Discussion Forum Unit 7
Discussion Forum Unit 7
Discussion Forum Unit 7
Stress, both good and bad, is a part of life. In the discussion forum discuss the following:
1. Why is stress management important? How has stress affected your life?
Stress management is very important and can affect physical health and daily life
activities if not managed correctly. Stress affected my life in way where I feel sometimes
that I can’t manage everything and that important things might get neglected.
2. Identify three stress management techniques you are going to use to decrease your stress
levels. How can you apply these strategies to your life? How will these strategies help
you manage your stress?
By going through the Help Guide – Stress Management, I found the perfect three
Technique no1:
First identify the cause or source of stress that you encounter and create a stress journal. This will
create a pattern and it will make it easier to identify in the future and then ask these questions for
Technique no2:
Use the four A’s in this order. Avoid, Alter, Adapt and Accept
Avoid: Try to avoid negative people that might trigger stress. Learn to say “NO”, don’t
get influence by friends or family. Manage your environment, if you live in a noisy
and there in a respectful manner. Manage your daily schedule; create equilibrium within
Adapt: If the situation is in a state where you can’t change it, try to change yourself in
Accept: Always look for the positive things in a stress environment. Sometimes things
Technique no3:
Connect with other people that make you feel positive, people that make you laugh.
Sometimes just to talk to someone will relief stress, by interacting with each other there is
no time for stress to arise. Schedule outings with friends, go to the movies, restaurants or
even exercise together, which is not just healthy but also a good stress reliever. But be
responsible and manage you time so that other important things do not get neglected.
I can apply this techniques on a daily basis and make it part of my lifestyle, so that it will
be normal and natural reaction to handle things differently. These strategies and
techniques can help me exceptionally as from now and onwards, because I never had a
guideline to work with stress or feelings, these techniques and strategies gives me clarity
Robinson, L., Smith, M., & Segal, R. (2020, September). Stress Management. Help Guide.