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ACTIVITIES Directions: Read the excerpt of a news article from Philippine

Worksheet No. 2, Quarter 4 A. PRACTICE TASKS Daily Inquirer entitled “Bigger, angrier anti-pork rally seen”. Take
Learner’s Name: __________________________________ Practice Task 1. What Can You Say note of the important details. Then, complete the table that
Grade Level/Section: ______________________________ A. Directions: Study the images below. On your answer sheet, follows.
Date: ___________________________________________ write a short paragraph of what you have observed. Conversion, renewal
I. LEARNING SKILLS Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle
A. Most Essential Learning Competency challenged government leaders involved in the anomalies to
Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of undergo conversion and renewal.
author’s reasoning, and the effectiveness of the presentation “There is corruption everywhere. If proven, there should
be conversion from those who committed it,” Tagle said over
B. Objectives Radio Veritas. The cardinal earlier said that the pork barrel scam
a. analyze the message conveyed in the given text or was a form of injustice, saying that “instead of giving what is due
material; to others and to the country, resources are being denied from
b. evaluate the author’s point and reasoning; them.” “We do not only lack love for others but we also lack a
c. take a stand on relevant issues presented in the text. No to Materialism No to Pork Barrel sense of justice,” he said during Caritas Manila’s Generosity
Source: Creator: FM Monteverde Conference on Sunday. Tagle called on Filipinos to turn their back
II. INTRODUCTORY CONCEPT Posted: February 13, 2019 from greed by “letting the values of fairness and generosity reign
Craving-Money-Materialism- @Editorial Cartoon in their lives.” He urged the faithful to be sensitive to the needs
Your opinion matters. Although being outspoken is Greed-The-Weight-Of-The- Source: of the less fortunate.
susceptible of being criticized, having your own opinion and https://tawidnewsmag. Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer |
knowing where you stand is an integral and important part of 2032357 com/editoial-cartoon-feb 11-
self-development and building your confidence levels. As young CC0 Public Domain 2019/*No Copyright Infringe- budgetstill-loaded-with-pork-barrel-say-protesters#ixzz7JAClhOIh
as you are, you need to learn how to speak for yourself with Ment Intended*
caution and respect. _____________________________________________________ Complete this table.
_____________________________________________________ The Issue The Speaker’s The Problem The Proposed
However, now that we live in an ever-connected world, Stand Solution
anyone can voice out his/her thoughts in just a second. With the B. Directions: Decide whether you are in favor or against the
rise of social media, even a toddler who can click “post” can issues presented in the images. Answer the following questions.
already share “what’s on his/her mind”. Although it is a great 1.What is your stand about each particular issue?
platform to exchange views and opinions, we can’t deny that _____________________________________________________ Practice Task 3. Let’s Synthesize
there is a decline in quality of information especially when we 2. What helped you decide to be in favor or against the particular Directions: Explain the author’s point about corruption and the
talk about fake news. Nowadays, our conversations are filled with issue? reason for his thinking. Include details from the text as evidence
useless gossip that we believe that we are sharing opinions, but ____________________________________________________ to support his reasons.
we are not. 3.What is your basis for your decision?
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
In your previous activity, you have learned about the 4. If given the opportunity to talk to someone regarding the _____________________________________________________
concepts of relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s issues of materialism and pork barrel, whom would you talk to? _____________________________________________________
reasoning, and the effectiveness of the presentation. A great Why? _____________________________________________________
emphasis was given to these three aspects being the basis of _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
creating your own conclusion on what you have read. These 5. What would you tell him/her?
things should still be remembered as you go on with the thought- _____________________________________________________ B. ASSESSMENT
provoking activities that will allow you to have a real opinion – Now, it’s your turn to share your thoughts. What’s your
something that can at least help in making our world a better Practice Task 2. Going through the Text stand on the political issues of our country? The pork barrel case
place. Remember that even words can change world.
was disclosed almost a decade ago, but corruption is still a organized that that builds a of ideas to
prevalent issue. What can you say about this? builds a logical, logical build a
coherent conclusion conclusion
Mechanics Rules of Contains few Contains
Directions: Read the following article published in the opinion grammar, grammatical, numerous
column of Philippine Daily Inquirer. Then, write a short essay of usage, and punctuation grammatical,
at least 250 words explaining your own conclusion or stand on punctuation and spelling punctuation,
the article. Don’t forget to consider the relevance and worth of (Write your essay on a separate sheet of paper.) are followed; errors. and spelling
the ideas provided by the author, and how the reasoning and spelling is errors.
presentation were done. You may include other related ______________________________________________ correct.
information in addition to your evaluation of the text. Please be ______________________________________________ Use of Uses prior Uses prior Knew little and
guided by the rubric on page 5. ______________________________________________ intellectual knowledge and knowledge had not
______________________________________________ aspect interests in and interests thought about
Pandemic of Corruption ______________________________________________ specific terms; but no the topic.
______________________________________________ relates answers specific
Who has the best chance of winning the 2022 election? to the material related
The candidate that promises to end the pandemic and corruption viewed experiences
the fastest. All other topics such as the fight against drugs, border
conflicts, or terrorism will only be of secondary importance in the IV. RUBRIC FOR SCORING V. REFLECTION
voters’ decision. Complete the following sentence.
While other countries are slowly advancing, we are held Rubric for Essay (Mini Reaction Paper - Assessment)
back by corruption that not only serves to enrich individuals at 3 3 1
the expense of the general public, but also kills. During this In this activity, I have learned about the
Content Content is Content is Content is
pandemic, that is a shame and an inhuman act. Corruption is also comprehensive, somehow incomplete;
a type of pandemic, except that it is not a virus. and persuasive; persuasive; Major points VI. REFERENCES English – Grade 9 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 4 –
In the Philippines, corruption scandals have involved Major points Major points unclear; Few Module 1: Judge the Relevance and Worth of Ideas, Soundness of
people who do not even have to worry about tomorrow. are stated are stated or no Author’s Reasoning, and the Effectiveness of the Presentation. First
Everyone wants more, even if they already have everything. Take clearly and are clearly but supporting Edition (2020). DepEd Region VII Schools Division of Negros Oriental.
for example members of the same clan that “inherit” elective Retrieved from:
well supported. not well details were
posts. module-1-judge-the-relevance-and-worth-of-ideassoundness-of-
supported. given authors-reasoning-and-the-effectiveness-of-the-presentation/#gallery-
When corruption becomes systemic, it needs to be Critique Thoughtfully Critiques the Fails to page-2 Esguerra, C. V., Calleja, N. P. (2013). Bigger, angrier antipork
uprooted, just like how a surgeon excises cancer cells before they critiques the main points, effectively rally seen (excerpt)
spread to other parts of the body. Thus, the more it becomes main points, using present issue-2014-budget-still-loaded-with-pork-barrelsay-
necessary to make corruption an election issue. Hope dies last, using evidence evidence to critique; protesters#ixzz7JAClhOIh Schöfer, Jürgen. (2022). Pandemic of
but with me, it lives at least until May 9, 2022. Who will end up to back up back up and/or fails to Corruption. Retrieved from:
directing the fortunes of our country? I am German but I love this arguments. arguments. use evidence
country, and if it suffers, I suffer with it. Critique is to back up corruption#ixzz7JAKkyUvS 6
Images Pork Barrel by FM Monteverde. Retrieved from:
insightful and arguments; Craving
DR. JÜRGEN SCHÖFER, PH.D. thorough. and/or uses Money, Materialism by Maxpixel. CC0 Public Domain: Retrieved from:
[email protected] | Cainta, Rizal flawed logic to
support Weight-Of-The-2032357
Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer | statements. Congratulations! You have completed your learning adventure! Organization Ideas are Ideas are Little or no Good luck on your next learning journey!
ofcorruption#ixzz7JAKkyUvS effectively organized organization
Prepared by:
Lyra B. Bedis, Teacher I, Vinisitahan NHS Quality
Assured by:
EDEN I. BOBIS, Principal I/OIC Kilicao High School Daraga,
IRENE A. MARQUEZ, Head Teacher III Vinisitahan National
High School Bacacay, Albay

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