APES Unit 6 Notes Frames
APES Unit 6 Notes Frames
APES Unit 6 Notes Frames
Rate of Consumption
● Rate of use must be at or
below rate of regeneration for
● Fossil fuels will run out
because they take far longer
to regenerate than the rate we
use them
6.2 Global Energy Consumption
Developed vs. Developing Nations Developed nations use Friedland text pages
more energy on a per
capita basis, but developed 417-426
nations use more energy in
total (higher pop.) Learning Objective
Describe trends in energy
-The avg. US resident uses
5x as much energy as the
world avg. Essential Knowledge
-Developing nations are 1. The use of energy resources is
still industrializing & pop. is not evenly distributed between
still growing rapidly developed and developing
○ It will also increase on a countries.
per/person basis as their 2. The most widely used sources of
economies industrialize & energy globally are fossil fuels.
residents achieve higher
standards of living 3. As developing countries become
more developed, their reliance
on fossil fuels for energy
Fossil Fuels: Most Used Energy Source increases.
Fossil fuels are by far the most common fuel source globally
● Oil ⇒ gasoline = main fuel for vehicles 4. As the world becomes more
● Coal = main fuel for electricity gen. industrialized, the demand for
● Nat. gas = secondary fuel for electricity gen. & main fuel for heating energy increases.
-Hydroelectric energy (dams used to create electricity) are second largest source 5. Availability, price, and
○ Water spins a turbine which generates electricity
governmental regulations
-Nuclear is the third largest source
○ Uranium fission releases heat to turn influence which energy sources
water into steam to turn a turbine to gen. electricity people use and how they use
As developing nations develop, fossil fuel consumption will increase Government Regulation: gov. can mandate certain energy
○ Oil → Gasoline for vehicles source mixes (25% renewable by
○ Coal & Nat. gas → electricity 2025)
■ Electricity demand for homes & manufacturing
Gov CANNOT directly raise or lower prices of energy sources
(ex: raise gas to $10/gallon)
● Pressure from overlying rock & sediment layers compacts peat into coal over time
-In order of energy density & quality: lignite → bituminous → anthracite
● The deeper a coal reserve is buried, the more pressure from overlying rock layers & the more
energy dense
-Because higher energy density means more energy released when a fuel source is burned, anthracite is the
most valuable form of coal (highest quality)
● Coal is burned to heat water into steam, to turn a turbine that generates electricity
● More dense coal = hotter/longer fire = more steam = more electricity
● Decaying organic matter trapped under rock layers is compressed into oil over time
Extracted by drilling a well through the overlying rock layers to reach the underground deposit and then pumping liquid oil out
under pressure
Can also be recovered from tar sands (combination of clay, sand, water, and bitumen)
● Bitumen is a thick, sticky, semi-solid form of petroleum (not liquid)
● Extracting & using oil from tar sands is extremely energy and water intensive
○ Lots of water needs to be heated (requiring energy) to create steam that’s piped down into the tar sand to melt the bitumen into a
liquid that can flow up a pipe
○ Lots more water is used to separate the oil from all of the impurities (sand,
clay) at the refinery
6.4 Distribution of Natural Energy Resources
Extracted by drilling a well through the overlying rock layers to reach the
underground deposit and then pumping liquid oil out under pressure
Can also be recovered from tar sands (combination of clay, sand, water, and
● Bitumen is a thick, sticky, semi-solid form of petroleum (not liquid)
● Extracting & using oil from tar sands is extremely energy and water intensive
○ Lots of water needs to be heated (requiring energy) to create steam that’s
piped down into the tar sand to melt the bitumen into a liquid that can flow up
a pipe
○ Lots more water is used to separate the oil from all of the impurities (sand,
clay) at the refinery
Same electricity generation process as with FFs, just uranium fission to heat water into steam
● Heat →Water into Steam → Steam turns a turbine → Turbine powers generator → Generator
produces electricity → → → →
U-235 stored in fuel rods, submerged in water in reaction core; heat from fission turns H2O →
● Control rods are lowered into reactor core to absorb neutrons and
slow down the reaction, preventing meltdown (explosion)
● Water pump brings in cool water to be turned into steam and also cools reactor down from
● Cooling tower allows steam from turbine to condense back into liquid and cool down before
being reused (this gives off H2O vapor)
-Biomass burning releases CO, NOx, PM, and VOCs - all respiratory irritants
● 3 billion people globally cook on open, biomass fires, mostly in developing world
● Biomass burn. indoors for heat/cooking worsens effects (pollutants trapped & conc.)
○ Worsened asthma, bronchitis, COPD, emphysema, eye irritation
-Environmental consequences = deforestation & air pollutants
● Lack of environmental protection laws & financial resources for other fuels lead to more biomass deforestation in developing nations
● Hab. loss, soil erosion, loss of CO2 sequestration, air & H2O filtration
● NOx, VOCs, and PM all contribute to smog formation
Corn & sugar cane are fermented into ethanol which is mixed w/ gasoline
● Corn grain/sugar cane broken down & yeast ferment sugars → ethanol Liquid fuels produced specifically from
● E85 or flex fuel = 51-83% ethanol + gasoline mix; used in flex-fuel vehicles plant oils (soy, canola, palm)
○ Decreases oil consumption for transport, but is less efficient than pure gasoline
● “renewable” only to the extent that the production of corn is sustainable (sugar ● Palm oil biodiesel has been found to
cane is produce 98% MORE GHGs than FFs,
a perennial, and is more sustainable) due to clearing of forest for palm
Environmental consequences = all the neg. consequences of monocrop ag.
● Soil erosion, hab. loss, GHG release (ag. soils, tractors, fertilizers) H2O use ● Can be more sustainable if already
● Lots of corn needed, relative to petroleum; can compete w/human cons. of cleared land is used, or if plantations are
corn continually replanted (however, also
● Algae produce oils that can be used as biofuels more sustainably than corn causes all the env. impacts of ag.)
6.8 Solar Energy
● Heliostats (mirrors) reflect sun’s rays onto a central water tower in Semiconductor metals (silicon) still
order to heat water to produce steam to turn a turbine → electricity A need to be mined to produce PV
drawback is habitat destruction & light beams frying birds in mid air cells (solar panels)
Rooftop solar doesn’t take up land, but only produces a little electricity Solar panel farms can displace
⛰ 🌊 ⚡
A dam diverts the natural current of a river through man-made channel beside the river
● Natural current of the river turns the turbine...powers the generator...
● Less impactful to surrounding ecosystem since no reservoir is formed
& ecosystems behind dam aren’t flooded
● Doesn’t stop natural flow of sediments downstream like water impoundment systems do
● Doesn’t generate nearly as much power & may be unavailable in warmer seasons when river water levels are lower
● Tidal power comes from tidal ocean flow turning turbine (coastal areas only)
Often referred to as “geothermal” but technically the heat does not come from geologic activity (comes from the
ground storing heat from the sun)
● More accurate name is “ground source heat pump”
● 10 feet down, the ground stays a consistent 50-60o due to holding heat from sun (not warmed by geothermal
energy from magma - so not technically geothermal energy) 800
● Heat absorbing fluid is pumped through a pipe into the ground where it either takes on heat from the ground, or
gives off heat to the ground
● In summer, heat from home transfers to liquid & liquid transfers heat to the ground, cooling house
● In winter, liquid takes heat from ground & transfers it to the house, warming house 30o
Key challenge to H fuel cells is obtaining pure H gas (b/c it doesn’t exist by itself as a gas naturally)
● Separating H2 gas from other molecules like H2O or CH4 is very energy intensive
● Two main processes are steam reforming (95% of all H production) and electrolysis
(less common, but more sustainable)
Steam Reforming: burning natural gas (CH4) & using steam to separate the H gas from the methane (CH4)
- Emits CO2 & requires NG (FF) input
Electrolysis: electrical current is applied to water, breaking it into O2 and H2 - No CO2 emission, but does require electricity
Because H2 gas can be stored in pressurized tanks, it Since 95% of H2 production requires methane (CH4),
can be transported for use creating electricity later, in a H fuel cells are based on a non-renewable & CO2
different location releasing energy source
● If electrolysis is used to produce H2, it’s only as
● Unlike solar, hydro, and wind where the electricity must
sustainable as the electricity source
be used as soon as it’s generated & relatively closely to
● Widespread H fuel cell use would require building
the location of generation widespread H distribution network (similar to current
Can also be used as a fuel for vehicles (replacing system for gasoline)
gasoline) or to create ammonia for fertilizer, or in the ● H fuel stored in gas form in vehicles would require
chemical industry much larger tanks than current gasoline tanks
● As a gasoline replacement, it emits no air pollutants
(NOx/PM/CO) and only H2O (tech. a GHG) no CO2
● Manufacture of many different industrial chemicals
requires H2 gas
● Can be stored as liquid or gas, making it easy to
● H fuel cells are ~80% efficient in converting chemical
energy in H2 & O2 into electricity (Coal PP = 35%
6.12 Wind Energy
Clustered in groups (wind projects or farms) in flat, open areas (usually rural)
● Locating them together makes service, repair, and
building transmission lines to them easier
● Can share land with agricultural use
Offshore wind = wind farms in oceans or lakes
● Capitalizes on faster wind speeds
● Does require transmission lines built across long distances to reach land though
No GHG emissions or air pollutants released when Can’t replace base-load power (sources that are always
generating electricity available like FFs, nuclear or Geothermal)
No CO2 (climate change) or NOx/SOx/PM as with burning Can kill birds and bats (especially larger, migratory
FFs birds)
Can share land uses (don’t destroy habitat or cause soil/ Can be considered an eyesore or source of noise
water contamination as FFs do) pollution by some
Lowering thermostat to use less heat or Improving fuel efficiency (fuel economy)
use AC less often standards Ex: 20 mpg → 30 mpg
Conserving water with native plants Subsidizing (tax credits for) electric
instead of grass, low flow shower vehicles, charging stations, and hybrids
heads, efficient toilets, dishwashers,
dryers Increased public transport (buses & light
rails), green building design
Energy efficient appliances, better
insulation to keep more heat in home
~28% of total US energy use comes from transport of goods & people (2019)
Decreasing the amount of energy required to build larger buildings
● Improving fuel economy of US fleet of vehicles conserves energy as less & heat/cool them
gasoline/diesel is needed to travel same distance ● Green roof or walls can decrease runoff, and absorb sun’s heat,
○ CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standards are regulations set in decreasing energy needed for cooling building & surrounding area
US to require auto manufacturers to make cars that meet certain MPG (lessens heat island effect)
standards, or pay penalties
● Hybrids (Prius) have both a gasoline & electric engine, enabling them to have ●Sun lights on roof, or windows on sides can decrease electricity
higher MPG ratings used for lighting
○ Breaking system charges the electric battery, which powers electric motor ● Recycled materials can reduce energy required to produce new
● Electric vehicles (EVs or BEVs) like the Tesla or LEAF use no gasoline, but ones (glass, wood, even fly ash from coal can be used in
still require electricity (only as sustainable as elect. source) foundation)
● Public transit & carpooling are even better energy-saving transport options
Peak demand is the time of day or year (often early night time hours or very hot weather
events) that electricity demand is highest
● If demand exceeds supply, rolling blackouts occur
● To manage peak demand, some utilities use a variable price model for electricity
● Users pay a higher rate during peak demand hours or events, to discourage use
● Users pay a lower rate/kWh when using a lower amount of energy (incentivizes lower overall
“Smart Grid” is just the idea of managing demand & energy sources in a more varied way
Ex: using smart meters for variable price models, allowing rooftop solar to direct electricity back
to grid, integrating more total energy sources (especially renewable)