Key Feature Document: You Have Chosen Wealth Creation Option Maturity Benefit: Death Benefit: Income Benefit
Key Feature Document: You Have Chosen Wealth Creation Option Maturity Benefit: Death Benefit: Income Benefit
Key Feature Document: You Have Chosen Wealth Creation Option Maturity Benefit: Death Benefit: Income Benefit
This document contains the highlights of the product Bajaj Allianz Life Assured Wealth Goal UIN: 116N170V09 and is subject to the terms and conditions as contained in the policy document. No
medicals will be done for policies sourced through POS. The terms and conditions as contained in the policy document shall govern the contractual relationship and shall be binding. For details on any
of the matters highlighted herein below, please refer to policy document upon receipt of the same by you. The standard terms and conditions of the product is also available on the Company website
Life Cover
Life cover of an individual will be throughout the policy term provided all due premiums have been paid.
Premium Payment
You will have an option to pay your premiums regularly or for a limited term.
Tax Benefits
As per applicable tax laws as amended from time to time. You are requested to consult your tax consultant and obtain independent advice
for eligibility and before claiming any benefit under the policy.
Contact Us: Regd. Office Address: Bajaj Allianz life Insurance Co. ltd, Bajaj Allianz House, Airport Road, Yerwada, Pune - 411006., IRDAI Reg No.: 116, Visit us: www.baja-, BALIC CIN : U66010PN2001PLC015959, Mail us : [email protected], Call on : Toll free no. 1800 209 7272, Fax No: 020-66026789,
Quotation No : 60033161903
Name of the Prospect/ Policyholder: Cus . . Name of the Product: Bajaj Allianz Life Assured
Age: 23 Wealth Goal
Gender: Female Tag Line: A Non-Linked Non-Participating Individual
Life Insurance Savings Plan
Name of the Life Assured: Cus . .
Unique Identification Number: 116N170V09
Age: 23
GST Rate(First Year): 4.50%
Gender: F
GST Rate(2nd Year onwards): 2.25%
Policy Term: 10 years
Premium Payment Term: 10 years
Amount of Installment Premium: 5,22,500
Mode of Payment of Premium: Annual
This benefit illustration is intended to show year-wise premiums payable and benefits under the policy.
Policy Details
Variant Wealth Creation Sum Assured on Death (at 67,50,000
inception of the Policy) (Rs.)
Premium Summary
Base Plan Riders Total Installment Premium
Installment Premium without GST 5,00,000 0 5,00,000
Installment Premium with First Year GST 5,22,500 0 5,22,500
including channel Premium
Installment Premium with GST 2nd year 5,11,250 0 5,11,250
(Amount in Rupees )
Benefit Summary
Guaranteed Non Guaranteed
Policy Annualised Survival Maturity Death Benefit Guaranteed Surrender Value Special Surrender Value
Year Premium Benefits Benefit (GSV) (SSV)
1 5,00,000 0 0 67,50,000 0 0
2 5,00,000 0 0 67,50,000 3,00,000 2,26,853
3 5,00,000 0 0 67,50,000 5,25,000 4,21,792
4 5,00,000 0 0 67,50,000 10,00,000 6,98,106
5 5,00,000 0 0 67,50,000 12,50,000 10,84,608
6 5,00,000 0 0 67,50,000 15,00,000 16,19,570
7 5,00,000 0 0 67,50,000 17,50,000 23,53,716
8 5,00,000 0 0 67,50,000 28,00,000 33,54,173
9 5,00,000 0 0 67,50,000 40,50,000 47,09,689
10 5,00,000 0 65,37,500 67,50,000 45,00,000 0
1. The ma in objec ve of this benefit illus tra on is tha t the policyholder is a ble to unders ta nd the fea tures of the product a nd the na ture of benefits under
different circums ta nces like s urviva l, ma turity, dea th, & s urrender.
2. The a bove informa tion mus t be rea d in conjunction with Sa les Litera ture & Policy document.
3. Annua lized premium excludes underwri ng extra premium, the premiums pa id towa rds the riders , if a ny a nd Goods a nd Service Ta x/ a nd a ny other a pplica ble
ta xes .
4. The policy will a cquire a s urrender va lue a ny me in ca s e of s ingle premium a nd on pa yment of a tlea s t 2 yea rs premiums otherwis e. The s urrender va lue
pa ya ble will be higher of the Gua ra nteed Surrender Va lue or Specia l Surrender Va lue. The dis pla yed Specia l Surrender Va lues a re not gua ra nteed a nd only
indica tive. Thes e ma y cha nge from time to time. The s urrender va lues a re illus tra ted a s s uming tha t a ll due premiums in a policy yea r a re pa id.
5. The Dea th benefit, Ma turity Benefit, Surrender benefit a s s hown in Benefit Summa ry a re pa ya ble a s s uming Ma turity/ Dea th / Surrender occur a t the end of the
yea r.
6. In ca s e of a ny conflict between this benefit illus tra tion a nd your policy document, the la tter s ha ll preva il.
Quotation No : 60033161903
7. Ta x benefits under the policy will be a s per the preva iling Income Ta x la ws . We recommend tha t you s eek profes s iona l a dvice for a pplica bility of ta x benefit
on premiums pa id a nd benefits received.
8. For a ny further cla rifica tion, conta ct our s a les repres enta tive or e-ma il us on cus tomerca re@ba ja ja llia
I, , have explained the premiums and benefits under the policy fully I, Cus . ., having received the informa on with respect to the above,
to the prospect / policyholder. have understood the above statement before entering into the
Date: Signature of Agent/ Intermediary/ Official Date: Signature of Prospect / Policyholder
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
Bajaj Allianz House, Airport Road, Yerawada, Pune - 411006. Reg No.: 116.
Tel:(020) 66026777. Fax:(020) 66026789.
Email: [email protected] Website: