Constitution World

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Toshio Suzuki


© Copy Right, Toshio Suzuki, June 2017

All rights reserved.

Toshio Suzuki
World Government Institute Japan
1-158 Nakakanasugi Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture, 270-0007, Japan
Web Site:

CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................ iii

PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................................. 1
CHAPTER I STRUCTURE OF WORLD SOCIETY ................................................................. 3
Article 1 Political and Economic Structure ........................................................................... 3
Article 2 World Federation...................................................................................................... 4
Article 3 World Parliament ..................................................................................................... 4
Article 4 World Government ................................................................................................... 4
Article 5 World Court .............................................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER II WORLD FEDERATION ...................................................................................... 4
Article 6 Structure of World Federation ................................................................................ 4
Article 7 Sovereign of World Federation ................................................................................ 5
Article 8 Exercise of Sovereignty ............................................................................................ 5
Article 9 Duty to Maintain the Security ................................................................................ 5
Article 10 Duty to Pay Taxes .................................................................................................. 5
Article 11 Duty and Right to Receive Education ................................................................... 5
Article 12 Duty and Right to Work ......................................................................................... 5
Article 13 Right to Live as a Human...................................................................................... 6
Article 14 Equality under the Law ......................................................................................... 6
Article 15 Freedom of Religion ............................................................................................... 6
Article 16 Freedom of Thought and Conscience .................................................................... 6
Article 17 Freedom of Assembly and Association .................................................................. 6
Article 18 Freedom of Expression .......................................................................................... 6
Article 19 Academic Freedom ................................................................................................. 6
Article 20 Marriage ................................................................................................................. 6
Article 21 Freedom of Migration and Changing Nationality ............................................... 6
Article 22 Right of Workers..................................................................................................... 7
Article 23 Right of Private Property ...................................................................................... 7
Article 24 Right to Choose and Remove Public Officials ...................................................... 7
Article 25 Universal Suffrage and Secret Ballot ................................................................... 7
Article 26 Right of Access to the Courts................................................................................. 7
Article 27 Right of Petition ..................................................................................................... 7
Article 28 Right for Seeking Redress against Country or Public Body ............................... 7
Article 29 Crime and Punishment.......................................................................................... 8
Article 30 Procedure of Arrest ................................................................................................ 8
Article 31 Searches of Home and Seizures of Belongings..................................................... 8
Article 32 Right of the Accused ............................................................................................... 8

Article 33 Prohibition of Torture ............................................................................................ 8
Article 34 Invalidity of Forced Confession ............................................................................. 8
Article 35 Prohibition against Retroactive Punishment and Double Jeopardy .................. 9
Article 36 Right to Require Criminal Indemnity .................................................................. 9
CHAPTER III WORLD PARLIAMENT..................................................................................... 9
Article 37 Authority of the World Parliament ....................................................................... 9
Article 38 System ..................................................................................................................... 9
Article 39 Functions of the World Parliament....................................................................... 9
Article 40 Directors of the World Parliament ...................................................................... 10
Article 41 Board of Directors ................................................................................................ 10
Article 42 Functions of the President .................................................................................. 10
Article 43 Functions of the Vice President ...........................................................................11
Article 44 Functions of the Secretary-General .....................................................................11
Article 45 Functions of the Secretaries .................................................................................11
Article 46 Functions of the Public Relations Officer ............................................................11
Article 47 Function of the Registration Commission ...........................................................11
Article 48 Functions of the Finance Commission................................................................ 12
Article 49 Elections in the World Parliament ..................................................................... 12
Article 50 Election of the President of the World Parliament ............................................ 12
Article 51 Election of the Secretaries and the Secretary-General ..................................... 12
Article 52 Election of the Public Relations Officer .............................................................. 12
Article 53 Election of the Members of the Registration Commission ................................ 12
Article 54 Election of the Members of the Finance Commission ....................................... 13
Article 55 Seats of Each Country ......................................................................................... 13
Article 56 Qualification of Members of the World Parliament and Electors..................... 14
Article 57 Registration of Members ..................................................................................... 14
Article 58 Votes of Each Country.......................................................................................... 15
Article 59 Term of Office ....................................................................................................... 17
Article 60 Removal of Inappropriate Registered Members ................................................ 17
Article 61 Impeachment ........................................................................................................ 18
Article 62 Ordinary Session .................................................................................................. 19
Article 63 Extraordinary Session ......................................................................................... 19
Article 64 Resolution ............................................................................................................. 19
Article 65 Right to Conduct Investigations in Relation to Policy of World Government . 19
Article 66 Publicity of the Session and of the Record of the Proceedings ......................... 20
Article 67 Privilege of the World Parliament Member of Exemption from Arrest ........... 20
Article 68 Privilege of the World Parliament Member of Exemption from Liability........ 20
Article 69 Compensation to the World Parliament Members ............................................ 20
CHAPTER IV WORLD GOVERNMENT ................................................................................ 20
Article 70 World Government ............................................................................................... 21
Article 71 Head of the World Government........................................................................... 21
Article 72 Election of the Prime Minister ............................................................................ 21
Article 73 Qualification of the Prime Minister .................................................................... 21
Article 74 Term of Office of the Prime Minister .................................................................. 21
Article 75 Functions of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet ............................................. 21
Article 76 Deputy Prime Minister ........................................................................................ 22
Article 77 Ministers and Ministries ..................................................................................... 22
Article 78 Federal Military Forces ....................................................................................... 22
Article 79 Rights and Duties of the Prime Minister and Other Ministers of World
Government to Appear in the World Parliament ................................................................ 22
Article 80 Right to Conduct Investigations ......................................................................... 23
Article 81 Privilege of the Ministers of the World Government ......................................... 23
CHAPTER V WORLD COURT ................................................................................................ 23
Article 82 World Court .......................................................................................................... 23
Article 83 Functions of the World Court .............................................................................. 23
Article 84 Judges of the World Court ................................................................................... 24
Article 85 Term of Office ....................................................................................................... 24
Article 86 Election of the Judges of the World Court.......................................................... 24
Article 87 Rule-Making Power of World Court .................................................................... 24
Article 88 Open Trial ............................................................................................................. 24
CHAPTER VI FINANCE .......................................................................................................... 25
Article 89 Administration of Finance ................................................................................... 25
Article 90 Revenue of World Federation .............................................................................. 25
Article 91 Budget of World Federation ................................................................................ 25
Article 92 Function of the Finance Commission ................................................................. 25
Article 93 Election of the Members of the Finance Commission ....................................... 26
Article 94 Reserve Fund ........................................................................................................ 26
Article 95 Limitation on Use of Public Fund and Property ................................................ 26
Article 96 Approval of the Final Accounts ........................................................................... 26
Article 97 Report on the State of National Finance ............................................................ 26
CHAPTER VII BOARD OF AUDIT ......................................................................................... 26
Article 98 Board of Audit....................................................................................................... 27
Article 99 Election of Members of Board of Audit ............................................................... 27
CHAPTER VIII AMENDMENT AND OTHERS ..................................................................... 27
Article 100 Amendment of the Constitution of World Federation ..................................... 27
Article 101 Validity of Existing Laws................................................................................... 28
Article 102 Contradiction between the Existing Laws and the New Constitution........... 28

We are living on the Earth that is only one. We want to be happy and enjoy life. If we
want to be happy and enjoy life, we must solve many problems. In the present age, it seems
that the most serious problems are war, poverty, and destruction of environment. In the
present age, world is connected by Internet. This situation is quite different from that of
earlier age. So we must think of the political and economic system appropriate for the present
First of all, we must recognize the situation of the Earth in the past ages. In the
primitive age, there was no agriculture, and so all the people were very poor. There were no
professional soldiers and landlords because poor society could not feed them.
In the feudal age, there was agriculture. The agriculture enabled society to feed
professional soldiers and landlords. This means that surplus emerged in society as a whole.
So, if all the people had liked peace and had tried to solve problems by dialogue, many wars
would have been prevented.
In the present age, 21st century, wars have not been completely terminated and the
poverty has not been completely eradicated yet though the technology is incomparably higher
than that in the feudal age. Furthermore, destruction of environment has emerged as a new
Thus situation of society is different from age to age. So we must think of new policy
appropriate for new age. When we think about what we must do in order to make our society
better, we must have a clear and definite criterion about to what we must give the top priority.
This criterion changes according to the situation of age. In the primitive age, it seems that we
had to think of the happiness of local people rather than the peace of the world and the
protection of the environment of the Earth. In the feudal age, it seems that we had to give the
top priority to the peace and the happiness of people in each country while it was meaningless
to think about the world peace and the protection of environment. But in the present age, 21st
century, we must think of the world peace and the protection of environment before thinking
of the benefits of each country. Namely, we must not give the top priority to the benefits of
each country. This Constitution was written based on the thought that we must give the top
priority to the benefits of world as a whole or society as a whole. If the world becomes better,
each country will become better. If each country becomes better, our life will become better.
So, we must think of the benefits of world as a whole. In the present age, when we think of
the benefits of world as a whole or society as a whole, it seems that the termination of war, the
eradication of poverty, and the conservation of environment are the most important issues. We
must think how we can tackle these problems.
In the world or in our society, excluding our private life, the most important factor for

2 A Draft of Constitution of World Federation

our happiness is the political and economic system. The best political and economic system is
possible under the separation of politics and religion. Here, the separation of politics and
religion does not mean that we must not have faith in religion. We cannot spend a happy life
without having faith in religion. But, religion of people is different from people to people. So,
every religion must be allowed and respected under the political and economic system of society.
This is why politics and religion must be separated. But, it is inevitable that religion affects
the politics customarily. The separation of politics and religion means that any benefits must
not be given by the government to particular religious organizations. Religious organizations
can exist under the system of separation of politics and religion. Namely, religious
organizations are maintained on the basis of offering of believers. So, religion can customarily
affect the politics even if the religion has no legal power.
If we hope for a happy life, we must make the Earth a peaceful planet. If we must
make the Earth a peaceful planet, we must establish and maintain the World Federation.
Basic benefits of the World Federation are as follows.

1. World Federation can reduce or prevent the war. This will lead to the reduction in
death and wound of people by war, in the destruction by war, and in the military expenditure.
2. World Federation can issue the international common currency. This will lead to the
removal of fluctuation of exchange rate.
3. World Federation can provide employment to all the people. This will lead to the
eradication of poverty.

Among above three items, the first and the second item can be understood as common senses.
The third item is explained as follows.
In the present world, there are some extremely poor people. People could live even in
the primitive age. In the present age, technology is incomparable with that in the primitive
age. But, still, there are poor people. They are not in the situation that they are poor though
they work hard. Basically, poor people are poor because they cannot get a job. So, employment
must be provided. The World Federation can improve this situation. We need to provide them
jobs to eradicate the poverty. In order to provide jobs to unemployed people, we must construct
offices or factories or schools, etc. to employ them even if the offices or the factories or the
schools are in the red. If each country takes this policy, the country must lose the power for
international competition. For example, if a country constructs a factory making cars to
employ people even if the factory is in the red, the country must lose the power for international
competition. But if all the countries are in the World Federation, each country can take this
policy to employ people.
Thus we must establish the World Federation, and so we need a constitution for the
World Federation. World Federation that this Constitution aims to establish is concerned with
only limited aspects of society. Namely, in principle, the World Federation is concerned with
only the administration of military forces, the issuance of currency, and other political and
economic problems that individual country cannot solve alone. Other aspects of society such
as religion, political and economic system like liberalism or communism, industry, agriculture,
A Draft of Constitution of World Federation 3

commerce, science, arts, sports, tradition, and so on are left free to each country. So, a country
may declare the liberalism and another country may declare the communism in the World
Federation. Politics and religion are divided in the World Federation. Religion is recognized
as a private matter and so any religion is allowed.
In general, political power is divided into three powers, the legislation, the
administration, and the judicature. However, in this Constitution, the three powers are not
divided equally. World Parliament is the supreme authority in the politics. Basically, World
Federation is composed of the World Parliament, the World Government, and the World Court.
World Parliament has basically 1 thousand members whose seats are apportioned in
proportion to population of each country. Administration is carried out by the World
Government that is headed by the Prime Minister. And, there is the World Court in the
Judicature. Each country can send the delegates to the World Parliament according to its
seats that is apportioned in proportion to population. Each country can register members
elected from each country 3 times as many as the number of seats. From among these
registered members, each country can send the delegates according to its seats. When there
are problems in each registered member, other registered members can object to the
membership of the registered member. If the objections reach a certain ratio, procedure of
removal shall be started. Thus inappropriate registered members shall be removed. So each
member shall be required to have a strong personality that can endure criticisms. The World
Parliament shall appoint and remove the Prime Minister of the World Government and the
judges of the World Court. This system enables the World Parliament to have the supreme
This is a constitution for people who are the members of international society and give
the top priority to the benefits of world as a whole or society as a whole. Namely, this is the
constitution of the World Citizen. World Citizen is composed of people of all races, and religion
is not the obstacle for any people to be a World Citizen. Here, we establish the Constitution of
World Federation for the people who are the members of world society, namely, for the people
who are the World Citizen.


Article 1 Political and Economic Structure

Human society on the Earth shall be, in terms of politics and economy, composed of the
countries that belong to the World Federation and other countries that do not belong to the
World Federation. In the World Federation, there shall be the World Parliament, the World
Government, and the World Court.
4 A Draft of Constitution of World Federation

Article 2 World Federation

The World Federation shall be the worldwide federation that is composed of

independent countries. Any country may join the World Federation, and no country shall be
forced to join the World Federation.

Article 3 World Parliament

The World Parliament shall be composed of members from each country in the World
Federation, and the seats shall be apportioned in proportion to population. Successful
candidates elected from each country shall be registered with the World Parliament. World
Parliament shall be, in terms of politics and economy, the supreme authority in the World

Article 4 World Government

There shall be the World Government in the World Federation. The Prime Minister of
the World Government shall be elected by the World Parliament from candidates who are the
delegate to the World Parliament. Basic function of the World Government shall be the
administration in the World Federation.

Article 5 World Court

There shall be the World Court in the World Federation. The judges of the World Court
shall be elected by the World Parliament from the list of candidates submitted by the registered
members. The World Court shall be concerned with the international affairs in the World
Federation only. However, the World Court shall try cases of domestic affair of each country if
the World Parliament resolves that it is necessary.


Article 6 Structure of World Federation

1. Any country can join the World Federation, and each country shall be independent.
In the World Federation, only limited aspects of society are administered by the World
Government. Namely, in principle, the military forces, the issuance of currency, and other
political and economic problems that individual country cannot solve alone are administered
by the World Government. Other aspects of society such as religion, political and economic
system like liberalism or communism, industry, agriculture, commerce, science, arts, sports,
A Draft of Constitution of World Federation 5

tradition, and so on are left free to each country. So, one country can declare the liberalism
and another country can declare the communism in the World Federation. Politics and religion
are divided in the World Federation. Religion is recognized as a private matter and so any
religion is allowed in the World Federation.
2. Each country shall not be obliged to abide by articles in this chapter II. However,
spirit in this chapter shall be understood.

Article 7 Sovereign of World Federation

The sovereign of World Federation shall be the people living in the countries that
belong to the World Federation. This right, sovereignty, shall not be alienable.

Article 8 Exercise of Sovereignty

All the people in the countries within the World Federation shall exercise their
sovereignty through the election of the members of the World Parliament. The universal
suffrage shall be guaranteed to all the people of certain age in the World Federation, regardless
of race, faith, sex, social status, family origin, education, property or income.

Article 9 Duty to Maintain the Security

All people in the countries within the World Federation shall have the duty to maintain
the security of World Federation by the constant endeavor respecting and following the World
Parliament that is the supreme authority of the World Federation. After performing the duty,
all people may have the rights guaranteed by this Constitution or law.

Article 10 Duty to Pay Taxes

All people shall have the duty to pay taxes to each country following law.

Article 11 Duty and Right to Receive Education

1. All people shall have the duty and the right to receive education correspondent to
their ability following law.
2. All people shall be obliged to have all children under their protection receive ordinary
3. Compulsory education shall be free.

Article 12 Duty and Right to Work

All people shall have the duty and the right to work.
6 A Draft of Constitution of World Federation

Article 13 Right to Live as a Human

1. All people shall have the right to live happily as a human, and this right is not
2. In all spheres of life, the World Federation shall have the duty to promote the
happiness of all people.

Article 14 Equality under the Law

All people shall be equal under the law regardless of race, faith, sex, social status,
family origin, education, property or income.

Article 15 Freedom of Religion

Freedom of religion is guaranteed. Any law including constitution shall be neutral

with regard to religion. Especially, politics and religion shall be divided.

Article 16 Freedom of Thought and Conscience

Freedom of thought and conscience is guaranteed.

Article 17 Freedom of Assembly and Association

Freedom of assembly and association is guaranteed.

Article 18 Freedom of Expression

Freedom of speech, publication, and all other forms of expression is guaranteed.

Article 19 Academic Freedom

Academic freedom is guaranteed.

Article 20 Marriage

1. Marriage shall be based on the consent of both sexes that have the equal rights.
2. With regard to choice of spouse, property rights, inheritance, divorce, and other
matters related to marriage and family, laws shall be fixed from the standpoint of the
individual dignity and the essential equality of both sexes.

Article 21 Freedom of Migration and Changing Nationality

A Draft of Constitution of World Federation 7

Freedom of migration to foreign country and that of changing the nationality is


Article 22 Right of Workers

The right of workers to gather and to bargain collectively is guaranteed.

Article 23 Right of Private Property

1. All people shall have the right to own private property. The property rights shall be
defined by law.
2. Private property may be taken by government for public use on condition that
government compensates for it.

Article 24 Right to Choose and Remove Public Officials

1. All people shall have the inalienable right to choose and remove, following the
procedure stipulated by law in each country, their public officials such as the National Diet
members, the local assembly members, the chief executive officers of local public bodies, and
others stipulated by law.
2. All public officials shall be servants of the whole community and not servants of any
partial group of the community.

Article 25 Universal Suffrage and Secret Ballot

1. Universal adult suffrage shall be guaranteed with regard to the election.

2. In elections, secrecy of the ballot shall not be violated. A voter shall not be
answerable, publicly and privately, for the voter’s choice.

Article 26 Right of Access to the Courts

No person shall be deprived of the right of access to the courts.

Article 27 Right of Petition

Every person shall have the right of peaceful petition for the redress of damage, for the
removal of public officials, for the enactment or repeal or amendment of laws, and for other
matters. Any person shall not be discriminated for implementing such a petition.

Article 28 Right for Seeking Redress against Country or Public Body

Every person may sue for redress from her or his country or a public body following the
8 A Draft of Constitution of World Federation

procedure stipulated by law, in case the person has suffered damage through illegal act of any
public official.

Article 29 Crime and Punishment

1. All People who committed crime must be punished by the procedure stipulated by
2. No person shall be deprived of life or liberty, and no other criminal penalty shall be
imposed without following the procedure stipulated by law.

Article 30 Procedure of Arrest

No person shall be arrested without warrant with clearly specified reason issued by a
judge, except being arrested red-handed.

Article 31 Searches of Home and Seizures of Belongings

Home of all people shall not be searched and belongings of all people shall not be seized
without warrant with clearly specified reason issued by a judge, except being arrested
following the previous article.

Article 32 Right of the Accused

1. In all criminal cases, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by
an impartial tribunal.
2. The accused shall be permitted full opportunity to examine all witnesses, and she or
he shall have the right of compulsory process for obtaining witnesses on her or his behalf at
pubic expenses.
3. At all times, the accused shall have the assistance of competent counsel who shall, if
the accused is unable to secure the same by her or his own efforts, be assigned to her or his
use by the State.

Article 33 Prohibition of Torture

Torture by public officer and cruel punishments are absolutely forbidden.

Article 34 Invalidity of Forced Confession

1. No person shall be forced to testify against her or himself.

2. Confession by torture shall not be evidence.
3. No person shall be convicted in cases where the only proof is her or his own confession.
A Draft of Constitution of World Federation 9

Article 35 Prohibition against Retroactive Punishment and Double


1. No person shall be held criminally liable for an act that was lawful at the time it was
committed or for an act that has been acquitted.
2. No person shall be placed in double jeopardy.

Article 36 Right to Require Criminal Indemnity

Any person, in case she or he is acquitted after she or he has been arrested, may sue
the State for criminal indemnity following law.


Article 37 Authority of the World Parliament

As far as politics and economy are concerned, the World Parliament shall be the
supreme authority in the World Federation. This is because seats of the World Parliament are
apportioned in proportion to population of each country, members are directly elected by the
people in each country, and inappropriate members may be removed by other members.

Article 38 System

System of the World Parliament is the single-chamber system.

Article 39 Functions of the World Parliament

World Parliament shall perform the following functions:

i. Pass resolutions and enact laws concerned with world political and economic
affairs in the World Federation.
ii. Elect and remove the President of the World Parliament, the Secretary-
General, the Secretaries, the Public Relations Officer, the members of the Registration
Commission, the members of the Finance Commission, the Prime Minister of the World
Government, the judges of the World Court, and the officials of the Board of Audit.
iii. Approve the budget bill of the World Federation submitted by the Finance
iv. Found commissions and elect their members when they are necessary.
v. As the supreme authority in the World Federation, resolve on other matters
appropriate for it.
10 A Draft of Constitution of World Federation

Article 40 Directors of the World Parliament

1. The Directors of the World Parliament are the President of the World Parliament,
the Secretary-General, the Secretaries, the Public Relations Officer, the members of the
Registration Commission, the members of the Finance Commission, and the Prime Minister
of the World Government.
2. Directors shall be the member of the World Parliament.

Article 41 Board of Directors

1. The President of the World Parliament shall convoke the Board of Directors. The
President shall become the chairperson or shall appoint the chairperson.
2. The Board of Directors shall decide the issues such as the venue and the date of the
session of the World Parliament, the program of the session of the World Parliament, the
budget bill, and other issues concerned with the World Parliament. All the matters shall be
reported to the World Parliament.
3. The Board of Directors shall be approved and resolve all the matters in either case
i - More than half of the Directors are present.
ii - A notice of holding the Board of Directors had been issued by the President
through the ordinary letter, the electric mail, the board on the Internet, etc. at least 1
month before the date of opening and the venue is not difficult to access as compared
with other venues. In this case, the Board shall be approved regardless of the number
of attending Directors.
iii - Communication among Directors who are in different places is carried out
thorough Internet or other electric communication system, and two-thirds or more of
Directors are attending the Board on line.
4. All the matters in the Board of Directors shall be resolved by more than half of the
Directors participating in a venue or on line, and in case of a tie, the presiding officer shall
decide the matter.

Article 42 Functions of the President

1. The President of the World Parliament is the head of the World Parliament.
2. The President shall appoint the Vice President.
3. The President shall convoke the session of the World Parliament and the Board of
4. The President shall preside at the session of the World Parliament and the Board of
Directors or shall appoint the chairperson.
A Draft of Constitution of World Federation 11

Article 43 Functions of the Vice President

1. The Vice President shall function as the President when the President cannot
perform her or his duties due to unavoidable reasons.
2. When the Vice President cannot perform her or his duties, substitute appointed by
the President from Directors shall function as the President. The President shall appoint at
least 3 substitutes and shall specify the order of the substitution.

Article 44 Functions of the Secretary-General

1. The Secretary-General, by command of the President, shall carry out works

necessary to coordinate the members of the World Parliament.
2. The Secretary-General shall formulate the official record of proceedings of the World
Parliament and perform other functions stipulated by law.

Article 45 Functions of the Secretaries

The Secretaries, by command of the Secretary-General, shall carry out their functions.
The maximum number of secretaries, including the Secretary-General, is 7.

Article 46 Functions of the Public Relations Officer

1. The Public Relations Officer shall announce the official statement of the World
2. The Public Relations Officer shall appoint the Vice Public Relations Officer.

Article 47 Function of the Registration Commission

1. The apportionment of seats to each country shall be worked out by the Registration
Commission. The number of seats apportioned by the Registration Commission shall be
authorized by the World Parliament. The apportionment shall not be valid when it is not
2. The Registration Commission shall accept the registration of elected members from
member countries.
3. The objections against the membership of the registered member shall be sent to the
President, then shall be forwarded to the Registration Commission, and shall be considered by
the Registration Commission. If the objections reach 5 percent of the total votes of registered
members, the Registration Commission shall start the process of the removal that is stipulated
in the article 60.
4. The Registration Commissions shall conduct the elections of the President of the
World Parliament, the Secretaries, the Public Relations Officer, the members of the
Registration Commission, the members of the Finance Commission, the Prime Minister of the
12 A Draft of Constitution of World Federation

World Government, the judges of the World Court, and the officials of the Board of Audit.
5. The number of members of Registration Commission is, at the maximum, 7.
6. The members of the Registration Commission shall be the member of the World

Article 48 Functions of the Finance Commission

1. The Finance Commission shall allocate the budget of the World Federation
2. The number of members of Finance Commission is, at the maximum, 12.

Article 49 Elections in the World Parliament

1. Elections of the President of the World Parliament, the secretaries, the members of
the Registration Commission, the members of the Finance Commission, the Prime Minister of
the World Government, the judges of the World Court, and the officials of the Board of Audit
shall be conducted in the World Parliament.
2. No person may be a candidate for 2 or more positions.

Article 50 Election of the President of the World Parliament

1. Each attending delegate of the World Parliament may stand for the election of the
President of the World Parliament.
2. A candidate who has got the largest number of votes in the election shall be the

Article 51 Election of the Secretaries and the Secretary-General

1. Each attending delegate of the World Parliament may stand for the election of the
2. Among the successful candidates, a candidate who has got the largest number of
votes in the election shall be the Secretary-General.

Article 52 Election of the Public Relations Officer

1. Each attending delegate of the World Parliament may stand for the election of the
Public Relations Officer.
2. A candidate who has got the largest number of votes in the election shall be the
Public Relations Officer.

Article 53 Election of the Members of the Registration Commission

1. Each attending delegate of the World Parliament may stand for the election of the
A Draft of Constitution of World Federation 13

members of the Registration Commission.

2. Among the elected members, the member who has got the largest number of votes
shall be the Chairperson of the Registration Commission.

Article 54 Election of the Members of the Finance Commission

1. Each attending delegate of the World Parliament may stand for the election of the
members of the Finance Commission.
2. Among the elected members, the member who has got the largest number of votes
shall be the Chairperson of the Finance Commission.

Article 55 Seats of Each Country

1. Total number of seats of World Parliament shall be basically 1 thousand. Seats of

World Parliament shall be apportioned in proportion to population of each country. Total
number of seats may slightly change in the process of apportionment.
2. Basically, each delegate shall have 1 vote. However, when a country does not have
enough population to have a seat, it may send a delegate with vote less than 1 and in proportion
to its population.
3. The apportionment of seats shall be implemented and announced at least 3 years
before the first session of the next term.
4. Statistics on population that decides the apportionment of seats shall be the latest
and the most reliable one. When no statistics on population is available, the Registration
Commission shall fix the number of seats on the basis of information available.
5. Following table is an example of apportionment of seats in proportion to population
of each country.


Population Adjusted Registered

Votes Delegates
1,000 Votes Members
World Population 6,829,297.0 1,000.0000
China 1,345,751.0 197.0556 197.000 197 591
India 1,198,003.3 175.4212 176.000 176 528
USA 314,658.8 46.0748 46.000 46 138
Japan 127,156.2 18.6192 19.000 19 57
Assumed Country 1.0 0.0001 0.001 1 3

It is assumed that the world population is 6 billion 829 million and 297 thousand, of
which China has 1 billion 345 million and 751 thousand, India has 1 billion 198 million and
3.3 thousand, USA has 314 million and 658.8 thousand, Japan has 127 million and 156.2
thousand, and Assumed Country has 1 thousand. Total number of delegates is basically 1
thousand, and the seats are apportioned in proportion to population. So, in case of China, the
14 A Draft of Constitution of World Federation

votes are 197.0556. Similarly, India has 175.4212 votes, USA 46.0748 votes, Japan 18.6192
votes, and Assumed Country 0.0001 vote. This is adjusted into integer by rounding up or down
the first decimal place. The first decimal place is rounded up if it is not zero, and it is rounded
down if it is zero. In case of a country that has vote less than 1, the decimal place that is not
zero and the closest to the decimal point is rounded up. In case of China, the first decimal
place is zero. So, it is rounded down and the adjusted votes are 197.000. So, the official
delegates are 197. In case of India, the first decimal place is not zero. So it is rounded up and
the adjusted votes are 176.000. And so the official delegates are 176. In cases of USA and
Japan, the adjusted votes are calculated similarly, and the official delegates are 46 and 19
respectively. In case of Assumed Country, population is 1 thousand. So, vote is only 0.0001.
In this case, the fourth decimal place is not zero. So, this is rounded up to 0.001. So, this
country may send 1 delegate with 0.001 vote. By this measure, all the votes are classified into
4 classes, 1, 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001. Therefore, the total number of votes is basically 1 thousand,
but the actual total number of delegates and that of votes are slightly more than 1 thousand

Article 56 Qualification of Members of the World Parliament and Electors

1. Election of members from each country shall be implemented fairly and

transparently. Member of the World Parliament shall be civilian and have the nationality of
a country that the member represents.
2. Each member must be elected directly by people of country that the member
3. Age of member of the World Parliament shall be 25 years old or older. Age of elector
of the member shall be 18 years old or older.
4. Among members of the World Parliament and electors, there shall be no
discrimination because of race, faith, sex, social status, family origin, education, property or

Article 57 Registration of Members

1. Successful candidates from each country shall get registered with the World
Parliament within 1 year from the election that elected them. If the members are not
registered within this period, they shall lose their seats in the World Parliament. The
registration of members shall be allowed only 1 time. Additional registration shall not be
2. Members may get registered for more than 1 term if they are reelected in each
3. The number of registered members from each country can be 3 times as many as the
number of official seats apportioned in proportion to population. From among the registered
members, each country can send the delegates to the World Parliament within the number of
official seats. In case of the table TABLE-1, delegates from China are 197, so registered
A Draft of Constitution of World Federation 15

members are 197 x 3 = 591. Similarly, registered members from India are 528, USA 138, Japan
57, and Assumed Country 3 respectively. However, the vote of a member of the Assumed
Country shall be 0.001. From among these registered members, each country can send the
delegates according to the seats apportioned. Each country shall specify the delegates from
among registered members at least by the opening of session. Specified delegates cannot be,
in principle, changed until the new session is opened. However, if there is enough reason such
as accident, sickness, and so on that the Registration Commission admits, delegates may be
4. Members who were not the member in previous term may attend the World
Parliament as the official delegate 1 year after the registration. However, the members who
were the member in previous term may be the official delegate immediately after the

Article 58 Votes of Each Country

In the World Parliament, the vote may not be entrusted to other delegate. The number
of the maximum votes of each country shall be based on the number of the theoretical
maximum votes. The number of the theoretical maximum votes shall be got by dividing the
number of attendants by the number of attending countries. In the calculation of the number
of the maximum votes, vote less than 1 is not taken into calculation. Namely, votes of a country
that has less than one vote is not considered. In other word, in the calculation of the number
of maximum vote, the number of delegates of a country is same as the number of votes of that
country. The calculation shall be made after all the attending delegates have been registered
with the Parliament. The number of the maximum votes of each country shall be decided
following 2 conditions below.

i - The number of delegates from each country is the number of the theoretical
maximum votes or less.
ii - Among countries that satisfy the above condition, the number of delegates
of the country is the closest to the number of the theoretical maximum votes.

The number of the maximum votes of each country shall be the number of the delegates
from a country that satisfies the above 2 conditions. In other words, the number of the
maximum votes of each country shall be the number of votes of a country whose number of
votes are same as or less than the number of the theoretical maximum votes and the closest to
the number of the theoretical maximum votes among the countries whose number of votes is
same as or less than the number of the theoretical maximum votes. An example is as follows.
The country A sends 10 delegates, the country B sends 20 delegates, the country C sends 30
delegates, and the country D sends 40 delegates, and so the number of delegates is 100. And,
the number of attending countries is 4. In this case, 100 / 4 = 25. So, the number of the
theoretical maximum votes is 25. The delegates from country B is 20 and so less than the
number of the theoretical maximum votes and the closest to the number of the theoretical
16 A Draft of Constitution of World Federation

maximum votes among the countries whose number of votes is same as or less than the number
of the theoretical maximum votes. So, only 20 members from country C and D are accepted as
the legates.
Some other numerical examples are shown in the table below.


The Number The Number of Delegates from Each Country

of Attending Country A Country B Country C Country D Country E Total
2 20 80 100
3 15 30 55 100
4 15 20 30 35 100
5 5 10 15 30 40 100

i - A case the attending countries are 2. The number of the theoretical

maximum votes of each country is 100 / 2 = 50 percent of the number of the total votes
of attending countries. For example, as shown in the table above, if the country A sends
20 delegates and the country B sends 80 delegates, the total delegates are 100. So the
number of the theoretical maximum votes is 100 / 2 = 50. But, 20 delegates from the
country A is less than the number of the theoretical maximum votes and 80 delegates
from the country B is more than the number of the theoretical maximum votes. So, the
number of the maximum votes of each country shall be 20. So, from the country B, only
20 delegates may be accepted.
ii - A case the attending countries are 3. The number of the theoretical
maximum vote of each country is 100 / 3 = 33.333 . . . percent of the total votes. For
example, if the country A sends 15 delegates, the country B sends 30 delegates, and the
country C sends 55 delegates, the total delegates are 100. So, the number of the
theoretical maximum votes is 100 / 3 = 33.333 . . . . So, 30 delegates of the Country B
is less than the number of the theoretical maximum votes and the closest to the number
of the theoretical maximum votes among countries whose delegates are same as or less
than the number of the theoretical maximum votes 33.333 . . . . So, the number of the
maximum votes of each country shall be 30. So, from the country C, only 30 delegates
may be accepted.
iii - A case the attending countries are 4. The number of the theoretical
maximum votes of each country is 100 / 4 = 25 percent of the total votes. For example,
if the country A sends 15 delegates, the country B sends 20 delegates, the country C
sends 30 delegates, and the country D sends 35 delegates, the total delegates are 100.
So, the number of the theoretical maximum votes is 100 / 4 = 25. So, 20 delegates of
the country B is less than the number of the theoretical maximum votes and the closest
to the number of the theoretical maximum votes among countries whose delegates are
same as or less than the number of the theoretical maximum votes 25. So, the number
of the maximum votes of each country shall be 20. So, from the country C and D, only
A Draft of Constitution of World Federation 17

20 delegates may be accepted.

iv - A case the attending countries are 5. The number of the theoretical
maximum vote of each country shall be 100 / 5 = 20 percent of the total votes. For
example, if the country A sends 5 delegates, the country B sends 10 delegates, the
country C sends 15 delegates, the country D sends 30 delegates, and the country E
sends 40 delegates, the total delegates are 100. So, the number of the theoretical
maximum votes is 100 / 5 = 20. So, 15 delegates of the country C is less than the
number of the theoretical maximum votes and the closest to the number of the
theoretical maximum votes among the countries whose delegates are same as or less
than the number of the theoretical maximum votes 20. So, the number of the maximum
votes of each country shall be 15. So, from the country D and E, only 15 delegates may
be accepted.
v - A case the attending countries are 6 or more. The number of the maximum
votes is calculated in a same way.
By this method, extremely huge delegates of few countries are prevented.

Article 59 Term of Office

1. The term of office of the World Parliament members shall be 4 years from the day
when the opening of the first session of a new term has been declared.
2. Registration shall be accepted anytime. However, the term of members shall be
counted from the day when the opening of the first session of a new term has been declared.
So, for example, when the opening of the first session of a new term was declared on 1 April
2020 and the registration from a country was made on 1 April 2021, the remaining term is 3
years. But, if the remaining term is less than 2 years, 4 years are added to her or his term.
So she or he needs not be elected in the next term.
3. The term of office of the President, the Secretary-General, the Secretaries, the Public
Relations Officer, the members of the Registration Commission, the members of the Finance
Commission, and the officials of the Board of Audit shall be 4 years from their inauguration.
So, the Directors and the officials of the Board of Audit shall remain in their post even if the
term of World Parliament has finished.

Article 60 Removal of Inappropriate Registered Members

1. Inappropriate registered members shall be removed by other registered members. If

there is a problem in a registered member, other registered members may object to the
membership of the registered member. When a registered member objects to another
registered member, the member who objects shall submit a document of objection with her or
his name and clearly specified reason to the President of the World Parliament. The document
shall be sent to the Registration Commission for consideration and shall be published on the
website and in other publications of the World Parliament. If the objections reach 5 percent of
total votes of all the registered members, the Registration Commission shall send, by the name
18 A Draft of Constitution of World Federation

of the President, documents to each registered member. In the next step, in the session of the
World Parliament, a motion to remove the objected registered members shall be made. The
objected registered member shall not be removed when the attending delegates with more than
half of the total votes of the attending delegates object to the removal. Otherwise, the objected
registered member shall be removed even if the objections by document are only 5 percent of
total votes of registered members.
2. Even if there is no objection by the registered members, registered member shall be
removed when the World Parliament passed a resolution, by more than half of votes of
attending delegates, that the member shall be removed.
3. When the registered member died, or quitted, or was removed, each country may not
register new member until the end of the ongoing term. The removed registered member may
be a registered member again if she or he is elected in next election.
4. The number of seats for registered member from each country is reduced according
to the number of removed registered members for 4 years from the day of removal. For
example, if 2 registered members are removed, the number of seats for registered member
from the country shall be reduced by 2 for 4 years from the day of removal.
5. The Directors of the World Parliament, namely, the President, the Secretary-General,
the Secretaries, the members of the Registration Commission, and the members of the Finance
Commission, and the Prime Minister of the World Government shall not be removed applying
this article. The Directors shall be removed by impeachment.
6. In the process of removal in the session of the World Parliament also, the number of
the maximum votes of each country fixed in the Article 58 shall be applied.
7. The objection to the registered members shall not be accepted from 3 months before
the opening of the World Parliament to the end of the session.
8. In actual process of removal, the process is carried out according to the order of
objection that has reached 5 percent of total votes of the registered members. Namely, if a
registered member has been objected by other registered members that have 5 percent of total
votes and she or he is the first registered member objected, she or he is the first registered
member against whom the motion to remove the objected registered members is made. If the
objected registered member is removed, she or he shall lose the right to speak and vote in the
deliberation and the voting of the motion to remove the other objected registered members.

Article 61 Impeachment

1. When the attending delegates with a half or more of the total votes of the attending
delegates support the impeachment of the specified Director of the World Parliament, the
process of impeachment shall be started. In the process of impeachment, when the attending
delegate with two-thirds or more of the total votes of the attending delegates support the
removal, the specified Director shall be removed.
2. When the specified Director has been removed and election is necessary to appoint
a new Director, election shall be conducted by the Registration Commission within 40 days.
3. When all the members of the Registration Commission have been removed, the
A Draft of Constitution of World Federation 19

President shall conduct the election.

Article 62 Ordinary Session

1. The ordinary session of the World Parliament shall be convoked by the President
once a year.
2. At least once in four years, the ordinary session shall be held in a country where
there is no headquarters of the World Parliament.
3. Date and venue of the ordinary session shall be specified by the Board of Directors.
4. As far as the ordinary session is announced at least 6 months before the opening and
there is no particular difficulty to access the venue, the World Parliament may open the session
and resolve, regardless of the number of attending delegates.

Article 63 Extraordinary Session

1. The President may convoke the extraordinary session of the Word Parliament when
it is necessary.
2. The President shall convoke the extraordinary session of the Word Parliament when
the registered members with one-fourth of the total votes require it.
3. The World Parliament may hold the session and resolve in either of the following
i - When the session is announced at least 1 months before the opening and
there is no particular difficulty to access the venue, the World Parliament may hold the
session and resolve, regardless of the number of attending delegates.
ii - When one-third of total official delegates are present, the World Parliament
may open the session and resolve.

Article 64 Resolution

1. All matters, except the case stipulated in this Constitution, shall be resolved by the
vote of attending delegates with more than half of total votes of the attending delegates. In
case of a tie, the presiding chairperson shall resolve about the matter.
2. The number of the maximum votes of each country fixed in the Article 58 shall be

Article 65 Right to Conduct Investigations in Relation to Policy of World


The World Parliament may conduct investigations in relation to the policy of the World
Government, may demand the presence and the testimony of witnesses who are living in the
countries within the World Federation, and may demand the presentation of records.
20 A Draft of Constitution of World Federation

Article 66 Publicity of the Session and of the Record of the Proceedings

1. Session of the World Parliament shall be publicized to the people. However, a secret
session may be held when attending delegates with two-thirds or more of total number of votes
of the attending delegates resolve on it.
2. The Parliament shall keep a record of proceedings, and this record shall be publicized.
However, the record needs not be publicized when attending delegates with two-thirds or more
of the total number of votes of the attending delegates resolve on it.
3. Votes of delegates on any matter shall be recorded in the record of the proceedings.
4. Here, the total number of votes of the attending delegates means the total number
of votes of each country that follows the maximum number of votes of each country. The
maximum number of votes of each country shall be specified in the Article 58.

Article 67 Privilege of the World Parliament Member of Exemption from


1. Except in cases provided by law, attending delegates of World Parliament shall be

exempt from arrest while the World Parliament is in session. Any members arrested before
the opening of the session shall be freed during the term of session upon demand of the
2. No country may register members with the World Parliament without abiding by
this article.

Article 68 Privilege of the World Parliament Member of Exemption from


Except in cases provided by law, the registered members of the World Parliament shall
not be liable outside the World Parliament for their speeches, debates, and votes cast, inside
the World Parliament.

Article 69 Compensation to the World Parliament Members

1. All the registered members, whether they are delegates or not, shall receive
appropriate compensation from the World Parliament.
2. The amount of the compensation shall be fixed by the Finance Commission, and the
amount shall be authorized by the World Parliament.


A Draft of Constitution of World Federation 21

Article 70 World Government

Administrative power of the World Federation belongs to the World Government.

However, the authority of the World Government is not equal to that of the World Parliament.
Only the World Parliament has the supreme authority. The Prime Minister of the World
Government is elected and removed by the World Parliament. The World Government is
concerned with the administration of world politics and economy within the World Federation.
However, in principle, the World Government is concerned with only limited aspects of society.
Namely, in principle, it is concerned only with the administration of military force, the issuance
of currency, and other political and economic problems that individual country cannot solve
alone. Other aspects of society such as religion, political and economic system like liberalism
or communism, industry, agriculture, commerce, science, arts, sports, tradition, and so on are
left free to each country.

Article 71 Head of the World Government

1. The head of the World Government shall be the Prime Minister.

2. At the time of inauguration, the Prime Minister shall swear to people that she or he
will follow the Constitution of World Federation and will do her or his best in order to
accomplish duty.

Article 72 Election of the Prime Minister

The Prime Minister of the World Government shall be elected by the World Parliament.

Article 73 Qualification of the Prime Minister

1. The Prime Minister shall be a member of the World Parliament.

2. The Prime Minister shall be thirty years old or older.

Article 74 Term of Office of the Prime Minister

1. Term of office of the Prime Minister shall be 4 years from the day of inauguration.
Even if the term of office of member of the World Parliament expired, the term of the Prime
minister shall not expire. However, if the Prime Minister is not reelected as a World
Parliament member in her or his country, the Prime Minister may not stand for next election
of the Prime Minister.
2. The Prime Minister may be elected for 2 terms only.

Article 75 Functions of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet

The Prime Minister and the Cabinet, in addition to other general administrative functions,
22 A Draft of Constitution of World Federation

shall perform the following functions.

1. Perform the general administrative functions.
2. Administer the law faithfully and conduct affairs of the World Federation.
3. Exercise control and supervision over various administrative departments.
4. Prime Minister may appoint and remove any officers of the World Government. This
right is superior to that of the other Ministers, and no law shall deny this right.
5. Submit bills to the World Parliament.
6. Report on international affairs to the World Parliament.
7. Enact government ordinances. However, such government ordinance shall not
include penal provisions unless authorized by law enacted by the World Parliament.
8. Decide on amnesty, on restoration of rights, and on other related issues.

Article 76 Deputy Prime Minister

1. The Deputy Prime Minister shall be appointed and removed by the Prime Minister.
2. The Deputy Prime Minister shall function as the Prime Minister when the Prime
Minster cannot accomplish her or his function. When the Deputy Prime Minster cannot
accomplish her or his function, one of the Ministers of World Government shall function as the
Prime Minister. The order of substitution by ministers shall be specified by the Prime Minister.
3. When the Prime Minister has resigned or has died, the Deputy Prime Minster shall
become the Prime Minister, and the term of office is the remaining term of the former Prime

Article 77 Ministers and Ministries

1. Prime Minister shall appoint and remove the Ministers of each ministry. More than
half of Ministers shall be the member of World Parliament, and all the Ministers shall be
2. Ministers shall appoint and remove any officers in the ministry, except the case
stipulated by law, and shall administer the ministry.
3. Ministries and their functions shall be stipulated by law.

Article 78 Federal Military Forces

1. World Government shall have its own federal military forces. Structure of federal
military forces shall be stipulated by law.
2. The Prime Minister shall be the Commander in Chief of the federal military forces.
The Prime Minster shall appoint and remove any officers in the federal military forces.

Article 79 Rights and Duties of the Prime Minister and Other Ministers of
World Government to Appear in the World Parliament
A Draft of Constitution of World Federation 23

1. The Prime Minister and other Ministers of the World Government may, at any time,
appear in the World Parliament to speak on bills, regardless of whether they are members of
the World Parliament or not.
2. If the World Parliament resolves that they must appear, they shall appear in order
to give answer or explanation.

Article 80 Right to Conduct Investigations

1. The Prime Minister shall have the right to conduct the investigations on the policies
of each office of the World Government and on all the people in the World Federation on
condition that the investigation is opened to the public.
2. The Prime Minister shall have the right, in the meeting that the Prime Minister
convokes on condition that the meeting is opened to the public, to demand the presence and
the testimony of any people of every country in the World Federation, and to demand the
presentation of records.

Article 81 Privilege of the Ministers of the World Government

The Ministers of World Government shall not be subject to legal action without the
consent of the Prime Minister. However, the right to take that action shall not be impaired


Article 82 World Court

Judicial power shall belong to the World Court. However, the authority of the World
Court shall not be equal to that of the World Parliament. Therefore, the resolution of the World
Parliament shall be superior to the judgement of the World Court.

Article 83 Functions of the World Court

1. Judicial power of the World Court shall be binding on international issues only.
2. In case the World Parliament resolves that a case of domestic affair of each country
shall be tried at the World Court, the case shall be tried at the World Court. Countries
concerned shall abide by the judgment of the Word Court.
3. The World Court is the court of last resort with power to determine the
constitutionality of any law, order, regulation, and official act in the World Federation.
However, as stipulated in the previous article, the resolution of the World Parliament shall be
24 A Draft of Constitution of World Federation

superior to the judgement of the World Court.

4. All judges shall be independent in the exercise of their conscience and shall be bound
only by this Constitution and the laws in the World Federation.

Article 84 Judges of the World Court

1. The judges of the World Court shall consist of a Chief Judge and other judges. The
number of judges shall be 12.
2. The Chief Judge and other judges shall be removed when the World Parliament has
resolved on the removal.
3. Judges of the World Court shall not be removed when they are on duty on a case.
4. The judges of World Court shall receive, at regular intervals, adequate compensation
that shall not be decreased during their term of office.

Article 85 Term of Office

1. Term of office of the judges is not limited, but the judges shall be retired when they
have reached the age fixed by law.
2. New judges shall be elected within 1 year when serving judges left office or died.

Article 86 Election of the Judges of the World Court

1. All the judges shall be elected by the World Parliament from a list of candidates
recommended by the registered members.
2. The recommended candidates need not be the member of the World Parliament.
Each registered member may recommend 1 candidate to the list of candidates regardless of
the number of her or his vote. For example, both a registered member with 1 vote and a
registered member with 0.1 vote can recommend 1 candidate to the list of candidates.
3. The candidates in the list may be elected 1 year after they have been added into the
4. Among elected judges, the judge who has got the largest number of votes shall be the
Chief Judge.

Article 87 Rule-Making Power of World Court

1. The World Court is vested with the rule-making power that determines the
procedures of trial, the matters relating to attorneys, the internal discipline of the court, and
the judicial affairs.
2. Public prosecutors shall be subject to the rules fixed by the World Court.

Article 88 Open Trial

A Draft of Constitution of World Federation 25

1. Trials shall be opened to the people.

2. Where a court unanimously determines that publicity is dangerous to public order
or moral, a trial may be conducted without publicizing it. But trials on cases of political
offences, on cases of offenses involving the press, and on cases wherein the rights of people
that are guaranteed in this Constitution are in question, shall always be conducted publicly.


Article 89 Administration of Finance

The power to administer the finance of World Federation shall be exercised following
the resolutions by the World Parliament. Expenditures of the fund of the World Federation
and the creation of debts of the World Federation shall be possible under the authorization of
the World Parliament.

Article 90 Revenue of World Federation

Each member country of the World Federation shall pay appropriate amount of fund to
the World Federation. The amount of fund of each country shall be decided by each country
itself considering the situation of world and each country.

Article 91 Budget of World Federation

1. The fiscal year shall be fixed by law.

2. Budget bill shall be prepared by the Finance Commission and shall be submitted to
the World Parliament for consideration.
3. In case the budget bill is not passed in the World Parliament before the beginning of
the next fiscal year, the Finance Commission shall be dissolved, and members of a new Finance
Commission shall be elected immediately. The new Finance Commission shall prepare the
budget bill. Even if the budget bill is not passed, the Finance Commission may distribute fund
to each department of the World Federation.

Article 92 Function of the Finance Commission

1. The Finance Commission shall administer the accounts of the World Federation and
apportion the fund to each organization of the World Federation.
2. The Finance Commission shall administer the World Central Bank that shall issue
the world common currency.
3. The above functions are performed by the Finance Commission independently of the
26 A Draft of Constitution of World Federation

World Government. So, the World Government has no power to intervene into the
administration by the Finance Commission.
4. The number of members of the Finance Commission shall be 12.

Article 93 Election of the Members of the Finance Commission

1. Each attending delegate of the World Parliament may stand for the election of the
members of the Finance Commission.
2. Among the elected members, the member who has got the largest number of votes
shall be the Chairperson of the Finance Commission.

Article 94 Reserve Fund

1. In order to provide for unforeseen deficiencies in the budget, a reserve fund may be
authorized by the World Parliament to be expended upon the responsibility of the Finance
2. The payments from the reserve fund shall be reported to the World Parliament.

Article 95 Limitation on Use of Public Fund and Property

1. No public fund and property shall be expended for religious organizations and
activities, except the case stipulated by law.
2. No public fund and property shall be expended for charitable activities and
educational institutions that are not under the control of the public authority, except the case
stipulated by law.

Article 96 Approval of the Final Accounts

Final accounts of the revenue and expenditure of the World Federation shall be audited
annually by the Board of Audit. The Finance Commission shall, in the next fiscal year, report
the final accounts to the World Parliament.

Article 97 Report on the State of National Finance

At least annually, the Finance Commission shall report to the World Parliament and
the people about the state of finance of World Federation.


A Draft of Constitution of World Federation 27

Article 98 Board of Audit

1. The Board of Audit shall annually audit the final accounts of the revenue and
expenditure of the World Federation.
2. The organization and competency of the Board of Audit shall be stipulated by law.
3. The number of the officials of the Board of Audit shall be, at the maximum, 7.

Article 99 Election of Members of Board of Audit

1. Each attending delegate of the World Parliament may stand for the election of the
officials of the Board of Audit. At the same time, each registered member may recommend 1
candidate to the list of candidates regardless of the number of her or his vote. For example,
both a registered member with 1 vote and a registered member with 0.1 vote can recommend
1 candidate to the list of candidates. The recommended candidates for the election of officials
of Board of Audit need not be the member of the World Parliament.
2. Names of candidates that are recommended by the registered members shall be
accepted by the Registration Commission, and the Commission shall make a list of candidates.
3. The candidates who are the attending delegates of the World Parliament can be
elected without any condition. On the either hand, the recommended candidates in the list
may be elected 1 year after they have been added into the list.
4. Among the elected candidates, the candidate who has got the largest number of votes
shall be the Chairperson of the Board of Audit.


Article 100 Amendment of the Constitution of World Federation

1. Amendment to the Constitution of World Federation shall be initiated by the World

2. A bill of amendment shall be passed when the attending delegates with votes of two-
thirds or more of the total votes of all the attending delegates support the bill in the session of
the World Parliament.
3. The passed bill of amendment is sent to world referendum following the procedure
specified by law. When more than half of all the votes supports the amendment, the
Constitution shall be amended.
4. When the Constitution has been amended, the Constitution shall be immediately
promulgated by the World Parliament.
5. The amended Constitution shall be enforced 6 months after the promulgation.
28 A Draft of Constitution of World Federation

Article 101 Validity of Existing Laws

1. All laws that have existed under the previous Constitution of World Federation shall
be valid as far as they are not amended.
2. New laws shall follow the new Constitution of World Federation.

Article 102 Contradiction between the Existing Laws and the New

1. In case a law that has existed under the previous constitution contradicts with the
new constitution, the Prime Minister may decide a policy following the new constitution.
2. Decisions made by the Prime Minister following the new constitution but without
following the existing law shall be, immediately after the fact, reported to the World

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