Discussion Paper: Future Energy Storage Systems For Mobility Applications
Discussion Paper: Future Energy Storage Systems For Mobility Applications
Discussion Paper: Future Energy Storage Systems For Mobility Applications
A quick guide for the manufacturing industry as well as study shows that commercial vehicles like long-range buses
mechanical and plant engineering and trucks, are means of transportation for which the Fuel Cell
is a superior solution because of technical as well as economic
aspects. The main hurdles for Fuel Cell market diffusion
The increasing demand for energy storage solutions presents concerning these applications are currently high production
a huge opportunity for mechanical and plant engineering as costs and a TRL below 9.
well as the manufacturing industry.
Advancement of manufacturing technology and up-scaling are
More and more OEMs are investing in the development and efficient means for cost reduction and thereby for achieving
production of energy storage systems and electric drive trains. market distribution. An analysis of the production process,
In order to facilitate the transition to zero emission energy consisting of component manufacturing as well as assembly
consumption, further development of the technology and pro- processes, is presented as a basis for technical development
duction of energy storage and conversion systems is required. towards cost-efficient Fuel Cell applications. The Bipolar
The Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT, with Plate and the Membrane Electrode Assembly are the main
its more than 35 years of experience in applied research and cost drivers and are thus the most important components to
development of manufacturing technologies and processes, is concentrate cost reduction efforts on.
committed to contribute significantly to this transition.
Moreover, current challenges and potential levers for cost
This study provides an insight into the most relevant energy reduction alongside with further optimization potential are
storage technologies with regard to their principle of opera- discussed. Here, the expertise of Fraunhofer IPT is placed in its
tion and design, their market potential and their manufactur- proper relationship to these needs.
ing technology. On this basis, companies can make profitable
decisions about new strategic alignment and investments. Finally, an outlook on a following, second Discussion Paper
“The Relevance of Fuel Cells for Mobility Applications” is
The given technological options for energy storage are presented.
assessed regarding their suitability for the application to elec-
trification of vehicles. Due to their general suitability for the
application to electric vehicles, Lithium-Ion Batteries and Fuel
Cells are selected for a detailed profit/loss consideration. This
Content Overview 2
Technology Selection 26
Outlook 37
List of Figures 38
Acronyms 39
Bibliography 40
+ –
E le c t r ic it y ge n e ra ti o n fro m re n e wa b l e e n ergy s ourc es has c onti nuous l y grown i n the pas t few year s and
ha s re a c he d a g l o b a l c a p a c i ty o f o v e r 2 ,300 M W i n 2018 [I N T19]. The v ari abi l i ty of renewabl e en er gy such
a s w ind or so l a r e n e rg y a re i n tu r n d ri v i n g renewed i nteres t i n energy s torage tec hnol ogi es .
The current trend towards renewable energy is driven by (EVs) has almost doubled in 2018 compared to the previous
various factors. One substantial driver is the increased aware year [IEA19]. This demand for EVs is driving interest and
ness of global warming. Worldwide, legal regulations to stop investment in mobile energy storage technology development
climate change are becoming ever more severe. International and manufacturing.
regulations have come into effect to cut greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions, which are known to have a significant For a successful change to renewable energy, bridging the cost
impact on climate change. In pursuing ambitious GHG gap between electric and conventional solutions for stationary
reduction targets, the European Union (EU) has agreed to as well as mobile energy storage solutions and meeting the
reduce GHG emissions up to 40 % until 2030 – compared to specific technical requirements of different applications is
a 1990-baseline. [EUR20] Various possible measures such as critical. To this end, industry and research centers need to make
the implementation of a CO2-tax have recently been discussed concerted efforts to systematically develop performant and
[ZAB19]. As the combustion of fossil fuels produces GHG scalable technology as well as production strategies. Along
emissions, the governmental regulations and measures directly more and more OEMs that are investing in energy storage and
affect fossil fuel consumers such as of internal combustion en- electric drive train development and production, Fraunhofer IPT,
gine (ICE) vehicles and fossil-fuel based power plants [EHR18]. with more than 35 years of experience in applied research and
development in manufacturing technologies and processes, has
ICE vehicles are considered to be an essential lever for the committed to enhancing the development of energy storage
reduction of GHG emissions. In addition to environmental and conversion system technology and production to facilitate
damage by GHG emission, damage to health is caused by the change to zero emission energy consumption.
emission of pollutants such as nitrogen oxides (NOX). As par-
ticularly urban regions suffer from ICE vehicle-related air and The increasing demand for energy storage for applications
noise pollution, more and more cities are introducing driving such as shifting of energy from intermittent wind or solar
bans for ICE vehicles. Furthermore, governments around the power plants as well as for electric powertrains can be a huge
world not only discourage driving ICE vehicles through taxes opportunity for mechanical and plant engineering as well as
and bans but at the same time promote the electrification of manufacturing industry. In order for companies to be able to
vehicles [BUN20, EHR18]. Furthermore, there is a rising public make an informed decision on new strategic alignment and
awareness of the negative ecological impact of ICEs. The con- investment, a profound examination of the various techno-
current trend in the mobility sector to electrical drivetrains is logical options for stationary as well as mobile energy storage
apparent in the continuously growing number of electric and is essential. This study provides insight into the most relevant
plug-in hybrid vehicles. In 2018, an amount of 5 million cars storage technologies regarding their principle of operation and
worldwide was exceeded and the number of electric vehicles design. Thereby companies are enabled to better understand
Ba t t e r ie s c ur re n tl y d ra w th e m o s t i n te re s t of al l v ari ous tec hnol ogi c al opti ons for s tati onary as w ell as
m obile e ne r g y s to ra g e te ch n o l o g i e s . E s p ec i al l y L i thi um-I on Batteri es (L I Bs ) are rec ei v i ng publ i c at t ent ion
a nd a re im ple me n te d i n th e fi rs t s e ri e s of appl i c ati ons s uc h as battery el ec tri c v ehi c l es (BEVs ). How ever,
ot he r st or a ge te c h n o l o g i e s , n a me l y S o l i d -State Batteri es (SSBs ), Superc apac i tors (SC s ), F l y wheels ( FWs) as
w e ll a s F ue l C e l l s (F C s ), m u s t a l s o b e c o ns i dered.
There are advantages and disadvantages over each solution ity. This creates opportunities for production of the individual
as well as differences regarding their ability to fulfill technical components as well as potential for machinery manufacturers.
requirements of the intended application, their technological To facilitate such a decision, a brief summary of a profound
maturity, market potential, and necessary production process- internal study about the technology itself, advantages and
Fig: 1: Schematic Overview of a Cylindrical LIB Cell
es. A decision on the company’s aptitude for the production current applications with a market estimation as well as an
of these technologies needs to include an evaluation of the overview of components and production processes will be
necessity of research or machinery investments and profitabil- presented for each of these technological options.
Fig. 2: Market Share and Growth of LIBs [IPT]
As for energy density, LIBs cover a relatively wide range of 160 Market Share and Growth
to 670 Wh/l and 90 to 250 Wh/kg, respectively [RAH15, ISI17].
Amounts of up to 860 Wh/l or 320 Wh/kg, respectively, are Global Market Share per Application
anticipated for the future [RAH15, ISI17]. They can be charged
+17%* Energy Storage
at temperatures between 0 °C and 45 °C and discharged Systems
10% 12%
between -20 °C and 55 °C [HOP16].
LIBs are used as power supply for portable electronic devices 26.0
53% +13%*
and electrical vehicles as well as backup and storage solutions Electronics
for power grids. It is expected that global demands for these 6.5
applications will continue to grow and that LIBs will stay Total Automotive
Market Market
the predominant technology for EVs in the future [SUM18, in bn € in bn €
GRA17, LAR18].
Market Drivers
Inner-city driving regulations for conventional vehicles
Global Market
Increasing demand for e-mobility
No “breakthrough” in potential competing technologies
LIB technology dominates the global battery market. As shown Market Constraints
in Fig. 2, the current 26 billion EUR market for LIBs is expected Strong concentration of production capacities in Asia
to grow on average by 17 % a year between 2017 and 2025. Uncertainty whether the production capacity can keep up with
the rising demand
Consumer electronics and automobile applications constitute Competitive SSB could prevent larger investments
more than three quarters of the overall estimated market, with *: Expected CAGR (till 2025)
a predominant increase in the automotive sector by 13 %. Sources: [SUM18], [GRA17], [AHL19], [TRA19]
electrode material gets dried and compressed in a calendering ing. Remaining cavities in the cell are filled up with the liquid
process before the carrier foil, along with the electrode, is slit electrolyte right before the casing is then sealed. [HEI18a,
up into smaller stripes. Subsequently, the stripes are rolled up BER17].
Fig. 3: Technology Overview: LIBs
to small coils and vacuum dried. [HEI18a, BER17, PET13]
The third and last major process step, theGesamthöhe
cell finishing, starts
In the second major process step, these coils are unwound
with the formation, a processGrafik
of charging and discharging
and cut into their final format for cell assembly. The single the cell with predefined parameters. During this process, the
units are then either stacked or wound repeatedly with the performance-critical solid electrolyte interface is formed. In the
separator layer. The resulting stack or coil is placed into a cas- subsequent aging process, the cells are stored for up to three
weeks with varying ambient temperatures. Throughout this
time, the cell characteristics are measured to identify any faults
in production. Finally, the main cell properties are measured
Technology Overview for quality control. [HEI18a, GRE18]
Production Process Thereafter multiple cells are deposed and bonded inside a
Electrode Battery Battery Flashing casing in order to form a module. For one battery pack, sev-
Cell Cell
Manufac- Module Pack & Quality
Assembly Finishing eral modules and a cooling system are mounted together and
turing Assembly Assembly Check
assembled inside of a bigger casing. A final flashing process
Cost Structure
Costs [€/kWh]
and quality check conclude the production process. [HEI18b,
Allocation of Costs
by Components GRE18]
2018 200
14% 35% 54% -25%
2025 150
Separator Anode
Technology Drivers, Constraints and Opportunities
Electrolyte (8%) Cathode 0 100 200
Technology Constraints
This high market potential creates an incentive for producing
Sustainability in battery products to ensure the safe processing of
materials and the use of environmentally friendly materials companies to enter the market, albeit with difficulties. The
Compliance with CE marking standards Technological Readiness Level (TRL) of LIBs is very high and
Sources: [GRE18], [THI15], [ISI17], [HEI18a], [HEI18b], [RAH15], [MIC16] the production largely industrialized. With large (and growing)
battery cell manufacturing capacity especially located in China,
Fig. 3: Technology Overview of LIBs significant efforts and investments are necessary in order
to establish a competitive high-volume production facility
[IEA19]. Additionally, approximately 60–66 % of the total Key Takeaways for the Manufacturing Industry
manufacturing costs for a battery pack are material costs
[WEN19]. Costs for the cathode material have the highest • High market growth is expected.
importance, followed by costs for the anode material and • Setting up a LIB cell production facility requires high
the separator layer. These costs largely depend on the battery investment levels and profound know-how in elec-
chemistry and raw material costs. The high share of costs in tro-chemistry.
material diminishes the potential to reduce costs by more • Process industry plays a predominant role in LIB manu-
efficient production. Further challenges for manufacturing facturing while mechanical and plant engineering plays
companies include the use of sustainable materials, up-scaling a subsidiary role.
of production, an increase of process stability, and facilitation • Specialist suppliers for module and pack assembly need
of safe processes [RAH15]. The required know-how and effort relatively low investments for market entry and can
to address these should not be underestimated. expect a high profit margin.
Solid-State Battery (SSB) found in inorganic electrolytes, which can be classified into
three categories: crystalline, glass, and ceramic. They are
non-flammable and highly mechanically stable and therefore
Solid considered the best solution for safety issues. [EEP18]
Cathode Current
Casing Anode Electrolyte
Composite Collector
Inorganic solid electrolytes allow for different anode materials
compared to those used in conventional LIBs. The use of
alkali-metals such as lithium metal, sodium or potassium
facilitates a significant increase in energy density and cycle
lifetime, a wider temperature range to operate in and shorter
charging times. It is therefore seen as a huge technological
advancement. Although cathode materials can be the same
as in conventional LIBs, alternative cathode materials are
possible for increased performance. The use of sulfur increases
Single Cells combined to Battery Pack capacity whereas a higher voltage can be achieved by using
lithium-nickel-manganese-oxide. [BRA16, HEI18b, SCH18]
Fig. 4: Schematic Overview of a SSB
The absence of a flammable electrolyte constitutes another
advantage of SSBs compared to LIBs as it allows battery
Like the conventional LIB, the main SSB cell is formed by an operation without a cooling system, freeing space for energy
anode and a cathode layer, as well as the electrolyte (see Fig. storage [SCH18]. In addition, the solid electrolyte enables new
4). Both electrodes are layered on a current collector. The ma- cell designs such as the bipolar stacked cells, meaning a cell
jor difference to LIB cells lies in the intermediate electrolyte in stack in which the current collector, anode, electrolyte, and
between the electrode layers. Compared to LIBs with organic cathode are repeatedly layered over each other. The voltage
liquid electrolytes, SSBs are using a solid ionic conductive can be tapped from the two outer current collectors. The more
material. This solid material between anode, and cathode can cells are stacked, the higher the voltage becomes. By using
be either a polymer electrolyte or an inorganic electrolyte. this design, the energy density can be increased because less
These materials are non-electric conductive and therefore also inactive parts are needed. [GAM15]
function as an insulator, which in LIBs is usually done by an
additional component, the separator layer. [EEP18, HEI18b] Possible applications are energy storage for portable electronic
Current research is focusing on anode, cathode and electrolyte devices, power grids, and EVs [SCH18].
materials. Polymer is one material option for electrolytes.
Polymer electrolytes are easy to produce, have a flexible,
shape and increase overall battery safety. However, they also
have some significant disadvantages. These include a narrow
operation temperature range, low mechanical stability, and
an instable electrolyte/electrode interface. Another option is
Global Market a lot of effort into this technology. Based on the number of
patents that are filed for SSB technology, at the beginning
The overall market for SSBs is comparatively small, with an of 2019, key players are Toyota Motor Corp. (233 patents),
approximate value of 110 million USD in 2018. The market Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co. Ltd. (79 patents),
is expected to grow up to over 2 billion USD in 2025, mainly Integrated Power Solutions Inc. (56 patents), Sakti3 Inc. (53
due to the growing demand for thin film SSBs, which are used patents), or Robert Bosch GmbH (28 patents) [STR19]. Due to
in small portable devices, and industrial applications. [GUP19] the investment by these players into research, the solution of
Despite this growth, the total market is projected to remain cost and performance issues and therefore market diffusion
comparably small. EVs pose a particularly big opportunity, as seems likely in the near future.
automotive applications demand high energy densities, ideally
above 800 Wh/l and 300 Wh/kg respectively, which current LIBs Production Perspective
cannot deliver [SCH18]. Despite this growth, the total market
is projected to still be comparably small. In order to have this The production of SSBs involves three main steps: electrode
technology diffused into the market the drawbacks consisting in and electrolyte production, cell assembly, and cell finish. Due
Fig. 5: Market Share and Growth of to the premature state of technology, there is currently no
high cost and lower performance at low temperatures need to
beSSBs [IPT]
overcome. reference process chain for the production of SSBs. Specifically
in electrode and electrolyte production, we find various
There are a numerous key players that pursue a marketable sub-process chains that have to be further investigated on the
SSB technology, for example research institutes like the MIT, basis of material developments. In cell assembly and cell finish,
ETH Zürich, University of Texas in Austin and Forschungsz- the sub-process chains are known and can be partially adapted
entrum Jülich [ELC17]. Next to the research institutes you from the industrialized production of LIBs. [SCH18, HEI18b]
find are a number of corporations and startups, which put In the first of two sub-process chains of electrode and
electrolyte production, cathode, and electrolyte materials
are mixed in two separate compounding presses and then
extruded with an extrusion tool to form a cathode-electrolyte
Market Share and Growth
composite. The lithium anode is produced in a single extrusion
tool, and the required layer thickness is adjusted by roll
Market Drivers
compaction. In a laminating process, a layered composite of
Electrification in the automotive sector (growing demand for PHEV
and BEV with higher ranges) the cathode-electrolyte composite and the anode is produced
Miniaturization of end devices demands small energy storage using rolls [HEI18b, SCH18].
Market Constraints
The second sub-process chain begins through mixing of the
Current development state restricts industrial use
High costs due to small lot size and state of research
cathode and electrolyte materials in a ball mill and is followed
Problematic heavy weights of batteries by a high-frequency sputtering process. The cathode layer and
Sources: [STR19], [MAR20], [SCH18] then the electrolyte layer are applied. The layers are compact-
ed using a sintering process and the resulting lithium anode
Fig. 5: Market Share and Growth of SSBs layer is applied by thermal vaporization. [HEI18b, SCH18]
Cell assembly begins with the cutting of the primary cells Technology Drivers, Constraints and Opportunities
using a laser, whereby contamination of the individual layers
must be avoided. The elementary cells are then stacked SSB is currently characterized by a lower TRL compared to
bipolarly and applied with a compressive force for laminating conventional batteries. Technological challenges include lithi-
the layers. Finally, the outer current conductors are made um dendrites, which grow on lithium metal anodes when the
in contact and the stack is placed in an electrically insulated battery is charged or discharged. These dendrites can cause
packaging [HEI18b]. internal short circuits making the battery useless. Therefore
Fig. 6: Technology Overview of SSBs the lower ionic conductivity of a solid electrolyte compared to
The last process steps are flashing, testing the battery prop- a liquid organic electrolyte and the high surface resistance at
erties during aging, and conducting the final inspection with the interface between electrolyte and electrode are immanent
Änderung zu „from“
performance-specific clustering [HEI18b]. characteristics. [PRE17, HEI18b] Also production processes
still pose a challenge and require further investigation. For
instance, the production process must be adapted to the tem-
perature instabilities and volume expansion of the materials.
[HEI18b] An additional challenge in the production process
that needs to be addressed, is the reactivity of the material, so
Technology Overview
that solutions which are suitable for series production must be
Option 1
developed taking into account health protection. [SCH18]
Production Process Option 2
Extrusion Compaction Laminating Flashing
Mixing Cell However, once the current material and production challenges
& Quality
Material Assembly
Sputtering Sintering Vaporization Check are solved, serial production of SSBs can be expected. Based
Performance Indicators on the advantages outlined above, the SSB is considered the
Energy Density [Wh/kg] Power Density [kW/kg] likely successor of the current LIB, provided that SSBs can be
2018 426 2018 3.80
3,80 produced with the same quality as conventional batteries
?% ?% and at comparable costs. This means possible applications
2025 In development 2025 In development
duction and can be partially adapted from the industrialized
production of LIBs. As the rest of the process steps cannot Key Takeaways for the Manufacturing Industry
be transferred from LIB production, an opportunity for new
players opens up as soon as the TRL is more advanced. Unlike • Provided working in serial production, automotive OEMs
LIBs comprising a liquid electrolyte, SSB manufacturing does are expected to use SSBs in BEVs as SSBs enable an
not require a high share of competency of the conventional increase of the driving range due to their targeted high
process industry but of several mechanical process steps such energy densities.
as high energy milling, heat treatment, and casting. Manufac- • The share of mechanical value added in SSB production
turing of solid electrolytes for SSB is particularly attractive for is higher than for LIB production.
companies that already have manufacturing equipment and • Market maturity is low and competing major players
knowledge of ceramics production (e.g. SOFC, LMCC), which have not yet evolved, which creates an opportunity for a
can be adapted for ceramics-based SSB production [SCH19]. market entry of new players.
Currently, SSBs have a low TRL of 2.
Supercapacitor (SC) SCs are comparatively fast energy storage devices with access
times in the order of seconds [GUE07]. The overall efficiency
is as high as 98–100 % [KUR15]. The high power density
Power and the ability of super-fast charging and discharging cycles
Source make the technology attractive for applications which require
a certain amount of energy in a relatively short time or a very
high number of charging and discharging cycles.
Global Market In comparison to other energy storage systems, SCs have
unique features such as cyclicality and high power density.
In 2017, the global SC market was valued at around 700 Due to potential usability in a wide temperature range, they
million EUR and is expected to reach a compounded average are suitable for various applications. Moreover, the selection of
annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20 % between 2018 and 2022 different types and quantities of materials leads to significant
Fig. 8: Market Share and Growth of
[MAT17, MAR16, FUT18, BUS18, IDT14, FIN18, MOR18] (see variability in energy density, performance, and price [DUR13,
Fig. 8). Faster market growth of SCs is currently still delayed by YON16].
scarcity in applications, unknown technological development
potential and high prices [TRA18b, ALL17, DUR13]. SCs are expected to solve existing boundaries with peak
load demands due to their capability of fast charging and
discharging, particularly in the market for renewable energy
applications [GRÄ16]. Moreover, the usage in short-term
Market Share and Growth
storage applications, which are relying on high power density
and low weight are strong incentives for a further technical
Global Market Share per Application
development and market penetration of SCs [GRÄ16, PRN16].
+20%* Others
These technical characteristics make SCs attractive for
Electronics industrial and energy applications, resulting in a market share
of 44 %. The second largest market share of 30 % is held by
700 44% the field of mobility and transport. [BUS20, FUT18] Usage of
Industrial 30% Mobility &
SCs in EVs has advantages and disadvantages: They would
& Energy Transport
210 allow for recharging wihtin a few minutes but limit the EVs to
Total Mobility & short travel distances. Another disadvantage of the technology
Market Transport Market is that a SC cannot store energy as long as LIBs – resulting in a
in m € in m €
loss of stored energy in case a car is not used for a longer pe-
Market Drivers riod of time. Considering the present forms of use of EVs, the
Transportation industry gives a significant boost to the market only utilization of SCs seems unrealistic. Only a combination
due to wider operation conditions in temperature, fast
with another energy storage system, e.g. a LIB, would allow
charging and regenerative braking
Progress in energy harvesting applications, batteries, battery for an application in EVs. [DEC18]
back-up and memory back-ups
Increasing implementation in mobile applications
Growing need to maintain high energy in energy industry, As today, important market participants are Maxwell Technol-
demand of high power densities
ogies Inc., Panasonic Corp., TOKIN Corp., Nippon Chemi-Con
Market Constraints Corp., CAP-XX Ltd., and Skeleton Technologies [MOR18].
High price compared to conventional batteries
Lack of awareness in technological application areas
Technology is only used by a few companies in end devices,
limiting the potential for high volume production
*: Expected CAGR (till 2022)
Sources: [ALL17], [BUS18], [BUS18], [ELE17], [EPS16], [FIN18], [FUT18], [FUT20],
[GRÄ16a], [GON14], [MAR16a], [MAR16a], [MOR18], [PRN16], [TRA18b]
Production Perspective
liquid electrolytes are injected into the cell via capillary action. 2025 60-80 2025 20-25
After closing the cell with a laser welding process, a degas- 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 5 10 15 20 25
sing-procedure by mandrel insert takes place. Precise dosage
Technology Drivers
and taking into account the fire hazard are essential along Progress in nano materials
this process. [ELN20, HEI18b] After closing the SC, formation, Long life cycles
Fast charging through high power density
and aging is performed by charging and discharging the SC
cyclically. This formation affects the cell performance and Technology Constraints
needs to be executed under stable conditions regarding the Available materials have limited energy densities
High material costs
atmospheric environment. [HEI18b] Final tests complete the
Sources: [BAT19], [CAP20], [BRO11], [CRM12], [EUR17], [ELN20], [SKE18], [DEC18],
cell production process. In order to detect internal cell defects, [AHM15], [DUR13], [STO16], [HEI18b], [HSI15]
cells are stored and checked over the course of several weeks.
Fig. 9: Technology Overview of SCs
Technology Drivers, Constraints and Opportunities
Key Takeaways for the Manufacturing Industry
Although the TRL is already high, in order to further establish
the technology, optimization for lower material costs • SC market is currently not a mass market.
and higher energy density is important [FIN18]. With an • Further research into new materials is required to
improvement of the SCs relatively low energy density, the improve energy density.
technology is highly dependent on a breakthrough in research • Opportunities for market entry exist due to the currently
of new capacitor materials. Optimization potential also exists high number of startups.
in the integration of coating technologies for complex material • Synergies with LIB can be used during production
processing. Furthermore, progress in nano-materials must be (electrode manufacturing, handling steps etc.).
coupled with high accuracy in the production processes to en-
sure quality and performance of the SC [HEI18b]. Depending
on the required cell format, synergies with LIB can be utilized
regarding production steps. Especially the stacking processes is
similar in both technologies.
Active Magnet bearing, the friction losses can be reduced to 5 % per hour
Bearing [BUN16]. FRP-FWs are lighter than steel-based FWs but can
produce a higher rotational speed and therefore can store a
larger amount of energy [FRO15]. This is due to the quadratic
dependency of the kinetic energy stored in a FW on the FW’s
Fig. 10: Schematic Overview of a FW velocity, compared to the linear dependency on the FW’s
mass. Another advantage of FRP rotors over steel rotors is the
superior fracture behavior in case of damage [STE17].
In a FW system, energy is stored in form of kinetic energy of
the rotating FW [STO20] (see Fig. 10). An electric motor is FWs can be used for stationary as well as mobile applications
used to transform electric energy into FW kinetic energy and and are especially suitable for short-term storage of electrical
a generator to convert it back into electrical energy [WAN16]. energy [FRO18]. Stationary FWs are used for uninterrupted
When FWs are applied in vehicles for example, the kinetic power supply, especially in data centers, storage to smooth
energy can be directly stored without the need for conversion out peaks in renewable energy supplies and smart grid energy
[THE11]. storage [GRA19, ELY19]. In mobility applications, FW energy
storage systems are mainly used for recuperation and power
The most relevant component is the FW rotor, which is either support of railways [MOU17]. Testing must show whether an
made of fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP) or of steel. As FWs application in other vehicles is realistic. However, an influence
are mounted with bearings, energy losses due to friction of the relatively large rotating mass on driving behavior of the
occur during operation. In order to minimize air resistance of vehicle cannot be excluded.
the FW, the chamber is usually evacuated [OER08]. Further
components are the motor and generator unit, the bearings,
the housing, and other components such as pumps and the
control unit.
Global Market and other European companies such as OXTO Energy (UK)
and ELYTT Energy (Spain). Moreover, American companies like
By 2025, the FW energy storage system market of 235 million
Amber Kinetics Inc. and Beacon participate in the market.
Fig. 11: Market Share and Growth of
EUR is expected to grow with a CAGR of 8.9 % due to Fig. 12: Technology Overview of FWs
growing [IPT]for uninterruptible power supply [GRA19]. With a rising demand for grid stabilization due to the increase
The largest market share is held by distributed energy
of renewable energy, comes a growing demand for energy
generation, followed by data centers. Complete market share Grafik
storage linkssuch
systems muss auf Their
as FWs. jeden Fall neu of rare re-
distribution and market growth are shown in Fig. 11. The key sources gives FWs an advantage over chemical energy storage
players in the FW market are the German companies Gerotor systems such as batteries.
GmbH, STORNETIC GmbH, Siemens AG, Piller Group GmbH,
Technology Overview
Production Process
Market Share and Growth
Production of
Individual Components
Fig. 11: Market Share and Growth of FWs Fig. 12: Technology Overview of FWs
Production Perspective Yet, market entry might still be interesting as a low investment
would be necessary for mechanical engineering companies
The components are manufactured in discrete production. with expertise in machinery for limited production of these
Most of the components namely steel rotor, bearings, motor mostly classical mechanical components with a high TRL. This
and generator unit, housing, and pumps are well known especially applies to manufacturers of bearings and winding
mechanical parts, which can be manufactured in conventional components. On the contrary, there are hardly synergies for
processes. A steel FW is usually produced by casting and manufacturers of batteries or other energy storage systems.
finished by machining.
Fig. 13: Schematic Overview of a
Fuel Cell (FC) complex thermal management systems are avoided and a
short start-up time is enabled. The high energy density of fuels
such as hydrogen or methanol leads to a low system weight.
According to their operating temperature, FCs are divided into DMFC 50-120 20-30 240
low-, medium-, and high-temperature FCs. Further distinction PEMFC 80-120 60 350
by the type of applied electrolyte is possible. Common FCs
PAFC 150-200 40 200
are the Alkaline Fuel Cell (AFC), the Direct Methanol Fuel Cell
(DMFC), the Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (PAFC), the Molten Car MCFC 600-700 50 100
bonate Fuel Cell (MCFC), the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC), and
SOFC 500-1,000 60 240
the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) [KUR16].
The way a FC system can be operated is characterized by its Sources: [USD15], [FCT16], [RAM15], [FUE12], [PRA16], [PEI10], [LOU17], [STRE17], [KUR16]
power density [WEE07, WAN11]. Fig. 14 gives an overview The PEMFC can be designed according to different technical
of the technical suitability of different FC types on these requirements like output power or geometrical size to adapt
demands. MCFCs and SOFCs require high operating tempera- to varying applications. This enables the use of FCs as a
tures and DMFCs have low electrical efficiency at their current solution for zero emission mobility for both passenger cars
development state. For AFCs and PAFCs, the power density is as well as trucks and buses. Provided that hydrogen tanks
Fig. 15: Overview of Industrial Applications are
currently not competitive with densities of other energy stor-
forof Different FC Types [IPT]
the appropriate size, FC Electric Vehicles (FCEV) allow
age systems. On the other hand, the operating temperature for high driving ranges and short refueling durations of only
of PEMFC is between 80 °C and 120 °C (relatively low) with a few minutes. Fig. 13 shows a PEMFC stack where several
an electrical efficiency ranging around 60 % [JOU17, KUR16]. Gesamthöhe
single cells are connected in series [STE17]. WithGrafik
an increased
With their ability for discontinuous operation, PEMFCs are the number of connected cells, theverändert
FC can cover a high power
most appropriate type of FC for the application to transporta- demand and can be deployed in a wide range of geometrical
tion and mobility. [USD15, PRA16, PEI10, STR17] sizes [JOU17]. The focus of this study is on the PEMFC due
Extender 40k
Boat Ship
1.2-30k 50k-500k
Van 30-80k
Sweeper Cars
30k 70-130k
Forklift Excavator &
2.5-4.5k Tractor 7.5k
Bicycle Scooters
0.1-0.25k 3-4k
to these properties and the special suitability with regard to Global Market
operating temperature, electrical efficiency, and power density
as described above. As the global market for EVs increases also the number of
FCEVs will rise. This will presumably influence the market of
PEMFCs convert hydrogen and oxygen into electrical energy, PEMFCs, which is therefore expected to grow by 17 % a year
water, and heat [VIE17]. Inside the cell, hydrogen is separated between 2017 and 2026 as shown in Fig. 16. Next to the large
into electrons and protons at the anode, where a catalyst is Fig. 16: Market Share and Growth of
range and short refueling time, further advantages of using a
applied. Anode and cathode are separated by a PEM which FC in mobility applications are the low noise impact and the
enables the transfer of the protons but is impermeable for
absence of pollutant emissions [GRA20].
electrons. At the cathode, electrons, protons, and oxygen are
processed to pure water. Electrons are transferred from anode
to cathode along an external circuit, which is used to extract
electrical energy from the cell. [PIT17]
Market Share and Growth
are used for uninterruptible power supply [JÖR17], portable 59% 2.183
Market Drivers
Nevertheless, other FC types have been used in selected cases.
Large number of hydrogen-powered vehicles could enable sector
SOFCs can be found in mid-range power applications such as coupling
cars, trucks, and ships [NIS16, REC16, GCC18a]. Due to their Extended range and uptime as well as shorter refueling time
compared to existing energy storage options for EVs
limited maximum power, DMFCs are restricted to applications Growing market for electrical vehicles with high power demand
with relatively low power requirements such as bicycles,
Market Constraints
scooters, and forklifts [FCB08, FCS17]. Only one case of PAFCs High costs compared to fossil energy
was reported for commercial vehicles. No usage of AFCs and Lack of hydrogen-infrastructure (difficult to create, store and
MCFCs was reported at all [USD03]. High demand for cost intensive materials like platinum
The key players in the FC market working on these topics and Production Perspective
the FC itself are Ballard Power Systems, Hydrogenics Corpo-
ration (both Canada), Intelligent Energy Ltd., Acal Energy Ltd. Components are manufactured separately, then assembled
Fig. 17: Technology Overview of
(both UK), Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH (Germany), Plug into cells and afterwards stacked . The assembly and stacking
Power (USA), and PowerCell (Sweden). process of a PEMFC is composed of the six steps shown in
PEMFCs [IPT] Fig. 17, which might vary in detail. One possible process chain
is described hereafter.
In the beginning of the assembly process, a chemically resistant
gasket is applied to the BPPs in order to prevent internal and
external leaking. Following this step, the gasket is cured in a
Technology Overview
continuous furnace. For a subsequent application of the MEA,
the catalyst is placed upon the GDL or membrane and the layers
Production Process are joined using hot pressing. With the following positioning
Apply Formation of the BPPs and their connection to the MEA, a single cell is
Cure Apply Leakage Cell
Sealing & formed and then tested for leaks. In the last step multiple cells
Sealing MEA Testing Stacking
to BPP Fixation
are lined up in a row and connected to a FC stack. [BAT16,
Cost Structure BEN10, BLO05, CAR14, KUR16, JAM17, SCH05, ZBT12, ZBT19]
Allocation of Costs Costs [€/kWh]
2018 87
47% 53% -18%
Drivers, Constraints and Opportunities
2025 71
Production Material
0 100 The hydrogen and FC markets are driven by increasing energy
Performance Indicators demand. However, LIBs are a competing solution, which is
Energy Density [Wh/kg] Power Density [kW/kg] already available on the market and more widely used. They
2018 33,000* 2018 2,33
2.33 have a number of disadvantages compared to FCs and hydro-
0% +30%
2025 Chemical Limitation 2025 3,00
3.00 gen tanks such as lower energy density and longer refuelling
0 30,000
30.000 0 1 2 3 4 times, which are especially critical in the case of vehicles. To
Technology Drivers be an overall favorable solution compared to LIBs, PEMFCs still
Extended range and uptime as well as shorter refueling time need to overcome a number of obstacles, namely high cost,
compared to existing energy storage options for EVs
short lifetime, and a lack of infrastructure. More precisely,
Technology Constraints the costs for the FC drivetrain need to be lowered to a price
Low level of automation in manufacturing of components comparable to combustion or BEVs. Additionally, production
Limited lifetime of FCs
processes need to be developed to achieve a long lifetime,
* Value refers to pure hydrogen as the fuel for the PEM fuel cell system
Sources: [KUR16], [JAM17], [JAM18a], [JAM18], [TRY17], [WIE19] which is currently limited for some of the components and for
applications in the mobility sector and the infrastructure for
Fig. 17: Technology Overview of PEMFCs hydrogen supply needs to be enhanced.
Growing demand for FCs accelerates the developments for
a cost-optimized production [JAM18, ENE19]. The high costs Key Takeaways for the Manufacturing Industry
of the current production process are mainly due to a high
amount of manual processing steps as well as the high cost • Low-cost high-volume production is required.
of certain materials. Especially an improvement of the BPP • High investment for scale-up is required, but scalable
production will be a decisive lever for a considerable cost production can tap cost potentials.
reduction. The costs for BPPs can be reduced by automation • BPP manufacturing, assembly, cleaning, and inspection
using technologies like hydroforming or stamping as well as are opportunities for market entry for specialized
advanced handling systems and process control. Therefore, mechanical engineering companies.
BPP manufacturing requires a high level of competencies of
classical mechanical engineering industry. The production of
metal BPPs is challenging due to the necessity to form very
complex flow fields and requires know-how about possible
technologies and the corresponding processes. As there is
the opportunity to be the first to develop and establish an
automated flow production process, which enables high
volume production at low cost, market entry is interesting for
companies with experience in these manufacturing processes.
However, it should be also considered that this requires high
initial investment.
Preselection Certainly, limited capacity and range still are challenges for LIBs
but the relatively wide developed recharging network already
A detailed analysis and comparison of the different energy offers a great advantage for further development. Nevertheless,
storage systems with their advantages and disadvantages as the technology is not suitable for every use case because of
well as the current market shares and potential growth fields undisputed systemically and indissoluble disadvantages, which
provide a profound basis for a differentiated analysis. can be better covered by other energy storage systems.
For the application to electrification of vehicles, the above
mentioned technological options for energy storage are not In FCEVs, the FC produces electric energy from compressed
equally well suited (see Fig. 18). hydrogen stored in a tank to power the electrical motor.
Storing hydrogen in tanks leads to a very high-density storage
SSBs are assessed as currently not eligible due to their lack of solution, a low specific weight, allows for a higher range and
technological maturity. FWs and SCs do not offer sufficient en- faster charging times. However, high production costs as well
ergy storage capacity to meet the requirements of an EV. Hence, as a not yet sufficiently established hydrogen infrastructure
we project that they will not play a big role in the electrification for production, distribution, and storage hinder technology
Fig. 18: Pre-selection of Energy Storage Solutions for Application in EVs
of the mobility sector. On the other hand, LIB and FC technology diffusion. [HYD20]
are promising solutions for the electrification of vehicles.
Due to their general suitability for the application to EVs, we
With its high energy efficiency, LIBs are an attractive technology have selected LIBs and FCs for a further consideration.
option offering a high level of technical maturity and are
particularly suitable for small cars and rather short trips [FRI19]. Usability for Different Types of Vehicles
Energy Density (Discharge) [Wh/kg] The weight and size are proportional to the amount of stored
energy. Thus, for long-range applications, the necessary high
Suitability for weight and size of the LIB increase any energy consumption
EV application
High TRL Low and reduce the freight capacity. This effect amplifies with an
increasing target range. [DVZ18] When the range supported
Fig. 18: Preselection of Energy Storage Solutions for by the installed battery is exceeded, long vehicle downtimes
Application in EVs due to slow charging occur. Additionally, for long distance
trips (>430 km), GHG emissions of BEVs even surpass those of Comparison of Costs for BEVs and FCEVs
alternative powertrain solutions when electricity or hydrogen is
produced with natural gas [THO09, HYD19]. Competitiveness regarding the investment costs is crucial in
this cost-sensitive sector, and cost-considerations will complete
On the contrary, FC technology enables refueling within only the comparison of BEVs and FCEVs. In order to obtain a valid
a few minutes. Furthermore, an increase in range is achieved estimate, it is necessary to ponder the use cases like passenger
by an enlargement of the hydrogen tank and does not imply a cars and commercial vehicles individually due to their
significant weight increase. Despite their current technological tremendous differences in initial and operating costs, driving
delay compared to LIBs, the advantages here exceed the profiles or weight. Fig. 20 and Fig. 21 show the dependency
disadvantages. All in all, high battery weight, capacity, and of investment costs (CAPEX) from the required driving range
charging time, are particularly negative elements for long- for FC electric as well as battery electric passenger cars and
range and heavy duty vehicles. [THO09, HYD17] Therefore, commercial vehicles, respectively. The shown curves are based
commercial vehicles like long-range buses and trucks are on market data.
use cases for which the FC is the superior technological
Fig. 19:– Energy Fig. 20: ComparisonUse of Cases
Costs for BEVs and FCEVs
solution either in theStorage Technologies
form of a dynamically for
configured FC Different
BEV showTransportation
an over-proportional dependency of investment
(direct reaction to increased power demand) or in the form of
Passenger Cars [IPT]
cost from the driving range. The nonlinear behavior of the
a range extender that buffers power peaks via a LIB BEV investment cost function is a result of the gravimetric
(see Fig. 19) Anordnung
[FRI19]. energy density of LIB packs. The significant extra weight of the
Investment of Energy Storage System [k€]
10,000+ Synthetic Fuels BEV
Kurven sind
FCEV nicht rund 80 Advantage Advantage
Weight [t]
100 Vehicles
1 20
100 1,000+ 500 1,000 1,500 2,000
Average Mileage per Day/Trip [km] Driving Range Requirement [km]
Source: [HYD17]
Fig. 19: Energy Storage Technologies for Fig. 20: Comparison of Costs for BEVs and FCEVs over
Different Transportation Use Cases Required Range for Passenger Cars
battery increases the vehicle energy consumption and thereby driving range for the FCEV can be achieved by extending the
causes an over-proportionally heavier LIB that must provide the hydrogen tanks while leaving the FC stack unchanged. The
energy needed for a certain driving range. It has to be noted, costs are therefore only rising slightly with increased driving
that the dependence of LIB range investment costs differs ranges due to a slight increase of costs for the tank. The size
for different vehicle energy consumptions. According to this and therewith the manufacturing costs of the tank depend
case, the vehicle energy consumption depends on the vehicle on the amount of hydrogen that needs to be stored and its
specification and may lead to a curve shifting. pressure level.
Investment costs of the FCEV comprise FC stack costs of Due to the highly variable initial costs of FCEVs, an intersection
10,000 EUR to 40,000 EUR on top of the cost for the hydro- area with LIBs exists in which a clear economic superiority of
Fig. 21:
gen tank. ThisComparison of Investment
combination is comparable to the function ofCosts
onefor BEVscannot
over another and beFCEVs over
determined. Required
The positive range
Range for Commercial Vehicles [IPT]
a LIB in a BEV. Lifetime expectancy is not taken into account. for BEVs is left of the intersection and for FCEVs right, respec-
It has to be noted that FC stack costs are currently highly tively. FCs thus have a price advantage for long driving ranges.
uncertain as they will likely be lowered through upscaling of
production (see Fig. 20) and reduced material consumption For passenger vehicles, the driving range in which BEVs are
and costs in the future. Thus, instead of a curve, a range for advantageous is relatively wide (see Fig. 20). For commercial
the investment costs is defined. In contrast to the investment vehicles, the initial costs for FCEVs are higher compared to
costs of BEVs, those of FCEVs increase linearly with longer passenger vehicles, due to the higher power demand for
driving ranges. Considering the previous deduction, a longer its operation. However, BEV costs are rising rapidly as the
Investment of Energy Storage System [k€]
Vehicles Vehicles
Investment of Energy Storage System [k€]
120 120
Reduction of manufacturing costs
100 100
BEV FCEV Advantage BEV FCEV Advantage
80 Advantage 80 Advantage
60 60 Cost Reduction
40 40
20 20
Fig. 21: Comparison of Investment Costs for BEVs and FCEVs over Required Range for Commercial Vehicles
driving range increases (see Fig. 21). As stated above, this is TRL of PEMFC
a consequence of the larger amount of energy needed due
to a larger vehicle mass and the fact that heavier LIBs add to Aside the current lack of cost competitiveness, the main ob-
this vehicle weight. The figure shows that the driving range in stacle to a more intensive use of FC technology in commercial
which FCEVs are more advantageous is wider for trucks and vehicles is the lack of complete technical maturity.
buses than for passenger vehicles.
The TRLs of FCEVs differ depending on the vehicle type. It
Cost reductions of FCs can be attained by production up-scal- ranges from technical prototypes (TRL 5) in shipping and
ing, reduction of material costs, or manufacturing process op- aviation to fully commercial FCEVs (TRL 9) like passenger
timization. The same does not apply to LIB production, which cars or forklifts. A medium TRL of 6–8 can be assigned to
is already widely explored and optimized, reaching maturity commercial vehicles like trucks and buses. [ROL17] In order
with fewer levers for future cost reductions. The exploitation to exploit the full potential of the FC technology and to catch
of this high potential for FC cost reduction leads to a shift of up with other solutions in terms of technical maturity, further
the intersection area to the left (see Fig. 21). This creates an research and development has to be conducted. To take part
e.GO: REX GmbH equips e.GO Mover with FC range extender by 2022.
E.g. e.GO:REX
E.g. Suzuki
System Costs [$/kW]
100 20
0 0
100 1,000 10,000 100,000 BPPs End End Stack
Annual Production Rate [Systems/Year] Gaskets Plates Assembly
assembly MEA Other
Fig. 23: Example for Upscaling Potential of FCs for Fig. 24: Cost Estimation of Recommended Future Production Lines for
Medium Duty Vehicle Systems in 2020 Different Annual Stack Production Rates Compared to Actual Toyota
Mirai Stack Production
degree of uncertainty in the forecast should definitely be following, manufacturing processes and technologies for the
considered (see Fig. 23) [PAR18]. production of BPP and MEA are therefore to be envisaged.
Fig. 24 shows the cost estimation of recommended future Bipolar Plate (BPP)
Fig. 25: Cost
production lines forStructure of PEMFC
an annual production Depending
rate of 1,000 stacks on Production Volume
as well as for 500,000 stacks compared to cost estimation of The BBP manufacturing process starts with the production
actual Toyota Mirai stack production with an annual production of a metal sheet by a rolling system. The melted metal is
rate of 1,000 stacks. It shows that on component level, the inserted between a series of rollers with parallel axes and
main cost drivers, and therefore the most important compo- squeezed into a sheet. [BEN10] In the second step, the
nents to concentrate cost reduction efforts on, are the BPP and flow field channels are applied to the metal sheets by using
angepasst im
the MEA (Fig. 24). The distribution of manufacturing to material a micro-precision forming process such as stamping
Verhältnis der or
costs is about equal for the BPP compared to be below 1/10 hydroforming. The flow fieldAbstände
channels of BPPs distribute
zu Fig. 23 the
for the MEA (see Fig. 25) [JAM16, BAT16]. MEA material costs medium over the active surface and thus have an influence
represent the largest share. Even though MEA manufacturing on the cell reaction. Thereafter, the plates are coated by either
costs only make up for 8 % of the MEA costs, they are physical vapor deposition (PVD), also called sputtering, or
nevertheless considerably high. Both, material cost reduction as chemical vapor deposition (CVD) coating. This coating process
well as manufacturing cost reduction in the BPP production are makes the BPPs corrosion-resistant and electrically conductive.
conceivable levers for a FC stack cost reduction as well. In the [MEH03, TAH14] Release of ions from metallic BPPs, poisoning
of the membrane, and as a consequence reduction of the FC
performance is thereby inhibited. After forming and coating,
100% two plates are joined together by laser welding. In this step,
temperature-stable and corrosion-resistant markings can be
applied to the BPPs using laser labelling. [LAS13]
Several challenges have been identified in the BPP production
process. In the forming process, high accuracy is required
20% for flow field channels. Deviation of channel height from
8% specification can negatively affect cell operation. To avoid
BPP MEA the installation of damaged cells into a stack, the deviation
of channel geometry must be detected before the BPPs are
Material Costs mounted. [BEN10, MEH03] Moreover, expensive materials,
Production Costs namely gold or gold-plated titanium are currently used as
coating materials of BPPs [TAG14, KUR16]. It is therefore
Sources: [JAM16], [BAT16] necessary to find cost-effective materials for coating which
nevertheless will create high corrosion resistance and electrical
conductivity. In the joining process, laser welding will limit the
Fig. 25: Cost Structure of PEMFC Depending on Production Volume
output rate of the BPP production due to its low speed for the
production of complex structures [FAR17, LAS13].
Membrane Electrode Assembly (MEA) is one of several possible suitable coating process and
calendaring can be used for the subsequent pressing of the
To produce a MEA, firstly catalyst ink, which usually consists GDE with the membrane. The anode and cathode are located
of a platinum alloy, powdered carbon, nafion, distilled water, on the GDL. Therefore, the PEM is inserted and joined with
Fig. 26: Technological Inside View of BPPsthe[IPT]
and methanol, are stirred in a ball mill process [BAT16]. For
GDL by hot pressing. After hot pressing of the membrane
application of the catalyst layer, two different approaches are and GDL, the MEA is stamped into its final form, for instance
widely used: Catalyst Coated Substrate (CCS) and Catalyst by punching. [SIE15]
Coated Membrane (CCM).
The CCM approach is characterized by applying the coating
In the CCS approach, the catalyst is applied directly to the GDL directly onto the membrane or indirectly via an intermediate
so that Gas Diffusion Electrodes (GDE) are formed. Sputtering substrate (decal). After application of the catalyst, the layer is
Check for manufacturing High precision for reactant Expensive (coating) materials Joining of a gas- and water-
defects to avoid tolerance flow field required e.g. gold or gold-plated tight connection
violations Differing heights of channels titanium Low distortion laser welding
Deviations in plane-parallelism can affect cell operation due Expensive processes of cathode and anode plate
of both sides of the BPP must to inhomogeneous media Electrical conductivity and Reliable joining process for
be compensated distribution corrosion resistance as thin plates necessary
Different flowfield designs: important parameter
microfluidics vs. formability
Sources: [BEN10], [DUN10], [FAR17], [IWU], [IUL], [KUR16], [LAS13], [MEH03], [PEN07], [TAH14]
dried. [FRO15] In the CCM-based direct approach, the anodes process of the catalyst layer, an optimization to achieve a
and cathode are located on the PEM. Then the GDL is placed continuous production of electrodes is necessary. Moreover,
and the PEM and GDL are joined using hot pressing. In the the development of inline production monitoring processes is
CCM-based indirect approach, the anode and cathode are required since defects such as holes and cracks in the catalyst
Fig. on
located 27:
the Technological Inside
decal foil. The electrodes View
need to of MEAlayer
be transferred [IPT]
can occur and limit the conductivity of the cell. [SIE15]
to the membrane, which is then pressed together with the In the hot pressing process, both process as well as material
GDL. [FRO15] Similar to the CCS approach, the final process parameter optimization are required. This is due to the
step is to cut the MEA to its final shape [SIE15]. Höhe
negative influence of the applied verändert
pressure and temperature
on the integrity of the mechanical and electrical connection
The challenges of the MEA production process are the catalyst as well as on membrane and electrode material properties.
layer application and hot stamping. During the application [FRO15, FRA09]
Hot Pressing of
Mixture of Catalyst Ink Application of Catalyst Layer Separation of Finished MEA
Membrane and GDL
Catalyst GDL
Membrane Single MEA Units
Highly complex due to the Material-efficient coating Wrong values of pressure and Stamping of single MEA units
multitude of process Development of inline temperature can lead to for subsequent stacking
parameters measurement methods for significant material changes in process
Sealing, Cell and Stack Assembly handling and transport of the involved components. The
curing of the gasket units involves temperature treatment in a
Sealing of the stack is required to inhibit internal and external continuous furnace [ZBT12]. The sealing performance depends
leakage as well as the compensation of tolerances induced by on the material characteristics and the compression during
upstream manufacturing processes of components [ZBT19].
Fig. 28: Detailed Technological View on PEMFC [IPT]
The sealing material has a high impact on the FC lifespan
since it is the connecting part of MEA and BPP. The sealing Then BPPs and sealing are joined together with the MEA by
is applied in a liquid or solid state. This requires application a pressing processe [ZBT12]. The MEA (either the membrane
of pre-manufactured gasket layers or dispensing or injection itself or the GDL) has been coated with a catalyst in the pre-
molding [ZBT12]. The crucial part in this step is the precise vious manufacturing step to amplify the PEM reactions in the
Apply Sealing Curing Positioning Grouting Retract into
and Riveting Checking
Units Tester
Simple and Optimization Precise positioning Compliance of Safety relevance Various stack
unambiguous between of BBP and MEA tolerances Risk of explosion if concepts possible
installation of the preventing Reliable joining of Demand-compliant hydrogen reacts Choice of material
stack (for further information see MEA production [BAT16]).
In these steps, very precise handling of the components Key Takeaways for the Manufacturing Industry
and leakage-preventing joining of the plate and MEA are
necessary. • High precision technology is required for the forming
and joining of BPPs due to the material thickness.
The next steps include the final FC formation and fixation. • Challenges for the coating of BPPs are high coating
Additional BPPs are placed precisely onto the half-ready FCs material costs and long process durations.
by robots or gripper technologies from a carriage system. High • Development of monitoring processes is required in the
precision automation is the crucial factor for a successful cell catalyst layer application process for MEA manufactur-
closing. ing.
• Process and material parameter optimization are required
The finished FCs are then extensively inspected by water bath in the hot pressing process for MEA manufacturing.
testing, pressure testing, or exposure to gas for its sealing • Implementation of automated processes is required to
functions [BLO05]. If needed, optical controls and selective achieve high production rates.
sensor technology are implemented [ZBT12]. The FC working
must be guaranteed in a reliable manner for safety when
used in mobility applications. An automated test stand is used
to test the differential pressures and characteristic channel
structures (flow fields).
Despite recent developments in FC technology, FCs have not high precision measurement. When joining two adjacent
yet reached the technological and economical maturity which BPP halves, the discharge of heat while laser welding has to
is required for serial production and economic competitive- be monitored. The institute has significant experience with
ness. Further research is needed to reach a sufficient TCO level laser-based processes, particularly in the development of nec-
as well as high technical reliability, low maintenance efforts, essary equipment and quality control. Additionally, Fraunhofer
long life-time and a higher TRL (see Fig. 29). Many of these IPT can make use for the coating process, of profound knowl-
challenges are connected to production technology of the FCs. edge of methods, equipment, and quality control. For the
To support the shift from small manufacturing operations to FC production, the metallic BPPs need to be coated to avoid
large-scale FC production facilities, production-technological corrosion and decrease contact resistance. Also for the MEA,
challenges must be overcome. coating can be used as a lamination process. The coating
needs to be as thin as possible while also being robust. FCs are
Due to the rather low TRL (see Fig. 22), the PEMFC has a layered over each other repeatedly to build a stack according
significant development potential in terms of production to the desired properties. This allows for the up-scaling of the
technology. To support the shift from small manufacturing technology. Concerning the precise handling required to layer
operations to large-scale FC production facilities, produc- the components properly, Fraunhofer IPT can provide expertise
tion-technological challenges must be overcome. in handling technology and position measurement. The high
demand for identical key components such as BPPs indicates a
Gaining control over the pending technological challenges (see potential for economies of scale, especially in highly automated
Fig. 29) is a key factor for the up-scaling of the FC production mass production and emphasizes the need for a detailed
and thereby making the FC a competitive alternative to other investigation of the technology. For this reason, Fraunhofer IPT
energy storage and drive solutions. The forming of the metallic continues research in the fields of metal forming, processing,
The different requirements of cars, vans, buses or trucks the reference production line is developed. Challenges are
clearly show the need for a wide range of technical solutions. identified in order to iteratively optimize the process chain. On
Especially long-range buses and trucks are use cases, in which the one hand, a process-oriented deep dive is mandatory in
advantages of BEVs are exceeded by the advantages of FCEVs order to realize future cost saving potentials as well as benefits
– namely cost advantages in case of high range requirements. from up-scaling effects. On the other hand, a production-ori-
Even a hybrid solution that incorporates the advantages of ented deep dive is essential to understand the implications of
LIB and FC storage technology offers possibilities to optimize production increases. All in all, this approach ultimately allows
the efficiency of the powertrain. This holds true now, and is a conclusion on the manufacturing challenges and technology
amplified when the cost reduction potential of FC production development needs in automated FC series production and on
is applied. the part of the machine suppliers. In a mid-term period, fur-
ther developments in terms of production technology enable
In the next Discussion Paper “The Relevance of Fuel Cell for an increase in TRL and a decrease in TCO for the use of the
Mobility Applications”, we implement the development of the case-specific FC design selected. This is crucial for establishing
reference production process for FC production. Firstly, the the technology as a competitive alternative to conventional
technical requirements of each commercial vehicle segment solutions.
are analyzed in terms of engine power, driving range, and
uptime. As a next step, a specific business case is considered
based on the specific vehicle segment to evaluate whether the
selected vehicle segment also can represent significant market
sales. Moreover, results from the conducted technology and
manufacturing process studies allow for the definition of sev-
eral production line options. Insights about specifications of all
process steps from the general production line configuration
are used to explore different design options. In combination
with the selected use cases and derived stack and tank design,
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Fraunhofer Institute for
Production Technology IPT
Steinbachstrasse 17
52074 Aachen
Phone +49 241 8904-0
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Dr.-Ing. Christoph Baum
Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. Henning Janssen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Brecher
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. Günther Schuh
Your Contact
Clemens Müller
Business Unit Manager Energy Storage Systems
Phone +49 241 8904-469
[email protected]
Paul Scholz
Project Manager of the Study
Phone +49 241 8904-315
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ISBN 978-3-00-065452-7
DOI: 10.24406/ipt-n-590461