Psora: Primary Manifestation / Characters of Psoara

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According to funk and wagnall’s dictionary the term psora means

1. The itch or some such similar skin disease
2. The itch mite
The original word being Tsorat which means A groove, a fault , a pollution,
a stigma, often applied to leprous manifestations and to the great plagues .
The term he means an original diseased condition which does after
the completion of the internal infection of the whole organism.
Peculiar cutaneous eruption, tickling itching
Psora is most ancient, most universal , most contagious , most destructive
and most misapprehended chronic miasm. It is a itch dyscrasia leading to
functional disorders

Primary Manifestation / Characters of Psoara :

The primary manifestation of psora are the peculiar cutaneous
eruptions. Sometimes consisting only of few vesicles accompanied by
intolerable voluptuous tickling itching and a peculiar odour.

Latent Psora :
When the primary manifestation of psora are suppressed by local
applications the local cutaneous symptoms disappear but the disease is
driven inward and may remain dormant (in the best cases and under the
most favourable external circumstances) This state is called as the latent
state of psora.
Secondary manifestation of psora
When the person who has the psora slumbering withing has exposed
to some exciting or maintaining cause the psora which has hitherto
slumbered awakens and breaks out as the several psoric chronic disease .

Development of Psora

Primary manifestation of psora

← Suppressed by local means

The local manifestation disappear’s but the disease driven inwards and
may remain in dormant state (Latent Psora)
← exposed to some exciting
cause / maintaining cause

Secondary manifestation of psora.

Definition :
When the primary manifestation of psora are suppressed by local
applications, the local cutaneous symptoms disappear but the disease is
driven inward and may remain dormant .

Symptoms of Latent Psora

Head :
1) Frequent one sided headaches even from moderate emotional
2) Frequent falling of hair of the head, dryness of the same, many scales
upon scalp.
3) Perspiration on the head in evening after going to sleep.

Eyes and Vision :

Frequent inflammation of the eyes.

Nose and smell :

1. Epistaxis with girls and youths (more rarely with older persons)
often very severe
2. Frequent or tedious dry or fluent coryza or catarrh or
impossibility of catching a cold even from the most severe
exposure even while otherwise having continually ailments of the
3. Long continued obstruction of one or both nostrils.
4. Ulcerated nostrils (sore nose )
5. Disagrreeble sensation of dryness in the nose

Face :
1. Frequent flushes of heat and redness of the face not infrequently with
2. Paleness of the face and relaxation of the muscles.
3. Predisposition to erysipelas now and then

Tongue :
1. White , or at least very pale tongue, still more frequently cracked
2. Bad smell from the mouth , frequently or almost constantly especially
early in the morning and during the menses, and this is perceived
either as insipid or as slightly sour or as if from stomach out of order,
or as mouldy , also as putrid.
3. Sour taste in the mouth
4. Dryness in the mouth at night or in the morning

1. Much phlegm in the throat
2. Frequent inflammation of the throat , Frequent hoarseness
3. Swelling of the cervical glands (scrofula)

Desire and Aversions :

1. Repugnance to coocked, warm food especially to meat (principally
with children)
2. Repugnance to milk

Now instiable hunger, then again want of appetite

Stomach :
1. Nausea in the morning
2. Sensation of emptiness in the stomach .

Abdomen :
1. Cutting pains in the abdomen, frequently or daily (especially with
children) more frequently in the morning.
2. Abdomen often distended.
3. Frequent discharge of ascarides and other worms, mostly with
Skin :
1. Swollen , enlarged viens on the legs.
2. Chillablains and pains as from chilliblains , even outside of the severe
cold of winter, even , also in summer.
3. Pains of corns, without any external pinching of the shoes.
4. Disposition to crack, strain or wrench on joint or another.
5. Crackling one or more joints on moving
6. Unhealthy skin, every little lesion passes into sores, cracked skin of
the hands and of the lower lips.
7. Frequent boils, frequent felons (whitlow)
8. Dry skin on the limbs on the arms, the thighs and also at times on the
9. Here or there a rough scaling spot on the skin, which causes at times
a voluptuous itching and after the rubbing a burning sensation
10. Predisposition to erysipelas now and then

Generals :
Most of the ailments came at night
Predisposition to catch cold either in the whole body or only in the head

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