02 Entrepreneurship 1
02 Entrepreneurship 1
02 Entrepreneurship 1
Entrepreneurship is one of the four mainstream economic factors –land, labour,
capital and entrepreneurship. During 14th century references speak about tax
contractors- individuals who paid a fixed sum of money to a government for a license to
collect taxes in their region. Known as tax contractors, they used to take the risk of
collecting taxes. If they collected more than the sum paid for their licenses, they made
profits and kept the excess. The concept of entrepreneurship was existing in 17th
century and was a common topic in economic essays for much of the 18th and 19th
David Ricardo, a well known economist didn’t assign any important role to
entrentrepreneurship for economic development of a country. According to Ricardo,
“profit leads to saving of wealth, which ultimately goes to capital formation and leads
to economy development.”: In words of Lewis, “the proximate ways of economic
development are : the efforts to economise, the increase of knowledge, its application to
production and increasing the amount of capital or resources per head.”
Friedrich von Hayek (1899-1922) Ludwig Von Mises (1881-1973), Keynes
defined entrepreneurship and assigned a role played by entrepreneurship. Thus,
entrepreneurship came up as a theory which has ability to mobilize the resources and
combine them to initiate change in production.
Entrepreneurship is the tendency of a person to organize the business of his own
and to run it profitably, using all the qualities of leadership, decisions making the
managerial calibre etc. the term “entrepreneur” is often used interchangeably with
“entrepreneurship”. But conceptually they are different.
Refers to a person Refers to a process
Creator Creation
Organiser Organisation
Decision maker Decision making
Initiator Initiative
Leader Leadership
Motivator Motivation
Risk taker Risk taking
Entrepreneurship can be defined as the propensity of mind to take calculated risks
with confidence to achieve a pre-determined business or industrial objective.
The word ‘entrepreneurship’ typically means to undertake. It owes its origin to the
western societies. But even in the west , it has undergone changes from time to time.
In the early 16th century the term was used to denote army leaders. In the 18th
century, it was used to denote a dealer who buys and sells goods at uncertain prices.
Towards 1961,Schumpeter used the term innovator, for an entrepreneur. Two centuries
before, the concept of entrepreneurship was shady. It is only in the recent years that
entrepreneurship has been recognised widely all over the world like in USA,
Germany, Japan, and in the developing countries like ours. Gunnar Myrdal rightly
pointed out that Asian societies lack entrepreneurship not because they lack money or
raw materials but because of their attitudes. Till recently, in the west, the
entrepreneurship is mainly an attribute of an efficient manager. But the success
achieved by entrepreneurs in developing countries demolishes the contention that
entrepreneur is a rare animal and an elusive character. In India, the definition of ‘an
entrepreneur being the one who undertakes to organize, own and run a business’
has been accepted in a National Seminar on Entrepreneurship organized in Delhi in
1975. Still there has been no consensus on the definition of entrepreneurship and
qualities of entrepreneurship.
“Entrepreneurship is essentially a creative activity or it is an innovation function.
The process of innovation may be in the form of
(a) Introduction of a new product.
(b) Use of a new method of production.
(c) Opening of a new market.
(d) The conquest of new source of supplying raw material.
(e) A new form of organization.” Joseph A. Schumpeter
“Entrepreneurship is neither a science nor an art. It is practice. It has a
knowledge base. Knowledge in entrepreneurship is a means to an end. Indeed,
what constitutes knowledge in practice is largely defined by the ends, that is, by
the practice.” - Peter F. Drucker
( i ) Start Up.
This stage refers to the birth or starting of operations by the
enterprise.productioin on a limited scale and sales are low and creeping very slowly
competition is not there and profits too may be not there.
( ii ) Growth Stage.
There is the growing Acceptance of the firms Product by the
market.Competitions start entering the market and profits too start increasing
.Business is expanded to exploit the opportunities which are there.
widening of the scope of village industries, classified village industries have increased
from 70 to 101.
Village industries have been grouped into seven categories which are as follows:
(i) Mineral based (ii) Forest based (iii) Agro based (iv) Polymer and chemical
based (v) Engineering and non-conventional (vi) Textiles including Khadi; and (vii)
Service industry.
The need to develop rural industries in India should be accorded the top priority
because they will help in
(i) The reduction in migration of rural population to urban areas.
(ii) Balanced regional growth
(iii) Reducing rural-urban gap
(iv) Increasing rural income
(v) Reducing the heritage of the country
(vi) Reduction the urban pollution
(vii) Higher economic growth
Since a majority of the population lives in villages, it becomes necessary to
develop rural villages to register a quantum leap in economic growth. There is a lot
of potential in rural areas which needs to be tapped. It can be achieved by promoting
rural entrepreneurship.
Project identification is concerned with the collection, compilation and analysis of
economic data for the eventual purpose of locating possible opportunities for
investment and with the development of the characteristic of such opportunities.
Opportunities, according of Drucker (1955), are of three kinds: additive,
complementary and break-through. Additive opportunities are those opportunities
which enable the decision-maker to better utilize the existing resources without in any
way involving a charge in the character of business. Complementary opportunities
involve the introduction of new ideas and as such do lead to a certain amount of change
in the existing structure. Break-through opportunities, on the other hand, involve
fundamental changes in both the structure and character of business. Additive
opportunities involve the least amount of disturbance to the existing state of affairs and
hence the least amount of risk. The element of risk is more in other two opportunities.
When the element of risk increases, it becomes more important to precisely define the
scope and nature of project idea, to develop alternative solutions for achieving the
project objectives and to select the best possible approach so as to minimize both
resource consumption and risks and to optimize the return or gains.
Project identification can not be complete without identifying the
characteristics of a project. Every project has three basic dimensions – inputs, outputs
and social costs and benefits. The input characteristics define what the project will
consume in terms of raw materials, energy, manpower, finance and organizational
setup. The nature and magnitude of each of these inputs must be determined in order to
make the input characteristics explicit.
The output characteristics of a project define what the project will generate in
the form of goods and services, employment, revenue, etc. The quantity and quality of
all these outputs should be clearly specified.
In addition to inputs and outputs every project has impact on the society. In
inevitably affects the current equilibriums of the demand and supply in the economy. It
is necessary to evaluate carefully the sacrifice which the society will be required to
make and the benefits that will accrue to the society from a given project.
Projects do not emerge themselves. The inputs to set up a project can come from
different sources such as Governmental agencies, credit and financial institutions,
non-governmental organizations like chambers of commerce and industry,
inter-institutional groups, technical consultancy organizations and international
collaborations. Once the venture ideas have been developed by entrepreneurs by
following one or combination of sources explained, these have to be screened and
evaluated in a preliminary fashion on the basis of internal and external constraints prior
to being put to additional tests of pre-feasibility. This project identification comes to an
end by laying down specific project objectives clearly and concisely and without any
ambiguity so that these convey one and the same meaning to all concerned.
This phase starts after the trial run of the project framework developed during
the construction phase. It involves routine procedures which are performed in a cyclic
order. The primary objective of this phase is to produce the goods and services for
which the project was established. For, this purpose a provision has to be made for raw
materials and other consumables. These can be determined by analyzing the process
cycle identifying the sequence of process operations. Projects which do not involve
production of goods do not require raw materials but only suppliers or supporting goods
needed to sustain the project process. Thus, the assets created during the construction
phase are utilized during the normalization phase.
Project formulation is the systematic development of a project idea for the eventual
objective of arriving at an investment decision. It has the built-in mechanism of ringing
the danger bell at the earliest possible stage of resource utilization. Project formulation
involves a step-by-step investigation and development of project idea. And it provides a
controlled mechanism for restricting expenditure on Project development. One
stage of the exercise leads to the other. In case a weakness is observed at any stage of
investigation, the entrepreneur can exercise his discretion of calling off the exercise if
the facts so warrant. It enables him to take decisions in a scientific way providing a
concrete set of facts.
Project formulation is a process involving the joint efforts of a team of experts.
Each member of the team should be familiar with the broad strategy, objectives and
other ingredients of the project. Besides being an expert in his area of specialization, he
should be able to play his role in the overall scheme of things. The government official
who deals with the project’s final clearance has to be treated as formatting part of the
team. He should be well informed about the project. A well-formulated feasibility
report provides a medium which cuts across scientific, social and positional prejudices
and provides a common meeting ground for all those who have a contribution to make
in successful implementation of a project.
Project team should consist of experts in major substantive fields of the project.
Depending on the situation any large Project should comprise the following team
(a) One industrial economist
(b) One market analyst
(c) One or more technologist/engineer specialising in the appropriate
(d) One mechanical and/or industrial engineer
(e) One civil engineer, if needed
(f) One management accounting expert.
A well- formulated project is the best passport for obtaining the required assistance
from financial institutions. When there is a situation of resource constraint and the
available resources are allocated to various projects based on their importance and
viability a well formulated project formulation is the best way of selling a project idea
to a financing agency.
Project formulation will also be of great assistance for obtaining necessary
Government clearances and it meeting the hurdles of procedural formalities. It will
pinpoint the matters for which Government sanctions have to be obtained and also
provide an independent assessment of the feasibility of obtaining these sanctions based
on the existing Government policies. The project report submitted by the entrepreneur
will establish his bonafides in the eyes of the bureaucracy and obtain the due
Government sanctions without many difficulties.
(ii) Feasibility Study: It is the most important part of project analysis, for it
provides answers to questions in detail on different aspects relating to a project. In
practice this means investigating the project from six different aspects economic,
technical, managerial, organisational, commercial and financial. The relative
importance of these different aspects varies considerably according to the type of
project involved. For example, in the analysis of public sector projects more
importance is usually given to wider social benefits than to narrow financial
profitability. It will define and analyse the critical elements that relate to the production
of a given product together with alternative approaches to such production. Such a
study should also provide a project of a defined production capacity at a selected
location using a particular technology or technologies in relation to defined materials
and inputs, at identified investment and production costs, and sales revenues yielding a
defined return on investment.
2. Techno-Economic Analysis
Techno-economic analysis is primarily concerned with the identification of the
project demand potential and the selection of the optimal technology suitable for
achieving the project objectives. This analysis produces necessary information on
which the project design can be used. It also indicates whether the economy is in a
position to absorb the output of the project.
(i) Determination of Project Demand Potential: Estimation of demand potential is
the starting point of techno-economic analysis. Demand forecasting helps to firm up the
qualitative parameters of the project and also provides a basis for selecting the optimal
strategy for the project. The forecasting may be for a short period extending up to a year
i.e., short-run forecast or may cover only a particular industry i.e., industry forecast. Or
it may be personal or specific forecasts relating to certain commodities or areas. Other
factors of a forecast may be relating to the nature of product viz., new or established
product or the classification of product, viz., capital goods, consumer goods or services,
etc., or the special features particular to the product viz., market competition , risks
associated with the product etc.
(ii) Selection of optimal project strategy: In any project situation, normally, an
infinite series of strategies can theoretically be made available for achieving the project
objectives. The difference in the payoff of several of these strategies will be generally
so small that for the purpose of decision making, a group of these strategies can be
represented by a single representative strategy. This, on the one hand, facilities the
process of identification of feasible strategies and on the other simplifies the decision
3. Project Design and Network Analysis
Project design is the heart of a project. It defines the individual activities
comprising a project and the interrelationship between the activities. It identifies the
flow of events which must take place before project can start yielding the desired
results. The interrelationship between various constituent activities of a project is
generally depicted in the form of a network diagram.
Project design and network analysis are concerned primarily with the
development of the detailed work plan of the project and its time profile. This plan is
presented in the form of a network diagram. Network analysis is carried out to identify
the optimal course of action, so as to execute the project within the minimum time
keeping in view the available resources. Thus, project design and network analysis
paves the way for detailed identification and quantification of the project inputs which
is essential for developing the financial and cost-benefit profile of a project.
4. Input Analysis
After a project idea has withstood the tests of feasibility analysis,
techno-economic analysis and network analysis, it becomes necessary to determine the
resource requirements of the project. Input analysis is primarily concerned with the
identification, quantification and evolution of project inputs. The objective is first to
identify the nature of the resources that a project will consume, secondly to estimate the
magnitude of the required resources and thirdly to evaluate the possibility of
un-interrupted supply of inputs.
5. Financial Analysis
Financial characteristic of an investment proposition have a significant impact on
the acceptability or otherwise of a project. The purpose of financial analysis is to
identify these characteristics and to determine the financial feasibility of s project. Such
analysis involves estimates about project costs and revenues and the funds required for
the project. It seeks to find out whether the project will generate revenues to realise the
ultimate objective for which it is undertaken. It reduces investment propositions to one
common scale so as to permit comparison and eventual investment decision. Since
investment propositions has a long time-horizon, due care and foresight must be used in
developing financial forecasts of a project. The information obtained from the financial
analysis could be used for employing commercial profitability analysis.
6. Cost Benefit Analysis
Under this analysis, estimates of social costs and social benefits are made and
presented for computation of social profitability of the project. While the costs and
benefits under the financial analysis are estimated employing market prices based on
financial objectives, this cost-benefit analysis considers them only at certain imputed
prices based on social or national objectives. Generally, the purpose of this analysis
would be to ascertain all social costs and secondary benefits with a view to find out the
impact of the project on the society. The methods of estimating the shadow prices or
imputed prices, social discount rate, etc., are to be explained and the calculations are to
be presented in separate statements or tables. However, most of the data obtained from
financial analysis could be adjusted to reflect the true social values and use. Similarly
most of the decision criteria techniques of the profitability analysis could be used also
in cost-benefit analysis.
After the project is decided upon and before the entrepreneur approaches a lending
institution, he needs to understand the evaluation methods employed by the lending
institutions for obtaining any financial assistance. Some aspects of the feasibility are
also used for the purpose of appraisal. If an entrepreneur is aware of the project
appraisal methods, he can anticipate the requirements of the lending institutions and
match his answers accordingly to ensure that answers are available in the project report.
Meaning of Project Appraisal: Assessing the viability or feasibility of a proposed
project by the lending institutions is called “project appraisal”. The difference
between feasibility and appraisal is, that the feasibility is done by the entrepreneur or
his consultant, while appraisal is done by the investors and lending institutions.
Entrepreneur also does the appraisal when he has to choose between two or more
alternative projects. Project appraisal is ex-ante analysis. It identifies and values the
expected costs and benefits of a project. Project evaluation is ex-post analysis of an
executed project. However, sometimes the concepts of appraisal and evaluation are
used interchangeable, but both mean the same. Different analyses are done in the
different stages of the project appraisal.
Project appraisal is a process of transmitting information accumulated through
feasibility studies into a comprehensive form in order to enable a decision maker
undertake a comparative appraisal of various projects.
Different methods are used by lending institutions to evaluate a project proposal.
Marketing, economic, financial, management, and social feasibilities are studied by
lenders/invertors as well. In this chapter, we shall discuss the various profitability
appraisal methods used for evaluation. They are-
1. payback period
2. return on investment
3. discounted cash flow
4. internal rate of return
5. net present value
6. profitability index
Payback Period Technique
One of the most commonly used techniques for evaluating investment proposals is
the cash pay back or payback period. It attempts to calculate the period known as
payback period required to recover the initial investment out of inflow of net cash flows
/ savings or profit form the investment. In other words, it represents the number of
years in which the investment is expected to ‘pay for itself’.
Original cost of
Payback Period =
Annual net cash inflows or
P = I/S or I/C or I/E
P = Payback period
I = Initial Investment
S = Savings per year
C = Annual Cash inflow
E = Earnings per year
This method is suitable for relatively small projects that are expected to be
completed in a short time. However, it does not take into consideration the years
beyond the payback period. The basis is liquidity and not profitability. It overlooks
cost of capital.
Return on Investment (ROI)
ROI is defined as the ration of profit (net of depreciation and taxes) to initial capital
outlay. The figure is compared to the cost of capital. If the project does not yield the
desired ROI, it is not accepted. If there are a number of projects under consideration,
then they are ranked on the basis of ROI and the project with the best ROI or those
above the desired ROI is / are selected. Different methods are used for the purpose of
calculation ROI. For example,
Annual net
Average Rate of Returns =
x 100
Average Investment
Average Investment = initial investment + scrap value / life of asset
Discounted Cash Flow
Money has a time value. It means that the value of money changes over time. An
amount of Rs.100 received after one year will not have the same value that it has today.
The cash flow received in different years have different values. In earlier methods, the
time value of money was not taken into account. Discounting is the opposite of
compounding. In compounding, the rate of interest, the future value of the present
money is ascertained. In discounting, the present value of the future money is
calculated to enable us to make decisions today.
A1 A2 A3
Present Value = + + + ………
(1+r) (1+r)2 (1+r)3
where A1, A2, A3 - An = Future net cash flows (profit after tax but before
depreciation), r=rate of interest desired, 2,3- and n=number of years. Present value can
also be found by the use of Present Value Tables.
Internal Rate of Return
Under this method, the ‘life’ of the project is usually fixed and the discount rate at
which the present value of net cash inflow during that chosen ‘life’ equals the initial
outlay. In order words, it reduces the net present value to zero. The IRR is arrived at
through an iterative process and for different lengths of ‘life’ of the project.
Net Present Value
In this method, the discount rate should be equal to the company’s weighted
average cost of capital. In this method, future cash inflows are discounted to the
present value. This is the Gross Present Value of the cash flows. From this, the
present value of the cost of the project (i.e., cash outflow) is subtracted. The resulting
surplus is the net present value of the investment. The best project is the one which has
the highest net present value.
Profitability Index
It is also called present value profitability index or benefit cost ratio.
Present Value of gross cash
Profitability Index =
Initial cash outlay
for the results of the business. The individual who establishes it is known as Sole
proprietor or individual proprietor or sole trader.
According to wheeler, “the Sole proprietorship is that form of business
organization which is owned and controlled by a single individual. He receives all the
profits and bears all the risks in the success or failure of the enterprise”. The Sole
proprietor is not only the exclusive owner but Sole founder and controller too.
Thus, Sole proprietorship is established, financed, owned and managed by a single
individual who bears all the risks and receives its gains.
Salient Features
1. Single ownership
2. One man control
3. No separate legal entity of the firm
4. Unlimited liability
5. Undivided risk
1. Ease of Formation 1.Limited funds
2. Direct motivation 2. Lack of specialization
3. Independent control 3. Unlimited liability
4. Quick decisions 4. Uncertain life
5. Business secrecy 5. Limited scope for
6. Personal touch
7. Freedom from Government control
8. Flexibility of operations
9. Social utility
Suitability: The foregoing description reveals that sole proprietorship or one-man
control is the best in the best in the world if that man is big enough to manage
everything. But such a person does not exist. Therefore, sole proprietorship is suitable
in the following cases:
(1) Where small amount of capital is required, e.g., sweet shops, bakery, newsstand
(2) Where quick decisions are very important, e.g., share brokers, bullion dealers,
(3) Where limited risk is involved, e.g., automobile repair shop, confectionery,
small retail store, etc.
(4) Where personal attention to individual tasted and fashions of customers is
requires, e.g., beauty parlor, tailoring shops, lawyers, painters, etc.
(5) Where the demand is local, seasonal or temporary, e.g., retail trade, laundry,
fruit sellers, etc.
Formation of Partnership
A partnership firm can be formed through an agreement among two or more
persons. The agreement may be oral or in writing. But it is desirable that all terms and
conditions of partnership are put in writing so as to avoid any misunderstanding and
disputes among the partners. Such a written agreement among partners is known as
Partnership Deed. It must be signed by all the partners and should be properly stamped.
It can be altered with the mutual consent of all partners.
A partnership deed usually contains the following details:
(1) Name of the firm
(2) Names and addresses of all partners.
(3) Nature of the firm’s business.
(4) Date of the agreement
(5) Principal place of the firm’s business.
(6) Duration of partnership, if any.
(7) Amount of capital contributed by each partner.
(8) The proportion in which the profits and losses are to be shared.
(9) Loans and advances by partners and interest payable on them.
(10) Amount of withdrawal allowed to each partner and the rate of interest
(11) Amount of salary or commission payable to any partner.
(12) The duties, powers and obligations of all partners.
(13) Maintenance of accounts and audit.
(14) Mode of valuation of goodwill on admission, retirement or death of a
(15) Procedure for dissolution of the firm and settlement of accounts.
(16) Arbitration for settlement of disputes among the partnership.
(17) Arrangements in case a partner becomes involvent.
(18) Any other clause(s) which may be found necessary in particular kind of
Registration of Firms
The Partnership Act, 1932 provides for the registration of firms with the Registrar
of Firms appointed by the Government. The registration of a partnership firm is not
compulsory. But an unregistered firm suffers from certain disabilities. Therefore,
registration of a partnership is desirable.
Procedure for Registration: A partnership firm can be registered at any time by
a statement in the prescribed form. The form should be duly signed by all partners. It
should be sent to the Registrar of Firms along with the prescribed fee. The statement
should contain the following particulars:
1. Name of the firm
2. Principal place of its business.
(f) Suits arising otherwise than under a contract, e.g., a suit against a third party
for infringement of trademarks of the firm.
(g) Suits in the areas where the State Government has by a notification
exempted firms from the provisions relating to registration.
Dissolution of Firm
A distinction should be made between the ‘dissolution of partnership’ and
‘dissolution of firm’. Dissolution of partnership implies the termination of the original
partnership agreement or change in contractual relationship among partners. A
partnership is dissolved by the insolvency, retirement, incapacity, death, expulsion,
etc., of a partner or on the expiry/completion of the term/ venture of partnership. A
partnership can be dissolved without dissolving the end. The remaining partners
continue business by entering a new agreement. On the other hand, dissolution of firm
implies dissolution between all the partners. The business of the partnership firm comes
to an end. Its assets are realised and the creditors are paid off. Thus, dissolution of firm
always involves dissolution of partnership but the dissolution of partnership does not
necessarily mean dissolution of the firm.
Mode of Dissolution of Firms
A partnership firm may be dissolved in any of the following ways:
1. Dissolution by Agreement: A partnership firm may be dissolved with the
mutual consent of all the partners in accordance with the terms of the
2. Dissolution by Notice: In case of partnership-at-will, a firm may be dissolved
if any partners give a notice in writing to other partners indicating his intention
to dissolve the firm. In such case, the dissolution takes place with effect from
the date mentioned in the notice. If no date is mentioned, the firm would be
dissolved with effect from the date of receipt of the notice by the partners. When
such a notice is given to other partners, it cannot be withdrawn without their
3. Contingent Dissolution: A firm may be dissolved on the happening of any of
the following categories:
(a) On the expiry of the term, if it for a fixed period.
(b) On the completion of the firm’s venture
(c) On the death of a partner
(d) On the adjudication of a partner as insolvent.
4. Compulsory Dissolution: A firm stands automatically dissolved in the
following cases:
(a) When all partners or all but one partner are declared insolvent.
(b) When the business of the firm becomes unlawful due to the happening of
an event.
5. Dissolution through Court : Court may order the dissolution of a firm in the
following cases:
and small service concerns like transport agencies, real estate brokers, professional
firms like charted accountants, doctor’s clinics or nursing homes, attorneys, etc.
The term “incentive” is a general one and includes concessions, subsidies and
bounties. ‘Subsidy’ denotes a single lump sum which is given by a government to an
industry. It is granted to an industry which is considered essential in the national
interest. The term ‘bounty’ denotes bonus or financial aid which is given by a
government to an industry to help it compete with other units in a nation or in a foreign
market. It is given in proportion to its output. Bounty confers benefits on a particular
industry, while a subsidy is given in the interest of the nation.
These subsidies and incentives offer the following advantages:
(a) They act as a motivational force which makes the prospective entrepreneurs
to enter into manufacturing line.
(b) They encourage the entrepreneurs to start industries in backward areas.
(c) By providing subsidies and incentives the government can
(i) Bring industrial development uniformly in all regions
(ii) Develop more new entrepreneurs which lead to entrepreneurial
(iii) Increase the ability of entrepreneurs to face competition successfully
(iv) Reduce the overall problems of small scale entrepreneurs.
1. To remove regional disparities in development: While developed regions
in a country are overcrowded with industrial and business activities the
backward areas remain ignored for want of facilities for industrial
development. Incentives are used as baits to lure industrialist to locate their
units overlooking such deficiencies. In the long run the backward areas
become developed and regional imbalances are corrected. Such a
development may lead to the effective utilization of regional resources,
removal of disparities in income and levels of living and contribute to a
more integrated society.
2. To promote entrepreneurship and strengthen the entrepreneurial base
in the economy: The new entrepreneurs may face a number of problems on
account of inadequate infrastructure facilities and other supporting services
such as market assistance, technical training and consultancy and other
institutional services etc. all these problems may demotivate them. The
various incentives normally tend to mitigate some or all of the problems by
several means. Industrial estates, growth centers, power tariff concessions,
capital investment subsides, transport subsidy, etc., are a few examples of
incentive and subsides which are aimed at encouraging entrepreneurs to
take up new ventures without much reluctance.
In the foregoing pages, we have seen the project Identification and formulation of
organizations and govt-incontives towards entrepreneurial development. Now, we
shall study the role of various financial institutions for promoting the Entrepreneur
Development. These financial institutions are known as Development banks.
Performance of Development Banks in India for the year 2000-01*
The following details analyses the operational and financial performance of all
financial institutions (AFIs) in the country, operating at the national and State level.
Before we study about their performance, let us understand the structure of the
Development banks in our country.
Structure of Development Banks: The AFIs comprise of Six All-India
Development Banks (AIDBs), two specialized Financial institutions (SFIs), three
Investment institutions, eighteen State Financial Corporations and twenty eight State
Industrial Development Corporations (SIDCs).
Commercial Banks
1. Industrial Development Bank of India. (IDBI)
2. Industrial Finance Corporation of India Ltd. (IFCI)
3. Industrial Credit and investment Corporation of India Ltd. (ICICI)
4. Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd. (IIBI)
5. Infrastructure Development Finance Company Ltd. And
6. Small Industries Development Bank of India Ltd. (SIDBI)
The two specialized financial institutions are Export-import Bank of India
(Exim Bank) and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD).
The three Investment Institutions are Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC),
General Insurance Corporation of India, (GIC) and Unit Trust of India (UTI).
The Government of India set up the industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI)
under IFCI Act in July 1984. since July 1, 1993, it has been brought under companies
Act, 1956. the IFCI extends financial assistance to the industrial sector through rupee
and foreign currency loans, underwriting/ direct subscribtion to shares / debentures and
guarantees and also offers financial services through its facilities of equipment
procurement, equipment finance, buyers’ and suppliers’ credit, equipment leasing and
finance to leasing and hire purchase companies. It also provides merchant banking with
its Head Office in Delhi and a bureau in Bombay.
The financial resources of the IFCI are constituted of the following three components;
(i) Share capital
(ii) Bonds and Debentures
(iii) Other Borrowings
The government of India set up the Industrial Reconstruction Corporation of India
(IRBI) in April 1971 under the Indian Companies Act mainly to look after the special
problems of ‘sick’ units and provide assistance for their speedy reconstruction and
The IRBI had diversified its activities into ancillary lines such as consultancy
services, merchant banking and equipment leasing. All these activities are allied to its
task of rehabilitation of sick industrial units. Through its consultancy services, IRBI
attempt to help banks and financial institutions to assess intrinsic worth of sick units
which are seeking assistance for revival. Through its merchant banking services, IRBI
enables units in the process of amalgamation, merger and reconstruction. Equipment
leasing was, in fact, an extension of the IRBI hire-purchase scheme.
SIDO a policy making coordinating and monitoring agency for the development of
small scale entrepreneurs. It maintains a close liaison with government, financial
institutions and other agencies which are involved in the promotion and development of
small scale units. It provides a comprehensive range of consultancy services and
technical, managerial, economic and marketing assistance to SSI units. It has a network
of 25 small Industries Service Institutes, 20 branch SISIs, 41 Extension Centres, four
Regional Testing Centres, one Product and Process Development Centre, three
Training Centre and five Production Centres.
The main functions of the SIDO are coordination, industrial development and
industrial extension service. Some important functions are:
(1) To assess the requirements of indigenous and imported raw materials and
components for the small-scale sector and to arrange their supplies;
(2) To collect data on consumer items which are imported and encourage the
setting up of new units by giving them coordinated assistance;
(3) To prepare model schemes, project reports and other technical literature for
prospective entrepreneurs;
(4) To assist and advice the Controller of Capital Issues in regard to the issue of
import licenses and the imposition of import restrictions on various
products whose manufacture has already been undertaken indigenously by
the existing or new units;
(5) To secure reservation of certain products for the SSIs.
The NSIC was set up in 1955 with the objective of supplying machinery and
equipment to small enterprises on a hire-purchase basis and assisting them in procuring
Government orders for various items of stores.
The corporation Head Office is at Delhi and it has four regional offices at Delhi,
Mumbai, Calcutta and Chennai and eleven branch offices. It has one central liaison
office at Delhi and depots and sub-centres. The main functions of NSIC are:
(1) To develop small-scale units as ancillary units to large-scale industries;
(2) To provide SSIs with machines on hire-purchase basis;
(3) To assist small enterprises to participate in the stores purchase-programme
of the Central Government;
(4) To assist small industries with marketing facilities;
Functions of DIC
Identification of entrepreneurs: DIC develops new entrepreneurs by conducting
entrepreneurial motivation programmers throughout the district especially in Panchayat
Union Headquarters and small towns.
Selection of projects: DIC offers technical advice to new entrepreneurs for the
selection of projects suitable to them
Provisional Registration under SSI: After the selection of projects, entrepreneurs
are issued with provisional SSI Registration which is essential for obtaining assistance
from the financial institutions.
Purchase of fixed Assets: DIC sponsors the loan application to TIIC, SIDCO and
Banks for the purchase of land and buildings and sanctions margin money under Rural
Industries Project Loan Scheme payable to other financial agencies for the purchase of
plant and machinery.
Clearances from Various Departments: It takes the initiative to get clearances
from various departments and takes follow-up measures to get speedy power
Assistance to Raw Material Suppliers: It makes necessary recommendations to the
concerned raw materials suppliers and issues the required certificates for the import of
raw materials and machinery, whenever necessary.
Assistance to Village Artisans and Handicrafts: DIC arranges for the financial
assistance with the lead bank of nationalized banks of the respective areas..
Interest-free Sales Tax Loan: SSI units set up in rural areas can get IFST loan up to
a maximum limit 8% of the fixed assets from SIDCO. But the sanction order from the
same is being issued by DIC. The DIC also recommends the SSI units to NSIC for
registration for Government Purchase Programme.
Subsidy Schemes: DIC assists SSI units and rural artisans to get subsides such as
power subsidy, interest subsidy for engineers, subsidy under IRDP et., from various
Training Programmes: DIC gives training to rural entrepreneurs and also assists
other units giving training to small entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurs as Managers
By now, you have learnt that it takes a lot of efforts-monetary and non – monetary
– to set up an enterprise. Having once set up the enterprise, the future survival of
enterprise whether small, medium or large, depends upon its profit earning capacity.
The profit earning capacity of any enterprise depends upon inter alia the right decisions
taken by the entrepreneur regarding investment, location of the plant, product design,
quality control, technology, etc. Techniques or analysis are available to help the
entrepreneurs take right decisions on these matters.
Tools of Investment Analysis:
Investment analysis primarily deals with the interpretation of the data incorporated
in the proforma financial statement of a project and the presentation of the data in a
form in which it can be utilized for the comparative appraisal of the projects. The
technique of ratio analysis and capital budgeting have been used as the most important
analysis. These are discussed as follows:
′ x 100
x 100
method is based on cash flow, average rate of return is based upon the principles is
calculated by shown below,
x 100
Location, localization and planned location of industries are often felt to be
synonymous. But, the distinction among these three terms is of immense importance.
Entrepreneurs locate their enterprises where the cost of production comes the lowest at
the time of establishing industries. This is known as ‘ location of industries’. The
concentration of a particular industry mainly in one area, as occurred with many
industries in India, for example, textile industry in Bangalore is known as ‘ localization
of industries ‘.
It is not always possible to explain industrial location independently with the help
of any factor. In fact, it is a one time decision and cannot be retracted without bearing
heavy penalty. The most important factors are:
(i) Availability of Raw Materials
(ii) Market
(iii) Infrastructural facilities
(iv) Government Policy
(v) Availability of manpower, i.e., labour
(vi) Local Laws and Regulations
(vii) Ecological and Environmental factors
(viii) Competition
Let us discuss these in some details.
Availability of Raw Materials: One of the most important considerations involved in
selection of industrial location has been the availability of raw materials required. The
biggest advantage of availability of raw material at the location of industry is that it
involves less cost in terms of transportation cost. In the case of small-scale industries,
these could be food and fruit Processing,
meat and fish canning, jams, juices and ketchups etc.
Market: Proximity to market also influences the selection of industrial location. If the
products are fragile and highly susceptible to spoilage and if the transporation costs
constitute a substantial portion of the total costs involved, the proximity to market
condition assumes portion of the total costs involved, the proximity to market condition
assumes added importance in selecting location of the enterprise.
Infrastructural Facilities: Of course, the degree of dependency upon infrastructural
facilities may vary from industry to industry, yet there is no denying of the fact that
availability of infrastructural facilities play a deciding role in the location selection of
an industry. The infrastructural facilities include transport and communication, power,
water, banking, etc. Just to give you an idea, availability of water may become deciding
factor for the location selection of industries like leather, food processing, chemical and
such alike industries.
Techniques of Scheduling
Schedules can be developed by using many techniques. Some of these are:
1. Periodic Production Review Conference,
2. Reports and Returns
3. Growth Charts
4. Charts and Graphs
5. CPM and PERT
6. Computers.
All these techniques can, however, be grouped into two categories: (1) Charts
and Graphs and (2) Operation Research Methods. A few words about each of these two
techniques will introduce us to the total scene of scheduling methods.
Product Inspection:
You have understood scheduling ensures completion of production in time.
Product inspection ensures the quality of product produced. For this, a separate
department, namely Quality control is established oversee the product Inspection,
management decides upon the location of inspection, when inspection should be done,
the number of items should be inspected and the types of tools needed for inspection.
Let us have a cursory look at these various decisions.
Quality is a relative concept. It is related to certain predetermined characteristics
such as shape, dimensions, composition, finish, colour, weight, etc. In simple words,
quality is the performance of the product as per the commitment made by the producer
to the consumer. In practice, when we say any product as a quality product, it means the
product satisfies certain criteria for its functioning. For a quality product, it is necessary
that it should satisfy the laid down criteria not only at the time of its manufacture, but
also over a reasonable length of time. In India, Bureau of Indian standards lay down
certain criteria for a number of products both – Industrial and domestic.
Statistical Quality Control:
It is an advanced method or technique used to control the quality of product.
This method is based on statistical inferences to determine and control the quality.
Sampling, probability and other statistical inferences are used in this method for
controlling the quality of product. It is widely used in process control in continuous
process industries and in industries producing goods on a mass scale. Under these
method, the entire lot is, firstly, sampled on the basis of its specified characteristics and
then it is divided into three parts. These are,
1. Analysis of samples
2. Use of control Charts
3. Corrective Measures.
What is inventory? Inventory refers to those goods which are held for eventual
sale by the business enterprise. In other words, inventories are stock of the product a
firm is manufacturing for sale and components that make up the product. Thus,
inventories form a link between the production and sale of the product. The forms of
inventories existing in a manufacturing enterprise can be classified into three
(i) Raw Materials – These are those goods which have been purchased and
stored for future productions. These are the goods which have not yet been
committed to production at all.
(ii) Work-in-progress – These are the goods which have been committed to
production but the finished goods not yet been produced. In other words,
work-in-progress inventories refer to ‘semi-manufactured products’.
(iii) Finished Goods – These are the goods after production process is complete.
Say, these are final products of the production process ready for sale. In case
of a wholesaler or retailer, inventories are generally referred to as
‘merchandise inventory’.
one single lot or in 12 monthly lots of 67 units each. But, while following any
alternative, implications of both carrying and ordering costs should be studied. For
example, if the firm places only one order of 800 units, the firm may have 800 units as
starting inventories in the beginning of the year. In this way, the average inventory held
in the firm during the year will be 400 units (800 x ½), holding Rs.40,000 (400 x
Rs.100) in inventories. In case, the firm places 12 monthly orders, the average
inventory held during month will be 34 (67 units / 2), holding and average value of Rs.
3,400. Many other possibilities can be worked out in the same manner to determine the
3. The Graphic Approach – The Economic Ordering Quantity can also be found out
by drawing a graph. Taking the same example, all three costs, i.e., total costs, carrying
costs and ordering costs are plotted on vertical axis and number of orders on horizontal
axis. We notice, that carrying costs decreases with number of orders whereas ordering
costs increases as the number of order increases. Here, the behavior of the total cost is
noticeable. Firstly, total cost decreases to certain point, then it starts increasing when
the decrease in average carrying cost is more than off-set by the increasing in ordering
cost, thus, EOQ takes place at the point where the total cost is minimum.
Selective Inventory Control :
ABC Analysis:
The ABC analysis of selective inventory technique is based on the logic that in
any large number, we usually have ‘ significant few ‘ and ‘ insignificant many ‘. This
holds true in case of inventories also. A firm maintaining several types of inventories do
not need to exercise same degree of control on all the items. The firm adopts selective
approach to control investments in various types of inventories. This selective approach
is called the ABC analysis. The items with highest value are classified as ‘A items ‘.
The items with relatively low value as ‘ B items ‘, and the items least valuable
are classified as ‘ C items ‘. Since, the ABC analysis concentrates on important items,
hence, it is also known as control by Importance and Exception.
Inventory Turnover Ratio :
Inventory can also be managed by using accounting ratios like Inventory
Turnover Ratio. Inventory Turnover Ratio is calculated with the help of the following
Cost of Goods consumed or sold during the year
Average Inventory during the year
A comparison of current years inventory ratio with those of previous years
will unfold the following points relating to inventories:
Fast Moving Items – This is indicated by a high inventory ratio. This also means that
such items of inventory enjoy high demand. Obviously, in order to have smooth
production, adequate inventory of these items should be maintained. Otherwise, both
production and sales will be adversely affected through interrupted supply of these
Slow-Moving Items – That some items are slowly moving is indicated by a low
turnover ratio. These items are, therefore, needed to maintain at a minimum level.
Dormant or Obsolete Items
These refer to items having no demand. These should be disposed of us early as
possible to curb further losses caused by them.
We know when intelligent people start on a long trip, they always make plans.
They decide, for example, where they are going and how they plan to get there.
Generally, the longer the trip, the more they plan. Small Scale enterprises also need to
draw plans to take various decisions and perform multifarious activities. In simple
words, plans are basic to any sort of enterprise – whether large, medium or small. This
includes the plans or provisions for manpower also. Unfortunately, manpower planning
is a neglected area in the Indian context especially in small-scale industry. Under
manpower planning, the management needs to ask itself two basic questions of:
i. What kinds of people do we need?
ii. How many people do we need?
We discuss these two question one by one.
What kinds of people do we need?
Before we ask this question, we must first understand the types of jobs to be filled.
For example, Do these jobs require someone with training in typing shorthand, or can
they be done by an individual without any specialized training But who can learn our
filling system quickly and who enjoys assignments requiring attention to small details?
To answer such tricky question in a systematic manner, enterprises often do
develop job descriptions. In simple words, job description with a list of minimum
qualification necessary to hold the job. The use of these guides makes the selection
process, to a great extend, more effective.
How many people do we need?
In fact, the previous question deals with the quality of personnel. This question
deals with the quantity of personnel the enterprise needs. We must answer several
questions to determine the number of people required for various positions throughout
the enterprise. These questions include the following:
1. Is the demand for certain skills and occupations growing, constant or shrinking?
2. How much work can the average person do in a specified period of time?
3. What is the level of absenteeism?
4. What is the level of turnover?
Answer to these questions go a long way towards effective planning for the
manpower needs of the enterprise.
Before an enterprise makes the selection of employees, he needs to define job
requirements of each task. The job requirement identification involves the following:
1.Internal sources.
2.External sources.
Let us discuss these in some details.
Internal sources
Internal sources refer to recruitment from present work force of the enterprises
itself. If there is a vacancy in the enterprise at any time, some one already in the
enterprise in promoted or transferred, as the case may be. Filling vacancies from own
exiting employees boosts the morale of the employees because they look forward scope
and avenues for their career advancement.
External sources
It will not be less then correct to state that external sources overcome the
limitations, just mentioned above, and imposed by internal source. The various external
sources an enterprise can opt for recruiting his employee can broadly be classified into:
(i) Employees Referrals: many a times, the existing employees of
the enterprise and other sister organizations can refer to suitable
(ii) Recommendations: Sometimes the entrepreneurs receive
recommendations from their and relatives to employ the persons
known to them.
(iii) Unsolicited Applications: This is one of the common manners
exercised in recruiting employees in small enterprises. The
enterprises receives applications and requests for jobs from
several sources.
(iv) Advertisements: If the entrepreneurs have sufficient time at
their disposal to process and interview the candidates, they
advertise their vacancies in the newspapers and other medias
like radio and television.
In actual practice, as the various research studies indicate, the
job-search-methods used by small-scale industries are mainly
internal in nature.
Qualified employees can be provided in two ways within a enterprise. First, the
enterprise can select the best employees available, as discussed in the previous section,
those already working in the enterprise can be trained to make the use of their full
potential. In reality, these both approaches are the part of the same process. The reason
is that once an individual is selected for some work, he should undergo some training,
regardless of his qualifications.
Training may be defined as any procedure, initiated by an enterprise which intends
to foster and enhance learning among the employees working in the enterprise. So far as
the training in small-scale units is concerned, the owner himself takes the responsibility
for developing and conducting the training programmes with an objective to enhance
the employee job-related skills and knowledge. The period of training varies depending
upon previous experience or training of the employee.
Employees remuneration expressed in terms of wages is of critical concern to
personal relations in small-scale industry. Whereas wages represent income to the
employees, they represent costs to the employer and potential taxes to the government.
Practically speaking, wages constitute the largest part of employees’ purchasing power
and therefore having an important bearing on the level of economic activity. Besides,
wages constitute one of the important factors around which most of the labour problems
revolve. Wages in the small sector are around one-half of those in large organized
sector through labour productivity does not so differ between them. In other words, the
high wages in the organized sector have Been described as islands of property’ when
compared to the poor wages in the small-scale sector.
Working capital refers to the funds required to meet the day – to – day obligations
of business operations. Hence, working capital is said to be the life blood of an
enterprise. The fact remains that it is working capital keeps the wheel on. Working
capital, therefore, needs to be maintained at an adequate level. Because, both
excessive and inadequate working capitals are harmful for an enterprise. For example,
if the current assets are inadequate to meet the current liabilities, it will tell upon the
liquidity position of the business. In case , the current assets are in excessive volume,
the profitability of the business will be adversely affected due to some assets lying idle.
417 companies. The ratio of accounts receivable to total assets, current assets and sales
were, on average, 17%, 30%, and 14-15% respectively. The main objective of
maintaining accounts receivable are achieving growth in sales, increasing profits and
meeting competition.
Management of Account Payable
Accounts payable are just reverse to accounts receivable. Account payable emerge
due to credit purchase. This refers to a loaning of goods and inventories to the buyers.
This is also called ‘ buy – now , pay – later’. The underlying objective of accounts
payable is to slow down the payments process as much as possible.
The salient points to be noted on effective management of accounts payable are:
Obtain most favorable credit terms with the prevailing credit practice.
Make payments on maturity or due dates.
Keep good track record of past dealings with the suppliers.
Avoid tendency to divert payables.
Provide full information to the suppliers.
Keep a constant check on incidence of delinquency.
TQM is known by various names, such total quality improvement (TQI) or total
quality control (TQC) or simply quality or strategic quality management (SQM) and so
British Quality Association defined TQM as “management philosophy and
company practices that aim to harness the human and material resources of an
organization in the most effective way to achieve the objectives of the organization”.
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) defined TQM as follows:
Meeting the requirements of the internal and external customers consistently by
continuous improvement in the quality of work of all employees. TQM can be
conceptualized into the following three processes;
(i) Quality process: it is for understanding who the customer is, what are
his/her needs and taking steps to completely satisfy the needs of this
(ii) Management Process for Continuous Improvement: The term
management refers to managing continuous improvement and dose not
address any specific organizational level. The process comprises the PDCA
cycle and its continuously evolving policies, objectives and methods to
achieve goals, education and training, implementation, checking causes,
effects, taking appropriate action, and preventing recurrence. Management
process addresses continuous improvement to keep pace with the :
(a) Changing requirements
(b) Competitive environments, and
(c) Technological advances.
(iii) People process: It is initiating and maintaining the TQM. It is carried out
through involvement of all employees on the basis of all the three values,
namely, intellectual honesty, self-control and respect for others.
Now, TQM can be defined as an intensive, long –term effort to transform all
parts of the organization in order to produce the best product and serve possible to meet
customer needs.
Entrepreneurial Environment
Environment Factors
From a strictly economic viewpoint, it can be said that the same factors which
promote economic development account for the emergence of entrepreneurship also.
Some of these factors are discussed in below.
Capital is one of the most important prerequisites to establish an enterprise.
Availability of capital facilitates the entrepreneur to bring together the land of one,
machine of another and raw material of yet another to combine them to produce goods.
Capital is, therefore, regarded as lubricant to the process of production.
The quality rather quantity of labour is another factor which influences the
emergency of entrepreneurship. It is noticed that cheap labour is often less mobile or
even immobile. And, the potential advantages of low-cost labour are negated by the
deleterious effects of labour immobiulity.
Raw Materials:
The necessity of raw materials hardly needs any emphasis for establishing any
industrial activity and, therefore its influence in the emergence of entrepreneurship. In
the absence of raw materials neither any enterprise can be established nor an
entrepreneur can be emerged. Of course, in some cases, technological innovations can
compensate for raw material inadequacies.
The fact remains that the potential of the market constitutes the major
determinant of probable rewards from entrepreneurial function. Frankly speaking, if the
proof of pudding lies in eating, the proof of all production lies in consumption, i.e.,
marketing. The size and composition of market both influence entrepreneurship in their
own ways.
Sociologists and psychologists advocate that economic factors may be
necessary conditions, but they are not sufficient conditions for the appearance of
entrepreneurship. They view that the influence of economic factors on entrepreneurial
emergence largely depends upon the existence of non-economic factors i.e., social and
psychological factors in the society. Some major non-economic factors alleged to
influence the emergence of entrepreneurship can be listed as follows:
Legitimacy of Entrepreneurship:
The proponents of non-economic factors give emphasis to the relevance of a
system of norms and values within a socio-cultural setting for the emergence of
entrepreneurship. In professional vocabulary, such system is referred to as the
‘legitimacy of entrepreneurship’ in which the degree of approval or disapproval granted
Self –
Esteem and
Status Needs
Safety and
security Needs
Physiologic Needs
al Needs
4. Esteem Needs:
These needs refer to self-esteem and self-respect. They include such needs which
indicate self-confidence, achievement, competence, knowledge and independence. In
case of entrepreneurs, the ownership and self-control over enterprise satisfies their
esteem needs by providing them status, respect, reputation and independence.
5. Self – Actualization:
The final step under the need hierarchy model is the need for self – actualization.
This refer to self – fulfillment. The term ‘self-actualization’ was coined by Kurt
Goldstein and means to become actualized in what one is potentially good at. An
entrepreneur may achieve self – actualization in being a successful entrepreneur.
McClelland’s Acquired Needs Theory
According to David McClelland, a person acquires the types of needs as a result of
one’s life experience. These three needs are:
(i) Need for Affiliation: these refer to needs to establish and maintain friendly
and warm relations with others.
(ii) Need for Power: these means the one’s desire to dominate and influence
others using physical objects and action
(iii) Need for Achievement: This refers one’s desire to accomplish something
with own efforts. This implies one’s will to excel in his/her efforts.
Traits or Competencies are underlying characteristics of the entrepreneurs which
result in superior performance. Then, the crucial question arises is: whether these
characteristics are in both in the entrepreneurs are born are made? Behavioral scientists
have tried to seek answers to these questions.
A well known behavioral scientist David McClelland at Harvard University made
an interesting investigation into why certain societies displayed great creative powers at
particular period of their history? What was the cause of these creative bursts of
energy? He found that ‘the need of the achievement’ was the answer to this question. It
was need to achieve to motivate people to work hard. According to him, money making
was incidental. It was only a measure of achievement, not its motivation.