Paper SAE2007 01 2542
Paper SAE2007 01 2542
Paper SAE2007 01 2542
Direct Stochastic
Algorithm Algorithm
Gross Thrust (N) 7792.0 7799.0
Fan Mass Flow (Kg/s) 21.94 21.94
Core Mass Flow (Kg/s) 4.60 4.60
Figure 3. Cost Functional values versus
A probabilistic formulation to in-flight thrust
algorithm iterations
estimation has been presented. The new process finds the
unknowns, the thrust and air mass flow, through an
optimization process minimizing the error between the REFERENCES
calculated and measured values of fan and core pressures
and temperatures. The main advantage of the new [1] SAE ARP 775C. Gas Turbine Engine Performance
estimation process it that it allows the use of a large set of Station Identification and Nomenclature. SAE, USA,
data samples without previous averaging of the samples. December 1997.
As a statistical process the calculated thrust and air mass
flow reflects the whole data set and is updated iteratively [2] PART 25 – Airworthiness Standard: Transport
as more samples from the measurements are processed Category Airplanes. FAA, Department of Transport, USA.
during the calculation process.
[3] AC 25-7A – Flight Test Guide for Certification of
The process has been demonstrated for a simple and Transport Category Airplanes. FAA Department of
intentionally inaccurate process (to demonstrate the new Transport, USA, 6/3/99.
formulation and not the thrust calculation process).
However, may be applicable to more complex in-flight [4] PART 23 – Airworthiness Standard: Normal, Utility,
thrust formulation. The main difficulty a user will have is Aerobatic, and Commuter Category Airplanes. FAA,
in the formulation of the inverse problem, that is, Department of Transport, USA.
calculating the pressures and temperatures from given
values of thrust (or nozzle total pressure and temperature) [5] SAE AIR 1703A. In-Flight Thrust Determination. SAE,
and air mass flow because more information is required USA Feb. 20, 2006.
from the turbomachine - the inverse process may require
more information than the direct process because it has [6] SAE AIR 5450. Advanced Ducted Propulsor In-Flight
more unknowns. However, the optimization process is Thrust Determination. SAE, USA, Draft 2006-06-15.
capable of identifying the additional unknowns added by
the new formulation. The nozzle characterization, that is, [7] Morelli, E., A. Klein, V. Determining the accuracy of
the determination of the nozzle coefficients from nozzle Maximum Likelihood parameter estimates with colored
model tests, shall take into account a direct process residuals. NASA Report 194893, 1994.
equivalent to the inverse problem. It has been observed
some convergence difficulties due to high sensitivity of the RESPONSIBILITY
calculated states, fan and core pressures and temperatures,
to the nozzle temperature in the inverse problem what has The author is the only responsible for the printed
been solved by introducing a reduction factor to the material included in this paper.
correction vector generated at every update step, as
presented in Eq. 6 below (FAC<<1.0); ACKNOWLODGEMENT