260-953 Alter-Type Wind Screen For Tipping Bucket Rain Gages
260-953 Alter-Type Wind Screen For Tipping Bucket Rain Gages
260-953 Alter-Type Wind Screen For Tipping Bucket Rain Gages
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 2
C a m p b e l l S c i e n t i f i c , I n c .
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260-953 Table of Contents
PDF viewers: These page numbers refer to the printed version of this document. Use the
PDF reader bookmarks tab for links to specific sections.
1. Introduction..................................................................1
2. Specifications ..............................................................1
3. Installation....................................................................2
3.1 Site Considerations ...................................................................................2
3.2 Ring Assembly..........................................................................................2
3.3 Posts..........................................................................................................3
3.4 Gate...........................................................................................................4
3.5 Mounting the Ring Quadrants onto the Posts ...........................................4
4. Maintenance .................................................................5
3-1. Foundation size and post placement........................................................2
3-2. Leaf and spacer assembly........................................................................3
3-3. Properly installed 260-953 ......................................................................3
3-4. Gate quadrant mounted onto posts ..........................................................4
260-953 Alter-Type Wind Screen for
Tipping Bucket Rain Gages
1. Introduction
The 260-953 is a wind screen for our tipping bucket rain gages that can
minimize the effect of strong winds on the rain measurements. It includes 32
leaves that swing as the wind moves past them. The leaves are evenly spaced
on a 48-in.-diameter ring. The ring is comprised of four quadrants. Each
quadrant mounts onto posts made of galvanized-steel pipe.
The 260-953 should be installed so that the top edge of the rain gage funnel is
1/2 in. to 1 in. below the top edge of the wind screen leaves. Typically, the
wind screen is mounted onto the concrete pad that also supports the rain gage.
However, concrete piers or wooden supports can also be used. To function
properly, both the rain gage and wind screen need to be installed correctly.
2. Specifications
Type: Alter
Manufacturer: Novalynx
Number: 32
Material: Zinc-plated 20-gauge steel
Width: 3 in. (7.6 cm)
Length: 16 in. (40.6 cm)
Number: Four
Length: 2 ft (0.6 m)
Material: Galvanized steel
260-953 Alter-Type Wind Screen for Tipping Bucket Rain Gages
3. Installation
The tipping bucket rain gage is typically installed before the wind screen (refer
to the rain gage’s manual for installation procedures).
Sites where there is open ground between the wind screen and the rain gage
should be cleared of weeds or grass. A gravel path is recommended to permit
access to the rain gage during wet conditions.
CAUTION The wind screen leaves have very sharp edges. Use
leather gloves while handling the leaves, and avoid
brushing against them.
260-953 Alter-Type Wind Screen for Tipping Bucket Rain Gages
1. Typical of three quadrants.
2. Gate quadrant has left vertical rod that is 2” shorter.
3.3 Posts
Spacing between the wind screen posts is 34 in. (see Figure 3-1). If a concrete
foundation is used, the posts can be directly embedded into the concrete.
To ensure the proper height, assemble the wind screen (see Section 3.2) and
temporarily install it at its desired location. If the posts are too short to obtain
the correct height (1/2 in. to 1 in. above rain gage), use pipe couplings and
extension pipes to increase the height (see Figure 3-3).
1. Rain gage shown in bold lines.
2. Cutaway shows spacing between top of wind screen and top of rain gage.
260-953 Alter-Type Wind Screen for Tipping Bucket Rain Gages
Each post has a 3/4-in. NPT thread at one end (see Figure 3-4). If the posts are
to be directly embedded into the concrete, use a floor flange on the end of each
post as an anchor to help prevent it from pulling out of the concrete. Short
pieces of pipe with threaded couplers may also be embedded into the concrete,
allowing the posts to be threaded directly into the concrete. The posts should
be leveled vertically during installation.
3.4 Gate
One of the posts has a 45º notch cut out of it. This post is for the wind screen
gate (see Figure 3-4), which is used to access the tipping bucket rain gage.
Plan the installation so that the gate is at the desired location for accessing the
rain gage.
The posts may need to be flexed slightly to fit the ring quadrants. After the
ring quadrants have been installed, inspect each leaf to ensure that it can swing
260-953 Alter-Type Wind Screen for Tipping Bucket Rain Gages
4. Maintenance
Refer to your tipping bucket rain gage manual for tipping bucket rain gage
Keep weeds, grass, and other plants from growing into and interfering with the
rain gage and wind screen leaves. Remove any debris and dirt that may have
accumulated onto the surfaces of the leaves.
Inspect the wind screen parts for rust, and wire brush rusted areas.
260-953 Alter-Type Wind Screen for Tipping Bucket Rain Gages
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