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GIde Introduction to svitt ra The Avalon Hill Game Company 4517 HARFORD ROAD, BALTIMORE, MD 21214 OURVAN OF. AYOPW @ XOIDHINOZHROWURVANOT-.AYOPRW ‘afar TRE fess GAMES OF STRATEGY ‘9570005. Y-1870 6/84@URVAN OT. AYa$% OX OIOXIOLHROWURVANOt AYO PH Glor: Introduction to antha Book Authors Greg Stafford Sandy Petersen Lynn Willis Editor Yurek Chodak Artist Lisa Free Production Charlie Krank Yurek Chodak4 RuneQuest @URVANOT-AYaPH OXCIOMNOZHROURVANOT-AYOPS Contents This book details the world of Glorantha, an example of a fantasy environment in which RuneQuest adventures easily can be based. Future supplements will further explore this world. 5 14 Introduction 17 World Overview World Structure Geography and Weather Map of Glorantha Mythos and History The Creation The Celestial Court The Gods War The First Age (The Dawning) The Second Age (The Time of Empire) The Third Age (Recent Centuries) Present Day 21 Magic and Religion The Runes Pantheons and Arrays of Gods Quasi-Religions RuneQuest Magic in Glorantha The Cult of Ernalda Mythos and History The Cult in the World Initiate Membership Rune Priestess Membership Sub-Cults Associate Cults The Husband Protectors Creatures Distribution of Dominant Races (map) The Elder Races Illustration of Dragonewts Dragonewts Chaos in Glorantha Illustration of Chaos Creatures Chaotic Features Creatures not in Glorantha This is a Jrusteli document. May the Invisible God smite all who profane its lore.GloranthaBook 5 LURVRNOT-. AYat sr @ XOIDHINOA IRVIN ae Introduction to Glorantha As an example of a closed fantasy world, only characters who were born and raised in Glorantha can adventure there. This chapter presents a broad view of the world notes on climate and geography. This booklet is included as an example of world crea- tion. It represents Chaosium’s estimation of the useful amount of world-background to be created before anyone sets out to develop specific settings and incidents for a campaign. The example world is the fascinating universe of Glorantha. Some later RuneQuest products will be set in Glorantha; others will not be, and most of these latter will be part of fantasy Europe, Asia, etc. But itis easy to find out a lot about places which once existed, or perhaps still do: Glorantha was designed from scratch. In fact, the evolution of Glorantha can serve as an example of how to create a universe the hard way. ‘Some of this booklet’s material has been back-traced from specific incident, with all the agonizing decisions of chronology and relationship left undone till later years demanded it. If you start your universes with zgeneral histories and descriptions, and then proceed to specificincidents, your life will be easier for it. Though Glorantha's main theme is religion and the ‘magical relation of man to god, no one is advocatis that your universe should resemble Glorantha or ex- hibit the same proportions of background material, Universe-builders must judge their creations for themselves. Glorantha isa complete universe. Consequently itis self-contained, and from its myths to its molecules it must be taken on its own terms. You will find no wor- shipers of Zeus or of Allah here. Nor are there Vikings or Huns, though there certainly are analogs to those peoples. Many creatures rightfully rooted in other worlds haveno representativeshere If you decided to play in Glorantha, your play may defy this rule. Any campaign almost certainly will vary at least in small ways from the published materials. Sheer creativity alters details, if nothing, else. The encompassing idea behind a closed campaign is that the world be consistent, but visiting adventurers ‘may be outsiders, ifallowed by the gamemaster. World Structure ‘The world of menis shaped likea hugelozenge floating, upon an unlimited sea. Waters wash parts of the lands. ‘Most humanslivenear the center of thislozenge. The sun rises from the east each morning, then passes over the air, and across the sky to set each even- ing in the west. It then travels beneath the seas and earth through the underworld, and finally again up to the eastern lands of the dawn. While the sun is in the ‘underworld, the goddess of night rules the sky. The sky world lays beyond the dome of the sky. At night, the stars show where the magical denizens of the sky world peep through to guard their followers below. Similarly, the underworld is populated by im- mortal creatures, as well as by evil dreams and by the souls of thedead and unborn. The world is everywhere populated by magical en- tities who are personifications of things, who represent lifeessences, or who arespiritual truths. Many of these beings are alive in every sense, but many are not. Most. people live only in the mundane world, content to let the priests and shamans protect them. But the in- fluence of the magical worldisalways here.6 The Planes There is a mystical as well as a physical cosmography. Inthe mystical view there are three planes of existence: the mundane plane (the physical world), the spirit plane, and the god plane. Interactions between ordi- nary men and magical creatures and places are minimal within normal RuneQuest realms, Remem- ber, though, that great magicis always possible, that it works, and that it hasdone terrible things before. Time in Glorantha Most dating systems in Glorantha begin with the Dawn, when Yelm rose into the sky and inaugurated the age of history. Created by the Theyalans of Dragon Pass, this system is called Solar Time (ST) and is the most common time-measurement system used in the world, ‘A Gloranthan day is the time needed for the sun to traverse the sky from east to west. A night is the time needed for the sun to traverse the underworld from west to east. Seven days make up one week. Eight weeks (56 days) make up one Season. Five Seasons (plus a 14-day interim called Sacred Time) make up one year. Thus a year is294 days long. Variant Calendars ‘The Lunar Empire (Genertela) measures time from the moment their Red Goddess was born (during Sacred. RuneQuest Time, 1220 ST). They also usea larger measure of time called the Wane, which is 54 years long. The Kralori culture (Genertela) persists in using six seasons of 7 weeks each. This method is widely popular throughout the eastern lands of Kralorela and the Eastern Isles, including Vormain. ~ Most Pamaltelans (with the exception of many coastal cities) use a four season period. Each season consists of 72 days (12 weeks with 6 dayseach). The ex- tra six days, called Holy Week, resembles the Sacred time of the Theyalan calendar. Geography and Weather Genertela, the northern continent: this continent is temperate in climate; its winds generally blow west, to east, and often from the north during Dark sea- son (winter). The continent is 5000km long and 1700km wide. North of the continent are the uninhabitable wintery wastes of Valind. East lies the sea of Kahar, which is covered by unending fog and empties into the limitless Eastern ocean. South lie the waters of the homeward ocean. West lies the freezing Neleomi sea, and beyond that the limitless Western ocean, Genertela is the land most heavily inhabited by humans. Here the elder races have been reduced to powerful pockets of resistance surrounding ancient holy places. A variety of human cultures dominate the better lands. This continent was badly damaged in the Greater Darkness, most badly when its ruling god, Genert, was destroyed by chaos. The Wastes astride the con- tinent testify to the physical losses suffered. The magical damage was comparable. Genert embodied some powers of unity and harmony never yet recovered by the residents of the land. Pamaltela, the southern continent: This continent is about 6700km long and 3300 km wide. Winds blow east to west, and occasionally from the hot south. Pamaltela is tropical in climate, North lie the central seas. East lies the hot Togaro Sea, eldest of the great waters. South past the Nargan desert lies a land and a sea of unending fire impossi- ble for mortals to approach. West past the lands of men rolls the chill Western Sea, which has no bounds. This continent also was ravaged by chaos, but recovered better than the northlands because Pamalt, the ruling god of the surface world, survived. Relative peace and plenty continue in the land, so that even humans live a lush pastoral life. Many Elder Races are still powerful here — dwarfs, in- numerable elves, and a variety of isolated and obscure creatures. Human cities dot the northern coasts. ‘The Central Seas: the oceans of Glorantha center on the Homeward ocean. At its center is the tremendous whirlpool called Magasta’s Pool, whose bottom is in the underworld. Down this place rush all the waters of the world. From the northwest comes the Banthe Sea, which is frigid. A current continues southward, to becomeGloranthaBook Map of Glorantha the world as known to men the Brown Sea, which splits into other lesser seas. The Neliomi current rips great icebergs from Valind’s Glacier and sends them south. The main Banthe cur- rent enters the homeward swirl of Magasta’s Pool From the southeast comes the_warm-watered Togaro Sea, also called the Sea of Terror. Its main current enters into the whirlpool of the Homeward ocean. The eastern Sshorg current runs northward, warming the lands it washes, and runs into the Eastern ocean. Major Land Regions “These are the places named on the map: they aresummarized inalphabetical order. Dinal (Pamaltla); called the Peaceful Woods by elves. The Council of Seventeen rules it, and many Yellow elves con- siderit tobe theirheaven on earth Dragon Pass (Genertela): a strategic land, the crossroads of the continent. Itis the prehistoric mating and nesting ground for dragons, and the sacred homeland of the dragonewts. Many acts of the gods occurred here, making thisregion very powerfuland special Eastern Islands (Sshorg Sea): often referred to by their ancient name, the Ten Thousand Islands of Wonder. Many nations and tribes inhabit this region; all claim to be subjects of the Emperor of Vithela, who is otherwise unknown. The natives also claim to know all the islands, but outsiders have never seen more than the westernmost (which are fabulous enough), Famous among them are Golden Mokato, once ‘capital of sea empire; and Haragala, amodern naval power. Elamle (Pamaltela): a region ruled by the Novarooplia tribe of Yellow elves. They tax and take tribute from the human cities which dot their coast, and are friendly with those humans whom they know. Enkloso (Pamaltela): A temperate land, where snow sometimes comes creeping from down the mountains and frost rasps inland with the Brown Sea fogs. The people here are Green elves, with a long and proud history. The many |humans in the lowlands and along the shore have Genertelan ccaltures, Fonrit (Pamaltela); a region semitropical in climate and life Its poor are all blue-skinned: as slaves, they are among the worst-treated in the world. The overlords, the Confederates of Fonrit, rule a hodgepodge of conquered duchies, satraps, principalities, and theocracies, and make common cause only against invading elves, The northern state of Kareeshtu isagreat naval power. Fronela (Genertela): a cold temperate land, Fronela is dom: inated by the great Janube river, which cutsit from the Sweet sea in the east to the Neliomi sea in the west, In the north are pine forests shared by barbarians and elves. The western lowlandsare ruled by the kingdom of Loskalm. The southern8 highlands, and most of the valley of the Janube, hold many different people. Valind’s Glacier (North Genertela): endless ice covering sea andland. Only ice demons live here. Hornilio (Pamaltela): here are only marshes and swamps, so Tow and level that tides wash far inland and the rivers flood far to sea, Huge monsters from earlier ages inhabit this place, All is dominated by the Red elves of cruel Queen Karan Targor, legendary ruler who led in the Gods War. Jolar (Pamaltela): nomadic Agimori and other peoples roam, these wide grasslands, herding cattle and hunting. The Kresh invasion from the east prompted the organization of the Arbennan kingdom, aconfederation of tribes. Jrustela (West Homeward Ocean): once a single land, partially-sunken Jrustela is now a smaller archipelago. Its residents are mostly elder-races, grown strong without men. Dawn Age natives, the Timinits, are numerous. There are some cities with recent human immigrants, Several haunted ‘ruins of the dead and accursed God Learners linger here. imos (Pamaltela): humans live on this peninsula, maintain- ing an ancient warso old that no one recalls its origins. Their foes are called Gorgers, and both sides worship the volcano, ‘god. "War-torn Kimos, ragged land of fire.” Kothar (Pamaltela): the Kresh nomads, who ride upon wagons of colossal size, originally came from here. With, Cities on wheels, they rumble about exacting food as tribute and granting access to their templesand other facilites. Kralorela (Genertela): here live the Dragon Kings, and here ancient, forbidden magic is used. Kralorela is rich, fertile, and boasts many great cities. In the hills huddle primitive subject peoples. Laskal (Pamaltela): tropical forests cover this land. Yellow. ‘elves of many tribes, with no central rule, live here. Many tribes of humans wander among the woods, paying token tribute tothe elvesas fellow creatures of the wild Maniria (Genertela): The southern coasts are warmed by sea, currents, and are subtropical. Inland roll rich forest lands, where humans war with elves. Eastward glimmers the en- chanted Holy Country, where many different folk live in harmony, Mari (Pamaltela): These lands are broken by hot, harsh mountains, The northern side is humid, tangled with en- ‘croaching jungle; the southern side isdry and rutted with can- yons. Only violent raiders, savages, and monsters live here. Mirelos (Pamaltela): the Gaskallianempire, ruledby ancients of the Yellow elves, holds sway here. Few other intelligent creatures, including humans, lead free lives in Mirelos. The land is dense rain forest, with rivers famous for theirrichness. Nargan Desert (Pamaltela): a dry and lifeless place, a playground or firespirtsand their greatlord, Father Pamlt, and his chosen immortals called the Agitorani. No mortals tread this realm. To the south, ive flames dance upon sand andstone. North Pent (Genertela) this bleak tundra is wracked by violent stores, buried by snow from the north, oF flooded by warm rain from the south. Ice trolls, desperate horse and cattle nomads, and refugees From the Kingdom of Ignorance livehere Onlaks (Pamaltela): rain forests cover Onlaks, and the Gargualia tribe of Yellow elves rules it. Human cities lin the coasts their peoples hate elves and war with them Palarkri (Pamaltela): a highland pierced by five great stands of jagged! mountains. Among the peaks live the exotic in- hhuman Jelmre, who trade with the elves in the north, and the Empire of Kresh in the south RuneQuest Peloria (Genertela): This wide grassland is ruled by the Lunar empire. The land is temperate, and since the ascen- sion of the Red Goddess has had increasingly mild winters. It is drained by the mighty Oslir river, whose head is in Dragon Pass and whose mouth isin the White sea Pent (Genertela): the wild Pent nomads, who ride horses and who herd cattle, sheep, and goats, live on this fair plateau, Winters are severe; their summers usually are rich and peaceful, Porlaso (Pamaltela): also called the Island of Swamps. Some people claim Porlaso soon will sink beneath the tides, though it has survived for centuries. This island is full of terrible dinosaurs and angry Red Elves. Ralios (Genertela): the twin kingdoms of Tanisor and Sen- tanos rule the lowlands, but the highlands have been wild since the Dawn, This i fine temperate area with few severe ‘winters and many pleasant summers. Seshnela (Genertela): this wild land is ull of exotic creatures like centaurs, satyrs, and dragonewts. Here also live the im- mortal Luatha, who destroyed ancient Seshnela, and whose tall raiders still sally forth from their stronghold. ‘lon (Pamaltela): a race of dwarfs inhabit this temperate land. They also rule many human cities, whose inhabitants pretend to be dwarfs. The dwarfs treat as animals the back- ‘country aboriginal peoples of Slon. Sozganjio (Pamaltela): also known as the Endless Marsh. This is a steaming marsh inhabited by dinosaurs and Red Elves, So vastis this area that here three savage kings, each a descendant of the same hero, claim huge empires, yet none ever has heard of the other two. Tarien (Pamaltela): a wide grassland with relatively few humans, but sometimes thick with lizard men and their great beasts. Tarmo (Pamaltela): a high and rugged wilderness, with a spine of mountains whose great peaks areicyall year. Mostly nightriders, frights, and gigantic man-eating trolls inhabit thisland. ‘Teleos (East Homeward Ocean): southerners who used small boats to follow the Barankoom current settled this island. For centuries Teleos was called the Pirate Kingdom, until destroyed by the God Learners, ‘Trowjang (Genertela): the southeast corner of the continent {s subtropic throughout, warmed by southern sea currents. It is quite wild, even in Teshnos whose rivers are well- populated by Yelm-worshiping tribes. Primitive natives in- habit the interior, warring with the elder races. Fishers and. pirates populate thecoasts. ‘Vormain (Kahar’s Sea): An ancient seat of empire and naval powers, this isa complex and of intricate customs, ferocious warriors, and exoticmagics. Vralos (Pamaltela): Several city-states thrive here, dominated by the merchant king, the Patriarch of Nikodros. ‘The poor speak a Genertelan dialect and are notably paler than therulers, but there is much mixed blood here. ‘Wastes (Genertela): These are the deadlands of the god, Genert, who was killed by chaos in the Gods Age. Ungodly storms rage over it, leaving only the hardiest of life, There, protected by those terrible storms, live the animal nomads, ‘who worship Waha the Butcher and believe Prax tobe theit Holy Land. Zamokil(Pamaltela): A wide gasslandinhabited by Agimori in the north, and by blue-skinned folk who are famous for theirendurance andsongs. Many now areruledby the Kresh, who entered from thenorth many generationsago.GloranthaBook 9 @UUIRVANOT- AYO? @XOLOHNOLHROWRVANOT.AYOP A Mythos & History Every culture creates myths and legends which explain man’s existence and purpose. Glorantha is no exception. Before creating a Gloranthan-based campaign, study this chapter thoroughly. Mythology TheCreation This tale agrees in most particulars with the diverse religious sources of the world, and of all possible crea- tions it is the most comprehensive. The egg of the world was formed in a way which even gods cannot understand. It was suspended in the Void of Chaos, an emptiness pregnant now with potential. The egg opened. From within emerged It, the primal androgyne, an infinite dragon. The entire ‘cosmos and two other beings came from It. They were Maker and Grower. Maker and Grower were each a creative energy, and each sought to improve the place where they resided. They used their powers so that the world grew and was built greater. Maker and Grower, often called The Two, rose from The One, and from them rose The Third. Born was the Great Goddess, Glorantha, mother of the world which bears her name, who is the source of all mystery and compassion, The Celestial Court The first known gods were the Celestial Court. They are called children of Glorantha. They were perfect creatures, each the essence of a power or an element. All began as abstractions, but sought inner secrets, thereby quickening their inner parts to divinity. For example, the One Earth of the Celestial Court became many earths, and the One Truth became many, and the inner worlds were populated. At first the Court danced alone, exploring only themselves. Later, sometimes, parts of separate devolutions found themselves in close harmony, and ‘moved together as one. Where two creatures touched and moved in that timeless grace, was formed a third, unlike either parent. These new-born entities were the Burtae, the Younger Gods, This cross-fertilization first occurred among the lesser spirits, then the greater, and at last among two of the greatest of the Celestial Court. The Sky God stretched forth and covered the earth goddess — the immortal Ether commingled with the infinite Earth. At the moment of their coupling, itis said, the god- dess of Harmony stumbled and fell on her face. From that moment the perfection of the world failed. But ‘worse would happen. Umath, the Storm God, was the child of the Sky and Earth. His first action was to sunder his parents, making a place for himself by creating misery for others. He had his own children. The Gods War The Storm Gods began the Gods War. First was the Storm Age, or Lesser Darkness. It began when the Storm God Orlanth, son of Umath, killed Yelm, the Emperor of the Universe, who fled screaming to the Underworld. As had the father Umath, so did the sons seize places for themselves, and freely used their new power of Violence to change the world. The Greater Darkness followed. This was an inva- sion by chaos, led by a being known as the devil, and included creatures spawned outside of Glorantha and thus immune to many of its laws. These creatures had come to end the existence of the universe, which had danced its dance and was running down to a predes- tined end. The Celestial Court did not struggle, and ‘most were destroyed when the Cosmic Mountain ex- ploded under the attack of the devil But other gods fought on independently. Yelm, deep in hell, exercised the strength of his pure will to bring justice to himself, and thereby overcame his own death. Magasta led his watery minions to close the breach caused by the explosion of the spike. Kyger Litor brought her grim kin under the starless skies, ever-seeking to destroy chaos. Orlanth, with doughty followers, defied the old laws and cameaallive to Hell to liberate the life forces. Arachne Solara isa deity of unknown origin, whois critical to the rebirth of the world. She forged a com- pact, called the Great Compromise, between all the gods, dead and living, and as one they fought that which would end creation. They won, and from the10 struggle was born the new age. Time, sometimes called the last god, leapt from the womb of Arachne Solara and cast its mystical web of reality across the remains of the old world. Yelm led the dead gods back to life with the first sunrise, and at that moment of Dawning thenew age wasborn. History of Glorantha The First Age (The Dawning) Modern Gloranthan history begins with the first Dawn. The mortal races instituted a near-universal dating system beginning with The Dawning. Every species knows stories and songs which their ancestors made about the miraculous moment when Life began again. During the earliest historical periods, the elder races were still dominant, though humans multiplied quickly. Man gradually’ but steadily widened the settled lands and encroached upon the wilderness fastnesses of the elder races. During those times it seemed that the world was not quite reformed from the Gods Wars. There was less separation between mortals and gods, though the gap widened as years passed and more and more people died. Many powers sought to mold still-pliant energies, and many experiments were made. Results of those archaic experiments have sometimes sur- vived to the current day. The most spectacular one was that of Nysalor. Nysalor was a being who was constructed by ‘a group of humans and elder race creatures. At first everyone of importance was involved, but the trolls and dragonewts abandoned the project before completion. Nysalor_began a Golden Age reign for his followers. Those who did not follow were enslaved cor driven out. Missionaries carried word of his powers far and wide, and his worship spread across the continent, Only trolls and dragonewts objected in large numbers, and they were defeated in battle. It was at this time that the trolls were cursed, so that they bore mutant trollkin instead of healthy uzko. Arkat Chaosbane was the sworn foe of Nysalor, who he called Gbaji, The Deceiver. Arkat discovered new magics to combat his foe during mystical searches, He made many friends and enemies as he traversed the land. He revealed that Nysalor/Gbaji was an agent of chaos whose machinations would soon doom the world by destroying the ancient Gods ‘Compromise. Arkat's life was 75 years of struggle, and his war changed the face of the continent. In the end Gbaji was destroyed, and the ancient center of his worship, Dorastor, was left a stinking cesspool of chaos monsters. ‘These early times are called the Dawn Ages, and are considered to end in 450 when Arkat slew Gbaji and destroyed the land of Dorastor. The Second Age (The Time of Empire) ‘Once in motion, the magical effects of the Dawn Age reverberated through the world. One of those deep vibrations rekindled ancient sorrows of the elder RuneQuest races, who fell upon each other as if the Gods War had returned. Their numbers, decimated from the Gbaji Wars, dwindled further. At the same time, nations of men expanded their lands, often warring against and defeating the Elder Powers. The vibrations of the new magic carried most deeply among the humans of Glorantha. Their natural curi- osity found in Arkat’s discoveries new channels to ex- plore. The discoveries were exploited by bands of peo- ple who sometimes became quite powerful, and helped found governments which conquered the world. Now: great empires ruled the surface world. Inland in Genertela was the Empire of the Wyrm’s Friends, which used forbidden dragon magic and was partially derived from the Solar Imperial theocracy. In Pamaltela the early Artmali Empire was crushed, and its territories incorporated into the sea-borne Jrusteli Empire. The Jrusteli conquered the denizens of the ‘ocean, and their magic fleets sought to control all surface shipping. They eventually won huge portions of the northern and southern continents, as well as most of the western islands. The Eastern Empire, centered upon the Jeweled Isle of Mokato, was the only major sea rival not conquered by the Jrusteli, In Pamaltela, the elf hero Errinoru the Seven-Conqueror ruled over the combined elvish jungles, and even once ventured a great fleet upon the seas for a successful epic adventure, The humans ruled supreme, except in Errinoru’s jungles. Their confidence and arrogance grew, and they soon considered themselves more successful than the gods at controlling nature. They could twist and turn it, and change it at will. Sorcery made great ad- vancements, people turned from the gods, and the spirit world was treated as an energy source. Yet they could not remain successful in the face of ‘an outraged world. The things they twisted sprang back, and the things they destroyed were sought in vain afterwards for comfort and aid. The elder races, smaller kingdoms, cults and religions both new and ‘old, and concerned individuals of all races, sought to restore balance to the surface world. They were aided by the Old Gods, whose priests had been working on spells which take centuries to complete, but never fail when released. The Jrusteli, most learned and least wise of the Em- pires, are the best example of the conquerors of nature. Their scholars were called the God Learners, who mastered a magic allowing them to do the im- possible. Thus when the sea-living allies of the Jrusteli complained and revolted, the God Learners made the water burn, destroying the merpeople and the Triolini as well. But centuries later, a remainder returned with power and hordes of the dead at their backs. Tidal waves destroyed the coastal strong- holds, and huge tracts of land sank forever beneath the waves. Terrifying doom guardians sought out the frantic God Learners wherever they hid, in any world, and took vengeance for ancient wrongs. Friends of the Jrusteli magnates were slain merely for their friendship, Families were annihilated. Survivors came to fear every thought, thing, and idea which might be JrusteliGloranthaBook Elsewhere other disasters overcame empires. The Dragonkill War of 1100 destroyed the flower of civilization in Peloria. Excessive magics scorched the temples and ate the holy leaders of the empire of Kralorela. The elves of Errinoru's lineage fell to the minions of a new creature, adapted to eat their special flowers, so the royal house dwindled quickly and tragically. The Second Ages usually considered toend around 1100, when the island of Jrustela was shattered, the Dragonkill war occurred, and the last corrupt rem- nants of the Empire of Errinoru were wiped out The Third Age (Recent Centuries) For centuries after the disasters which befell the great empires, exploratory magics were shunned and forgotten, and sometimes held to be evil. Conserv- atism overwhelmed creativity. The world entered a new phase of development in which most people feared change. Such withdrawal influenced the world, as terrible dooms overcame it. Zzabur, called the First Sorcerer (because he was preeminent), had grown increasingly distressed by mortal misuse of hisarts. He made a spell which caused all the vessels which sail the surface of the ocean to be confused, destroyed, or lost forever. This was called The Closing, which made sailing im- possible on every seanot enclosed by land. Another such manifestation was the mysterious event called the Syndic’s Ban, which occurred in the land of Fronela. Sparking this event the God of the Silver Feet was murdered by a conspiracy of mortal leaders. This stopped all communication —Fronela was cut off from the world, and its peoples were isolated even from each other. In the lands of Pamaltela, the Cult of Silence took firm hold and forbade communication, though the severity of the proscription varied by faction. The cult appealed to creatures of many species, and sometimes ironically united former enemiesin theirsilence Not everyone withdrew from challenges. The re- creation of the Red Goddess was a spectacular suc- cess, This being had been born in Godtime, but was, destroyed. Powerful mortals reunited the fragments, and the goddess was reborn as a mortal woman. She had great potential, and with training she walked upon the pathways of the gods and became immortal. When defied she took a portion of the earth with her into the sky, and thereby formed a new, unique planet, the Red Moon. Of all the wanderers of the sky only she does not move from her place, although she rotates her face ina regular cycle. Each stage of growth by the Red Goddess was con- tested by other deities. They feared her, for sometime she invoked Nysalor and chaos, or portions of the God Learner and Dragon powers, and she expressed an openness which surpassed even the mystical cults of the east. Despite troubles in all worlds, the God- dess persevered, as did her Empire. It grew for cen- turies until it seemed the entire world would fall sway to the Lunar legions. Missionaries of the Red Moon, and of more secretive cults, spread like a web across the world see The Present Day Now the old powers are shaking again. There are beings and creatures which protest the great change which the Red Goddess has wrought, and who are ‘massing their powers to halt the spread of the Lunar Empire and its offshoots. Sensing the end of the world, they are preparing themselves. New powers are ap- pearing, and old gods are again coming to the fore. ‘Mysterious forces move through the world. The elder races have mustered new armies, unknown peoples have appeared with new powers, and there are creatures abroad which have never been seen before. (Old foes gain renewed strength for new troubles. Crisis isathand—itis the time of the Hero Wars! In Genertela the Lunar Empire, which openly em- braces chaos and other atrocities, sits like a coiled ser- pent with three heads (one invisible), waiting to strike again. High Priests across the continent call for war against the Empire, but withall the troublein theworld thereare few toheed the call. The nomads of Pent are on the move, pressing westwards to take the fields of peaceful farmers and, eastwards, threatening the ancient plains of the jom of Ignorance. Also, a prophet appeared in the Kingdom, saying that he fasted in the desert for 3, years, and has discovered a way to raise the ancient lands of Kralorela flooded during the First Age. It re- quires that all kingdoms give up war forever. In Fronela the Greenleaf Rebellion (an alliance of skiing elves and wild animal-worshiping barbarians) has been suppressed, though unrest continues. Now the Kingdom of War has appeared. This vile nation lacks all morality and mercy and every year their effi- armies pillage the land. Ralios, as always, is plagued by petty dissent. Three kingdoms vie to resurrect the ancient Dark Empire of Arkat Chaosbane, Troll caravans regularly cross from Halikiv to Guhan and back again. To the south, the coastal cities in Enkloso and \Vralos have been subjected to a tax from the Triolini of the Brown Sea, who also now claim the Dashomo for their own. Fonrit is in the spasmodic throes of a slave revolt, based on the liberation of everyone descended from Artmal, along-dead deity. Armies swarm upriver into Tarien and Jolar, their origin seems to be the lifeless Nargan Desert. In the eastern plains, mighty Kresh wagon trains have vanished without a trace and the cause is completely unknown, At the same time, war looms between the still-expanding Kreshand the Arbennan confederation toitswest. In the rain forests of Mirelos a new type of drum is being played which makes all Yellow elves shudder. The trolls of the Tarmo are waiting and are certain to raidthe surrounding lands. ‘The Future Gloranthan supplements to come take place during the beginning of the Hero Wars. This troubled era pro- vides many motivations and opportunities for adven- turein the most heroic tradition.12 RuneQuest @URVANOT-.AYO?s OXOIDHNOZHROMRVANOT-- AYP & Religion ‘This chapter examines some minor modifications and additions to the RuneQuest rules which reflect the physical ‘and magical nature of Glorantha. You may make similar modifications to reflect your own fantasy world. The Runes Runes are the building blocks of Glorantha. They are symbols, archetypes, embodiments, and actual matter or energy of the mundane world. Runes originated with the very creation of Glorantha. Their precise origin is unknown, and believers in particular runes always insist that theirs was first-made. Tales link the gods of the Celestial Court with the runes, each god embodying a rune. Their interactions led to the births of the Young Gods; these newer deities are often associated with one or more parental runes as a result, Each rune has myths associated with it. Some have elaborate cycles woven around theit stories. All begin with a member of the Celestial Court who owned the rune, and end with the current Greater God who owns it, In these stories the runes are sometimes treated as things, or beings, or abstract powers, or even all three The powers of the Great Runes are universally acknowledged. The deities who command those runes are the Greater Gods. Those deities cannot be changed. without altering the very fabric of the universe. Such alteration is against the Cosmic Compromise which begat Time, and cannot occur. There are lesser runes, not shown here, and many igns and symbols as well Pantheons and Arrays of Gods Gods are real in Glorantha, and though not always accepted, they are certainly acknowledged. Strong deities lead others less powerful than themselves; such a group is called a pantheon. The pantheons given here include only better-known members. Those groups called arrays are not formal pantheons, though a worshiper of one of the gods frequently worships (and respects) other gods in the group. The Sky Gods Sun worship, which includes most of the gods below, is most prominent in Genertela, being spread across Peloria and is the most common form of worship for the nomads of Pent. The Kralorelan Empire also sup- ports much sky worship and the land of Teshnos, be- tween Trowjang and the Wastelands, is devoted to religious rule through a committee of fire priests. In some jungles of Pamaltela, Yelm isnearly asimportant ‘as Aldrya among the elves, and in Fonrit the sky gods are the ruling religion for many small states. Most of the Eastern Isles as well as the land of Vormain are devoted to variousaspects of sky god worship.GloranthaBook The Storm Gods Storm worship is found in Genertela along a broad band, the ‘barbarian belt,’ which covers most of Fronela, northern and central Ralios, upland Peloria, and Maniria. A large minority of the nomads of Pent also worship Orlanth and his kin. In Pamaltela, the storm gods are largely restricted to Enkloso and Vralos, though other folk know and love these gods. The few humans of Jrustela worship this pantheon, 13 TheEarth Gods In Genertela, these gods dominate only in the tiny land of Esrolia, a part of the Holy Country of eastern Maniria. In Pamaltela, the earth gods are very im- portant. The roaming nomads of the Pamaltelan interior adore them as their ruling pantheon. The elves also worship these deities, esteeming Aldrya above all others, while dwarfs worship Mostal nearly exclusively. Air Beast Chaos Darkness Death Disorder Earth Fertility Fire Harmony Iusion Infinity Law Magic Man Mastery Moon Plant __ Spirit Stasis Truth Water Dragonewt Movement (Owner (Original): Umath, (Current): Orlanth Meaning or Association: ar, storm, violence (Owner (Original): Hykim, (Current): Hykin “Meaning or Association: animal life (Owner (Original): Primal Chaos, (Current) Primal Chaos “Meaningor Association: entropy, evi, corruption ‘Ovener (Original): Nakala, (Current): Subere Meaning or Association: darkness, cold ‘Ovener (Original): Kargan Tor, (Current): Humakt Meaningor Association: separation, confit, death ‘Ovener (Original): Ratsaf, (Current: Bolongo Meaningor Association: disunity trouble, trickery ‘Ovener (Original): dragonewts, (Current): dragonewts Meaningor Association: dragonew!s ‘Ovener (Original): Ga, (Current) Ernalda Meaningor Association; earth, solids ‘Ovener (Original): Uleria, (Current) Uleria ‘Meaning or Association: love, life, growth, fertility ‘Owner (Original): Aether, (Current) Yelm “Meaning or Association: fre, heat, ky ‘Owner (Original): Haranallor, (Current) Chalana Arroy ‘Meaning or Association: unity, cooperation, healing ‘Owner (Original): Tylenea, (Current) Eurmal ‘Meaning oF Association: tricks, falsehood, concealment ‘Owner (Original): It, (Current) Arachne Solara ‘Meaning of Association: unendingness (Owner (Original): (unknown), (Current) Invisible God ‘Meaning or Association: unchanging, reliable (Owner (Original) (unknown), (Current) Arachne Solara Meaning or Association: communication between worlds ‘Owner (Original: Grandfather Mortal, (Current) Daka Fal “Meaning oF Association: humanoid ite (Owner (Original) (unknown), (Current) Arachne Solara “Meaning Association: self-knowledge and internal unity Owner (Original): (unknown). (Current) Red Goddess “Meaning or Association: illusion, time, balance ‘Owner (Original) Larnte, (Current) Mastakos “Meaningor Association: change, instability ‘Ovener (Original): Famal, (Current) Flamal Meaningor Association: vegetable life ‘Owner (Original): Horned Man, (Current) Horned Man “Meaningor Association: discorporate beings ‘Owner (Original): Acos, (Current) Mostal Meaningor Association: stability, law ‘One (Original) Orenoat, (Curent Dayzatar ‘or Association: truth, knowledge (Owner (Original): Zaramaka, (Current) Magasta ‘Meaning or Association: water, liquids14 The Sea Gods Most worshipers of the sea gods are the non-human merfolk, Humans worship this pantheon in coastal regions all along the shores of both continents. Sea- worshipers inhabit the pirate island of Teleos, as they do Jrustela, Vormain, and many of the Eastern Isles. Gods of Hell and Night For the most part, only trolls and other creatures of Darkness worship this pantheon. Though normally possessed of ill-will toward humanity, such entities are not evil; they bore the brunt of the chaos wars, for instance. They are worshiped wherever trolls live, as, well as (in Genertela) parts of Fronela, and in the Kingdom of Ignorance just north of Kralorela. In Pamaltela, the inhabitants of Tarmo and Mari often serve these gods. A few renegade Eastern Isles are also devoted to darkness religions. The Lunar Gods The Lunar pantheon is worshiped within the Lunar ‘empire, which covers Peloria, and currently stretches into Dragon Pass and Prax. Many rulers within the Empire worship the sky gods and Yelm as well. The Lunar religion is tolerant of most other faiths, so long as the Red Goddess is recognized supreme. The fierce storm-worshipping barbarians and Pent nomads re- ‘main the implacable enemies of the pantheon. ‘The Nomad Gods These gods are worshiped by animal nomads in Prax and the Wastelands, who ride beasts such as impalas, bison, and sable antelopes, and to whom horses are taboo. The nomad gods are esteemed greatly only in these lands.Glorantha Book Primitive Gods Primitive peoples live in isolated lands on both con- tinents. In Genertela, they live in Ralios, in the northern tip of Peloria, in eastern Peloria by the Rockwood mountains, and in the Kralorelan moun- tains. In Pamaltela, primitive tribes live all through the interior, and also in Slon. Though similar gods are worshiped everywhere, different tribes emphasize dif- ferent gods. Many tribes worship a particular animal totem, such as Telmore, god of wolves, or Basmol, g0d of lions. Some Evil Gods These gods dominate only in smaller places wholly given over to chaos and evil —Dorastor, the Forest of Disease (in Laskal), or the Acid Lakes of southern Zamokil. Not all the gods noted in this entry are chaotic, but all are usually recognized as evil. Some, like Thanatar and Thed, are wildly frightening and destructive, annihilating those unfortunate enough to meet them, while others (like Gbaji and Ompalam) subtly spread evil. Both continents have worshipers of Malia, Thed, Krarsht, and Thanatar, while Vivamort, Cacodemon, and Nysalor/Gbaji are con- fined almost entirely to Genertela, Pocharngo, Ikadz, Seseine, Gark, and Ompalam primarily are found in Pamaltela. Quasi-Religions Malkion Aside from the dwarfs and a few minor atheistic cultures, the Malkioni are the only practicing sorcerer culture ‘in Glorantha. They have a feudal caste society. There are several subtypes of Malkioni, which are listed below separately as though they were separate deities. The Malkioni are restricted to the western half of Genertela as well as Enkloso and Uralos. The Hrestoli control Loskalm while the Rokari rule Tanisor and Sentanos. Other sects are minor in extent. 15 Malkion is the prophet of the Invisible God, leader of all the world. Though other deities are acknow!- ‘edged, Malkion’s is acclaimed as pre-eminent by wor- shipers. Various sub-types or heresies are each found in different kingdoms. The spell of Tapping is con- sidered evil and damnable by most Malkioni Magicin Glorantha No one who plays RuneQuest plays by all the rules. ‘There are so many rules and so many different styles of play that everyone rejects some parts and alters others. That is acceptable and desirable, Game- ‘masters are urged to personalize their campaigns, and should only be limited in that they should secure the understanding and cooperation of the players. ‘Some changes or additions may be radical enough to require new rules—most gamemasters like to make up monsters, for instance, and the rules almost de- ‘mand individual creation of magical items. There are bound to be intriguing magical effects which do not derive directly from the rules Sometimes Gloranthan terms duplicate the official ‘RuneQuest terms. These are used to inject local color, buteither might be used in the text. For instance, spirit magic is commonly called battle magic in Glorantha. Likewise, divine magics are called rune spells. Rune Lords Some Gloranthan religious hierarchies include posi- tions of honor distinctly unpriestlike in nature. In dividuals in such positions do not have the powerful spells of priests, nor the temple duty requirements of priests. Yet they incarnate the principles of the deity through right living, according to the standards of the deity. These individuals are often called Rune lords. The status varies among cults. Most cults do not have Rune lords at all. Many larger religions have them —warrior-nobles head the fighting arms of the Orlanth and Yelm religions, for instance. Some small religions, such as that for Storm Bull, have no priests but only Rune lords whom they know asStorm Khans. Necessary qualifications and received benefits for Rune lord status vary by cult and religion, as do titles: there are Wind Lords for Orlanth, Death Lords16 for Zorak Zoran, Karrg's Sons for Kyger Litor, Champions of Pavis for the god of the city of Pavis, and so on. Acolytes Sincere worshipers may become acolytes (also known as associate priests). They have some of the privileges and responsibilities of priesthood, but not all, Acolytes may be initiates of their cult, or may be priests of a closely-associated god. Retired priests may be freed from many of their responsibilities by requesting demotion to acolyte status. Acolytes are often the only holy folk to tend shrines. Acolytes are supervised by priests. Necessary qualifications for acolytes are usually identical to those for full priests, and of course vary from religion to religion. Vacancies for acolytes are more common than for full priests; a few religions do not restrict the numbers of their acolytes. Acolytes have access to the full range of priestly Rune magic, just as does a full priest. They may lead worship when no priest is present, and assist priests in services. Acolytes may not ordain new initiates into the faith, collect tithes, or perform functions restricted to priests. Acolytes must spend 10% of their time work- ing for the cult, and must donate 50% of their income tothecult. Allied Spirits Some cults have a body of spirits who remain loyal to the religion even after death. They are called cult spirits and vary intype. Many are worshipers returned from the dead, some are incorporeal creatures who worship the same god, while others are special spirits sent by thegod to the cult. Alllied spirits are generally only available to high priests, full priests, Rune lords, and initiates who have been specially chosen. The spirit is friendly and available. It will use its powers to benefit its mortal ally. Both spirit and mor- tal ally are usually played by the same player. Allied spirits usually reside in a special ceremonial object, given to the honored recipient. A cult spirit of Humakt might reside ina ritual sword, for instance. A cult spirit is in continual mental contact with its ally, andits INT can be used to store spells as its magic points are used to cast them. Sometimes the spirit can sacrifice for cult rune magic. The spirit’s aura is always magically detectable. If a cult spirit’s mortal ally shows signs of heresy or shows less than full devotion to the deity, the spirit will chastise him and attempt to guide him back to right- eousness. If the mortal ally persists in error, the spirit will leave him, and the deity will inform the adven- turer's high priest of the necessity to excommunicate the offender. Awakened Animals Some cults can magically wake the intelligence of specific animals, giving them normal rather than fixed INT. Several religions are associated with specific RuneQuest creatures which serve as scouts and companions for the priesthood. Orlanth, for example, uses cats. Frequently an animal's intelligence is awakened with ritual magic which ties it to a single priest or lord of thecult, putting itn mental contact with its master. Sub-Cults A sub-cult has no existence independent of a larger religion. A sub-cult might worship a local variant of a deity, an ancient hero, family ancestors, or an obscure spirit surviving from the Gods Age. Such deities are always worshiped as aspects of, or otherwise in associ- ation with a greater deity. The lesser spirit obtains its glory and existence from the larger religion. Every pantheon includes many sub-cults. A sub-cult gener- ally provides supplementary skills, spells, or powers to initiates of the greater religion who also worship through that sub-cult. Rune Metals Gloranthan metals are analogous to terrestrial ones, and so are identified by the same names. There are, however, significant differences. The “standard metal” of Glorantha is called bronze, foritisred-gold in color and can be made by mixing the equivalent of Gloranthan tin and copper. However, bronze ore can also be mined, and is more capable of being stretched or extended than is terrestial bronze. This metal is used worldwide, and whenever a Gloran- than item is made of metal not otherwise charac- terized, itis made of thestandard metal, bronze. ‘Other metals may be enchanted to increase quality and durability. Different religions know how to en- chant particular metals; some smith priests claim to be able to forge any metal. Proper enchanting gives the metal (gold, for instance) the durability of Gloran- than bronze. fetals retain any inherent magical properties in this improved form, if all is done properly. Adven- turers may be found wearing solid lead, gold, silver, or even quicksilver armor, or using weapons made of such metals. An important magical metal also may be bought or stolen from dwarfs. Itis called iron, and its qualities are to Gloranthan bronze as is terrestrial iron to ter- restrial bronze. When properly forged and charmed, iron weapons have half again the armor points of Gloranthan bronze weapons. A Gloranthan bronze broadsword has 10 armor points, but a tempered Gloranthan iron broadsword 15 armor points. Iron armor also has half again the protection of bronze armor, rounding fractions down, so that iron plate armor is worth 12 points of protection with no in- crease in ENC. Untempered iron has the same physical qualities as, bronze. However, it also affects magic. Untempered iron reduces the chance of both casting and being affected by a spell 5% per point of ENC. Certain of the elder races are vulnerable to iron. Elves and trolls take double damage from this poison metal, Hence, any damage from an iron weapon to an elf oF troll (and some of their kindred races) that penetrates armor is doubled.GloranthaBook 7 @WURVANOT. Ya OXCID KNOLHROMURVANOT- AYP The Cult of Ernalda The cult of Ernalda is provided as an example of a typical religion in Glorantha, She is the dominant earth goddess in Glorantha with more worshipers than any other earth deity. Mythos and History ‘Once the seas covered all. But the world grew, and Ga, Earth, emerged from the depths. Mountain peaks, plains, ridges, and hollows rose above the waves. Empress Earth joined the Celestial Court Gata was born. She birthed twin daughters Asrelia and Ty Kora Tek, who dwell deep inside the earth. Asrelia’s daughters were Maran Gor and Ernalda, whose beauty and bounty brought life to the land. Many suitors vied for Ernalda's favors, and she gave them freely. From all the goddesses came Life. Spores and seeds spread everywhere during the Green Age, when everything was good. No drought or famine visited the land. Everyone lived in peace and plenty all their lives, which went on forever. Yelm came and inaugurated the Golden Age. He took Emnalda as queen. Later Orlanth came and vied mightily for her freedom. Finally, Orlanth won Emalda and slew Yelm. During the ensuing Lesser Darkness Orlanth tried to protect her, but when he failed other gods fought for the privilege. As always, she favored those who protected her children. In the dread Great Darkness, when the final. stillness descended, she slept alongside the other earth deities. Even in sleep she mothered Babeester Gor, guardian oftheearth. Emalda was one of many who aided Arachne Solara, and is a midwife of Time. The earth goddess was one of those who followed the sungod to Rebirth in Time. Even before she appeared, a young goddess went about the world with the promise of life, leaving a trail of flowers behind her. This was Voria, the Spring Maiden. The cult of Ernalda prospers in Glorantha. In Paml- tela, hers is the dominant religion, and all praise her gifts. Even in blasted Genertela she is an important deity, and her husbands are the kings of the world, In Peloria, during the First Age, her worship was replac- ed by that of Dendara, a similar goddess. After death, the faithful go to the Paradi the earth where Ty Kora Tek tends them us Like other earth cultists, their corpses are buried or otherwise given funerals customary to an area. Ernalda rules the Earth Rune, an¢ associated The Cult in the World Ernalda is the earth mother. She and her daughters are the source of food, raiment, and shelter for most of life Her priestesses do not possess direct political power, butherworship is of vastimportanceeverywhere. Emnaldais the wife of the ruling god of a kingdom or empire. Hence the likes and dislikes of her worshipers match those of her husband's followers. But chaos is universally hated, and the earth is often preyed upon by the forces of Darkness as well. Emalda is worshiped throughout the barbarian regions of Genertela. Shrines are everywhere, and temples in half the towns and all of the cities. On this, continent, Ernalda is considered to be the wife of Orlanth or, less often, Yelmalio, a minor sky god worshiped by some tribes Among the Orlanthi, most women worship Emalda; Esrola, Frona, and other local grain god- desses are worshiped mainly through their connection to Ernalda. Male Orlanthi are ritually obliged to de- fend Ernalda and her worshipers. In Esrolia, Emalda is the prime deity. Several husband-deities (including some no longer commonly associated with her) are recognized, and worshiped by the men, who serve as Ernalda’s guards and serv- ants, Emnalda’s religious leaders exert tremendous in- fluence on the local government, which is often called atheocracy. Pamaltela reveres Ernalda. In civilized agrarian lands, she is wife to other gods: along the northeast coast, Orlanth is her protector; in the interior Pamalt or Flamal act as husbands. However, many farmers worship the Grain Goddess alone. Holy places dot the Pamaltelan savannah, and many include Ernaldan temples. The nomad clans18 revere these sedentary Ernaldan complexes, and give the priestesses food and protection. At these temples, Pamalt is known as one of Ernalda's lovers, as are various local deities, but none hold sway over her. The elves include Ernalda in their religion, which centers upon Aldrya, a wild-plant counterpart to the grain goddess function. The elves sometimes hold Flamal to be Ernalda’s husband. Initiate Membership If an individual is not currently an initiate of any non- associated religion, and if his mother was an initiate of Ernalda, an individual may automatically join Ernalda as an initiate. A character not falling into this category must donate 20 lunars to a qualified priestess, and pass the standard test. The relevant skills are Animal Lore, Ceremony, Climb, Mineral Lore, and Plant Lore. An initiate of Eralda must offer one part in seven of his time, harvest, and earnings to his priestess. He may not become a sorcerer or shaman, He may wor- ship no chaos thing. An initiate of Ernalda simultaneously becomes an initiate of the local grain goddess. He comes under the sworn protection of Ernalda’s local husband. The local priestess will cast the Bless Crops spell upon the lands of the faithful. ‘An initiate of Ernalda may sacrifice for any spells, available at his temple. Ernalda teaches the following spirit magic for the usual prices: Heal, Second Sight, Shimmer, Strength, Vigor, Visibility. Rune Priestess Membership ‘Only women may become priestesses of Emnalda, Her priestesses are healers and leaders of fertility rites. ‘They bless and heal. A priestess of Ernalda must have been an initiate for at least five years, and must have given birth to at least one healthy child. She must have 50% or more ability in Animal Lore, Ceremony, Climb, Mineral Lore, and Plant Lore. She must have at least 10 points of stored Rune magic. And she must pass tests simulated by rolling her POW x3 or less on D100, Further, a new priestess must be needed. Usually a new priestess is ordained by an older, retiring priestess. The new priestess replaces her after a few seasons of apprenticeship. Women or mert may become acolytes of Ernalda either if they are faithful initiates of Ernalda or if they are priests of the local husband-deity. The potential acolyte must have 50% or more proficiency in skills of the religion and must pass a test simulated by roll- ing his POW or less on D100, plus 1 percentile for every 500 lunars he donates to the temple. Acolytes do not receive offerings from a congregation unless so assigned by the local high priestess. Priestesses of Emnalda are subject to certain com- mands of the local husband-deity’s priests and lords. They must provide for the welfare of their con tion and bless them and their crops with available magic; in turn, priestesses may call upon the local husband-deity’s worshipers for protection and help in times of distress, RuneQuest They receive a seventh of their congregation's harvest to provide for the temple or shrine and for their own support. Excess is stored for distribution in times of famine and given to the husband-deity’s lords, Priestesses of Ernalda automatically become acolytes of the local grain goddess, and gain access to her Rune magicas well. Priestesses of Ernalda receive all common Divine spells, as well as the following: Bless Crops, Com- mand Gnome, Command Snake, Command (Speci- fies Domestic Animal), Earthpower, Heal Body, Regrow Limb, and Restore Health (CON and STR only), They may also learn to Summon Gnomes of any size. Earthpower 3 Points One-use Only, Special ‘Once bought, this is an automatic spell. The spell activates the first time that the priestess touches the ground and her magic points or her POW drop to zero, It activates exactly as her POW drops to zero, preventing destruction of her soul, and allowing her to draw 1 POW and 1D8 magic points directly from the earth. If she has more than one Earthpower spell, all activate at once. Sub-Cults The Grain Goddess Initiates, acolytes, and priestesses of Ernalda automatically become initiates or acolytes (as ap- propriate) of the grain goddess — Esrola in the Holy ‘Country and Sartar, Pelora inthe Pelorian hills, Frona in Fronela, Ralia in Ralios, Vrala in Vralos, Tara in Tarien, and so forth. In lowland Peloria, Dendara (rather than Ernalda) is thought Pelora's mother. Stil, an initiate of Ernalda traveling there would be con- sidered to be an initiate of Pelora. Itis possible to join the grain goddess alone, without becoming an Ernaldan. An adventurer whose parents were both initiates of the grain goddess can automatically join this sub-cult as an initiate. If the adventurer's parents both were not initiates, the appli- cant must donate 20 lunars worth of food to the priestess and show proficiency in the following skills: Ceremony, Craft, Plant Lore, Search, and World Lore. ‘An initiate of the grain goddess (only) must give 1/20th of his harvest to his priestess. He may not become a shaman or sorcerer, and may wors chaos thing The local Ernalda or grain goddess priestess may cast Bless Crops upon the initiate’s fields. The local husband-deity of Ernalda will protect the initiate. ‘An initiate may sacrifice for the grain goddess's Rune spells, and may purchase the spirit magic spells, of Heal, Second Sight, Shimmer, and Vigor. There are no priestesses of the grain goddess—only acolytes. Requirements for grain goddess acolytes are identical to those for the Ernalda cult, except that she need not have a score of 50% or more in Animal Lore, Climb, or Mineral Lore. Instead, she must have it in Craft, Search, and World Lore.GloranthaBook A grain goddess acolyte may learn Bless Crops and Regrow Limb as well as the common Rune spells, ifshe attends services at a major or great Ernalda temple. She may also gain a Rune spell from the associate cult of the local husband-deity, but from no other gods. Associate Cults Emalda is the most important deity of the earth pantheon and has many associated gods and god- desses. Some are local and are not covered here; others are universally recognized and enshrined in every great temple of Ernalda. Unlike Ernalda’s husbands (described in the Husband-Protectors sec- tion) the following deities are universally recognized as associates to Ernalda and their spells are available at every great Ernalda temple. Hide Wealth (from As 1 Point Touch, One Day, Stackable, Reusable This passive spell must be cast upon an inanimate bundle of goods, no greater than 1 ENC. It will cause the target tobe in- visible to everyone except the caster or to anyone watching as the spell is cast. Each extra point of Hide Wealth cast at the same time permits an additional ENC to be hidden. Each point of Extension stacked with Hide Wealth doubles the duration of the spell. Magic items hidden with this spell can- not be sensed, even with magical spells, but the presence of the spell of Hide Wealth itself could be. Bless Grave (from Ty Kora Tek) 1 Point Ritual (Ceremony), Nonstackable, Reusable To Ernalda worshipers, Ty Kora Tek is the Queen of the Dead. She guards them in the underworld, This ceremony summons an invisible aspect of Ty Kora Tek to escort to Paradise the soul of the dead believer: a successful ceremony ensures that the soul will not return as a bad ghost. Blast Earth (from Maran Gor) 2 Points Touch, Instant, Nonstackable, Reusable ‘This spel is cast upon an area of land proportionate to the ‘number of magic points expended. One magic point covers fone square meter, two magic points cover four square meters, three magic points cover nine square meters, and so on. Any plants within the area cursed will neither flower nor bear fruit for a full year. Invigorate (from Voria) 1 Point Touch, Instant, Nonstackable, Reusable ‘This spell restores the fatigue point level ofthe target, up to the maximum of hisSTR-+CON minus his ENC. The target's previous fatigue points may have been negative or positive. Earth Shield (from Barbeester Gor) 3 Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable, Reusable This passive spell must be cast upon a shield. It effectively gives the shield an infinite number of armor points for the spell’s duration. However, knockback still affects the holder of the shield 19 Understand Beasts (from Eiritha) 2Points Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable, Reusable ‘This active spel allows the person on whom it is cast to talk with one type of mammal for the duration of the spell. Oratory or Fast Talk can be used ifthe creature needs con- vineing. The spell does not instill any additional intelligence to the creature 1 Point Ranged, Special, Nonstackable, Reusable This active spell matures a plant one year in 15 minutes. It will not enlarge, strengthen, or make more fruitful any plant beyond its natural potential. The spel effect is permanent. It ‘works on one tree at a time, or on a 3-meter-square area of bush or ground. The Husband-Protectors Wherever Ernalda is found, her husband has given her a Rune spell as protection. In most places, any temple of Ernalda is associated with only one of the following, deities. In Esrolia, all the following husband-deities are present except for Pamalt; Ernalda’s priestesses gain Rune spells fromall. Minor husband-deities give her spells appropriate totheir region. Orlanth: Orlanth is worshiped as Ernalda’s husband by the hill barbarians ofthe barbarian belt ‘These tribes dominate both upland Fronela and Peloria, as well as most of Ralios and Maniria, Ernalda cultists among. the Orlanthi can obtain Cloudcall, as per the Divine Magic chapter. Yelmalio is another hill barbarian cult, and is found most places that Orlanth is, though the two gods are worshiped by different tribes, Ernalda cultists belonging to a Yelmalio-worshiping cult gain the following spell. Catseye 1 Point Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable, Reusable For 12 hours this passive spell affects the target's eyes so that hecan see by any amount of available light. If there isacom- plete absence of light, he cannot see: if light from a single dim spark exists, he sees normally. Eyes under this spell reflect light as do a cat's, Yelmalio: Flama Flamal is only worshiped as Ernalda’s hus- band among the elves. Elven worshipers of Emalda can gain Flamal's Bear Spell Bear Fruit 1 Point Ritual (Ceremony), Nonstackable, Reusable This spell causes a single tee or a3-meter-square area of bush ‘orground coverto yield its fruits, no matter what theseason. Afull-day ceremony isneeded to activate the spell and to ap- pease the plant's spirit. This spell can kill the plant if done ata bad time, Chances of killing plants are seasonally deter- mined: spring 30%, summer 15%, autumn 10%, winter 70%, storm 0%. in the Sacred Time, the plant always20 Argan Argar: Argan Argaris only worshiped as Ernalda’s husband in Esrolia and among the rare darkness-worshiping cultures that respect the earth deities ‘Shadow Call 1Point Ranged, Temporal, Stackable, Reusable This calls up a somewhat corporeal shadow whose dimen- sions vary (shifting all the time at the edges) but it ranges from 10 to 20 (2D6 +8) meters in diameter with a height one- quarter that, Though it cannot do any damage, ithas 1D6hit points per point in the Shadow Call. Itis too immaterial tobe ‘damaged by physical weapons; Disruption spells or the like do harmit. Its magic points equal those ofthe caster when he creates it. It has a movement rate of 5, and will move only when the caster concentrates and instructs it, When the shadow is not moving the spell is passive. ‘When additional points of this spell are stacked together, the volume covered does not change, but the darkness deepens. One point of the spell creates a haze in sunlight. Two points cancel the effects of sunlight on light-sensitive beings, as in the evening. Three points make a shadow equivalent to what can be seen on a moonlit ni points create a pitch black area, Fire or other illumination within such magic can be seen, but it illuminates nothing, ‘The Storm Bull is worshiped as Ernal- da’s husband in Esrolia and by the rare Emnalda worshipers of Pent and the Wastelands. Impede Chaos 1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable, Reusable This passive spell subtracts 30 percentiles from the chances to hit ofall chaos creatures attacking the recipient. The spel is, ineffectual against non-chaos opponents. Storm Bul Magasta: MagastaisEmalda’sspouse inEsroliaand in some island cultures, Magasta gives Eralda Breathe Air/ Water, See the Divine Magic chapter of, RuneQuest Pamalt: Pamalt is known as Emalda’s spouse throughout human Pamaltela, though local deities occasionally dispiace him. Gnome-To-Gargoyle 1 Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable, One-use This spell must be cast upon a gnome. It turns the gnome into a wingless gargoyle. This spell usually is cast only in times ‘of combat. ‘The gargoyle produced has the STR and POW of the ‘original gnome, The gnome’s hit points remain the same and also become the gargoyle’s SIZ. The being so-produced attacks on strike rank 10 each round, with a chance to it of 25% plus its attack modifier. Figure damage and skills ‘modifiers When the spell expires, the gargoyle turns back into earth. The Cult of Dendara The goddess Dendara, another daughter of Empress Earth, remained loyal to Yelm beyond death and RuneQuest followed him to hell. She attempted to comfort her lord in the grisly underworld, expecting nothing in return. When Yelm returned to the surface world in triumph he spurned faithless Emnalda, taking humble Dendara for his new queen. In Peloria the worship of Dendara has replaced that of Ernalda, Her cult is similar to Ernalda’s except that she has different associate deities. Requirements for becoming an initiate, an acolyte, and a priestess of Dendara are identical to the re- quirements given in the Ernalda cult, as are cult spells, (except for associate cults). The only grain goddess associated with DendaraisPelora, but initiates of Den- dara are considered to be initiates of other grain god- esses when they travel outside theirhometerritory. The God Learners were convinced that Dendara and Ernalda were the same entity, and they even managed to transpose worshipers with no ill effects. Yelm: Yelm is always considered to be Dendara’s spouse and ruler. He provides Dendara with the spell Cloud Clear (see the Magic chapter of Rune Quest) Gorgorma: — Gorgorma is actually an enemy god- dess to Yelm, and is also Dendara’s sister. Gorgorma provides Dendara with no spells, but ats as her defender. When Dendaran peasants are overly op- pressed, Gorgorma is invoked by them to destroy their overlords, An ex-Dendara worshiper is automatically ac- cepted as a Gorgorma cultst, though the reverse is not true. It is not possible to worship both Gorgorma and Dendara simultaneously, and the cult of Gorgorma is generally sup- pressed by the solar (and lunar) hierarchies. Hyalors Hyalor provides his master's wife with Command Horse, described in the Magic chapter of RuneQuest. Ourania: The Queen of Heaven provides her former handmaiden with the spell of Detect Truth: Detect Truth 1Point Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable, Reusable This spell allows the caster to tell whether anyone within a fivesmeter radius ofthe spells target site is lying. If lies are spoken, the speaker will emit a dark, smoky glow visible only to initiates of Dendara and Ourania Lodril: _DendaraisLodril's queen. In tribute, he gave her this spel Earthwarm 1Point Ranged, Duration 12hours, Stackable, Reusable ‘This spell causes an area of soil 50 metersby 50 meterssquare to increase in temperature by 5 degrees C. Each additional point of the spell will ether increase the area affected by another 50 square meters or raise the temperature by 5 degrees. This spell is normally used to protect fields and or- frosts, but can also be used to. protect climes when no other heat isavailable.GloranthaBook 2 O@URVANOT-. AYO OXGIOHNOLHROURVANOT-AYOP A Creatures Not all of the beings provided in the Creatures book appear in Glorantha, and others appear there and nowhere ‘else. A later section in this chapter also discusses the nature of Chaos in Glorantha. Some Elder Races The elder races of Glorantha are so-called because they pre-date the appearance of humans in the world, The elder races include many small, strictly local, or otherwise insignificant creatures. “Those powerful enough to dominate significant parts of the world are broos, dwarfs, elves, merfolk, and trolls. Dragonewts are talked about later. The Lesser Races Many obscure or lesser creatures live in Glorantha. Agimori, centaurs, giants, jelmre, morokanth, newt- lings, scorpion men, timinits, trimanes, and wind children are only a selection. Consideration of these creatures must wait till later publications. Race Distribution Map ‘BBr09s, Dabragonewts, Dw Dwarfs, ‘bEBrown Elves, gE Green Elves, mEMixed Elves, ye Yellow Elves, ‘MmMermen, Trolls22 The Elder Races Aldryami These species belong to the vegetable kingdom. As essentially mobile plants, they are significantly dif- ferent from other humanoids and beasts. Elves and several related species commonly asso- ciate in a single forest community. Since all claim de- scent from (and actively engage in worship of the god- dess Aldrya, the members of these mixed forest com- munities are collectively named after her —Aldryami. Each species seems to derive from types of plant; in general, the ize of any Aldryami depends on thesize of its plant counterpart. Thus most of the Red Elves are frequently mislabeled as runners. The Aldryami, especially the elves, are old antagonists both of dwarfs and of trolls. Elves: slight of frame, quick, and intelligent, the elves of Glorantha are a species coupled to trees. They become quite shy when taken from their protective forests. Among their trees, elves are supreme, living in complete harmony with their environment. The elves view themselves as caretakers of the forest, and their every activity is directed towards that end, ever ready to clear up an outbreak of giant aphids ‘or incursions of human loggers or landclearing famers. Elves come in various races, identified as colors by humans, dependent upon the type of forest in which they are found. The Green elves are native to conif- ‘erous trees, the Brown to deciduous temperate forests, the Yellow to tropical jungle, and the Red to ferns and other primitive plants. Dryads: these tree spirits are very much like the dryads described in the RuneQuest Creatures book. Runners: are small elves, related to small plants the way elves are related to trees. The classification is im- portant only insofar as runners usually lack in- telligence and courage as well as size, while most red elves lack only size Dwarfs The dwarfs are a humanoid race claiming descent from Mostal the Maker, a most ancient deity who is said to have created the world. The dwarfs havea long, and ancient history, most of which is unknown to us. They are pragmatic and stoic, happy with practical matters and unafraid of hard work, and are conserv- ative and secretive in the extreme. Their hard religion gives them personal immortality. The official dwarf religion is a sorcery of limited, but practical, variety. Dwarfs are mortal foes of elves and trolls, because of old crimes dating back to the Godtime. Unlike elves, and trolls, dwarfs are of only one species. The iron discipline and unyielding attitude of dwarf culture is inhuman in its rigidity. Most humans cannot understand their machine-like state of mind. Ap- parently many dwarfs cannot either, for there is a significant rate of desertion from the ranks. These are considered heretics by conventional dwarfs, and in some places, they form whole societies. RuneQuest Trolls This subterranean race spilled onto the surface world when Yelm’s light chased them from the underworld. They decided to stay in the surface world. Several types of trolls may live together in one com- ‘munity. Social status is determined by an individual's, type. They are socially matriarchal, and generally do not bother with civilized niceties even in their largest societies. Trolls are not as gregarious as humans, and lone trolls or small family hunting groups are com- mon. Troll villages are ramshackle and small Types of trolls include the uzuz, uzko, uzdo, enlo and romal. Trolls avoid sunlight, and live contentedly in the dark. Their prodigious appetites are said to be able to digest anything, including solid rock (though they dislike it). Trolls almost always are seen munch- ing on something. Uzuz: the mistress race. These rare beings were born either in Godtime or under magical circumstances. They have superhuman capabilities. A mistress race troll rules any troll society fortunate enough to have one live within it. Such great beings re rarely or never seen by humans. Uzko: dark, or surface trolls. The ‘standard’ troll of the species which once dominated the world. Since early historical times dark trolls have been cursed, and their numbers have declined as the enlo have increased. Their statistics are those of dark trolls in RuneQuest. Dark trolls are the only troll type really suitable for use as player-characters. Usdo: great trolls. Gigantic and powerful warrior- slaves, created during troll efforts to break the enlo curse. Though fierce and deadly, great trolls have lost intelligence. Enlo: trollkin. These misbegotten wretches are among, the saddest creatures in existence, born to be slaves and to suffer. They are the laborers of troll society. Most recently-born trolls are of this type. Romal: cave trolls, nose lopers. These large and unsightly monsters have been tainted by chaos; hence their power to regenerate. They are bestial and not really part of troll society. Their statistics are in RuneQuest. Merfolk ‘These are water-living creatures, whose lower bodies are finned, but who have arms and hands. Merfolk are direct descendants of the gods, and are of several types. The most ancient ancestors of the tribes are now all ‘gone from this world —counted among the gods. All of the mertribes are now ruled by the deep sea tritonic class, whose descendants are the more common niiadic class, whose children are, in turn, contem- porary air-breathing merfolk. All the females bear their children within their bodies until birth. Upon birth they discover if the child is normal (an inferior type) or blessed —the same type as the parents. Interclass breeding always produces the inferior type of the pair.GloranthaBook The merfolk are most numerous in shallow water and just off-shore, and always organize into tribes. Although two tribes of merfolk may be ostensibly ruled by the same niiadic clan, there may be frequent recorded war between them. Merfolk politics are unstable and shifting beyond the tribe; even clan in- fluences may be in vain. Broos Broos are ubiquitous in Glorantha despite drastic efforts to eradicate them. They are a rank chaos species, long since polluted by foul practices. Their parentage is often totally indistinct. Each may differ from his brother, though most which survive are vaguely humanoid. The great majority have horns, Broos area reliable enemy, never known tobe trust- worthy or good. It is their heritage to spread disease and to exult in vandalism and destruction. They are brutal beyond words. ‘The less said about them the better off we are. They are usually like their statistics in Rune Quest. Dragonewts (Draco Sapiens) Dragonewts claim to be the eldest creatures, descend- ants of neotenic dragons from before the Dawn of Time. Even elven Green Age tales mention dragonewts. Dragonewts are peculiar creatures who continually reincarnate and metamorphose, ever-striving to achieve dragonhood. They are an enigmatic race, misunderstood and mistrusted. Individual dragonewts trace descent from whatever dragon or dragons laid the initial clutch of eggs which resulted in their existence. Dragonewts of the same clutch call each other ‘egg-brother.’ They organize themselves into variously-sized settlement-nests Any encounter with dragonewts is important, and needs to be described in some detail Dragonewts as presented here are not intended to become normal adventurers. No players in the original Glorantha campaign have ever played nor- mal dragonewts. Those dragonewts who have been played as adventurers are always outlaws, cut off from the cycle of their heritage. When an outlaw dragonewt — one who has ceased to believe in the dragon way — dies, it is not reincarnated and never reappears, No one knows where its soul goes. Normal dragonewts are intended to be a race of mystery, alien and irrational to human understand- ing. Their language (Auld Wyrmish) includes visual, auditory, olfactory, and empathic components. But24 they are unconscious of their own language and can- not teach it to others, Because humans are not naturally ‘empathic, they can never learn more than 25% Auld Wyrmish. Dragonewts have no written language, and have little need for one, as they are immortal, ever- reincarnating, and learn needed facts directly from other dragonewts. Normal dragonewts are a gamemaster tool, to gen- erate random violence, to rescue player adventurers from disaster, to provide adventurer motivation or employment, or to add awe and majesty to some or- dinary journey. Sometimes they act like humans, sometimes like robots or statues, sometimes like animals, sometimes like actors in some bizarre yet solemn play, oblivious of their surroundings. Regular contact of normal dragonewts with out- siders is usually assigned to one individual ina group, who tries to act according to human expectations. He earns human languages, and learns to write or to otherwise communicate ideas to humans. Sometimes he will own or be an interpreter dragonewt who has been surgically altered so that he can stumblingly speak human words. Altered interpreters may have guards, servants, and so on. Such dragonewts not in- frequently become outlaws. Some places in Glorantha have large colonies of deviant dragonewts, and they differ from the norm given here. But all of those variants have the same heritage. The Dragonewt Life Cycle ‘A dragonewt is not like other creatures. Itis born once but dies hundreds of times; each time it dies, its soul reanimates a new body grown from the same egg. All dragonewts hatch from eggs laid by immature dragons. All the spawn are small, of the stage called ‘scout,’ or ‘crested.’ Originally dragons taught the hatchlings the Dragon Way, and many infants grew quickly to maturity. The ones still in Glorantha have been slower, and are still developing through the drag- onewt cycles. When a dragonewt dies, its body is discarded, and the dragonewt's soul instantly returns to the egg from which it hatched originally. (Each egg apparently can grow any number of dragonewt bodies, and will con- tinue to do so until the dragonewt matures.) After some days the reborn dragonewt emerges, personality intact, from the leathery, unchanging egg, more or less ready to pick up its life from when it died. The time spent in the egg varies with the moral develop- ment of the dragonewt individual. For dragonewts, death does not exist —it is only an interruption. All dragonewts are four-limbed, bipedal, tailed, left-handed, and have opposable thumbs. Drag- onewts donot refine metal, but use bone, stone (especially flint), and wood for weapons and tools. Only special leaders ever wear armor, though all stages may wear trinkets, jewelry, and bits of cloth. Dragonewts have four distinct stages of growth, though their precise shape alters while within each stage. Each stage also has distinct responsibilities. Not RuneQuest surprisingly, their particular shape suits their normal ‘occupations. The Scout Dragonewt (First Stage) The scout (or crested) dragonwet is small, short- tailed, and has an arched crest upon the head. A vegetarian, it prefers leaves and fruit. The markings of the scout dragonewt may be of various colors and color patterns —usually drab. Its betters will train it as a slinger to bring down birds and rabbits, teach it the art of scouting and skirmishing, and to serve as a slave. As the stage gets older, the tail elongates and the body as a whole enlarges, but the most prominent changes occur in the head: it elongates, grows a more pronounced crest, and the beak lengthens and develops front teeth suited to crop grass and strip bark. At some indeterminable point, often after cen- turies and many deaths, the dragonewt emerges from its egg as the next stage, the warrior. ‘The Warrior Dragonewt (Second Stage) The warrior (or beaked) dragonewt is larger than the scout stage and is carnivorous. The tail now reaches to the ground, and at first the skin is covered both with scales and with small protrusions. As the second stage matures, the warrior's skin thickens to armor- like material sometimes concentrated on the back, forepart, tail, or other body part. Whether the pro- trusions grow into spikes, hard knobs, or horns depends on factors unclear to humans. Thus repre- sentatives of this stage may appear to be very dif- ferent from one another, except that all but the most extravagant seem well-suited for combat. The skin colors and patterns vary, and the color may change over the span of the stage. The warrior dragofewt is most often found as a guard or a hunter in dragonewt nests Most warrior dragonewts ride upon creatures called demi-birds. Demi-birds are feathered, beaked, and lay eggs, but their bones are solid, and they have vestigial arms, not wings. Dragonewts breed these monsters, which are not found in the wild. The demi-bird is fear- less and carnivorous, adding to the fierceness of the dragonewt warrior. ‘The Noble Dragonewt (Third Stage) Second-stage armor and natural weapons are, in the third stage, nearly replaced by frills, spines, wattles, pouches, and other decorative and communicative devices. Skin colors become more vivid, and the number and variety of the scent glands increase A noble dragonewt will lead and represent; the stage is expert at living peacefully with the outside world. In some regions this stage is known as the ‘tailed priest.’ This stage is omnivorous. Some ambassadors to human cultures are recorded as having become formidable gourmets. Ruler Dragonewts (Fourth Stage) These rare dragonewts are almost never found outside their own nests. One is usually found in each smallGloranthaBook nest, and several in a town cluster. Their community functions, diet, and powers are unknown. Some have turned into immense dragons in order to defend their nests, The appearance of a ruler dragonewt (some- times known as a ‘full priest’) resembles that of a noble, but the wings grow increasingly large with age, and the size and capabilities generally increase. Presumably a ruler dragonewt meditates upon the secrets of dragonhood in preparation for the final metamorphosis. Such a dragonewt will, one day, awake to find itself a full dragon. It then will depart, from its nest, to go to wherever dragons go. The Dragonet (Optional Fifth Stage) ‘Sometimes a ruler dragonewt refuses to enter dragon- hood. It then remains on earth, in life. The reason for doing this is unknown. Nor is known the extent of the power of the dragonet, although a full dragon re- portedly is capable of thinking enemies to death and shaping the land as a human shapes clay. This stage is. usually only present at the dragonewt site called the Dragon's Eye in Dragon Pass, the ancestral home. Dragonewt Weapons Like their users, the weapons of dragonewts require some explanation. Only outlaw dragonewts use shields. Base chances for weapons and skills have not been given, since initially-hatched dragonewts are beyond the discussion. Base chance fora human using any dragonewt weapon is 05%. Weapons Descriptions Sling: As per normal slings, though the pocket and loops often are made of human or dragonewt skin, Long Bow: A large bone bow. This bow is used strictly by dragonews and requires STR 17 and DEX 9 to wield, Samarin and Chokin: Small throwing weapons. They can impale, and a thrower can simultaneously hurl as many (of ‘one type) as desired. For each additional weapon thrown at ‘one time, subtract 10 percentiles from the chance tohit forall the missiles thrown. If the chance to hit lowers to.0% or less, the dragonewt cannot throw that many weapons, Example: If a warrior dragonewt with 50% Samarin attack threw one samarin, its chance to hit is 50%. Ifit threw twoat once, the chance to hit decreases to 30% for each. fit threw three samarins, the chance to hit is 20% for each, and throwing four samarins yields a 10% chance per samarin, The dragonewt could not throw five samarins at once, because the chance to hit would be zero. 25 Klanth: A weapon made with flint blades set into a wooden haft and grip, and resembling the club-swords used in the Aztec empire, Treat the klanth otherwise like a bastard ‘sword. Rarely, klanths are made of dragonbone rather than wood, and have 18 armor points. Gami: Three-pronged dragonbone sword-catcher, primarily used as a parry weapon. It uses the normal sword-catching rules as given in the Players’ book, Utuma: The dragonewt shortsword. This is usually a rein- forced flint blade, but sometimes is made of dragonbone. When of dragonbone, it has 12 armor points. Dragonewt Magic Dragonewts use a fifth magical approach, called dragon magic which is different from spirit magic, divine magic, sorcery, or the rituals. When the dragonewt wills an effect, it takes place on strike rank ‘one. Effects are not spells—a dragonewt simply knows cor does not know an effect; it does not have to memorize it. An effect is similar enough to a spell in result that human adventurers might reasonably think ‘of dragon magic as being composed of spells. Use of dragon magic hinders a dragonewt's spiritual development, and it may prefer death (with subse- quent reincarnation) to using dragon magic in many situations. If the dragonewt does decidetto use magic, it may do so sparingly, to maintain its spiritual balance. A dragonewt on an important mission is likelier to use magic. A spiritually-impure dragonewt may use dragon magic to prevent lengthy death (during which its characteristics will diminish). ‘Scouts and Dragon Magic A scout dragonewt does not know dragon magic, and may therefore learn conventional spells. However, must forget such spells before it can progress to the warrior stage. Spells for Warrior Dragonewts Dragon Armor: This spell absorbs damage at the rate of one magic point per point of damage. All damage done (after ‘subtracting for armor, parrying weapons, etc.) is absorbed using as many magic points as are necessary. Magic points used to absorb this damage may be taken from all available sources. Not even critical hits will bypass this defense. Dragon's Claw: This effect transforms one of the dragonewt's limbs into a claw, with two-edged, curved, dagger-like nails. The claw does 2D6 damage plus the casters damage modifier. Chance to hit begins ata percent- age equal to the dragonewt's manipulation modifier. It may parry at a percentage equal to the dragonewt’s agility ‘modifier. Skill in the claw may increase by experience. The claw will block 12 points when parrying, and its armor points do not decrease from cumulative damage. Dragon Strength: This increases the dragonewt’s STR by half’ again. Round fractions down. Thus, a warrior dragonewt of STR 19 has STR 28 by this effect. This effect ‘may be used in conjunction with Growth, Firebreath: This effect allows the dragonewt to breathe fire like dragon. A cone of primal fire is produced with a range in meters equal to the POW of the dragonewt creating the flame. This firebreath does 1D10 damage to the general hit points of any creature ints path. Targets of the flame are not shielded by standing behind another target. Armor protects26 normally, but engulfed weapons and armor lose 1 armor point each, Rarely, a dragonewt produces a fire doing 2D10 damage or more. Growth: This effect causes the dragonewt to increase in SIZ by 6 points, possibly changing its category modifiers and damage modifier, and increasing its hit points by 3. The dragonewt may repeatedly use this effect over successive rounds to greatly increase its mass. If SIZ reaches more than, triple the creature's STR, the dragonewt will be unable to move by itself. Sprout Wings: The dragonewt grows large wings which tenable it to fly at a speed three times its normal ground movement rate (6 for wartiors and 9 for nobles). When, winged, the dragonewt's hit location table is identical to that for ruler dragonewts, who have such wings permanently. Spells and Skills for Noble Dragonewts Nobles can use all powers available to warriors, plus some more. A skill and an effect are entered below. Don Armor: This skill cannot be used unless the dragonewt possesses a set of ornamental dragonbone armor, Using this El sucessfully allows the dragonew' to ritually don his armor in 1D10+10 strike ranks. In addition, each full 05% rolled gives the armor 1 point of damage absorption, to the total of the user's Don Armor percentiles. Example: a dragonewt has 25% Don Armor. Its player rolls, an 180 1D100, giving the dragonewt 3 points of armor. Ifthe roll had been a 25, the dragonewt would have 5 points of armor. A roll of 26 or more would yield no armor. Therefore (up to the amount of the Don Armor percentiles) the higher the die roll, the more damage the armor will absorb, Dragonewts use this skill only before important journeys or battles, and the armor is left on till the mission is accom- plished. Experience may increase the Don Armor skill. Soul-Blast: This is an offensive effect. The magic points of the dragonewt are matched against those of its target via a bolt of green energy. Ifthe dragonewt overcomes the target, the target loses 2D6 personal magic points. If the magic points drop to zero, the target becomes unconscious. Dragon Magic for Ruler Dragonewts These great beings have access to all magic of lesser stages, plus more. Since these beings are encountered so rarely, their magic has not been described. Dragonewt Statistics First-Stage Dragonewt: Scout Characteristics Average STR 206 7 Move 3 CON 3De 1011 HitPoints ° siz 206 7 Fatigue 18 INT sDe “ Pow 26 7 DEX 206+9 16 APP, 30s. 1041 Hit Location ‘Melee (D20)— Missile(D20) Points Tail 0102, o 1/328) Reg 03.05 o208 1/3(33) Leg 0608 0507 1/333) Abdomen ool ost 1/333) Chest 2 mas 4 (40) RArm 134s 1173125) LArm 16-18 1819 1/3(25) Head 1920 2 V3 (33) RuneQuest Weapon SR Attack% — Damage PARR% PTS Samarin = 225 D S41 eee hoki 2: bias: ems saitaay Shing 2725 1B S Utama 7 28 1De+1 Brel as ‘Skills: Conceal 25, Dodge25, Hide 25, Sneak 25. point scaly skin ‘Magic: Only scout dragonewtsand outlawsuse non-draconic magic, instead employing ether spirit magic or sorcery, and specializing in spells such as Coordination, Disruption, Healing, Mobility. and ‘Speedart, or in Damage Boosting, Enhance DEX, Hast, and Palsy {allat about 40% skill, with sorcery intensity at 25%) Armor: Second-Stage Dragonewt: Warrior ‘A wartior-dragonewt’s maximum POW rises to 21. It is givenarritualklanth, spear, and (usually) ademi-bied. A few Wwarriors have obtained a dragonbone klanth, utuma and/or ami, Usually, the warrior dragonewt will wield his Klanth With his left hand and his utuma with his right, The sing is discarded in favor ofthe giant long bow Characteristics Average STR 2De+12 19 Move a CON _3Do+6 1617 HitPoints 18 siz 26412 19 ‘Fatigue % INT. 4D6 4 POW pas wad DEX 20043 10 APP 3D8+3 13.44 Hit Location ‘Melee (B20) Missile(D20) Points Tail 01-02 oO 67/5 (28) Reg 03.05 204 6/633) Leg 06.08 0507 6/6133) Abdomen oo etl 6/633) Chest 2 1s 6/8 (40) RArm 1345 1617 6/8 (28) LArm 118 1819 6/5(.25) Head 1920 20 6161.33) Weapon SR Attack% Damage PARR PTS Klanth 6 $0 «Wort 0 2 1D6 LongBow 3/9 50, IDNO+ mn 8 Samarin 3 8D A+ =e 13. Chokin 3 0 ets = 2 RHUuma 6 «25 Wott 1De. LHUuma 6 = Dott 1De ‘Skill: Conceal 70, Dodge70, Hide 7, Sneak 70, Ride Demi-bird 5. Armor: 6-point scaly hide Magic: dragon magic only (except for outlaws) Third-Stage Dragonewt: Noble By this stage, dragonewts usually cease riding demi-birds. ‘Their weapons now are almost always of dragonbone. The .gami usually replaces the utuma. Many barbarian dragonewt clans do not progress past this stage. Characteristics Average STR 2De+8 13 Move 3 CON 3Ds+6 1617 —_HitPoints 5 siz. 2De+8 13, Fatigue 30 INT 406. rn POW 1820 1820 DEX 2De+8 B APP aDe+8 1617Glorantha Book Hit Location ‘Melee (D20) Missle (D20) Points Tail 01.02 on 3/4(25) Reg 03.08 oor 3/533) LLeg 0508 0507 3/533) Abdomen oo ost 3/533) Chest 2 24s 3/6 (40) RArm Bas tei? 3/428) LArm 1618 18:19 425) Head 1920 20 3/5(33) Weapon SR Attack% — Damage PARR PTS Klanth 7 9 Wort 9 1B 14 ami 8 4 © SDBHIDS 5020 LongBow 3/990 DIO 7» 8 Samarin 3 90 IDA + 2 1D2 Chokin 3 9% 1DetaD2 2 ‘Skills: Conceal 90, Dodge 90, Hide 99, Sneak 90, Ride Demi-bird90. Armor: 3-point skin Magic: Uses dragon magic only, except forthe rare outlaw noble Fourth-Stage Dragonewt: Ruler ‘They gain wings and are too large for demi-birds. Outlaw ruling dragonewts are nearly unknown. Species maximum POW for rulers rises to 28. Characteristics Average STR aDe+12 26 Move 4/12 flying CON 3De+6 1617‘ HitPoints 2 Siz sDe412 2 Fatigue 8 INT 406 i POW 2426 24.26 DEX 2de+e B APP 36412 2223 Hit Location ‘Melee (20) Missile(D20) Points Tail 0102 o 9/6(.25) Rleg 2039/8 (33) Lleg 040s 9/8 (33) ‘Abdomen 0509 9/833) Chest 1013 9710.40) RWing His -9/6(.25) LWing 1617 9/628) RArm 18 9/625), Lamm 1» 9/6(.25) Head 2 9/833), Weapon SR_Attack% — Damage PARR PTS Klanth S$ 10 wDior+ 10 18 206 Cami 6 9% 3D3+2Ds 1020 LongBow 3/9 120-1101 er Samarin = 3120, IDA 1+ Se 203, Chokin 3 10 ~~ 1D6+ap3 2 ‘Stalls: Conceal 120%, Dodge 120%, Hide 120%, Sneak 120% Armor: 9-point skin. Magic: draconic magic only Demi-Bird (Aepyornis draconis) Characteristics Average STR aDe+18 32 Move 10 CON 20646 13 —HitPoints 20 Siz aDe+12 2 Fatigue 4 INT 3 3 Pow 306 lon DEX 3D6+6 1617 27 Hit Location ‘Melee (D20) Missile (D20) Points Reg o1ot 01-03 “7 Leg 05.08 04-06 “7 Abdomen oe-10 07-10 “7 Chest 113 ns v9 RWing 14.15 16 ve LWing 1617 7 ve Head 1820 1820 “7 Weapon SR Attack’ — Damage Peck 8 3o#id — 1D10+23. Kick 5 30+14 —1D8+2D6 Skills: a demi-bird can attack with both peck and bite in the same relee round, usually kicking fist, and following up with a peck The peck’s damage modifier is halé normal ‘Armor: 4:point feathers on body and head, 4:point tough hide ‘on legs, Chaos in Glorantha ‘ono ish gor. Bh he go ‘tae daa wl uly oh mops Chace The Nature of Chaos Glorantha represents a bubble in an infinity of chaos; ‘order randomly formed. In forming, the world came from disorder to a condition of order. But the Gods War weakened that order, and admitted chaos into the world, where it still exists. Chaos tends to reestablish itself. This tendency threatens the existence of Glorantha and its deities. ‘Though chaos is in itself formless and structureless, mutual corruption of chaos and order occurs at the weakened seams of the world where chaos leaks in. This corruption, like all of Glorantha, is personalized —embedded and manifested in disgusting, cruel, and evil living things. The living manifestations of chaos naturally parody the kinds of life of Glorantha, since they represent cor- ruptions, perversions, or reorganizations of i Chaos comes therefore in many forms — broos, gorps, disease spirits, walktapi, scorpion men, succubi, and so on. Some aspects of chaos steal life force and POW, other aspects break down ways of organizing (such as government and religion), and yet other aspects simply destroy everything possible. Intelligent mortal beings naturally fear obvious forms of chaos. Atrocities against nature are easily recognized. But chaos also includes good, at least according to those who embrace the Lunar religion Through Illumination they can overcome fear and resist the soul-blasting temptations which their28 attitude risks, Most Gloranthans do not believe this, however. The battle against chaos is integral to the mythology of Glorantha; without it, the world as it exists is not understandable. Chaos Creatures Chaos monsters are often fun and a surprise, and several common types are presented here for play Following these isa chart to randomly determine some typical variations, These variations are called chaos features, The monsters below usually have a chance of having one or more such features, Dragonsnail (Spirulum biceps) Descendants of once-ordinary pond snails mutated to gigantic size. They nov have multiple heads and an unnatural tase for flesh, though they can eat anything organi. Dragonsnals are found in marshes and watery areas. They were created in the ‘Great Darkness when the Spire of Law exploded, the Devil was pinned beneath the Block in Prax, and the area was flooded. ‘Dragonsnails are still most common in Prax and nearby areas. Dragonsnails are sometimes known as parts of the Devil, for their apparent lineage. Characteristics Average STR 4D6+12 26 Move 1 CON 406 14 -HitPoints 20 SIZ aDe#12 26 Fatigue 0 INT 2 2 Pow 306 rol DEX 26 7 (One-Headed Dragonsnall Hit Location Table (20 it points) Hi missile melee Location Points Shell 8/11 (50) Body 4/940) Head 4/940) “Two-Headed Dragonsnail Hit Location Table (20 hit points) Hie ‘missile/melee Location i) Points Shell 0107 8/1150) Body 082 4/9(.40) Head 1 1316 4/940) Head 2 17.20 4/940) Weapon SR Attack% Damage Bite 7 40-3 1D6 +206 "Note: Ifthe dragonsnail has two heads, both can Armor: 4-point body. 8-point shell Magic: A random dragonsnail has 1D3 chaos features. tesimultancously Gorp (Chaos amorphous) “These shapeless blobs of putrid tissue ooze along waterways and through ruins, dripping acid and corrosive enzymes. They are amphibious. ‘A gorp can be killed only by fire or magic. Weapons just pass through the tissue, taking damage from the acid, but {doing none. Because ofthe corrosive nature ofthe gorp, acid fand_ poison have no_ effect on it. Nondiery weapon- enhancing magic (such as Bladesharp oF Truesword) do nothing toa gorp,Spellssuch as Disruptor Lightning Bot take normal eect 1K a gorp is slain, noble metals and other indissolvable treasures may (rarely) be found within. However, anyone searching the mess will take acid. damaye to both hands ‘Armor may help absorb this. RuneQuest A gorp attacks by moving next to a victim during a melee round. If the victim fails a Dodge or Jump roll, the gorp envelops him. Anyone attacked by the gorp is enmeshed and, corroded for 8 points per round. Armor will protect (untilit is eaten away). If the adventurer can still move after the first, round, he may try a second Dodge or Jump. If Dodge is used, the adventurer may attack as usual in the same round. If the adventurer tries to Jump, though, he may rot attack that round, A different agility skill might be substituted, depending upon the situation and the gamemaster Characteristics errr. STR ° = Move 1 CON 306 10-11 HitPoints 6 siz 66 21 Fatigue wa INT 1 1 Pow 306 10.1 DEX ° a He sile/mee Location ‘020 Points Body 01-20 all Weapon SR Attack% Damage Envelope 1 100 8 points acid Armor: none Skills: none Magic: A roll of POW 1 on D100 indicates that a gorp has a chaotic feature Jack O'Bear (Joannursus paralysis) These are shaggy, wiry monsters with bloated orange heads resembling pumpkins. Jack obears normaly inhabit moun- tains and forests. They are chaotic carnivores with an exotic talent not to be sneered at Each melee round, in addition to its normal atacks, the jack otbear can match its magic points vs. those of a foe. If the victim is overcome, he is harmonized — frozen in place and helpless until the jack o'bear dies or the effect is ise pelled. The harmonize acts asa 1 point Divine magic spell for purposes of dispelling or blocking. This exotic talent does not cost the jack o’bear any magic points, though it can be boosted, which does cost magic points The creature can keep a numberof live victims equal {o half its POW controlled at once. The jack o'bear cannot voluntarily release a victim: Chareceristies Average STR 30646 1617 Move 4 CON 20+ 1 HitPoints 15 Sz sets 1617 Fatigue 30 INT Ds 7 Pow ips “ DEX 308 oa ‘APP 308 ion Hit Location Melee (D20) Missile (D20) Points R Leg o1-04 0103 3/5133) Leg O06 = 3/5033) ‘Abdomen m0 3/533) Chest THs 3/640) Rarm 1173/4 (25) Lar is19 3/425) a 20 3/5033) _ Weapon SR_—— Attacks Damage RClaw 7 2542“ D6+1Ds LGaw 103542 Da tis Harmonize "1 aomatie rest MP against MP or be paralyzedGlorantha Book "Notes: Each melee round, a jack o’bear may use its Harmonize as ‘well as strike with its claws. It may hit with both claws in the same ‘melee round, three strike ranks apart The Harmonize always is resolved on strike rank 1, unless the jack obear boosts it, in which case the strike rankis 1 plus the magic points used. ‘Skills: Hide 60-10, Sneak 60-10, ‘Armor: 3-point fur and thick head-skin. “Magic: Chaotic Harmonize. A jack o’bear could use other magic f anyone would teach i There isa five percent chance that a jack obear willhavea chaotic feature in addition to its exotic talent. Scorpion Man (Hominiscorpio devourens) More scorpion than man, such a create resembles a cen- taur, with the chest, arms, and head of a man, but the abdomen, tail, and rear (six) legs ofa scorpion. ‘his chaos breed islet over from the Great Darkness They are found in deserts and small mountain villages. Their society is based upon servitude to pigantic queens, who perform most of the breeding. They live by raiding and hiring out to optimistic employers who forget theit ‘employees’ chaotic nature Characteristics Average STR .2D8+12 19 Move 7 CON 308 1041 HitPoints 15 Siz 206412, 19 Fatigue » INT. 208 7 Pow 208 7 DEX 30643 1344 APP 3D6 10-11 ‘Melee (D20) Missile(D20) Points a a 3/37) a 2 33.(7) 3.04 03 3/3.(17) 0s, of 33.017) 08 05, 33(17) 0708, 06 33.017) 10 o 3/5 (33) Thorax m2 0810 3/533) Chest 144 mas 3/6(40) RArm 156 1617, 3/4 (25) LAr was 1819 3/4 (25) Head 1920 2 3/5033) Note: Loss of one of a scorpion man’s multiple legs will not in- ‘apacitate it, though if it loses two on one side, it isslowed and ean- notattempt any Agility kil. IFitlosesall thre leg on one side, its iewmoblzed. Damage toa scorpion man’s legs does not ubiract from its total hit poi Weapon SR_Attack% — Damage PARR PTS Club 6 w+e —1D10+1De 304010 Sling 3/9 3046 18 eee Sting 9 M46 21M ee Note: A scorpion man may use both sting and club each round, ‘usually hitting first with the lub and using thestng three Slater. It may party in the same round, ‘The sting injects a poison with a POT equal tothe scorpion man’s CON. Ifthe victim fails to resist, he takes full damage to his hit points. If not, he takes half damage anyway. The poison takes effect 5 melee rounds after the victim is stung, Skills: Climb 50-+0, Devise 40+6. Armor: 3-point skin. “Magic: Scorpion men know litle sorcery or divine magic, fornoone will teach them. They know some spirit magic. Favorite spells in lude Bludgeon, Ironhand, Protection, ad Speedart, ‘Asscorpion man has a chance of having a chaotic feature equal to his POW *: or less on D100. 29 Walktapus (Malapsyche hybridus) ‘This extremely chaotic race have human-like bodies, with heads resembling large, entire octopi. Awalktapuscan attack with all eight tentacles at once, using the human arms for balance. It can attack up for four foes simultaneously, and also can squirt out a poisonous gascloud, similar tothe eect, ‘fan ink-squirting octopus. Walktapi also have the chaotic ability to regenerate damage. Not only do their wounds heal, but every body por- tion severed from the parent organismeventually creepsback together, to reform the walktapus. Not even fire will per- rmanently affect this, thought willslow down thegrowth rate bby a factor of 10. Walktapi may be permanently destroyed only by powerful magic, or complete destruction, such as, dissolution in acid, ‘The regrowth rate of walktapusis only 1 hit point per full turn; if one was dismembered, the survivors could leave it behind, and it would not bother them again unless they passed the same way hours later. Walktapi are amphibious, and breathe perfectly under- water. They do not like dry climates. Characteristics Average STR 2D6+18 25 Move 3 CON _206+9 16 HitPoints 2 Siz 2De+18 25 ‘Fatigue a INT 2 7 Pow 306 1011 DEX 38. wou Hit Location “Melee (020) Missle (D20) Points Rleg. 0102, a 4713) Leg 03.04 02 4733) Abdomen 0s O08 4/7130) Chest 6 4/9(40) RArm 0708 476(25) LArm 476(25) Tentacle 1 476(25) Tentacle2 4/6(28) Tentacle3 476(25) Tentacle 4 476(.25) Tentacle 5 476(25) Tentacles 476(25) Tentacle? 476(25) Tentacles 476(25) Head 4/940) Weapon SR Tentacle 6 Constrict 1 206 GasCloud 1 Poison: POT=CON Note: Each round, the walktapus attacks with up to four tentacles Simubaneously, doing damage equal to the monsters damage mroditer i two or more tentacles strike the same victim, they will hang on and constrict, each doing damage every round. Armor protects ‘only until its armor points are overcome. then it is broken through ‘The gas loud has a potency equal to the walktapus’ CON. All those within its 3m radius must try to hold their breath (as per sul- focation rules). If the gas inhaled, the gas is immediately harmful if the victim's CON is overcome, he takes damage equal to the ‘gas full potency, IFhe resists, he til takes damage equal to half the ‘as’ potency. Each round that more gas is inhaled, the victim must temp to resist agin, Armor: &point skin Magic: Regener chaotic features. poison gas. Walktapi rarely have other Other Chaotic Creatures The following RuneQuest creatures are considered to be chaotic when they appear in Glorantha, and have the listed chance of possessing a chaotic feature fromthe table below. “None” means that the creature nor- mally has no chaotic features other than those usually associated with it. Creatures with names in brackets [ ]may be only mildly tainted with chaos. Chaotic Features for Chaotic Creatures Chaotic creatures do not obey orderly laws of growth and reproduction. One two-headed dragonsnail is not necessarily like another. The following chart has been provided to generate special features for chaotic monsters. Replace this table with one of your own, if you like, give unusually powerful monsters two or ‘more rolls, pick chaotic features from the list, or make up your own on the spot. Creatures not in Glorantha Bandersnatches, polar bears, behemoths, fachans, gorgons, halflings, jabberwocks, and orcs are not native to Glorantha. In your campaign these still might appear as special creatures in a campaign, or they might be installed as regular denizens. Other RuneQuest creatures may be rare, restricted to remote areas, oF differ in significant ways from the published versions.Complete Contents Mlustrations Dragonewts are) Jack O'Bear, Dragonsnail Gorp, Walktapus, Scorpion Man . .27 Maps Distribution Mapof Dominant Races . . Gloranthaas Known by Man . OtherTables and Diagrams (colortint) Chaotic Features... Danger Classes for Gloranthan Monsters - Dragonewt Weapons Earth Gods Pantheon EvilGods Array Helland Night Gods Pantheon LunarPantheon.... NomadGodsPantheon ..- PossibleChaoticCreatures .. Primitive Gods Array Runes ee SeaGods Pantheon - Sky Gods Pantheon . Storm Gods Pantheon Sections by Subject Acolytes . Aldryami . . AlliedSpirits .. . ‘Associate Cults of Ernalda . ‘Awakened Animals . Broos . ; Celestial Court - Central Seas ChaosinGlorantha . Chaos Creatures Chaotic Features Creation (of the world) . Creaturesnot in Glorantha. Dawning ..... Demi-Bird Statistics . Dinal . : Dragon Pass Dragonet . DragonewtLifeCycle ..- Dragonewt Magic. . . Dragonewt Spells and Skills - Dragonewt Statistics ..... Dragonewt Weapons . Dragonewts . Dragons . Dragonsnail . Dwarfs. EarthGods . Eastern Lands Elamle....... Elder Races . . Enkloso ErnaldaCult . EvilGods .. .- Fifth Stage Dragonewt « MrstAges aise des First Stage Dragonewt First Stage Dragonewt Statistics P Fonrit . Fourth Stage Dragonewt . Fourth Stage Dragonewt Statistics s Fonela... Genertela ... Geography and Weather. Gloranthaontarth . Gods War Gorp Hell Gods . Hornilio.. Husband-Protectors oftrnalda . Jack 0'Bear dolar...» Jrustela.. . Kimos Kothar. ... Kralorela . Laskal . .. Lesser Races LunarGods ...... Mafor Land Regions... Malkion . Malkion Sects Manria Mari. . Merfotk Mirelos . Mythos and History ofErnalda .. Nargan Desert NightGods Noble Dragonewt ........ Noble Dragonewt Statistics Nomad Gods NorthPent....... Northern Continent Onlaks Other ChaoticCreatures - Palarkri .... Pamaltela Fantheonsand Arrays of Gods Peloria Pent Manes ofexistence) « Porlaso . . . Saud PrimitiveGods .. 0.2.2... 15, Ralios .... Be Ruler Dragonewt . ore Ruler DragonewtStatistics. . .27 Rules Changesin Glorantha . . 15 RuneLords ... rele Rune Metals... - 216 Rune Friestesses of Ernalda ..18 Runes .... 7 ScorplonMen........2055.29 Scout Dragonewt . 0... 2.24 ‘Scout DragonewtStatistics . .26 StdGade hat eirci ss xaselt Second Age -. . oes ae Second Stage Dragonewt . ...24 Second Stage Dragonewt Statistics . .. ie Seshnela es SMyModes tare ssn oes» cay Sone ssec Southern Continent Sozganjio . Storm Gods Sub-Cults . . A Sub-Cults of Ernaida . Tarlen .....++ Tarmo « Teleos . net Third Age... u Third Stage Dragonewt ... 24 ‘Third Stage Dragonewt Statistics pa ana TimeofEmpire .........--10 Trolls... . cc ee Trowjang.. - Valind’s Glacier Vormain . Vralos . Walktapus ee Warrior Dragonewt.........24 Warrior Dragonewt statistics « 26 Wastes .. : WorldStructure . ..- Zamokil....-.
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