SHG and Women Entp.
SHG and Women Entp.
SHG and Women Entp.
Entrepreneurship is a process where one person getting himself self employed and
provides job to others also. The person is called 'entrepreneur’. Entrepreneurship is
breeded by self-employment and enhances economic growth of the country. Small-
scale entrepreneurship reduces the concentration of wealth in few hands and helps for
achieving balanced economic growth of the nation.
Women entrepreneurship:
In India only 8 percent of the small scale-manufacturing units are run exclusively
by women entrepreneurs which is proportionately very small as compared to others
developed and developing countries. In USA about 50 percent of the business is owned
by women.
Main aim of SHG is to make group members self sufficient and self reliant
[independent] by self-employment and empowerment through group dynamics.
Principle of SHG:
“Unity is strength”
Self-help group is a best way to get strengthen. Ex:- A single wooden piece
can be easily broken, but a bundle of 15-20wooden pieces can’t be broken easily. As
like this a group of people can easily sort out any of the problem, because group
decisions carry more weightage than individual decision.
Self Help Group is able to overcome most of the practical problems
encountered in the implementation of the various income generating programmes for
the economic empowerment of women. SHGs have also been organized during last
decade under various programmes of the government, e.g.- District Poverty Eradication
Programme, Aapni yojna, Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas, Krishi
Vigyan Kendra, etc.
The number of SHGs existing at present in the country is estimated to be about
2,60,000. Out of these; about 90 percent are women group. The cumulative number of
SHGs linked to the bank till March 2002 is 4,61,478 and to the tune of 10,263 million
rupees has been advanced to the SHG for income generating activities
[NABARD,2002]. As per the report of NABARD, SHG bank linkage programme has
benefited 4 million families, covering an estimated 20 million very poor people during
The SHGs are a viable alternative to achieve the objectives of rural
development and to get community participation in all rural development programes.
The possible outcomes of women’s entrepreneur through SHGs at household level are
self employment, sustainable livelihoods, enhanced social dignity and better status of
women. SHG would lead to benefits not only to the individual women and women’s
groups but also for the family and community as a whole through collective action for
development. Empowerment is not just for meeting their economic needs but also for
more holistic social development.
The success of a small scale enterprise depends on the following major factors:
A] Inherent viability of the project, i.e.-technical, organizational, financial,
commercial viability.
B] The way a project is planned, i.e.-decisions regarding various project
parameters such as where to locate, what technology to be used, what should be the
capacity of the machineries etc.
C] The meticulousness with which a project is implemented.
D] The way of project managed.
Everything revolves around the enterprise. Therefore, the factors responsible for
their emergence and growth must be analyses and supported.