C Assignment
C Assignment
C Assignment
In this question, you have to write code to remove the first node in a doubly linked list
containing a specified number. The code to create the linked list is already given.
The main() function calls a function removeData(head,tail,n) to remove the first node
containing data n from the linked list.
Complete the code by writing the missing function. You can also write additional functions
which you may need.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct DoublyLinkedList {
int data;
struct DoublyLinkedList * prev;
struct DoublyLinkedList * next;
Create a new node
struct DoublyLinkedList * createNode(int n) {
struct DoublyLinkedList * newNodeptr;
newNodeptr = (struct DoublyLinkedList * )
malloc(sizeof(struct DoublyLinkedList));
newNodeptr -> data = n;
newNodeptr -> prev = NULL;
newNodeptr -> next = NULL;
return newNodeptr;
add a node at the end of a doubly linked list.
Tailptr is the address of the pointer to the end of the current list.
After adding the node, tail points to the new node inserted.
void initializeList(
struct DoublyLinkedList ** headptr,
struct DoublyLinkedList ** tailptr,
int n) {
struct DoublyLinkedList * newNode;
newNode = createNode(n);
* headptr = newNode;
* tailptr = newNode;
void printList(
struct DoublyLinkedList * head,
struct DoublyLinkedList * tail) {
struct DoublyLinkedList * curr = head;
while (curr != NULL) {
if (curr -> next != NULL)
printf("%d,", curr -> data);
else printf("%d", curr -> data);
remove the node that ptr points to.
After removing the first node, we should reset head.
After removing the last node, we should reset tail.
void removeNode(
struct DoublyLinkedList ** headptr,
struct DoublyLinkedList ** tailptr,
struct DoublyLinkedList * ptr) {
if (ptr == * headptr) {
* headptr = ptr -> next;
( * headptr) -> prev = NULL;
} else {
if (ptr == * tailptr) {
* tailptr = ptr -> prev;
( * tailptr) -> next = NULL;
} else {
ptr -> prev -> next = ptr -> next;
ptr -> next -> prev = ptr -> prev;
ptr = NULL;
void removeData(
struct DoublyLinkedList ** headptr,
struct DoublyLinkedList ** tailptr,
int n) {
struct DoublyLinkedList * curr;
curr = * headptr;
while (curr != NULL && curr -> data != n) {
curr = curr -> next;
if (curr != NULL) {
removeNode(headptr, tailptr, curr);
int main() {
int n;
int i = 0;
int m;
struct DoublyLinkedList * head, * tail;
scanf("%d", & n);
if (n <= 0) {
return 0;
scanf("%d", & m);
initializeList( & head, & tail, m);
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
/* read the remaining elements */
scanf("%d", & m);
appendNode( & tail, m);
int main() {
int num;
scanf("%d", &num);
return 0;