9ni( t & t 34-m-41, zr6 lig 14 W*41 P4d t kr* 71 Ha,dt t I =1614P.14,

fiifa~ H 14I 371( 342faraT-9.11* f*A 411 t?

T6-q3A %ft 317-4-tii4-14.4 Pam •t (a) 4Ic-I * 17 cfrild * II

2. 1976 A F H11 gHt gHl (b) \Ad 7414 ra T1 *Ruf

3ifriO*Trm-ffr24 34 (c) \TH. 341,23A aint ,641.1.411
ti -*-4&
- ntitftTgiurtti
3* *2T-41 A A d1-T-NT/Fl Hsi tit. ? (d)
(a) *4F 1 3crP.iTh* obit"t

(b) d9 2
*- 18. 3174 Irri-7 T-Rft OJT r4c11-11 W 4):
(c) 1 3TTt 2 41.11 r-1, alltrt 311 (skit *UT 34-5.1*
1113di *, 'jell 411 *1
(d) 1 a7t1 2
71014 A zM 11-1FMRS(1 T1 4::4
14. *- it Wi-Fi dl f=ir6d121 GNI V f*Am-t .c161i1 V
(a) Ik 4 fltrzt t 1 4I1c4
c1 (a) 3,t4-14-41*11 9'411 fT*4
(b) clIkk c-1 2.T114t4 411(4 (b)

(c) a 5,4-‘ (c) frdtzT I -144

(d) 4=1 F.J1-ffi (d) *1 Sr2.117 , I d
19. You placed a car in an open parking 23. Who among the following was
area in a summer day. After a few described as Jagadguru by his
hours, you noticed that the heat subjects for his patronage of the
is trapped inside the car. This Hindus in his State?
phenomenon is known as
Ibrahim Adil Shah II of Bijapur
(a) ozone depletion
(b) greenhouse effect Mahmud II of Malwa

(c) solar effect Husain Shah of Bengal

(d) cosmic ray impingement Mahmud Begara of Gujarat

20. Which one among the following

Princely States opted for a direct 24. Vidyapati Thakur, a contemporary of
dealing with the Constituent Chandidas (end of 14th century to
Assembly in the year 1946 instead early 15th century), was a native of
of through the Chamber of Princes?
(a) Bengal
(a) Baroda
(b) Mithila
(b) Travancore
(c) Junagadh (c) Malwa

(d) Mysore (d) Kashmir

21. Sayana, the famous commentator

25. Whenever a tropical cyclone moves
of the Vedas, flourished under the
rule of to land, much of its severity is
reduced. This is because
(a) Bahmani kings
1. its source of moisture is cut off
(b) Golkonda kings
2. the friction over land kills
(c) Gajapati kings tropical cyclones
(d) Vijayanagar kings Select the correct answer using the
code given below .
22. The Bandagan-i-Khas during the rule
of Delhi Sultans referred to the
(a) I only
(a) innkeepers
(b) 2 only
(b) royal slaves
(c) Dak-carriers (c) Both 1 and 2

(d) guards of the State stable (d) Neither 1 nor 2

19. ,4 A
TM:ft *fr 3114 CSTLftalt TO 23. f4>a fM flail fw{4, 3-T4A kl\rq N ft-vA

'Tr w c-it t-g- 31114 91 *mut *74 *f lLz-t4-=t goi.r

*. it, *I( * 34-CT ,1 4,41 Tri ti Sara *Qom 414d far Am m?

4ki--Id4liTh-F1 -114 ,311-ft 7r-
di t?

(a) t-117 MT Wit4 3TTN-0 411 ft-

' 4h

(b) Aida' mr ArTz 14-4174

(e) (c) ilc 116

(d) (d) 1,EA AFT tmcf

20. c fa =[; -Rr con kZfr 751

24. ti ‹R.-r * (44:61 14414 d 3TV (14t
1946 N 4.1rdtTH FIITT PT2T F1`1%-11 Gild Id
71-di Ti 349-15 S1T6T) t)4
t±-11 4aa f*.qt d\rug RkT-?, TrivTA
* ,151 ?dant it?

(a) Tsicr

(h) All IchIt

(c) T4TI

(d) fit

21. d a1 Ater:end *11-4. aiaUl , f*--


34%ftRI-fic:1-1:0? 25. 7q -74 3w1ch d*Aftq tisnind tt 3AT.

t, 41tim
3iRft 3. 31.1d1 01-,4
71th I TW*71 *ill-dun t?

1. TA*A3Akm*Tocr ot, icirti

2. lt-RE * a1{ irMA Turmra-m4Thi

*7 km ti
TrR cd 3d II T I •311

22. ic4rt dI4 1 -f1iki-1-111ci A lr-w, I

171T1 feu fM ci-A.d1211?

(a) *49 1
(a) Wra-4171
(b) -do 2
(b) 6i

(c) 41-47* (c) 1 3-N 2 ‘1 .4.1

(d) t1 rM 31f-d*-1 xik(17 (d) a *I 1 311

- 7. a t 2

Q-DQG-M -HBJ/35A 9 [ P. T. O.
26. Match List-I with List-II and select 29. Who among the following was chosen
the correct answer using the code by the Government of Japan to
given below the Lists : confer the prestigious Fukuoka
Prize for the year 2012?
List-I List-II
(a) Vandana Shiva
(Delta) (Example)
(b) Amir Khan
A. Arcuate delta 1. Nile Delta
(c) Arundhati Roy
13 Bird's-foot delta 2. Mississippi Delta Medha Patkar
C. Cuspate delta 3. Tiber Delta
30. In a major policy decision, the
D. Estuarine delta 4. Seine Delta Central Government has recently
decided to allow Qualified Foreign
Code : Investors (QFIs) to directly invest
in Indian equity market. India
(a) A B C D received her first investment
1 3 2 4 through Qualified Framework
Investor Route worth $ 5m
(b) A B C D
following the deal struck by
4 3 2 1
(a) Unit Trust of India
(c) A B C D
(b) Kotak Mahindra Bank
4 2 3 1
(c) Tata Consultancy Services
(d) A B C D
(d) Reliance Energy
1 2 3 4

31. Which one among the following

27. Which one among the following is a statements about eminent freedom
dormant volcano? fighter and social activist Captain
Lakshmi Sehgal, who passed away
(a) Mount Kilimanjaro
in Kanpur on 23rd July, 2012, is
(b) Mount Stromboli not correct?
(a) She was a close aide of
(c) Mount Etna
Subhash Chandra Bose during
(d) Mount Mayon the days of freedom movement
(b) She spearheaded several
28. Asteroid belt is situated between political, economic and social
justice campaigns in the
(a) Mars and Jupiter country

(b) Earth and Mars (c) She was a member of the Lok
(c) Jupiter and Saturn
(d) She was awarded the Padma
(d) Venus and Earth Vibhushan

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/35A 10
26. T41-1 Th" V1-11 4 WirH-4 trN-u. 29. 'A W411 aRi Fig Ti 2012
T41-4 feR TrR Tr ,441,t TT wet Ti thfg9 'fly uct-T *(111
: (14. rift JP-11 2rf ?

(a) -4 -01 .1 i
tad t-I t~dt-II
(scret) (.41r.(ur) (b) -311#R

A. tiltqlchR .tc-L1 1. 4)44 (c) 344.44-dt 444

B. 741-4311 ?,4-.(1.1 2 H 4-Li (ci) aFnErra--

.* -T

C. awatfft.'d 3 Z7-4-44 • rd.

30. ec -lrmat* fdlAZI u, Heti,
D. 3,3144t51•.:1 4. H@•4 Scdt .1'!"-7(11-1,1114 fdtVfi
- f:1")11;1 (Qns)
11-1,fdt/4 7-47t[ 1,1cLIFB 1:14r 14,14 41
Tz 3414A .k4 tilrzt tipfT4TT
;In f*R Tie4srr *flqdr-mrt4
(a) A BCD
f1:4:.1* -4144 -44 $ 3m TF4 74 34-I 4c.r11
1 3 2 4
f-4471 414 -1
(b) A BCD
4 3 2 1 (a) zkid?.." tt1 ait'T

(c) A BCD (b)

4 2 3 1
(c) rlte.1 *4444-it H
(d) A BCD
1 2 3 4 (d)

27. r4H rtrl4d a H1 1-A-fru1 1:;* ATI •rcliclITAI 31.fffr-tra 4-41-* Erq (11J-111:31ch 1-441-,di
*72 IC,H*T Tr9-4
(a) TTi? *(114:flit 23 2012 aft fay
;IL•1 cl 5d 14 H1 ct;) -TTI 9T4 Tit Rt
(b) +-113- K1 cr1Ml

(c) HIdd .QkiI

(a) ',VI 34-Oirig 1:41
(d) TiliZ 1- 4-E#4 zrtt3 44(1P-41ir 211

(b) cr # 314 uzi-fircht, sialk

28. r{Qr-R-91 Oc-L Tet t?
347, k1141 •Ilch -"Al 34144,
471 r,'t
(a) 44 id .4D 1TP-4Th- T 414,4
(b) tj- 2)4t 411fi. tf
(c) (4** 441 t-it-qt 2ff
(c) 74111A air. Tr14 T =41-4
(d) uerfad w-14t fT741 I -If
(d) 7qT. 3tr4 92* 241

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/35A 11 [ P. T. O.
32. Which of the following statements Directions :
about London Olympics, 2012
The following two (2) items are based on
is/are correct?
the given pie-chart which shows the annual
1. London got a distinction to agricultural yield of a certain place :
host the modern Olympic
Games three times. The city
had previously hosted the Others Sugarcane
Games in 1908 and in 1948. 80°

2. Motto of the London Olympics Wheat

is 'Inspire a Generation'.

3. Saina Nehwal was the official

flag bearer of 83-member
Indian contingent at the 34. The yield of rice is how much percent
opening ceremony of the more than that of sugarcane?
London Olympics. (a) 40%

(b) 50%
Select the correct answer using the
code given below. (c) 60%

(d) 75%

1 only
35. If the yield of rice and wheat is
9000 tons, then the yield of excess
2 only
product of others in comparison
with sugarcane is
1 and 2 only
1000 tons
1, 2 and 3
2000 tons

3000 tons
33. An accurate clock shows 12 o'clock 4000 tons
in the noon. Through how many
degrees will the hour hand rotate
36. The World Conference on Human
when the clock shows 5 o'clock on Rights that affirmed the universality
the same evening? of rights and launched an
ambitious plan of action was
(a) 150° held in

(b) 140° (a) Vienna (1993)

(b) Geneva (1996)

(c) 125°
(c) New York (2000)

(d) 120° (d) Berlin (2002)

32. clad 3-tfo-frfra+r,, 2012 T T4. 14 PIHRMfid 171$17 :
ii T;R-(117/ T2TR T1t1 tin ificf t (2) N.friikr Tru, 1T(
1. Met 4 3-91-4- 4241 t-1 3TIt4Tf7 ?TIT
.f it1 ,Th°1 4i(11-11 Tr
I) 4-
4-a-rth tr sr-del 144 Wit:
7f 3i6) 4 (16(4 1908 3frt
1948 14 1117-
41-411 '411
2. ri,a 34RiF-144,4 774:4
‘31TAINict I
3. fIRHI rierf 3-11ES9S4 :t■
c*Tgi ailrn tc1\310116* 241 1
-n T-1 . 'm
to x'114 W, Wet ,371(
34. 'ft-d4 ArTd7M

(a) 40%
(a) 1
(b) 50%
(c) 60n/,
(b) 4arr 2
(d) 75%

(c) 9 1 3117. 2 35. 44 toad "44( 1.1 t1 74-- 9000 ZR S, dl

5,e1.11•4 1.3-1(1t 34114T 311R- ko-f1
(d) 1, 2 311{ 3
(a) 1000 ZR
(b) 2000 Z7
33. 1,41 z121121 z111 1WT6 if 12 (4 T1 WPT
Taft t 13e1) 3114 91 5 TT 484 T4T14 (c) 3000 ZR
, 1f t foft
Ei4 4 1 (d) 4000 ZR
36. 44H4 fd7-4 -frFfik
affiwra •*5 kivilftr-4-4761 3T5Toira
(a) 150°
H5 1I 014441,TI-IT TT A-4AR Asir,
(b) 140°
(a) rci ‘1,-1 ( 1 993 )

(c) 125° (b) 4-141

-1 (1996)
(c) L-(TIT (2000)
(d) 120° (d) *1R (2002)
37. Which one among the following 39. Overseas citizens of India (as per
statements about the States Overseas Citizenship of India
Reorganization Act is not correct? Scheme as operational from
December 2005) shall not be
(a) The Act dealt with the issue of entitled to
redrawing of the boundaries
of States
(a) multiple entry, multipurpose
lifelong visa to India
(b) It was passed in the year 1956

(c) It created fourteen States and (b) exemption from reporting to

six Union Territories police authorities for any
length of stay in India

(d) The State boundaries were

drawn for administrative parity with NRI's in financial,
convenience economic and educational
fields except in the question
of agricultural or plantation
38. Consider the following territories properties
which became part of India after
15th August, 1947
(d) voting rights in India
1. Goa, Daman and Diu

2. Pondicherry

3. Sikkim 40. In the recent past, a fundamental

particle has been claimed to be
4. Dadra and Nagar Haveli experimentally observed, at a
European Laboratory in Geneva, to
Which of the following is the correct travel at a speed greater than that
chronological order (beginning with of light in vacuum. The name of the
the earliest) of their becoming part particle is
of India?

(a) electron

(a) 1-2-3-4
(b) positron
(b) 3-1-4-2

(c) neutron
(c) 4-1-2-3

(d) 2-1-4-3 (d) neutrino

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/35A 14
37. 9,3-4 74167 3114441=1 01 A -1H (1 lid A 39. 3T1Ta i411
- 4-1°1 4Fir11* (f<PWI 2005 i=1
A 1-,-r-Ar v,1-, *4-4 Aet Alf t? 144.TRicf arta t WI I'Ifitcl al HI -E
d6 d) 61111k Rt
(a) 3444414 4-11-4.4-T 1,4344. Wan
fcF atrii Th-T4*t RA-4r vr
(a) 1TC1 1r11 Hdlc@-74141,
31kilai4 fa-wr
(h) "Tg kl-f, 1956 a LFTITa VIE VI

(b) arta A -47AI ft 3-Taftl (lob *-ea

(c) 4-fr4 kr,-,-041
fcv urtrwrf-eql A-pf4
-t-21-d 614 A Ev *

(d) )1,74 tt R91:0 -Ich .4i4tR *

c<T, kg)- (c) fa-4m, a1Tr2.1* 4 sof ;WI A
fA-4p4 zn qpn-r ALLrt4i* 717R
NRI RIR 41441-1c11*
38. 41-4ICIR9d 93-4.P4i41 Tt fq-9T-{
15 aFTRI, 1947 OK %TRU feRA
(d) ar tad -1-mc14 34-Ftr*7

1. . ca
, <H-174
2. 111-
40. zaift 6Ief A, mar A Ter-4-44 c ,i-lidft A, ITT
3. ffir-wq kk4 WTI * 1IT1'11(414-, 31a1IIf *4 ZTdi
4. <I<k lk eT4T fsr A-*r t, 7L7q Ti ,Achpr aIM Tc1
Aan 3414* tic.t ticlIT t 344 Tiff TT
ciHR-11Act A -TII wet 1,101,h RTR cif t?
(4-44 1:1-0 j4 .Ep 4,k t, f7fr1
wun*r ftwr
(a) 5rlali

(a) 1-2-3-4

(b) 3-1-4-2

(c) 4-1-2-3

(d) 2-1-4-3

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/35A 15 I P. T. O.
41. When an iron nail is dipped in a 44. Which one among the following is
solution of copper sulphate, the not a greenhouse gas?
iron nail becomes brownish in
colour and the blue colour of Methane
copper sulphate solution fades after
some time. The reaction is an Ozone
example of chemical
(a) combination Sulphur dioxide

(b) decomposition
45. Which one among the following salts
(c) displacement causes hardness to the water?

(d) double displacement (a) Calcium bicarbonate

(b) Calcium carbonate

42. Bleaching powder is added in water
(c) Sodium sulphate
used for drinking purpose. The role
of bleaching powder in this case is (d) Potassium chloride
(a) of disinfectant
46. Consider the following statements
(14 of bleaching agent about Rig Veda :

(c) to remove impurity 1. It reflects a naturalistic

polytheism—a belief in many
(d) to decrease the pH Gods who personified natural
2. The Gods were conceived of
43. If four balloons A, B, C and D are as anthropomorphic, i.e., as
filled with hydrogen, oxygen, having a physical form similar
helium and nitrogen gases to that of humans.
respectively and left in air, which
balloon reaches to the highest Which of the statements given
distance from the Earth? above is/are correct?

(a) Balloon A (a) 1 only

(b) Balloon B (b) 2 only

(c) Balloon C (c) Both 1 and 2

(01) Balloon D (d) Neither 1 nor 2

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/35A 16
41. zi4V,011 1 uz F17-47 * EltF 44. fig fr fad A A ch 4if
\JIM' t, 711
l . *t" tri t?
6c- t 3tR WPT cIrG
*17 74-aizal t- d-r trr tr*T tr (a) fi=r4R.
\SIM t I zit 3iiiinfTT f 1 aciekur t?
(b) 3117-14
(a) kRIVI -Rh *NG-f
(b) 118148th 317E27 (d) tic-Lbk

(c) &1141q -kb clf2174

45. 1I-1 el 1.gcf A A *--r-4-TET pm W4131, ,31c4
(d) (Rug do, tr4R-ITRR d1 *1 chkur t?

(a) rki4I4 -Id

42. 71t4 ak7-4 Ain 7r4 arA Ad
fair -~f fn-dnn IIdI t I f PITO (b) P“14 •Wrif4a
fair-Tri ltiTrwr air t?
(d) W4TE-0
(b) fair *Rai *I
46. Ti . 4-1 fd ft5cf *2-17) cr{ faw.
(c) 3n-far * ei4 *c=1 merfx :
1. tr-6 Rob NInfocitcrt w eaalm-7-triff*
(d) pH 1E277 *i q; nichn *&4 a0
taman 37iFW1, AfaI R cf*T-di
43. zrft to< A, B, C 37 D t
FI$ 1X14, 3114#177, tffid1
114 2. --affr331
tr(*T 6a1 1 fin \Tug, a1 k4414 Mink* (<04 TA *0 * kt\14
41-J:rr wrcr 72,11 aifirwaTE Oft don A *I Tr;
6*24-41 -11 *Y4-111R4 kiel tit?
(a) 17.1 A
(a) *-1-0 1
(b) B (b) td9 2

(c) -g1Tr C (c) 1 * 2 alai

(d) D (d) 4H11 A R nl 2

Directions : Statement II :
The following two (2) items consist of two The English East India Company's
statements, Statement I and Statement II. acquisition of Diwani right led
You are to examine these two statements to the miseries of the peasants
carefully and select the answers to these and those associated with the
items using the code given below : traditional handicrafts industry
of India.
Code :

49. The famous terra-cotta images of

(a) Both the statements are rivers Ganga and Yamuna from the
individually true and Gupta period have been found at
Statement II is the correct
explanation of Statement I
(a) Ahichchhatra
(b) Both the statements are
(b) Kaushambi
individually true but
Statement II is not the correct
(c) Rajghat
explanation of Statement I
(d) Bhitargaon
(c) Statement I is true but
Statement II is false

(d) Statement I is false but 50. Consider the following statement :

Statement II is true
"India would be far more reliable
as a base for operations. Moreover
47. Statement I the prospect of a settlement
will be greatly enhanced by
In India, tribal movements of
the disappearance of Gandhi, who
19th century resulted out of the
had for years torpedoed every
process of land displacements and
attempt at a settlement."
the introduction of forest laws.
Statement II :
The above statement was made by
The Indian freedom movement the British in the context of
resolved the problems faced by the
(a) Kheda Satyagraha

48. Statement I : (b) Civil Disobedience Movement

The economy of India in the
19th century came to a state of (c) Quit India Movement
ruin under the English East India
Company. (d) Non-Cooperation Movement

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/ 35A 18
4r : :
fa1-i (2) 7R1'4
. ?,4 t, T2R-I ,-s41
ffs-r tAfr * 'tart'
3-414,4-.1 W,9-1-41 *1 *114%4141 ill ITfUffi
aftr-*R * 3441) 6c4T1 arta * ftr4
3r1* MCI 1;41,17 V. Tr on(
Lim-trfich 6k-41c-4 3!44 A (14
T9T 1-14 :
doh Litt TrRi

49. 1114 7IF 14 Ttrir atR 111f4T *11 vr{:r

(a) C1-1. Ewa : arr t, atit
ter *-41c; t t
(a) a4f6--ffq
(b) 3,2I7 vqta: kic4
TQR-I Eire 211 4bt u1
(b) t tdIi-4

(c) ch-q
(d) TXTR-1 31-Ara t, fm 71R-II th-LI

50. .14-10 U 71R 7 > r :

47. T214-I
-- 41341
"%um 141 arrtwt k,i-r *-ei
amrtT* fi,r=m41,4 --FFt EA-04
iqrfrr, f*
WR9 .3.Nrirrcif 2IdIz41 r A44i141,4 3,c-Lit411, Tritfr -Riihrrq wo 344*
JAI ,ic14 ffi7°17T4 lfrw-cr as -rcifft, f31-614 c4 doh 71:1-$N 4i ACT
fafir4't t 7:Tp-w-Hr EI crft-TirrA 71111 at f*trr 1"

T2H-11 : 3'14 72I7 fear am f*-r-t (444 A f--+-m

341-<1M4 4 14,4111.,),-1 arty
P ct TTY rr4i-,4r34 ki+cRTr4 f*-zrr (a) 431 -1 )6

(b) PfdTzt araf 3TTIFR

48. W.217-I :

ayfM41 4m1,44 A iRi41 -Fgzfr *Pit (c) 34-87 Will 341-‹

wf-r4 wrra 34224-1 Tgre:
311+72-11 Tr':t 11-- (d) 3ffirgin

Q-DQQ-M-I IBJ / 35A 19 I P. T. O.

51. The Moplah peasant struggles took 54. Why does the Earth assume the
place in shape of an oblate ellipsoid?

(a) Darjeeling
(a) The Earth's rotation causes the
Earth to bulge slightly at the
(b) Andamans equator and flatten at the poles

(c) Malabar
(b) The Earth's rotation causes the
Earth to bulge slightly at the
(d) Chota Nagpur poles and flatten at the equator

(c) The Earth's revolution causes

52. Hurricanes rarely form or move
the Earth to bulge slightly
within 5 degrees of the equator,
at the equator and flatten at
the poles

(a) Coriolis effect is weakest here

(d) The Earth's revolution causes
(b) the Earth to bulge slightly at
Coriolis effect is strongest here
the poles and flatten at the
(c) it has low pressure

(d) it has high temperature

55. Which one among the following is a
mechanically formed sedimentary
53. What do you call the total system of
parallels and meridians that form
a network of intersecting lines?
(a) Salt rock

(a) Geographic pattern

(b) Limestone
(b) Geographic arrangement

(c) Sandstone
(c) Geographic grid

(d) Geographic polygon (d) Gypsum

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/35A 20
51. '1,44o-C fZH Er4 *61' Kan? 54. 72* 7*R1 ti1479** 311c *t cr41

(a) ,31 ri f
(a) 72-it *Rut 'MI ILI4UflUT
7 tct-Tff 3117 t 331R Tai 7
(b) 3fi3IT17

(c) 141(11c11<
(b) q t win• tikur 72* 7
(d) RT'T tn[-Rt 3WL mid't Vtfaull
Liftfra fiffd'tt

52. SP-T-44 ITRL*43T 5 WI ITIRT 31fft

faTA w44 zur tioa t, OFF
(c) 7,11 tritTlffuT t *I*Uf 32,11
Vak@ff 7 f-Ffr 31.1fT air& t
(a) ,ief 1- Ft34-11
- AWrd Tr-o-4 T4-tT 3fRVIcifcittfr-drtt

(b) sr4ra (1,44 f51-Of Olaf (d) 124r ITFC-0413T * chRuf qui ~7a1 it
4t--kft 31.7 airt % 3ft ITLItzli-Uf
(c) 461 fT4c,4 filar

(d) ti61 dig 34IT- elar t

55. -14-1 +Scf -4 A-
gar 31-441-if ftro- t?

53. 34 cl-cacit 1-a-r34 ,11e a1w41-4 qfif

*-Ht-da TITT1 44-41
(a) T9UT AfF

(b) T714

(c) milicnR4

(d) [i

Q-DQG-M-HEIJ/35A 21 [ P. T. O.
56. Consider the following statements : 58. In May 2012, which one among the
following Indian Business Houses
1. Creepers or climbers are
has signed an agreement with the
commonly found in the tropical
Bangladesh Government to design
rain forest.
and develop a new city, Notun
2. The epiphytes, which do not Dhaka (New Dhaka) in Bangladesh?
have their roots on the ground,
survive on the trees in the (a) Reliance Industries Ltd.
tropical rain forest.

3. All epiphytes are not creepers. (b) Sahara India Pariwar

Which of the statements given (c) Tata Group

above is/are correct?
(d) Aditya Birla Group
(a) 1, 2 and 3

(b) 2 and 3 only 59. Who among the following was the
winner of Men's Singles Wimbledon
(c) 1 and 2 only
Championship, 2012?
(d) 3 only
(a) Roger Federer

57. Consider the following statements (b) Andy Murray

about General Bikram Singh :

1. He is the 25th Chief of Indian (c) Novak Djokovic

(d) Rafael Nadal
2. Prior to his appointment to
the top post, he served as
commanding officer of the
60. Recently in which one among the
Northern Army Command.
following countries, the Prime
3. He is a veteran infantry officer. Minister has to be changed due to
an instruction of the country's
Which of the statements given Supreme Court?
above is/are correct?

(a) Pakistan
(a) 1 only
(b) Bangladesh
(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 1 and 3 only (c) Russia

(d) 1, 2 and 3 (d) Nepal

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/ 35A 22
56. -14-1 cl ZTRI fw-{*f-
A7 : 58. 1:11 2012 A, .14-1 (Ad 1474174 01141( ER4I

1. fa#,H eictit zrf eicfltt 3-17:1tR fir pay indialn wow( Trry
71-67 -11Q-1 -1*1 ( -NI rt'l4,1)
tr atuitrdefRt a414-i1 A 'Tit At
tI cirfirrF:m 3417. l+4,Rict *#-T.
wrre,1714 t?
2. affizArFA 7111A A R--ef
i, .3 I.* desofTA 4ANA1 irt1 1R
zi-1 1.6 t
3. Rol 3449-RA fawrf ddr 1 61c1I

59. Z.1 41 "cr*-9 f=u-clys-i

P11114, 2012 M 144-di vr?


57. A-1<c,f kte * A PII-ireirtici (b) F-gct

-- :
(C) Al-a-r on at
1. TRW 254 -(R24?,i t I
2. FITEI 1-T ITT 61,-1-11 1:0 3414
(G) Tit@ -Asi
3ffft 0111-114 t-114
teN Tl *14 f*RLIT I

3. 3-911i- r -If I 60. 61 ci el '4 -?k4 f*-{4 V* A,

Z 41* .1-tc1c11-1 k-11q1Iti 31-#131 *Au(
BR:1if, T2474 A #*1-4-#04 N 1 trt? AtITRTITt A ,siGt-1.114.S1?

(a) --dF 1

(b) 2 3

(c)rl 1 zstR 3

(d) 1, 2 3?R 3
61. Why was theoretical physicist 63. How many States have at least 50%
Ashoke Sen, a string theorist electrified villages?
at Allahabad's Harish Chandra 1
Research Institute, in news
recently? (b) 2

(a) He was nominated to the Rajya (c) 3

Sabha (d) 5
(b) He was one of the nine winners
of the first Yuri Milner 64. Consider the two positions of the
Fundamental Physics Prize dice as shown below :
(c) He was selected as jury
member to decide on the ° 0/
/0 0

awardees of Nobel Prize for 00 0 00

0 0 0

the year 2013

(d) He was selected for the When 1 is at the bottom, what
S. S. Bhatnagar Award number will be on the top?

Directions : (a) 3
The following two (2) items are based on (b) 5
the given histogram that shows the
(c) 6
percentage of villages in the States which
are not electrified : (d) Cannot say

65. New Public Management stands for
50- 1. shift from conventional public
policy to cost effectiveness
co 40-
a 2. cluster rather than pyramids
0,U 30- of organization in structural
0. 20-
3. flexible and adaptive opera-
10- tional systems
4. rigid planning and conven-
0 tional bureaucratic hierarchy
A 1 13 . C I D r E'Fr
Select the correct answer using the
62. Which of the following States code given below.
has twice the percentage of
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4
villages electrified in comparison
to State D? (b) 1 and 2 only

(a) A (b) C (c) 1, 2 and 3 only

(c) E (d) F (d) 3 and 4 only

61. led*ra 3Tsft i.i, 5r i~iarz 63. 1*-- T1-11 50% 1-;m
6NN-cr, 34-1thrT4 #7sTR d tj aria
filk5,-(11,1* 61(4 wail 91?
(a) 1
(a) tip Trrh rMS Tr4NYm F (b) 2

(b) AWiI 1,0 f4T. (c) 3

(1)1 f> chside-r f1:11.4 urn) (c1) 5
raar3T1 i11 ka,
64. IA t nt zl 1-rdt trT ?war(
(c) Ti 2013 (1, qwfrt
51rwit34 1rl raffiaTc4
4 1- 00
0 0/
(d) 74. 74. Ird-drir{ art

: ,314 3TtWfF q 1 6l f, it sv
cird4 t (2) WWI fz awrdfq-q 7( -1.4ft ei(sell eFft?
alltfirT5 t, -CF-11 4 JIM *1 Nrcpiddi T4TrdT
(a) 3
f-4-44 -1e1 t :
(b) 5
60- -•
(c) 6
50- (d) =he

65. T4 (-4 sr47-NR
30- 1. Iiika-Lat rill, M&
NiMairrdi 3T1t 111044
2. f1(*1lrlich ea WE feruRrt
10- *t *414 til,6
0 3. R1 74 aT-Wt srtaR &raw*"
4. 1111791 kr 141k-41,m 3Tre
RQ, TRctd aT 5.14 .31-1(
62. -14-1 ci il-Wf 4 4 D tl
foAdItti srrawd 4-ff
$? (a) 1, 2, 3 3T4R 4
(b) Th-
d-F 1 * 2
(a) A (b) C
(c) . "--d@ 1, 2 3-117 3

(c) E (d) F (d) -k-d- • 3 4

66. Which one among the following items 68. The Eleventh Schedule inserted by
was not added to the Concurrent the 73rd Amendment distributes
List of the Constitution of India powers between the State
under the provisions of the 42nd Legislatures and the Panchayats,
Amendment Act, 1976? and lists 29 items. Which among
the following are listed in the
Eleventh Schedule?

(a) Family planning I. Minor irrigation

2. Animal husbandry
(b) Forest Women and child development

4. Fire service
(c) Education
5. Cattle pounds, prevention of
cruelty to animals

(d) Railways Select the correct answer using the

code given below.

(a) 1, 2 and 3
67. Public Interest Litigation falls within
the jurisdiction of the High Court
provided certain conditions are (b) 1, 4 and 5
fulfilled. Which one among the
following conditions is not accepted (c) 2, 3 and 4
by the courts?
(d) 3, 4 and 5

(a) Public is interested in

vindication of some rights 69. How do marine animals survive in
water without air contact?

(b) Enforcement of public duty (a) They do not require any oxygen

(b) They take oxygen from water

(c) Courts can examine previous

records of public servants (c) They only produce oxygen in
their body

(d) Personal injury or loss is an (d) They get oxygen from water
essential element plants
66. PiHreiR.4(1 4 4 4)).4-Ta kch fati4 424 68. 73" 4714W E11i ai-d-:nuftra Tzrrc-6--41 31-q--V1
ThAt7 3TRIfqq14, 1976 31-1444 3t1T th4RM1 e --ffizrf
aitq 34-R4 4N.4R tt 44441 Vt 3rritia4 TQTT 29 fawn -4
41 4 .$1 717TT VT? -PI flint 34--ge 4 r-u-irdlithi 4 4
04-4 fatrzr V1-c
1. #r9-1
(a) tiftd-R 1
2. L1q-ild4
3, Rc11 fr41-4*r-fr
(b) 4. 34fr
5. tt Ta“, srfugil Afd Trffr
(c) 5TUT
f--<7 TR z T srerrr e1 3711

(a) 1, 2 Ci-N 3

67. t6cf 11-W- RT •-tiNieitt 1 airy do (b) 1, 4 3 5

311(-11 t a-F4 ft Tr-4cm kR 611
{4+-Ircirdd -14 t4-4t -■ Yrc -+11e110g (c) 2, 3 ak 4
gikrizfrt-d- Rtit?
(d) 3, 4 3-t 5

(a) T-0 3-TR1 t i&T forA 4

4.iffm-Rui*1 tr4 69. TV vff 4 641 uLT4 faa ,31c4 4 t--4

(b) Th--41M-1 Sra-64

(a) 3-T1-44Mq 4:1 arwr 161h

(b) \rid i4 3lt-44M4 r1c1

(c) 9-'1T 444
-11-4d *r
(c) 310 7141 4 t-

(d) aU frnoh 71 614 .cch 317477T d,4

(d) 4c,i th4 34-144-44
70. Which one among the following 73. Byssinosis disease is common in
causes stomach pain in human the workers of

(a) rubber industry

(a) Base

(b) ceramic industry

(b) Acid

(c) textile industry

(c) Salt

(d) iron and steel industry

(d) Bacterium

71. Use of tamarind juice as a part of our 74. As per the Bureau of Indian
meal helps Standard, the domestic water
demand in India in LPCD (liter per
capita per day) is
(a) to prevent tooth decay

(a) 60
(b) to take care of excess fluoride
in drinking water
(b) 100
(c) for easy digestion of food
(c) 135
(d) to increase the strength of
bones (d) 270

72. Green Muffler is

75. Alluri Sitarama Raju's rebellion
(1922-1924) took place in
(a) a technology for reducing air
(a) Chota Nagpur

(b) a method of afforestation

(b) Gudem-Rampa Tract

(c) plantation along roadsides to

reduce noise pollution (c) Bastar

(d) a process of reducing vibration (d) Nellore

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/35A 28
-4 4-1-1:11 1441 41-I4 71t11 A 73. 41e1413714 141 '41 *11418
70. -4-1 d
*Koh t?

(a) ta 3ftr-4 A

(b) 4rt -PO 3£411* eri:r

(c) at4 rchrt -14-A


(d) 4-t-4m NfiTO

74. 1411-d1'4 41441 * 31117{, 11111d- A ,a(4

71. W A TT-4r W T Tfz*T *CdT t Ertt LPCD Ott( SITh *1r* AFAR)
(a) i'rT4
(a) 60

(b) •.1(4 ,1%311

- -m 3Tfir*--dt
Th-c-4 (b) 100

(c) iTT-7 A 3AFT41 (c) 135

(d)eSzil*t wenn iWd14 (d) 270

75. 3-Te RI 4, ,4,*Tf41 fd (1922-1924)

72. 1[)4'14M(
*et alr?

(a) a iq -51-7117 au 1l'ch N I ch1

(b) - 147 Th11141 -dt(*T


(c) sr-tcNi 344 m-T4 ftv 14-c4


c411414 0114 M-1 1 14 ACTT

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/35A 29 [ P. T. 0.
76. Which of the following political 78. Which one among the following
methods was/were incorporated by relates to a land revenue policy
Mahatma Gandhi? introduced by the English East
1. Petitioning to the British India Company?

2. (a) Pitt's India Act

Village reconstruction

3. Gheraos (b) Mahalwari Settlement

4. (c) Regulating Act

(d) Subsidiary Alliance
Select the correct answer using the
code given below.
79. Which one among the following is a
cold current in the Atlantic Ocean?
4 only
(a) Gulf Stream

1, 2 and 4 only (b) Benguela Current

1, 2 and 3 only (c) Peru Current

(d) Brazil Current

1, 2, 3 and 4

80. Consider the following statements

77. Which of the following Princely about irrigation in Punjab :
States saw major movements over 1. Intensity of irrigation is the
the period from 1930s to 1940s? highest among all Indian States.
1. Tripura 2. Area under canal irrigation is
the highest among all Indian
2. Nilgiri States.
3. Baroda 3. There has been severe land
degradation in Punjab owing
4. Travancore
to agricultural modernization
including high intensity of
Select the correct answer using the
code given below.
Which of the statements given
above is/are correct?
(a) 1, 2 and 4 only
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 2 and 4 only
(b) 1 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1 only

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/35A 30
78. -tr-iroFocr A 0-4-Trr lm -R--r
76.W(FM- Oft # 1:0-ircir6c1 A -4 AR-R-14
5-If *TuRci -111('-r
thst rich tr%/ted.z4 wr 14-Arkrz fAir?
kir-crAT Tuffr t?
A a-rr
1. fear A 3T-
2. Tj4Tilut (a) IRRITT trt**€

3. i4Tra (b) cit-ct

4. ST IT4
r-T fC nu a ROT eIR 1T-64 3,K
(d) ki6vich *4;44

79. -0-irciii.v1 # 0-4--Tr1 -) 3T-a--dTr

(a) 4
4-161e1 It A kft- tIRT t?
(b) t-d@ 1, 2 at( 4 (a) icAt 4114

(c) rT 1, 2 at 3 (b) iI Mil

(a) tTRT
(d) 1, 2, 3 at 4
(d) Wn41 t-TRT

77. fi+-irditSci 4 # -F*7 WI 74 A 1930

Iat4T* F1 1940 i t** *KIN 80. 14,31I4 A gr--r 4.12r i-1+-HRif4.5 Qi-q1 1:17

31-TR 7? faT :

1. IFAIT 1. wit( wr-T-Azr T A T4 qe ThTtr

#WIt 3-ccic14f t I
2. -ntliTITIt
2. Rift 1.47dzt tf:11 A # LIA -46k alT
CTT-q-r atni -%
4. lial 'bi& , W 31i`WITTTIT * chiTur, f7#4
wr14 °Elk arlt TTFTTF t, 11,114
At TR t-a
it 4)4 ItTf at**TE 711 t I

I3tPTI*2-71 Wer tit?

(a) 1, 2 at 4
(a) 1, 2 at 3
(b)rT 2 at 4
(b) --dF 1 at 3

(c) *TR* 1 3-fit 3 (c) T 2 314-{ 3

(d) 1, 2, 3 34T 4
81. The Golden Quadrilateral of India 83. Consider the following statements
connects which of the following about the 'Curiosity' rover :
1. It is a robotic mission for
(a) Srinagar—Porbandar exploration of the Mars
—Kanyakumari—Silchar launched by NASA.

2. It is powered by solar energy.

(b) Delhi—Mumbai
—Chennai—Kolkata Which of the statements given
above is/are correct?
(c) Delhi—Mumbai
—Kanyakumari—Kolkata (a) 1 only

(d) Jammu—Ahmedabad (b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

82. In the context of agricultural
revolution in India, which of the
following statements is/are correct? 84. Consider the following statements :

1. White revolution in the field of According to the Second Annual

agricultural development is Employment-Unemployment Survey
associated with modernization Report, 2011-2012 conducted by
of sheep farming. the Labour Bureau, Government of
2. Second green revolution is India
associated with development of
horticulture. 1. unemployment rate in the
country during the period has
3. Blue revolution in the field of come down significantly over
agriculture is associated with the previous year
improvement in the production
2. Gujarat tops the list of least
of fish and marine products.
unemployed among all Indian
States during the period
Select the correct answer using the
code given below.
Which of the statements given
above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(a) 1 only
(b) 3 only
(b) 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) 1, 2 and 3 (d) Neither 1 nor 2

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/35A 32
83. 'eteilkafFell wlk A el (Ad . 2.1.-41
fa-wrk :
1. 4-111c1 3-1-*PiT cll.; NASA
atm uafFd iloreAfAm t
2. T16 aoi! 5,1k17ri --fd t

82. 1.1-Rd A ttr •wr kirof A, -11-4 (I Cid

WITRI A A 0-q-Er/A Et tin
1. fa--*-r4 4q 7-d- wrP, 84. -11-10 'WITRI ui iTqR trD7 :

2. 6fid IPt, zun-tN fawr4

3. TR) 4q -fld Ac41
44t 4aIrct Fl
1.: 11

1 fa TR rsRAr 3a{

7Erz:%TR.1 A 4 ml a l t/t?
(a) c1

(a) *-4" 1
(b) 3
(b) td9 2

(c) dcT 2 AT 3
(c) 1 2

(d) 1, 2 aft{ 3 (d) R # 1 t 2

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/35A 33 [ P. T. O.
85. Consider the following statements : 88. 10 identical coins are lying on a table
1. Discovery of Higgs boson of having head 'H' face as the upper
which scientists are almost face. In one attempt, exactly four
certain, may discard Einstein's coins can be turned upside down.
special theory of relativity. What is the minimum total number
2. Probable discovery of a particle of attempts in which tail yr face of
which moves faster than light all the 10 coins can be brought to
may prove Stephen Hawking be the upper face?
wrong. (a) 4
3. Probable discovery of a particle
(b) 5
that moves faster than light
may go against Einstein's (c) 6
special theory of relativity.
(d) 7
Which of the statements given
above is/are correct?
89. If
(a) 1 and 2
X is richer than Y
(b) 1 only Z is richer than X
(c) 3 only P is richer than Z
(d) 1 and 3 Q is the richest of all
who among the following will
86. The President of India has recently have the central position if they are
given approval to establish separate made to sit in the above degree of
High Courts in three of the North- richness?
Eastern States of India. Which one
among the following is not among (a) X (b) Y
them? (c) Z (d) P
(a) Arunachal Pradesh
(b) Manipur 90. A and B take part in 100 meters
(c) Meghalaya race, where A beats B by 10 meters.
(d) Tripura To favour B, A starts 10 meters
behind the starting line in a second
87. Consider the following years : 100 meters race, running at their
earlier speeds. Which one among
1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000,
2100, 2200, 2300 and 2400 the following is true in view of the
second race?
How many leap years are there in
the above? (a) A and B reach the finishing
(a) None line simultaneously

(b) 3 (b) B beats A by 1 meter

(c) 6 (c) B beats A by 2 meters

(d) 9 (d) A beats B by 1 meter

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/ 35A 34
85. ri (gcl 2,1-R1 fa-
oR q: 88. 341 * tco-I A fiI 'H' EFFM-9. dic
f77- o A 10 koiwit-f Thr*oi it 4 7 Eft t
1. ftTA
vo-re A, at* -II( f*7
1- $11-4* dfpFT qa-d 31E4Rzi5-4
3TiTip4 t Trift 10 #r0 cid 'T' trd-4
O-T t=-f rit4
th— Wig(
kitszu *44-14-4)4 ft-dt trft?
2. 11ct01 '$t itki A tiCi4 70 Wit
SiCt151C1 t?lb7 eftri (a) 4
3-6n Tr*--th t1
(b) 5
3. daily[ A "ft ‘.o Jiro A t Q a oofT
34c-officr *r7, (c) 6
i4ufff 14'4-17. -ru-ar- (d) 7
Tr*-ift t

3-‘452T--41 A A *-f-Af/A Trei tit? 89. ti

X, Y Z1 aifir* W4q7 t
(a) 1 341- 2
Z, X R4 3TfttF dr4 t
(b) *-4rE 1 P, Z 34RT t
(c) 3 Q 41,44 aTfir* %wow t
(d) 1 3411 3 cifokorcAo A Af*-{sf p-f-R +if
zrR T4-4 r4t q-4`t 614 Atth iif1 A
86. 1TRa - 1TA 61c4 ft A iirm i 3t1t-T -41
4-6Rir oio?
Traff A A cll.{ tr-- 1 i1 Tart ato roioido
T-9-urcia 4ik4 -sfd f*-zrf t (a) X (b) Y
v-1 LJ A A anI-f-Ar mz11 t?
(c) Z (d) P
(a) 3WIT14@
(b) itruT7 90. A A B 100 Lt t a1s 117 t,
(c) efEETH4 Ae A, BQ f-fkk acif ti
(ThccHr id`„ 7rft 100 ,-ndk *t A
(d) A 1110-11 .1(J1 14 10 4-ndt Erl 14 415 .41"
87. .11-1d OCi qqf ER f-o- o7 : 4RUT t A 414 A-41 'rt ari l tud
ti 7rft 14* kzkli A
1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000,
2100, 2200, 2300 3IN 2400 kitt?

A f*--o-4 344-44 t? (a) A 3111 Balai T*71121 f-14111-1 -kW ER

(a) Th--1
(b) B, A Q. 1 4E1 @,1 If
(b) 3
(c) B, A ml 2 et 1=1 71 if
(c) 6
(d) 9 (d) A, B T,1 1 114714 71

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/35A 35 [ P. T. O.
91. Consider the following statements : 93. Which one among the following
1. The Rajya Sabha is never treaties of human rights was signed
but not yet ratified by India?
dissolved and can be called to
session any time at short
notice. (a) International Covenant on
2. Under the Constitution of Economic, Social and Cultural
India, the law-making powers
of the two Houses of the Indian
Parliament are symmetrical. (b) International Convention on
the Elimination of all Forms of
Which of the statements given Racial Discrimination
above is/are correct?

(c) Convention on the Political

(a) 1 only
Rights of Women
(b) 2 only
(d) United Nations Convention
(c) Both 1 and 2
against Torture
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

92. Which of the following was/were 94. As part of a framework of human

the essence of the peace-building rights law, all human rights are
efforts of the United Nations from
1. interdependent
1980s onwards?

1. To resolve underlying disputes 2. interrelated

between the belligerents
3. indivisible
2. To monitor arms control
Select the correct answer using the
3. Providing development assis- code given below.
tance to maintain peace

Select the correct answer using the

code given below. (a) 1, 2 and 3

(a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(b) 2 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 2

(d) 2 and 3 (d) 2 only

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/35A 36
91. PThirdllicr TQT41Ert farTtrr- : 93. -+-1 d A A m-'14-Tft tor, 1A-44 34f-ftA
1. Trr Apt 3.ft AEr 7ef l c 31-) ART 3p41 dch yTTlcr
7A-*-1 H 1 34- cr FOWI ER, f* --Tft -grA 34TrAfq Er?
ErEr, To-rm n tichdr t I
2. ITILd FANT4 3Tft4, %Trt fa (a) al-rift, kE-4
ATKT d11TRR1 arrtim-R-Wczr 31 ftzr TrAr-4‹-r
erthzrt A4t=04 't I

zGrzlTh 2.TR A A =N-A1/4 wel tit? (b) Srt-Ti 5171-dtzi 441T-11

zaT- -faAft
fa 3T—frerzt
(a) kda 1

(c) Sc raA ,k Pit aTRTTR-fay

(b) 2

(c) 1 2 MI
(d) Th fay try srea-qr
(d) a 1 411'4 ti 2

92. d (gd A A =t) 4-AT/A 1980 94. J11-14 afftA MT* 'efl 41-4* ITM* 17f
3-17) With 7rr-f-4417 TrErRA Wft 441-14 arrtr*-R
2nta? 1.
1 4-*-iftT1* cfia af4-q-0
r- 2. 31:17111f-i7 t
W4RTR *1-4T
2. Fiflf xur th-CRI a r fIlita
3. 7TTM .4-4W Q fd*R1 1151,01 f" spArr Sat
*-1-41 1-R,1

Ta sr-ch fret .37ik

(a) 1, 2 3-N 3

(a) **0 1
(b) *-4@ 2 3T1.T 3

(b) mat 2

(c) *--d@ 1 3tT 3

(c) 1 2

(d) 2 at 3 (d) 2
95. Which of the following statements Select the correct answer using the
about Ecomark is/are correct? code given below.

1. Ecomark is a certification mark

issued by the Bureau of Indian (a) 1 only
Standard for the product
conforming to a set of
standards aimed at the least (b) 1 and 2 only
impact on ecosystem.

2. The purpose of the mark is to (c) 2 and 3 only

increase awareness among the
consumers towards reducing
environmental impact. (d) 1, 2 and 3

Select the correct answer using the

code given below.
97. Given below are some of the
important training institutes of the
(a) 1 only
Indian Army

(b) 2 only
1. High Altitude Warfare School

(c) Both 1 and 2

2. College of Military Engineering
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
3. Army War College

96. In most of the children's toys, a toxic 4. Counter Insurgency and

chemical remains present. In this Jungle Warfare School
respect, which among the following
statements is/are correct?
Arrange the locations of the above
1 The name of the toxic element institutes from North to South.
is phthalates which are esters
of phthalic acid.

2. They are mainly used as

(a) 1-4-3-2
plasticizers, i.e., substances
added to plastics to increase
their flexibility and longevity. (b) 4-1-2-3
3. They are easily released into
environment because there is (c) 2-3-1-4
no covalent bond between the
phthalates and plastics in
which they are mixed. (d) 3-1-4-2

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/35A 38
95. ‘tTht:ITC 04-04.1 i:11.11-Clii.icf -n4 ray TR *a *r sra#Tr kiet 31k
- R-1,11/4 Wet tit?
1. 4j*-1-Tcr*' pm 34Hrui4 rad t,
Erifth ER srwra sic-14 *
(a) 1
Tl cr4 wr-4*-9wr if 3T-IFticf1 Tai
aRr Aet f*-q-r t
(b) 1 A2
2 srzt-1---$4 3Erit*Tan A
Ruk SPITql 1 c Thcf fC711
,,HiRt\oncir ri sfro % I (c) -k-d-@ 2 A 3

V. TR TE a,7 tril=l cin( t1 1 .3tH

I (d) 1, 2 atR 3

(a) 9 1

97. 3w4N tr-c-Trf sr-ftwur TO-TR

(b) k-1-@ 2
f-47 TR

(c) 1 31- 2 aril 1. .i-ccf I f off..11714

2. z fi1igt1 4-WIrolWcitf
(d) RH1131t2
3. .44 1-16I c15,11eitf
4. NM 341-clolcIf 74 ,31,1c-f cKIIMLI
96. 1 3151**PT fuo-Vd1 #, ~m fad
(#1q4 -act-Pm wir tI #$f A 34 TITWi~I Ar4TRI*'r dTit Tl APT
-11-1d ✓ th-f 2.1R1i Fl onl-r-Trr/# wet
1. fa a t 'Wt .0 Ma 41
A=r*wt ti (a) 1-4-3-2
2. "C&T-ff: toi i1 3El4h
i-ffr-4 % 3421-k if twr9i,
(b) 4-1-2-3
Lciifini A 14or4,( 3R -0-41cIf A
311 Id c1 I1[ Mini I
3 afrw-4r#Erzricurilf-44*tl,ii (c) 2-3-1-4
t, aalfE 4-- az t Lc-riPob, fw,r4
f#Pird f*-* zricir t, dla iii
*11 (16-141.=ion 41 6)011 (d) 3-1-4-2
98. Which one among the following is 100. Match List-I with List-II and select
the correct descending sequence of the correct answer using the code
India's import of commodities in given below the Lists :
terms of value?
(a) Capital Goods—Electronic
Goods—Food Products List-I List-II
—Fertilizers (British Policy) (Consequence)

(b) Fertilizers—Food Products

—Electronic Goods A. Agrarian 1. Partition
—Chemicals Settlements
(c) Capital Goods—Electronic
Goods—Food Products
B. Divide and Rule 2. Famines
and popular
(d) Electronic Goods—Capital rebellions
—Food Products
C. Excluding Indians 3. Increase of
99. Match List-I with List-II and select from Government home charges
the correct answer using the code Jobs
given below the Lists :

List-I List-II D. Wars and 4. Alienation of

(Governor General) (Important Policy) Conquests the Indian
middle class
A. Lord Cornwallis 1. Partition of
B. Lord Wellesley 2. Doctrine of
Lapse Code :

C. Lord Dalhousie 3. Permanent

D. Lord Curzon 4. Subsidiary (a)A BCD
Alliance 3 4 1 2
Code :
(b) A BCD
(a)A BCD
3 1 4 2
3 4 2 1
(b)A BCD
1 2 4 3 (c) A BCD
(c) A BCD 2 1 4 3
3 2 4 1
(d)A BCD (d)A BCD
1 4 2 3 2 4 1 3

Q-ING-M-HBil 35A 40
98. F-ii-i dcf 14 14 -117 t,ob, `41“-f 100. 11#L1 -II 11141ffd
Ere-A 317-4-m 31-m-R ER, Tref ilfg1 -.N[f<awt7wrAz4.47q1
31- t? irk :

—larCr tad ft-u
(%r-or *IA) (trfturigr)
(b) ct/.,t kii4114

A. TRILF1:f 1. fur
(c) V[74 rfr — .1*
B. sid-1 7c kiv4 2. 31-*-Ta. 74 F4*-74
(d) tit 1-11 —“Vid 1-110 fara

C. 111-*714 -N114114 3. 17 Sii-Tid 4

d4 44F-47 AT
99. 1:01-1 M4 Ft-II 1?1 T4F-
FGA t6M-1 .507 chk Pt wru vg-41
.3TR :

D. 7 -W4 4. '47444 Tfuf dv1 4+T

/101-11 fatirrgla
A.iistr) (46wyri ReA)

A. dist mi-iairdH 1. wind fqww

B. di aArn 2. 317711 40.

C. dig. 3. 1:274t ,st-c

(a) A BCD
D. d1.4 W4. 4. i i ct, 0.4
3 4 1 2

(b) A BCD
(a)A BCD
3 1 4 2
3 4 2 1

(b) A BCD
1 2 4 3 (c) A BCD
2 1 4 3
(c) A BCD
3 2 4 1

(d) A BCD (d) A BCD

1 4 2 3 2 4 1 3

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/35A 41 [ P. T. O.
101. Who among the following used the 104. Which of the following memorandum
term 'Drain of Wealth' for the first of understandings were signed
time? between India and Myanmar on
(a) Surendranath Banerjee May 2012 when the Prime Minister
Dr. Manmohan Singh visited the
(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(c) Dadabhai Naoroji
1. On India-Myanmar border area
(d) Mahatma Gandhi development
2. On establishment of joint trade
102. The Government of India has
and investment forum
recently established a committee
under the chairmanship of 3. On establishment of the
S. K. Thorat. What was the advance centre for agricultural
mandate of the committee? research and education
(a) To review the working of the 4. On establishment of Rice Bio
NCERT Park at New Delhi
(b) To frame some guidelines for Select the correct answer using the
preparing the syllabus of the code given below.
central schools
(c) To review political cartoons (a) 1, 2 and 3
and other contents of the social (b) 2 and 3 only
science and political science
textbooks for class IX to XII (c) 1 and 4

(d) To determine the guidelines to (d) 3 and 4

prepare the test items
105. Which one among the following
103. Consider the following statements statements about Aung San Suu
about Jeet Thayil : Kyi is not correct?
1. He has been nominated for the
(a) She is the chairperson of the
2012 Man Booker Prize for his
National League for Democracy
debut novel, Narcopolis.
in Myanmar
2. Narcopolis is a novel on the
background of communal riots (b) On April 2012, she was elected
in Gujarat. to the Upper House of the
Which of the statements given
above is/are correct? (c) On June 2012, she delivered
her Nobel acceptance speech
(a) 1 only
two decades after being
(b) 2 only awarded the Peace Prize
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) She did her graduation from
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 India

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/35A 42
T&I 4 q7-347-47' ( 4- 4 311T 104. F-14-ireiR5t1 1,1-14f Trrerd1-;114-1 We'
71- air u4,42TA vzr'r7 fa? 1:1614R *; 41,4 2012 A, sa
ti-r-diFft to iwke- fA 3TT 411A
TrRytt4 f17 77?
1. 1174-wiAt(*A1 *f4tre at
2. 44z1ffi 04111-1R \r fR-3/47r rh-FA wr7T
(d) 1TL
3. Ufa afOrR car 14tr fry daa
102. urea HtcbIJ ,ice ft A to to q1444 t't
m'tT-9-m7-Rh Vi
awra A 7-* T-if1f1 7r34 1 ag
Af7F4 *Tr arryksi 1,41 zn? 4. •Rt Tl tiiart (TE4B ca
art) 4'1 P4144t
(a) NCERT ch14chkur c,1-1I
h 7 I Ic1 i 11T3 W1 .P17117 41-4 f<7 77 t-z n74-1T1 Trt ,srit
rM~ Wrd1171 T744ktf-fwaR.
(a) 1, 2 18 t 3
(c) *err tx Tl xit * ,43114
74 th,frfirci-fi-r Hio.,4*-ci<f;1 (b) k7F 2 3IN 3
kki-ficion trtRI 3T17 317f1
wftur (c) 1 aftR 4
(d) EfeRiuT SR-4A kzifi 3/44,4 3/4 P-17
(d) 3 3tR 4

103. ,Tncf 2.rfzr@ all Af-o-d c1riad W.4-44 ER 105. altrT +11-fk*1 wIZ 14 -r+ 9-TRI A
faart : tR-Er -73/4 Aft we t?
1. .Tt1 3n -sp.TA ,31-H4iff ‘.111,11-1rc1k-r
(a) IJ-IIHR qr41.
c-N T ,F 7111ER, 2012 fi
(A37-4@ Tr tiT 4-11),R4) 1 3Turaft
41FITff '4711 +NI I
2. 4 -11ITI41rM(e ken di-Irt114
r *t Tf:r ER (b) 31t1F 2012 A ithsg*
311t-1TP17 t I f(-K Piliftid
-374* tv-d1 A A tl-q-w/A Trit t/t?
(c) 2012 A .3-614 317-d-r
(a) --da 1 Feta %am 4n-ft awbR srrg 1h*4
(b) k4-0 2 -441-* ci 14 fc4r

(c) 1 31N 2 414 (d) .3-614 apat Hid* arta

(d) R t1 1131417t 2 AIR *4

Q-DQG-M-HBJ / 35A 43 IP. T. a

Directions : 108. Statement :
In each of the following three (3) items, a Trade union leadership is in the
statement is followed by two assumptions hands of politicians.
numbered I and IL An assumption is a
statement that you take for granted. Study Assumptions
the statement and assumptions, and
I. Trade unions have leaders
answer the items using the code given
II. Leaders are generally
Code : politicians.

(a) Only I is implied in the

(b) Only II is implied in the 109. Which one among the following
statement options is a word that can be
formed from the letters used in
(c) Both I and II are implied in INTELLIGENCE?
the statement
(d) Neither I nor II is implied in
the statement

106. Statement : (b) NOTICE

Teaching through TV is to help

the students to learn without a (c) INCITE

Assumptions : (d) ENTAIL

I. Students want to study
without a teacher.
II. Teachers are incapable of
110. Which one among the following
options is a word that cannot be
formed from the letters used in
107. Statement : INTELLIGENCE?
If you lose after competing hard
that is fine. If you lose without
trying hard that is what
disappoints me.
Assumptions :
I. Losing after trying hard is
excusable. (c) ENGINE

II. Losing without effort is

regrettable. (d) INTENT

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/35A 44
1A .7 : 108. :
RR TR .44 (3)11A N-F)- A 1;i:in
A77 Tr2z A
ciN I atT
6 dr t I
34'14777 t NTsr1 TA AR
4T alfwrall ELI 3TzI4R Th1F-
‹R ACta AAA cbt W*711 31{ : 3151171AT :

I. AT7itial a r6 ti
aaraIIIaI: tiw-1f1Isllt I
(a) 24-q i79 I I.1 6cf t

109. INTELLIGENCE A SRI'FT f*7 T17 31.0 14

(b) 21-4 14 t-dTh• II t
A-*-4 aid( fam--11 A T4
ml 4-TIT lc %?
(c) AT ri t

(d) -Tzig I ft II -1 t (a) SCIENCE

106. :

TV aRf 4GIdr fticqz11 F-4-4T 3117-171-*

tTltu4A -A-cm-T-d-rti

315-TaTiuil : (d) ENTAIL

t. faur2ff filar aiarrcr i1G l 410

110. INTELLIGENCE A sRnii f+-R 344TA
II. 3ItziTE 7-‘1A A 3TaTA t I gq A-*-4 a-1-ff( -q-r g faTFA

107. 2R :
zIftN1ylrialt wia awl 61Ia t,
-1 -, c11 cficf tl qia -NA( f-th-Tft AFTPAA
am 6Itcl%,alifPiisiTTI4tti (b) GENTLE

a{fircirTun : (c) ENGINE

I. T-1 ftr1tt ala 61k-it uffitrircr t
fq-di a‘,1:14-) t (d) INTENT

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/ 35A 45 [ P. T. O.
111. Which of the following statements 113. Which one among the following is
about National Human Rights not a goal of National Action Plan
Commission (NHRC) is/are correct? for Climate Change?
1. It is an alternative non-judicial (a) To promote the development
channel. and use of solar energy
2. Victims of human rights (b) To reduce energy consumption
violations can seek reparation through supply side
through NHRC. management
3. It cannot grant immediate (c) Afforestation of degraded forest
4. It has the direct power of
(d) Improvement in water-use
enforcement .
efficiency through pricing and
Select the correct answer using the other measures
code given below.

(a) 1 only 114. Which of the following service

sectors in India had the highest
(b) 1 and 2 only percentage share to India's GDP in
(c) 1, 2 and 4 the year 2010-2011?
(d) 2, 3 and 4 (a) Trade, hotels and restaurants
(b) Construction
112. Consider the following statements
(c) Transport, storage and
about the Convention on the Rights
of the Child :
1. This is an international treaty (d) Community, social and
which recognizes the human personal services
rights of children up to the age
of 14 years. 115. Which one among the following
statements is not correct?
2. It constitutes a common
reference against which (a) Eastern Himalayas and
progress in meeting human Western Ghats are the two
right standards for children biodiversity hot spots in India
can be assessed and results (b) Central American lowland and
compared. highland forests are identified
Which of the statements given as biodiversity hot spots
above is/are correct? (c) The biodiversity hot spots are
(a) 1 only mostly confined to the tropical
and subtropical regions of
(b) 2 only
the world
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) The South-East Asian islands
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 are not rich in biodiversity

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/35A 46
111. if 4i1.14 4111-*Ti 47117
- (NHRC) 411 113. PHRifigct 4 -A cb er-Ar ,sto<iiq It4-44
A Pv-ik-ifi5d A A 04-144/11 2R int few, tl x1l ohiki Tri-AR1*T4.7.17kfi t?
(a) t4ft .3"1f rdWiff 4t 31:1121-17
1. ea, ktf-,,--Hoh atP 4K-It wet I
*444 *HI
2. 1l1R 344-*-R *.ETR1 * 4tfwrth
NHRC*TtzrA i1wig-GO A-*-R (b) ELf4 t14 5Tgig d.),71 371419 1d'1F
(c) 1=14--P*112,0 44 %CARA air 4404
3. k16 N,lc-r 4IFA 31Cl umarl
4. T14 7d-d7 i Sr 14 7rf-ffi wrg t (d) IL- T-AtTitut ea apt Tar Wkl 4F
TPATI 49--di T1 #ti-R
f<7 TrC to sr* a t a 1 .17“

114. Wird r-1a-irMrtact Tl 4 imtr a41 4-4* *T

(a) *-4@ 1 114 2010-2011 A 141k7 * GDP
lIf-dt47 347T %TT?
(I)) T 1 at 2
(a) «4141, 6 e 4311( W.r'
(c) 1, 2 afR 4

(d) 2, 3 * 4 (b) f4raul

(c) rt(4-6#, liz#17T 74 twit

112. firi 341ta-R-f44EK *#1T4 * cu
ciHroli1d*94-4 1:11fqW r : kil+11 Ad) 74 ~ifbm Gait
1. 747 31Th'efttzt 1:64 t, 14 44
*t * 1 a 3#1.1*r1 115. itimReiRicr -wargl A A ql-r-Ar kr-81
#rR4r acitt I
2. 0 W4' 4.10i fad ddd
fartit fdlittd finian * 441.14 -6Arst 3111 4fAtit Errs %um
(a) I411
aTtlim-R T1r-44 41 ELAI,K4 E1 srrA faf4trift
41 *-
07 fichdf t
(b) 31qt-4 1.:114-414 3-
trreirrAl 1 qo-it 1 '7111-*-th t I
%LRT 4 ,4 -14ftti414#Rrol . qA
3114* *24-d1 T4 # ml r-Ar/A H t(t? iwiT4 Trq t

(a) 4 1 (c) old faNtrdtTR:9-m 311E1-*tUff;

athwr- t4
3-614-th-Ntt4 tat aft(econf
(b) -dam 2
(c) 1 31)1 2 441
(d) 4417T-T4 Ctf`SRIt 1114 4 raw A
(d) Rtt 2 k11$ Tef
116. Which one among the following 120. Match List-I with List-II and select
Indian States shares boundaries the correct answer using the code
with the largest number of States? given below the Lists :

(a) Madhya Pradesh

List-I List-II
(b) Chhattisgarh (Individual) (Organization)
(c) Maharashtra
A. Bhagat Singh 1 Congress
(d) Assam
B. Swami 2 Hindustan
Sahajananda Socialist Republic
117. Which one among the following
Indian States shares international
boundaries with three nations? C. G K. Gokhale 3. All India Trade
(a) Uttarakhand Union Congress

(b) Himachal Pradesh D. S. A. Dange 4. All India Kisan

(c) Arunachal Pradesh
(d) Assam Code :

118. Which one among the following is (a)A BCD

the nearest from the 'Zero Mile 2 4 1 3
Centre' of India?
(b)A BCD
(a) Taj Mahal 2 1 4 3
(b) Charminar (c) A BCD
(c) Gateway of India 3 4 1 2

(d) Victoria Memorial (d)A BCD

3 1 4 2
119. Which one among the following
statements is not correct? 121. Who among the following had written
(a) The plane of separation to the Viceroy, "The Congress is as
between the crust and mantle much opposed to victory for Nazism
is known as Mohorovicic as any British can be. But their
discontinuity objective cannot be carried to the
extent of their participation in
(b) The mantle contains more than
the war"?
two-third of the total material
mass of the Earth (a) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) The mantle is composed of the (b) Mahatma Gandhi
heaviest materials of the Earth
(c) J. B. Kripalini
(d) The inner core of the Earth is
in solid state (d) C. Rajagopalachari

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/35A 48

116. 1:4-117:111_qd 4 4 4114 'oF) WiThtq thy-4 120. FfIr-1 T)-r-

d-d *Dtr- A- 3tfT
Tfrmail dm -t? *Zfl -114 te. srz4Tr
ad< :


A. 1.17

B. t-cw-il 2. 16-(k-cit.{ k-nqlkik-

117. f RMRLVd4 4 -4:r1 ki -r cft
ccich 1k1
tnaii t?
C. to That 3. f4T4

D. Tio 12o sit 4.ftziT 71R


(d) 3ThI4

118. fRRfc-1. 4 4 R.-U.1 1,4) 1-FR7 7E71 (a) A B C D

=Fr@ fdd-re.dr-r %? 2 4 1 3

(a) dlo-146M (14 A B C D

2 1 4 3
(c) A B C D
(c) ■
le4 3TP4 8'A1 3 4 1 2

(d) actrl. krn A41Pt1M (d) A B C D

3 1 4 2

119. :*9-1-41 -1-••4-Th ,4, c1 1

121. 1-414 f*714 cirkikref fr-r 24-r, "m--1,-Th
t? {l dia•id 3c141 1 fay t Ac1-11

(a) 3-1)- mart 2tr4 tlft ff-d-zr {-robrir t

ThORIRit 3Tht-d-F4 tc‘LI •311-11 .3triT 43 (iorfrr-di 411-r1 deb
•311di Tef wzri fT tiqrctr"?

(b) A 21 72* * 1.2rd* 5,o-‘11-1I (a)

G1,1** (b)

(c) ArdFT 72** T--dTr rk#1-r-o

- t (c) to *0 THit

(d) 72:* *f 31-W2-T W1S 31F1 31-17-2TT t (d) *o ti01 viditit

122. Which of the following statements 124. On June 2012, about 40 nations
about National Green Tribunal participated in an Investment
is/are correct? Summit held in New Delhi
1. It is a specialized body organized by the Confederation of
equipped with the necessary Indian Industry in association with
expertise to handle environ- the Government of India to attract
mental disputes involving foreign direct investment to a
multidisciplinary issues. country. Which one among the
following is the beneficiary country?
2. The Tribunal shall be bound by
the procedure laid down under (a) Afghanistan
the Code of Civil Procedure,
1908. (b) Nepal

Select the correct answer using the (c) Bangladesh

code given below.
(d) India
(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only 125. Consider the following statements :

(c) Both 1 and 2 1. Vladimir Putin took his oath of
office in May 2012 as the
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
President of Russia for the
third time defeating Dmitri
123. Consider the following about the Medvedev.
initiatives taken by the Government
of India with regard to total 2. Mr. Putin has been facing
sanitation campaign : unprecedented challenges after
mass protest against his
1. Implementation of Nirmal
Bharat Abhiyan scheme
3. Dmitri Medvedev was the
2. Encouragement of the use
Prime Minister of Russia
of bio-toilet facility developed
during the presidency of
by DRDO on bio-digester
Mr. Putin.
3. Making toilet construction Which of the statements given
mandatory for every household above is/are correct?

Which of the above is/are correct?

(a) 1, 2 and 3
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 2 and 3 only
(b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only

(d) 1 only (d) 1 only

Q-DQG-M-HBJ/35A 50
122. rtzr 6ficf 3Tfirm-Tu1 AA A Pp-irdr6ci A 124. 'zi\-f 2012 # rf1W1 40 kie 1-111-
21-4 wet t/t? 3a7 EltkitEr 1TRA *Row • 1:114 i#@7
1. zr3 AK-fa-Jr-MA 11q4k kgi # -14-471 -NRA Ardi A ART
filar-1 44AAR 1 aTrATA- -r
- ca Ark Wr * rc:1 fratt
ct fiThT4 t I AAA 3A-*-14A. f*-zu A- 11=1-irciiiici
msR-Ar 9734-N1114A Yft?
2 aTIA-*-Arr, fAf-4 -str
1908 * aI 341-4-*--rim fsnalr rrt
au 61i a I (a) 347Trif4R17

AtA fzcz a l 9-41A cm Al cie <


(a) pct 1 (c) Y1

(b) 9 2
(d) RIM

(c) 1 atR 2

(d) R 91 1 * t 2 125. (gcl 2-TRI4t%AR mctfr7 :

1. fdA 4 -Frilt er-c4ka
123. Tr to 31134-414 W-c14.4 A ARA *RcHt 6A 7 AlAftalt tc‘A
gRE -47 l 3I15t/HIII1* tsli A 1~Mrc Cqd t=4 2012 A 31A4 7 41 71721
ER fgqIT tIr-
47 : I

1. ‘f-44-@ Wird afAAR' alter 2. fAA 3174 -WAR fay 7q-

ctIN f-AAA AFArd wocLA Ited-Al
op-mr *1
DRDO gItt ' .4-4: (411;
11 (ATz11-
3I) thdRiA 4t fcm,fAcr 3. Irg111 4-<4-ka, Al q-rA.
, 4-13411-14* 34zh-r1 wr64 (c“ ITATRATt
- Ai
3. 7-)IT * rc-K 11-41c-ic4 ThAluT
.441 A A 04-*A(A M tit?
31I-4TA- 4md1

77,1 A A =4, .1-Ar/R4 (a) 1, 2 * 3

(a) 1, 2 at 3
(b) -k-4-F 2 * 3
(b) k7F 1 * 2
(c) *-4I9 1 * 2
(c) 79 2 * 3

(d) kR7 1 (d) dc7 1

8"- 31710 Tir V113P1T 1-Pr*1 4i1c11 Th) 7 416 WMc9 M 7(5)(4

it:41.141. : Q-DQCr-M-HBJ triturri r ariwEr

t1Illt4C11 "cTi 11-
crtra : t trzr TY& : 250

1. zifterr wrzciz * T.-rt anzt vg *law Ifrawr 1 zr-fafF 319TAT az t 1-4 al j 1441 th-z-r
m Wer parr ga kizzm 774* 344 7 1 zrN ktir t, a174 Wt zrftwzr fl zzrwr 14 15(4 Q1
2. two rim ii 1-* OmR1-94-4-** 4, dkrr z-errq 41, zIR 4-mr{ 3117 zrftanr fl
2. irawr arrth-14 A, B, C zit
D 9l, arm -4 fear fott ti* zrz cat-iiiik *174 3114 cpc,44 4)(4 *r 1-14-4.14 dralic,414 #01 P*14`4
aft sr*-r/ t1‘-*/foiTTE4 *1 *TR T1 3at-zr-**11k-cr fkrri 4114,1r
3. TEE rifkiat q-Prwr AM 4 fkR Tm d a9FF*4 37c4T
krf*** %- izr4r t I zrftzfrr 3-P1 4i afrz Thu 7fI
4. ‘t:f tifik.Tuf 1gPr- T # 125 (S(47) l m tl n 11Y419 f%* At kit* x141 TI WIT tl A SR-lif Tr
art 5r-IWT (at“) 14g Try, t I *44 i1 kr* sr-lw a1 Tr fw4 ami *144 chorr urea t I rrc azrizir
*1* v,ch aTf 1rett,91347WTfla13-ii*9 37tr*4 S (141 474* 14:Hi/r foR
dviivt t 3c197 X441 t
5. 39,41 344 Trift sr-spz ardzi 4 f-c 4R a9t-99* t 449 cilt4 I art-7-4 .er 199 7 far et=17 I
6. Rift -5trglt +vim ti
7. 4r11 Is mr4 zrftzzar qra-*-r * fafir7 rat* * -4-** IT( 3-ifTh7 YIF 3714*4 44w
54414-Trak ITN - 4r4k kylk* apart To fa-47 art-irich 4.k4 t
8. 3714 344 fl 59911 31 art-99* T1 174 WR 9Wr zrtiall w 3-97-14T WIRT* *1 ti1,4
afFr*4 4744 FPI zrftz-z* qPrwr A14 t
9. =era chirf * ftlit rfr tfNivf -gP1-*1 tI
10. tTM39 3/4.17 :
77T-Tri1 arailqar{ n f4R /fR TTFff aria* {kg fkka
(i) 4•44* fo-R art n cva attt I d441-1411( eTflIFA-* fkR TIC 1 l IMct 4.dt* 7111, 5174
Pic( Is 7 341 *I ; 4-ice cud * d *let zllt, if I
(ii) zrfk alb auficark kr* 4 3TIt art 311 ITM7 1-97 141-1I •311Wif, Ter •N9 Tpi 3911'719 kr* art Tit
lrr %, fk{ Tft 3a A74 * fa.R ac4thitirt tt 4111 clk farn 'ARM'
zfft as-t4c4IL rtI cf-1i Tra Tel foir Aim t, aTztrq, dr-i-Frcem aikr .&ry..-ter cqr t, 91314 Sr37*
Trg Wit .R411 Alk'111

ww autrO 77 trftatrt tiOnTa 70(-174 "6E7 74117 874 878 7 &cilct

Note : English version of the instructions is printed on the front cover of this Booklet.

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