04 ONLY IAS PRE-2019-CA-TEST-1-Q+A (@pdf4exams)
04 ONLY IAS PRE-2019-CA-TEST-1-Q+A (@pdf4exams)
04 ONLY IAS PRE-2019-CA-TEST-1-Q+A (@pdf4exams)
Only IAS
Test Booklet
Preliminary Exam- 2019
Only Current Affairs: Test-4
Time Allowed: Two Hours Maximum Marks: 200
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1. Which of the following methods of Which of the above Concerns is/are
voting is being used in Indian elections? correct?
(d) Nepal
2. India Recently signed long-pending
Communications Compatibility and 4. Consider the following statements
Security Agreement (COMCASA). about Varieties of Democracy Report:
Consider the following Concerns with
1. It is backed by the United
reference to COMCASA Agreement:
1. This agreement may harm India’s 2. As per this report, quality of
strategic autonomy by making its democracy has declined over the
own communication network past ten years in India.
vulnerable to US spying.
Which of the above statements is/are
2. US will retain control over its
equipment sold to India under (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
this pact and may manipulate
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) neither 1 nor 2
5. Consider the following statements
3. It allows sharing of classified with reference to Indian Ocean
information to some of the Conference:
leading Private entities that
makes that information insecure.
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(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only (d) It is an application to monitor living
standard in rural areas.
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) all of the above
27. Consider the following statements
with reference to SAATHI initiative:
25. Consider the following statements
1. SAATHI is an initiative of Ministry
with reference to Advantages of Coal
of Textile.
bed methane (CBM), recently seen in
2. Energy Efficiency Services Limited
1. India has largest proven coal (EESL), a public sector unit under
reserves in the world. Ministry of power will help in
implementing the initiative.
Which of the above statements is/are 3. Nauradehi in Madhya Pradesh
correct? was found to be the most
suitable area for the cheetahs.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
Which of the above match is/are
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) neither 1 nor 2
28. Consider the following statements
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
with reference to Elephant Reserves:
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) all of the above
1. Recently, Meghalaya government
declared the Singphan Wildlife 30. Recently, The Kaziranga National
Sanctuary as an Elephant Park (KNP) had been split into two
Reserve. divisions — Eastern Assam Wildlife and
Biswanath Wildlife Park, Consider the
2. Singhbhum Elephant Reserve in following statement about Kaziranga
Jharkhand is the first Elephant National Park:
Reserve of the Country.
1. Kaziranga has been recognized as
Which of the above statements is/are an ‘Important Bird Area’ by
correct? Birdlife International.
(d) Kerala
2. The park is surrounded by the
36. Consider the following statements Kabini River in the north and the
about Public Financial Management Moyar River in the south while
System (PFMS), recently seen in News: the Nugu River runs through the
1. It is implemented by the
Controller General of Accounts. 3. It was brought under Project
Tiger in 1973.
2. PFMS is used for Direct Benefit
Transfer payments under 4. Recently it was in news because;
MGNREGA scheme. Union Road Transport Ministry
Which of the above statements is/are has asked the state government
correct? to lift the ban on vehicle
movement during night in this
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only National park.
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) neither 1 nor 2 Select the correct answer from options
given below:
Which of the above statements is/are (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) neither 1 nor 2
(a) Smart operation techniques in 2. This was for first time AESF was
Emergency. held in South Asia.
(d) None of the above. (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) neither 1 nor 2
46. Consider the following statement 49. Venezuela crisis, recently seen in
about Spitzer Space Telescope: news, is mainly related to:
51. Consider the following statements 2. One of the new areas of BRICS
about Prime Minister’s Research cooperation proposed is
Fellows Scheme: establishment of a BRICS Gender
and Women’s Forum.
1. It will now be open to all
potential researchers.
3. Xiamen Declaration is related to
10th BRICS summit.
2. It is aimed at attracting the talent
pool of the country. Which of the above statements is/are
Which of the above statements is/are
correct? (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) 2 only (d) All of the above
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) neither 1 nor 2 (a) United States, Russia and China
55. Consider the following statements (b) United States, China, France
with reference to Biju Swasthya Kalyan
(c) China, France, Japan
(a) 1, 2&3 only (b) 2&4 only 62. National Payments Corporation of
(c) 1 only (d) All are correct India an upgraded and renewed version
of Unified Payments Interface (UPI)
named as UPI 2.0. With reference to this
which of the following is/are new
60. With reference to World Congress
1. Allowing users to link their
of Philosophy, consider the following
overdraft account to UPI.
(c) 1&2 only (d) All of the above 1. They are least concerned in
IUCN red list.
64. Millet is a common term to
categorize small-seeded grasses that
2. They are hypercarnivorous
are often termed nutri-cereals. Which
apex predator.
of the following characteristic is/ are
true with reference to Millets?
3. They are the largest riparian
1. Tolerant to drought. predator in the world.
Which of the above statements is/are 1. It is offshore/overseas derivative
correct? instruments (ODIs).
67. With reference to World Hindi Which of the above statements is/are
Conference, Consider the following correct?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
1. Recently, it's 11th conference
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) neither 1 nor 2
held in Mauritius.
70. The Supreme Court has accepted
2. The first World Hindi Conference the Centre’s proposal to use hologram-
was held in 1975 in Nagpur. based coloured stickers on vehicles,
plying in the Delhi-National Capital
Which of the above statements is/are
Region (NCR), to indicate the nature of
the fuel used. With reference to this
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only which of the following is/ are correct?
2. Vajra Prahar Exercise: India-USA 80. Recently, The world’s largest 3-D
printed reef has been submerged in
3. Dharma Guardian Exercise: India-
which of the following island country:
(a) Indonesia
4. Exercise Maitree: India-Thailand
(b) Japan
Which of the following matches is/are
correct? (c) Maldives
(c) 1, 3 and 4 only (d) all of the above 81. Consider the following statements
with reference to Consider the
78. Recently, we have seen weakening
following statements about National
of Indian Rupee. In the light of this
Crime Records Bureau (NCRB):
statement what are the impacts of this:
1. It has been designated as the
1. Country’s imports become more
nodal agency for monitoring the
complaints for child pornography
2. Growth in domestic tourism can
and sexual violence videos.
be seen.
2. It would coordinate with service
3. Export-oriented industries may
providers and ask them to block
also create more jobs.
malicious videos and contents.
Which of the above statements is/are
Which of the above statements is/are
(a) 1&2 only (b) 2&3 only
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) 1&3 only (d) All of the above
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) neither 1 nor 2
79. OSIRIS-REx Mission has been
82. Consider the following statement
launched for:
about NOTA recently seen in news:
(a) An asteroid
1. It is not allowed in Rajya Sabha
(b) A planet near earth elections.
1. e-Filing
94. With reference to Pradhan Mantri
2. e-Pay Awas Yojana (Urban), consider the
following statements:
3. National Service and Tracking
1. It is implemented by Ministry
of Electronic Processes
of Housing and Urban Poverty
(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 1 and 2 only Alleviation.
(b) Ministry of Environment, Forest and 95. With reference to Bombay Natural
Climate Change History Society (BNHS), consider the
following statements:
(c) Environmental Investment
Organization 1. It has started operating its first
regional centre in Odisha.
(d) Cuba
2. Spice Jet has operated India's
first biofuel-powered flight. 100. Consider the following statements
about Aeolus satellite:
• It could develop codes of conduct that 5. Answer (c) both 1 and 2 are correct
preserve freedom of navigation and
• The third edition of Indian Ocean
apply existing law of the seas regionally.
Conference is set to begin on August 27
• It could stem the region’s creeping at Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam.
militarisation by instituting, for instance,
• The theme of the two- day conference
a Bay of Bengal Zone of Peace that seeks
will focus on ‘Building Regional
to limit any bellicose behaviour of extra
Architectures’, particularly with regards
regional power
to trade and commerce, security and
4. Answer (b) only 2 is correct governance.
10. Answer (b) only 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 are 11. Answer (b) Maintenance of Tiger
correct. Reserves
• Recently, five Caspian Sea States – • The android-based monitoring
Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia software M-STrIPES will be used across
and Turkmenistan - signed a all the Tiger Reserves of the country.
breakthrough agreement on Caspian
Sea’s legal status. Recently, it was in News because Forest
Department staff in seven forest ranges
• The 5 nations have tried to define the in
Caspian Sea’s legal status since the
collapse of Soviet Union in order to • Coimbatore Forest Division were given
divide up the waters and its natural training to use M-STrIPES (Monitoring
resources for new drillings and pipelines. System for Tiger-Intensive Protection
Iran, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan have and Ecological Status), an exclusive tiger
contested the ownership of several oil monitoring application developed by the
and gas fields. National Tiger Conservation Authority.
(The Hindu)
• According to an estimate by the US
Energy Information Administration in • It was launched by the Indian
2013, the Caspian offshore reserves Government in 2010 in some tiger
contain at least 20 Billion Barrels of Oil reserves.
and more than 240 trillion Cubic Feet of
• The same question has been asked in
natural gas.
UPSC Prelims 2017.
• India got the presidency of the 14. Answer (c) only 3 is Correct.
organisation for the first time by
defeating Iran in the election. Hence • Recently, government extended the
statement 1 is correct. Concessional Financing Scheme (CFS) for
five years till 2023. Hence statement 1 is
• It is a regional inter-governmental NOT correct.
organisation servicing countries of the
• The scheme is aim to support Indian West Asia and and North Africa,
entities bidding for strategically according to the Global Peace Index
important infrastructure projects (GPI), released by Australia-based
abroad. Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP).
• Under the scheme government •The IEP is the world’s leading think
provide counter guarantee and interest tank that develops metrics to analyse
equalization of 2 % to EXIM Bank to peace and quantify its economic value.
offer concessional finance to any foreign
• India’s GPI rank was 137 out of 163
Govt. or controlled entity, if any Indian
countries in 2017, when the year 2016
entity, succeeds in getting contract for
was assessed. In 2018, when the year
the execution of a project.
2017 is assessed, India’s rank moved up
• It will now cover all Indian entities, to 136. This is in line with the
compared to the earlier stipulation of performance of some of the South Asian
minimum 75 per cent Indian countries. “
shareholding. Hence statement 3 is
•South Asia experienced the largest
regional improvement in peacefulness,”
• EXIM Bank extends credit at a rate not the report noted. It also noted that
exceeding LIBOR (avg. of six months) + peace continues to record a “gradual,
100 bps. The repayment of the loan is sustained fall” across the world.
guaranteed by the foreign govt.
16. Answer (c) both 1 and 2 is Correct
• Under the scheme Ministry of
• U.S has recently placed India in
External Affairs selects the project,
Strategic Trade Authorization-1 (STA-1)
keeping in view strategic interest of
license exception list.
India and sends the same to the
Department of Economic affairs. Hence • United States eased export controls
statement 2 is also NOT correct. for high technology product sales to
India, granting it the same access as
15. Answer (c) Institute for Economics
NATO allies — Australia, Japan and
and Peace
South Korea.
• India’s rank has marginally improved in
• STA allows for license exception with
“global peacefulness”, at a time when
regards to exports from the US.
there is an overall decline of global
peace owing to escalation of violence in
• This exception from the export control portion of the income to unit holders of
regime will allow the US to export InvITs, who pooled in the money. Hence
sensitive technology to India without statement 1 is Correct.
individual licences. Hence statement 1 is
• InvITs are regulated by Securities and
Exchange Board of India. Hence
• This type of US government statement 2 is also correct.
authorization allows a certain item to be
18. Answer (c) a geometric shape
exported under defined conditions
recently discovered by scientists.
without a transaction-specific license.
• Scientists have identified new
• It is a privilege hitherto reserved only
geometric shape called scutoid while
for 36 countries, mostly NATO members
studying epithelial cells.
or key allies like Japan and South Korea.
•Epithelial tissue is one of four kinds of
• India is the only South Asian country to
tissue that forms human body which
be on the list. Hence statement 2 is also
acts as safety shield of body that make
up cell walls lining our blood.
• It provides India with greater supply
•Scutoid shape has five sides on one end
chain conditions for defence and other
and six on the other and a triangular
high-tech products.
surface on one of its longer edges. And it
17. Answer (c) both is Correct is completely new to geometry and
resembles beetle’s scutellum (shield-like
• It was in news because, the
structure) from top-down view.
government is identifying assets,
including rail lines, national highways
and power transmission lines, for
19. Answer (a) to provide
monetising through infrastructure
unemployment allowance
investment trusts (InvITs).
• Recently, The Andhra Pradesh
• These are mutual fund like institutions
government has announced Mukhya
that enable investments into the
Mantri Yuva Nestam scheme to provide
infrastructure sector by pooling small
unemployment allowance of Rs 1000
sums of money from multitude of
per month to the unemployed youth
individual investors for directly investing
(between 22-35 years of age) through
in infrastructure so as to return a
DBT using Aadhar. Hence option (a) is • The technology has potential to deliver
correct. substantial cost savings as intermediary
activities can be eventually reduced or
20. Answer (d) neither 1 nor 2 removed.
• First statement is wrong because The
• It also improves the reputation of
World Bank (Not ADB) has launched the
crypto-technologies which are currently
world’s first public bond created and
viewed suspiciously.
managed using only blockchain in order
to test how the technology might 21. Answer (d) all 1, 2 and 3 are correct
improve current bond sales practices.
• The Ministry for Road Transport &
• The project is called ‘BONDI’ Highways, Ministry for Shipping and
(Blockchain Operated New Debt Ministry for Water Resources, River
Instrument), which is also reference to Development and Ganga Rejuvenation
the Bondi Beach in Sydney. had launched two IT initiatives – BIMS &
Bhoomi Rashi – with aim to expedite
• Second statement is wrong because pre-construction processes relating to
Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) bidding and land acquisition
has been mandated by the World Bank respectively.
to be the sole arranger of the bond.
Bidder Information Management
• It is a Kangaroo bond (foreign bonds System (BIMS)
issued in Australia in local currency).
• The portal will work as a data base of
Benefits of Blockchain Bonds information about bidders, covering
• The launch of the blockchain bond is basic details, civil works experience,
an initial step in moving bond sales away cash accruals and network, annual
from manual processes towards turnover etc. BIMS will be used by all
automation. the project implementation agencies of
the Ministry.
• Blockchain technology could help in
cutting down bond settlement time • It is aimed at streamlining the process
“from T+2 days currently to T+2 of prequalification of bidders for
minutes”. Engineering Procurement Construction
Mode of contracts for National Highway
works with enhanced transparency and just-in-time, and without any parking of
objectivity. funds.
• The bidders would be responsible for • It will act as one of the key
ensuring that their latest details are functionalities to facilitate payment
available on the BIMS portal. related to compensation for land
acquisition to all the beneficiaries
• The portal will be operated in directly through the Bhoomi Rashi
conjunction with the CPPP portal for system.
invitation of bids for civil works for EPC
mode. 22. Answer (a) Rajasthan
• It is estimated that BIMS portal will • Recently, Rajasthan became first state
significantly reduce the procurement in the country to implement National
time for projects through an objective Policy on Biofuels unveiled by Union
and transparent online evaluation Government in May 2018. Henec option
system thereby leading to accelerated (a) is Correct.
project implementation.
• Its implementation was approved by
Bhoomi Rashi high-power Biofuel Authority.
• It is a portal that has been developed • It was also decided that Government
in collaboration with National will release Biofuel Rules, 2018.
Informatics Centre (NIC), comprising the • Under this policy, State Government
entire revenue data of the country. The will lay emphasis on increasing
entire process flow, from submission of production of oilseeds and establish
draft notification by the State Centre for Excellence in Udaipur to
Government to its approval by the promote research in fields of alternative
Ministry is online. fuels and energy resources.
• The portal had been created for • Biodiesel plant of capacity of eight
expediting the process of publication of tonnes per day already has been
notifications. installed in State with financial
assistance of Indian Railways.
• It has been integrated with Public
Financial Management System (PFMS). • State government will give emphasis
With this payment of Compensation by to promote marketing of biofuels and
the Ministry to the beneficiaries will be generate awareness about them.
• State Rural Livelihood Development Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Maharashtra,
Council will also encourage women’s self Punjab, and Rajasthan based on
help groups (SHGs) to explore the scope available data. Henec statement 2 is
for additional income through supply of also correct.
• These states are categorized as front
23. Answer (c) both is correct. runners.
• The 1st edition of the State Energy • Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and
Efficiency Preparedness Index (SEEPI) Haryana have been categorised in the
was released jointly by the Bureau of second best category of ‘achiever’
Energy Efficiency (BEE) and NITI Aayog. states.
Hence statement 1 is correct.
24. Answer (d) all is correct
• The index accessed state policies and
programmes aimed at improving energy • Union Ministry for Environment,
efficiency in five key sectors. Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC)
released National REDD+ Strategy,
• The sectors are buildings, industries, which will help to fulfill India’s NDC
municipalities, transportation, commitment under Paris Agreement of
agriculture and electricity distribution. climate change.
• The criteria taken into account Need for National REDD+ Strategy
• Forest is the second-largest land use in
1. Sector-wise energy consumption, India after agriculture.
• The Project Proponent can also track 28. Answer (b) only 2 is correct
the movement of their application at • Recently, Nagaland (Not Meghalaya)
different stages and can see the findings government declared the Singphan
Wildlife Sanctuary as an Elephant • After the declaration it became the
Reserve, with the approval of central 30th Elephant Reserve in the country.
government. Hence statement 1 is
Other Protected areas in Nagaland:
Intanki National Park, Puliebadze
• Elephant is National Heritage Animal Wildlife Sanctuary, Fakim Wildlife
and categorised as Endangered under Sanctuary and Rangapahar Wildlife
IUCN list. Sanctuary.
• It is under schedule I of the Indian 29. Answer (b) only 2 and 3 are correct
Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 and in
• Recently, Madhya Pradesh forest
Appendix I of the Convention on
department seeks to revive the plan to
International Trade in Endangered
reintroduce Cheetahs in Nauradehi
Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES).
• Singhbhum Elephant Reserve in
• National Tiger Conservation Authority
Jharkhand is the first Elephant Reserve
(NTCA), is nodal agency for the Cheetahs
of the Country. Hence statement 2 is
reintroduction plan. Hence statement 1
is wrong.
• Karnataka has the highest number of
• In 2009 Project Cheetah was launched
elephants followed by Assam and Kerala
and Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary (MP) and
Shahgarh area in Rajasthan were also
About the Singhphan Elephant Reserve: identified as other two sites for cheetah
reintroduction plan.
• It is located in Mon district of
Nagaland and spreads over an area of • Nauradehi was found to be the most
5825 acres. suitable area for the cheetahs as its
forests are not very dense to restrict the
• It has huge tracts of forest,
fast movement of Cheetahs.Hence
strategically located in contiguity with
statement 3 is correct.
the Abhaypur Reserve Forest of Assam.
• Kaziranga protected area was
• Presently, elephant distribution
established in 1904 and is located on the
habitat in Nagaland is highly
edge of the Eastern Himalayan
fragmented, this move will give better
biodiversity hotspot. It is a UNESCO
protection and conservation of
world heritage site.
elephants in the state.
• The park is home to large breeding • The only mammal to become extinct in
populations of elephants, wild water India in last 1,000 years.Hence
buffalo, and swamp deer other than the statement 2 is also correct.
one-horned rhino.
• IUCN status: Vulnerable
• Kaziranga is recognized as an
About National Tiger Conservation
‘Important Bird Area’ by Birdlife
International for the conservation of
avifaunal species. • It is a statutory body and has
overarching supervisory/coordination
• There are five ranges in the Eastern
role as provided in the Wildlife
Assam Wildlife Division. These are
(Protection) Act, 1972.
Kaziranga (Kohora), Eastern Range
(Agaratoli), Western Range (Bagori), • It approves the Tiger Conservation
Burhapahar Range and Northern Range Plan prepared by the State
with headquarters at Biswanath. Of Governments.
these ranges, four are located on the
About National Biodiversity Authority
southern bank of the Brahmaputra,
while the Northern Range is located on
the north bank of the river. 47 •The National Biodiversity Authority
www.visionias.in ©Vision IAS (NBA) was established by the Central
Significance of the move Government in 2003 to implement
India’s Biological Diversity Act (2002).
• It will make India the only country in
the world to host six of the world's eight • The NBA is a Statutory Body and it
large cats, including lions, tigers, jaguars, performs facilitative, regulatory and
panthers and leopards. advisory functions for the Government
of India on issues of conservation,
• Cheetah is the flagship species of the
sustainable use of biological resources
grasslands. This will help dryland
and fair and equitable sharing of
ecosystems of India to return to their
benefits arising out of the use of
natural state.
biological resources.
About Cheetahs:
30. Answer (d) all are correct
• It was declared extinct in India in 1952
• The Kaziranga National Park (KNP) had
and last spotted in Chhattisgarh 1947.
been split into two divisions — the
existing Eastern Assam Wildlife and the members of the National Anti-
new Biswanath Wildlife park with profiteering Authority.
Brahmputra flowing in between.
• Madhav Chitale Committee:
• Kaziranga is recognized as an Constituted by Ministry of Water
‘Important Bird Area’ by Birdlife Resources, River Development and
International for the conservation of Ganga Rejuvenation to Prepare
avifaunal species. Hence statement 1 is guidelines for desiltation of Ganga
Correct. River from Bhimgauda (Uttarakhand)
to Farakka (West Bengal) . It
•The Diphlu river passes through this
recommended an institute be
national park. Hence statement 2 is also
established for flood routing studies
• The Government of India has decided
• Kaziranga protected area was to ban the use of 18 pesticides following
established in 1904 and is located on the the recommendations of the Anupam
edge of the Eastern Himalayan Verma Committee. 45 www.visionias.in
biodiversity hotspot. It is a UNESCO ©Vision IAS
world heritage site. Hence statement 3
is also correct. • The complete ban of 12 pesticides
would come into effect immediately
•The park is home to large breeding while the rest 6 would be banned from
populations of elephants, wild water December 31, 2020.
buffalo, and swamp deer other than the
one-horned rhino. • The decision is based on Anupam
Verma committee which was
31. Answer (c) Anupam Verma Committee constituted in 2013 to review the use of
• B. N. Srikrishna Committee: Expert 66 pesticides (which are either banned
committee constituted by Meity for data or restricted in other countries.)
protection. recommended a ban on 13 ‘extremely
hazardous’ pesticides , phasing out of six
• Pradeep Kumar Sinha committee: The ‘moderately hazardous’ ones by 2020,
committee constituted by the Goods and review of 27 pesticides in 2018.
and Services Tax (GST) Council to
identify and recommend eligible persons 32. Answer (c) both 1 and 2 is correct
for appointment as the chairman and • Union Government recently
constituted new 21-member advisory
panel chaired by the government’s under the Benami Transactions
Principal Scientific Advisor, on science, (Prohibition) Act has been scuttled as
technology and innovation called Prime the special courts meant for the purpose
Minister’s Science, Technology and have not yet been set up across the
Innovation Advisory Council (PM-STIAC). country.
Hence statement 1 is Correct.
• Benami Transactions (Prohibition)
• The council includes secretaries from Amendment Act, 2016, designed to curb
various departments/ministries and is black money and passed by parliament
expected to act as a high level advisory in August, came into effect on
body to several ministries and execute November 1, 2016.
mission-oriented programmes. The new
• The new law amends the 1988 Benami
panel will advise the PM on all matters
Transactions Act.
related to science, technology and
innovation, and would also monitor the • The law provides for up to seven years’
implementation of the PM's vision. imprisonment and fine for those
Hence statement 2 is also correct indulging in such transactions.Hence
statement 1 is correct.
• It will replace two scientific advisory
committees for the prime minister and • The law prohibits recovery of the
the cabinet, and is aimed to streamline property held benami from benamdar
as well as cut down the number of by the real owner.Hence statement 2 is
committees and councils. correct.
• It will also advise government on • As per the Act, properties held benami
developing ‘Clusters of Excellence’ in are liable for confiscation by then
science including city-based R&D government, without payment of
clusters. It will work to bring together all compensation.
science and technology partners from • An appellate mechanism has been
academia and institutes to industries provided under the act, in the form of
near such centres or cities. an adjudicating authority and appellate
33. Answer (c) both is correct tribunal.
• It was in News because recently, the • According to the government, the four
prosecution of accused persons in authorities who will conduct inquiries or
almost 100 confirmed cases instituted investigations are the Initiating Officer,
Approving Authority, Administrator and insurers, employers, or pharma
Adjudicating Authority. companies.
34. Answer (b) Only 1, 2 and 4 are • People will have right to request
correct access to copies of their personal data,
information on the processing activities
•3rd statement is wrong because
carried out with it, request restriction of
People in SECC will get automatically
access or even withdraw consent.
enrolled in this scheme.
• National Health Authority will be its
• PMJAY has become the first healthcare
implementing authority.
scheme with Privacy policy.
• There will be a provision of Rs 5 lakh
• This scheme was earlier announced in
per annum as health assurance (no
2018 budget speech as PM Jan Arogya
premium to be paid by beneficiary) for
Abhiyan within the umbrella scheme of
each family and free of cost treatment
Ayushman Bharat (National Health
for serious diseases.
Protection Mission).
• The cashless benefits can be availed
• A miniature version of this scheme is
from any public or private empaneled
already going on in Telangana from
hospital across India. However, the
years. The entire IT platform used for
payment will be done on Package rate
this scheme will be outsourced from
basis (involving secondary and tertiary
care) defined by Government.
• Since the scheme is based on Aadhar,
• This will be the world’s largest
several recommendations of Srikrishna
government-sponsored healthcare
Committee have been incorporated and
scheme (10 Crore family or 50 Crore
Right to Privacy has been kept intact.
people) covering a population the size of
• The scheme will have its own Data the US, Canada and Mexico.
Privacy Policy (Psudonymisation,
• States are free to choose the mode of
anonymistaion and data minimisation,
implementation, which could either be
etc. will be done along with encryption,
insurance-based, trust-route or mixed
firewalls, etc. at various level).
• Digital health data will not be
• Benefits of the scheme: It will provide
disclosed for commercial purposes, or to
good quality, affordable healthcare to
all, new infrastructure in tier II and III matter on the basis of a
cities will reduce regional disparity, role physical/chemical reaction.
of middle men and money lender will
decrease and employment opportunities • When the sink of a thermal battery
will be created in health and IT sector. It receives heat, it transforms physically or
will be Rights based approach and will chemically, thereby storing energy,
help migrant communities as well. while the source cools down.
35. Answer (c) Andhra Pradesh • During operation, the sink is cooled
down, so it releases the stored energy,
• Recently, World’s first-ever thermal while the source heats up. Depending
battery plant was inaugurated in on the nature of the battery, the system
Andhra Pradesh. can derive heat from any source, which
makes a thermal battery very versatile.
• Conventional battery technology is
based on the system of 36. Answer (c) both 1 and 2 is correct
charging/discharging cycles that are
driven by electricity. •The Public Financial Management
System (PFMS) is an end-to- end
• For example, the Lithium-ion battery solution for processing payments,
consists of electric charges being tracking, monitoring, accounting,
transferred from electrodes. Energy is reconciliation and reporting.
derived from this battery, when lithium
atoms turn into lithium ions (Li+), and • It is administered by the Department
get stored when this reaction reverses. of Expenditure and It is implemented by
• Thermal batteries, on the other hand,
Controller General of Accounts. Hence
use thermal energy to operate, i.e., the
statement 1 is correct.
energy created by temperature
differences. • PFMS is also used for DBT payments
under MGNREGA and other notified
• A thermal battery consists of two
schemes of the Government of India.
parts: a cool zone known as sink, and a
hot source called source. • It provides scheme managers a unified
platform for tracking releases and
• Both these sides consist of compounds monitoring their last mile utilisation.
known as phase-changing materials
(PCMs), which can change their state of
• It provides platform for efficient unviable due to the rugged terrain and a
management of funds through tracking short window when roads remain open
of funds and real time reporting of hence BlackHOLE serve as solution to
expenditure and receipts through bridge that gap.
treasury and bank interface.
• The Black HOLE machine is small and
• The line ministries/departments can be installed anywhere in the city for
utilise this platform to monitor the garbage disposal without segregating
utilisation of funds provided to the dry and wet waste.
implementing agencies and state
• It reduces the volume of garbage in
the ratio of 1/300 – 1/400 and the
37. Answer (c) Waste Management residue can be used as a by-product for
improving soil conditions and can act as
• Tesla's Black HOLE machines are to be
a disinfectant, alter mixing with water.
used for waste management in
Ladakh.Henec option (c) is Correct. • The BRO (Border Roads Organisation)
has already agreed to buy the ash for
• To tackle the garbage crisis in Ladakh,
building roads on the mountainside.
Bengaluru-based Tesla Energy (an arm
of the US-based Tesla Green) has come • As compared to the incinerators, Black
up with a ‘Black hole’ machine that HOLE requires no high temperatures and
works without fuel or electricity, and secondary combustion system as it is
converts all waste, except glass & based on unique feature of Plasmic
concrete material, into ash. Decomposition
• Ladakh is suffering from a serious 38. Answer (c) Bandipur National Park
waste management crisis due to rising
• Presently, there is a ban on vehicle
tourist footfall during peak season in
movement during night in the reserve
June-August generating around 15-16
forest areas. But Union Road Transport
tonne of trash daily in a narrow arc
Ministry has recently asked the state
covering the popular tourist haunts of
government to lift the ban.
Nubra valley in north-west Ladakh,
Pangong-Tso and Tso-Moriri lakes in the • The ministry has also mooted a flyover
east. in the reserve area to avoid the
consumption of fuel because of the ban
• Sending trash to the plains for disposal
is economically and geographically
in vehicle movement on NH 766 during • August 8 marks the 30th anniversary
night. of the people’s uprising in Myanmar.
Hence option (d) is correct.
• However, the state government has
asserted that the ban will continue, • The ‘8888’ uprising (or the eighth day
citing the highest density of elephants in of August 1988) is one of Myanmar’s
the reserve area. most important historic days in the
context of the pro-democracy
• Bandipur National Park was formed
movement (Picture shows the student
from the forest areas of the then
flag with the ‘Fighting Peacock’ insignia,
Venugopala wildlife park in 1941.
and used during the uprising).
• Subsequently some adjacent reserve
forest areas were added to the Bandipur • It was a series of nationwide protests,
reserve. marches and civil unrest in Burma
(Myanmar) that peaked in August 1988.
• This reserve was brought under
Project Tiger in 1973. • Key events occurred on 8 August 1988
and therefore it is known as the 8888
• The Bandipur, Nagarahole, Wayanad, Uprising.
Mudumalai and Sathyamangalam Tiger
• ‘8888’ was a people’s movement that
Landscape is spread across the states of challenged the then ruling Burma
Karnataka (Bandipur-Nagarahole), Tamil Socialist Programme Party’s grip on
Nadu (Mudumalai-Sathyamangalam) political, economic and social affairs
and Kerala (Wayanad). which led the country into extreme
• The park has a variety of biomes
including dry deciduous forests, moist • The objective of ‘8888’ was two-fold:
deciduous forests and scrublands.
1. To push for the transfer of power
• The park is surrounded by the Kabini from the military to a civilian leadership
River in the north and the Moyar River and
in the south while the Nugu River runs
through the park. 2. A change in the political system from
an authoritarian regime to a multi- party
39. Answer (d) Myanmar democracy.
• The protests and the bloody Education and Indian Banks Association
crackdown (IBA). Hence statement 2 is correct.
• Outcome: gave rise to the National • Students can view, apply and track the
League for Democracy (NLD), a political education loan applications to banks
party which paved the way for the anytime, anywhere by accessing the
current Myanmar State Counsellor, portal.
Aung San Suu Kyi’s entry into politics
• The portal also provides linkages to
and for the pro- democracy movement
National Scholarship Portal.
to continue.
41. Answer (d) Disaster relief operation
40. Answer (b) only 2 is correct in flood-battered Kerala
• As per National Securities Depository • Navy launches 'Operation Madad' in
Limited (NSDL) report, 22119 flood-battered Kerala. Hence option (d)
applications are pending as on is correct.
29.07.2018 for more than 6 months on
VidyaLakshmi Portal. • The operation ‘Madad’ has been
launched by the Southern naval
• It is IT-based mechanism under the command at kochi.
Pradhan Mantri Vidya Lakshmi
Karyakram to provide students a single • Nearly 54,000 people have been
window electronic platform for rendered homeless and 29 deaths have
Scholarships and Educational been reported so far from across the
Loans.Hence statement 1 is NOT state which has been receiving incessant
correct. rains since past several days.
• It aims to enable all poor and middle • It is for assisting the state
class students to pursue higher administration of Kerala and
education of their choice without any undertaking disaster relief operations
constraint of funds. due to the unprecedented flooding
experienced in many parts.
• It has been developed and being
maintained by NSDL e-Governance • Flooding in many parts is due to
Infrastructure Limited under the incessant rainfall and release of excess
guidance of Department of Financial water from Idukki and other dams.
Services, Department of Higher
• In addition, the Naval Hospital, INHS which are commonly used globally to
Sanjivani has been deployed for rank most innovative education
rendering medical assistance. institutions/ universities in the world.
More than quantity, ARIIA will focus on
• Naval helicopters are also deployed for
quality of innovations and will try to
ferrying divers, power tools, axes and
measure the real impact created by
relief material to the flooded areas to
these innovations nationally and
augment ongoing relief operations.
42. Answer (a) only 1 is correct
✓ ARIIA will primarily focus on 5 main
• Recently, Tamil Nadu Government has
banned sale and possession of Electronic
1) Budget Expenses and Revenue
Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) or e-
generated through Innovation and
Cigarettes in the state. Hence statement
1 is correct.
• So far, Punjab, Karnataka, Kerala, 2) Facilitating access to advance centres
Mizoram, Jammu and Kashmir, Uttar / facilities and entrepreneurial support
Pradesh and Bihar already have system.
prohibited manufacture, import, sale 3) Idea to Entrepreneurship
and distribution of ENDs or e-cigarettes. 4) Development of Innovation
Hence statement 2 is NOT correct. Ecosystems Supported through Teaching
& Learning
43. Answer (b) Ministry of Human 5) Best innovative solutions Developed
Resource Development In-house for Improving Governance of
• Ministry of Human Resource Your Institution
Development (MHRD) has launched 44. Answer (c) both is correct
‘Atal Ranking of Institutions on
Innovation Achievements (ARIIA)’ to • It is an initiative launched by Global IT
systematically rank education giant IBM in partnership with Indian IT
institutions and universities primarily on companies. Hence statement 1 is
innovation related indicators. correct.
Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal
✓ The applicants for the PMRF should:
Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan and Delhi
are the six Upper Yamuna Basin states.
• have completed or be pursuing the
Upper Yamuna refers to the stretch of
final year of four (or five) year
River Yamuna from its origin to the
undergraduate or five year integrated
Okhla Barrage in Delhi.
M.Tech or five year integrated M.Sc. or
51. Answer (c) both is correct five year undergraduate-postgraduate
dual degree programs in Science and
• It was in news because the
Technology streams from
government has extended the scope of
IIEST/IISc/IITs/NITs/IISERs and centrally
Prime Minister’s Research Fellows
funded IIITs;
Scheme. The decision was made after
• have secured at least CGPA/CPI of 8.0
Government failed to find adequate
(in scale of 10.0). For applicants in five
number of candidates for PMRF this
year integrated or dual degree programs
year. Only 135 fellowships were finally
if separate CGPAs/CPIs are awarded for
offered against 1,000 positions.
UG and PG parts of the program then
the CGPA/CPI of UG part (first four year)
Changes introduced:
will be considered.
• have completed the required
• Prime Minister’s Research Fellows
academic qualification in the last five
years. ✓ Need for early warning:
4) Signed intent and QR: This feature is • Payment service providers (PSPs) to
designed for customers to check the provide the interface to the payer and
authenticity of merchants while the payee. Unlike wallets, the payer and
scanning QR or quick response code. It the payee can use two different PSPs.
notifies the user with information to • Banks to provide the underlying
ascertain whether the merchant is a accounts. In some cases, the bank and
verified UPI merchant or not. This the PSP may be the same.
provides an additional security. • NPCI to act as the central switch by
Customers will be informed in case the ensuring VPA resolution, effecting credit
receiver is not secured by way of and debit transactions through IMPS.
63. Answer (c) 1&2 only
•UPI 2.0 member banks as on date are
State Bank of India (SBI), HDFC Bank,
• Third statement is wrong because INI meet up and discuss ideas and exchange
holds conference once in every three knowledge on nitrogen issues.
years. • The program is currently a sustained
partner of Future Earth, an international
(NOT TEN Years)
organisation that works to accelerate
•It was in news because Indian scientist transformations to global sustainability
Nandula Raghuram has been elected as through research and innovation.
the Chair of the International Nitrogen
Initiative (INI), a global policy making ✓Nitrogen:
initiative. He is the first Indian and Asian
to be elected to the Chair of INI. •Nitrogen is one of the five major
chemical elements that are necessary
✓About International Nitrogen for life. While nitrogen is the most
Initiative: abundant of these, more than 99% of it
• The International Nitrogen Initiative occurs as molecular nitrogen, or N2,
(INI) is an international program, set up which cannot be used by most
in 2003 under sponsorship of the organisms. This is because breaking the
Scientific Committee on Problems of the triple bond holding the two nitrogen
Environment (SCOPE) and from the atoms together requires a large amount
International Geosphere-Biosphere of energy, which can be mustered only
Program (IGBP). through high-temperature processes or
by a small number of nitrogen-fixing
• The initiative aims to optimise microbes.
nitrogen’s beneficial role in sustainable
64. Answer (d) All of the above
food production and minimize
nitrogen’s negative effects on human • It was in news because Continuing its
health. efforts to get ‘millets’ a global
• INI is coordinated by a Steering recognition for its promotion among
Committee, led by a chair and six consumers, India has written to Food
regional centre directors representing, and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of
Africa, Europe, Latin America, North the United Nations proposing
America, South Asia and East Asia. declaration of the upcoming year as
• The INI holds a conference once in “International Year of Millets”.
every three years, inviting members of
the international nitrogen community to
✓ Efforts by government to promote • They have multiple untapped uses
millets: such as food, feed, fodder, biofuels and
brewing. Therefore, millets are Smart
•In order to promote ‘millets’, India had Food as they are Good for You, Good
on its part notified these climate for the Farmer and Good for the Planet.
resilient crops as “Nutri-Cereals” and
allowed its inclusion in the Public • Nutritionally superior to wheat & rice
Distribution System (PDS) for improving owing to their higher levels of protein
nutritional support in April. with more balanced amino acid profile,
• Recognising millets’ anti-diabetic crude fiber & minerals such as Iron, Zinc,
properties, the notification called it a and Phosphorous, millets can provide
“powerhouse of nutrients” and nutritional security and act as a shield
identified several varieties of millets for against nutritional deficiency, especially
promotion. among children and women.
•On the one hand, costlier inputs and ✓ About the mission:
the subsequent increase in the prices of • OSIRIS-Rex stands for Origins,
finished goods should have a positive Spectral Interpretation, Resource
impact on GDP. But the consequent Identification, Security-Regolith
decrease in demand due to higher prices Explorer.
could nullify this.
•It is a NASA asteroid study and
sample-return mission.The mission's
•A depreciating rupee certainly affects
main goal is to obtain a sample of at
the exports and imports, since exports
least 60 grams (2.1 oz) from Bennu, a
are likely to receive a boost while
carbonaceous near-Earth asteroid, and
imports could flag somewhat. It remains
return the sample to Earth for a detailed
to be seen what impact a reduction in
household consumption would have on analysis.
demand, especially when the festive • OSIRIS-REx is the third mission in
season is nearing. NASA’s New Frontiers program, which
previously sent the New Horizons
✓How does it affect individuals? spacecraft zooming by Pluto and the
Juno spacecraft into orbit around
•A depreciating rupee means higher Jupiter.
prices of goods and services, costlier
petrol and trips abroad turning more 80. Answer (c) Maldives
expensive. On the flip side, the • The world’s largest 3-D printed reef
domestic tourism could grow as more has been submerged at Summer Island
tourists visit India since their currency Maldives, in what is hoped could be a
now buys more here. In the medium new technology-driven method to help
term, export-oriented industries may coral reefs survive a warming climate.
also create more jobs because export
becomes cheaper when Rupee • The artificial reef, assembled with
weakens. hundreds of ceramic and concrete
modules, was submerged at Summer • NCRB is the Nodal Agency for
Island’s ‘Blue Lagoon’ — a sandy part of authentic source of Data on crime,
the lagoon, where the resort hopes to accidents, suicides, and prisons for
create a new coral reef ecosystem. policy matters and research.
• It was set-up in 1986 to function as a
81. Answer (c) both 1 and 2
repository of information on crime and
• It was in news because a high-level criminals so as to assist the investigators
meeting was recently convened to in linking crime to the perpetrators.
discuss recommendations on ways to • It was set up based on the
curb “sexual violence” videos involving recommendations of the National Police
women and children. Commission (1977-1981) and the MHA’s
✓ Outcomes of the meeting: Task force (1985).
• It was decided in the meeting that the • It was set up by merging the
National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) Directorate of Coordination and Police
would be the designated nodal agency Computer (DCPC), Inter State Criminals
for monitoring the complaints received Data Branch of CBI, Central Finger Print
on a government portal that records Bureau of CBI, and Statistical Branch of
child pornography and sexual violence BPR&D.
82. Answer (a) 1 only
• The NCRB would coordinate with
service providers such as Facebook, •Second statement is wrong because
YouTube and WhatsApp and ask them even if NOTA gets more than 50% votes
to block malicious videos and contents. or maximum number of votes in Lok
Sabha Elections still it will not affect the
✓ Impact: results of election. The Election
• NCRB is only a crime record agency. Commission also clarified that even
Therefore, a government notification though votes cast as NOTA are counted,
has been issued under the Information they are considered as invalid votes so
Technology Act, 2000 to enable it to they will not change the outcome of the
take action against such videos. Now, election process. They are not taken into
whenever such incidents are reported, it account for calculating the total valid
can write to service providers and ask votes and will not be considered for
them to block the content. determining the forfeiture of deposit.
✓ About NCRB:
• It was in news because the Supreme ✓ Highlights of the report:
Court has overruled an Election • Real average daily wages in India
Commission notification, saying that almost doubled in the first two decades
NOTA (None Of The Above) option after economic reforms, but low pay and
cannot be allowed in Rajya Sabha wage inequality remains a serious
elections. challenge to inclusive growth.
• Overall, in 2009-10, a third of all of
✓ Why SC scrapped the use of NOTA in
wage workers were paid less than the
Rajya Saba elections? national minimum wage, which is
• As per the court, the NOTA option is merely indicative and not legally
meant only for universal adult suffrage binding. That includes 41% of all casual
and direct elections and not polls held workers and 15% of salaried workers.
by the system of proportional • In 2011-12, the average wage in India
representation by means of the single was about ₹247 rupees a day, almost
transferable vote as done in the Rajya double the 1993-94 figure of ₹128.
Sabha. However, average labour productivity
• NOTA in indirect elections, such as in (as measured by GDP per worker)
the Rajya Sabha, would lead to horse- increased more rapidly than real
trading, corruption and use of extra average wages. Thus, India’s labour
constitutional methods to defeat a party share — or the proportion of national
candidate. income which goes into labour
•NOTA also make the system of compensation, as opposed to capital or
proportional representation by means of landowners — has declined.
single transferable vote nugatory and • The rise in average wages was more
otiose. rapid in rural areas, and for casual
• The option of NOTA for Lok Sabha and workers. However, these groups started
assembly elections was prescribed by at such a low base that a yawning wage
the SC in 2013. The option of NOTA in gap still remains. Thus, the average
RS polls was introduced by the EC in wage of casual workers — who make
2014.( But now SC has overruled this) 62% of the earning population — was
Thus, India became the 14th country to only ₹143 a day.
institute negative voting. • Daily wages in urban areas (₹384) also
remain more than twice as high as
83. Answer (b) International Labour those in rural areas (₹175). Regional
Organisation disparities in average wages have
actually increased over time, with wages fixed-wing aircraft only with more than
rising more rapidly in high-wage States 70 seats.
than in low-wage ones. • The scheme has proposed to set up an
International Air Connectivity Fund
• The gender wage gap decreased from (IACF) — a dedicated fund for providing
48% in 1993-94 to 34% in 2011-12, but subsidy support under the scheme. It
still remains high by international will be created through the
standards. And of all worker groups, the contributions of state governments.
average wages of casual rural female • The subsidy support shall be provided
workers was the lowest, at just ₹104 a to selected airlines only for the
day. passenger seats, which remain unsold at
the time of IAC flight operation, from
84. Answer (a) 1 only
the total number of passenger seats for
• Second statement is wrong because which subsidy has been requested by
the Airport Authority of India will be the selected airline as part of its
the implementing agency of the proposal. The subsidy support will be
scheme. extended only up to three years.
•Target: The scheme envisages • The regulator FSSAI has come out with
increasing the international ticketing to food safety standards for honey and its
20 crore by 2027. products, in a bid to curb adulteration.
• The scheme is to be made operational ✓ The standards notified:
only for states, which demonstrate their • Parameters: As per the FSSAI
commitment to implement and provide notification, honey should comply with
the requisite support for promoting 18 parameters like that of sucrose
operations under the scheme. content, glucose ratio, pollen count,
• Identification of routes: According to foreign oligosaccharides among others.
the draft, state governments will • Limits and standards: The FSSAI has
identify the routes to be connected, and fixed maximum 5% limit for sucrose
airline operators will assess demand on content in the honey, while 10% for
the identified routes and submit carviacallosa and Honeydew honey. The
proposals for providing connectivity. moisture percentage should be
• Permitted aircrafts: Operations under maximum 20% and pollen count should
the scheme will be permitted through be 25,000 per gram.
•With regard to by-products, the FSSAI honeycombs of bees of Apidae family
has fixed standards for ‘Bees wax’ and after the honey has been removed by
‘royal jelly’ also. draining or centrifuging. Beeswax
•The regulator has defined honey as the consists of a mixture of esters of fatty
natural sweet substance produced by acids and fatty alcohols, hydrocarbons
honey bees from the nectar of blossoms and free fatty acids. Minor amounts of
or from secretions of plants, which free fatty alcohols are also present.
honey bees collect, transforms and store The combs are melted with hot water,
in honey combs for ripening. steam or solar heat and the melted
• No additives: If a product is sold as product is filtered and cast into cakes of
honey then food ingredient, including yellow bees wax.
food additives should not be added to it.
It should not be heated or processed to •White bees wax is obtained by
such an extent that its essential bleaching the yellow bees wax with
composition is changed and its quality is oxidising agents.
✓ Royal jelly
•Labelling: Honey can be labelled
•Royal jelly is the mixture of secretions
according to floral or plant source, if it
from hypopharyngeal and mandibular
comes from any particular source, and
glands of worker bees, free from any
has the organoleptic, physicochemical
additive. It is the food of larval and adult
and microscopic properties
queens. It is a raw and natural food,
corresponding with that origin.
unprocessed except for filtration which
•Pollen content: In the case of
does not undergo addition of
‘Monofloral Honey’, the regulator said
substances. The colour, taste and the
the minimum pollen content of the plant
chemical composition of royal jelly are
species concerned should not be less
determined by absorption and
than 45 per cent of total pollen content.
transformation by the bees fed with the
In case of ‘Multi Floral Honey’, the
following two types of foods during the
pollen content of any of the plant
royal jelly production time.
species should not exceed 45 per cent of
the total pollen content.
•Implementation: It is being
implemented by the Government of • Recognizing the uniqueness of the
India with a total outlay of 1670 crores Himalayas and the challenges for
(Phase II). sustainable development, NITI Aayog
•The major objectives of the Project are had set up 5 Working Groups (WGs) in
to make whole judicial system ICT June 2017 to prepare a roadmap for
enabled by putting in place adequate actions in 5 thematic areas.
and modern hardware and connectivity;
automation of workflow management in ✓ The themes include:
all courts; electronic movement of
1) Inventory and Revival of Springs in security & improved access to related
Himalayas for Water Security. programs/schemes are other key
2) Sustainable Tourism in Indian recommendations to transform shifting
Himalayan Region. cultivation.
3) Transformative Approach to Shifting • Strengthening of skill &
Cultivation. entrepreneurship will require focus on
4) Strengthening Skill & identified priority sectors where
Entrepreneurship Landscape in mountains have advantage, investment
Himalayas. in trainers, assessors and training
5) Data/Information for Informed centers in industry partnership.
Decision Making. • Having a Central Data Management
Agency for Himalayas to provide data
with high fidelity scenario while
✓ Immediate Challenges:
addressing data sharing, access,
• Nearly 30% of springs crucial to water
authenticity and comparability issues
security of people are drying and 50%
will go a long way in addressing data
have reported reduced discharge.
related issues.
Himalayan Tourism growing annually at
6.8% has created huge challenge related
✓ It also includes:
to solid waste, water, traffic, loss of bio-
•Setting up of a Himalayan Authority
cultural diversity etc.
for coordinated and holistic
development of entire Himalayan
✓ Important recommendations made:
•Launching of “Himalaya Calling”: An
• Spring Mapping and Revival, using 8
Awareness to Action Campaign as
steps protocol be taken up across
people’s movement.
Himalayan States in phased manner.
•Setting up of Mission on Spring Water
• Apply carrying capacity concept to all
Management in Himalayas, National
major tourist destinations; implement
Mission/Program on Transforming
and monitor tourism sector Standards
Shifting Cultivation in North Eastern
and apply performance based incentives
States, demand driven network of skill
for States faring well on the standards.
and entrepreneurship development
• Assessment of nature & extent of
Centers in Himalayan States among
Shifting Cultivation area, improved
policy coherence, strengthened tenurial
93. Answer (c) Earth
• NASA has launched the Ice, Cloud and • Second statement is wrong because
Land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
mission to measure — in unprecedented (Urban) Programme launched by the
detail — changes in the heights of Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty
Earth’s polar ice to understand what is Alleviation (MoHUPA), in Mission mode
causing ice sheets to melt fast. envisions provision of Housing for All
by 2022,(NOT 2025) when the Nation
About ICESat- 2 mission: completes 75 years of its Independence.
•ICESat-2 will measure the average • It was in news because the Centre has
annual elevation change of land ice approved construction of nearly 1.12
covering Greenland and Antarctica to lakh more affordable houses for urban
within the width of a pencil, capturing poor in eight states under the Pradhan
60,000 measurements every second. Mantri Awas Yojna, with Andra Pradesh
•ICESat-2’s Advanced Topographic Laser bagging the largest share of over 37,000
Altimeter System (ATLAS) measures housing units.
height by timing how long it takes ✓ More About scheme
individual light photons to travel from
the spacecraft to Earth and back. •The Mission seeks to address the
housing requirement of urban poor
including slum dwellers through
✓ The satellite mission has four science
following programme verticals:
• Slum rehabilitation of Slum Dwellers
•Measure melting ice sheets and
with participation of private developers
investigate how this effects sea level
using land as a resource.
• Promotion of Affordable Housing for
•Measure and investigate changes in
weaker section through credit linked
the mass of ice sheets and glaciers.
•Estimate and Study Sea ice thickness.
• Affordable Housing in Partnership with
•Measure the height of vegetation in
Public & Private sectors.
forests and other ecosystems
• Subsidy for beneficiary-led individual
house construction /enhancement.
94. Answer (a) 1 only
✓ Key facts:
• The beneficiaries are poor and people
living under EWS and LIG categories in • With opening up its branch in Odisha,
the country. the BNHS would be engaged in
• The scheme is divided into three identifying the air route of the foreign
phases. In the first phase, a total of 100 birds flocking the Chilika lake during
cities will be covered from April 2015 to winter, sample collection, training
March 2017. In phase two, 200 cities will related to bird census, publishing bird
be covered from April 2017 to March migration atlas books, examining various
2019. In the third phase, the leftover diseases among the birds and to review
cities will be covered from April 2019 to the condition of the Nalabana bird
March 2022. sanctuary along with counting the birds.
• The government is providing an
interest subsidy of 6.5% on housing ✓ About Chilika Lagoon:
loans which can be availed by
beneficiaries for 15 years from start of • It is the largest coastal lagoon in India
loan date. and the second largest lagoon in the
• The government will grant Rs 1 lakh to world after The New Caledonian barrier
all the beneficiaries of the scheme. In reef in New Caledonia.
addition, Rs 1.5 lakh will be given to all • It is the largest wintering ground for
eligible urban poor who want to migratory waterfowl found anywhere
construct their houses in urban areas or on the Indian sub-continent.
plan to go for renovation in their • It is one of the hotspot of biodiversity
existing houses. One can also avail loans in the country, and some rare,
under this scheme to build toilets in vulnerable and endangered species
existing houses. listed in the IUCN Red List of threatened
Animals inhabit in the lagoon for atleast
95. Answer (d) All of the above part of their life cycle.
• On account of its rich bio-diversity and
• The Bombay Natural History Society
ecological significance, Chilika was
(BNHS), one of India’s premier avian
designated as the 1st “Ramsar Site” of
research institutes, has started
operating its first regional centre on the
• The Nalaban Island within the lagoon
campus of Wetland Research and
is notified as a Bird Sanctuary under
Training Centre near Chilika Lake. (
Wildlife (Protection) Act, the National
Chilika lake is in Odisha)
Wetlands, mangroves and coral reefs
Committee of Ministry of Environment
& Forests, Government of India, have species found in India using Artificial
also identified the lagoon as a priority Intelligence technology, including
site for conservation and management. machine learning and computer vision,
• Chilika Lagoon lies in the districts of from digital photos that are uploaded by
Puri, Khurda and Ganjam of Odisha State the public.
along the eastern coast of India. It is well
connected to the Chennai and Kolkata 96. Answer (c) Argentina
through National Highway No 5, and the • In the framework of the Argentinian
Chennai Kolkata rail line passes along presidency of G20, the 2018 edition of
the western bank of the Lagoon Digital Economy ministerial meeting is
Balugaon, with Balugaon, Chilika and being held in Salta, Argentina. The
Rambha being the main stations along ministerial meeting was preceded by
the Western shoreline of the lagoon. the second meeting of the G20 Digital
Economy Task Force.
✓ About BNHS:
• The Bombay Natural History Society, • Argentina has selected the theme,
founded on 15 September 1883, is one ‘Building consensus for fair and
of the largest non-governmental sustainable development,’ for the 2018
organisations in India engaged in G20 Leaders’ Summit, and has identified
conservation and biodiversity research. three key issues for the agenda: the
future of work, infrastructure for
• BNHS is the partner of BirdLife development, and a sustainable food
International in India. It has been future.
designated as a ‘Scientific and
Industrial Research Organisation’ by ✓ Digital Economy Task Force:
the Department of Science and
Technology. • The Digital Economy Task Force (DETF)
was established under the 2017 German
• Logo: The BNHS logo is the great presidency, based on the decision
hornbill. adopted in Hangzhou in 2016 under the
Chinese Presidency.
• Internet of Birds: IT consultancy firm
Accenture and the Bombay Natural ✓About G20:
History Society have developed Internet
of Birds platform that identifies bird • The G20 is made up of 19 countries
and the European Union. The 19 •India has now joined the small league
countries are Argentina, Australia, of nations with the US and Australia to
Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, France, have flown a biofuel-powered aircraft.
India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico,
Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, • SpiceJet flew the Bombardier Q400
South Korea, Turkey, the United (VT-SUI) on biofuel from Dehradun to
Kingdom and the United States. Delhi.
• The G20 was born out of a meeting of
G7 finance ministers and central bank •The fuel was prepared by the CSIR-
governors in 1999 who saw a need for a Indian Institute of Petroleum (IIP)
more inclusive body with broader Dehradun.
representation to have a stronger •Significance: Biofuel flights could make
impact on addressing the world’s air travel cleaner and more efficient,
financial challenges. The G7 invited thus drastically reducing the cost of
leading markets – both developed and airline operations by reducing the
emerging – to form a new ministerial- dependency on aviation turbine fuel.
level forum: the G20. The biofuel is made partially from
97. Answer (b) 2 only renewable resources such as agricultural
residues, non-edible oils and bio-
•First statement is wrong because degradable fractions of industrial and
Countries like Canada, Australia and US municipal wastes.
already have Biofuele powered plane.
So India is not the first country in the 98. Answer (c) Both 1 and 2 are Correct.
world to have such plane. • It was in news because the Ministry of
Tourism has sanctioned two new
• But India is the first developing nation
projects under Heritage and North East
to experiment this.
Circuits of Swadesh Dashan Scheme for
https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.ec Rs. 164.95 Crores in Punjab and Tripura.
✓ Heritage Circuit:
•Under Heritage Circuit in the state of
Punjab, the project covers sites of
Anandpur Sahib – Fatehgarh Sahib –
Chamkaur Sahib – Ferozpur – Amritsar –
Khatkar Kalan – Kalanour – Patiala at the
cost of Rs. 99.95 crores. ✓ About Swadesh Darshan Scheme:
•The project includes development of •The Tourism Ministry had launched
Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar for Rs. 8 ‘Swadesh Darshan’ scheme with an
Crores, development of Tourist objective to develop theme-based
Infrastructure and Heritage Path at tourist circuits in the country. These
Anandpur Sahib for Rs. 28.99 crores, tourist circuits will be developed on the
development of Tourist Infrastructure at principles of high tourist value,
Fatehgarh Sahib among others. competitiveness and sustainability in an
•The facilities being developed include integrated manner.
Virtual Reality Shows (Jallianwala and
Hussainiwala Border), beautification and ✓ Features of Swadesh Darshan
landscaping, interpretation centres, Scheme:
façade development, wayside amenities,
parking, CCTV and Wi-Fi facilities, •The scheme is 100% centrally funded
Cafeterias, Open Air Theatre, drinking for the project components undertaken
water facility etc. for public funding.
•To leverage the voluntary funding
✓North East Circuit: available for Corporate Social
•Under North East Circuit in Tripura, the Responsibility (CSR) initiatives of Central
sites of Surma Cherra- Unakoti- Jampui Public Sector Undertakings and
Hills- Gunabati-Bhunaneshwari- corporate sector.
Matabari- Neermahal- Boxanagar- •Funding of individual project will vary
Chotta khola- Pilak- Avangchaarra are from state to state and will be finalised
covered with total project cost of Rs. 65 on the basis of detailed project reports
Crores. prepared by PMC (Programme
•The project envisaged infrastructural Management Consultant).
development of the sites with special •A National Steering Committee (NSC)
emphasis on developing an will be constituted with Minister in
Interpretation Centre, Tourist Visitor charge of M/O Tourism as Chairman, to
Centres, Cafeteria, Last Mile steer the mission objectives and vision
Connectivity, Illumination of sites and of the scheme.
monuments, Wayside Amenities, • A Mission Directorate headed by the
Floating Jetties, Camping Grounds, Member Secretary, NSC as a nodal
Parking Facilities, Adventure Activities, officer will help in identification of
Ghat Development at above sites. projects in consultation with the States/
UTs governments and other stake demand for an automatic expiration for
holders. the deal, known as a “sunset clause.”
• PMC will be a national level Instead, the United States and Mexico
consultant to be appointed by the agreed to a 16-year lifespan for the deal,
Mission Directorate. with a review every six years that can
extend the pact for 16 years.
99. Answer (d) Cuba •Mexico agreed to eliminate dispute
• The United States and Mexico have settlement panels for certain anti-
agreed to overhaul the North American dumping cases, a move that could
Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), putting complicate talks with Canada, which had
pressure on Canada to agree to new insisted on the panels.
terms on auto trade and dispute
settlement rules to remain part of the ✓What is NAFTA?
three-nation pact. If talks with Canada •NAFTA is the initialism for the North
are not wrapped up by the end of this American Free Trade Agreement, an
week, Trump plans to notify Congress agreement signed by Canada, Mexico,
that he has reached a deal with Mexico, and the United States that reduced or
but would be open to Canada joining. eliminated trade barriers in North
America. (Since the U.S. and Canada
✓Highlights of the new deal: already had a free trade agreement
•The deal would require 75% of auto (signed in 1988), NAFTA merely brought
content to be made in the NAFTA Mexico into the trade bloc.)
region, up from the current level of 100. Answer (b) 2 only is correct
62.5%. A fact sheet describing the
bilateral agreement specified the • First statement is wrong because The
content would be made in the United European Space Agency (ESA)
States and Mexico. has launched Aeolus satellite(NOT
•The deal improves labour provisions, in NASA) that will measure winds around
part by requiring 40% to 45% of auto the globe and help improve weather
content to be made by workers earning forecasting. The Earth Explorer Aeolus
at least $16 per hour. That measure satellite was launched into polar orbit
could move some production back to on a Vega rocket from Europe’s
the United States from Mexico and Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana.
should lift Mexican wages.
•The United States relented on its
• Aeolus is the first satellite mission to
acquire profiles of Earth’s wind on a
global scale.