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Published online: 2021-06-29

Original Article 1

Effects of Routine Antithrombotic-Adjusted Dose

of Rivaroxaban and Nadroparin Calcium on Tendon
Healing of Rats: An Experimental Study
Suleyman Altun1  Mehmet Sukru Sahin2  Gokhan Çakmak2 
Kemal Gokkus2,   Aysen Terzi1

1 Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Baskent Address for correspondence Kemal Gokkus, MD, Department of
University Faculty of Medicine, Baskent University Hospital, Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Baskent University Alanya Research
Çankaya/Ankara, Turkey and Practice Center, Saray Mahallesi Yunus Emre Caddesi No: 1,
2 Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Baskent 07400 Alanya/Antalya, Turkey (e-mail: [email protected]).
University Alanya Research and Practice Center, Alanya/Antalya,

J Hand Microsurg

Abstract Introduction  Achilles tendon injury necessitates thromboembolism prophylaxis

after repair. This study aimed to investigate the effects of antithrombotic-adjusted
prophylactic doses of nadroparin calcium and rivaroxaban on Achilles tendon healing.
Materials and Methods  Twenty-four young adult male Wistar Albino type rats were
randomly divided into three groups. All rats underwent a full-thickness surgical inci-
sion of the Achilles tendon, followed by primary repair. After the procedure, group
1 was determined as the control group and received no medication. Group 2 received
2.03 mg/kg rivaroxaban daily via gastric lavage once daily, and group 3 was given sub-
cutaneous 114 IU AXa nadroparin calcium once daily for 28 days. After euthanization,
the degrees of inflammation, neovascularization, fibroblastic activity, and collagen
fiber sequencing were examined and scored for histopathological evaluation. The
Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 21.0 for Windows software (SPSS,
Inc., Chicago, Illinois, United States) was used for all statistical analyses. The number of
inflammatory cells, capillary vessels, and fibroblasts, which met the parametric tests’
assumptions, were compared between three independent groups by one-way analysis
of variance. The significance level was set at p-value < 0.05.
Results  Histological examination of the group 1 sample showed the presence of
inflammatory cells, an increase in the number of fibroblasts, and sequencing of colla-
gen fibers scattered. The presence of inflammatory cells, remarkable increases in the
number of fibroblasts, the presence of mature collagen fibers, and regular sequencing
Keywords of collagen fibers regular were shown in groups 2 and 3. There were statistically sig-
► rivaroxaban nificant differences between the groups regarding the number of inflammatory cells
► nadroparin calcium and fibroblasts. In group 2, the number of inflammatory cells was lower than in groups
► Achilles tendon 1 and 3. Elsewhere, the number of fibroblasts was higher in group 1 compared than in
rupture groups 2 and 3.
► Achilles tendon Conclusion  Both rivaroxaban and nadroparin calcium in their daily dosage have a
healing beneficial effect on Achilles tendon healing.

© 2021. Society of Indian Hand & DOI https://doi.org/

Microsurgeons. All rights reserved. 10.1055/s-0041-1729468
Thieme Medical and Scientific ISSN 0974-3227
Publishers Pvt. Ltd., A-12, 2nd Floor,
Sector 2, Noida-201301 UP, India
2 Effect of Rivaroxaban and Nadroparin Calcium on Tendon Healing  Altun et al.

Introduction and 21 ± 2°C; they were fed with standard feed. All rats
underwent a full-thickness surgical incision of the Achilles
Despite important developments in biological and biome- tendon, followed by primary repair (SA). After the proce-
chanical treatment modalities, tendon healing remains dure of the Achilles tendon, group 1 was determined as the
a major orthopaedic challenge.1 Achilles tendon rupture is control group and received no medication. Group 2 received
one of the most common ruptures with an increasing inci- 2.03 mg/kg rivaroxaban equal to 0.6 mg rivaroxaban/daily
dence and which often results in fibrotic scar tissue forma- (Xarelto, Bayer HealthCare, Berlin, Germany) via gastric
tion that has poor tissue quality and inferior mechanical lavage once daily, for 28 days. The adjusted dose of rivarox-
properties.2,3 It has been reported that Achilles tendon inju- aban for rats was calculated according to the study of Nair
ries either fail to heal or demonstrate a delay in healing due and Jacob.18,19
to complications, such as prolonged postoperative recov- Group 3 was given subcutaneous 114 IU AXa nadropa-
ery time, deep vein thrombosis, skin necrosis as well as rin calcium (Fraxiparine, Glaxo SmithKline, Canada) as
infection around the surgical site and re-rupture.4-6 Several low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH), once daily for
studies on Achilles tendon healing have investigated the effi- 28 days. The adjusted dose of nadroparin calcium for the
ciency of both conservative and operative care, with each rats was calculated according to the study of Nair and
management strategy offering unique risks and benefits.7-9 Jacob.18,19 The rats were given free access to food and water
The effects of stem cells,10 and growth factors11 platelet-rich as well as free movement within their cages and the guide-
plasma12,13 on tendon healing, have been thoroughly studied lines for the care and use of laboratory animals in biomedical
over the past decades. However, there remains insufficient research were closely followed.20
evidence regarding which strategy is the most effective.
Venous thromboembolism is a severe condition that can Surgical Procedure
occur as a result of musculoskeletal system trauma and is a Before the surgery, 6 mg/kg xylazine and 70 mg/kg ket-
common source of postoperative morbidity and mortality, amine-hydrochloride were administered for anesthesia by
lest appropriate steps are taken.14 As with other orthopaedic a researcher without clinical involvement. The right lower
injuries, Achilles tendon injury necessitates thromboembo- extremities of the rats were wiped with povidone-iodine
lism prophylaxis after repair, or conservative treatment with (Adeka İlaç ve Kimyasal Ürünler San. Ve Tic. A.Ş) and shaved.
long leg-cast immobilization.14 An approximately-1.25 cm longitudinal incision was per-
We believe that it is crucial to understand the effect of throm- formed under sterile conditions on the right Achilles tendon.
boembolism prophylaxis on tendon healing, but there are a The tendon was exposed and cut transversely from approxi-
limited number of studies regarding the impact of enoxaparin mately 0.5 cm proximal to the side of the right Achilles tendon
and rivaroxaban, which are widely used in thromboembolism insertion site via the scalpel blade (no.10). The incised right
prophylaxis on tendon healing.15-17 Among these, one study Achilles tendon was then repaired with the Kessler method
investigated the effect of rivaroxaban on tendon healing with using polydioxanone 4–0 (PDS II - Ethicon Inc., Sommerville,
an unadjusted dosage of 3 mg/kg, whereas another focused on United States), and the skin was sutured using 3–0 polygla-
the effects of two varying doses of nadroparin calcium on ten- ctin 910 (Coated Vicryl - Ethicon Inc., Sommerville, United
don healing: one dose was very close to 0.4 mL/daily with the States) (►Fig. 1).
other being 0.8 mL/daily. However, there are no studies inves- One week after the surgery, infection protection was applied
tigating the effect of rivaroxaban's (with an adjusted dose) twice a day by intraperitoneal administration of 30 mg/kg
on tendon healing as a novel oral agent. This study aimed to cefazolin sodium (Iespor), and postoperative pain management
investigate the effects of antithrombotic prophylactic doses was performed by subcutaneous administration of 0.02 mg/kg
(adjusted doses) of nadroparin calcium and rivaroxaban on fentanyl. Neither postoperative immobilization nor postop-
Achilles tendon healing in a histopathological manner. erative exercise training was carried, and the wounds were
sterilely dressed for 5 days. The decision against the immobi-
lization was based on studies Murrell et al and Eliason et al.
Materials and Methods
They reported that immobilization effects negatively affected
The present study was conducted at the Experimental Animal healing after Achilles tendon repair in a rat model.21,22
Breeding and Research Center of Baskent University. The study On the postoperative 29th day, euthanasia was performed
was conducted between August 2013 and October 2013, fol- through high-dose anesthesia with 100 mg/kg thiopental
lowing the Declaration of Helsinki principles. This study's sodium.
ethical approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee
for Animal Experiments of Baskent University (approval Histological Analysis
number: DA13/36). After euthanization, all Achilles tendons were resected prox-
imal and distal ends of the adhesion site via the scalpel blade
Experimental Design (no.10) and sent for histopathological examination. The
Twenty-four young adult male Wistar Albino type rats of the Achilles tendon samples were fixed in 10% formaldehyde. The
same age, weighing 350 ± 50 g, were randomly divided into specimens were embedded in paraffin, and sections of 5 mm
three groups. All animals were housed in an environment thickness were prepared on slides. After deparaffinization,
with 12-hour light and 12-hour dark cycles, 55% humidity, the sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The

Journal of Hand and Microsurgery  Vol. 00  No. 0/2021  ©2021. Society of Indian Hand & Microsurgeons.
Effect of Rivaroxaban and Nadroparin Calcium on Tendon Healing  Altun et al. 3

mean ± standard deviation, median, minimum, and maxi-

mum values, and interquartile range. Before statistical analy-
sis, the Shapiro–Wilk test was used to assess the distribution
of the data. Levene's test analyzed homogeneity of variances
and the Kruskal-Wallis H test with a post hoc Dunn test was
used to determine whether there was a significant differ-
ence in the degree of inflammation, neovascularization,
fibroblastic activity, and collagen fiber sequencing between
groups. The number of inflammatory cells, capillary vessels,
and fibroblasts, which met the parametric tests’ assump-
tions, were compared between three independent groups by
one-way analysis of variance and Tukey’s honestly significant
difference) test was used for multiple comparisons. The sig-
nificance level was set at p-value < 0.05.

There were no perioperative complications during the sur-
gical procedure. Following rivaroxaban and nadroparin cal-
cium administration, no early or late complications were
observed during the study, including systemic or local side
effects. The degree of inflammation, neovascularization,
fibroblastic activity, and collagen fiber sequencing is shown
in ►Table  1. There was a statistically significant difference
Fig. 1 Calcaneus and gastrocnemius tips of Achilles tendon after in the degree of inflammation and collagen fiber sequencing
partial tenotomy (A); primary repair of calcaneus and gastrocnemius among the groups. The degree of inflammation was higher
tips of Achilles tendon after partial tenotomy (B). in group 1 compared than in groups 2 and 3 (p = 0.02 and p
= 0.02, respectively). Otherwise, the score of collagen fiber
degrees of inflammation, neovascularization, fibroblastic sequencing was lower in group 1 compared than in groups
activity, and collagen fiber sequencing were examined and 2 and 3 (p = 0.04 and p = 0.001, respectively) (►Table 1).
scored for histopathological evaluation under a light micro- Histological examination of the group 1 sample showed
scope at 400 magnification. The healing condition of the ten- the presence of inflammatory cells, an increase in the num-
dons was measured histopathologically by using Curtis and ber of fibroblasts, and sequencing of collagen fibers scattered
Delee's staging method.23 (►Fig.  2A). The presence of inflammatory cells, remark-
The degree of inflammation and fibroblastic activity was able increases in the number of fibroblasts, the presence of
rated as follows: none (0), mild (1), moderate (2), and pro- mature collagen fibers, and regular sequencing of collagen
nounced (3). Neovascularization was rated based on the num- fibers were shown in groups 2 and 3 (►Figs. 2B and C ).
ber of capillaries per high-powered field in a 0.45-micron The findings obtained in accordance with the histological
diameter magnification area. Less than five was rated as mild analysis are summarized in (►Table 2). There was no signif-
(1), 5 to 10 rated as moderate (2), and greater than ten rated icant difference in the capillary vessels among the groups
as pronounced (3). Collagen fiber sequencing was rated as (p = 0.11). Conversely, there were statistically significant
follows: scattered (1), slightly regular (2), and regular (3). differences between the groups regarding the number of
Healing tissue samples (5 mm diameter full-thickness inflammatory cells and fibroblasts (p = 0.01 and p = 0.002,
biopsies from the Achilles tendon) were also obtained for respectively). In group 2, the number of inflammatory cells
histologic evaluation. The number of inflammatory cells was lower than groups 1 and 3 (p = 0.01 and p = 0.01, respec-
(excluding histiocytes), capillary vessels, and fibroblasts tively). Elsewhere, the number of fibroblasts was higher
were counted in three randomly selected large 10 × magnifi- in group 1 compared than in groups 2 and 3 (p = 0.01 and
cation areas and were averaged. In each magnification area, p = 0.003, respectively) (►Table 2).
counts were performed within a total area of 0.0625 mm2,
divided into 100 square areas. All histopathological analyses Discussion
were performed by a pathologist who was blinded to the
study groups. This study analyzed the histopathological effect of anti-
thrombotic prophylactic-adjusted doses of enoxaparin
Statistical Analysis and rivaroxaban on Achilles tendon healing. The literature
The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 21.0 for includes a few clinical and experimental studies about anti-
Windows software (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, United States) thrombotic agents’ application and its histological effect on
was used for all statistical analyses. Data are shown as the tendon healing.15-17

Journal of Hand and Microsurgery  Vol. 00  No. 0/2021  ©2021. Society of Indian Hand & Microsurgeons.
4 Effect of Rivaroxaban and Nadroparin Calcium on Tendon Healing  Altun et al.

Table 1  Histological results of the study groups

Group 1(sham-control) Group 2 Group 3
No medication Group 2 received 2.03 mg/ Group 3 was given
kg rivaroxaban subcutaneous 114 IU AXa
nadroparin calcium
The degree of inflammationa 1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
2 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
2 1 1
1 1 1
Interpretation of the results Higher compared with group Lower compared with group 1 Lower compared with group 1
2, group 3 (bp= 0.02 and (bp = 0.02) (bp = 0.02)
p = 0.02)
Neovascularizationc 2 1 1
2 2 1
2 1 2
2 2 2
2 2 2
2 1 2
2 1 1
1 2 2
Interpretation of the results —There was no significant difference in the capillary vessels among groups.

Fibroblastic activitya 1 2 1
2 1 1
2 1 2
2 2 2
2 2 1
2 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
Interpretation of the results Higher in group 1 compared Lower in group 2 compared Lower in group 3 compared with
with groups 2 and (bp =0.01 with group 1 group1 (bp =0.003)
and p = 0.003, respectively) (bp =0.01)
Collagen fiber sequencingd 1 2 2
1 2 2
1 2 2
1 2 2
1 2 3
1 2 3
2 2 3
2 2 3
Interpretation of the results Lower in group 1 com- Higher in group 2 compared Higher in group 3 compared with
pared with group 2, group with group 1 (bp =0.04) group 1 (bp =0.001)
3 (bp =0,04 and p =0.001,

Journal of Hand and Microsurgery  Vol. 00  No. 0/2021  ©2021. Society of Indian Hand & Microsurgeons.
Effect of Rivaroxaban and Nadroparin Calcium on Tendon Healing  Altun et al. 5

Table 1  (continued)
Group 1(sham-control) Group 2 Group 3
No medication Group 2 received 2.03 mg/ Group 3 was given
kg rivaroxaban subcutaneous 114 IU AXa
nadroparin calcium
Note: The healing condition of the tendons was measured histopathologically, by using Curtis and Delee's staging method.21
Group 1: No medication; Group 2: rivaroxaban; Group 3: nadroparin calcium.
Data are expressed as median, interquartile range.
Rated as follows: none (0), mild (1), moderate (2), and pronounced (3).
Kruskal-Wallis H test.
Number of capillaries, which were less than five was rated as mild (1), 5 to 10 rated as moderate (2), and greater than 10 as pronounced (3).
Collagen fiber sequencing were rated as follows: Scattered (1), slightly regular (2), and regular (3).

Fig. 2  Tissue samples with hematoxylin and eosin staining × 400 under light microscopy at × 10 magnification. Group 1 received no medication
(A); Group 2 received rivaroxaban (B); Group 3 received nadroparin calcium (C).

Table 2  Histological analysis of the number of inflammatory cells, vascular tissues, and fibroblasts between groups
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 One-way ANOVA
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD F p-Valuea Tukey’s HSD
(95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI) Group p-Valueb
Inflammatory cells 9.50 ± 9.06 2.37 ± 1.18 5.50 ± 2.67 3.35 0.01 1–2 0.01
(2.38–12.83) (1.62–3.25) (3.75–7.12) 1–3 0.45
2–3 0.01

Capillary vessels 7.88 ± 2.84 9.35 ± 3.24 6.38 ± 1.93 2.35 0.11 1–2 0.54
(6.25–9.83) (7.51–11.48) (5.06–7.60) 1–3 0.52
2–3 0.10

Fibroblasts 116.32 ± 24.20 84.61 ± 21.95 78.47 ± 12.47 8.09 0.002 1–2 0.01
(101.58–133.17) (70.17–97.38) (71.10–86.95) 1–3 0.003
2–3 0.81

Note: Group 1: No medication; Group 2: rivaroxaban; Group 3: nadroparin calcium.

Data are expressed as mean standard deviation (SD) (95% confidence interval [CI]).
One-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA); significance level set at < 0.05.
Tukey's honestly significant difference (HSD) test; significance level set at < 0.05.

Our findings revealed that antithrombotic agent adminis- Therefore, the evidence of inflammation and fibroblasts
tration with adjusted doses decreased the degree of inflam- should be interpreted as unregulated inflammation.
mation and increased regular collagen fiber sequencing in As discussed, and revealed in the past literature, con-
rats after tendon repair. Furthermore, the density of inflam- trolled inflammation is largely beneficial to tissue recov-
matory cells was lower in rats who received rivaroxaban for ery, whereas excessive inflammation, or persistence, can be
28 days than in rats who received nadroparin calcium for detrimental.25,26
28 days. However, the density of fibroblasts was higher in Although inflammatory cytokines draw fibroblasts to the
rats who received no medication at all, compared with the repair site, excessive inflammation may lead to poor clinical
other groups. outcomes.25,26
There has been recent evidence that inflammation mod- Another question should be asked by readers why an
ulation at the early stages of tendon reparation may lead to experimental period of 28 days has been chosen. Because,
improved healing.24 from prior investigations in rats, it is known that the main
However, in our experiment, we performed histopatho- changes in tendon healing occur within the first 2 weeks;
logical examination in the late phase of tendon healing. therefore, this study was designed with an observation

Journal of Hand and Microsurgery  Vol. 00  No. 0/2021  ©2021. Society of Indian Hand & Microsurgeons.
6 Effect of Rivaroxaban and Nadroparin Calcium on Tendon Healing  Altun et al.

period of 4 weeks, possibly limiting the significance of the underwent full-thickness surgical incisions of the Achilles
further progression of biomechanical properties.27 tendon, followed by primary repair. After the operation, two
Another point of view regarding the time interval has been groups received daily subcutaneous LMWH injections (nad-
reported by Akamatsu et al. They postulated that a period of roparin calcium) for 4 weeks at high or low doses (group 1,
28 days is suggested as a period needed for collagen recovery 6 mg/kg, 170 IU AXa; group 2, 3 mg/kg, 85 IU AXa), and group
of the injured tendon.28 3 remained untreated as the control group. The results
Tendon healing comprises three main phases. In the past, showed that group 1, receiving 170 IU AXa daily, had substan-
growth factors and cytokines that have positive effects and tially higher overall failure and elongation values than groups
that are involved in various stages have been identified in 2 and 3. Histologically, both groups 1 and 2 showed superior
these three main phases.20 The positive effects of growth fac- results when compared with the control group.16 These find-
tors have also been demonstrated in animal experiments and ings also support our theory regarding the positive impact
aside from these,29,30 experimental studies have highlighted of nadroparin calcium. In addition to this study, we found
that cytokines from autologous conditioned serum and that rivaroxaban—human dosage 0.33 mg/mg/kg divided
cartilage-derived morphogenetic proteins contribute signifi- by 0.162 Km and found animal equivalent dose with a dos-
cantly to tendon healing.31,32 age of 2.03 mg/kg also positively impacted the tendon heal-
In a study on the above-mentioned growth factors and ing process. Nair and Jacob.18,19 wrote a review article that
cytokines, a cancer treatment drug named bevacizumab, provides basic information about the translation of doses
developed against vascular endothelial growth factor between species and estimation of starting dose for experi-
(VEGF), has been reported to improve tendon healing in mental studies, using allometric scaling of US Food and Drug
an experimental study as opposed to the general philos- Administration (FDA). The animal equivalent dose can also be
ophy.33 However, if VEGF is a chemical that contributes to calculated based on body surface area by either dividing or
tendon healing, the antibody developed against it would be multiplying the human dose (mg/kg) by the Km. In our study,
expected to have an adverse effect. we chose to apply 114 IU nadroparin because we adjusted
In another study, Müller et al investigated the effect of a the dose according to the Nair and Jacob18 study and FDA
group of growth factors (a validated combination of basic scale.19 On the other hand, we suggest that the dosage of
fibroblast growth factor, bone morphogenetic protein-12, 170 IU/ daily is more than the routine practice.18
and transforming growth factor-β1) in the presence and Eren et al conducted an experimental study on rats and
absence of the paratenon layer. They stressed that growth investigated the effects of nadroparin and rivaroxaban on
factors would only improve tendon healing in the presence tendon healing.15 All rats underwent full-thickness surgical
of the paratenon layer.11 incision of the Achilles tendon followed by primary repair.
Antithrombotic nadroparin and rivaroxaban are among After the operation, their group 1 received daily subcutane-
the main medications we use of antithrombotic prophylaxis ous nadroparin calcium for 3 weeks at high doses (group 1,
of lower extremity trauma or orthopaedic surgery involving 170 IU AXa). Their group 2 received 3 mg/kg rivaroxaban daily
the lower extremity.34,35 Therefore, these agents' positive or for 21 days through gastric lavage, while group 3 remained
negative contributions to Achilles tendon healing are sig- untreated, as the control group. This study revealed that nad-
nificant. In a previous study, Virchenko et al36 established roparin and rivaroxaban had positive histologic effects on ten-
an experimental Achille’s tendon rupture model in rats and don healing in a rat model, although the same outcomes were
focused on the effect of thrombin on tendon healing. not obtained in biomechanical assessments. In our study, the
Thrombin has remarkably similar molecular features effects of the same antithrombotic on tendon healing were
as growth factors. The results of this study revealed that investigated; however, we administered the antithrombotic
thrombin had a positive effect on tendon healing. They for 1 week longer than Eren et al’s study.15 One day in a
hypothesized that LMWH, which inhibits the activity and rat’s life was approximately equivalent to 34.8 human days;
generation of thrombin, might also inhibit tendon healing. therefore, an additional 1-week more follow-up (244 human
They conducted an experimental study on rats that focused days [8 months]) would reflect more long-term follow-up
on the dose-dependent effects of LMWH on tendon healing data in which it will be more advantageous for research that
and concluded that LMWH slows tendon repair if given con- seeks the effect of some chemicals given systematically on
tinuously.17 However, if injected twice daily, LMWH had no the long-acting tendon healing process. Their study roughly
effect on tendon healing, presumably because the antifactor contained similar features as our work, but the following
Xa activity between injections returns to normal, allowing details make a critical difference: first, in our experiment,
sufficient thrombin stimulation for repair. adjuvants nadroparin and rivaroxaban were administered
Following Virchenko et al’s study, two other studies to the subjects for 28 days rather than 21 days. The differ-
focused on the effect of antithrombotics, one of them solely ence in administration time makes an important distinction,
focused on various doses of nadroparin's effect, and the other since as we pointed out, 1 week in the rat subjects’ life cor-
one focused on nadroparin's and rivaroxaban’s effect.15,16 Esen responds to 8 months in human life, which is equivalent to
et al conducted an experimental study on rats and compared the 8 months postoperative follow-up time. This important
the effects of two different daily doses of LMWH injections difference might make a significant difference in monitoring
(nadroparin calcium) on tendon healing and evaluated the tendon healing. Another significant distinction is that rivar-
results histologically as well as biomechanically.16 All rats oxaban and nadroparin were diluted in various proportions:

Journal of Hand and Microsurgery  Vol. 00  No. 0/2021  ©2021. Society of Indian Hand & Microsurgeons.
Effect of Rivaroxaban and Nadroparin Calcium on Tendon Healing  Altun et al. 7

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long-term biomechanical results of these agents on tendon 10 Gissi C, Radeghieri A, Antonetti Lamorgese Passeri C, et al.
healing were not investigated. One of the weak points of this Extracellular vesicles from rat-bone-marrow mesenchymal
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