Spring 2018 21249

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PSYC 1301.

04: Introduction to Psychology

MWF 8:00-8:50am, Spring 2018
CHSS Room C090
Department of Psychology and Philosophy
College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Instructor: Tessa Long

Office: CHSS 355
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Wednesday 9:00-11:00am, and by appointment


This course is designed to survey major themes and concepts in psychology. We will cover
topics such as biological bases of behavior, the scientific method, personality theories, and social
behavior. The overarching learner objectives are as follows:
1. To gain factual knowledge in the area of psychology (i.e., terminology, classifications,
method, trends)
2. To develop a basic understanding of psychology as a science-based discipline
3. To learn fundamental principles of psychology (e.g., biological, personality, and social
4. To develop critical thinking skills in order to assess differing theories and perspectives in
5. To apply your obtained knowledge and skill set to everyday situations

Essentials of Psychology: Concepts and Applications 5th edition, Jeffrey S. Nevid
● ISBN: 9781337598170

The textbook required for this course comes with access to Cengage’s MindTap. This is an
online resource that you can use as a study tool. MindTap includes sample test questions, flash
cards, and practice quizzes. It is a useful tool for studying or for students who are interested in
delving further into specific topics, however there are no required assignments or homework.
Two extra credit assignments will be offered from MindTap, so it may be useful to figure out
early in the semester.

A guide to help you get started with MindTap is available here:



It is the student’s responsibility to do the paperwork to drop the course. If the student stops
attending class and does not officially drop the course he/she will receive an “F” for the course.
Visit http://www.shsu.edu/syllabus/

I do not tolerate cheating. If I suspect you are cheating on an exam, I will take your test and
grade it as is.

Students will be asked to complete a course/instructor evaluation form toward the end of the
semester as well as small evaluations after the tests to ensure that the class is running smoothly.

If you wish to have a visitor observe class, you must clear them with me at least a one week in

Recording the lecture via any electronic means is not allowed unless you have a disability that
makes recording a necessity. If this is the case, please come talk to me about it and we can figure
things out to best help you learn in class.

Regular and punctual attendance is expected. Attendance will be taken and a record of
attendance will be kept. Of course, students must certainly sometimes be absent for various
legitimate reasons. Therefore, you may miss up to 3 classes without penalty (i.e., you missed
zero days, one day, two days, or three days total). If you have between 0 and 3 absences (for
whatever reason: medical, school activities, individual holiday, a day of meditation, etc.) 5 points
will be added to your final total…meaning, you get extra credit for just coming to class! You do
not need to notify me if you will be missing a regular class period. I do not excuse absences. If
you have to be absent, be sure you have arranged for a peer to obtain your materials for you. If
you miss 4 or more classes, no bonus points will be available.

If you have to be absent for whatever reason, you may be tempted to have a friend sign you in. If
I catch you doing this, you and your friend will become ineligible for the five extra credit points.
While this may seem unlikely, I perform regular audits of the attendance records and have caught
people in the past. Remember, you can miss up to three classes and still get the points, so don’t
make yourself lose out on this opportunity.

Additionally, if it becomes apparent that people are signing in and leaving class, the entire class
will lose eligibility for these points.


You are responsible for reading the assigned chapter prior to the assigned class. Further, you are
responsible for all content in those chapters and additional assigned readings. Each chapter
contains helpful summaries and review questions for your assistance.
Depending on trending/current events in the media, supplemental readings may be assigned.
Those will be assigned and posted to Blackboard as appropriate.

There will be a total of 5 EXAMS (4 NON-FINAL EXAMS AND 1 FINAL EXAM). The first
four exams will consist of 50 multiple-choice questions and the exams are noncumulative. The
final exam is during finals week and is cumulative (i.e., covers the entire course) and
standardized across sections, and includes 100 multiple-choice questions. Each exam is worth a
total of 100 points for a total of 500 points. REMEMBER to bring a Scantron to EACH exam.
One will NOT be provided for you! If you arrive late for an examination you will not be given
extra time to finish the exam.

Missed Exams
Simply missing a test does not entitle the student to take a makeup exam. You will receive a zero
(0) if you are absent for an exam. The following guidelines will be strictly enforced for missed
exams, so please do your best to not miss any. Additionally, students are only allowed to make
up 1 exam. Therefore, if you miss multiple exams, you will receive zeroes on the additional
exams missed.

 If you know you will be absent on an exam day, you should notify me at least 1 class day
before the scheduled exam. This is typically cases such as a serious/chronic illness or a
death in the family. If you do not tell me beforehand, you have 24 hours following the
exam time to notify me of your missed exam and your intent to attend the make-up day.
 If an emergency occurs and you are unable to make it to the exam (i.e., car broke down,
apartment flooding, or other serious obstacles), you have 24 hours following the
scheduled exam time to notify me. If you do not email me within 24 hours of the missed
exam, you will not be able to make-up the exam, and will receive a zero.

There will be ONE make-up test day on 5/2 during our regularly scheduled class hour. If you
missed an exam, and emailed me within the 24 hours of missing the exam, you will be able to
take the test on this day. If you did not email me within 24 hours, you will not be able to make up
the test and will receive a zero. This day is for missed exams only and does not apply to students
who want to re-take a test for a higher grade.

*Research Requirement*
Participation in research conducted by members of the Department of Psychology and
Philosophy is a requirement of this class. It is not extra credit but a part of the course. You
can satisfy this requirement by participating in research studies being conducted in the

Not fulfilling the experiential component of this course will result in a grade of
“Incomplete” in this course. Incomplete grades are governed by University policies. You
will need to complete the course requirements by the close of the following semester in
order to receive a grade of A, B, C, or D for the course; if you do not complete the
course by then, your incomplete grade will become a failing grade.
department. Many different projects scheduled at various times will be available to you, but you
must complete 4 hours of participation in these activities before 5:00 PM on the last day of class
(Friday, May 4th, 2018). I HIGHLY recommend getting these completed early in the semester, as
they tend to fill up towards the end. If there are not studies available, then you will not receive
the hours.

Please Note: You must be at least 18 years of age to participate in the research requirement; if
you are not yet 18 years of age, please contact me via personal contact, email or phone AS
SOON AS POSSIBLE. Dr. James Crosby, the interim Department Chair, and I will discuss each
case on an individual basis.

More details about this requirement can be found at the departmental website:
http://www.shsu.edu/~psy_www/ResearchParticipation.html. Please read the guidelines for this
requirement carefully.

To set up your Psychology Research Participation (PeRP) account:

● Go to www.shsu.edu
● Type in: “perp” in the search bar at the top right hand side of the page.
● Click on first link that says “Department of Psychology Grad Program.”
● Click on the PeRP link (this is highlighted in Orange and within the text of the page on
the right hand side).
● Click on New Participant- Request A New Account (located in the lower left hand corner
of the page).
● Fill out the information and be sure to write down your user name and password, and to
select the correct class section (_04_).
● Click Request Account. **Make sure you choose the correct section; otherwise, you will
create an account under another instructor and not get credit from me.**
● You should receive an email confirmation shortly after that says you have created an
● Then you can log in to the system and click “all studies” to see available studies and
● If you are having any issues with the PeRP system, please contact Dr. Anastasi at
[email protected]

Fun Facts about PeRP:

● If you sign up for a research study and do not show up you will be deducted PeRP
points. This means, if you need 4 points for the class, sign up and no-show to a 2-point
study, you will have -2 PeRP points and will have to now complete 6 PeRP points to
receive a grade in the class.
● I am not the person who assigns your PeRP points when you complete a study. The
researchers/graduate students responsible for that study will grant you your points. If you
feel that you were not granted points for a study or activity that you participate in, contact
the researcher (not me, I can’t give you points).
● I am also not the person who runs PeRP. If you have any issues with your account,
contact Dr. Anastasi at [email protected]. I cannot answer any PeRP specific questions,
as I did not make PeRP and do not run the program.
● You need to make an effort to get your PeRP points early in the semester. If you wait
until the end, studies may no longer be available and you may not have any convenient
chances (or any chances at all) to get your points.


If you email me asking for your grade in the class or what you need to make on the next test(s) in
order to get a [insert desired grade here], I will email you the calculator below. If you visit me in
my office, I will be more than happy to go through this with you based on your individual

Exam 1 Grade = ___/100

Exam 2 Grade = ___/100
Exam 3 Grade = ___/100
Exam 4 Grade = ___/100
Final Exam Grade = ___/100

Overall Class Grade = Your total points (Exam 1 Grade + Exam 2 Grade + Exam 3 Grade +
Exam 4 Grade + Final Exam Grade) divided by 500 (total points possible)

Say we’re three tests in and you want to know what you need to make on the next two tests to get
a B. Currently, your grades are:

Exam 1 grade = 64/100

Exam 2 grade = 78/100
Exam 3 grade = 85/100
Exam 4 grade = ___/100
Final Exam grade = ___/100

Currently, you have 227 points in the course (64+78+85). Out of the possible 300, you have 227,
which means you have a 75.6 (227/300). This is a C in the course.

To make a B in the course, you would need 398/500 total points. To get 398 points (398-227),
you would need to make 171 points on the next two exams. That means, you would need to get
an 85.5 on the next two exams to get a B.

Grading Scale
The final course grade rubric is as follows:
A = 89.6-100% (448-500 total points)
B = 79.6-89.5% (398-447.5 total points)
C = 69.6-79.5% (348-397.5 total points)
D = 59.6-69.5% (298-347.5 total points)
F = Less than 59.5% (297.5 total points or less)

*Grades will be rounded to the nearest tenth of a whole number (e.g., 96.49 to 96.5).
Note: The psychology department does not accept grades lower than a “C” for psychology

Additionally, I do not “bump” grades or offer any extra credit beyond what is outlined in the

Extra Credit
Beyond the 5 points of extra credit for attendance, I offer 10 extra credit points for the
completion of two writing assignments in MindTap (5 points each; 15 points total). The first is
the writing exercise in Chapter 5 on Operant Conditioning, which is due on or before the second
exam (7:59am on 3/29). The second is Chapter 11 Personality, due on or before the date of the
fourth exam (7:59am on 4/30). If you fail to submit the exercise by the deadlines listed then extra
credit will not be counted. Additionally, points will be granted on the quality of your submission,
so please try your best. You are more than welcome to submit your assignments before the
deadline and ask for my feedback, then resubmit before the deadline.

Office hours are on Wednesdays from 9:00-11:00am or by appointment. I not only welcome you
to stop by, but encourage it as well! I ask that you please send me an email ahead of time if you
plan on coming by in case there are any conflicts. Additionally, I understand these times may
conflict with your schedule and will work with you to make an appointment for a time that works
for both of us, if necessary. If this is the case, please email me.


1. Turn off cell phones, tablets, or any other electronic devices/notifications that may be
distracting before we begin class. Please put all devices away before class and do not take
them out for the remainder of the period.
2. Laptops. I allow laptops to take notes, but please try to keep distractions to a minimum. If
you are using your computer, please silence it. It is incredibly embarrassing to have
Spotify or a video you’re watching on Facebook start playing in class (obviously, this
will never happen and you all will pay attention during lecture).
3. Be on time. It’s disruptive when students enter after we have started lecture. I know that
parking is tough, but please leave yourself enough time to get to class.
4. No side conversation. Talking during a lecture is not only distracting but inconsiderate of
those around you trying to listen.
5. Be respectful. While I am generally laidback and informal, I do take discrimination and
disrespect seriously. Please keep this in mind when expressing opinions pertaining to
course discussion.
6. Eating/snacking. Feel free to eat or drink waters/sodas in class, but PLEASE clean up
after yourselves. If this becomes a problem then I will no longer allow it.
7. E-mail guidelines.
a. Questions about exams, grades, or your performance should be addressed in
person and not by e-mail; however, do not take up other students’ time by asking
questions about your personal performance during class time, please save that for
office hours. I cannot discuss your grade over e-mail.
b. Consult the course syllabus and classmates for clarification on assignments before
contacting me. If the answer is in the syllabus, I’m just going to email you an
attachment of the syllabus.
c. I will attempt to return e-mails within 24 hours during the class week. However, I
will not respond immediately to e-mails received after 5 pm or on
d. There is no need to email me to let me know you won’t be able to attend lecture.
Lecture outlines will be posted on Blackboard prior to class and if you need
further information, you should be able to consult the book, MindTap, classmates,
or request an appointment to meet with me.


Changes in Schedule
This schedule will serve as an outline. I reserve the right to make changes as needed; for
example, there may be additions of guest lectures, review days etc. I will notify you as far in
advance as possible should changes be necessary.

Meeting Lecture Topic/Description Readings Due

W – 1/17 Introduction to the Course Syllabus
F – 1/19 The Science of Psychology Chapter 1
M – 1/22 The Science of Psychology Chapter 1
W – 1/24 The Biological Foundations of Behavior Chapter 2
F – 1/26 The Biological Foundations of Behavior Chapter 2
M – 1/29 The Biological Foundations of Behavior Chapter 2
W – 1/31 Sensation and Perception Chapter 3
F – 2/2 Sensation and Perception Chapter 3
M – 2/5 Sensation and Perception Chapter 3
W – 2/7 EXAM REVIEW (Bring specific questions you have!)
F – 2/9 EXAM 1: Chapters 1, 2, 3 – BRING A SCANTRON!
M – 2/12 Learning Chapter 5
W – 2/14 Learning Chapter 5
F – 2/16 Learning Chapter 5
M – 2/19 Learning Chapter 5
W – 2/21 Memory Chapter 6
F – 2/23 Memory Chapter 6
M – 2/26 Memory Chapter 6
W – 2/28 Motivation and Emotion Chapter 8
F – 3/2 Motivation and Emotion Chapter 8
M – 3/5 Motivation and Emotion Chapter 8
W – 3/7 EXAM REVIEW (Bring specific questions you have!)
F – 3/9 EXAM 2: Chapters 5, 6, 8 – BRING A SCANTRON!
M – 3/12 NO CLASS (Spring Recess)
W – 3/14 NO CLASS (Spring Recess)
F – 3/16 NO CLASS (Spring Recess)
M – 3/19 Human Development Chapter 9
W – 3/21 Human Development Chapter 9
F – 3/23 Human Development Chapter 9
M – 3/26 Personality Chapter 11
W – 3/28 Personality Chapter 11
F – 3/30 NO CLASS (Good Friday)
M – 4/2 Personality Chapter 11
W – 4/4 Social Psychology Chapter 12
F – 4/6 Social Psychology Chapter 12
M – 4/9 Social Psychology Chapter 12
W – 4/11 EXAM REVIEW (Bring specific questions you have!)
F – 4/13 EXAM 3: Chapters 9, 11, 12 – BRING A SCANTRON!
M – 4/16 Psychological Disorders Chapter 13
W – 4/18 Psychological Disorders Chapter 13
F – 4/20 Psychological Disorders Chapter 13
M – 4/23 Methods of Therapy Chapter 14
W – 4/25 Methods of Therapy Chapter 14
F – 4/27 EXAM REVIEW (Bring specific questions you have!)
M – 4/30 EXAM 4: Chapters 9, 11, 12 – BRING A SCANTRON!
W - 5/2 Final Exam Review Day
F – 5/4 Make-Up Test Day (ONLY for people who have contacted)
M – 5/7 FINAL EXAM 8:00-10:00am

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