Predictive CASE TAKING Proforma
Predictive CASE TAKING Proforma
Predictive CASE TAKING Proforma
Your Case taking starts as soon as the patient takes an appointment on the telephone and or as
soon as he enters your cabin so the physician must be vigilant enough (§ 83) in his observation of
the patient for :
Preliminary Data:-
Age:- Sex:-
Occupation :- Status:-
Religion:- Mother tongue:-
Address :- Contact no:-
Since when the complaints started
Onset - was Sudden or Gradual
Duration of the pain ,how long pain remains, how the pain comes and
goes,character of pain,extension of pain.
Which side first the complaint started Right or Left or it was from left to right
or right to left.
Is there any Cross wise affections e.g. Pain or any pathology in Upper left extremity
and Lower right Extremity only. Etc.
Modalities regarding the c/c.
Any investigations done for c/c.
In many Cases after noting the C/C the physician can come to know about the Speed
of patient and Remedy along with the miasm
Probable Diagnosis:-
H/O to rule out other disease
Gynaec/obs History :-
Ask about the menses in details.
Before, during, after menses any characteristic complaints.
Ask about menarche was on normal age or it was early or delayed menarche.
In menopausal woman ask the time of menopause normal--early--delayed.
In obs H/o:-was there any habitual abortions or miscarriages.
Drug History:-
In this ask to pt. is he taking any medications.
Any allergy to a particular drugs or medicine
In this one should think about any chronic side effects of the medications if patient is taking for
long period as the presenting complaints or associated complaints.
Investigations:-Here note down all the significant findings which the Patient has got done already
[recently] regarding his general health or about his complaints.
Appearance:- Built, Body structure, face, hairs, complexion, warts/moles/
frown on face, Discolouration or Pigmentation etc.
Appetite:-How is your appetite. Non veg/Veg.
Can you tolerate your hunger or not.
What kind of food you prefer warm or cold or anything is ok with you.
Drinks:-what you like soft drinks or fruit juices and how often you ask for
Lemonades/juices, etc.
Cravings & Aversion
Thirst:-Ask how much water you drink in whole day; you feel thirsty i.e.
why you drink or as a habit you drink. or it is that you drink water during meals
only and you don't feel thirsty in between. Does your throat or mouth gets dry.
Prefer to drink cold/warm/room temperature water.
Perspiration:-try to find any pqrs regarding perspiration of the pt.
Thermals:-Ask pt. What can he tolerate more of heat or cold .
- Does he needs fan/A.C. all the time or he can be comfortable without it.
- Is he the first one to take sweaters or warm clothes or any covering in cold
atmosphere in the family.
Sleep:-Sound /Alert, restless and continuous tossing on bed in sleep,
prefers which position to sleep. Salivation during sleep. Catnap sleep.
Dreams:-good/bad, repeated dreams, related to family or his work.
Its affection in general
Speed: How is your speed of doing your work, while walking, while talking, while eating.
Side:- In this elicit side of the patient,Try to see which side of patient is predominantly
affected from S/S ,any Mole, injury marks ,scars, any pigmentation from birth.
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SENSITIVITY in general:-
To sun.
To noise [slightest /loud, etc].
To light [Bright /yellow’ etc].
To tight clothing's [around neck; around abdomen].
To touch.
To perfumes/strong odors.
To Atmospheric Conditions e.g. Rains, cloudy weather, Moon, Winds, etc.
If anything is there then how the patient is getting affected .
Ask for any allergic reactions to metals or any synthetic products.
Senses:-Vision; Smell; Hearing; Taste; Extra Sensory Perceptions
Habits:- Ask the patient does he have any habits like smoking, drinking or
tobacco chewing.
MIND & LIFE SITUATION:-Start the conversation with asking with whom they are staying
presently .Is that they stay in a joint Family or a nuclear Family.
Ask about education qualification: - if not studied than ask why they didn’t study or they had
interest but couldn’t study because of some problems or they were interested in something else.
Also in this try to see whether the person sitting in front of you is Conscientious or
Non conscientious/ Diligent or Non diligent.
- Ask them whether they do their work/duty when they are not well? Why?
- In studies also were they very regular at school/college? Why?
-In Female’s ask they do their work inspite of their complaints? Why?
Memory:-Ask the patient how good is their Memory power
- can they easily recollect things of past very well
- how good are they in remembering numbers & names
- try to find any characteristics regarding the memory of the individual
(Here the Physician should try to see any peculiar thing about the Memory like Memory active or
any Forgetfulness tendency/ Weakness of Memory.)
Nature or Disposition: -
Angry/ Mild, Yielding/Weeping, Haughty/Timid/Sarcastic/Contemptuous,
Apprehensive/Fearful, Loquacious/Quiet, Contented or Discontented, Quarrelsome/
Fighter/ Revolter/Indifferent, etc.
- Ask them about their nature with people around them.
- Does he is more on angry side or towards calmer side.
- Whenever they get angry how they behave with those who are in front of them.
- Which is the thing or act which they can’t tolerate in their surroundings?
- Anger is Expressed or Suppressed
( If expressed then in which way verbally/ Physically, etc)
- Can they express their anger in front of everyone i.e even to their elders.
- Ask with whom so they got angry they will keep their relations with them.
- Do they keep thinking on the issue for which they got angry?
- Can they forgive those people who have hurt them or they will keep grudges for them.
- Will they take revenge when offended?
- Ask them how are they seen as a person in their society; Image amongst their friends;
- Image amongst the colleagues; Image amongst the relatives ?
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I.e. Sentimental, Grief, Sympathy, Affectionate, Rage, Jealousy, etc.
- Ask them their reaction whenever anything happens against their wish or will.
- Ask about their emotional sensitivity.
- Do they help person who come to them for help or they themselves go to the
needy person.
- Are they very much involved in charity work? Why?
- Do they get easily affected when they see someone in pain in front of them,
If Yes than what is their reaction?
Childhood History: - Here one should ask about the whole childhood nature and Experiences or
interests, etc. in detail. For e.g.:
- Esp. nature as a child from 0-6 years of age?
- What kind of child you were accounted as for e.g. Mild, silent, fearful, timid, weeping, reserved,
introvert, extrovert, cranky, angry, obstinate, mischievous, destructive, obedient, studious,
yielding, etc.( ask for incidences to deduce such traits)
- Which qualities of your childhood days are remembered by your parents and relatives?
- When he/she went to school first time how was the reaction?
- When guests would come to home how would be his/her reaction?
- Reaction with other children in surrounding?
- Which qualities of childhood are still remembered by you?
- Image in school amongst teachers?
- Reaction before exams.
- Was he daring in acts and sports activities?
[Please ask for life incidences to get one’s disposition and original traits.]
But the most important thing which a physician can never forget in whole case is the Cause of the
Disease i.e. A/F which should be elicited by skillful conversation with the patient.
To take A/F as the prescriptive or the entry point in the case one should see to it that Cause
should be Recent and Related.
So one should keep in mind that for a psoric disease the cause has to be a psoric e.g.
Psoric causes:
Irritability, anger, hurt, mild, grief
Anxiety, worry, anticipation
Angry when obliged to answer
Sensitivity (Rudeness, criticism, neglect external impression, disharmony & Quarrels, joy, light,
noise, music, odour, touch, pain).
And similarly if the patient is in Syphilitic Disease the cause has to be Syphilitic e.g.
Syphilitic causes:
Violent, strong and destructive sudden
Shock, insult, humiliation, abuse
Honour wounded
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But one should keep in mind that if patient gives you any h/o of any cause for his ill health in past
so one should correlate it with the disease miasmatically.
If miasm has bloomed then the cause is not important.(footnote 120).
After Listening or taking the whole case don’t rely completely on patient.
Carefully Observe your Patient for
- How was he talking to you?
- How was he answering your questions?
- What was the quality of speech?
- How were the expressions of the patient about their sufferings during whole conversations?
Never totally belief the patient blindly try to see whether the person sitting opposite to you is a
Honest/Liar/Boaster/Manipulative while taking the case, cross examine your Patient.
There are many certain things which one cannot forget to make their note of while taking the case
themselves about the patient by the physician e.g.
- Jesting.
- Affectation.(Artificial behaviour)
- Bashful.
- Naiveness.
- Cautious.
- Coquettish/Flirting.
- Buoyancy
- Censorious/Critical
- Sarcastic.
- Restlessness/Hyperactivity/Hurried Nature.
- Effeminate/Mannish behavior.
- Graceful.
- Obsequious.
- Gestures.
- Lamenting.
- Begging.
- Clinging.
- Frivolous.
- Inciting.
- Crank.
- Shameless.
- Foppish.
- Vanity.
- Loquacity.
- Talking speed
- Attention Seeking or Playing Antic’s.
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- Self-esteem or Ego.
- The way patient laughs or talks.
- The way Patient Sits in front of you.
Some Emotional Causes And Life Events Affecting Different Age Group:
In Age Group From Infants To Toddlers:
- Fear or Fright out of a sudden fall or scolded by someone; toddler getting afraid of new people or
suddenly someone shouting at them; Child was exposed to something new for the first time esp.
some religious Rituals or any procession where lot of people and noise scared him.
- Child is frequently exposed to Parent’s Quarrels or Discords.
- Mother of the child being subjected to harassments from In laws in front of the child.
[Child seeing mother weeping very often may develop feeling of insecurity and Grief]
- Discords among other Family members happening at home in front of the child.
- Witnessing domestic violence is terrifying to children and emotionally abusive. Even if the mother
does her best to protect her children and keeps them from being physically abused, the situation
is still extremely damaging mentally for the children.
- Mother is a working female so resumes for her job: Mother who was looking after her Child for 1st
few months after the birth of the baby resumes her Job.
- Child is kept away from mother because mother having some chronic infectious disease
recurrently falling ill or mother has some mental illness where she is unable to take care of
the child.
- In between parents went for 1 or 2 days leaving the child with the Grandparents or with the
- Childs Basic demands being neglected by the parents or by the caretaker of the child
(demands may be for adequate food, attention, clothing, to play, to go out, hygiene, etc.)
- Child got frightened by seeing or coming in contact with any pet animals like dog, cat, etc.
- Sibling jealousy: New born sibling in the family.
There are other certain small things which happen very often with most of the school going children
but how does the child react to such events are not noticed by many of us which is very important
for us to ask in Childhood history for e.g.
- Constant belittling, shaming, and humiliating a child.
- Calling names and making negative comparisons to others.
- Telling a child he or she is ―no good," "worthless," "bad," or "a mistake."
- Frequent yelling, threatening, or bullying.
- Ignoring or rejecting a child as punishment, giving him or her the silent treatment.
- Limited physical contact with the child—no hugs, kisses, or other signs of affection.
- Exposing the child to violence or the abuse of others, whether it be the abuse of a parent,
a sibling, or even a pet.
Note: Proforma for case taking is not a hard and fast rule to take a case in this pattern
only. Our aim is to get the Genetic Constitutional Similimum of which the first step is a
good case taking which should be developed as an art by each & every Predictive
The questions and verbal communication here used are simply indicative, being intentional
to provide certain data. The whole of the above Guidelines is just suggestive.
It is not intended that the patient be limited to the language or symptoms of the proforma.