Part 5 Manufacturing 2023
Part 5 Manufacturing 2023
Part 5 Manufacturing 2023
Characterization of engineering powders, production of metallic powders,
conventional pressing and sintering, alternative pressing and sintering
methods, materials and products for powder metallurgy, design
consideration in powder metallurgy, processing of new ceramics,
processing of cermets, product design considerations.
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Why Powder Metallurgy is
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
More Reasons Why PM is
▪ Certain metals that are difficult to fabricate by other
methods can be shaped by powder metallurgy
▪ Tungsten filaments for incandescent lamp bulbs
are made by PM
▪ Certain alloy combinations and cermets made by PM
cannot be produced in other ways
▪ PM compares favorably to most casting processes in
dimensional control
▪ PM production methods can be automated for
economical production
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Limitations and Disadvantages
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PM Work Materials
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Collection of PM Parts (courtesy
of Dorst America, Inc.)
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Engineering Powders
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Measuring Particle Size
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Screen Mesh for Sorting Particle
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Particle Shapes in PM
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Observations About
Interparticle Friction
▪ Smaller particle sizes generally
show greater friction and steeper
▪ Spherical shapes have the lowest
interpartical friction
▪ As shape deviates from spherical,
friction between particles tends to
▪ Easier flow of particles correlates
with lower interparticle friction
▪ Lubricants are often added to
powders to reduce interparticle Flowability test for
friction and facilitate flow during interparticle friction
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Particle Density Measures
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Packing Factor = Bulk Density
Divided by True Density Relative density
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©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Chemistry and Surface Films
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Production of Metallic Powders
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Water Atomization Method
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Iron Powders for PM
▪ Iron powders
produced by
water atomization
(photo courtesy of
T.F.Murphy and
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Conventional Press and Sinter
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Conventional PM Production
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Blending and Mixing of Powders
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©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Conventional Pressing in PM
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▪ 450 kN (50-ton)
hydraulic press for
pressing of PM
parts (photo
courtesy of Dorst
America, Inc.).
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Sintering Sequence on a
Microscopic Scale
▪ (1) Particle bonding initiated at contact points; (2) contact
points grow into "necks"; (3) pores between particles are
reduced in size; (4) grain boundaries develop between
particles in place of necked regions
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Sintering Cycle and Furnace
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Densification and Sizing
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Impregnation and Infiltration
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©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Alternative Pressing and
Sintering Techniques
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Materials and Products for PM
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
PM Materials –
Elemental Powders
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
PM Materials –
Pre-Alloyed Powders
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PM Products
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©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Four Classes of PM Parts
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Design Guidelines
for PM Parts - I
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Design Guidelines
for PM Parts - II
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Side Holes and Undercuts
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Design Guidelines
for PM Parts - III
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Chamfers and Corner Radii
▪ (a) Avoid acute angles; (b) use larger angles for punch
rigidity; (c) inside radius is desirable; (d) avoid full outside
corner radius because punch is fragile at edge; (e) better
to combine radius and chamfer
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Types of Ceramics and Their
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Ceramics Processing Overview
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Ceramics Processing Overview
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Preparation of Raw Materials in
Traditional Ceramics Processing
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©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Jaw Crusher
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Roll Crusher
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Ball Mill
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Roller Mill
▪ Stock is compressed
against flat horizontal
table by rollers riding
on the table surface
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Main Ingredients of
Ceramic Paste
1. Clay
▪ Chemistry = hydrous aluminum silicates
▪ Usually the main ingredient because of ideal
forming characteristics when mixed with water
2. Water
▪ Creates clay-water mixture with good plasticity for
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Additional Ingredients of
Ceramic Paste
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Shaping Processes
▪ Slip casting
▪ The clay-water mixture is a slurry
▪ Plastic forming methods
▪ The clay is plastic
▪ Semi-dry pressing
▪ The clay is moist but has low plasticity
▪ Dry pressing
▪ The clay is basically dry (less than 5% water) and
has no plasticity
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Effect of Water Content in
Shaping Processes
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Slip Casting
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Drain Casting
▪ (1) Slip is poured into mold cavity, (2) water is absorbed into
plaster mold to form a firm layer, (3) excess slip is poured out,
and (4) part is removed from mold
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Overview of Plastic Forming
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Plastic Forming Methods
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Hand Modeling
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©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Plastic Pressing
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©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Semi-dry Pressing
▪ (1) Deposit
moist powder
in die cavity,
(2) press at
high pressure,
and (3) open
die sections
and eject part
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Dry Pressing
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©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Firing of Traditional Ceramics
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Processing of New Ceramics
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
New Ceramics: Preparation of
Starting Materials
▪ Strength requirements are usually much greater for
new ceramics than for traditional ceramics
▪ Starting powders must be smaller and more uniform
in size and composition (absence of impurities), since
the strength of the resulting ceramic product is
inversely related to grain size
▪ Greater control over the starting powders is
▪ Powder preparation includes mechanical and
chemical methods
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Shaping of New Ceramics
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Isostatic Pressing
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Powder Injection Molding (PIM)
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Sintering of New Ceramics
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Finishing Operations for New
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Cemented Carbides
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Binders for Cemented Carbides
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Compaction Dies
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Secondary Operations
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Sintering of WC-Co
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Sintering of WC-Co
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©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Shaping of particulate materials
Particulate processing:
Powder Metallurgy
Powder characteristics and preparations
Processing routes
Additional processes
Product examples
Ceramics processing:
Conventional vs. Advanced Ceramics
Conventional Processes
New ceramic processes
Finishing operations
An example of advanced ceramics WC-Co Cutting tool production
©2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. M P Groover, Principles of Modern Manufacturing 5/e
Ceramics Fabrication Methods
Traditional and advanced ceramics
Based primarily on natural Examples:
Raw materials of clay and clay, glass, cement
Include artificial raw materials, Examples:
exhibit specialized properties, structural,
require more sophisticated electronic,
processing optical
Sintered carbides
Light areas are carbide particles Sintered carbides are composite in
Dark area are cobalt binder
and are called cermets.
Cermets usually termed when
bonded with steel
Cemented carbides when bonded
than steels (Co, Ni)