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Models 550/570

Programmable Weigh
Indicators (PWI)

Technical Reference Manual

Version 4.0
The Complete Programming Guide to the GSE 550/570 Indicators

Published by:

GSE Scale Systems Solutions Group

23640 Research Drive
Farmington Hills, MI 48335

Information in this manual is subject to change without notice due to correction or enhancement and does not
represent a commitment on the part of GSE, Inc. The information described in this manual is solely the property
of GSE, Inc. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying and recording and sold for any monetary figure without the express written
permission of GSE. This also includes both the software used for computer simulation of GSE hardware and its
firmware. Custom setup files that have not been developed by GSE are neither the property nor the responsibility
of GSE. It is highly recommended that all application software written for the 550 to be backed on disk in ASCII
text form.

Fourth Edition, September 1994

Part number: 39-10-28983

23640 Research Drive
Farmington Hills, MI 48335

Phone: (810) 476-7875, FAX / (810) 473-8238

Research, Engineering, Manufacturing, Marketing, Sales, Technical Training/Support and Service


#5, 4429-6th St. NE
Calgary, Alberta CANADA T2G3Z6

Phone: (403) 276-6130, FAX / (403) 276-6852

Distribution, Sales, Service


Mittelstrasse 3
D-41236 Monchengladbach/Rheydt

Phone: (011) 49 2166 94991-0, TELEFAX (011) 49 2166 612 168

Distribution, Sales, Service

Table of Contents (Complete Listing)

List of Figures XVII

List of Tables XIX

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 About This Manual 1
1.2 The 500 Series 1
1.3 Common Weighing Applications 2
1.4 Reader's Guide 2
1.5 Features 3
1.6 Available Options 3
1.7 Display 4
1.8 Keyboard 4
1.9 Operation Modes (brief explanation) 6
Weighing (mode)
Counting (mode)
Calibration (mode)
Parameter Setup (mode)

Chapter 2 Installation Instructions 7

2.1 Locating the Instrument 7
2.2 Opening Instrument (Procedure) 7
Disassembling Rear Panel
Reassemble Indicator and Rear Panel
2.3 Load Cell Connections 8
Cable Recommendations
Transducer Excitation
Sense Lead Connections
2.4 Load Cell Installation 9

Chapter 3 Basic Weighing Parameters Setup Mode 11

3.1 Parameter Setup Mode (Brief Description) 11
3.2 Basic Weighing Parameter Setup 11
Full Scale Setting
Weighing divisions (count by)
Zero Trap Aperture
Zero Track Delay

GSE Scale Systems III

Motion Delay
Display Update Rate
Zero Range

Chapter 4 Parameter Setup Mode (Advanced) 15

4.1 Getting into the Parameter Setup Mode 15
4.2 Using the Parameter Setup Mode 15
4.3 Exiting the Parameter Setup Mode 15
4.4 Parameter Types 16
4.5 Character Entry 17
4.6 Parameter Listing (P101 - P65010 Software Map) 17

Chapter 5 Weighing Mode 77

5.1 Weighing Mode 77

5.2 Front Panel Key Operation 77

Chapter 6 Counting Mode 79

6.1 Counting Mode (Model 570 Only) 79
Operation of the Sample Key
Sampling to Determine a Piece weight
Negative Sampling to Determine a Piece Weight
Use of the Auto-Enhance Feature
Using the Minimum Accuracy Feature
Achieved Accuracy is Less than Required
Achieved Accuracy Meets Requirements
Counting Parts
Recommended Setup
6.2 Front Panel Key Operation 83
6.3 Parts Counting Parameter Setup 84
6.4 Counting Mode Listing 85

Chapter 7 Calibration Mode 87

7.1 Introduction 87
7.2 Calibration Mode 87
7.3 Calibration Mode (earlier versions) 91
7.4 Multi-Point Linearization 92
7.5 Quick Calibration 93

IV GSE Scale Systems

Quick Cal Introduction
Quick Cal Commands
Re-Cal (with cal weight already applied)
Re-Cal (without establishing new zero)
7.6 Quick Calibration (earlier versions) 94
7.7 Quick Calibration Personal Access Code 96

Chapter 8 Accumulation Mode 97

8.1 Accumulation Parameter Setup 97
8.2 Accumulation (Memory Modes) Operations 97
8.3 Performing Accumulations 97
8.4 Initializing Accumulate Totals 98
8.5 Preventing Double Accumulations 98

Chapter 9 Units 99
9.1 Units Parameter Setup 99
Standard Units
Custom Units
Naming Custom Units

Chapter 10 Tare Operations 103

10.1 Tare Operations Parameter Setup 103
Tare Save
Tare Negative
Tare Round

Chapter 11 Remote Keys 105

11.1 Remote Key Connections (Invoke Macros) 105
Remote Key Cable Recommendations
Remote Key Connections
11.2 The 550/570 Keypad 107

Chapter 12 Key Disabling 109

12.1 Key Disabling 109

GSE Scale Systems V

Chapter 13 Operating Modes 111
13.1 Selectable Operating Modes 111

Chapter 14 Data Registers and ID's (Programmable) 115

14.1 Introduction 115
14.2 Weighing Parameters 115
14.3 Time and Date Parameters 115
14.4 Truck Parameters 116
14.5 Counting Parameters 116
14.6 Alarm and Recalled time Parameters 117
14.7 Numeric Parameters Setup (VARS and REGS) 117
Naming Vars (P660-P689)
Naming Registers (P691-P694)
14.8 Character Entry (NAME) 120
14.9 Store Entry (VARS and REGS) 120
Entering a value into a VAR
Entering a value into a REG
"Data" field (Characteristics)
14.10 Decimal Point Parameter Setup (VARS) 122
Fixed Decimal Point
Automatic Decimal Point
14.11 Rounding (VARS and REGS) 122
14.12 Exponential Numbers (VARS) 123
Very Large Numbers
Very Small Numbers
14.13 Write VARS to E2 124
14.14 Incrementing Registers (REGS) 124
14.15 Write REGISTERS (REGS) to E2 124
14.16 Alarm Registers 124
Using Alarms for Time/Date Calculations
14.17 ID Parameter Setup 126
Enabling and ID
Naming ID's
14.18 View an ID 127
14.19 Store an ID Entry 127
Entering data into an ID
Storing Data into an ID
14.20 Write Parameters to E2 127

Chapter 15 Communications 129

VI GSE Scale Systems

15.1 Communications Protocol Parameter Setup 129
15.2 Cable Connection Information 130
15.3 Communication Connections 130
Communications Port Connections
Print Port Connections
Peripheral Inputs
Communications Cables
15.4 Custom Transmit (Selections) Parameter Setup 133
15.5 Communications (Receive) Operations 134
15.6 Communications (Transmit) Operations 141
15.7 Identification (ID) Operations 149
15.8 Additional Formatting Codes (Advanced Customization) 151
15.9 Printing Operations 152
15.10 Input Interpreter 153
15.11 Input Interpreter Examples 157
Example 1: Units Identifier
Example 2: Process AIAG Barcodes
15.12 Miscellaneous Custom Transmit Examples 159

Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations 161

16.1 Overview 161

Determining Macro Needs
Macro Setup Modes
Front Panel Key Definitions (macro setup)
Maximum Macro Size
Standard Macro Setup Method
Macro Setup Learn Mode
Macro Setup Example
16.2 Methods of Invoking Macros 163
Methods of Invoking Macros (list)
Naming Macros and the Macro Menu
16.3 Methods of Aborting Macros 165
16.4 Serial RS-232C and Keypad Input 165
Alternate Macro Setup Method
Operator and Serial Input before and During Macros
Carriage Return
Indicator's Command Structure
Exiting ID Modes
16.5 Disabled Keys 166
16.6 Suspension of Weight Conversion 166
16.7 Preventing and Aborting Macro Operation 166
16.8 Macro Commands 167
Macro Commands (Table)
Macro Command Details
16.9 Math Commands 198

GSE Scale Systems VII

General Notes Concerning on Math Commands
The Math and Copy Commands
Exponent/Root Math Operations
16.10 Rounding 200
Rounding Weight Data
Explicit Rounding
16.11 Using Alarms for Time/Date Calculations 200
Expiration Date
A Rate Example (decreasing weight)
16.12 Prompting Commands 201
16.13 Branching Commands 201
Tag and Jump Commands
"IF" Statements
A More Complex Branching Example
16.14 Nested “IF” Statements (Boolean Math Operations) 202
16.15 Macro Debug 204
16.16 Macro Download 205
16.17 Print/Download Individual Macro Setup 205
16.18 Miscellaneous Database Application Notes 206

Chapter 17 Truck Weighing 207

17.1 Introduction 207

17.2 Setup Selections (4 types) 207
17.3 Transmission Setups (tickets/reports) 208
17.4 Methods of Operation 209
17.5 Sequence of Operation (sequential ID#) 209
17.6 Small#, Big# or ID#6 Operation 211
17.7 Storing a Keyed In Tare Weight 211
17.8 Printing the Stored IN Weights/Tare Weights 212
17.9 Clearing Operations 212
17.10 Automatic Clearing of the Stored Weights 213
17.11 Memory Use 213
17.12 Example Setups 214
Example 1: Sequential ID #
Example 2: ID #6
Example 3: ID #6 with stored tare weights
17.13 Invoke a “macro” From the Truck IN/OUT Software 218

Chapter 18 Time/Date Setup (OPTION) 219

18.1 Time and Date Operations 219
Viewing Time and Date
Entering Time
Entering Date

VIII GSE Scale Systems

18.2 Time and Date Parameter Setup 220
18.3 Alarms 221
Setting Alarms (P504-P509)
Naming Alarms (P650-P654)
Character Entry
18.4 Time and Date Battery Backed Option 222
Installation Procedure
Time/Date Option Operation

Chapter 19 Memory Expansion (OPTION) 227

19.1 Memory Expansion Option 227
19.2 Installation of Additional Memory 227
19.3 Additional Memory and Replacement Part Numbers 228
19.4 Expand Memory to 8K or 16K 228

Chapter 20 Database (OPTION) 231

20.1 Database Option 231
20.2 Database Applications 231
20.3 What is a Database ? 231
20.4 Operation (enable or disable database) 232
20.5 Database Setup 232
20.6 Macro Menus 233
20.7 Basic Database Menus 233
1 Recall Row
2 Update Row
3 Make Row
4 Print Database
20.8 Advanced Database Menus 235
5 First Row
6 Next Row
7 Next Match
8 Clear Row
9 Clear Column
10 Clear Database
11 Set Database
12 Set Column
13 Download
14 Print Row
15 Print Errs
16 Upload New
17 Upload Update
18 Sort Dbase

GSE Scale Systems IX

20.9 Installing the Database Option 242
20.10 Print Format 244
20.11 Download 244
20.12 Upload Data Format 245
20.13 Time/Date Handling 245
20.14 Information Modes 245
20.15 Defaulting the Entire Database 246
20.16 Memory Consumption 246
20.17 Database Errors 248
20.18 Notes Regarding Storing and Recalling 249
20.19 Database Examples 249

Chapter 21 Setpoints and Logic I/O (OPTIONS) 251

21.1 Relay Module Options 251
21.2 Setpoint Parameters and Operations 251
Setpoint Setup Parameters
Setpoint Operation
Setpoint Status Mode
Setpoint Inputs
21.3 Setpoint (Input and Output) Parameter Setup 253
21.4 Setpoint Example Setups (Front Panel Entry) 257
21.5 Logic Output Operations 258
21.6 Relay Module (OPTION) 258
Control Connections
Setpoint Output Connections
Power Connections
Output Modules
Using Relay Module With Two Indicators
21.7 Process Control Interface (PCI) (OPTION) 263
Control Connections
Power Connections
Input/Output Modules
Using Multiple (PCI) Modules With one Indicator
21.8 Example Setups 268
Example 1: Over/Under Indicator
Example 2: Latching Relays
Example 3: Active on <TARE>
Example 4: Grading (Up to 32 Ranges)
21.9 Relay Contact Protection Circuits 270

X GSE Scale Systems

Brief Explanation
Relay Contact Protection Circuits
Inductive Loads
Capacitive Loads
Lamp Loads
21.10 Relay I/O 16 Position Card (Option) 270

Chapter 22 Analog Output (OPTION) 273

22.1 Installation 273
External Connections
Jumper Selections
Analog Output Driving Capabilities
Additional Notes
22.2 Analog Output and Macros 274
22.3 Analog Output Parameter Setup 274
22.4 Example Setups 275

Chapter 23 Multi-Scale Capabilities (OPTION) 277

23.1 Multi-Scale Option Capabilities 277

23.2 Multi-Scale Parameter Setup 277
23.3 Installation 278
23.4 Setup 278
23.5 Scale Enable 279
23.6 Scale Setup 279
23.7 Scale Calibration 279
23.8 Operation 279
23.9 Selecting The Current Scale 279
23.10 Macros (selecting a scale) 279
23.11 Panel Mount Multi-Scale Input Card Installation 280

Chapter 24 Severe Transient Surge Suppression (OPTION)

24.1 Description 283
24.2 Installation Procedure 283
24.3 Additional Protection Notes 284

Chapter 25 Cable (OPTIONS) 285

25.1 Options Cable Listing 285

GSE Scale Systems XI

Chapter 26 Compatible Peripherals (OPTIONS) 291
26.1 Compatible 550 Peripherals 291
Dot Matrix Printer
Remote Alpha-numeric Keyboard (TTL)
Barcode Scanners (RS-232C)
Terminal Connections

Chapter 27 Other System Operations and Applications 293

27.1 Tank Weighing (033193 and some earlier versions) 293
27.2 Gross Entry Mode (P-169) 294
27.3 Battery Operation 294
27.4 Panel Mount Version of 550 295
27.5 Models 550/570, 230VAC Version 297
27.6 Networking 298
27.7 Pressure Release Protection 298

Chapter 28 Information Parameters 299

28.1 Model Type 299
28.2 Memory Information Parameters 299
28.3 Identification Information Parameters 300
28.4 Audit Trail Parameter Information 300
Audit Trail
Traditional Sealing Method
28.5 Diagnostic Information Parameters 301
28.6 Linearization Information Parameters 302
28.7 Test Mode 303
28.8 Parameter Download and Upload 303
Send Setup
Send All
Macro Debug
28.9 Utility Parameters 304

Chapter 29 Troubleshooting 305

29.1 Error Messages (overview) 305

XII GSE Scale Systems

29.2 Operational Mode Error Messages 305
29.3 Setup Mode Error Messages 305
29.4 Hardware Problem Error Messages 306
29.5 Calibration Error Messages 306
29.6 General Error Messages 307
29.7 Miscellaneous Messages 308
29.8 Counting Error Messages 308
29.9 Communications Error Messages 308
29.10 Service 308
29.11 Trouble-shooting 309

Chapter 30 550 Simulator Software 311

(For Models 550 and 570)
30.1 Description 311
30.2 Files 311
30.3 Help Screen 312
AT Layout Help Screen
XT Layout Help Screen
30.4 Load Cell Simulation 314
30.5 File Re-Direction 314
Capturing Simulator Output
Loading in a Setup File
30.6 Setpoint Window 315
30.7 Terminating the Program 315
30.8 Additional Benefits 315
30.9 Other Interesting Notes 316
30.10 Communications Terminal Window 316

Chapter 31 Personal Identification Number 317

31.1 Introduction 317
31.2 Clearing Setup Mode Personal Access Number 317

Chapter 32 Remote Display Operation 319

32.1 Introduction 319
32.2 Select Remote Display Operation 319
32.3 Abort Remote Display Operation 319
32.4 Master Unit with Remote 550 or 450 Display 319
32.5 Model 450 and 550 Remote Display Parameters 321
32.6 Remote Keys 323
32.7 Remote and Master Unit Listing in Serial Text formats 324

GSE Scale Systems XIII

Chapter 33 (OIML) 327
33.1 European Specific Modifications 327
33.2 International Characters 329
33.3 Namable Weight Parameters 330
33.4 Check-sums on Transmitted Data 331
33.5 Printer Interface Example 331
33.6 Specific International 550 Versions 332

Chapter 34 Pre-setable Parameters (standard) 335

34.1 Description 335
34.2 PrSET 335

Appendix 337
A.1 Transmission of Current Settings 337
A.2 FCC Compliance Information 343
A.3 Specifications 345
A.4 ASCII Conversion Table 349
A.5 Exploded View of Model 550/570 351
A.6 Model 550/570 Main Board Parts Listing 357
A.7 Un-Filed Additional Features (EXTRA) 363

Index 367

XIV GSE Scale Systems

GSE Scale Systems XV
XVI GSE Scale Systems
List of Figures

Figure 1 Model 550 Indicator ......................................................... 1

Figure 2 Front Panel Display .......................................................... 4
Figure 3 Model 550 Keyboard ........................................................ 5
Figure 4 Model 570 Keyboard ........................................................ 5
Figure 5 Rear Panel ......................................................................... 8
Figure 6 Load Cell Connections ..................................................... 9
Figure 7 Keypad Cursor Keys ........................................................ 76
Figure 8 Character Listing .............................................................. 76
Figure 9 Model 550 Keyboard ....................................................... 77
Figure 10 Sample Key ........................................................................ 79
Figure 11 Five Point Linearization Graph ........................................ 92
Figure 12 Five Point Linearization Graph (High end) ..................... 93
Figure 13 Keypad Cursor Keys ........................................................ 100
Figure 14 Character Listing .............................................................. 101
Figure 15 Tare Key ........................................................................... 103
Figure 16 Local Keypad Pin Definitions Schematic ........................ 107
Figure 17 Select & Tare Keys Disabled .......................................... 109
Figure 17.1 Select Key ......................................................................... 112
Figure 18 Cursor Keypad ................................................................. 118
Figure 19 Character Listing ............................................................. 118
Figure 20 Rear Panel ........................................................................ 130
Figure 21 Connector ......................................................................... 132
Figure 22 RS232 Ports (J2) .............................................................. 132
Figure 23 Keypad Cursor Keys ........................................................ 222
Figure 24 Character Listing .............................................................. 223
Figure 25 Time / Date Option Installation on Main Board ............ 224
Figure 26 Main Board PC745G ....................................................... 230
Figure 27 Selection of Database Operations ................................... 234
Figure 28 Database Advanced Commands ..................................... 236
Figure 29 Database Option Installation on Main Board ................ 242
Figure 30 Sample Database Printout ................................................ 243
Figure 31 Relay Module .................................................................. 262
Figure 32 Option Mounting Dimensions (relay module) ............... 263
Figure 33 Option Mounting Dimensions (PCI module) ................. 264
Figure 34 Process Control Interface (PCI) ..................................... 267
Figure 35 Relay Contact Protection Circuits ................................. 271
Figure 36 Analog Output Board Installation .................................. 273
Figure 37 Panel Mount Version Multi-Scale Card Installation ....... 282
Figure 38 Model 550/570 to Scanner Adapter Cable ...................... 286
Figure 39 Model 550/570 to Scanner Adapter Cable Wiring ......... 286
Figure 40 Model 550/570 to Standard Printer Cable ...................... 287
Figure 41 Model 550/570 to Standard Printer Cable Wiring ......... 287
Figure 42 Model 550/570 to Eltron Printer Cable .......................... 288
Figure 43 Model 550/570 to Eltron Printer Cable Wiring ............. 288
Figure 44 Model 550/570 to PC/AT Computer Cable .................... 289
Figure 45 Model 550/570 to PC/AT Computer Cable Wiring ....... 289
Figure 46 Model 550/570 to PSC Laser Scanner Adapter Cable ........ 290
Figure 47 Model 550/570 to PSC Laser Scanner Adapter Cable Wiring . 290
Figure 48 Connector ....................................................................... 292
Figure 49 RS232 Ports (J2) ............................................................ 292
Figures continued

Figure 50 Front View of Panel Mount Version Dimensions ......... 296
Figure 51 Side View of Panel Mount Version Dimensions ........... 296
Figure 52 Panel Mount Version Cutout Dimensions ..................... 296
Figure 53 Model 550-230/120 VAC Jumpers ................................ 297
Figure 54 Main Board PC745G Component Layout ..................... 310
Figure 55 IBM PC or Compatible Computer ................................. 311
Figure 56 GSE 550 Simulator Computer Disk .............................. 314
Figure 57 Remote Display Connections (standard) ........................ 320
Figure 58 Cascading the Model 450 or 550 (unique address) ....... 321
Figure 59 Remote Display Connections for Remote Keys ............ 323
Figure 60 Model 450i International Keypad .................................. 333
Figure 61 Model 550i International Keypad .................................. 333
Figure 62 Indicator Mounting Dimensions .................................... 347
Figure 63 570 Front / Rear Panel ................................................... 351
Figure 64 550/570 Exploded View 1 ............................................. 352
Figure 65 550/570 Exploded View 2 ............................................. 353
Figure 66 Models 550/570 Main Board (PC745G ......................... 357

List of Tables

Table 1 Load Cell Connections ................................................................................. 8

Table 2 Filter Setup Selections .................................................................................. 13
Table 3 Software Map ............................................................................................... 18 - 75
Table 4 Minimum Sampled Weight Accuracy Requirements .................................... 81
Table 5 Counting Modes .......................................................................................... 84
Table 6 Accumulation Mode Numbers ..................................................................... 97
Table 7 Conversion Factors ...................................................................................... 99
Table 8 Remote Key Connections ............................................................................ 106
Table 9 Local Keypad Pin Matrix Definitions ........................................................... 108
Table 10 Parameter ID Numbers ................................................................................ 111 - 113
Table 11 COMM Port Connections ........................................................................... 131
Table 12 PRINT Port Connections ............................................................................ 131
Table 13 Extended ASCII Commands ....................................................................... 140
Table 14 RS232 Keypad Commands ......................................................................... 140
Table 15 ASCII Control Codes ................................................................................. 143
Table 16 Parameter ID Numbers ............................................................................... 144 - 145
Table 17 Numeric Parameter Formats ....................................................................... 146
Table 18 Numerical Parameter Field Width .............................................................. 146
Table 19 Time / Date Format Selections ................................................................... 147
Table 20 Time / Date Format Examples ................................................................... 147
Table 21 ID Parameter Formats ................................................................................ 148
Table 22 Basic Format Selections ............................................................................ 148
Table 23 General Purpose Register Format Selections ............................................. 148
Table 24 Status Character Interpretation ................................................................. 148
Table 25 Status Format Selections ........................................................................... 149
Table 26 Advanced Formatting Codes ...................................................................... 150
Table 27 Macro Call Commands ............................................................................. 167
Table 28 Macro Commands ..................................................................................... 168 - 176
Table 29 Macro Commands for the Front Panel ...................................................... 177
Table 30 Examples of Modify/Test Strings ............................................................... 185
Table 31 Parameter P720 ID Use Selections ............................................................ 207
Table 32 Type of Truck ID P721 Selections ............................................................ 208
Table 33 Choices for P722, P723, P724 and P725 .................................................. 209
Table 34 P721 Sequential Numbers ........................................................................ 210
Table 35 P721 Small or Big Numbers ..................................................................... 210
Table 36 P721 ID #6 ............................................................................................... 210
Table 37 Truck IN/OUT Memory Use ..................................................................... 213
Table 38 Memory Storage Requirements ................................................................ 229
Table 39 Database Error Codes ..............................................................................247
Table 40 Setpoint Numbers .................................................................................... 252
Table 41 Output Specifications ............................................................................... 258
Table 42 Relay Module Control Connections ......................................................... 259
Table 43 Relay Module Power Terminal Block Connections .................................. 260
Table 44 Relay Module Available OUTPUT Modules ............................................. 260
Table 45 Relay Module Control Connections for a Second Indicator ...................... 261
Table 46 Relay Setpoint Outputs for a Second Indicator ......................................... 263
Table 47 PCI Input / Output Terminal Connections (TB2) ...................................... 264
Table 48 PCI Output Modules ................................................................................ 265
Table 49 PCI Input Modules ................................................................................... 265
Table 50 PCI Setpoint Numbering for Multiple Interfaces ...................................... 266
Table 49 Analog Output Jumper Selections ................................................................. 212
Table 50 STVS to Indicator Wiring ................................................................................ 220

Tables continued

Table 51 Analog Output Jumper Selections .................................................................. 274

Table 52 Panel Mount Version Multi-Scale Card Parts Listing ..................................... 282
Table 53 STVS to Indicator Wiring ............................................................................... 284
Table 54 GSE Platform Color Code Standard ............................................................... 284
Table 55 Cable Options Listing ..................................................................................... 285
Table 56 Scanner / Keyboard Adapter Cable Connections ............................................ 286
Table 57 Computer Style Printer Cable Connections .................................................... 287
Table 58 M550 to Eltron Printer Cable Connections .................................................... 288
Table 59 M550 to PC/AT Computer Cable Connections .............................................. 289
Table 60 M550 to PSC Scanner Cable Connections ..................................................... 290
Table 61 Peripheral Equipment Options ........................................................................ 291
Table 62 Setpoint Status Color Chart ............................................................................ 315
Table 63 OIML 550i Keypad Key Definitions ................................................................ 327
Table 64 Pre-setable Parameters ..................................................................................... 328
Table 65 International Character Set ............................................................................. 329
Table 66 Checksum Format Codes ................................................................................ 330
Table 67 Pre-setable Parameters .................................................................................... 335
Table 68 ASCII to Hexadecimal Conversion Chart ....................................................... 349
Table 69 Bill of Materials Parts Listing ......................................................................... 354

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 1 Introduction


the responsibility of GSE. It is highly recommended that

Chapter 1 Introduction all application software written for the 550 to be backed
on disk in ASCII text form.

1.1 About This Manual GSE Scale Systems and the GSE logo are registered
trademarks of GSE, Inc. Other trademarks listed in this
GSE Inc. has developed a series of precision weighing manual include:
instruments which are technically advanced, offering
users high quality weighing systems with application - IBM, PC/AT, PC/XT and PS/2 are registered
innovation. In other words, including high precision trademarks of International Business Machines
weighing a GSE Programmable Weigh Indicator (PWI) Corporation.
can be molded around a specific application by
customizing its setup to meet the users needs. This - Lotus is a trademark of Lotus Corporation.
Technical Reference Manual contains information
covering the Model 550 and 570 Weigh/Count This is the fourth edition of the Technical Reference
indicators, all operating instructions, available options, Manual and was released in September, 1994 as Version
installation information, and technical information on 4.0. It integrates and updates a variety of separate,
system customization for your particular weighing previously released, manuals, updates, supplements,
application. Many examples and programming bulletins and version 3.0. The information contained in
techniques are included in each chapter. Supplementary this manual has been prepared specifically for indicators
to this manual is a publication titled "ENGINEER'S with Main Board PC745 revisions D thru G and
NOTEBOOK". This includes advanced macro and Firmware release date of September, 1994. If your
setpoint techniques commonly used in many 550 and indicator contains earlier board revisions or release
570 applications. dates, refer to previously released technical reference
The basic layout of the manual sub-divides each feature
of the 550 indicator into a chapter to allow for a more
focussed explanation. Where applicable, combining one 1.2 The 500 Series
feature with another is called out to the reader's attention.
Quick setup or reference information is separated from There are two closely related weigh indicator models
the rest of the information in each chapter with a gray which are covered in this reference manual. The Model
background. In many sections of this manual it refers to 550 for weighing applications (Refer to Figure 1, Model
the indicator as a "550". This by no means implies that 550 Indicator) and the Model 570 for weighing and parts
the other indicators in the 500 series are excluded in the counting applications. The 570 is identical except a
explanation. This strictly allows for simplicity in portion of its software is structured for counting. The
reading and writing this manual. If there is any keypad is slightly different. The 570 has a sample key
information that is not included in one model over and a split print/enter key.
another it will be called out directly to your attention. ie.
(Model 570 Only). Even though not directly addressed,
the 550/570 manual covers a great amount of technical
information which runs parallel to other GSE products.
ie. (Models 450, 552, 553, 574, 9250, etc.)

Information in this manual is subject to change without

notice due to correction or enhancement and does not
represent a commitment on the part of GSE, Inc. The
information described in this manual is solely the
property of GSE, Inc. No part of this manual may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
recording and sold for any monetary figure without the
express written permission of GSE. This also includes
both the software used for computer simulation of GSE
hardware and its firmware. Custom setup files that have
not been developed by GSE are neither the property nor Figure 1 Model 550 Indicator

GSE Scale Systems - 1

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

the 550 indicator to customize your own weighing

If you are using either a model 550 or a model 570, this system.
manual will provide you with technical information
common to both instruments. The section on Parts
Counting Operations in Chapter 6 is for the Model 570 1.4 Reader's Guide
only. Other sections of the manual which are pertinent to
only one model will indicate the appropriate model to The Technical Reference Manual for Model 550 and 570
which the information is targeted. indicators is a comprehensive textbook on the operation
of GSE Weigh/Count indicators. Some chapters contain
We will be discussing information primarily concerned more technical information than the average user needs
with electronic indicators in this manual. When a weigh to know, or even cares about. As you begin to use this
system is mentioned, we are discussing the integration of manual, keep one thing in mind. It is not necessary to
the Model 550 or 570 indicator to a load cell scale read all of this manual. The manual has been designed to
platform. The GSE Model 550 or 570 has been designed provide you with the technical information for which you
to display outputs from either GSE manufactured are looking. Don't try to treat it like a novel which must
platforms or platforms built by other manufacturers. be read from cover to cover.

The Model 550 and 570 indicators are built to give you If you are a first time user of the GSE Model 550 or 570
years of industrial quality weighing in the most Indicator, we suggest reading the following chapters:
demanding environments. They provide outstanding
accuracy and durability when matched with any of our Chapter 1 Introduction
GSE platforms or load cells. Every weighing application Chapter 2 Installation Instructions
is different, and with this in mind, the 550 and 570 Chapter 3 Basic Weighing Parameter Setup
indicators have been designed to permit customization Mode
of output to computers or printers through programmable Chapter 5 Weighing Mode
software transmitted through RS-232 or 20mA current Chapter 7 Calibration Mode
loop outputs.
If you are skilled at GSE Model 550 or 570 indicator
applications, try these chapters:
1.3 Common Weighing Applications
Chapter 4 Parameter Setup Mode (Advanced)
The focus of this manual is to provide operation, setup Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations
and customization information of the Model 550 and 570 Chapter 20 Database
indicators, however it is important to understand the Chapter 21 Setpoints and Logic I/O
application capabilities of these instruments. Following
is a list of typical weighing applications which other If you are installing an option on your Model 550 or 570
users have found GSE weighing systems beneficial to indicator, all installation information is included in its
their operations: respective chapter. ie. Database Module (chapter 20).

If you are using a GSE Model 570 indicator, read:

• Small parts weighing
• Large parts weighing Chapter 6 Counting Mode
• Parts counting
• Vehicular truck loading (Truck in / Truck Out) If you are diagnosing an indicator or system problem,
• Tank weighing read:
• Process industry weighing
Chapter 29 Troubleshooting
• Inventory control
• Order picking
• Floor and Hopper Scales
• Conveyor weigh systems control
1.5 Features
• Batching (mixing)
The GSE Model 500 Series Weigh Indicators are
precision instruments with industrial environment
Refer to Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations for
capability. The following list shows the available
specific information on how to combine the features of

2 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 1 Introduction

features of this accurate and durable weigh system 1.6 Available Options
Not all of the total capability and functionality of the
• Highly Visible Display Model 550 or Model 570 indicators are included in the
Brilliant 0.75 inch high 6 digit vacuum fluorescent standard version of these instruments. To take advantage
display is clearly readable even at a distance. of additional functionality, field installed options are
available from GSE. These options consist of hardware
• Durable and software, and can be installed in the field. It is not
Stainless Steel Washdown Enclosure and sealed necessary to return the instrument to GSE for installation
elastomer keypad provides superior protection of options. Refer to the options respective chapter for
against chemicals and hostile environments. details of the options installation instructions (Chapters
18 thru 26). The following listing details all available
• High Capacity options for both indicators:
Capable of powering up to 10 load cells (350 ohm)
for demanding applications such as floor, truck, tank • Analog Output Option:
and hopper scales. Provides 4 - 20mA current loop and variable gain 0 -
10VDC outputs.
• Versatile Communications
Programmable RS-232, 4 - 20 mA current loop, and • Cable Options: Scanner/
0 - 10VDC variable gain outputs. Keyboard Cable, Thermal (Label or Bar Code)
Printer (Eltron) Cable, RS-232 dot matrix printer
• Versatile swivel stand for table or wall mounting. Cable Option

• Time and Date Clock (Battery backed) option. • Compatible Peripheral Options:
Alpha- numeric Keyboard (ASCII)
• Front Panel Calibration and linearization procedure. Scanner (Laser Pen)
Label Printer (Thermal)
• Full scale response time from 0.06 to 8 seconds Document Printer (Dot Matrix)

• Two Open Drain (FET) logic setpoint outputs • Database Option:

Adds capability for creating database records
• Selectable weighing units: lb., kg., oz, g, etc. consisting of fields, with ability to store and recall
• Storage and recall of ID and specified data.
• Database Memory Options:
• DC or AC power operation 24kB storage
120kB storage
• Six user defined registers for custom These options increase internal storage memory for
communication. the database option

• Weighing increments: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100. • Memory Expansion Option:
Increases internal memory from 512 bytes to 4kB
• Remote key activations (8 possible). using E2 memory.

• RS-232 output triggered by time-date clock. • Multi-Scale Capabilities Option:

Permits using one indicator with more than one
• Remote Display capability.
• Process Control Interface Option:
• External relay module with up to 8 setpoints,
Permits the indicator to drive up to 4 daisy chained
expandable to 32 outputs (option).
relay modules, and increases relay Inputs or Outputs
up to 32 I/O (Requires Relay Module Option)
• Expandable memory for increased data storage.
• Relay Module Option:

GSE Scale Systems - 3

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Figure 2 Front Panel Display

External box permitting the indicator to drive 2 relay

outputs 1.8 Keyboard
• Time & Date Option: The 550 and 570 indicators have very similar keyboards.
Adds capability of battery backed time of day and The Model 550 keyboard is shown in Figure 3 and the
date. Model 570 keyboard is shown in Figure 4. Note that
there are two keys which are different, the rest are
• Severe Transient Voltage Suppression: identical in title and function. The Model 550 has a
Protects the indicator f PRINT key, and this key is labeled SAMPLE on the
• rom power line transients damage. Model 570. In addition, the Model 550 has an ENTER
key, and this key is labeled PRINT/ENTER on the Model
• Panel Mount Kit (option) 570 keyboard.

The Model 550 and 570 each feature a simplified

keyboard for operator interface. The function of each
1.7 Display
key is described below. Some of these keys have
additional functions when in the Setup Mode.
There are two sections to the display: a large numeric
display and a smaller two line 10 character dot matrix
ZERO press to reset the current weight
display to the right of the numeric display. Refer to
reading to zero.
Figure 2, Front Panel Display.
UNITS press to select the available displayed
The six large numeric digits are used to display numeric
units, such as pounds, ounces, grams,
data, such as Gross Weight, Net Weight or Tare Weight.
kilograms, etc.
The dot matrix display has several purposes. Typically,
the first two characters of the upper line will show the
SELECT press to select the programmed
weighing units of the displayed data. The last three
operating mode such as NET Weight,
characters indicate a CENTER ZERO condition when
TARE Weight, GROSS Weight, Time-
applicable ( -->O<-- ). The lower line of the dot matrix
Date, etc.
portion of the display will specify the type of data, such
as Gross, Net, Tare, etc.. The dot matrix display is also
ID press to enter, store and use the ID
used for specific messages during operation and setup.
parameters. (Six identification names

4 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 1 Introduction


Figure 3 Model 550 keyboard

Figure 4 Model 570 keyboard

you can create to describe part a sample weight on the weighing

numbers, bin locations, or information platform.
titles for your weighing operation.)
TARE press to establish a Tare Weight.
PRINT (Model 550 indicator only) press to
send data to a printer, computer or ENTER (Model 550 indicator only) press to
other device. enter and store ID information.

SAMPLE (Model 570 indicator only) press to PRINT/ENTER (Model 570 indicator only) is a dual
establish a piece weight when there is purpose key. Press to send

GSE Scale Systems - 5

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

information to a printer, computer or

other device. This key is also used to
enter ID information.

0 thru 9. press these keys to enter number digits

0 thru 9. Press the decimal point key
to establish a decimal point.

CLR press this key to correct a number

entry mistake prior to entering it in

and PRINT keys are also used when making
character entries to create ID
parameters. Refer to Chapter 14 for
the method of creating alphanumeric
ID entries.

1.9 Operating Modes (Brief Explanation)

If you have a Model 550 indicator, there are four modes
of operation available to you: The Weighing mode,
Calibration mode, Accumulation mode and the Setup
mode. If you have a Model 570 indicator, there are five
modes of operation available to you: The Weighing
mode, Counting mode, Calibration mode, Accumulation
mode and the Setup mode.

Setup mode provides you access to the seventeen groups

of Parameter registers physically resident within the
indicator. By entering data in the Parameter registers,
you can customize your weighing operation to remember
the different programming information for your
particular weighing application.

6 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 2 Installation Instructions


The display window is made from a polycarbonate

Chapter 2 material. The gasket for the display is a white closed-
Installation Instructions cell polyethylene foam which is resistant to water,
detergent, and alcohol. However, the display gasket may
be adversely affected by aliphatic and aromatic
This section of the manual outlines the installation of the hydrocarbons.
550/570 weighing and counting indicators. Please take
the time to review these important guidelines and step- The rear panel gasket is made from a PORON (registered
by-step procedures. trademark) cellular urethane. It is unaffected by mild
inorganic acids and bases. It will exhibit modest
swelling with oils, greases and other linear
hydrocarbons. Strong polar solvents will greatly swell
IMPORTANT: the gasket, possibly reducing its effectiveness.

The Model 500 Series Weigh Indicators do not

include an on/off switch and therefore must be 2.2 Opening the Instrument
installed near a power outlet socket which is easily
accessible, in keeping with UL/CSA approval Disassembling Rear Panel
1. Remove AC power by unplugging the indicator
from the power outlet socket. Make sure the
indicator is completely disconnected from the
power source. Disconnect any additional
2.1 Locating the Instrument umbilical cables from their source connectors.
Table-Top Use
2. Remove the rear panel which is attached to the
housing by quantity eight 8 mm hex head
The Model 500 Series of indicators has been designed
screws. Use a #2 Phillips head screwdriver.
with a versatile swivel bracket which permits you to tilt
the instrument face to any desired angle. When the
indicator is placed on a table, the non-slip rubber feet CAUTION
prevent scratching and slipping across the surface when
keys are pressed. Any operation which involves opening the
enclosure should be performed by qualified
service personnel only after disconnecting power!
Permanent Mounting Hazardous voltage is accessible within the
The swivel bracket has four mounting holes which also
permit the indicator to be securely fastened to a fixed
surface. The holes are 0.28" diameter (0.7 mm) to
accommodate 1/4" (or M6 metric) fasteners. For details Refer to Figure 5 for a view of the rear panel.
regarding the mounting hole pattern and overall
dimensions, refer to the Appendix. 3. Carefully lift the rear panel from the enclosure
and disconnect the switch panel ribbon cable
from the main PC board.
Environment Suitability

The standard Model 550 and 570 indicators are supplied Reassemble Indicator and Rear Panel
in a sealed stainless steel enclosure and may be used in a
washdown environment. Care must be taken to insure 1. Reconnect the switch panel ribbon cable and
that the AC power socket outlet is properly protected! move the rear panel into position. Tighten
The keypad is made of silicon rubber. Specifications are down the strain relief to insure a firm grip on
available for the reactions of this material to various each cable.
2. Mount the rear panel to the instrument and

GSE Scale Systems - 7

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

connection to the weigh platform. The load cell cable

should be routed into the Indicator enclosure through the
strain relief marked J1 on the rear panel of the indicator.
The indicator is supplied with a rubber boot installed into
the J1 strain relief to accommodate cables with diameters
between 0.158" and 0.22". Larger cables with diameters
between 0.231" and 0.394" can be accommodated by
removing the rubber boot.

Sense Lead Connections

Four or six lead platforms can be accommodated by the

Indicator. (Refer to Table 1, Load Cell Connections.) Six
lead cables include an additional two wires for the
purpose of sensing the actual excitation voltage at the
load cell terminals within the weigh platform. This
connection compensates for variations in the resistance
of the excitation wiring. If the platform does have six
leads, the two jumpers (E3 and E4) next to the J8
connector inside the indicator enclosure should be cut or
removed. If the jumpers remain in place, then the sense
leads simply act to reduce the resistance of the excitation
Figure 5 Rear Panel leads. These sense jumpers do not exist on Model 550
indicators with the main board revision PC-745-B and
earlier (board serial numbers preceding 851). If four lead

tighten screws until the gasket is compressed

enough so that the flange of the rear panel
begins to contact the main enclosure. This will Load Cell GSE
ensure the best environmental seal and Function Platform
maximum EMI, RFI and ESD shielding Color Code
performance. Test the instrument for proper
operation. + Excitation Red

- Excitation Black
2.3 Load Cell Connections
+ Signal White
Transducer Excitation
- Signal Green
The indicator is designed to be connected to any
(Wheatstone bridge design) strain-gage based force + Sense Red (optional)
measuring transducer. The indicator supplies 10 VDC
developed from +5VDC and -5VDC referenced to - Sense Black (optional)
common for the excitation voltage. The maximum
excitation supply current available for the load cell(s) is
375 mA which corresponds to the ability to drive the
Table 1 Load Cell Connections
equivalent of a quantity of eleven 350 ohm load cells.

platforms are used on the earlier Model 550 units, the (+)
sense must be jumpered to the (+) excitation and

Cable Recommendations the (-) sense must be jumpered to the (-) excitation at the
J8 connector in order for the indicator to perform
A high quality cable having an overall braided shield and properly.
16 to 24 AWG stranded wire is recommended for the

8 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 2 Installation Instructions

color wiring code for proper colors for each

2.4 Load Cell Installation connection. Load cell functions are noted on
the PC board next to the connector. Operate
Load Cell Installation the lever connector by applying a firm direct

1. Strip back the jacket of the weigh platform load NOTE:

cell cable approximately 1.25" from the end of The PC board mounting nut is also used to establish
the cable. the earth ground reference for the circuitry on the
PC board and thus the nut must always be in place
2. Using a small screwdriver, create an opening when the instrument is powered up!
in the braided shield, just past the end of the
jacket. Pull the wires out of the braided shield.

3. Strip back the insulation of each conductor

wire 1/4". NOTE:
For load cells with 6 conductors, two small jumper
4. Twist the strands of each conductor. To wires (E3 and E4, next to J8 on the Main PC Board)
prevent fraying, tin the twisted strands using a must be cut for external sensing to be operational.
soldering iron and solder. For a complete explanation, refer to the Sense Lead
Connections section in this chapter.
5. Loosen the J1 strain relief and route the load
cell cable through.
force to the end of the lever and inserting the
6. View the main PC board and locate the lever lead in place as shown in Figure 6. A small
connector labeled J8. Connect the four or six screwdriver can be used to apply force to the
conductors to the proper terminals as described lever. Test all connections by pulling lightly on
in Table 1 . Refer to your weigh platform each conductor.

Figure 6 Load Cell Connections

GSE Scale Systems - 9

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

7. Connect the load cell shield to the mounting nut

labeled SHIELD. A 7 mm socket wrench should be
used (9/32" is the closest english socket equivalent).
The shield should be grounded to the indicator
chassis by wrapping it around the PC board
mounting stud next to the J8 connector or by using a
ring terminal (recommended). For optimum
shielding effectiveness, keep the length of the
shield between the stud and the end of the cable jacket
to an absolute minimum! This is important in
order to reduce the effects of EMI, RFI, and
ESD on the indicator.

8. Pull any excess cable back out of the

instrument through the strain relief until there
is no slack between the shield connection and
the strain relief. Tighten down the strain relief
securely to insure a firm grip on the cable.

10 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 3 Parameter Setup Mode (Basic Setup)


Chapter 3 NOTE:
Parameter Setup Mode While at any point of the Setup Mode, you can
(Basic Setup) press <ZERO> to return to the Weigh Mode. The
indicator will then prompt you through the exit.
3.1 Parameter Setup Mode
stroke sequence to modify a Parameter is:
Recall that there are two parts to the Indicator display. 1 0 0 <SELECT> 2 3 6 4 0 <ID> <ENTER>
There is a large six digit alpha-numeric display on the Let's take a closer look at this sequence. The "100" in
left side of the indicator and ten small dot matrix this instance is Parameter 100 (more about Parameters in
displays in two rows of five each to the right of the a moment), and the "23640" is the security code. (This
numerical display. Both sides of the display will be used coincidently happens to be the street address of GSE!) If
during parameter setup procedures. To access the Setup the security code is not used, the Parameters can be
Mode and make changes, press: monitored, but not changed. If the security code is
included, then the Parameters can be modified. But,
1 0 0 <SELECT> 2 3 6 4 0 <ID> <ENTER> what is a Parameter? Parameters are special dedicated
memory registers within the indicator. There are over
The text convention used in this manual for keystrokes 1,200 different Parameters which can be addressed and
means you should press the "1" key followed by the "0" modified by the user, and each one has a dedicated task
key followed by the "0" key followed by the key labeled to remember. They are always identified by the letter
"SELECT" followed by the keys labled 2,3,6,4,0, "P" preceding a 3 or 4 digit number, followed by a
followed by the key labeled "ID" followed by the key decimal point, followed by 1 or 2 digits. An example of
labeled "ENTER". The Indicator will respond with the a Parameter number is "P150.01" which is a Units Setup
display showing: Parameter, which remembers that the calibration units in
the indicator has been set to kilograms. If you wanted
ounces instead, set Parameter P150.02. How do you
P101.__ __ Scl 1 know which number is which Parameter, and what does
Enbld it do? Thats what this manual is all about. It will
provide you with Setup Parameter lists, explain the
function, tell you how to change the Parameter, then
The indicator will use the large display to tell you that explain the functional operation of the indicator. The
you are entering the Setup Mode and will use the smaller manual has been divided into two basic types of
display to prompt you to enter the programming security discussion, one called Parameter Setup which is
code. If you only want to review the setup, press: discussing changes to the Setup Parameters which
customize your application, and Weighing Operations
1 0 0 <SELECT> <ENTER> which is a functional description of how to operate the
indicator once Setup Parameters have been set.
The indicator will now tell you that you can make no Parameter Setup is covered in Chapter 4 and Weighing
modifications to the setup. If you want to make any Operations is covered in Chapter 5.
changes to the setup press:

2 3 6 4 0 <ID> <ENTER> 3.2 Basic Weighing Parameter Setup

The indicator will briefly inform you that it will permit P101.XX Scale 1
you to make modifications to the setup and then display P102.XX Scale 2
the first of the available setup parameters. If you enter P103.XX Scale 3
the wrong code or do not press any keys within 5 P104.XX Scale 4
seconds, you will be denied access to the Setup Mode.
This parameter allows 1 thru 4 scales to be enabled.
Each of the four scale enablement parameters has three
The procedures which were just explained consist of a
Parameter number and a security code. The entire key

GSE Scale Systems - 11

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

P101.00 Scl 1 Disbl NOTE:

This parameter is used to disable scale 1. When disable In order to comply with NIST H-44 regulations,
is selected, its setup and calibration are erased from when the displayed increment is 10 or more and
EEPROM memory. the data is exactly zero, the displayed and printed
data will include more than one zero. For
example, if the count-by is 10 the zero indication
P101.01 Scl 1 Saved would be 00.; if the count-by is 500, zero would
be shown as 000..
This parameter is used to save setup and calibration data
while still disabling scale 1. When disable is selected, its
setup and calibration are retained in EEPROM memory,
while the scale is disabled. Scale 1 may not be selected cycle through the available choices. When the correct
from the weigh mode in this setup. selection is displayed, press <SELECT> to proceed to
the next parameter.

P101.02 Scl 1 Enbld

P112.XX ZTapr
This parameter is used to enable scale 1. When enable is
selected, its setup and calibration are retained in This parameter determines the Zero Track aperture. This
EEPROM memory, and scale 1 may be selected from the sets the window for Zero Tracking measured in terms of
weigh mode. the divisions specified in parameter P111. Selection 0
will disable the zero track feature. Press <ENTER> to
P102.00 thru P104.02 are identical to P101.00 thru cycle through the available selections. When the correct
P101.02 for scales 2, 3 and 4 when the Multi-Scales choice is displayed, press <SELECT> to advance to the
option is installed. next parameter. Remember that you could key in the
selection number (in tenths of a division) and press
<ENTER> to make a selection and then press
P110.- - F.S.= <SELECT> again to advance to the next parameter.

This parameter is used to determine the scaling of the

instrument. Enter the intended full scale capacity of the P113.XX ZTdly
connected load cell or weighing platform and press
<ENTER>. Any value from 0.01 to 1,000,000 can be This parameter sets the time period that must elapse
entered here. If you enter a value over 99,999, the before the zero can be tracked off. This time is selectable
indicator will round off the last three digits to .K, such as from 0.0 to 10.0 seconds in increments of 0.1 seconds.
100.K for 100,000. Press <SELECT> to save your Press <ENTER> to cycle through the available choices.
choice and continue to the next parameter. As an When the correct choice for your application is
example, if a 200 lb rated platform is to be used only up displayed, press <SELECT> to advance to the next
to 150 lb, then enter 150 for P110. This will insure an parameter.
overload indication at applied loads greater than 150 lb
and provide the greatest precision. P114.XX Mot'n

This parameter defines the amount of instability (in

divisions as determined in P111) that will constitute
P111.XX 1 div Motion (the time is set in P115 below). Presence of
Motion on the platform will delay any ZERO or TARE
This parameter is used to define the weighing divisions operations and will blank the Units Name (lb, kg, etc.)
(i.e. the count-by and decimal point placement). The until motion is removed. Selecting P114.00 disables
selection made here will also determine the resolution of motion inhibition. Press <ENTER> to cycle through the
the indicator such that resolution equals the full scale available selections. When the correct choice is
value entered into P110 divided by the value selected for displayed, press <SELECT> to advance to the next
P111. If uncertain of the choice, press <CLR> and the parameter.
indicator will automatically assign a division size based
on a resolution of 10,000. Otherwise press <ENTER> to

12 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 3 Parameter Setup Mode (Basic Setup)

P115.XX MtDly filter automatically switches back to the specified filter

selection. This may work well in some situations such as
This parameter sets the time delay period for the Motion a check weighing application, but it may prove less
status. The scale must be stable within the number of repeatable in a filling application which requires a
divisions set in P114 for the time period set here for the consistent response in order to compensate for free-fall
Motion status to be removed. Press <ENTER> to cycle and other factors.
through the available choices. When the correct choice is
displayed, press <SELECT> to advance to the next The criteria used by the indicator to determine when to
parameter. switch to the fastest filter selection and when to return to
the selected filter selection is proportional to the selected
increment, parameter P111. Therefore if the auto-filter
P116.XX Filtr is not performing as desired, the increment may be
adjusted upward to improve the stability or downward to
This parameter establishes the display response time in improve the response time (if the application does not
terms of seconds, or how long the indicator takes to require a specific increment).
respond to a full scale weight. The higher the value
selected, the longer the response time, but more stability Refer to table 2, Filter Setup selections for a complete
will be achieved. Press <ENTER> to display the list of all the selections for P116. Note that all these
available selections. When the correct choice is choices also apply for Multi-Scale applications, ie P126,
displayed, press <SELECT> to advance to the next
parameter. Selection Effective
Full Scale
A. Filtering Background: Time
(seconds) *
The filter selections for the 550/570 indicator determine
how the display responds to a changing weight signal.
Faster filter selections allow the indicator to respond Standard Auto-
quickly to an applied weight at the risk of causing some Filter Filter
instability due vibration or wind currents. Slower
selections will provide more stability in the presence of 0 N/A 0.12
vibrations at the cost of a longer time to settle on a final 1 21 0.16
value. 2 22 0.25
3 23 0.33
4 24 0.50
B. Standard Filter 5 25 0.67
6 26 1.0
Setup parameter P116 has fourteen standard selections, 7 27 1.3
choices 0 through 13. The response time of the 8 28 2.0
selections is rated in terms of the time required for the 9 29 2.7
indicator to reach a final steady state after the application 10 30 4.0
of a full scale load. Selection zero provides the fastest 11 31 5.3
response, thus the least amount of filtering while 12 32 8.0
selection thirteen provides the slowest response and the 13 33 11.0
most filtering.

Table 2 Filter Setup Selections

C. Auto-Filter

The Auto-filter selections attempt to combine the best of P136 and P146 for a 2nd, 3rd and 4th scale respectively.
both choices. When the weight is changing rapidly (such
as an item is placed on a scale), the indicator *
Note that for the auto-filter selections, the full scale
automatically switches to the fastest filter selection, ie
1/8 second full scale response time. However when the response times listed are not indicative of the time
weight appears to be settling around a final value the required for the indicator to respond to a full scale input

GSE Scale Systems - 13

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

change but rather an indication of the relative filtering

that will be performed when the weight signal has
achieved a steady state. In effect, selection 30 has the P120 to P129
same steady state filtering effect as selection 10.
govern the same basic weighing setup as P110 thru P119
except instead of applying to scale 1, it sets up scale 2.
P117.XX Rate=

This parameter specifies how often the display is updated P130 to P139
with new data. For example, if 0.05 is selected, the
indicator will write data to the display every time an govern the same basic weighing setup as P110 thru P119
Analog/Digital conversion is made, since the A/D except instead of applying to scale 1, it sets up scale 3.
converter updates every 0.05 second, selections from
0.05 to 20.0 seconds are available. This parameter also
sets the transmission rate for continuous transmits. Press P140 to P149
<ENTER> to cycle through the available selections.
When the correct one is displayed, press <SELECT> to govern the same basic weighing setup as P110 thru P119
advance to the next parameter. except instead of applying to scale 1, it sets up scale 4.

P118.XX Zrnge

This parameter specifies how much zero can be removed

in terms of % of Full Scale. This is ideal for tank
weighing applications to prevent accidental ZERO
operations and for Canadian applications which have a
4% or less requirement. Press <ENTER> to cycle
through the available selections. When the correct one is
displayed, press <SELECT> to advance to the next

P119.XX Linrz

This parameter enables or disables the Multi-Point

Linearization feature. Press <ENTER> to toggle
between the enable or disable selection. When the correct
one is displayed, press <SELECT> to advance to the
next parameter. When all selections are complete, press
<ZERO>. If any of the calibration related parameters
were changed, such as Full Scale, the indicator will now
prompt you to perform a calibration.If you wish to re-
calibrate, press <ENTER> and refer to the section on
Calibration operation.If you do not wish to perform a
calibration at this time, press <CLR> to skip the
calibration. If any changes were made, the indicator will
inform you and ask you to press <ENTER> to save the
modifications. To undo any changes, press <CLR>.
Then press <ENTER> again to exit the Setup Mode.

If you should decide to return to the Setup Mode during
the exit process , press any key other than <ENTER> or

14 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


Chapter 4 If changes are made to any parameters, they may be

Parameter Setup (Advanced) cancelled during the exit process. If no keys are pressed
after you press <SELECT>, the 550 will automatically
return to the Weigh Mode.

The models 550/570 weighing and counting instruments

contain many advanced features which can add a great 4.2 Using the Parameter Setup Mode
deal of flexibility and capability over and above the
functionality of a basic setup. This section will describe Once you have entered the Setup Mode the following
these advanced features, how they are set up, and how general rules apply. Press <SELECT> to move from
they operate. Understanding the functionality of these parameter to parameter. To move directly to a specific
advanced features will permit you to customize the 550 parameter, enter its number and press <SELECT>. To
or 570 for most weighing and counting applications. back up one parameter, press <.><SELECT>.
If modifications are allowed, press <ENTER> to review
the sub-set of available choices for each parameter
4.1 Getting Into the Parameter Setup selected.
You can make a specific parameter sub-set selection by
Before starting to program the advanced features of the entering its number and pressing <ENTER>.
550 to suit your application, let's review the procedures For prompted questions, respond by pressing
for getting into the setup mode, and how to program <ENTER> for "yes" and <CLR> for "no".
parameters. Some of these steps were previously
covered in Chapter 3 Basic Weighing Parameter Setup. If you only want to review a parameter when first
entering the Setup Mode, but later decide to make
1. To access the Setup Mode, press the parameter changes, press <1> <0> <0> <SELECT> and enter the
number you wish to view or change then press program code as described above. You will then be
<SELECT>. For example: returned to the parameter you were reviewing, and be
<1> <1> <8> <SELECT> able to make changes.

2. The system uses the large display to tell you that While in the Setup Mode, the first digit of the large
you're entering the Setup Mode and the smaller numeric portion of the display is always a P. The
subsequent 3, 4 or 5 digits up to the decimal point
NOTE: indicate the currently selected parameter number. The
current selection for the current parameter is indicated in
You can enter the number of any other parameter the digits to the right of the decimal point. If the current
you wish to view or change. However the indicator selection is too large to fit in the available space, then
will prompt you with the message "Key In Code" so triple dashes are shown in each digit after the decimal
that you can key in a different parameter number. point, for example: "P114.==" If the parameter is
strictly a key-in type, then a single dash is shown in each
display to prompt you to enter the programming digit to the right of the decimal point.
code. The top line of the dot matrix display area shows the
parameter name or use. The bottom line describes the
If you are simply going to review the setup, press current selection for the parameter.
<ENTER> and the system will briefly display that no
modification ( -No- Mods!) can be made to the 4.3 Exiting the Parameter Setup Mode
instrument setup before proceeding to the desired
parameter. At any point within Setup Mode, you can press
<ZERO> to return to the Weigh Mode.
If you want to make changes to the setup, press If you initially keyed in the security code to allow
<2> <3> <6> <4> <0> <ID> <ENTER> changes, you will be asked if you want to perform a
and the 550 will briefly inform you that modifications calibration. Press <ENTER> to perform a calibration.
are permitted and will then display the desired setup Press <CLR> to skip the calibration routine. Pressing
parameter. By entering the password "23640" the 550 any other key returns to the Setup Mode. Refer to
will permit the operator to make parameter changes. chapter 7 for details on calibration.

GSE Scale Systems - 15

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Parameter group is available if P104 is set to enable for

If you made any changes to the setup, the system will ask Scale 4.
you to press <ENTER> to save any modifications. If
you press <CLR>, the system will ask you to press P150 to P158 set up the selection of units, their order of
<ENTER> if you want to undo modifications. Press any appearance and the custom units feature.
other key to return to the Setup Mode. The system will
prompt you to press <ENTER> to exit. P160 to P165 set up Model Number, Tare operation and
Accumulation functions.

4.4 Parameter Types P166 to P169 disable certain keyboard functions.

There are two types of setup parameters in the 550, P170 to P172 setup the analog output option.
KEY-IN and SELECTABLE. Key-in parameters,
require a numeric entry followed by the <ENTER> key. P180 to P188 set up the counting mode setup selections
Key-in parameters are identified by a pair of dashes on which includes auto sampling, auto-enhance, sample
the right side of the data portion of the display. size, accuracy and counting internal resolution. These
parameters apply only to the counting operations and are
Selectable parameters are identified by a pair of digits not operational in the weighing operations.
indicating the parameter selection number. Selectable
parameters provide you with a sub-set series of choices P192 to P193 selects the filter selection used during a
which may be displayed by pressing the <ENTER> key. sampling routine. Enforced accuracy during sample
You can also make your choice by directly keying in the routine set at P183 then reverts back to the original filter
selection number. For example, parameter P112 contains during normal counting operations.
over 100 different selections. You could press the
<ENTER> key to cycle through the selections, or you P200 to P209 set up the basic communication protocols.
could key in the selection number and press Thr baud rate, number of data bits, parity, number of stop
<ENTER>. If you want to return to the first selection, bits.
press <0> <ENTER>. To locate a particular selection
number refer to the parameter listings in Table 3. P210 to P242 set up the selection criteria for Custom
All of the programmable parameters are divided into the Transmits 1 through 4. (Parameters P1000 through
following groups: P4000 customize the data to be transmitted).

P101 to P104 set up the Multi-Scale option operation. P250 to P251 set up the network capabilities of the 550.
This permits inputs from up to 4 scales in the 550, and There are 255 addresses available.
allows three choices for each scale: disable, save, or
enable for scales 1 thru 3. P290 to P292 set up the remote display capabilities of
the 550.
P110 to P119 govern basic weighing setup which
includes full scale definition, indicator precision, display P300 to P309 assign the sequence of mode appearance
update rates and linearization enable for Scale 1. when the < SELECT > key is pressed during weighing
mode operation.
P120 to P129 govern basic weighing setup for Scale 2
which includes full scale definition, indicator precision, P400 to P401set up the custom PIN# (access code) for
display update rates and linearization enable. This the entire unit and the quick cal mode.
Parameter group is available if P102 is set to enable for P410 to P412 set up the unit to meet OIML
Scale 2. specifications. These parameters include international
character set selections.
P130 to P139 govern basic weighing setup for Scale 3
which includes full scale definition, indicator precision, P420 to P422 allows for automatically controlling the
display update rates and linearization enable. This shutting off of the LCD backlight or VF display.
Parameter group is available if P103 is set to enable for
Scale 3. P460 to P489 specify a fixed number of decimal places
for each of the 30 variables (VARS). Each variable may
P140 to P149 govern basic weighing setup for Scale 4 have its decimal point fixed to a value between 0 (x.) and
which includes full scale definition, indicator precision, 5 places (x.xxxxx).
display update rates and linearization enable. This

16 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)

P500 to P515 set up the Time-Date and Alarm <TARE> key advances to the next location.
When you encounter a parameter that accepts this type of
P600 to P637 are set aside for custom naming information, press <UNITS> key and the 550 will place
parameters 0 thru 37. an "A" in the dot matrix portion of the display. The
<UNITS> and <PRINT> keys are then used to cycle
P650 to P654 set up the Naming Parameters for database through the possible selections of upper-case and lower-
recalled time and the 4 alarms. case letters, numerics and the standard set of punctuation
symbols, starting with the letter A. Holding down
P660 to P689 are for naming the 30 variables (VARS). <UNITS> or <PRINT> keys will cycle you through
more quickly. When the desired character is displayed,
P691 to P694 are for naming the 4 registers (REGS). press <TARE> arrow key to move to the next location
where an "A" will be displayed so you can select the
P700 to P725 are for setting up the six possible ID next character. This operation is in effect when entering
parameters in addition to enabling Truck In-Out ID data and while in Setup Modes P157, P600-P694,
Weighing. P157-P158, P701 - P711, P800 - P816, P850 - P865 and
P1000 - P4000. Refer to Figure 8 Character Listing for
P731 to P746 are for setting up database parameters. the available characters and their order of appearance at
They are available if Parameter P720 has been set to the end of this chapter.
database or menu. They are used to define databases 1
thru 16. Note that the database module must be installed
in order for these parameters to appear. 4.6 Parameter Listing (P101 - P65010)
P800 to P816 are for Macro Setup. This section contains a listing of all of the setup
parameters contained within the 550 Counting/Weigh
P850 to P866 name Macros 0 thru 16. System. Refer to table 3, Parameter Listing (Software
Map). We have attempted to list all of the parameters,
P870 to P886 selects whether a macro is allowed to be however, in some cases where the number of available
invoked once or multiple times. Macro 0 thru 16 can be selections is repetitive, reasonably obvious, (as in the
set individually. case of parameter P300 series: Operational Modes)are
too numerous to list individually, an example and a
P900 to P982 are for the Input Interpreter setup. range has been substituted for the unlisted parameters.
In the case of Parameter P5100 series: Setpoints, we
P1000, P2000, P3000 and P4000 are for the 1st through have listed the full complement for only the first of the
4th Custom Transmits, and define the data to be 32 existing setpoints.
Some parameters in this list may not appear, based upon
P5003 to P5094 selects the method by which any of the which parameters you have previously selected or
parameters are written to E2. whether a particular option has been installed.

P5100 to P8261 are for setting up the 32 Setpoints

relating to outputs or internal use. There are 3 choices for
each setpoint which include disable, output or input.
Diagnostic and Database use.

4.5 Character Entry

When alphabetic and other non-numeric characters are
being entered into the 550, the <UNITS> <PRINT>
<ID> and <TARE> keys assume the functions of arrow
keys similar to those found on a computer keyboard (see
Figure 7 Keypad Cursor Keys) at the end of chapter.
The <UNITS> key scrolls forward through the list of
characters; <PRINT> key scrolls backward through a
list of characters; <ID> can be used as a backspace key;

GSE Scale Systems - 17

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

The Chart below shows all the parameter selections in the 550 system. An Asterisk (*) next to a parameter indicates a
manufacturer default setting.

* = Manufacturer (GSE) Default Setting.

* = Factory Default Setting



P101.00 Scl 1 Disbl Disable Scale 1

P101.01 Scl 1 Saved Disable Scale 1, Save Setup and

P101.02 Scl 1 * Enbld Enable Scale 1

P102.00 Scl 2 through Same as parameter P101
P104.00 Scl 4 for Scales 2 thru 4.


P110.- - F.S.= XXX.XXX Full Scale Capacity of Platform

* 100.00 Load Cell.

P111.00 1 div 00001 Set Count-By and Decimal Point

P111.01 00002
P111.02 00005
P111.03 .0001
P111.04 .0002
P111.05 .0005
P111.06 .001
P111.07 .002
P111.08 .005
P111.09 * .01
P111.10 .02
P111.11 .05
P111.12 .1
P111.13 .2
P111.14 .5
P111.15 1.
P111.16 2.
P111.17 5.

P111.23 500.

18 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


P112.00 Ztapr OFF Set Zero Track Aperture

P112.01 0.1 d in terms of divisions
P112.02 0.2 d
P112.03 0.3 d
P112.04 0.4 d
P112.05 * 0.5 d
P112.ºº 20.0d

P113.00 ZTdly 0.05s Set Zero Track TIme Delay in

P113.01 0.1 s
P113.02 0.2 s
P113.03 0.3 s
P113.04 0.4 s
P113.05 0.5 s
P113.06 0.6 s
P113.07 0.7 s
P113.08 0.8 s
P113.09 0.9 s
P113.10 * 1.0 s

P113.ºº 10.0s

P114.00 Mot'n OFF Define Motion in terms

of divisions.
P114.01 0.1 d
P114.02 0.2 d
P114.03 0.3 d
P114.04 0.4 d
P114.05 0.5 d
P114.06 0.6 d
P114.07 0.7 d
P114.08 0.8 d
P114.09 0.9 d
P114.10 * 1.0 d

P114.ºº 20.0d

GSE Scale Systems - 19

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)


P115.00 MtDly 0.05s Define Motion in terms of

P115.01 0.1 s
P115.02 0.2 s
P115.03 0.3 s
P115.04 0.4 s
P115.05 0.5 s
P115.06 0.6 s
P115.07 0.7 s
P115.08 0.8 s
P115.09 0.9 s
P115.10 * 1.0 s

P115.ºº 10.0s

P116.00 Filtr .012 s Set Indicator response time

in terms of seconds
P116.01 .16 s
P116.02 .25 s
P116.03 .33 s
P116.04 .50 s
P116.05 .67 s
P116.06 * 1.0 s
P116.07 1.3 s
P116.08 2.0 s
P116.09 2.7 s
P116.10 4.0 s
P116.11 5.3 s
P116.12 8.0 s
P116.13 11. s


P116.21 .16 s
P116.22 .25 s
P116.23 .33 s
P116.24 .50 s
P116.25 .67 s
P116.26 1.0 s
P116.27 1.3 s
P116.28 2.0 s
P116.29 2.7 s
P116.30 4.0 s
P116.31 5.3 s
P116.32 8.0 s
P116.33 11. s

20 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


P117.01 Rate= 0.1s Sets display update rate as

updates per second.
P117.02 * 0.2 s
P117.03 0.3 s
P117.04 0.4 s
P117.05 0.5 s

P117. ºº 20.0s

200 selections

P118.00 Zrnge 0.01% Specify how much zero can be

removed in terms of percent of
Full Scale.
P118.01 0.02%
P118.02 0.05%
P118.03 0.1%
P118.04 0.2%

P118.12ºº * 100.%

P119.00 Linrz * Disbl Enables/disables Multi-Point

P119.01 Enbld


P120.-- F.S.= through Basic Weighing Setup for

P129.01 Linrz Scale 2. Same as parameters
P110 through P119.


P130.-- F.S.= through Basic Weighing Setup for

P139.01 Linrz Scale 3. Same as parameters
P110 through P119.


P140.-- F.S.= through Basic Weighing Setup for

P149.01 Linrz Scale 4. Same as parameters
P110 through P119.

GSE Scale Systems - 21

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)



P150.00 UNITS * =lb Set calibration units as

P150.01 =kg Set calibration units as
P150.02 =oz Set calibration units as
P150.03 =g Set calibration units as grams.
P150.05 =N-m Set calibration units as
P150.06 ????1 Set Calibration Units as
Custom Units 1.

P151.00 UNIT1 * =lb Sets the power-up units as

P151.01 =kg Sets the power-up units as
P151.02 =oz Sets the power-up units as
P151.03 =g Sets the power-up units as
P151.04 =ftlb Sets the power-up units as
P151.05 =N-m Sets the power-up units as
P151.06 ????1 Sets the power-up units as
Custom Units 1

P151.07 ????2 Sets the power-up units as

Custom Units 2
P151.08 lb oz Sets the power-up units as

P152.00 UNIT2 =lb Sets the second units

as pounds
P152.01 * =kg Sets the second units as
P152.02 =oz Sets the second units as
P152.03 =g Sets the second units as
P152.04 =ftlb Sets the second units as foot-

22 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


P152.05 =N-m Sets the second units as

P152.06 ????1 Sets the second units as
Custom Units 1
P152.07 ????2 Sets the second units as
Custom Units 2
P152.08 lb oz Sets the second units as
P152.09 =NONE Disables the second
appearing units

P153.00 UNIT3 =lb Sets the third units as pounds.

P153.01 =kg Sets the third units as ounces

P153.03 =g Sets the third units as grams

P153.04 =ftlb Sets the third units as foot-

P153.05 =N-m Sets the third units as Newton-
P153.06 ????1 Sets the third units as Custom
Units 1
P153.07 ????2 Sets the third units as Custom
Units 2
P153.08 lb oz Sets the third units as pounds-
P153.09 * =NONE Disables the third units.

P154.00 UNIT4 =lb Sets the fourth units as

P154.01 =kg Sets the fourth units as
P154.02 =oz Sets the fourth units as
P154.03 =g Sets the fourth units as grams

P154.04 =ftlb Sets the fourth units as foot-

P154.05 =N-m Sets the fourth units as
P154.06 ????1 Sets the fourth units as
Custom Units 1
P154.07 ????2 Sets the fourth units as

GSE Scale Systems - 23

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)


Custom Units 2
P154.08 lb oz Sets the foruth units as
P154.09 * =NONE Disables the fourth units

P155.- -Ucon1 * 1.000 Enter the conversion factor

for the 1st Custom Units.
P156.- -Ucon2 * 1.000 Enter the conversion factor for
the 2nd Custom Units.
P157.- -Unam1 * ????1 Enter the name of the 1st
Custom Units.
P158.- -Unam2 * ????2 Enter the name of the 2nd
Custom Units.



P160.00 Model * 550 Shows the System model type

P160.01 570
P161.00 TrSAV * Disbl Select whether or not you want
to saveTare Weight on
P161.01 Enbld
P162.00 TrNEG * Disbl Select whether or not to be
able to tare out negative
P162.01 * Enbld
P163.00 TrRND Disbl Elect whether or not to round
off tare values.
P163.01 * Enbld
P164.00 AcRTZ 0.01% Enter how close the platform
must be to zero in
P164.01 0.02% terms of Full Scale in order to
perform an
P164.02 0.05% Accumulation
P164.03 * 0.1%
P164.04 0.2%
P164.12 100.%
P165.00 AcFnc BOTH Select whether to add,
subtract or be able to do
P165.01 * ADD do both when accumulating.
P165.02 SUB


P166.00 AutoT Disbl Enable/disable use of auto-tare


24 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


166.01 * Enbld

P167.00 KybdT Disbl Enable/disable keyboard tare

P167.01 * Enbld

P168.00 KybdS Disbl Enable / disable numeric

keyboard Weigh Mode
P168.01 * Enbld selections

P169.00 GrENT * Disbl Enable / disable keyboard

entry of the Gross Weight
P169.01 Enbld (NOT H-44)


P170.00 A-out * off Turn Analog Output option on

or off (if installed).
P170.01 on

P171.00 Parm Gross If P170.01 is selected, this

establishes which of
P171.01 Net the numeric parameters the
Analog Output option will be
P171.02 Tare based upon, most commonly
P171.03 GrTOT Gross or Net.
P171.04 GrT+C
P171.05 GrT-C
P171.06 NtTOT
P171.07 NtT+C
P171.08 NtT-C
P171.12 TrGrs
P171.13 TrNet
P171.14 TrTar
P171.91 Reg#1
P171.92 Reg#2
P171.93 Reg#3
P171.94 Reg#4
P172.- -F.S.= XXX.XXX The value entered here sets
the weight which will set the
Analog Output voltage to
10 volt (or output current to
20 mA)

GSE Scale Systems - 25

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)


MODE (570)

P180.00 ASmpl off Turn Auto Sample Accept on

P180.01 on or off
P181.00 AEnhn off Turn Auto-Enhance on or off
P181.01 on
P182.00 SmpSz None! Sets default sample size
P182.-- 1 to 9999
P183.00 %Accy None! Sets Piece Weight Accuracy
P183.-- 90.00 to 99.96 Select in .04% increments
P184.00 AcDsp off Display Current Piece
P184.01 on Weight Accuracy
P185.00 ErFac 0.1 to 20 Accuracy Error Factor
P186.00 PreSm None! Pre-Sample Scale Switch
P186.01 Scl1 Scale 1
P186.02 Scl2 Scale 2
P186.03 Scl3 Scale 3
P186.04 Scl4 Scale 4
P187.00 AftSm None! After-Sample Scale Switch
P187.01 Scl1 Scale 1
P187.02 Scl2 Scale 2
P187.03 Scl3 Scale 3
P187.04 Scl4 Scale 4
P188.— Res1 * Count res/scl 1 Scale 1 count resolution value entered.
P189.— Res2 Count res/scl 2 Scale 2 count resolution value entered.
P190.— Res3 Count res/scl 3 Scale 3 count resolution value entered.
P191.— Res4 Count res/scl 4 Scale 4 count resolution value entered.


P192.00 SmpFl * None! Selects filter used during sampling.

P193.00 AcEnf * off Enforce accuracy during sample.

P193.01 AcEnf on Set at P183.


P200.00 Baud 19200 Set the baud rate for both Print
and Comm ports
P200.01 * 9600
P200.02 4800
P200.03 2400
P200.04 1200
P200.05 600
P200.06 300
P200.07 150

26 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


P201.00 #data 7bits Select the number of data bits

for the transmission
P201.01 * 8bits
P202.00 Par'y * none Select the parity for all
P202.02 odd

P203.00 #stop * 1bit Select the number of stop bits

for all transmissions
P203.01 2bits
P204.00 ComHS none Select the type of handshake
used by the Com Port
P204.01 CTS for sending and receiving.
P204.02 * Xon
P204.03 both
P205.00 PrnHS * none Select the type of handshake
used by the Print Port
P205.01 CTS
P206.00 RxCom off Enable or disable the receiver
for the Com Port.
P206.01 * on
P207.00 TxRTZ 0.01% Select a return range for use
with the weighment
P207.01 0.02% transmission in percentage of
Full Scale.
P207.02 0.05%
P207.03 * 0.1%
P207.04 0.2%
P207.05 0.5%
P207.12 100.%
P208.00 Width =0 Select the number of
characters transmitted for
P208.01 =1 numeric parameters if a fixed
width format is used
P208.02 =2 for the Custom Transmits.
P208.03 =3
P208.04 =4
P208.08 * =8
P208.15 =15
P209.00 TxHld * delay Will delay or abort a
transmission when the
P209.01 abort transmit buffer is full

GSE Scale Systems - 27

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)



P210.00 Send1 off Disable the 1st Transmit

P210.01 * onreq Send the 1st Transmit on
P210.02 cont. Send the 1st Transmit
P210.03 wghmt Send the 1st Transmit after
each weighment
P211.00 Port Comm Select port for 1st
P211.01 * Print
P212.00 Mot'n off Enable/disable motion delay
for 1st Transmit
P212.01 * delay


P220.00 Send2 * off Determine when 2nd Transmit

will be sent
P220.01 onreq
P220.02 cont
P220.03 wghmt
P220.04 onrq2
P221.00 Port * Comm Select port for 2nd Transmit.
P221.01 Print
P222.00 Mot'n off Enable/disable motion delay
for 2nd Transmit.
P222.01 * delay


P230.00 Send3 * off Determine when 3rd Transmit

will be sent
P230.01 onreq
P230.02 cont
P230.03 wghmt
P230.04 onrq2
P231.00 Port * Comm Select port for 3rd Transmit.
P231.01 Print
P232.00 Mot'n off Enable/disable motion delay
for 3rd Transmit.
P232.01 * delay

28 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)



P240.00Send4 * off Determine when 4th Transmit

will be sent.
P240.01 onreq
P240.02 cont.
P240.03 wgmt
P240.04 onrq2

P241.00 Port * Comm Select port for 4th Transmit.

P241.01 Print
P242.00 Mot'n off Enable/disable motion delay

for 4th Transmit.

P242.01 * delay


P250.00 NtWrk * Disbl Disable network capabilities.

P250.01 NtWrk TxTri Enable multi-drop RS-485.

P251.00 Addrs * 0 Select node address from 0-254.

P251.— Addrs 254


P290.00 Echo * Disbl Disable transmitting units display to

remote device.

P290.01 Echo Comm Echo unit’s display to remote device

out the comm port.

P290.02 Echo Prntr Echo units’s display to remote device

out the printer port.

P291.02 Echo * <STX> Transmit any ASCII character or

control code to remote device before
echoing unit’s display.
P292.03 Echo * <ETX> Transmit any ASCII character or
control code to remote device after
echoing unit’s display.

GSE Scale Systems - 29

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)




P300.00 MODE0 * Gross Select the operating mode that

will appear first after power-up.
P300.01 Net
P300.02 Tare
P300.03 GrTOT
P300.04 GrT+C
P300.05 GrT-C
P300.06 NtTOT
P300.07 NtT+C
P300.08 NtT-C
P300.11 Tm/Dt
P300.12 TrGrs
P300.13 TrNet
P300.14 TrTar
P300.30 Qty
P300.31 QtTOT
P300.32 QtT+C
P300.33 QtT-C
P300.34 Pc-Wt
P300.35 APW*K
P300.36 %Accy
P300.37 Sampl
P300.50 Rtime
P300.51 A1Tim
P300.52 A2Tim
P300.53 A3Tim
P300.54 A4Tim
P300.60 Var#10
P300.61 Var#11
P300.62 Var#12
P300.63 Var#13
P300.64 Var#14
P300.65 Var#15
P300.66 Var#16
P300.67 Var#17
P300.68 Var#18
P300.69 Var#19
P300.70 Var#20
P300.71 Var#21
P300.72 Var#22
P300.73 Var#23
P300.74 Var#24
P300.75 Var#25
P300.76 Var#26

30 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


P300.77 Var#27
P300.78 Var#28 VAR#28 not accessible by <78> <SELECT>
P300.79 Var#29
P300.80 Var#0
P300.81 Var#1
P300.82 Var#2
P300.83 Var#3
P300.84 Var#4
P300.85 Var#5
P300.86 Var#6
P300.87 Var#7
P300.88 Var#8
P300.89 Var#9
P300.91 Reg#1
P300.92 Reg#2
P300.93 Reg#3
P300.94 Reg#4
P300.99 None!

GSE Scale Systems - 31

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)



32 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


P301.00 MODE1 Gross Select the operating mode that

will appear next after pressing
the <SELECT> key
P301.1 * Net These 62 selections are the same
thru as P300.00 MODE0

P302.00 MODE2 Gross Select the operating mode that

thru will appear next after pressing
P309.00 MODE9 the <SELECT> key

P302.1 These selections (MORE THAN 350)

thru are the same as P300.00 MODE0

P302.2 * Tare


P400.— PIN * None This parameter allows for a new user

access code to be defined.
(Personal Identification Number)

P401.— QCAL * None This parameter allows for a new user

Quick Cal. access code to be defined.

GSE Scale Systems - 33

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)




P410.— OIML * Disbl Disable OIML specifications. This

9990 (CODE) parameter assumes that the OIML
version keypad is being used. Code
must be entered to change selection.

P410.— OIML * Enbld Enable OIML specifications. This

9991 (CODE) parameter assumes that the OIML
version keypad is being used. Code
must be entered to change selection.


P411.00 LANG * USA The system has the ability to display

P411.01 LANG Frnce international characters. Thirteen
P411.02 LANG Germn languages are selectable. Refer to the
P411.03 LANG UK section on international character set
P411.04 LANG Dnmrk for more information on this
P411.05 LANG Swedn capability.
P411.06 LANG Italy
P411.07 LANG Spain
P411.08 LANG Japan
P411.09 LANG Norwy
P411.10 LANG Dnmk2
P411.11 LANG Spn2
P411.12 LANG LatAm

34 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)



P412.00 PrSET * Disbl Preset-able parameters can be flagged

or not if a value is directly entered into
P412.01 PrSET Enbld them. If these parameters are printed
2 Tare or transmitted a “P” is placed in front
3 GrTOT of the parameter name. If enabled,
4 GrT+C any recalled data to these registers will
5 GrT-C also indicate that the data in the
6 NtTOT register has been placed there by other
7 NtT+C means. The letter “P” will appear in
8 NtT-C the display in front of the parameter’s
31 QtTOT name if this feature is enabled. It will
32 QtT+C also print out with the letter “P”
33 QtT-C prepended in front of the parameter
34 APW name. If any of these parameters are
35 APW*K renamed and preset is enabled, the
first character in the rename area must
be the flagging character. Include the
first character in the rename as the
prepended flagging character.

GSE Scale Systems - 35

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)




P420.00 Dsply OFF Shut off the LCD backlight or the VF


P420.01 Dsply * ON LCD backlight or the VF display

functions as normal.

P420.02 Dsply AUTO Shut off the LCD backlight or the VF

display based around the specifications
selected in parameters P421 and

P421.00 WtThr 2d LCD backlight or the VF display will

P421.01 4d shut off if there is no display activity
P421.02 * 6d between the selected number of
P421.03 8d graduations. (P420 set for AUTO).


P421.12 26d
P421.13 28d
P421.14 30d
P421.15 32d

P422.00 TmOut 1/2 min. LCD backlight or the VF display will

P422.01 1 shut off if there is no activity
P422.02 2 after the selected time requirements.
P422.03 3 This would be since the last key press
P422.04 4 or weight change.
P422.05 * 5 (P420 set for AUTO)
P422.06 10
P422.07 15
P422.08 20
P422.09 25
P422.10 30
P422.11 35
P422.12 40
P422.13 45
P422.14 60
P422.15 120
Refer to chapter 16, Macro Commands for
controlling the display from a macro.

36 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)



P480.00 VarDP =0 Sets Var#0 Decimal at x.

P480.01 =1 Sets Var#0 Decimal at x.x
P480.02 =2 Sets Var#0 Decimal at x.xx
P480.03 =3 Sets Var#0 Decimal at
P480.04 =4 Sets Var#0 Decimal at x.xxxx
P480.05 =5 Sets Var#0 Decimal at x.xxxxx
P480.06 * =Auto Sets Var#0 Decimal at automatic
P460 through P489 * Sets the significant digits
following the decimal point
for the 30 Variables, the same as
parameter P480.

GSE Scale Systems - 37

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)



P500.SS Time HH:MM Enter correct time here if

P501.YY Date DA/MO Enter correct date here if
P502.00TmDat * no Determine whether or not the
time and date will
P502.01 yes be displayed upon power-up.
P503.00AM/PM no Determine whether time will
use 12 hour or 24
P503.01 * yes hour clock.

P504.00A1Sel * off Set the operating conditions

for Alarm 1. Off dis-
P504.01 intvl ables alarm; INTVL sets an
interval; daily sets
P504.02 daily alarm for once a day.

P505.SS A1Tim HH:MM Set time factor for Alarm 1.

P506.00 A2Sel * off Set the operating conditions
for Alarm 2.
P506.01 intvl
P506.02 daily
P507.SS A2Tim HH:MM Set time factor for Alarm 2.
P508.00 A3Sel * off Set the operating conditions
for Alarm 3.
P508.01 intvl
P508.02 daily
P509.SS A3Tim HH:MM Set the time factor for Alarm 3.
P510.00 Style * U.S.A Determine the style of
the Time-Date display.
P510.01 Int'l
P511.00 RtDsp * Time and Date
P511.01 Time Only
P511.02 Date Only
P511.03 Number
P512.00 A1Dsp * Time and Date Alarm#1
P512.01 Time Only
P512.02 Date Only
P512.03 Number
P513 Same as P512 for Alarms #2
thru * through #4

38 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)



P600.-- Gross Naming Parameters for Gross Reg

Parameter 0 (Enter same as P701)
P601 through Naming Parameters 1 thru 37
P637 (Enter same as P701)

P650.-- Rtime Naming Parameters for

Recalled Time (Enter same as

P651.-- A1Tim Naming Parameters for

Alarm #1 (Enter same as
P652 through Naming Parameters for
P654 Alarms #2 through #4 (Enter
same as P701)

P660.-- Var#10 Naming Parameters for Var

#10. (Enter same as P701)
P661 through Naming Parameters for Vars
P679 #11 through #29. (Enter same as

P680.-- Var#0 Naming Parameters for Var

#0. (Enter same as P701)
P681 through Naming Parameters for Vars
P689 #1 through #9. (Enter same as

P691.-- Reg#1 Naming Parameters for Reg

#1. (Enter same as P701)
P692 through Naming Parameters for Regs
P694 #2 through #4. (Enter same as

GSE Scale Systems - 39

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)



P700.- -idSIZE * #1=12 Determine whether or not the

ID will be used,
and, if used, its size. If set to
zero, ID is not used
the corresponding odd-
numbered parameter
that will provide the name will
not appear.
P701.- -NAME1 * None! Appears only if size P700 is
1 or greater
P702.- -idSIZE * #2= 0 See P700 above.
P704.- -idSIZE * #3= 0 See P700 above.
P706.- -idSIZE * #4= 0 See P700 above.
P708.- -idSIZE * #5= 0 See P700 above
P710.- -idSIZE * #6= 0 See P700 above

P720.00 iduse * Std. Determines whether ID use is

standard or for
P720.01 Truck Truck In/Out Weighing.
P721.00 iduse * Seq'n Specifies the type of ID
number that will be used
P721.01 Smal# to reference the stored truck
weight if Truck #In/Out
Weighing is used.
P721.02 Big
Only Small and
P721.03ID #6 Big # permit storage of Tare

40 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


P722.00 In Tx * none Specifies which of the four

Custom Transmit
P722.01 #1 setups will be transmitted
during an incoming
P722.02 #2
P722.03 #3
P722.04 #4
P722.05 #1&2
P722.06 #1&3
P722.07 #1&4
P722.08 #2&3
P722.09 #2&4
P722.10 #3&4
P722.11 1,2,3
P722.12 1,2,4
P722.13 1,3,4
P722.14 2,3,4
P722.15 ALL
P723.00OutTx * none Specifies which of the
four CustomTransmit setups are
transmitted during an outgoing
P723.01 #1
P723.02 #2
P723.03 #3 .
P723.04 #4
P723.05 #1&2
P723.06 #1&3
P723.07 #1&4
P723.08 #2&3

P723.09 #2&4
P723.10 #3&4
P723.11 1,2,3
P723.12 1,2,4
P723.13 1,3,4
P723.14 2,3,4
P723.15 ALL

GSE Scale Systems - 41

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)


P724.00TSvTx * none Specifies which of the four

P724.01 #1 Custom Transmit setups
P724.02 #2 are sent during a Tare
P724.03 #3 Storage.
P724.04 #4
P724.05 #1&2
P724.06 #1&3
P724.07 #1&4
P724.08 #2&3
P724.09 #2&4
P724.10 #3&4
P724.11 1,2,3
P724.12 1,2,4
P724.13 1,3,4
P724.14 2,3,4
P724.15 ALL

P725.00 TFdTx * none Specifies which of the four

P725.01 #1 Custom Transmitsetups are
P725.02 #2 sent during a Tare Found.
P725.03 #3
P725.04 #4
P725.05 #1&2
P725.06 #1&3
P725.07 #1&4
P725.08 #2&3
P725.09 #2&4
P725.10 #3&4
P725.11 1,2,3
P725.12 1,2,4
P725.13 1,3,4
P725.14 2,3,4
P725.15 ALL

42 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)



P731.XX This parameter is used to setup the

columns for database 1. P731 is
available if P720 has been set to either
database or menu. The entry
procedure is the same as for P701.

P732 through P746 These parameters are used to set up

databases 2 through 16. They are
available if P720 has been set to either
database or menu. The entry
procedure is the same as for P701.


P800.00 Mac 0 * XXXXX Enter macro #0 setup.

P801.00 Mac 1 * XXXXX Enter macro #1 setup.
P802.00 Mac 2 * XXXXX Enter macro #2 setup.
P803.00 Mac 3 * XXXXX Enter macro #3 setup.
P804.00 Mac 4 * XXXXX Enter macro #4 setup
P805.00 Mac 5 * XXXXX Enter macro #5 setup.
P806.00 Mac 6 * XXXXX Enter macro #6 setup.
P807.00 Mac 7 * XXXXX Enter macro #7 setup.
P808.00 Mac 8 * XXXXX Enter macro #8 setup.
P809.00 Mac 9 * XXXXX Enter macro #9 setup.
P810.00 Mac10 * XXXXX Enter macro #10 setup.
P811.00 Mac11 * XXXXX Enter macro #11 setup.
P812.00 Mac12 * XXXXX Enter macro #12 setup.
P813.00 Mac13 * XXXXX Enter macro #13 setup.
P814.00 Mac14 * XXXXX Enter macro #14 setup.
P815.00 Mac15 * XXXXX Enter macro #15 setup.
P816.00 Mac16 * (#16/Special macro) Enter macro #16 setup.


P850.-- Mac0 * None! Macro #0 (see chp. 16)

P850.-- XXXXX Key in Macro Name.

P851.-- Mac1 * None! Macro #1 (see chp. 16)

P851.-- XXXXX Key in Macro Name.

P852 through * XXXXX Macros #2 through #16


GSE Scale Systems - 43

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)




P870.00 Mac 0 * Multi Allow for multiple requests of macro 0 by

placing the request on the macro stack.
P870.01 Mac 0 Singl Allow for a single invoking of this macro
within small time slot..
P871.00 Mac 1 * Multi Allow for multiple requests of macro 1 by
placing the request on the macro stack.
P871.01 Mac 1 Singl Allow for a single invoking of this macro
within small time slot..
P872.00 Mac 2 * Multi Allow for multiple requests of macro 2 by
placing the request on the macro stack.
P872.01 Mac 2 Singl Allow for a single invoking of this macro
within small time slot..
P873.00 Mac 3 * Multi Allow for multiple requests of macro 3 by
placing the request on the macro stack.
P873.01 Mac 3 Singl Allow for a single invoking of this macro
within small time slot..


P886.00 Mac 16 * Multi Allow for multiple requests of macro 16 by

placing the request on the macro stack.
P886.01 Mac 16 Singl Allow for a single invoking of this macro
within small time slot..


P900.00 RxInp Disbl Formats data received through the

serial port
P901.00 RxTrm Formats data sent through the
P901.10 RxTrm <LF> Line Feed
serial port
P910.00 RxTyp Unusd Unused
P910.01 Char Character
P910.02 Line Line
P920 through P980 Input specifications #2 through


44 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)



P1000 XXXXX XXXXX Enter information for 1st

Custom Transmit.
P2000 XXXXX XXXXX Enter information for 2nd
Custom Transmit.
P3000 XXXXX XXXXX Enter information for 3rd
Custom Transmit.
P4000 XXXXX XXXXX Enter information for 4th
Custom Transmit.

GSE Scale Systems - 45

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)



P5003.00 GrTOT NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5003.01 GrTOT OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5003.02 GrTOT * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5006.00 NtTOT NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5006.01 NtTOT OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5006.02 NtTOT * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5021.00 ID 1: NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5021.01 ID 1: OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5021.02 ID 1: * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5022.00 ID 2: NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5022.01 ID 2: OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5022.02 ID 2: * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

46 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


P5023.00 ID 3: NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5023.01 ID 3: OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5023.02 ID 3: * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5024.00 ID 4: NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5024.01 ID 4: OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5024.02 ID 4: * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5025.00 ID 5: NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5025.01 ID 5: OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5025.02 ID 5: * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5026.00 ID 6: NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5026.01 ID 6: OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5026.02 ID 6: * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

GSE Scale Systems - 47

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)


P5031.00 QtTOT NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5031.01 QtTOT OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5031.02 QtTOT * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5034.00 APW NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5034.01 APW OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5034.02 APW * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5051.00 RTime NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5051.01 RTime OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5051.02 RTime * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5052.00 A1Tim NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5052.01 A1Tim OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5052.02 A1Tim * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

48 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


P5053.00 A2Tim NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5053.01 A2Tim OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5053.02 A2Tim * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5054.00 A3Tim NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5054.01 A3Tim OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5054.02 A3Tim * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5060.00 Var 10 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5060.01 Var 10 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5060.02 Var 10 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5061.00 Var 11 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5061.01 Var 11 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5061.02 Var 11 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

GSE Scale Systems - 49

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)


P5062.00 Var 12 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5062.01 Var 12 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5062.02 Var 12 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5063.00 Var 13 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5063.01 Var 13 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5063.02 Var 13 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5064.00 Var 14 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5064.01 Var 14 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5064.02 Var 14 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5065.00 Var 15 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5065.01 Var 15 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5065.02 Var 15 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

50 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


P5066.00 Var 16 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5066.01 Var 16 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5066.02 Var 16 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5067.00 Var 17 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5067.01 Var 17 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5067.02 Var 17 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5068.00 Var 18 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5068.01 Var 18 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5068.02 Var 18 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5069.00 Var 19 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5069.01 Var 19 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5069.02 Var 19 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

GSE Scale Systems - 51

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)


P5070.00 Var 20 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5070.01 Var 20 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5070.02 Var 20 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5071.00 Var 21 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5071.01 Var 21 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5071.02 Var 21 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5072.00 Var 22 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5072.01 Var 22 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5072.02 Var 22 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5073.00 Var 23 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5073.01 Var 23 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5073.02 Var 23 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

52 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


P5074.00 Var 24 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5074.01 Var 24 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5074.02 Var 24 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5075.00 Var 25 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5075.01 Var 25 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5075.02 Var 25 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5076.00 Var 26 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5076.01 Var 26 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5076.02 Var 26 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5077.00 Var 27 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5077.01 Var 27 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5077.02 Var 27 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

GSE Scale Systems - 53

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)


P5078.00 Var 28 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5078.01 Var 28 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5078.02 Var 28 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5079.00 Var 29 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5079.01 Var 29 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5079.02 Var 29 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5080.00 Var 0 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5080.01 Var 0 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5080.02 Var 0 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5081.00 Var 1 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5081.01 Var 1 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5081.02 Var 1 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

54 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


P5082.00 Var 2 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5082.01 Var 2 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5082.02 Var 2 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5083.00 Var 3 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5083.01 Var 3 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5083.02 Var 3 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5084.00 Var 4 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5084.01 Var 4 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5084.02 Var 4 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5085.00 Var 5 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5085.01 Var 5 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5085.02 Var 5 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

GSE Scale Systems - 55

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)


P5086.00 Var 6 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5086.01 Var 6 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5086.02 Var 6 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5087.00 Var 7 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5087.01 Var 7 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5087.02 Var 7 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5088.00 Var 8 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5088.01 Var 8 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5088.02 Var 8 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5089.00 Var 9 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5089.01 Var 9 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5089.02 Var 9 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

56 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


P5091.00 Reg 1 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5091.01 Reg 1 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5091.02 Reg 1 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5092.00 Reg 2 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5092.01 Reg 2 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5092.02 Reg 2 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5093.00 Reg 3 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5093.01 Reg 3 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5093.02 Reg 3 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

P5094.00 Reg 4 NoSav The stated parameter will not be

written to E2 at any time.
P5094.01 Reg 4 OnReq The stated parameter will be written to
E2 on request by executing the macro
command “n%v”. Refer to chapter 16,
Macro Programming.
P5094.02 Reg 4 * Auto The stated parameter will
automatically be written to E2 as the
parameter is changed.

GSE Scale Systems - 57

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)


58 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


GSE Scale Systems - 59

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)



The setup of setpoints is covered more completely in Chapter 21. Some of the parameters listed below may or
may not appear depending upon previous selections. Since there are 32 setpoints within the System and the
programming for each is the same with the exception of the parameter numbers, we have included only the
parameters for Setpoint #1. The parameter numbers begin with P5100 for Setpoint #1 up through P8200 for
Setpoint #32.

P5100.0 SPt 1 * Disbl Enable / Disable setpoint

P5100.1 Outpt Enable / Disable setpoint
P5100.2 Input Enable / Disable setpoint
P5110.0 Activ * Above Output active if weight is
above target value
P5110.1 Below Output active if weight is
below target value.

60 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


P5110.2 Betwn Output active if weight is

between target values.
P5110.3 Outsd Output active if weight is not
between target values.
P5110.4 Tare Output active if <TARE> key
is executed.
P5110.5 Zero Output active if <ZERO>key
P5110.6 Acc Output active if ACC operation
P5110.7 Mot'n Output active if motion occurs.
P5110.8 NotMt Output active if motion ceases.
P5110.9 alwys Any de-activation is
P5110.º never Output will not become active
on its own. An activate
command within a Macro or an
RS-232 message is
necessary to activate this
P5111.0 Hold * 0.0 No extra delays.
P5111.1 0.1 1/10 second minimum
activation time.
P5111.2 0.2 2/10 second minimum
activation time.
P5111.3 0.3 3/10 second minimum
activation time.
P5111.º 25.0 25.0 second minimum
activation time.
P5112.0 Macro 0 Macro 0 will execute when
setpoint activates.
P5112.1 Macro 1 Macro 1 will execute when
setpoint activates.
P5112.2 Macro 2 Macro 2 will execute when
setpoint activates.
P5112.3 Macro 3 Macro 3 will execute when
setpoint activates.
P5112.4 Macro 4 Macro 4 will execute when
setpoint activates.
P5112.5Macro 5 Macro 5 will execute when
setpoint activates.
P5112.6Macro 6 Macro 6 will execute when
setpoint activates.
P5112.7Macro 7 Macro 7 will execute when
setpoint activates.

GSE Scale Systems - 61

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)


P5112.8Macro 8 Macro 8 will execute when

setpoint activates.
P5112.9Macro 9 Macro 9 will execute when
setpoint activates.
P5112.º Macro 10 Macro 10 will execute when
setpoint activates.
P5112.º Macro 11 Macro 11 will execute when
setpoint activates.
P5112.º Macro 12 Macro 12 will execute when
setpoint activates.
P5112.º Macro 13 Macro 13 will execute when
setpoint activates.
P5112.º Macro 14 Macro 14 will execute when
setpoint activates.
P5112.º Macro 15 Macro 15 will execute when
setpoint activates.
P5112.º Macro * none No macro will execute when
setpoint activates.
P5113.0 Mot'n * Ign'd Motion ignored (motion has no
P5113.1 Inhib Setpoint state not changed if
motion present.
P5114.0 Basis * new # Lower Activate Target value is
a specific value.
P5114.1 % val The entered Lower Activate
value for this setpoint is a %
multiplier of another variable
to be specified.
P5114.2 diff The entered Lower Activate
value for this setpoint is
subtracted from another to be
specified variable.
P5115. AL * XXX.XXX Activate value (Lower limit if
P5110 is set to between or
outside). Note if P5114 is " %
val " or is " diff " then this
value is a percentage of or
difference of another value.
P5116.0 Based Var # Based on one of 30 variables,
P60 - P89, which ar accessible
during normal operation.
P5116.1 SPt 1 Based on one of setpoint #1's

62 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


P5116.2 SPt 2 Based on one of setpoint #2's

thru thru values.
P5116.º SPt32 Based on one of setpoint #32's

The set of available choices for P5117 depends upon the selection made in P5116. If set for P5116.0 you will
be able to select from the set immediately below: if set for any other selection, you will be restricted to the
second set of selections below.

P5117.0 Value Var#0 Based on variable #0

P5117.1 Var#1 Based on variable #1
P5117.2 Var#2 Based on variable #2
P5117.9 Var#9 Based on variable #9
(also includes VARS 10 thru 29, P60 thru P79)

P5117.0 Value AL Based on the lower activation

P5117.1 AU Based on the upper activation
P5117.2 DL Based on the lower de-
activation parameter.
P5117.3 DU Based on the upper de-
activation parameter

P5118.0 Basis new # The Upper Activate Target

value is a specific value
P5118.1 % val The entered Upper Activate
value for this
setpoint is a % multiplier of
another (to be specified)
P5118.2 diff The entered Upper Activate
value for this setpoint is
subtracted from another (to be
specified) variable.
P5119. AU XXX.XX Activate value upper limit.
Note if P5118 is " % val " or is
" diff " then this value is a
percentage of or difference of
another value

GSE Scale Systems - 63

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)


P5120.0 Based Var # Based on one of 30 variables,

P60 - P89, which are
accessible during normal
P5120.1 SPt 1 Based on one of setpoint #1's
P5120.2 SPt 2 Based on one of setpoint #2's
P5120.º SPt32 Based on one of setpoint #32's

The set of available choices for P5121 depends upon the selection made in P5120. If set for P5120.0 you will
be able to select from the set immediately below: if set for any other selection, you will be restricted to the
second set of selections below.

P5121.0 Value Var#0 Based on variable #0.

P5121.1 Var#1 Based on variable #1.
P5121.2 Var#2 Based on variable #2.
P5121.9 Var#9 Based on variable #9.
(also includes VARS 10 thru 29, P60 thru P79)

P5121.0 Value AL Based on the lower activation

P5121.1 AU Based on the upper activation
P5121.2 DL Based on the lower de-
activation parameter
P5121.3 DU Based on the lower de-
activation parameter

P5130.0 DeAct Above Output de-active if wt. above

target value.
P5130.1 * Below Output de-active if wt. below
target value.
P5130.2 Betwn Output de-active if wt. between
target values.
P5130.3 Outsd Output de-active if wt. not
between target values.
P5130.4 Tare Output de-active if <TARE>
key executed.
P5130.5 Zero Output de-active if <ZERO>
key executed.

64 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


P5130.6 Acc Output de-active if ACC

operation occurs.
P5130.7 Mot'n Output de-active if motion
P5130.8 NotMt Output de-active if motion
P5130.9 Alwys Any activation is momentary.
P5130.10 never Output will not become de-
active on its own.
P5131.0 Hold * 0.0 No extra delays.
P5131.1 0.1 1/10 second minimum de-
activation time.
P5131.2 0.2 2/10 second minimum de-
activation time.
P5131.3 0.3 3/10 second minimum de-
activation time
thru thru
P5131.º 25.0 25.0 second minimum de-
activation time
P5132.0 Macro 0 Macro 0 will execute when
setpoint de-activates
P5132.1 1 Macro 1 will execute when
setpoint de-activates.
P5132.2 2 Macro 2 will execute when
setpoint de-activates
P5132.3 3 Macro 3 will execute when
setpoint de-activates
P5132.4 4 Macro 4 will execute when
setpoint de-activates
P5132.5 5 Macro 5 will execute when
setpoint de-activates
P5132.6 6 Macro 6 will execute when
setpoint de-activates
P5132.7 7 Macro 7 will execute when
setpoint de-activates
P5132.8 8 Macro 8 will execute when
setpoint de-activates
P5132.9 9 Macro 9 will execute when
setpoint de-activates
P5132. 10 Macro 10 will execute when
setpoint de-activates
P5132. 11 Macro 11 will execute when
setpoint de-activates.
P5132. 12 Macro 12 will execute when
setpoint de-activates

GSE Scale Systems - 65

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)


P5132. 13 Macro 13 will execute when

setpoint de-activates
P5132. 14 Macro 14 will execute when
setpoint de-activates
P5132. 15 Macro 15 will execute when
setpoint de-activates
P5132. * none No macro will execute when
setpoint de-activates
P5133.0 Mot'n * Ign'd Motion ignored (motion has no
P5133.1 Inhib Setpoint state not changed if
motion present.
P5134.0 Basis new # Lower De-activate Target
value is a specific value.
P5134.1 * % val The entered Lower De-
activate value for this
setpoint is a % multiplier of
another (to be specified)
P5134.2 diff The entered Lower De-
activate value for this
setpoint is subtracted from
another (to be specified)
P5135. DL: * XXX.XXX De-activate value (Lower limit
if P5130 is set to between or
outside). Note if P5134 is
" val " or is " diff " then this
value is a percentage of or
difference of another value.
P5136.0 Based Var # Based on one of 30 variables,
P60-P89, which are accessible
during normal operation.
P5136.1 * SPt 1 Based on one of Setpoint #1's
P5136.2 SPt 2 Based on one of Setpoint #2's
thru thru
P5136.º SPt32 Based on one of Setpoint
#32's values

66 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


The set of available choices for P5137 depends upon the selection made in P5136. If set for P5136.0 you will
be able to select from the set immediately below: if set for any other selection, you will be restricted to the
second set of selections below.

P5137.0 Value Var#0 Based on variable # 0

P5137.1 Var#1 Based on variable # 1
P5137.2 Var#2 Based on variable # 2
thru thru
P5137.9 Var#9 Based on variable # 9
(also includes VARS 10 thru 29, P60 thru P79)
P5137.0 Value * AL Based on the lower activation
P5137.1 AU Based on the upper activation
P5137.2 DL Based on the lower de-
activation parameter.
P5137.3 DU Based on the upper de-
activation parameter.

P5138.0 Basis new # Upper De-activate Target

value is a specific value
P5138.1 % val The entered Upper De-
activate value for this setpoint
is a % multiplier of another (to
be specified) variable.
P5138.2 diff The entered Upper De-
activate value for this setpoint
is subtracted from another (to
be specified) variable.
P5139. AU: XXX.XX De-activate value upper limit.
Note if P5138 is " % val " or is
" diff " then this value is a per-
centage of or difference of
another value.
P5140.0 Based Var # Based on one of 30 variables,
P60 - P89, which are accessible during
normal operation.
P5140.1 SPt 1 Based on one of setpoint #1's
P5140.2 SPt 2 Based on one of setpoint #2's
P5140. º SPt32 Based on one of setpoint #32's

GSE Scale Systems - 67

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)


The set of available choices for P5141 depends upon the selection made in P5140. If set for P5140.0 you will
be able to select from the set immediately below; if set for any other selection, you will be restricted to the
second set of selections below.

P5141.0 Value Var#0 Based on variable # 0.

P5141.1 Var#1 Based on variable # 1
P5141.2 Var#2 Based on variable # 2
thru thru
P5141.9 Var#9 Based on variable # 9
(also includes VARS 10 thru 29, P60 thru P79)
P5141.0 Value AL Based on the lower activation
P5141.1 AU Based on the upper activation
P5141.2 DL Based on the lower de-
activation parameter
P5141.3 DU Based on the lower de-
activation parameter

P5150.0 Par 0 * Gross Select the parameter that the

setpoint will be based upon.
P5150.1 Par 1 Net
P5150.2 Par 2 Tare
P5150.3 Par 3 GrTOT
P5150.4 Par 4 GrT+C
P5150.5 Par 5 GrT-C
P5150.6 Par 6 NtTOT
P5150.7 Par7 NtT+C
P5150.8 Par 8 NtT-C
P5150.º Par12 TrGrs
P5150.º Par13 TrNet
P5150.º Par14 TrTar
P5150.º Par30 Qty
P5150.º Par31 Qty-Tot
P5150.º Par32 Qty-Tot + C
P5150.º Par34 APW
P5150.º Par35 AW*K
P5150.º Par36 %Accy
P5150.º Par80 Var#0
P5150.º Par81 Var#1
P5150.º Par82 Var#2
P5150.º Par83 Var#3
P5150.º Par84 Var#4

68 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


P5150.º Par85 Var#5

P5150.º Par86 Var#6
P5150.º Par87 Var#7
P5150.º Par88 Var#8
P5150.º Par89 Var#9 (also includes VARS 10 thru 29, P60 -P79)
P5150.º Par91 Reg#1
P5150.º Par92 Reg#2
P5150.º Par93 Reg#3
P5150.º Par94 Reg#4

The above listing of parameters ranging from P5100.0 thru P5150.º are the detailed listings only for Setpoint 1.
Parameters P5200 thru P8200 are used for Setpoints 2 thru 32. The remaining setpoints have not been listed in
detail, however you can substitute the Parameter number of the desired setpoint number into the above listing.


P5160.X Actv Activate Macro

P5160.0 Macro #0
P5160.1 Macro #1
P5160.-- Macro #15
P5160.-- None!


P5161.X Actv De-Activate Macro

P5161.0 Macro #0
P5161.1 Macro #1
P5161.-- Macro #16
P5161-- None!


The following parameters P60000 to P65010 are part of a separate group that may be reached from any mode
by entry of one of their parameter numbers. Some may require installation of Option modifications to the

P60000. E2Ins * 512 Displays the amount of

E memory.

GSE Scale Systems - 69

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)


P60001. E2Avl 308 Displays amount of

available E memory.
P60002. RAMsz 8192 Displays amount of
installed RAM.
P60003. RAMdy 4803 Displays amount of
dynamically allocated
P60004. RAMav 4760 Displays amount of
available RAM.
P60005. #Rows 0 Shows number of
stored data rows.
P60010 dbRAM 24256 (Option) Database Memory
P60011 dbAve Available RAM
P60012 dbUse In Use Ram
P60013 BlkSz Contiguous RAM
P60014 dbase Error Database results check
P60021 - P60036 Databases #1 - #16
P60100. 1994 *GSE* Displays copyright
P60101. 0550- 01007 Displays software
revision code.
P60102. Aug 22 1994 Displays date code of
the software.
P60200. B SN XXXXX Displays Main PC
Board serial number.
P60201. AudTr XXXXX Displays Audit Trail
P60202. I SN1 XXXXX Displays Instrument
serial number.
P61100. DAC XXXX Displays coarse gain
P61101. Gain XXX.X Displays effective
system gain.
P61102. CAL Factr Displays fine calibration
P61103. FSmVv XXXXX Displays full scale mV/V
output of connected
load cell or platform.
P61104. Crrnt mV/V Displays an
approximation of the
current mv/V output of
connected load cell or

70 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


P61105. CalZr Cnts Displays the last cal

zero offset in counts.
P61106. CalZr mV/V Displays the last cal
zero offset in mv/V.
P61107. ReZro Wght Displays amount of
weight in default units
zeroed out through
use of <ZERO> key since
last cal.
P61108. ZrTrk Wght Displays amount of
weight in default units
tracked off by the zero
track feature since last
use of the <ZERO>
P61110. -CAL- WGHT1 Displays weight used
for the first cal point of
the Multi-Point
Linearization feature (if
P61111. -CAL- FACT1 Displays cal adjustment
factor for weights less
than or equal to the
weight shown in the
preceeding parameter.
P61112. -CAL- WGHT2 Displays weight used
for the 2nd cal point of
the Multi-Point
Linearization feature (if
P61113. -CAL- FACT2 Displays cal adjustment
factor for weights less
than or equal to the
weight shown in the
preceeding parameter.
P61114. -CAL- WGHT3 Displays weight used
for the 3rd cal point of
the Multi-Point
Linearization feature (if
P61115. -CAL- FACT3 Displays cal adjustment
factor for weights less than or
equal to the weight
shown in the pre
ceeding parameter.

GSE Scale Systems - 71

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)


P61116. -CAL- WGHT4 Displays weight used

for the 4th cal point of
the Multi-Point
Linearization feature (if
P61117. -CAL- FACT4 Displays cal adjustment
factor for weights less
than or equal to the
weight shown in the
preceeding parameter.
P61118. -CAL- WGHT5 Displays weight used
for the 5th cal point of
the Multi-Point
Linearization feature (if
P61119. -CAL- FACT5 Displays cal adjustment
factor for weights less
than or equal to the
weight shown in the
preceeding parameter.

The following parameters are set aside for scales 2, 3 and 4. The information parameters for scale 1, P61102 through
P61119 holds true for scales 2, 3 and 4 respectively. These parameters will only become apparent when the 2nd, 3rd or
4th scales are enabled. See Parameters 101 through 104.

P61120 through P61139

(Scale 2)

P61140 through P61159

(Scale 3)

P61160 through P61179

(Scale 4)

72 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


P62000. Dsply Test Performs a display test

when you press

P64000. Send Setup Will send all current

setup information out a
designated port when
you press <ENTER>

P64100. LnCnt XXXXX Displays the line count

of the setup

P64101. ErCnt XXXXX Displays the number of

errors which have
ocurred on the Indicator

P64102. 1stEr None! Indicates the first error

which occurred on the
Indicator since this
parameter was last

P64103. Debug Off/ON Enables/disables

transmission of error
messages out a
designated port as they

P64200.Macro Debug This parameter will record each

command executed after a macro is
invoked. All branching, sub-routines,
etc. are recorded in the order they are
executed. This is a powerful
troubleshooting tool.

GSE Scale Systems - 73

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)


P65000. Copy A->B Used during installation

of additional storage

P65001. Deflt All Used to reset all

parameters to the
default when the
<ENTER> key is
pressed (if changes
have been allowed).

P65002 Deflt -CAL Used to reset all

parameters except
the cal values when the
<ENTER> key is
pressed (if changes
have been allowed.

P65010 dbase Reset Default all database setups. This

parameter will default all column
settings and all data stored.

74 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4 Parameter Setup (Advanced)


Table 3 Software Map

GSE Scale Systems - 75

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)


Figure 7 Keypad Cursor Keys

Figure 8 Character Listing

76 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 5 Weighing Mode


Chapter 5 The 550 does not have a dedicated scale select button.
Weighing Mode The following combination of keys must be pressed in
order to select one of the four allowed scale inputs.
Note that additional scale inputs beyond the standard
5.1 About The Weighing Mode one scale input are optional.

The front panel keys take on a different function scale #1 <41> <SELECT>
depending on which indicator (550/570) is selected. The scale #2 <42> <SELECT>
front panel keys also take on a different function scale #3 <43> <SELECT>
depending on which mode is selected. This chapter will scale #4 <44> <SELECT>
define the front panel key operation for the weigh mode.
Additional scale input boards must be installed and
enabled for proper use of the scale select operation.
5.2 Weighing Mode (Key Operations)


Pressing <40> <SELECT> will toggle through all Press <ZERO> to zero the current quantity/
enabled scale inputs. One scale input is accessed at one weight reading. When the meter is at Center
time. Zero the international center-of-zero indication
will appear on the upper line of the dot matrix
NOTE : display. This indication is a right and left arrow
pointing to a circle. If a Custom Unit’s name is
When motion exists, the units designation will go greater than 2 characters, the Center Zero
out and any Zero, Tare and Accumulate operations indication is not displayed. If in the quantity
are postponed until motion ceases. Print operations mode pressing <ZERO> will set the current
are also motion inhibited if selected (Parameters mode to a gross zero quantity. If in the weigh
212, 222, 232 and 242. mode, pressing <ZERO> sets the current mode
to Gross Weight. Refer to figure 9, Model 550

Figure 9, Model 550 Keyboard

GSE Scale Systems - 77

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

As entries are keyed into the entry buffer, the
<PRINT/ENTER> key will complete the entry
UNITS for the 570 and the <ENTER> key for the 550.

Pressing the <UNITS> key in the quantity has

no effect. Pressing <UNITS> from the weigh ID
mode will toggle the displayed units through the
available selections. Converted units are This key has four functions, entering ID's, truck
automatically rounded to the appropriate operations, macro menu selection and database
increment. If the "lb/oz" units selection is used, access. The exact function of this key depends
the first digits of the numeric display will read on the selectable internal setup.
the value for pounds, the last digits will read
ounces, and since the upper line of the dot
matrix display is used to show the units, there is UNITS, PRINT, TARE and ID
no center zero indication. As with other units
designations, the characters showing units will The <UNITS> and <PRINT> keys double as
blank out when motion is present. Up and Down arrow keys respectively. While
having accessed any mode or parameter which
requires a character entry, the <UNITS> key
SELECT will scroll through a set of ASCII characters.
The <PRINT> key will scroll through the set in
Pressing <SELECT> will toggle you through reverse. The <TARE> key or Right Arrow
the Net Weight, Tare Weight and Gross Weight, when pressed will move over to the next
Quantity, APW or other enabled operating character position. The <ID> key or Left
modes. Refer to the Mode Selection Arrow will backup to the previous character.
parameters, P300 - P309.
As entries are keyed into the entry buffer, the
<PRINT/ENTER> key will complete the entry
TARE for the 570 and the <ENTER> key for the 550.

Pressing <TARE> by itself will perform an When in the weigh or quantity modes, the unit
auto-tare. A Net Zero is then displayed. You is ready to accept a structured ASCII file for
can enter a known Tare Weight into the 550 by custom setups. The custom setup is received
keying in the number and pressing <TARE>. through the units bi-directional communications
In either case, the indicator will be placed in the port (J2).
Net Mode, unless you are in the Tare Mode.
Auto-Tare and / or Keyboard Tare may be 0 thru 9 and “.”
disabled in the Setup Mode (P166, P167).
Press these keys to enter 0 thru 9. Press the
decimal point key to establish a decimal point.
Press to send custom specified data to a printer,
computer or other device. (see custom Press this key to clear a numeric entry mistake
transmit, chapter 15). prior to entering it into memory.


This key is used as an <ENTER> key following

certain numeric entries.

78 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 6 Counting Mode


number of parts added should be keyed in and then press

Chapter 6 the <ENTER> or <SAMPLE> keys. The subsequent
Counting Mode results depend on the selections made for the auto-
enhance and minimum accuracy selections. Refer to
those sections for further information.
6.1 Parts Counting Mode (Model 570
If a numeric entry precedes the <SAMPLE> key then
Only) the indicator does not perform an auto-tare. The entry is
assumed to be the number of parts already present on the
This section discusses counting operations which are scale platform. If when the entry is made the current
only available with the model 570 counting indicator. If mode is GROSS, GrTot, GrT+C, or GrT-C then the
you have a model 550 indicator, you can skip over this stored tare weight is assumed to be from a previous
section on Counting Operations and Counting Operation weighment and is cleared out. Otherwise, any previous
Setup. Counting Operations is the ability of the model tare is assumed to be for a container that is in use and
570 indicator to "count" the quantity of parts on the the tare is retained and the current net weight is used to
weigh platform. In order for the indicator to accomplish calculate the piece weight based on the entered sample
this, a sampling operation has to be performed to size. This allows for the situation where the tare weight
establish the actual weight of one of the pieces to be of the container (if any) is consistent and has already
counted. been established. Then the parts may be added and the
number of parts may be keyed in.
COUNTING MODE (Sample Key Operation) Note however, that the first method is the recommended
approach and will eliminate the possibility of
If the <SAMPLE> key is pressed alone (not preceded inappropriate tare weights from affecting the piece
by a numeric entry, the Model 570 indicator will perform weight calculation.
an auto-tare, establishing a net zero as a starting point.
The current net weight will then be actively displayed
and the prompt "Add XX" will be shown, where "XX" SAMPLING TO DETERMINE A PIECE WEIGHT
is the value set by parameter P182. If the specified
number of parts are then added, then the <SAMPLE> or Although the sampling process may be performed in a
<ENTER> keys may be pressed to accept the sample. If number of ways, the recommended method is to place an
a different number of parts are added, then the actual empty box or empty container on the scale platform, and
then press <SAMPLE>. The 570 indicator will then
perform an auto-tare resulting in a zero net weight. The
display will then prompt you to Add xx where the "xx"
is the sample quantity of parts (sample size) set by
parameter P182. The weight of the requested number of
parts is then added by the indicator. Press the
<ENTER> key. If the sample's total weight was
sufficient, the piece weight will be calculated and the
sample quantity will be displayed. Otherwise, you may
be prompted to add additional parts. The exact prompts
will depend on whether the auto-enhance and/or
minimum accuracy assurance features have been
enabled. The minimum amount of weight required for
the sample routine to meet the selected accuracy
requirements for the specified scale capacity is

If the weight of the sample is un-detectable or barely

detectable then the message Code 32 ADD MORE! is
displayed briefly. This will most often occur when the
<ENTER> key is pressed without adding any parts. If
Figure 10, Sample Key the parts were in fact placed on the scale, either the parts
are too light to count on that capacity platform or a much

GSE Scale Systems - 79

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

larger quantity of parts must be hand counted in order to are added, while keeping the total displayed quantity less
perform the sample. than or equal to the displayed maximum enhance
amount, as soon as motion ceases the 570 indicator will
re-calculate the piece weight based on the new larger
NEGATIVE SAMPLING TO DETERMINE A quantity. Then the 570 indicator will display the new
PIECE WEIGHT maximum enhanceable quantity and the process will
repeat. However the 570 indicator has a minimum
In order to perform a negative sample routine, place a threshhold of the piece weight for which enhancements
full or partially full container of parts on the scale and can occur. This minimum enhanceable piece weight is
press <SAMPLE>. The 570 indicator will then perform 0.0084% of capacity. If the piece weight is less than this
an auto-tare resulting in a zero net weight. The display amount then enhancements are not possible and the
will then prompt you to Add xx where the "xx" is the message Can't Enhnc will be displayed.
sample quantity of parts (sample size) set by parameter
P182. In this case, the prompt Add xx actually means Whenever a piece weight is keyed in, the 570 indicator
Take parts from the container. Proceed to remove the will clear it's calculated accuracy register and the last
requested number of parts. The weight of the requested sample register since neither the accuracy nor the
number of parts is then added by the indicator. Press the sampled quantity of the entered piece weight are known.
<ENTER> key. If the sample's total weight was Therefore, auto-enhancements are not possible with
sufficient, the piece weight will be calculated and the entered piece weights.
sample quantity will be displayed. Otherwise, you may
be prompted to Take additional parts. The exact prompts
will depend on whether the auto-enhance and/or USING THE MINIMUM ACCURACY
minimum accuracy assurance features have been ASSURANCE FEATURE
enabled. The minimum amount of weight required for
the sample routine to meet the selected accuracy The minimum accuracy feature is designed to insure that
requirements for the specified scale capacity is parts counting operations will result in a pre-specified
considered. Continue to enhance, as desired. Key in the minimum accuracy. This is accomplished either by
tare weight of the empty container, add the parts requiring the sampled parts to meet or exceed a minimum
removed for sampling back into the container. The weight, or when the enhance feature is enabled, by
quantity displayed will be the total quantity in the requiring additional enhancements after the initial sample
container. operation has been performed before a large number of
parts may be counted. In the case of the enhance feature
If the weight of the sample removed is un-detectable or being disabled, if the weight of the sampled parts is
barely detectable then the message Code 32 ADD insufficient to guarantee the required accuracy (as set by
MORE! is displayed briefly. This indicates that more P183) then the operator will be prompted to Add xx
weight must be removed adding to the overall sample parts. The specific number represented by the "xx" is the
weight. This will most often occur when the <ENTER> additional number of parts which are need to be hand-
key is pressed without taking out any parts. If the parts counted and added to the scale in order for the accuracy
were in fact taken from the scale, either the parts are too to be achieved.
light to count on that capacity platform or a much larger However, if the enhance feature has been enabled, the
quantity of parts must be hand counted out in order to possible results of a sampling operation can be detailed
perform the sample. as follows:


When the auto-enhance feature is enabled, after a sample
operation is performed, the 570 indicator calculates the Achieved accuracy is insufficient to allow an
number of parts which may be added to the scale while enhancement to occur with at least 5 additional pieces:
keeping the 570 indicator's uncertainty of the number of The 570 indicator will prompt the operator with Add xx
parts on the platform within +/- 1/3 of a part. If the total parts, where the quantity "xx" is the number of additional
number of parts which may be counted without error is parts required to allow either enhancements to be
more than the number sampled, the 570 indicator will achieved, or the number required to achieve the required
briefly display the maximum number of parts which can accuracy, whichever is less. Add the specified number of
be used to perform an auto-enhance. If additional parts parts and then press <ENTER> or add even more parts

80 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 6 Counting Mode

Required Capacity 0.0028 lb 0.016 lb 0.070 lb

Accuracy 0.00056 lb 0.0032 lb 0.018 lb 0.080 lb
0.028% 0.00064 lb 0.0035 lb 0.020 lb 0.094 lb
90% 0.032% 0.00070 lb 0.0040 lb 0.024 lb 0.112 lb
91% 0.035% 0.00080 lb 0.0047 lb 0.028 lb 0.140 lb
92% 0.040% 0.00094 lb 0.0056 lb 0.035 lb 0.187 lb
93% 0.047% 0.00112 lb 0.0070 lb 0.047 lb 0.280 lb
94% 0.056% 0.00140 lb 0.0094 lb 0.070 lb 0.370 lb
95% 0.070% 0.00187 lb 0.0140 lb 0.093 lb 0.560 lb
96% 0.094% 0.00280 lb 0.0185 lb 0.140 lb 0.700 lb
97% 0.140% 0.00370 lb 0.02800 lb 0.175 lb 0.940 lb
98% 0.185% 0.00560 lb 0.0350 lb 0.235 lb 1.400 lb
98.48% 0.280% 0.00700 lb 0.0470 lb 0.350 lb 1.750 lb
99% 0.350% 0.00940 lb 0.0700 lb 0.438 lb 2.800 lb
99.20% 0.470% 0.01400 lb 0.0875 lb 0.700 lb 4.680 lb
99.40% 0.700% 0.01750 lb 0.1400 lb 1.170 lb 14.000 lb
99.60% 0.875% 0.0280 lb 0.2340 lb 3.500 lb
99.68% 1.400% 0.04670 lb 0.7000 lb
99.8% 2.340% 0.14000 lb 200 lb
99.88% 7.000% 50 lb Platform
99.96% 10 lb Platform
2 lb Platform 0.056 lb
Percent of Platform 0.014 lb 0.064 lb

Table 4, Minimum Sampled Weight Accuracy Requirements

and key in the TOTAL number of parts on the scale and the sampled number of parts was very large and / or the
press <ENTER>. piece weight was relatively small.
Sampled amount is sufficient to allow enhancements:
The 570 indicator will display the current quantity on the The maximum number of parts which can be counted
numeric display and the message Enhn# xx will be and allow an enhancement to occur is displayed briefly
shown on the alpha display, where the "xx" is the total and the quantity is then displayed.
maximum number of parts that may be on the scale in In order for a given accuracy to be achieved, the weight
order for an enhancement to occur. Additional parts may of the sampled parts must meet or exceed a specific
then be added, up to the number shown. As soon as minimum. Table 4, Minimum Accuracy Weight
motion ceases, if the quantity displayed is more than the Requirements shows the required sample weight for
original sampled amount and less than the displayed various accuracy requirements on a variety of platform
maximum enhance amount then the piece weight will be capacities.
re-calculated. Then the achieved accuracy will be re-
evaluated. If the required accuracy still has not been Note however, that parts counting based on weight is
achieved, another enhancement will be required and this dependent on a reasonably consistent part weight. Some
step will be repeated with a larger maximum enhance plastic parts vary in weight from piece to piece by 10%
amount. If more parts than specified are added, the or more. Attempting to count these items with a high
display will read Code 53 Accy >Req'd indicating that degree of accuracy will require a very large hand-
the required accuracy has not been achieved and counted random sample of the items during the piece
counting may not continue. weight calculation process. The minimum accuracy
assurance is intended to guide the operator in sampling
ACHIEVED ACCURACY MEETS OR EXCEEDS parts with a fairly consistent piece weight.
Achieved accuracy is insufficient to allow an
enhancement to occur: The message Can't Enhnc is There are several approaches toward counting parts on
displayed briefly. This will not normally occur unless the 570 indicator. A few of the primary methods are

GSE Scale Systems - 81

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

described below: instrument to a zero net weight. The display shows the
current net weight and the prompt: Add 10 (the actual
Method 1: Counting a specific number of parts number is programmable using setup parameter P182).
Place empty container on platform (optional)
Remove the specified number of parts from the box.
Press <Sample>. The 570 indicator tares the instrument
to a zero net weight. The display shows the current net Press <ENTER> or <SAMPLE>. The 570 indicator
weight and the prompt: Add 10 (the actual number is then calculates the piece weight of the sample parts.
programmable by the setup parameter P182).
Place the specified number of parts on the scale. Key in (or barcode scan) the tare weight of the container.

Press <ENTER> or <SAMPLE>. (Or add any number The displayed (negative) quantity then is the total
of parts, key in the number added, then press <ENTER> number of parts in the container.
or <SAMPLE> ) The 570 indicator then calculates the
piece weight of the sample parts. (If the number of parts
added were insufficient to achieve the required accuracy RECOMMENDED SETUP
(as set by P183), then you will be prompted to add an
additional number of parts. Add the specified number of In order achieve optimum counting results, certain setup
parts and press <ENTER> ). parameter selections should be set. These parameters
Add the additional parts to be counted. and their recommended settings are specified below.

Method 2: Counting out a specific number of parts P112 Zero Track aperture:
with piece weight enhancement. Make sure the zero track aperture is not set larger than
Place empty container on platform. (optional). the weight of parts that will be counted. If the smallest
parts to be counted are 0.01 #, and the displayed
Press <SAMPLE>. The 570 indicator tares the increment P111 is 0.05#, make sure the zero track
instrument to a zero net weight. The display shows the aperture is set to less than 2/10 of a division ( 0.01
current net weight and the prompt: "Add 10" (the actual divided by 0.05 = 0.2).
number is programmable via setup parameter P182).
P114 Motion Definition:
Place the specified number of parts on the scale. The definition for motion affects how much variation in
weight can be allowed when the piece weight is
Press <ENTER> or <SAMPLE>. The 570 indicator calculated. Setting this as low as possible without having
then calculates the piece weight of the sample parts and constant motion is optimal. Normally a setting of around
momentarily displays the maximum number of parts 0.4 divisions will suffice.
which may be added for a piece weight enhancement to P115 Motion Delay:
occur. Then the minimum achieved accuracy is A delay of around one second normally works quite well.
displayed. A longer delay may be desired if a very large filter
selection is made.
If a greater accuracy is desired, add additional parts but
not more than the maximum enhanceable quantity. P116 Filter:
As soon as motion ceases, the 570 indicator will The filter selection can be very instrumental in
recalculate the piece weight and then briefly display the optimizing the accuracy of the piece weight calculation.
new maximum number of pieces which can be added and GSE recommends a filter setting of 4 seconds. While
still accurately enhance the piece weight. this will increase the time required to sample and count
Repeat as many times as desired. parts, a significant increase in piece weight accuracy will
be achieved. If the environment has more than average
Add the additional parts to be counted. vibration an ever higher setting may be beneficial.

Method 3: Counting the total number of parts on One of the AUTO-FILTER selections may prove to be
hand with a known container weight the best choice. This filter provides very extensive
averaging while the applied weight is stable yet responds
Place the full container of parts on the weigh platform. more quickly than a standard slow response filter when a
significant change in weight occurs. The auto-filter
Press <SAMPLE>. The 570 indicator tares the selections are choices numbered 21 through 33 with

82 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 6 Counting Mode


selection #30 being a 4 second response auto-filter.

P119 Linearization: The <SELECT> key will advance the 570's mode to the
For optimum sampling results, it is strongly next mode as programmed in setup mode P300 thru
recommended that a multipoint linearization calibration P309. Alternatively, keying a mode number then
be performed on your scale. The smallest calibration pressing <SELECT> will change the 570's current mode
weight should be near 0.1% of capacity. Subsequent to be the mode whose number was keyed in.
calibration weights will be dependent upon your <ID>
platform's performance and should be based upon the
occurrence of a difference between the displayed and The <ID> key will perform as it does in most other
applied weight. weigh modes, depending on the selection for setup
parameter P720. Refer to Chapter 14 for standard ID
P160 Model: operation, Chapter 17 for Truck In/Out Weighing, and
The "570" model must be selected in order for the Section 20 for database
counting capabilities to be operational and for the
<SAMPLE> and <PRINT> keys to perform as labeled! <SAMPLE>
The <SAMPLE> key is used to calculate a piece weight
P162 Negative Tare: based on a sample of parts to be counted.
Set this selection for "enabled". This will allow a tare to
be performed even if the gross weight is slightly less <TARE>
than zero. This may occur if a container is not used. The <TARE> key can be used to perform auto-tare or
keyboard tare operations. When a new tare is stored, if
P163 Tare Rounding: the current mode is the QUANTITY mode, the current
Disable the tare rounding selection. If tare rounding mode will remain the quantity mode. If the current mode
were enabled it would prevent the 570 from determining is any other counting mode, the mode will change to the
the precise weight before the sample parts were added, net mode. This operation is the same as most other
resulting in a possible source of error in the piece weight weigh modes.
This key is used for two purposes. First to cause a
6.2 Front Panel Key Operation transmit of data out the 570's serial port(s) and second, to
(Counting Related) initialize the accumulate total to some value.
If an entry has been keyed in, the 570 will prompt "MOD
All of the Model 570 front panel keys operate normally Ac?" briefly and then "ENTER = MOD!". Press the
for weighing modes. The Model 570 keys which change <ENTER> key to store the entered number as the new
function during counting related modes are listed below: quantity total. Or press any other key to prevent
changing the current quantity total value.
<ZERO> If this key is pressed without an entry, the custom
This key will zero the indicator, and establish the current transmit setups (if any) will be transmitted.
signal from the weighing platform as a gross weight of <CLR>
zero. When the <ZERO> is executed from the quantity
(Qty) mode, the 570 Indicator will remain in the quantity The <CLR> key will cause the prompt "CLEAR ACs?"
mode and any existing tare weight will be cleared. If the followed by "ENTER = CLR!". Pressing <ENTER>
<ZERO> is executed from any of the other counting will clear all the accumulate totals (gross, net, and qty) to
modes, the current mode will be changed to the GROSS zero. Pressing any other key will abort the clearing of
mode. the totals.

The only counting modes for which the <UNITS> key is 6.3 Parts Counting Parameter Setup
defined are the piece weight modes, APW and APW*K. (Model 570 only)
During these two modes the <UNITS> key will toggle
the units through the units as selected in setup modes
P151 through P154. In the other counting modes the P180 ASmpl
<UNITS> key is ignored. Auto Sample Accept: This parameter affects the

GSE Scale Systems - 83

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

sampling process. If set for "off", the <ENTER> key motion.

must be pressed after the sample is placed on the
platform. However, when P180 is set to "on", the P185 ErFac
Indicator will automatically accept the applied weight as Accuracy Error Factor: This parameter should normally
the requested sample size. The criteria for weight be set to 1. However this is intended to allow GSE's
acceptance is that motion occur and the weight is not at a dealers to adjust the 570 accuracy calculations to
center of zero condition. compensate for less than ideal environment conditions.
Conditions such as air currents, widely varying
P181 AEnhn temperature conditions, poor load cell performance, and
Auto-Enhance: Setting this parameter to "off" prevents significant vibrations due to heavy machinery operating
the auto-enhance feature from operating. The nearby or poor support conditions can increase the
"on"selection allows the Indicator to auto-enhance the sampling error of the 570. For example, entering a value
piece weight whenever the necessary criteria are met. of 2 would reduce the claimed accuracy of the 570
indicator in half for a given sample weight. The entered
P182 SmpSz value may be between 0.1 and 20. Numbers less than
one will increase the calculated accuracy of the indicator.
Default Sample Size: This parameter specifies the Since the indicator's decision as to when it can and
sample amount which the operator is prompted to add cannot enhance is based upon the it's calculated
after the <SAMPLE> key is pressed. Any whole accuracy, the value entered here will affect the maximum
number between 1 and 9999 may be entered here. 10 is number of pieces which may be added and still allow the
the factory default. enhancement to take place.

NOTE: P186 PreSm

Pre-Sample: This parameter permits 5 choices; none,
The following range of parameters P180 thru P187 scale 1, scale 2, scale 3 and scale 4. If the parameter is
only apply to the Model 570 Weighing and Counting set to a particular scale number, if the operator presses
Indicator the <SAMPLE> key, the indicator will switch to Scale
1, 2, 3 or 4. If "none" has been selected, the indicator will
remain on the presently selected scale.
P183 %Accy
Required Piece Weight Accuracy for Sample P187 AftSm
Acceptance: The value entered here specifies minimum
piece weight accuracy which must be achieved in order MODE # DESCRIPTION
for a sample to be accepted. If an applied sample weight
is insufficient to achieve the accuracy specified, the 30 Quantity
operator will be prompted to add a specific number of 31 Quantity Total
parts in order to achieve that accuracy. The choices
available are no minimum accuracy required (displayed
as "none") or 90.0% to 99.96%, in 0.04% increments. 32 Quantity Total Plus Current
Key in the desired percentage then <ENTER>. Entries
will be rounded down to the next lower available 33 Quantity Total Minus Current
accuracy increment. Enter [0] for no accuracy
requirement. This results in a minimum sample weight 34 Piece Weight
of slightly greater than the zero-track aperture, P112.
Press <ENTER> to cycle through the available choices 35 Piece Weight x 1000
starting at the previously selected choice.
36 Percentage Accuracy Achieved
P184 AcDsp
Accuracy Displayed: With this parameter set for "on", 37 Last Sampled Amount
the accuracy of the current piece weight is shown on the
display, above the "Qty" indication, whenever the weight
is not in motion. For example, after performing a sample
operation the Indicator might show " 10. 98.3% Qty". Table 5, Counting Modes
If this parameter is selected as "off" then the top line of
the alpha numeric display will only be used to indicate

84 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 6 Counting Mode


After Sample: This parameter permits 5 choices; none, (parameter 32) will yield a quantity of 113.
scale 1, scale 2, scale 3 and scale 4. If the parameter is
set to a particular scale number, after a sample is
completed, the indicator will switch to Scale 1, 2, 3 or 4. 33 QUANTITY TOTAL - CURRENT
If "none" has been selected, the indicator will remain on
the presently selected scale. This parameter holds the accumulated quantity minus the
currently displayed quantity. For example if the quantity
P188 - P191 ResX total register (parameter 31) holds a value of 200 and 10
These parameters will allow for entering a value that will more parts were added to the scale, then this register
represent the resolution size for determining the (parameter 33) will yield a quantity of 190.
displayed quantity. The ‘X’ denotes scale 1 thru 4. Each
scale’s resolution can be set individually.

6.4 COUNTING MODE LISTING This register holds the value of the average piece weight
established after a sample routine.
The <SELECT> key will advance the 570's mode to the
next mode as programmed in the setup mode P300 -
P309. Alternatively, keying a mode number then 35 PIECE WEIGHT x 1000
pressing <SELECT> will change the 570's current mode
to be the mode whose number was keyed in. The This register holds the value of the average piece weight
following eight modes are Model 570 counting related. times 1000. This value is calculated after the piece
See table 5. weight value is established.


The current net weight is divided by the current piece This register contains the percentage of accuracy
weight, resulting in the current quantity. This value may achieved after a sample routine. Refer to table 4 to
not be entered. determine the percentage of full scale weight that must
be added to the platform to achieve the desired accuracy

This mode displays the current total accumulated 37 LAST SAMPLED AMOUNT
quantity. The value displayed is the result of previous
additions of the displayed quantity to the previous total This register holds the quantity of the last sample size
quantity. used during a sampling routine. An example might be
10 pieces. The factory uses 10 as a default sample size.
It operates the same as mode 3, the gross total mode.
The largest value that can be displayed is 999,999. If a
larger value is achieved, the display will read "Code04
#> Dsply". However the stored total is still active and
accumulates may continue to occur. These larger values
may be printed without any problem. If the value
exceeds 3,000,000 internal rounding will be performed.
Theoretically this value is 16,777,216.


This parameter holds the accumulated quantity plus the

currently displayed quantity. For example if the quantity
total register (parameter 31) holds a value of 100 and 13
more parts were added to the scale, then this register

GSE Scale Systems - 85

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

86 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 7 Calibration Mode


This is one of five selections. Press

Chapter 7 <SELECT> to scroll through each of the five
Calibration Mode selections. All five calibration selections are
stated below. Press <ENTER> when viewing
the desired selection. If load cell linearization
7.1 Introduction is enabled (P119-scl#1, P129-scl#2, P139-scl#3
and P149-scl#4) the calibration modes
This chapter includes methods of calibration for previous accessible are identified by an asterisk (*).
software versions as well as the later calibration
methods. The earlier methods of calibration will be a) "New Zero?" *
called out in their respective section’s heading ie. b) "Last Zero?"
(earlier versions). These section’s method of operations c) "Temp Zero?"
are not valid on later software versions. d) "Only Zero?" *
e) “Cal Reset” *

Each of the calibration methods are explained in more

7.2 Calibration Mode detail below.
1. The Calibration Mode can be entered in one of
two ways: a) New Zero?:
A. From the Weigh Mode by pressing: New calibration (Establishing the first or a new
1 0 0 <SELECT> 2 3 6 4 0 <ID> calibration)
The system will display the dead load (which
Proceed to make the necessary parameter may not be in precise units) that is present on
adjustments in P110 through P119 for scale #1, the scale. The system is assuming a "NO
then press <ZERO>. (Parameters 120 thru LOAD" condition. At this point the unit
129 setup scale #2, parameters 130 thru 139 requests that you remove any extraneous load.
setup scale #3 and parameters 140 thru 149 Do so, then press <ENTER>. After
setup scale#4. <ENTER> is pressed a new zero is
established and this is reflected on the main
B. From the Setup Mode by pressing display along with the following prompt:
"Adj'g Zero"
2. The system will prompt you to calibrate the
unit by displaying ENTER =CAL! Press Immediately followed by the following prompt.

NOTE: Keyin CalWt

Pressing the <CLR> key at any point in the
calibration routine will back you up one step. The system is waiting for the actual
calibration value to be entered as it prompts
"KeyIn CalWT". At this point you can place
<ENTER> to proceed. If multiple scales are the calibration weight on the platform, key in
enabled, the unit will prompt, Keyin Scl #. the weight value and then press <ENTER>.
Key in the scale number and press <ENTER>.
Pressing <CLR> at the ENTER = CAL!
prompt will let you exit the Setup Mode NOTE:
without calibration. If you key in a cal weight and press <ENTER>
without adding any weight since the last
3. When the calibration mode is entered, the calibration weight, the indicator will prompt you
following message is displayed: to Add CalWT. Add the weight and press
"New Zero?"

GSE Scale Systems - 87

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Entering Numeric Values: local weights and measures regulations.

Where appropriate, numeric values may be entered using b) The unit is zeroed with a press of the <ZERO>
the numeric keypad. key.

If an error is made in entry, the <CLR> key will clear c) The necessary load is applied to verify
the entry from the entry buffer (on display) before the accuracy.
<ENTER> key is pressed.
d) The weight indication is found to be out of
The system will perform the calibration, display the tolerance.
value of the calibration weight and prompt you by
displaying CAL OK? At this point, the accuracy of the e) The calibration mode is accessed, either using
calibration can be checked by weight without leaving the the method described above for Quick Cal or by
Calibration Mode. the normal method. Note that the calibration
weight is still applied!
If the calibration was accurate, press <ENTER>.
f) At the "Last Zero?" prompt, the <ENTER> key
The system will prompt you to save the new calibration is pressed.
plus any other changes that were made. Press
<ENTER> to save and then <ENTER> to exit. g) The instrument briefly displays the message:
"Using Last0", followed by the usual: "Units =
If the calibration is not accurate, press <CLR>. xx" indicating the proper units for the keying
The system will return to the New Zero? prompt. in of the calibration weight. The unit is
Proceed as described in step 3 of this section. using the zero established with the last use of
the <ZERO> key during the weigh mode as the
NOTE: new calibration zero.
If the calibration weight was less than 5% of capacity or
if there was a large change in the calibration, the system h) Next the display prompts: "Keyin CalWt".
will prompt you with the message ReCal Req'd. Press
<ENTER> and you will be returned to step 3 of this i) The operator keys in the currently applied
procedure, or press <CLR> to obtain the CAL OK? weight, such as 50000 <ENTER>. The
prompt as described above and override the re-calibration unit then adjusts the calibration parameters to
requirement. However, we recommend you perform a re- bring the system into calibration.
calibration in order to avoid any serious inaccuracy.
j) Next the display prompts "Cal OK?". The
weight may then be removed and if necessary
b) "Last Zero?": re-applied to assure the inspector that the
calibration has properly adjusted.
Re-Cal (with cal weight already applied)

This capability allows a re-calibration to be performed k) Once the inspector is satisfied with the
without removing the applied weight, if, during a calibration press the <ENTER> key to save the
calibration check, the calibration is found to be out of calibration.
tolerance. This is especially beneficial when the unit is
used with large capacity applications such as tank l) Next the usual prompt "Save Mods?" followed
weighing (remote platforms). shortly by "Enter = Save" is displayed. Press
<ENTER> to save the new calibration factors.
This operation is achieved by pressing the <ENTER>
key at the "Last Zero?" prompt during the calibration m) The next prompt, "Enter = Exit" is similarly
procedure. responded to by the <ENTER> key and the
unit returns to the weigh mode.
The scenario where this feature would be used is as
c) "Temp Zero?":
a) A scale is to be checked for compliance with

88 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 7 Calibration Mode

Re-Cal (without establishing new zero)

In some applications it is desirable to perform a
calibration without removing the currently applied load. and then repeat steps (b) through (g).
This is particularly useful in tank weighing applications
where it might be a particularly time consuming and h) To save the newly determined calibration
costly ordeal to completely drain the tank being weighed. weight, at the "Enter = Save" prompt, press:

Pressing the <ENTER> key at the "Temp Zero?" prompt <ENTER>

during the calibration procedure causes the unit to
temporarily zero the displayed weight so that additional i) Then to return to the weighing modes, at the
weight may be added to assure the calibration of the "ENTER = EXIT" prompt, press:
system. The zero determined during the previous
calibration is not affected. <ENTER>

For example, with a tank containing an unknown amount and the unit will return to the weigh mode.
of material (remote scale):

a) Access the calibration mode, ie: d) "Only Zero?"

From the Weigh Mode by pressing: (Calibration Re-zeroing:)

1 0 0 <SELECT> 2 3 6 4 0 <ID>
<ENTER> If it is desired to only re-establish the calibration zero of
the unit without affecting the established gain, this may
Note: Accessing the calibration mode with a remote be done during the calibration process by pressing the
keyboard: <ENTER> key at the "Only Zero?" prompt. After doing
so, the display will flash the calibration units message
100 <SELECT> and then "Adj Zero!" for one second. Then the display
54321 <ID> <ENTER> will advance to the "Cal OK?" prompt.

b) Toggle to the “Temp Zero?” routine with the This may be useful in tank weighing applications where
<SELECT> key. the re-zero parameter (P118) is set very low in order to
prevent inadvertent re-zeroing. A build-up of sludge
c) At the "Temp Zero?" prompt press: may be zeroed out in this manner.

<ENTER> For example, with the connected scale platform cleared

of any extra weight:
The displayed value is zeroed out.
a) Access the calibration mode, ie:
d) Apply the calibration weight to the tank.
From the Weigh Mode by pressing:
e) Key in the value of the calibration weight: 1 0 0 <SELECT> 2 3 6 4 0 <ID>
Note: Accessing the calibration mode with a remote
f) The numeric display should show the keyboard:
entered value.
100 <SELECT>
g) Remove the calibration weight from the tank. 54321 <ID> <ENTER>
The display should return to zero. If the
display reads as specified, at the "Cal OK?" b) Toggle to the “Only Zero?” routine with the
prompt press: <SELECT> key.

<ENTER> c) At the "Only Zero?" prompt press:

Otherwise, to repeat the calibration process, press

GSE Scale Systems - 89

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

<ENTER> re-calibration in order to avoid any serious inaccuracy.

The displayed value is zeroed out.

e) "Cal Reset"

The display will briefly flash: "Adj Zero!" and then: The “Cal Reset” adjusts the zero and gain factors of the
"CAL OK?" amplifier on the A/D. The parameters being adjusted are
listed below.
Press <ENTER> to accept the newly established zero or
<CLR> to re-do the calibration. Following the P61100 DAC
proceeding prompts to exit and save all changes. P61102 Cal Factr
P61105 CalZr Cnts
The unit's calibration zero is now set to establish the
platform's gross zero at the current input signal from When reset, these parameters are ajusted to the lowest
your scale platform. possible values. Refer to the chapter on Information
Parameters for a more detailed explanation on the gain
If the keyed in weight exceeds Full Scale by +4% or falls Normally a Cal Reset is performed if the amplifier is
below 0.1% of Full Scale, an error message will be locked in at extremely high gain factors and will not
displayed. If you forgot to add the calibration weight allow a new calibration to be performed. If an over or
before pressing <ENTER>, the unit will prompt you to under load condition exists while in the Cal mode, press
do so. In this case, place the calibration weight on the <CLR> to perform a Cal Reset. This has the same effect
scale and press <ENTER>. as pressing the <ENTER> key at the Cal Reset prompt.
After a Cal Reset is performed, the unit goes back to the
If an overload exists or the previously set instrument gain “New Zero?” prompt. The <SELECT> key will toggle
is too high, the indicator will display an overload to the desired calibration routine.
message. In this case, press <CLR> and the unit will
reduce the current instrument gain and return you to step After performing a Cal Reset, a re-calibration should be
2 so you can re-start the calibration. performed before exiting the calibration or setup modes.
The reset will not be saved unless a re-cal is performed
The system will perform the calibration, display the and changes are saved.
value of the calibration weight and prompt you by
displaying CAL OK? At this point, the accuracy of the
calibration can be checked by weight without leaving the 7.3 Calibration Mode (earlier versions)
Calibration Mode.
1. The Calibration Mode can be entered in one of
If the calibration was accurate, press <ENTER>. two ways:

The system will prompt you to save the new calibration A. From the Weigh Mode by pressing:
plus any other changes that were made. Press <ENTER> 1 0 0 <SELECT> 2 3 6 4 0 <ID>
to save and then <ENTER> to exit. <ENTER> <ZERO>

If the calibration is not accurate, press <CLR>. NOTE:

The system will return to the New Zero? prompt.
Proceed as described in step 3 of this section. A calibration reset is performed if the amplifier is
locked in at extremely high gain factors and will not
NOTE: allow a new calibration to be performed.
If the calibration weight was less than 5% of capacity or
if there was a large change in the calibration, the
indicator will prompt you with the message ReCal
Req'd. Press <ENTER> and you will be returned to B. From the Setup Mode by pressing
step 3 of this procedure, or press <CLR> to obtain the <ZERO>.
CAL OK? prompt and override the re-calibration
requirement. However, we recommend you perform a 2. The indicator will prompt you to calibrate the

90 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 7 Calibration Mode

meter by displaying ENTER =CAL! Press Req'd. Press <ENTER>and you will be returned to step
<ENTER> to proceed. Pressing <CLR> will 2 of this procedure, or press <CLR> to obtain the CAL
let you exit the Setup Mode without calibration. OK? prompt as described in step 5 and override the re-
calibration requirement. However, we recommend you
3. The indicator will display the dead load (which perform a re-calibration in order to avoid any serious
may not be in precise units) that is present on inaccuracy.
the scale and prompt you by displaying NO
LOAD? This requests that you remove any CALIBRATION RE-ZEROING UPDATE
extraneous load. Do so, then press <ENTER>.
Beginning with Indicator firmware 450550-01003, date
4. The indicator will zero the display and prompt code April 02, 1992 and later, an alternative has been
you by displaying KeyIn CalWt . At this point added to the calibration process. If it is desired to only
you can place the calibration weight on the re-zero the indicator, this may be done by pressing the
platform, key in the weight value and then <SELECT> key at the No Load? prompt. After
press <ENTER>. pressing <SELECT>, the display will flash the
calibration units message and then New Zero! for one
NOTE: second. Then the display will advance to the Cal OK?
If the keyed in weight exceeds Full Scale by +4% or falls prompt.
below 0.1% of Full Scale, an error message will be
displayed. If you forgot to add the calibration weight This is useful in tank weighing applications where the re-
before pressing <ENTER>, the indicator will prompt zero parameter P118 is set very low in order to prevent
you to do so. In this case, place the calibration weight on inadvertent re-zeroing. A build-up of sludge may be
the scale and press <ENTER>. zeroed out in this manner.
7.4 Multi-Point Linearization
If an overload exists or the previously set instrument gain
is too high, the indicator will display an overload If the load cell signal input to the 550 has good
message. In this case, press <CLR> and the indicator repeatability and stability, then using multi-point
will reduce the current instrument gain and return you to linearization during calibration may significantly
step 2 so you can re-start the calibration. improve the ultimate accuracy of the data displayed by
the 550. Setup Mode parameter P119 enables or disables
5. The indicator will perform the calibration, this feature. Initially, the same basic procedures as a
display the value of the calibration weight and normal calibration are used to perform a multi-point
prompt you by displaying CAL OK? At this linearization. All of the prompts provided will be
point, the accuracy of the calibration can be exactly the same up to the CAL OK? prompt (steps 1-3a
checked by weight without leaving the thru 3e described in previous sections of this chapter)
Calibration Mode.
At this point, the system will prompt you with Keyin Pnt
A. If the calibration was accurate, press 2 which will instruct you to key in the second calibration
<ENTER>. point. Simply add the weight which you want to use for
the next calibration point, then key in the total applied
The indicator will prompt you to save weight and press <ENTER>. You may wish to add
the new calibration plus any other weight until the displayed weight differs from the actual
changes that were made. Press applied weight and then perform the next calibration at
<ENTER> to save and then that point.
<ENTER> to exit.
Up to five calibration points may be established using
B. If the calibration is not accurate, press <CLR>. this procedure. However if fewer calibration points are
The indicator will return to the NO LOAD? required, simply press <ENTER> without entering a
prompt. Proceed as described in step 3 of this value at the Keyin PntX prompt. Refer to figure 11 for a
section. 5 point calibration example. The values demonstrated
here are keyed in at each successive calibration point.
If the calibration weight was less than 5% of capacity or If items are consistantly being weighed on either the high
if there was a large change in the calibration, the or low end of the cell capacity, the points of calibration
indicator will prompt you with the message ReCal can be skewed to either end of the spectrum.

GSE Scale Systems - 91

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Maximum capacity of cell is 200 lbs. in this example.
If Multi-Point Linearization is enabled (P119), the ten
Parameters P61110 thru P61119 show the calibration
weights used and the resulting calculated factors.
Otherwise the message Not Used is displayed. Refer to
Chapter 28 for functional details on Parameters P119 and
P61110 thru P61119.
Point #5, 200 lbs.

Point #4, 150 lbs.


When you enable Multi-Point Linearization, the indicator

Point #3, 100 lbs.
reserves 41 bytes of storage space. If less than 5
calibration points are used, then the unused storage
Point #2, 50 lbs.
memory (8 bytes per unused point) is made available for
other features after the calibration is performed.

Point #1, 10 lbs.

7.5 Quick Calibration
No Load or New Zero?, 0 lbs.
Quick Cal Introduction

Another variation of the calibration process is the Quick

Calibration mode procedure. This calibration method
Figure 11 Five Point Linearization Graph
allows a user to perform a calibration without getting
into the setup parameters. Calibrated weights are
Multi-point linearization can compensate for a cell being required.
non-linear. Refer to Figure 12.

After the last point is established, the system will prompt Quick Cal Commands
with CAL OK?. Press the <ENTER> key to accept the
calibration or press <CLR> to backup and redo the last In order to provide a somewhat faster method of
point as described below. accessing the calibration mode of the unit, an alternate
method is available. From the weigh modes, follow
If you make a mistake at any point in the linearization these steps:
process, simply press the <CLR> key. The system will
backup one step in the procedure to the previous
linearization point.
100 <SELECT>
After the linearization has been completed, the changes
must be saved by pressing <ENTER> at the ENTER = 54321 <ID> <ENTER>
SAVE prompt. Otherwise the previous calibration data
will remain in effect. The display will briefly read: "Quick Cal!" and then the
standard prompt, "New Zero?" will appear. At this point
the calibration process may proceed as normal. Press
EXAMINING CALIBRATION RESULTS <SELECT> to toggle through the calibration selection
types. Press <ENTER> when viewing the desired
Information Mode parameters P61110 through P61119 selection. Refer to the first part of this chapter for a
may be used to review the data established during the detailed explanation of each selection. If load cell
multi-point linearization. For each point, you may linearization is enabled (P119-scl#1, P129-scl#2 and
review the calibration weight and the established P139-scl#3) the calibration modes accessible are
linearization factor. identified by an asterisk (*).

92 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 7 Calibration Mode

c) "Temp Zero?"
Maximum capacity of cell is 200 lbs. in this example. d) "Only Zero?" *
e) “Cal Reset” *

Refer to the first part of this chapter for a detailed

explanation of each selection.

Point #5, 200 lbs. Another variation of the calibration process is the
Point #4, 180 lbs. linearization procedure. Linearization can be quite
Point #3, 160 lbs. useful in improving the absolute accuracy of larger
Point #2, 140 lbs. capacity systems which often exhibit poor linearity. This
feature is documented elsewhere.

7.6 Quick Calibration (earlier versions)

Quick Cal Introduction
Point #1, 10 lbs.
In order to round out the 550's capabilities, a few
No Load or New Zero?, 0 lbs. variations to the calibration process have been made
available. For the standard calibration operation, the
<ZERO> key is pressed at the "No Load" prompt.
These alternate calibration methods are implemented by
pressing one of the other front panel keys at the "No
Figure 12 Five Point Linearization Graph (high end)
Load" prompt, as described below.

Another variation of the calibration process is the

a) "New Zero?" * linearization procedure. Linearization can be quite
b) "Last Zero?" useful in improving the absolute accuracy of larger
c) "Temp Zero?" capacity systems which often exhibit poor linearity. This
d) "Only Zero?" * feature is documented elsewhere.
e) “Cal Reset” *

Quick Cal Commands

Other Quick Cal methods
In order to provide a somewhat faster method of
In order to provide a somewhat faster method of accessing the calibration mode of the 550 indicator, an
accessing the calibration mode of the unit, an alternate alternate method is available. From the weigh modes,
method is available. From the weigh modes, the follow these steps:
following data stream should be received through the
COMM port:
100 <SELECT>

100%s54321%i%e 54321 <ID><ENTER>

The display will briefly read: "Quick Cal!" and then the The display will briefly read:"Quick Cal!" and then the
following selections will appear, starting with "New standard prompt, "NO Load?" will appear. At this point
Zero?". If load cell linearization is enabled (P119-scl#1, the calibration process may proceed as normal.
P129-scl#2 and P139-scl#3) the calibration modes
accessible are identified by an asterisk (*).
Re-Cal (with cal weight already applied)
a) "New Zero?" *
b) "Last Zero?" This capability allows a re-calibration to be performed

GSE Scale Systems - 93

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

without removing the applied weight, if, during a l) Next the usual prompt "Save Mods?" followed
calibration check, the calibration is found to be out of shortly by "Enter = Save" is displayed. Press
tolerance. This is especially beneficial when the 550 is <Enter> to save the new calibration factors.
used with large capacity platforms such as truck scales.
This operation is achieved by pressing the <Zero> key m) The next prompt, "Enter = Exit" is similarly
(instead of the <Enter> key) at the "No Load?" prompt responded to by the <Enter> key and the
during the calibration procedure. indicator returns to the weigh mode.

The scenario where this feature would be used is as

follows: Re-Cal (without establishing new zero)

a) A scale is to be checked for compliance with In some applications it is desirable to perform a

local weights and measures regulations. calibration without removing the currently applied load.
This is particularly useful in tank weighing applications
b) The 550 indicator is zeroed with a press of the where it might be a particularly time consuming and
<Zero> key. costly ordeal to completely drain the tank being weighed.

c) The necessary load is applied to verify Pressing the <Tare> key at the "No Load?" prompt
accuracy. during the calibration procedure causes the indicator to
temporarily zero the displayed weight so that additional
d) The weight indication is found to be out of weight may be added to assure the calibration of the
tolerance. indicator. The zero determined during the previous
calibration is not affected.
e) The calibration mode is accessed, either using
the method described above for Quick Cal or by For example, with a tank containing an unknown amount
the normal method. Note that the calibration of material:
weight is still applied!
a) Access the calibration mode, ie:
f) At the "No Load?" prompt, the <Zero> key is
pressed. 100<SELECT>

g) The instrument briefly displays the message: 54321 <ID><ENTER>

"Using Last0", followed by the usual: "Units =
xx" indicating the proper units for the keying b) At the "No Load?" prompt press
in of the calibration weight. The indicator is
using the zero established with the last use of <Tare>
the <Zero> key during the weigh mode as the
new calibration zero. The displayed value is zeroed out.

h) Next the display prompts: "Keyin CalWt". c) Apply the calibration weight to the tank.

i) The operator keys in the currently applied d) Key in the value of the calibration weight:
weight, such as 50000 <Enter>. The indicator
then adjusts the calibration parameters to 1000<Enter>
bring the system into calibration.
e) The numeric display should show the
j) Next the display prompts "Cal OK?". The entered value.
weight may then be removed and if necessary
re-applied to assure the inspector that the f) Remove the calibration weight from the tank.
calibration has properly adjusted. The display should return to zero. If the
display reads as specified, at the "Cal OK?"
k) Once the inspector is satisfied with the prompt press:
calibration press the <Enter> key to save the
calibration. <Enter>

94 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 7 Calibration Mode

Otherwise, to repeat the calibration process, press platform's gross zero at the current input signal from
your scale platform.

and then repeat steps (b) through (f). 7.7 Quick Calibration Personal Access
g) To save the newly determined calibration Code
weight, at the "Enter = Save" prompt, press:
P401— QCAL
The Model 550 offers the ability to personalize the
h) Then to return to the weighing modes, at the access code for entering the Quick Calibration mode.
"ENTER = EXIT" prompt, press: The factory default method for entering the Quick Cal
mode is listed below.

and the indicator will return to the weigh mode. From the Weigh Mode press:
1 0 0 <SELECT> 54321 <ID> <ENTER>

4) Calibration Re-zeroing:
The display will briefly read: "Quick Cal!" and then the
If it is desired to only re-establish the calibration zero of following selections will appear, starting with "New
the indicator without affecting the established gain, this Zero?". If load cell linearization is enabled (P119-scl#1,
may be done during the calibration process by pressing P129-scl#2, P139-scl#3 and P149-scl#4) the calibration
the <SELECT> key at the "No Load?" prompt. After modes accessible are identified by an asterisk (*).
doing so, the display will flash the calibration units
message and then "New Zero!" for one second. Then the
display will advance to the "Cal OK?" prompt. a) "New Zero?" *
b) "Last Zero?"
This may be useful in tank weighing applications where c) "Temp Zero?"
the re-zero parameter (P118) is set very low in order to d) "Only Zero?" *
prevent inadvertent re-zeroing. A build-up of sludge e) “Cal Reset” *
may be zeroed out in this manner.

For example, with the connected scale platform cleared Parameter P401 allows a new code to be entered for
of any extra weight: gaining access to the Quick Cal mode. The ARROW
keys allow for entering in the new code. This code can
a) Access the calibration mode, ie: be alpha-numeric and up to 49 characters in length.

100 <SELECT> Pressing the <UNITS> key will scroll through the
numeric values. The <TARE> key will move to the
54321 <ID><ENTER> next digit. The <ENTER> key will enter your keyed in
digits as the new Quick Cal access code.
b) At the "No Load?" prompt press
If an alpha-numeric code is necessary, press the
<SELECT> <TARE> key before any other keys. This will put the
unit in the alpha-numeric entry mode. The letter “A”
The display will briefly flash: "Units = xx"followed will appear at the start of each character entry. The
by:"New Zero!" and then: <UNITS> key will scroll through the ASCII character
"CAL OK?" set. The <TARE> key will move to the next character.
The <ENTER> key will enter your keyed in characters
Press <ENTER> to accept the newly established zero or as the new Quick Cal access code.
<CLR> to re-do the calibration.
The <ID> key will return to the previous character entry.
The indicator's calibration zero is now set to establish the The <PRINT> key will scroll through the full ASCII

GSE Scale Systems - 95

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

character set in reverse. Holding this key down will

scroll through the ASCII set very quickly. Pressing the
key momentarily will step to the previous character. If
by accident the character of choice is passed up, pressing
the <PRINT> key will allow the operator to return to
any previous characters without having to scroll forward
through the complete set again.

Exiting the unit while saving all changes will validate the
new Quick Cal code.

To enter the Quick Cal mode after a new code is entered,

press the following keys.

From the Weigh Mode press:

1 0 0 <SELECT> <Personalized Code> <ID>



The Quick Cal access code only allows access to the

Quick Cal mode. It does not lock out access to the setup
mode or the standard calibration mode. Refer to
Parameter P400 for locking out these modes (Refer to the
chapter on Personal Identification Numbers). This
means that parameter P401 can be accessed and changed
by non-authorized parties if parameter P400 is not

If for any reason the Quick Cal access code is to be

changed, press the following key combination at
parameter P401.

401 <SELECT> <23640> <ID> <ENTER>


Press the <ENTER> key and the GSE factory default

code will be reinstated.

96 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 8 Accumulation Mode


Accumulation Mode, press the <.> key to add or

Chapter 8 subtract the displayed total. Accumulate operations are
Accumulation Mode motion delayed. If motion is occurring when an
accumulation is requested, the Mot'n Delay prompt is
displayed until motion ceases. During this time, press
8.1 Parameter Setup <CLR> to abort the accumulation. There are six
Accumulation Modes with corresponding Mode
P164.XX AcRTZ Numbers as shown in Table 6. The order of appearance
of these modes can be assigned when setting up
This parameter determines the minimum weight (in parameters P300 - P309. Refer to the section on
terms of Full Scale established by P110) that the Gross Operation Modes. The modes which show the Total plus
Weight must fall below after an Accumulation before or minus the Current Weight can let you see how the
the next Accumulation can take place. This can be used current total would be affected if the current weight were
to prevent unintended multiple Accumulations. The added in or subtracted out. This can be used in an
selections range from 0.01% to 100%. application permitting filling to total target weight.

P165.XX AcFnc When an Accumulation is made, both the Gross and Net
totals are affected. The unit may be set up to add or
This parameter allows additions, subtractions or both subtract from the accumulated totals, or to perform both
when Accumulation Mode 03 (GrTot) or Accumulation operations (P165). If set up for both, the unit will ask
Mode 06 (NtTot) is selected during operation. If you you which operation you wish to perform before
designate both, the unit will ask the operator which completing the Accumulation. You will then press
operation is to be performed before each accumulation <SELECT> to subtract or <ENTER> to add.
within these two modes.
While Modes 04 or 07 are selected only additions are
possible; While Modes 05 or 08 are selected, only
subtractions are possible. Normally, the four accumulate
8.2 Accumulation (Memory Modes) modes which include the current weight (Modes 04, 05,
Operations 07 and 08) actively change as the applied load varies.
However, after an accumulation occurs, these values are
The unit contains a series of memory registers into which frozen at their new accumulate total values until the
weighing data may be accumulated. The way Gross Weight again falls below the value set by
accumulations operate depends on selections made parameter P164. At that time, these values again resume
during the Setup Mode. their active state.

P165.XX AcFnc
This parameter permits the unit to perform additions, TOTALS
subtractions or both when Accumulation Mode 03
(GrTot) or Accumulation Mode 06 (NtTot) is selected The Accumulation Registers may be reset to a new
during operation.
If you designate both, the unit will request which
operation you wish to perform before each accumulation Gross Total 03
within these two modes. Gross Total Plus Current 04
Gross Total Minus Current Wt. 05
8.3 PERFORMING Net Total 06
ACCUMULATIONS Net Total Plus Current Weight 07

First, enter the desired Accumulation Mode either by Net Total Minus Current 08
pressing the <SELECT> key until one of the
Accumulation Modes appears on the display, or by
entering an Accumulation Mode number shown in Table
Table 6 Accumulation Mode Numbers
6 and followed by pressing <SELECT>. Once in an

GSE Scale Systems - 97

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)


Automatic accumulations can be accomplished

through the use of setpoints and macros. Refer to
the sections on Setpoints and Macros for an
explanation of these features.

number. This would permit you to enter a total from the

previous day or shift to continue the accumulation, or to
reset the number to 0. Simply enter the desired number
and press <ENTER>. You will then be prompted by a
display of MOD AC? for 1 second followed by ENTER
=MOD. Press <ENTER> to complete the change or any
other key to abort the modification of the accumulation

The <CLR> key may be used to reset both the net and
gross totals to zero. The prompt CLEAR ACS? will
appear briefly followed by ENTER =CLR! Press
<ENTER> to complete the clearing or press any other
key to abort the clear operation.

If parameter P412 is enabled, any parameter that allows
for data to be directly entered, changed, cleared or
recalled into it is flagged with the letter “P” in front of
the parameters name. Refer to chapter 34 Pre-setable
Parameters on Data Registers and ID’s for a listing of
parameters that fall under this category. All
accumulation parameters fall under this category. More
information can be found in the OIML chapter.


A setup parameter (P164) can help to prevent accidental
double accumulations. This parameter lets you choose a
percent of capacity that the gross weight must fall below
before a second accumulation can take place.

If an accumulate is attempted without first removing the

last accumulated weight, the message CLEAR WGHT!
is displayed briefly and the operation is aborted.

98 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 9 Units


Chapter 9 Units This parameter specifies the third weighing units

selectable with the <UNITS> key during operation. The
choices here are the same as parameter P152.
9.1 Units Parameter Setup
This parameter specifies the fourth weighing units
This parameter specifies the weighing units which are selectable with the <UNITS> key during operation. The
used to calibrate the unit. These include pounds, choices are the same as parameter P152.
kilograms, ounces, grams, ft-lb and newton-meters (for
torque measurement), and the Custom Units which will P155.- - Ucon1
be defined later in P155 (Custom Units are indicated by
" ????1 " which appear in the lower part of the dot matrix This parameter allows input of a units conversion factor
display). for the first custom weighing units. The Custom Units
feature lets you establish custom units not available from
P151.XX UNIT1 the standard selections, such as tons or troy ounces. The
conversion factor used to convert from the calibration
This parameter specifies the weighing units which will units to the custom units will be entered in parameter
be displayed by the indicator after power-up. These are P155. Simply key in the multiplication factor that will
not necessarily the same as the calibration units set in convert the calibration units (entered in P150) to the
parameter P150 above. The choices here are the same as desired custom units. Refer to Table 7 Conversion
for P150 with the additions of a second Custom Units Factors for a list of conversion factors. For example, if
and lb/oz. Lb/oz will let you display a weight in pounds your calibration units are pounds and you want to use
with any fraction left over displayed in ounces. custom units of troy-ounces, you would enter the
conversion factor of 14.5833 into this parameter (since
P152.XX UNIT2 there are 14.5833 troy-ounces in each pound) and press
This parameter specifies the second weighing units
selectable with the <UNITS> key during operation. The When you enter a conversion factor for custom units, the
choices are the same as parameter P151 with the addition entered value is the ratio of the custom units to the
of "none". The "none" selection will disable the second calibration units. For example, if grams are the
units selection. calibration units and the custom units are troy ounces,
P153.XX UNIT3 then enter 0.0321507 (troy oz./gm). However, if the

Custom Units Pounds Ounces Grams Kilograms Ft-Lb Nm

Pennyweight (dwt) 291.6667 18.22917 0.643051 643.051
Troy Ounce (ozt) 14.5833 0.911458 0.03215072 32.1507
Grain (GN) 7000.0 437.5 15.432436 15432.36
Carat (ct) 2267.57 141.7476 5.0 5000.02
Ton (T) 0.0005
Inch-Ounces (in-oz) 192.0 141.612
Inch-Pounds (in-lb) 12.0 8.85075
Kilogram-Centimeters 13.8255 10.1972
Kilogram-Meters 0.138255 0.101972

Table 7 Conversion Factors

GSE Scale Systems - 99

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

This parameter allows the input of up to five characters
Conversion factors are stored to an accuracy of 1 as the name of the first custom units. To accomplish this,
part in 16,000,000. However, the displayed value the <ID> <TARE> <UNITS> and <PRINT> keys to
will be rounded off to 4 or 5 digits of precision. scroll through the ASCII character set (See Figure 13).
Press the <UNITS> and an upper-case "A" will appear in
the display. Then press either the <UNITS> or
<PRINT> key to cycle through the possible selections of
calibration units are the custom units, then enter the ratio upper-case and lower-case letters, numbers and a set of
of custom units to pounds. For example, if troy ounces is punctuation and other symbols. (See Figure 14). Holding
the calibration units then enter 14.5833 (troy oz./lb.). It the <UNITS> or <PRINT> key down will step you
is not intended that torque units be mixed with force through the choices more quickly. When the desired
units, such as lb-ft with lb. Do not attempt to mix character is shown, press the <TARE> key to move to
different types of units when setting up the indicator. If the next location. You can use the <ID> key to move the
you do, the converted units may be meaningless. cursor location to the left like a backspace key. When
finished, press <ENTER> and your selection will be
P156.- - Ucon2 shown on the display. Then press <SELECT> to
advance to the next parameter. For example, if you are
This parameter allows input of a conversion factor for a weighing in tons you could use the following procedure
second custom weighing unit. The rules for making an once parameter P157 is displayed to enter the correct
entry here are the same as for parameter P155. After name.
keying in the conversion factor press <ENTER>.
1. With the prompt UNAM1 = XXXX in the dot
P157.- - Unam1 matrix display, press <UNITS> to move to the


Figure 13 Keypad Cursor Keys

100 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 9 Units

first character position. An "A" will appear.

2. Press and hold the <UNITS> key and

cycle through the alphabet until the letter "T"
appears. If you go to far, use the <PRINT>
key to back up.

Figure 14 Character Listing

3. Press <TARE> to move to the second character

position. Repeat step 2 to select the letter "O".

4. In a similar fashion repeat these steps until you

have the name "TONS" spelled out.

5. When finished, press <ENTER> to save your

entry. Press <SELECT> to move on to the
next parameter.

P158.- - Unam2

This parameter lets you enter the name of the second

custom units that you may be using. Use the procedure
previously explained for P157 to enter the desired name.

GSE Scale Systems - 101

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

102 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 10 Tare Operations

SECTION - 10.1

Chapter 10
Tare Operations

10.1 Tare Operations Parameter Setup


Determine whether or not you want to save the tare

weight value upon power-down.

This feature will prove to be valuable in applications

such as Tank Weighing. If power is removed from the
meter while the tank contains material, the net value will
not be lost if the unit is set for "Tare Saved".

P162.XX TrNEG Figure 15 Tare Key

Enables bi-directional operation by permitting a negative
tare. This should be used only if required for a specific


This parameter will select whether or not the Tare

Weight will be rounded off for calculations. If the
application must be NIST approved, this must be set to
P163.00 which guarantees that Net + Tare = Gross.

GSE Scale Systems - 103

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

104 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 11 Remote Keys and Local Keypad

SECTION - 11.1

An "extended period of time" for a remote key to be held

Chapter 11 Remote Keys and closed is defined as a period overlapping another key
Local Keypad (front panel or remote key) being pressed while the first
key is still being held closed.

11.1 Remote Key Connections (Invoke REMOTE KEY CABLE RECOMMENDATIONS

Macros) Multi-conductor cable with wires between 28 and 20
AWG and having an overall foil shield with drain wire
Macros are small software programs (programmable or a braided shield should be used. Insulation resistance
functions) which you can create to automatically perform of the cable's wires should be 30 V minimum. Use a
a repetitious operation. The indicator has the capability cable with the required number of conductors. Unused
to select from a remote location up to six different conductors are undesirable since they can act as antennae
macros which you have created. and radiate electrical noise into and out of the indicator
The indicator provides connections for up to six remote
keys or momentary switch closures. Closing these Only one conductor should be inserted into each position
connections will start the corresponding macro. The of the J6 connector. If more than two switches are going
macros may be set up to perform whatever commands to be used, then the multiple connections required for the
are required for an application. For instance a ZERO J6 pins 1 or 2 should be made at the switches
command, a TARE command, a PRINT command or a themselves, not inside the J6 connector.
whole series of commands and or prompts may be
performed by a Macro. The remote key connections are REMOTE KEY AND SETPOINT CONNECTIONS
located at pin positions 1 through 5 on connector J6.
Refer to Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations for 1. If strain relief J2 will be used, strip back the
information regarding the operation, setup and cable's jacket back 4.5"; if strain relief J4 is
capabilities of Macros. used, strip back the jacket 8". Retain enough of
the cable's shield or drain wire so that it may be
The open circuit voltage across one of the switches is +5 terminated to the rear panel stud adjacent to the
VDC. A closed switch will conduct about 0.25 mA. strain relief.
Therefore a low voltage switch with gold contacts is
recommended to insure the long term integrity of the 2. Strip back the insulation of each wire about
switch closure. Mercury wetted switches will also 1/4".
perform well.
3. Twist the stranded wires together for ease of
A momentary closure is all that is required. The insertion into the connector. Smaller wire sizes
associated macro will be started at the time of the switch may also be tinned if desired, but be sure to
closure. The remote keys do not repeat when held closed leave only a minimum amount of solder on the
the way the front panel keys do. They are active only wire or it will not fit into the connector.
4. Refer to Table 8, Remote Key
If an application requires that a switch remain closed for Connections, to determine the required
extended periods then certain restrictions must be connections for your remote key application.
observed to insure proper operation of the indicator.
Refer to Tables 8 and Table 27 and note the two groups 5. Refer to Chapter 21, Setpoints and Logic I/O
of keys. Group 1 is returned to J6 pin 1, and Group 2 is for Relay Module Setpoint Outputs and
returned to J6 pin 2. A remote key switch that may connections, to determine the appropriate
remain closed for an extended period of time must be the connections for use of the setpoint logic output
only switch connected into a group. connections.
For example, a remote key which may remain closed for 6. Loosen the rear panel strain relief to be used,
a while is connected to J6 pins 1 & 4. Any other preferably J2 or alternatively J4 if J2 is already
momentary switches may only be connected to remote being used. Feed the cable into the enclosure
keys 3, 4, and 5. through the strain relief.

GSE Scale Systems - 105

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

7. Connect the wires into the appropriate positions macro can be programmed to execute any commands
of the J6 connector by pressing down on the from chapter 16 Macro Operations. However, this
white lever for that position while inserting the example will simply execute a "tare" operation. Simply
stripped wire. Release the lever when the wire place these two characters into macro #0 (%t).
is completely inserted.
Macro #0
8. After all wires have been connected, tie-wrap 800%s23640%i%e%c%e
the wires together as close to the connector as %%t%e
possible. This will restrict the movement of a %z
wire in case it were to come loose from the
connector, preventing it from coming into
contact with hazardous voltages. Tie-wraps are Example #2 Remote Print Operation
provided with each instrument in a bag along
with the User's Guide. A momentary switch or contact closure should be
connected across pins 1 and 4 on the J6 connector. This
9. Secure the cable's shield to the rear panel stud momentary closure will in turn invoke macro 1. The
adjacent to the chosen strain relief. macro can be programmed to execute any commands
from chapter 16 Macro Operations. However, this
10. Pull any excess cable back out of the instrument example will simply execute a "print" operation. Simply
until there is no slack in the cable between the place these two characters into macro #1 (%p). (Use a %
strain relief and the shield connection. e for a Model 570). Refer to chapter 15 Communications
to setup your custom printout. Note that the factory has
11. Retighten the strain relief securely so that even applied a default custom transmit in the unit. This is also
if the external cable is pulled or twisted the presented in chapter 15 Communications.
internal cable is unaffected.
Macro #1
Example #1: Remote Tare Operation 801%s23640%i%e%c%e
A momentary switch or contact closure should be %z
connected across pins 1 and 3 on the J6 connector. This
momentary closure will in turn invoke macro 0. The
Example #3 Remote Zero Operation

Macro Number Remote Key Pin A momentary switch or contact closure should be
numbers on J6 connected across pins 1 and 5 on the J6 connector. This
momentary closure will in turn invoke macro 2. The
0 1&3 macro can be programmed to execute any commands
from chapter 16 Macro Operations. However, this
1 1&4 example will simply execute a "zero" operation. Simply
place these two characters into macro #2 (%z).
2 1&5 Macro #2
3 2&3 %%z%e
4 2&4
Example #4 Remote Start Operation
5 2&5
A momentary switch or contact closure should be
connected across pins 2 and 3 on the J6 connector. This
momentary closure will in turn invoke macro 3. The
macro can be programmed to execute any commands
from chapter 16 Macro Operations. However, this
Table 8 Remote Key Connections example will activate setpoint 1 output. Simply place

106 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 11 Remote Keys and Local Keypad

SECTION - 11.2

these three characters into macro #3, (1%A). Other remote key operations might include
accumulations, activate a valve, activate a conveyor,
Setpoint #1 must be enabled and both its activation and emergency stop, etc. Refer to chapter 16 Macro
deactivation specifications defined. These are located Programming Operations for macro commands.
starting at P5100. Setpoints can be defined to function
independently regardless any other indicator operations.
In this case, the activation specification of the setpoint 11.2 The 550/570 Keypad
will not be defined to function independently. The
activation side of the setpoint will be determined as the The keypad matrix shown in figure 16, is utilized with
remote key is pushed. The macro in turn will execute three GSE model versions. The 550 and 570 U.S.A.
the correct commands to activate the setpoint. The versions are defined with this matrix as well as the 550i
setpoint should be set to “activate never”. This will (international) version.
eliminate the setpoint from activating independently.
The macro commands “1%A” override this setting. The 550 keypad mating connector J7 does not have pins
11 and 12 stuffed on the main board. The traces on the
The setpoint’s deactivation side will operate board at the keypad connector J7 for pins 11 and 12 are
independently. It should be setup to deactivate still fully supported by the processor software. These
automatically regardless of any operator interface to do additional pins can be accessed if necessary from the
so. Refer to the chapter on Setpoints for more non-component side of the board. A simple momentary
information on defining a setpoints specifications. short across any of these additional pins as well as the
connector pins will be acknowledged by the processor as
Macro #3 an input defined in the key definition table. Refer to
803%s23640%i%e%c%e table 9 for a definition of the extended key definitions.

Other Remote Operations

Figure 16 Local Keypad Pin Definitions Schematic

GSE Scale Systems - 107

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Table 9 Local Keypad Pin Matrix Definitions

108 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 12 Key Disabling Parameter Setup

SECTION - 12.1

Chapter 12 Key Disabling

Parameter Setup

12.1 Key Disabling

For reasons of simplicity, security or conformance to
local "legal for trade regulations", certain applications
may require the disabling of some keyboard functions.

P166.XX AutoT

This parameter will enable or disable use of the auto-

tare operation. If disabled, only keyboard-entered tare
weights are allowed.

P167.XX KybdT

This parameter will permit an Auto-Tare but if enabled,

prevent keyboard entry of tare weights.

P168.XX KybdS

This parameter will disable or enable the <SELECT>

key following a numeric entry while in the Weigh
Modes. Enabling this parameter will let you access
operational modes which have not been selected as a
mode at P300-P309 (Refer to Chapter 13 Selectable
Figure 17 Select & Tare Keys Disabled
Operating Modes.

GSE Scale Systems - 109

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

110 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 13 Selectable Operating Modes

SECTION - 13.1

weighing by keying in the corresponding mode number

Chapter 13 Selectable Operating and pressing <SELECT>. The direct access of modes
Modes and registers may be inhibited by selecting disabled in
parameter P168.

The first three of the ten selectable modes inserted are

factory defaulted to Gross, Net and Tare. If desired
13.1 Selectable Operating Modes these three default parameters "can" be changed.
P300 through P309 Examples:
As mentioned any of the data registers can be added to
These parameters assign the order of appearance of the the ten selectable modes. A practicle example for adding
available operational modes when the <SELECT> key a VAR to the selectable mode table would allow easy
is pressed during weighing or counting. The mode access for changing setpoint target values. Another
assigned by P300 would appear first (after the power-up example mentioned are the accumulation modes. Instead
messages); the mode assigned to P301 would appear of remembering which accumulation mode to select and
next, followed by the mode assigned to P302, etc. In this the individual keys to get there, add the specific
way, you can select for display only the operating modes accumulation mode to the table. Refer to Table 10,
that will actually be used, including any of the Parameter ID Numbers for a complete listing.
Accumulation Modes and Data Registers. The possible
selections are listed in the following table. (Note that
those modes that are not among the ten selectable modes
assigned in P300 - P309 may still be accessed during

Parameter ID Transmitted Name

Gross Weight 00 Gross
Net Weight 01 Net
Tare Weight 02 Tare
Gross Total 03 GrTOT
Gross Total + Current 04 GrT+C
Gross Total - Current 05 GrT-C
Net Total 06 NtTOT
Net Total + Current 07 Nt+C
Net Total - Current 08 Nt-C
Time / Date 11 Tm/Dt
Truck IN / OUT Gross Wt. 12 TrGrs
Truck IN / OUT Net Wt. 13 TrNet
Truck IN / OUT Tare Wt. 14 TrTar
ID #1 (alpha-numeric, 49 characters max.) 21 (programmed in P701)
ID #2 (alpha-numeric, 49 characters max.) 22 (programmed in P703)
ID #3 (alpha-numeric, 49 characters max.) 23 (programmed in P705)
ID #4 (alpha-numeric, 49 characters max.) 24 (programmed in P707)
ID #5 (alpha-numeric, 49 characters max.) 25 (programmed in P709)
ID #6 (alpha-numeric, 49 characters max.) 26 (programmed in P711)

Table 10 Parameter ID Numbers

GSE Scale Systems - 111

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Table continued Note:

Parameters 30 through 37 are applicable only to the
model 570 indicator and are for counting applications
Figure 17.1 Select Key

Parameter ID Transmitted Name

Quantity 30 Qty
Quantity Total 31 Qty TOT
Quantity Total + Current 32 Qty T + C
Quantity Total - Current 33 Qty T - C
Average Piece Weight 34 APW
Average Piece Weight times 1000 35 APW*K
Percent Accuracy 36 % Accy
Last Sample 37 Sampl
Recalled Time 50 R time
Alarm 1 Time (positive number) 51 A1 Tim
Alarm 2 Time (positive number) 52 A2 Tim
Alarm 3 Time (positive number) 53 A3 Tim
Alarm 4 Time (positive number) 54 A4 Tim
-37 +37
Variable #0 (fractional values, real #s, 10 to 10 80 Var 0
Variable #1 (fractional values, real #s, 10-37 to 10+37 81 Var 1
-37 +37
Variable #2 (fractional values, real #s, 10 to 10 82 Var 2
-37 +37
Variable #3 (fractional values, real #s, 10 to 10 83 Var 3
Variable #4 (fractional values, real #s, 10-37 to 10+37 84 Var 4
-37 +37
Variable #5 (fractional values, real #s, 10 to 10 85 Var 5
-37 +37
Variable #6 (fractional values, real #s, 10 to 10 86 Var 6
Variable #7 (fractional values, real #s, 10-37 to 10+37 87 Var 7
-37 +37
Variable #8 (fractional values, real #s, 10 to 10 88 Var 8
-37 +37
Variable #9 (fractional values, real #s, 10 to 10 89 Var 9
Register #1 (whole #s, integer) 91 Reg 1
Register #2 (whole #s, integer) 92 Reg 2
Register #3 (whole #s, integer, + or -) 93 Reg 3
Register #4 (whole #s, integer) 94 Reg 4
Status Character (O, M or <space>) 97 Stat
Currently Displayed Data 98 (variable, depending on current display)

Table 10 continued, Parameter ID Numbers

112 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 13 Selectable Operating Modes

SECTION - 13.1

Parameter ID Transmitted Name

Variable #10 (fractional values, real #s, 60 Var10

10-37 to 10+37

Variable #11 (fractional values, real #s, 61 Var11

10-37 to 10+37

Variable #12 (fractional values, real #s, 62 Var12

10-37 to 10+37

Variable #13 (fractional values, real #s, 63 Var13

10-37 to 10+37

Variable #14 (fractional values, real #s, 64 Var14

10-37 to 10+37

Variable #15 (fractional values, real #s, 65 Var15

10-37 to 10+37

Variable #16 (fractional values, real #s, 66 Var16

10-37 to 10+37

Variable #17 (fractional values, real #s, 67 Var17

10-37 to 10+37

Variable #18 (fractional values, real #s, 68 Var18

10-37 to 10+37

Variable #19 (fractional values, real #s, 69 Var19

10-37 to 10+37

Variable #20 (fractional values, real #s, 70 Var20

10-37 to 10+37

Variable #21 (fractional values, real #s, 71 Var21

10-37 to 10+37

Variable #22 (fractional values, real #s, 72 Var22

10-37 to 10+37

Variable #23 (fractional values, real #s, 73 Var23

10-37 to 10+37

Variable #24 (fractional values, real #s, 74 Var24

10-37 to 10+37

Variable #25 (fractional values, real #s, 75 Var25

10-37 to 10+37

Variable #26 (fractional values, real #s, 76 Var26

10-37 to 10+37

Variable #27 (fractional values, real #s, 77 Var27

10-37 to 10+37

Variable #28 (fractional values, real #s, 78 Var28

10-37 to 10+37 (not accessible normally)

Variable #29 (fractional values, real #s, 79 Var29

10-37 to 10+37

Table 10 continued, Parameter ID Numbers

GSE Scale Systems - 113

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

114 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 14 Data Registers and ID's (Programmable)

SECTION - 14.3

P600. - - Gross
Chapter 14 Data Registers and Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for the Gross
ID's (Programmable) Weight parameter.

P601. - - Net
14.1 Introduction Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for the Net
Weight parameter.
The 550 utilizes a great number of numeric data registers
which are constantly being updated during normal P602. - - Tare
operation or for other general uses. ie.(Accumulation Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for the Tare
registers, Standard weighing/counting registers and so Weight parameter.
on. Each register is defined with two (2) parts or fields,
the "name" and the "data" field. Any of these registers
can be printed out a specified port by custom transmit or Accumulation Weighing Parameters (P603-P608)
a macro. Depending on how the registers are formatted
for transmission, the "name" field can be omitted from P603. - - GrTOT
the transmission. However, the "name" portion Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for the Gross
associated with the "data" portion of the register is Total parameter.
adjustable, meaning the name can be changed. This
section will define and explain six (6) types of data P604. - - GrT+C
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for the Gross
registers that have the capability of being custom named
or adjusted. In reference to the 550 the six registers are Total Plus Current Gross parameter.
called out as Variables (VARS), Data Registers (REGS),
Weighing/Counting Parameters, Tm/Dt, Alarms and ID's P605. - - GrT-C
(Alpha-numeric strings or simply "strings"). Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for the Gross
Total minus Current Gross parameter.

P606. - - NetTOT
14.2 Weighing Parameters Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for the Net
Total parameter.
Weighing parameters can be custom named, making
their intended usage more specific to the scale user. P607. - - NtT+C
These parameters are pre-named for standard weighing Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for the Net
and counting purposes. Some applications might require Total plus Current Net parameter.
a custom name. The name can be any length so as it
does not exceed 49 characters. The name length greater P608. - - NtT-C
than ten characters is fine if its sent to a printer. Only Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for the Net
the first ten characters will be displayed in the ten Total minus Current Net parameter.
character auxiliary display (2-lines, 5x7 dot matrix)
when the data entry mode is accessed. If the name is
five characters or less in length, the bottom line (five
characters) of the ten character auxiliary display will still
14.3 Time and Date Parameters
show the word "value". This is part of the default name
as it would be displayed if the variable or register had The Time and Date parameter can be custom named,
not been named. If it is desirable to have the variable making its intended usage more specific to the scale
name five characters or less, simply add a (space) to the user. This parameter are pre-named (Tm/Dt). Some
sixth character name location. No matter what character applications might require a custom name. The name
length is specified it will be used as the column name if can be any length so as it does not exceed 49 characters.
the parameter is specified as a column in a database. The name length greater than ten characters is fine if its
Refer to chapter 20 Database (option) for more sent to a printer. Only the first ten characters will be
information on setting Weighing/Counting parameters, displayed in the ten character auxiliary display (2-lines,
VARS, REGS and ID"s as column headings. 5x7 dot matrix) when the data entry mode is accessed. If
the name is five characters or less in length, the bottom
line (five characters) of the ten character auxiliary
Naming Weighing Parameters (P600-P602)
display will still show the word "value". This is part of
the default name as it would be displayed if the variable

GSE Scale Systems - 115

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

or register had not been named. If it is desirable to have Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for the Truck
the variable name five characters or less, simply add a Tare parameter.
(space) to the sixth character name location. No matter
what character length is specified it will be used as the
column name if the parameter is specified as a column in 14.5 Counting Parameters
a database. Refer to chapter 20 Database (option) for
more information on setting Weighing/Counting Counting parameters can be custom named, making their
parameters, VARS, REGS and ID"s as column headings. intended usage more specific to the scale user. These
parameters are pre-named for standard counting
Naming Time/Date Parameter (P611) purposes. Some applications might require a custom
name. The name can be any length so as it does not
P611. - - Tm/Dt exceed 49 characters. The name length greater than ten
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for the Time/ characters is fine if its sent to a printer. Only the first ten
Date parameter. characters will be displayed in the ten character auxiliary
display (2-lines, 5x7 dot matrix) when the data entry
mode is accessed. If the name is five characters or less in
14.4 Truck Parameters length, the bottom line (five characters) of the ten
character auxiliary display will still show the word
Truck parameters can be custom named, making their "value". This is part of the default name as it would be
intended usage more specific to the scale user. These displayed if the variable or register had not been named.
parameters are pre-named for standard truck weighing If it is desirable to have the variable name five characters
purposes. Some applications might require a custom or less, simply add a (space) to the sixth character name
name. The name can be any length so as it does not location. No matter what character length is specified it
exceed 49 characters. The name length greater than ten will be used as the column name if the parameter is
characters is fine if its sent to a printer. Only the first ten specified as a column in a database. Refer to chapter 20
characters will be displayed in the ten character auxiliary Database (option) for more information on setting
display (2-lines, 5x7 dot matrix) when the data entry Weighing/Counting parameters, VARS, REGS and ID"s
mode is accessed. If the name is five characters or less in as column headings.
length, the bottom line (five characters) of the ten
character auxiliary display will still show the word Naming Counting Parameters (P630-P637)
"value". This is part of the default name as it would be
displayed if the variable or register had not been named. P630. - - Qty
If it is desirable to have the variable name five characters Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for the
or less, simply add a (space) to the sixth character name Quantity parameter.
location. No matter what character length is specified it
will be used as the column name if the parameter is P631. - - QtTOT
specified as a column in a database. Refer to chapter 20 Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for the
Database (option) for more information on setting Quantity Total parameter.
Weighing/Counting parameters, VARS, REGS and ID"s
as column headings. P632. - - QtT+C
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for the
Quantity Total plus Current Quantity parameter.

P633. - - QtT-C
Naming Truck Weighing Parameters (P612-P614) Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for the
Quantity minus Current Quantity parameter.
P612. - - TrGrs
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for the Truck P634. - - APW
Gross parameter. Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for the
Average Piece Weight parameter.
P613. - - TrNet
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for the Truck P635. - - APW*K
Net parameter. Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for the
Average Piece Weight times 1000 parameter.
P614. - - TrTar

116 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 14 Data Registers and ID's (Programmable)
SECTION - 14.7

P636. - - %Accy number 4.

Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for the
Percentage of accuracy achieved after a sample
parameter. 14.7 Numeric Parameter Setup (VARS
and REGS)
P637. - - Sampl
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for the Last Variables (VARS) and Registers (REGS) can be named,
Sampled Amount parameter. making their intended usage much more apparent to the
scale user. The unit has ten (30) VARS and four (4)
REGS that can have a custom name associated with
14.6 Alarm and Recalled time Parameters each. The name can be any length so as it does not
exceed 49 characters. The name length greater than ten
Alarm parameters can be custom named, making their characters is fine if its sent to a printer. Only the first ten
intended usage more specific to the scale user. These characters will be displayed in the ten character auxiliary
parameters are pre-named for standard alarm purposes. display (2-lines, 5x7 dot matrix) when the data entry
Some applications might require a custom name. The mode is accessed. If the name is five characters or less
name can be any length so as it does not exceed 49 in length, the bottom line (five characters) of the ten
characters. The name length greater than ten characters character auxiliary display will still show the word
is fine if its sent to a printer. Only the first ten characters "value". This is part of the default name as it would be
will be displayed in the ten character auxiliary display displayed if the variable or register had not been named.
(2-lines, 5x7 dot matrix) when the data entry mode is If it is desirable to have the variable name five characters
accessed. If the name is five characters or less in length, or less, simply add a (space) to the sixth character name
the bottom line (five characters) of the ten character location. No matter what character length is specified it
auxiliary display will still show the word "value". This will be used as the column name if the parameter is
is part of the default name as it would be displayed if the specified as a column in a database. Refer to chapter 20
variable or register had not been named. If it is desirable Database (option) for more information on setting
to have the variable name five characters or less, simply VARS, REGS and ID"s as column headings.
add a (space) to the sixth character name location. No
matter what character length is specified it will be used
as the column name if the parameter is specified as a Naming VARS (P660-P689)
column in a database. Refer to chapter 20 Database
(option) for more information on setting Weighing/ P660. - - Var10
Counting parameters, VARS, REGS and ID"s as column Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
headings. #10.
P661. - - Var11
Naming Alarms (P650-P654) Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
P650. - - Rtime
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for the P662. - - Var12
recalled time parameter. Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
P651. - - A1Tim
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Alarm P663. - - Var13
number 1. Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
P652. - - A2Tim
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Alarm P664. - - Var14
number 2. Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
P653. - - A3Tim
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Alarm P665. - - Var15
number 3. Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
P654. - - A4Tim
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Alarm

GSE Scale Systems - 117

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Figure 18 Keyboard Cursor Keys

Figure 19 Character Listing

118 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 14 Data Registers and ID's (Programmable)

SECTION - 14.7

P666. - - Var16 #29.

Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
#16. P680. - - Var 0
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
P667. - - Var17 #0.
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
#17. P681. - - Var 1
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
P668. - - Var18 #1.
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
#18. P682. - - Var 2
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
P669. - - Var19 #2.
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
#19. P683. - - Var 3
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
P670. - - Var20 #3.
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
#20. P684. - - Var 4
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
P671. - - Var21 #4.
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
#21. P685. - - Var 5
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
P672. - - Var22 #5.
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
#22. P686. - - Var 6
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
P673. - - Var23 #6.
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
#23. P687. - - Var 7
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
P674. - - Var24
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable P688. - - Var 8
#24. Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
P675. - - Var25
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable P689. - - Var 9
#25. Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
P676. - - Var26
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
#26. ie. --15.05 Peak Value

P677. - - Var27 --25.50 Target SP1

Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
#27. ---1.31 Gallons

P678. - - Var28
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable
#28. Naming REGS (P691-P694)

P679. - - Var29 P691. - - Reg#1

Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Variable Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Register

GSE Scale Systems - 119

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

The second part of a Var or Reg is the data portion. Data
P692. - - Reg#2 can be entered directly from the front panel or from a
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Register macro. A few specific keystrokes will allow entry of
#2. data into the selected Var or Reg. The following
examples showing data entries with selected keystrokes
P693. - - Reg#3 must start from the weigh or count mode.
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Register
Entering a Value into a VAR
P694. - - Reg#4
Accessing this parameter sets the "naming" for Register ie. <80> <SELECT>
#4. <XXX.X>
ie. ----205 ITEM NUMBER
The above method will work for all 30 VARS except
----100 BOXES VAR #28. Its entry mode cannot be accessed in this
manner. Pressing <78> <SELECT> from the front
----10 Time Delay keypad will access the setpoint status mode. Refer to
chapter 21 on Setpoints. VAR#28 however can be
accessed in the same manner as the other VARS from
14.8 Character Entry (NAME) within a macro. One example is the “copy” command.
Refer to chapter 16 on Macros. Setpoints can also be
When alphabetic and other non-numeric characters are based on VAR#28 in the same manner as the other
being entered into the 550, the <UNITS> <PRINT> VARS. VAR#28 will print as all the others are able to.
<ID> and <TARE> keys assume the functions of arrow
keys similar to those found on a computer keyboard (see (Variables)
Figure 18 Keypad Cursor Keys). The <UNITS> key
scrolls forward through the list of characters; <PRINT> (Parameter 60)
key scrolls backward through a list of characters; <ID> Retains the name and data fields for Var#10.
can be used as a backspace key; <TARE> key advances
to the next location. (Parameter 61)
Retains the name and data fields for Var#11.
When you encounter a parameter that accepts this type of
information, press <UNITS> key and the unit will place (Parameter 62)
an "A" in the dot matrix portion of the display. The Retains the name and data fields for Var#12.
<UNITS> and <PRINT> keys are then used to cycle
through the possible selections of upper-case and lower- (Parameter 63)
case letters, numerics and the standard set of punctuation Retains the name and data fields for Var#13.
symbols, starting with the letter A. Holding down
<UNITS> or <PRINT> arrow keys will cycle you (Parameter 64)
through more quickly. When the desired character is Retains the name and data fields for Var#14.
displayed, press <TARE> key to move to the next
location where an "A" will be displayed so you can (Parameter 65)
select the next character. This operation is in effect when Retains the name and data fields for Var#15.
entering ID data and while in Setup Modes P157, P600-
P694, P157-P158, P701 - P711, P800 - P816, P850 - (Parameter 66)
P865 and P1000 - P4000. Refer to Figure 19 Character Retains the name and data fields for Var#16.
Listing for the available characters and their order of
appearance. (Parameter 67)
Retains the name and data fields for Var#17.

(Parameter 68)
14.9 Store Entry (VARS and REGS) Retains the name and data fields for Var#18.

120 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 14 Data Registers and ID's (Programmable)
SECTION - 14.9

Retains the name and data fields for Var#6.

(Parameter 69)
Retains the name and data fields for Var#19. (Parameter 87)
Retains the name and data fields for Var#7.
(Parameter 70)
Retains the name and data fields for Var#20. (Parameter 88)
Retains the name and data fields for Var#8.
(Parameter 71)
Retains the name and data fields for Var#21. (Parameter 89)
Retains the name and data fields for Var#9.
(Parameter 72)
Retains the name and data fields for Var#22.
Entering a Value into a REG
(Parameter 73)
Retains the name and data fields for Var#23. ie. <91> <SELECT>
(Parameter 74) <ENTER>
Retains the name and data fields for Var#24. <SELECT>

(Parameter 75)
Retains the name and data fields for Var#25. (Registers)

(Parameter 76) (Parameter 91)

Retains the name and data fields for Var#26. Retains the name and data fields for Reg#1.

(Parameter 77) (Parameter 92)

Retains the name and data fields for Var#27. Retains the name and data fields for Reg#2.

(Parameter 78) (Parameter 93)

Retains the name and data fields for Var#28. This VAR Retains the name and data fields for Reg#3.
is not accessible in the same manner as the other
VARS. (Parameter 94)
Retains the name and data fields for Reg#4.
(Parameter 79)
Retains the name and data fields for Var#29.
"Data" field (Characteristics)
(Parameter 80)
Retains the name and data fields for Var#0. There are a few specifics that are highly worth noting
pertaining to the data fields of the Vars and Regs. There
(Parameter 81) are some differences between the two types. The Vars
Retains the name and data fields for Var#1. will allow entries of all fractional and whole number sets
(1, 2, 2½,...). This infers all negative values as well (-1, -
(Parameter 82) 2, -2½,...), and zero (0). The Regs on the other hand will
Retains the name and data fields for Var#2. allow entries of integers only. Members of the set of
positive whole numbers (1, 2, 3,...), negative whole
(Parameter 83) numbers (-1, -2, -3,...), and zero (0). The term "whole
Retains the name and data fields for Var#3. number" is defined as complete, non-fractional. When
entering a negative value from the front panel the
(Parameter 84) <UNITS> key will gain access to a negative sign. When
Retains the name and data fields for Var#4. in the viewing mode of the Regs the <ZERO> key will
increment the selected register by one. The <ID> key
(Parameter 85) will decrement the selected register by one. When in the
Retains the name and data fields for Var#5. viewing mode of either the Vars or Regs, the <CLR>
key will reset the selected parameter to zero.
(Parameter 86)

GSE Scale Systems - 121

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

14.10 Decimal Point Parameter Setup 14.11 Rounding (VARS and REGS)
(P460.XX - P489.XX)
The number of significant digits to the right of the Several factors are considered when rounding a VAR. A
decimal point can be set (selected) for all thirty (30) of VAR rounds internally to an accuracy of 1 part in
the variables. The following is an example of all seven 3,000,000. The "550 Simulator" software will have a
decimal point selections for Var#0. Pressing a number 38
greater accuracy. The range of a VAR is +/-1 x 10 .
0 - 6 followed by the <ENTER> key will go directly to
Rounding occurs only when the entered value exceeds
your selection. Subsequently pressing the <ENTER>
six significant digits on the display. The unit analyzes
key will scroll through all seven decimal point
the entered value and determines the best way this value
will be represented on the six digit display. The
displayed value will be rounded up or down accordingly
and will eliminate any trailing zeros. The internal value
Fixed Decimal Point will remain intact up to the stated accuracy of 1 part in
3,000,000. A VAR will print the value exactly the way
its represented on the display with the exception of the
Sets the number of decimal places to 0 digits.
decimal point. If there are no significant digits to the
right of the decimal point, the decimal point will not
print out.
Sets the number of decimal places to 1 digit.
ie. 123.9997 entered
124. displayed
124 printed
Sets the number of decimal places to 2 digits.
Note: If the VAR is set for a fixed decimal point
(P460-P489) then all digits including zeros to the right of
the decimal point will be transmitted.
Sets the number of decimal places to 3 digits.
ie. 123.9997 entered
124.00 displayed
124.00 printed
Sets the number of decimal places to 4 digits.
Rounding will occur on a value entered into a VAR if the
entry has a greater number of digits to the right of the
Sets the number of decimal places to 5 digits.
decimal point. A VAR will either round up or down and
is dependant on the number of decimal places selected.

ie. Setting of 3 decimal places.

Automatic Decimal Point
1) 10.0005 entered
10.000 displayed
Sets the number of decimal places to automatic.
10.000 printed

2) 10.00051 entered
P460 thru P489
10.001 displayed
10.001 printed
Sets the significant digits to the right of the decimal
point for VARS #0 thru #29, the same as parameter P480
ie. Setting of 2 decimal places.

122 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 14 Data Registers and ID's (Programmable)
SECTION - 14.12

(dollars and cents) 12345678.00 printed

5.1 entered Very Small Numbers

5.10 displayed
5.10 printed The VARS will also retain very small numbers. A value
that is less than 0.00001 will be represented in
exponential form (Scientific Notation). The value will
(REGS) however print out in full decimal form, rounded to an
accuracy of 1 part in 3,000,000.
A REG retains "whole" numbers only. Any fractional 14.13 Write VARS to E2
portion of a number entered will round up or down to the
nearest whole number. The accuracy of a REG is 1 part Parameters P5060 thru P5089 allow for if and when a
38 VAR will be written to E2. This includes VAR numbers
in 3,000,000. The full range is +/-1 x 10 .
0 thru 29 (30 VARS).
ie. 20.4 entered
The three methods of writing a VAR to E2 are No SAVE,
20 displayed
20 printed
“NO SAVE” will never write a VAR to E2. Selecting
“ON REQUEST” will only write to a specified VAR
20.5 entered
number by executing a write to E2 macro command (n%
21 displayed
v). Refer to chapter 16, Macro Commands. AUTO will
21 printed
automatically write a VAR to E2 as its changed. The
GSE default for all VARS is “AUTO”. This will allow
-100.55 entered
for backward compatibility with existing custom
-101 displayed
program operations that must have a VAR written to E2.
-101 printed

Vars and Setpoints (033193 and earlier)

14.12 Exponential Numbers (VARS)
The following procedure must be followed in order to
Very Large Numbers retain a value in non-volatile E2.
The VARS will retain very large numbers. A value A value stored in a VAR will be lost when the power is
entered that is greater than 999999 will be represented on removed from the instrument. In order to retain the value
the display in exponential form (Scientific Notation). of a VAR to E2, there are two alternatives. If the VAR is
The value will however print out in full decimal form, "named" or a Setpoint is based on a VAR, its value will
rounded to an accuracy of 1 part in 3,000,000. be retained. During normal operation its not desirable
for the setpoint target values to be lost when the power is
ie. 2
removed. In any case, the VAR will be written to E . If
1) 1000000 entered neither of the procedures is followed above than the
1.Exp6 displayed 2
VAR will not be written to E , hence its value will be
1000000 printed
reset to zero at power-up.
2) 1234567 entered
1.23457Exp6 displayed
1234570 printed 14.14 Incrementing Registers (REGS)

3) 123456789 entered A REG can also be used as a counter (P91 - P94). When
1.23457Exp8 displayed viewing a REG it can be incremented or decremented by
1234567000 printed one by pressing the <ZERO> or <ID> key respectively.
The maximum value allowable in the display is 999,999
4) fixed to 2 decimal places. and the minimum value allowable in the display is -
12345678 entered 99,999. If either of these limits is exceeded the display
1.23457EXP7 displayed will read "# > Dsply". This message means that the

GSE Scale Systems - 123

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

number in the display is greater than its capabilities for for use with the internal clock feature. The first three
displaying it. Until the REG is incremented or alarms can be set to trip on an "interval" or "Daily" basis.
decremented back into the acceptable range, the message When a specific alarm is tripped a single macro
will remain on the display. Internally this value is associated with the alarm is invoked. Macro 12, 13 or 14
retained and has an accuracy of 1 part in 3,000,000. The are associated with alarms A1, A2 and A3 respectively.
550 Simulator software theoretically has an accuracy of A time value can be entered into each of these three
1 part in 16,777,216. in either case, If these values are alarms at parameters P505, P507 and P509 respectively.
exceeded, its possible the register will give random These values can be viewed but not changed at
results. The internal value is always transmitted during parameters P51, P52 and P53 respectively. There is also
print operations. The REGS will accept a value entered a fourth register accessible only through a macro. The
into them directly. This allows counters to be reset to macro command "n%K" will accept a timed interval of n
any initial value. Simply access the REG, key in the seconds, then call macro 15. This value is viewed at
desired value and press <ENTER>. The <CLR> key parameter P54. The parameter P50, retains the value of
resets a REG to zero. Any values entered or calculated the recalled time. In any event, these five (5) registers
(macros) that exceed the above limitations will be are accessible from within a macro (P50, P51, P52, P53
38 and P54). There are some restrictions associated with
rounded. The full range of a REG is +/-1 x 10 . If this
the use of these registers within macros. Only positive
range is exceeded, a math error will occur and an over- numbers can be entered or copied into them. Fractional
range message will flash briefly. part of value copied to these parameters will be
truncated. Special attention should be considered when
The REGS can also be accessed and incremented/ performing any calculations on these registers. Make
decremented serially and from within a macro (see sure the results of all calculations fall within the
chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations. A reg can guidelines stated above. If these guidelines are not
also be incremented each time a print operation is heeded, strange values will be reflected in the results.
performed. This is dependant on the REG'S format code
selected (see Chapter 15 Communications). Using Alarms for Time/Date Calculations

The recalled time (refer to the Database documentation)

14.15 Write REGISTERS (REGS) to E2 and the four alarms (for both invoking macros at
specified times or intervals) may be used for general
Parameters P5091 thru P5094 allow for if and when a purpose time/date calculations if the alarm is set to off in
REG will be written to E2. This includes REG numbers the setup mode. This could be used to print expiration
1 thru 4 (4 REGS). dates or to perform longer term rate calculations, such as
pounds per hour. Note: Short term rate calculations
The three methods of writing a REG to E2 are No SAVE, (pounds per second) require more resolution on the time
ON REQUEST and AUTOMATICALLY. Selecting scale than one second!
“NO SAVE” will never write a REG to E2. Selecting
“ON REQUEST” will only write to a specified REG All time/date type parameters are stored as a numerical
number by executing a write to E2 macro command (n% value, the number of seconds elapsed since midnight on
v). Refer to chapter 16, Macro Commands. AUTO will Jan. 1, 1970. As of April 1, 1992, this value is around
automatically write a REG to E2 as its changed. The 702,086,400 and it increases at 86,400 seconds per day.
GSE default for all REGS is “AUTO”. This will allow
for backward compatibility with existing custom The alarm parameters are numbered parameter 51
program operations that must have a REG written to E2. through 54. If the alarms are set to be on (interval or
daily) in the setup mode, then a value may not be entered
REGS (033193 and earlier) (via a front panel entry) into that alarm. However the
alarm be manipulated using the macro math and copy
A REG is always written to non-volatile E2 as it changes commands. If an enabled alarm is changed, then that
so at power-up the REG value is retained. alarm will be invoked when the specified time occurs
(except alarm 4 which may only be set to invoke a macro
by using the "n%K" macro command).

14.16 Alarm Registers The method of displaying these time/date type

parameters when they are selected in the weigh mode
The instrument has four (4) register locations set aside may be set as required to be either a numeric value, a

124 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 14 Data Registers and ID's (Programmable)
SECTION - 14.16

time, a date, or a time and date by using setup

parameters P511 through P515, for recalled time, and Included within the indicator are six ID registers capable
alarms one through four respectively. Please be aware of holding alpha-numeric data. These ID's may be used
that recalled time is not saved during a power-down to hold various pieces of data to be included in data
condition unless the clock module or the database RAM transmissions to computers or printers. Use of these ID's
module is installed in the indicator. If neither is may vary depending on the application. Some possible
installed, the value for Rtime will come up random upon uses include part number, bin #, employee #, shift # and
power-up. lot # to name a few. Each of the six ID's has two
associated setup parameters. The first is the maximum
Expiration Date Example: number of characters that will ever need to be entered as
the ID value. The second is the name of the ID. If the
Copy current time to alarm 1 (named 'expiration date'). size of the ID is set to 0, then that ID is not used and the
Add ten days worth of seconds to the current time to get setup parameter for its name will not appear. The name
an expiration date ten days from now. may be 49 characters in length. However, it is
recommended that the programmed names be
11,51%C abbreviated to five characters since only the first 5
864000;51%+ characters of the name will be displayed to the operator.
If abbreviated names are used for the ID's, more
descriptive names can be programmed into the Custom
A Rate Example (for a decreasing weight): Transmit to provide more descriptive printouts. For each
enabled ID, some additional storage memory is required.
to store the initial data: Refer to chapter 19 Memory Expansion (OPTION), for
more information on memory storage. Refer to chapter
Copy gross wt to var #0. Copy current time to alarm 1. 15 Communications, for ID operation and uses in
11,51%C Enabling an ID
(P700 - P711) all "even" numbered parameters.
then later on:
To conserve memory space, the indicator allows the size
Subtract current gross wt from previously saved gross of the "data" field portion of the ID to be selected. The
wt. Subtract previously saved time from current time. data field can be any value from 0 - 49 characters. Make
Copy elapsed time, in hours, to var #1. (Note that math sure the maximum number of characters is selected with
cannot be performed on a mix of variable types, ie a time respect to the maximum number of characters to be
type and a regular number.) entered by the operator. This will depend on the
application. If unsure of ID size, make an exaggerated
0,80%- selection. Average ID sizes are between 8 - 12
11,51%- characters. The indicator is factory defaulted to 12
51,81%C characters. If an ID size is set to "0", it will be disabled.
The "name" portion of the ID will not appear for this ID.
All selections must be keyed in. ie.
Divide time difference by the number of seconds per
hour. Note that division was performed after copying to <15> <ENTER>.
the var in order to maintain the fractional portion of an
hour! Divide weight difference by elapsed time to get
change in weight per hour. P700
Selects size for ID #1
80,81%/ P702
Selects size for ID #2
Also, the alarms may now be selected as a parameter in a
custom transmit setup. P704
14.17 ID Parameter Setup Selects size for ID #3

Introduction P706

GSE Scale Systems - 125

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Selects size for ID #4 P705

Selects name for ID #3
Selects size for ID #5 P707
Selects name for ID #4
Selects size for ID #6 P709
Selects name for ID #5

Naming ID's P711

(P700 - P711) all "odd" numbered parameters. Selects name for ID #6

The second part of the ID is the "name" field. An ID

name can be up to 49 characters in length. Naming an ID 14.18 View an ID
is performed in the same manner as naming Vars and
Regs. When alphabetic and other non-numeric To access the first ID parameter while in the Weigh
characters are being entered into the indicator, The Mode, press <ID>. The numeric display will read "id X"
<UNITS> <PRINT> <ID> and <TARE> keys assume where "X" is the number of the first enabled ID. The
the functions of arrow keys similar to those found on a upper line of the dot matrix display will show the first
computer keyboard (see Figure 18 Keypad Cursor Keys). five characters of the ID name and the lower line will
The <UNITS> key serves as an up arrow to scroll show the first five characters of the ID value. To access
forward through the list of characters. The <PRINT> any other enabled ID, either press <X> <SELECT>
key is used as a down arrow key to scroll backward where "X" is the number of the ID, or press <SELECT>
through the list of characters. The <ID> key can be used repeatedly. Press <SELECT> at the last enabled ID to
as a left arrow key for backspacing. The <TARE> key exit the ID Mode. You may press <ID> at any time to
is used as a right arrow key to advance to the next exit the ID Mode.

When you encounter a parameter that accepts this type of

information, press <UNITS> and the indicator will place 14.19 Store an ID Entry
an "A" in the ten character dot matrix portion of the
display. The <UNITS> and the <PRINT> keys together Entering Data into an ID
are then used to cycle through the possible selections of
upper-case and lower-case letters, numerics and the If the ID value will be entirely numeric simply access the
standard set of punctuation symbols. The selection set ID, key in the ID value and press <ENTER>. Once an
starts with the letter "A". Holding down the <UNITS> entry is started, an arrow symbol will appear in the upper
or <PRINT> keys will cycle through the selections more line of the dot matrix display. The entered digits will
quickly. When the desired character is displayed, press then appear on the second line and will scroll across the
<TARE> to move to the next location where an "A" will lower then the upper line. You may enter up to the
be displayed for the start of the next character selection. maximum number of digits programmed in the Setup
After the complete information is selected press Mode. Once an entry has been started, the <ID> key
<ENTER>. acts as a BACKSPACE key. If <ID> is pressed with
only one character on the display, the entry mode would
This operation is in effect when entering ID "data" and be canceled and the previous display would appear.
while in Setup Modes P157, P158, P600 - P689, P691 -
P694, P701 - P711, P800 - P815, P850 - P865 and Pressing <CLR> when first viewing the ID will let you
P1000 - P4000. Refer to Figure 19, Character Listing clear the existing ID contents. The ID may then be
for available characters and their order of appearance. accessed again for the new entry. <CLR> may be
pressed at any point during entry to clear the entered
P701 characters.
Selects name for ID #1
If <TARE> is pressed after the ID is accessed, the
P703 current ID data is copied into the entry buffer and the last
Selects name for ID #2 character of the existing ID entry would be shown in the
last (bottom right) position on the display. This lets you

126 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 14 Data Registers and ID's (Programmable)
SECTION - 14.20

add characters to the end of an existing entry or modify

the last characters by using the backspace function.

Alphabetic and other characters may be entered at any

point by pressing the <UNITS> key. An "A" will appear
in the display. At this point the <UNITS> and
<PRINT> keys are used to scroll up and down through
the entire standard ASCII character set. The <ID> key
can be used to backspace, shifting all the previously
entered data down toward the lower right corner, with the
last character being lost. Pressing <TARE> would shift
the entire previous entry toward the left thus making
room for a new character. This new character would be
an "A". If the entry length exceeds the setup size, the
error message "Entry >> Max!" is displayed briefly. The
extra characters which surpass the setup size are
automatically eliminated and the remaining entry is then
displayed. Press <ENTER> to store the remaining

Storing Data into an ID

After completing your entry, press <ENTER> to store it

as the new ID value and move to the next enabled ID. If
the ID was the last enabled ID, then the unit will resume
the mode which was active when <ID> was first pressed.
To advance to the next ID without changing the data for
the current ID, press <ENTER> without making an

14.20 Write PARAMETERS to E2

Parameters P5003 thru P5094 allow for if and when a
parameter will be written to E2. This includes the
accumulation registers, the IDs, specific counting
parameters, specific T/D parameters, alarms, VARS and

The three methods of writing a parameter to E2 are No

Selecting “NO SAVE” will never write a parameter to
E2. Selecting “ON REQUEST” will only write to a
specified parameter number by executing a write to E2
macro command (n%v). Refer to chapter 16, Macro
Commands. AUTO will automatically write a parameter
to E2 as its changed. The GSE default for all parameters
is “AUTO”. This will allow for backward compatibility
with existing custom program operations that must have
a parameter written to E2.

GSE Scale Systems - 127

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

128 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 15 Communications

SECTION - 15.1

This parameter sets the handshake for the printer port to

Chapter 15 Communications none or CTS (hardware).

15.1 Communication Protocol Parameter
Setup RxCom enables or disables the RS232 receiver for
accepting communications through the Comm Port.
P200.XX Baud
This parameter determines the baud rate that will be used
by the Print and Comm Ports. The baud rate specifies the This parameter sets a return range for use when you elect
rate at which characters are transmitted and received in to transmit once per weighment and is only meaningful if
terms of bits per second. The selections range from 150 the "wghmt" selection is made in parameter P210, P220,
to 19,200 baud. P230 or P240. After the applied weight exceeds the
percentage of Full Scale specified by P207, a
transmission will take place as soon as motion ceases,
regardless of the motion selections made in P212, P222,
NOTE: P232 or P242. Before a second transmission can take
Since P200 to P208 establish the communications place, the GROSS Weight must fall below this threshold.
protocol for both the Print and Comm Ports. Make If the 100% selection is made, then one transmission will
sure that all peripheral devices which you connect take place every time motion ceases, as long as the Gross
to the indicator are set to the same selected baud Weight is not within +/-2 divisions of zero. Note that
rate. motion is defined by parameters P114 and P115.

P208.XX Width

This parameter sets the number of characters (0 through

P201.XX #data 15) that are transmitted for numeric parameters if a fixed
width format is used within the Custom Transmit. If
This parameter will set the number of data bits for the more characters than specified by this parameter are
transmission to either 7 or 8 (if 7 bits is selected, then needed to represent the data being sent, then more
extended ASCII codes, those greater than decimal 127, characters will be sent.
will not be transmitted from the indicator).
P209.XX TxHld
P202.XX Par'y
This parameter lets you select whether a transmission
This parameter sets the parity of the transmission to will be held up or aborted when the transmit out buffer
none, even or odd. becomes full. Some explanation of the transmission
routine of the indicator may help determine your
P203.XX #stop selection here: There are two transmit buffers in the
indicator, one for the Print Port and one for the Comm
This parameter sets the number of stop bits to 1 or 2. The Port. Each is 256 bytes in size. The indicator places the
number of stop bits has an affect only on outgoing data to be transmitted into the appropriate transmit
transmissions. As long as incoming transmissions have buffer. As soon as this happens, the transmission of data
at least 1 stop bit, the indicator will correctly receive begins. If the entire transmission will not fit into the
data. buffer, the indicator will check the selection for this
parameter. If the selection is "hold", then the indicator
P204.XX ComHS will wait for additional room to become available in the
buffer so that it may resume filling the buffer. If no
This parameter sets the handshake for the Comm Port to space is made available within two seconds, then the
none, CTS (hardware), XON (software) or both. This warning message "tx on hold" will be displayed until
setting applies to transmissions sent and received by the buffer space becomes available. At this time the message
indicator. "tx cont'd" will be displayed. If the <CLR> key is
P205.XX PrnHS pressed, the transmission will be aborted. During the
time that the indicator is attempting to fill the buffer with

GSE Scale Systems - 129

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

data to transmit, it is not performing its regular task of

determining the currently applied weight and updating
the display, the setpoint outputs or the analog output. If
"abort" is selected, then as soon as the transmit buffer
becomes full, the transmission will be immediately
aborted. A warning message, "tx abort", will appear for
one second. In any case, any characters which were
already in the buffer when a transmission is aborted will
remain in the buffer and will be transmitted when the
handshake is re-established. The buffered characters are
lost only if the indicator is powered down.Therefore,
P209 should normally be set for delay in order to insure
against undesirable loss of transmitted data. Only in the
case of critical setpoint or analog output control
applications should the abort selection be made.

15.2 Cable Connection Information Figure 17 Rear Panel

Refer to Figure 20 which shows the rear panel view of

the Indicator. Note that three rear panel strain reliefs are
available for various cable connections. There are more Several interface cables specifically designed for
options available for the Indicator than cable ports. It is connection to the indicator are available.
not possible to make connections to every available
option feature in one indicator. The menu of possible
external connections could include: 15.3 Communication Connections
Printer Port, RS-232 If communication cables exist, they should be routed into
Printer Port, 20 mA current loop the indicator through the rear panel strain relief marked
Communication Port J4 (J2 may also be used if J4 is already in use). These
Barcode Scanner strain reliefs are designed to accommodate cables
Remote PC Keyboard ranging in diameter from 0.187" to 0.312". Wires may
External Setpoint Option (two setpoint outputs) range in size from 28 to 20 AWG. Insulation resistance
Process Control Interface Option
Analog Output Option 0-10 VDC or 4-20 mA
Relay Module Option
Multi-Scale Capabilities Option
Any operation which involves opening the enclosure
should be performed by qualified service personnel
Therefore, if more than three of these features are only after disconnecting the power! Hazardous
required in any one application, then planning is required voltage is accessible within the indicator.
to combine connections for some of the options into one
cable. This should be accomplished in a manner which
will reduce the required number of cables to a maximum
of three. Note that the external Setpoint Option is
provided with a dedicated cable and may not be should be rated at a minimum of 30 volts. Use a cable
combined with other cables. with a braid or a foil shield and drain wire. A braided
shield will perform better in high electrical noise
environments. The capacitance rating of the cable should
IMPORTANT be low for long cable runs.
The 500 series of indicators do not include an on/off
switch and therefore must be installed near a power The shield for the communications cable should be
outlet socket that is easily accessible. This is in grounded to the closest available rear panel stud inside
keeping within UL/CSA approval requirements. the indicator, keeping the length of the shield between
the stud and the end of the cable jacket to an absolute
minimum, and the length of unshielded wires to a

130 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 15 Communications
SECTION - 15.3

minimum. This is important in order to reduce the port may be used in a uni-directional manner if desired
effects of EMI, RFI, and ESD on the indicator operation. and the appropriate bi-directional connections may be
Communication Port Connections
Print Port Connections
There are several different ways of communicating from
the indicator to another smart device, and your The print port is a transmit only output port from the
application will dictate the required connections and the indicator. Two physical methods of serial
required number of conductors. Refer to Table 11. communication are available through the print port.
COMM Port Connections, which lists six different Either RS-232 or 20 mA current loop may be used.
communication methods, and the required connections. Transmissions directed out the print port will provide the
It is also necessary to define which of the six methods signals for both of these transmissions. Connections to
you are using to the software in the indicator. Parameter either or both may be made. However the transmitted
P204 of the setup mode is used to determine the data for the print port RS-232 and 20 mA outputs cannot
handshaking used by the indicator for the differ from each other with regard to software protocol.
Communication (Comm) Port. If P204 is set for "com The possible connections to each are described in Table
HS Xon" or "com HS both" then connections to both RX 12, PRINT Port Connections.
and TX are required. If either "Com HS CTS" or "Com
HS both" are selected, then the CTS and RTS physical Peripheral Inputs
wiring connections must be made. The communication

Function Connections Function Connections

Bi-directional with software TX RS232 with hardware handshake. TX

handshake, or Bi-directional with RX CTS
no handshake, or Uni-directional GND GND
with software handshake.
RS232 with no handshake. TX
Bi-directional with hardware TX
handshake or "both" handshake. RX 20 mA Active with no handshake. OUT
20 mA Active with handshake. OUT
Uni-directional with hardware TX GND
handshake (transmit only). CTS CTS
20 mA Passive with no handshake OUT
Uni-directional with hardware RX (cut or remove jumper E2). IN
handshake (receive only). RTS

Uni-directional with no handshake TX 20 mA Passive with handshake OUT

(transmit only). GND (cut or remove jumper E2). IN
Uni-directional with no handshake RX
(receive only). GND

Table 11 COMM Port Connections Table 12 PRINT Port Connections

GSE Scale Systems - 131

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Figure 21 Connector

Figure 22 RS232 Ports (J2)

132 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 15 Communications
SECTION - 15.4

The indicator permits up to two other peripherals to send determine your required connections.
RS-232 data. These inputs to the indicator are intended
for use with barcode scanners and external keyboards. 7. Insert each wire into its proper connection on
J2 of the main PC board, as described for your
Both a TTL input and an RS-232 input are provided, chosen connection configuration in Table 11
along with connections for +5 volts and ground. GSE COMM Port and Table 12 PRINT Port. Then
provides a cable which at one end will connect to the secure all of the wires together with a tie wrap
terminal strip on the main board inside the indicator and (supplied in a bag with the User's Guide)
the other end will provide the mating connector to the adjacent to the J2 connector. This will insure
keyboard and barcode scanners that GSE provides as that in case a single wire comes loose, it will
peripheral devices. not come into contact with a hazardous voltage!

Communications Cables 8. Once the wires and shield have been connected,
pull any excess cable out of the instrument
1. Strip back the jacket of the communications through the strain relief to eliminate any slack
cable 7" for the J4 strain relief, and 8" for the between the shield termination and the strain
J2 strain relief. relief. Then securely tighten the strain relief.

2. Strip the insulation of each conductor back

1/4". 15.4 Custom Transmit (Selections)
Parameter Setup
3. Twist the strands of each wire so that no
The Model 550/570 indicators include setup tables for
NOTE: four Custom Transmits. The next group of parameters
Transmissions received by the indicator through determine the available selections for enabling these
the Comm port or from an external keyboard or a features.
barcode device are all or'd together inside the
indicator. Only one external device can be P210.XX Send1
sending data to the indicator at any one time.
Otherwise communications errors, garbled data, This parameter determines when the data specified by the
and unpredictable results may occur! Care must 1st Custom Transmit is transmitted: P210.00 disables
be taken in the implementation of these devices to transmissions; P210.01 enables transmissions when the
insure proper operation. <PRINT> key is pressed; P210.02 selects a continuous
print function which will send a transmission each time
the display is updated (per P117); P210.03 will transmit
once per weighment (refer to P207).
strands are loose. If desired, tin the wires to
insure the strands will not come loose. Use a P211.XX Port
minimal amount of solder so that the wire will
fit into the connector. This parameter determines which port the 1st Custom
Transmit data will be sent out, either the Print or Comm
4. Cables for the Print Port, Comm Port or Port.
peripheral devices can be routed through any
one of the available rear panel strain reliefs, J2 P212.XX Mot'n
or J4 (J3 is a larger size and is intended for use
with various external options). Loosen the This parameter enables or disables motion delay on the
strain relief and route the cable(s) through. transmission. The selection of this parameter applies to
all selections for P210 above except for P210.03.
5. Ground the shield to the stud adjacent to the
strain reliefs at either J2 or J4, whichever is
closer. P220.XX Send2
6. The RS-232 ports and their functions are This parameter selects when the 2nd Custom Transmit
imprinted on the main PC board. Refer to will occur: P220.00 disables transmissions; P220.01
Figure 22, Table 11 and Table 12 to

GSE Scale Systems - 133

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

enables transmissions when the <PRINT> key is interfacing and the transmission of setup files directly
pressed; P220.02 selects a continuous print function into the indicator. (Also refer to chapter 28, Parameter
which will send a transmission each time the display is Download and Upload).
updated; P220.03 will send a transmission once per
weighment; P220.04 will let the operator designate COMMAND LANGUAGE
which transmission (1st-4th) to send when the <PRINT>
key is pressed. For the last selection, P220.04, if the The command language used by the indicator is based
upon use of the percent (%) character. Any character
NOTE: received after a percent character is treated as a
If multiple transmissions are established and some, command, provided it is a recognized code. Any invalid
but not all are to be motion delayed, then the last commands that are received are ignored. Lower case
one(s) should be motion delayed. If the first is characters are used for the commands which represent
motion delayed, the subsequent transmissions will keys on the indicator front panel. Capital letters and a
all be motion delayed also, regardless of their setup few other characters are used for commands designed
selections. primarily for use within Macros. (The indicator %
command character is similar in nature to "ESCape"
codes used to program printers).

selections for P210, P220, P230 and P240 consist of both Table 14 shows a listing of RS-232 Keyboard
"onreq" and "onreq2". When the <PRINT> key is Commands used to simulate the front panel keys.
pressed in the Weigh Mode the prompt Send 1-4? will be Additional commands are available as described in
displayed. Pressing <1>, <2>, <3> or <4> will send the Chapter 16 on Macro Programming Operations, however
corresponding Custom Transmit. Any other key entry the branching Macro commands are not designed to be
will abort the print request. If none of the four executed via RS-232 input and will not perform any
transmissions are set for "onrq2", then when <PRINT> useful function.
is pressed, all transmissions which are set for "onreq"
will be sent. In effect, selecting P220.04 gives the If an entry is in process and a carriage return is received,
operator the choice of which transmission to send. then the entry is cleared. Otherwise the carriage return
does not affect the operation of the indicator. However,
P221.XX Port every carriage return that is received is counted by the
indicator as a means of tracking down errors.
This parameter selects whether the 2nd Custom Transmit
will be sent out through the Print or Comm Port. Commands may also be sent to the indicator as single 8
P222.XX Mot'n bit characters which is the character with the high bit set.
Sending these extended ASCII codes is not normally
This parameter enables or disables motion delay on the necessary and it is better to simply send the "%"
2nd Custom Transmit. The selection of this parameter character followed by the appropriate command.
applies to all selections for P220 above except for
Parameters P230 to P232 and P240 to P242
deal with the 3rd and 4th Custom Transmits in the same The indicator has a 256 byte received data buffer. When
manner as described for the 2nd Custom Transmit in characters are received, they are stored in this buffer
P220 to P222 above. until the indicator has a chance to process the received
data. When the buffer has 240 characters buffered,
leaving room for only 16 more, the indicator will de-
assert its handshake output, as specified by setup
15.5 Communications (Receive) parameter P204. In other words, the indicator will
Any command that the Model 500 Series of Weigh NOTE:
Indicators is capable of executing can be sent in from a P201 must be set to 8 bits in order for this feature to
remote source via a serial, asynchronous RS-232 work properly.
communication link. Application uses for this
capability include barcode input of data, host computer

134 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 15 Communications
SECTION - 15.5

Refer to chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations, for a more detailed definition of each command.







- FACTORY USE - %DLE 90H 144

- FACTORY USE - %DC1 91H 145

- FACTORY USE - %DC2 92H 146

- FACTORY USE - %DC3 93H 147

- FACTORY USE - %DC4 94H 148

- FACTORY USE - %NAK 95H 149

- FACTORY USE - %SYN 96H 150

- FACTORY USE - %ETB 97H 151

- FACTORY USE - %CAN 98H 152

- FACTORY USE - %EM 99H 153








Disable Input n%! A1H 161


GSE Scale Systems - 135

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Specify Port n%" A2H 162

Selected Scale %# A3H 163

Send Entry %$ A4H 164

% %% A5H 165

Send Control Codes %& A6H 166

- FACTORY USE - %' A7H 167

IF Input n%( A8H 168

Clear Keypad/RS-232 n%) A9H 169

multiply %* AAH 170

add %+ ABH 171

- FACTORY USE - %, ACH 172

subtract %- ADH 173

- FACTORY USE - %. AEH 174

- FACTORY USE - %/ AFH 175

Macro 0 %0 B0H 176

Macro 1 %1 80H or B1H 128 or 177

Macro 2 %2 81H or B2H 129 or 178

Macro 3 %3 82H or B3H 130 or 179

Macro 4 %4 83H or B4H 131 or 180

Macro 5 %5 84H or B5H 132 or 181

Macro 6 %6 85H or B6H 133 or 182

Macro 7 %7 86H or B7H 134 or 183

Macro 8 %8 87H or B8H 135 or 184

Macro 9 %9 88H or B9H 136 or 185

Macro 10 %: 8AH or BAH 138 or 186


Macro 11 %; BBH 187

136 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 15 Communications
SECTION - 15.5

Macro 12 %< BCH 188

Macro 13 %= BDH 189

Macro 14 %> BEH 190

Macro 15 %? BFH 191

Sets the DELAY n%@ C0H 192

time for future
%P (PAUSE) commands.


setpoint "n"

BREAK (Abort %B C2H 194

running of
current macro)

COPY parameter %C C3H 195

to auxillary
display (entry

COPY value of n,m%C C3H 195

parameter "n"
to parameter "m".


setpoint "n"

END "IF" %E C5H 197


"IF" setpoint %F C6H 198

"n" is deactivated.

GET operator input. %G C7H 199

- FACTORY USE - %H C8H 200

Weight Conversion %I C9H 201

Jump to Tag %J CAH 202

Sets up timer to n%K CBH 203

invoke macro 15.



IF the current mode n%M CDH 205

GSE Scale Systems - 137

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

is mode "n".


IF setpoint "n" n%O CFH 207


PAUSE %P D0H 208

Send "n"th custom n%Q D1H 209


IF register "n", n%R D2H 210

is not zero.

SOUNDS Beeper %S D3H 211

TAG current position. %T D4H 212

- FACTORY USE - %U D5H 213

IF setpoint input "n" n%V D6H 214

is active.

WAIT for operator %W D7H 215

to press any key.

- FACTORY USE - %X D8H 216

IF operator presses %Y D9H 217



SAVE entry. %[ DBH 219

IF no entry. %\ DCH 220

RETRIEVE entry. %] DDH 221

GO TO macro "n" n%^ DEH 222

IF Database error "n" n%_ DFH 223

- FACTORY USE - %` E0H 224

- FACTORY USE - %a E1H 225


- FACTORY USE - %b E2H 226

CLR %c E3H 227

- FACTORY USE - %d E4H 228

138 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 15 Communications
SECTION - 15.5

ENTER %e E5H 229

ENTER/PRINT (570) %e E5H 229

- FACTORY USE - %f E6H 230

- FACTORY USE - %g E7H 231

- FACTORY USE - %h E9H 232

ID %i E9H 233

- FACTORY USE - %j EAH 234

- FACTORY USE - %k EBH 235

- FACTORY USE - %l ECH 236

- FACTORY USE - %m EDH 237

- FACTORY USE - %n EEH 238

- FACTORY USE - %o EFH 239

PRINT %p F0H 240

SAMPLE (570) %p F0H 240

- FACTORY USE - %q F1H 241

- FACTORY USE - %r F2H 242

SELECT %s F3H 243

TARE %t F4H 244

UNITS %u F5H 245

- FACTORY USE - %v F6H 246

- FACTORY USE - %w F7H 247

- FACTORY USE - %x F8H 248

- FACTORY USE - %y F9H 249


ZERO %z FAH 250

- FACTORY USE - %{ FBH 251

- FACTORY USE - %| FCH 252

- FACTORY USE - %} FDH 253

GSE Scale Systems - 139

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

- FACTORY USE - %~ FEH 254


Table 13 Extended ASCII Commands


ZERO %z FAH 250

UNITS %u F5H 245

SELECT %s F3H 243

ID %i E9H 233

PRINT %p F0H 240


TARE %t F4H 244

PRINT %e E5H 229


CLR %c E3H 227

Table 14 RS232 Keypad Commands

140 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 15 Communications
SECTION - 15.6

transmit an XOFF character and / or change the level of

its CTS output to -12v. If the transmitting device To insure a fresh start, you should clear out the previous
continues to send more than 16 characters after the contents of the Custom Transmit Setup by pressing the
indicator's handshake output has been de-asserted then <CLR> key. The indicator will prompt you with "Key #
characters may be lost. This situation constitutes an over- to CLR" which asks you to enter the number of Custom
run error and is indicated by the message ovrun error. Transmit Setup entries that should be deleted. Since the
maximum number of entries in the setup is 999, keying a
As soon as the available room in the data receive buffer number larger than this insures that any previous setup is
increases to at least 24 characters, the indicator re-asserts completely deleted. So, key in 1000 and then
its handshake outputs, informing the transmitting device <ENTER>.
that it is OK to resume transmitting. Note however that
the hardware handshake output of the indicator is always Enter the first element to be transmitted in the manner
asserted and de-asserted when appropriate, regardless of described for text, control code, or parameter, in the
the selection for P204. This has been designed-in for following sections. Repeat for each of the next elements.
trouble-shooting purposes. When complete, you may want to review the Parameter
It is assumed that if you do not want to use the hardware Setup in Chapter 4 for data transmission. When all
handshake line then you will not connect it. For this parameter setups are complete, press <ZERO> to exit
situation it would not matter if the line changed state back to the Weigh Mode.
during a transmission.
While in the Weighing Mode, the indicator checks its
receive buffer and processes any received data A default Custom Transmit is programmed into the
approximately every 1/20th of a second. While in the indicator at the factory. This may be useful for your
Setup Mode, the received data is processed more rapidly. application. It may be modified to suit your purposes or
cleared completely. The indicator is in an Insert Mode
when data is entered into a Custom Transmit Setup.
15.6 Communications (Transmit) Entered data does not overwrite existing data. Instead, it
Operations is stored at the current location within the Custom
Transmit Setup, immediately in front of the data that was
The indicator provides a customized transmit mode at that location before the entry was begun. If previously
which can be used to arrange up to 4 different entered data needs to be changed, you would first enter
transmissions to send a variety of information to other the new data, then delete the old data by using the
devices. A custom transmit can be made up of variable <CLR> key.
information displayed or stored by the indicator, fixed
ASCII characters and control codes. Up to 999 elements There are several sub-modes of operation in the Custom
may be programmed for transmission in each of the four Transmit Setup Mode. These are:
custom transmit setups, with each fixed character and
programmed parameter counting as one element. As a • Viewing the previously set up transmission and
maximum example, 12 parameters and 987 fixed discrete entering new characters.
characters may be programmed for transmission. • Expanding a special code to determine its setting.
• Selecting a parameter to be transmitted.
CREATING A CUSTOM TRANSMIT SETUP • Selecting the format for the selected parameter.

Before attempting to set up a Custom Transmit,

determine ahead of time exactly what information you There are three different types of entries that can be
want to send. Advance to the Custom Transmit Setup of made into the Custom Transmit Setup.
choice. For example, press <1> <0> <0> <0>
<SELECT> for the 1st Custom Transmit. • Fixed Text
• Control Codes and Extended codes such as carriage
NOTE: returns, line feeds, etc.
If entering this mode from the Weigh Mode, you will be • Items such as Gross Weight, ID numbers, Date,
asked to enter the Software Security Code. Enter the Time, etc.
code as explained in Chapter 3 and the mode will be • These entries are explained in the following
advanced to the specified parameter, in this case P1000. sections.

GSE Scale Systems - 141

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)


During the setup of a Custom Transmit, the numeric The Fixed Text portion of a transmission is entered into
display will show PXYYY. , where the X indicates the the setup where it is to appear within the transmitted
number of the transmit (1-4), and the YYY indicates the data. A maximum of 49 characters may be entered at any
number of the current entry location (starting at location one time before pressing <ENTER>. Press the
000). For example, when the first character of the 1st <UNITS> key to begin an entry. This places an A in the
Custom Transmit Setup is displayed in the lower right lower right position on the display. Use the <UNITS>
corner of the dot matrix display, the numeric display and <PRINT> keys to scroll forward or backward
would read P1000. When the fourth character of that through all possible characters. Press <TARE> when the
setup is displayed, the numeric display would read desired character is displayed. This shifts the chosen
P1003. character to the left making room for the next character,
which is first displayed as an "A". This new character is
DOT MATRIX DISPLAY DURING SETUP then set to its desired value. Press <UNITS> to backup
through the setup if required. When the text entry is
The character programmed at the current location within complete, press the <ENTER> key to store the data.If an
the Custom Transmit Setup will be shown in the lower alpha keypad is available, then the text characters may be
rightmost position of this display. Any preceding entered directly. Alpha keypads can used in a variety of
characters are shown ahead of it on the second and first ways such as with the GSE computer simulation of the
lines of the display. For instance, if part number were indicator, by connecting a computer in terminal mode to
entered, the display would show: the Comm Port of the indicator, by using the alpha
keypad sold with the GSE Model 625, or by
downloading a setup file from a computer through the
ART_N Comm port of the indicator.
Be careful when downloading the % character which is
Special characters are used to represent the characters used to execute commands. If a % character is part of the
required to transmit parameters, control codes, ASCII transmit setup, then a double percent character %% must
extended codes, and the end of the table. Parameters are be entered. For those who prefer, the ASCII characters
represented by a compound p/a while control codes and may be entered one at a time using their 3 digit decimal
extended codes are represented by a single character code number preceded by a decimal point entry. For
combination c/c. These special characters may be example, to enter the letter Z you would
expanded to clarify their use by pressing the <PRINT> press <.> <0> <9> <0> <ENTER>. This entry procedure
key. Control codes, standard ASCII characters and is the same as for ASCII control codes (see following
extended codes (greater than 127 decimal) are expanded section).
to their decimal value. In addition, control codes are also
shown with their standard two or three character
abbreviation and their control character representation. CONTROL CODE SETUP
For example, the carriage return would be shown as:
< CR > ^M=13. ASCII Control Codes (0 to 31) and Extended Codes (128
to 255) can only be programmed by keying in a decimal
Extended codes are shown with the letters EXT-* where point followed by the three digit decimal value of the
the * is replaced by the corresponding ASCII character. desired character. For instance, to transmit a line feed
The parameter codes are expanded to a five character (which has a decimal value of 10), you would key in <.>
representation of their name along with a 3 digit code <0> <1> <0> and press <ENTER>. A special code has
representing the selected format for that parameter. For been created which combines a carriage return with a line
example, the Gross Weight being transmitted in format 3 feed: .256 <ENTER>. However, this code still takes up
would be depicted as: F:003 GROSS two elements in the Custom Transmit Setup. Refer to
Table 15, ASCII Control Codes for a for a complete list
The Dot Matrix Display is also used to prompt you of codes.
through the process of selecting an item for transmission
and during the process of deleting a previous setup. PARAMETER SETUP

142 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 15 Communications
SECTION - 15.6


^@ 000 NUL Null Character
^A 001 SOH Start of Header
^B 002 STX Start of Text
^C 003 ETX End of Text
^D 004 EOT End of Transmission
^E 005 ENQ Enquire
^F 006 ACK Acknowledge
^G 007 BEL Bell
^H 008 BS Backspace
^I 009 HT Horizontal Tab
^J 010 LF Line Feed
^K 011 VT Vertical Tab
^L 012 FF Form Feed
^M 013 CR Carriage Return
^N 014 SO Shift Out
^O 015 SI Shift In
^P 016 DLE Data Link Escape
^Q 017 DC1 Device Control 1
^R 018 DC2 Device Control 2
^S 019 DC3 Device Control 3
^T 020 DC4 Device Control 4
^U 021 NAK Negative Acknowledge
^V 022 SYN Synchronous Idle
^W 023 ETB End Transmission Block
^X 024 CAN Cancel
^Y 025 EM End of Medium
^Z 026 SUB Substitute
^[ 027 ESC Escape
^\ 028 FS Field Separator
^] 029 GS Group Separator
^^ 030 RS Record Separator
^(underline) 031 US Unit Separator

Table 15 ASCII Control Codes

GSE Scale Systems - 143

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Parameter ID Transmitted Name Parameter ID Transmitted Name

Gross Weight 00 Gross Alarm 3 Time 53 A3 Tim

Net Weight 01 Net Alarm 4 Time 54 A4 Tim

Tare Weight 02 Tare Variable #10 60 Var10
Gross Total 03 GrTOT Variable #11 61 Var11
Gross Total + Current 04 GrT+C
Variable #12 62 Var12
Gross Total - Current 05 GrT-C
Variable #13 63 Var13
Net Total 06 NtTOT
Variable #14 64 Var14
Net Total + Current 07 Nt+C
Variable #15 65 Var15
Net Total - Current 08 Nt-C
Variable #16 66 Var16
Time/Date 11 Tm/Dt
Variable #17 67 Var17
Truck IN/OUT Gross 12 TrGrs
Wt. Variable #18 68 Var18
Truck IN/OUT Net Wt. 13 TrNet Variable #19 69 Var19
Truck IN/OUT Tare 14 TrTar Variable #20 70 Var20
ID#1 21 ID 1 Variable #21 71 Var21

ID#2 22 ID 2 Variable #22 72 Var22

ID#3 23 ID 3 Variable #23 73 Var23

ID#4 24 ID 4 Variable #24 74 Var24

ID#5 25 ID 5 Variable #25 75 Var25

ID#6 26 ID 6 Variable #26 76 Var26

Note: ID Parameters 30 Variable #27 77 Var27
through 37 are
applicable only to the Variable #28 78 Var28
570/574 units and are
used for counting Variable #29 79 Var29
applications only.
Variable #0 80 Var 0

Quantity 30 Qty Variable #1 81 Var 1

Quantity Total 31 Qty TOT Variable #2 82 Var 2

Quantity Total + 32 Qty T+C Variable #3 83 Var 3

Variable #4 84 Var 4
Quantity Total - 33 Qty T-C
Current Variable #5 85 Var 5
Avg. Piece Weight 34 APW Variable #6 86 Var 6
Avg. Piece Wt. times 35 APW*K
Variable #7 87 Var 7
% Accuracy 36 %Accy Variable #8 88 Var 8

Last Sample 37 Sampl Variable #9 89 Var 9

Recalled Time 50 R time Register #1 91 Reg 1

Alarm 1 Time 51 A1 Tim Register #2 92 Reg 2

Alarm 2 Time 52 A2 Tim

Table 16 Parameter ID Numbers

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Parameter ID Transmitted Name Parameter ID Transmitted Name

Register #3 93 Reg 3

Register #4 94 Reg4

Post Time 96 Ptime

Status Character 97 Stat

Currently Displayed 98 Data is variable

Data depending on
currently displayed

Table 16 continued, Parameter ID Numbers

GSE Scale Systems - 145

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Selection Example Description

8 "1235." Print decimal even if data has no fractional portion
16 "+1235" Print + sign for positive data
32 "1235 Gross" Do NOT print the parameter's units
64 "2720 lb Gross" Print the data in default units (as opposed to current units)
128 "1235 lb" Do NOT print the parameter's name

Table 17 Numeric Parameter Formats

Selection Example Description

0 " 27.49" Fixed width, right justified, left spaces filled
1 "0027.49" Fixed width, right justified, left zeroes filled
2 "27.49 " Fixed width, left justified, padded w/spaces on right
3 "27.49" Minimum width

Table 18 Numerical Parameter Field Width

Parameters stored by the indicator are added to a transmit NUMERIC PARAMETER FORMAT SELECTIONS
by pressing the <ENTER> key while you are at the
desired location of the Transmit Setup. The display will The selections for the numeric parameters calculated by
read Pick Parm: for about one second, then the display the Model indicator (GROSS, NET, etc.) are described in
will read Parm= Gross. Press the <UNITS> or Table 17, Numeric Parameter Formats and Table 18,
<PRINT> keys to scroll through the possible selections Numerical Field Width. Note that the names of the units
such as Net, Tare, ID #1, etc. Parameters may also be are sent in a variable width of up to 6 characters,
chosen by directly keying in their parameter number consisting of a leading space followed by up to 5
followed by <ENTER>. This simplifies creation of a characters of units name. Similarly, when selected,
computer based setup file. The available parameters and parameter names are always sent following the data and
their numbers are listed in Table 16, Parameter ID after the units name (if sent). The length of the parameter
Numbers. When the desired parameter is displayed, press name will always be 5 characters for numeric parameters
the <ENTER> key.After the parameter is selected, the as this is the same name that is displayed when the
display will briefly show Set Formt, followed by Formt = parameter is selected during the Weigh Mode. If a more
000. Enter a 3 digit code that specifies the exact way in descriptive name is desired for the transmission, the
which the parameter will be transmitted. A number format can be selected to send the data only with the
between 000 and 255 are the possible entries. In most descriptive name programmed into the Custom Transmit
cases a format entry of 000 will suffice and the format Setup as fixed text immediately preceding or following
entry process can be effectively ignored. However, if you the transmitted data. Additional format options for the
want to send a parameter in a particular way, you must numeric parameters are divided into two categories as
add up the values from a set of choices for that parameter shown in Table 18. The first is Fixed Width where a
and enter the sum as the format code. The format specific number of digits are always transmitted for the
selections vary somewhat depending on the type of data. The other variation is Minimum Width where only
parameter that you selected. These are explained in the the digits necessary to represent the data are sent, so that
following section. fewer characters are sent for weights closer to zero. In
any case, all transmitted data is formatted to the same

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SECTION - 15.6

selection Example Description

1 "06:56:51 pm 05/15/93" Includes seconds with time
2 "18:56 05/15/93" 24 hour time format
4 "06:56 pm May 15, 1993" Print date spelled out
8 "06:56 pm Wed 15, 1993" Print day of week
16 "06:56 pm 15/05/93" International date format
32 "1235" Print as # of seconds elapsed since midnight January 1, 1970
64 "05/15/92" Do NOT print time
128 "06:56 pm" Do NOT print date

Table 19 Time / Date Format Selections

Format Example Description

32 "1235" Print as # of seconds elapsed since midnight January 1, 1970
68 "May 6, 1992" Complete U.S.A. date
72 "Mon 05/06/92" U.S.A. date with day of the week
80 "06/05/92" International date
92 "Mon 6 May, 1992" Complete International date with the day of the week
129 "01:11:30 pm" 12 hour time with seconds, without the date
131 "13:11:30" 24 hour time with seconds

Table 20 Time / Date Format examples

number of decimal places as would be displayed. Choose

ONE of the four choices in Table 18 and add its value to Time-Date is set up at the factory to transmit the format
that selected from Table 17. If a fixed width is chosen, as: 16:56 pm 05/15/91. If this is satisfactory then the
the fixed width that will be used is specified with setup format code of 000 should be used. Otherwise, add up
parameter P208.XX as a value between 0 and 15. Also, the indicated format codes for each of your selections in
the plus or minus sign, when printed, is included in the Table 19, Time / Date Format Selection. After adding up
fixed width. If the transmitted data cannot be represented the selections from Table 19, the total should be entered
in the specified fixed width, additional characters are sent as the format code for the Time/Date parameter. Each
if needed. Thus very small values for fixed width, specific combination of choices results in the
especially zero or one, will produce the same result as a transmission of a specific number of characters. The
minimum width selection! These same selections apply number of transmitted characters is not dependent on the
to the vars, parameters 80-89, except that the units current time or date. An example of several combinations
related selections (selections 32 and 64) are not are shown Table 20, Time / Date Format Examples.
applicable. These 2 choices may be ignored. Note that transmission of a parameter name along with
the Time/Date is not available as a format choice.
TIME/DATE PARAMETER FORMAT Additional text, such as Today's Date: , may be
SELECTIONS programmed as fixed text into the Custom Transmit

GSE Scale Systems - 147

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Selection Example Description

0 "Part #:10-40-5503 " ID with name, fixed width (width set at P700-P712)
1 "Part #:10-40-5503" ID with name, minimum width
128 "10-40-5503 " ID without name, fixed width (width set at P700-P712)
129 "10-40-5503" ID without name, minimum width

Table 21 ID Parameter Formats

Selection Description
0 Print the decimal point even if the data has no fractional value
16 Print a + sign for positive data
128 Do NOT print the parameter's name

Table 22 Basic Format Selections

Selection Description
32 Increment number before it is transmitted
36 Decrement number before it is transmitted
64 Increment number after it is transmitted
68 Decrement number after it is transmitted
96 Increment number twice, once before and once after it is transmitted
100 Decrement number twice, once before and once after it is transmitted

Table 23 General Purpose Register Format Selections

Character Description
O Overload or Underload condition
M Motion exists
(space) No Overload or Underload or Motion exists

Table 24 Status Character Interpretation

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Format Code Effect Example

0 Send Name "Stat M"
128 Do NOT send Name "M"

Table 25 Status Format Selection

Setup in front of the Time/Date parameter entry. Refer to indicator instrument may be included in a transmission.
the section on Fixed Text and use of the % character. You will first want to decide if you want the name of the
ID sent along with the data. If sent, the name will
TIME / DATE TRANSMIT CODE UPDATE precede the data of the ID. If a space is desired between
the name and the data then that should be programmed
Format code 32 allows a time / date type variable into the name of the ID. However, it is often beneficial to
(current time, recalled time, and alarms 1 - 4) to be name the ID in an abbreviated form that will fit into the 5
transmitted as a numeric value in terms of the number of character display for the benefit of the operator who keys
seconds elapsed since Jan 1, 1970. This is useful in in the ID during everyday use. If so, then the ID data can
uploading time / date information to a computer for use be sent without its shortened name but with a more
in a spreadsheet application. descriptive name programmed into the Custom Transmit
Setup as Fixed Text. Your second decision determines
ID PARAMETER FORMAT SELECTIONS the number of characters transmitted for the ID data. This
can be either the number of characters keyed in as the ID
The six programmable ID parameters available in the data, or the maximum data size programmed for that ID.
indicator may be included in a transmission. Choose a Refer to parameters P701, P703, P705, P707, P709 and
name to send along with the data. If sent, the name will P711 for programming the maximum size of an ID. All
precede the data of the ID. If a space is desired between four possible format choices are shown in Table 21. No
the name and the data then that should be programmed addition of choice values is required.
into the name of the ID. However, it is often beneficial to
name the ID in an abbreviated form that will fit into the 5 NOTE:
character display for the benefit of the operator who keys The selection made in parameter P208 does not affect the
in the ID during everyday use. If you limit the name to 5 transmission size.
characters, the ID data can be sent without its shortened
name but with a more descriptive name programmed into
the Custom Transmit Setup as Fixed Text. Your second GENERAL PURPOSE REGISTER FORMAT
decision is to determine the number of characters SELECTIONS
transmitted for the ID data. This can be either the number
of characters keyed in as the ID data, or the maximum The indicator has four general purpose registers
data size programmed for that ID. Refer to parameters (parameters# 91 - 94) that that can be used for the
P701, P703, P705, P707, P709 and P711 for printing of incrementing and decrementing values, such
programming the maximum size of an ID. All four as box numbering, or for Truck In/Out Weighing as the
possible format choices are shown in Table 21, ID truck ID (refer to Chapter 17 for more information on
Parameter Formats. No addition of choice values is Truck In/Out Weighing). The formatting choices are
required. shown in Table 22 and 23. The values in Table 23 allow
for incrementing or decrementing the transmitted
NOTE: number, before or after it is transmitted. You do NOT
The selection made in parameter P208 does not affect the have to make a selection from Table 23. Add in the
transmission size. indicated value for each of the following format
selections based upon your response to the following
choices: Finally choose a field width value from Table 18
15.7 Identification (ID) Operations and add it to that determined from Tables 22 and 23.
Remember that if the parameter name is transmitted, it is
The six programmable ID parameters available in the always sent following the data. The length of the

GSE Scale Systems - 149

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

1 = must be set
0 = must NOT be set
• = don’t care (but still affects final output)
+ = defined in comment

Bit 15 is currently unused. It could be used to tell the indicator that a different ordering of the
bits are in use. This alternate order would allow for a more logical arrangement of the bits for
selecting various formats.

This chart does not apply to time/date parameters. Unit settings do not apply to vars and regs.
Decimal point printing does not apply to regs.

REF. MSBs <——-> <——-> LSBs Comments


Bit Numbers

1 1 1 1 1 1
5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

3 1 Add these numbers to set selections.

2 6 8 4 2 1
1 7 3 1 0 0 0 5 2 1
6 8 9 9 4 2 1 5 2 6 3 1
8 4 2 6 8 4 2 6 8 4 2 6 8 4 2 1

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Width = (0 thru 15) x 256. This will set

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · the width bits (0 = use P208).
2 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
· · · · + + + + · · · · · · · ·

· 0 0 · · · · · · 0 · · · · · · Use current units

· 0 1 · · · · · · 0 · · · · · · Use UNIT 1
· 1 0 · · · · · · 0 · · · · · · Use UNIT 2
3 · 1 1 · · · · · · 0 · · · · · · Use UNIT 3
· 0 0 · · · · · · 1 · · · · · · Use default units (cal units)
· 0 1 · · · · · · 1 · · · · · · Use UNIT 4
· 1 0 · · · · · · 1 · · · · · · Use A/D Graduations (uses raw data, regardless of parm #
· 1 1 · · · · · · 1 · · · · · · Currently undefined (could be used for mV/V)

· · · · · · · · · · · · · + · · 0 = use DP, 1 = Xmit entire number without DP (DP removed before

4 conversion to binary and after unit conversion)
· · · · · · · · · · · · + · · · 0 = use DP if needed, 1 = always use DP
· · · · · · · · · · · + · · · · 0 = don’t use ‘+’, 1 = use ‘1’
· · · · · · · · · · + · · · · · 0 = print units, 1 = don’t print units
· · · · · · · · + · · · · · · · 0 = print parameter name, 1 = don’t print parameter name
· · · 0 · · · · · · · · · · 0 0 Fixed width, Right justify. (Space padded)
· · · 0 · · · · · · · · · · 0 1 Fixed width, Right justify. (0 padded)
5 · · · 0 · · · · · · · · · · 1 0 Fixed width, Left justify. (Space padded)
· · · 0 · · · · · · · · · · 1 1 Minimum width

· · · 1 · · · · · · · · · · 0 0 Decimal point aligned (future)

· · · 1 · · · · · · · · · · 0 1 Use Binary Format - NOTE - Changes meaning of bits 3 and 4
6 · · · 1 · · · · · · · · · · 1 0 Print parameter name only - right justified
· · · 1 · · · · · · · · · · 1 1 Print parameter name only - left justified

· · · 1 · · · · · · · 0 0 · 0 1
convert data to char and transmit
· · · 1 · · · · · · · 0 1 · 0 1
7 · · · 1 · · · · · · · 1 0 · 0 1
convert data to int and transmit
convert data to long int and transmit
· · · 1 · · · · · · · 1 1 · 0 1
convert data to IEEE 4-byte binary float and transmit

Table 26, Advanced Formatting Codes

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SECTION - 15.8

parameter name will always be 5 characters for these signs are aligned under specific numbers in
parameters as this is the same name that is displayed Row Ref 1. Any Row Ref sections with “+”
when the parameter is selected during the Weigh Mode. signs are fully defined in the commenting
If a more descriptive name is desired it can be section. Follow these directions to determine
programmed into the Custom Transmit Setup to be part the format codes. This particular Row Ref
of the fixed text transmission immediately preceding or allows for defining the width bits of an
following the data being transmitted. individual parameter. If the maximum width of
a parameter is to be 3, then by definition of the
STATUS PARAMETER stated comment you would multiply 3 times
256. The result is 768. This number is then
This parameter was added so that the indicator could added to a lower level format code for the
transmit some information regarding its status, parameter being formated.
specifically concerning motion and overload conditions.
The transmitted status will consist of a single character 3 This section allows formatting of a specified
having three possible values as described in table 24 parameter to a specific type of “units”. Note
Status Character Interpretation. The only applicable that these values are only added if it is
format code for the status parameter is for the inclusion represented by a ‘1’ in any of the Row Ref#s 3
or exclusion of the parameter's name, Stat, which has a thru 7 in table 26. Multiple numbers may be
format code of 128, as shown in table 25 Status Format added together if the table shows multiple ‘1s’.
4 This row shows a set of ‘+’ signs. The plus
<ID> Key Usage in the VAR modes (update) signs are aligned under specific numbers in
Row Ref 1. Any Row Ref sections with “+”
Beginning with Indicator firmware revision code 01003, signs are fully defined in the commenting
date code April 02, 1992 and later, the <ID> key is now section. Follow the directions under the
operational while in the var modes (viewing vars 0 thru comments column to determine the format
9). The only modes in which the <ID> key will not codes. This particular Row Ref allows for
perform the operation as specified in P720 are modes defining whether the decimal point, the plus
91 - 94, which are the General Purpose Registers. sign, the units and the parameter name is
printed. for example, if the decimal point is to
be removed you would use the first selection of
15.8 Additional Formatting Codes the stated comment and add the value ‘4’ from
(Advanced Customization) Row Ref# 1 under the plus sign, to the lower
level format code for the parameter being
Additional formatting capabilities have been included in formated.
the 550 for advanced customization of parameters
transmitted. Refer to table 26, Advanced Formatting 5 This section allows formatting of a specified
Codes. parameter to a specific width while right/left
justifying and padding with 0s or spaces.Note
Row Ref#. that these values are only added if it is
represented by a ‘1’ in any of the Row Ref#s 3
0 Reading vertically from right to left are bit thru 7 in table 26. Multiple numbers may be
locations 0 thru 15. The 0 bit is the least added together if the table shows multiple ‘1s’
significant and 15 is the most significant.
6 This section allows formatting of a specified
1 Reading these numbers vertically, they are parameter for decimal point alignment, binary
added to a lower level (3 digit) set format code format, print parameters name right/left
to further customize the parameter. Note that justified. These values are only added if
these values are only added if it is represented represented by a ‘1’.Note that these values are
by a ‘1’ in any of the Row Ref#s 3 thru 7 in only added if it is represented by a ‘1’ in any of
table 26. Multiple numbers may be added the Row Ref#s 3 thru 7 in table 26. Multiple
together if the table shows multiple ‘1s’. numbers may be added together if the table
shows multiple ‘1s’ (providing combination is
2 This row shows a set of ‘+’ signs. The plus logical based on comments).

GSE Scale Systems - 151

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

7 This section allows formatting of a specified pressing the <PRINT> key, an exception is the
parameter to a char, int, long or IEEE 4-byte Continuous Print feature which will transmit the
binary float and then transmit. These values programmed data each time the display is updated. This
are only added if represented by a ‘1’.Note feature is particularly useful with a remote display or an
that these values are only added if it is interface with a computer that is monitoring the process.
represented by a ‘1’ in any of the Row Ref#s 3 If the receiving device (printer, display or computer)
thru 7 in table 26. Multiple numbers may be goes off line, is powered-down or for any other reason
added together if the table shows multiple ‘1s’ cannot receive the data being sent, the message Tx On
(providing combination is logical). Hold will appear for a few seconds.

Example: Press <CLR> to abort the transmission. If this situation

occurs while using the Continuous Print feature, the
This advanced formatting capability allows format codes continuous transmission is suspended, but can be
greater than 3 digits in length to be entered in the custom resumed by pressing the <PRINT> key.
transmit tables. ie. 3 digit format code (128), 5 digit
format code (16384). This example of a 5 digit format
code (16384) is derived from table 26 which will format 15.10 Input Interpreter
the selected parameter to be printed using the second
selected units set in P152. Format code 128 would print Description
the same parameter without the name but in the units The Input Interpreter is a new feature that has been added
specified in P151. to the GSE Model 500 Series Weigh and Counting
Indicators. This feature, when enabled, operates on data
Find in Row Ref# 3 the comment showing use UNIT 2. received through the indicator's serial port. It enables the
Reading across from right to left, find a ‘1’ under the indicator to be programmed to perform complex custom
value 16384 in Row Ref# 1. applications, as well as recognize specific commands
which may be unique to other indicators. This option
permits the GSE indicator to be programmed to emulate
15.9 Printing Operations identical commands from Weigh Indicators
manufactured by other companies.
Pressing <PRINT> will print either the data which
appears on the display, or the stored data and other The Input Interpreter consists of 8 input specifications.
information that was entered into a Custom Transmit Each specification operates independently and can be
Setup, depending upon how the transmission parameters Line type, Character type, or left unused. When the
have been set up (refer to the section on Custom received data matches one of the specifications, a macro
Transmit setup). A default Custom Transmit Setup is can be initiated.
programmed into your indicator at the factory. An
example of which is shown below. The font size of the A Character type input specification will match a single
text is a function of the printers capabilities. received character. Although the specification may be
several characters long, only the first character is
compared. When a match occurs, all preceding data is
ID#1: cleared, and if a macro number is programmed, it is
9876.54 lbs Gross Weight
9864.20 lbs Net Weight With Line type input specifications, the received data is
held in a buffer until a terminating character is received.
12.34 lbs Tare Weight This terminating character is programmable, but the
default is a decimal 10, which is an ASCII LINEFEED.
All Line type input specifications use the same
There are 4 Custom Transmits that may be set up in the terminating character.
indicator. To print a set up transmit, press <n>
<PRINT> where "n" corresponds to one of the four When the terminating character is received, the data in
Custom Transmits. 1 = Custom Transmit 1, 2 = Transmit the buffer is compared against the Line type input
2, etc. specifications. If a match is found and a macro number is
programmed, it is invoked. Whether or not a match is
Although all transmissions are usually begun by found, the buffer will be cleared of all data up to and

152 - GSE Scale Systems

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SECTION - 15.10

including the terminating character. (character) and 2 - Line (line). Enter the number of your
selection followed by the <ENTER> key to select a
Line specifications may contain text, control codes and specific selection or press <ENTER> by itself to scroll
parameters. If there are no parameters, the received data through the selections.
is simply compared against the specification, and they
must be identical to be considered a match. When the type is set to unused, the other two parameters
for that input specification are not accessible and will not
If there are parameters in the line specification, be retained in EEPROM. However, they are not cleared
characters from the received data will be stored into that until exiting the setup mode, so changing the type to
parameter. Characters before the parameter in the line unused and then back to char or line does not affect the
specification must match characters in the received data. input specification format line and macro setups.
A match occurs when data has been stored into all
parameters in the line specification. Input Specification Format Line

Input specification format lines may be up to 255 The format line is programmed at Parameter 9X1, (where
characters long, however the input interpreter's input X is the input specification number, 1 through 8). The
buffer is only 49 characters long, which is the maximum format line is displayed on the lower line of the character
number of received data characters that may be display, the edit position is the last character on the right.
interpreted. When this buffer fills up it is cleared. The numeric display shows the edit position's offset from
the first character of the format line. A solid box
Setup character indicates the end of the format line, a small PA
indicates a parameter and a small CC indicates a control
The Input Interpreter is an advanced software feature. In code. Here the following keys perform special functions:
order for it to function properly, it must be set-up
properly. The setup is stored in electronically erasable <ID> Moves the edit position left
programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) along with
all the other scale setup information. <TARE> Moves the edit position right

General Setup <PRINT> (Model 550) Expands character at edit

The Input Interpreter may be enabled or disabled at setup
Parameter 900. All remaining input interpreter setup <SAMPLE> (Model 570) Expands character at edit
parameters are always retained regardless of the setting position
of this parameter. When this parameter is enabled, all
received serial data is captured and used by the input <UNITS> Enter Alphanumeric entry
interpreter. When it is disabled, all serial data is received mode
and used by the instrument's command processor.
<ENTER> With no entry, enters the
The line type input specification terminating character is parameter select mode
programmed at Parameter 901. For values from 0 to 99, Following an entry, inserts entry into
the value is displayed on the numeric display, while the format line at edit position.
ASCII interpretation of it is shown on the lower line of
the character display. For values greater than 99, only <CLR> With edit position at the end of the
the value is displayed on the lower line of the character format line will ask if you want to
display. delete the entire line;press

For each of the eight input specifications, there are three <ENTER> for yes, any other key for no.
parameters which must be set-up: type, format line and Otherwise it deletes the character at
macro number. the edit position.

Input Specification Type In the Alphanumeric entry mode the <UNITS> key and
the key beneath it (<PRINT> on the Model 550 and
The Type is programmed at parameter 9X0, (where X is <SAMPLE> on the Model 570) are used to scroll up and
the input specification number, 1 through 8). The down through the ASCII character set. The <ID> key
choices for type are: 0 - Unusd (unused), 1 - Char acts as a backspace, removing the character at the edit

GSE Scale Systems - 153

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

position and moving the edit position to the left one feed is sent following the carriage return, this will only
character. The <TARE> key moves the edit position one work the first time, because the linefeed will remain in
character to the right and places an "A" there. the buffer and be taken as the first character of the next
In the parameter select mode the <UNITS> key and the transmission.
key beneath it (<PRINT> on the Model 550 and
<SAMPLE> on the Model 570) are used to scroll up and There are two ways around this. First, if you know the
down through the available parameters. The parameter transmissions will always include a linefeed, then set the
number is displayed in the last 2 digits of the numeric terminating character to 10 (linefeed) and insert the
display, If you know the parameter number you may carriage return at the end of the format line.
enter it directly. When the name of the parameter you
want is displayed, pressing <ENTER> will insert it into Alternately, you could set up another input specification
the format line at the edit position. to be character type, with a linefeed as the format line,
and no macro. This way, the linefeed will simply clear
Control codes are inserted by entering ".XXX", when the buffer, which was already done by the carriage
XXX is the decimal code for the control code. For return, so in effect the linefeed is ignored. This would
example, ".013" <ENTER> inserts a carriage return at allow all line type input specifications to handle
the edit position. transmissions with or without a linefeed.

Use caution when using a "%" in the format line. In Multiple Parameters
order to match a "%" in the received data, the format line
must contain two percent signs, or "%%". To enter two Any Line type input specification may contain several
percent signs in the setup mode requires that 4 percent parameters. Suppose you want the scale to receive and
signs be sent to the scale. A single percent sign has a interpret the following transmission:
special meaning for the input interpreter, which is T1.234,PWT.05< CR >
discussed in the section For Programmers Only.
The objective is to store "1.234" into the TARE register,
Input Specification Macro Number ".05" as the PIECE-WEIGHT, and execute a macro when
done. This can be accomplished by setting up an input
The macro number is programmed at Parameter 9X2, specification as line type, with a format line of
(where X is the input specification number, 1 through 8). "T<pa=TARE>,PWT<pa=APW>", macro number set to
Here you select the number of the macro you want to 0, and the terminating character set to 13 (carriage
initiate when a match is found. The choices are 0 return). Here <pa=TARE> means to insert the parameter
through 15 (macro number) and 16 (no macro). Enter the TARE at that point in the format line.
number of your selection followed by the <ENTER>
key to select a specific selection or press <ENTER> by If we receive an incomplete transmission, for example:
itself to scroll through the selections. T1.234,PW<cr> the data "1.234" will be stored in the
TARE register, however nothing will be stored in the
Operation PIECE-WEIGHT register. The macro will not be
executed, because a match occurs only when data is
There are a few aspects of the Input Interpreter which stored into all the parameters in the format line.
deserve to be highlighted. Failure to fully understand
these concepts may result in unacceptable operation of In some applications, you may not want the value in the
the Input Interpreter. parameters to change unless a match has occurred. This
can be accomplished by setting up the input specification
Termination Character to store the data into a unused variable (VAR), and have
the macro copy the value into the desired parameter
How you handle your terminating character is very (TARE, QUANTITY, etc...) using the "%C" macro
important! Let's assume that you want the Indicator to command.
execute a macro when it receives the word "START"
through it's serial port. So you set up the input Trailing Data
specification #1 to be line type, the format line to
"START" and the macro number to 0. The terminating In an input specification with at least one parameter, any
character is set to 13, which is a carriage return. data following the last parameter's data but preceding the
This setup will work fine if what is sent to the scale is terminating character will be ignored. For example: a
"START" followed by a carriage return. But if a line format line of "T<pa=TARE>" will match received data

154 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 15 Communications

SECTION - 15.10

of "T1.234" and "T1.234 hello there". necessary to using the input interpreter. It will however,
allow a higher degree of flexibility in your custom
To prevent this, "%5s" may be appended to the end of applications.
the format line, as in "T<pa=TARE>%5s". What this
does is tell the input interpreter to store up to five For Programmers Only!
characters of trailing data in a dummy parameter. If the
received data contains trailing data, data will be stored As you read the previous Trailing Data Section, you
into two parameters, TARE and the dummy. Since the probably thought to yourself, "That %5s looks like a
format line contains only one parameter, a match has not format string from a C language printf or scanf
occurred, and the macro is not executed. function!". You're right! A derivative of scanf is the
heart of the line type input interpreter specification with
Multiple Matches parameters. This knowledge can be useful, as we'll see
The input specifications are checked in order from one to
eight. If the received data could match more than one There are three components used by the input interpreter:
input specification, the first one checked that generates a the input string, the format string and a parameter
match has priority. Once a match occurs, the comparison address list. The input string consists of the data up to but
stops. The other input specifications are not checked. not including the terminating character.

Disabling the Input Interpreter The format string is derived from the format line which
is input in the setup mode and stored in EEPROM. At
When enabled, the input interpreter software intercepts power-up or when exiting the setup mode (when the
all received data, except for the following circumstances: display says "Doing Setup") the format line is scanned
Input interpreter is disabled in the setup mode, parameter and all parameters are replaced by format codes
100 and above. To download a new setup to the scale appropriate to their type. The address list is also built so
while input interpreter is enabled, you must enter the that scanf will know where to store the data for each
setup mode manually by entering parameter. One additional address is added to the end of
"100<select>23640<id><enter>" from the scale's the list, that of the dummy parameter for the trailing data
keypad. previously discussed.

The macro commands %G, %W and %Y suspend the The format code for most parameters is "%f", for floating
input interpreter while waiting for operator input. point data. The ID parameters are strings whose length is
The input interpreter is suspended during database programmable through the setup mode, so their format
unloads. code is "%Xs", where X is the programmed length, (i.e.
"%20s" for a string length of 20). The time/date
Under these conditions, received data is accepted directly parameters, 50 through 54 are unsigned long type data,
into the scale's command/entry buffer. so their format code is "%lu".

Using an I.D. as a Parameter It is possible to override these format codes by inserting

a "%" immediately before the parameter in the format
When I.D.s (parameter 21 through 26) are used as line. Then you can enter your own format code ahead of
parameters, spaces in the received data are treated the "%". If you have multiple parameters you have to
different than other characters. Leading spaces in the insert your format codes ahead of the first overridden
received data are ignored. The first non-space character parameter's format code.
is the first character stored in the I.D.. Data will continue
to be stored into the I.D. until the next space, the end of This can be useful for parsing fixed-width data that
the received data, or the maximum size of the I.D. is contains no delimiters, because the maximum field width
reached. can be specified. For example, "%5f%6f%<pa=VAR1>
%<pa=VAR2>" will store the first 5 characters of data in
Advanced concepts floating point format into VAR1, and the next 6
characters in floating point format into VAR2.
This section is included for use by programmers
knowledgeable in the "C" programming language. If this An interesting but not very useful application is to
does not include you, feel free to skip this section. An override the format for an unsigned long parameter, 50
understanding of the concepts presented here is not through 54, with "%lx". This will interpret the incoming

GSE Scale Systems - 155

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

data as hex! "%lo" will interpret it in octal! File Name: TAREINP.SET (on disk from GSE)

Back to more worthwhile things now, an asterisk 100%s23640%i%e Access Setup

immediately following the percent sign will cause a field Modes, Allowing
to be scanned but not stored. So if you know that there is Changes
a floating number in the incoming data that you want to
ignore, use "%*f" to skip over it, or to skip a single 700%s12%e P700.-- 1SIZE#1=12
character use "%*c". 701%sTare units%e P701.-- NAME1 Tare
This is not meant to be a tutorial on the uses of the scan
function. Many resource books are available which go 800%s%c%e P800.81 Macro # 0
into much further depth. We have tried to suggest some lb;21%%-%e 0001 subtract
possible ways of using it's characteristics to good 80,2%%C%e 0007 copy register
advantage. GOTlbtare!%%P%e 0012 pause
%%N%e 0023 if not
parameter Setup Reference kg;21%%-%e 0024 subtract
.4535925;80%%*%e 0030 multiply
Parameter Selections Description 80,2%%C%e 0042 copy register
GOTkgtare!%%P%e 0047 pause
900 0 Interpreter Disabled %%N%e 0058 if not
1 Interpreter Enabled not Tared%%P%e 0059 pause
%%E%e 0070 end if
901 0 - 255 Line
Character 900%s1%e P900.01 RxInp Enbld
901%s10%e P901.10 RxTrm <LF>
(in the following, X is the input specification number, 1
through 8) 910%s2%e P910.02 RxTyp Line
911%s%c%e P911.04 RxFmt
9X0 0 Unused * %e80%e%e Var#0
1 Character Type %e
2 Line Type %e21%e%e ID #1:
.013%e <CR> ^M=13
9X1* Text, Parms, Format 912%s0%e P912.00 RxMac 0
Line control
codes 920%s0%e P920.00 RxTyp
9X2* 0 - 15 Macro Number 930%s0%e P930.00 RxTyp
16 No macro Unusd
940%s0%e P940.00 RxTyp
(* when specification Type is set to unused, parameters Unusd
9X1 and 9X2 for that specification are not accessible.) 950%s0%e P950.00 RxTyp
960%s0%e P960.00 RxTyp
15.11 Input Interpreter Examples Unusd
970%s0%e P970.00 RxTyp
The following input interpreter example shows how the Unusd
550 can be programmed to receive a tare followed by a 980%s1%e P980.01 RxTyp Char
units identifier. A macro is invoked which tests the
transmitted units name and adjusts the data before storing 981%s%c%e P981.01 RxFmt
it away as the new tare value. Refer to the next few .026%e <SUB>^Z=26
pages for input interpreter examples. 982%s16%e P982.16 RxMac
Example 1: Units identifier
%z Exit Setup Mode

156 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 15 Communications

SECTION - 15.11

The setup file below shows how the 550 may be setup to
Below are two lines of sample data transmissions which properly store away data scanned from AIAG barcodes.
would be converted to lb and stored as tare weights when
received by a 550 with setup specified above:
File Name: AIAGINP.SET (on disk from GSE)
50 kg 100%s23640%i%e Access Setup
Modes, Allowing
The next two lines of sample data transmissions would be Changes
stored as tare weights without any units adjustments.
700%s12%e P700.-- 1SIZE#1=12
100lb 701%sVndr:%e P701.-- NAME1
100 lb Vndr:
702%s10%e P702.-- 1SIZE#2=10
The following four lines of sample data transmissions 703%sP/N:%e P703.-- NAME2 P/N:
would not be stored as tare weights. 704%s10%e P704.-- 1SIZE#3=10
705%sS/N:%e P705.-- NAME3 S/N:
50 xx 800%s%c%e 800.12 Macro # 0
50 xxsd Vend#saved%%P%e 0001 pause
100 lbd
801%s%c%e P801.12 Macro # 1
Qty saved%%P%e 0001 pause

802%s%c%e P802.12 Macro # 2

Part#saved%%P%e 0001 pause

803%s%c%e P803.12 Macro # 3

Example 2: Process AIAG Barcodes S/N saved%%P%e 0001 pause

Another potentially useful application for the GSE Input 900%s1%e P900.01 RxInp Enbld
Interpreter is to process scanned in AIAG barcodes. For 901%s10%e P901.10 RxTrm <LF>
those not familiar with the AIAG standard, the following
will provide a brief primer on the subject: 910%s2%e P910.02 RxTyp Line
911%s%c%e P911.03 RxFmt
AIAG: Automotive Industry Action Group V%e
%e21%e%e Vndr:
Identifier: The first character(s) of the barcoded .013%e <CR> ^M=13
data which indicates the type of data in 912%s0%e P912.00 RxMac 0
that barcode.
920%s2%e P920.02 RxTyp Line
Type: AIAG uses Code 3 of 9. 921%s%c%e P921.03 RxFmt
Usage: This barcode is typically required to be %e91%e%e Reg#1
used by suppliers on shipments to the .013%e <CR> ^M=13
automotive manufacturers. 922%s1%e P922.01 RxMac 1

The following are a few of the most commonly used 930%s2%e P930.02 RxTyp Line
identifiers: 931%s%c%e P931.03 RxFmt
P Part No. %e22%e%e P/N:
Q Quantity .013%e <CR> ^M=13
S Serial No. 932%s2%e P932.02 RxMac 2
V Vendor No.
940%s2%e P940.02 RxTyp Line

GSE Scale Systems - 157

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

941%s%c%e P941.03 RxFmt VCRYSTALSEMI stores "CRYSTALSEMI" into

S%e ID 1.
%e23%e%e S/N: V987654 stores "987654" into ID 1.
.013%e <CR> ^M=13 V 987 654 stores "987" into ID 1. (the
942%s3%e P942.03 RxMac 3 leading space is stripped and
the space in the middle
950%s0%e P950.00 RxTyp caused the " 654" to not be
Unusd stored.)
960%s0%e P960.00 RxTyp V"GSE INC." stores ""GSE" into ID 1
Unusd (strips off trailing "INC.""
970%s0%e P970.00 RxTyp due to space)
980%s0%e P980.00 RxTyp
Unusd Example 3: Input Interpreter with Spaces in input

%z Exit Setup Mode This example shows the method which will allow the input
interpreter to include spaces in the scanned in data. Refer
to the following excerpt of a 550 setup file:
Several test transmissions were tested with a 550 having
the setup above. These are shown below along with their 900%s1%e P900.01 RxInp Enbld
respective results: 901%s10%e P901.10 RxTrm <LF>

910%s2%e P910.02 RxTyp Line

911%s%c%e P911.08 RxFmt
Transmitted T%%[^%e
or Barcoded .013%e <CR> ^M=13
Data Result ]%%%e
%e21%e%e ID #1:
Q123 stores "123" into Reg 1. 912%s0%e P912.16 RxMac 0
Q 234 stores "234" into Reg 1.
(leading space ignored) The input specification shown tells the indicator to take
Q 345hello stores "345" into Reg 1. (hello every character except the <LF> character. The 'T' at the
is stripped off since Reg 1 is a beginning of the specification should be set to the
numeric field.) appropriate identifier for your specific application and the
Q321 987 stores "321" in Reg 1. (" 987" number 49 following the percent character should be set to
is lost due to space) match the size of the ID specified for that input, ie the same
P10-40-5503 stores "10-40-5503" into ID value as P700 if the parameter is ID1.
P 09-30-0238 stores "09-30-0238" in ID 2
(does not store leading Tips on Using the Input Interpreter with the
space!) 450/550/570/574 Simulator Software
P200550-00000 stores "200550-000" in ID 2
(loses last two "0"'s since ID The 550 simulator can be a valuable tool in testing out
size is only ten! various setups for the 550. For the most part it works just
MPNOT STORED nothing stored! "M" not the same as the 574 itself. The primary difference is in the
defined, "P" not first. handling of RS-232 I/O.
MP NOT STORED nothing stored! "M" not
defined, "P" not first. 1. Enable and setup the 550 simulator to interpret a
S112233 stores "112233" into ID 3. specific format unique to your application.
S112-233 stores "112-233" into ID 3. 2. Create an ASCII text file identical to the format set in
S112-233x stores "112-233x" into ID 3. the unit.
S112,233x stores "112,233x" into ID 3. 3. Press <ALT> <F1> and setup the com input to receive
VCRYSTAL SEMI stores "CRYSTAL" into ID 1. the ASCII text file created.
(the " SEMI" is lost due to the 4. Run the test several times with the correct data ASCII
space.) file and also with an ASCII file with incorrect

158 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 15 Communications

SECTION - 15.12

information. This will verify that the simulator will

respond to only the data required.

550 Simulator Software GSE Part#: 460550-SIM

This includes the 450/550/570/574 simulator software.

15.12 Miscellaneous Custom Transmit

Example #1: ASCII MODBUS

This is an example of how to set up a custom transmit for

the ASCII MODBUS communication.

100%s23640%i%e Access Setup Modes, Allowing


1000%s%c1000%e P1000. Custom Transmit #1

:%e - Header
.309%e Check Sum 8 - Calculates the
same code as LRC
.401%e MDBUS Start
.001%e <SOH> - Address
.006%e <ACK> - Function
.000%e <NUL> - Register H.O. -
could be based on
.001%e <SOH> - REgister L.O. -
var w/ frmt 4269
%e0%e%e4269%e%e Gross Format = 4269 - The
weight in the requested
.300%e Check Stop - format
.310%e Check PrnLo
.400%e MDBUS Stop
.256%e <CR> <LF>

%z Exit Setup Mode

GSE Scale Systems - 159

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

160 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations

SECTION - 16.1

Chapter 16 Macro Programming For the example described above the following steps
Operations could be implemented:

1. Operator presses <TARE> key. This auto-

16.1 Overview: tares the scale.

The purpose of creating macros is to provide a simple 2. Macro Prompts operator “ENTER PART#”.
method of performing complex or repetitive operations.
Each macro consists of a stored sequence of keystrokes 3. Operator enters part number.
which may be "played back" or "executed" at some
future time. The macros may be created and edited in a 4. Macro searches the database for the
way similar to the Custom Transmit setup mode. Also, a pieceweight associated with the entered part
"LEARN" mode allows a simple method for storing number.
keystrokes as they are executed.
5. If the part number exists in the database, the
macro places the scale in the quantity mode.
Determining Macro Needs
Go to step 10.
Before programming a MACRO, one must first
determine what it is that the instrument is to accomplish. 6. If the pieceweight does not exist associated
While this may seem obvious, many times this important with the entered part number, the macro runs
step is bypassed. The procedure can be broken down the operator through a sampling routine . The
into very basic steps such as: macro will prompt the operator “ADD
1 Tare scale to zero.
2 Prompt operator to enter a part number and store it 7. The operator adds the sample and presses
to a register. <ENTER>.
3 If the pieceweight exists in the database, place the
scale in the quantity mode, prompt the operator to 8. The macro establishes the pieceweight and
add parts to be counted an go to step seven. adds it to the database.
4 If the part number does not exist, prompt the
operator through a sampling routine. 9. The macro places the unit in the quantity mode
5 Establish pieceweight prompting the operator to “ADD PARTS”.
6 Store pieceweight in database with associated part
number. 10. The operator adds the parts to be counted and
7 Place unit in quantity mode and prompt operator to presses <ENTER>. The system prints a ticket.
add parts to be counted.
8 Print ticket with actual weight, part number,
pieceweight and quantity. Macro Setup Modes:

The next step is to determine the implementation of these The MACRO setup modes begin at P800 (for MACRO
steps. Determine the condition which will invoke the 0) through P816 (for MACRO 16).
macro. This could be a setpoint (which could be based
Each character entered into a macro's setup is indexed by
on the actuation of the tare key or the occurrence of
some weight condition), an alarm (for periodically the two digits following the decimal point on the large
occurring events), etc. numeric display. The first character entered into macro
0 is stored at location P800.00, the second at P800.01,
Once the setup has been broken down into what the etc... These two digits will be referred to as the macro's
macros, setpoints, and alarms each will do, specific entry number. The number applies specifically to the
setpoints, macros, variables, and alarms should be entry displayed in the last position on the display.
allocated to each operation. Pay careful attention as to
the fact that if the alarms are used, each alarm is tied to a To access MACRO 0's setup, press <800> <SELECT>.
specific macro. Then break down each macro into the The display will then show the last programmed entries
actual commands which will need to be executed. in MACRO 0's setup. Thus the two digits after the
decimal point indicate the number of entries currently

GSE Scale Systems - 161

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

stored in the macro. If MACRO 0 is not yet setup, the for that matter) get extremely large ( > 2K of EEPROM)
display will show: "P800.00 Mac 0 ". The upper line of you may run into insufficient RAM to load the macro or
the dot matrix display indicates the macro number edit the macro. If the database option is installed,
selected, ie "MAC 0" through "MAC16". The solid additional RAM may be allocated to general use,
block indicates the end of the macro's definition. allowing the macros and other setups to increase further
in size.
Front Panel Key Definitions During Macro Setup
To allocate 8K of your database option memory to
The <TARE> and <ID> keys are used to scroll the general use, access P65010 and press <2> <ENTER>.
macro's setup across the lower line of the dot matrix This will decrease the available database memory by 8K.
display. The <TARE> key increments the macro's entry
number and moving the displayed setup entries toward Standard Macro Setup Method
the left, thus making room for the next entry in the last
position on the display. Similarly the <ID> key, As mentioned previously, there are two basic methods of
decrements the macro's entry number and moving the setting up the MACROS. The first involves using the
displayed setup entries toward the right. The <TARE> front panel 'cursor' keys as described above to enter the
key will 'wrap' around to the beginning of the macro required characters, while the second makes use of the
when the end is reached, and vice-versa for the <ID> learn mode. In practice, you may find that using the two
key. If however any entry is in process, the <ID> key methods in conjunction with each other to be the quickest
acts as a backspace and the <TARE> appends an "A" on approach.
to the end of the entry.
Using the cursor keys for alpha and punctuation entry,
As in all other setup modes, the <ZERO> key will allow the required characters are simply scrolled onto the
you to exit the setup mode and the <SELECT> key will display. The number keys can be used within the same
advance the unit to the next parameter, ie the next macro entry for entering numeric data. Pressing the <ENTER>
setup. key stores the entered data into the macro. The
<ENTER> key may be pressed after keying in any
The <UNITS> key acts as it does in other alpha setup number of characters.
modes, that is it will begin an entry by placing an "A" on
the display if an entry is not yet in process and it will Macro Setup LEARN Mode
advance the last entered character to the next sequential
value if an entry is in process. Refer to Chapter 14 Using the "LEARN" mode simplifies macro setup quite a
regarding alpha entries for more information. bit for programming macros which are to execute
commands that can also be performed using the front
The <CLR> key can be used to delete any one character panel keys.
out of a macro. Simply move the undesired character to
the last position on bottom line of the dot matrix display The "LEARN" mode is accessed by pressing
(using the arrow keys) and then press <CLR>. <ENTER> then <SELECT>. The unit immediately
goes to the weigh mode. From this point onward any
In order to clear out the complete setup of a macro, scroll commands which are entered are "recorded" by the
the setup until the BLOCK which signifies the end of the macro. (The macro learn mode can learn unlimited
macro setup is located in the last position of the display. keystrokes at a time.) Press the keys which the macro
(From the beginning of a macro, press the <ID> key, will have to execute when it is running. When all the
once.) Then press <CLR>. The message "Clear All?" required commands have been entered, key in <100>
will appear. Press <ENTER> to proceed and clear out <SELECT> and the unit will return to the macro setup
the entire macro, or press any other key to prevent mode with the entered commands stored away. These
clearing the macro. commands can then be edited by clearing out any
undesired entries and inserting any additional characters.
Maximum Macro Size (If you are using the M550/574 simulator, the learn mode
can be exited by pressing <ALT> <F10>.)
Two factors limit the size to which macros may grow:
EEPROM (U9 and U11) and available RAM. Additional Macro Setup Example
EEPROM may be purchased and installed to increase the
amount of data which may be stored in the setup of the For the first example we will setup a very simple macro
unit. However once macros (or custom transmit setups, to allow for a remote <ZERO> switch. This is easily

162 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations
SECTION - 16.2

accomplished by programming a "%z" into macro 0. To

do so, follow these steps: To begin the "LEARN" mode, press:


If the display reads "Setup Keyin Code:" then key in Then to "LEARN" the <ZERO> key, press:
23640 <ID> <[ENTER>. Then, to clear any previous
setup press: <ZERO>

<CLR> <ENTER> To return to the macro setup mode, keyin:

Then to enter in the "%" character, press: 100 <SELECT>

<UNITS> (up arrow) As you can see, the LEARN mode can simplify the setup
of some basic macros.
once. This will produce an "A" in the display. Then
16.2 Methods of Invoking Macros
<PRINT> (down arrow)
Macros may be executed from 6 sources:
twenty eight times and the displayed character will cycle
to the "%" character. (Note that if the <PRINT> key is 1. Setpoints,
held down, after about one second it will auto-repeat and 2. RS-232 comm port,
quickly cycle through the choices.) Then press: 3. Alarms
4. Other macros
<TARE> (right arrow) 5. Macro Menu
6. Remote keys
once. This will move the entered "%" to the left and
place an "A" in the last position. Then press: A macro may not begin executing during the setup
mode, however a macro may enter the setup mode. It
<PRINT> (down arrow) will, however terminate upon exiting the setup mode.
thirty nine times and the displayed character will cycle to Any setpoint may be setup to invoke any macro when
the "z" character. Then press the setpoint is activated and/or deactivated (Software
Setpoints only in the 574 only. The 550 has both
<ENTER>. Hardware and Software Setpoint capabilities). A
command sent into the unit through the comm port may
However the "%" character (and the "z") may be entered also be used to invoke any macro with the character
using fewer down arrow entries. If the starting character sequence "%n", where 'n' is the desired macro number
is keyed in as a "." using the <.> key, then the down for macro 0 - 9 (i.e. %3 will execute macro 3), while
arrow only need be pressed nine times instead of twenty various punctuation characters are used for macros
eight times. Refer to the proximity of these two 10 - 15. Also, the special codes which are generated by
characters in Figure 21, Character Listing, for further the function keys F1 through F10 on the GSE remote
clarification. keypad are decoded as macros 1 through 10. Alarms and
remote keys are tied to specific macros. Refer to Table
This same example, using the "LEARN" mode would be 27, Macro Invoking Commands for a summary on the
implemented as follows: ways each macro may be invoked.

800 <SELECT> One macro may invoke another macro in one of two
ways. It may "call" the other macro, in which case upon
If the display reads "Setup Keyin Code:" then key in completion of the second macro, control returns to the
23640 <ID> <ENTER>. first macro. This allows macros to act as "subroutines".
The second method is for the first macro to "jump to"
Then, to clear any previous setup press: another macro. In this case the first macro will not be
resumed when the "jumped to" macro is completed. The
<CLR> <ENTER> commands for each method are specified in Table 27,

GSE Scale Systems - 163

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Macro Call Commands. Then, when the operator is using the scale, press the
<ID> key to display the name of the first named macro.
If a setpoint invokes a macro while another macro is in Then, if necessary, press the <SELECT> key to advance
process, the newly invoked macro is "pushed" onto a the menu selection to the next named macro. When the
macro stack (ie the fact that it needs to be executed is required selection is displayed, press the <ENTER> key
noted). When the currently executing macro is to invoke that macro or if the macro is written to accept
completed then the "pushed" macro is executed. The an entry, key in the data prompted for and then press
macro stack allows for up to 16 macros which are <ENTER>.
awaiting execution to be tracked by the 550. If more
than 16 macros are invoked the message "Macro Error" In order for a macro to accept operator input when it is
will be displayed. All macros awaiting execution and the invoked, it must be written appropriately. Keying in
currently executing macro will be canceled. some data and pressing <ENTER> at the macro merely
causes the data to be placed in the unit's entry buffer.
When one macro "calls" another macro, the calling Then the first command in the macro will simply act
macro's next command is "pushed" onto the macro stack. upon the information in the entry buffer. For instance if
This is how the place where execution is to resume is the macro started out with "80%s" to select var #0 and
noted by the macro. However it is necessary to not use the operator had pressed "123 <ENTER>" to invoke the
multiple "nested" macro "calls" (in excess of 15) in order macro from the menu, then the unit would attempt to
to prevent overflowing the macro stack. execute "12380 <SELECT>". This would bring up the
"Setup Keyin Code" prompt as the unit attempted to
A macro invoked by an alarm or a setpoint while another access the setup mode. This is not at all what was
macro is in progress is noted and that macro will be intended!
executed once the macro(s) in progress are completed. A
macro being invoked by a remote key will be ignored if If the macro does not require operator input when it is
another macro is running. If the currently running macro invoked, it is recommended that the entry buffer be
attempts to accept operator (using one of the designated cleared in some manner at the very beginning of the
commands) then the remote key input will be ignored macro. This will prevent a macro from executing
and discarded. However if the running macro completes erroneously if an operator does make an entry.
execution without checking for operator input, then the
remote key will be processed at that time. Any macro Example 1: (used as the very first entry in a macro
can be invoked when any setpoint is activated and / or named "Keyin Targt"):
deactivated. he "menu" option allows any macro that has ;80%C Copy entry into Var #0. If no entry is
been named to be invoked through a menu using the made, Var #0 is cleared.
<ID> key.
Naming Macros and the Macro Menu Example 2: (same as above except requires
operator input):
Macros may be named. If a macro is named, that macro
can appear in a menu which allows an operator to invoke %\ IF NO ENTRY
one of the named macros through the unit's front panel, if Keyin Targt%G Re-prompt operator.
setup parameter P720 is set to "Menu". 0%^ Re-start this macro (macro 0)
Macros are named starting at P850 for macro 0 and ;80%C Store entry in Var #0.
continuing through P866 for macro 16. The method of
naming is exactly the same as that for naming the IDs, ie Example 3: (when operator input is not required):
P701 - P711.
1%c Start an entry (in case entry not in
To make use of this feature, first name all of the macros progress), then clear entry.
which will need to be invoked by the operator. Use a
name that will be meaningful to the operator of the unit
and that will look good on the two line by five character 16.3 Methods of Aborting Macros
display. If an entry is expected of the operator at the
time that the macro is invoked, make sure the name In the event that a macro is aborted by the user pressing
suggests that an entry be made. Also make sure that P720 <CLR> + <SELECT> simultaneously, sometimes it is
is set to "Menu". desirable that some additional checking be performed
such as turning off certain setpoints (setpoint outputs not

164 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations

SECTION - 16.4

valid on 574 - contact GSE. The 550 allows for both For example:
hardware and software setpoint capabilities) or resuming
the operation. This is now possible with the addition of %[ Save operator entry.
a 17th macro (macro #16) that is automatically invoked 1;91%+ Add one to parameter 91 (Reg #1).
whenever a macro is aborted. 0,81%+ Add Gross Wt to parameter 81.
%] Restore operator entry.
There are two other ways that macro 16 can be invoked,
by performing a "goto macro 16", ie "@%^", or by The example macro shown above could be invoked once
naming it and invoking it through the macro menu. every second by an alarm and the operator would not
even be aware that a macro was executing.

16.4 Serial and RS-232C and Keypad Carriage Return

The <CR> received via RS-232 acts the same as the
Alternate Macro Setup Method front panel <ENTER> key if the 550 is in an ID mode or
if a macro is executing. The ID modes include the data
One variation of using the front panel cursor keys to entry mode for ID 1 - 6, Truck in/out weighing, macro
enter non-numeric data is to use an external keyboard menu, or the database menu.
with an RS-232 interface with the instrument. This can
speed up the entering of operator prompts and other 550's Command Structure
characters since they can be keyed in directly. One such
device is the remote keyboard previously sold with the The 550 treats the percent (%) character as a special
GSE Model 550/570/625 Scale. If you have a PC character. Whenever the unit receives a percent, the next
computer, you may use a communication program, such character is flagged to be processed as a command. If a
as Scale-Link or Procomm to transmit data directly into percent is to be literally entered into the unit, then two
the unit. One important item to remember is that in percent characters must be entered. If the character
order to enter a "%" character into a macro, two "%"s following a percent is not defined as a command the unit
must be keyed in. Another is that the computer's will display the message "Entry Error" for one second.
<ENTER> key will clear any entry in process.
All of the commands of the 550 consist of a percent
Another method is to use the Model 550/574 Simulator character followed by some other character.
(M550.EXE) which runs on most any personal computer Macros can perform the same operations as any front
(IBM compatible). Contact your GSE sales person for panel key operation, ie <ZERO>, <TARE>, <PRINT>,
more details on its availability and requirements. (Part# etc... However many additional commands have been
GSE 550 Simulator Software: 460550-SIM) added, primarily to adequately support setpoint control
applications and operator input. Special Macro
Operator and Serial Input Before and During Macros commands allow for special functions. The available
commands are shown in Table 28, Macro Commands.
Keypad and serial port inputs are not processed during
macros, except during macro commands which Exiting ID modes
specifically look for operator input. Any data entered
through either of these inputs will be buffered (saved) A variation to the <SELECT> command has been
until the macro either looks for operator input or the defined. The command <*> <SELECT> will cause the
macro completes. unit to exit the ID mode if it is currently in an ID mode.
Outside the ID modes, the "*%s" command has no
If a macro needs to perform some commands transparent effect.
to the user of the scale, the macro should first save the
operator's entry (using the "%[" command) then perform When a macro is invoked asynchronous to the operator's
its necessary operations, and then restore the saved entry involvement with the 550, ie due to a setpoint or an
(with the "%] command). If an entry is not in process alarm, then it may so happen that the operator has placed
when the save entry is issued, then the saved value the unit in an ID mode. If this is a realistic possibility
indicates an empty buffer. In this case, the %] command for a macro, then that macro should use the "*%s" at the
puts nothing in the entry buffer. start of the macro if the macro is going to attempt to
change modes of the unit. For instance, if the unit is
displaying the current value of ID #1 and a macro is

GSE Scale Systems - 165

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

invoked which must set the current mode to mode 84, the
"*%s" will exit the ID mode allowing the subsequent If the instrument is set up such that a macro is stuck in a
"84%s" command to work as intended. loop or a macro needs to be aborted for any reason, press
the <CLR> and <SELECT> keys at the same time.
This will abort any macro(s) currently executing.
16.5 Disabled Keys "Macro Abort" will appear on the instrument. However,
if the instrument's setup is such that macro(s) are
Disabling an operation does not prevent that operation continually being re-invoked (due to an improper
from being performed by a macro. This applies setpoint setup or a errant alarm setup) then performing
specifically to: the macro abort command described above will only
momentarily alleviate the condition. Instead, power
P166 Auto-Tare Enable/Disable down the unit by unplugging it from the AC outlet. Then
P167 Keyboard Tare Enable/Disable re-apply power and press the clear key during the
P168 Keyboard Select Enable/Disable power-up message "HELLO Model 550". This will
cause macro execution to be inhibited. This allows you
These operations can be disabled from being used by the to access the setup modes and correct the condition.
operator and yet still allow a macro to use them. For Macro execution will be re-enabled upon exiting the
example, if P168 is set to disabled, the scale operator setup mode or upon removing power and re-powering the
cannot access any modes except those specified at setup unit. Refer to Table 27 for Macro Call Commands.
mode P300 - P309, but all modes may be accessed by a Macro Command Details
Many of the commands listed in the preceding tables
16.6 Suspension of the Weight Conversion require additional information regarding their exact
usage, capability, and implementation. Following is a
Process list of each command along with this additional
information and an example on how it could be used.
While macros are being executed, the weight conversion
process is put on hold except during certain macro Examples can be provided in various forms. One would
commands. Thus the current gross, net, etc... weights are be to describe the keystrokes required to enter the setup
not being calculated, the display is not updated, any from the front panel however this can be very tedious to
continuous transmissions are not occurring, and the show the scrolling of each character onto the display. A
analog and setpoint outputs are not being changed. The second approach would be to show the alpha characters
macro commands which do perform the weight as if they could be keyed in directly. This somewhat
conversion process are those which allow for operator impedes the flow of the macro and in understanding
input (%G, %W, %P, and %Y). These commands exactly what it does. A third alternative would be to
perform the weight conversion process every 1/20th of a show the macro as it would appear if it were already
second while they are active. Also, the %I command keyed into a macro's setup. This third approach has been
performs the weight conversion process once. chosen to present the subsequent examples. Remember
however that if these are to be entered into an instrument,
The suspension of the weight conversion process has the <ENTER> key would need to be pressed after each
been done to speed macro execution. In most cases line to enter in the keyed in data. Also, if the setup is to
macro execution will be so quick that suspending the be sent in to the unit via RS-232 then the <ENTER>
weight conversion process will not have any adverse would be sent in as a "%e" and all occurrences of the
effect. However if the weight conversion process does "%" character would require an additional "%" character
need to be performed during macro execution, use of the accompanying it.
%I command at the appropriate location will do the job.
This may be necessary in an application where a macro is Detailed Explanation of Each Macro Command
in a loop waiting for a setpoint to indicate that the weight
has fallen below a threshold. If the %I were not part of x%a Set the target accuracy to be achieved
that loop, the setpoint would never deactivate since the
weight would not be determined during that time. This command allows the percentage of accuracy to
achieve during a sample routine to be changed to a
specific percentage. The value of “x” can be a value
16.7 Preventing and Aborting Macro between 90 and 99.96. Values below 90 will eliminate
Operation an accuracy requirement. Values above 99.96 will

166 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations
SECTION - 16.8

16.8 Macro Commands

Macro Commands (Tables)

Macro Macro "Call" Macro Alarms Remote Key Non-ASCII Remote

Number or RS-232 "Go-To" Pin Numbers 8-bit RS-232 Keyboard
Input on J6 Character F-Key #
(decimal value)

0 %0 0%^ --- 1&3 176 ---

1 %1 1%^ --- 1&4 128 or 177 F1

2 %2 2%^ --- 1&5 129 or 178 F2

3 %3 3%^ --- 2&3 130 or 179 F3

4 %4 4%^ --- 2&4 131 or 180 F4

5 %5 5%^ --- 2&5 132 or 181 F5

6 %6 6%^ --- --- 133 or 182 F6

7 %7 7%^ --- --- 134 or 183 F7

8 %8 8%^ --- --- 135 or 184 F8

9 %9 9%^ --- --- 136 or 185 F9

10 %: :%^ --- 138 or 186 F10

11 %; ;%^ --- —- 187 ---

12 %< <%^ Alarm 1 —- 188 ---


13 %= =%^ Alarm 2 189 ---


14 %> >%^ Alarm 3 190 ---

(P508) —-

15 %? ?%^ Alarm 4 191 ---

(n%K) —-

16 —- @%^ —- —- 192 —-

Table 27 Macro Call Commands

GSE Scale Systems - 167

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Macro Description Setpoint Operator Branch- Math Com-

Command Related Input/ ing Com- muni-
Output mands cations

x%a Set the target accuracy to be achieved.

*%a Set the target accuracy to the default.

?%a Displays the current target accuracy.

%a If accuracy has been achieved, process the

following commands. X

n%A ACTIVATE setpoint "n". X

%b Suspend macros and perform sample.

%B BREAK (Abort running of current

n%B Remove all occurances of specified macro
from macro stack.

*%B Delete all macros from macro stack.

n%C COPY Command copies specified X

parameter to the display. (entry buffer)

n,m%C COPY value of parameter "n" to X

parameter "m". If only one parameter is
specified it is copied into the entry buffer.

fmt;nF%C Format a parameter in the Entry Buffer X

nU,m%C Access “Unrounded” gross and net values X

%d Turn display off.

0%d Turn display on. (restores as always ON)

A%d Restores display as on with AUTO shutoff

B%d Force backlight off always (LCD module)

0B%d Force backlight on always (LCD module)

n%D DEACTIVATE setpoint "n".

%E END "IF" statement. X

168 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations
SECTION - 16.8

Macro Description Setpoint Operator Branch- Math Com-

Command Related Input/ ing Com- muni-
Output mands cations

x%f Check to see IF a Presetable Parameter is X


n%F "IF" setpoint "n" is deactivated, process X X

following commands. For further
information, refer to the explanation of IF
commands (if output or input deactivated).

n%g Check IF a specific sample error has X


?%g Displays current state of sample error X


%G GET operator input. (Wait until operator X

makes an entry and then presses

(message) Perform Weight Conversion Process. ie X X

%I calculate currently applied weight, update
numeric display, and setpoint and analog
outputs. If an optional message precedes
the %I command, then that message is
displayed during the process. Otherwise
the dot matrix portion of the display will
show the standard information for the
current mode.

xxx%j Check to see IF remote key is held. This X X

command also includes checking front
panel keys. (xxx = decimal value)

n%J JUMP to TAG. This command is used in X

conjunction with the %T (TAG) command
in order to allow looping within a macro.

%k Put current filter selection in entry buffer. X

n%k Set filter selection (n = 0 thru 7) or (15

thru 17 auto-filter)

*%k Resets the filter selection to default as

defined in parameter P116.

n%K Sets up a timer to invoke macro 15 in "n" X


GSE Scale Systems - 169

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Macro Description Setpoint Operator Branch- Math Com-

Command Related Input/ ing Com- muni-
Output mands cations

%L Display the “number selection” of the X

currently selected language.

n%L Change language selection on the fly. The

variable “n” can be selections 0 - 12.

cn,p,p%m The %m command allows for modifying

and testing of strings stored in ID’s. The
%m command uses a prefix character to
select between various sub commands.

[c] [n], [p], [p] . . . %m

- c = command character
- n = string (ID) number
- p = additional parameters

n%M IF the current mode is mode "n", then X

process the following macro commands.
For further information, refer to the
explanation of IF commands.

%N NOT IF: This command marks the spot X

where macro execution resumes if the
previous IF statement result was false.
For further information, refer to the
explanation of IF commands.

n%O IF setpoint "n" is activated, process the

following commands. For further X X
information, refer to the explanation of IF
(message) PAUSE for programmable time (set using X
%P the %@ command), while performing the
weight conversion process. Default delay
time is one second. If the optional
message precedes the %P command, then
that message is displayed during the
PAUSE. Otherwise the standard
information for the current mode is
n%Q Sends the "n"th custom transmit, as X
programmed in the setup mode. The
value for "n" can be 1, 2, 3, or 4.

170 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations
SECTION - 16.8

Macro Description Setpoint Operator Branch- Math Com-

Command Related Input/ ing Com- muni-
Output mands cations

%r IF RTS Asserted X X

0%r Deassert RTS X

1%r Assert RTS X

n%R IF register "n", is not zero, process the

following commands. "n" can be 1, 2, 3, X
or 4 for parameters 91 - 94). For further
information, refer to the explanation of IF

%S SOUNDS the beeper for 1/2 second. X

n%T TAG current position for later JUMP (n

%J). Refer to the section describing X
jumping for further information.

n%U If TX buffer is empty (COM or Print) X

n = (1 or 2) com or print.

n*%U Clears the specified transmit buffer. X

n = (1 or 2) com or print.

n%v If parameter “n” is followed by %v it will

be written to E2. Available parameters
are located at P5003 thru 5094. Must set
for “On Request”.

n%V IF setpoint input "n" is active, process the

following macro commands. For further X X
information, refer to the explanation of IF

(message) WAIT for operator to press any key. If X X

%W the optional message precedes the %W
command, then the message is displayed
while awaiting the operator to press a key.

Request current display from remote.

%X (Diagnostic command)

GSE Scale Systems - 171

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Macro Description Setpoint Operator Branch- Math Com-

Command Related Input/ ing Com- muni-
Output mands cations

(message) IF the operator presses [ENTER] then the X X X

%Y following macro commands are executed.
IF any other key is pressed, macro
execution will resume after the ELSE (%
N) or ENDIF (%N) command. For further
information, refer to the explanation of IF

n%^ GO TO macro "n". The currently X

executing macro is aborted and the macro
specified by the "n" is begun. Execution
will NOT return to the current macro
when the GO TO'd macro is complete.
Refer to TABLE 1 regarding macro
invocation methods to clarify the possible
values for "n".

%[ Saves any in process entry into a X X

temporary buffer so it can be retrieved
later when it is needed.

%] Retrieves the last saved entry into the X X

entry buffer.

n,m%+ Adds the value of parameter "n" to X

parameter "m" and stores the result in
parameter "m".

n,m%- Subtracts the value of parameter "m" X

from parameter "n" and stores the result
in parameter "m".

n,m%* Multiplies the values of parameter "n" X

times parameter "m" and stores the result
in parameter "m".

n,m%/ Divides the value of parameter "n" by X

parameter "m" and stores the result in
parameter "m".

%\ IF there is NO entry in the entry buffer, X X X

then the following macro commands are
executed. Otherwise macro execution
resumes at the first command following
the %N (ELSE) or %E (ENDIF)
command. Refer to the information
regarding branching for further

172 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations
SECTION - 16.8

Macro Description Setpoint Operator Branch- Math Com-

Command Related Input/ ing Com- muni-
Output mands cations

x%@ Sets the DELAY time for future %P

(PAUSE) commands. "x" can be between X
1/20 and 5 million seconds.


occurred, then execute the following
macro commands. Otherwise subsequent
commands are skipped until the
occurrence of a ELSE or ENDIF

%+ math addition command X

%- math subtraction command X

%* math multiplication command X

%/ math divide command X

n%, Take square root of parameter n. X

x;n%, Raise parameter n to the power of x. X

n,m%, Raise parm m to power of value parm n. X

n%. Rounds parm n to default weight units X

.xx;n%. Rounds parm n to specific multiple of .xx X

xx;n%. Rounds parm n to specific multiple of xx X

n,m%. Rounds parm m to value of parm n. X

-x;n%, Take the x inverse of parameter n. X

.3333;n%, Take cube root of parameter n. X

n%" Specify Port Command
1%" specifies the comm port X
2%" specifies the print port
%$ Send entry (ASCII text) command X

%& Send Control Codes Command X

%# Selected Scale Command

n%! Disable Input Command X X X

n%( "IF INPUT" command X X

n%) Clear Keypad and/or RS-232 Receive X

Buffer (flush entry buffer)

GSE Scale Systems - 173

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Macro Description Setpoint Operator Branch- Math Com-

Command Related Input/ ing Com- muni-
Output mands cations

xx,yy%C Determine String Length command X

xx,yy%- Compare Two Strings command X


n>mP%' Compares parameter n to parameter m to X X

determine "IF" parameter n is greater
than parameter m.

n<mP%' Compares parameter n to parameter m to X X

determine "IF" parameter n is less than
parameter m.

n=mP%' Compares parameter n to parameter m to X X

determine "IF" both parameters are
equal to each other.

n>x%' Compares parameter n to variable x X X

(variable x is any number embedded in the
program) to determine "IF" the specified
parameter is greater than variable x.

Compares parameter n to variable x

n<x%' (variable x is any number embedded in the X X
program) to determine "IF" the specified
parameter is less than variable x.

Compares parameter n to variable x

(variable x is any number embedded in the
n=x%' program) to determine "IF" the specified X X
parameter is equal to variable x.

Compares parameter n to "0" to

determine "IF" the specified parameter is
n>%' greater than "0". X X

Compares parameter n to "0" to

determine "IF" the specified parameter is
n<%' less than "0". X X

Compares parameter n to "0" to

determine "IF" the specified parameter is
n=%' equal to "0". X X

174 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations
SECTION - 16.8

Macro Description Setpoint Operator Branch- Math Com-

Command Related Input/ ing Com- muni-
Output mands cations

n#mP%' Compares parameter n to parameter m to

determine "IF" parameter n is not equal X X
to parameter m.

n#x%' Compares parameter n to variable x

(variable x is any number embedded in X X
the program) to determine "IF" the
specified parameter is not equal to
variable x.

n#%' Compares parameter n to "0" to X X

determine "IF" the specified parameter is
not equal to "0".

GSE Scale Systems - 175

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Macro Description Setpoint Operator Branch- Math Com-

Command Related Input/ ing Com- muni-
Output mands cations

%{ This macro command signifies the start of X X

a group. The %{ is used along with IF (boolean)
commands and supporting IF commands
(%N, %E) to perform AND, OR and
Nested IF operations. The %} is also used
with the %{ which ends the group.

%} This macro command signifies the end of a X X

group. The %} is used along with IF
commands and supporting IF commands
(%N, %E) to perform AND, OR and
Nested IF operations. The %{ is also used
with the %} which starts the group.

%| An OR operation can be accomplished by X

placing a %| between the IF commands. X
The next command after the %| should be
an IF command or a %C followed by an

Table 28 Macro Commands

176 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations
SECTION - 16.8


Each key's precise effect is dependant on the Instrument's current mode of operation.

Macro Command Description

%c Performs the <CLR> key operation.

%e Performs the <ENTER> key operation.

%i Performs the <ID> key operation.

%p Performs the <PRINT> key operation.

%s Performs the <SELECT> key operation.

%t Performs the <TARE> key operation.

%u Performs the <UNITS> key operation.

%z Performs the <ZERO> key operation.

%` Performs the <40> <SELECT> key operation.

Table 29 Macro Commands for the Front Panel

automatically select the highest selection of achieved entry buffer and can be used in math calculations.
accuracy requirements and default to 99.96 percent.

97%a %a If accuracy has been achieved, process the

following commands.

*%a Set the target accuracy to the default This command is an “IF” statement which allows a
decision to be made based on whether or not the
Executing this command will default the accuracy accuracy set in parameter P183 has been achieved.
requirements during a sample routine to the value entered
in parameter P183. %a IF accuracy achieved
Acc’y OK!%P Prompt operator
?%a Displays the current target accuracy Acc’y BAD! Prompt operator
This command displays the current target accuracy
percentage set in parameter P183. This value is set in the

GSE Scale Systems - 177

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

n%A Activate setpoint n Add Smple%G get operator entry

%p sample (enter)
This command can be used to cause any setpoint to
become activated, regardless of the conditions which
have been setup to cause it to activate. The 'n' must be a %B Break (abort macro)
number between 1 and 32 which specifies the exact
setpoint number to activate. This command will cause the macro that it occurs in and
any macro that called this macro to be aborted. A
One common use for this would be to provide an possible use would be to allow the operator an 'out' from
operator with a prompt and then after the response is an otherwise continuous loop.
given by the operator the setpoint would become Example:
Done?%Y Prompt operator and wait for response.
Example: (M574 has no hardware outputs, %B If operator response is YES (ie
contact GSE for external setpoint <ENTER>) then stop macro
information. The 550 offers both execution.
hardware and software capabilities). %E End of IF statement.

STARTFILL?%W Prompt operator and wait for

any key. The capabilities of the %B command have been
1%A Activate setpoint #1. extended. Previously the %B command would simply
abort the currently running macro and any macro that
For this example the setpoint could be set for 'activate called the current macro. However any macro that was
never' which would prevent the setpoint from being invoked by an event (such as a setpoint output or input or
activated except by this command. input interpreter match - setpoint inputs/outputs are not
valid on the M574. The 550 will accommodate for both
Note that if the conditions for the setpoint to become setpoint inputs and outputs.) would still be on the stack
de-active were present when the "1%A" command was and would begin executing after the current macro was
executed then the setpoint output signal would remain aborted.
active only until the next weight conversion process was
n%B Remove specific macro from the macro stack
An interesting and sometimes useful feature of this
command is that setpoints which are not enabled may Any any specific macro may be removed from the macro
also be activated and de-activated. Thus if a setpoint is stack with "x%B" command, where x is a macro number
only to change state based on events that occur during a from 0 to 9, :, ;, >, =, <, and ?. This may be useful in
macro, the setpoint would not require any setup and applications where a currently running macro is in a loop
could be setup as 'disabled'. and is checking for the condition which would invoke the
macro. The looping macro then calls the necessary
macro directly and then needs to delete the no longer
%b Suspend macros and perform Sample needed macro from the macro stack.

The %b command performs the sample operation similar *%B Remove all macros from the macro stack
to the %p command except that macros are suspended
until either the sample is completed (accuracy achieved) The command "*%B" may be used to abort all macros,
or the sample is aborted. the currently running chain of macros and any macros
that were pushed during the current chain of macros.
The prompt “Accy < Req’d” is shown until the accuracy
is achieved. This prompt or a related prompt may be
shown. The <SAMPLE> and <ENTER> keys are n%C Copy parameter to auxiliary display (entry
suspended. The <CLR> key will abort the operation buffer)
while the appropriate prompt is being displayed.
The "n" can be any parameter 0 through 98. If this
%b sample command is used in a macro its usually during an entry

178 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations
SECTION - 16.8

mode of some sort. For instance, if the displayed weight provided above.
were to be entered into VAR#0 the sequence of Example:
commands would look something like the following.
4,80%C Copy gross (gross total + current
80%s Select VAR#0 equals gross if gross total = 0) to Var
98%C Bring up displayed wt. #0.
%e enter 80%s Select Var #0 to display peak.
0%s return to gross mode n%C Copy parameter to the entry buffer.

Another variation of the copy command allows a

or briefly display a parameter on the auxiliary display. parameter to be copied into the entry buffer. In this case,
the parameter would be displayed and could then be
91%C Bring REG#1 to display entered into another dissimilar parameter (such as
%P Pause for 1 second. copying var #0 into ID #3), printed, or used in a prompt!
%c Clear display Example:

This command can be used in many different ways for 1%i Access ID #1.
data manipulation. There are other commands that can 2%C Copy tare weight to display.
same memory space by manipulating the data differently %e Store current tare into ID 1.
but end up with the same results.

fmt;nF%C Formatted Parameter Copy

n,m%C Copy value of parameter n to m.
When a parameter is copied into the entry buffer, it may
The value of the first parameter is copied into the second now be formatted with the same choices that are
parameter. Valid values for n and m are most parameter available in the custom transmit. This is accomplished
IDs between 0 and 94 that are numeric parameters. The by entering the desired format code, followed by a
copy command can be used to accomplish various tasks semicolon (;), followed by the desired parameter number,
such as saving away the current gross weight or followed by the letter "F" or 'f', followed by the copy
preparing for a mathematical operation. command "%C". For example:
fmt = 3 digit format code.
0,80%C Copy gross weight to Var #0. Any n = 1 or 2 digit parameter number.
setpoint based on Var #0 would now
be effectively based on the gross 128;0F%C will format the gross weight (parameter 0)
weight at that moment. format it per code 128 (without parameter name) and put
the result into the entry buffer.
Caution: If a copy is done to a continually updated
parameter (ie gross, net, gross total + current, etc...) the This would normally be followed by another copy:
copied data will be overwritten by the newest current
data as soon as the next weight conversion process has ;21%C to copy the result to ID1.
been completed.
or a transmit command:
Caution: If a copy of the gross or net is done, the value
copied is the rounded value of the parameter, not the %$ to send the result out the selected port.
internal resolution. If the internal resolution value is
required, it is available by using the command “nU,m% Valuable uses for this command include allowing easy
C”. This command is explained just ahead. conversion of time/date numeric values into strings,
copying a weight in the current units to another
Another simple example would be to have a setpoint parameter, and formatting data for a transmission without
which set to be active above, based on the Gross wt the use of a custom transmit.
exceeding the value of Var #0. When the setpoint is
activated, the gross weight is copied to Var #0. This is For instance, previously the time/date could only be
effectively a peak capturing macro. The following copied by a macro with "11%C". This would cause the
example will demonstrate this, heeding the caution note numeric value that represents the current time/date to be

GSE Scale Systems - 179

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

put into the entry buffer. Now however, if only the date interval basis and check a setpoint active on motion. If
were required, the command 64;11F%C could be issued. no motion exists, the display in blanked.
This would put the time/date in format 64 (date only),
such as 1/7/94, into the entry buffer. This value could 32%F
then be easily copied into an ID or transmitted. %d

On the other hand, a setpoint can be activated on motion

or above a threshold value and invoke a macro to turn the
nU,m%C Unrounded Gross and Net display on. Add 0%d to the macro invoked by this
Occasionaly it has been desirable to allow a macro access
to the unrounded value of the gross or net weights. This This example might increase battery life in some
is now possible through a slight variation of the %C and instances.
math commands. Appending a 'U' or 'u' to the gross or
net parameter number within a "%C" command or math The %d command controls both the display and
command causes the unrounded value to be used. For backlight if an LCD module is connected. Regardless of
instance: which display is connected, %d blanks the entire display
and 0%d restores the display as always on. A%d
n = 0 or 1, parameters gross or net respectively. restores the display as on with automatic shutoff. This
m = any other numerical register that will not round or option will automatically shut off the backlight only on
truncate. an LCD module. Weight change, keypress, or RS-232
input restores the backlight/display. The B%d command
0u,88%C Copies the unrounded gross weight to var #8. forces the backlight off always if an LCD is connected
and the command 0B%d will force the backlight always
1U,83%* Multiplies the unrounded net weight by var on. Both B%d and 0B%d have no effect on VF display
#3, storing the result in var #3. module.

This capability can be useful in applications where

calculations are being done based upon weight and n%D Deactivate setpoint n
additional precision is required beyond what is being
shown on the display. This command can be used to cause any setpoint to
become de-activated, regardless of the conditions which
Note that this feature is only intended for use in copying have been setup to cause it to de-activate. The 'n' must be
from the gross or net weight, not to the gross or net a number between 1 and 32 which specifies the exact
weight. Copying to these parameters is not common setpoint number to de-activate.
since the values of the gross and net are constantly being
recalculated and any values copied to these parameters One common use for this would be to provide an
would be overwritten by the next weight conversion operator with a prompt and then after the response is
process. given by the operator the setpoint would become

%d Display On/Off Example: (M574 has no hardware outputs,

contact GSE for external setpoint
The display may be turned off with a macro command, information. The 550 will
"%d", or turned back on with "0%d". Turning the accommodate both setpoint inputs and
display off provides about a 13% improvement in the outputs.)
execution time of the instrument. This may be helpful in
some macro situations. It will also decrease power STOP LINE?%WPrompt operator and wait for
consumption of the instrument somewhat. any key.
1%D De-activate setpoint #1.
This command may be useful in blanking the display
during macro operations. For this example the setpoint could be set for 'de-activate
never' which would prevent the setpoint from being de-
An alarm can be programmed to invoke a macro on an activated except by this command.

180 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations
SECTION - 16.8

Note that if the conditions for the setpoint to become 1%F IF setpoint 1 is de-activated...
active were present when the "1%D" command was READY ??? %Y IF operator is ready...
executed then the setpoint output signal would remain 1%A ACTIVATE setpoint 1.
de-active only until the next weight conversion process %E END of IF statement. IE the next
was completed. command is where macro execution
would resume if setpoint 1 was active.
An interesting and sometimes useful feature of this
command is that setpoints which are not enabled may 1%F IF setpoint 1 is de-activated...
also be activated and de-activated. Thus if a setpoint is %B ABORT macro execution.
only to change state based on events that occur during a %E END of IF statement. IE the next
macro, the setpoint would not require any setup and command is where macro execution
could be setup as 'disabled'. would resume if setpoint 1 was active.

%E End if n%g IF sample error

This statement is used at the end of an IF statement. It This command will perform a branching operation IF a
defines where the macro will resume execution if the specific sample error occurs. The following listing
statement was not true (if there was not an else clause) or shows the error number along with the error description.
where the execution will resume if the original statement IF the statement holds true then the macro falls through
was true and an ELSE clause is used. to the next commands. If the statement doesn’t hold true
then the macro will branch to the ELSE portion of the
x%f Check status of Preset Parameters
The macro command, x%f, has been created, where x is 1 SAMPLE TOO SMALL
one of the preset-able parameters as listed below. This 2 SAMPLE NOT ACCURATE
command performs an "IF parameter x is preset" which 3 SAMPLE SIZE ERROR
allows a macro to check the "preset" status of the 4 SAMPLE CAN’T BE COUNTED
specified parameter. 5 SAMPLE ABORTED ACC
Preset-able Parameters 7 ENTERED APW
2 Tare
3 GrTOT This macro command functions similar to the database
4 GrT+C command n%_ , IF database error.
5 GrT-C
7 NtT+C ?%g Status error flag
8 NtT-C
31 QtTOT This command when executed will place the sample
32 QtT+C error flag number in the entry buffer. The error flag
33 QtT-C numbers are shown above in the n%g section. Placing
34 APW this number in the entry buffer will allow it to be
35 APW*K transferred to a numeric register. Placed in a numeric
register the macro math capabilities can now perform
calculations on the flag value.
%F Test IF setpoint n is Deactivated
(“IF” Output or Input is deactivated)
%G Get operator input
This is one of several IF statements. This command
allows macro execution to be conditional based on the This command is used to accept operator input. A
state of a specific setpoint. prompt of up to 10 characters in length may precede the
Example: "%G" command. This would normally be used to

GSE Scale Systems - 181

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

request that the operator key in some data. When this This command is required immediately after an
command is executed, the unit will display the preceding accumulate [.] command in order for the accumulate to
prompt (if any) and then wait for the operator to key in take place.
some data and then press <ENTER>. If the <CLR> key
is pressed after an entry is begun by the operator, the A message may precede the "%I" command, in which
original prompt is re-displayed. After the operator case the normally displayed information such as units,
presses the <ENTER> key, macro execution will center-of-zero, and parameter name are suppressed.
resume. Any entry that the operator had made is held in
the unit's entry buffer. Thus the next command in the Example:
macro will be operating on the entry that the operator had
made. 1%A Activate setpoint 1.
%T Tag this position in the macro in order
For instance, if the next command following the "%G" is to jump back to this point later on.
a "%t" (assuming the instrument is in a mode where the Fill-ing..%I Perform weight conversion process
tare key is defined to store tare weights, ie modes 0-8, once.
12-14, and 30-37), then the operator's entry would be 1%O If setpoint 1 is activated...
stored away as the tare weight. If the operator had keyed %J Jump to the tagged spot in this macro.
in nothing and pressed <ENTER>, the auto-tare %N ELSE
operation would take place instead since that is the way DONE!%P 1 second prompt
the <TARE> key works. %E End of the "IF" statement.

Note that often some imagination is required to come up The ability to jump to a previous location within a macro
with a prompt that will be understandable and fit into two so as to continuously display a prompt is provided by the
lines of 5 characters each! The limited prompt size does commands %T and %J. The "%T" command must first
have the advantage that short prompts may be read more be used to TAG the location where the macro execution
quickly. If a prompt of less than ten characters is used, is to proceed after it sees a JUMP.
blank spaces will be added to the end of the prompt
before it is displayed.
Example: xxx%j Check IF Remote Keys or Local Keypad
Keys are Held Closed
80%s Select var #1.
KeyinTargt%G Prompt operator and wait for Macros Allow "IF KEY HELD" to be performed by
response. macro, Europe especially for remote keys. Could be
%e Store away operator entry. accomplished similar to the macro abort command,
<CLEAR> <SELECT> simultaneously.
Refer to the notes concerning the "%[" commands to see
how you can save an operator entry for use later in a Implemented with the xxx%j command, where xxx
macro. represents the decimal value of the key to check, ie 176
== remote key 1 to 3. Refer to the Macro table (#27) and
the keypad table (Chapter 15, tables 13 & 14 for codes.
%I Perform weight conversion and update all To perform "IF KEY NOT HELD", precede key number
outputs with the '#' character.

As previously discussed, in the weight conversion Note: This command is not functional on the simulator.
process is normally suspended during macro execution.
The "%I" command will execute this process one time.
This command may be useful in a macro within a loop %J Jump Command (see also %T)
which is checking a setpoint status in order to cause the
setpoint's status to be re-evaluated. The ability to jump to a previous location within a macro
is provided by this command, “%J”. The "%T"
The weight conversion process includes calculating the command must first be used to TAG the location where
various current weight parameters and updating the the macro execution is to proceed after it sees a JUMP.
outputs to the setpoints, analog output, display, and
continuous transmits. Whenever a "%T" is encountered during macro
execution its location within the macro is noted. Then

182 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations
SECTION - 16.8

when a "%J" command is encountered, the macro checks number in the entry buffer will allow it to be transferred
if a "%T" command has been encountered in the current to a numeric register. Placed in a numeric register the
macro. If so macro execution proceeds to the location macro math capabilities can now perform calculations on
where the most recent "%T" was found. If a "%T" has the this value.
not occurred, the "%J" has no effect on macro execution.

TAGS occurring in other macros have no effect on n%k Dynamically set the filter value
JUMPS within a given macro. In other words, a JUMP
will not occur from one macro to another macro. Also, This command is used to change the filter selection on
macro execution will not JUMP to a TAG which is not the fly. The “n” can be a value from 0 - 7 for standard
executed due to its location within a macro's IF or ELSE filter selections and 15 - 17 for auto-filter selections.
The Tag (%T) and Jump (%J) commands allow multiple Note that this change in filter selection is temporary. On
tagged locations to be used. This allows the looping power-up the filter selection will always be specified at
within a loop during a macro. Up to ten tagged locations parameter P116.
may be used. Previously, any entry preceding a Tag or
Jump command was ignored and the entry would remain Example:
in the unit's entry buffer. That is still the case unless the
entry preceding the Tag or Jump is a single numeric Changing from a fast filter to a slower filter between
character. For instance, if a location in a macro is ingredients of a batch can help create more accurate
Tagged with a 1%T then to Jump back to that location mixes. The fast filter allows for quick averaging during
would require a 1%J. A zero preceding the Tag or Jump the dispensing of an ingredient. The slower filter at the
is the same as the Tag or Jump without any entry. end of the ingredient fill will calculate a more averaged
value. This value might determine the target value of the
Once a certain tag number is used in a macro, it should next ingredient to fill. In some cases it is very critical
not be used again in that macro or in any macro that is that the next ingredient to fill is changed proportional to
called by first macro unless that tag will no longer need the variation of the previously filled ingredient.
to be jumped referenced. For example:

%T Tag (#0) *%k Reset to default filter selection

command Executing this command will default the filter selection
command to to the value entered in parameter P116.
1%T Tag (#1)
command n%K Timed interval of n seconds, then call macro
4%_ IF row not found... 15
1;91%- Decrement counter (parameter 91).
1%R IF counter (parameter 91) is not 0... This command is a form of an alarm which is set by a
%J Jump to Tag (#0) macro. This should be used when a macro needs to
%E END IF cause another macro to be executed at some time in the
4%_ IF row not found... future. The time delayed macro will always be macro
1%J Jump to Tag (#1) 15!
PrintDONE%P prompt For example, if a macro executes the command "60%K"
then 60 seconds later macro 15 will be invoked. If
another macro is executing when the 60 seconds elapses
%k Put filter selection into entry buffer. then the need to execute macro 15 will be noted (pushed
onto a stack) and when the previously invoked macros
This command puts the currently selected filter selection are completed then macro 15 will execute.
to be placed into the entry buffer. This value can be 0
thru 7 for standard filter and 15 thru 17 for auto-filter. Example:

This command when executed will place the filter 1%A Activate setpoint #1.
selection number into the entry buffer. Placing this 90%K After 90 seconds, invoke macro 15.

GSE Scale Systems - 183

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

This is the end of this macro. specified, 1 = first character!

Macro 15: Also, a parameter may supply a value by replacing the

value with the parameter (vars and regs) followed by 'P',
This macro is invoked 90 seconds later... ie: 80P for var #0. (T/D parms (LONGS) are not
1%D De-activate setpoint #1. allowed.)

The preceding macro shows how a macro may be used to Current commands include:
energize a relay for a specific period of time.
M - a function similar to BASIC's MID$ - puts a sub
portion of the string in place of the same string.
%L Display current language selection
p1 = start position [default is first char.]
This command can be used to determine the language p2 = number of characters [default is last char. requires
character set in use. When this command is executed, it p1]
will display the number of the currently selected
language. The number will be 0 - 12. U- makes all alphabetical characters in the string
This can be useful if a verification of what types of
characters were used to print labels. A transaction row L- makes all alphabetical characters in the string
stored to a database can hold this number. This number lowercase
must be stored to a VAR or REG.
P- puts the position of a character found in the
string into entry_buf
n%L Change language selection
p1 = character to look for
This command is used to change the character set p2 = start position [def. to first char.]
selection. Refer to the chart in the OIML section of this p3 = number of characters [def. to last char. req's p2]
manual for language selections. The “n” can be a value
from 0 - 12 for thirteen language selections. I- if character is in string

If sending transmissions to a printer, make sure the p[1-3] = same as for command P
printer will accept the international characters.
The above sub commands may either be upper case or
Selection of a different character set might be useful in lower case.
areas where multi-lingual labels have to be printed.

Note that this change in language selection is temporary. Examples:

On power-up the language selection will always be
specified at parameter P411. Table 30 contains examples where Var 0 = 2, Var 1 = 3,
and ID 1 contains the strings across the top of table 30.

cn,p,p%m Modify/Test Strings (ID’s) The following macro example shows how the 'I' sub
command is used for determining if a character is in a
The %m command allows for modifying and testing of string or not.
strings stored in ID's. The %m command uses a prefix
character to select between various sub commands. The 12345abcde;21%C copy '12345abcde' to ID 1
general format is: I21,W%m If 'W' in ID 1
{macro commands} do these commands
[c][n],[p],[p]...%m %N otherwise
- c = command character I21,c,2,3%m If 'c' is in characters 2 - 4 of ID 1
- n = string (ID) number {macro commands} do these commands
- p = additional parameters %N otherwise
I21,5%m If '5' in ID 1
In the following commands where start position is {macro commands} do these commands {these

184 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations
SECTION - 16.8

commands executed due to executed}

the contents of ID 1} %E end if
%N otherwise
{macro commands} do these commands
%E end if n%M Test if mode == n

The 'P' sub command may be combined with other macro This IF type macro command allows for the macro
commands to determine if a character is in a specific execution to vary depending on the current mode of the
place or not. instrument. For example, this command could be used in
a macro which performs auto-accumulations or
12345abcde;21%C copy '12345abcde' to ID 1 de-accumulations. The macro could be invoked every
P21,a%m get position of 'a' in ID 1 time the weight exceeded some threshold. Then the
;84%c copy position to var 4 mode would be checked by the macro. If the mode were
84=4%' if var 4 is 4 {if 'a' is in 4th "GRT+C" or "GRT-C" then a positive or negative
pos.} accumulation could be done. If the current mode was
{macro commands} do these commands any other mode, nothing would happen. Refer to the
%N otherwise in-depth explanation of the IF statement operations.
84>4%' if var 4 > 4 {if 'a is beyond Example:
pos. 4}
{macro commands} do these commands {these are 4%M test if current mode is mode 4

1234567890 abcdefg AbCdE12345 abcdeabcde

M21,3,4%m 3456 cdef CdE1 cdea

M21,7%m 7890 gh 2345 bcde

M21,80P,81P%m 234 bcd bCd bcd

M21,81P,1%m 3 c C c


L21%m 1234567890 abcdefgh abcde12345 abcdeabcde

P21,b%m 0 2 2 2

P21,b,4%m 0 0 0 7

P21,1,1,3%m 1 0 0 0

P21,C%m 0 0 3 0

Table 30, Examples of Modify/Test Strings

GSE Scale Systems - 185

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

.%I perform accumulate command. While the delay is elapsing the weight conversion
91%s Select register #1 process is occurring.
%z increment box counter.
4%s If a prompt precedes the %P command then that prompt
%N otherwise is displayed on the 10 character dot matrix display while
5%M test if current mode is mode 5 (GRT-C) the delay is elapsing.
.%I perform accumulate command. Example:
91%s Select register #1
%i decrement box counter 7%@ Preset delay time to be 7 seconds.
4%s Wait-ing..%P Display message while delaying 7

%N else (otherwise)
n%Q Mode independent, send nth custom transmit
The else command is used after an IF command. It
defines where macro execution will resume if the test in This command allows any one of the 4 custom transmits
the IF statement proved FALSE. Refer to the in-depth to be sent at any point in time, regardless of the current
explanation of the IF statement operations. mode. The port and motion delay status is still as
specified for the that custom transmit in setup mode
P210 - P240.
n%O Test if setpoint n Activated
This IF command may be used to cause macro execution
to vary depending on the state of one of the setpoints. 1%Q Send 1st custom transmit.
Replace the 'n' with the number of the setpoint to be 2%Q Send 2nd custom transmit.
tested. One valuable use of the setpoint test is to check 3%Q Send 3rd custom transmit.
whether one variable is less than or greater than another 4%Q Send 4th custom transmit.
value, or whether it is between two values. Refer to the
in-depth explanation of the IF statement operations.
Example: n%r Assert and De-assert Handshake

12%O Test if setpoint 12 is active... The following commands allow for the RTS to be used
-OK!-%P Display "OK" message for one second. as a tri-state control for the RS-422/485 transceiver chip.
OutOfSpec!%W Display "OutOf Spec!" warning until a %r IF RTS asserted
key is pressed. 0%r De-asserts Handshake
%E End of IF statement. 1%r Asserts Handshake

These commands are only functional if h/w handshake is

%P Pause macro for 1 second, performing weight disabled. Also do not use if network is enabled at
conversion process parameter P250.

The PAUSE command puts macro execution on hold for

one second. This can be used for brief prompts or for n%R Test if register n is not = 0, where n = 1 - 4
delays required in setpoint operations. The length of
delay has been made programmable as of EPROMS This IF command allows macro execution to vary
dated 9201XX through the use of an additional depending on whether one of the four register's value is
command, "x%@". The "x%@" command must be currently zero. One common use for this is for testing
preceded by a numeric value between 0.05 and the value of a loop counter for operations which must
5,000,000. This is 1/20 of a second and over 57 days. repeat a certain number of times. Refer to the in-depth
All "%P" commands which occur after the "x%@" explanation of the IF statement operations.
command will delay the specified amount of time, until
either another "x%@" command redefines the delay time Example:
or the instrument is powered down or re-initialized.

186 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations
SECTION - 16.8

91%s Select REG #1 viewing mode.

10%e Initialize to process 10 boxes. TAGS occurring in other macros have no effect on
%T Tag position for branch back to here JUMPS within a given macro. In other words, a JUMP
later on. will not occur from one macro to another macro. Also,
WeighBox%W Prompt operator and WAIT for any macro execution will not JUMP to a TAG which is not
key. executed due to its location within a macro's IF or ELSE
4%s Select Gross Total + Current mode. statements.
.%I Perform accumulate.
1%Q Send 1st custom transmit. Refer to the previous example for an example of a TAG
91%s Select Reg #1 viewing mode. and JUMP.
%i Decrement REG #1.
1%R IF REG #1 is not equal to 0 then The Tag (%T) and Jump (%J) commands allow multiple
execute next commands. Otherwise tagged locations to be used. This allows the looping
skip the next commands and proceed within a loop during a macro. Up to ten tagged locations
to an ELSE or END IF. may be used. Previously, any entry preceding a Tag or
AGAIN%P Prompt operator for one second. Jump command was ingnored and the entry would
%J JUMP to TAG. remain in the unit's entry buffer. That is still the case
%E ENDIF: continue with next command unless the entry preceding the Tag or Jump is a single
if reg 1 = 0. numeric character. For instance, if a location in a macro
%S SOUND beeper for 1/2 second. is Tagged with a 1%T then to Jump back to that location
DONE!%P Prompt operator for one second. would require a 1%J. A zero preceding the Tag or Jump
%S SOUND beeper for 1/2 second. is the same as the Tag or Jump without any entry.
2%Q PRINT 2nd custom transmit data (for
totals). Once a certain tag number is used in a macro, it should
not be used again in that macro or in any macro that is
called by first macro unless that tag will no longer need
%S SOUND beeper for .5 sec to be jumped referenced. For example:

This simply turns on the beeper for one half second. If a %T Tag (#0)
longer beep is required, this command may be used command
multiple times in succession if a delay is implemented command
between the %S commands. The delay could be either command
the %P or multiple %I commands depending on the 1%T Tag (#1)
effect desired. Note however that this command does not command
delay the execution of the next command in the macro at command
all. Refer to the example above for an implementation of 4%_ IF row not found...
the %S command 1;91%- Decrement counter (parameter 91).
1%R IF counter (parameter 91) is not 0...
%J Jump to Tag (#0)
%T TAG current position for later jump (see also %E END IF
%J) 4%_ IF row not found...
1%J Jump to Tag (#1)
This command marks or TAGS a location in the macro %E END IF
so that a branch may come back to this point from further PrintDONE%P prompt
on within the same macro. This is used in conjunction
with the "%J" command to JUMP back to the tagged %U IF TX Buffer Empty
The "%U command has been created. It performs an "IF
Whenever a "%T" is encountered during macro Current TX Buffer Empty" command. This allows
execution its location within the macro is noted. Then testing the currently selected transmit buffer (as specified
when a "%J" command is encountered, the macro checks with the %" command) of the instrument to determine if
if a "%T" command has been encountered in the current all characters put into the buffer have been sent. This
macro. If so macro execution proceeds to the location can be useful for error checking within macros on the
where the most recent "%T" was found. If a "%T" has instrument. If a transmit command is performed and
not occurred, the "%J" has no effect on macro execution. there are characters that continue to remain in the

GSE Scale Systems - 187

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

transmit buffer then the connected device probably has acknowledgment of a prompt provided by instrument
its handshake to the instrument deasserted. must occur. Normally a prompt would be provided
before the %W command. The prompt would be
This command can also be useful in applications where displayed on the dot matrix display while awaiting the
the scale dealer has taken the initiative to further operator's key press.
multiplex the instrument transmission to 'talk' to a third Example:
WeighBox%W Prompt operator and WAIT for any
In addition, the number of characters remaining in the key.
buffer may be determined by preceding the %U 1%Q Print 1st custom transmit.
command with a 1 (for comm port) or 2 (for print port).
The number of characters remaining in the buffer will be
put into the entry buffer. It may then be copied into a %X Request current display from remote
parameter and then tested further. The size of each of the
transmit buffers is 127 bytes. Another new macro command is the %X command
which causes the displayed information to be echoed out
1*%U clears the com buffer and 2*%U clears the print the instrument's COM port in a format that can be
buffer. processed by another 450 or 550 indicator that is setup as
a remote display.

n%v Write Parameter to E2 ....... More information pending ................

Parameters 5003 thru 5094 allow for selecting whether a

parameter value is written to E2 or not. In order for the %Y IF yes
“n%v” macro command to work properly, the specific
parameter in question should be set to “On Request”. This is yet another IF type command. It allows
The factory default is “Auto”. If it is not required that a conditional operation of the macro based upon operator
parameter is to be saved to E2 automatically when its input. A prompt, normally in the form of a question,
value changes then set the parameter to “On Request”. should precede the %Y command. The operator would
Executing the n%v command will save it to E2 if and respond by pressing either the <ENTER> key as an
only when this command is executed. affirmative (YES) response or any other key for a
negative (NO) response.
If the <ENTER> key is pressed, the macro will proceed
81%v Save Var#1 to E2 to execute the subsequent commands up until the ELSE
command, if present.

n%V Test IF setpoint input "n" is activated If any other key is pressed, the macro will skip the
commands up until either the ELSE (%N) or ENDIF (%
This is one of several IF statements. This command E) commands.
allows macro execution to be conditional based on the Refer to the in-depth explanation of the IF statement
state of a specific setpoint input. It provides a similar operations for additional discussion.
test as that of the %O, except for a setpoint input as Example:
opposed to an output. Setpoint inputs are available only
with the use of the GSE Process Control Interface (PCI). 1%F IF setpoint 1 is de-activated...
Refer to the in-depth explanation of the IF statement READY ??? %Y IF operator is ready...
operations. 1%A ACTIVATE setpoint 1.
%E END of IF statement (the next
command is where macro
%W WAIT for keypress execution would resume if
setpoint 1 was active)
This operator input type command is used to cause macro
operation to be suspended until the operator presses any
key. It can be used in situations where an operator must n%^ GOTO macro n where n can be 0 - 9 or :, ;, <,
decide when a process may continue, or where operator =, >, or ? for macros 0 - 15 respectively

188 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations
SECTION - 16.8

previous versions of eproms prior to 031594.

The GOTO command is most often used when one runs
out of room in a macro and it becomes necessary to Example:
branch to another macro. Using this method of executing
another macro (as opposed to the %X method) prevent 0%s Select the Gross mode as the current
the possibility of overflowing the macro stack. mode.
KeyinTargt%G Prompt operator for target weight.
For certain special applications, the GOTO command %[ SAVE the operator ENTRY.
provides another valuable capability. That is having the 80%s Select Var #0 as the current mode.
correct macro number to be executed be a calculated %] Retrieve the entry saved previously.
number. This can be accomplished by performing a %e Store the retrieved into Var #0.
calculation and then copy the result into the entry buffer
and follow that with the %^ command. Refer to the
following example where each time macro 11 is invoked,
Reg #1 is decremented and the resultant macro is called.
This could be implemented into a multi-step process Specify Port: %"
where macro execution stops in between the steps.
The RS-232 port used by the %$ command is specified
Example: with this command. The format is:

91%s Select Reg 1 as the current parameter. 1%" specifies the comm port.
%i Decrement Reg 1. 2%" specifies the print port.
0%s Select the gross as the current mode.
91%R IF register is not = 0... After the x%" command has been issued, that port will
91%C Copy the value of Reg 1 to the entry remain in effect for all subsequent uses of the %$ and %/
buffer. & commands until either the instrument is reset (by
%^ GOTO the macro specified by the power-down or exiting the setup mode) or the %"
value of Reg1. command is issued again. The handshaking and protocol
%N ELSE specified in the setup modes for the specified port will be
91%s Select Reg 1 as the current parameter. used.
10%e Reset macro GOTO counter to 10 for
next time. When the instrument re-initializes, the port which would
0%s Select the gross as the current mode. be used by the %$ and the %& commands defaults to
0%^ GOTO macro 0. that specified by P211 of the setup mode.

Refer to the "Send control codes" %& command for


%[ SAVE current ENTRY

%] RETRIEVE saved ENTRY Send Entry: %$

The SAVE ENTRY command can be useful in many This command allows a macro to send ASCII text out
situations. It is most often used in conjunction with the either of the serial ports of the instrument. The port used
%G command. For instance, when the Gross weight is specified by the %" command (see above). The text
must be displayed while an operator is prompted to key preceding the %$ command is transmitted immediately
in a value which is be stored in a Var, the SAVE ENTRY without any terminating characters. Up to 49 characters
command can be used to temporarily save the entry while may precede the %$ command. Multiple %$ commands
the proper mode is selected to store the value away. In may be used if more characters are required.
order for the %[ command to have any benefit it must be
followed at some time by the RETRIEVE ENTRY Refer to the "Send control codes" %& command for
command, %]. This command will append its examples.
information to any entry currently in the buffer.

This command when used without an entry preceding it Send Control Codes: %&
does not clear out the saved entry. This was the case in

GSE Scale Systems - 189

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

This command allows a macro to send any character ;91%%C%e 0002 copy register
value out either of the serial ports of the instrument. This 91%%s%e 0006 select
is intended to allow the sending of control codes (such as %%P%e 0009 pause
form feed, carriage return, etc...) and extended ASCII 0%%s%e 0010 select
codes (>127). The port used is specified by the %"
command (see above). The decimal value of the In the above example the %# is replaced by the current
characters that must be transmitted should precede the % scale number, ie 1, 2, 3, or 4. Then the next line of the
& command. Multiple codes may be sent at once; the macro effectively becomes x;91%C, where x is the one
decimal values must be separated by a comma. The through four character. Thus the current scale number is
specified codes will be transmitted immediately exactly put into Reg 1.
as specified. Up to 49 characters may precede the %&
command. Multiple %& commands may be used if more A2. With an Entry in Process:
characters are required.
When the %# follows an entry, if the last character of the
The valid decimal values which may precede this entry is not the number one through four, then that last
command are from 0 to 255. Also, a value of 256 may character is deleted and replaced by the current scale
be used to cause both a carriage return and line feed to be number. This can be useful in copying or adding the
sent. current weight to a separate parameter for each scale,
such as in calculating separate total weights for each
Examples: connected scale. Refer to the following examples:

1%%" Specify comm port. 801%s%c%e P801.19 Macro # 1

27,74,18%& Send <ESC> <J> <18> to 0,8 %%#%e 0001 scale #
advance paper 18/216". %%C%e 0006 copy register
(Epson command) 8 %%#%e 0007 scale #
Hello 550 instrument.%$ Send text. %%s%e 0010 select
256,12%& Send <CR>, <LF>, and a %%P%e 0011 pause
<FF>. 0%%s%e 0012 select
800%s%c%e P800.14 Macro # 0
scale= # %%#%e 0001 scale #
Selected Scale Number Command (%#): !%%P%e 0011 pause

When the Multi-Scale option is employed with the 550, it In these examples, since the character preceding the %#
is sometimes helpful if the macro can perform differently command is a space (ie not 1 through 4) then the space is
depending on which scale is currently selected. The "% replaced by the current scale number. In the first
#" macro command may be used either to append the example, this results in "0,8x%C" where the 'x' is the
scale number to the entry buffer or to perform an IF number one through 4. Thus if scale one is selected, the
clause within a macro based on the currently selected weight is copied to Var 1, scale 2's weight would be
scale. The three possible implementations of this copied to Var 2, etc...
command are described below:
B. Performing an IF Command based on
A. Appending the Current Scale Number into the the Currently Selected Scale:
Entry Buffer:
If the character preceding the %# command is the
A1. Without an Entry in Process: number '1', '2', '3', or '4' then an IF command is
performed. If the currently selected scale's number
When the %# command is not preceded by an entry, the matches the number preceding the command, then the
currently selected scale number will be put into the entry subsequent commands are executed up to an ELSE
buffer. This could be used to store the current scale command. Otherwise, the subsequent commands are
number into a parameter in order to allow it to be printed. skipped until the ELSE or ENDIF command is
For instance, the following example stores the current encountered. Refer to the IF command explanation for
scale number into Reg 1 (parameter 91). further clarification on IF command operation. The
following example will help clarify this usage:
802%s%c%e P802.16 Macro # 2
%%#%e 0001 scale # 803%s%c%e P803.32 Macro # 3

190 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations
SECTION - 16.8

Using 1%%#%e 0001 scale # has pressed a key, or causing a macro to abort if RS-232
small%%N%e 0009 if not input has been received, allowing the unit to process a
large%%E%e 0015 end if series of commands received from a computer. Also
scale.%%p%e 0021 Print note that the character being checked is not cleared when
it is found to have occurred. It must be subsequently
Another application for this usage of the %# is when cleared or used as part of an entry.
setpoints are being used with the multi-scale option.
Since the setpoints cannot be setup to be based upon a The variations of the "IF INPUT" command are as
particular scale, when a setpoint is reached the current follows:
scale may be checked and then the appropriate action
may be taken by the macro. %( If Keypad or RS-232 input
1%( If Keypad input
Disable Input Command (%!) 2%( If RS-232 input

Operator input via either the front panel keypad or the For example:
RS-232 input or both may be programmed to be ignored
until otherwise specified. %T TAG position in macro.
ABC Scale%P Prompt Operator for one
%! Re-enable both front panel and keypad second
input. Call ABC%P Second prompt.
555- 1234%P Third prompt.
1%! Disable front panel keypad input. %( IF keypress
2%! Disable RS-232 input. %N otherwise
3%! Disable input from either source. %J JUMP to TAG
This command can be used within a macro to insure that %) CLEAR RS-232 buffer and
operator input is processed from only one source or the keypad character. (flush entry
other. For instance, in an application where a computer buffer).
is connected to the instrument and may at any time send
a request to print the custom transmit or to download a The "%(" has another capability; it performs a "If input
database, a macro could disable RS-232 input during equals" command. If a numeric value between 3 and 255
operator input requests (%G, %W, and %Y). precedes the %( command, then the decimal value of the
input (RS-232 or keypad) will be compared to that
Disabling RS-232 input does not prevent the unit from decimal value, and the following statements will be
receiving characters, it simply suspends the processing of executed only if the input equals the number. Refer to an
data in the unit's receive buffer. When that buffer ASCII chart or Table in the appendix for the decimal
becomes full, the instrument's handshake will values of the front panel keys. The decimal for the
automatically be de-asserted informing the connected numeric keys is 48 through 57 for the [0] through [9]
device to temporarily stop transmitting. keys respectively.

Caution: Since the unit has only one actual receive input Note that comparing an entered character or key does not
to the processor, disabling the RS-232 input disables the remove it from the input buffer. This allows a single
processing of all serial input coming into the J2 entry to be compared against multiple possibilities. To
connector on the pins marked "RX>", "232>", and clear the input buffers refer to the %) command to clear
"TTL>". It cannot discern between computer input, all entered characters or use the %W command to
remote ASCII keyboard input, or barcode input. remove only the next key from the buffer.

The %( command works on both the keypad (which takes

"IF INPUT" Command precedence) and the serial port, either one of which may
be disabled with "%!". Therefore if required a specific
It is possible to test for operator input via the front panel, character may be checked for on a specific input source.
or for RS-232 input having been received. The IF
command, "%(" may be used in the same manner as the (The following example utilizing remote key inputs is
other IF type commands. Possible applications include not valid on the 574) Previously, the 550's remote keys
allowing a macro to continue looping until an operator could only be used to invoke a macro. However with the

GSE Scale Systems - 191

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

advent of this feature, remote keys may be used for

operator input within a macro. The decimal value to be xxx>%( where xxx is the decimal value of the
used to check for the remote keys is 176 through 181, as character being compared against.
shown in Table 27, Macro Call commands.
2. Similarly, to determine whether an entered
Refer to the following example which is based on having character is at or below a certain character
a remote switch connected to J6 pins 1 & 3 (code 176) value, perform the following version of the "IF
labeled "YES" and another switch wired to pins 2 & 4
(code 180) labeled "NO". Remote key commands are INPUT" command:
not valid on the 574.
xxx<%( where xxx is the decimal value of the
%T Tag this position. character being compared against.
Batch NOW?%I Prompt and perform weight
conversion process. 3. Finally, to append the next entered character to
%( IF input... an existing entry, bring up the existing entry
%N otherwise... (using either a %C or %]) and follow it with a
%J Jump to tag. "G" then %(. The "G" will be replaced by the
%E ENDIF entered character. The entry can then be saved
176%( IF "YES" remote key pressed... or copied as required:
%) clear keypress.
1%A activate setpoint 1. %] get previous entry
2%^ goto macro 2 to complete process. G%( append next character
%N otherwise... %[ save as new entry
180%( IF "NO" remote key pressed...
%) clear keypress. Example:
%3 call macro 3 for report printout.
%N otherwise... Determine if the next operator input character is between
%) clear keypress. 0 and 9:
%J Jump to tag. %%[%e clear saved entry.
EnterP/N:%%I%e prompt operator for entry
To calculate values for front panel keys or extended %%(%e if an entry has been made...
ASCII commands, add 128 to the decimal value. %%N%e
Lower case “c” has a decimal value of 99. The front %%E%e
panel clear command is “%c”. This is an extended
ASCII command of lower case “c”. The value 128 is 2%%T%e
added to 99 for a sum of 227. This is the value that is %%(%e if an entry has been made...
prepended to the %( command if the <CLR> key press is 48>%%(%e if character is greater than or
being looked for while a macro is running. equal to the number "0".
57<%%(%e if character is less than or
227%( IF <CLR> is pressed. equal to the number "9".
%%]%e retrieve entry thus far
G%%(%e get next character and append
Determine “IF” a character entered is above or below to entry...
a certain value. %%[%e save new entry
%%N%e otherwise (if not between 0
The capability of the %( command has been further and 9)
expanded. 229%%(%e if next key is [ENTER]...
%%]%e retrieve entry....
1. To determine whether an entered character is at ;21%%C%e and copy it into ID 1.
or above a certain %%B%e and then break (done!).
character value, perform the following version %%N%e otherwise (if not between 0
of the "IF INPUT" command: and 9 and not [ENTER])

192 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations
SECTION - 16.8

233%%(%e if next key is [ID]... %J Jump to tag.

%%]%e retrieve entry.... %E End IF
%% %e back-space one character ;21%C Store entry in ID 1.
%%[%e save new entry 21,88%C set Var 8 = to number of
%%N%e otherwise (if not any of above characters entered.
characters) 1%F If setpt 1 is inactive... (setpt 1
Must!be0-9%%P%e warn of improper entry... would be setup to be active
%%E%e end if between the desired range for
number of characters entered.
%%]%e retrieve entry for display EntryMust%P Warn operator
%%\%e if no entry... be 5 long!%P Complete warning.
%%J%e jump to start %J Jump to Tag.
%%N%e otherwise (valid entry has %E End IF.
%%I%e display entry
2%%J%e jump back for next character
Compare Two Strings: xx,yy%-
or... aaaa;yy%-
CLEAR Keypad and/or RS-232 Receive Buffer "%)"
This macro commands allow comparisons to be made on
A macro may clear out either the one character keypad alpha-numeric data: where 'xx' and 'yy' represent alpha
buffer, the RS-232 receive buffer, or both buffers. Refer parameter ID's, and 'aaaa' represents alpha text.
to the following variations to the command:
This variation of the subtract command actually operates
%) Clear both the RS-232 receive buffer the same as a standard IF statement. Two alpha values
and the keypad buffer. are compared to determine if they are exactly the same.
This ability allows a simple method of verifying the
1%) Clear the front panel keypad buffer. proper entry of an access code. Also, this command may
2%) Clear the RS-232 receive data buffer. be used in critical data entry situations where the
operator is required to key in a value twice in order to
insure that a mistake is not made.
Determine String Length: xx,yy%C Example:

This macro command allows comparisons to be made on New ?Targt%Y Prompt operator, if
alpha-numeric data: [ENTER]...
%N Otherwise
where 'xx' represents a numeric parameter ID and 'yy' an %B Break... ie abort macro.
alpha parameter ID. %E End IF.
191823;26%C Store correct code into ID 6.
If an alpha type parameter (ID 1 - 6) is copied to a %T Tag location.
numeric type parameter (Vars, Regs, tare, etc...), then the EnterCode:%G Prompt operator, get code
numeric parameter is set to the number of characters entry.
entered in the alpha parameter. This can be used in ;26%- Compare entry to correct
conjunction with a setpoint to insure an operator entry code. if same...
always consists of a certain number of characters. Note EnterTargt%G Prompt operator, get target
that the numeric parameter may be any numeric weight entry.
parameter, including the time/date parameter ID's 50 - ;80%C Store entry into Var #0.
54. %N otherwise
WrongCode!%P Warn operator for one
Examples: second.
%J Jump to tag for re-entry of
%T Tag location code.
Enter ID%G Prompt and get operator %E End IF
%\ If no entry... n,m%+ The ADD macro command

GSE Scale Systems - 193

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

stored in <81>
This command is used to perform the addition of two
numeric values. Specifically, the value of the first
parameter (whose parameter ID = "n") is added to the n,m%/ The DIVIDE macro command
value of the second parameter (whose ID is "m") and the
result in stored in parameter "m". IE "n" + "m" -> m. This command is used to perform the division of two
numeric values. Specifically, the value of the first
Example: parameter (whose parameter ID = "n") is divided by the
value of the second parameter (whose ID is "m") and
80,81%+ Add value of parameter 80 result in stored in parameter "m" ("n" ÷ "m" the quotient
(Var #0) to value of stored in "m")
parameter 81 (Var #1) and
store result in Var #1. <80> Example:
+ <81> result stored in
<81> 80,81%/ Divide the value of parameter 80 (Var
#0) by the value of parameter 81 (Var
Note: In the math examples, the use of the <> around a #1) and store the result in Var #1.
parameter ID is intended to represent the value of the <80> ÷ <81> the quotient stored
parameter as opposed to the parameter ID itself. Also the in <81>.
"=>" indicates "is stored into". This is used instead of
the equals sign to reduce confusion. Often times both of the values to be used in a calculation
must be retained. Since the second parameter specified
in the command is also used to store the result, a COPY
n,m%- The SUBTRACT macro command may be performed of the second parameter before the
math operation is done.
This command is used to perform the subtraction of two
numeric values. Specifically, the value of the second In the following example Reg #1 is used as a counter to
parameter (whose parameter ID = "m") is subtracted keep track of the number of boxes weighed on the scale
from the value of the first parameter (whose ID is "n") each day. The Gross Total parameter holds the total
and result in stored in parameter "m". (i.e. < n > - < weight of boxes processed that day.
m > difference stored in < m >).
91,80%C COPY box counter (REG #1) to Var
80,81%- Subtract value of parameter 81 (Var #0.
#1) from value of parameter 80 (Var 3,80%/ Divide the total weight (Parameter 3)
#0) and store result in Var #1. <80> - by the # of boxes.
<81> difference stored in <81>
Var #0 now holds the average weight.

n,m%* The MULTIPLY macro command

This command is used to perform the multiplication of
two numeric values. Specifically, the value of the first This command test the "entry buffer" to check if in fact
parameter (whose parameter ID = "n") is multiplied by an entry was actually made. It is most often used after an
the value of the second parameter (whose ID is "m") and operator has been prompted to make an entry with the %
the result is stored in parameter "m". IE "n" x "m" => m. G command. In some applications, it may be desirable to
simply leave a value unchanged if the operator simply
example: presses < ENTER > without making an entry. However
other situations may require that the operator definitely
80,81%* Multiply the value of key in a value. This command can be used together with
parameter 80 (Var #0) to the the TAG and JUMP commands to repeat a %G prompt
value of parameter 81 (Var until the operator actually makes an entry. In other
#1) and store result in Var #1. applications, a default value may need to be entered if the
<80> x <81> the product operator has not made the requested entry.

194 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations
SECTION - 16.8

Example: 9 "IDtooLong!"

80%s Select var #1.

%T TAG this location to allow a branch Example 1:
back to here.
KeyinTargt%G Prompt operator and wait for response. %_ IF ANY DATABASE ERROR...
%\ IF NO ENTRY... Any Error%P Displays prompt if any error occurred.
%J JUMP back and re-prompt operator. %E ENDIF
%e Store away operator entry.

Example 2:
x%@ Set delay for subsequent PAUSE commands
This command allows the delay incurred during the %5 Call macro 5 (if error 4 occurred).
PAUSE command to be set to the desired time duration. %E ENDIF

The variable delay for the macro's pause (%P) command,

x%@, has been enhanced. The delay may now be Comparing a Parameter's Numeric Value as to
fractional (with resolution to around 1/20th of a second) whether its (>, <, = or not equal) another Parameter's
and may be as long as 5 million seconds. This is over 57 Numeric Value,
"IF" commands (>, < , = or #)%'

The (%') command is used to compare two parameters to

each other or compare a parameter to a fixed number.
n%_ IF DATABASE ERROR The compare function is dependent on what equation
character precedes the (%') ie. (>, <, = or #). Some of the
This command can be used to check for any error or a same comparisons performed below can be accomplished
specific error that may have occurred during the last using setpoints. These commands in some respect
DATABASE operation. If the "n" preceding the %_ expand these capabilities within a macro.
command is omitted then the IF clause can be interpreted
as "IF ANY DATABASE ERROR". If a numeric value 1. Comparing two parameters can be done in
precedes the %_ command then the IF clause is testing four ways, greater than, less than, equal to or
for that specific error number. If 0%_ is used, the IF not equal to. The statements below are used to
clause is effectively "IF NO DATABASE ERRORS". compare any parameter to another. ("n" is the
Using these commands virtually any database error that variable compared to the "m" variable). The
may occur can be handled appropriately within a macro. "P" should be placed immediately following the
The error code definitions are listed below. m variable so as the firmware recognizes it as a
parameter and does not mistake it for a fixed
0 No error occurred. number. The %' is the completion of the
1 Bad entry. Did not meet criteria for the compare statement.
parameter being accessed.
2 Invalid database selection. Database not n>mP%'
3 Invalid column selection. Specified column not n<mP%'
defined in current database.
4 Record not found. n=mP%'
5 Out of Data Storage Memory
6 Sumcheck error. The accessed row's data n#mP%'
appears corrupted.
7 List Corrupt. The list of rows stored in
memory is not in tact. Examples: Compare VAR#0 to VAR#1 in all
8 Operation aborted. The search, print, sort, or four respects (>, <, = and #).
upload was aborted.

GSE Scale Systems - 195

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Example #1: (greater than)

80>81P%' "IF" var#0 is greater than var#1. n#x%'
1%Q Print 1st custom transmit
%N Else
2%Q Print 2nd custom transmit
%E End If Examples: Compare a “parameter” to the value
Example #2: (less than)
80<81P%' "IF" var#0 is less than var#1. Example #1: (greater than)
1%A Activate setpoint 1. 0;89%C Reset Var#9 to 0.
%N Else 22%A Activate setpoint #22.
2%A Activate setpoint 2. 2%T Tag point 2.
%E End If LINE ON%I A/D conversion prompt.
0,89%C Copy gross wt. to Var#9.
89>10%'"IF" Var#9 is greater than "10".
Example #3: (equal to) 22%D Deactivate setpoint 22.
0;80%C Reset Var#0 to 0. STOP LINE%P 1 second prompt.
LABELCOUNT%G Prompt operator. %N Else
%[ Save entry 2%J Jump to Tag 2.
81%s Access Var#1 %E End If
%] Retrieve entry
%e Enter
1%T Tag #1 Example #2: (less than)
80=81P%' "IF" var#0 is equal to var#1. 1%T Tag point 1.
%B Abort macro WAIT!%I A/D conversion prompt.
%N Else 30<10%'"IF" Quantity is less than "10".
1%Q Print 1st custom transmit 1%J Jump to Tag 1.
1;80%+ add 1 to var#0 %N Else
1%J Jump to Tag #1. 2%Q Print 2nd custom transmit.
%E End If %E End If

Example #4 (not equal to) Example #3: (equal to)

80#81P%' "IF" var#0 is not equal to var#1. 0;91%C Reset Reg#1 to 0.
1%^ Goto macro #1. LABELCOUNT%G Prompt operator.
%N Else %[ Save entry
2%^ Goto macro #2. 91%s Access Reg#1
%E End If %] Retrieve entry
%e Enter
1%T Tag #1
91=10%' "IF" Reg#1 is equal to “10”.
2. Comparing a parameter's value to a fixed value 2%Q Print 2nd custom transmit
can be done in four ways, greater than, less (accumulation label).
than, equal to or not equal to. The statements %N Else
below are used to compare any parameter to 1%Q Print 1st custom transmit
any fixed value. ("n" is the variable compared (standard transaction label)
to the "x" variable, where "x" equals a fixed 1;91%+ add 1 to Reg#1
number). The (%') is the completion of the 1%J Jump to Tag #1.
compare statement. %E End If

Example #4 (not equal to)
n<x%' 31#10%' "IF" Quantity Total is not equal to
n=x%' 1%^ Goto macro #1.

196 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations
SECTION - 16.8

%N Else 1%^ Goto macro #1.

2%^ Goto macro #2. %N Else
%E End If 2%^ Goto macro #2.
%E End If

3. Comparing a parameter's value to zero (0) can

be done in four ways, greater than, less than, 16.9 General Notes on Math Commands
equal to or not equal to. The statements below
are used to compare any parameter to zero (0). In the math examples, the use of the < > around a
("n" is the variable compared to zero). The parameter ID is intended to represent the value of the
(%') is the completion of the compare parameter and not the parameter itself. Also, the "=>"
statement. indicates "stored into". This is used instead of the equals
sign to reduce confusion.
Any numeric parameter ID may be used (i.e. not the ID's,
n<%' parameters 21 thru 26) with the various math commands.
However it is not possible to combine time / date
n=%' parameters (parameters 11 and 50 thru 54) with the other
numeric parameters, except for the copy command (%C).

Example #1: (greater than “0”) 11,81%+ NOT ALLOWED!

94>%' "IF" Reg#4 is greater than “0”.
1;91%+ Add 1 to Reg#1 (increment counter). Instead:
1%Q Print 1st custom transmit
%N Else 11,80%C Copy time / date value to var #0
1;91%- Subtract 1 from Reg#1 (decrement
counter) 80,81%+ Add var #0 (time / date value) to var
2%Q Print 2nd custom transmit #1
%E End If
Often, both of the values to be used in a calculation must
be retained. Since the second parameter specified in the
Example #2: (less than “0”) command is also used to specify the result, a COPY may
80<%' "IF" var#0 is less than “0”. be performed on the second parameter before the math
1%A Activate setpoint 1. function is executed.
%N Else
2%A Activate setpoint 2. In the following example, Reg #1 is used as a counter to
%E End If keep track of the number of boxes weighed on the scale
each day. The Gross Total parameter holds the weight of
boxes processed that day.
Example #3: (equal to “0”)
9%T Tag #9
93=%' "IF" Reg#3 is equal to “0”. Example:
1%^ Goto macro 1.
%N Else 91,80%C COPY box counter (REG #1) to Var
1%Q Print 1st custom transmit #0
1;93%- Subtract 1 from Reg#3 3,80%/ Divide the total weight (Parameter 3)
9%J Jump to Tag #9. by the quantity of boxes. Var #0 now
%E End If holds the average weight.

Example #4 (not equal to “0”) The Math and Copy Commands

80#%' "IF" var#0 is not equal to “0”.

GSE Scale Systems - 197

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

%+ add following manner:

%- subtract
%* multiply KeyinPart#%G Prompt for part number entry.
%/ divide ;21%C Store operator entry to ID 1
%C copy (parameter 21).

These commands operate on variables. You can supply Also, the "%+" command can now be used with alpha
an actual value as the first parameter by using a semi- parameters (ID 1 -6) to concatenate (paste together) two
colon (;) as the separator. strings.

For example: For example, if ID 1 holds a first name and ID 2 holds a

last name:
1,81%C copies the value of parameter 1 to
parameter 81. Joe ;21%C Set ID 1 to be "Joe ".
Smith;22%C Set ID 2 to be "Smith".
however... 21,23%C Copy ID 1 to ID 3.
22,23%+ Append ID 2 to the end of ID 3. ID 3
1;81%C copies the number 1 to parameter 81. should now be "Joe Smith".
This ability eliminates the need for a macro to change
modes simply to save away an operator entry. Thus most These math commands can also operate on time type
macros should be able to perform a task without parameters (P51 - P54), however both parameters must
changing modes and therefore appear invisible to the be of the same type! The only exception is the "%C"
operator when desired. COPY command. For instance, you cannot add Var #1
to alarm 1. Copy one or the other parameter to a
For example: parameter of the type which the result will be and then
perform the math operation.
KeyinTargt%G GET operator input for target
wt. Exponent / Root Math Operations
;81%C Copy entry to parameter 81
(Var #1). The (%,) command allows square roots to be determined.
Also a value may be raised to a power (ie xy). This
Note in the above example that if the operator simply command works with a parameter or an immediate value,
presses <ENTER> without entering any data, then Var as described in item 1, by using the comma (,) or the
#1 will be cleared to zero. Use of the "%\" IF ENTRY semicolon (;) respectively.
macro command could be used to handle this situation in
a different manner. For example:

The immediate copy command also works for alpha 81%, Take the square root of parameter 81.
parameters, such as ID's 1 through 6. The result is stored in parameter 81.

For example: 3;81%, Raises the value of parameter 81 to the

third power, ie <81>3.
big part;21%C copies the words "big part" to
ID 1 (parameter P21). .33333;82%, Take the cube root of the value of
parameter 82, ie <82>.33333.
In the case of subtracts and divides, the first parameter is
the value subtracted or divided by, respectively. 83,81%, Raises the value of parameter 81 to the
power specified by the value of
For example: parameter 83, ie <81><83>.

2;81%/ divides parameter 81 by 2. -1;84%, Takes the inverse of parameter 84, ie

1;81%- subtracts 1 from (ie <84>-1 = 1/<84>
decrements) parameter 81.

This capability can be used with operator entries in the 16.10 Rounding

198 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations
SECTION - 16.9

All time/date type parameters are stored as a numerical

Rounding Weight Data value, the number of seconds elapsed since midnight on
Jan. 1, 1970. As of April 1, 1992, this value is around
When weight data is copied (using the %C command) or 702,086,400 and it increases at 86,400 seconds per day.
used in any macro math operation, the data used is the
data after it has been rounded to the displayed increment The alarm parameters are numbered parameter 51
(in default units). through 54. If the alarms are set to be on (interval or
daily) in the setup mode, then a value may not be entered
For example: (via a front panel entry) into that alarm. However the
alarm be manipulated using the macro math and copy
0,80%C places the rounded data into commands. If an enabled alarm is changed, then that
parameter 80. This weight data is pre- alarm will be invoked when the specified time occurs
rounded to the default weight units (except alarm 4 which may only be set to invoke a macro
displayed increment (per P111). by using the "n%K" macro command).

The 80%. command allows for rounding weight data (or The method of displaying these time/date type
other parameters) to different increment sizes other than parameters when they are selected in the weigh mode
the displayed increment (per P111). may be set as required to be either a numeric value, a
time, a date, or a time and date by using setup parameters
P511 through P515, for recalled time, and alarms one
Explicit Rounding through four respectively. Please be aware that recalled
time is not saved during a power-down condition unless
Any parameter, such as the vars or regs, may be rounded the clock module or the database RAM module is
in one of two manners. The parameter may be rounded installed in the instrument. If neither is installed, the
to the displayed increment or to any desired increment. value for Rtime will come up random upon power-up.
For example:
Expiration Date Example:
.02;80%. rounds parameter 80's data to the 11,51%C Copy current time to alarm 1 (named
nearest multiple of 0.02 'expiration date').
20;80%. rounds parameter 80's data to the 864000;51%+ Add ten days worth of seconds to the
nearest multiple of 20. current time to get an expiration date
81,80%. rounds parameter 80's data to the ten days from now.
nearest multiple of parameter 81's
data. A Rate Example (for a decreasing weight):

NOTE: If a weight parameter is added successively to a to store the initial data:

var, after several additions, the resultant value may be 0,80%C Copy gross wt to var #0.
not be a multiple of the weight increment, therefore it is 11,51%C Copy current time to alarm 1.
recommended to use the "%." command after each then later on:
addition if standard rounding is required. 0,80%- Subtract current gross wt from
previously saved gross wt.
11,51%- Subtract previously saved time from
16.11 Using Alarms for Time/Date current time.
Calculations 51,81%C Copy elapsed time, in hours, to var
#1. (Note that math cannot be
The recalled time and the four alarms may be used for performed on a mix of variable types,
general purpose time/date calculations if the alarm is set ie a time type and a regular number.)
to off in the setup mode. This could be used to print 3600;81%/ Divide time difference by the number
expiration dates or to perform longer term rate of seconds per hour. Note that division
calculations, such as pounds per hour. Note that short was performed after copying to the var
term rate calculations (pounds per second) require more in order to maintain the fractional
resolution on the time scale than one second! portion of an hour!
80,81%/ Divide weight difference by elapsed
time to get change in weight per hour.

GSE Scale Systems - 199

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Also, the alarms may be selected as a becomes deactivated. When it does, the message
parameter in a custom transmit setup. "DONE" is displayed for one second.

Note that this same effect could be achieved if the point

16.12 Prompting Commands to be branched to was at the beginning of a macro by
simply using the GOTO command, #%^. However many
A few of the commands listed in Table 28 include in times more efficient use of the macros can be achieved
their description a reference to an "optional (message)". by looping back into the middle of a macro.
This means that if a message is included in the macro just However, be aware that the TAG and JUMP commands
before one of these commands, then that message will be cannot be used to loop between different macros. Both
displayed to the operator while that macro command is the TAG and JUMP must occur within the same macro.
being executed and until something different is
displayed. When these prompting commands are IF Statements
displaying their prompt, the weight conversion process is
being performed. The IF type MACRO commands can be quite useful in
order to allow varying conditions to affect which
MACRO commands are executed and which are skipped.

The operation of these commands are fairly simple. The

16.13 Branching Commands rules are listed below:

There are two methods of branching within a macro. a. If the tested condition is found to be TRUE then:
Both are described below
The subsequent commands in the MACRO are executed
TAG and JUMP commands up until an ELSE (%N) command is encountered.
If an ELSE (%N) command is encountered before an
This pair of commands is normally used when a set of ENDIF, the macro will skip subsequent commands
macro commands must be executed multiple times. The between the ELSE and the ENDIF.
TAG (%T) command is inserted into the macro point in
the macro where the execution is to resume after a JUMP Once an ENDIF is encountered, the IF statement is
(%J) command. The %J command is inserted in the completed. Any subsequent ELSE or ENDIF commands
macro at the point where execution is to loop back to the would have no effect unless they follow another IF
TAG command. Normally a JUMP is located within an statement.
IF statement in order to prevent a never ending loop.
However there are several other methods of achieving b. If the tested condition is found to be FALSE then:
this goal.
The subsequent commands in the macro are skipped until
Basic looping example: the occurrence of an ENDIF (%E) or an ELSE (%N)
MACRO command. Execution of the macro commands
%T Tag this position in the macro in order will resume after either of these commands.
to jump back to this point later on. If an ELSE or ENDIF command does not exist in the
Fill-ing..%I Perform weight conversion process remainder of the macro, then the remainder of the macro
once, while displaying prompt. is skipped and the macro terminates in the normal
1%O If setpoint 1 is activated... manner. Specifically, if the macro was called from
%J Jump to the tagged spot in this macro. another macro, then macro execution will resume in the
%E End of the "IF" statement. calling macro after the point where the 2nd macro was
%S SOUND beeper. called.
DONE%P Display "DONE" message for one
second. If an ELSE command is used, the ENDIF has no effect
except to define the point in the macro whereafter
The preceding example shows how a branch can be used commands will be executed regardless of the last IF
to indicate to the operator the current state of a process commands effects.
control application. While the setpoint is active, the
filling is occurring. The JUMP command keeps looping While this capability is quite powerful, there are some
back and re-displaying the message until the setpoint limitations. The nesting of 'IF' statements is allowed,

200 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations
SECTION - 16.13

however only one 'ENDIF' (%E) is required. All previous Operations) %{, %} and %|
'IF' statements are considered completed at the occurrence
of an 'ENDIF'. Also, all ELSE statements apply equally to Nested IFs:
all previous IF statements which have not yet been followed
by an ENDIF. There are two new macro commands that allow for logical
nesting of IF type statements. The maximum number of
If nested IF statements are required for an application, the levels deep that may occur in a nest is 254. This section
nested IF may occur within a called macro, since that macro contains pseudo code showing how nesting may be
will not be called if the condition to call it did not occur. implemented followed by the actual commands to perform
the pseudo code. Old macros that do not use this nesting
Refer to the following example: format will still work without any modifications. As
before, placing a tag within an if structure can cause
Simple Branching Example: problems because execution of the tag cannot be
12%O Test if setpoint 12 is active...
-OK!-%P If so, display "OK" message for one Theory of operation
%N ELSE (otherwise) If an IF statement is false, then execution will continue after
OutOfSpec!%W Display "OutOf Spec!" warning either the first ELSE or ENDIF not enclosed in braces. If
until a key is pressed. the IF statement is true, then execution will continue until
%E End of IF statement. an ELSE or ENDIF is encountered that is
not enclosed in braces. An ELSE will then cause execution
In the preceding IF example, IF setpoint 12 was active then to continue after it encounters an ENDIF not enclosed in
the prompt "-OK-" is displayed for one second. If setpoint braces.
12 was deactive, the prompt "Out Of Spec!" is displayed
until the operator presses any key. In summary, any %N, %E, and %| (see following
information for %|) are effectively ignored if they occur
A More Complex Branching Example: within a pair of braces that are subsequent to an IF
1%O IF Setpoint #1 is activated...
2%O IF Setpoint #2 is activated... Definition of pseudo code:
3%O IF Setpoint #3 is activated...
IF => any macro command that performs a conditional test
The next two statements would be executed only if { => %{ new macro command signifying start of a group
setpoints 1, 2, and 3 were activated: } => %} new macro command signifying end of a group
ELSE => %N macro command "NOT IF"
5%t set tare wt to 5#. ENDIF => %E macro command "END IF"
%N ELSE x => any applicable parameter

These next two statements would be executed only if Indenting is used to distinguish between nested levels of IF
setpoints 1, 2, or 3 were de-activated: statements.

10%t set tare wt to 10#. PSEUDO CODE 1

IF x > -1 AND x < 6 /* The AND is done by two subsequent */
%E End if statement. { /* IF statements */
IF x < 4
The next statements would always be executed, regardless {
of setpoints 1, 2, and 3's status. IF x = 0
[various commands]
ELSE /* x not equal to 0 */
4%s Select gross total mode. IF x = 1
0%e Clear gross total. [various commands]
ELSE /* x not equal to 1 */
IF x = 2
16.14 Nested “IF” Statements (Boolean Math [various commands]

GSE Scale Systems - 201

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

ELSE /* x not equal to 2 */ %%{%e 0084 Start Group

[various commands]
80<0%%'%e 0085 compare
ENDIF /* closes "IF x = 2" */
} NEG%%P%e 0090 pause
ENDIF /* closes "IF x = 0" */ %%N%e 0094 if not
} Large%%P%e 0095 pause
ELSE /* x >= 4 */ %%E%e 0101 end if
IF x = 4 %%}%e 0102 End Group
[various commands] %%E%e 0103 end if
ELSE /* x not equal to 4 */
[various commands]
ENDIF /* closes "IF x = 4" */
} AND/OR Operations
ENDIF /* closes "IF x < 4" */
} An AND operation on two IF commands can be
ELSE /* x <= -1 or x >= 6 */ accomplished by placing one IF directly after the next IF.
IF x < 0
[various commands] An OR operation can be accomplished by placing a %|
ELSE /* x >= 0 (x >= 6) */ between the IF commands. The next command after the %|
[various commands] should be an IF command or %C followed by an IF. The
ENDIF /* closes "IF x < 0" */
operation of the %| command is as follows:
ENDIF /* closes "IF x > -1 AND x < 6" */
1 If the previous IF was TRUE then the %| will skip the
MACRO CODE 1 next command regardless of what it is. It will also
skip all consecutive %C commands that immediately
810%s%c%e P810.XX Macro #10 follow the %| and the subsequent command. However,
80>-1%%'%e 0001 compare if the immediately subsequent command is a %{ then
80<6%%'%e 0007 compare all commands are skipped until the matching %}.
%%{%e 0012 Start Group Execution will then continue immediately following
80<4%%'%e 0013 compare the %}.
%%{%e 0018 Start Group 2 If the previous IF was FALSE then the execution will
80=0%%'%e 0019 compare continue with the command immediately following the
ZERO%%P%e 0024 pause %|.
%%N%e 0029 if not
80=1%%'%e 0030 compare Skipping of subsequent %C commands allows the %C to
ONE%%P%e 0035 pause be used to supply the argument for the subsequent IF
%%N%e 0039 if not statement such as 91%C%O
%%{%e 0040 Start Group
80=2%%'%e 0041 compare The following truth table shows what AND and OR do. X
TWO%%P%e 0046 pause and Y represent two different IF conditions. A 0 means
%%N%e 0050 if not that the condition is FALSE and 1 means that the condition
THREE%%P%e 0051 pause is TRUE. The AND column shows if both X AND Y are
%%E%e 0057 end if TRUE. 0 means that X AND Y are not TRUE and 1 means
%%}%e 0058 End Group that both X and Y are TRUE. The OR column shows if
%%E%e 0059 end if either X or Y is TRUE. A 0 means that both X and Y are
%%}%e 0060 End Group FALSE. A 1 means that either X or Y is TRUE or both are
%%N%e 0061 if not TRUE.
%%{%e 0062 Start Group
80=4%%'%e 0063 compare X Y | AND | OR
FOUR%%P%e 0068 pause ----+-----+---
%%N%e 0073 if not 0 0 | 0 | 0
FIVE%%P%e 0074 pause 0 1 | 0 | 1
%%E%e 0079 end if 1 0 | 0 | 1
%%}%e 0080 End Group 1 1 | 1 | 1
%%E%e 0081 end if
%%}%e 0082 End Group
%%N%e 0083 if not ANDs and ORs may be combined to create more complex

202 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations
SECTION - 16.14

conditional code. With the brace commands, %{ and %} debug of complex macro operations.
for nesting IFs, priority may be used as well. To exemplify
this the following truth tables show a few The recorded macro steps may either be viewed on the
simple combinations. W, X, Y, and Z are IF commands. display or sent out on of the serial ports to a computer or
printer. The macro debug mode operates as follows:
————————-+——————————————————— a) When first accessing the Macro Debug mode,
0 0 0 1 | 1 the display will momentarily show P64200
1 0 0 0 | 0 "Macro Debug". Then after one second, if there
1 1 0 0 | 0 is any macro execution history in memory, then
1 1 1 0 | 1 the last executed macro command will be shown.
1 0 1 1 | 1 Please note that the entire history buffer is cleared
1 1 0 1 | 1 whenever a macro is changed and every time the
0 0 1 1 | 1 unit performs its setup (display reads "Doing
Setup") which happens upon power-up and when
W X Y Z | W AND X AND { Y OR } saving changes.
0 0 0 1 | 0 b) The last two digits of the main numeric display
1 0 0 0 | 0 indicates the macro number where the macro
1 1 0 0 | 0 command was executed.
1 1 1 0 | 1
1 0 1 1 | 0 c) The top line on the dot matrix display shows
1 1 0 1 | 1 the offset counter which indicates the distance
0 0 1 1 | 0 from the beginning of the macro where the
command is located.
————————-+———————————————————- d) The bottom line shows the one single element
0 0 0 1 | 0 of the macro at the current position in the
1 0 0 0 | 0 history buffer, such as "%G", "1", or "A".
1 1 0 0 | 0
1 1 1 0 | 0 e) Press the <ID> or <TARE> keys to move
1 0 1 1 | 1 forward or backward respectively within the
1 1 0 1 | 1 history buffer. If the end of the buffer is
0 0 1 1 | 1 reached, the display will show "ENDof
TABLE". Pressing the <ID> key will go to the
This macro language does NOT follow the standard last character of the history buffer while
precedence rules for AND and OR. In the macro language, pressing <TARE> will move to the first
ANDs and ORs are evaluated sequentially. The example character in the history buffer.
"W AND X OR Y AND Z" is equivalent to
"{ { W AND X } OR Y } AND Z", not "{ W AND X } OR f) A numeric value may precede the <ID> or
{ Y AND Z }" as one might expect. <TARE> keys to move multiple steps in their
respective directions. A decimal point
Example of OR with the %C in the macro language preceding either the <ID> or <TARE> keys
will move forward or backward one loop in the
1%O Is setpoint 1 on? history buffer.
%| OR
91%C=0%%' (reg 1 contains a var number) var [x] = 0? g) The amount of history recorded depends on the
amount of available RAM. As mentioned
previously, if the GSE database option is
16.15 Macro Debug: P64200 installed then 8K of the database RAM may be
allocated for general use. If this is done then
The Macro Debug feature records steps and branches that ten times the amount of macro history is
are taken during macro execution. If the expected results recorded. Refer to the database option manual
are not achieved during the execution of a macro, this info for further details.
mode may be accessed to determine exactly which branches
were taken. This is often very helpful during initial macro

GSE Scale Systems - 203

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

h) Pressing the <PRINT> key will print out the

history buffer. The prompt "1 for Comm", "2 Simply access the setup mode and enter the unit’s access
for Prntr" will appear next. Press <1> or <2> code. Step to the macro that is to be printed. Proceed with
accordingly. If the currently displayed location the following steps to print macro#0.
is the last item in the history buffer, then the entire
history buffer is printed. Otherwise the buffer is ie. <800> <SELECT>
printed from the currently displayed location to the <PRINT>
end of the buffer.
The unit will respond with the following two part prompt.
i) If desired, the history buffer may be cleared out
be pressing the <CLR> key from within the Macro 1 for Com flash prompt
Debug mode. This may be useful if a new macro is 2 for Print
about to be tested.
Press <1> to direct the macro out the Com port or <2> to
direct the macro out the print port.
16.16 Macro Download
16.18 Miscellaneous Database Applications
The setup download for macros includes a counter which Notes
indicates the relative offset of each line from the beginning
of the macro. It is transmitted preceding the comments for The items listed below regarding the database operations
each line. This counter has been added to assist in finding may not be of interest unless you have already used the
the exact location to which the macro debug listing is database for applications.
referring. Refer to the following excerpt as an example.
(This macro is designed to be called as a subroutine to 1. Recalls are allowed on a column of time/date
check for the operator keying the proper code before type, ie parameters 50 through 54. This will allow
proceeding. If the incorrect code is keyed, the operator is the P50 - P54 alarm parameters to be more easily used for
allowed two more attempts.) general purpose numeric needs.

815%s%c%e P815.66 Macro #15 2. When the recalled time/date and alarm
3;93%%C%e 0001 copy register parameters (P50 - P54) are used in a database, the
%%T%e 0006 tag position format for printing these parameters is based on
EnterCode:%%G%e 0007 get operator entry the setup selection P511 through P515. This
;26%%C%e 0018 copy register allows a printout of stored time/date type
91823;26%%-%e 0022 subtract parameters to print only time, only date, time and
%%N%e 0031 if not date both, or simply a number. Also the default
WrongCODE!%%P%e 0032 pause headings of these columns of a printout are
1;93%%-%e 0043 subtract specific to be "Time" or "Date" when appropriate.
3%%R%e 0048 if register not zero
%%J%e 0050 jump to tag Also, the settings for setup parameters P503 for
%%N%e 0051 if not 12/24 hour format and P510 for USA/Int'l date
%%B%e 0052 break format will have their appropriate effects on the
%%E%e 0053 end if printed out database if the parameters have been
set to time and/or date.

16.17 Print/Download Individual Macro 3. The string "ENDofDB" <CR> will define the
Setup end of a database. This must occur at the
beginning of a row and terminated by a <CR>.
Individual macro setups can be printed or downloaded to a It does not need to be enclosed in quotes.
line printer or PC. This may be useful when editing a
custom setup that requires only modifying a single macro. Accordingly, the database download command
The entire setup does not have to be re-uploaded to the unit. has an additional option. Pressing [3] or [4] will
cause a pre-amble to be sent which selects the proper
Individual macros that are implemented quite frequently can database and then the upload command. Also, the
be saved to a PC for later use. This feature will allow you downloaded data is followed by the string
to add individual routines to your macro library. "ENDofDB". These features allow a downloaded

204 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 16 Macro Programming Operations
SECTION - 16.17

database to be easily re-uploaded back into a 550 with

no keypresses required by the operator. This is helpful
when one attempts to paste together database files on
their computer.

4. If an alpha field in a computer database file which

is to be loaded into the unit's database is enclosed
in quotes, the quotes must be the first character of
the field. Otherwise, the quotes are loaded as part
of the data, as any other character would be. This
allows quotes to be part of the loaded data as long
as the quotes are not the first character.

5. It is virtually impossible for the database

module to lose its initialization. Even if the
modules are not handled properly, or the
module or EPROM are inserted incorrectly.
However, proper installation is highly

GSE Scale Systems - 205

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

206 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 17 Truck Weighing

SECTION - 17.2

set to selection 1, "ID use: Truck". Selecting this

Chapter 17 Truck Weighing feature causes the subsequent setup parameters, P721 -

P725, to become accessible. The available choices for

17.1 Introduction P720 are documented in Table 31 Parameter P720 ID
Use Selections.
One of the applications for which the 550 is very well
suited is the operation of Truck Weighing. This
application takes into account the two most frequent
situations; dumping or pickup. In Truck dumping, the Selection Selection Description
Name (Specifies the use of the <ID> key
initial weight of the truck coming in (Truck In) is heavier from the weigh modes)
than when the truck is leaving (Truck Out). In Truck
pickup, the initial weight of the truck coming in (Truck
In) is lighter than when the truck is leaving (Truck Out). 0 Std. The ID key is used only to
access the six ID parameters.
The Truck In / Out capability makes use of the <ID> key (Refer to chapter 14 on ID's).
to permit entry of truck identification (ID) numbers. The
ID's are stored within the system with the incoming 1 Truck Enables Truck In/Out
weight of the truck. When the truck is on the way out, Weighing. (Required for
the In-Weight is compared to the Out-Weight. The Truck In/Out Weighing).
instrument then considers the lower of the two weights to
be the Tare Weight, the larger to be the Gross Weight, 2 Menu Allows 'named macros" to be
and the difference to be the Net Weight. Tare Weights selected and invoked with the
may be permanently stored in the system to determine ID key. (Refer to chapter 16
truck weights with a single weighment. One or more of on methods of invoking
the Custom Transmits may be sent, providing either a macros).
ticket documenting the amount of weight picked up or 3 dbase
dropped off, or sending the data to a computer or remote Causes the database command
display. This feature makes the instrument an ideal menu to be displayed. This
weight unit for dump site weighing, gravel pit weighing, choice is available only if the
and many other truck weighing applications. database option module is
installed. (Refer to chapter 20
This feature includes the ability to establish and store the on Databases).
tare weight of a vehicle, clear any or all stored weights
or transmit the currently stored truck weights.

The Truck In/Out feature works in a relatively preset

manner. It can be customized to some extent with its Table 31 Parameter P720 ID Use Selections
setup, and even further with the use of macros. However
if complete customization is required then the Database
Option should be implemented and the operation can be
designed to perfectly fit the intended application.
Selecting ID Type:
When Truck In/Out operation has been selected, the Four different types of Truck ID's are selectable with the
Macro Menu feature and the Database Option are not Truck In/Out feature. The differences between the types
available. is primarily in the size and type of characters which may
be used for the ID. Based on the needs of the
application, choose one of the four types as described in
Table 32 Type of ID P721 Selections.
17.2 Setup
Enabling Truck In/Out Weighing: Also, be aware that the larger the number of bytes per
row, the lower the total number of truck weights which
To enable the Truck In/Out feature, parameter P720 is can be stored at any one time. If it is necessary to have a

GSE Scale Systems - 207

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Selection Total number

of bytes stored
Advantages Limitations
per truck

# Name

0 Seq'n 4 -Largest possible number of stored - Cannot make use of pre-numbered

weights for a given amount of trucks.
EEPROM installed. - Cannot permanently store tare
- Automatically assigns truck numbers. weights.
1 Small 5 - Allows use of pre-numbered trucks.
- Can permanently store truck tare - Truck ID must be less than 65535.
weight. - Truck ID must be numeric.
2 Big # 6 - Allows truck ID numbers up to
16777215. - Truck ID must be numeric.
- Can permanently store truck tare
ID #6 3 + (P710)* - Truck ID may be any size and include
non-numeric characters. - Uses the largest amount of memory
- Can permanently store truck tare per stored truck weight.

Table 32 Type of Truck ID P721 Selections

Tare Stored, and

* Note that if selection 3, ID #6, is chosen
Tare Recalled
then P710 must be set to the size of ID required for
the application. Anywhere from one to 49
characters may be specified. The data transmissions sent by the 550 during the four
"Truck In/Out" events are fully programmable and must
be set appropriately in order for the correct results to be
printed. Normally these transmissions are used to print
tickets for the truck's driver however they may also be
larger number of weights stored, an additional EEPROM for any other purpose, such as printing a log of all truck
may be installed. Refer to the Number of Rows section activity.
for more information.
All transmissions are accomplished through the use of
the four Custom Transmits which are part of the
17.3 Transmission Setups instrument's standard setup. There is a setup parameter
for each event which specifies which of the Custom
There are four separate events which may occur with the Transmits are sent when that event occurs. Any
Truck In/Out feature. These are: combination (from none to all) of the four Custom
Transmits may be specified for each event.
Truck In,
Truck Out, As each event occurs, the unit checks its setup to

208 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 17 Truck Weighing
SECTION - 17.5

determine which transmissions are to be sent. 17.4 METHODS OF OPERATION

Not every Truck In/Out application will make use of all Storing the Gross Weight during incoming and
four events. First determine which of these four events comparing the Gross Weight during outgoing are motion
will be occurring in your application. Next, define on delayed events. Thus if motion is occurring at these
paper the desired appearance of the ticket for these times, the prompt Mot'n Delay will appear until motion
events. If a significant portion of multiple tickets are ceases. As with all other motion delayed operations the
similar, then these portions may be generated by a single <CLR> key can be pressed to cancel the pending
custom transmit. After reviewing your data transmission command. Therefore, the parameters for motion delay
needs, specify which of the four custom transmits will be before transmitting (P212, P222, P232, and P242) have
used to create the tickets. no effect on the automatic transmissions sent during
Truck In/Out Weighing regardless of their setting. To
Once the appropriate transmissions have been adjust the determination of motion refer to setup
determined, setup P722 to specify which Custom parameters P114 and P115. However, P211, P221, P231
Transmit(s) will be sent out during the "Truck In" event. and P241 do specify the port that each of these Custom
Similarly, setup P723, P724, and P725 to specify which Transmits will use.
transmissions will be sent during the other three Truck
In/Out events. The available choices are listed in Table
Based on your selection for P721, use the appropriate Incoming Truck (full or empty):
one of the following tables (34, 35 and 36) to determine
the required parameters to use when setting up the 1. Truck drives onto scale.
Custom Transmits for Truck In/Out weighing.
2. Operator presses <ID>.

3. The instrument prompts: Keyin ID #.

Number Custom Transmits 4. Operator presses <ENTER>.
0 None
5. When motion ceases, the unit determines the
1 1 next sequentially available ID and stores the In
2 2 Weight. Also, any Custom Transmits specified
by P722 are sent. Normally a ticket would
3 3 always be printed to record the assigned
4 4 number.

5 1&2 6. The printed ticket is handed to the driver of the

6 1&3 truck.

7 1&4 Outgoing Truck (full or empty):

8 2&3
1. Truck driver drives onto scale and hands
9 2&4 operator the tag which was printed for the
10 3&4 truck when it came in.

11 1, 2, & 3 2. Operator presses <ID>.

12 1, 2, & 4
3. The unit prompts: Keyin ID #.
13 1, 3, & 4
4. Operator keys in the sequential truck number
14 2, 3, & 4
from the ticket and then presses <ENTER>.
15 1, 2, 3, & 4
5. When motion ceases, the unit compares the
Table 33 Choices for P722, P723, P724 & P725

GSE Scale Systems - 209

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Item Event

Truck IN Truck OUT Tare Stored Tare Recalled

Truck ID Par #93 Par #94 --- ---

Stored Weight Par #0 --- --- ---
Truck Gross --- Par #12 --- ---
Truck Tare --- Par #14 --- ---
Truck Net --- Par #13 --- ---

Table 34 P721 Sequential Number

Item Event

Truck IN Truck OUT Tare Stored Tare Recalled

Truck ID Par #94 Par #94 Par #94 Par #94

Stored Weight Par #0 --- Par #2 ---
Truck Gross --- Par #12 --- Par #12
Truck Tare --- Par #14 --- Par #14
Truck Net --- Par #13 --- Par #13

Table 35 P721 Small or Big Number

Item Event

Truck IN Truck OUT Tare Stored Tare Recalled

Truck ID Par #26 Par #26 Par #26 Par #26

Stored Weight Par #0 --- Par #2 ---
Truck Gross --- Par #12 --- Par #12
Truck Tare --- Par #14 --- Par #14
Truck Net --- Par #13 --- Par #13

Table 36 P721 ID #6

210 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 17 Truck Weighing

SECTION - 17.7

incoming weight to the outgoing weight and memory, then the new Tare Weight over-writes
copies the higher of the two weights to the the old data. Then the specified (parameter
Truck Gross Weight register (parameter #12), P724) transmission(s) (if any) take place.
the lower weight to the Truck Tare Weight
register (parameter #13), and the difference to Storing An Auto Tare Weight:
the Truck Net Weight register (parameter #14).
The In-Weight and the Truck ID are then 1. Empty truck is driven onto scale.
deleted from memory.
2. Operator presses <ID>.
6. Then the Custom Transmit(s) specified by
P723 are sent. 3. The unit prompts: Keyin ID#.

4. Operator presses <TARE>.

17.6 SMALL, BIG # OR ID #6
OPERATION 5. The unit prompts: Save Tare? ... Keyin ID#.

Incoming Truck (full or empty): 6. Operator keys in number of truck and presses
1. Truck drives onto scale.
7. The unit prompts Tare Saved. Then the unit
2. Operator presses <ID>. stores the weight of the truck as Tare Weight
along with the entered truck ID. If the truck ID
3. The unit prompts: Keyin ID #. was previously in memory, then the new Tare
Weight over-writes the old data. Then the
4. Operator keys in number of truck and presses specified (parameter P724) transmission(s) (if
<ENTER>. any) take place.

5. When motion ceases, the instrument searches Outgoing Truck (full or empty):
memory to see if the entered ID is already
stored away. Since this is an In Weight, the ID 1. Truck drives onto scale.
should not be found and the unit prompts
WEIGH IN and stores the In Weight along 2. Operator presses <ID>.
with the ID. The specified (parameter P722)
transmissions (if any) then take place. 3. The unit prompts: Keyin ID #.

4. Operator keys in the number of the truck and

presses <ENTER>.
WEIGHT: 5. When motion ceases, the unit searches
memory to see if the entered ID is in fact stored
1. Operator presses <ID>. away. Since this is an out-weight, the ID
should be found and the unit prompts WEIGH
2. The unit prompts: Keyin ID #. OUT and recalls the In Weight. The unit then
compares the incoming weight to the outgoing
3. Operator keys in the Tare Weight to be stored, weight and stores the higher of the two weights
then <TARE>. as the Truck Gross Weight (parameter 12), the
lower as the Truck Tare Weight (parameter 14)
4. The unit prompts: Save Tare? ...Keyin ID#. and the difference as the Truck Net Weight
(parameter 13). Then the specified (parameter
5. Operator keys in number of truck and presses P722) transmissions (if any) take place. The In
<ENTER>. Weight along with the truck ID is then deleted
from memory.
6. The unit prompts Tare Saved. Then the unit
stores the entered tare along with the entered If the recalled weight is a stored Tare Weight,
truck ID. If the truck ID was previously in then the message Tare Found is displayed

GSE Scale Systems - 211

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

instead of WEIGH OUT. Then the specified A Specific Stored In Weight/Tare Weight:
(parameter P725) transmissions (if any) take
place. Also the Tare Weight remains in 1. Operator presses <ID>.
memory, it is not deleted as with the In Weight.
2. The unit prompts: Keyin ID #.
2 3. Operator presses <CLR>.
If additional expanded memory (E ) is to be added after
truck tare weights have already been stored, the 4. The unit prompts: Clr ID Row ? ... ENTER
following procedure must be performed. All trucks ID#.
should have exited the yard. Make sure that the stored
tare weights are printed out to hard copy or stored to a 5. Operator keys in number of truck and presses
computer file. The stored truck tare weights will be lost <ENTER>.
2 2
when the additional E is added. Before adding the E
to U9 and U11 (Model 574 - U1 and U2) check 6. The unit prompts Row Clr'd and then deletes
parameters 60000 through 60005 (Model 550 - U9 and the specified ID and data from memory.
U11). These values will change after its added. A
special procedure must be performed in order for the unit Clearing all the Stored In Weights/Tare Weights:
to recognize the number of additional truck tare values
(ROWS) to be stored. Parameter 60005 will not update 1. Operator presses <ID>.
until one of the setup modes below 60000 is entered and
the access code is entered, <23640> <ID> <ENTER>. 2. The unit prompts: Keyin ID #.
When exiting the setup mode all changes must be saved.
Verify parameter 60005 has recalculated the number of 3. Operator presses <CLR>.
rows to be allowed for tare storage. Proceed to re-enter
the truck tare values. This can be done manually or by 4. The unit prompts: Clr ID Row ? ... ENTER
modifying the computer file with the same keystrokes ID #.
used in manual entry.
5. Operator presses <CLR> again.

6. The unit prompts: All ID Clr ? ... ENTER

7. Operator presses <ENTER>.
1. Operator presses <ID>.
8. The unit prompts: Sure? ??? ... ENTER toCLR.
2. The unit prompts: Keyin ID #.
9. The instrument prompts Prntg Data and then
3. Operator presses <PRINT>. transmits all the stored In Weights out the port
specified by P221. The format for the print is
4. The unit prompts: Print Data? ... ENTER fixed and consists of a heading line followed by
toPRN. lines of truck IDs along with their associated In
Weights. Stored Tare Weights are marked Tare
5. Operator presses <ENTER>. Weight.. All stored weights are then cleared. If
the Seq'n storage method has been selected,
6. The unit transmits the stored In Weights out then the sequential number is reset so that the
through the port specified by P221. The format next stored weight is ID 1.
for the printing is fixed and consists of a
heading line followed by lines of truck IDs
along with their associated In Weights. Stored
Tare Weights are marked Tare Weight.
Once Truck In/Out Weighing has been enabled, if any
17.9 CLEARING OPERATIONS setup parameters are changed which would affect the

212 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 17 Truck Weighing

SECTION - 17.11

format of the stored data (such as changing the size of ID

#6 if ID#6 were selected) or that would change the
remaining amount of storage room (such as modifying
the Custom Transmit setups) then as the changes are
being saved, the unit will warn that the stored In Weights
will have to be cleared. After the Save Mods? ...
ENTER =SAVE prompt and the <ENTER> key is
pressed, the next prompts will be #Rows diff! ... Clr ID
Rows? ... Enter toCLR. Pressing <ENTER> will then
result in Sure? ??? ... Enter toCLR. Pressing <ENTER>
again will then result in the stored weights being printed
out in the same format as described in the Printing the
Stored In Weights section. The standard exit sequence
then proceeds. Pressing any other key will bring the unit
back into the Setup Mode where further changes can be
made before exiting. P721: ID# Bytes per Row

Seq’n 4
Small 5
The number of rows (incoming weights) which can be
stored in the unit is dependent on how some of the other
features are set up within the unit and on how much Big# 6
storage memory has been installed.
ID#6 3 plus the value set for
Access parameter P60000 to see how much storage parameter P710, ID 6

NOTE: Table 37 Truck In / Out Memory Usage

All of the stored truck weights are stored in terms of
displayed increments. Therefore if parameter P111 is
changed, then the stored weights are no longer usable 17.12 Example Setups
and they will have to be cleared.
EXAMPLE #1: Truck IN/OUT (Sequential ID#)

memory is currently installed in the instrument. Access 100%s23640%i%e Access Setup Modes,
parameter P60001 to see how much of that memory is Allowing Changes
not being used. This does not include usage by the Truck
In/Out feature since this feature automatically uses up all NAME IN/OUT SEQUENTIAL ID REGISTERS
the remaining storage memory. Access parameter 693%sTRUCK ID#%e P693.-- Reg#3 TRUCK ID#
P60005 to determine the actual number of rows which 694%sTRUCK ID#%e P694.-- Reg#4 TRUCK ID#
may be stored with the current configuration. The
amount of storage memory required for each In-Weight SETUP INSTRUMENT FOR SEQUENTIAL
storage is dependent on the selection for parameter P721 TRUCK ID OPERATION
and is shown in Table 37, Truck In / Out Memory Usage. 720%s1%e P720.01 IDuse: Truck
721%s0%e P721.00 I.D.# Seq'n
722%s1%e P722.01 In Tx #1
723%s2%e P723.02 OutTx #2
724%s0%e P724.00 TSvTx none
725%s0%e P725.00 TFdTx none


1000%s%c1000%e P1000. Custom Transmit #1

GSE Scale Systems - 213

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

.002%e <STX>
Weigh In:%e
.256%e <CR> <LF>
.010%e <LF>
%e11%e%e0%e%e Tm/Dt Format = 0
.256%e <CR> <LF>
%e93%e%e0%e%e TRUCK ID# Format = 0
.256%e <CR> <LF>


2000%s%c1000%e P2000. Custom Transmit #2

.002%e <STX>
Weigh Out:%e
.256%e <CR> <LF>
.010%e <LF>
%e11%e%e0%e%e Tm/Dt Format = 0
.256%e <CR> <LF>
%e94%e%e0%e%e TRUCK ID# Format = 0
.256%e <CR> <LF>
.256%e <CR> <LF> Weigh In:
%e12%e%e0%e%e TrGrs Format = 0
.256%e <CR> <LF> 11:51 am 06/09/94
%e14%e%e0%e%e TrTar Format = 0 15 TRUCK ID#
.256%e <CR> <LF>
%e13%e%e0%e%e TrNet Format = 0
.256%e <CR> <LF>



100%s23640%i%e Access Setup Modes, Allowing Changes

NAME ID#6 (IN/OUT TRUCK ID) Alpha-Numeric

710%s12%e P710.-- ID SIZE#6=12
711%sTRUCK ID: %e P711.-- NAME6 TRUCK ID:
Weigh Out:
720%s1%e P720.01 IDuse: Truck 11:57 am 06/09/94
721%s3%e P721.03 I.D.# ID #6 15 TRUCK ID#
722%s1%e P722.01 In Tx #1
723%s2%e P723.02 OutTx #2 10280 lb TrGrs
7540 lb TrTar
1000%s%c1000%e P1000. Custom Transmit #1

.002%e <STX>
%e11%e%e0%e%e Tm/Dt Format = 0
.256%e <CR> <LF>
%e26%e%e0%e%e TRUCK ID: Format = 0 (ID#6)
.256%e <CR> <LF>


214 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 17 Truck Weighing

SECTION - 17.12

2000%s%c1000%e P2000. Custom Transmit #2

.002%e <STX>
%e11%e%e0%e%e Tm/Dt Format = 0
.256%e <CR> <LF>
%e26%e%e0%e%e TRUCK ID: Format = 0 (ID#6)
.256%e <CR> <LF>
.256%e <CR> <LF>
%e12%e%e0%e%e TrGrs Format = 0
.256%e <CR> <LF>
%e14%e%e0%e%e TrTar Format = 0
.256%e <CR> <LF>
%e13%e%e0%e%e TrNet Format = 0
.256%e <CR> <LF>

11:51 am 06/09/94

Example #3: (ID#6 with stored tare weights)

11:57 am 06/09/94
100%s23640%i%e Access Setup Modes, Allowing Changes
NAME ID#6 (IN/OUT TRUCK ID) Alpha-Numeric
10280 lb TrGrs
710%s8%e P710.-- ID SIZE#6= 8
7540 lb TrTar
711%sTRUCK ID#%e P711.-- NAME6 TRUCK ID#
2740 lb TrNet
720%s1%e P720.01 ID use: Truck
721%s3%e P721.00 I.D.# ID #6
722%s1%e P722.01 In Tx #1
723%s2%e P723.02 OutTx #2
724%s3%e P724.03 TSvTx #3
725%s7%e P725.04 TFdTx #1&4


1000%s%c1000%e P1000. Custom Transmit #1
Weigh In Ticket:%e
.256%e <CR> <LF>
Truck ID: %e
%e26%e%e128%e%e ID#:6 Format = 128
.256%e <CR> <LF>
.010%e <LF>
Gross Wt: %e
%e0%e%e128%e%e Gross Format = 128

GSE Scale Systems - 215

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

.256%e <CR> <LF>

.256%e <CR> <LF>


2000%s%c1000%e P2000. Custom Transmit #2
Weigh Out Ticket:%e
.256%e <CR> <LF>
Truck ID: %e
%e26%e%e128%e%e ID#:6 Format = 128
.256%e <CR> <LF>
.010%e <LF>
Truck Gross Wt: %e
%e12%e%e128%e%e TrGrs Format = 128
.256%e <CR> <LF>
Truck Tare Wt: %e
%e14%e%e128%e%e TrTar Format = 128
.256%e <CR> <LF>
Truck Net Wt: %e
%e13%e%e128%e%e TrNet Format = 128
.256%e <CR> <LF> Weigh In Ticket:
.256%e <CR> <LF> Truck ID: 123

Gross Wt: 10160 lb

continued on next page.


3000%s%c1000%e P3000. Custom Transmit #3
Tare Stored Ticket:%e
.256%e <CR> <LF>
Truck ID: %e
%e26%e%e128%e%e ID#:6 Format = 128
.256%e <CR> <LF>
Stored Tare Wt: %e
%e2%e%e128%e%e Tare Format = 128
Weigh Out Ticket:
.256%e <CR> <LF> Truck ID: 123
.256%e <CR> <LF>
Truck Gross Wt: 10160 lb
4000%s%c1000%e P4000. Custom Transmit #4 Truck Net Wt: 1660 lb
(Recalled Tare Weight)%e
.256%e <CR> <LF>

%z Exit Setup Mode

216 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 17 Truck Weighing

SECTION - 17.12

Tare Stored Ticket:

Truck ID: 123

Stored Tare Wt: 8500 lb

(Recalled Tare Weight)

17.13 Invoke a “Macro” From the Truck IN/OUT

Macros tie all the capabilities of the unit together. The following is an example of how
to invoke a macro from the Truck IN/OUT software. A good background with macros and setpoints is necessary. This
example (technique 1025) is taken directly from the GSE Scale Systems’ Engineer’s Notebook. This publication is a
collection of macro code examples and techniques put together by the engineers at GSE. All examples are complete and
pre-tested at GSE. Contact GSE for more information on the Engineer’s Notebook.

The following example performs an accumulation of the net weight.

OBJECTIVE: Configure the unit to invoke a macro after the “out” weightment is
performed of a Truck IN/OUT operation. This technique will tie the
capabilities of the truck IN/OUT software with the unit’s macro


720%s1%e P720.01 IDUSE: Truck

MACRO “0” (accumulate truck net wt.)

800%s%c%e P800.24 macro # 0
13,6%%+%e add
91%%s%e select
0%%e%e enter
%%s%e select
91,13%%C%e copy

8200%s1%e P8200.1 SPt32 Enbld (output)
8210%s0%e P8210.0 Activ above

GSE Scale Systems - 217

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

8211%s0%e P8211.0 Hold 0.0 S

8212%s0%e P8212.0 Macro 0
8213%s0%e P8213.0 Mot'n Ign'd
8214%s0%e P8214.0 Basis New # (Fixed)
8215%s1.000000%e P8215. AL: 1.
8230%s1%e P8230.1 DeAct Below
8231%s0%e P8231.0 Hold 0.0 S
8232%s16%e P8232.X Macro none
8233%s0%e P8233.0 Mot'n Ign'd
8234%s0%e P8234.0 Basis New # (Fixed)
8235%s1.000000%e P8235. DL: 1.
8250%s13%e P8250.X Par13 TrNet

CONCLUSION: The truck net wt. register and the

setpoint are the “key” to this whole
operation. The truck net wt. is not
calculated until an “out weighment” is
performed. Until then this register
retains the last calculated value until
the next out weighment or a new value
is entered into this register from
within a macro. Once an out
weighment is performed and motion
stops a new truck net wt. is calculated.
The setpoint is set to trip when the
truck net weight reg. exceeds 1 pound
(any number greater than 0). Note
that the setpoint is based on the
“Truck Net Wt.” Once the setpoint is
tripped a macro is set to be invoked.
This particular example will perform
an accumulation to the truck net
weight. After the macro operations
are executed the final step in the
macro is to insert a “0” into the truck
net wt. reg. This will reset the
setpoint to allow it to be tripped after
the next out weighment is performed.

218 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 18 Time / Date Setup (OPTION)

SECTION - 18.1

in the format MO.DA.YR (or DA.MO.YR for

Chapter 18 Time / Date Setup international style) and the time is displayed on the dot
(OPTION) matrix display in the format HH:MM:SS. The time may
be displayed in a 24 or 12 hour format with an am or pm
displayed as appropriate, depending on the setup of time-
(Time/Date Option GSE Part#: 200550-00TD0) date. Press <SELECT> to return to where you were.

18.1 Time and Date Operations Entering Time

The standard unit includes a Time-Date feature which is As mentioned previously, a new time may be entered at
non-battery backed. This means that when the feature is power-up or into P500 by keying in HH.MM.SS in a 24
used, the time and date must be entered every time the hour format. Hours and minutes entries must be
instrument is powered up. The unit can be set up to separated by a decimal point. Seconds entry is optional,
prompt you to enter the time and date at power up. If and if omitted, they are initially set to zero. To specify
entering the time and date at each power up is considered seconds, they also must be separated from minutes by a
undesirable, a battery-backed Time-Date option is decimal point. Leading zeroes need not be entered. For
available at additional cost. The Time-Date feature example, if you enter 8.9.45 and press <ENTER>, the
permits printouts with time and day of the week and the time will be set to 08:09:45; if you enter 15.02 and press
date in many possible formats. When enabled, alarms <ENTER> the time is set to 15:02:00.
can be used to cause certain events to occur at pre-timed
intervals. If time is entered improperly, the prompt try h.m.s is
In the following discussion, HH is a 2 digit Entering Date
representation for hours, MM is minutes, SS is seconds,
MO is month, DA is day and YR is year. When the unit A new date may be entered at power-up or into P501 by
is powered up, the time and date clock is set to Jan 1, keying in MO.DA.YR (or DA.MO.YR if international
1970, 00:00:00 am (the UNIX computer standard). If the format was selected) followed by the <ENTER> key.
clock is not reset at powerup, either by the operator or by Month, day and year entries must be separated by
having the time-date option chip installed, the current decimal points. Leading zeroes need not be entered. For
time and date will be the elapsed time since power-up. example, if you enter 5.1.92 and press <ENTER> the
The alarms, if enabled, will also show that as their date is set to 05/01/92. If the date is entered improperly,
setting prior to their setup. the prompt try m.d.y (or try d.m.y for international
format) is displayed.
It is recommended that the unit be set up so that the time
and date are displayed upon powerup (P502). Time and Time / Date Parameter P502 Update
date are displayed in the large numeric display in the
format HH.MM.SS and MO.DA.YR (or DA.MO.YR if Beginning with Indicator (Model 550 - included on
set for the international style). If not battery-backed, the M574) firmware revision code 01003, date code April
upper line of the character display reads enter. The lower 02, 1992 and later, time / date may now be entered at
line of the character display reads time or date as power-up if P502 is set for "yes", whether or not the
appropriate. If the battery-backed time-date option is battery backed time / date module has been installed.
installed, time and date are each displayed for about 3 This will give end users the ability to adjust the time
seconds and no changes are permitted. If desired, you without having to know the setup access code for the
can press <ENTER> to end the Time-Date display
before the 3 seconds is over. A new Time and Date
value can also be keyed in by accessing the setup Time / Date transmit code update
parameters as described in the Advanced Setup, section.
Beginning with indicator (Model 550 - included on
M574) firmware revision code 01003, date code April
Viewing Time And Date
02, 1992 and later, a new choice for the custom transmit
While in the Weigh Mode, the time and date can be format of time / date has been added, format code 32.
This allows a time / date type variable (current time,
displayed simultaneously by pressing <11> <SELECT>.
The date is then displayed on the large numeric display recalled time, and alarms 1 - 4) to be transmitted as a
numeric value in terms of the number of seconds elapsed

GSE Scale Systems - 219

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicator (PWI)

since Jan 1, 1970. This should be useful in uploading upon power-up using the 24 hour format.Three alarms
time / date information to a computer for use in a have been built into the instrument to perform various
spreadsheet application. operations through the execution of a Macro. Parameters
P504 through P509 are used to set up the alarms.

18.2 Time and Date Parameter Setup P504.XX A1Sel

P500.SS Time This parameter sets the operating conditions for the first
alarm. The available choices are: off, intvl, and daily. Off
This parameter displays the current time setting is the default selection which means the alarm is not
displayed in a military-style 24 hour format. The dot used. Interval means that the alarm will be executed on
matrix portion of the display shows Time HH:MM while an interval basis, such as every 5 seconds, every 17
the seconds are shown to the right of the decimal in the seconds, or every 2 hrs and 20 minutes. The start of the
numeric display. A new time may be entered by keying interval is at midnight of each day. If the desired interval
in the desired entry as HH.MM.SS with the seconds does not divide evenly into a 24 hour period, the second
optional. Note that the hour and minutes entries must be alarm after midnight will be closer to the previous alarm
separated by a decimal point. For example, if you enter than is normal. The daily selection actuates the alarm at a
8.9.45, the time will be set to 08:09:45; if you enter certain time of the day, every day. This feature may be
15.02, the time will be set to 15:02:00. useful for performing certain operations once a day,
perhaps at shift change, such as clearing totals or
P501.YR Date counters. If Alarm 1 is used it will automatically invoke
Macro 12.
This parameter displays the current date setting. If P510
is set to USA, the dot matrix display will show Date MO/ P505.SS A1Tim
DA; if P510 is set to International, the dot matrix will
show Date DA/MO. The year is shown in the rightmost This parameter specifies the interval or the time of day
digits of the numeric display. Depending on whether the for Alarm 1. This is entered as h.m or h.m.s for hours,
USA or International date display is used, a new date minutes and seconds. For example: 0.0.10 for a 10
may be entered by keying in the correct digits in the second interval, 0.3 for a 3 minute interval, or 8.0.0 for
format MO.DA.YR or DA.MO.YR followed by the an 8:00 am alarm. Enter the desired value and press
<ENTER> key. Note that the months, day and year <ENTER>.
entries must be separated by a decimal point. For
example, if you enter 5.1.92, the date will be set to P506.XX A2Sel
This parameter specifies the use of Alarm 2, with the
P502.XX TmDat same choices as P504. If Alarm 2 is used it will
automatically invoke Macro 13.
This parameter determines whether the time and date will
be displayed upon power-up: P502.00 sets Time-Date to P507.SS A2Tim
no; P502.01 sets Time-Date to yes. Having Time and
Date appear upon power-up for systems not having the This parameter specifies the time for Alarm 2, which is
optional clock installed can be a very beneficial way of set in a similar fashion as P505. Enter the desired value
prompting the operator to key in the time and date. and press <ENTER>.
P508.XX A3Sel
The optional battery-backed Time-Date function must be This parameter specifies the use of Alarm 3, with the
installed for the correct time and date to appear upon same choices as P504. If Alarm 3 is used it will
power-up. automatically invoke Macro 14.

P503.XX AM/PM P509.SS A3Tim

This parameter determines whether time will be This parameter specifies the time for Alarm 3, and is set
displayed in a 12 hour or 24 hour format. The selection in a similar fashion as P505. Enter the desired value and
here does not change the display method for the setup press <ENTER>.
modes and the time must always be entered into P500 or

220 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 18 Time / Date Setup (OPTION)
SECTION - 18.3

P510.XX Style second interval, 0.3 for a 3 minute interval, or 8.0.0 for
an 8:00 am alarm. Enter the desired value and press
This parameter provides the time and date format you <ENTER>.
desire, either USA (MO/DA/YR) or International (DA/
MO/YR). The selection made here does not affect the P506.XX A2Sel
printing of time and date since print format is specified
with the format entry during the Custom Transmit setup. This parameter specifies the use of Alarm 2, with the
same choices as P504. If Alarm 2 is used it will
P511.XX RtDsp automatically invoke Macro 13.

This parameter provides five selections for the recall P507.SS A2Tim
display. P511.00 selects Time and Date, P511.01 selects
time only, P511.02 selects date only, and P511.03 selects This parameter specifies the time for Alarm 2, which is
number. set in a similar fashion as P505. Enter the desired value
and press <ENTER>.
P512.XX A1Dsp
P508.XX A3Sel
This parameter provides five selections for the Alarm #1
display. P512.00 selects Time and Date, P512.01 selects This parameter specifies the use of Alarm 3, with the
time only, P512.02 selects date only, and P512.03 selects same choices as P504. If Alarm 3 is used it will
number. automatically invoke Macro 14.

P513 through P515 P509.SS A3Tim

This parameter provide five selections each for the This parameter specifies the time for Alarm 3, and is set
Alarms #2 thru #4. Setup is identical to P512. in a similar fashion as P505. Enter the desired value and
press <ENTER>.

18.3 Alarms
Naming Alarms (P650 - P654)
Setting Alarms (P504 - P509)
P650. - - Rtime
P504.XX A1Sel
This parameter sets the naming parameters for recalled
This parameter sets the operating conditions for the first time. Entry is the same procedure as for P701.
alarm. The available choices are: off, intvl, and daily.
Off is the default selection which means the alarm is not
used. Interval means that the alarm will be executed on
an interval basis, such as every 5 seconds, every 17 P651. - - A1Tim
seconds, or every 2 hrs and 20 minutes. The start of the
interval is at midnight of each day. If the desired interval This parameter sets the naming parameters for Alarm #1.
does not divide evenly into a 24 hour period, the second Entry is the same procedure as for P701.
alarm after midnight will be closer to the previous alarm
than is normal. The daily selection actuates the alarm at a P652 thru P654
certain time of the day, every day. This feature may be
useful for performing certain operations once a day, These parameters set the naming parameters for Alarms
perhaps at shift change, such as clearing totals or #2 thru #4. Entry is the same procedure as for P701.
counters. If Alarm 1 is used it will automatically invoke
Macro 12. Character Entry

P505.SS A1Tim When alphabetic and other non-numeric characters are

being entered into the unit, the <UNITS>, <PRINT>,
This parameter specifies the interval or the time of day <ID> and <TARE> keys assume the functions of arrow
for Alarm 1. This is entered as h.m or h.m.s for hours, keys similar to those found on a computer keyboard (see
minutes and seconds. For example: 0.0.10 for a 10 Figure 23 Keypad Cursor Keys). The <UNITS> key

GSE Scale Systems - 221

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicator (PWI)


Figure 23 Keypad Cursor Keys

scrolls forward through the list of characters; <PRINT> Description

key scrolls backward through a list of characters; <ID>
can be used as a backspace key; <TARE> key advances The GSE Time / Date Option (GSE Part Number
to the next location. 200550-00TD0) is designed to provide battery backed-up
time and date for the GSE Model 500 series of Weighing
When you encounter a parameter that accepts this type of and Counting instruments. While the standard unit has
information, press <UP ARROW> key and the 550 will an on-board clock, it requires that the time and date be
place an "A" in the dot matrix portion of the display. The set every time the unit is powered up. The Time / Date
<UP> and <DOWN> arrow keys are then used to cycle Option provides battery backed time and date which
through the possible selections of upper-case and lower- keeps the clock running continuously, even when the unit
case letters, numerics and the standard set of punctuation is powered down. The time and date are programmed
symbols, starting with the letter A. Holding down <UP> (Eastern Standard Time) into the option module at GSE
or <DOWN> arrow keys will cycle you through more when the module is tested prior to shipment.
quickly. When the desired character is displayed, press
<RIGHT> arrow key to move to the next location where Specifications:
an "A" will be displayed so you can select the next
character. This operation is in effect when entering ID Accuracy: +/- 1 minute per month at 25 degrees
data and while in Setup Modes P157, P600-P694, P157- Centigrade. The module automatically
P158, P701 - P711, P800 - P816, P850 - P865 and corrects for leap year.
P1000 - P4000. Refer to Figure 24 Character Listing for
the available characters and their order of appearance. Battery Life: Minimum of 10 years with unit power

18.4 Time and Date Battery Backed If the unit which requires the time / date option is not
Option new, verify that the firmware currently installed in the
unit is not earlier than July 10, 1991. If the firmware is
earlier than this date, it will not support the Time / Date

222 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 18 Time / Date Setup (OPTION)

SECTION - 18.4

equipment is not available, ground your hands

to the chassis before touching any of the
internal integrated circuits.

c. Open the unit by removing the rear panel. It is

secured by eight screws along the perimeter.
Use a medium size phillips-head screwdriver.

d. Carefully lift the rear panel from the enclosure,

rotating it about the left edge near the J1 load
cell strain relief. Disconnect the keypad ribbon
cable from J7 on the main board. Place the
rear panel assembly on a table with the circuit
board facing up.

e. Refer to figure 25, Time/Date Option

Installation on the main board. Locate the U13
RAM IC on the main PC745 board. It is a
large 28 pin IC located under the display
module, near the display ribbon cable. (Refer to


All electrical connections and access to the inside of

the unit should be performed by qualified service
personnel only!
Figure 24 Character Listing

Fig. B on Figure 25).

f. Use a small screwdriver and carefully pry the

Option. The firmware date code can be checked by chip up and out of its socket. Do this by sliding
accessing one of the setup parameters within the unit. the end of the screwdriver between the chip
Press the following keys on the unit’s keypad: and its socket and lifting up slightly, first at
one end of the chip and then at the other end.
<60102> <SELECT> Alternate the ends being pried until the chip is
loose. Be careful where the screwdriver is
This section is in reference of the model 550. The dot placed so as not to pry the socket out of the
matrix portion of the display will show the date code of board! (Refer to Fig. A on Figure 25).
the installed firmware. If the date shown is before July
10, 1991, then the firmware will have to be updated in g. The removed RAM chip may be saved for use
order for the clock option to work. If this is the case, as a spare part, or in case the clock chip needs
contact GSE for upgrade assistance. If the date shown is to be removed.
after July 10, 1991, proceed with the installation.
h. On the top of the Time/Date module supplied
with this Option is a shiny black circle which
Installation Procedure indicates the pin 1 location. This end will go
toward the top end of the socket, near the U13
a. Remove power from the unit by disconnecting marking on the Main PC Board.
the line cord from the AC power source.
i. The socket from which the RAM was removed
b. Take the unit to a static-protected workstation. will have 32 pins. The bottom side of the
Wear a static control wrist strap. If this Time/Date module has 28 pins, two rows of 14

GSE Scale Systems - 223

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicator (PWI)

pins. The module must be installed shifted

toward the bottom of the socket. Refer to Fig.
C on Figure 25.

j. Align and place the Time/Date module on top

of the socket as described in the previous step.
Carefully press the module into the socket.
Double check to verify that the proper
alignment has been achieved and that no pins
have been bent over.

k. Re-apply the power to the unit. The system

will automatically recognize that the clock chip
has been installed. Make sure the option is
working properly before proceeding to the next
step. This can be done by viewing parameter
11, recording it, removing the power from the
unit, wait a few minutes, re-apply the power and
then re-viewing parameter 11. If installation was
performed correctly, the data in parameter 11 should
have incremented the number of minutes the power
was removed.

l. Hold the rear panel assembly at a right angle to

the main enclosure with the edge having the
keypad cable adjacent to the enclosure.
Figure 25 Time/Date Option Installation on Main
m. Reconnect the keypad ribbon cable from the
back side of the keypad to J7 on the main
board. The “bump” on one side of the
connector should align with the slot on one side
of the J7 header.

n. Lower the rear panel against the enclosure, Custom Transmit Setup in Chapter 15. The Time/Date
being careful not to bump the display. Secure data is parameter ID 11.
the enclosure with the screws which were
removed previously in step c.

Time / Date Option Operation

Apply power to the unit and verify proper operation. To

verify the time and date values, select the time / date
mode. Key in:
<11> <SELECT>

The display will show the date on the large numeric

digits and the time on the dot matrix display. For
example, for July 16, 1994 at 3:27:23pm the display will
appear as follows:

07.16.94 03:27:23pm
Refer to the P500 setup parameters to enter the time and
All electrical connections and access to the inside
date or to change the format of the time and date. To
of the instrument should be performed by
include the current time and / or date into the data
qualified service personnel only!
transmissions to a printer or other peripheral, refer to the

224 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 18 Time / Date Setup (OPTION)

SECTION - 18.4

GSE Scale Systems - 225

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicator (PWI)

226 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 19 Memory Expansion (OPTION)

SECTION - 19.2

GSE, Inc. This will provide a maximum of 2560 storage

Chapter 19 Memory Expansion bytes.
(OPTION) If only a little more storage space is required, the smaller
512 byte E which may also be installed to augment the
standard memory storage space.
19.1 Memory Expansion Option
(GSE Part #: 09-30-24164) 2
The second upgrade is to replace the E in U11 with the
The 550 uses EEPROM (electrically erasable, same larger chip, for a total storage space of 4096 bytes.
programmable, read only memory, also referred to as E
memory) to store all setup parameters and other retained 19.2 INSTALLATION OF ADDITIONAL
data, such as calibration data, accumulated totals, entered
ID data, stored data rows, incrementing registers, etc. E
memory provides excellent protection against 2
When replacing the main E (U11), it is recommended
undesirable loss of data.
that an E copy be performed first. This will let you
Included standard with the 550 instruments are two 8 pin
sockets for data storage IC's. Each socket can hold either
a 512 or a 2K byte E . From GSE, one of the sockets
2 The following procedure should be performed only
has a 512 byte E installed and the other is empty. (The by authorized service personnel!
550 must have at least a 512 byte E2 chip installed for
standard default settings.)

Of these 512 bytes, about 190 are used for all the maintain all of the setup data, including important
standard setup parameters in the instrument (including calibration data, the serial numbers and the audit trail
34 bytes for the default selections for Custom Transmit value. The procedure is as follows: (Refer to figure 26
Setup and ID Setup), leaving 322 for optional setup Main Board PC745G & H).
parameters. The features which use variable amounts of
storage are listed in Table 38 along with the calculations
to determine the amount required. a. Disconnect the unit from the AC power source.

While setting up the unit, if the error message EEROM b. Remove the rear cover panel.
Full! appears after making an entry or selection, then the
setup you are attempting will not fit into the currently 2
installed memory storage space. Either reduce the size c. Install the new E (Part #09-30-24164) in U9.
of storage required or install more memory space by
adding memory. The unit automatically senses how d. Power up the instrument.
much memory has been installed.
e. Loosely re-attach the rear panel to the
enclosure for grounding purposes and
Install the Memory Expansion Option to increase reconnect the keypad cable.
memory to 4K bytes.
f. Allow for changes to be made by keying in <1>
<0> <0> <SELECT> <2> <3> <6> <4> <0>

g. Select the Setup Mode 65000 by pressing <6>

If more memory storage space is required, several <5> <0> <0> <0> <SELECT>.
options are available. One option is to add a second E h. Press <ENTER>. The next prompt reads:
(2K x 8) to the unit in the empty 8 pin socket labeled U9 Enter Copy?.
(GSE Part #09-30-24164) which can be obtained from

GSE Scale Systems - 227

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

i. If you wish to proceed with the copy, press factory installed in the unit. This is 512 bytes of
<ENTER> again. Pressing any other key will memory. An additional 2048 bytes of memory can be
abort the copy. added for a total of 2560 bytes of memory. The
j. The copy process will begin automatically. A additional E2 part number is listed below. Replacing
counter will be displayed which increments by 2
both E devices will expand the storage memory to 4096
one as each byte is copied. It will take about 3
seconds to copy 512 bytes. The number of bytes.
bytes copied is the smaller of the sizes of either
2 - 512 bytes GSE part #: (09-30-2404)
E . - 2048 bytes GSE part #: (09-30-24164)

k. When the copy is done, the message Copy Done

is displayed briefly. Next the messages Power
Down ... to Save! are alternately displayed for 19.4 Expand Memory to 8K or 16K
one second each until either power is removed
or until any key is pressed. All parameters will Additional E is available to expand memory to up to
2 16K bytes. This is only possible with added RAM to the
have been copied from the E in U11 to U9,
including the instrument and board serial main board. The GSE 24K database RAM module must
numbers and the Audit Trail counter be added to the board to accomplish this. A portion of
(parameters P602XX). However, these three the RAM must be allocated specifically to accomodate
parameters are cleared from U11 to prevent the additional E installed. This is accomplished by
duplicate serial numbers. Thus U11 contains all accessing the setup, entering the access code and then
its original setup data except these P602XX proceeding to P65010. Allocating some of the database
parameters. If <ZERO>, <SELECT> or any of memory for general use, press <2> <ENTER>. This
the numeric keys are pressed then the P602XX will reduce the total amount of database memory by 8K
parameters are copied back to U11 and deleted bytes. To reverse this and keep all the database module's
from U9. U9 will still contain a copy of all the memory allocated to databases, press <1> <ENTER>.
other stored data except the P602XX
parameters. Allocating database memory to general usage can be
used to allow variably sized setup modes (such as custom
l. Remove the unit from the AC power source. transmit setup and macro setup) to increase when they
would otherwise be limited by the occurence of the "Out
2 Of Ram" error message. If this is done, the only
m. Remove the original E from U11. Move the
2 limitation on the amount of information entered into
new E from U9 to the U11 socket. If desired these setup modes is the amount of available EEPROM
2 memory.
(for more storage room) place an E in the U9
2 Refer to chapter 28 for more information on allocating
position also. This can be either the E
2 more RAM.
removed from U11 or another E .
2 2
Add the E in the same manner as the other E is
n. Re-attach the rear panel of the 550 to the
enclosure. installed.

o. The instrument is now ready to be used with - 8192 bytes GSE part #: (09-30-24645)
the upgraded amount of E storage memory.
Note that with the advent of allocating an additional 8K
of RAM to accommodate the additional E2, only 10K of
19.3 Additional Memory and Replacement E2 is available for use. File setups greater than 10K will
Part numbers result in error messages during lownload or upload. ie
“Eprom Full” or “Out of Memory”. Parameter P60000
will show that 16K of E2 is installed. Only 10K is
Additional GSE part numbers for the 550 memory
expansion are listed below. GSE part #: (09-30-2404) is accessible. A combination of an 8K and a 2K E2 chip
might be more practical, however both combinations will

228 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 19 Memory Expansion (OPTION)
SECTION - 19.3

Mode Number Description Memory Use

P119 - Linearization When linearization is enabled, 41 bytes of

memory are absorbed. Each linearization point
will absorb 8 bytes of memory. There are a total
of five linearization points. One (1) byte of
memory is absorbed when the Linearization
Feature is enabled. If less than five points are
stored, 8 bytes of memory are freed up per point.
If less than 41 bytes of memory are free, the unit
will not allow linearization to be enabled.
P600 - P694 Custom Naming Parameters Parameters 0 - 94 (P600 - P694) can accept a
name between 1 - 49 characters. Each character
will absorb 1 byte of memory.
P900 - P9XXX Input Interpreter Setup There are eight possible interpretations that can
be engaged each of which can have a variable
number of characters from 1 - 49. If all eight
interpretations were used and all 49 characters
were stored for each then the total memory
required would be 8 x 49 = 392 bytes.

P1000 - P4XXX Custom Transmit Setups One byte per size of transmit setup plus two bytes
for each parameter transmitted. This applies to
each of the four Custom Transmit Setups.

Add up the entered values for even-numbered

P700 - P712 ID Setups parameters: P700, 702, 704, 706, 708 and 710.
Then add in the length of each entered name for
the odd-numbered parameters: P701, 703, 705,
707, 709 and 711.

The memory used by each macro is the size of the

P800 - P816 Macros Macro Setup minus one for each occurence of a
percent (%) character, plus one if the macro is
programmed. Add up all the memory used by
each of the sixteen macros, P800 thru P816.

If the analog output is enabled (P170), then 5

P170 - P172 Analog Output Setup additional bytes of memory are used.

Each enabled Setpoint (P5100 thru P8200) uses

P5100 - P8200 Setpoint Setups 33 bytes of memory.
For each Variable (P60 thru P89) which is
P60 - P89 Variables for Setpoints referenced within the setpoint setup, four bytes of
storage memory are used.

When Truck In / Out Weighing is enabled (P720),

P720 Truck In / Out Weighing two bytes of storage memory are immediately
used and the remaining storage space is allocated
to allow the maximim number of rows possible.

Table 38 Memory Storage Requirements

GSE Scale Systems - 229

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)


Servicing procedures must be performed by

qualified service technicians only! Attempts to
service this instrument by unqualified personnel may
void the warranty!

Figure 28 Main Board PC745G

230 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 20 Database (OPTION)

SECTION - 20.3

number is keyed in, the current amount on hand is

Chapter 20 Database (OPTION) recalled into the Gross or Net total register. Then an add
or subtract accumulation operation is performed,
depending on whether an amount is being taken from or
20.1 Database Option added to stock. Then the row is updated with the revised
amount on hand. Using a Var for a “safety stock level” a
(24K Module, GSE Part #: 200550-00TD1) buy report could be generated based on the amount on
(120K Module, GSE Part#: 200550-00TD2) hand compared to the safety stock amount. Another
DATABASE could also be used to keep track of the
This section describes what applications can be amounts on order.
accomplished with the Database Option, Installation of
this option, and Operation of the Database Option once it Batch Formula Lookup
has been installed.
Many applications require that certain proportions of
The 550 will accept a 24K or 120K RAM data storage various ingredients be mixed together when mixing a
module. The GSE part numbers are 200550-00TD1 and batch or formula. The DATABASE can store the
200550-00TD2 for the 24K RAM and 120K RAM amounts of each ingredient for a formula, either in terms
respectively. Each of these modules has the battery of a fixed amount or as a percentage of the total batch
backed Time / Date feature. size. One column of the database could contain the
number of the setpoint which needs to be activated to
supply the required ingredient.
20.2 Database Applications
Certainly there are many other possible uses for the
DATABASES may be used for several different reasons. DATABASE option. And since up to 16 DATABASES
Some of the most popular weighing applications include may be used, several different uses may be combined in
use as a Transaction Recorder, Part Number Look-Up, one installation.
Quantity on Hand, and Batch Formula Lookup.

Transaction Recorder 20.3 What is a Database?

Every weighing operation which occurs on the scale is A database is a collection of useful information
stored to memory with information regarding other organized in a specific manner. For instance you can
pertinent data. This may include time / date, employee view a telephone directory as a database:
ID, job number, part number, number of boxes, customer
number, etc... Name Telephone Number Address
Name 1 Telephone Number 1 Address1
Normally this type of application would "Make Rows" Name 2 Telephone Number 2 Address2
only. Data would never be recalled. A report would be Name 3 Telephone Number 3 Address3
sent to a computer or printer at the end of the shift, day Name 4 Telephone Number 4 Address4
or week. Then the data would be deleted.
Several terms used in this section on Database are
Part Number Look-Up defined below:

When a part is weighed, the part number is keyed in. FIELD: A parameter type, or column name.
Information about the part such as description, bin For instance the field "Name 1" or
location, etc ... is recalled from the DATABASE. The "Name 2" refers to the data stored in
information is used to print a label which is placed on the the column defined as Name in the
part. This same concept can be used to recall name and above example.
address based upon customer ID.
RECORD: One row of a database. A collection of
Quantity On Hand fields as defined by the columns of a
database. In the above example, one of
The DATABASE can be used to keep track of inventory the four records shown includes Name
levels of various products which are based on weight (or 2, Telephone Number 2 and Address 2
quantity with the Model 570 units). When an item fields.

GSE Scale Systems - 231

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

module improves serviceability since a DATABASE

module can be easily moved from one unit to another if
DATABASE: A collection of records. replacement of a unit were to become necessary.) Also
parameter P720 must be set to "dbase" or "menu". Once
A DATABASE is defined by the parameters whose data these requirements have been met the DATABASE setup
will be stored within it. Each parameter to be stored modes become accessible.
becomes a column of the database. When rows of data
are created using the "Make row" command, copies of Up to sixteen separate DATABASES may be setup for
the current data of those parameters are stored together in use within the unit. Each database has its own setup
the DATABASE. mode. Refer to the following list of DATABASE setup
Once a row exists, that entire row of data may be recalled
by first specifying which column of data is to be P731 is used to define database 1.
searched. If no column is specified then the first column
is the default search column. Then the specific data P732 is used to define database 2.
which is to be located is specified. This is done by
making an entry at the "Recall Row" command or by P733 is used to define database 3.
storing the search value into the search parameter and
pressing < ENTER > at the "Recall Row" command P734 is used to define database 4.
without an entry. If a row is found whose data in the
search column exactly matches the specified data, then P735 is used to define database 5.
all of the data within that row is copied into the
parameters associated with that column. P736 is used to define database 6.

P737 is used to define database 7.

20.4 Operation (enable or disable
database) P738 is used to define database 8.

The DATABASE feature has been integrated into the P739 is used to define database 9.
unit in such a manner as to be easy to use without the
need to program macros for simple applications and to P740 is used to define database 10.
permit easy use of macros for more complex operations.
P741 is used to define database 11.
To accomplish this goal, the ID USE setup mode, P720,
will now include four menu selections. The choices for P742 is used to define database 12.
P720 are:
P743 is used to define database 13.
P720.00 Std.
P744 is used to define database 14.
P720.00 Truck
P745 is used to define database 15.
P720.00 Menu
P746 is used to define database 16.
P720.00 Dbase
The desired DATABASE setup mode is selected by
keying its parameter number followed by the
<SELECT> key, such as "731 <SELECT>" to setup
DATABASE 1. In order to allow any changes to be
20.5 Database Setup made, the access code, <23640> <ID> <ENTER> must
be entered at the "Keyin Code" prompt.
The setup mode for macros is accessible only if the
DATABASE module and EPROM are installed in the If you are using the 550 simulator software, press
unit. This is required since the DATABASE setups are <ALT> <D> from the main screen to allow for enabling
stored within the DATABASE module itself. (Keeping a 24K or 120K Dbase. Enter a 0, 1 or 2 for no, 24K or
all DATABASE setup and stored data in the same 120K Dbase. Refer to the chapter on 550 Simulation

232 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 20 Database (OPTION)
SECTION - 20.7

Software for more information. named will become a selection in the menu which
appears when the <ID> key is pressed from the weigh
Each DATABASE may contain up to 24 columns of mode. The <SELECT> key advances the display to the
data. The setup for a DATABASE consists of selecting next menu choice. (And similar to the setup mode, <.>
the parameter ID's that will be used for its column. <SELECT> steps backward through the choices.)
Pressing the <ENTER> key first returns the unit to the
When a DATABASE setup mode is selected, if it has previous weigh mode (ie the mode before the <ID> key
been previously setup then the parameter selected for the was pressed) and then invokes the macro whose name
first column is shown. Otherwise the display reads "Col was displayed when the <ENTER> key was pressed.
1 END". The <CLR> key will return the unit to the preceding
weigh mode.
To assign a parameter to a column, key in the
parameter's ID and press <ENTER>. If you are unsure Macro Name Setup
of the parameter you require use the UP and DOWN
arrow keys, to locate the required parameter. Press the To name a macro, first access the appropriate setup
<ENTER> key to save the chosen parameter and mode. Macro 0 is named at P850, Macro 1 is named at
advance to the next column. Repeat this procedure for parameter P851, etc... Macro 16 is named at P866. The
the all columns required for the application. names are entered similar to the macro setup mode, with
numeric keys where appropriate and using the “cursor”
The LEFT and RIGHT cursor keys, may be used to keys to enter alpha characters as needed. When an
scroll through the columns which have been setup to external alpha input device (such as a computer or
review their current selections. Pressing the <ENTER> keyboard) is available, then the alpha characters may be
key alone also advances the display to the next column, entered directly. Use of a keyboard makes this setup
the same as the <TARE> key. If an entry is made at a operation much easier.
column which has already been set and then returned to,
then the entry will insert a column in front of the current Up to ten characters may be entered for the name. Keep
column. in mind, however, that when the menus are selected the
name will be displayed on two lines of five characters
To delete a column definition, press the <CLR> key each. Thus the first five characters will be on the top line
when that column is shown. To delete the all the current and the remaining characters on the bottom line. If less
selections for the columns of current DATABASE, than 10 characters are entered for the name, the
advance the display to the last choice (which is shown as remaining positions will be automatically blanked.
"Col X END").

If rows have been created in a DATABASE then any 20.7 Basic Database Menus
attempt to change the definition of the columns will
display the prompt "CLEAR DBASE" followed shortly Alternatively, when P720 is set for "dbase", the basic
by "ENTER toCLR" to appear. Pressing <ENTER> will DATABASE menu is accessed when the <ID> key is
delete all created rows in the DATABASE, any other pressed from one of the weigh modes (any mode below
key will abort the operation. mode 90). It provides a minimal selection of operations
which can be viewed by pressing the <SELECT> key
and invoked by pressing <ENTER> with an optional
20.6 Macro Menus (alpha-)numeric entry. This allows simple database
operations to be performed without a large number of
In order to implement the MENU selection, a new setup confusing choices. These basic operations are described
mode (P850 thru P866) has been added to allow the in Figure 27, Selection of Database Operations.
naming of macros. Macros that are to be user invoked
should be named when the macros are being setup. The choices shown comprise what are considered the
Macros should be given names which will be meaningful simple operations. More complex operations could only
to the operator of the indicator, such as "Recll Part#" or be performed through the entry of the proper operation
"New item" or "Daily Reprt", in order to make the menu code (a numeric entry) followed by the <SELECT> key.
as helpful as possible.
Each selection shown above can be invoked in one of
If P720 is set for "Menu", all macros which have been two ways. Either an entry can precede the <ENTER>
key or the <ENTER> key may be pressed alone. Both

GSE Scale Systems - 233

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1 2 3 4
Recll Updte Make Print
row row row dbase


Figure 27 Selection of Database Operations

of these possibilities are described below for each Same as above except that the row which is attempted to
selection. be located is the one whose data in the selected column
matches the entry that was made.This selection would be
used when the information to be searched has not
1 RECALL ROW: already been entered into the unit.

a. <ENTER> key alone:

The first row which matches the current data in the
parameter which corresponds to the currently selected a. <ENTER> key alone:
column in the currently selected DATABASE is located.
Then all the other information in that row is copied into The most recently accessed row in the current
the corresponding parameters. Note that the selected DATABASE is updated with the corresponding data
column defaults to being the first column unless from the parameters defined for that DATABASE. If the
otherwise specified. Thus if the first column were setup last attempt to locate something in the current
to be ID 1 (parameter 21), and the data stored in ID 1 DATABASE was not successful, then a new row is
was "ABC", then the current DATABASE would be created.This selection would most often be used after a
searched, starting from the beginning, for a row in which row of data has been recalled. Then after one or more of
"ABC" was the data in the first column of that row. the parameters defined as a column have been changed
Then the row which was found would be recalled. If a (such as total amount on hand), the row in memory is to
matching row were not found, then an error message be updated with the revised information.
would be displayed briefly. Also the error code is saved
so that a macro can test for the occurrence of that error. b. An entry followed by the <ENTER> key:

The recall operations are used when information is

needed regarding an item number, such as the The first row in the currently selected DATABASE
description, target weight, and/or quantity on hand for an whose selected column matches the entered data is
item. This particular operation is used when the look-up located. Then this row is updated with the information of
data has already been entered into the corresponding the other parameters defined in that DATABASE. Note
parameter of the unit. that the selected column defaults to being the first
column unless otherwise specified. Thus if the first
b. An entry followed by the <ENTER> key: column were setup to be ID 1 (parameter 21), and the
entry made was "ABC" <ENTER>, then the current

234 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 20 Database (OPTION)

SECTION - 20.8

DATABASE would be searched, starting from the programmed to print the database.) The only
beginning, for a row in which "ABC" was the data in the information that can be entered here is the port number.
first column. Then the row which was found would be Enter <1> for the comm port and <2> for the print port.
changed so that all the other columns of that row were Other than skipping the port choice prompt, this
the same as the current values of their corresponding selection operates the same as the selection without the
parameter. If a matching row were not found, then a entry. This is a more straight forward method of causing
new row would be created using the values from the a printout when you don't need to be reminded of the
corresponding parameters. port number choices.

3 MAKE ROW: 20.8 Advanced Database Menus

a. <ENTER> key alone: As stated before, the four basic commands described
above invoke only the simplest database commands.
A new row is created using the corresponding data from More complex commands are available which allow
the parameters defined for the currently selected almost any imaginable operation to be performed.
DATABASE. Data in any or all columns may be a However they are not shown on the basic menu in order
duplicate of other existing rows. This selection would be to keep that menu simple. The more complex commands
used most often when storing transaction data to memory would normally be used only in conjunction with a
when all data to be stored has already been entered into macro since they generally require a whole series of
the unit. commands to accomplish a particular task.

b. An entry followed by the <ENTER> key: The more advanced commands are accessed by first
pressing the <ID> key to access the basic database menu
and then keying the command number followed by the
A new row is created in the currently selected <SELECT> key. At that time the name of the command
DATABASE. The entered data is stored in the selected is shown on the dot matrix portion of the unit’s display.
column and the other columns are copies of the data Pressing the <ENTER> key will invoke that command.
from their corresponding parameters. Data in any or all Most commands allow for an entry to precede the
columns may be a duplicate of other existing rows. This <ENTER> key. Once the command is executed, most
selection would be used most often when storing commands will then return to the weigh mode which was
transaction data to memory when the key field (such as in effect before the <ID> key was first pressed. Once
part number) has not already been entered in to the unit. one of these advanced commands has been selected but
before it is invoked (by pressing <ENTER>), the other
advanced commands may be viewed by pressing the
4 PRINT DATABASE: <SELECT> key alone. The subsequent advanced
commands will then be shown on the display. Pressing
a. <ENTER> key alone: the <ENTER> key invokes the displayed command.
Pressing the <ID> key will exit back to the weigh mode
This choice is used to cause the stored data to be which was in effect when the database menu was first
transmitted out in a format appropriate for a report. A accessed.
prompt will be displayed requesting which port should
be used, ie the print port or the comm port. Enter <1> These advanced commands are diagrammed in Figure
for the comm port and <2> for the print port. Refer to 28, Database Advanced Commands in the order that they
the printout documentation for details regarding the will appear, along with their respective command
format for this transmission. This selection would numbers.
normally be used to generate hard copy reports of the
information stored within the unit. Among other Please note in the database diagram that the command
possibilities, this could be quite useful for an end of day <5> <SELECT> was used to gain access to the
report . advanced commands from the basic commands.
Actually, any command number between 5 and 18 could
b. An entry followed by the <ENTER> key: have been entered and the corresponding advanced
command would have appeared. In addition, these
(This method MUST be used when a macro is numeric command selections can be issued from any of
the database commands. Once one of the numeric

GSE Scale Systems - 235

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commands is issued to gain access to the advanced

commands, then all of the database commands become a. <ENTER> key alone:
accessible through the scrolling method of repeatedly
pressing the <SELECT> key until the database The "FIRST ROW" command will cause the very first
command menu is terminated by execution of one of the row of the currently selected DATABASE to be recalled.
database commands or by pressing the <CLR> key to When used in conjunction with the "NEXT ROW"
exit the menu. Each time the menu is accessed, initially command, this operation can be quite useful if every
only the four basic commands are available. stored row is to be sequentially recalled and processed in
some manner. An example would be to print out a report
Each of the advanced commands (numbered 5 through using the custom transmit setups in a format which is not
18) are described in detail below. Please note that the possible with the standard printout.
"cursor" keys, Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Right Arrow
and Left Arrow) may be used in their standard manner in b. An entry followed by the <ENTER> key:
order to key in alpha-numeric data.
An entry preceding the "FIRST ROW" command is not
defined and will result in an "ENTRY ERROR" message.


1 2 3 4
Recll Updte Make Print
row row row dbase

5 6 7 8
First Next Next Clear
row row Match row

12 11 10 9
Set Set Clear Clear
Colmn Dbase Dbase Colmn

13 14 15 16
Down- Print Print Upld.
load row err's new

18 17
Sort Upld.
Dbase Updat

Figure 28 Database Advanced Commands

236 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 20 Database (OPTION)

SECTION - 20.8

a. <ENTER> key alone:

The "CLEAR ROW" command is used to delete a stored
a. <ENTER> key alone: row from memory. When invoked without an entry this
command will delete the last accessed row from the
The "NEXT ROW" command will cause the very next currently selected database. However, before deleting
row of the currently selected DATABASE to be recalled. the row from memory, the warning message
This operation can be quite useful when used following "SURE? ?????" is displayed. Pressing the <ENTER>
the "FIRST ROW" command to allow every stored row key again will proceed with the command and delete the
to be sequentially recalled and processed in some row from memory. Pressing any other key abort the
manner. An example might be to print out a report using deletion. This command would normally be used in
the custom transmit setups in a format which would not applications where information is only temporarily
be possible with the standard printout. stored in the database, such as keeping track of all the
item numbers which are currently undergoing a
b. An entry followed by the <ENTER> key: particular process. After that process were completed,
then the rows could be deleted.
An entry preceding the "NEXT ROW" command is not
defined and will result in an "ENTRY ERROR" b. An entry followed by the <ENTER> key:
This form of the "CLEAR ROW" command allows the
row which is to be deleted to be specified at the time of
7 NEXT MATCH: the deletion. The data entered before pressing the
<ENTER> key is the value to search for to locate the
a. <ENTER> key alone: row to be deleted. Again, the warning message
"SURE? ?????" will be displayed and pressing the
This command operates the same as the "RECALL <ENTER> key will proceed with the deletion.
ROW" command except that the search for the matching
record begins with the record following the last accessed
record. Specifically, the next row which matches the 9 CLEAR COLUMN:
current data in the parameter which corresponds to the
currently selected column in the currently selected a. <ENTER> key alone:
DATABASE is located. Then all the other information
in that row is copied into the corresponding parameters. The "CLEAR COLMN" command may not be invoked
without a numeric entry. If it is invoked without an
This command would be used successively following a entry, the "ENTRY ERROR" message will result.
"RECALL ROW" command. It allows multiple
occurrences of the same data to be located and b. An entry followed by the <ENTER> key:
processed. For example, every occurrence of a
transaction which involved a specific part number could The "CLEAR COLUMN" command allows a particular
be recalled and printed. column of a database to be cleared. If the column is a
numeric type then the numeric values for that column in
b. An entry followed by the <ENTER> key: each row are set to zero. For alpha numeric types the
data is set to be blank. The entered number is the
This form of the "NEXT MATCH" command operates parameter ID of the column which is to be cleared.
similar to the entry version of the "RECALL ROW" Again, the warning message "SURE? ?????" will be
command except that the search for the matching record displayed and pressing the <ENTER> key will proceed
begins with the record following the last accessed record. with the clearing of the column.
In effect this operates the same as the "NEXT MATCH"
command without an entry except that the data being This command may be useful in applications such as
searched for is the entered data. where the accumulated weight must be deleted
periodically. This allows for the total amount of a
product which is produced on a shift to be totalized and
8 CLEAR ROW: printed and then cleared for the next shift.

GSE Scale Systems - 237

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10 CLEAR DATABASE: is attempted to be selected which is not currently setup,

the error message "NOT SETUP" is displayed breifly.
a. <ENTER> key alone:

The "CLEAR DBASE" command is used to delete the 12 SET COLUMN:

entire stored database. Again, the warning message
"SURE? ?????" will be displayed and pressing the a. <ENTER> key alone:
<ENTER> key will proceed with the deletion. Every
row in the currently selected database is then deleted. The "Set Colmn" command is used to specify a column
to be the "KEY" column for the next database command.
b. An entry followed by the <ENTER> key: Invoking this command without preceding it with a
column number causes the default (ie look-up) column to
This form of the "CLEAR DBASE" command allows a be reset to the first column of the selected database. This
non-selected database to be deleted. Again, the warning is automatically the case every time the unit is powered
message "SURE? ?????" will be displayed and pressing up and every time the indicator is re-initialized by exiting
the <ENTER> key will proceed with the deletion of all the setup mode and saving changes.
the rows in the database. This command will most often
be used in transaction applications where information b. An entry followed by the <ENTER> key:
about every transaction is stored. Then at desired
intervals (such as the end of the day, week, or shift) all of The entry preceding the <ENTER> key must be the
the stored data can be printed or downloaded to a parameter ID of one of the columns for the selected
computer. Afterward, the entire database would DATABASE. The specified column has no immediate
normally be deleted. effect but will affect the next database command, if it is
dependant on the selected column. Normally the selected
column will default back to the first column after the first
11 SET DATABASE: database command is issued. However, if the entry starts
with a decimal point then the newly selected key column
a. <ENTER> key alone: will remain in effect until the "SET COLMN" command
is issued again. However if another DATABASE is
The "SET DBASE" command resets the current database selected, if that DATABASE does not include the
to be the first defined database. Up to 16 databases may currently selected column's parameter ID then the key
be defined within the 550. All database operations are column is reset to the first column. Also, if the unit is re-
performed on the currently selected database. Therefore initialized then the selected column is reset to the first
it is necessary to first select the required database before column of the first DATABASE which has been setup.
performing a series of operations on a specific database. For example, keying [.23] [ENTER] will semi-
If only one database is used then the "SET DBASE" permanently set the key field for the selected
commands will never need to be used. DATABASE to be the column whose parameter ID is 23,
ie ID #3.
b. An entry followed by the <ENTER> key:
The "SET COLMN" command can be used to recall a
Key in the number of the database (ie 1 through 16) to be row from memory based on information stored in a
selected followed by the <ENTER> key. This sets the column other than the first column. Generally databases
current database accordingly and all subsequent database should be setup to have the first column be the column
commands will be performed on that database until which would normally be searched through. However
another "SET DBASE" command is issued. some applications require that a search be performed on
Multiple databases may be used in many applications. other columns during certain special operations. One
For example, one database may consist of the part such example is attempting to determine a part number
number, description, net weight on hand, amount on when only the description is known. Another example is
order, etc ..., while a second database might consist of searching through a transaction database (whose first
transaction data for various part numbers, a third column is part number) for a specific account number.
database could contain purchase orders for various part
numbers along with quantities ordered and their due
dates. Other examples are provided in our application 13 DOWNLOAD:
examples to be provided in the near future. If a database

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Technical Reference Manual Chapter 20 Database (OPTION)
SECTION - 20.8

a. <ENTER> key alone: "Down-load" command in order to specify the port to be

used, <1> for the communication port or <2> for the
The "Down-load" command causes the currently selected printer port. This form of the "Down-load" command
database to be transmitted out of the unit in a format bypasses the prompting for the operator to key in a
which could easily be accepted by a computer. The particular port number. (The "number followed by the
format will the database to be imported into most <ENTER> key MUST be used when a macro is
spreadsheet programs, such as Lotus 123 ©, Quattro ©, programmed to print the database.)
and other database type programs. After pressing the
<ENTER> key on this selection, the prompt: "1 for
Comm" followed soon by "2 for Prntr" will appear. 14 PRINT ROW:
Press the <1> key to send the transmission out the bi-
directional computer port or press the <2> key to use the a. <ENTER> key alone:
uni-directional printer port. Pressing any other key will
abort the transmission. The format for this transmission The "Print row" command causes the current row within
is compatible with the unit's "UPLOAD" database the currently selected database to be transmitted out of
commands. Backed-up databases may be easily reloaded the unit in a format which will line up well with
into the unit. subsequent issuances of this command. This could be
If the database is being downloaded with the intention of used for selectively building a report. After pressing the
reloading it back into a unit in the future, an alternate <ENTER> key on this selection, the prompt: "1 for
format is available by pressing the <3> or <4> key to Comm" followed soon by "2 for Prntr" will appear.
specify the comm or print port respectively. This will Press the <1> key to send the transmission out the bi-
cause the database to be preceded by the necessary directional communications port or press the <2> key to
commands to access the database upload command when use the uni-directional printer port.
the file is sent back to the unit later on. The pre-pended
information is: Also available from this database menu selection is the
ability to send the database header which consists of the
*%s0%s column names of the selected database. Press <3> to
%i11%sx%e16%s%e send the header out the comm port or <4> to use the
print port.
where the “x” would be replaced by the database number
being downloaded, ie 1 - 16. Pressing any key other than <1> through <4> will cancel
the transmission request.
Also, the <3> or <4> entry causes the last row of data to
be followed by a line with "ENDofDB". When the file is The "Print row" command may be used where a report
reloaded, this causes the database upload mode to be needs to be generated which contains only certain stored
exited. rows. This might be implemented in conjunction with a
series of "Recll Next" commands. This custom printing
The "Down-load" command can be very useful for could also be implemented by programming a custom
'backing up' the database (ie saving a copy of the transmit appropriately, however with only four custom
database somewhere else). Also, for applications where transmits and up to 16 databases one could easily run out
transaction information is collected on the scale of custom transmit setups.
throughout the day, this can be useful for transferring the
collected to a computer for permanent storage, b. An entry followed by the <ENTER> key:
integration into other databases, or further analysis. GSE
recommends that any databases that are stored within the A <1> or <2> may precede the <ENTER> key for the
unit which are considered valuable be backed up to a "Print row" command in order to specify the port to be
computer on a periodic basis in order to safeguard the used, <1> for the communication port or <2> for the
data. While this instrument provides a reasonably secure printer port . This form of the "Print row" command
storage means, any computer application will simply bypasses the prompting for the operator to key in
recommend that the data be backed up to prevent any a particular port number. If a <3> or <4> is entered,
loss of your data. then the column headings are printed instead, as
described above. (The "number followed by the
b. An entry followed by the <ENTER> key: <ENTER> key MUST be used when a macro is
programmed to print the database.)
A <1> or <2> may precede the <ENTER> key for the

GSE Scale Systems - 239

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

reading in rows of data from the comm port. During the

15 PRINT ERRS: upload, the 550 will display a counter indicating the
number of rows which have been created. Pressing the
a. <ENTER> key alone: <CLR> key will abort the process. This should not
normally be done until the transmission has first been
The "Print Errs" command is very similar to the "Print halted at the source. In the absence of a <CLR> key, the
DBASE" command except that only rows whose data is unit will continue processing data until a "^Z" (DOS end-
suspect are printed. A report format is used which causes of-file character) is received. The format required for the
multiple rows to line up well on a printout. After data is a comma delimited ASCII format, with a carriage
pressing the <ENTER> key on this selection, the return and optional line feed after each row. This format
prompt: "1 for Comm" followed soon by "2 for Prntr" is compatible with the instrument's "Down-load"
will appear. Press the <1> key to send the transmission database command. Backed-up databases may be easily
out the bi-directional communications port or press the reloaded into the Indicator using this selection
<2> key to use the uni-directional printer port. Pressing
any other key will abort the transmission. The "Print The "Upld. new" command can be very useful for
errs" command should only be used when problems are restoring 'backed up' databases. Also, for applications
suspected in the stored data. This command could also where the database required to be stored in the Indicator
be used periodically to check for problems in the stored is available on another computer, this command allows
data. The resulting transmission will begin with the the loading of that information quite simply.
header line (column names), followed by any rows which NOTE: Use of a computer communication program,
were found to be corrupt, followed by a summary such as Scale-Link or Procomm or GSE 550 Simulation
indicating the number of rows which were found to be Software Terminal Window (on an IBM or compatible
corrupt compared to the total number of rows found. PC), is required on your computer to send and receive
Also if a bad link is detected in the list of rows, then that files to and from the unit.
error is also reported (refer to the Errors section for more
details on the "Bad Link" error). At the end of the b. An entry followed by the <ENTER> key:
transmission a form feed character (^L) is sent.
An entry is not allowed before the <ENTER> key for
Each row that is stored away is accompanied by a this selection. If an entry occurs, the "ENTRY ERROR"
checksum which is used to verify the integrity of the message will be displayed briefly.
stored data. Every time a row is accessed, its integrity is
checked by re-calculating the checksum. If the
checksum is found to be incorrect, an error is displayed 17 UPLOAD UPDATE:
warning the operator of this condition. Once a row is
updated, the checksum is recalculated. a. <ENTER> key alone:

b. An entry followed by the <ENTER> key: The "Upld. Updat" command allows the uploading of
new rows or the updating of existing row of data in the
A <1> or <2> may precede the <ENTER> key for the instrument's database through the bi-directional RS-232
"Print errs" command in order to specify the port to be communication port. After pressing the <ENTER> key
used, <1> for the communication port or <2> for the on this selection, the unit will begin reading in rows of
printer port . This form of the "Print errs" command data from the comm port. During the upload, the unit
simply bypasses the prompting for the operator to key in will display a counter indicating the number of rows
a particular port number. which have been created. Pressing the <CLR> key will
abort the process. This should not normally be done until
the transmission has first been halted at the source. In
16 UPLOAD NEW: the absence of a <CLR> key, the unit will continue
processing data until a "^Z" (DOS end- of-file character)
a. <ENTER> key alone: is received. The format required for the data is a comma
delimited ASCII format, with a carriage return and
The "Upld. new" command allows the uploading of new optional line feed after each row. This format is
rows of data into the 550's database through the bi- compatible with the unit's "Down-load" database
directional RS-232 communication port. After pressing command. Thus backed up databases may be easily
the <ENTER> key on this selection, the unit will begin reloaded into the unit using this selection

240 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 20 Database (OPTION)
SECTION - 20.8

This command is essentially like the "Upld. new" ABC-11.DOC

command except that before a row is created, a search of ABC-2.DOC
the database is accomplished to verify whether the row ABC-20.DOC
already exists. This procedure prevents duplicate rows
from being created. However this will slow down the
updload significantly, especially for larger databases. The "Sort DBASE" command can be very useful for
Thus the "Upload New" selection should be used generating reports which are printed in some significant
whenever possible for faster response. order, other than the order in which the rows were
created. However this operation can be quite slow
b. An entry followed by the <ENTER> key: depending on the number of records being sorted and
upon the current order of the records. As an extreme
An entry is not allowed before the <ENTER> key for example, a completely disordered database with
this selection. If an entry occurs, the "ENTRY ERROR" thousands of records could take a few hours to sort!
message will be displayed briefly.
Sorting a database can take place after working hours or
any time when the unit will not be in use. This can be
18 SORT DBASE: performed by setting an Alarm to invoke a macro which
in turn will perform the database sort. The unit must be
a. <ENTER> key alone: powered up for this to take place.

The "Sort DBASE" command allows the sorting of the b. An entry followed by the <ENTER> key:
currently selected database. After pressing the
<ENTER> key on this selection, the unit will begin If an entry is made, then the database is sorted according
sorting the current database based on the current column to the column whose parameter ID was keyed in. This
selection, in a lowest to highest order. If an exact match is simply a quicker method of requesting a sort on a
of data in the current column is found in two records, column other than the current column. It avoids having
then the SORT function automatically compares the data to first use the "Set Colmn" command. Also, by entering
in additional columns, starting with the first column and a period (".") before the parameter ID the sort direction
proceeding through to subsequent columns until a non- can be reversed to be from highest to lowest.
matching field is found. During the sort, the unit will
display a counter indicating the number of rows which Another available feature is to sort on a secondary
have been sorted. Pressing the <CLR> key will abort column. This comes into play in cases where two rows
the process. In the absence of a <CLR> key, the unit have identical data in the primary sort column. The
will continue sorting until the end of the database has secondary sort column's parameter ID is specified in the
been reached. entry after a comma ( , ) or space ( ) following the
primary sort parameter ID. Refer to the following
If sorting strictly numeric values, its best to put the examples for clarification on the method of specifying
values in a numeric register. The numeric values will be the sort criteria.
sorted in numerical order. Numbers placed in an ID or
data string will be sorted as a DOS sort. ie.
11 <ENTER> Sorts on time / date in
1 ascending order. (oldest to
10 newest)
2 .11 <ENTER> Sorts on time/date in
20 descending order.
21 (newest to oldest)
.21, .11 <ENTER> Sorts on ID 1 in ascending
If alpha-numeric characters are to be used, a data string order. If an exact match of
or ID must be used as the sort column. The data will be ID 1 is encountered, the
sorted in ID’s as a DOS sort. ie. matching records are sorted
according to time/date in
ABC-1.DOC descending order. (newest
ABC-10.DOC records first).

GSE Scale Systems - 241

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

.21, .22, .0 <ENTER> Sorts on ID 1 in descending

order. If an exact match of
ID 1 is encountered, the
matching records are sorted
according to ID 2 in
descending order. If an exact
match of ID 1 and ID 2 is
found, the matching records
are sorted according to the
stored gross in ascending

20.9 Installing the DATABASE Option


The DATABASE option consists of a RAM Module, and

a copy of a database installation manual.


In order to install the option into a Model 550 or 570, the

main board revision level must be PC745C or newer Figure 29 Database Option installation on Main Board
(revision D, etc...). Refer to figure 29 Database Option
installation on Main Board.

INSTALLATION socket by gently prying a small screwdriver

between the chip and its socket, a little at a
a. Disconnect the unit from the AC power source. time at each end. This EPROM may be saved
for possible future service requirements
b. Open the unit by removing the (8 phillips / hex
head screws (8mm) from the rear panel. Then f. Carefully remove the RAM U13, from its
slowly remove the rear panel assembly from the socket by gently prying a small screwdriver
main enclosure, being careful not to damage the between the chip and its socket, a little at a
cable connecting the keypad to the main board. time at each end. This RAM should be saved
for possible future service requirements.
c. While it is possible to perform the following
steps without removing the display module, you g. Insert the supplied RAM Module, marked
may find it simpler to do so at this time since 200550-00TD1 or 200550-00TD2, into the
the parts to be replaced are located below the U13 socket, being careful to locate the end with
display. the molded in circle toward the top edge of
main board. Be very careful not to bend any of
d. Verify that the 0.3” long wire jumper located the pins on the module when installing it.
next to the EPROM U12, is in the position
marked “256K”, not the “<256K position. If it h. Re-assemble the unit. If the display module
is in the wrong position it must be moved was removed, replace it now. Re-connect the
which requires the use of a soldering iron. cable from J7 on the main board to the keypad.
Refer this procedure to a qualified technician. Re-secure the rear panel to the main enclosure
using the screws removed during dis-assembly.
e. Check the EPROM U12, installed in the unit. Tighten the screws until the rear panel flange
If it has a date code earlier than 930115, then it comes in contact with the main enclosure.
must be replaced with a later revision. To do
so, carefully remove the EPROM from its

242 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 20 Database (OPTION)
SECTION - 20.9

c. A space is transmitted between each column to

CAUTION: provide separation between columns. All
All electrical connections and access to the inside of widths specified below do not include the space
the indicator enclosure should be performed by between columns.
qualified service personnel only!
d. The normal printed data size for numeric
variables is 8 characters. However if the value
is too large to be represented in 8 characters
then additional characters are sent for that row,
disrupting the alignment of the remainder of
20.10 PRINT FORMAT that row's data. Data for which units are
appropriate will have the data converted to the
When using the "Print dbase" operation, the format for current units as previously selected in the
the transmitted information is fixed and will conform to weigh modes and the units name will be
the following rules: appended.

a. At the top of the first page, headings are e. The time / date parameter's format is dependent
printed followed by a blank line. The headings upon P503 for 12 or 24 hour format, and upon
consist of the names of the parameters. If P510 for USA or International date format.
custom names have been defined (using The width of time / date is 20 characters for 12
parameters P600 - P694 and P701 - P711) then hour format and 17 characters for 24 hour
these defined names will be used, otherwise the format.
default names of parameters will be used in the
header. f. The width of the six alpha-numeric IDs will be
the maximum size as set in their respective
b. The width of each column of data is set to one setup modes, P700 through P710.
plus the larger of the data size and the column
size. g. Every 55 lines a form-feed, (ASCII 12, $0C)

Part# Description: FinalWt. Max %Error Tm/Dt

12-345-67 Transistor 0 0 04:39:23 pm 03/31/92

32-20-3929 Capacitor 0 0 08:06:08 am 03/31/92
398-002 Resistor 0 0 08:06:28 am 03/31/92
939-9-321 Diode 0 0 08:06:50 am 03/31/92
24-3456-78 Microprocessor 0 0 11:02:59 am 03/31/92

Figure 30, Sample Database Printout

GSE Scale Systems - 243

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

character will be sent. Immediately afterward, data to be usable. For instance, Lotus 123 requires the
the headings will be re-sent also. Also, after time / date data as the number of days elapsed since the
the last record another form-feed will be sent. year 1900, with the hours, minutes, and seconds
Refer to the following sample printout for an represented as the fractional portion of that value. To
example of the format used for printing a achieve this format, the numeric time value received
database. from the unit must be divided by 86400 (# of sec / day)
and then add to 25569 (# of days between 1900 and
1970). This value can then be displayed in one of the six
20.11 DOWN-LOAD FORMAT display formats depending on the requirements. Format
1 for instance, would produce the date in the form "02-
The "Down-load" selection, command 13, is used to Apr-92" while format 6 would display the time in the
transmit the contents of one of the instrument's databases "12:05:47 pm" format.
in a comma delimited, ASCII file. This format is
suitable for uploading the information into a computer's A sample of a database download file is shown below.
database or spreadsheet or for transmitting to another Note that this is the same data as was used in the printed
GSE 500 series instrument using the "Up-load" selection. database example previously discussed.

The following rules describe the format of the down-

loaded data: "12-345-67","Transistor",0,0,702059963
a. Each column is separated by a comma. "398-002","Resistor",0,0,702029188
b. Each record is terminated by a carriage return "24-3456-78","Microprocessor",0,0,702039779
and line feed.

c. Alpha-numeric parameters (ID 1 through 6) are 20.12 UPLOAD DATA FORMAT

enclosed in quotes ("").
The same rules given above for the format of a
d. All parameters are sent in a minimum width downloaded file apply to a file being uploaded into the
format, with no leading or trailing zeros or unit's database. However, the alpha parameters are not
spaces. required to be enclosed in double quotes ("").

e. After the data for all of the stored rows has Before a database can be loaded into a unit’s database,
been sent, the end of the transmission is the setup must be established to match that of the file. If
indicated by the transmission of a row with the uploaded file has more columns than the database
only "ENDofDB" (without quote marks). setup in the unit, then the additional columns being
uploaded are ignored. If the uploaded file has less
f. The units for weight data is strictly in default columns, then the additional columns are cleared out.
weight units, as defined in the unit's setup
mode, P150. However the units descriptors,
such as "lb" or "kg" are not sent along with the 20.13 TIME / DATE HANDLING
When parameter 11, the current time / date parameter, is
g. All of the transmitted data consists of ASCII selected to be a column in a database, then whenever a
characters,which is text- printable data, no row is created or updated, the current time / date is
graphics. copied into that row from parameter 11. However when
Most parameters are downloaded the same as they would a recall is performed, the recalled time / date is not
be viewed. However the time / date is handled copied to parameter 11 as this would disrupt the current
differently. The data sent for the time / date parameter is time / date of the unit. Therefore, when a recall is
the ASCII representation of the numeric value of the performed on a database which includes the time / date
number of seconds elapsed since midnight on January 1, parameter (ID 11) as a column, the recalled time / date is
1970. This is the simplest form to allow calculations on copied to parameter 50, also known as Rtime for
time / date to be performed in other spreadsheet and "Recalled Time". Parameter 50 may then be printed
database programs. Some programs may require some using the custom transmits or accessed to view the
manipulation of this value in order for the time / date recalled time/date.

244 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 20 Database (OPTION)
SECTION - 20.14

records. When this value is added to the "dbAvl" value,

As previously discussed, time / date is handled in a the result should equal the value for P60010.
special manner which is somewhat common in
computers. It is stored as the number of seconds elapsed P60013 BlkSz 16384 The Block Size parameter
since midnight on January 1, 1970. Currently this value displays the size of the largest contiguous block of
is around 710,000,000. At the rate of 86400 seconds per memory available for use by the database feature. This
day (60 x 60 x 24), (31,536,000 per year) this value parameter will be seldom used. However when either
changes quickly. Keeping track of time and date in this multiple databases of various sizes are used or if rows are
manner simplifies the process of calculating the updated and / or deleted quite often, the available
difference between two times. It also compacts the memory can become quite fragmented. So, if a situation
information such that it can be stored in 4 bytes of arises where the total amount of available memory, as
memory which helps keep the number of memory bytes indicated by P60011, is sufficient to create a row and yet
required to store a row as small as possible. the "OutOF Memry" error message results, then the
maximum block size parameter can be checked to
determine if there is enough memory available in one
20.14 INFO MODES contiguous block to perform the operation. If there is not
enough contiguous memory available, the only remedy is
The following modes have been added to the to compact the stored rows. This can only be
instrument’s extensive array of information modes. accomplished by downloading all of the stored database
These modes can be useful in determining the current records and the database setup to a computer and default
state of the unit's databases and the memory which is in the database using parameter P65010. Then reload the
use by the database. setup and the database records using the "Up-load"
The first four information modes supply information
regarding the amount of installed, available, and already P60014 dbase Error The results of the last
used for by the database option. database operation can be checked with this parameter.
Each database operation sets a code indicating the results
P60010 dbRAM 24256 The value shown here, 24256 of the operation. The corresponding error message is
in this example, indicates how much database memory is displayed at this parameter.
currently installed within the unit.
The next 16 database information modes display the
The value will be 0 if the database memory module is not number of records (rows) created in databases which
installed, 24256 if the 24K module is installed, and if the have been setup. If a database has not been setup, then
120K module is installed, the value is 122,560. In this the parameter for the number of rows within that
case, the top line of the display shows "dbRA1" while the database is skipped.
bottom line shows "22560" (122,560 total).
Specifically, P60021 will display the number of rows
However, if some of the database memory has been currently stored within database 1, P60022 for database
allocated to general usage (normally to allow larger 2, etc... with P60036 indicating the current number of
macros) then the amount shown at P60010 will be rows stored in database 16.
reduced by 8192 (8K). Refer to parameter P65010 for
more information on this item.
P60011 dbAvl 24242 This value indicates the DATABASE
remaining amount of RAM available for creating more
rows. When this value becomes relatively small, then the P65010 can be used to completely clear out the
database is coming close to running out of room for more DATABASE data and setup. However, the deletion is
records. When this parameter is selected, it may take a not final until you exit the setup mode and all changes
while for the unit to add up all of the unused memory. are saved.
While the unit is calculating, the display will show
"Look-ing.." Press <ENTER> to simply default the database setups.
Whether or not any database memory is allocated to
P60012 dbUse 14 This number indicates the general usage is not affected. However if it is desired to
amount of database memory actually used by the allocate some of the database memory for general use,
databases, for both recording the setup and storing

GSE Scale Systems - 245

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

press <2> <ENTER>. This will reduce the total amount minimum amount of memory required per row would be:
of database memory by 8K bytes. To reverse this and
keep all the database module's memory allocated to 6 (overhead)
databases, press <1> <ENTER>. (3 x 4) = 12 (3 columns x 4 bytes per column)
Allocating database memory to general usage can be 18 bytes per row minimum
used to allow variably sized setup modes (such as custom
transmit setup and macro setup) to increase when they If any of the columns were ID types (parameters 21 - 26)
would otherwise be limited by the occurrence of the "Out then additional memory may be required per row,
Of RAM" error message. If this is done, the only depending on the specific size of the data being stored in
limitation on the amount of information entered into the ID(s), as described above.
these setup modes is the amount of available EEPROM
memory. The amount of memory required to setup a database is

20.16 MEMORY CONSUMPTION The following procedure should be performed by
qualified personnel only!
When a database RAM module is completely blank,
P60012 will indicate that 14 bytes are in use. This
amount is due to the initialization of the module to make
it usable for database operations.

The amount of memory required to create each record

(row) in a database is dependent on the database's
definition. To determine the amount of memory required
per record, use the following procedure. twelve bytes plus one additional byte per column
defined. Thus a database with three columns uses 12 + 3
a. Each row requires 6 bytes for internal purposes. = 15 bytes of memory. This small amount of memory
usage is probably insignificant in the overall picture of
b. Each column uses four bytes. total memory usage, but this information is provided for
those applications which require a considerable amount
c. Alpha-numeric data may require additional of memory.
memory, depending upon the size of the data.
Thus the amount of memory required per row The following is a macro setup that will determine the
will depend on the actual length of the ID data exact number of rows that can be created based on the
being stored. Refer to the following notes: number of columns set in the database. Setup to allow
easy execution of the macro by naming macro 0 at
ID data four characters or less in length requires no parameter P850. Make sure P720 is set to MENU. The
additional memory. execution of the macro will take a while and the time is
dependant on what size DBase module is installed. After
ID data between five and seven characters in length will running the macro, the total number of rows can be
require eight additional bytes of memory to store a viewed in reg#1 (P91) or P60021.
record. This is in addition to the four bytes required as a
minimum for an ID column. Macro#0
0;91%C Reset reg# 1
ID data greater than 7 characters in length will require a 1%T Tag location
number of bytes equal to the length of the ID plus one. Run..ning%I idle
Again, this is in addition to the four bytes required as a %i id
minimum for an ID column. Thus the number of 11%s Select dbase mode
additional bytes required for an ID which is 13 characters 1%e select dbase 1
in length would be: 13 (size) + 1 (extra) = 14 additional 3%s Make Row
bytes per row. %e enter
%_ IF any DBase error (if out of memory)
DBASEFULL!%S%P 1 second prompt
As an example, for a database which has 3 columns the %N ELSE

246 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 20 Database (OPTION)
SECTION - 20.16

Error Number Error Message Error Description

0 "Done" No error occurred.

1 "Entry Error" Bad entry. The entry did not meet the criteria for the parameter being accessed.
Possibly entering alpha data into a numeric parameter.

2 "Invld dbase" Invalid database selection. The database being selected has not been defined (ie
not setup).

3 "Invld Colmn" Invalid column selection. The specified column is not defined in the current

4 "Not Found" Record not found. During a recall operation, the value being searched for has not
been located.

5 "OutOf Memry" Out of Database Memory. There is insufficient remaining unused memory to
perform the requested database operation.

6 "Bad Data" Check-sum error. Each record stored in the unit's database has a checksum stored
to insure the integrity of the stored data. This is a numeric value stored within the
row which a calculated sum of all the individual bytes within each row. Each
time a row is accessed it's checksum is tested. If the checksum does not add up
correctly then it is likely that some of the data in the row is corrupted. This
situation should not normally occur. If it does occur, it may be due to a hardware
defect or a large ESD occurrence.

7 "Bad Link" The list of rows stored in the current database is corrupt. This situation could
cause significant problems. Some stored rows may no longer be accessable while
others may be sharing the same memory space as other records. This is another
error which should not normally occur. Possible causes may be similar to those
for "Bad Data". If this error occurs, it is recommended that all database setups
and all database records be downloaded and saved and then reset the database. If
this error occurs more than once then the indicator should be serviced.

8 "Funct Abort" Operation aborted. The search, print, sort, or upload was aborted. This would
normally be due to the operator pressing the <CLR> key.

9 "IDtoo Long" The number of characters being recalled into an ID (parameters 21 - 26) was
longer than the ID is defined to be (per setup parameter P700 -710). Thus the ID
data had to be shortened while it was being recalled.

Table 39 Database Error Codes

GSE Scale Systems - 247

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

1;91%+ increment reg# 1

1%J Jump to TAG 1 example 1:
The previous macro was tested with a GSE 24K database Error%P Displays prompt if any error occurred
module. Two columns were setup in database #1. These %E ENDIF
columns were ID#1 and the pieceweight (P34). The total
number of rows allowable in the database was shown in
reg#1 was 1,101. This could be five times this if using a example 2:
GSE 120K database module. Total running time of the
macro was approximately 3.5 minutes. The ID was 4%_ IF RECORD NOT FOUND...
entered as five characters. %5 Call macro 5 (if error 4 occurred).
Remember that the number of columns (parameters)
setup in the database structure is proportional to memory In this example macro 5 could be used first to verify the
consumption. The more columns used the less number operator's entry and then to request the necessary
of rows can be stored. information to create the record which was not found.


If an error occurs during the execution of any database WEIGHT DATA
command, then the corresponding error message is
displayed for one second. Refer to table 39 for a listing If the default weight units P150 are changed on the unit,
of database error codes. Also the error status of the any weight data stored in a database is not affected.
command is recorded so that a macro can be However if it is later printed or recalled, it is assumed by
programmed to react appropriately if a database error the unit that the stored data is in the current default units
occurs. However if a macro is performing the recall of measure. For this reason it is not recommended that
operation, then error messages will not be displayed. the default units of measure be changed if there are
Therefore it is the responsibility of person programming records stored in a database which contains weight data.
the macro to check for possible errors at the appropriate
times to insure that the operation will occur as expected. The value stored in memory for a weight parameter
For instance, in some applications it may be desirable to (Gross, Net, Tare, Gross Total, etc...) is the value
prompt the scale operator through the necessary steps to rounded off to the nearest weight increment as defined in
add an item to a database if the item is not found. In setup parameter P111.
other cases, it may be desirable to request verification of
the entered value being searched for if all valid values When rows are recalled which contain actively calculated
should be in the unit's database. weight data, the recalled data will be overwritten as soon
as the next weight conversion process occurs which will
The macro database error checking command is "n%_" be immediately unless a macro is running which is post-
which means IF DATABASE ERROR. This command poning the weight conversion process. Therefore these
can be used to check for any database error at all or a actively calculated weight parameters would not
specific database error that may have occurred during the normally be included in a database if the created records
last DATABASE operation. If the "n" preceding the %_ are going to be recalled. If this is a requirement, the
command is omitted then the IF clause can be interpreted macro which is written to perform the recall operation
as "IF ANY DATABASE ERROR". If a numeric value should immediately copy the weight data to another
precedes the %_ command then the IF clause is testing parameter if the recalled weight data will be needed.
for that specific error number. If 0%_ is used, the IF
clause is effectively "IF NO DATABASE ERRORS". The actively calculated parameters include:
By using these commands virtually any database error
that may occur can be handled appropriately within a Gross,
macro. The error code definitions are listed below. Net,
Refer to the macro documentation for a more thorough Gross Total + Current,
explanation of the use of the macro's IF command. Gross Total - Current,

248 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 20 Database (OPTION)
SECTION - 20.19

Net Total + Current, %%N%e 0002 if not

Net Total - Current, %%[%e 0003 save entry
Quantity (only on the Model 570 Counting 1%%i%e 0004 ID
Instruments) %%]%e 0006 get entry
%%e%e 0007 enter
%%E%e 0008 end if
20.19 Database Examples %%i%e 0009 ID
11%%s%e 0010 select
Example #1: Recall piece weights per part numbers. 1%%e%e 0013 enter
1%%s%e 0015 select
The following setup combines the database and macro %%e%e 0017 enter
capabilities for establishing and recalling pieceweights. 4%%_%e 0018 if dbase error
Pressing the <ID> key will prompt the operator to enter a %%N%e 0020 if not
part number. Key in the part number and press DATA FOUND%%P%e 0021 pause
<ENTER>. If the pieceweight associated with that part 30%%s%e 0032 select
number does not exist, the unit lets the operator know %%B%e 0035 break
that the pieceweight does not exist by prompting him %%E%e 0036 end if
"NOT FOUND". This is displayed briefly. The unit NOT FOUND%%S%e 0037 sound beeper
then prompts "Add Smple". Place the sample on the %%P%e 0048 pause
scale and press <ENTER> for the default sample size or %%p%e 0049 sample
key in a sample size and then press <ENTER>. A row is 1%%T%e 0050 tag position
created in the database. The unit is then placed in the Add Smple%%G%e 0052 get operator entry
quantity mode. If the pieceweight exists, the unit %%p%e 0063 sample
prompts "DATA FOUND" . The unit is then %%1%e 0064 call macro1
automatically placed in the quantity mode. 1%%g%e 0065 if sample error
1%%J%e 0067 jump to tag
%%E%e 0069 end if
100%s23640%i%e Access Setup Modes, 2%%T%e 0070 tag position
Allowing Changes %%1%e 0072 call macro1
%%a%e 0073 if accurate
180%s0%e P180.00 ASmpl off 11%%s%e 0075 select
181%s0%e P181.00 AEnhn off 1%%e%e 0078 enter
182%s10%e P182.10 SmpSz 10 3%%s%e 0080 select
183%s98.0000%e P183.XX %%Accy 98.00 %%e%e 0082 enter
184%s0%e P184.00 AcDsp off -OK!-%%P%e 0083 pause
185%s1.000000%e P185.XX ErFac 1.00 %%B%e 0089 break
186%s0%e P186.00 PreSm None! %%E%e 0090 end if
187%s0%e P187.00 AftSm None! %%Y%e 0091 if yes
%%N%e 0092 if not
NAME ID #1 ABORTSMPLE%%S%e 0093 sound beeper
700%s12%e P700.-- 1SIZE#1=12 %%P%e 0104 pause
701%sPART#%e P701.-- NAME1 PART# %%B%e 0105 break
%%E%e 0106 end if
720%s3%e P720.03 iduse: dbase 2%%J%e 0108 jump to tag

731%s%i%c%e%e P731.04 dbase 1 MACRO "1" SETUP (“call” subroutine)

21%e%e PART# 801%s%c%e P801.34 Macro # 1
34%e%e APW 3%%g%e 0001 if sample error
4%%g%e 0003 if sample error
MACRO "0" SETUP 5%%g%e 0005 if sample error
800%s%c%e P800.XX Macro # 0 ENTERID# %%B%e 0007 break
%%\%e 0001 if no entry %%E%e 0008 end if
6%%g%e 0009 if sample error

GSE Scale Systems - 249

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

ABORTSMPLE%%S%e 0011 sound beeper

%%P%e 0022 pause
%%B%e 0023 break
%%E%e 0024 end if


850%sENTERID#%e P850.-- Mac 0 ENTERID#

%z Exit Setup Mode

250 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 21 Setpoints and Logic I/O (OPTIONS)

SECTION - 21.2

- Any weight (Gross, Net, Tare, total, etc.)

Chapter 21 Setpoint and Logic I/
O (OPTIONS) - When the incrementable registers rise above or
fall below a value or fall between or outside of
two values.
21.1 Relay Module Options - Upon a certain key press such as <TARE>,
<ZERO>, or <PRINT>
Relay Output Module (Dual)
GSE Part #: 24550B-100A0 - Upon the occurrence of motion.
Process Control Interface Module (PCI) - Other selections include a minimum on time
Input/Output which effectively simulates a timer relay's
GSE Part #: 24550B-100B0 operation
This section describes two versions of relay output The Setpoint Setup parameters are allocated storage
options offered by GSE. The setpoint setup is also memory as needed. That is, if a setpoint is enabled, then
described in this section along with several common the setup for that setpoint is reserved 33 bytes of storage
setpoint setup examples. space.

21.2 Setpoint Parameters and Operations SETPOINT SETUP PARAMETERS

Included in the Indicator are 32 Setpoints. The first two The Setpoint Setup parameters and their complete
control logic outputs. The connections for these logic available choices are listed later in this chapter. The
outputs are on J6 of the Main Board (PC-745) and are basic setup of each parameter and notes pertaining to
labeled SP1 and SP2. their use are discussed below. For the sake of brevity, the
listed parameter numbers are for Setpoint #1. However,
All of the setpoints can be configured to trigger certain since the possible choices are the same for the other 31
events such as print, tare, accumulate, zero, etc., when setpoints, simply replace the first two digits in the
the setpoint activates, deactivates or both. This is Parameter Number shown shown in Table 40, Setpoint
accomplished through the use of the Macros. Numbers to determine the parameter number for any
In this way, many applications can make use of setpoints specific setpoint number. The setpoint setups begin at
without actually having a relay or logic output connected parameter P5100 (for Setpoint #1) and continue through
to anything. Refer to Chapter 16 for more details on P8200 (for Setpoint #32). To reach any one of the
Macros. setpoint setups, enter the Setpoint Setup Mode number
and press <SELECT>. To set up Setpoint #1 press
Each of the setpoints has selections which specify the
conditions which activate (energize) or de-activate (de- 5100 <SELECT>. You will then be asked to enter the
energize) them. For the simplest uses, the setpoint would program security code before changes can be made.
be set up such that the output would activate when the
GROSS Weight exceeds a certain value and de-activate <23640> <ID> <ENTER>.
when the weight falls below that same value. However,
programmability allows the change of state of the
setpoint to be based on other factors: SETPOINT OPERATION

When a setpoint is inactive, only the conditions relating

to the activation of the setpoint are checked and reacted
Important to accordingly. Similarly, when a setpoint is active, only
Keep in mind that the instrument powers down or the conditions relating to the de-activation of the setpoint
enters the Setup Mode during operation or when an are checked and acted upon.
overload or underload condition occurs, the setpoints
will become de-activated. This is of importance The status of each setpoint is checked and updated once
when determining a setpoint installation in order to every 1/20th of a second (20 updates per second), with
insure safe conditions. several exceptions as listed below:

GSE Scale Systems - 251

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Parameter Number Setpoint Number

- After the execution of a command, the next
P5100 1 update may be delayed slightly.
P5200 2
- During continuous transmits, the transmission
P5300 3 may delay the setpoint update
P5400 4
- During the execution of a Macro, the setpoint
P5500 5 updates are put on hold except during the pause
(%P), idle (%I), or get input (%G) commands
P5600 6
within the macro, or if a motion delayed
P5700 7 command is executed during the Macro.
P5800 8
- During an over-load or under-load condition,
P5900 9 all enabled setpoints are de-activated
P6000 10
- When the Setup Mode is accessed, all enabled
P6100 11 setpoints are de-activated
P6200 12
- Setpoints based on the Net or Gross Weights
P6300 13 are based upon the weight after it is rounded off
to the selected display increment (set in P111).
P6400 14
P6500 15
P6600 16
P6700 17 Once set up for your application, you may check the
status of a particular setpoint by accessing the Setpoint
P6800 18 Status Mode. Its state will continue to be updated while
P6900 19 in this mode. In addition, any or all setpoints can be set
to the active or inactive state.
P7000 20
P7100 21 To reach the Setpoint Status Mode, press <7> <8>
<SELECT>. The numeric display will read SP-01. The
P7200 22 top line of the dot matrix display will indicate whether
P7300 23 the setpoint is enabled or disabled. The bottom line will
read either Activ or DeAct depending upon the current
P7400 24 state of the setpoint.
P7500 25
Once in the Setpoint Status Mode, you can view the
P7600 26 status of a particular setpoint by keying in its number and
P7700 27 pressing <ENTER>. For example, to view the status of
Setpoint 13, press 13 <SELECT>. You may also view
P7800 28 the status of the other setpoints by pressing <ENTER>
P7900 29 once per setpoint or by pressing <UNITS> or <PRINT>
which assume up and down arrow cursor key functions.
P8000 30
P8100 31 You may change the state of any setpoint while it is
being viewed in the Setpoint Status Mode. Press <.> <1>
P8200 32 <ENTER> to activate <Setpoints;Activate> or press <.>
<0> <ENTER> to de-activate <Setpoints;Deactivate>.
To activate or de-activate a setpoint other than the one
you are viewing, key-in its number followed by the <.>
<1> or <.> < 0> command. For example, to select and
Table 40 Setpoint Numbers activate Setpoint #18, press

252 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 21 Setpoints and Logic I/O (OPTIONS)
SECTION - 21.3

lower, the outputs are TTL type which put out a high (+5
1 8 <.> 1 <ENTER>. V) or a low (+0 V) signal without much current sourcing
or sinking ability. For those familiar with the various
To change all the setpoints to the activated state while in electronic logic families, the actual logic type used to
the Setpoint Status Mode, press supply the outputs is an HC chip. What this means in
terms of voltage and current drive available is that when
9 9 <.> 1 <ENTER>. an output is at a high state up to 6 mA can be sourced by
Likewise, to de-activate all setpoints, press that output and the output voltage will be a minimum of
4 V. When the output is at a low state, the output will
9 9 <.> 0 <ENTER>. sink up to 6 mA with the voltage at a maximum of 0.2 V.
As such these outputs are not designed nor intended to
The two logic outputs for SP #1 and SP #2 and the directly drive a relay or any other power device requiring
external setpoint option outputs will also change state as significant amounts of current.
these commands are executed. However, a setpoint may
not stay in the state you changed it to if the conditions NOTE:
which govern its setup cause it to change to the opposite If programming the setup for one of the early GSE
state. Weigh Indicators, keep in mind that when the instrument
first powers up, the outputs may be in an indeterminate
NOTE: state until the Weigh Mode is begun. For this reason,
Setpoints which are not enabled in the Setup Mode will please be careful when determining a setpoint
be activated or de-activated by the above commands. installation in order to insure safe conditions are kept.
They will not change state on their own except to be de-
activated upon initial power-up and upon power-down.

To exit the Setpoint Status Mode press <SELECT>. 21.3 Setpoint (Input and Output)
Parameter Setup
Available with the setpoint option card are up to 16 The setpoint setup software reflects remnants of input
inputs. These may be connected to various switches such setups from to 550 instrument in the 574 system. Refer
as phot-detectors or proximity switches which provide an to your 574 technical reference manual for more
open or closed status to the Indicator. Possible uses may information on 574 setpoints.
include sensing the presence of a container before a
filling process is begun or of a truck over an axle- P5100.X SPt 1 through P8200.X SPt32
weighing scale. These parameters are used to set Setpoints 1-32 into use
as either an input, an output, or not used (disable).
The first part of setting up a setpoint is to define it as Setpoint inputs are not available on the 574.
either an input or output mechanism. Selecting the NOTE:
setpoint as an input allows you to invoke a macro each Some of the setup parameters described in the text below
time the input changes state. A separate macro can be will be displayed only if certain choices were made in a
invoked when the input becomes active and for when its previous setup selection. Thus when setting up a
deactivated. setpoint, the inapplicable parameters will not appear in
order to avoid confusion and simplify your choices.
Another use of the input capability is to have another
macro which is activated by some other condition branch P5100.X SPt 1
around a section of the macro's commands depending on
the state of one of the inputs. This is a conditional This parameter offers 3 selections which either disables,
branch depending on whether or not the input is active or or assigns Setpoint #1 as an output or input.
Parameters P5110 through P5121 all apply to the
ALTERNATIVE OPERATION activation of the setpoint.

For Indicator units with PC Board Serial No. 851 and P5110.X Activ

GSE Scale Systems - 253

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

This parameter specifies the condition which will This parameter specifies whether the lower activation
activate the setpoint. The following selections are target value for the setpoint is a specific value or if it is
provided: the output becomes active if the weight rises based upon another value. The selections include "new
above the target value, falls below the target value, falls #" where the target value is a specific value, "% val"
between the target values, falls outside the target values, where the target value for this setpoint is a percentage
if <TARE> is pressed, if <ZERO> is pressed, if multiplier of another variable (to be specified later), or
<PRINT> is pressed, if motion occurs, if motion ceases, "Diff" where the target value for this setpoint is
or always activates. The last selection, never, specifies subtracted from another variable (to be specified later).
that the output will become active only through an The "%val" and "diff" selections let you base the setpoint
activate command contained within a Macro or an RS- on one of the 30 variables (parameters #60-89). These
232 message received through the Comm Port. If never is can be easily accessed from the Weigh Mode by setting
chosen, parameters P5111 through P5121 will not up the Selectable Modes (P300-P309) parameters
appear. accordingly. This permits you to change target values
without accessing the Setup Mode.
The selection of "Above" correspond to greater than or P5115. AL
equal to the target value while the selection "Below"
corresponds to less than the target value. This parameter sets the lower setpoint activation value.
This is the lower limit if P5110 is set to between or
P5111.X Hold outside. If P5114 is % val or diff, then this value is a
percentage of or difference of another value,
This parameter specifies a minimum activation time for respectively. Note that percentages can be greater than
the setpoint. Selections from 0.0 seconds to 25.0 seconds 100 and diff values can be negative which could make
minimum activation time are available. 0 seconds is the the calculated value larger than the value upon which it is
normal selection. Upon activation, any non-zero based.
selection will keep the setpoint active for the specified
minimum period of time regardless of whether the de- NOTE:
activation conditions are met. Parameters P5116 and P5117 are accessible only if
P5114 is set for % val or diff.
P5112.X Macro

This parameter specifies which Macro, if any, will be

executed when the setpoint is activated. The Macro can P5116.X Based
trigger a series of commands such as tare, accumulate,
print, increment a counter, etc., when the setpoint is This parameter determines the variable that the lower
reached. target value for this setpoint is based upon. The selection
here may be based on one of 30 variables, P60-P89,
which are accessible during normal operation and
NOTE: specified in P5117, or is based on one of the setup values
The following selections are accessible only if the of a particular setpoint.
selection for P5110 is above, below, between, outside or
above. P5117.X Value

P5113.X Mot'n This parameter has two sets of choices, depending on the
choice made for P5116. If selection P5116-0 (Var #) is
This parameter specifies whether or not motion will be made, then choose which variable upon which the lower
ignored by the setpoint or will inhibit setpoint activation. activation parameter will be based. If P5116 is set for one
of the other setpoints, then choose which of the other
NOTE: setpoint values this parameter is based upon, the lower
The following selections are accessible only if the activation parameter, the upper activation parameter, the
selection for P5110 is above, below, between or outside. lower de-activation parameter, or the upper de-activation

P5114.X Basis

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Technical Reference Manual Chapter 21 Setpoints and Logic I/O (OPTIONS)

SECTION - 21.3

NOTE: if the weight rises above the upper target value, falls
The next four parameters (P5118 thru P5120) are below the lower target value, falls between the upper and
accessible only if P5110 is set for between or outside. lower target values, falls outside of the target values, if
<TARE> is pressed, if <ZERO> is pressed, if
P5118 Basis <PRINT> is pressed, if motion occurs, if motion ceases,
or if the activation is momentary. A final selection,
This parameter is similar to P5114 in that you will "never", can be selected so that the output will de-
specify whether the the upper target value for the activate only upon an activate command contained in a
setpoint is a specific value or will be based upon another Macro or an RS-232 message received through the
value. The selections include new # where the target Comm Port. If "never" is chosen, then P5131 through
value is a specific value, % val where the target value for P5141 will not appear.
this setpoint is a percentile multiplier of another variable
(to be specified later), or the target value for this setpoint NOTE:
is subtracted from another variable (to be specified later). The "Above" selection corresponds to greater than or
equal to the target value while the "Below" selections
P5119. AU: correspond to less than the target value.

This parameter sets the setpoint upper activation value: P5131.X Hold
This is a keyed-in value with a maximum allowed value
of 999,999,900. Note if P5118 is % val or is diff then This parameter specifies a minimum de-activation time
this value is a percentage of or the difference of another from 0.0 seconds to 25.0 seconds.
value to be specified later.
P5132.0 Macro
The next two parameters are accessible only if P5118 This parameter specifies which Macro, if any, is to be
was set for % val or diff. executed when the setpoint is de-activated. This can
trigger a series of commands, such as tare, accumulate,
P5120.X Based print, increment a counter, etc., when the setpoint is
This parameter is the based-upon specifier which
determines the variable upon which the upper target of NOTE:
this setpoint is based. The selection here may be based The following parameter is accessible only if the
on one of 30 variables, P60-P89, which are accessible selection for P5130 was set for above, below, between,
during normal operation and specified in P5121, or is outside or always.
based on one of the values of a setpoint also specified in
P5121. P5133.X Mot'n

P5121.0 Value This parameter specifies whether or not motion affects

the setpoint de-activation.
This parameter is similar to P5117 in that two sets of
choices are available depending upon the selection made NOTE:
in P5120. You can either designate which of the The following parameter is accessible only if the
variables the upper target will be based upon or you can selection for P5130 was set for above, below, between or
specify which of the parameters of the other designated outside.
setpoint this parameter will be based upon.
P5134.X Basis

NOTE: This parameter specifies whether the lower target value

Parameters P5130 through P5140 all pertain to de- for the setpoint is a specific value or is based upon
activation of the setpoint. another value. "New # "specifies a particular value; "%
val" indicates the entered lower de-activate value for this
P5130.0 DeAct setpoint is a percentage multiplier of another variable to
be specified later; "diff " indicates the entered lower de-
This parameter specifies the condition which will de- activate value for this setpoint is subtracted from another
activate the setpoint. The selections include deactivation variable to be specified later.

GSE Scale Systems - 255

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

P5135. DL: NOTE:

The next two parameters are accessible only if P5138 is
This parameter lets you enter the lower de-activate value set for % val or diff.
if P5130 is set to between or outside. Note if P5134 is set
to % val or diff then this value is a percentage of or P5140.X Based
difference of another value.
This parameter is the based-upon specifier which
NOTE: determines the variable upon which the upper target
The next two parameters are accessible only if P5134 is value of this setpoint is based. The selection determines
set for % val or diff. that it will be one of the ten variables or specifies that it
will be based upon one of the setup parameters of
P5136.X Based another particular setpoint.

This parameter determines the variable upon which the P5141.X Value
target value for this setpoint is based. This may be one of
the ten variables that may be accessed during normal This parameter has two sets of choices, depending on the
operation or one of the setup values of another setpoint. choice made for P5140. If selection P5140-0 (Var #) was
made, then the choices are restricted to specifying which
P5137.X Value variable the upper de-activation target will be based on.
If P5140 specified one of the other setpoints, then the
This parameter has two possible sets of choices, choices are restricted to naming the particular setpoint
depending on the choice made for P5136. If selection setup value, the lower activation parameter, the upper
P5136-0 (Var #) is made, then you will specify which activation parameter, the lower de-activation parameter
variable the upper de-activation target value will be or the lower de-activation parameter.
based upon. If P5136 specified one of the other setpoints,
then this parameter will determine which parameter of P5150.X Par
the other setpoint this parameter is based upon, either the
lower activation parameter, the upper activation This parameter is available if Setpoint #1 is set to output
parameter, the lower de-activation parameter or the upper by parameter P5100. P5150 offers a selection of 33
de-activation parameter. parameters that the setpoint will be based upon.

NOTE: P5160.X Actv

The next four parameters (P5138 through P5141) are
accessible only if P5130 is set for between or outside. This parameter is available if Setpoint #1 is set to input
by parameter P5100. When Setpoint #1 is activated,
P5138.X Basis Macros #0 thru #15 (or none) will be invoked.

This parameter specifies whether the upper target value P5161.X DeAct
for the setpoint is a specific value or if it is based upon
another value. "New #" specifies the upper de-activate This parameter is available if Setpoint #1 is set to input
target value is a specific value; "% val" specifies that the by parameter P5100. When Setpoint #1 is de-activated,
entered upper de-activate target value for this setpoint is Macros #0 thru #15 (or none) will be invoked.
a percentage multiplier of another variable to be
specified later; "diff" specifies that the entered upper de- P5200 through P8200
activate target value for this setpoint is subtracted from
another variable to be specified later. These parameters each have three selections; disable,
output and input, and define setpoints #2 through #32 in
P5139. DU: the same manner as parameter P5100. These parameters
range from P5200 for setpoint #2 through P8200 for
This parameter is the setpoint upper de-activation value. setpoint #32.
This is a keyed-in value with a maximum allowed value
of 999,999,900. Note if 5138 is "% val" or "diff" then P8210 through P8261
this value is a percentage of or difference of another
value. These parameters each apply to the behavior of the

256 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 21 Setpoints and Logic I/O (OPTIONS)

SECTION - 21.4

setpoint, and are structured identically to the previous

discussion for parameters P5110 through P5161 which <5> <1> <1> <3> <SELECT> <0>
detail parameters for setpoint #1. These parameters range <ENTER>
from P8210 through P8261 for setpoint #2, P8310 P5113.0 Mot'n Ign'd
through P8361, for setpoint #3, all the way up to P8210
through P8261 for setpoint #32. <5> <1> <1> <4> <SELECT> <0>
P5114.0 Basis new #
21.4 Setpoint Example Setups (Front
Panel Entry) <5> <1> <1> <5> <SELECT> <3>
P5115. AL: 3.
c. Choose proper selections for de-activation of
A good application example would be to have a macro Setpoint #1:
automatically invoked as a container of parts is placed on
the platform. This macro could be programmed to do a <5> <1> <3> <0> <SELECT> <1>
number of what would normally be cumbersome <ENTER>
operations if done manually. Some macro examples P5130.1 DeAct Below
might be to auto-accumulate parts, prompt as a check-
weigher (good, bad or over), etc. <5> <1> <3> <1> <SELECT> <0>
The setpoint would be actuated when the quantity is <ENTER>
above 3 pieces (threshold). As motion settles, the macro P5131.0 hold 0.0 S
would be invoked. The macro would then perform a
specific operation, such as an accumulation. As the <5> <1> <3> <2> <SELECT> <16>
quantity fell below 2 pieces, the setpoint would reset. Its <ENTER>
now ready for the next cycle. P5132.X Macro none

NOTE: <5> <1> <3> <3> <SELECT> <0>

The specific parameter number being set is specified <ENTER>
before each <SELECT> command on each line. This P5133.0 Mot'n Ign'd
has been done for clarity. When entering the setup data,
the <SELECT> key may be pressed to advance to the <5> <1> <3> <4> <SELECT> <0>
next parameter. <ENTER>
P5134.0 New #:
a. Enable Setpoint 1:
<5> <1> <0> <0> <SELECT> <1> <5> <1> <3> <5> <SELECT> <2>
P5100.1 SPt 1 Enbld P5135. DL: 2.

b. Choose proper selections for activation of <5> <1> <3> <6> <SELECT> <1>
Setpoint #1: <ENTER>

<5> <1> <1> <0> <SELECT> <0> d. Select the parameter that Setpoint #1 is based
<ENTER> upon:
P5110.0 Activ Above
<5> <1> <5> <0> <SELECT> <30>
<5> <1> <1> <1> <SELECT> <0> <ENTER>
<ENTER> P5150.0 Par 30 QTY
P5111.0 hold 0.0 S
e. Setpoint Setup is now complete. Proceed to
<5> <1> <1> <2> <SELECT> <0> setup macro 0.
P5112.X Macro “0”
21.5 Logic Output Operations

GSE Scale Systems - 257

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Maximum Specifications I&E

Your indicator includes two open collector type logic
outputs. The outputs act as a low (or open ground Maximum Applied Voltage 30 VDC
connection) when they are active and as an open circuit
when they are inactive. They can be thought of as a
switch that is either open or closed, with the closed Maximum Current 30 mA
connection being to ground. The component providing
the output is an FET which in effect makes the output an Maximum ON Voltage 0.4 VDC
open drain type. See Table 41, Output Specifications for
the related electrical specifications. Table 41 Output Specifications
These outputs are ideally suited for use with solid state
relay devices which have built-in optical isolation, such
as the OPTO 22 OAC5 AC output module. DIN protection rating of IP 66, which is similar to a
NEMA 4X rating. Refer to figure 31 Relay Module for
It is not intended that these outputs directly drive outline and electrical schematic views of the Relay
inductive loads because they are not protected against Module.
back-EMF switching generated voltages! If very light
inductive loads are connected anyway, it is Mounting
recommended that some protection be implemented, such
as a diode across the load. Refer to the specifications of In many applications it is desirable to attach the GSE
the device being connected for additional Relay Module to a vertical or horizontal or surface.
recommendations. There are two mounting methods provided for the
enclosure. Refer to figure 32, Relay Module Option
CONNECTION Mounting Dimensions.

The two logic outputs are located on the bottom two When the enclosure cover is removed notice that the
connections of J6 on the right edge of the Main Board cover screw holes go all the way through the enclosure.
between the display and keyboard cables. They are The mounting screws may use these holes, as long as
labeled SP1 and SP2. The connector is a spring loaded they don't interfere with the cover screws. Since these
lever connector and accepts 28-20 AWG stranded or holes are outside of the enclosure seal, this does not
solid wire. Press down on the lever, insert the wire into reduce the enclosure's seal. Two screws with nuts are
the hole, then release the lever. It is not necessary to tin included for this purpose. Additional screws are available
the stripped wire, however, if tinning is done, be sure to as GSE part number 38-24-3200, the nuts are GSE part
apply only a minimal amount of solder so that the wire number 38-24-1650. The screws used should have a
will still fit into the terminal block. Multiple wires will small head diameter no larger than 0.242 inches in
not fit into one position on the terminal block. Along diameter, such as a 6-32 fillister head.
with the two logic outputs on the same connector are +5
V and ground, labeled accordingly, in case either is A second mounting method involves using the knockouts
needed in the connected circuit. provided in the back wall of the enclosure. This requires
removing the sub-chassis and relay board. It will also
compromise the enclosure seal integrity.
21.6 Relay Module (OPTION)
Control Connections
The GSE Relay Module includes a captive 6 foot cable
The GSE Relay Module Option (GSE Part Number which connects to the Indicator to provide the control
24550B-100A0) is designed to accept control signals signals for the module.
from the GSE Model 500 Series Weigh and Counting
Indicators, and provide optically isolated solid state relay A longer cable may be used, but it must be a shielded
outputs. These outputs can be used for controlling cable of a type similar to the cable provided. Tests with
external devices such as valves, conveyors, lights, 200 feet of cable have shown no detrimental effects to
buzzers, or any other external electrical devices. the operation of the scale or relay module.
The enclosure is made of a high temperature
polycarbonate plastic and has a weather-tight seal with a Route the cable into the Indicator through the rear panel

258 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 21 Setpoints and Logic I/O (OPTIONS)

SECTION - 21.6

strain relief marked J2. The shield connection must be

secured with the hex nut on the adjacent stud which
All electrical connections and access to the inside of
secures the main printed circuit board.
the indicator and the GSE Relay Module enclosures
should be performed by qualified service personnel
Inside the Indicator, the cable's individual wires connect
to J6 which is located toward the upper right edge of the
circuit board. Inside the GSE Relay Module they connect
to the terminal block marked SIGNAL. Table 42, Relay
Module Control Connections details each wire Externally supplied voltages can also be switched by the
termination. logic outputs. In this case the ground connection of the
supply must be connected to the indicator common
which is provided on the J6 setpoint connector. Be sure
Setpoint Output Connections that the connected circuitry's ground does not have an
earth ground connection or an alternate ground path will
Included in the indicator are two open collector type be established and the accuracy and stability of the
outputs which are controlled by the setups for setpoints weight reading may be degraded.
one and two. These can be used to control external
devices such as low power LED lights or to drive solid Each of the two setpoint outputs is rated to sink up to 30
state relays such as those provided by the GSE Relay mA when the output is active. Leakage current into the
Module Option. setpoint output when it is de-active will not exceed 0.01
mA. The voltage applied to the output should not exceed
Four connections are provided to make use of the logic 30 V. When the output is active and sinking up to 30 mA
outputs. These are the bottom four connections of J6: +5 the output voltage will not exceed 0.4 V.
V, GND, SP1 and SP2.
The GSE Relay Module Option accepts the J6 setpoint
The +5 V is capable of supplying current of output signals from the indicator and provides optically
approximately 100 mA. This should be sufficient for isolated solid state relay outputs.
most applications. The outputs are not intended to Power Connections
directly drive significant loads!
The output wiring of the solid state relays is connected to
Normally the +5 V supply would be connected to some the upper terminal block inside the GSE Relay Module
value of current limiting resistor (depending on the labeled POWER.
device being connected), the resistor would connect to
the plus side of the device, and the SP1 or SP2 output The output wiring enters the enclosure through one of
would be connected to the other side of the device. When the knock-outs in the enclosure. The relay board
the setpoint is not active, the SP1 or SP2 output is an prevents the use of the knock-outs on the sides. This
open circuit. When the setpoint is active the indicator leaves 2 available on the top and one on the bottom.
output becomes a connection to ground, thus turning on They may be pried out with a screwdriver.
the connected device (Sink Output).
One strain relief is provided for the power connections.

Color Indicator J6 Indicator J6 Relay Board

Pin Number Pin Name SIGNAL Pin Number

Red 6 +5V 2&4

Black 7 GND 1

White 8 SP1 3

Green 9 SP2 5

Table 42 Relay Module Control Connections

GSE Scale Systems - 259

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

CAUTION Refer to Table 44 Relay Module Available Output

All electrical connections and access to the inside of Modules for details on modules which are suitable for
the indicator and the Process Control Interface use in the 24550B-100A0 GSE Relay Module.
enclosures should be performed by qualified service
personnel only! Refer to the manufacturers data sheets for further
information regarding the holding current, surge current,
and other related parameters for each module.

Additional cable strain reliefs are available from GSE Operation

under part# 26-20-1878. These accommodate cables
with outside diameters of 0.236 to 0.512 inches. During operation, when an output is activated, it's
corresponding LED will light. An output module must be
Each knock-out can be opened to 2 sizes, (0.91" installed for the LED to function correctly.
diameter) which accommodate 1/2" conduit fittings, and
(1.14" diameter) which accommodate 3/4" conduit Each output module is protected by it's own fuse. The
fittings. Since these holes are slightly oversized for these standard fuse is a 5 AMP miniature type that looks very
fittings, some fittings may require a gasket or washer for
a proper fit. GSE part# 31-20-0156 is a recommended
gasket for 1/2" conduit fittings. Output Positive Negative
Setpoint 1 2 3
The output wiring should be connected as shown in
Table 43, Relay Module Power Terminal Block Setpoint 2 4 5
Connections. If DC modules are being used, correct
polarity must be observed.
Table 43 Relay Module Power Terminal Block Connection
Output Modules
much like a resistor. They are plugged into sockets on
The output modules are supplied separately and must be the relay board.
installed in the proper position on the relay board. If there is a problem, the fuse may blow. Note that the
Although the relay board is designed to accept 4 output LED will still operate even with a blown fuse. If the fuse
modules, the Indicator only directly supports two does blow, always remove power and fix the problem
hardware setpoint outputs. A larger accessory module is before applying power to the circuit again. The relay
available which permits the Indicator to support up to a board provides space for a spare fuse in addition to the
total of 32 inputs and outputs. two unused relay positions' fuses. Replacement fuses are
available through GSE (Part# 13-10-4500), or use
The positions on the relay board are numbered 0 through Littlefuse PICO II part# 251005 or BUSS Tinitron Part#
3. Position 0 corresponds to setpoint output 1 and A5 or AC5.
position 1 corresponds to setpoint output 2. Once the
modules are installed, they are fastened to the relay board Using the GSE RELAY MODULE with
by their own hold-down screw. older Model 500 Series indicators

GSE Part WRC/Allen Type Nominal Minimum Maximum Amps

Number Bradley Part# Voltage Voltage Voltage Max

19-30-0310 1781-OA5S AC 120 12 140 3

19-30-0320 1781-OM5S AC 240 24 280 3

19-30-0510 1781-OC5S DC 120 5 200 1

19-30-0520 1781-OB5S DC 24 3 60 3

Table 44 Relay Module Available Output Modules

260 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 21 Setpoints and Logic I/O (OPTIONS)

SECTION - 21.6

Early Model 500 Series Indicators had TTL setpoint Unfinished control cable
outputs rather than open collector logic outputs. These (specify length) part# 22-10-6675
older units may be identified by the printed circuit board
revision letter located in the upper left corner of the Cable strain relief part# 26-20-1878
board. PC745B indicates an older board, PC745C,
PC745D, etc indicate newer boards which will work Cable anchor part# 31-80-0140
properly with the GSE Relay Module with no
modifications. PC745C began with printed circuit board
serial number 000835.
21.7 Process Control Interface (OPTION)
Table 45 Relay Module Control Connections for
PC745B shows how the GSE Relay Module should be Description
re-wired to work with a PC745B circuit board.
The Process Control Interface Option (GSE Part
Using the GSE RELAY MODULE with two Number: 24550B-100B0) is designed to accept control
indicators signals from the GSE Model 500 Series Weigh
Indicators and provide optically isolated solid state relay
Since there are two unused positions in the GSE Relay inputs and outputs. The outputs can be used for
Module, it is possible to use those relays for the setpoint controlling external devices such as valves, conveyors,
outputs of a second indicator. Certainly other lights, buzzers, or any other external electrical device.
combinations are also possible. Since each relay may be The inputs may be used to allow the instrument to sense
used independently of the others, four Indicators could external events and initiate or modify a process
share one GSE Relay Module, with each instrument accordingly, such as an operator pushbutton, or a carton
having one setpoint output relay. For the purposes of on a conveyor, interrupting a light beam sensor.
this example, we will assume two Indicators with 2
setpoint output relays each. The enclosure for the Process Control Interface Option is
made of a high temperature polycarbonate plastic and
Refer to Table 45 Relay Module Control Connections for has a weather-tight seal with a DIN protection rating of
a Second Indicator for the control connections to the IP 66, which is similar to a NEMA 4X rating.
second instrument. The first instrument is connected as
shown in Tables 42 and 43. This data assumes that both Mounting
instruments are PC745C revision or later.
In many applications it is desirable to secure the Process
Refer to Table 46, Relay Module Setpoint Outputs, for a Control Interface to a vertical or horizontal surface.
Second Indicator details the POWER connections for the There are two mounting methods provided for the
second Indicators setpoint outputs. enclosure. Refer to Figure 33, Process Control Interface
Option Mounting Dimensions for installation mounting
The following parts are available separately from GSE, dimensions.
for connection to the second instrument:
When the enclosure cover is removed notice that the

Color Indicator J6 Indicator J6 Relay Board

Pin Number Pin Name SIGNAL Pin Number

Red 6 +5V 6&8

Black 7 GND --

White 8 SP1 7

Green 9 SP2 9

Table 45 Relay Module Control Connections for a Second Indicator

GSE Scale Systems - 261

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Figure 31 Relay Module

262 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 21 Setpoints and Logic I/O (OPTIONS)

SECTION - 21.7

provide the control signals for the PCI module. The

Output Positive Negative
above ribbon cable comes complete with circular jacket.
Setpoint 1 6 7 Other cables are available in different lengths non-
jacketed. These cables would normally be used in
Setpoint 2 8 9 custom panel applications.
Table 46 Relay Module Setpoint Outputs for a Second GSE Part #: 22-30-3060P (6 inch cable)
Indicator GSE Part #: 22-30-3061P (18 inch cable)
GSE Part #: 22-30-3062P (36 inch cable)

cover screw holes go all the way through the enclosure.

The mounting screws may use these holes, if they do not Remove the middle strain relief, J3, from the rear of the
interfere with the cover screws. Since these holes are indicator, leaving the retaining nut in place. Remove and
outside of the enclosure seal, this does not reduce the discard the retaining nut from the built-in strain relief on
enclosure's seal. Two screws with nuts are included for the cable. Then route the cable into the Indicator
this purpose. Additional screws are available as GSE part through this opening, feeding the cable through the
number 38-24-3200. The nuts are GSE part number 38- retaining nut. Tighten the retaining nut and the strain
24-1650. The screws used should have a small head relief outer clamp nut. The shield connection must be
diameter no larger than 0.242 inches in diameter, such as secured with the hex nut on the adjacent stud.
a #6-32 fillister head.
Inside the indicator the ribbon cable's connector plugs
A second mounting method involves using the knockouts into J4 which is located towards the center of the circuit
provided in the back wall of the enclosure. This requires board and is labeled OPTION. Note the notch on one
removing the sub-chassis and relay board. It will also side to prevent reversed mating.
compromise the enclosure seal integrity.
Power Connections
Control Connections
The power wiring of the solid state relays is connected to
The Process Control Interface Option (PCI) includes a the upper terminal block inside the Process Control
captive 4 foot cable with a built-in strain relief (GSE Part Interface enclosure labeled TB2.
#: 22-30-27565). This cable connects to the indicator to

Figure 32 Option Mounting Dimensions (Relay Module)

GSE Scale Systems - 263

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

The power wiring enters the enclosure through one of the screwdriver. Be sure before you remove a knockout that
knock-outs in the enclosure. The interface board it is in a usable location!
prevents the use of the knock-outs on the left side. The
knockouts closest to the corners are too close to the One strain relief is provided for the power connections.
corners to be usable with the strain reliefs. This leaves Additional cable strain reliefs are available from GSE
four holes available on the top, four on the right side and under part# 26-20-1878. These strain reliefs
three on the bottom. These may be pried out with a accommodate cables with outside diameters of 0.236 to

Figure 33 Option Mounting Dimensions (PCI Module)

I/O Module Position Setpoint Number Positive Signal Negative Signal

0 1 1 2

1 2 3 4

2 3 5 6

3 4 7 8

4 5 9 10

5 6 11 12

6 7 13 14

7 8 15 16

Table 47 PCI Input / Output Terminal Connections (TB2)

264 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 21 Setpoints and Logic I/O (OPTIONS)

SECTION - 21.7

GSE Part WRC/Allen Type Nominal Minimum Maximum Amps

Number Bradley Part# Voltage Voltage Voltage Max

19-30-0310 1781-OA5S AC 120 12 140 3

19-30-0320 1781-OM5S AC 240 24 280 3

19-30-0510 1781-OC5S DC 120 5 200 1

19-30-0520 1781-OB5S DC 24 3 60 3

Table 48 PCI OUTPUT Modules

GSE Part WRC/Allen Type Nominal Minimum Maximum

Number Bradley Part# Voltage Voltage Voltage

19-30-1910 1781-IA5S AC/DC 120 90 140

19-30-1920 1781-IM5S AC/DC 240 180 280

19-30-1930 1781-IN5S AC/DC 24 10 60

19-30-1940 1781-IB5S DC 24 3.3 32

Table 49 PCI INPUT Modules

0.512 inches. Table 50). Once the modules are installed, they are
fastened to the relay board by their own hold-down
There are two sizes of knockouts. (0.91" diameter) which screw.
accommodate 1/2" conduit fittings, and 1.14" diameter
which accomodate 3/4" conduit fittings. Since these Either an INPUT or an OUTPUT module may be used in
holes are slightly oversized for these fittings, some any of the setpoint positions. Unused positions may be
fittings may require a gasket or washer for a proper fit. left empty. Table 48, PCI Output Modules and Table 49
GSE part# 31-20-0156 is a recommended gasket for 1/2" PCI Input Modules detail the available modules which
conduit fittings. are suitable for use in the 24550B-100B0 Process
Control Interface.
The power wiring should be connected as shown in Table
47, PCI Input / Output Terminal Connections (TB2). Refer to the manufacturers data sheets for further
information regarding the holding current, surge current,
If DC modules are being used, correct polarity must be and other related parameters for each module.
Input/Output Modules
The input/output modules are supplied separately and All electrical connections and access to the inside of
must be installed in the proper position on the relay the indicator and the Process Control Interface
board. The positions on the relay board are numbered 0 enclosures should be performed by qualified service
through 7. Position 0 corresponds to setpoint 1 and personnel only!
position 7 corresponds to setpoint output 8. (Refer to

GSE Scale Systems - 265

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Setpoint 1st Interface 2nd Interface 3rd Interface 4th Interface

Number Position Position Position Position

1-8 0-7

9 - 16 0-7

17 - 24 0-7

25 - 32 0-7

Table 50 PCI Setpoint Numbering for Multiple Interfaces

Model 500 Series Indicator to control up to a total of 32

During operation, when a setpoint module is activated, input and output modules. This is accomplished by
it's corresponding LED will light. A module must be "chaining" up to four Process Control Interfaces together,
installed for the LED to function correctly. the first of which is directly connected to the Indicator.
Refer to Table 50 PCI Setpoint Numbering for Multiple
Each module is protected by it's own fuse. The standard Interfaces to relate setpoint numbers with position
fuse is a 5 AMP miniature type that looks very much like numbers for each individual interface.
a resistor. They are plugged into sockets on the relay
board. A special cable is available for connection between two
Process Control Interfaces. It may be ordered separately
If there is a problem, the fuse may blow. Note that the from GSE as Part# 22-30-27565. The cable enters the
LED will still operate even with a blown fuse. If the fuse Process Control Interface enclosure through one of the
does blow, always remove power and fix the problem knockouts in the enclosure. It connects to the OPTION
before applying power to the circuit again. The relay OUT connector J2 in the first Process Control Interface
board provides space for a spare fuse in addition to the and to the OPTION IN connector J1 in the next Process
two unused relay positions' fuses. Replacement fuses are Control Interface.
available through GSE (Part# 13-10-4500), or use
Littlefuse PICO II part# 251005 or BUSS Tinitron Part#
A5 or AC5. 21.8 Example Setups
The following setup examples are structured such as an
Using the Process Control Interface with ASCII file would be. Entering these setups manually
older Model 500 SERIES INDICATORS from the front keypad is possible but approached slightly
different. A remote keyboard or a terminal would make
Early Model 500 Series Indicators had smaller cable manual entering of the setup a little easier. If the file
holes in the rear panel. To accommodate these older were in ASCII form the setup procedure would be the
units, a replacement cable is available which uses a quickest of all approaches. GSE recommends all custom
smaller strain relief. It may be ordered separately from setups should be backed up on a PC and diskette. This
GSE as Part# 22-30-27564. will make service calls and resale of the same program
much easier.
Proper operation of the Process Control Interface
requires that the indicator have a firmware release date of
Nov. 18, 1991 or later. Consult the GSE factory for
firmware update information. Example #1: Over/Under Indicator

Using multiple PROCESS CONTROL 100%s23640%i%e Access Setup Modes,

INTERFACES with a single Model 500 series Allowing Changes
The Process Control Interface was designed to permit the (ACTIVE BELOW 15 LBS.)

266 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 21 Setpoints and Logic I/O (OPTIONS)

SECTION - 21.7

Figure 34 Process Control Interface (PCI)

GSE Scale Systems - 267

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

5100%s1%e P5100.1 SPt 1 Outpt 5112%s16%e P5112.X Macro none

5110%s1%e P5110.1 Activ Below 5113%s0%e P5113.0 Mot'n Ign'd
5111%s0%e P5111.0 hold 0.0 S 5114%s1%e P5114.1 Basis %% val
5112%s16%e P5112.X Macro none 5115%s100.000000%e P5115. AL: 100.
5113%s0%e P5113.0 Mot'n Ign'd 5116%s0%e P5116.0 Based Var #
5114%s0%e P5114.0 Basis new # 5117%s1%e P5117.1 Value Var#1
5115%s15.000000%e P5115. AL: 15.
5130%s0%e P5130.0 DeAct Above
5131%s0%e P5131.0 hold 0.0 S SET SP-1 DE-ACTIVATION POINT TO 95% OF
5132%s16%e P5132.X Macro none VAR#1 VALUE
5133%s0%e P5133.0 Mot'n Ign'd 5130%s1%e P5130.1 DeAct Below
5134%s1%e P5134.1 Basis %% val 5131%s0%e P5131.0 hold 0.0 S
5135%s100.000000%e P5135. DL: 100. 5132%s16%e P5132.X Macro none
5136%s1%e P5136.1 Based SPt 1 5133%s0%e P5133.0 Mot'n Ign'd
5137%s0%e P5137.0 Value AL 5134%s1%e P5134.1 Basis %% val
5150%s0%e P5150.0 Par 0 Gross 5135%s95.000000%e P5135. DL: 95.
5136%s0%e P5136.0 Based Var #
(ACTIVE ABOVE 25 LBS.) 5150%s0%e P5150.0 Par 0 Gross
5200%s1%e P5200.1 SPt 2 Outpt
5210%s0%e P5210.0 Activ Above %z Exit Setup Mode
5211%s0%e P5211.0 hold 0.0 S
5212%s16%e P5212.X Macro none
5213%s0%e P5213.0 Mot'n Ign'd Example #3: Activate on <TARE>
5214%s0%e P5214.0 Basis new #
5215%s25.000000%e P5215. AL: 25. 100%s23640%i%e Access Setup Modes,
5230%s1%e P5230.1 DeAct Below Allowing Changes
5231%s0%e P5231.0 hold 0.0 S
5232%s16%e P5232.X Macro none NAME VAR#1 FOR SETPOINT 1 TARGET
5233%s0%e P5233.0 Mot'n Ign'd VALUE
5234%s1%e P5234.1 Basis %% val 681%sSP1 TARGET%e P681.-- Var#1 SP1
5235%s100.000000%e P5235. DL: 100. TARGET
5236%s2%e P5236.2 Based SPt 2
5237%s0%e P5237.0 Value AL
5250%s0%e P5250.0 Par 0 Gross SET TO ACTIVATE ON <TARE>, FILL TO
%z Exit Setup Mode 5100%s1%e P5100.1 SPt 1 Outpt
5110%s4%e P5110.4 Activ Tare
5111%s0%e P5111.0 hold 0.0 S
5112%s16%e P5112.X Macro none
Example #2: Latching Relays 5130%s0%e P5130.0 DeAct Above
5131%s0%e P5131.0 hold 0.0 S
100%s23640%i%e Access Setup Modes, 5132%s16%e P5132.X Macro none
Allowing Changes 5133%s0%e P5133.0 Mot'n Ign'd
5134%s1%e P5134.1 Basis %% val
NAME VAR#1 FOR SETPOINT 1 TARGET 5135%s100.000000%e P5135. DL: 100.
VALUE 5136%s0%e P5136.0 Based Var #
681%sSP-1 VALUE%e P681.-- Var#1 SP-1 VALUE 5137%s1%e P5137.1 Value Var#1
5150%s1%e P5150.1 Par 1 Net
VAR#1 VALUE %z Exit Setup Mode
5100%s1%e P5100.1 SPt 1 Outpt
5110%s0%e P5110.0 Activ Above
5111%s0%e P5111.0 hold 0.0 S Example #4: Grading (Up to 32 Ranges)

268 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 21 Setpoints and Logic I/O (OPTIONS)

SECTION - 21.8

5331%s0%e P5331.0 hold 0.0 S

100%s23640%i%e Access Setup Modes, 5332%s16%e P5332.X Macro none
Allowing Changes 5333%s1%e P5333.1 Mot'n Inhib
5334%s0%e P5334.0 Basis new #
SET SMALLEST GRADE RANGE 5335%s20.000000%e P5335. DL: 20.
5100%s1%e P5100.1 SPt 1 Outpt 5338%s0%e P5338.0 Basis new #
5110%s2%e P5110.2 Activ Betwn 5339%s30.000000%e P5339. DU: 30.
5111%s0%e P5111.0 hold 0.0 S 5350%s0%e P5350.0 Par 0 Gross
5112%s16%e P5112.X Macro none
5113%s1%e P5113.1 Mot'n Inhib %z Exit Setup Mode
5114%s0%e P5114.0 Basis new #
5115%s0.500000%e P5115. AL: 0.5
5118%s0%e P5118.0 Basis new # 21.9 Relay Contact Protection Circuits
5119%s10.000000%e P5119. AU: 10.
5130%s3%e P5130.3 DeAct Outsd Brief Explanation
5131%s0%e P5131.0 hold 0.0 S
5132%s16%e P5132.X Macro none All 550/570 logic outputs are ideally suited for solid state
5133%s1%e P5133.1 Mot'n Inhib relay devices which have built-in optical isolation. It is
5134%s0%e P5134.0 Basis new # not intended that these outputs directly drive inductive
5135%s0.500000%e P5135. DL: 0.5 loads because they are not protected against back-EMF
5138%s0%e P5138.0 Basis new # switching generated voltages. If very light inductive
5139%s10.000000%e P5139. DU: 10. loads are connected, it is highly recommended that some
5150%s0%e P5150.0 Par 0 Gross protection be implemented. Also, refer to the
specifications of the device being connected for
SET 2ND SMALLEST GRADE RANGE additional recommendations.
5200%s1%e P5200.1 SPt 2 Outpt
5210%s2%e P5210.2 Activ Betwn
5211%s0%e P5211.0 hold 0.0 S 21.10 Relay I/O 16 Position Card (Option)
5212%s16%e P5212.X Macro None
5213%s1%e P5213.1 Mot'n Inhib (16 Position Board GSE Part #: 420796-30560)
5214%s0%e P5214.0 Basis new # (16 Position Board GSE Part #: 24550B-100C0)
5215%s10.000000%e P5215. AL: 10.
5218%s0%e P5218.0 Basis new # Additional relay boards have been designed for easy
5219%s20.000000%e P5219. AU: 20. mounting in custom enclosure systems. These boards
5230%s3%e P5230.3 DeAct Outsd have the capability to be stuffed with both input and
5231%s0%e P5231.0 hold 0.0 S output modules (16 modules). The part #s shown above
5232%s16%e P5232.X Macro none do not include the I/O modules (modules sold
5233%s1%e P5233.1 Mot'n Inhib separately). Part # 420796-30560 is strictly the interface
5234%s0%e P5234.0 Basis new # circuitry and relay mount board. There is no mounting
5235%s10.000000%e P5235. DL: 10. hardware or cabling included. Part # 24550B-100C0
5238%s0%e P5238.0 Basis new # includes all panel mounting hardware and interface
5239%s20.000000%e P5239. DU: 20. cabling to 550. The interface circuitry is included on
5250%s0%e P5250.0 Par 0 Gross both option boards).
SET THIRD SMALLEST GRADE RANGE GSE Part #: 22-30-27565 (4 feet cable)
5300%s1%e P5300.1 SPt 3 Outpt
5310%s2%e P5310.2 Activ Betwn The above ribbon cable comes complete with circular
5311%s0%e P5311.0 hold 0.0 S jacket. Other cables are available in different lengths
5312%s16%e P5312.X Macro none non-jacketed. These cables would normally be used in
5313%s1%e P5313.1 Mot'n Inhib custom panel applications.
5314%s0%e P5314.0 Basis new #
5315%s20.000000%e P5315. AL: 20. GSE Part #: 22-30-3060P (6 inch cable)
5318%s0%e P5318.0 Basis new # GSE Part #: 22-30-3061P (18 inch cable)
5319%s30.000000%e P5319. AU: 30. GSE Part #: 22-30-3062P (36 inch cable)
5330%s3%e P5330.3 DeAct Outsd

GSE Scale Systems - 269

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Contact GSE for availability of these items in this


270 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 21 Setpoints and Logic I/O (OPTIONS)

SECTION - 21.10

Figure 35, Relay Contact Protection Circuits

GSE Scale Systems - 271

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

272 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 22 Analog Output (OPTION)

SECTION - 22.1

The output connector J3, located on the analog option

Chapter 22 Analog Output card is a three position lever-type connector which
(OPTION) requires no soldering and will accept 18 to 22 AWG
wire, stranded or solid.

22.1 Installation Connect the common wire of the two wire interface to
the GND connection and connect the other wire to the
(GSE, 0-10VDC/4-20mA Output Card) position marked V for voltage output or to the position
(GSE Part #: 200550-ALG) marked I for current output.

This option must be installed by a factory authorized Cabling from J3 on the analog output option card to a
service technician. Refer to Figure 36, Analog Output location external to the indicator is not supplied by GSE.
Board Installation, for details on the mounting of the A shielded twisted pair is recommended for optimum
analog option card to the main board. performance and immunity to external RFI.
The analog cabling interface may be routed into the 550
The bottom side of the analog option card, PC765, has a or 570 enclosure through any unused strain relief (J2, J3,
two rows of ten pins each contained within connector J1 or J4) on the indicator rear panel. J2 will provide the
on the bottom of the analog option card. This connector most direct routing. For additional protection against
interfaces directly to the Main Board PC745 option connection damage, it is recommended that the interface
connector J4. For additional mechanical support, two cable be tied to the option card through the hole provided
snap-in spacers are attached to the bottom of the option in front of the J3 connector. A tie wrap (included with
board through holes near capacitors C10 and C4 on the the option) or similar clamping device may be used.
analog option card. The upper spacer can snap into a
hole in the main board next to U17, and the lower spacer The shield of the cable should be terminated to earth
snaps into a hole above U23. ground by wrapping it around the shield stud used for the
load cell adjacent to strain relief J1 and then tightening
the 7mm hex nut.
On early versions of the Main Board (PC745-B), there is
only one hole (next to U17) for the option board
mounting. This hole already has a support spacer
snapped in from the bottom side which must first be
removed. The Main Board may need to be removed in
order to remove this spacer. The lower spacer has no
hole available at all. In order to provide some support for
the board when the lever connectors are being used, it is
recommended that the snap portion of the bottom end of
this lower spacer be clipped off so that it can rest on the
Main Board. If better support is required for a specific
installation, a hole (0.187" dia.) may be drilled in the
Main Board to align with the spacer, instead of clipping
the spacer. If properly placed, the hole will not interfere
with any printed circuit traces, except for a part of the
ground plane which is acceptable practice.
The PC745-C revision of the Main Board includes both
mounting holes with no spacers already in place. In
order for the option to work properly in your indicator,
the installed firmware (U12 on the Main Board) must be
at least 450550p01002, date code 910620. If the
firmware is older, contact the factory for a firmware

Figure 36 Analog Output Board Installation

GSE Scale Systems - 273

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Jumper Position Selected Output

E3 Toward J3 4 - 20 mA Output
E4 Toward P3 4 - 20 mA Output
E3 Away from J3 0 - 20 mA Output
E4 Away from P3 0 - 20 mA Output

Table 51 Analog Output Jumper Selections

JUMPER SELECTIONS That is, the ground connection is common to the

indicator ground which is common to earth ground,
The only jumper selections included are used to select assuming proper power connections have been made.
either 4 - 20mA current output or 0 - 20mA current If the receiving device is not isolated, this may cause
output. They are normally shipped from the factory in the ground voltage equalizing currents to flow through the
4-20mA position. If the voltage output is being used, ground wires, thus inducing errors in the output voltage.
then these jumpers have no effect. These jumpers and Therefore, in order to achieve the best results, GSE
their positions are described in Table 51 Analog Output recommends that the device receiving the Analog Output
Jumper Selections. Note that both jumpers must be have an isolated input. If this is not the case, the next best
moved to implement a selection. scenario may be achieved by connecting the indicator
and the device receiving the Analog Output into the
This option board has been adjusted at the factory for same power outlet receptacle, or assuring a common
accurate results with the jumpers set for 4-20mA. supply of 120VAC to both devices.
Therefore, if the 0-20mA selection is made, a slight
adjustment of the gain and / or zero pots may be
necessary in order to maintain the highest accuracy. 22.2 Analog Output and Macros
ANALOG OUTPUT DRIVING CAPABILITIES Note that when a macro is invoked, any parameter IDs
values are suspended unless an A/D conversion is
The voltage output is capable of driving a minimum of a performed. This would require an idle (%I) function to
500 ohm load resistance. This corresponds to a maximum be executed within the macro program. With this in
output current of 10V / 500 ohm = 20mA. Any lower mind, the analog output is suspended within a macro
resistive load may cause damage to the option board and unless the parameter selected at P171 is updated.
may degrade the signal.

The current output is capable of driving a maximum of a 22.3 Analog Output Parameter Setup
500 ohm load resistance. This corresponds to a maximum
output voltage of 10V /500 ohm x 20 mA = 10 volts. Three parameters within the Setup Mode are dedicated to
the operation of the Analog Output. The Analog Output
Any further increase in load resistance beyond this value function is an option which is not supplied as part of the
may result in degradation of the output signal. standard indicator. The following three parameters are
only applicable to an installed Analog Output option.
The response time of the Analog Option is the same as
the display update. The response time is dependant on P170.XX A-out
the filter selection, parameter P116.
This parameter will turn off the Analog Output option (if
The analog output is scaled around the parameter ID the option has been installed). If the Analog Output
selected at parameter P171. The analog output is option is installed and enabled in P170, then P171 and
resolved to 1 part in 4000. P172 will be displayed which set certain operating
conditions for the option.
P171.XX Parm
Neither the voltage nor the current outputs are isolated.

274 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 22 Analog Output (OPTION)
SECTION - 22.4

Note: ASCII file would be. Entering these setups manually

from the front keypad is possible but approached slightly
If the analog option is enabled while scale 4 is different. A remote keyboard or a terminal would make
enabled, the error message “Hardware Conflict” will manual entering of the setup a little easier. If the file
be displayed in abbreviated form. Refer to chapter 29 were in ASCII form the setup procedure would be the
for further information on Hardware Error Messages. quickest of all approaches. GSE recommends all custom
setups should be backed up on a PC and diskette. This
will make service calls and resale of the same program
much easier.

This parameter establishes which of the numeric

parameters the Analog Output is to be based upon, most Example #1: Basic Operation Setup
commonly the Net or Gross Weights. The choice may be
selected by pressing the <ENTER> key and cycling The output voltage and current values per the applied
through the choices or by keying in the desired weight range are listed in the following table and are
parameter ID number and then pressing <ENTER>. based on the setup below. (100 pounds full scale).

P172.- - F.S.= 170%s1%e P170.01 A-out on

171%s1%e P171.01 Parm: Net
This parameter lets you enter a value at which the 172%s100.00%e P172.-- F.S. = 100
Analog Output voltage will be set to 10.0V (or the output
current to be 20mA). Regardless of the Full Scale Gross Wt. Net Wt. Analog Output
selection set in P110, if P172 is set to 200, when the 0 lbs 0 lbs 0V
parameter specified by P171 reaches 200, the output will 50 lbs 50 lbs +5 V
be at its full scale. The default for this parameter (after 100 lbs 100 lbs +10 V
parameter P170 is set for ON) is the value entered for
P110, the Full Scale capacity selection. Once the weight
data exceeds the entered scaling value, the output will
remain at full scale (10V or 20mA). When the weight
data is less than zero, the output will remain at zero (0V Example #2: Analog Output Offset
or 4mA or 0mA). In addition, this parameter can be set
to a negative value. This allows for a positive going The objective is to set up a macro that will allow for an
output signal for a negative going weight value. For analog output "offset" from the gross wt. This is
example, setting this setup value to -50 will result in a accomplished by entering a negative tare value equal to
+5V output when the weight data is at -25 and +10v the "low" end gross wt. of -30,000 lbs. The "high" end
when the weight data is -50. The value keyed in here is gross wt. (+30,000) is based on half of the F.S. setting
uses the same units as established by parameter P150. As (+60,000) for the analog output. The analog output is
a result, with a constant incoming weight signal, pressing based on the Net Wt. The Analog option has a range of
<UNITS> to toggle through the available units 0 to +10 volts. The Gross wt. swing is from -30,000 lbs.
selections will not affect the output signal. Key in the to +30,000 lbs. The Net wt. swing is from 0 lbs to
weight which will correspond to a 10V output and press 60,000 lbs. The operation is set to view the Gross Wt.
<ENTER>. mode.


In order to eliminate accidental loss of these setup 166%s0%e P166.00 AutoT Disbl
parameters simply toggling OFF and back ON parameter 167%s0%e P167.00 KybdT Disbl
P170 does not reset P171 and P172 to their default
values. These parameters are defaulted only if the ANALOG OUTPUT
changes are saved with P170 set for the OFF selection. 170%s1%e P170.01 A-out on
171%s1%e P171.01 Parm: Net
172%s60000.000000%e P172.-- F.S. = 60000
22.4 Example Setups
The following setup examples are structured such as an 800%s%c%e P800.24 macro # 0

GSE Scale Systems - 275

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

80%%s%e select
-30000%%e%e enter
80,2%%C%e copy register
0%%s%e select

8200%s1%e P8200.1 SPt32 Enbld
8210%s9%e P8210.9 Activ always
8211%s0%e P8211.0 hold 0.0 S
8212%s0%e P8212.0 Macro 0
8213%s0%e P8213.0 Mot,n Ign'd
8230%s10%e P8230.X DeAct never

CONCLUSION: The following table shows the analog

output in respect to the Net wt.

Gross Wt. Net Wt. Analog Output

-30,000 0 0V
0 +30,000 +5 V
+30,000 +60,000 +10 V

Example #3: Match A/D Analog Board resolution

with indicator’s displayed resolution

The resolution of the A/D is 1 part in 4000. If the full

scale of the load cell is 4000 lbs. (P110) and the count by
(P111) is set to 1, then the analog output will directly
track the units display.

170%s1%e P170.01 A-out on

171%s1%e P171.01 Parm: Net
172%s4000.00%e P172.-- F.S. = 4000
With a tare value of 0.

Gross Wt. Net Wt. Analog Output

0 lbs 0 lbs 0V
2000 lbs 2000 lbs +5 V
4000 lbs 4000 lbs +10 V

276 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 23 Multi-Scale Capabilities (OPTION)

SECTION - 23.2

Chapter 23 Multi-Scale 44-25-27716 Optional Mounting Plate

Capabilities (OPTION)
420747-27385 Multi-Scale option board

23.1 Multi-Scale Option Capabilities 450550-01004 M550 Revision 4 EPROM

The following replacement spare parts are also available

(Multi-Scale Input, GSE Part #: 24550B-200A0)
separately from GSE:
The Multi-Scale Input option provides the 550/570
indicators with the capability to receive input signals GSE Part# Description
from additional load cells. Up to three Multi-Scale Input
options may be "daisy chained" to provide a total 10-40-5503 CS5503-JP A/D converter
capacity of four inputs to the indicator. If analog output chip, U7
or Process Control Interface options are in use, the fourth
scale input may not be used due to conflicting option 38-31-1200 M5 metric lockwasher
38-31-6216 M5 x 16mm philips screw
The Multi-Scale Input option is an accessory to the
550/570 indicators. The Option consists of a Multi-Scale 44-30-27420 Multi-Scale option enclosure
option board in an enclosure with a round jacketed gasket
ribbon cable which connects to the main board of the
indicator. It may be mounted to the rear panel of the
indicator or on an optional mounting plate. The Multi- 23.2 Multi-Scale Parameter Setup
Scale board and cable are available separately for custom
installations. P101.00 Scl 1 Disbl

It is important to note that when the Multi-Scale option This parameter is used to disable scale 1. When disable
enclosure is mounted to the back panel of the indicator, is selected, its setup and calibration are erased from
the Multi-Scale option enclosure gasket does not provide EEPROM memory.
a washdown seal for the Multi-Scale option. This is due
to the rear panel of the indicator's enclosure bowing P101.01 Scl 1 Saved
under the pressure from the gasket. If a washdown seal
is required, the optional mounting plate must be used. This parameter is used to save setup and calibration data
while still disabling scale 1. When disable is selected, its
Two jumpers on the Multi-Scale PC board select setup and calibration are retained in EEPROM memory,
whether it will be addressed as scale one, two, three, or while the scale is disabled. Scale 1 may not be selected
four. Both jumpers must be in the same position for the from the weigh mode in this setup.
Multi-Scale board to function properly. Normally, the
scale one position is not used because the scale input on P101.02 Scl 1 Enbld
the main board is addressed as scale 1. If it is desired to
use a Multi-Scale Input board as scale 1, the main board This parameter is used to enable scale 1. When enabled
scale input must be disabled by removing the analog to is selected, its setup and calibration are retained in
digital converter chip, U22. EEPROM memory, and scale 1 may be selected from the
weigh mode.
The following accessories for the Multi-Scale Option are
available separately from GSE: P102.00 thru P104.02 are identical to P101.00 thru
P101.02 for scales 2, 3 and 4 when the multi-scale
GSE Part# Description option is installed.
22-30-28043 22 inch Multi-Scale option
cable 23.3 Installation
22-30-28048 60 inch Multi-Scale option

GSE Scale Systems - 277

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

jumpers E1 and E2 on the option board should

8mm (5/16") nutdriver or philips screwdriver for be cut.
removing rear panel screws.
h. If another option is in use, such as a process
7mm (9/32") nutdriver for cable shield grounding nut. control interface, it may be connected to J3 on
Adjustable open-end wrench for rear panel strain reliefs. the Multi-Scale option board. The cable should
enter the Multi-Scale option enclosure through
Note: If the Multi-Scale option is being mounted by the center hole on the bottom side of the
itself, the 22 inch cable supplied with the Multi-Scale enclosure.
option may be replaced with a 60 inch cable, GSE P.N.
22-30-28048. This will allow the Multi-Scale option to i. Re-assemble the indicator. Re-connect the
be located a greater distance away from the indicator. cable from J7 of the main board to the keypad.
Position the rear panel on the back of the main
a. Turn off the indicator by disconnecting it from enclosure.
the AC power source.
If the Multi-Scale option is being mounted on the back of
b. Open the indicator by removing the (8) philips the indicator, use five of the longer screws supplied with
/ hex (8mm) head screws from the rear panel. the Multi-Scale option to secure it to the enclosure, and
Then slowly remove the rear panel assembly use three of the original screws to finish securing the rear
from the main enclosure and disconnect the panel to the main enclosure. Tighten the screws until the
rear panel flange comes in contact with the main
This procedure should be performed by qualified Otherwise secure the rear panel to the main enclosure
service personnel only! Hazardous voltages are using the screws removed during disassembly and install
accessible within the indicator. the mounting plate (GSE P.N. 44-25-27716) to the Multi-
Scale option enclosure using the hardware provided.

cable connecting the keypad to connector J7 of 23.4 SETUP

the main board.
The Multi-Scale Input option requires that the Indicator
c. Remove the center strain relief J3 from the rear has a firmware revision of 4 or greater. You may check
panel of the indicator. Remove the plastic nut this by keying in 60101 <SELECT> on your indicator.
from the strain relief on the Multi-Scale option The last displayed digit is the revision number of your
cable. Pass the end of the Multi-Scale option firmware.
cable through the hole in the rear panel J3 and
also through the plastic strain relief nut. The calibration parameters for each scale are stored in
Tighten the strain relief nut. EEPROM. Each additional scale requires 31 bytes of
space in the EEPROM. Key in 60001<SELECT> to see
d. Connect the Multi-Scale option cable connector if you have enough space in EEPROM. If not you may
to J4 (OPTION) on the indicator's main board. need to reduce the size of your custom transmits or
This connector is keyed so that it can only be macros, or you may wish to expand your EEPROM.
plugged in one way.

e. Remove the nut from the stud next to the strain 23.5 SCALE ENABLE
relief J3. Place the Multi-Scale option cable's
shield terminal over the stud, replace the nut Four setup parameters have been added: 101, 102, 103
and tighten. and 104. Each one of these corresponds to a scale input
(1 through 4) and may be set to: 0 - Disabled, 1 - Saved,
f. Tighten the strain relief's clamp nut so that the and 2 - Enabled. When a scale is disabled, its setup and
cable is held securely in place. calibration is lost. When it's saved, its setup and
calibration information is retained in EEPROM, however
g. Connect the load cell wiring to J2 of the Multi- the scale may not be selected from the weigh mode.
Scale option board. If a 6 lead load cell is used When it's enabled, its setup and calibration information is

278 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 23 Multi-Scale Capabilities (OPTION)
SECTION - 23.10

retained in EEPROM, and it may be selected from the Zero, etc., are for the selected scale. Setpoints and
weigh mode. analog outputs, if based on one of these parameters, are
based on the currently selected scale.
See chapter 29, Trouble Shooting if a “Hardware
Conflict” error occurs if enabling both scale 4 and the It should be noted that the filtering for each scale is
analog output option at the same time. performed by the circuitry in the Multi-Scale option
itself, so a delay is not necessary when switching to
another scale. Zero tracking, however, is active only on
23.6 SCALE SETUP the selected scale.

When a scale is saved or enabled, the setup parameters

may be viewed and / or changed through the setup mode. 23.9 SELECTING THE CURRENT
The following ranges of parameters correspond to the SCALE
specified scale inputs:
Five new pseudo-modes have been added to facilitate
110 through 119 Scale 1 selecting the current scale. Note that these commands do
not change the indicator's mode, only the selected scale.
120 through 129 Scale 2 They are as follows:

130 through 139 Scale 3 40 <SELECT> This command steps to the next
enabled scale. If only one scale is
140 through 149 Scale 4 enabled, no change is made.

The parameters are the same for all four scales: 41, 42, 43 and 44 <SELECT>
This command selects scale 1, 2, 3
1X0 Full Scale and 4 respectively, if enabled. If not
1X1 Display Division enabled, "CodE54 Scl X disabled" is
1X2 Zero Track Aperture displayed briefly.
1X3 Zero Track Delay
1X4 Motion Band Width
1X5 Motion Delay 23.10 MACROS (Selecting a scale)
1X6 Filter Setting
1X7 Display update rate The macro command "%#" has been added to support
1X8 Zero Range the multi-scale inputs. There are three different ways to
1X9 Linearization Enable use it.

"%#" by itself returns the current scale


Scale calibration is performed the same as a standard "n%#" will test if the current scale is equal to
Indicator calibration procedure, only when more than "n", similar to the other macro IF -
one scale is enabled, you will be prompted "Keyin THEN statements. "n" must be a
Chan#". You then enter the number of the scale you valid scale number, 1-4.
wish to calibrate. When you finish calibrating it, you
will again be prompted "Keyin Chan#", to allow you to "cccccccc%#" will replace the last character of
calibrate the other scales. If you don't want to calibrate "cccccccc" with the current scale
any more scales, press <CLR> to exit. The "QUICK number. "cccccccc" may contain any
CAL" works the same way. characters, however if the last
character is a 1 through 4, the IF -
THEN will be performed instead. For
23.8 OPERATION example, if the current scale is 4,
"0,80%#%C" becomes "0,84%C",
While in the weigh mode, only one scale may be selected which copies the current gross weight
at a time. The GROSS weight, NET weight, TARE, of the selected scale to a Var, Var#1

GSE Scale Systems - 279

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

for scale 1, Var#2 for scale 2, etc., or Spare Parts

in this case, Var#4 for scale 4.
The following replacement parts are also available
Refer to chapter 16 for more details on the %# command. separately from GSE:

GSE Part# Description

23.11 Panel Mount Multi-Scale Input Card 10-40-5503 CS5503-JP A/D converter chip, U7
See also Table 52.
(Panel Mount Multi-Scale Kit, GSE Part Number
Installation Multi-Scale Card (550 panel
mount version)
The Panel Mount Multi-Scale Input option is an
accessory to the GSE Model 550/570 weighing and
counting indicators. It consists of a Multi-Scale option Tools Required:
board, the cable, a mounting bracket, and all necessary
mounting hardware. The Multi- Scale board and cable • 8mm (5/16") nutdriver or philips screwdriver for
are available separately for custom installations. removing rear panel screws.
The Panel Mount Multi-Scale Input option allows the • 7mm (9/32") nutdriver for mounting nuts.
GSE Model 550/570 indicators to receive input from
additional load cells. Up to three Multi-Scale Input • 6mm (1/4") nutdriver for standoffs.
options may be "daisy chained" to provide a total
capacity of four inputs to the indicator (only one Multi-
• Philips screwdriver for mounting screws.
Scale Input option will fit in the Panel Mount enclosure).
If analog output or Process Control
Note: If the Multi-Scale option is being mounted by
Interface options are in use, the fourth scale input may
itself, an 18 inch cable (GSE p/n 22-30-3061) or a 36
not be used due to conflicting option addresses.
inch cable (GSE p/n 22-30-3062) may be purchased. This
will allow the Multi-Scale option to be located as close
Two jumpers on the Multi-Scale PC board select
as necessary in custom panel applications.
whether it will be addressed as scale one, two, three, or
four. Both jumpers must be in the same position for
a. Turn off the indicator by disconnecting it
the Multi-Scale board to function properly. Normally,
from its AC supply.
the scale one position is not used because the scale
input on the main board is addressed as scale 1. If it is
b. Open the indicator by removing the (4) M4
desired to use a Multi-Scale Input board as scale 1, the
nuts from the rear panel cover. Remove the
main board scale input must be disabled by removing
rear panel cover assembly from the main
the analog to digital converter chip, U22.
enclosure. Ignore this step if the rear panel
cover option is not installed.
c. Remove the five M4 nuts holding the M550
The following parts are available separately from GSE: Main Board to the Front Panel. One nut is
located near each of the four corners of the
GSE Part# Description board. The fifth nut is located at the other side
420747-27385 Remote Multi-Scale Opt. Bd. of the transformer.
22-30-3060 6 inch Multi-Scale option cable
22-30-3061 18 inch Multi-Scale option cable
22-30-3062 36 inch Multi-Scale option cable
Above option cables are non-jacketed and would This procedure should be performed by qualified
normally be used in custom panel applications. service personnel only! Hazardous voltages are
accessible within the indicator.

280 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 23 Multi-Scale Capabilities (OPTION)

SECTION - 23.11

d. Referring to figure 37, place one of the M4 panel cover on the back of the main enclosure
philips screws through the hole next to the and replace the four M4 nuts. Ignore this step
loadcell terminal block J8 from opposite the if the rear panel cover option is not installed.
component side so the threads are protruding
through towards the component side of the
Main Board.

e. Tighten an M4 male-female spacer to the

philips screw inserted in step d.

f. Replace the M550 Main Board on the Front

Panel and replace the M4 nuts except for the
nut that is next to jumper E7 (program jumper).

g. Tighten an M4 male-female spacer to the stud

that protrudes next to jumper E7.

h. Place #8 split lockwasher on top of the M4

male-female spacer next to the loadcell
terminal block J8 and tighten an M4 male-
female spacer on top.

i. Place the Mounting Bracket on top of the M4

male-female spacer next to jumper E7 and
tighten the final M4 male-female spacer over
it. Align the Mounting Bracket so it is
perpendicular to the top of the M550 Main

j. Connect the Multi-Scale option cable connector

to J4 (OPTION) on the indicator's main board.
This connector is keyed so that it can only be
plugged in one way. (If the Analog option is
installed plug the cable connector into J2 on
the Analog Option Board.

k. Place the Multi-Scale main board on the

standoffs and fasten it with the M4 nuts.
Install the M4 philips screw through the
Mounting Bracket and the back of the Multi-
Scale main board and fasten it with an M4 nut.

l. Connect the load cell wiring to J2 of the Multi-

Scale option board. If a 6 lead load cell is used
jumpers E1 and E2 on the option board should
be cut.

m. If another option is in use, such as a process

control interface, it may be connected to J3 on
the Multi-Scale option board. The cable should
enter the Multi-Scale option enclosure through
the center hole on the bottom side of the

n. Re-assemble the indicator. Position the rear

GSE Scale Systems - 281

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Figure 37, Panel Mount Version Multi-Scale Card Installation

Table 52, Panel Mount Version Multi-Scale Card Parts Listing

282 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 24 Severe Transient Surge Suppression (OPTION)

SECTION - 24.2

Chapter 24 Severe Transient CAUTION:

Surge Suppression (OPTION) All electrical connections and access to the inside of
the Indicator and the STVS Option enclosures
should be performed by qualified service personnel
24.1 Description
STVS Option (GSE Part Number 24550B-102B0)

GSE's STV Suppressor Option has been designed to c. Carefully lift the rear panel from the enclosure,
provide significant protection from the effects of ESD rotating it about the left edge, near the J1 load
(Electrostatic Discharge), lightning, and other EMI cell strain relief. Then disconnect the keypad
(Electromagnetic Interference) for the 500/570 ribbon cable from J7 on the main board. Lay
indicators. the rear panel assembly on a table with the
circuit board facing up.
This product consists of a printed circuit board that
connects between the platform (load cell) and the weigh d. If a load cell is currently connected to the load
indicator's electronics. The board is enclosed in a small cell connector (J8 on the main printed circuit
stainless steel enclosure designed to mount externally on board), disconnect it now. Also disconnect the
the back of the indicator enclosure. All of the signals shield from the adjacent grounding stud using
going to or from the load cell pass through transient a 7mm (or 9/32") socket.
protection devices to prevent potentially damaging
voltages from reaching the sensitive electronic e. If a six lead load cell is to be connected,
components of the indicator. eliminate the sense leads jumpers, E3 and E4,
next to the J8 connector using a small pair of
wire cutters.

Warning: f. Route the cable provided with the STVS into

The STVS does not provide a washdown seal with the indicator through the rear panel cord grip
the back of the Indicator due to the bowing of the labeled J1. Do not use the rubber boot supplied
indicator's rear panel. If washdown capability is with the indicator because the fit is too tight to
required, refer to the aforementioned mounting plate install properly.
for stand-alone mounting of the STVS.
g. Secure the ground lug supplied on the end of
the supplied cable to the stud adjacent to the J1
cord grip. This may require a 7 or 8 mm
(9/32" or 5/16") socket wrench. Make sure this
A separate mounting plate is also available at additional fastener is tight because it not only grounds the
cost. This allows the STVS enclosure to be mounted cable, it also grounds the board's electronics.
external to the indicator in a stand-alone position when it
is impractical to mount it on the back of the indicator due h. Connect the wires from the cable to the J8
to its installation position. The GSE part number for this connector as shown in Table 53, STVS to
mounting plate is 44-25-27716. indicator Wiring. Insert each wire into the
connector by pressing down on the lever,
inserting the stripped wire, and then releasing
24.2 Installation Procedure the lever. Repeat this step for all six wires.

a. Remove power from the indicator by i. If the platform cable has not yet been prepared,
disconnecting the line cord from the AC power strip back the jacket of the cable about 1.25"
source. from the end of the cable.

b. Open the indicator by removing the rear panel. j. Using a small screwdriver, create an opening
It is secured by eight screws along the in the braided shield, just past the end of the
perimeter. Use either a medium sized phillips jacket. Pull the wires out of the braided shield.
head screwdriver or an 8mm (5/16" will also Trim the length of the shield to 1/4".
work) hex socket.

GSE Scale Systems - 283

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Wire Color Wire Description

r. Lower the rear panel against the main
enclosure, being careful not to bump into the
Red + Excitation display. Re-fasten the rear panel to the
enclosure. For the bottom three fasteners, use
Black - Excitation the screws which were removed previously in
step b. For the top five screws, use the longer
White + Signal screws and washers provided with the STVS
option. These screws must be tightened such
Green - Signal that the enclosure of the STVS contacts the
indicator enclosure for optimum protection.
Blue + Sense
s. Apply power to the indicator and verify proper
Brown - Sense operation. Setup and calibrate as necessary.

Shield Stud 24.3 Additional Protection Notes

a. The platform should be grounded to the same
Table 53 STVS to Indicator Wiring
GSE Standard Wire Description
Wire Color
k. Strip back the insulation of each wire 1/4".
Red + Excitation
l. Twist the strands of each wire.
Black - Excitation
m. Loosen the platform connection strain relief on
the STVS enclosure. Route the platform cable White + Signal
through the strain relief.
Green - Signal
n. Insert each wire of the cable into the proper
position of J1 on the STV suppressor board Blue + Sense
using the lever connector as previously
described . Repeat for each wire. Brown - Sense

Each position of the suppressor board's Shield Stud

connector is labeled with its usage. Refer to the
platform being connected for its color code. If
you are connecting to a GSE platform, the
Table 54 GSE Platform Color Code Standard
standard color code is shown in Table 54,
GSE Platform Color Code Standard. Note that
the shield should be secured to the board point as the indicator's line cord center ground
mounting stud nearest the cord grip. prong (ground bond wire) in order to achieve
optimum protection against the effects of
o. Pull any excess cable back out of the STVS lightning.
enclosure then tighten the strain relief securely.
b. The scale platform's cable's shield should be
p. Hold the rear panel assembly at a right angle to connected to the indicator only. Cut back the
the main enclosure with the edge having the shield connection at the load cell end of the
keypad cable adjacent to the enclosure. cable.
q. Reconnect the keypad ribbon cable from the
back side of the keypad to J7 on the main
board. The 'bump' on one side of the connector
should align with the slot on one side of the J7

284 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 25 Models 550/570 Peripheral Cable (OPTIONS)

SECTION - 25.1

Chapter 25 Models 550/570

Peripheral Cable (OPTIONS)

25.1 Options Cable Listing

Refer to the Figures listed in Table 55 Cable Options
Listing. These figures show details on the connector pin
wiring of GSE manufactured cables. Figures define
connections from the indicator to the defined peripheral.
The Conductor Color Code is also defined in the
respective table.

GSE Cable Part Number Recommended Cable Use Pin Wiring: Reference Fig.#

299250-42020 Scanner/Keyboard Adapter Cable Figure 39

299240-45080 550/570 to Standard Printer Figure 41

299240-48080 550/570 to Eltron Printer Figure 43

299250-44080 550/570 to PC/AT Computer Figure 45

299240-49020 550/570 to PSC Scanner Adapter Figure 47

Table 55 Cable Options Listing

GSE Scale Systems - 285

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Scanner/Keyboard Adapter Cable 550/570 Color PIN#

(GSE Part Number 299250-42020) Connection
This cable interfaces the 550/570 to a barcode scanner 232 GREEN 3
and keyboard (both available from GSE). If both a
scanner and keyboard are to be connected into one
indicator then two of these cables would be required. TTL WHITE 2
Since the Scanners and Keyboards are not washdown
devices, the connectors used are simply standard D-Type GND BLACK 5
connectors. Note that for use with the symbol laser
scanner (LS8125 & LS8525), the adapter (GSE Part #
210625-SSA01) is required in order to use this cable. +5V RED 9
Cable length is 2 feet.

Table 56, Scanner/Keyboard Adapter Cable Connections


Attach ring terminal to instrument ground

Figure 38, Model 550/570 to Scanner/Keyboard Adapter Cable

Figure 39, Model 550/570 to Scanner/Keyboard Adapter Cable Wiring Diagram

286 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 25 Models 550/570 Peripheral Cable (OPTIONS)

SECTION - 25.1

RS232 Cable for 550/570 to Standard 550/570 Color PIN#

Printer Connection
(GSE Part Number 299240-45080)
This cable is used to interface a 550/570 indicator to a
Standard Line Printer. Cable length is 8 feet.


Table 57, Computer Style Printer Cable Connections


Attach ring terminal to instrument ground

Figure 40, Model 550/570 to Standard Line Printer Cable

Figure 41, Model 550/570 to Standard Line Printer Cable Wiring Diagram

GSE Scale Systems - 287

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Model 550/570 to Eltron Thermal Printer 550/570 Color PIN#

(GSE Part Number 299240-48080) Connection
This cable is used to interface a model 550/570 indicator TX RED 3 (RXD)
to an Eltron Thermal Printer. Cable length is 8 feet.


Table 58, Model 550/570 to Eltron Printer Cable Connections


Attach ring terminal to instrument ground

Figure 42, Model 550/570 to Eltron Printer Cable

Figure 43, Model 550/570 to Eltron Printer Cable Wiring Diagram

288 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 25 Models 550/570 Peripheral Cable (OPTIONS)

SECTION - 25.1

Model 550/570 to PC/AT Computer Cable 550/570 Color PIN#

(GSE Part Number 299250-44080)
This cable is used to interface a 550/570 indicator to a TX RED 2 (RXD)
PC/AT type computer. Cable length is 8 feet.



Table 59, Model 550/570 to PC/AT Computer Cable Connections


Attach ring terminal to instrument ground

Figure 44, Model 550/570 to PC/AT Computer Cable

Figure 45, Model 550/570 to PC/AT Computer Cable Wiring Diagram

GSE Scale Systems - 289

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Model 550/570 Adapter Cable to PSC 550/570 Color PIN#

Scanner Connection
(GSE Part Number 299240-49020)
This cable is used to interface a model 550/570 indicator
to a PSC Laser Scanner. Cable length is 2 feet.

+5V RED 4 (+V)

Table 60, Model 550/570 to PSC Laser Scanner Adapter Cable


Attach ring terminal to instrument ground

Figure 46, Model 550/570 to PSC Laser Scanner Adapter Cable

Figure 47, Model 550/570 to PSC Laser Scanner Adapter Cable Wiring Diagram

290 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 26 Compatible Peripherals (OPTION)

SECTION - 26.1

Chapter 26 Compatible Both a TTL input and an RS-232 input are provided,
Peripheral (OPTIONS) along with connections for +5 volts and ground. GSE

26.1 Compatible Peripheral Options Only one external device can be sending data to the
indicator at one time.
GSE offers a number of very useful peripheral
equipment options which should be considered in your
weighing system design. Refer to Table 61 Peripheral
Equipment Options for a complete listing. Each of these
options has been tested and approved for compatibility
with the 550/570 indicators. Consult with the GSE provides a cable which at one end will connect to the
factory for additional technical data on a particular piece terminal strip on the main board inside the indicator and
of optional equipment. The cable options described in the other end will provide the mating connector to the
Chapter 25 will permit you to easily implement the keyboard and barcode scanners that GSE provides as
connection between your Indicator and the Peripheral. peripheral devices.

Peripheral Inputs Transmissions received by the indicator through the
Comm port or from an external keyboard or a barcode
The indicator permits up to two other peripherals to send device are all or'd together inside the indicator. Only one
RS-232 data. These inputs to the indicator are intended external device can be sending data to the indicator at
for use with barcode scanners and external keyboards. any one time. Otherwise communications errors, garbled

GSE Part Number Peripheral Equipment Description

210625-KBD00 Personal Computer-style keyboard (TTL interface)

LS8125 Laser Pen Scanner

LS8525 Symbol Laser Scanner
210625-SSA01 Scanner Adapter (included with Scanner)

Dot Matrix Document Printer

249315-00962 (Panasonic Line Printer with RS-232 interface)

41-10-0820 (2" print head) Eltron Thermal Label Printers

41-10-0840 (4" print head)

41-45-29000 PSC Laser Scanner

Table 61 Peripheral Equipment Options

GSE Scale Systems - 291

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

data, and unpredictable results may occur! Care must be

taken in the implementation of these devices to insure
proper operation.

Figure 48 Connector

Figure 49 RS232 Ports (J2)

292 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 27 Other System Operations and Applications

SECTION - 27.1

Chapter 27 g. Remove the calibration weight from the tank.

Other System Operations and
h. Fill the tank with its intended cargo load until
Applications the weight displayed is exactly that of the
calibration weight.

27.1 Tank Weighing (033193 and some i. At the "CAL OK?" prompt, press:
earlier versions) <CLR>

Another application for which the indicator is very well j. At the "No Load?" prompt press:
suited is the operation of Tank Weighing. This <TARE>.
application involves the in-process weighing of tanks
containing liquid or solid contents. The Tank Weighing k. Re-apply the calibration weight to the tank.
feature makes the indicator an ideal weight indicator for
support structure tanks, drums, portable drum scales and l. Key in the amount of the total applied weight:
many other tank related weighing applications. x 0 0 0 <ENTER>.

This discussion is another example of using the m. Repeat steps g. through l. until the desired
<ZERO> command at the "No Load?" prompt. The calibration weight has been achieved, normally
usual method used to calibrate a tank scale is to hang a near full scale.
certified calibration weight from the tank. However,
very often the maximum weight which can be applied to
the tank in this manner is far less than the tank capacity. Tank Weighing (later than 033193 versions)
An alternate recommended calibration procedure is as
follows: This discussion is another example of using the new
calibration method for tank calibration. The usual
a. Start with an empty tank, or as close as method used to calibrate a tank scale is to hang a
possible to empty. certified calibration weight from the tank. However,
very often the maximum weight which can be applied to
b. In order to achieve the best possible calibration the tank in this manner is far less than the tank capacity.
accuracy: An alternate recommended calibration procedure is as
Temporarily set the displayed weight increment of the
550 to around one part in 100,000. (For a 100,000lb. a. Start with an empty tank, or as close as
capacity tank, set the displayed increment, P111, to 1#. possible to empty.

1 1 1 <SELECT> 2 3 6 4 0 <ID> <ENTER> b. In order to achieve the best possible calibration

1 5 <ENTER> accuracy:

Set the filter to a very large setting: Temporarily set the displayed weight increment of the
550 to around one part in 100,000. (For a 100,000lb.
1 1 6 <SELECT> 3 3 <ENTER> capacity tank, set the displayed increment, P111, to 1#.

c. Access the calibration mode from the setup 1 1 1 <SELECT> 2 3 6 4 0 <ID> <ENTER>
mode by keying in: 1 5 <ENTER>
Set the filter to a very large setting:
d. At the "No Load?" prompt press <ENTER>.
The displayed value is zeroed out. 1 1 6 <SELECT> 3 3 <ENTER>

e. Apply the calibration weight to the tank. c. Access the calibration mode from the setup
mode by keying in:
f. Key in the value of the calibration weight: <ZERO> <ENTER>
1 0 0 0 <ENTER>.

GSE Scale Systems - 293

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

d. At the "New Zero?" prompt press <ENTER>. This parameter when enabled will allow keyboard entry
The displayed value is zeroed out. of the Gross Weight data, usually for Truck In/Out
Weighing. If this parameter is enabled, the normal
e. Apply the calibration weight to the tank. operation would be to key in a Tare Weight, the
previously determined Gross Weight and then press
f. Key in the value of the calibration weight: <ENTER>. The entered value is stored in the Gross
1 0 0 0 <ENTER>. Weight register. Then the Tare Weight is subtracted and
the result is stored in the Net Weight register. Next a
g. Remove the calibration weight from the tank. transmission of the 4th Custom Transmit (set up at
P4000) is initiated. This would normally be used to print
h. Fill the tank with its intended cargo load until a ticket when the Gross Weight has been previously
the weight displayed is exactly that of the established. Note that after the transmission, the entered
calibration weight. Gross data is immediately overwritten by the current
weight conversion data.
i. At the "CAL OK?" prompt, press:
This procedure is not H-44. This is limited to few
j. Press <SELECT> until “Temp Zero?” prompt applications.
is showing, press: <ENTER>.

k. Re-apply the calibration weight to the tank. 27.3 Battery Operation

l. Key in the amount of the total applied weight: Included on the 550's main board is a connector, J10,
x 0 0 0 <ENTER>. intended for use with an external D.C. supply. However,
any connection made to this connector by any device not
m. Repeat steps g. through l. until the desired explicitly approved by UL for this purpose will void the
calibration weight has been achieved, normally UL approval. This connector's three pins are described
near full scale. in the table below:

Technical Note: J10 Pinout:

If the Tank is accidently zeroed, its actual content weight Pin # Voltage/Usage
can be regained. This is only possible if the Tank was
zeroed only once. Parameter P61107 retains the value of 1 Ground
the last zeroed off weight. If its zeroed once, the weight
is retained in this register. The second press of the zero 2 +8v -> +28v DC @ 1 Amp input:
button effectively zeroes nothing so a zero value is maximum current draw
retained in this register. -or-
+24v +-10% DC output
To regain the actual tank weight, record the value in for charging when AC power is
P61107 and then go to P118 and select the lowest zero applied.
range percentage (0.01%). Save this change by exiting to (external regulation required).
the weigh mode. The display should show the regained
tank weight. View P61107 to verify that this value has 3 9.5 VAC +/- 15%
returned to zero. This connection is to accommodate a
possible future external charging
It should be noted that to avoid this from happening in control circuit. It will allow the
the first place, set parameter P118 to 0.01%. sensing of the AC supply for charging
circuitry and automatic switch-over
between AC and DC operation.
27.2 Gross Entry Mode (P169)
P169.XX GrENT Caution: If a battery is connected into this connector,

294 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 27 Other System Operations and Applications

SECTION - 27.4

there is NO protection against reversed connections or (H 8.0” to 8.25” x W 9.0” to 9.25”). The corners
inadvertent unregulated charging! Therefore external are typically 0.1R maximum.
protection, such as fusing (1A-SloBlo) and/or an in 2 Remove the 8 hex nuts holding the main board front
series diode, should be implemented to prevent damage panel to the back bracket.
to the instrument and/or battery! Additionally, the 3 Make sure the gasket remains on the front panel
removal of the AC power cord from the instrument may side. When installed, the gasket will be compressed
be advisable, where possible, to further guarantee against against the front of the enclosure cutout.
charging the battery. 4 Position the main board front panel inside the cutout
making sure the keypad is facing in the correct
WARNING: Some batteries may explode if they are upright position.
charged without proper voltage and current regulation! 5 From the inside of the enclosure apply the back
bracket to the opposite side of the main board with
The standard connector to mate with J10 on the printed the ground lug positioned towards the bottom left
circuit board is a 3 position insulation displacement just under the transformer.
connector, GSE p/n 26-20-3266, which will 6 Install the 8 hex nuts from the inside of the panel.
accommodate 18 AWG wire. A special tool, available 7 Tighten nuts until they just reach the back panel
from Amp, Inc, is required to properly insert the wires surface. Then tighten each nut 3/4 turn to compress
into this connector. the gasket to the front of the panel.

27.4 Panel Mount Version of 550 Panel Mount Version Rear Cover

(M550, GSE Part Number 200550-10001) U.S.A. (Panel Mount Rear Cover, GSE Part Number 44-25-
(M570, GSE Part Number 200570-10001) U.S.A. 29924)
(M550, GSE Part Number 200550-13001) Int.
A rear cover for the panel mount version is offered to
The 550 and the 570 are offered in a panel mount protect the main board against physical and electrical
version. All calibration, general setup and custom damage. The rear cover is shown in figure 51.
programming operations are identical to the bracket/
table mount packaged units. The only difference The rear cover is fastened separately to the back of the
between the two package types is the mechanical aspects unit. There are four separate mounting screws for this
of the enclosure and the positioning of both the main purpose. This allows for easy serviceability without
board and display. The main board on the panel mount having to remove the panel mounted unit itself.
version is rotated 180 degrees from the component side
facing toward the display to facing away from the There are also two slots positioned at the bottom of the
display. This allows for easy serviceability while the cover allowing for power, loadcell, printer, computer,
unit is mounted to a panel door or wall. The display is etc. wire routing. All wire strain reliefs and terminals
mounted to the opposite side of the main board facing should be positioned below or near this area.
the same direction as the keypad. An optional rear cover
is offered to protect the unit’s main board and The cover is designed not to cover over the panel
components against physical and electrical damage. A mounts serial number, power requirements, approvals
single, second scale multi-scale input card is offered and label. At the top of Figure 51 it shows the side view of
mounts to the main board. The international and U.S.A. the panel mount label flange just outside the rear cover.
versions only differ in front panel key descriptions. The label is fastened to this flange shown in the picture.

The panel mount version is designed fully for washdown

environments. It requires proper installation. Panel Mount Version Multi-Scale Input Card

(Panel Mount Multi-Scale Card, GSE Part Number

550 Panel Mount Installation 24550B-200A2)

Panel mount dimensions and cutout are shown in figures The panel mount version with rear cover allows for one
50, 51 and 52. multi-scale input card. Additional cards can be stack
mounted without the rear cover or remotely. Refer to
1 Make a cut out in the panel inside these dimensions chapter 23 for option installation and setup. This option

GSE Scale Systems - 295

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Figure 50, Front view of panel mount version dimensions

Figure 51, Side view of panel mount version

Figure 52, Panel Mount version cutout dimensions

296 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 27 Other System Operations and Applications

SECTION - 27.5

is accessed and setup the same as the remote mounted

multi-scale cards in chapter 23. The only difference is in
board installation and mounting hardware.

27.5 Models 550/570, 230VAC Version

Contact GSE for availability of 230VAC 550/570 units.
5. Install a new jumper across the bottom two

Convert 120VAC Version to 230VAC operation

To modify the indicator for 230VAC operation, use the

following procedure:

1. Make sure the instrument is unplugged!

2. If modifying a completed indicator, remove

rear plate from the enclosure (use an 8mm
socket or phillips head screwdriver).

3. On the main printed circuit board, PC745,

(above the transformer and to the right of the
line filter) there is an insulator tab secured to
the board with a white plastic snap-in pin.
Figure 53, Model 550-230/120 VAC Jumpers
Remove the pin by prying underneath it with a
screwdriver. Then bend the insulator tab up holes in the position marked "240".
toward the transformer. Below it you will find
a circular area marked SW1. 6. Re-install the snap in pin through the insulator
and firmly into the board.
4. Remove the two jumpers installed in the
positions marked "120". If this modification is being implemented on a
complete indicator (as opposed to a board
alone) then perform the following steps also.

7. If necessary, change the connected line cord to

a type having the required plug for the intended
Caution: receptacle. Be sure to tie wrap the two line
cord wires together next to the J1 connector.
Any operation which involves going inside the
enclosure should be performed by qualified service 8. Change the rear panel marking to indicate the
personnel only! Hazardous voltage is accessible new operating voltage, "220 VAC". GSE label
within the enclosure. part number 28-10-27697 should be used.

NOTE: The GSE F/G# for the 230V version of the

PC745 board is 420745-27722.

27.6 Networking
The 550 indicator supports address recognition. This
allows a further degree of multi-drop communications
implementation. This feature is supported by software.

GSE Scale Systems - 297

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

It is recommended that additional hardware is added The pressure release device consists of a porous material
such as a 485 transceiver device. Contact GSE for more that allows air flow and is still moisture tight. Its
information. installed in place of one of the strain reliefs on the back
of the unit.

When parameter 251, address, is set to a non zero value,

then address recognition is enabled.

The data packet format recognized by the indicator is

defined as follows:


<DATA> <DATA> ... <ETX>

The address is a single byte. There are 250 addresses

possible. The address should not be an <STX> or an

The <DATA> can be any information recognized by the

instrument. This could be direct commands such as a %p
(Print). This would direct the addressed unit to send its
custom transmit over the network.

Filling IDs, setting target registers, updating databases,

etc. are all possible scenarios.


When a character is received, it is compared to the start

of block character, <STX>. If it is the start character,
then the very next character is compared to the address as
defined by setup parameter P251. If it matches or if the
transmitted address is 0, then the indicator processes all
of the subsequent data until the end of block character,
<ETX>, is received.

If the received address character is not 0 and it does not

match P251, then all of the subsequent data is ignored
until the next start of packet character is received.

27.7 Pressure Release Protection

(Pressure Release Protection, GSE Part Number: 44-

Some applications require that the 550 be installed in

areas where conditions might cause the internal pressure
of the unit to change. An increase of the internal
pressure of the unit may cause the front keypad to
balloon out. This is caused when a unit in a cold
environment is washed down with a hot pressure hose.
Applying this release valve should alleviate this problem.

298 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 28 Information Parameters

SECTION - 28.2

then refer to P60000 and P60001 to determine how much

Chapter 28 Information storage space is installed and available.
P60002. RAMsz

28.1 Model Type This parameter shows the amount of RAM installed in
the indicator. Standard RAM memory on all instruments
is 8K (8192 bytes).
160.XX Model

This parameter can not be accidentally changed. Key P60003.RAMdy

9 9 9 0 <ENTER> to select the Model 550 or key
This parameter shows the amount of dynamically
9 9 9 1 <ENTER> to select the 570 counting indicator
operation. If these codes are entered, the verification allocateable RAM. This is primarily a diagnostic tool to
be used by a factory technician in the case of an out of
prompt "Sure? ???" appears. Press <ENTER> to change
the model number or any other key to abort the change. memory error message on the indicator.
The 570 model should not be selected unless the front
panel on the indicator is the 570 type, which means that P60004. RAMav
the middle key should be <SAMPLE>, not <PRINT>.
This parameter shows the amount of available RAM.

P60005. #Rows
28.2 Memory Information Parameters
This parameter displays the number of rows of data
The 550/570 indicators have a series of parameters that which can be stored in memory based upon the current
are used for informational and diagnostic purposes. They setup. This is important in the use of the Truck In/Out
may be reached from any mode by entering their number Weighing feature.
and pressing <SELECT>. There is no prompt for the
access code. Once in the Information Mode, you may P60010 dbRAM 24256
move about as you would in the Setup Mode: press
<SELECT> to move to the next parameter, or press <.> The value shown here, 24256 in this example, indicates
<SELECT> to back up one parameter. how much database memory is currently installed within
the indicator. The value will be 0 if the database
There are three types of memory used by the indicator: memory module is not installed, 24256 if the 24K
EPROM which contains the program, EEPROM (E ) module is installed, and if the 120K module is installed,
which holds the chosen selections of all setup parameters the value is 122,560. In this case, the top line of the
and stored rows of data, and RAM which is used during display shows "dbRA1" while the bottom line shows
operation for temporary data storage. The following "22560". The “1” in the right position of the upper
parameters provide some information about E2 and display is part of the lower displays value “122560. If
RAM memory space. Refer to Chapter 19 for some of the database memory has been allocated to
information on memory storage. general usage (normally to allow larger macros) then the
amount shown at P60010 will be reduced by 8192 (8K).
P60000. E2Ins Refer to parameter P65010 for more information on this
This parameter shows the installed amount of EEPROM
(E2) memory space. This may help determine how P60011 dbAvl 24242:
much information can be stored in the indicator when
setting up the Custom Transmit and other parameters. This value indicates the remaining amount of RAM
available for creating more database rows. When this
P60001. E2Avl value becomes relatively small, then the database is
coming close to running out of room for more records.
This parameter shows how much E2 memory space is When this parameter is selected, it may take a while for
available for use. If a setup mode entry or selection the indicator to add up all of the unused memory. While
requires more storage space than is presently available the Indicator is calculating, the display will show "Look-
(as indicated by this parameter), the indicator will ing.."
display a message indicating that condition. You can

GSE Scale Systems - 299

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

P60012 dbUse 14 allocated to general use to allow large macro setups.

This parameter indicates the amount of database memory

actually used by the databases, for both recording the 28.3 Identification Information
setup and storing records. When this value is added to Parameters
the "dbAvl" value, the result should equal the value for
P60010. P60100. 1991
P60013 BlkSz 16384 This parameter provides the software copyright
The Block Size parameter displays the size of the largest
contiguous block of memory available for use by the P60101.0550 - 01007
database feature. This parameter will be seldom used.
However when either multiple databases of various sizes This parameter provides the software revision code. This
are used or if rows are updated and/or deleted quite often, should match the label on the EPROM at U12 inside the
the available memory can become quite fragmented. indicator. Refer to this parameter along with P60102 to
determine the exact firmware version in your indicator.
If a situation arises where the total amount of available
memory, as indicated by P60011, is sufficient to create a P60102. YYMMDD
row and yet the "OutOF Memry" error message results,
then the maximum block size parameter can be checked This parameter provides the date code of the software
to determine if there is enough memory available in one release.
contiguous block to perform the operation.

If there is insufficient memory, the only remedy is to

compact the stored rows. This can only be accomplished 28.4 Audit Trail Parameter Information
by downloading all of the stored database records and the
database setup to a computer and default the database AUDIT TRAIL
using parameter P65010. Then reload the setup and the
database records using the "Up-load" command. The indicator supports a recently accepted technique,
called the Audit Trail, to control the modification of
P60014 dbase Error calibration and setup parameters. To prevent fraud in
weighing, lead seals have generally been used in the past
The results of the last database operation can be checked to seal an insturment by a Weights and Measures
with this parameter. Each database operation sets a code inspector after having verified its operation and accuracy.
indicating the results of the operation. The The lead seal is placed in such a manner as to prevent the
corresponding error message is displayed at this removal of an access plate which would need to be
parameter. removed to change the setup of the weighing device.
However, with the advent of weighing devices that are
The next 16 database info modes display the number of completely controlled by software, it has become
records (rows) created in databases which have been practical to require the keying in of a special code in
setup. If a database has not been setup, then the order to allow changes to the setup parameters. The
parameter for the number of rows within that database is Audit Trail method is becoming more accepted by
skipped. Weights and Measures officials as a way of controlling
setup changes in electronic scales. Basically, the Audit
P60021 dbas1 XXXX Trail provides a count of the number of times that
through calibration or other contolled parameters have been
P60036 dbas16 XXXX changed. Using this method, the Weights and Measures
inspector can verify the operation and accuracy of the
Parameter P60021 will display the number of rows instrument and log the Audit Trail counter by recording it
currently stored within database 1, P60022 for database in a log book or writing it somewhere on the indicator.
2, etc... with P60036 indicating the current number of The inspector can then verify during future inspections
rows stored in database 16. The last database info mode that the Audit Trail counter has not changed since the last
allows the entire database setups to be cleared and approval. If the counter was changed, this would be the
determines whether any of the database memory is equivalent of finding a broken lead seal. In addition, for

300 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 28 Information Parameters
SECTION - 28.5

the indicator to be considered an NIST approved, certain thru 4, in the case of multi-scales, are also checked as
parameters must be set to specific choices. If these scale 1 has been.
parameters are not set to the allowed choices, a warning
message NOT H-44! is displayed alternately with the However, the absence of this message does not guarantee
Audit Trail value for one second each. that the indicator is setup to within NIST standards. This
warning indication is simply intended to be a tool for the
TRADITIONAL SEALING METHOD Weights and Measures inspector to help insure that
certain selections have not been made.
Some states and Canada have not yet accepted the Audit
Trail method. Therefore, the traditional method of P60202. ISNX
sealing the indicator is available. A three pin header, E7,
is located in the upper right corner of the Main Board, This parameter shows the serial number of the
just above the display module. You can place a jumper instrument. This is to provide additional identification
on this header, which is labelled PROGRAM, in one of and warranty tracking.
two positions, NO or YES. With the jumper in the YES
position, the indicator operates the same as it does
without the jumper at all. However, the jumper must be 28.5 Diagnostic Information Parameters
removed from the NO position at least momentarily
while the indicator is displaying the access code prompt P61100.DAC
"Setup Keyin" CODE in order to make changes. If this
requirement is not met, then when the access code is This parameter shows the coarse gain value, a whole
entered, the warning message Code 16 Check Jumpr is number ranging from 100 to 4095. This value may be
displayed and changes will not be allowed. Once an keyed. Gain shows the effective system gain which is
instrument has been finalized, this jumper is moved to inversely proportional to P61100, normally ranging from
the NO position to prevent further Setup Mode changes. 50 to 250 with 2048 maximum.
In order to seal the instrument, specially modified rear
panel screws are available which have holes through the P61102.CAL
head. These screws accept a wire which can be sealed
using the Weights and Measures inspector's lead seal. This parameter shows the fine calibration factor
These optional sealing accessories are available from established as of the last calibration routine, ranging
GSE for installations which require them. from 0.5 to 5.0 and normally near 1 (see note below). If
Multi-Point Linearization is enabled (P119) then Not
P60200. B SN Used will appear. Refer to P61110-P61119 for more
multi-point linearization information.
This parameter displays the serial number of the main
PC board in the 550. This is a non-enterable information P61103.FSmVv
parameter provided for identification and control
purposes for GSE and NIST officials or their agents. This parameter shows the full scale mv/V output of the
connected load cell or platform based upon the current
P60201. AudTr calibration data, ranging from 0.1 to 5.0.

This parameter displays the Audit Trail Number which P61104. Crrnt
starts at 00000 when the board is new. This number is
incremented by 1 when changes are saved after one or This parameter shows an approximation of the present
more of the NIST controlled parameters (P110 - P119, mv/V output of the load cell connected to the indicator,
P150 - P158, P160, P162, P163, P169, P212, P222, ranging from 0 to +/-5.0. The accuracy of this value is
P1XXX and P2XXX) are changed or after a calibration approximately +/-2%.
is performed. If the indicator is not set up according to
NIST standards, the Audit Trail Number will alternate
with a display of NOT H-44! P61105.CalZr

The "NOT H-44" command also checks for the This parameter shows the zero offset in counts recorded
resolution of the indicator. If the resolution is greater by the indicator when the last calibration was performed.
than 10,000d then the warning will appear when viewing This may range from -400,000 to +400,000 with small
the audit trail, P60201. Also the zero track for scales 2 deadloads resulting in a value near 0.

GSE Scale Systems - 301

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

preceding parameter.
When making a firmware update in the field, it may be P61112. through P61119.
desireable to write the values for the following
parameters to avoid a re-calibration: P61100, P61102 and This parameter show the calibration weights and their
P61105. If the values are written down before removing respective factors for the remaining 4 points of the Multi-
the old EPROM, they may be keyed-in after the new Point Linearization feature. These values will be
EPROM is installed and will maintain calibration transmitted from the indicator when a parameter
accuracy unless other changes have been made to the download is performed (refer to the section on Parameter
hardware or setup. However the optimum method of Download and Upload. However, the actual values will
restoring a previous setup is to make use of P64000. contain a %c command (instead of the %e command that
This parameter will allow the download of the complete is normally sent with such information) to prevent the
setup to a PC or a printer. linearization values from being loaded into another scale.

P61106.CalZr The following parameters are set aside for scales 2, 3 and
4. The information parameters for scale 1, P61102 thru
This parameter shows the zero offset in mv/V as P61119 holds true for scales 2, 3 and 4 respectively.
recorded by the instrument when the last calibration was These additional parameters will only become apparent
performed, normally near 0, with a maximum range of when the 2nd, 3rd or 4th scales are installed and enabled.
+/-4 mv/V. See parameters 101 thru 104.

P61107. ReZro P61120 thru P61139 (scale 2)

This parameter shows the amount of weight (in default P61140 thru P61159 (scale 3)
units) that has been zeroed out though use of the
<ZERO> key since the last calibration. P61160 thru P61179 (scale 4)

P61108. ZrTrk

This parameter shows the amount of weight (in default

units) that has been tracked off by the zero track feature
since the last use of the <ZERO> key.
28.7 Test Mode
P62000.Dsply Test
28.6 Linearization Data Parameter Setup
This parameter performs a test of the display when you
press <ENTER>. This will illuminate all display
If Multi-Point Linearization is enabled (P119), the elements so that you may examine them to insure that
following ten parameters (P61110-P61119) show the they are all functional. Press <ENTER> or any other key
calibration weights used and the resulting calculated to end the test.
factors. Otherwise the message "Not Used" is shown.

P61110.Cal WGHT1
28.8 Parameter Download And Upload
This parameter shows the weight used for the first cal
point (if Multi-Point Linearization is enabled). A value of Since use of the terms download and upload can create
0.000 indicates that a linearization has not yet been confusion when explaining the sending and receiving of
performed. data, we will refer to transmission of the indicator setup
data to some external device as download and the
receiving of setup information from an external device as
P61111.Cal Fact1 upload.

This parameter shows the calibration adjustment factor The indicator generates an ASCII transmission (see
for weights less than or equal to the weight shown in the parameter P64000) which contains all the commands
necessary to duplicate the setup data along with

302 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 28 Information Parameters

SECTION - 28.8

comments describing each setup parameter selection.

The transmission may be sent to a printer to get a hard This parameter shows the total number of transmission
copy of the setup to more easily review the setup errors which have occurred to the indicator. This
selections. It could be sent to another Model 500 Series counter is cleared to 0 every time the access code prompt
indicator in order to copy the setup from the first one to Setup, Keyin Code is displayed. This would normally be
the second. The data may also be sent to a computer for used only during an upload in order to determine how
permanent storage. This would simplify restoration of many, if any, errors occurred during the upload.
the setup when servicing is required or an additional
indicator with the same setup is needed. The transmitted P64102. 1stEr
data contains the selection for every parameter within the
indicator, including the information parameters (P60000- This parameter indicates the first transmission error
P65XXX). However these informational parameters are which occurred to the indicator since this parameter was
sent without the commands that would enter these values last cleared. As with the above parameters, this
into a receiving indicator. Refer to the Appendix for an parameter is cleared to 0 every time the access code
example of the file generated by this parameter.If a prompt Setup, Keyin Code is displayed. If an error has
significant number of parameters in the indicator are set occurred, the display will cycle through four messages
up for a specific application, it is strongly recommend indicating the line number, parameter number, and the
that parameter P64000 be selected and the final setup error message which were present when the error
downloaded to a computer and saved on disk for backup occurred. For example, the messages 1st Er Ocr'd ... Line
and future reference. = 1 ... Parm = 112 ... Entry Error will be each displayed
for one second, continuously. This can be very helpful
P64000. Send in determining the cause of any problems after an
upload. Pressing <CLR> from any of these three
This parameter can be used to transmit all the current previous modes (P64100 - P64102) will clear all three of
setup parameter selections out one of the ports. To send these values.
this transmission, press <ENTER> while this parameter P64103. Debug
is displayed. The prompt "1" for Comm is displayed
briefly, followed by "2" for Prntr. Press the <1> key to This parameter is a selection which when enabled will
send the data out the Comm Port; press the <2> key to transmit the warning messages described above for
send the data out through the Print Port; press any other P64102 through the specified port as soon as the error
key to cancel the download. occurs. This can be especially useful during the upload
of a setup file. If no errors occur, there will be no
P64001 Send All (Download Mode) transmission out of the Indicator.

This is an additional download mode which appends the NOTE:

necessary commands to save the current value of all the All of the above parameters are functional regardless of
weigh mode parameters which are normally saved within whether or not an actual parameter file upload to the
the indicator. If an application requires a certain value to indicator is in progress. The error counter will also
be stored in a Var or a Reg, then these values can be increment if an error is made while making entries
saved in the download file by using this selection. The through the front panel.
choices are to send all, by selecting 1 for serial
communications and 2 for the printer. P64200 Macro Debug

P64100. LnCnt This feature records steps and branches that are taken
during macro execution. If the expected results are not
This parameter simplifies the debugging of a setup file achieved during the execution of a macro, this
upload. It displays the number of carriage return codes information mode may be accessed to determine exactly
that have been received, acting as a line counter during which branches were taken. This is often very helpful
the upload process. This counter is cleared to 0 every during initial macro debug of complex macro operations.
time the access code prompt "Setup Keyin" Code is
displayed. Viewing this parameter lets you verify the The printing of the Macro Debug (P64200) history
total number of lines that have been processed during an buffer on a 570 indicator is performed with the <PRINT/
upload. ENTER> key. To print the Macro Debug history on the
550, press the <ENTER> key.
P64101. ErCnt

GSE Scale Systems - 303

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

28.9 Utility Parameters Allocating database memory to general usage can be

used to allow variably sized setup modes (such as custom
P65000. Copy A to B transmit setup and macro setup) to increase when they
would otherwise be limited by the occurence of the "Out
This parameter can be used to copy the current setup Of Ram" error message. If this is done, the only
information during the installation of additional storage limitation on the amount of information entered into
memory. these setup modes is the amount of available EEPROM
This parameter can also be used to copy the setup
2 2
information of one E setup to another E for use in a
second indicator of identical program use. Note that the
firmware date codes should be identical in both units.


This parameter is used to change ALL parameters

including calibration to their factory default values.
Press <ENTER> twice to default the selections.
Changes must be saved when leaving the Setup Mode for
this operation to take effect! Press <SELECT> to see the
next parameter.


This parameter works the same as P65001 above except

that all the calibration parameters are retained. Press
<ENTER> twice to default the selections. Changes
must be saved when leaving the Setup Mode for this
operation to take effect! When you are finished
reviewing these informational parameters press
<ZERO> to return directly to the Weigh Mode.

Defaulting Parameters and the Model 550 or 570


When the default setup modes P65001 and P65002 are

invoked, the model number parameter P160 determines
the model number and the subsequent default values. If
the model number is the 570, then the Model 570 default
parameters are used. If the model number is the Model
550, then Model 550 default parameters are used.

P65010 dbase Reset

Press <ENTER> to simply default the database setups.

Whether or not any database memory is allocated to
general usage is not affected. However if it is desired to
allocate some of the database memory for general use,
press <2> <ENTER>. This will reduce the total amount
of database memory by 8K bytes. To reverse this and
keep all the database module's memory allocated to
databases, press <1> <ENTER>.

304 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 29 Troubleshooting

SECTION - 29.3

Chapter 29 Troubleshooting 06 Tare>F.S.! Tare entry was greater than full scale.
Most likely the entered tare value was
This section of the Technical Reference Manual provides
information on error messages, trouble-shooting and 07 Tare < 0 ! Negative tare attempted, but not
servicing the 550 and 570 indicators. allowed per P162. For auto-tares, the
GROSS Weight must be greater than
zero unless P162 is changed to allow
29.1 Error Messages (overview) negative tares.

The following is a summary of all of the error messages

within the Indicator. They are listed below in numerical 29.3 Setup Mode Error Messages
order. The leading two digits will appear on the
numerical portion of the display, and the message will 10 Entry>Max! An entry was made which
appear on the two lines of dot matrix display. Following had more characters than
each message is a summation of possible causes and allowed. The most likely
probable remedy. cause is making an entry for
an ID that is longer than the
programmed size of that ID.
29.2 Operational Mode Error Messages
11 WRONGCODE! The incorrect access code
02 UnderLoad! Input signal less than negative full was entered, thus preventing
scale. If this is due to excessive changes. In order to access
loading, reduce the load. Otherwise the Setup Mode, either the
check the load cell connections. If a 4 proper code must be entered
wire load cell cable is being used, or the <ENTER> key must
check that the sense jumpers are in be pressed alone (to view
place. Verify that the capacity selections without making
selection P110 is correct. Use the changes).
information parameters, especially
P61103 and P61104, to check the 12 No Mods! The Setup Mode is being
setup and input signal. accessed, but changes are
03 Over-Load! Input signal is greater than positive
full scale. Use same check as for 13 OutOfRange An entry made for a selection
underload. was beyond the range of valid
04 # > Dsply Number to be displayed will not fit
within 6 digits. This will not Also, an out of range error
normally occur for the Gross, Net or will occur during the
Tare Weights but may result while execution of a macro utilizing
displaying the accumulated totals if the “M%m” command. ie. If
the amount exceeds 999,999. Either the command wishes to strip
clear the totals or settle for only being out characters 5 thru 8 and
able to transmit the totals. the string is only set for 2
characters, this error will
05 Zero> Max.! An attempt was made to zero out more occur.
than allowed per P118 selection. Use
the <TARE> key for subtracting off
container weights or if large dead-load 14 Must Keyin The choice for the current
is always to be present, apply this parameter must be keyed in.
dead-load during the No Load?
prompt during calibration to 15 Size>998 ! The size of one of the Custom
permanently eliminate the offset. Transmit setups has exceeded

GSE Scale Systems - 305

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

the limit. code. Also refer to Error 11.

16 CHECK JUMPR A programming operation Hrdwr Cnflt This message occurs when P-
was attempted when the 104 (scale #4) is enabled and an attempt is made to
program jumper is installed. enable the Analog Option in the setup parameter P-170.
Installation of this jumper Physically these two options can not be installed
will prohibit any together.
programming changes.

29.5 Calibration Error Messages

29.4 Hardware Problem Error Messages
30 F.S.>MAX! The entered calibration
21 EEROMerror Error reading data from the weight, together with the
EEPROM. Possible U11 or currently applied signal,
U9 problem. indicates that the full scale
signal will be greater than the
22 EEROMerror Error writing data to allowed maximum of the
the EEPROM. Indicator. Verify that correct
Possible U11 or U9 entries have been made for
problem. the capacity, P110, and for
the calibration weight. If all
23 CheckU11&9 Supplementary error message appears correct, refer to the
for above errors. use of the information
parameter P61104, and
24 EEROMFull! The setup being attempted determine the output (in mv /
requires more EEPROM than volt) of the connected load
is currently installed. cell.

25 DefltSetup Upon power-up the Indicator 31 F.S.<.1mVv The entered calibration

has not found the proper weight, together with the
codes. Therefore all currently applied signal,
parameters have been reset to indicates that the full scale
factory default values. signal will be less than the
allowed minimum of the
26 Bad Setup The stored data has a Indicator. Verify the proper
checksum error. Check all entries for the capacity, P110,
parameters or re-load setup. and for the calibration
weight. If all appears correct,
27 RE-BOOT! The Indicator cannot use the refer to the use of the
EEPROM for data storage, so information parameters,
it is attempting to power-up P61104, and determine the
again to cure the problem. output (in mv / volt) of the
connected load cell.
28 NoRAMAVAIL The current setup requires
more RAM than is currently 32 ADD MORE! The applied weight during
installed. Either contact your calibration was less than
dealer or the factory. 0.1% of capacity. More
weight than this is required.
29 PIN error This message will appear on Refer to P61104 if this is
power-up or setup if the E2 is incorrect.
corrupted in the PIN section.
Check E2 for problems. The 33 ReCALReq'd The just completed
access code is then defaulted calibration is insufficient to
to the factory (GSE) access guarantee accurate results due
to either the cal weight being

306 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 29 Troubleshooting
SECTION - 29.6

less than 5% of capacity or will occur.

this was the first calibration
of this platform to this 42 CheckSetup This error occurs if ID usage
Indicator and therefore the P720 is set for Truck In/Out
coarse gain was adjusted by Weighing and either the ID
the Indicator. type P721 is set for ID #6 and
its size P710 is set for zero,
34 RES> 25K! The current combination of or insufficient EEPROM is
capacity P110 and increment installed and there isn't room
P111 result in a resolution for any rows of data to be
greater than 25,000 stored.
graduations. This is simply a
warning in case this was not 99 Can't Set! An attempt to enter a value
intended. for a parameter which is not
field changeable, such as the
35 RES>100K! The current combination of serial numbers or the audit
capacity P110 and increment trail counter results in this
P111 result in a resolution message.
greater than 100,000
graduations. This is not - - Cksumerror Upon each power-up, the
allowed and as soon as any Indicator tests the integrity of
key is pressed the instrument its EPROM. If the result is
will jump back into the setup not correct this message is
mode to parameter P110 to displayed and the Indicator is
verify the settings. not usable. Verify that the
EPROM (U12) is installed
36 RES< 100! The current combination of properly (no bent over pins)
capacity P110 and increment and that E1 on the main
P111 result in a resolution board is in the correct
less than 100 graduations. position (for PC745B and
This is simply a warning in earlier, the proper position is
case this was not intended. 64K+ while the proper
position for PC745C is
37 RES< 1 !! The current combination of < 256K for normal
capacity P110 and increment installations).
P111 result in a resolution
less than 1 graduation (i.e.
the increment is greater than
capacity). This is not 29.7 Miscellaneous Messages
allowed and as soon as any
key is pressed the instrument - - EntryError This error message is the
will jump back into the Setup most commonly used. The
Mode to parameter P110 to primary causes are entering a
verify the settings. value preceding a key (such
as <ZERO>) which is not
allowed, entering alpha data
29.6 General Error Messages for a numeric selection, or
entering a fractional value for
41 IDnotUsed! If an ID that has not been an entry which only accepts
setup (i.e. had its size set to a whole numbers. This may
non-zero value in P700, occur while in the Setup
P702, P704, etc.) is accessed Mode or one of the
(by pressing 3 <ID> for operational modes.
example), or if no ID's have
been setup, then this message

GSE Scale Systems - 307

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

29.8 Counting Error Messages transmission is held up for

two seconds of more due to a
- - Too Small This message indicates that de-asserted handshake. Refer
the sample placed on the to the description of
platform is too small to parameter P209 for more
accurately compute the piece information.
tx abort This occurs if the <CLR> key
- - Can't Count This message will appear is pressed when the tx on
when there is an insufficient hold error message is shown
quantity on the platform to or if P209 is set for abort and
perform an accurate count. the transmit buffer becomes

29.9 Communications Error Messages tx con'd This will appear briefly when
the handshake is re-asserted
par'y error This indicates that the parity after the tx on hold message
of a received character did occurs.
not match the parity specified
in the Setup Mode, parameter Macro error This occurs if a macro is
P202. This could also result aborted for some reason or if
if the baud rate (P200) or the an event occurs which would
number of data bits (P201) invoke another Macro while
are incorrect. the number of macros
awaiting execution already
ovrun error This indicates an over-run equals 16.
error where an additional
character was received while
the receive buffer of the 29.10 Service
550/570 was full, and thus
the extra received character There are no user-serviceable items in the GSE Models
will be lost. 550 and 570 indicators! Service must be performed by
qualified service technicians only! Attempts to service
frm'g error This indicates that the stop this instrument by unqualified personnel may void the
bit of a received character did warranty!
not occur when it was
expected. This could be the
result of an incorrect baud 29.11 Trouble-Shooting
rate (P200), incorrect number
of data bits (P201), or DATA TRANSMISSION: If a data transmission
incorrect parity setting of any weight-related numeric data such as Gross, Net or
(P202). Tare, is sent as dashes, an overload or underload
(negative overload) condition was in effect. Remove the
port error This indicates that the cause of the overload (or underload) and repeat the
550/570 did not check its transmission. Check also the setup of parameters P204,
receive data register in time, P205 and P209.
thus missing a character. If
this error should occur, please DISPLAYED WEIGHT: If an overload or underload
notify your GSE dealer or the occurs due to an electrical overstress (EOS) normally due
factory. To prevent the to lightning or ESD discharge, then press the
problem, try reducing the <CLR> key. The message "wait 1" will appear for about
baud rate (P200). 1 second. The A/D converter will then be reset and the
system should again be functional. If not, power down
tx on hold This will occur if a data for a few seconds. If the Indicator still does not work

308 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 29 Troubleshooting

SECTION - 29.11

properly after power-up, check the load cell or platform

wiring. If okay, permanent damage may have occurred,
most likely at U23, the instrument amplifier.

Component Layout: Refer to Figure 54 Main Board

PC745G Component Layout.

GSE Scale Systems - 309

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Servicing procedures must be performed by qualified
service technicians only! Attempts to service this
instrument by unqualified personnel may void the

Figure 54 Main Board PC745G Component Layout

310 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 30 Model 550 Simulator Software

SECTION - 30.2

Chapter 30 Model 550 Simulator 4) HELPAT.TXT .... The help file layed out for ten
Software f-keys, two columns of five.

5) HELPXT.TXX .... Same as .txt file above except

30.1 Description this file is used when P160 is
(GSE Part#: 460550-SIM) set for M570.

6) HELPAT.TXX .... Same as .txt file above except

This is a very unique and helpful tool to assist in setting this file is used when P160 is
up the 550/570 indicator for a specific application. The set for M570.
GSE Model 550 Simulator runs on any IBM compatible
computer with at least 640K of memory. While a In addition there are three other files which are created
monochrome monitor will work, a color monitor when the simulator is executed if they are not found to
provides a much more desirable model to work with. A already exist. These files are as follows:
simulated picture of the indicator appears on the
computer screen and the computer keyboard provides 1) M550.DAT .... This file holds the simulators
input to the 550, much the same as the 550's front setup. It contains the exact
keypad, except that full alpha input is possible. same type of information as
the EEPROMS in your M550.
If this file does not exist
30.2 Files when the indicator is
powered up, then the message
The simulator consists of the following files: "Deflt Setup" will appear.
Press any key and the
1) M550.EXE .... The simulator program. simulator will step into the
setup mode. The file will be
2) PRN_M550.EXE .... Utility program for viewing created at that time.
files and help screens.
2) M550.STP .... This file keeps track of which
3) HELPXT.TXT .... The help file layed out for the files you have specified with
ten f-keys in a single row. the F1 through F3 keys and
which help file is your
preference based on your
previous selection. If the
simulator is exited
abnormally, this file may get
corrupted. If this happens,
your file I/O operations may
not work correctly. Simply
delete the file and a new one
will be automatically created.

3) M550.RAM .... This file simulates the

database option of the
550/570 indicator. To select
the size of the database to be
simulated, press [ALT-D].
A menu will appear that
shows the current size and
instructs you how to change
it. Selections are: NONE,
24K and 120K.
30.3 Help Screens
Figure 55 IBM PC or Compatible Computer
Press the F1 key to display the help screen. The
definition of the function keys will be displayed. Page

GSE Scale Systems - 311

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

or scroll up and down to see additional information

including the definitions of the keys used to change
simulated scale input signal. If the layout of the function 30.4 Load Cell Simulation
keys does not match your keyboard, press [F1] again
with the incorrect help screen displayed. The alternate Since the simulator does not provide for a connection to
help screen layout will then appear.

Function Keys


WINDOW (Next Character)


(Backspace) (Accept)


(Previous Character)

ENTER F9 F10 CLR [Used for entering character strings]

Alt - Function Keys Ctrl - Function Keys

-Set Input F1 F2 Set Comm View Input F1 F2 View Comm File

File File

-Set Printer F3 F4 View Printer F3 F4

File File

-Invoke Editor and F5 F6 DOS F5 F6

Edit Input File Shell

F7 F8 Show Comm -Turn off Comm F7 F8 -Show Printer

Output Window and Printer Windows Output Window

-Access Setup F9 F10 Abort Macro F9 F10 -Set mV/V

Mode, Allow Execution Input Value

Load Cell Input Simulation Keys

1 .0001 1 .01
Increment Input by: Grad mV/V mV/V mV/V Ctrl - Home

Ins Home PgUp + [Grey + key only] Sets Input to

0 mV/V

Del End PgDn - [Grey - key only] [ALT-M] to keyin the desired
mV/V input level.
Decrement Input by: 1 .0001 1 .01 [ALT-G] to keyin the desired
Grad mV/V mV/V mV/V gross weight.
[ALT-N] to keyin the desired
net weight.

312 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 30 Model 550 Simulator Software
SECTION - 30.3

an actual live platform, we have made it possible for you

to control the effective input signal to the simulator.

Function Keys

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10



(Next Character)

(Backspace) (Accept)

(Previous Character)

[Used for entering character strings]

Alt - Function Keys

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10



Ctrl - Function Keys

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10



Load Cell Input Simulation Keys

1 .0001 1 .01 Ctrl - Home

Increment Input by: Grad mV/V mV/V mV/V
Sets Input to
Ins Home PgUp + [Grey + key only] 0 mV/V

Del End PgDn - [Grey - key only]

Decrement Input by: 1 .0001 1 .01

Grad mV/V mV/V mV/V [ALT-M] to keyin the desired mV/V input
[ALT-G] to keyin the desired gross weight.
[ALT-N] to keyin the desired net weight.

GSE Scale Systems - 313

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Since most load cells and platforms are rated in terms of

their milli-volt per volt (mV/V) output, most of the input
simulation keys change the signal in terms of a mv/v
amount. In addition, there are two keys which change
the simulated input signal by the smallest discernable
amount, one graduation (1 grad) of the indicator's A/D
converter. The keys used for the simulation are shown
above in the copy of the help file.

Also the ability to keyin a specific mV/V value or gross

or net weight is possible using the [ALT-M], [ALT-G]
and [ALT-N] key combinations respectively. Simply
press one of the key combinations and a window will
appear instructing you to keyin the appropriate value.
Then simply keyin the desired value and press [ENTER].

Whenever the simulated input signal is changed with one

of these keys, an additional line of information appears
below the numeric digits. This indicates the current
status of the simulated input, supplying the number of A/
D grads being simulated and the current level of the mV/
V signal being simulated. This can supply valuable Figure 56 GSE 550 Simulator Computer Disk
information when attempting to simulate a calibration
situation. Also it can be used to determine the number of
A/D graduations per displayed increment for a given you to specify a new file name. Simply enter the file
calibration. name and then set the file re-direction ON. Any
subsequent transmission out that port will be captured
into the specified file.
30.5 File Re-Direction
Similarly, to capture data sent out the comm port press
Capturing Simulator Output: The 550 simulator is [ALT]-[F3].
capable of making direct use of the comm ports on the
PC computer. Comm 1 is associated with the comm port This feature is employed to transfer setups from the
of a standard 550 and comm 2 (if applicable) is simulator to your target 550 indicator. Once the simulator
associated with the printer port of a standard 550. All is setup as desired, simply specify a file for either the
"transmissions" performed by the simulator will always print or comm port re-direction. Then go to the setup
be scrolled across a window on the screen and the data download parameter, P64000, by keying in 64000
may be captured to a disk file. The COMM and [SELECT]. Press [ENTER]. You will be prompted: "1
PRINTER ports have separate screen windows. This file for COMM" followed quickly by "2 for Prntr". Press the
may be viewed from within the simulator or the file may [1] or [2] key, depending on which port you specified for
be used with a communication program to transmit the re-direction. The setup will then commence being
data after the simulator program is terminated. The downloaded to the specified file. After a few seconds of
Comm 1 port of the PC is configurable as the bi- inactivity or upon exiting the simulator, the file buffers
directional port to the 550 simulator where as, Comm 2 are flushed and the entire file is saved to disk.
port is configurable as the uni-directional port to the 550 Loading in a Setup File: Similar to the 550 itself, the
similator. 550 simulator's setup can load its setup from a disk file.
Simply press [ALT]-[F1], specify the file name to be
Data is captured according to the 550 port which is loaded, turn the file on, and watch as the setup gets
specified for the simulator's transmission. Data sent out loaded into the simulator. A small window will appear in
the print port is captured into one file while data sent out the lower right corner of screen specifying that an input
the comm port is captured into another file. file is being processed. When the entire file has been
processed, the window disappears.
To specify the file to which comm port data is captured
to, press [ALT]-[F2]. A screen will be displayed which As with the 550 itself, the simulator need not be in any
shows the status of all the file re-direction and it allows particular mode when the setup file is begun to be

314 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 30 Model 550 Simulator Software

SECTION - 30.8

processed. As long as the 550 or simulator is not in an only be invoked with the standard 550 methods such
intermediate mode (such as at the prompt to key in the as %0 for Macro 0, or using the macro menu, or via
access code in one of the ID modes, or in the middle of setpoints, etc...)
an entry, etc...) then the file may be loaded, assuming the
file uses the standard format established by GSE, ie it
starts with the access code "23640%i%e" and proceeds 30.7 Terminating The Program
with the parameter names and selections.
The simulator program is normally terminated by
pressing the [ESC] key. This causes a message to appear
30.6 Setpoint Window asking if you are sure you want to exit the simulator
program. Press [Y] or [y] to exit the program or any
A window which displays the status of all 32 setpoints other key to continue running the simulator.
appears in the upper right corner of the screen whenever
one of the setpoints first change state. The window may After the program terminates, several lines of
be toggled on and off with the [F2] key. The setpoints information are displayed on the screen which indicate
are represented by the numbers 1 through 32 arranged in our address and the version of the simulator that was

If for some reason the simulator appears to have locked

up your computer, pressing [^C] may still be functional
Current State
aborting the simulator program.
Setpoint Setup In-Active Active

Disabled Black Gray 30.8 Additional Benefits

Output Dark Red Bright Red Other features which make the simulator a valuable tool
are listed below:
Input Dark Green Bright Green
• Alpha input possible without scrolling through
the alphabet or hooking up and external device.
Table 62 Setpoint Status Color Chart
• It forces you to create a computer disk file with
the setup provided to a customer. This can be
useful during repeat sales, attempting to
eight rows of four numbers. The state of each setpoint is simulate problems, or setting up a loaner or
indicated by the color of its number. Refer to table 62. replacement unit during servicing.
Setpoint Inputs: Change state of setpoint inputs by
holding down [ALT] key then keying in setpoint input • Portions of previously created indicator setups
number to be changed (on numeric keypad, with may often be re-used in other applications,
Num-Lock on!). (except for setpoint input 3, use [ALT] reducing future setup efforts.
[3] [3] instead.
• You don't need to have an indicator available to
For example to change setpoint input 8 from active to begin setting up an application or experiment
de-active, press with a new idea.
and hold the [ALT] key and press [8] on the numeric
keypad, then release • The state of all 32 setpoints is shown in a
the [ALT] key. window allowing for easy verification of the
status of any setpoint.
Setpoint Status: Refer to the setpoint status window
([F2]) to check on the status of any setpoint at any point
in time.
30.9 Other Interesting Notes
Invoking Macros: Invoke Macros 1 through 10 with
Any of the commands documented in the macro feature
[SHIFT-F1] through [SHIFT-F10]. (Other macros may
may be invoked directly from the keyboard while using

GSE Scale Systems - 315

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

the simulator, except those which involve branching such [SHIFT] [F6] MACRO 6
as the IF, ELSE, ENDIF, TAG, and JUMP commands. [SHIFT] [F7] MACRO 7
These commands may be executed however they have no [SHIFT] [F8] MACRO 8
effect. [SHIFT] [F9] MACRO 9
[SHIFT] [F10] MACRO 10
To execute one of these commands simply press the "%"
key ([shift]-[5] on most keyboards) and then the desired [ALT-C] Clear screen.
command. For instance, enter "1%A" to activate setpoint
one or press "%1" to execute macro 1. Sending / Receiving files

To enter the "%" character into a custom transmit (or To send a specific file press [ALT-S], a window will
some other) setup simply press the "%" key twice, ie [%] appear asking you to keyin a file name. [ALT-D] will
[%]. This is the same as for sending the "%" character give access to a DOS directory listing of files.
into a real 550 through its serial port.
To receive a specific file press [ALT-R], a window will
Work is currently in process to allow an editor to be appear asking you to keyin a file name. [ALT-D] will
invoked from within the simulator and possibly to allow give access to a DOS directory listing of files.
a DOS shell to be opened temporarily. Also, we may
allow a directory listing to be displayed to help choose a Exiting Terminal Window
file name to open.
Press [ALT-X]. This will return operation to the
standard 550 Simulator. Press [ESC] [Y] to exit the 550
30.10 Communication Terminal Window Simulator and return to the DOS prompt.

The 550 Simulator Software has a Communication

Terminal Feature. To access this mode press [ALT-T].
The Communication Terminal Window will appear. The
Terminal mode utilizes the bi-directional capabilities of
the 550's COMM port. Refer to parameters P20X in the
simulator settings for current protocol. Remote serial
device must match this protocol.

Transmitted characters or complete files will show in

GREEN on the terminal window. Received characters
and files will show in RED on the terminal window.

All intended keys on keyboard are functional to the

terminal window. Some keys have been defined with a
specific function output. These keys are called out in the
Terminal Windows help menu.

ie. [F3] ZERO

[F6] ID
[F10] CLR

ie. [SHIFT] [F1] MACRO 1


316 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 31 Personal Identification Number

SECTION - 31.2

Chapter 31 Personal
Identification Number 31.2 Clearing Setup Mode Personal
Access Number (Factory Default)
If for any reason the Setup Mode access code is to be
31.1 Introduction changed, press the <CLR> key at parameter P400.

400.— PIN The unit will respond by prompting “Enter = Dflt”.

Press the <ENTER> key and the GSE factory default
The Model 550/570 offers the ability to personalize the code will be reinstated.
access code for entering the unit’s setup and calibration
modes. The factory default method for entering the unit
setup mode is listed below.

<100> <SELECT> <23640> <ID> <ENTER>.

Parameter P400 allows a new code to be entered for

gaining access to the setup mode. The characters keyed
in after the <SELECT> key and preceding the
<ENTER> key can be customized. The Numeric
Keypad or the ARROW keys allow for entering in the
new code. This code can be alpha-numeric and up to 49
characters in length.

Pressing the <UNITS> key will scroll through the alpha-

numeric values. The letter “A” will appear at the start of


Once the new code is entered and all changes are

saved when exiting back out to the weigh mode,
this code is the absolute new setup mode access
code. The GSE factory access code will no
longer be valid at this point. Non-authorized
parties will not be allowed to enter the setup
mode without the new code. Make sure this code
is not lost. GSE Scale systems is not responsible
for lost access codes. However, if the code is
lost the unit must be returned to the factory and a
fee will be charged for reclaiming the code. GSE
Scale Systems does not want to make a practice
of this, so it is advisable to record this code in a
safe place.

each character entry. The <UNITS> key will scroll

through the ASCII character set. The <TARE> key will
move to the next character location. The <ENTER> key
will enter your keyed in characters as the new setup
mode access code.

Exiting the unit while saving all changes will validate the
new setup mode access code.

GSE Scale Systems - 317

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

318 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 32 Remote Display Operation

SECTION - 32.4

Chapter 32 Remote Display
Operation To abort the Remote Display operation of the 550 and
re-enter the setup mode, press <CLR> + <SELECT>
simultaneously. The 550 will respond with a two choice
32.1 Introduction Dsply Halt
P160.XX Model 1 for Setup (flash prompt)
This parameter allows for setting the 550 to respond as a 2 Mac Abort (hold prompt)
remote display. When selected the ‘remote display’
mode allows the displaying of received alpha and Press “2” and an abort macro command will be sent to
numeric data. GSE offers the model 450 and model 550 the master unit, aborting any macro running. Press “1”
instruments that double as remote displays. Other and the unit will request the access code to enter the
manufacturer’s instrumentation (remote displays) may be setup mode.
connected to the 550. The data stream transmission will
be a consideration for compatibility. Press:

<100> <SELECT> <23640> <ID> <ENTER>

32.2 Select Remote Display Operation
(Setup For 450 and 550 Only) Go to parameter P160 to change the unit back to a
standard 550 configuration. Key in <9990> <ENTER>
Parameter P-160 in a 450 or a 550 is configurable to <ENTER>.
allow these units to respond as remote displays to each
other or to other GSE instrumentation such as the 574.
32.4 Master Unit with Remote 550 or 450
To select remote display operation in a 450 or 550, key Display
in the following at parameter P160.XX:
The 574, 550 and 450 can be interfaced to most serial
<9992> <ENTER> devices provided they are compatible. With the full
power customization capabilities of the GSE
The 450 or 550 will respond with “Sure? ???”. Press instrumentation its fairly easy to interface with another
<ENTER> to verify remote display operation. The unit serial device such as remote displays. This section
will respond to your selection by displaying: discusses the capabilities of interfacing the 574 with a
GSE 450 or 550 indicator used as a remote display. The
Model RmDsp same cenario can be used for interfacing a 550 (master)
to another 550 (slave).
Note that earlier versions of the model 450 refered to the
Remote Display operation as the Model 451 operation. There are advantages of using a GSE instrument as a
The enabling code is the same. remote display for a 574, 550 or 450. GSE makes it very
easy (selectable) to setup the two instruments to talk to
each other. Specific parameters set aside allow for all
32.3 Abort Remote Display Operation segments of the 574 display to be transmitted out of the
(Set to Operate as a Standard Unit) COM or Print port. The remote 450 or 550 can be set
(selectable at P-271) to detect this format and display it.
To abort the Remote Display operation of the 450 and
re-enter the setup mode, press <ZERO> + <SELECT> Remote display formats: Display or Text
simultaneously. Enter the standard 450 access code.


Go to parameter P160 to change the unit back to a
standard 450 configuration. Key in <9990> <ENTER>

GSE Scale Systems - 319

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

transmission from a master unit set to echo its display. The

start and end control characters are factory defaults.

Transmitted Format:



Data stream:

<STX> <534.03> < > <lb> < > <Gross> <ETX>

Figure 57 Remote display connections (standard)
from 574 to 450 or 550. The master unit can be set to transmit a unique custom
transmission other than echoing its display. Disable the
echo mode at P-290. Set up a custom transmit in any of the
This parameter determines the format of the information to custom transmit tables and direct it out the Print or Com
be transmitted. The two formats allowable are Display or port. The remote unit must be set for “text” format at P-
Text. If this parameter is enabled, the 574’s display will be 271 instead of “display”.
transmitted out either the Com or Print port. The three
selections at this parameter are Echo = disabled, Comm or
Printer. Three Parts to Display:

The “”Echo” Display format” selection will reflect the The following format should be set in the 574, 550 or 450
identical information in all segments of its display out the custom transmit table to be received by a 450 or 550
selected port to either a 450 or 550. remote display.

Note that parameters P290 thru P292 appear only if the unit The 574, 550 and 450 display have three parts. The
is set for the master unit. A unit set for remote display main numeric portion, the upper auxiliary display (5
operation will not allow access to P290 thru P292. Remote characters) and the lower auxiliary display (5 characters).
display parameters P270 thru P288 will only appear if the
unit is set for remote display use. A unit set as a master The data stream transmitted should be in three main parts
unit will not allow access to P270 thru P288. This is only with additional start/end control characters. Each piece of
logical so as not to confuse the two modes of operation data should be delimited with an ASCII space. The first
during setup. piece of data is usually numeric and will be displayed in
the master unit’s main display. The second piece of data is
generally the ‘units’ (ie. lb, oz etc.) and is displayed in the
P291.X Start master unit’s upper auxiliary display. The third piece of
data corresponds to the numeric data name and is displayed
This parameter allows for a selection of a Start character in the master units lower auxiliary display. This is the
for the echo display mode. format a 450 or 550 (slave) unit will be setup to receive.

The following is an example format of the custom

P292.X End transmission sent (Text) by the master unit. This example
shows how a custom or fixed data stream should appear in
This parameter allows for a selection of an End character the master unit in order to be compatible with a 450 or 550
for the echo display mode. remote display. The remote device should be set for
remote display use and to receive a text format (P-271).
Once the previous parameters are selected in the master
unit for “display” operation, the matching selections must Transmitted Format:
be made in the remote unit. Parameter P-271 should be set
for “display” format, P-274 must match the start character <START CONTROL CHARACTER>
selected in parameter P-291 of the master unit. Parameter <NUMERIC DATA> < SPACE> <UNITS> <SPACE>
P-275 must match the end character selected in P-292 of <DATA NAME> <END CONTROL CHARACTER>
the master unit. The following shows the default

320 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 32 Remote Display Operation

SECTION - 32.5

Data stream:

<STX> <534.03> < > <lb> < > <Gross> <CR>

Start and end control characters are not necessary. They

are useful for synchronizing one instruments format to
another. Other manufacturer’s fixed transmissions might
not always have Start or End control Characters.

The spaces between the numeric data, units and data name
are usually present. The following example shows a
common fixed data stream format. Notice the first set of
information is numeric. A space is between the first piece
of data (numeric) and the units (lb). A space is also present Figure 58 Cascading the Model 450 or 550 (unique address
between the units and the data name (gross). The setup) with a 574.
terminating control code is a carriage return <CR>.

ie. 456.73 lb gross<CR>

Receiving Text format introduction:

32.5 Model 450 and 550 Remote Display
Parameters The 450 and 550 display has three parts. The main
numeric portion, the upper auxiliary display (5 characters)
and the lower auxiliary display (5 characters).
P270.X TmOut
The data stream received should be in three main parts with
Enabling Time Out will display the message “Check additional start/end control characters. Each piece of data
Cable” after no other transmissions have been received should be delimited with an ASCII space. The first piece
after the time out period has elapsed. of data is usually numeric and will be displayed in the 450
or 550’s main display. The second piece of data is
Disabling Time Out will retain the last received updated generally the units and is displayed in the 450 or 550’s
information on its display. upper auxiliary display. The third piece of data
corresponds to the numeric data name and is displayed in
the 450 or 550’s lower auxiliary display. This is the format
P271.X Formt a master GSE unit will transmit information when its
configured to transmit its display information.
This parameter determines the format of the information to
be received. The two formats allowable are Display or The following is a demonstration of the format of the
Text. transmission received “Text” by the 450 or 550. This is
how a custom or fixed data stream should appear to be
The “Display format” selection will reflect the identical compatible with 450 remote display operation.
information in all segments of its display as on the displays
of the 550, 570 or 574 instruments (P290 in the master unit Received Format:
must be set for display, “Echo”). This will enable the
master unit to transmit its complete display information to <START CONTROL CHARACTER>
the remote 450 or 550. <NUMERIC DATA> < SPACE> <UNITS> <SPACE>
The “Text format” selection will reflect custom
information in the 450 or 550’s display received via its Format example:
COMM Port. This mode can be used for receiving custom
information from another GSE instrument but is generally <STX> <534.03> < > <lb> < > <Gross> <CR>
used for receiving fixed formats from Non-GSE equipment.

GSE Scale Systems - 321

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Start and end control characters are not necessary. All

control characters received are selectable and a “none” Cascading Connections:
selection for the start or end control character is acceptable.
Other manufacturer’s fixed transmissions might not always Remote display operations generally require no handshake
have Start or End control Characters. The spaces between lines. A transmit line and a ground line are sufficient. This
the numeric data, units and data name are usually present. will make cascading 450 units easier.
The following example shows a common fixed data stream
format. Notice the first set of information is numeric. A Connect the (TX) line from the sending device to the (RX)
space is between the first piece of data (numeric) and the connection on the 450 COMM Port (J6) 550 COMM Port
units (lb). A space is also present between the units and the (J2). Connect the ground line from the sending device to
data name (gross). The terminating control code is a the ground connection on the 450 COMM Port (J6) 550
carriage return <CR>. COMM Port (J2). Any of the two ground connections can
be used on the 450 (J6) connector.
ie. 456.73 lb gross<CR>
The next cascaded 450 should be connected from the
previous 450 or 550’s (TX) connection to its (RX)
The following information is strictly for setup in the 450 connection. The ground line should be connected between
and 550 instruments. This feature will allow the 574 to the two units. Refer to figure 58 for cascading connections.
transmit custom data to one of many uniquely addressed Note that the master device in figure 58 is a 574. It could
remote 450s or 550s. very well be another GSE indicator such as a Model 550 or
570 with an operating macro program. The master device
could also be a computer with an operation program.
P272.X Addr

This parameter is only accessable if parameter P271 is set P274.X Start

for Text format. The address parameter allows each 450
or 550 indicator to have its own unique address selection. This parameter allows for setting the Start Control
The selections are any ASCII character. Scroll through the Character received from the master unit. The Start Control
selections by pressing <ENTER>. This will allow 450 or Character is used for both the Display (echo from master)
550 indicators to be cascaded together allowing specific and Text format modes. Press the <ENTER> key to scroll
information to be directed to individual units. The Address through all selections. This selection must match the Start
Control Character should follow the Start Control Control Character selection set in the P290 parameters in
Character in the data stream from the sending device. the master unit (P291) or the Start Control Character in the
Remote key operation will not work when cascading custom transmit.
indicators. This means that pressing a key on any of the
units will not have any direct effect on the master unit.
Note that parameters P280 thru P287 must be disabled. P275.X End
These parameters allow for individually disabling the front
panel keys from sending out serial commands to remotely This parameter allows for setting the End Control
effect the master unit. In the case of cascading units, these Character received from the master unit. The End Control
serial commands would be sent to the adjacent unit which Character is used for both the Display (echo from master)
might not be desirable. Disabling all remote key and Text format modes. Press the <ENTER> key to scroll
parameters will eliminate one 450 or 550 from sending any through all selections. This selection must match the End
remote key commands to any adjacent unit in the link. Control Character selection set in the P290 parameters in
the master unit (P292) or the End Control Character in the
Received Format: custom transmit.


<DATA NAME> <END CONTROL CHARACTER> The 450 and 550 have the capability to echo serial
commands out their COMM Port associated with a specific
Format example: key press. This will allow the operator to remotely control
functions on the master unit. An example of this would be
<STX> <ESC> <534.03> < > <lb> < > <Gross> <CR> to remotely zero the master unit (GSE M574). Pressing

322 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 32 Remote Display Operation

SECTION - 32.6

GSE indicator. Both a TX, RX and GND line must be

connected between the two units COMM Ports for remote
key operation. Both units must be set for software
handshake (Xon). If this parameter is disabled the
<UNITS> key will have no effect on the master unit.


This parameter allows for enabling or disabling the remote

450 or 550’s <SELECT> key. If enabled it will have an
effect on the master unit. When this key is pressed it will
send a select operation command recognized by another
Figure 59 Remote display connections for Remote Keys GSE indicator. Both a TX, RX and GND line must be
(450 or 550) connected between the two units COMM Ports for remote
key operation. Both units must be set for software
<ZERO> on the 450 unit will transmit a serial command handshake (Xon). If this parameter is disabled the
to the 574 specific to performing a zero operation. Note <SELECT> key will have no effect on the master unit.
that bi-directional capabilities must be fully intact. The
550 units COMM receive input must be ON. A TX, RX
and GND cable must be connecting both units COMM P283.X ID ( <PRINT> + <UNITS>)
Ports. Both the master and remote unit must be setup for
software handshaking (Xon). This will allow the master This parameter allows for enabling or disabling the remote
unit (550) to transmit its display information while 450’s <PRINT> + <UNITS> key combination. This is
allowing the slave unit (450) to remotely send serial key the <ID> key on a 550. If enabled it will have an effect on
commands. Refer to figure 59 for Remote Key operation the master unit. When this key is pressed it will send a %i
connections. Figure 57 illustrates standard Remote operation command recognized by another GSE indicator
Display operation connections without remote key to step backwards one step in the ASCII table selection.
operation. The master unit must be set for NO Both a TX, RX and GND line must be connected between
handshaking. the two units COMM Ports for remote key operation. Both
units must be set for software handshake (Xon). If this
The following parameters allow for disabling individual parameter is disabled the %i will have no effect on the
remote keys (P280 thru P287). master unit.

This parameter allows for enabling or disabling the remote
This parameter allows for enabling or disabling the remote 450 or 550’s <PRINT> key. If enabled it will have an
450 or 550’s <ZERO> key. If enabled it will have an effect on the master unit. When this key is pressed it will
effect on the master unit. When this key is pressed it will send a print operation command recognized by another
send a zero operation command recognized by another GSE indicator. Both a TX, RX and GND line must be
GSE indicator. Both a TX, RX and GND line must be connected between the two units COMM Ports for remote
connected between the two units COMM Ports for remote key operation. Both units must be set for software
key operation. Both units must be set for software handshake (Xon). If this parameter is disabled the
handshake (Xon). If this parameter is disabled the <PRINT> key will have no effect on the master unit.
<ZERO> key will have no effect on the master unit.

This parameter allows for enabling or disabling the remote
This parameter allows for enabling or disabling the remote 450 or 550’s <TARE> key. If enabled it will have an
450 or 550’s <UNITS> key. If enabled it will have an effect on the master unit. When this key is pressed it will
effect on the master unit. When this key is pressed it will send a tare operation command recognized by another
send a units operation command recognized by another GSE indicator. Both a TX, RX and GND line must be

GSE Scale Systems - 323

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

connected between the two units COMM Ports for remote 270%s0%e P270.00 TmOut Disbl
key operation. Both units must be set for software 271%s0%e P271.00 Formt Dsply
handshake (Xon). If this parameter is disabled the 274%s2%e P274.02 Start <STX>
<TARE> key will have no effect on the master unit. 275%s3%e P275.03 End <ETX>

280%s1%e P280.01 ZERO Enbld

P286.X ENTER 281%s1%e P281.01 UNITS Enbld
282%s1%e P282.01 SELCT Enbld
This parameter allows for enabling or disabling the remote 283%s1%e P283.01 ID Enbld
550’s <ENTER> key. If enabled it will have an effect on 284%s1%e P284.01 PRINT Enbld
the master unit. When this key is pressed it will send an 285%s1%e P285.01 TARE Enbld
enter operation command recognized by another GSE 287%s1%e P287.01 CLEAR Enbld
indicator. Both a TX, RX and GND line must be
connected between the two units COMM Ports for remote
key operation. Both units must be set for software (M550 remote)
handshake (Xon). If this parameter is disabled the
<ENTER> key will have no effect on the master unit. 160%s9990%e%e P160.--Model 550
160%s9992%e%e P160.--Model RmDsp
270%s0%e P270.00 TmOut Disbl
This parameter allows for enabling or disabling the remote 271%s0%e P271.00 Formt Dsply
450 and 550’s <CLEAR> key. If enabled it will have an 274%s2%e P274.02 Start <STX>
effect on the master unit. When this key is pressed it will 275%s3%e P275.03 End <ETX>
send a clear operation command recognized by another
GSE indicator. Both a TX, RX and GND line must be 280%s1%e P280.01 ZERO Enbld
connected between the two units COMM Ports for remote 281%s1%e P281.01 UNITS Enbld
key operation. Both units must be set for software 282%s1%e P282.01 SELCT Enbld
handshake (Xon). If this parameter is disabled the 283%s1%e P283.01 ID Enbld
<CLEAR> key will have no effect on the master unit. 284%s1%e P284.01 PRINT Enbld
285%s1%e P285.01 TARE Enbld
286%s1%e P286.01 ENTER Enbld
P288.X NUMBR 287%s1%e P287.01 CLEAR Enbld
288%s1%e P288.01 NUMBR Enbld
This parameter allows for enabling or disabling the remote
550’s numeric keypad including the decimal point. If
enabled it will have an effect on the master unit. When any (M450 master)
of the numeric keys are pressed it will send that specific
character to another GSE instrument. Both a TX, RX and 290%s0%e P290.00 Echo Disbl
GND line must be connected between the two units 291%s2%e P291.02 Start <STX> ^B=02
COMM Ports for remote key operation. Both units must be 292%s3%e P292.03 End <ETX> ^C=03
set for software handshake (Xon). If this parameter is
disabled the numeric keypad will have no effect on the
master unit. (M550 master)

290%s0%e P290.00 Echo Disbl

32.7 Remote and Master Unit Parameter 291%s2%e P291.02 Start <STX> ^B=02
Listing in Serial Text Formats 292%s3%e P292.03 End <ETX> ^C=03

(M450 remote)
(M574 master)
160%s9990%e%e P160.--Model 450
OR 290%s0%e P290.00 Echo Disbl
160%s9992%e%e P160.--Model RmDsp 291%s2%e P291.02 Start <STX> ^B=02
292%s3%e P292.03 End <ETX> ^C=03

324 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 32 Remote Display Operation

SECTION - 32.7

GSE Scale Systems - 325

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

326 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 33 (OIML)

SECTION - 33.1

implemented by programming Macro 15 to perform a %

Chapter 33 (OIML) u.

The OIML keypad will be included in the 550 version

33.1 European Specific Modifications with CE labeling, part number 200550-03000. The
keypad is also available separately as GSE part number
OIML => Organization for International Legal 44-35-29xxx.
Please note that the inverted 'T' configuration of the keys
OIML Parameter: for scrolling in ASCII characters has been preserved.
For example, the middle key in the top row is still the up
An OIML selection parameter, P410, has been created. arrow key even though it is now the print key. (The print
To prevent accidental switching of this parameter once key is a down arrow key with the standard keypad and
the parameter is selected, it may only be changed by OIML disabled.)
entering <9991> <ENTER> to enable OIML or <9990>
<ENTER> to disable OIML. It cannot be changed by The only complication that arises from this is that the
simply pressing <ENTER> alone. When a DEFAULT <SELECT> key now is the right arrow key. Therefore
SETUP (P65001 or 65002) is performed the current state the operation is somewhat context sensitive. When the
of the OIML selection is NOT affected. This is similar F3 key is pressed during an entry, if the preceding entry
to the operation of the model number parameter. is purely numeric, the F3 key performs the <SELECT>
function and the indicator proceeds to the specified mode
Enabling the OIML parameter has the following effects: or parameter. However if the preceding entry contains
any non-numeric characters, then the F3 key performs a
a. The layout of the keys used on the OIML right arrow function, appending an 'A' to the end of the
version of the 550 keypad is assumed. Refer to entry. The F3 key without an entry always performs the
figures 60 and 61 for a picture of the <SELECT> function.
keypad. Also refer to table 63 for key
definitions. However, in certain setup modes the right arrow key was
used to scroll through the existing entry. Specifically,
macros (P800 - P816), input interpreter strings (P911,
Note that the units key has been eliminated since it is not 921, etc...) and macro debug (P64200) used the right
normally required in Europe. However it can easily be arrow key to scroll to the next character within these



Top row, left key -> 0 <- ZERO %z —-

Top row, middle key []-> PRINT %p Up arrow

Top row, right key -> T <- TARE %t —-

Middle row, left key F1 ID %i Left arrow

Middle row, middle key F2 Invokes macro 15 %? Down arrow

Middle row, right key F3 SELECT %s Right arrow

Bottom key <—- | ENTER %e —-

Table 63, OIML 550i Keypad Key Definitions

GSE Scale Systems - 327

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Parameter Number Parameter Name selections while the <SELECT> key would advance to
the next parameter.

Therefore, these modes will use the [->T<-] (tare) key to

scroll to the next character within these parameters.

Also, within the macros, the <PRINT> previously

allowed the printing of selected the macro. Since the []-
> ([PRINT]) key is now the up arrow key and that key is
used to begin alpha entries, it is necessary to press the
<F2> key to print a specific macro.

b. The overload indication of the indicator,

"Code-03 Over-load" and "Code-02 Under-
Load", will occur at nine divisions (as defined
by P111) above/below capacity (per P110). The
overload is still based upon the zero established
2 Tare during calibration of the indicator to the
platform. Therefore subsequent use of the front
panel zero key will shift the maximum
displayed value upward or downward,
depending on the amount zeroed out.
c. The name of certain parameters will include an
indication of whether the values of those
parameters were determined by the indicator or
by some other means such as operator entry or
4 GrT+C memory recall (ie preset). These parameters
are located in table 64.

The names in table 64 will be preceded by a "P" if the

value is preset, ie not determined by the indicator, when
Table 64, Pre-setable GrT-C
Parameters the name is printed or shown on the display. This preset
marking ability also applies to the user supplied names
which are now possible for all parameters. Refer to the
namable weight parameters section for more information.

6 NtTOT The tare parameter will be considered not preset when an

auto-tare is performed or when it is cleared (by pressing
<0> <TARE>) or if it is lost after a power-down (if
P161 TrSav = Disbl). When the tare is changed in any
other manner (ie entering a numeric tare, a value
received via serial transmission, recalled from a database,
7 NtT+C
copied from another parameter with the %C command,
etc...) then the tare will be considered preset.

The gross, net, and quantity total parameters will be

considered not preset if the total value of the parameter is
8 NtT-C cleared to zero. However, entering a numeric value (or
changing it in any of the ways listed above) for an
accumulate parameter will cause that parameter and its
derivatives it to be considered preset. Performing an
accumulation does not affect the preset status of an
accumulate parameter.
31 QtTOT

32 QtT+C

328 - GSE Scale Systems

33 QtT-C
Technical Reference Manual Chapter 33 (OIML)
SECTION - 33.2

International Character Set Re-mapped Characters

Character Decimal 35 36 64 91 92 93 94 96 123 124 125 126

Number: Hex 23 24 40 5B 5C 5D 5E 60 7B 7C 7D 7E

Selection# Name Description

# $ @ [ \ ] ˆ ` { | } ~

# $ à ° ç § ˆ ` é ù è ¨

# $ § Ä Ö ü ˆ ` ä ö ü ß
0 USA United States
£ $ @ [ \ ] ˆ ` { | } ~

1 Frnce France # $ @ Æ Ø Å ˆ ` æ ø ~

# ¤ É Ä Ö Å ü é ä ö ü

2 Germn Germany # $ @ ° \ é ˆ ù à ò è

$ @ ¡ Ñ ¿ ˆ ` ¨ ñ } ~

3 UK England
# $ @ [ ¥ ] ˆ ` { | } ~

# ¤ É Æ Ø Å ü é æ ø ü

# $ É Æ Ø Å ü é æ ø ü
4 Dnmrk Denmark I
# $ á ¡ Ñ ¿ é ü í ñ ó ú

# $ @ [ ] ˆ ' { | ˆ] ~
5 Swedn Sweden

Table 65, International Character Set

6 Italy Italy

listed earlier) then the APW will be considered preset.

The average piece
weight parameters In addition, a new macro command, x%f, has been
7 Spain Spain I are considered not created, where x is one of the preset-able parameters as
preset if the piece listed above. This command performs an "IF parameter
weight has been x is preset" which allows a macro to check the "preset"
directly status of the specified parameter.
8 Japan Japan determined by 33.2 International Characters
sampling. If the
piece weight is The ability to display international characters has been
established by any added. Setup parameter P411 was created to specify the
other method desired language of operation. Pressing <ENTER> at
9 Norwy Norway (such as those

GSE Scale Systems - 329

10 Dnmrk2 Denmark II
Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Checksum Code Function Description P411 toggles through the available selections. Refer to
table 65 for the specific characters supported for each
.300 stop Stop calculating
the checksum but Table 65 is compatible with a commonly used Epson
do not transmit standard for supporting international characters. Thus if
yet. a printer used with the indicator also supports the Epson
international character standard, then the special
.301 CCITT International characters can be printed as they are displayed.
standard CRC
When scrolling through the available characters to make
.302 SDLC/HDLC CRC used by an entry, the character in the selected row will appear
IBM instead of the character at the top of the column.
Therefore these characters may be used wherever an
.303 CRC-16 Most commonly alpha entry is allowed, such as parameter names, macro
used CRC in the prompts, custom transmit setups, user entries, etc...
United States
The decimal and hexadecimal representation of each
.304 CRC-12 Used when bytes character is shown at the very top of each column for
are 6 bits your reference. The indicator simply interprets the listed
codes before displaying a character, depending on which
.305 LRCC-16 16 bit CRC
character set is specified by setup parameter P411.

.306 LRCC-8 8 bit CRC, used Note that the supported language can also be changed on
by Epson the fly with a macro command x%L, where x is the
language selection number as noted in the left hand
.307 XMODEM Registers are column of table 65. Note that this change is only
shifted left, temporary; on power-up the language will always be as
opposite CCITT specified by P411.
method which
shifts right. Used
with 33.3 Namable Weight Parameters
transmissions up
to 9600 baud. The ability to name parameters (such as Vars and Regs)
has been extended to include virtually every parameter,
.308 Sum 16 2 byte additive including gross, net, tare, etc... This allows these
checksum parameters to be named as required in any country or for
any application. Examples of such names are for Gross
.309 Sum-8 1 byte additive to be re-named simply "G", "Gr", "Brutto", "Br", or
checksum whatever may be required.

.310 Send Checksum Transmit The names are entered in the P600 area of the setup
checksum sending mode. For example to re-name the time/date, parameter
LSB first 11, from "Tm/Dt" to "Time", proceed to parameter P611
(600 + 11). Then enter the desired name for the
.311 Send Checksum Transmit parameter. Refer to section 4.5 of this Technical
checksum sending Reference Manual for assistance with scrolling in alpha
MSB first entries.

If the OIML features are enabled (P410), then when

naming any of the "Preset-able Parameters", as listed in
table 64, the first character of the name will only be seen
when the parameter has been preset. For example, to
Table 66, Checksum Format Codes cause the tare name to print out as "T" for auto-tares and
"PT" for preset tares, the name "PT" should be given to

330 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 33 (OIML)
SECTION - 33.5

the tare using setup parameter P602. a macro. Similar to the way a carriage return/line feed
combination may be programmed into a custom transmit
In order to cause the same name to always be used for setup by entering .256, the codes for the checksum may
one of these parameters, regardless of whether or not it be entered as shown in table 66.
has been preset, enter a space as the first character of the
name. The space will be ignored in both the displayed To allow one these checksum commands to be issued
and printed name. directly from a macro, use the appropriate code listed
above along with the "send control code" command, "%
Note that an entered name is used both on the lower line &". For example use 306%& to begin a LRCC-8
of the display when the parameter is selected and it is checksum.
transmitted with the parameter when specified in a
custom transmit. Refer to app note 1 for an example of how to interface an
Epson printer with the 550 indicator using checksums.

33.4 Check-sums on Transmitted Data Note that this feature only allows the transmitting of
checksums, not the receiving of checksummed data.
In Europe, if a printer is not located adjacent to the
indicator then the transmission must include a checksum
and a mechanism to re-attempt a transmission in case of 33.5 Printer Interface Example
errors in order to be PTB approved.
GSE Model 550 to Epson Printer
Several different styles of checksums may now be
calculated by the indicator to help insure the integrity of Implementing Epson "BT-90" Block Transfer
the transmitted data. One of these new checksum (commonly used in Europe)
calculation methods matches that used by Epson in a
protocol commonly used in Europe. Together with While there are numerous ways of accomplishing various
capabilities of the Input Interpreter (P900), the 550 tasks on the 550 (including the one at hand) below is one
indicator may now be used with these Epson printers, possible method.
insuring correct data transfer by re-sending the
transmission if the required acknowledge is not received. Note: This example requires the use of M550
firmware dated Dec, 1993 or later (per
A data checksum calculation consists of three P60102). The Block Proof character used in
commands: he Epson BT-90 interface is known as
1. Initialize and begin calculating a specific type
of checksum starting with the next transmitted This implementation uses Macro 0, 1, 2, 3 , Custom
character. Transmit 1, and Reg 91.

2. Stop calculating the checksum (optional). Macro 1 is named Print Block so that it can be started
Required only when the checksum is not to be from the ID menu.
transmitted until after some additional
characters are transmitted. Macro 0 which is invoked by setpoint 1 upon indicator
power-up or after exiting setup mode clears Reg 91.
3. Transmit the checksum. Since most supported <91> is used to keep track of the state of the interface.
checksums are two-byte, there are two
commands, one for most significant byte (msb) Step 1: When macro 1 is executed, it checks Reg 91 to
first and one for least significant byte (lsb) first. determine if a print is in progress. If no print is
Both bytes will be transmitted in succession. in progress, <ENQ> is sent out the COM port
For single byte checksums, either command to indicate the beginning of a transmission and
may be issued. Reg 91 is incremented to 1 to prevent other
transmissions. If a print is in progress, the
Several new codes have been defined which allow these message "Can't Send" is displayed if macro 1 is
commands to be embedded at the proper locations in a invoked.
custom transmit or to be done at a particular time within

GSE Scale Systems - 331

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Step 2: The input interpreter #1 is set to execute macro 851%sPrintBlock%e P851.-- Mac 1 PrintBlock
2 when a <ACK>is received. Macro 2 checks
if Reg 91 is 1. If it is, custom transmit 1 is sent 900%s1%e P900.01 RxInp Enbld
and Reg 91 is set to 2. 901%s0%e P901.00 RxTrm <NUL>
902%s1%e P902.01 RxPas Enbld
Step 3: After the transmission is sent, the printer will
respond with either an <ACK> or a <NAK>. If 910%s1%e P910.01 RxTyp Char
<ACK> is received at this point (reg 91 not =1) 911%s%c%e P911.01 RxFmt
then macro 2 changes Reg 91 back to 0. This .006%e <ACK>^F=06
means another transmission could be initiated. 912%s2%e P912.02 RxMac 2

If <AK> is received, the input interpreter #2 will cause 920%s1%e P920.01 RxTyp Char
macro 3 to run. This macro will send an <ACK> to the
printer and set Reg 91 to 1. Then step 2 is repeated. 921%s%c%e P921.01 RxFmt
.021%e <NAK>^U=21
Custom transmit 1 describes the format of a custom 922%s3%e P922.03 RxMac 3
transmit usings CRCs. The file, (LRCC8.SET) contains
this implementation.
1000%s%c1000%e P1000. Custom Transmit #1

100%s23640%i%e Access Setup Modes, .002%e <STX>

Allowing Changes .306%e Check LRCC8
%e0%e%e0%e%e Gross Format = 0
65010%s1%e%e P65010. dbase Reset .256%e <CR> <LF>
.003%e <ETX>
101%s2%e P101.02 Scl 1 Enbld .310%e Check PrnLo

800%s%c%e P800.06 Macro # 0 2000%s%c1000%e P2000. Custom Transmit #2

0;91%%C%e 0001 copy register

801%s%c%e P801.36 Macro # 1 3000%s%c1000%e P3000. Custom Transmit #3

91=%%'%e 0001 compare
1%%"%e 0005 select port 4000%s%c1000%e P4000. Custom Transmit #4
2%%)%e 0007 flush keys
1;91%%C%e 0009 copy register
5%%&%e 0014 send code 5100%s1%e P5100.1 SPt 1 Outpt
%%N%e 0016 if not 5110%s9%e P5110.9 Activ alwys
Can'tSend!%%P%e 0017 pause 5111%s0%e P5111.0 hold 0.0 S
%%E%e 0028 end if 5112%s0%e P5112.0 Macro 0
5113%s0%e P5113.0 Mot'n Ign'd
802%s%c%e P802.25 Macro # 2 5130%s10%e P5130.X DeAct never
91=1%%'%e 0001 compare
2;91%%C%e 0006 copy register %z Exit Setup Mode
1%%Q%e 0011 custom transmit
%%N%e 0013 if not
0;91%%C%e 0014 copy register 33.6 Specific International 550 Versions
%%E%e 0019 end if
U.K. version
803%s%c%e P803.18 Macro # 3 (GSE Part #: 200550-03000)
91=2%%'%e 0001 compare with U.K. line cord specifications.
1%%"%e 0006 select port
1;91%%C%e 0008 copy register
6%%&%e 0013 send code German version

332 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 33 (OIML)
SECTION - 33.6

Figure 60, Model 450i International Keypad

Figure 61, Model 550i International Keypad

GSE Scale Systems - 333

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

(GSE Part#: 200550-04000)

with German line cord specifications.

334 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Chapter 34 Pre-setable Parameters (STANDARD)

SECTION - 34.2

The tare parameter will be considered not preset when an

Chapter 34 Pre-setable auto-tare is performed or when it is cleared (by pressing
Parameters (STANDARD) <0> <TARE>) or if it is lost after a power-down (if
P161 TrSav = Disbl). When the tare is changed in any
other manner (ie entering a numeric tare, a value
34.1 Description received via serial transmission, recalled from a
database, copied from another parameter with the %C
The name of certain parameters will include an command, etc...) then the tare will be considered preset.
indication of whether the values of those parameters
were determined by the instrument or by some other The gross, net, and quantity total parameters will be
means such as operator entry or memory recall (ie considered not preset if the total value of the parameter
preset). These parameters are shown in table 67. is cleared to zero. However, entering a numeric value
(or changing it in any of the ways listed above) for an
The names shown in table 67 will be preceded by a "P" if accumulate parameter will cause that parameter and its
the value is preset, ie not determined by the instrument, derivatives it to be considered preset. Performing an
when the name is printed or shown on the display. This accumulation does not affect the preset status of an
preset marking ability also applies to the user supplied accumulate parameter.
names which are now possible for all parameters. Refer
to Chapter 14, Section on Naming Parameters. The average piece weight parameters are considered not
preset if the piece weight has been directly determined
by sampling. If the piece weight is established by any
other method (such as those listed earlier) then the APW
Parameter Number Parameter Name will be considered preset.

2 Tare In addition, the macro command, x%f, has been created,

where x is one of the preset-able parameters as listed
3 GrTOT above. This command performs an "IF parameter x is
preset" which allows a macro to check the "preset" status
4 GrT+C of the specified parameter. Refer to chapter 16, Macro
Programming for more information on this command.
5 GrT-C
34.2 Setup
P412.X PrSET
7 NtT+C
This parameter allows for enabling/disabling the preset
8 NtT-C feature on the instrument.

31 QtTOT

32 QtT+C

33 QtT-C

34 APW

35 APW*K

Table 67 Pre-setable Parameters

GSE Scale Systems - 335

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

336 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Appendix 1 Transmission of Current Settings


Appendix A.1 Transmission of
Current Settings 160%s9992%e%e P160.-- Model RmDsp

Factory Default Settings: 161%s0%e P161.00 TrSAV Disbl

162%s0%e P162.00 TrNEG Disbl
163%s1%e P163.01 TrRND Enbld
(including remote display settings) 164%s3%e P164.03 AcRTZ 0.1%%
165%s1%e P165.01 AcFnc ADD
The following is a printout of the setup parameters of the 166%s1%e P166.01 AutoT Enbld
550 instrument. Parameter P160 defines the unit as a 167%s1%e P167.01 KybdT Enbld
standard 550 indicator or for remote display use. The 168%s1%e P168.01 KybdS Enbld
number 200 parameters in the outlined box below will 169%s0%e P169.00 GrENT Disbl
not appear if the standard 550 is selected. The boxed
parameters are specific to the remote display setup. 170%s0%e P170.00 A-out off

100%s23640%i%e Access Setup Modes, 200%s1%e P200.01 Baud 9600

Allowing Changes 201%s1%e P201.01 #data 8bits
202%s0%e P202.00 Par'y none
65010%s1%e%e P65010. dbase Reset 203%s0%e P203.00 #stop 1bit
204%s2%e P204.02 ComHS Xon
101%s2%e P101.02 Scl 1 Enbld 205%s0%e P205.00 PrnHS none
102%s0%e P102.00 Scl 2 Disbl 206%s1%e P206.01 RxCom on
103%s0%e P103.00 Scl 3 Disbl 207%s3%e P207.03 TxRTZ 0.1%%
104%s0%e P104.00 Scl 4 Disbl 208%s8%e P208.08 Width 8
209%s0%e P209.00 TxHld delay
100%s23640%i%e Access Setup Modes,
Allowing Changes 210%s1%e P210.01 Send1 onreq
211%s1%e P211.01 Port Print
110%s100.000000%e P110.-- F.S.= 100.0 212%s1%e P212.01 Mot'n delay
111%s9%e P111.09 1 div 0.01
112%s5%e P112.05 ZTapr 0.5 d 220%s0%e P220.00 Send2 off
113%s10%e P113.10 ZTdly 1.0 s 221%s0%e P221.00 Port Comm
114%s10%e P114.10 Mot'n 1.0 d 222%s1%e P222.01 Mot'n delay
115%s10%e P115.10 MtDly 1.0 s
116%s6%e P116.06 Filtr 1.0 s 230%s0%e P230.00 Send3 off
117%s1%e P117.01 Rate= 0.1 s 231%s0%e P231.00 Port Comm
118%s12%e P118.12 Zrnge 100.%% 232%s1%e P232.01 Mot'n delay
119%s0%e P119.00 Linrz Disbl
240%s0%e P240.00 Send4 off
150%s0%e P150.00 UNITS= lb 241%s0%e P241.00 Port Comm
151%s0%e P151.00 UNIT1= lb 242%s1%e P242.01 Mot'n delay
152%s1%e P152.01 UNIT2= kg
153%s9%e P153.09 UNIT3= NONE 250%s0%e P250.00 NtWrk Disbl
154%s9%e P154.09 UNIT4= NONE 251%s0%e P251.00 Addrs 0
155%s1.000000%e P155.-- Ucon1= 1.000
156%s1.000000%e P156.-- Ucon2= 1.000 270%s0%e P270.00 TmOut Disbl
157%s????1%e P157.-- Unam1= ????1 271%s0%e P271.00 Formt Dsply
158%s????2%e P158.-- Unam2= ????2 274%s2%e P274.02 Start <STX>
275%s3%e P275.03 End <ETX>

280%s1%e P280.01 ZERO Enbld

160%s9990%e%e P160.-- Model 550 281%s1%e P281.01 UNITS Enbld
282%s1%e P282.01 SELCT Enbld

GSE Scale Systems - 337

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

283%s1%e P283.01 ID Enbld 481%s6%e P481.06 VarDP= AUTO

284%s1%e P284.01 PRINT Enbld 482%s6%e P482.06 VarDP= AUTO
285%s1%e P285.01 TARE Enbld 483%s6%e P483.06 VarDP= AUTO
286%s1%e P286.01 ENTER Enbld 484%s6%e P484.06 VarDP= AUTO
287%s1%e P287.01 CLEAR Enbld 485%s6%e P485.06 VarDP= AUTO
288%s1%e P288.01 NUMBR Enbld 486%s6%e P486.06 VarDP= AUTO
487%s6%e P487.06 VarDP= AUTO
488%s6%e P488.06 VarDP= AUTO
290%s0%e P290.00 Echo Disbl 489%s6%e P489.06 VarDP= AUTO
291%s2%e P291.02 Start <STX>^B=02
292%s3%e P292.03 End <ETX>^C=03 500%s%c P500.01 Time 14:40
501%s%c P501.94 Date 09/15
300%s0%e P300.00 MODE0 Gross 502%s0%e P502.00 TmDat no
301%s1%e P301.01 MODE1 Net 503%s1%e P503.01 AM/PM yes
302%s2%e P302.02 MODE2 Tare 504%s0%e P504.00 A1Sel off
303%s99%e P303.99 MODE3 None! 505%s0.0.0%e P505.00 A1Tim 00:00
304%s99%e P304.99 MODE4 None! 506%s0%e P506.00 A2Sel off
305%s99%e P305.99 MODE5 None! 507%s0.0.0%e P507.00 A2Tim 00:00
306%s99%e P306.99 MODE6 None! 508%s0%e P508.00 A3Sel off
307%s99%e P307.99 MODE7 None! 509%s0.0.0%e P509.00 A3Tim 00:00
308%s99%e P308.99 MODE8 None! 510%s0%e P510.00 Style U.S.A
309%s99%e P309.99 MODE9 None! 511%s0%e P511.00 RtDsp TmDat
512%s0%e P512.00 A1Dsp TmDat
400%s%c%e P400.-- PIN None! 513%s0%e P513.00 A2Dsp TmDat
401%s%c%e P401.-- QCAL None! 514%s0%e P514.00 A3Dsp TmDat
515%s0%e P515.00 A4Dsp TmDat
410%s9990%e%e P410.-- OIML Disbl
411%s0%e P411.00 LANG USA 600%s%c P600.-- Gross None!
412%s0%e P412.00 PrSET Disbl 601%s%c P601.-- Net None!
602%s%c P602.-- Tare None!
420%s1%e P420.01 Dsply ON 603%s%c P603.-- GrTOT None!
421%s2%e P421.02 WtThr 6d 604%s%c P604.-- GrT+C None!
422%s5%e P422.05 TmOut 5min 605%s%c P605.-- GrT-C None!
606%s%c P606.-- NtTOT None!
460%s6%e P460.06 VarDP= AUTO 607%s%c P607.-- NtT+C None!
461%s6%e P461.06 VarDP= AUTO 608%s%c P608.-- NtT-C None!
462%s6%e P462.06 VarDP= AUTO
463%s6%e P463.06 VarDP= AUTO
464%s6%e P464.06 VarDP= AUTO 611%s%c P611.-- Tm/Dt None!
465%s6%e P465.06 VarDP= AUTO 612%s%c P612.-- TrGrs None!
466%s6%e P466.06 VarDP= AUTO 613%s%c P613.-- TrNet None!
467%s6%e P467.06 VarDP= AUTO 614%s%c P614.-- TrTar None!
468%s6%e P468.06 VarDP= AUTO
469%s6%e P469.06 VarDP= AUTO 650%s%c P650.-- Rtime None!
470%s6%e P470.06 VarDP= AUTO 651%s%c P651.-- A1Tim None!
471%s6%e P471.06 VarDP= AUTO 652%s%c P652.-- A2Tim None!
472%s6%e P472.06 VarDP= AUTO 653%s%c P653.-- A3Tim None!
473%s6%e P473.06 VarDP= AUTO 654%s%c P654.-- A4Tim None!
474%s6%e P474.06 VarDP= AUTO
475%s6%e P475.06 VarDP= AUTO 660%s%c P660.-- Var10 None!
476%s6%e P476.06 VarDP= AUTO 661%s%c P661.-- Var11 None!
477%s6%e P477.06 VarDP= AUTO 662%s%c P662.-- Var12 None!
478%s6%e P478.06 VarDP= AUTO 663%s%c P663.-- Var13 None!
479%s6%e P479.06 VarDP= AUTO 664%s%c P664.-- Var14 None!
480%s6%e P480.06 VarDP= AUTO 665%s%c P665.-- Var15 None!

338 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Appendix 1 Transmission of Current Settings

666%s%c P666.-- Var16 None! 814%s%c%e P814.00 Macro #14

667%s%c P667.-- Var17 None! 815%s%c%e P815.00 Macro #15
668%s%c P668.-- Var18 None! 816%s%c%e P816.00 Macro #16
669%s%c P669.-- Var19 None!
670%s%c P670.-- Var20 None! 850%s%c P850.-- Mac 0 None!
671%s%c P671.-- Var21 None! 851%s%c P851.-- Mac 1 None!
672%s%c P672.-- Var22 None! 852%s%c P852.-- Mac 2 None!
673%s%c P673.-- Var23 None! 853%s%c P853.-- Mac 3 None!
674%s%c P674.-- Var24 None! 854%s%c P854.-- Mac 4 None!
675%s%c P675.-- Var25 None! 855%s%c P855.-- Mac 5 None!
676%s%c P676.-- Var26 None! 856%s%c P856.-- Mac 6 None!
677%s%c P677.-- Var27 None! 857%s%c P857.-- Mac 7 None!
678%s%c P678.-- Var28 None! 858%s%c P858.-- Mac 8 None!
679%s%c P679.-- Var29 None! 859%s%c P859.-- Mac 9 None!
680%s%c P680.-- Var 0 None! 860%s%c P860.-- Mac10 None!
681%s%c P681.-- Var 1 None! 861%s%c P861.-- Mac11 None!
682%s%c P682.-- Var 2 None! 862%s%c P862.-- Mac12 None!
683%s%c P683.-- Var 3 None! 863%s%c P863.-- Mac13 None!
684%s%c P684.-- Var 4 None! 864%s%c P864.-- Mac14 None!
685%s%c P685.-- Var 5 None! 865%s%c P865.-- Mac15 None!
686%s%c P686.-- Var 6 None! 866%s%c P866.-- Mac16 None!
687%s%c P687.-- Var 7 None!
688%s%c P688.-- Var 8 None! 870%s0%e P870.00 Macro 0 Multiple run
689%s%c P689.-- Var 9 None! 871%s0%e P871.00 Macro 1 Multiple run
872%s0%e P872.00 Macro 2 Multiple run
691%s%c P691.-- Reg 1 None! 873%s0%e P873.00 Macro 3 Multiple run
692%s%c P692.-- Reg 2 None! 874%s0%e P874.00 Macro 4 Multiple run
693%s%c P693.-- Reg 3 None! 875%s0%e P875.00 Macro 5 Multiple run
694%s%c P694.-- Reg 4 None! 876%s0%e P876.00 Macro 6 Multiple run
877%s0%e P877.00 Macro 7 Multiple run
700%s12%e P700.-- SIZE#1=12 878%s0%e P878.00 Macro 8 Multiple run
701%s%c P701.-- NAME1 None! 879%s0%e P879.00 Macro 9 Multiple run
702%s0%e P702.-- SIZE#2= 0 880%s0%e P880.00 Macro 10 Multiple run
704%s0%e P704.-- SIZE#3= 0 881%s0%e P881.00 Macro 11 Multiple run
706%s0%e P706.-- SIZE#4= 0 882%s0%e P882.00 Macro 12 Multiple run
708%s0%e P708.-- SIZE#5= 0 883%s0%e P883.00 Macro 13 Multiple run
710%s0%e P710.-- SIZE#6= 0 884%s0%e P884.00 Macro 14 Multiple run
885%s0%e P885.00 Macro 15 Multiple run
720%s0%e P720.00 use: Std. 886%s0%e P886.00 Macro 16 Multiple run

900%s0%e P900.00 RxInp Disbl

800%s%c%e P800.00 Macro # 0 901%s10%e P901.10 RxTrm <LF>
801%s%c%e P801.00 Macro # 1 902%s0%e P902.00 RxPas Disbl
802%s%c%e P802.00 Macro # 2
803%s%c%e P803.00 Macro # 3 910%s0%e P910.00 RxTyp Unusd
804%s%c%e P804.00 Macro # 4 920%s0%e P920.00 RxTyp Unusd
805%s%c%e P805.00 Macro # 5 930%s0%e P930.00 RxTyp Unusd
806%s%c%e P806.00 Macro # 6 940%s0%e P940.00 RxTyp Unusd
807%s%c%e P807.00 Macro # 7 950%s0%e P950.00 RxTyp Unusd
808%s%c%e P808.00 Macro # 8 960%s0%e P960.00 RxTyp Unusd
809%s%c%e P809.00 Macro # 9 970%s0%e P970.00 RxTyp Unusd
810%s%c%e P810.00 Macro #10 980%s0%e P980.00 RxTyp Unusd
811%s%c%e P811.00 Macro #11
812%s%c%e P812.00 Macro #12 1000%s%c1000%e P1000. Custom Transmit #1
813%s%c%e P813.00 Macro #13

GSE Scale Systems - 339

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

%e21%e%e0%e%e ID 1: Format = 0 5081%s2%e P5081.2 Var 1 Auto

.256%e <CR> <LF> 5082%s2%e P5082.2 Var 2 Auto
%e0%e%e0%e%e Gross Format = 0 5083%s2%e P5083.2 Var 3 Auto
.256%e <CR> <LF> 5084%s2%e P5084.2 Var 4 Auto
%e2%e%e0%e%e Tare Format = 0 5085%s2%e P5085.2 Var 5 Auto
.256%e <CR> <LF> 5086%s2%e P5086.2 Var 6 Auto
%e1%e%e0%e%e Net Format = 0 5087%s2%e P5087.2 Var 7 Auto
.256%e <CR> <LF> 5088%s2%e P5088.2 Var 8 Auto
5089%s2%e P5089.2 Var 9 Auto
2000%s%c1000%e P2000. Custom Transmit #2
5091%s2%e P5091.2 Reg 1 Auto
3000%s%c1000%e P3000. Custom Transmit #3 5092%s2%e P5092.2 Reg 2 Auto
5093%s2%e P5093.2 Reg 3 Auto
4000%s%c1000%e P4000. Custom Transmit #4 5094%s2%e P5094.2 Reg 4 Auto

5100%s0%e P5100.0 SPt 1 Disbl

5200%s0%e P5200.0 SPt 2 Disbl
5003%s2%e P5003.2 GrTOT Auto 5300%s0%e P5300.0 SPt 3 Disbl
5400%s0%e P5400.0 SPt 4 Disbl
5006%s2%e P5006.2 NtTOT Auto 5500%s0%e P5500.0 SPt 5 Disbl
5600%s0%e P5600.0 SPt 6 Disbl
5021%s2%e P5021.2 P5021.2 Auto 5700%s0%e P5700.0 SPt 7 Disbl
5022%s2%e P5022.2 P5022.2 Auto 5800%s0%e P5800.0 SPt 8 Disbl
5023%s2%e P5023.2 P5023.2 Auto 5900%s0%e P5900.0 SPt 9 Disbl
5024%s2%e P5024.2 P5024.2 Auto 6000%s0%e P6000.0 SPt10 Disbl
5025%s2%e P5025.2 P5025.2 Auto 6100%s0%e P6100.0 SPt11 Disbl
5026%s2%e P5026.2 P5026.2 Auto 6200%s0%e P6200.0 SPt12 Disbl
6300%s0%e P6300.0 SPt13 Disbl
6400%s0%e P6400.0 SPt14 Disbl
5051%s2%e P5051.2 RTime Auto 6500%s0%e P6500.0 SPt15 Disbl
5052%s2%e P5052.2 A1Tim Auto 6600%s0%e P6600.0 SPt16 Disbl
5053%s2%e P5053.2 A2Tim Auto 6700%s0%e P6700.0 SPt17 Disbl
5054%s2%e P5054.2 A3Tim Auto 6800%s0%e P6800.0 SPt18 Disbl
6900%s0%e P6900.0 SPt19 Disbl
5060%s0%e P5060.0 Var10 NoSav 7000%s0%e P7000.0 SPt20 Disbl
5061%s0%e P5061.0 Var11 NoSav 7100%s0%e P7100.0 SPt21 Disbl
5062%s0%e P5062.0 Var12 NoSav 7200%s0%e P7200.0 SPt22 Disbl
5063%s0%e P5063.0 Var13 NoSav 7300%s0%e P7300.0 SPt23 Disbl
5064%s0%e P5064.0 Var14 NoSav 7400%s0%e P7400.0 SPt24 Disbl
5065%s0%e P5065.0 Var15 NoSav 7500%s0%e P7500.0 SPt25 Disbl
5066%s0%e P5066.0 Var16 NoSav 7600%s0%e P7600.0 SPt26 Disbl
5067%s0%e P5067.0 Var17 NoSav 7700%s0%e P7700.0 SPt27 Disbl
5068%s0%e P5068.0 Var18 NoSav 7800%s0%e P7800.0 SPt28 Disbl
5069%s0%e P5069.0 Var19 NoSav 7900%s0%e P7900.0 SPt29 Disbl
5070%s0%e P5070.0 Var20 NoSav 8000%s0%e P8000.0 SPt30 Disbl
5071%s0%e P5071.0 Var21 NoSav 8100%s0%e P8100.0 SPt31 Disbl
5072%s0%e P5072.0 Var22 NoSav 8200%s0%e P8200.0 SPt32 Disbl
5073%s0%e P5073.0 Var23 NoSav
5074%s0%e P5074.0 Var24 NoSav 60000%s%c P60000. E2Ins 4096
5075%s0%e P5075.0 Var25 NoSav 60001%s%c P60001. E2Avl 3696
5076%s0%e P5076.0 Var26 NoSav 60002%s%c P60002. RAMsz 32K
5077%s0%e P5077.0 Var27 NoSav 60003%s%c P60003. RAMdy 5000
5078%s0%e P5078.0 Var28 NoSav 60004%s%c P60004. RAMav 4898
5079%s0%e P5079.0 Var29 NoSav 60005%s%c P60005. #Rows 0
5080%s2%e P5080.2 Var 0 Auto

340 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Appendix 1 Transmission of Current Settings


60010%s%c P60010. dbRAM 24256

60011%s%c P60011. dbAvl 24242
60012%s%c P60012. dbUse 14
60013%s%c P60013. BlkSz 16384
60014%s%c P60014. dbase Error none

60100%s%c P60100. 1992*GSE*

60101%s%c P60101. 0550-01007
60102%s%c P60102. Sep 91994

60200%s%c P60200. B SN:00000

60201%s%c P60201. AudTr 00055
60202%s%c P60202. I SN:00000

61100%s 1743%c P61100. DAC 1743

61101%s%c P61101. Gain 117.499
61102%s1.00000000%c P61102. CAL Factr
61103%s%c P61103. FSmVv 2.013
61104%s%c P61104. Crrnt mv/v
61105%s 0%c P61105. CalZr Cnts 0
61106%s%c P61106. CalZr mv/v
61107%s%c P61107. ReZro Wght
61108%s%c P61108. ZrTrk Wght

64100%s0 P64100. LnCnt 0

64101%s0 P64101. ErCnt 0
64102%sNone!%c P64102. 1stEr None!
64103%s0 P64103. Debug Off

%z Exit Setup Mode

GSE Scale Systems - 341

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

342 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Appendix 2 Important FCC Compliance Information


SECTION A.2 Important FCC

Compliance Information
This equipment has been tested and found to comply
with the limits for a Class A digital device pursuant to
Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference when the equipment is operated in a
commercial environment. This equipment generates,
uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not
installed and used in accordance with this Reference
Manual, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. Operation of this equipment in a
residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in
which case the user will be required to correct the
interference at his own expense.

CABLES: Shielded cables must be used with this

equipment to ensure compliance with the Class A FCC

WARNING: Changes or modifications to this

equipment not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user's
authority to operate the equipment.

GSE Scale Systems - 343

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

344 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Appendix 3 Specifications


SECTION A.3 Specifications


Display Update Rate Selectable, 0.05 - 20 sec.

A / D Conversion Rate 0.05 usec
Response Time (to Full Scale) Selectable 0.12 sec to 11 sec.
Displayed Resolution Recommended maximum: 25,000d
Ultimate maximum: 100,000d
Internal Resolution 500,000 counts
Auto Zero Range Selectable from 0.1% to 100% Full Scale
Automatic Zero Track 0.05 to 20.0 displayed counts with selectable delay
Non-linearity 0.005% of Full Scale (input dependent)
Multi-Point Linearization Up to 5 Calibration Points
Full Scale Capacity Fully Programmable
Weigh Units Up to four separate units are selectable from an internal
library of unit conversions, two of which may be user-defined for tons,
grains, troy-ounces, etc.
Power Input (AC) 120 VAC / 60 Hz standard, 220 VAC / 50 Hz available
Power Input (DC) 8 VDC to 28 VDC compatible
Fuse 0.5 amp Slo-Blo


Data Storage Up to 100 ID's with associated data

Data Registers Six ID Data Registers with user-defined labels, permit
0 - 49 character entry
Communications Port 1: Bi-directional RS-232; Port 2: RS-232 or
20 mA current loop output
Custom RS-232 Output 4 Separate Custom Transmit Tables for special labels,
reports, transmitting control characters, etc.
Transmit On Continuous, Motion Inhibited or On Request.
Baud Rate Selectable from 300 through 19,200
Protocol Selectable


Load Cell Connection Six lead with sense, or four lead acceptable
Power Drives up to ten 350 ohm load cells or equivalent
Signal Range 0.1 to 5 mV/V at Full Scale
Load Cell Excitation 10 VDC, short circuit protected
Load Cell Current 290 ma, maximum


Enclosure Stainless steel washdown, NEMA 4X design

Switch Panel Type Molded elastomeric with switch travel. Self-sealing,
chemically resistant.
Switch Panel Controls Zero, Tare, Print, Units, Enter and ID. Additional
functions accessed with the
Select key. Sample key used on Model 570 only.
Operating Temperature -10 to 40 degrees C
Size w/o Stand ... 9.5" Wide by 8.375" High by 2.375" Deep
Overall Size 11" Wide by 9" High by 3.625" Deep

GSE Scale Systems - 345

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Weight 6 lb.


Display Six fully active digits plus 10 character dot matrix, vacuum fluorescent
Display Size 0.75" high digits
Display Blanking At 104% of capacity
Display Increments 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 or 500 Decimal Point (Selectable)
Negative Gross Display Fully bipolar up to 99,999
Polarity Symbol sign to left of most significant active digit
Status Indicator 10 character dot matrix display


Time Interval Data Ouput Set RS-232 transmission based on selected time intervals
Remote Keys Up to 8 available
Setpoints 2 Open Collector Type Outputs (FET) (2 TTL level setpoint
outputs on early versions)
Approvals USA: NTEP Class III and Class IIIL at 10,000d and UL, USDA
Canada: SWA, CSA, Canada W&M
Warranty One year covering defective parts and workmanship
Truck In / Out Weighing Functions


Analog Output 4 to 20 ma, 0-20 mA, and 0 to 10 VDC with software adjustable gain
Battery-backed Time and Date
Cable Options
Compatible Peripherals Printers, keyboard, scanner
Database Options
Memory Expansion Up to 4Kbytes
Multi-Scale Capabilities

Process Control Interface (option) Up to 32 relay outputs or a combination of input/output relays

(combination can include up to 16 inputs).

Relay Module Option (option) Up to 2 relay output module enclosure (relays are separate)

Transient Suppression (option) Protects against voltage surges on signal input lines


Refer to Figure 62 Indicator Mounting Dimensions for outline and mounting information.

346 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Appendix 3 Specifications

Figure 62 Indicator Mounting Dimensions

GSE Scale Systems - 347

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

348 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Appendix 4 ASCII to Hexadecimal Conversion Chart


Table 68 ASCII to Hexadecimal Conversion Table

GSE Scale Systems, Inc. GSE Scale Systems - 349

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

350 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Appendix 5 Exploded View of Model 550/570


Appendix A.5 Exploded View of

Model 550/570

Figure 63 Model 570 Front/Rear Panel

GSE Scale Systems - 351

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Figure 64, Models 550/570 Exploded View 1

352 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Appendix 5 Exploded View of Model 550/570

Figure 65, Models 550/570 Exploded View 2

GSE Scale Systems - 353

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Table 69, 550/570 Parts Listing

354 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Appendix 5 Exploded View of Model 550/570

GSE Scale Systems - 355

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

356 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Appendix 6 Model 550/570 Main Board Parts Listing


SECTION A.6 Model 550/570

Main Board Parts Listing

Figure 66 Models 550/570 Main Board (PC745G)

GSE Scale Systems - 357

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

GSE Part Number Description Symbol

04-10-104B 0.1UF 50V 20% C3, C4, C8, C9, C10, C14, C16, C17, C18,
C19, C20, C21, C22, C23, C24, C25, C26,
C27, C28, C29, C30, C36, C37, C38, C39,
C40, C47, C48, C49

04-10-150A 15PF,200V C12, C34

04-10-470A 47PF,200V C11, C13

04-30-106B 10UF 50V C1, C2, C5, C6

04-30-338B 3300MFD,35V C55

04-30-477C 470UF25V C50, C52, C53

04-60-225A 2.2UF,25V C15, C33, C35

04-60-336A 33UF 10V C51, C54

04-60-475A 4.7UF35V C31, C32, C56

04-70-103A EMIFLT FL1, FL2, FL3, FL4, FL5, FL6

04-80-100A 10UH 1A CHOKE L2, L4

04-80-101B 100UH 1A L5

04-80-331A 330UH 2A L1

04-80-681A 680UH 0.5A L3

04-90-1005 BUZZER AI1

04-90-126A 12.288MHZ CRYSTAL Y1

06-20-1001 1K, M.F., 1% R15, R16

06-20-1005 10 MEG OHM M.F. 1% R4

06-20-10R0 10 OHM M.F 1% R7, R9

06-20-2000 200 OHM METAL FILM 1% R2

06-20-2002 20K, M.F., 1% R1, R5, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R18, R19

06-20-24R9 24.9 OHM,M.F.,1% R17

06-20-4991 4.99K, M.F.,1% R3, R6, R8

06-20-49R9 49.9 OHM M.F 1% R22


358 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Appendix 6 Model 550/570 Main Board Parts Listing


GSE Part Number Description Symbol

06-60-5200 4610X-101-203,RN 9X20K RP1

07-20-4000 BR.RECTIFIER 6A50V D4

07-40-3000 1N3064 D6, D7, D8, D9, D10

07-40-5817 1N5817,G.I.,20V 1A STKY DIODE D11

07-40-5822 1N5822,MOT,40V 3A SHOTTKY D1, D2, D5

07-50-3208 1.5KE8.2A,TRANSZORB D12, D13

07-50-3209 1.5KE7.5C,6V TRANSZORB D14, D15

07-50-3233 1.5KE39CA,33V TRANSZORB D3

08-10-3000 2N7000,N-CH. MOSFET Q4, Q5

08-20-2500 2N4400,TO-92 40V 600MA Q1, Q2, Q3

09-12-000B MM74HC00 , 4-2 IN NAND U8, U10


09-12-010A CD74HCT10E,HCT 3 3-IN NAND U3

09-12-107B MM74HC107,DUAL J-K F/F U16

09-12-138B CD74HC138E,HC 3-8 DECODER U15

09-12-151B MC74HC151,8INP,SELEC/MULT U20

09-12-157B MC74HC157A,QUAD 2-INP S/M U4

09-12-166B MM74HC166,8BT REGISTER U21

09-12-194B MC74HC194,4BT BIDIR SHFT U14

09-12-393B HD74HC393,2-4BIT CNTR U19

09-12-4066B MC74HC4066,QUADMULTI/DEMU U18

09-12-594B SN74HC594N,8BIT SHFT REG U17

09-30-1496 MAX238CNG,QUAD 232 RX&TX U1

09-30-2404 512 BYTE E2 U11

09-30-34064 MC34064P-005,UND.V.SENSOR U7
09-30-6303Y HD63C03YP,MICRO,3MHZ U5

09-30-6910 MS6265-10PC,SRAM,8KX8 U13

GSE Scale Systems - 359

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

GSE Part Number Description Symbol

10-10-4140 AMP01FX,INST AMP,LOW NOIS U23

10-10-4800 OP177GP,OP-AMP,ULTRA-PREC U24, U25

10-20-2575 LM2575T-5.0,5V STEP DWN U27, U28, U29

10-40-0543 MAX543BCPA,D/A,12BT SER U26

10-40-5503 CS5503AP,A/D,20BT SRL U22

11-10-2500 CNY17III,OPT COUPLER 70V U30

13-10-6050 218.500,LTTLFS,FUSE 5X20SB.5A FU1

13-20-0500 031.3751,5X20MM FH FH1

20-40-0020 14A-20-16-CSA,SIGNAL [email protected] TI

26-20-1631 FN405-0.5/02, LINE FILTER LF1

26-20-3267 640386-3,3-PIN HDR .156 J10

26-20-3800 881545-4,PIN SHORTING JACK E7

26-20-6010A 3 PIN HDR .1 INCH CENT SEE CM

26-20-6400 2520-6002UB,3M,20P HDR,.1X.1 J4

26-20-6404 2510-6002UB,10P HEADER.1X.1 J5, J7

26-30-1900 ICE-083-S-TT,ROB.NUG,08DIPSKT US9, US11

26-30-2100 ICE-163-S-55 RN,16DIP SCKT US21

26-30-2250 ICE-203-S-TT, RN, 20P DIP SKT US22

26-30-2260 ICE-243-S-TT ROBISON N.3W SKT US1

26-30-2470 ICE-326-S-TT, RN, SKT 32-PIN US12, US13

26-30-5064 117-93-764-41-005 MILLMAX64DP US5

26-50-2042 256-402, WAGO, 2-TERM SCRWLS J1

26-50-2050 256-406, WAGO, 6-TERM SCRWLS J8

26-50-2109 234-509, WAGO, 9 TERM SCRWLS J6

26-50-2114 234-514, WAGO, 14*TERM SCRWLS J2

27-60-0100 TP104-01-02,COMPONENTS,RED TP TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5, TP6, TP7, TP8, TP9

360 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Appendix 6 Model 550/570 Main Board Parts Listing


GSE Part Number Description Symbol

31-80-0366 6070B-MT,THRMLY,TO-220 HTSINK HS1

31-80-0368 188754F0000

31-80-0473 254-090501-00-0101,FASTEX PIN


38-20-1100 #4, EXT-TTH-LCKWSH, SP

38-20-1600 #4-40 HX NUT, SP

38-20-2100 4-40 X 1/4, BIND, SLTD, SP

40-20-25518 PC745G-C,M550/570 M/BOARD UL

09-30-27020 EPROM (BLANK) U12

GSE Scale Systems - 361

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

GSE Part Number Description Symbol

362 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Appendix 7 Un-Filed Additional Features (EXTRA)


Appendix A.7 Un-Filed Note, however, that to allow uploading the database
Additional Features (EXTRA) information back into a 550 it is necessary to download
the time/date parameters as numeric data!

A7.1 Database Download

A7.2 Time/Date Format Selections
Another option has been added to the database download
feature. It is now possible to use alternate time/date Several additional Time/Date parameter format
formats in the "DownLoad" output of the database. At selections have been added to increase the versatility of
the "Down-load" menu selection, press 5, 6, 7, or 8 then the 550 indicator. Refer to the following table for details
[ENTER] to cause time/date parameters columns to be regarding the new choices. Of course, these new format
formatted per their type setup parameter, P511-515, for selections may be used with recently enhanced formatted
parameters 50-54 respectively. copy command in addition to within the Custom
Transmit Setups.
The choices of five thru eight mirror the choices one thru
four respectively except that any time/date parameters Note that all of the new codes are active only when
are formatted per their specific setup selection as a time, added in with format code 32.
date, time/date, or number.
Format Code Description Example
Refer to the following table for a summary of all the
options available at the "Down-Load" database menu. 32 numeric 771243917

This new feature allows time/date to be stored in a Option Set #1a:

database and then downloaded to a computer in a time
and/or date style format. Previously, it had only allowed 1 (add) HH (for hours)
downloading time/date parameters in a numeric format 2 (add) MM (for minutes)
which was intended to allow easy manipulation within a 4 (sec) SS (for seconds)
computer spreadsheet program. However we have found
that many 550 users were interested in viewing only the Any of the above three selections may be combined as
time or date information alone. shown below. However the order will always be hours

Format Choice Comm Print No Yes Numeric Per Setup Mode

1 x x x

2 x x x

3 x x x

4 x x x

5 x x x

6 x x x

7 x x x

8 x x x

Format Selections (table unfiled)

GSE Scale Systems - 363

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

first, then minutes, then seconds. Below are examples of

the various possible combinations of the new time Format Examples:
11:59 pm 12/31/96 Format = #0
11:59:52 pm 12/31/96 Format = #1
33 HH (hours) 11 range: 00 ... 23 23:59 12/31/96 Format = #2
34 MM (minutes) 05 range: 00 ... 59
23:59:52 12/31/96 Format = #3
35 HHMM (hrs&min) 1302 range: 0000 ... 2359
36 SS (seconds) 07 range: 00 ... 59 11:59 pm Dec 31, 1996 Format = #4
37 HHSS (hrs&secs) 1205 range: 0000 ... 2359 11:59:52 pm Dec 31, 1996 Format = #5
38 MMSS (min&sec) 0428 range: 0000 ... 5959 23:59 Dec 31, 1996 Format = #6
39 HHMMSS 032947 range: 000000 ... 235959 23:59:52 Dec 31, 1996 Format = #7
11:59 pm Tue 12/31/96 Format = #8
11:59:52 pm Tue 12/31/96 Format = #9
Option Set #1b: 23:59 Tue 12/31/96 Format = #10
23:59:52 Tue 12/31/96 Format = #11
8 YYMMDD + 32 = 40 11:59 pm Tue Dec 31, 1996 Format = #12
9 YYDDMM + 32 = 41 11:59:52 pm Tue Dec 31, 1996 Format = #13
10 MMDDYY + 32 = 42 23:59 Tue Dec 31, 1996 Format = #14
11 MMYYDD + 32 = 43 23:59:52 Tue Dec 31, 1996 Format = #15
12 DDYYMM + 32 = 44 11:59 pm 31/12/96 Format = #16
13 DDMMYY + 32 = 45 11:59:52 pm 31/12/96 Format = #17
14 YYWW + 32 = 46 23:59 31/12/96 Format = #18
15 WWYY + 32 = 47 23:59:52 31/12/96 Format = #19
11:59 pm 31 Dec, 1996 Format = #20
11:59:52 pm 31 Dec, 1996 Format = #21
Option Set #2: 23:59 31 Dec, 1996 Format = #22
23:59:52 31 Dec, 1996 Format = #23
16 SEC_DAY # of seconds today. range: 0 ... 86399
64 JULNDATE day of the year, range: 1 ... 366 11:59 pm Tue 31/12/96 Format = #24
11:59:52 pm Tue 31/12/96 Format = #25
23:59 Tue 31/12/96 Format = #26
Option Set #3 23:59:52 Tue 31/12/96 Format = #27
11:59 pm Tue 31 Dec, 1996 Format = #28
8192 SEPARATOR 11:59:52 pm Tue 31 Dec, 1996 Format = #29
23:59 Tue 31 Dec, 1996 Format = #30
x0 no separator! 23:59:52 Tue 31 Dec, 1996 Format = #31
x1 - dash 852076792 TIME #1: Format = #32
x2 : colon TIME #1: 23 Format = #33
x3 / backslash TIME #1: 59 Format = #34
x4 space TIME #1: 2359 Format = #35
x5 \ backslash TIME #1: 52 Format = #36
x6 . decimal point TIME #1: 2352 Format = #37
x7 , comma TIME #1: 5952 Format = #38
TIME #1: 235952 Format = #39
Option Set #4: TIME #1: 961231 Format = #40
TIME #1: 963112 Format = #41
128 Do not print name. TIME #1: 123196 Format = #42
TIME #1: 129631 Format = #43
You may combine format codes from option set 1a or 1b TIME #1: 319612 Format = #44
with Option sets 2, 3, and 4. TIME #1: 311296 Format = #45
TIME #1: 9653 Format = #46
Note: Do not add 32 into the total multiple times! TIME #1: 5396 Format = #47
TIME #1: 86392 Format = #48
Note: Be aware that unless 32 is added into the total, TIME #1: 2386392 Format = #49
then the name of the parameter is printed in addition to TIME #1: 5986392 Format = #50
the other information. TIME #1: 235986392 Format = #51

364 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Appendix 7 Un-Filed Additional Features (EXTRA)

TIME #1: 5286392 Format = #52 TIME #1: 366129631 Format = #107
TIME #1: 235286392 Format = #53 TIME #1: 366319612 Format = #108
TIME #1: 595286392 Format = #54 TIME #1: 366311296 Format = #109
TIME #1: 23595286392 Format = #55 TIME #1: 3669653 Format = #110
TIME #1: 96123186392 Format = #56 TIME #1: 3665396 Format = #111
TIME #1: 96311286392 Format = #57 TIME #1: 36686392 Format = #112
TIME #1: 12319686392 Format = #58 TIME #1: 3662386392 Format = #113
TIME #1: 12963186392 Format = #59 TIME #1: 3665986392 Format = #114
TIME #1: 31961286392 Format = #60 TIME #1: 366235986392 Format = #115
TIME #1: 31129686392 Format = #61 TIME #1: 3665286392 Format = #116
TIME #1: 965386392 Format = #62 TIME #1: 366235286392 Format = #117
TIME #1: 539686392 Format = #63 TIME #1: 366595286392 Format = #118
12/31/96 Format = #64 TIME #1: 36623595286392 Format = #119
12/31/96 Format = #65 TIME #1: 36696123186392 Format = #120
12/31/96 Format = #66 TIME #1: 36696311286392 Format = #121
12/31/96 Format = #67 TIME #1: 36612319686392 Format = #122
Dec 31, 1996 Format = #68 TIME #1: 36612963186392 Format = #123
Dec 31, 1996 Format = #69 TIME #1: 36631961286392 Format = #124
Dec 31, 1996 Format = #70 TIME #1: 36631129686392 Format = #125
Dec 31, 1996 Format = #71 TIME #1: 366965386392 Format = #126
Tue 12/31/96 Format = #72 TIME #1: 366539686392 Format = #127
Tue 12/31/96 Format = #73 11:59 pm Format = #128
Tue 12/31/96 Format = #74 11:59:52 pm Format = #129
Tue 12/31/96 Format = #75 23:59 Format = #130
Tue Dec 31, 1996 Format = #76 23:59:52 Format = #131
Tue Dec 31, 1996 Format = #77 11:59 pm Format = #132
Tue Dec 31, 1996 Format = #78 11:59:52 pm Format = #133
Tue Dec 31, 1996 Format = #79 23:59 Format = #134
31/12/96 Format = #80 23:59:52 Format = #135
31/12/96 Format = #81 11:59 pm Tue Format = #136
31/12/96 Format = #82 11:59:52 pm Tue Format = #137
31/12/96 Format = #83 23:59 Tue Format = #138
31 Dec, 1996 Format = #84 23:59:52 Tue Format = #139
31 Dec, 1996 Format = #85 11:59 pm Tue Format = #140
31 Dec, 1996 Format = #86 11:59:52 pm Tue Format = #141
31 Dec, 1996 Format = #87 23:59 Tue Format = #142
Tue 31/12/96 Format = #88 23:59:52 Tue Format = #143
Tue 31/12/96 Format = #89 11:59 pm Format = #144
Tue 31/12/96 Format = #90 11:59:52 pm Format = #145
Tue 31/12/96 Format = #91 23:59 Format = #146
Tue 31 Dec, 1996 Format = #92 23:59:52 Format = #147
Tue 31 Dec, 1996 Format = #93 11:59 pm Format = #148
Tue 31 Dec, 1996 Format = #94 11:59:52 pm Format = #149
Tue 31 Dec, 1996 Format = #95 23:59 Format = #150
TIME #1: 366 Format = #96 23:59:52 Format = #151
TIME #1: 36623 Format = #97 11:59 pm Tue Format = #152
TIME #1: 36659 Format = #98 11:59:52 pm Tue Format = #153
TIME #1: 3662359 Format = #99 23:59 Tue Format = #154
TIME #1: 36652 Format = #100 23:59:52 Tue Format = #155
TIME #1: 3662352 Format = #101 11:59 pm Tue Format = #156
TIME #1: 3665952 Format = #102 11:59:52 pm Tue Format = #157
TIME #1: 366235952 Format = #103 23:59 Tue Format = #158
TIME #1: 366961231 Format = #104 23:59:52 Tue Format = #159
TIME #1: 366963112 Format = #105 Format = #160
TIME #1: 366123196 Format = #106 23 Format = #161

GSE Scale Systems - 365

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

59 Format = #162 Tue Format = #217

2359 Format = #163 Tue Format = #218
52 Format = #164 Tue Format = #219
2352 Format = #165 Tue Format = #220
5952 Format = #166 Tue Format = #221
235952 Format = #167 Tue Format = #222
961231 Format = #168 Tue Format = #223
963112 Format = #169 366 Format = #224
123196 Format = #170 36623 Format = #225
129631 Format = #171 36659 Format = #226
319612 Format = #172 3662359 Format = #227
311296 Format = #173 36652 Format = #228
9653 Format = #174 3662352 Format = #229
5396 Format = #175 3665952 Format = #230
86392 Format = #176 366235952 Format = #231
2386392 Format = #177 366961231 Format = #232
5986392 Format = #178 366963112 Format = #233
235986392 Format = #179 366123196 Format = #234
5286392 Format = #180 366129631 Format = #235
235286392 Format = #181 366319612 Format = #236
595286392 Format = #182 366311296 Format = #237
23595286392 Format = #183 3669653 Format = #238
96123186392 Format = #184 3665396 Format = #239
96311286392 Format = #185 36686392 Format = #240
12319686392 Format = #186 3662386392 Format = #241
12963186392 Format = #187 3665986392 Format = #242
31961286392 Format = #188 366235986392 Format = #243
31129686392 Format = #189 3665286392 Format = #244
965386392 Format = #190 366235286392 Format = #245
539686392 Format = #191 366595286392 Format = #246
Format = #192 36623595286392 Format = #247
Format = #193
Format = #194 Mon 31/12/12 Format = #16475
Format = #195 TIME #1: 366:12:12:31:86393 Format = #16507
Format = #196 TIME #1: 366:53:86393 Format = #16500
Format = #197 TIME #1: 366:23:59:53:86393 Format = #16503
Format = #198 11:59:53 pm 12/31/12 Format = #1
Format = #199
Tue Format = #200
Tue Format = #201
Tue Format = #202
Tue Format = #203
Tue Format = #204
Tue Format = #205
Tue Format = #206
Tue Format = #207
Format = #208
Format = #209
Format = #210
Format = #211
Format = #212
Format = #213
Format = #214
Format = #215
Tue Format = #216

366 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Index

Default Parameters Listing 74, 327

INDEX Diagnostic Information Parameters 301
by page Display 4
Download Setup 303

Accumulation Parameters 97 Error Messages 234, 248,
Alarms 219, 220, 303, 305
Alarms, Naming 221 F
Alpha Character Entry 120
Analog Output Option 273 FCC Compliance Information 243
Analog Output Parameter 274 Full Scale Capacity 12
ASCII Control Codes 143, 146, Full Scale mv/V 301
190, 192,
193 G
ASCII Setup File 327
Audit Trail 300 General Purpose Registers 117, 122,
123, 124
Basic Operations 11
Battery Operation 294 ID Parameters 126
Baud Rate 129 Incrementing Values 124
Information Parameters 299
C Input Interpreter 153
Installation 7
Cable Connections 8, 9, 130
Cable Options 285 K
Calibration 87
Calibration Units 99 Key Disabling 109
Center Zero 77 Keyboard 4, 107
Character Entry 120, 126
Clock 219 L
Communication Cable Connections 130
Communications 129 Linearization Data Parameters 14, 92, 302
Continuous Print 133 Load Cell Connections 9
Converted Units 100 Logic Output Operations 258
Copyright Parameter 300
Counting Operations 79 M
Current Loop 133
Custom Transmit 141 Macros 161
Custom Units 99 Memory Expansion Option 227
Cyclical Redundancy Codes 330 Memory Information Parameters 245, 299
Memory Storage 227
D Model 550 Indicator 1
Model 570 Indicator 1
Data Bits Setup 129 Model Type Indication 299
Database Options 231 Motion 13
Date Code Software 300 Mounting 7
Date Option 219 Multi-Point Linearization 92
Date Parameter 219 Multi-Scale Option 277
Decimal Point Placement 122

GSE Scale Systems - 367

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

Severe Transient Surge Suppression 283

N Software Revision Code 300
Specifications 345
Naming Alarms 221 Status Parameter 112, 145,
Naming Registers 120 151
Naming Variables 117 Stop Bits 129
Networking 298 Storage Memory 227
Numeric Keyboard 4 Surge Suppression 283
System Gain 301
Operating Mode Parameters 111
Table Top Mounting 7
Tank Weighing 293
P Tare Weight 103
Test Mode Parameter 303
Parameter Download 244, 303 Time Parameter 219
Parameter Setup 11, 15 Time Date Option 219
Parameter Types 16, 111, Time Date Parameters 219
115 Transient Surge Suppression 283
Password 11, 84, 97 Transmit Communications 141
Parity Setup 129 Transmission of Current Settings 303
Parts Counting 79 Troubleshooting 309
Peripheral Options 291 Truck In / Out Weighing 207
Permanent Mounting 7
Personal Access Code 317
Piece Weight 79, 80 U
Post-Cal Zero mv/V 302
Presetable Parameters 335 Units Setup 99
Pressure Release Valve 298 Units, Calibration 99
Power-Up Units 99 Units Parameter 99
Printing 152 Utility Parameters 304
Process Control Interface Option 263
Process Control Input/Output Data Sheets 265 V

R Variables, Naming 120

Remote Display 319 W

Remote Keys 105
Readers Guide 2 Weighing Applications 2
Receive Communications 134 Weighing Operations 2
Relay Module Option 258 Wiring Color Code Standards 8
Registers, Naming 120
RS-232 Communications 133 Z

S Zero Range 14
Zero Track 12
Sample Key 79
Scale Select 77
Sealing Design 301
Serial Number 301
Service 308
Setpoint Parameters 251
Setup Mode 11
Setup, Advanced 15

368 - GSE Scale Systems

Technical Reference Manual Index

GSE Scale Systems - 369

Models 550/570 Programmable Weigh Indicators (PWI)

370 - GSE Scale Systems

PART NUMBER: 39-10-28983

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