ACAD Lecture Notes
ACAD Lecture Notes
ACAD Lecture Notes
Computer is information processing machine. User needs to communicate with
computer and the computer graphics is one of the most effective and commonly used
ways of communication with the user.
It displays the information in the form of graphical objects such as pictures, charts, diagram and
Graphical objects convey more information in less time and easily understandable
formats for example statically graph shown in stock exchange.
In computer graphics picture or graphics objects are presented as a collection of discrete
We can control intensity and color of pixel which decide how picture look like.
The special procedure determines which pixel will provide the best approximation to the
desired picture or graphics object this process is known as Rasterization.
The process of representing continuous picture or graphics object as a collection of
discrete pixels is called Scan Conversion.
Electron Beam The electron beam is swept across the The electron beam is directed only to the
screen, one row at a time, from top to parts of screen where a picture is to be
bottom. drawn.
Resolution Its resolution is poor because raster Its resolution is good because this system
system in contrast produces zigzag produces smooth lines drawings because
lines that are plotted as discrete point CRT beam directly follows the line path.
Picture Definition Picture definition is stored as a set of Picture definition is stored as a set of line
intensity values for all screen points, drawing instructions in a display file.
called pixels in a refresh buffer area.
Realistic Display The capability of this system to store These systems are designed for line-
intensity values for pixel makes it drawing and can’t display realistic shaded
well suited for the realistic display of scenes.
scenes contain shadow and color
Draw an Image Screen points/pixels are used to draw Mathematical functions are used to draw
an image. an image.
A general programming package provides an extensive set of graphics function that can
be used in high level programming language such as C or FORTRAN.
It includes basic drawing element shape like line, curves, polygon, color of element
transformation etc.
Example: - GL (Graphics Library).
Coordinate representations
Except few all other general packages are designed to be used with Cartesian coordinate
If coordinate values for a picture are specified is some other reference frame they must
be converted to Cartesian coordinate before giving input to graphics package.
Special-purpose package may allow use of other coordinates which suits application.
In general several different Cartesian reference frames are used to construct and display scene.
We can construct shape of object with separate coordinate system called modeling
coordinates or sometimes local coordinates or master coordinates.
Once individual object shapes have been specified we can place the objects into
appropriate positions called world coordinates.
Finally the World-coordinates description of the scene is transferred to one or more
output device reference frame for display. These display coordinates system are referred
to as “Device Coordinates” or “Screen Coordinates”.
Generally a graphic system first converts the world-coordinates position to
normalized device coordinates. In the range from 0 to 1 before final conversion to
specific device coordinates.
An initial modeling coordinates position ( Xmc,Ymc) in this illustration is
transferred to a device coordinates position(Xdc,Ydc) with the sequence ( Xmc,Ymc)
( Xwc,Ywc)( Xnc,Ync)( Xdc,Ydc).
Graphic Function
A general purpose graphics package provides user with Varity of function for creating
and manipulating pictures.
The basic building blocks for pictures are referred to as output primitives. They
includes character, string, and geometry entities such as point, straight lines, curved
lines, filled areas and shapes defined with arrays of color points.
Input functions are used for control & process the various input device such as mouse, tablet,
Control operations are used to controlling and housekeeping tasks such as clearing display
screen etc.
All such inbuilt function which we can use for our purpose are known as graphics function
Points and Lines
Point plotting is done by converting a single coordinate position furnished by an
application program into appropriate operations for the output device in use.
Line drawing is done by calculating intermediate positions along the line path
between two specified endpoint positions.
The output device is then directed to fill in those positions between the end points with some
For some device such as a pen plotter or random scan display, a straight line can be
drawn smoothly from one end point to other.
Digital devices display a straight line segment by plotting discrete points between the two
Discrete coordinate positions along the line path are calculated from the equation of the line.
For a raster video display, the line intensity is loaded in frame buffer at the
corresponding pixel positions.
Reading from the frame buffer, the video controller then plots the screen pixels.
Screen locations are referenced with integer values, so plotted positions may only
approximate actual line positions between two specified endpoints.
For example line position of (12.36, 23.87) would be converted to pixel position (12, 24).
CAD or Computer Aided Design software was introduced in the late 1960's to expedite
engineering drawing process.
While CAD is used mainly in engineering drawing and construction architecture, it can also used
for other purposes.
There are various flavours of CAD available today and there are different methods of classifying
Types of CAD Software
These types of softwares have been first developed way back in 1970’s. AutoDesk is one of the
pioneering companies that has played a significant role in developing CAD software.
There is yet another way of classifying CAD software - in terms of their operating parameters.
Once youunderstand these parameters, you can optimize the CAD software properly. A little
training should help you go a long way!
Single-file-mode systems - This type of CAD software allows only a single user to work on a
single file at a time.
Referenced-file-mode systems - In this type of CAD software, users can work on their own files
with the files of other users attached as a background. This enables users to levergae other users'
work as background data.
Collaborative-mode systems - These CAD systems take the referenced-mode system to the next
level. They allow a team of users to collaboratively work with each other's data and see the
changes other users make to the data as they go. And of course, the giants in this field (for
example AutoCAD) can be used in different modes of a operation.
3D CAD can be further classified as:
Wire-frame models – they create skeleton like models with lines and arcs. Since they appear to
be made of wires, and everything in the background is visible, they are called wire-frame
models. They are not very popular anymore.
Surface models – unlike wire frames, these models are created by joining 3D surfaces. Since
nothing in the background is visible, the surface models are quite realistic.
Solid models – they are considered to be the most useful CAD models. Although they appear to
be the same as surface models, they also have additional properties like weight, volume and
density, just like actual physical objects. These models are commonly used as prototypes to study
engineering designs.
The centerpiece of 3D CAD is a 3D master model that’s used for all aspects of manufacturing:
product design and simulation, drafting, tool design, numerically controlled tool programming,
and inspection. The 3D model must accurately represent every part in your company’s products
and the relationships among them. To maximize efficiency, designers should be able to design in
3D with as few steps as possible without compromising design quality.
When evaluating CAD software, find out how efficient each package is at creating the types of
products your company makes. For example, if your company makes sheet metal parts, pay
attention to the special aids for modeling them and automatically generating flat patterns. If your
firm designs stylish products, look at the tools for creating freeform surfaces and blends with
continuous curvature. Designers of machinery should examine how easily they can assemble
large numbers of parts and insert purchased parts, such as fasteners and electrical components,
from a library. Because changes are inevitable, assess how hard it is to modify parts and
A CAD system that can make your company’s designs with even 20 percent fewer steps will
offer important cost advantages compared with systems that are less efficient. A 3D CAD system
that offers the best value will combine exceptional technical capabilities with reasonable cost-of-
In today’s world, few manufacturers are vertically integrated. Most rely on global communities
of suppliers for parts, tools, subsystems, production equipment, and design. Whether your
company is a supplier, a customer, or both, it can benefit from sharing 3D CAD models with
others. When possible, choose a CAD system that’s popular in your industry and supplier
community. This choice helps eliminate the need to translate files from one system to another.
Translation takes time and can introduce errors.
Also look at each system’s ability to import files from other systems. Make sure your CAD
system supports international standards such as STEP, IGES, VDA, and IDF. Evaluate the tools
for fixing damage to imported shapes. How easy are they to use? How well do they work? If
your firm must translate many files from several brands of CAD systems, check out the direct
translators available with each CAD system and also those from third parties that specialize in
translation software. Don’t limit your evaluation of data sharing to file exchanges. Systems based
on shared internet hosts enable designers to collaborate in real time with customers to explore
options and identify good solutions quickly. Sharing CAD data with customers or suppliers can
save thousands of hours and weeks of schedule time compared with the cost of remastering them
interactively. The ability to collaborate in 3D on products and processes can reduce costs while
helping to deliver better products.
Even though you’ll be designing in 3D, your suppliers and factory workers may need drawings.
A clear drawing shows information that isn’t obvious in a 3D model: critical dimensions and
tolerances, material and surface-finish specifications, and notes about processing, such as curing
or heat treatment. Be sure any 3D CAD system you buy can make drawings to your current
standards for dimensions, tolerances, lettering, and parts lists. And be sure your drawings can be
exported in popular formats, such as PDF, DXF, and DWG. But 3D CAD is changing drawings
as we know them. Leading manufacturers are employing annotated 3D models that convey the
information found on drawings without a separate document.
This so-called “model-based definition” saves drafting time, simplifies product-data
management, and enables automated manufacturing and inspection systems to read dimensions
and tolerances directly from 3D models, helping to eliminate errors.
Designs don’t make money until physical products are delivered. Look for 3D CAD software
with a rich variety of applications that can reduce not only design time, but testing, machining,
cost estimating, and inspection. Companies that design systems to order can benefit from
software that generates parts and assemblies automatically in response to customer
specifications. Such tools may be general purpose, such as configuration software, or special
tools optimized for designing products such as mold assemblies or stamping dies.
Because physical testing is costly and slow, you should look to reduce the number of physical
tests by simulating physical behavior, such as kinematics, dynamics, stress, deflection, vibration,
temperatures, or fluid flow. Look for a system that has integrated analytical tools or efficient
interfaces to your preferred simulation software. Software for designing electrical wiring can
help reduce errors and ensure machinery is wired correctly. Cost-estimating software enables
designers to hit cost targets by revising designs sooner instead of waiting for estimators to say
they are over budget. Inspection software can slash the time needed to prepare documents for
inspecting parts on delivery.
Picking the right add-in applications for your company’s business can slash the time needed to
bring products to market. To make sure you have the best tools, choose a CAD platform that
gives a broad choice of solutions. It should have an extensive and well-documented application
programming interface (API). Good APIs make it less costly for third parties to integrate
specialty applications with your CAD system. And they let your own programmers write
software tailored to your ways of using CAD models.
Organizations with more than just a few designers can benefit from product data management
(PDM) software integrated with their CAD tools. Because relationships among files in 3D
systems are so complex, an automated system to store and organize them is essential. Without
PDM, designers can unknowingly overwrite each other’s work, reinvent parts that have already
been designed, and send the wrong revision levels to manufacturers. Together, these sorts of
errors can waste hundreds of hours of work each year and thousands of dollars in defective parts.
PDM systems do much more than store and organize files. They also help designers find existing
parts to re-use instead of reinventing them, generate materials lists for cost estimating, and feed
data to manufacturing resource planning (MRP) systems. More advanced PDM software can
automate change-control processes to ensure that out-of-date or unreleased information isn’t sent
to factories or suppliers.
Computing technology is constantly changing. If your CAD vendor doesn’t take advantage of
this evolution, in a few years you’ll find that your organization has an obsolete and costly-to-
maintain CAD system. Buy from suppliers that have a proven record of being manufacturing
industry leaders with large and sophisticated R&D teams.
Believe it or not, some of the greatest sources of friction between buyers of CAD software and
their customers are the nontechnical business aspects of the relationship. Just as some airlines
annoy customers with extra fees for checked baggage, flight changes, drinks, and blankets, some
CAD suppliers levy hidden charges for software and services that most customers need.
To avoid aggravation and lower your costs, look for suppliers who offer straightforward software
packages that have what you need. Look at the terms for floating licenses that enable designers
who don’t need CAD full-time to share licenses. And be sure your best designers can use the
software both at work and at home without hassles.
Adopting 3D methods requires training and experience. So choose a system that’s easy to learn
as well as capable. Look for a system that has a consistent user interface throughout. Be sure
design and manufacturing procedures flow logically from start to finish. Some systems have
hidden dungeons and dragons that stop designers halfway through a task and make them start
Developing your own training materials is costly. Choose a system with built-in tutorials, a rich
array of computer-based training aids, and a vibrant online community that lets workers ask
questions and get answers. You’ll also want a system that’s taught in local schools and
universities so you can hire students who are ready to work.
A successful relationship with your CAD software dealer only begins with the sale. Buy from a
dealer with the skills and experience to help you successfully integrate 3D design with
manufacturing. Find out how many 3D customers potential dealers have trained and supported.
Look at the availability of quality training classes. Does the dealer support a viable user group?
Does the reseller offer ongoing training classes to help you improve your design and
manufacturing processes?
Ask for the resumes of the technical staff and interview them before you buy. Ask reference
customers if the dealer’s technical staff is capable of solving tough problems. Good local support
can make the difference between a costly adoption of new CAD software and one that advances
your business objectives now and in the future.
Unit IV
Unit V