*Corresponding author: Shivanand Kattimani, Department of Psychiatry, JIPMER, Dhanvantari Nagar, Pondicherry, Pin 605006, India. Tel: +91-9488830078, Fax: +91-413-2272067, E-
mail: [email protected]
Received: July 2, 2014; Revised: August 2, 2014; Accepted: August 24, 2014
Background: Symptoms of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are commonly observed in children diagnosed with Attention Deficit/
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). These symptoms might underlie social and functional impairment in such children. The existing
classification systems do not allow for diagnosing both conditions in children.
Objectives: This study aimed to assess the presence of ASD in a hospital-based sample of children diagnosed with ADHD and to find the
utility of Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (MCHAT) through using parent recall in predicting development of ASD.
Patients and Methods: A total of 50 children with a diagnosis of ADHD, who attended the Child Guidance Clinic of a tertiary care hospital
in Southern India, were recruited through simple random sampling from July to December 2012. These children were assessed for current
ASD using Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) and MCHAT based on parents recall. To test the diagnostic accuracy of MCHAT in early
detection of ASD (index test), CARS was used as a reference test. OpenEpi 3.01 software was used for computing sensitivity, specificity,
positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), and diagnostic accuracy.
Results: Among 50 children, 30 (60%) had scores over the cutoff point of 33 on CARS while 38 (76%) had scored over the cutoff point
on MCHAT, qualifying for presence of ASD. Moreover, presence of ASD was associated with older age (P = 0.035), greater risk of medical
comorbidities (P = 0.022), lower social quotient on Vineland Social Maturity Scale (VSMS) (P = 0.001), and poorer global functioning
according to Children’s Global Assessment Scale (CGAS) (P = 0.002). Using CARS as Gold Standard, the sensitivity and specificity of MCHAT
in predicting ASD were 86.7% and 40.0%, respectively. The PPV and NPV of MCHAT in detecting ASD were respectively 68.4% and 66.7%.
Conclusions: ASD is present in considerable proportion of children diagnosed with ADHD. MCHAT could be a useful instrument for early
detection of children at risk of developing ASD.
1. Background
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a of ASD than due to ADHD per se (7). Currently, ADHD and
common neurodevelopmental condition of childhood ASD cannot be diagnosed together in a child based on
that affects about 5% of the population (1). ADHD is as- two most commonly used classification systems such as
sociated with significant impairment in social domains, ICD-10 (13) and DSM-IV TR (14). Children with ADHD and
peer relationships, and poor quality of life (2-5). Autism comorbid ASD are at risk of more severe impairment and
spectrum disorder (ASD) is a broad umbrella term used might require different approach in care than tradition-
to refer to a group of similar conditions including au- ally given to those only with ADHD. Early recognition of
tism, atypical autism, Asperger’s syndrome, and perva- the symptoms of ASD is important as early intervention
sive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified can help such children (15). Modified Checklist for Autism
(PDD-NOS) (6, 7), which are severe developmental dis- in Toddlers (MCHAT) is a commonly used screening scale
orders characterized by deficits in language and social to identify children at risk of ASD (16). There is a lack of
communication. Clinical observation of ASD symptoms research and systematic assessing for the presence of
in children diagnosed with ADHD as well as detecting comorbid ASD in children with ADHD in the South Asia
hyperactivity and impulsivity in children with ASD is and India. Furthermore, no study has assessed the util-
common (8-12). There are reports that poor functioning ity of MCHAT in detecting children at risk of developing
in ADHD children is more likely to be due to symptoms ASD. Conducting such prospective studies in developing
Copyright © 2014, Iranian Society of Pediatrics. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits copy and redistribute the material just in noncommercial usages, provided
the original work is properly cited.
Kattimani S et al.
countries such as India is difficult due to large catchment during 16 to 30 months old to identify those who were at
areas of Government hospitals and difficulty in ensuring risk of developing ASD. The study got Institutional Ethics
follow-up. Hence, we aimed to assess the presence of ASD Committee approval and data collection lasted from July
in children with ADHD based on the recalls by parents on 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012. Data for each case was
MCHAT, which would help us to assess the future possibil- collected in a single setting. The index test and the refer-
ity of using MCHAT in early toddlerhood for predicting ence test were applied to all the 50 children. One of the
the later development of ASD. authors (SK) applied the CARS and another one (VA) ap-
plied MCHAT. The two raters were aware of the diagnosis
2. Objectives of ADHD in the children, but were blinded to the ratings
of each other. Social quotient was ascertained as per In-
Current study aimed to answer two clinical queries:
dian adaptation of Vineland Social Maturity Scale (VSMS)
(a) What proportion of children diagnosed with ADHD
(18) and children functioning was assessed on Children’s
would have ASD? (b) What was the diagnostic accuracy of
Global Assessment Scale (CGAS) (19).
MCHAT in early detection of ASD in such children?
3.2. Instruments
3. Patients and Methods
CARS (15) includes 15 symptoms of behavioral and
communication abnormalities that are typically seen in
3.1. Setting and Procedure children with ASD. First 14 symptoms are rated based on
The present exploratory study was conducted at the symptom severity over last six months as noticed by the
Child Guidance Clinic (CGC) of a tertiary-care hospital parents and on the observation of the child’s behavior
in Southern India. The CGC was run twice a week by the during the interview. The 15th item assesses global se-
Department of Pediatrics in collaboration with the De- verity of these behaviors. The items are rated on a scale
partment of Psychiatry. The hospital is situated in the of zero to four with higher scores showing more severe
semi-urban area and caters for both referred as well as abnormality. Total scores can vary from zero to 60. Vali-
nonreferred population. Children were most often ac- dation of this scale in Indian Children suggests a cutoff
companied by their parents. The treatment seekers were score of 33 (20). Children above this cutoff point are
mainly comprised of middle and lower socioeconomic termed ASD+ and the rest as ASD-. The individual items
status population in the region and the treatment was on CARS were categorized as present or absent based on
highly subsidized by the government. a cutoff score of three for this study purpose. MCHAT (21)
Children aged 12 years or younger with a range of dis- is a 23-item checklist of behaviors of toddlers who aged
orders including ASD, ADHD, and intellectual disability between 16 months to 30 months and is rated as per par-
with behavioral problems, learning disorders, and mood ent report. Presence of each of the behavior could be an-
and anxiety disorders are seen in this clinic. Diagnosis swered as yes (pass/present) or no (fail/absent). Scores
was made by the consultants through consensus clinical considered abnormal if there were overall three or more
judgment using DSM IV TR criteria (12). "No"s or two or more "No"s in six of the critical behaviors
The present study recruited children with the diagno- (items 2, 7, 9, 13, 14, and 15). Abnormal scores raised sus-
sis of ADHD according to DSM IV TR. Children were diag- picion of the presence of autism and required further
nosed with ADHD if they fulfill at least six criteria under evaluation. Children with abnormal MCHAT (MCHAT+)
inattention domain or hyperactivity-impulsivity domain were more likely to develop ASD or some other devel-
or both for at least six months with functional impair- opmental problems. For this study purpose, we asked
ment and onset of symptoms before the age of seven parents to fill the checklist from their recall of the child
years; such symptoms should not be attributable to other aged between 16 to 30 months. If there was difference of
conditions including pervasive developmental disorder. opinion on any item, both parents were asked to reach
The list of children who had been diagnosed with ADHD consensus before responding. To estimate the level of
during the two consecutive years before the study was social development, Indian adaptation of the VSMS (16)
drawn up, which included 140 children. Among them, was used to assess the level of adaptive tasks a child was
a list of 50 children was randomly selected (simple ran- capable of doing. It was used for evaluating social quo-
dom list of 50 cases was generated using Microsoft Of- tient of the child and showed a high correlation (0.80)
fice Excel). For pilot study, this number was considered with intelligence quotient. CGAS (17) is an adaptation of
adequate. These children were actively recruited and the Global Assessment of Functioning scale for children.
assessed as they came for follow-up. Informed consent It provides an estimate of child’s level of functioning ir-
was obtained from the parents. Data on sex, age, birth respective of primary diagnosis or treatment. It is rated
order, history of antenatal or postnatal complications, on a scale of one to 100 based on provided information
and medical illnesses were collected. Childhood Autism by the parents. Higher CGAS score reflects better global
Rating Scale (CARS) (17) was used to document current functioning of the child. For this study purpose, we col-
symptoms and screen for the presence of ASD. Parent re- lected the best functioning status of the child in the pre-
call ratings on MCHAT were obtained for child’s behavior ceding six months.
Eligible Children
Reference test:
Finally, 38 children (76%) had abnormal scores on The MCHAT was associated with high sensitivity (86.7%),
MCHAT as per parent recall (Table 3). Next, a diagnos- but low specificity (40.0%). The PPV and NPV were 68.4%
tic test comparing MCHAT as a screening instrument and 66.7%, respectively, in this sample of children with
with CARS as a gold standard was conducted (Table 4). ADHD.
Relating to people
Emotional response
Body use
Object use
Adaptation to change
Visual response
Listening response
Fear or nervousness
Verbal communication
Nonverbal communication
Activity level
General impression
Table 1. Comparison of Children With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder as per CARS Cutoff Point of > 33 a,b
A B C Comparison B vs. C
(P Value)
Total Sample (n = 50) ADHD Children Over ADHD Children Below
CARS Cut-off Scores CARS Cut-off Scores
(ASD+) (n = 30) (ASD-) (n = 20)
Male Sex 43 (86.0%) 25 (83.3) 18 (90.0) χ2 = 0.443 (0.687)c
Age in Months 97.0 ± 35.8 105.7 ± 34.6 83.9 ± 34.3 U = 193.5 (0.035)d
Birth Order χ2 = 0.521 (0.470)
First 30 (60.0) 17 (56.7) 13 (65.0)
Second and Higher 20 (40.0) 13 (43.3) 7 (35.5)
Reported Antenatal Complica- 10 (20.0) 5 (16.7) 5 (25.0) χ2 = 0.521 (0.470)
Reported Postnatal Complica- 22 (44.0) 13 (43.3) 9 (45.0) χ2 = 0.014 (0.907)
Present Comorbid Medical 20 (40.0) 16 (53.3) 4 (20.0) χ2 = 5.556 (0.022) c,d
Social Quotient as per VSMS 92.3 ± 18.0 86.0 ± 18.2 101.9 ± 13.2 U = 132.5 (0.001)c
CGAS score 50.4 ± 14.4 45.6 ± 15.0 57.6 ± 10.0 U = 143.5 (0.002)c
a Abbreviations: ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; ASD, autism spectrum disorder; CARS, Childhood Autism Rating Scale; CGAS, Children’s
Global Assessment Scale; and VSMS, Vineland Social Maturity Scale.
b Data are presented as No. (%) or mean ± SD.
c P < 0.05.
d Fisher’s exact test.
Table 2. Frequency of Individual Behaviors on Childhood Autism Rating Scale in Children With and Without Autistic Spectrum
Disorder a,b
ADHD Children
Odds Ratio (Confi-
CARS Item Over CARS Cutoff Below CARS Cutoff Scores dence Intervals)
Scores (ASD+) (n = 30) (ASD-) (n = 20), No. (%)
Taste, Smell, and Touch Response and Use 11 (36.7) 3 (15.0) 3.28 [0.78-13.77]
Table 3. Comparison of Children With Normal and Abnormal Scores Using Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers During Tod-
dlerhood a,b
Social Quotient as per VSMS 98.3 ± 13.6 90.4 ± 19.0 U = 158 (0.112)
Table 4. Comparison of Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers with Childhood Autism Rating Scale Based Autism Spectrum
Disorder Status (CARS > 33) a
Current ASD+ Current ASD- Total Confidence Intervals
Recalled MCHAT +, No. 26 12 38
Recalled MCHAT -, No. 4 8 12
Total 30 20 50
Parameters, %
Sensitivity 86.7 [70.3-94.7]
Specificity 40.0 [21.9-61.3]
Positive Predictive Value 68.4 [52.5-80.9]
Negative Predictive Value 66.7 [39.1-86.2]
Diagnostic Accuracy 68.0 [54.2-79.2]
a Abbreviations: CARS, Childhood Autism Rating Scale; and MCHAT, Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers.
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