Engineering Science Handbook For Technicians - Level I
Engineering Science Handbook For Technicians - Level I
Engineering Science Handbook For Technicians - Level I
PREFACE ................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER 1 ............................................................................... 6
FUNDAMENTAL QUANTITIES................................................................... 6
International System Of Units (Si – Système Internationale .................................. 6
Si Base Units .......................................................................................... 6
Some Derived Units Expressed In Terms Of Base Units ....................................... 7
Derived Units With Special Names ................................................................ 7
Decimal Multiples, Submultiples And Their Prefixes ............................................ 8
Conversions Of Units ................................................................................ 8
Dimensional Algebra ................................................................................. 9
Evaluation Exercise 1.1............................................................................ 10
CHAPTER 2 ............................................................................. 11
VECTORS ............................................................................................. 11
Mass, Force And Weight .......................................................................................... 11
Vectors And Scalars ................................................................................................ 12
Concurrent, Coplanar Forces .................................................................................... 14
Parallelogram Of Forces........................................................................................... 14
Evaluation Exercise 2.1............................................................................................ 20
Non-Concurrent, Coplanar Forces – Turning Forces ................................................... 23
Evaluation Exercise 2.2............................................................................................ 29
CHAPTER 3 ............................................................................. 31
RECTILINEAR MOTION ......................................................................... 31
Displacement .......................................................................................................... 31
Speed and Velocity.................................................................................................. 31
Velocity .................................................................................................................. 31
Equations of Motion ................................................................................................ 31
Derivations of the Equations .................................................................................... 32
Vertical Motion ........................................................................................................ 33
Some examples of vertical motion ............................................................................ 33
Graphical Representation Of Uniform Motion ............................................................ 36
Evaluation Exercise 3.1............................................................................................ 37
CHAPTER 4 ............................................................................. 38
PROJECTILE MOTION ........................................................................... 38
Horizontal & Vertical Components of a projectile ....................................................... 38
Time of Flight ......................................................................................................... 40
Greatest Height ...................................................................................................... 41
The Horizontal Range .............................................................................................. 41
The Maximum Horizontal Range............................................................................... 41
The Equation of the Trajectory ................................................................................ 42
Evaluation Exercise 4.1............................................................................................ 43
CHAPTER 5 ............................................................................. 44
ANGULAR (ROTATIONAL) MOTION ........................................................ 44
Definition of Angular Motion .................................................................................... 44
The Radian ............................................................................................................. 44
Definition of the Radian ........................................................................................... 44
Relationship between the degree and the radian ....................................................... 44
Arc length............................................................................................................... 45
Angular Velocity ...................................................................................................... 45
Relationship Between N and ω ................................................................................. 45
Angular Acceleration ............................................................................................... 46
Equations of Motion ................................................................................................ 46
Relationship Between Linear and Angular Motion ...................................................... 46
Evaluation Exercise 5.1............................................................................................ 48
CHAPTER 6 ............................................................................. 49
NEWTON’S LAWS OF MOTION............................................................... 49
Mass and Inertia ....................................................................................... 49
CHAPTER 7 ............................................................................. 53
MOMENTUM ......................................................................................... 53
Newton’s 2nd law.................................................................................................... 53
Impulse .................................................................................................................. 53
Conservation of Momentum ..................................................................................... 54
Collisions ................................................................................................................ 54
Inelastic collisions ................................................................................................... 55
Perfectly elastic collisions......................................................................................... 57
Partially or semi- elastic(imperfectly) collisions .......................................................... 57
Evaluation Exercise 7.1............................................................................................ 59
CHAPTER 8 ............................................................................. 60
WORK, POWER, & ENERGY ................................................................... 60
Work (Mechanical) .................................................................................................. 60
Power .................................................................................................................... 62
Energy ................................................................................................................... 62
Conservation Of Energy ........................................................................................... 65
Transformation Of Energy ....................................................................................... 66
Work And Power Done By A Constant Torque ........................................................... 67
Evaluation Exercise 8.1............................................................................................ 70
CHAPTER 9 ............................................................................. 72
FRICTION ............................................................................................ 72
Definition................................................................................................................ 72
Laws of ‘dry’ friction ................................................................................................ 72
Static Friction ......................................................................................................... 72
Kinetic Friction ....................................................................................................... 72
Coefficient of Friction .............................................................................................. 72
Friction on an Incline ............................................................................................... 75
Angle of Friction...................................................................................................... 76
Effects of Friction .................................................................................................... 78
Effects of Lubrication (Reduction of Friction) ............................................................. 79
Evaluation Exercise 9.1............................................................................................ 80
CHAPTER 10 ........................................................................... 82
PROPRTIES OF MATERIALS ............................................................... 82
Force And Materials................................................................................................. 82
Types Of Loading (Forces) ....................................................................................... 82
Elasticity ................................................................................................................. 84
Stress (σ) ........................................................................................................... 84
Strain ................................................................................................................. 85
Thermal Strain .................................................................................................... 86
Elasticity And Hooke’s Law................................................................................... 86
Force Constant ................................................................................................... 87
Ultimate Tensile And Compressive Stresses (Tests To Destruction) ........................ 88
Failure: Factor Of Safety ...................................................................................... 89
Evaluation Exercise 10.1 .......................................................................................... 90
CHAPTER 11 ........................................................................... 92
HEAT ................................................................................................... 92
Temperature........................................................................................................... 92
Temperature Scales ................................................................................................ 92
Relationship Between Celsius And Fahrenheit Scales ................................................. 92
Instruments Of Temperature Measurement – Thermometers ..................................... 93
Heat Transfer ......................................................................................................... 94
Conduction ......................................................................................................... 94
Convection ......................................................................................................... 94
Radiation ............................................................................................................ 95
Heat Sinks .............................................................................................................. 95
Calculations Involving Heat Transfer By Conduction .................................................. 96
Effects Of Heat ....................................................................................................... 98
Heat Capacity ......................................................................................................... 99
Specific Heat Capacity ............................................................................................. 99
Heat Exchange (Mixtures) ..................................................................................... 100
Latent Heat, Change Of State ................................................................................ 100
Energy Conversion ................................................................................................ 102
Linear Expansion ................................................................................................... 102
Gas Laws .............................................................................................................. 104
Boyle’s Law ...................................................................................................... 104
Charles’s Law.................................................................................................... 105
The Ideal Gas Equation ..................................................................................... 105
Evaluation Exercise 11.1 ........................................................................................ 108
CHAPTER 12 ......................................................................... 110
CIRCULAR MOTION ............................................................................ 110
Definition.............................................................................................................. 110
Vehicle Motion on a Banked Curved Path ................................................................ 111
Unbanked Curved Road ......................................................................................... 112
Why roads are banked at curves ............................................................................ 112
Vertical Circle........................................................................................................ 113
Conical Pendulum ................................................................................................. 114
Periodic Time (Time for one complete cycle) ........................................................... 114
This handbook is meant to cover the Technical Education & Vocational
Entrepreneurship Authority (TEVETA) Engineering Science Level I approved
syllabus for Technicians.
The aim is to produce a handbook which is not so long that students are
unlikely to use it. It is meant to fill the ‘gap’ of the non-availability of a
suitable textbook that covers all the topics in the syllabus.
There are a lot of worked examples, including those from past papers, which
have been solved in detail. Definitions and fundamental points are
highlighted–either by use of screening or bold type.
At the end of each chapter, there are questions, a good number of then taken
from have taken from past papers. Answers will be provided to these
questions in the next edition.
Let me take this opportunity to thank all those people who have suggested
ways in which the handbook might be improved. I am particularly grateful to
my wife who made several suggestions as regards the format and took care
of the grammar. She also sacrificed a lot of sleep as she and I worked on the
1.1 Introduction
There are three fundamental properties of a substance as:
(i) The space it occupies
(ii) The quantity contained in it
(iii) When it is in a given position
The SI system is a set of metric units based on the old ‘mks’ system where m is the
metre, k is the kilogram and s the second. It is a decimal system in which units are
divided or multiplied by 10 to give smaller or bigger units.
Most quantities that are measured in science will always bear appropriate symbols
and units.
SI Base Units
Length l Metre m L
Mass m Kilogram kg M
Time t Second s T
Temperature T Kelvin K θ
Supplementary Units
Some Derived Units Expressed in Terms of Base Units
2 2
Area A Square metre m L
3 3
Volume V Cubic metre m L
Unit Definition in
Physical Quantity Unit Dimension
Symbol Symbol Base Units
2 -2
Force (Weight) F(W) Newton N Kg.m/s MLT
2 -1 -2
Pressure P Pascal Pa Kg/(m.s ) ML T .
2 2 2 -2
Work (Energy) W(E) Joule J Kg.m /s ML T
2 3 2 -3
Power P Watt W Kg.m /s ML T
-1 -1
Frequency f Hertz Hz s T
Electric potential 2 3 2 -1 -3
U(V) Volt V Kg.m /(A.s ) ML A T
2 2 3 2 -2 -3
Electric resistance R Ohm Ω Kg.m /(A .s ) ML A T
Electric 2 3 2 2 3 -1 -2
G Siemen S A .s /(kg.m ) ATM L
Electric 2 4 2 2 4 -1 -2
C Farad F A .s /(kg.m ) ATM L
2 2 2 -2 -1
Magnetic flux Φm Weber Wb Kg.m /(s .A) ML T A
Magnetic flux
2 -1 -2
density (magnetic B Tesla T Kg/(A.s ) MA T
2 2 2 -2 -2
Inductance L Henry H Kg.m /(s .A ) ML2T A
Decimal Multiples, Submultiples and their Prefixes
54km 54 × 10 3 m
= = 15ms −1
h 3600 s
Ex am ple 1.4 Convert 500Js-1 into kilo Joules per hour.
1kJ = 10 3 J ∴ 1J = 10 kJ
1h = 3600s ∴ 1s = h
500J 500 × 10 −3 kJ
∴ = = 1 800kJh -1
s 1
Algebraic operations may be performed with units and dimensions in exactly the
same way with numerals. Dimensional algebra is extremely useful since it enables us:
Example 1.5
Reduce the units of work (Joules) divided by pressure (Pascal) to the simplest form.
Work J ML2 / T 2
= = 2
= L3
power Pa M / LT
Example 1.6
Is the following equation dimensionally correct?
Time = 2π
Mass × length
Force ML / T 2 1 1
= = =
Mass × length ML T 2
Evaluation Ex ercise 1.1
2. 6.5A to milliamperes
4. 0.01kg to milligrams
7. 20mV to kilovolts
10. A substance of mass 200g measures50cm × 4cm × 8cm. Calculate its density giving your
answer in SI units.
2.1 Introduction
Statics is the study of forces on bodies that are at rest or in steady motion.
Force: Force is simply a push or pull and may be measured by its effect on a body
(mass). It is the cause or agent that puts an object at rest into motion or alters the
motion of a moving body.
W eight: If a body is dropped it will start to fall, so we deduce that there must be a
force acting on that body which attracts it to the ground. This force is called the
gravitational force or the weight of the body; thus the weight of a body is a
(There is a force of attraction between any two given bodies. This force is directly
proportional to the product of the masses of the bodies and inversely proportional to
the square of the distance between them. Consider the earth, mass me, and an
object of mass mo; the distance between their centres of gravity being d).
me mo
d me mo
me mo
∴F = k
me mo
∴F = G
is a cons tan t
i.e. F = kmo
= mog
Gm e
= mg where g =
It is apparent that g will vary from place to place depending on the distance the
mass is from centre of the earth. The further away it is the less the value.
Scalars: Scalars are quantities that can be completely specified by magnitude (size)
and a unit.
Usually the North and the x-axis are taken as frames of reference for specifying the
direction of vectors. If the North is taken as the frame of reference, the clockwise
direction is taken as positive. A good example of this is when taking the bearing of a
position with reference to some other point. On the other hand, if the x-axis is taken
as the frame of reference, the anticlockwise direction is taken as positive and the
clockwise direction as negative.
(a) The North Taken as a Frame of Reference
The bearing of point B The bearing of point B
Positive direction
from point A is 046o or from point A is 351o or
N46oE or E44oN N9oW or W81oN
o o
In the three-digit format an angle of N7 W would be written as 007 .
X 46o
Negative direction In this convention the bearing
of point B from point A is 44o
Vector Notation
A vector is denoted by an arrow above or below the letter or letters. It may also be
denoted by the letters appearing in boldface.
AB ≡ AB ≡ AB and a≡a
∴ AB ≡ - BA
Letters or symbols not appearing in boldface or without arrows are scalar quantities.
Equality of Vectors
Two vectors are equal if they have the same magnitude and direction.
A = 65N A = 65N
Multiplication of a vector with a negative number rotates the direction of the vector
through 180o.
Addition of Vectors
Scalar quantities are added algebraically.
Ex am ple
20n + 8n = 28n
When vectors are added, their directions are also taken into account.
Parallel vectors
Parallel vectors are the easiest to add because they are added algebraically.
A = 3N B = 5N
(a) A + B = 8N
(b) A − B = −2 N
(c) If two opposing parallel forces act through the same point, a turning effect
will be produced and the body will not be in equilibrium (balance). The
turning effect produced is called a couple .
Non-parallel vectors
Non-parallel vectors may be added using the following methods:
1. Geometrical
Parallelogram of forces
Triangle or polygon of forces
2. Analytical
Resolving vectors into components (horizontal and vertical)
Use of the sine and cosine rules
Parallelogram of Forces
The parallelogram of forces states “If two forces (vectors) acting at a point
(concurrent) are represented both in magnitude and direction by the adjacent sides
of a parallelogram, their resultant (sum) will be represented by the diagonal of the
parallelogram from that point”.
θ θ
R= A+ B R= A+ B
A and B at right angles A and B not at right angles
=B+A =B+A
Ex am ple 2.1
A lathe tool exerts two forces at right angles to each other. They are a cutting force
of 1 100N and a side travelling force of 700N. What is the resultant force exerted on
the piece being turned?
1 100N
700N 700N
1 100N
Space diagram Vector diagram
R 2 = 1 100 2 + 700 2
∴ R = 1 700 000 = 1 300 N
θ = tan −1 = 32.5
1 100
The vector diagram on the right hand side above can be drawn by scale drawing or
construction and the resultant R and the angle θ that it makes with one of the
vectors e.g. the 1 100N in this case can be determined by measurement.
Triangle of Forces
If three coplanar forces acting at appoint are in equilibrium, they can be represented
in magnitude and direction by the sides of a triangle taken in order.
It should be noted that the words ‘taken in order’ mean that the direction of the
forces follow each other round the side of the triangle in either a clockwise direction
or an anticlockwise direction.
Suppose three forces F 1 , F 2 and F 3 , acting at point O, are in equilibrium and suppose
the line of action of these three forces are to be as shown in the space diagram
F2 F2
(a) Space Diagram (a) Force/vector diagram
The corresponding vector diagram is shown on the right. This must be drawn
accurately to a suitable scale so that the side of the triangle represent the magnitude
and direction of the three sides.
Polygon of Forces
The polygon of forces rule is an extension of the triangle of forces. The polygon of
forces is stated as follows:
If three or more coplanar forces acting through a point and are in equilibrium, they
may be represented in magnitude, sense and direction by the sides of a polygon
taken in order.
If three or more coplanar forces acting through a point and are placed head to tail in
magnitude and direction, the resultant is the vector which closes the polygon with its
direction being from the first vector towards the last vector.
Ex am ple 2.2
An 80N traffic light is suspended from two wires, which make angles of 20o and 30o
with the horizontal as below. Determine the tensions T1 and the wires.
T2 T1
20o 30o
80 N
If a system of concurrent forces is not in equilibrium there is always some other force
called the equilibrant that would give the system equilibrium if it were applied to
the concurrence point. The equilibrant has the same magnitude as the resultant but
opposite in direction.
Rectangular Components of a Vector
A vector may be resolved into components along the x and y axes so that they are
mutually perpendicular. Addition of the components becomes easier by using the
Pythagoras’ Theorem.
Example 2.3 Use the component method to solve the problem in example 2.
T2 T2
T1 T1
Force (Vector) X-component Y-component
Weight W = 80N 80Cos270o = 0 80Sin270o = -80
Tension T1 T1Cos160o = -0.9397T1 T1Sin160o = 0.342T1
Tension T2 T2Cos30o = 0.866T2 T2Sin30o = 0.5T2
SUM ΣX = 0.866T2 – 0.9397T1 ΣY = 0.342T1 + 0.5T2 - 80
Ex am ple 2.4
Resolve the weight of the mass resting on a 30o frictionless incline (ramp) into the
normal reaction and a force parallel to the plane.
30o 30o 30o
mg mg
Imagine that the x and y axes, with the x-axis originally horizontal, are given an
anticlockwise rotation about the centre of gravity of the mass. The y-axis will make
an angle of 30o with vertical. And therefore the components of the mass are as
The sine rule and the cosine rule can also be used to solve vector problems very
The vector diagram in Ex am ple 2.2 was as below with the internal angles included:
T1 80 20o
= 70o T1
Sin60 Sin50 o
80 N × Sin60 o
⇒ T1 = = 90.4 N 50o
Sin50 o
80 N
18 30o
T2 80
Sin70 Sin50 o
80 N × Sin70 o
⇒ T1 = = 98.1N
Sin50 o
Ex am ple 2.5
A load of 1 000N is supported by two chains, one making an angle of 30o with and
the other θo with the horizontal. If the tension in the chain making 30o with the
horizontal is 800N, find:
600N T
30o θo
1 tonne
b 2 = a 2 + c 2 − 2acCosB
∴T = 1000 2 + 600 2 − 2 × 1000 × 600Cos 60 o
= 871.8N
Sinα Sin60 o
600 871.8
600 × Sin60 o
∴ Sinα = = 0.5960
⇒ α = 36.6 o
∴θ = 90 o − 36.6 o = 53.4 o
Evaluation Ex ercise 2.1
1. State which of the following quantities are vectors:
(a) distance (b) mass (c) force (d) time
(e) displacement (f) velocity (g) speed (h) volume
2. Are the following descriptions sufficient to specify vectors? If not, what further
information is required?
(a) A displacement of 3 km.
(b) A displacement of 2 km East.
(c) A force of 10 N at an angle of 300 to the right of the vertical.
(d) A velocity of 20 kmh-1.
(e) A horizontal force in the direction of 370 E of N.
(f) A velocity of 4 ms-1 vertically up.
4. Find the vertical and horizontal components of each of the following vectors:
(a) A displacement of 5 m, 370.
(b) A force of 4 N, S600W.
(c) A velocity of 8 ms-1 in the direction E450S.
(d) A displacement of 12 km, 3000.
(c) A load of weight 120 N is suspended from a rope. A man pulls down on the
rope with a force of 50 N. What is the tension in the rope if the load is at
50 15N
7. Determine the magnitude and the direction of the 80N force if the system in the
figure below is in equilibrium.
70o 100N
120o (Horizontal)
T1 T2
T1 30N
T2 T3
mg = 100N
(a) (b)
9. Find the components parallel and perpendicular to the plane for each of the forces in
the diagrams below.
10. If the weight of the block (mg) in question 7 is 15 N and the force F is 20 N, find the
resultant of these forces.
F2 = 150N
F1 = 100N
12. Find the magnitude of the weight in the diagram below if the system is in equilibrium.
150N 200N
20 N 2P N
14. When the angle between two forces P and Q is 60o, the magnitude of their resultant
is 19 N. When the angle is 120o, the magnitude 7 N. Calculate the value of P
and Q .
Undoing or loosening a nut is accomplished much more easily using a longer spanner
(or wrench) than a shorter one. Why?
Discuss the different positions of the door handle (from the hinge) in relation to (a)
and (b) above.
Moment or Torque
The moment of a force is the measure of the ability of the force to rotate an object
about an axis.
Definition: The moment of a force about an axis is the product of the magnitude
(size) of the force and the perpendicular distance from the axis to the line along
which the force acts.
Moment of a Couple
The moment of a couple is the product of one of the forces times the perpendicular
distance between them.
Most drivers know about the rule “ten
to two” or “13:50”.
The distance from the center of the
wheel to the tangential force, F, is r.
If there are not forces or moments on a body, it is said to be in equilibrium and it will
remain either at rest or continue moving with constant velocity (linear equilibrium) or
angular velocity (rotational equilibrium).
(a) The algebraic sum of forces in the horizontal direction is zero i.e. Σ Fx =0
(b) The algebraic sum of forces in the vertical direction is zero i.e. Σ Fy = 0
(c) The sum of moments about any point is zero.
Ex am ple 2.6
The figure below shows a claw hammer being used to remove a nail from a piece of
wood. Calculate the effort ( E ) required to overcome the force of resistance
(frictional), L .
E Solution
Σ CM o = Σ ACM o
36 cm 36 × E = 8 × 270
E = 60 N
8 cm
L=270 N
Ex am ple 2.7
The diagram below illustrates a simple steam valve. When the steam pressure
exceeds 105 Pa (N/m2) above atmospheric pressure, cap A is lifted off the pipe and
steam escapes. Ignoring the weight of rod B and cap A, what value of the weight X
would be required to make the valve work at this pressure?
0.5 m 0.5 m
Rod B
Cap A X
Pressure, P= ⇒ F = P × CSA = 105 × 0.002 5 = 250 N
Ex am ple 2.8
What effort (E) in the accelerator cable is required to counterbalance a load of 6 N in
the Bell cranked lever below?
Σ CM o = Σ ACM o
d i.e Ed =6×1
60o E × 3Sin30o = 6
1m ∴E= = 4N
Centre of Gravity
Centre of m ass (c. m .) : This is the theoretical point at which the total mass
of a body or system is concentrated. (It may also be stated as the point which acts
as though the total mass of the object were at that point).
Centre of gravity (c. g.) : This is the point through which the earth’s
gravitational force acts on the object. It is the point through which passes the
resultant of the gravitational forces acting on the different parts of the body.
W1 W2 W3 W4
(Resultant weight)
Most bodies or objects which are uniform in cross-section and texture, their centre of
gravity is always halfway along the length of the axis.
This characteristic is so important when moving machinery or some such heavy load by
means of a crane or lifting tackle. For safe handling the slings should be of adequate
length to allow the hook of the lifting gear to be positioned above the centre of gravity
of the object being lifted.
Ex am ple 2.9
A tractor has two axles which are 2 m apart. The vehicle is positioned with its front
axle on a weighbridge, which gives a reading of 8 000 N. When the axle is positioned
on the weighbridge, the reading is 12 000 N. Find:
N1 (a) N2 W = N1 + N 2
= 8000 + 12000
= 20kN
(b) Let the centre of gravity be x m behind the front axle
Σ CM o = Σ ACM o
(3-x)m 20000 × x = 2 × N 2
W ∴ 20000 x = 2 × 12000
⇒ x = 1.2m behind the front axle
Ex ercise 2.1
A lay shaft has two gear wheels keyed onto it in the positions shown below. The
shaft is of uniform cross-section and weighs 10 N. The gear wheels 4 N and 6 N
respectively. Determine the centre of gravity of the system.
2 cm 10 cm
2 cm 4 cm 4 cm
6 cm
3 cm
4N 6N 10 N
Sum of upward forces = sum of downward forces
i.e. W = 4 + 10 = 20 N
Moment of Area and Centroid
The centre of area can be defined as the point at which the area may be considered
concentrated. In engineering it is often required to know the position of the centre of
area. For example, in order to calculate the stresses set up in a loaded beam, it is
necessary to know the position of the centre of area of the beam section.
Centroid Moment of
Description of
Diagram Area area about
the area x y
neutral axis
Rectangle with
X X b h bh3
base b, height h bh IX =
h/2 2 2 12
bh b h bh3
triangle base b, IX =
h/3 2 2 3 36
height h
πr 2
Circle with IX =
πd 4
radius r πr 2 = r r
4 πd 2
I X = 0.11r 4
Semicircle of πr 2 πd 4 r 4r
4r/3π = πr 4
radius r 2 8 3π Iy =
Quadrant of
πr 2 4r 4r
radius r 4r/3π I X = 0.55r 4
4 3π 3π
M o = sA
The centroids of some simple regular figures are listed in the table above. These are
normally provided in exams apart from the first three.
To determine the position of the centroids of more complex regular areas, proceed
as follows:
1. Separate the body into simple areas in which the centroids are either known or
may easily be determined.
3. Determine the coordinates of the centroids and calculate the magnitudes of the
simple areas.
4. Determine the net area A of the body by subtracting the sum of the areas of the
holes from the sum of the solid areas. Since the weight is proportional to the
area, solid areas are directed downwards whereas the holes are directed
5. The centroid of the body is where the net area A appears to act. If the
coordinates of the centroid are (x, y) take moments about the y-axis; the
resultant moment of area is the algebraic sum of the moments of the simple
sA = ∑ M x
= Σ(simple area)(x-coordinate)
Ex am ple 2.10
Determine the position of the centroid of the regular area in the figure below:
Assume three significant figures.
6 cm 3 cm
3 cm
3 cm
2 cm
6 cm
A2 C
3 cm A1
6 cm
4 cm
5 cm
5 cm
Choose the areas and the coordinate system as in the figure on the right as above
the table containing centroids on page 6.
i.e. A x = A1 x1 + A2 x2 + A3 x3 + A4 x4
i.e. A y = A1 y1 + A2 y2 + A3 y3 + A4 y4
2. A man exerts a total force of 28 N on the handles of a pair of shears. If his hands are
43.2 cm from the pivot and the work being cut is 3.6 cm from the pivot, what cutting
force is being exerted on the work?
3. A nut must be tightened to a torque of 65 Nm. If you can apply a maximum force of
250 N, what should be the length (in cm) of the spanner you need to do the job?
4. A crate is 1.5 m long and weighs 150 N. Determine the upward force that must be
applied to one end of the crate in order to tilt it so that the sling can be passed
6. A uniform plank 10 m long and weighing 84 N projects 3 m over the edge of the cliff.
How far out over the cliff can a boy weighing 60 N walk before the plank tips over?
7. (a) State and explain the principle of moments.
(b) A crane has an arm 13 m long and lifts a load of 2 tonnes. Find the turning
moment which will tend to topple the crane when the jib makes an angle of
600with the horizontal.
10. An overhead beam of uniform section and weighing 100 N is 5 m long and rests
supports at its ends. The beam carries a travelling hoist 50 N. What is the load at the
supports when the hoist is 1.5 m from A and supporting a load of 300 N?
11. A uniform ladder weighing 100 N is 3 m long and has its centre of gravity 1.2 m from
the lower end. It leans against a vertical wall with which it makes an angle of 30o.
When a 00 N boy stands halfway up the ladder, what forces are exerted by the wall
and the ground on the ladder? (Assume there is no friction between the ladder and
the wall).
12. A uniform door 1.8 m wide and 0.8 m wide weighs 500 N. It is supported by two
hinges from the top and bottom of the door. Find the reaction from the hinges.
13. A cranked lever AFB has a horizontal lever AF 15 cm long and an arm FB 6 cm long.
The lever has a pivot at F and the angle is 120o. Determine the vertical pull at B
necessary to give a horizontal pull of 30 N in a string attached at A.
14. A motorcycle footbrake lever shown below consists of a bell-cranked lever pivoted to
the chassis at O. If the rider’s foot applies a vertical force of 75 N, what will be the
tension T in the horizontal connecting cable? Find also the reaction on the motorcycle
chassis at O.
75 N
100 mm
250 mm
3.1 Introduction
Rectilinear motion means linear motion in a straight line.
i.e. Average velocity =
3.2 Displacement is distance covered in a specified direction.
t (54 km/h = 15 ms-1 and 36 km/h = 10 ms-1)
= 10 - 15 = -0.5ms -1
This is a deceleration (-ve sign). It is an acceleration in the opposite direction to its
initial velocity. The train is said to have undergone a retardation.
3.7 Derivations of the Equations
Suppose the velocity of a body with constant acceleration, a, increases from u to v in
time t and changes from 0 to s,
From equation 1, t= . Substituting this in equation 2 we get:
s = ½(u + v)t
(v - u)
s = ½(u + v)
Rearranging the equation we get:
(Equation 4)
Ex am ple 3.1
A car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly to 15ms-1 in 5 seconds.
(a) What is its acceleration?
(b) How far does it travel after 5 seconds?
(a) Using equation 1, v = u + at
v − u 15 − 0
⇒ a= = = 3ms − 2
t 5
(b) Using equation 2, s = ½(u + v)t = ½(0 + 15) × 5 = 37.5 m
N.B. Equations 3 or 4 can be used to solve part (b) since ‘a’ has already been
Ex ercise 3.1
A car initially travelling with a velocity of 30 ms-1 is slowed down by applying brakes.
If the acceleration is –8 ms-2,
At the terminal velocity, the forces on the object are at balance (i.e. there is
no net resultant force).
The equations of linear motion equally apply to vertical motion since it is also
linear. These are as follows:
Ex am ple 3.2
A parcel is dropped from the top of a tower, 50 m high. Find:
(a) How long it takes to hit the ground
(b) Its velocity when it reaches the ground
(c) Its average velocity during the fall.
(Take the acceleration due to gravity as 10 ms-2)
(a) h = ut + ½ gt 2 (b) v 2 = u 2 + 2 gh
⇒-50 = 0 + ½(-10)t2 = 0 + 2(-10)(-5)
t2 = 10 = 1 000
t = 3.2 s ∴ v = 32 ms-1
Ex ercise 3.2
A ball is thrown upwards with a velocity of 15 ms-1, from a bridge 20 m above a river:
(a) find for how long the ball rises
(b) find how high it goes
(c) find its velocity as it passes the bridge
(d) find the velocity when it strikes the water
(e) find its average velocity for the whole motion (flight)
(f) find its average speed for the whole flight.
(Take the acceleration due to gravity as 10 ms-2)
= (0 – 15 )/2×(-10) = 11.25 m
= +11.25 m = 11.25 m above the bridge
= 11.25 m above the bridge
(c) v 2 = u 2 + 2 gh (d) v 2 = u 2 + 2 gh
= 152 + 0 = 225 + 2(-10)(-20)
⇒ v = ± 15 ms-1 ⇒ v = ± 25 ms-1
= 15 ms-1 downwards = 25 ms-1 downwards
Totaldis tan ce
(e) v av = ½(u + v) (f) Averagespeed = .
11.25 + 11.25 + 20
= ½(15 - 25) =
= -5 ms-1 = 10.6 ms-1
= -5 ms-1 downwards
Graphs can be used to represent the motion of a body which is moving in a straight
line and many problems can be solved using graphs.
The gradient of each of the above graphs gives the velocity of the body.
v u
u v
Time t
Evaluation Ex ercise 3.1
1. A ball with an initial velocity of 10ms-1. After it has travelled 15m with constant
acceleration, its velocity is 5 ms-1.
(a) Find its acceleration.
(b) Find the time taken for it to travel this 15 m.
(c) Find its average velocity during this time.
(d) Find its total displacement when it comes to rest.
2. A car with initial velocity 2 ms-1 accelerates uniformly for 20 seconds after which its
velocity is 22 ms-1.
(a) What is its acceleration?
(b) What is its displacement in the first 10-second interval?
(c) What is its displacement in the second 10-second interval?
(d) What is its average velocity in the second 10-second interval?
3. A boy throws a ball upwards (from ground level), and it reaches the ground after 4
(a) With what velocity was it thrown?
(b) What was the maximum height reached?
(c) Plot a velocity-time graph of the motion of the ball.
4. A stone is thrown from the top of a building 36 m high with a downward velocity of
3 ms-1.
(a) How long does it take to reach the ground?
(b) With what velocity does it strike the ground?
7. A train starting from rest is uniformly accelerated during the first 0.4 km, runs 1.2 km
at the maximum speed attained and is afterwards brought to rest in 0.2 km. If the
time for the whole journey is 5 minutes, find the uniform acceleration at the start.
4.1 Introduction
A projectile is a particle, which is given an initial velocity and then moves under the
action of its own weight alone. For example, a ball, which is thrown, is a projectile –
it describes projectile motion from the moment it leaves the thrower’s hand until its
flight is interrupted.
If the initial velocity is vertical the particle moves in a straight line (vertical motion) –
acceleration due to gravity.
If the initial velocity is not vertical, the particle moves in a curve and its flight can be
analysed by considering its vertical and horizontal components of its velocity and
displacement. There is no horizontal component of acceleration.
Consider a ball that is thrown with an initial velocity u at an angle θ to the horizontal
(θ is also referred to as the angle of projection).
(x,y) ux
θ X
0 0
Range R Range R
Throughout the flight the only force acting on the ball is its own weight, so its
acceleration is g vertically downwards.
i.e. ax = 0
and ay = -g
1. the horizontal velocity component is constant.
2. vertically there is motion with constant acceleration.
Hence, at any time t during the flight, components of velocity are as follows
vx = u x + at v y = u y + a yt
= uCosθ + 0 v y = uSinθ − gt
vx = uCosθ
v= vx + v y
2 2
at an angle of :
s x = u x t + ½ at 2 s y = u y t + ½ at 2
R = utCosθ h = utSinθ − ½ gt 2
s= sx + sy at θ = tan (s y / s x ) with the horizontal
2 2
Example 4.1
An aircraft flying horizontally at 300m/s, drops a bomb from an altitude of 500m.
(a) How long will it take for the bomb to reach the ground?
(b) What is the horizontal distance that the bomb will travel to hit the target?
(a) vx = uCosθ = 20Cos 30o = 20 × = 10 3
v y = uSinθ − gt = 20 Sin30o − 10 × 1 = −10
(b) s x = utCosθ = 20 × 1× = 10 3 m
s y = utSinθ − ½ gt 2 = 20 × 1× Sin30 o − ½ × 10 × 12 = 10 − 5 = 5 m
s= sx + sy = (10 3 ) 2 + 5 2 = 18 m
2 2
Ex am ple 4.3
A stone is thrown from the top of a tower, which is 11m high and stands on
horizontal ground. The speed of projection is 12ms-1 at 600 with the vertical,
downward. Find the time taken for the stone to reach the ground. Find also the
direction of motion just before it hits the ground.
v = u + at , s = ½ (u + v)t
Y 1
s = ut + at 2 , v 2 = u 2 + 2as
s = ut + ½ at 2
0 30o
∴ h = utSinθ − ½ gt 2
i.e.11 = 12tSin( −30 o ) − ½ × 10t 2
∴ 5t 2 + 6t − 11 = 0 ⇒
t = 1, 2.2 Take earlier time of t = 1 sec
θ X
v x = u x + at v y = u y + at
= uCosθ + 0 = uSinθ − gt
= 12Cos ( −30 ) = 6 3ms
= 12 × Sin( −30 o ) − 10 × 1
= −16ms −1 (i.e.downwards )
vy 16
θ = tan = tan
= 57 o with the horizontal
v 6 3
i.e.time of flight t =
4.4 Greatest Height
Example 4.4
A particle is projected with a sped of 20ms-1 and reaches its greatest height above
the point of projection 1 second later. Find:
u 2 Sin 2θ
The range, R = is max imum when Sin 2θ = 1 i.e .θ = 45 o
∴ Maximum range = when the angle of projection is 45 o
Ex am ple 4.5
From the edge of a cliff, 60m high, a stone is thrown into the air with a speed of
10ms-1 at an angle of 300 to the horizontal. Find:
(a) h = u x t + ½at 2
− 60 = (uSinθ )t − ½gt 2
u = 10
− 60 = (10 Sin30 o )t − ½gt 2
∴ t 2 − t − 12 = 4
0 30 ⇒ t = 4 sec onds
(b) Range, R = u x t
= (uCostθ )t
X = (10Cos 30 o ) × 4 = 34.64m
Range R
(c ) v y = uSinθ − gt
= 10 Sin30 o = −35 = 35 ms −1 Upwards
v x = uCosθ = 10 × 0.866 = 8.66ms −1
v = vx + vy = 35 2 + 8.66 2 = 36.06ms −1
2 2
x = (uCosθ )t ⇒ t =
y = (uSinθ )t − ½ gt 2
x x2
= (uSinθ ) − ½ g 2
uCosθ u Cos θ
gx 2
y = x tan θ −
2vCos 2θ
gx 2 sec 2 θ
= x tan θ −
Evaluation Ex ercise 4.1
1. An aircraft in level flight at an altitude of 320m fires a rocket with an initial speed of
300 kmh-1.
(a) How long does it take for the rocket to reach the ground?
(b) What horizontal distance from the firing point will the rocket travel before it
strikes the ground?
2. An electron in a cathode ray tube travels 60mm horizontally with respect to the
earth’s surface at a speed of 3×106 ms-1. If its initial velocity was zero, what is its
vertical deflection caused by acceleration due to gravity?
3. A golfer drives a ball horizontally at 60 ms-1 from the top of a vertical cliff 45m above
the sea.
(a) How long does it take the ball to hit the water?
(b) How far from the foot of the cliff does the ball land?
(c) What is the velocity of the ball just before it hits the water?
4. A missile is launched from the earth’s surface with an initial speed of 100 ms-1 at an
elevation of 300. Calculate:
(a) The greatest height attained
(b) The time of flight
(c) The horizontal range.
5. What is the maximum range of an arrow if it can be launched with a speed of 100
6. A canon shell is fired with a speed of 300 ms-1at an elevation of 400. Determine the
horizontal distance it travels and the time of flight.
7. If the shell in problem 6 above strikes the side of a hill at a horizontal distance of
300m from the firing point, how high above the level at which the shell was fired did
it land?
8. From the edge of a cliff 60m high, a stone is thrown into the air with a speed of
10ms-1 at an angle of 300 to the horizontal. Find:
(a) The flight time
(b) The range
(c) The velocity with which it hits the ground.
9. A golf ball is struck at an angle of θ where tanθ = 4/3, with an initial speed of 25ms-1.
(a) The time when the ball is 15m above the ground.
(b) The distance of the ball 15m above the ground.
10. A stone is thrown from the top of a cliff 70m high at an angle of 20o from the bottom
of the cliff. Find the initial speed of the stone and the direction in which it is moving
when it hits the sea 2 seconds after projection.
11. An aircraft gun fires a shell form the ground with an initial speed of 600 ms-1 at an
elevation of 600 with the horizontal, and an aircraft in level flight is flying at a
constant speed of 200ms-1 towards the gun at an altitude of 1, 000m. In order to hit
the aircraft, at what horizontal range between the aircraft and the gun must the gun
be fired?
12. A particle P is projected from a point O with an initial velocity of 60ms-1 at an angle
of 300 to the horizontal. At the same instant a second particle Q is projected in the
opposite direction with an initial velocity of 50ms-1 from a point level with O and
100m from O. If the particles collide find the angle of projection of Q and find when
the collision occurs.
5.1 Definition of Angular Motion
When a body rotates about an axis it is said to have angular motion.
θ radians ≡ θ rad
1 ≡θc
r A
Other angles which are simple fractions of 180o can easily be expressed in radians in
terms of π , using the relationship 180o = π .
π π
e.g. 60o = 60 × =
180 3
π 3π
135o = 135 × =
180 4
7π 7π 180o
and conversely = × = 210o
6 6 π
5π 5π 180o
= × = 300o
3 3 π
5.5 Arc length: Let s be the arc length subtending an angle θ radians at the centre of a
s θ radians
i.e. =
2πr 2π radians
⇒ s = θr (θ in radians ) {s = × 2πr if θ is in deg rees)
360 o
Ex am ple 5.1
A vehicle’s wheel of diameter 560mm turns through an angle of 1500. Calculate the
distance moved by a point on the tyre tread of the wheel.
πrad .
s = θr θ = 150 = 150 ×
o o
180 o
πrad .
= 150 o × × 280 = 733mm
180 o
i.e. ω = rad / s (rads −1 ) {where ω = small Greek letter ' Omega'}
1 revolution = 2π radians
1revolution 2πradians
∴ =
1 min ute 1 min ute
Nrevolutions 2πNradians
∴ =
1 min ute 1 min ute
i.e. 2πNradians
Nrev =
60 sec onds
i.e. ω= rad / s
Ex am ple 5.2
A shaft has an angular velocity of 200 r.p.m. Find the time it would take to make
35m complete revolutions.
θ 2πN
∴t = = 350 × 2π ÷ = 10.5s
ω 60
If the angular velocity of a point moving in a circular path changes uniformly from ω1
to ω2 rad/s
ω1 + ω 2
Then α =
t `
⇒ ω 2 = ω1 + αt
linear velocity v ωr
Similarly , linear acceleration, α = = = = αr
time taken t t
. i.e. a = αr
i.e .linear acceleration = angular acceleration × radius
Ex am ple 5.3
A grinding wheel of diameter 20 cm and rotating at 47.75 rev/min accelerates
uniformly at 0.5 rads-2 for 30 s. Find:
(a) ω2 = ω1 + αt = 5 + (0.5 × 30) = 20 rads-1
(b) v = r ω = 0.2 × 20 = 4ms-1
(c) θ = ½(ω1 + ω2)t = ½(5 + 20) × 30 = 375 rad
Evaluation Ex ercise 5.1
1. What is the angular speed of the following hands of a watch:
(a) the second hand?
(b) the minute hand?
(c) the hour hand?
(The distances of the needle from the turntable axis are 15cm and 7cm respectively,
at the two positions).
3. The angular speed of a two-speed drilling machine is increased from 1, 200 rev/min
to 3, 000 rev/min in 12 seconds.
(a) What is its angular acceleration, assuming it to be uniform?
(b) How many revolutions does the rotor make during this time?
5. What is the angular speed of a car rounding a circular turn of radius 80m at 72
7. A wheel rotating at 490 rev/min accelerates uniformly at 0.5 rad/s2 for 30s. Find:
(a) the angular velocity after 30s
(b) the pulley’s peripheral speed if its diameter is 20 cm
(c) the angle turned through by the wheel during this time.
9. An electric motor is rotating at 900 rev/min and when it is switched off it is brought
to rest with uniform retardation in 420 revolutions. Find the time taken to bring the
motor to rest and the angular retardation.
10. If the fan blades make 25 complete revolutions in 12s, what is the rotating speed in
rev/min and in rad/s? What is the angle turned through in radians by a point on the
tip of one fan blade in 5 seconds?
6.1 Mass and Inertia Isaac Newton
Mass is the quantity of matter in a body. The tendency of a body to remain at rest
(or if it is moving, maintain uniform motion in a straight line) is called inertia
Inertia depends on mass. Large masses are difficult to start moving if they are at rest
and to stop if they are moving than those with less mass.
(a) If a body has acceleration there is a resultant force acting on that body.
(b) If the body has no acceleration the forces acting on the body are in equilibrium.
If a body has zero acceleration, it can either be at rest or moving with uniform
velocity. This should dispel the notion that because the body is moving with uniform
velocity, there is a force responsible for the maintenance of that velocity. There is
not! It is possible to imagine a perfectly smooth path offering no resistance to
motion; once started motion would continue indefinitely. In practice, however, air
resistance and friction will bring to rest a moving vehicle when its engine is switched
off. If these forces were not there, the vehicle would continue in its motion in a
straight line.
Seat belts save lives by preventing passengers from driving through the
windscreen during head-on-collisions.
Headrests prevent neck injuries called whiplash when a stationary vehicle with
passengers is hit from behind. The reason for the above is inertia.
Further, the back and front of cars are made in such a way that they give in
during impacts without causing as much damage to the cabin.
Modern cars are fitted with airbags on the steering wheel and glove
compartments. These are activated during collisions thereby protecting the
occupants from head and bodily injuries.
6.4 Newton’s Second Law
Newton actually stated this law in terms of momentum. However, if the mass and
acceleration are constant, the law can be stated thus:
d (mv) mv − mu m(v − u )
F∝ = =
dt t t
∴F = ma since =a
This means that when a force is applied to a body causing it to accelerate, the
acceleration is proportional to the force.
2. Draw a free body diagram, if necessary. All reaction forces must be included
and masses must be converted into weights.
3. List the quantities and those to be found in terms of their symbols. It may be
necessary to choose a positive direction.
4. Use Newton’s second law and kinematics equations to find the unknown
Ex am ple 6.1
Determine the force that a 75kg man exerts on the floor of an elevator.
(a) When it ascends with a constant speed of 1.2m/s
(b) When it descends with a constant acceleration of 2m/s2 and
(c) When it ascends with a constant acceleration of 2m/s2
(a) Constant velocity ⇒ a = 0 (b) W – R = ma
T ∴ No resultant force
T g - R =ma
∴W-R = 0 R = m (g-a)
R= W =75(10-2)
a = mg = 600N
= 75x 10 a
= 750N
(c) W = ma
R - mg = ma
R = m (g + a)
a = 75(10 + 2) = 900N
Ex am ple 6.2
Masses m1 = 1 kg and m2 = 3kg are formed by a light string which passes over a
frictionless pulley below. If the masses are allowed to fall freely, what is the
acceleration of the system and the tension in the strings?
Ex am ple 6.3
What constant horizontal force is required to accelerate a 1500kg car uniformly from
rest to 90km/h in 12.5 seconds on a horizontal road if 60% of this force must be
used to overcome friction and other retarding effect?
u = 0, v = 90kmh-1 = 25ms-1, t = 12.5s
v − u 25 − 0
a= = = 2ms − 2
t 12.5
i.e F – 0.6F = ma
or 0.4F = ma
ma 1500 × 2
∴ F= = = 7500 N
0.4 0.4
Ex am ple 6.4
A constant horizontal force of 20N is exerted on a 10kg block that is at rest on a
horizontal, frictionless surface.
(a) What is the acceleration of the block?
(b) How far will the block move in 5seconds?
(c) What is the speed of the block in 5 seconds?
(a) Net F (Resultant) = 20, U = 0, m = 10kg, a =?
Net F = ma
NetF 20
∴a = = = 2ms − 2 horizontally
m 10
2. A loaded 1 000 Kg elevator is pulled upwards by a 12 000N force on the cable. What
is the upward acceleration?
3. Determine the total thrust developed by the five engines of a 2.82×106 Kg Saturn
rocket at the instant of blast off from the earth’s surface if its acceleration is 2.6 ms-2
4. A 1.8×104 Kg aircraft starts from rest and accelerates uniformly at 3 m-2 to its take-off
speed of 198 Kmh-1. Calculate:
(a) the length of runway used
(b) the time required to attain take-off speed and
(c) the net force on the aircraft
5. A net force of 24N acts on a 3 Kg object for 8 seconds. If the object was initially at rest;
(a) What is its acceleration?
(b) What is its final speed?
(c) How far does it travel in 8 seconds?
6. A light string passes over a light frictionless pulley and has a 500g load attached to one
end and a 200g load attached to the other. If the system is allowed to fall freely, what is:
7. A cable can withstand a maximum tension of 750N. If the cable is used to hoist a 50 Kg
load vertically from rest through 15m;
(a) What is the maximum acceleration of the load?
(b) Calculate the minimum time required.
7.1 Definition
Linear momentum, p , is equal to mass x velocity
i.e. p = mv ( Ns )
It can be transmitted from one body to another. For (momentum is impetus that a
moving body possesses). For example, a heavy truck ever moving at a slow speed
has a relatively large linear momentum.
∆P mv − mu m(v − u )
i.e. F = = =
t t t
∴ F = ma sin ce =a
Ex am ple 7.1
A fireman’s hose throws 10 kg of water per second with a velocity of 30 m/s-1 at a
door. Calculate the force acting on the door if the water does not rebound.
m(v − u ) 10(0 − 30)
i.e. F = = = −300 N
t 1
the negative sign implies that it is a retarding force on the water by the door.)
7.3 Impulse
m(v − u )
The equation F=
⇒ Ft = mv − mu
Ex am ple 7.2
A 0.25 kg ball is thrown with an initial speed of 20 m/s-1 to a batter who hits back
along its original path with a speed of 30 m/s-1. If the duration of the impact was 10
ms, what was the magnitude of the average force on the ball?
m(v − u ) 0.25(−30 − 20)
F= = = −1,200 N
t 10 × 10− 3
Therefore F = 1250 N in the direction of the batter.
7.4 Conservation of Momentum
Consider two isolated masses m1 and m2 colliding. Let m2 be at rest for simplicity.
During collision
m1 m2
Before After
m1 m2
u1 v1 v2
Momentum m1u1 0
m1v1 + m2v2 = m1u1
Total momentum = m1u1
i.e. m1u1 − m1v1 = m2v2
By Newton’s third law, the forces acting on the two masses during collision are equal
and opposite. In addition, the time that the collision lasts is the same for both. Thus
the impulse slowing the first mass down is the same as that speeding the second
mass up.
Hence the first mass losses momentum, whilst the second mass gains equal
7.5 Collisions
When two bodies collide, the laws of conservation of momentum and of conservation
of energy are both applicable. However, in some collisions part of the kinetic energy
of the bodies is transformed into some non-mechanical form of energy such as heat
or sound.
3. P artially elastic collisions in which some energy is lost and the bodies
separate. This is the commonest of the collisions and it falls between the two
extreme cases in 1. and 2. Examples: a football and the ground, collisions
between billiards etc.
In all the three cases, therefore, Sum of m om entum before = Sum of
m om entum after.
i.e. m1 u1 + m 2 u 2 = m1 v1 + m 2 v 2
∴ m1 (v1 − u1 ) = −m 2 (v 2 − u 2 )
E k before ≥ E k after
i.e. ½ m1 u1 + ½ m 2 u 2 ≥ ½ m1 v1 + ½ m 2 v 2
2 2 2 2
Inelastic collisions
Ex am ple 7.3
A gun of mass 5 kg recoils with a speed of 0.2 m/s-1 when it fires a bullet of mass 5
(a) Find the speed with which the bullet is fired (sometimes called the muzzle
(b) If the bullet imbeds its self in a 1.995 kg block at rest on a horizontal table,
find the velocity with which the block begins to move.
(c) If the block and bullet stop after moving 0.1 m, find the coefficient of friction
between the block/ bullet and the table.
Let gun’s recoil have – ve direction
Let the mass of the bullet be ( mb )
Let the mass of the gun be ( mg ),
Let the velocity of the bullet after firing be ( vb )
Let the recoil velocity of the gun be ( vr )
Before After
F f = µN
Ff Ff 2.5
∴ µ= = = = 0.125
N mg 2 × 10
The coefficient of friction between the block and bullet and the table is
Ex am ple 7.4
A ballistic pendulum consists of a 1kg block that is suspended at rest from two light
strings. When a 1.5 g bullet imbeds itself in the block, the block swings through a
vertical displacement of h = 7.18 cm. Determine the speed of the bullet just before it
strikes the block.
This is a perfectly inelastic collision; therefore both momentum and energy are
m h
Ex am ple 7.5
A 0.02 kg particle, travelling to the right with the speed of 0.4 m / s-1, strikes a 0.04
kg particle travelling to the left with a speed of 0.02 m / s –1. If the collision is
perfectly elastic, find the final speeds of the particles?
Both momentum and kinetic energy will be conserved.
i.e. m1u1 + m 2 u 2 = m1 v1 + m 2 v 2
∴ m1 (u1 − v1 ) = m 2 (v 2 − u 2 ) [1]
Kinetic energy:
i.e. ½ m1u1 + ½ m 2 u 2 = ½ m1 v1 + ½ m 2 v 2
2 2 2 2
∴ m1 u1 − v1
2 2
) = m (v
2 2
− u2
) [2]
Divide equation [2] by equation [1]
u1 + v1 = v 2 + u 2 [3]
0.4 + v1 = v 2 + (−0.2)
∴ v1 = v 2 − 0.6 [4]
u1 + v1 = v 2 + u 2 [3]
Or u1 − u 2 = v 2 − v1
Or u1 − u 2 = −(v1 − v 2 ) [5]
Newton studied collisions between many types of spheres and concluded that in
general the velocity of separation was equal to a constant times the velocity of
Ex am ple 7.6
A 0.01 kg particle travelling to the right with a speed of 0.5 ms –1 strikes 0.02 kg
particle travelling to the left with a speed of 0.15 ms –1. Find the final velocities of the
particles if the coefficient of restitution for the collision is 0.5.
Take the right hand side as positive.
− (v1 − v2 ) = e(u1 − u2 )
∴ v2 − v1 = e{0.5 − (−0.15)}
∴ v2 = 0.325 + v1 [1]
Evaluation Ex ercise 7.1
1. A 20 000 kg truck and a 1 500 kg car collide head-on. Just before impact, the truck’s speed
was 8 ms-1 and the car’s speed was 5 ms-1. The two vehicles mesh during the collision and
stick together. Calculate:
(a) the velocity of the wreck immediately after collision
(b) the average force experienced by each driver
(Assume each driver has a mass of 100 kg which is already included in the above masses and
the duration of impact is 0.2 seconds. Question 3 of August 1988 P110 paper, University of
2. Two trucks travelling in the same straight line collide and remain locked together after
impact. Truck A, mass 1000 kg, has a velocity of 2.0 m/s due West. Truck B, mass 800 kg,
has a velocity of 1.5 m/s due East. Determine the magnitude and direction of the velocity of
the trucks after impact. {Question 7 (d) of November 1999 FO 101 Forest Engineering paper,
4. A 17.5g bullet moves horizontally with a speed of 5 560 cm/s, strikes an 8.45 kg block resting
on a table and bounces straight back with a speed of 1 260 cm/s. determine:
(i) the speed of the block immediately after collision
(ii) the friction force between the block and the table if the block moves
132 cm before stopping.
{Question 7(a) of Engineering Science Mock Exam, NORTEC 2000}
5. A 0.5 kg object is moving in a straight line with an initial speed of 2.0 ms-1 when it collides
head-on with a 1 kg object moving in the opposite direction with an initial speed of 5.0 ms-1.
If the coefficient of restitution, e = 0.8, what are the final velocities of the two objects?
(Question 4 of 1997 Mock exam, NORTEC)
Average velocity, v = s/s (ms-1)
A body moving in a straight line is said to have linear velocity
A rotating body has angular velocity, ω = θ/t. (rad/s)
It is necessary to say along its line of action because a force, which merely moves
sideways, does no work. For instance a crane does no work on a load when it moves
the load horizontally without either lifting it or letting it fall. A train does no work
against gravity if it is moving along a level track.
The amount of work done is the product of the force and the distance through which
a body moves in the direction of the force.
The amount of work done is the product of the force and the displacement of the
body and the component of the applied force in the direction of the displacement.
If F = applied force
d = distance moved
W = F dCosθ
Or W = FCosθ × d where Fx = FCosθ
Ex am ple 8.1
How much work is done when a mass of 20 kg is lifted vertically through 5m?
(Take ‘g’ = 10ms-1).
F = mg = 20 × 10 = 200N
W = Fd
= 200 × 5 = 1000 J = 1 kJ
Ex am ple 8.2
A man moves a trolley of machinery 12m over a flat horizontal surface by pulling on
the handle with a force of 20N (see diagram below). If the handle is inclined at 300
with the horizontal, how much work does the man do?
W = F dCosθ
= 20× 12Cos30 o
= 207.85 J
Ex am ple 8.3
A motor is used to drag a 1 200kg container 15m up a 200 ramp at a constant
velocity. If the coefficient of kinetic friction µk = 0.30:
(a) What is the tension in the hoisting cable?
(b) How much work is done by the motor?
Hoisting cable
Container 200
= 7 487N
(b) W = Fd
= Td
= 7 487 × 15
= 112 300N
Power is the rate at which work is done by a force.
Workdone W Fd
i.e. Power = = =
time t t
Fs d d
Or = F × = Fv since = v
t t t
∴ P = Fv
Ex am ple 8.4
During a filing operation the constant force against the work piece is 640N. The file
cuts over a length of 75 mm in 0.25s. Calculate the power consumed at each cutting
d = 75 mm = 0.075 m
v = d/t = 0.075/0.25 = 0.3 ms-1
Power = Fv
= 640 = 192 W
Ex am ple 8.5
A Boeing 747 aircraft has 4 engines each capable of exerting a thrust of 200kN.
When the aircraft is cruising at 1 000km/h, each engine is delivering 3×107W.
Deliveredthrust (drag )
(c) Ratio of thrust =
4 × exertedthrustbyeachengine
4.32 × 105
= = 0.54 = 54%
4 × 200,000
Energy is the capacity to do work. It is stored energy. In other words ‘it is the
property something has which enables it to do work’.
Energy can take many forms – chemical, thermal, electrical, nuclear, and mechanical
energy, which can itself, take many forms.
Every kind of energy falls into one of the three general categories:
(a) Kinetic energy
(b) Potential energy and
(c) Rest energy
Potential Energy (P.E.) is the energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position.
There are many different kinds of potential energy. Some examples are as follows:
(i) Gravitational
(ii) Elastic
(iii) Chemical, etc.
Work done, W = Fd
P.E. = mgh Joules (J)
Work = mgh
h If A = 0,
Then P.E. = mgh (+ve. i.e. increase)
From Hooke’s law, the force, F, is proportional to the displacement, s, provided the
elastic limit is not exceeded.
Hence Fr = -ks
where Fr = restoring force
k = (spring) force constant
s = displacement
The minus sign is required because the restoring force acts in the opposite direction
to the displacement.)
δW =Fδs
F = ks ∴ W = ∫ Fds
Force F
δF i.e. P.E. = ∫ ksds
= ½ ks Joules
a δs b (i.e. P.E. = Area under the curve)
Displacement, s
When a deformed elastic object is released, its elastic potential energy turns into
kinetic energy or into work done on something else.
Kinetic Energy
The energy a body has by virtue of its motion is called kinetic energy, K.E.
Work done = Fs
i.e. K.E. = mas since F =ma
= m × ½v2 since from v2 = u2 + 2as ⇒ v2 = o + 2as ∴as =½v2
∴ K.E. = ½mv2
Rest Energy
Matter can be converted to energy and energy to matter. The rest energy of a body
is the energy it has by virtue of its mass alone. Thus mass can be regarded as a form
of energy. The rest energy of a body is in addition any K.E. or P.E. it might have.
∗ The rest mass mo is specified here because the mass of a moving body
increases with its velocity. The increase is significant only at extremely high
velocities, however.
Other Forms of Energy
The principle of the conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created nor
destroyed, although it can be transformed from one form to another.
Ex am ple 8.6
An object suspended from a rope swings in an arc of a circle so that it just rises
0.1m. Calculate the velocity at the bottom of the swing. (g = 10ms-1)
At the bottom of the swing (O), all the P.E. at A will have been converted to K.E.
K.E. at O = P.E. at A
l ∴ ½mv2 = mgh
Ex am ple 8.7
In passing through a wooden block 8cm thick the velocity of a bullet is reduced from
700ms-1 to 300ms-1. If the mass of the bullet is 10g, find the average resistance to
Let the resistive force be F
1 2 1 1 0.01(300 2 − 700 2 )
i.e. Fd = mv − mu = m(v − u ) =
2 2 2
= 25,000 N
2 2 2 2 × 0.08
Ex am ple 8.8
Calculate the velocity of an electron as it strikes the anode of a radio valve if the pd
between anode and cathode is 150V. Assume that the velocity of the electron is
negligible as it emerges from the cathode and that its mass is 9.1 × 10-19 coulombs.
Work done on the electron by the field = kinetic energy gained by the electron
Energy in the first form = energy in the second form + unavoidable forms
of wasted energy (sound, heat)
Ex am ples
(i) Battery charging: Electrical energy → chemical energy
(ii) Using a battery: Chemical energy → electrical energy
(iii) Electric motor: Electrical energy → mechanical energy
(iv) Generator/alternator Mechanical energy → electrical energy
(v) Microphone: Sound energy → electrical energy
(vi) Telephone earpiece: Electrical energy → sound energy
(vii) TV camera: Changes light to electrical energy
(viii) Electrical receiver: Changes electrical energy to sound
(ix) Steam engine: Heat energy → mechanical energy
(x) Electric heater: Electrical energy → heat & light energy
(xi) Lamp (electric): Electrical energy → light & heat energy
(xii) Hydroelectric power: P.E. of water → K.E. of turbine (mechanical) →
electrical energy from generator
Robert Einstein showed that mass is a form of energy, and in nuclear energy,
W = mc 2 (J) Where c = speed of light = 3 × 108 ms-1. (Refer to rest energy).
Some heat
energy lost up
the chimney
in the steam
energy in the form of heat
chemical energy
Shaft drive
Generator Turbine
Power lines
Electrical energy
Motor Heater Battery
B Torque τ = F ×r
If the point of application of F moves from A to B
r along arc of radius r,
Power =
W τθ θ
i.e. = P= But =ω (Note that also P = Fv )
t t t
∴ P = τω
Or P = where N = speed in revs/min.
Consider 1 cycle or revolution:
1revolution = 2πradians
1revolution 2πradians
∴ =
1 min . 1 min .
Nrevolutions 2πNradians
∴ =
1 min . 1 min .
i.e. Nrev / min =
60 sec .
i.e. ω= rad / sec )
Ex am ple 8.9
A shaft transmits a torque of 1 400 Nm at a speed of 660 rev/min. Calculate the
angular velocity of the shaft and the power it is transmitting.
P = τω
πNτ π × 660 × 1400
P= = = 96.8kW
30 30
The difference in the two tensions causes the pulley (follower) to rotate.
Resultant tension T = Tt − Ts
∴ Effective torque (on load pulley) τ = (Tt − Ts ) × R
Note: Tt and Ts do not form a couple as they tend to turn the pulley in opposite
directions. {This is similar to the bicycle chain: the driver (crank) is bigger
while the follower (hub) is smaller. The tight side is on top whilst the slack
side is below.}
Ex am ple 8.10
The ratio of the tensions of a belt wrapped round a pulley is 1.8 to 1. If the
maximum tension in the belt is 1 440N and the pulley has a diameter of 400mm:
(a) What turning moment is exerted on the pulley shaft?
(b) Calculate the power transmitted if the pulley rotates at 210rev/min.
Tt T 1440
(a) = 1.8 ⇒ Ts = t = = 800 N
Ts 1.8 1.8
τ = (Tt − Ts )r
= (1440 − 800) × 0.2 = 128 Nm
πN π × 210
(b) ω= = = 22rad / sec
30 30
P = τω = 128 × 22 = 2.816kW
Ex am ple 8.11
A shaft of diameter 80mm revolves in a bearing at a peed of 420rev/min. The
bearing supports a load of 15 000N. If the coefficient of friction between the ball
bearings and the bearing race is 0.012, calculate the power lost in the bearing.
Frictional force F f = µN = µW
τ = F f r = µWr
∴ P = τω
= µWrω
= 0.012 × 15,000 × 0.04 × 44
= 316.8W
Evaluation Ex ercise 8.1
1. In which of the following cases is work done on the sack? A forklift:
(a) Carries a sack along a level surface with increasing velocity;
(b) Drags a sack along a level surface at constant speed;
(c) Carries a sack up a hill at constant velocity;
(d) Carries a sack along a level road at constant velocity.
2. A man climbs a ladder carrying a hammer of mass 0.5kg. If the ladder makes an
angle of 300 with the vertical and is 3m long, how much work does the man do on
the hammer?
4. A tractor is towing a barge. The pull on the towrope is 8 000N and the towrope is
inclined at 300 to the direction of motion of the barge. The tractor travels at 9km/h.
(a) The force on the barge in the direction of motion
(b) The power, in kW, provided by the tractor
8, A bus moving along Kwacha Road derives its source of energy ultimately from
electromagnetic radiation from the sun. We can show this in the following way:
(c) If the mass were lifted straight up to the top of the plane, what would be the
work done?
(d) What would be the change in the gravitational potential energy be for part (c)?
10. A mass, m kg, on top of a cliff is lifted up 3m above the cliff to level A then dropped
over the cliff to the bottom, which is 20m below A.
(a) Calculate its potential energy at the top of the cliff relative to the bottom of the
(b) Calculate its potential energy at the top of the cliff relative to level A.
(c) Calculate its potential energy at level A relative to the bottom of the cliff.
11. A mass, m kg, is thrown from level ground at an angle θ0 to the horizontal, with an
initial velocity of u ms-1. If the height it reaches is h metres, find:
(a) Its initial kinetic energy.
(b) Its kinetic energy at height h.
(c) Its change in kinetic energy between ground level and height h.
(d) What is the gravitational kinetic energy of the mass relative to the ground, when
it is at height h?
(e) Show, by considering the change in potential energy as the mass returns to
ground level, that its velocity as it strikes the ground is the same as its initial
12. A pendulum bob, mass 0.5kg, hangs from a weightless cord of length 2m. If the bob
is pulled aside until it makes an angle of 450 with the vertical.
(a) Calculate its kinetic energy:
(i) When it is at the bottom swing
(ii) When the cord makes an angle of 50 with the vertical
(iii) When the cord makes an angle of 300 with the vertical
(iv) When the cord makes an angle of 450 with the vertical
(b) Calculate the velocity of the bob for each of the positions in (a)
13. The ratio of the tensions in a flat belt drive is 2.5 to 1. If the maximum tension in the
belt is 700N, and the belt drives a pulley of diameter 500mm, calculate:
(a) The torque transmitted to the pulley.
(b) The power transmitted if the pulley rotates at 420 r.p.m.
14. The tensions on the tight and slack side of a belt driving a pulley are 760N and 180N
respectively. The pulley is 90cm diameter and is revolving at 160 rev/min. What is
the power delivered to the pulley?
15. An electric motor is driven from a 500-V supply and takes 20A. If 80% of this power
is converted into mechanical power, what torque is delivered to the shaft of the
motor revolving at 1 800 r.p.m?
16. A belt transmits 4kW to a pulley 18cm diameter running at 210 rev/min. What are
the tensions in the tight and slack sides of the belt if the tension on the tight side is
three times the tension on the slack side?
9.1 Definition
Friction is a force which opposes relative motion between two surfaces in sliding
When one surface moves (or attempts to move) over another, the resistance offered
to the sliding is called friction . It acts tangentially to the surfaces.
(i) Frictional force always opposes motion (i.e. it acts in the opposite direction to
(ii) Friction depends on the nature of the surfaces involved (‘smooth’, ‘rough’,
(iii) Friction depends on the type of surfaces involved (e.g. wood on metal, wood
on concrete, etc)
The magnitude of the frictional force, F f , increases (from zero) as the tendency to
move a body with a force, F , increases, up to a lim iting value (maximum). The
value of this friction is called the lim iting friction ( F f ).
When a body is sliding with uniform velocity, the value of the friction force is less
than that of the limiting friction. This friction force is called kinetic or dynam ic or
sliding friction .
Static or dynamic friction is related to the normal reaction in the following way:
N Frictional force
Ff ∝ N
∴ F f = µN
Where µ = coefficient of friction
For a particular material which is sliding over another (e.g. cork on steel), the
coefficient of friction, µ, is constant. Also the coefficient of static friction is always
greater than that of sliding (kinetic) friction i.e. µ S > µ K . Static friction force can
have values ranging from zero to a maximum. This maximum static friction is known
as the lim iting friction force .
At constant speed (i.e. the system is in a state of equilibrium), the component of the
force parallel to the direction of motion is equal to the frictional force. These forces
act in opposite directions.
Ball & roller bearings
Brake lining material on cast iron 0.40
Cast iron on cast iron 0.15
Clutch lining material on cast iron 0.35
Glass on glass 0.95 0.20
Rubber tyre on dry concrete/tarmac 0.90 0.70
Rubber tyre on wet concrete/tarmac 0.60 0.35
Steel on brass 0.15
Steel on concrete 0.50 0.33
Steel on steel 0.70 0.50
Steel on steel (lubricated) 0.20 0.15
Steel on wood 0.55 0.40
Wood on brick 0.60 0.25
Wood on concrete 0.55 0.35
Wood on metal 0.40 0.20
Wood on wood 0.35 0.30
Ex am ple 9.1
A steel block of mass 50 kg is on a concrete floor. Determine the force required:
(a) To start the block sliding
(b) To keep the block moving at constant speed.
(a) (b) FK = µ K N
= µ S mg = µ K mg
= 0.5 × 50 × 10 = 0.33 × 500
= 250 N = 165 N
A force can be applied in three different ways on a body in an attempt to move it:
Fy θ F
F Fx
Ff Ff Ff
N =W N = W − FV N = W + FV
F f = µW = µmg F f = µ (W − FV ) F f = µ (W + FV )
Ex am ple 9.2
What force acting at 600 to the horizontal is necessary (a) to push and (b) to pull a
box of mass 20 kg with a constant velocity along a horizontal surface, the coefficient
of friction being 0.2?
(a) (b) N
θ Fy
F θ
Ff Ff
N = W + FV N = W − FV
∴ F f = µ (W + FV ) ∴ F f = µ (W − FV )
At constant speed, At constant speed,
FX = F f FX = F f
mgSinθ = F f
But F f = µN
∴µ =
µ = = tan θ
Where µ = Coefficient of static friction
This particular angle of inclination is known as the angle of repose. If the plane is
inclined at an angle greater than the angle of repose, the mass will slide down. If the
inclination is less than the angle of repose, the body will remain at rest. This gives a
method of obtaining the coefficient of static friction, µ , by experiment. This would
be done by raising the incline until the mass just begins to slide down. The tangent
of the angle at which this happens is the value of the coefficient of static friction for
the materials in contact.
Ex am ple 9.3
Determine the coefficient of static friction between a block and an incline if the angle
of friction (repose) is 300.
µ = tan θ
= tan300 = 0.577
Ex am ple 9.4
A 1 500 kg piece of machinery on a wooden slide is lowered at a constant velocity
down a 350 concrete ramp by means of a cable that is attached to the machinery and
is parallel to the incline. If the coefficient of friction between wood and concrete is
0.35, find the tension in the cable.
Motion is down the plane
⇒Friction is up the plane.
(Opposite to the direction of motion)
Speed is constant ∴ the system is in equilibrium.
∴ T = mgSin35 o − µN
= mgSin35 o − µmgCos35 o
= mg ( Sin35 o − µCos35 o )
= 1 500 × 10(0.5736 – 0.35 × 0.8192)
= 4 303 N
Ex am ple 9.5
A force of 540N acting parallel a plane inclined at 200 to the horizontal is required to
just move a body of mass 60 kg up the plane. (a) Find the coefficient of friction
between the surfaces (b) Find the force parallel to the plane required to drag the
body down the plane at a steady speed.
(a) N 540N Motion is up the plane
⇒ Friction is down the plane.
(Opposite to the direction of motion)
mgSin 20 o + F f = 540
mgSin 20 o + µmgCos 20 o = 540
540 − mgSin 20 o
∴µ =
mgCos 20 o
mg 540 − 60 × 10 × 0.342
= = 0.594
60 × 10 × 0.9397
(b) N
Ff Motion is down the plane
⇒ Friction is up the plane.
(Opposite to the direction of motion)
mgSinθ ∴ F + mgSin 20 o = F f
θ mgCosθ F = µmgCos 20 o − mgSin 20 o
= mg ( µCos 20 o − mg ) Sin 20 o
= 60 × 10(0.595 × 0.9397 − 0.342)
= 130 N
Angle of Friction
In all the cases considered so far, the body is in equilibrium under the action of four
forces – F , m g , N and F f . The method of resolution of forces will solve all problems
of this type (irrespective of whether the applied force is parallel to the plane or not).
However a simpler method of calculation exists for certain problems. This makes use
of the resultant, R , of the friction force F f , and the normal reaction, N , together with
the angle, θ, between R and N , This angle is known as the angle of friction .
ab F f µN
tan θ = = = =µ
F (Pull) oa N N
The direction in which R must be drawn is determined by the fact that its tangent
component F f must oppose motion i.e. R is always drawn backwards to the direction
of motion. If R lies inside, the angle of friction is less than the limiting value and
slipping cannot take place.
When N and F f are replaced by one force R , the forces F , m g and N form three
forces in equilibrium and a triangle of forces can be drawn.
Note : In the absence of friction, F f , the only force possible between two surfaces is
the normal to the surfaces, N .
Ex am ple 9.6
(a) A rubberised block of mass 20 kg moves at constant speed on a concrete
ramp, inclined at 200 to the horizontal by applying a horizontal push of 300N
to the block. Calculate:
(i) the friction force
(ii) the coefficient of kinetic friction between the rubber and concrete.
(b) The block is then transferred to another concrete ramp inclined at 150 to the
horizontal. Find the value of a pull at 200 to the horizontal that will make the
block move up the ramp at uniform speed.
(a) (i) N
P = 300N
200Sin200 Ff 300Sin200
mg = 200N
(b) (i) Psin50
N Pcos50
mgSin150 mgCos150
mg = 200N
Resolving m g and P into components parallel and perpendicular to the plane
and the forces N and F f
Since the block is moving at constant speed therefore it is in a state of
mgSin15 o + F f = PCos5 o
Normal to plane:
N + PSin5 o = mgCos15 o
∴ N = mgCos15 − PSin5
o o
But F f = µN
∴ PCos 5
− mgSin15 o = µ (mgCos15 o − PSin5 o )
∴ P = 182N after solving for P
3. Screws and nails stay in place in objects into which they are driven by means
of friction.
5. Friction clutches transmit motion from the flywheel to the input shaft by
means of friction.
2. Friction causes wear and tear; friction always causes wear between moving
surfaces (piston rings, cylinders, shoes, tyres, etc). In some cases it can
cause moving parts to seize up.
3. Heat generation; friction often causes heat to be generated in moving parts.
In many cases this heat needs to be removed by using a cooling liquid or
coolant or use of cooling fins cooled by air.
Using lubricants such as carbon/graphite dust, grease, sand and oils between
moving parts reduces friction by separating the surfaces in sliding contact. For the
hovercraft and v-rail, this is achieved by using a cushion of air. A lubricant separates
the moving parts so that they are not in direct contact.
(ii) It must not have an injurious effect on the surfaces. For example water is not
used as a lubricant because it is corrosive to most metals. (N.B. However
water is used as a coolant in motor vehicles).
(iii) It must not lose viscosity under varying temperature conditions. All oils
become less viscous when hot.
(iv) It must not be too viscous or it would absorb too much (heat) energy.
Evaluation Ex ercise 9.1
1. State four examples in the workshop where:
(a) friction is desirable
(b) friction is undesirable
2. A packing case weighs 100N, and it requires a horizontal force of 60N to slide it
across a workshop floor. What is the coefficient of friction between the case and the
floor? What force would be required to move a similar packing case weighing 160N?
3. A man weighing 800N is to pull a load along a shop floor. The coefficient of friction
between his boot soles and the floor is 0.5 and that between the load and the floor is
0.3. How big a load can the man pull?
M (Kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6
F (N) 9.80 11.80 13.72 15.68 17.60 19.60
(a) the frictional torque resisting motion,
(b) the coefficient of friction for these particular circumstances.
7. What force acting at an angle of 300 above the horizontal is necessary to push a
mass of 10Kg with constant velocity along a horizontal surface, the coefficient of
friction being 0.3?
8. The coefficient of sliding friction between a block and the floor is 0.35. A weightless
rope is attached to the block so that it can be pulled along. If a pull of 20N acting at
370 above the horizontal gives the block a constant velocity of 5ms-1, find the weight
of the block.
9. A man is pushing an 80Kg box along a level floor with a constant velocity by exerting
a force on the box at an angle of 300 downward from the horizontal. If the coefficient
of friction between the sliding surfaces is 0.4, what is the magnitude of the force?
10. A block rests on a plane that is inclined at an angle of 300 to the horizontal. The
coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the plane is 0.2. If the block had
a mass of 10Kg and a man wishes to push it up the plane:
(a) What is the direction of the frictional force?
(b) What force parallel to the incline is necessary to keep it sliding up the plane?
(c) What horizontal force would be required to push it up the plane?
11. In the accompanying diagram, block A has a mass of 5Kg and block B has a mass of
10Kg. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the blocks and the surface is 0.4.
Force F is applied to pull B up the plane at constant speed. Assume that there is no
friction between the ropes and the pulleys.
(a) Draw free-body diagrams for A and B, showing all the forces acting on each
(b) Find the tension in the cord between A and B.
(c) Find the magnitude of F.
30o F
m1 m2
45o 60o
13. A uniform door rests against an upright wall. If the limiting coefficients of friction at
the floor and the wall are 0.25 and 0.20 respectively, what is the angle that the
ladder can make with the floor without slipping?
(Force & Material, & Hooke’s Law)
Many of the engineering components are subjected to loads placed on them. The
behaviour of materials when subjected to loading is very important both to the
engineer and designer – not least to the technician.
(ii) Elasticity: This is the ability of a material of being resilient. That is being
able to retain its original shape after suffering deformation from an applied
load. Rubber is very elastic whereas ceramics are not.
(iv) Ductility: This is the quality of a material of being drawn out into wires,
bars or tubes without breaking while a material is cold. A ductile material
must be both strong and plastic e.g. lead wire is difficult to draw because its
strength is low. Copper, wrought iron and mild steel are among ductile
(vi) Hardness: The hardness of a metal is the measure of its ability to with
stand scratching, wear, abrasion and indentation by harder bodies, marking
by a file and to mark with a centre punch. A rough, but often reliable test for
the hardness of a hardened tool is to check if the edge of a file will touch it.
(vii) Brittleness: This is the state of being easily broken, shattered or fractured
because a material is hard but not flexible. Cast iron is a brittle material
because its structure is split up by flakes or graphite. Brittleness is often
referred to as shortness. Hot or red-shortness in steel is when it is brittle in
the red-hot state. Cold-shortness means that the material is brittle when
(viii) Toughness: This is the property, which enables a material to absorb the
energy of shock loading without permanent deformation. Materials, which
can withstand repeated blows with a hammer without breaking are said to be
tough. A measure of toughness of a metal may be obtained by nicking it.
Placing it in a vice and striking the end with a hammer. Mild steel and
hickory (wood used for sledge hammer shafts) are tough materials.
3. Shearing loading: Shear loads come about when one material slides
against another or tends to cut another.
4. Bending Loading: These are loads which are applied in such a way that
they tend to make one layer or portion slide over another layer or portion
and putting the material into a state of shear stress.
F (Load)
See-saw (titter-totter)
Beam in a building
Leaf spring
R1 R2 Bimetallic strip
Chassis of a vehicle
5. Torsional Loading: This is a twisting force.
Ex am ples:
Propeller shaft
A bolt being tightened
A screwdriver shaft when in use
Tensile and compressive forces are referred to as direct stresses. Such direct forces
will be found to arise also when bodies are heated or cooled or in vessels under
When a body is subjected to loading (forces), it will be deformed i.e. it will be
strained. The magnitude of the force it can withstand depends upon:
A bolt of steel can support a much bigger load than a bolt of the same dimensions
made out of brass can.
Similarly, a body with a large CSA can withstand a much larger force than one with a
small CSA of the same material.
Stress (σ)
Stress (or pressure) is defined as force per unit cross-sectional area.
Stress (σ ) = in N/m 2 or Pa
Ex am ple 10.1
A bar 20mm x 20mm in cross-section carries a tensile load of 20N (figure below). If
the bar tapers in to 10mm x 10m at its centre, determine the stress:
(a) At XX (b) At YY
20 N 20 N
F 20
a) Stress at XX = = = 0.05N/mm 2 = 0.05MN/m 2
A 20 x 20
F 20
b) Stress at YY = = = 0.2N/mm 2 = 0.2MN/m 2
A 10 x 10
Note that the maximum stress is at the point where the CSA is least.
Ex am ple 10.2
The fig below shows a load-bearing bracket fastened to a machine casting by two
bolts of 12mm diameter. Calculate the shear stress in each bolt.
Load born by each bolt = = 750 N
CSA = πr 2 =π x6 2 ≈ 113.1mm²
F 750
1 500N Shear stress (σ ) = =
CSA 113.1
= 6.63N/mm²
= 6.63MN/m²
Ex ercise 10.1
A gudgeon pin of external diameter 16cm and internal diameter 12mm is subjected
to a load of 5.28kN. Calculate the shear stress in the pin (and this case the pin is in
double shear stress. Both sides are resisting the load).
CSA = πR 2 − πr 2 = π ( R 2 − r 2 ) = π (8 2 − 6 2 ) = 28π
F 5.28 × 10 3
Stress = = = 3,001.2 ≈ 3kN / mm 2
2 x CSA 2 × 28π
The deformation that a material experiences when loaded is known as strain. It is
defined as the ratio between the changes in dimension to the original dimension.
Ex am ple 10.3
Calculate the tensile strain in a member of a strut 2m long, which extends 0.03cm
when under load.
Strain, ε =
2 × 100cm
= 1.5 x 10-4
Thermal strain
Change of temperature in a material gives rise to a thermal strain. The extension in
a bar of length l is given by:
Extension, ∆l = αlt
∆l α lt
ε= = = αt
l l
B • •
• •
Load (kN)
0A = Limit of proportionality
0B = Elastic limit (elastic deformation)
BE = Plastic deformation
C = Yield point
D = Maximum load (UTS)
E = Fracture or breaking point
Robert Hooke showed that:
Stress α strain
∴ Stress = k strain
∴ K=
Or E=
This is known as Hooke’s Law and is valid within the limit of proportionality of the
Ex am ple 10.4
A 2.6 kg mass is attached to the end of a vertical wire of length 2m and diameter
2mm. If the wire extended by 0.08mm. Calculate:
F mg 2.6 x10
(a) Stress, E = = = = 8.28 N/mm2
CSA πr 2
= 8.28 MN/m2
∆l 0.08
(b) Strain, ε = = = 4x10-5
l 2 x103
(c) E= = 2.07 x1011N/m2
Force Constant
The amount by which a material gets deformed depends on:
(a) The dimensions
(b) The material’s structure
For instance a compressive load of the same magnitude would compress a copper
coil spring and a steel coil spring by different amounts. Similarly two steel coil
springs of different sizes would be compressed by different amounts with the same
loading. The force constant is defined as the force per unit extension of
F = k∆l ∴ k = {See question 10 on the evaluation exercise on page 11}
Ultimate Tensile and Compressive Stresses (Tests to Destruction)
The ultimate tensile stress (U.T.S.) or tensile strength is the stress in a test piece at
maximum load and the cross-sectional area on which the load acts is taken to be the
original area of section of the specimen.
Tensile tests are conducted on ductile materials (e.g. steel, brass, copper, aluminium,
etc). For some materials, however, it is the ultimate compressive stress (U.C.S)
or crushing strength, which is important (e.g. brick, cast iron, copper, etc)
Original diameter
• • Original Specimen
Gauge length
Specimen raptures
• • between C & D
Ex am ple 10.6
Find the maximum tensile load, which may be attached to a steel wire of diameter
2.1mm if the permitted strain must not exceed 10-3. Modulus of elasticity for steel is
about 26 pa.
UTS = Max.load
∴ Maximum Load = UTS x CSA
Max.stress = CSA
Stress =E
∴ Stress = E x Strain
= 2x109 x 10-3
= 2x106Nm-2
Failure: Factor of Safety
The tensile strength (UTS) of a material is of vital importance in the design of the
various components in engineering. A component must not be stressed beyond the
allowable safe working stress and this must be below the elastic limit of the material.
The designer must ensure that the component remains elastic i.e. it retains its
original shape when the distorting forces are removed. To obtain the working stress
it is usual to divide the tensile strength of the material by a suitable number called
the factor of safety.
∴ Factor of safety =
Working Stress
Ex am ple 10.7
(a) A rectangular cross-section steel bar 7.5cm wide is hung vertically and carries
a tensile load of 12 000kg. Find the thickness of the bar if the ultimate tensile
strength of steel is 550MN/m2 and the loading requires a safety factor of 4.
(b) Find the thickness of the bar in (a) if a safety factor of 5 is used.
75 mm
(a) 7.5cm
Factoro of Safety = =4
Safe Working Stress
550 × 10 6
i.e. =4
Force 550 × 10 6
∴ =
4 × Force
⇒ CSA =
550 × 10 6
4 × mg 4 × 12 000 × 10
i.e. 0.075x = ⇒x= = 0.011 64m ≈ 11.6mm
550 × 10 6
550 × 10 6 × 0.075
5 × 12 000 × 10
550 × 10 6 × 0.075
= 0.0145m ≈ 14.5mm
Evaluation Ex ercise 10.1
Take the acceleration due to gravity as 10ms-2
1. A coil spring is stretched 2cm when a 5kg load is suspended from it. What is its force
constant if it were subjected to a 12kg load? (2 450 N/m, 48 mm)
2. (a) A tow-bar 50mm diameter carries a load which produces a tensile stress of
42 MPa, determine the load, in kN (82.47 kN).
(b) The bar is attached to a bracket held by four bolts. Determine the load in each bolt.
(c) If the cross-sectional area of each bolt is 625 mm2, determine the stress induced in
each bolt in MPa. (33 MPa).
3. A steel bar of cross-sectional area 16mm2 is 2m long. When a tensile force of 8,000 N is
applied to it, the length increases by 0.5mm. Find the Young’s modulus for the material.
(200 GN/m2).
4. A steel bar in a roof truss has a diameter of 2cm and is 4m long. It supports a tensile
load of 8 000N. Given that the Young’s modulus for the steel is 200 GN/m2, find the
elongation caused by this load. (5.1 mm).
5. What force will break a wire of 0.000 000 25 m2 cross-section if it has an ultimate tensile
strength of 1 GN/m2? (250 N).
6. A pipe of outside diameter 80mm and inside diameter 60mm and length 1.5m is used as
a strut and subjected to a compressive load of 44 000N. Calculate the amount that the
strut shortens due to the loading. The modulus of elasticity for the material is
2×1011N/m2. (0.15 mm).
8. A tie bar having a 25 mm square section is 1.6m long. When carrying a load of 40 kN, it
extends by 0.5 mm. Another tie bar of 20 mm square section and of the same material
has a length of 1.0 m and carries a load of 25 kN. What will be the extension of the
second tie bar?
9. A cast iron column has a hollow square section. If the external size is 10cm × 10cm and
the metal is 1cm thick, calculate the compressive stress when the column is supporting
10. A steel tie bar of rectangular section 50mm × 5mm × 2mm thick bears a load which
produces an extension of 0.5mm. Calculate the load if the modulus of elasticity for steel
is 200GN/m2. Also calculate the ultimate stress if under the above conditions, the factor
of safety is 8. (F = 21 kN, UTS = 168 GN/m2).
11. Calculate the diameter of a mild steel bolt under load of 93N if the ultimate shear stress
is 3 700 MN/m2 and the factor of safety is 5. (10 mm).
12. What is the total cross-sectional area of the steel cables supporting a 5 000kg elevator
that has a maximum acceleration of 4ms-1 if the safety of factor is 6? (0.000 863 m2).
14. (a) State Hooke’s law.
(b) A steel cable with a length of 100 m and a cross-sectional area of 1.0 cm2 is
subjected to a tensile force of 500 N. Find:
11.1 Introduction
Heat is a form of energy. It is therefore measured in Joules (J).
Some examples of ‘heat’ engines that make use of heat energy that is released when
fuel is ignited:
11.2 Temperature
Temperature is the degree of hotness or coldness of a body, measured against some
standard hotness. It is independent of size and physical nature of the body.
Two bodies are said to be at the same temperature if no heat flows from one to the
other when they are brought in contact with each other.
Fahrenheit Scale
The temperature range between the freezing and boiling points is (212o – 32o)=180o
i.e. 180o ≡ (t - 32)o F
∴ 1o ≡ (t − 32) o F Equation (i)
Celsius Scale
The temperature range between the freezing and boiling points is (to – 0o) = 100o
i.e. 100o ≡ to C
∴ 1o ≡ C Equation (ii)
Equating equations (i) and (ii) we get:
to 1
C≡ (t − 32) o F
100 180
∴ t o C ≡ (t − 32) o F
Or t o F ≡ t o C + 32
Fixed Points
0o C 0o F Lower fixed point
100o C 373o F Upper fixed point
Copper/constantan up to 500o C
Chromel/alumel (two alloys) up to 1 500o C
Rhodium/platinum up to 1 800o C
= Or R = S if P = Q
Conduction: This takes place in one material by moving from one point to another
(the material itself serving as a conductor) or takes place between bodies in actual
contact by moving from one body to another. Generally metals are good conductors
of heat. An example of a poor conductor is glass.
For example, heat from an electric radiator (so called heater) warms the air
throughout the room by convection. At the radiator the heated air expands, becomes
less dense and rises. Cooler air moves towards the radiator to take the place of the
warmer air that rose. Convection currents thus are set up in the room.
Some examples of convection
1. People sitting on a beach on a hot day feel cool because of the cool breeze
blowing from the sea.
Radiation: Heat is transmitted from one point to another through empty space (no
medium) by waves e.g. electromagnetic waves. While radiative heat transfer does
not require a material medium, it can travel through media. Radiative heat passes
through air and glass, for example.
(iii) Radiation: transfer of heat from the cooling system (water jacket, sinks-
fins, radiator) to the atmosphere.
Heat lost by one body equals heat gained by the receiving body, neglecting any heat
lost during the transfer.
(i) The cooling system on a water-cooled vehicle; Heat from the combustion
chambers in the cylinders is passed on to the water in the water jacket by
conduction, the hot water in turn goes to the radiator (inlet at the top) where
it is cooled by air sucked in by the fan behind the radiator. The cooler water
is then sent back to the water jacket (from the bottom outlet of the radiator)
to repeat the process, assisted by the water pump.
(iii) Hit fins on air cooled engines are designed in such a way that their surface
area is as large as possible so as to dissipate as much heat as possible to the
(iv) Big electric motors and generators have fans mounted on them to remove
excessive heat from the bearings
11.8 Calculations Involving Heat Transfer By Conduction
Consider a bar of metal (e.g. copper) that has a length l and a cross-sectional area A.
T1 T2
Hotter water
Steam Rod
If the two ends of the bar are maintained at different temperatures by heating one
end at temperature T1 and the other at temperature T2, then heat flows continuously
by a conductive process from the “hotter” to the “cooler” areas (see above).
Typical Therm al
Substance W m -1 K -1
Air 0.025
Aluminium 209
Brick 0.6
Concrete 1.08
Copper 385
Cork 0.043
Fibreglass 0.038
Glass 0.65
Hydrogen 0.18
Iron 46
Water 0.599
Wood 0.113
Ex am ple 11.1
An 8 mm thick glass window of a house is 2m wide and 1.5 m high. If the outside
temperature is –20o C and the inside temperature is 23o C, how much heat does it
conduct in one hour? (Thermal conductivity of glass is 0.65 Wm-1K-1).
8 mm = 8 × 10-3 m
Q kA(T1 − T2 )
t l
Q= =
kA(T1 − T2 )t 0.65(2m × 1.5m) × 23 0 C − (−20 o C ) × (60 s ) 2
= 38MJ
l 8 × 10 −3 m
Ex am ple 11.2
An aluminium heat sink 1s 3cm thick and has a CSA of 48 cm2. How much heat does
it conduct in 10 minutes if one side is attached to an amplifier at 70o C and at the
other side is maintained at 20o C? (Thermal conductivity of aluminium is 209 Wm-1K-
Area = 48 cm2 = 48 × 10-4 m2
l = 3 cm = 0.03 m
t = 10 min. = 10 × 60 sec.
Q kA(T1 − T2 )
t l
Ex am ple 11.3
The inside dimensions of a rectangular refrigerator are 1 m by 0.9 m by 2.3 m. If all
the walls are constructed of a material 1.0 cm thick that has a thermal conduction of
2.2 × 10-2 W/mK and the temperature inside and outside are –5o C and 23o C
respectively. Determine the rate of heat flow into the refrigerator.
Area = 2 × {(2.3 × 0.9) + (2.3 × 1) + (1 × 0.9)}
= 10.54 m
∆Q kA∆T
2.3m ∆t l
2.2 × 10 − 2 × 10.54m 2 × 23 − (−5)} C
0.9m 1 × 10 − 2
= 649.3W
Ex am ple 11.4
In measuring the thermal conductivity of a rod (refer to the diagram on the previous
page), the following data were obtained. Temperature of incoming water = 10o C;
temperature of outgoing water = 30o C; T1 = 80o C; T2 = 60o C; distance between
thermometers = 10 cm; cross-sectional area of rod .20 cm2; mass of water flowing
through the box = 650 g in a time of 180 seconds. Find the coefficient of thermal
Heat gained by water = mC (T2 − T1 )
Heat energy lost by rod = heat energy gained by water
kA(T1 − T2 )t
= 54,600
Ql 54,600 J × 0.1m
⇒k = = = 758.3 W / mK
A(T2 − T1 )t 20 × 10 m 2 × (80 − 60) o C × 180 s
(iv) Pressure change: - If heat is applied to a gas, its pressure will increase
provided its volume is kept constant.
(v) Change of physical state: - Some substances change their physical state
without necessarily changing their chemical composition. For example water
exists in three states.
Ex am ples
When heated, steel becomes blue, purple, red-hot, etc.
Iodine volatilises from greyish black to violet coloured vapour. It is used
in the manufacture of antiseptics and dyes.
11.10 Heat Capacity:
The heat capacity of a body (of any kind) is defined as the heat required to raise its
temperature by 1o C or 1 K without change of state. Units: J/oC or J/K
Water 4 200
Petrol 1 800
Aluminium 900
Steel 500
Copper 400
Lead 130
Alcohol 2 300
Brass 380
Glass 670
Pyrex 840
Glycerine 2 400
Iron 460
Lead 130
Mercury 140
Paraffin oil 2 180
Mild steel 450
Solder (tin man’s) 200
Zinc 400
Heat energy
= mass × specific heat capacity × temperature change
Q = mC ∆ T
Ex am ple 11.5
A cooling system on a vehicle contains 5 litres of water at a temperature of 16o C.
How much heat is required to raise the water temperature to 96o C? (Take the
specific heat capacity for water to be 4 200 J/KgK).
Mass of 1 litre of water ≈ 1 Kg
Ex am ple 11.6
A block of copper of mass 2 Kg has a temperature of 20o C. What will be the
temperature of the block after it has received heat energy of 240 KJ? (Take the
specific heat capacity of copper to be 400 J/KgK).
Q = mC (T2 − T1 )
∴ (T2 - T1 ) =
Q 240 000
∴ T2 = + T1 = + 20
mC 2 × 400
= 300 + 20
= 320 o C
Ex am ple 11.7
A block of steel of mass 2 Kg at 800o C is plunged into a mass of 4 Kg of water at 15o
C. If heat losses to the surrounding are neglected, what is the final temperature of
the steel and water? (C of water = 4.2 KJ/KgK and C of steel = 0.48 KJ/KgK).
Let the final steady state temperature of water and steel be to C.
Heat given out by steel = 2 × 480 × (800 –T)
Heat received by water = 4 × 4 200 (T– 15)
Heat given out = heat gained
∴ 2 × 480 × (800 – T) = 4 × 4 200 (T – 15)
∴ T = 57 o C
Liquid or
The heat energy, which produces a rise or fall in the temperature of a substance, is
called sensible heat.
The heat energy required to change the state of a substance without changing its
temperature is called latent heat .
Consider 1 Kg of ice at –30o C with heat energy being added to it at 101.3 KNm-2
(101.3 Kpa):
Gas (steam)
Temperature 0C
Liquid (water)
Solid (ice)
-30 X
Sensible heat Latent heat
Sensible Latent
heat heat
Or Q = mLv
Where L f = specific latent heat of fusion
Ex am ple 11.8
Determine the heat required to melt 10 kg of lead from a temperature of 15o C if its
specific heat capacity is 130 J/kgoC and its melting temperature is 326o C. The latent
heat of fusion of lead is 23 500 J/kg. If the furnace used 0.2 kg of fuel of calorific
value 43.9 MJ/kg, What was the amount of heat energy wasted? Hence calculate the
efficiency of the furnace.
Heat required = Sensible heat + latent heat
Q = QS + QL
= mC (θ 2 − θ 1 ) + mL
= 10 × 130(326 – 15) + 10 × 2.35 × 104 = 639.3kJ
Wasted energy = Energy used by furnace – energy used to melt the lead
= 8.78 × 106 – 639 .3 × 103 = 8.14 × 10 6 M J
The number of units of mechanical energy necessary to produce the same increase in
internal energy as one unit of heat energy is called the m echanical equivalent of
Linear Expansion
Applications of linear ex pansion:
The bimetallic strip (thermostat)
The linear expansion (or contraction) of substances due to rise (or fall) of
temperature, can be of advantage or disadvantage in everyday life.
For instance it becomes more expensive to build structures such as bridges, rails,
steam pipes, etc as special expansion joints have to be incorporated to allow for
expansion and contraction due to the changes in temperature. In most cases this
entails use of very expensive materials. The accuracy of precision measuring
instruments is also affected by temperature. (Generally they are calibrated at 20o C).
On the other hand, the expansion can be put to good use. Interference fits in
engineering are one such example.
Different materials expand by different amounts over the same temperature range. A
number which denotes the degree of expansion is called the coefficient of (linear)
ex pansion of the material.
There are three types of thermal expansion:
(i) Linear; Change in length
(ii) Superficial; Change in area (2 × linear expansion value for the material)
(iii) Cubical; Change in volume (3 × linear expansion value for the material)
Ex am ple 11.9
Determine the expansion of a push rod of length 200 mm when its temperature
changes from 20o C to 40o C. The coefficient of expansion for steel is 0.000012/oC.
Ex am ple 11.10
The cooling system of an engine contains 9 litres of water. Before starting the
engine, the temperature of water is 15o C; after a run the temperature is found to be
85o C. Calculate the volume of water lost by expansion through the overflow pipe
(Cubical expansion of water is 0.000 45/o C).
Ex am ple 11.11
The bore of a collar is 125 mm at 15o C, and to slide over a shaft the bore has to be
increased by 0.09 mm. If the coefficient of linear expansion of the material of which
the collar is made is 12 × 10-6 /o C, determine the minimum temperature to which the
collar must be heated to slide over the shaft.
Solution Expansion, ∆d = αd
∴ (T2 - T1 ) =
= = 50 o C
125 × 12 × 10.8mm
Ex ercise 11.1
Two bars, one made out of bronze and the other of steel are both at 15o C and their
lengths are 149.75mm and 150 mm respectively. To what temperature must the two
be heated to make them equal? (The coefficients of linear expansion are as follows:
bronze, α1 = 19 × 10-6/K; steel α2 = 12 × 10-6/K).
Boyle’s Law
Boyle’s law states that if temperature is kept constant then for a fixed mass of gas,
pressure is inversely proportional to volume.
I.e. If T is constant, then P∝
Or PV = Constant
i.e. P1V1 = P2V 2
This can be readily established experimentally using the apparatus of the figure
Thus volume ∝ l and so a graph of pressure against 1 / l should give a straight line
if P ∝ 1 / V .
O O 1/ v
Rubber tubing
Charles’s Law
Charles’s law states that if pressure is kept constant, then for a fixed mass of gas,
volume is proportional to absolute temperature.
V1 V2
i.e. =
T1 T2
PV ∝ T
⇒ P1V1 = kT1 ∴ k=
P2V 2
and P2V 2 = kT2 ∴ k =
P1V1 P2V 2
⇒ =
T1 T2
k is usually denoted by R .
∴ PV = RT for I mole
1.013 × 10 5 Pa × 22.4 × 10 -3 m 3
∴ R=
273.15 K
= 8.31Jmol K −1
NB In all the problems involving gas laws, it is the absolute pressure and
not the gauge pressure that is used.
Ex am ple 11.12
After 1.5 litres of gas at STP is subjected to a chemical; experiment, the temperature
of the gas rises to 200C and the pressure also rises to 1.2 × 105Pa. How many moles
of gas were evolved?
Compare with STP values: V1 = 22.4 litres, P1 = 1.013 × 105 Pa, T1 = 273K,
P2 = 1.2 × 10 Pa, T2 = 20 + 273 = 293K
= 2 2
T1 T2
Ex am ple 11.13
A vessel of volume 1.5 litres contains 5 grams of bromine at 200C. Calculate the
pressure. (Atomic weight of bromine is 79.8g).
m (mass ) 5
Number of moles in the vessel, n= =
M (atomic wt ) 79.9
5 8.31 × 293
PV = nRT = ×
79.9 1.3 × 10 −3
= 1.016 × 10 5 Pa
Ex am ple 11.14
When heated in a garage at room temperature of 240C, a motor tyre is found to have
a pressure of 120kN/m2. If the volume of the air inside remains constant, what is the
pressure after the tyre has been allowed to stand in the sun at 400C? (Take the
atmospheric pressure to be 100kN/m2).
P1V1 P2V 2
= But V1 = V2.
T1 T2
T1 = 24 + 273 = 297K
P1 P
= 2 P1 = (120 × 103) + (100 × 103)
T1 T2
T2 = 40 + 273 = 313K
P1T2 2.2 ×10 × 313
∴ P2 = = = 231,850
T1 297
∴ Gauge pressure = 231,850 – 100,000
= 131.85kN
Ex am ple 11.15
Step 1
V1 = 0.11 At STP V2 = ?
P1 = 17.2× 105 Pa P2 = 1.013 × 105 Pa
T1 = 273 + 18 = 291K T2 = 273
P1V1 P2V2 P1V1T2 17.2 × 10 5 × 0.11 × 273
= ⇒ V2 = = = 1.75m 3
T1 T2 P2 T1 1.013 × 10 × 291
Step 2
V1 = 0.11 At STP V2 = ?
P1 = 12× 105 Pa P2 = 1.013 × 105 Pa
T1 = 273 + 10 = 283K T2 = 273
P1V1 P2V2 PV T 12 × 10 5 × 0.11 × 273
= ⇒ V2 = 1 1 2 = = 1.26m 3
T1 T2 P2 T1 1.013 × 10 5 × 283
Evaluation Ex ercise 11.1
1. Determine the rate of heat flow, in Watts, through a 1 cm thick cardboard that has
an area of 35 cm2 if the temperature difference between its surfaces is 30 oC.
2. Determine the heat lost in 12 hours through a 3 m × 8 m wall, which is 129 mm thick
if the inner surface is kept at 22 oC, and the outer surface is at –15 oC. The wall has a
thermal resistance of 0.36 W/mK.
3. An aluminium heat sink is 3.0cm thick and has a cross-sectional area of 48cm2. How
much heat does it conduct in 10 minutes if one side is attached to an engine block at
900oC and the other is maintained at 40oC. (Thermal conductivity for aluminium is
209 W/mK)
4. An aluminium pot is 0.3 cm thick and holds boiling water. The base of the pot has an
area of 420 cm2 and the stove maintains an average temperature of 150 oC. If only
6% of heat is transferred to the water, how much water evaporates in 5 minutes?
6. At 20 oC a bare wheel has a diameter of 71 cm and the inside diameter of a steel rim
is 70.9 cm. To what minimum temperature must the rim be heated before it can fit
over the wheel?
(Coefficient of linear expansion for steel = 12 × 10-6/K)
7. A steel tape measures the length of a copper rod as 1 m at 15 oC. What will it
indicate for the length of the copper rod to be at 40 oC? (Coefficient of linear
expansion for steel is 12× 10-6/K).
(b) A metallic rod, Young’s Modulus 1.8 × 1011 Pa, and coefficient of linear expansion
12 × 10-6/ oC has a cross-sectional area of 10cm2. If the temperature of the rod
drops from 27 oC to –1 oC:
9. A steel beam has a cross sectional area of 40 cm2 at 20oC. If the temperature
increases to 40oC:
10. 100g of a metal at 150oC is added to a 75g aluminium calorimeter that contains 200g
of water at 10oC. If the final steady equilibrium temperature of the system is 15.5oC,
determine the specific heat capacity of the metal. (Specific heat capacity of water C
= 4 186 J/kgoC and Specific heat capacity of aluminium C = 921 J/kgoC)
11. A 0.01kg of ice at –10oC is added to 0.2kg calorimeter that contains 0.5kg of water at
20oC. If 0.01kg of steam at 100oC is then condensed in the system, calculate the final
equilibrium temperature if there are no external heat influences.
(Latent heat of ice = 336 000 J/kg, Specific heat capacity of ice = 2 100 J/kgoC,
Specific heat capacity of calorimeter = 600 J/kgoC and Latent heat of steam = 2.26 ×
106 J/kg).
12. A cylinder of nitrogen gas has an initial gauge pressure 800 kPa. If the gauge
pressure drops to 150 kPa after some nitrogen has been used, what fraction of the
gas remains in the tank?
13. Outside air at 15 oC is drawn into the furnace and is heated to 23 oC at constant
pressure. What is the percentage change in volume?
14. A tank holds 8.5 litres of nitrogen gas at a gauge pressure of 700 kPa at 20 oC.
Additional nitrogen is pumped in, raising the pressure to 1 200 kPa and the
temperature to 60 oC. How much gas was added?
15. The absolute pressure in a cylinder of a car engine rises from 4 × 105 Pa to 1.25 ×
106 Pa during combustion of the fuel and air mixture. If the initial temperature of the
mixture was 200 oC, what is the temperature after combustion?
16. A diver at the bottom of the lake where the temperature is 10oC releases an air
bubble to the surface, which increases by a factor of 1.5. If atmospheric pressure is
100kPa and the temperature at the surface is 25oC, how deep was the diver?
17. A car tyre is inflated to a gauge pressure of 22 kPa when the temperature is 35 oC. If
the volume of the tyre does not change and atmospheric pressure is 101 kPa, what is
the gauge pressure when the temperature is –2 oC?
(a) A Pyrex container is filled with 1.5 L of petrol at 10oC. What volume of petrol
overflows when the temperature is increased to 30oC? (Cubical expansivity
for Pyrex γ =0.026 × 10-3/oC and Cubical expansivity for petrol γ =1.1 × 10-
3 o
/ C).
12.1 Definition
Circular motion is the motion of a particle round a curved path in which the axis of
rotation lies outside the particle e.g. the moon orbiting round the earth and the earth
going round the sun.
A stone attached to a string and whirled in a circular path is one such example.
∆v vθ θ
a= = = vω (ω = )
∆t ∆t t
-VA θ VA
θ ac = vω
VB v
∆V = (rω )ω = rω 2 (Since ω= )
v v2
ac = rω 2 = r ( ) 2 = (m/s2)
r r
mv 2
∴ Fc = mac = mrω =
Ex am ple 12.1
An object of mass 4kg moves round a circle of radius 6m with a constant speed of
12m/s. Calculate
v 12
(a) ω= = = 2 rad / s
r 6
mv 2 4 × (12) 2
(b) Fc = = = 96 N
r 6
N y N
θ θ
Fc Fc
θ mg mg
∑ Fx = 0 ⇒ Nsinθ - Fc = 0 ⇒ Nsinθ -
⇒ Nsinθ = Equation (1)
∑F y =0 ⇒ Ncosθ - mg = 0
Dividing equation 1 by 2:
R sin θ mv 2
= ÷ mg
R cosθ r
∴ tan θ = ⇒ v = gr tan θ
Ex am ple 12.2
A racing car of mass 1 tonne moves round a banked track at a constant speed of
108km/h. Assuming the total reaction at the wheels is normal to the track and the
horizontal radius of the track is 100m, calculate:
v2 (30) 2
(a) tan θ = = = 0.9 ⇒ θ = tan −1 0.9 = 420
gr 10 × 100
mg 1000 × 10
(b) Ncosθ = mg ⇒ N= = = 13.45kN
cosθ cos 420
mv 2
⇒ Ff = Equation (3)
Fc Ff r
mg ∑F y =0 ⇒ N - mg = 0
⇒ N = mg Equation (4)
Ff mv 2
Dividing equation 3 by 4: = ÷ mg = µ
N r
⇒ µ=
⇒ v = µgr
Ex am ple 12.3
Determine the safe speed on:
12.5 Vertical Circle`
Consider a brazier that is whirled in a vertical circle as shown below:
A At A:
mv 2
TA + mg =
mv 2
B ∴ TA = − mg
At A, T = 0
C mv 2
∴ mg =
∴ v = gr
mv 2 mv 2
At B, T= At C, Tmax − mg =
r r
mv 2
∴ Tmax = mg +
(T − mg )
∴ vmax =
Ex am ple 12.4
mv 2 v2 62
Tmax = + mg = m( + g ) = 8( + 10) = 224 N
r r 2
mv 2 v2 62
Tmax = − mg = m( − g ) = 8( − 10) = 32 N
r r 2
12.6 Conical Pendulum
mv 2
Tcosθ ∑ Fx = 0 ⇒ T sinθ − r
mv 2
T sin θ = Equation 1
Tsinθ r
∑F y = 0 ⇒ T cos θ − mg = 0
mg T cos θ = mg Equation 2
mv 2
T sin θ v2
= r ⇒ tanθ =
T cosθ mg gr
∴ v = grtanθ
v2 52
(a) tan θ = = = 0.65 ⇒ θ = tan −1 0.65 = 33.020
gr 10 × 4
mg 10 × 10
(b) Ncosθ = mg ⇒ N= = = 119.3 N
cosθ cos 33.020
Ex am ple 12.6
What force is necessary to keep a mass of 0.8kg revolving in a horizontal circle of
radius 0.7m with a periodic time of 0.5s? What is the direction of this force?
2πr 2πr 2π × 0.7
T= ⇒ v= = = 8.8m / s
v T 0.5
mv 2 0.8 × 8.82
Fc = = = 88.5 N towards the centre of the circle.
r 0.7
13.1 Introduction
The speed and precision with which we can do a job depends very largely on how
well we can see to do it. Architects and interior designers, when planning new
offices, factories and other buildings, have to give very careful consideration to their
Lighting engineers, also use lighting to create atmosphere and to add variety to our
surroundings. In the theatre, for example, artistic use is made of lighting to enhance
scenic effects and to suggest mood, and the restrained lighting in clubs and coffee
bars induce an intimate atmosphere, in which people can take pleasure in meeting
and talking to their friends.
The photographer and television engineer, too, are particularly concerned with
illumination and make the most exacting demands on its control. To meet this need
for the precise control of illumination in our homes and public buildings, on film sets,
in the theatre, in the television tube and in thousands of other applications engineers
require two things:
The candle is defined as the luminous intensity of of a square metre of a
radiating cavity at the temperature of freezing platinum (2042K).
The solid angle or steradian, as we call it, may be considered as the three –
dimensional equivalent of a radian.
(A radian is the angle subtended at the centre of a circle by a length of an arc equal
to the radius at the circumference. The three-dimensional equivalent of radian
divides the sphere around a point into areas each equal to r 2 ).
The steradian in three dimensions may be compared with the radian in two
A unit solid angle subtended at the centre of a sphere by an area r2 on its surface.
The total number of unit solid angles surrounding a point is equal to the number of
areas r2 on the surface of the sphere.
1 candela = 4π lumens
= 12.57lm.
No. of lumens
i.e. Luminous intensity =
Solid angle
Ex am ple 13.1
Fifty per cent of the light from a source of 80 candela is evenly distributed through a
solid angle of 3 steradians. What is the luminous intensity in this direction?
No. of lumens 80 x 4π
Luminous intensity = = x 50 o o = 168 Lumens/steradian
Solid angle 3
13.6 Illumination
Illumination is the degree of concentration of light falling on a surface (see the
introduction). We now come to consider light energy as it arrives at its destination.
The illumination of a surface denoted by the letter E is simply the light flux arriving
per unit area of surface. The unit is called lux.
The lux is the illumination produced on a surface by one lumen of light flux
per square metre
One lumen falling on
1 Candela (cd) 1m2 produces one
lux of illumination
When we know the total number of lumens of light falling on a surface, we calculate
the illumination from the equation:
Number of lumens
E ⇒
More often, however, the information given concerns the power of the source and
the position of the receiving surface.
Ex am ple 13.2
Three quarters of the light from 150 cd source fall on a floor measuring 4m x 3m.
What is the average illumination?
Number of incident lumens = 150 x 4 π x
Number of lumens
Illumination =
= 150 x 4 π x /(4x3)
= 1 181 lumens/m2
E= α
Where d is the distance of the surface from the source. The law only holds true for a
point source, i.e. one which is small compared to the distance.
We can deduce the law by considering a divergent beam from a point source falling
on each of three screens. (See fig. below).
3 Units
2 Units
1 Unit
4 Units 9 Units
1 Unit
The total number of lumens in is the same for each screen. The screen distances are
in the ratio 1:2:3 but the area are in the ratio 1:4:9, i.e. 12:22:32. hence the
illuminations are proportional to:
1 1 1 1
, 2 , 2 , i.e. to 2
12 2 3 d
E= α Or E =
d2 d2
Illumination E =
Number of lumens
4π I 1
= = 2
4π d 2
If light falls at an angle to the surface, the original definition of illumination is quite
valid i.e.
Number of lumens
Area of surface
To allow for the inclination, we must introduce a factor in inverse square law
The inclined areas A and B are related by the equation A = BC & Q
Illumination of B; EB α
Illumination of A; EA α ⇒ cos Q
xy cos Q xy
I I cos Q
And since EA = = , EB =
d 2
Thus for an inclined surface
I cos Q
The units are again in lumens/units area.
When a surface units light we say that it has a brightness or luminance. The light
may result from reflection or transmission or it may actually be generated at the
surface. The term ‘luminance’ is preferable to brightness.
The luminance of a surface may be due to light produced at the surface, such as with
an incandescent object. Luminance may also be a result of reflection, e.g., the light
reflected from a sheet of paper, or it may be a result of light being transmitted
through a suffusion surface such as a lampshade.
Luminance may be expressed in terms of the number of lumens per square metre in
which case since,
I cd = 4 π lm
I cd/m2 = 4 π lm/m2
Evaluation Ex ercise 13.1
1. A light source of 200 cd is placed 3m vertically above the center of a table. What is
the illumination at the center when the table top is:
a) Horizontal
b) Inclined at 15° to the horizontal?
3. A source of light has a mean spherical intensity of 5 cd. How may lumens does it
emit? (62.8lm)
4. A source has a luminous intensity of 150 cd in a certain direction. How many, lumens
are emitted per unit solid angle in this direction? (150lm)
5. A lamp emits 200 lumens equally in all directions. What is its power? (15.9 cd)
6. A point source of 100 candelas is hung 6m above a horizontal road. What is the
illumination at the point directly below the source and at 9m from this point? (2.8 Lx;
7. A photometer measuring head is placed between two lamps, one of 160 cd. If the
lamps are 1m apart and produce equal illuminations on the photometer when it is at
800mm from the 160 cd source, what is the intensity of the other source? (10 cd.)
a) A light source of 200 cd is placed 3m vertically above the center of a table. What
is the illuminanation at the center when the table top is:
i) Horizontal
ii) Inclined at 15° to the horizontal
1. Titcom be : Fundamentals of Engineering Science
2. L Bostock and S Chandler : Mathematics – Mechanics and Probability
3. John B etts : Physics for Technology
4. Roger M uncaster : A-Level Physics
5. D Halliday and R Resnick : Fundamentals of Physics
6. Alpheus W Sm ith and John Cooper : Elements of Physics
7. F. Bueche : College Physics
8. F. Bueche : Principles of Physics
9. Nelkon and P ark er : A-Level Physics
10. Hillier and Hanna : Engineering Science for Technicians