k 143
(p) “Flammability” means the percentage of volume of any flammable vapour in air-vapour mixtures
capable to form an explosive mixture;
(q) “Flammable (or Inflammable)” means any substance which when tested in a specified manner will
ignite when mixed with air on contact with a flame and will support combustion;
(r) “Gas-Free” means the concentration of flammable or toxic gases, or both in a pressure vessel or
pipeline is within the safe limits specified for persons to enter and carryout hot work in such vessel
or pipeline;
(s) Hazardous area: An area shall be deemed to be a hazardous area, where-
i. petroleum having flash point below 65°C or any flammable gas or vapour in a concentration
capable of ignition is likely to be present; and
ii. petroleum or any flammable liquid having flash point above 65°C is likely to be refined, blended,
handled or stored at or above its flash point;
(t) “Horton Sphere” means a spherical pressure vessel used for storage of LPG;
(u) “Hot Work” means an activity which may produce enough heat to ignite a flammable air-
hydrocarbon mixture or a flammable substance;
(v) “Kerb Wall” means a wall of appropriate height and size constructed of suitable material and
designed to contain the LPG spillage and to direct it to a safe location around the storage vessel;
(w) "Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)" means a mixture of light hydrocarbons containing propane,
isobutene, normal butane, butylene, or such other substance which is gaseous at normal ambient
temperature and atmospheric pressure but may be condensed to liquid state at normal ambient
temperature by the application of pressure and conforms to IS:4576 or IS 14861";
(x) “LPG facilities” means a group of one or more units or facilities i.e. unloading or loading, storage,
pumps, compressors, bottling, receipt or dispatch through pipelines and like other facilities and
associated systems like utilities, fire water storage and fire water network, control room,
administration service buildings, stores and like other associated system;
(y) “Process unit” means a unit having integrated sequence of operation, physical and chemical and may
involve preparation, separation, purification, or change in state, energy content or composition;
(z) “Purging into service” is the replacement of air in a closed system by an inert substance and
replacement of the later by combustible gas, vapour, or liquid;
(aa) “Purging out of service” is the replacement of normal combustible content of a closed system by an
inert substance, and replacement of the later by air;
(bb) “Schedule” means the Schedule appended to these regulations;
(cc) “Shall” indicates that the provision in which it occurs is mandatory;
(dd) “Should” indicates that the provision in which it occurs is recommendatory but not mandatory;
(ee) “Tare Weight” means the weight of the cylinder together with any fitting permanently attached to it
including the weight of valve;
(ff) “Maximum Working Pressure” is saturated vapour pressure at design temperature;
(gg) “Water Capacity” means the maximum volume of water in litre that a container can hold at 15 oC;
(hh) “Vessel” means a pressure vessel used for more than 1000 liters water capacity for storage or
transportation of LPG.
(2) Words and expressions used and not defined in these regulations, but defined in the Act or in the
rules or other regulations made there under, shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in
the Act or in the rules or such other regulations, as the case may be.
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3. Scope:
(1) Requirements of these regulations shall apply to all existing and new LPG storage, handling and
bottling facilities including at refineries, gas processing plants and LPG pipelines. The process units at
refineries and gas processing plants as well as LPG pipelines are not included in these Regulations.
For LPG pipelines and its associated facilities, the PNGRB (Technical Standards and Specifications
including Safety Standards for Petroleum and Petroleum Products Pipelines) Regulations, 2016 shall
be applied.
(2) These regulations cover the minimum requirements for engineering and safety considerations in
layout, design, storage, LPG tank trucks, pipelines, bulk handling, operating procedures, bottling
operations, maintenance, inspection, safety management system, fire protection facilities, competence
assurance, emergency management plan, gas monitoring system of LPG Storage, Handling and
Bottling Facilities.
4. Application:
Definitions, layout, design, storage, LPG tank trucks, pipelines, bulk handling, operating procedures,
bottling operations, maintenance, inspection, safety management system, fire protection facilities,
competence assurance, emergency management plan, gas monitoring system of LPG Storage, Handling
and Bottling Facilities. shall be construed in accordance with the requirements of these regulations.
5. Objective:
The standards specified in these regulations are intended to ensure uniform application of design
principles in layout, material and equipment selection, construction and like other activity, adoption of
standard operating procedures, proper maintenance, inspections, competence assurance for safe
operation of the LPG Storage, Handling and Bottling Facilities and shall primarily focus on safety
aspects of the employees, public and facilities associated with LPGStorage, Handling and Bottling.
6. The standard: -
(1) Technical standards and specifications including safety standards (hereinafter in these regulations referred to as
standards) for LPG Storage, Handling and Bottling Facilities are as specified in Schedule-I which cover layout,
design, stoarge, LPG tank trucks, pipelines, bulk handling, operating procedures, bottling operations, maintenance,
inspection, fire protection facilities, competence assurance, emergency management plan, gas monitoring system
and safety management system.
(2) The standards for capacity up-to 100 MT and maximum bottling of 20 MT per day on design, layout,
storage, loading or unloading, operation LPG storage, handling and bottling are specified in Schedule –
2and, Schedule – 2 also specifies the additional minimum safety requirements on design, layout, storage,
loading or unloading, operation at LPG orinstallations having Bulk Storage, exceeding 100 MT but
limited to 300 MT for aboveground storage and, also for 450 MT in mounded or in combination of
aboveground and mounded storage of LPG with total bottling quantity not exceeding 50 MT per shift of
8 hours and for LPG Storage, Handling and Bottling Facilities exceeding either of the above limits,
Schedule – 1 shall be applicable.
(3) The standards for Refrigerated LPG Storage facilities are as specified in Schedule – 3 which covers the
minimum safety requirements for Design, Layout, Operation, Maintenance and like other matters.
(4) The standards for design, layout, operation and maintenance of Unlined underground rock cavern
storage for petroleum and liquefied petroleum gas are as specified in in Schedule – 4.
7. Compliance to these regulations:
(1) The Board shall monitor the compliance to these regulations either directly or through an accredited
third party as per concerned regulations on third party conformity assessment.
(2) Any entity intending to set up LPG facilities, installation shall make available the self-certification of
its detailed plan including design consideration conforming to these regulations to PESO for their
(3) If an entity has laid, built, expanded or has under construction the LPG facilities based on some other
standard or is not meeting the requirements specified in these regulations, the entity shall carry out a
detailed Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) of its infrastructure and the entity shall thereafter take
approval from its highest decision-making body or its board for non-conformities and mitigation
measures. The entity’s board approval along with the compliance report, mitigation measures and
implementation schedule shall be submitted to PNGRB (Board) within six months from the date of
notification of these regulations in the official gazette.
8. Default and Consequences:
(1) There shall be a system established and maintained by the Board for ensuring compliance to the
provision of these regulations through conduct of technical and safety audits during the construction,
commissioning and operation phase,
(2) In case of any deviation or shortfall in compliance to these regulations, the entity shall be given time
limit by the Board for rectification of such deviation, shortfall, default and in case of non-compliance
within such time limit, the entity shall be liable for any penal action under the provisions of the Act or
termination of operation.
9. Requirements under other statutes:
It shall be necessary for an entity to comply with the provisions of statutory rules, regulations and Acts in
force as applicable and requisite approvals shall be obtained from the relevant competent authorities for LPG
Storage, Handling and Bottling Facilities and in case of non-compliance of such provision, the entity shall be
liable to termination of operation.
10. Miscellaneous:
(1) If any dispute arises with regard to the interpretation of any of the provisions of these Regulations,
the matter may be referred to the Board and the decision of the Board on such matter shall be final.
(2) The Board may at any time effect by order, published in the official gazette, appropriate
modifications in these regulations to remove any difficulty in the proper implementation of any
provision of these regulations.
(3) The Board may issue guidelines, consistent with the Act to meet the objective of these regulations,
as it may deem fit.
[See regulation 6(I)]
Contents of the Schedule:
This schedule is comprised of chapter respectively containing Layout and Design, LPG Tank Trucks
(Requirements of Safety on Design and Fabrication and Fittings), Piping Safety in Installation and
Maintenance of LPG Cylinders Manifold, Operating Procedures (Bulk Loading and Unloading), Bottling
Operations, Operation, Maintenance and Inspection, Safety Management System, Fire Protection Facilities,
Gas Monitoring System and Competence Assurance and Assessment
1.1 General:
The layout of the LPG facilities including the arrangement and location of plant roads, walkways, doors and
operating equipment shall be designed to permit personnel and equipment to reach any area affected by fire
rapidly and effectively and the facilities within the premises shall permit access from at least two directions.
This Chapter and the general principles of layout of LPG storage, handling, and bottling facilities have been
detailed in various facilities within LPG installation shall be located based on Table-I and Table-II in this
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1.4.2 Piping:
Only piping associated with the storage vessels shall be located within the storage areas or between the
storage area and the manifold system.
1.4.3 Surface Drainage:
In order to prevent the escape of spillage into the main drainage system, surface water from the storage area
and from the manifold area shall be directed to the main drainage through a water seal to avoid the spread of
LPG and in case, plant drain is discharging in the storm drain going outside the plant, then water seal shall
also be provided at interconnecting sump inside the plant.
Water seal should have adequate capacity to drain fire fighting sprinkler water without over flowing. Water
seal shall be provided with permanent water connection with metallic float for auto replenishment of water.
LPG Plant shall prepare the drawing of complete plan drainage with water seal locations.
1.4.4 Grouping:
Vessels shall be arranged into groups, each having a maximum of six vessels and there shall be minimum
spacing as specified in Table-I in this Chapter between adjacent vessels and each group shall be separated by
roads on all four sides for easy access and emergency handling.
1.4.5 Spheres, bullets and mounded vessels shall be treated as separate groups. Groups shall be separated by
minimum 30 M distance and such inter distance shall be measured between the vertical shadow of adjacent
vessels of the concerned groups.
1.4.6 Top surfaces of all the vessels installed in a group shall be on the same elevation and separate
manifolds with independent pumping facilities should be provided for groups with dissimilar elevation and in
case manifold from two groups with dissimilar elevation are interconnected, they shall be connected though
fail safe device like 3 way valves or equivalent system e.g. logic controlled or interlocked valves to prevent
migration of LPG from vessels with higher elevation to the vessels at lower elevation due to gravitation and
overfilling of vessel at lower elevation.
1.5.1 LPG tank lorry loading or unloading gantry shall be covered and located in a separate block and shall
not be grouped with other petroleum products.
1.5.2 LPG loading or unloading rail gantries shall have separate rail spur and be grouped separately at least
50 M from other rail shunting facilities.
1.5.3 Space for turning with minimum radius of 20 M for tank lorries shall be provided commensurate with
the capacities of the tank trucks.
1.5.4 LPG tank wagon loading or unloading shall be restricted to a maximum of half rake, not exceeding
600 tonnes and if full rake loading or unloading is envisaged this shall be done on two separate rail
gantries separated by a minimum distance of 50M.
1.5.5 Maximum number of LPG tank lorry bays shall be restricted to 8 in one group and separation distance
between the two groups shall not be less than 30 M.
1.5.6 For adequate permanent protection for tank lorry discharge, Pipeline island shall be provided and the
minimum width of such pipeline island shall be 1 M.
1.5.7 The layout of the unloading location shall be such that tank truck being unloaded shall be in drive out
1.5.8 The weigh bridge of adequate capacity shall be provided with proper manoeuvrability for vehicles.
1.5.9 Tank truck shall be loaded or unloaded with suitable arrangement for cold flaring of hose or loading
or unloading arm content, if used at the end of the operations.
1.5.10 LPG tank truck parking area (bulk or packed) shall be located in a secured area with entry or exit
gates and the parking area shall be provided with adequate no. of hydrants or monitors to provide
firefighting coverage for entire parking area from all sides and the parking area’s entry or exit gates
and the parking area shall be under real time visual supervision (security guard or CCTV cameras)
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and proper slotting or marking shall be done for safe parking of bulk and packed lorries in parking
1.5.11 Parking area shall be adequate for parking of bulk lorries and packed lorries so as to avoid parking of
the bulk or packed trucks on the plant approach road and the parking area shall be adequate to
accommodate (minimum) following requirements of the plant: -
(a) Bulk lorries required for 8 hours of maximum rated capacity of the plant bottling.
(b) In case of bulk loading location, bulk lorries required for 8 hours of maximum rated bulk loading
capacity of the plant.
(c) Packed Lorries required for 4 hours of maximum rated capacity of the plant bottling.
(d) The requirement of parking area can be optimized based on the fleet management system.
However, the bulk or packed lorries shall not be parked near the vicinity of the plant.
1.6.1 LPG bottling facilities shall be located at a safe distance from other facilities with minimum ingress
of traffic and upwind direction with respect to bulk storage and there shall not be any deep ditches
excluding storm water drains in the surrounding areas at least within 15 M from storage sheds to
avoid settling of LPG vapour.
1.6.2 LPG bottling section shall be of single storey and antistatic mastic flooring conforming to IS-8374
shall be provided in the LPG filling shed or cylinder storage including valve changing shed to avoid
frictional sparks and the shed shall be supported by RCC columns alternatively structure steel
columns, which shall be covered with concrete or fire-proofing material up to full height of columns
and anti-static mastic coating up to 1.5 m (Min.) shall be done of the supporting columns of the shed.
1.6.3 Separate sheds for filled cylinders storage, valve changing and degassing shall be provided.
Degassing unit can also be provided in valve change shed, however closed loop vent pipe
arrangement shall be provided for venting out the gas released during water filling at a height not
less than 1.5 m above the eves of the shed. GMS sensor shall be provided in the degassing/ valve
changing shed.
1.6.4 Vapour extraction system and GMS sensor shall be provided near degassing unit
1.6.5 Empty cylinders storage area shall be properly segregated from filling machines by 5 M (Min.) and
the cylinders shall always be stacked vertically with maximum stack height of 1.5 m.
1.6.6 LPG cylinder filling machines and other related testing facilities shall be provided in sequential
1.6.7 Degassing shall be carried out at PESO approved facilities.
1.6.8 Cylinder storage shall be kept on or above grade and never below grade in cellar or basement.
1.6.9 Filled cylinders shall not be stored in the vicinity of cylinders containing other gases or hazardous
1.6.10 Escape routes shall be specified and marked in LPG sheds for evacuation of employees in
1.6.11 There shall be sufficient no. of crossovers to avoid trapping of personnel in LPG sheds by
conveyors, cylinders and other facilities and sufficient no. of escape routes shall be provided.
1.6.12 All steps forming part of the escape routes shall be minimum 1.2 M with treads 30 centimetre
(minimum) and maximum rise of 15 centimetre.
1.7.1 Properly laid out roads around various facilities shall be provided within the installation area for
smooth access of fire tenders and like other tenders, in such a way that all facilities are accessed at
least from two sides in case of emergency.
1.7.2 Proper industry type boundary wall at least 3 M high with 0.6 M barbed wire on top shall be
provided around the installation unless the bottling plant is protected as a part of refinery complex.
1.7.3 Emergency exit with proper gate shall be provided in the earmarked zone.
1.7.4 In case provision for green belt is made, the same shall be segregated from hazardous area by 1 M
high wall or chain link fencing, otherwise, it shall be treated as a part of hazardous area.
1.8.1 Utilities consisting of fire water pumps, administration Building, canteen, motor control centre, DG
room, air compressors, dryers and like other apparatus shall be separated from other LPG facilities
and located as per the separation as specified in Table-I in this Chapter.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. LPG Storage vessels * # 30 30 50 30 15 60
2. Boundary or property # ** 30 30 50 30 30 **
line or group of buildings
not associated with LPG
3. Shed-LPG*** 30 30 15 30 50 30 15 60
4. Tank truck gantry - LPG 30 30 30 30 50 50 30 60
5. Tank wagon gantry 50 50 50 50 50 50 30 60
6. LPG or other rail spurs 30 30 30 50 50 50 30 60
7. Pump house or 15 30 15 30 30 30 ** 60
Compressor house (LPG)
8. Fire Pump House or 60 ** 60 60 60 60 60 -
storage tank
1. All distances are in metres. All distances shall be measured between the nearest points on the perimeter
of each facility. except in case of tank vehicle loading/unloading area where the distance shall be
measured from the centre of each bay and for storage vessels where the distance shall be measured
from the nearest point on the vertical shadow of the vessel.
2. Notation:
* 1/4 of sum of diameters of adjacent vessels or Half the diameter of the larger of the two adjacent
vessels, whichever is greater.
*** Minimum 20 M inter distance shall be maintained between the loading/unloading fingers & boundary
wall/property line / group of buildings in a collinear direction of the said fingers.
Capacity of each Distance
vessel (Cu. Mt. of water) (in metre)
10-20 15
> 20-40 20
>40-350 30
>350-450 40
>450-750 60
>750-3800 90
> 3800 120
This section describes the design and safety features required in a typical LPG Storage, Handling and
Bottling Facilities.
The minimum requirements with reference to design considerations and various fitting to be provided.
LPG storage vessels are specified in paragraph 2.2.1 to 2.2.4 as under, namely: -
2.2.1 Mechanical Design:
i. The storage vessel shall be designed in accordance with the codes i.e. ASME SEC.VIII or IS-2825 or
PD - 5500 or equivalent duly approved by CCE. Design shall take into account the Static and Mobile
Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules 1981 also
A single code shall be adopted for design, fabrication, inspection and testing of the same storage
ii. Material shall be in line with design code. ASTM A516 Gr. 60 shall be used for refinery service (BS-
5500 shall not be used for the same) and for marketing installation where H2S is not present ASTM
A 516 Gr. 70 or A 537 CLASS 1 can be used. Micro-alloyed steel containing Ni, Mo, Va shall not
be considered. Maximum specified tensile stress shall not be more than 80,000 psi;
iii. Design temperature: (-) 27°C to (+) 55 °C;
iv. Design Pressure: Minimum 14.5 Kg/ cm2g on top at 55 °C;
v. Marketable LPG conforming to IS: 4576 can have a maximum vapour pressure of16.87 Kg/
at 65 oC temperature. LPG with higher vapour pressure are not expected to be stored in bottling
vi. The recommended design pressure and temperature shall be treated as ‘MINIMUM requirement’ and
other design consideration and statutory requirements shall also be considered.
vii. Other Design Considerations are as under, namely: -
(a) Corrosion Allowance: minimum 1.5 mm
(b) Radiography: Full
top connected drain valves and the first valve on this pipeline shall be provided as close to vessel as
possible and shall be kept close condition in normal operating conditions;
(ix) The mound shall protect the vessel from the effects of thermal radiation and shall be sufficiently
robust to remain in place in the event of jet flame impingement;
(x) Mound shall be of earth, sand or other non-combustible, non-corrosive material such as Vermiculate
or Perlite and shall provide at least 700 mm minimum thickness of cover for the vessel;
(xi) The mound surface shall be protected against erosion by rain or wind by providing a suitable
protective cover of prefabricated stone, open concrete tiles, and like other material;
(xii) Water ingress into the mound shall be minimized by providing impervious layer of suitable material,
but, a continuous impermeable cover shall not be installed, to prevent the possibility of gas
accumulation inside the mound and the proper drainage and slope on top of the mound shall also be
(xiii) Longitudinal axis of vessels (any number) in a mound shall be parallel to each other with ends in line;
(xiv) Where more than one row is installed, the adjacent ends of the vessel in each row shall be separated
by not less than 3 meter;
(xv) The valves and appurtenances of mounded vessels shall be accessible for operation or repair, without
disturbing the mound;
(xvi) Provision shall be made to monitor the settlement of the mound or vessel by providing permanent
reference points and a minimum of three reference points shall be provided to ascertain uniform/
differential settlement and also identify possible vessel bending (One each near the vessel ends and
one in the middle);
(xvii) Maximum permissible differential settlement shall be determined at the project design stage.
Procedures shall be developed to regularly monitor the settlement throughout the lifetime of the vessel
and records maintained thereof.
(xviii) Provision shall be made for inserting portable CuSO4 reference electrode on top of the mound for
measurement of PSP at 12 - O Clock position of the vessel and shall be protected to prevent water
ingress in the mound;
(xix) The external surface of the vessels which are covered by mound should be suitably treated to protect it
from corrosion and the Methods of protection shall include surface coatings (suitable for design
conditions as specified in the preceding clauses) and cathodic protection (Impressed current system)
and General guidelines given in Annexure - I, NACERP-0169, “Control of External Corrosion on
Underground or Submerged Metallic Systems” and T-10D-17/T-6A-63 ON “Pipe Line Rehabilitation
Coatings” may also be referred;
(xx) Holiday detection of the coated surface shall be carried out to ensure defect free coated external
surface using suitable Spark Holiday Detector;
(xxi) The cathodically protected system shall be isolated from the unprotected structures or surfaces by
installing monolithic joints i.e. one each on liquid and vapour lines and a suitable isolation shall also
be provided on utility pipelines such as air line to ROV, metallic structures, instrument lines and like
other joints; and.
(xxii) Reference points on inner surface of the vessel shall be marked for NDT and subsequent inspections.
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2.2.3 Fittings:
i. Spheres or bullets, other than underground, shall have a single nozzle at the bottom for liquid inlet
as well as outlet and the nozzle shall be full welded pipe, stress relieved along with the vessel and
shall extend minimum 3 meters from the vertical shadow of the sphere or bullet and a fire safe
remote operated valve (ROV) shall be provided on this bottom nozzle at a distance of at least 3
meters from the vertical shadow of sphere or bullet and the nozzle pipe shall have a minimum slope
of 1.50 to horizontal;
ii. There shall not be any other flanges, manhole, and instrument tapping on this nozzle up to the ROV
or on sphere or bullet bottom and in order to avoid stress on the nozzle due to relative settling of
support and storage vessel, suitable supports for the bottom nozzle shall be provided;
iii. The top vapour zone of the vessel shall be provided with nozzles for vapour outlet, and
recirculation wherever applicable and such lines shall be provided with fire safe ROV. ROVs for
vapour and /or recirculation lines should be provided at the ground level with an isolation valve at
top and in case, ROV is provided at top of the vessel, there is no need to provide an isolation valve;
iv. Fire safe ROVs shall also be provided on liquid line and vapour line of TLD, Tank wagon gantry
and on the entry of liquid lines at LPG filling shed and such ROVs shall be provided with QB
detector and sprinkler nozzles to cool the complete ROV uniformly in case ROV is provided within
15 metre from such facilities and provision for shutdown operation in local mode shall be made for
ROVs from operating station located at a minimum distance of 15 metre from the facility and all
ROVs shall have provision for electro-pneumatic actuation;
v. Nozzles for two independent level indicators, a high level switch, two safety relief valves, pressure
gauge and a manhole shall be provided on top of the vessel;
vi. All the fittings shall be suitable for use at the design parameters of the storage vessels and for the
temperatures appropriate to the worst operating conditions and the remote operated valves on the
storage vessel connecting pipelines shall be fire-safe type conforming to API 607 or equivalent;
vii. The flange joints of these valves shall either have spiral wound metallic gaskets or ring joints and
plain asbestos sheet or reinforced gaskets shall not be used and such gasket used shall conform to
ASME B16.20or IS: 7719 or equivalent and the studs used shall conform to ASTM A 194 Gr 2H /
ASTM A 193 Gr B7 or equivalent;
viii. Flange connections shall be of minimum of 300 lb rating confirming to ANSI B16.5 class 300 or
equivalent and all tapings or openings shall be of minimum 3/4 inch;
ix. Facility for water draining to be provided through a water draw off line from between the liquid
ROV of vessel and the subsequent isolation valve and two valves, with suitable distance piece
between them, shall be provided between ROV and the first isolation valve and the first drain valve
from the vessel should be of quick shut-off type valve while the second valve should be throttle
type (Globe Valve);
x. In case of mounded storage, the following shall also be provided, namely: -
(a) The top vapour zone of the vessel shall be provided with nozzles for vapour outlet, recirculation
wherever applicable and the lines shall be provided with fire safe ROV and the ROVs for vapour or
recirculation lines should be provided at the ground level with an isolation valve at top and in case,
ROV is provided at top of the vessel, there is no need to provide an isolation valve;
(b) In case of provision of liquid outlet from the top of the vessel, the line shall extend up to bottom;
(c) In case of liquid line from the bottom of the vessel, the minimum distance of 3 m from the vessel to
ROV shall be maintained. The nozzle pipe shall have a slope of minimum 1.5o; and
(d) Minimum two nos. of manhole shall be provided on top of the vessel.
2.2.4 Instruments:
i. Each storage vessel shall have at least two-level gauges, each working on different principles and in
addition one independent high level switch shall also be provided and the high level alarms shall be
set at not more than 85% level of the volumetric capacity of the vessel and audio alarm and visual
indication shall be at local panel and control room and on actuation of high level alarm, the inlet
ROVs of the affected vessel shall close;
ii. Differential pressure (DP) type gauge should not be used for level measurement;
iii. Each storage vessel shall have at least two safety relief valves with isolation arrangement set at
different values and at not more than 110% of design pressure of the vessel and each having 100 %
relieving capacity adequate for limiting the pressure build up in the vessel not more than 120% of
design pressure and in case of mounded vessel, the full flow capacity of each SRV on mounded
vessels shall be minimum 30 % of the capacity required for an equivalent size of above ground vessel;
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iv. The relieving load for the safety valves shall be based on fire condition and no credit shall be taken
for fire proofing on the vessel, if provided;
v. The discharge of safety valves shall be connected to flare system, wherever available and in such
case, safety valves shall have lock open (or car seal open) type isolation valves on both sides of safety
vi. In case of non-availability of flare system, the discharge from safety valve shall be vented vertically
upwards to atmosphere at an elevation of 3 meter (minimum) from the platform for effective
dispersion of hydrocarbons and in such case, isolation valve on downstream of safety valve is not
required; and
vii. A weep hole with a nipple at low point shall be provided on the vent pipe of the safety release valve
in order to drain the rain water which may get accumulated otherwise and weep hole nipples shall be
so oriented that in case of safety valve lifting and consequent fire, the flame resulting from LPG
coming out from weep-hole does not impinge on the sphere or structure and a loose fitting rain cap
with a chain (non sparking) fitted to vent pipe shall be provided on top of safety valve.
2.3.1 Each loading station shall consist of the following: -
i. Excess flow check valve and non return valve shall be provided in LPG loading lines;
ii. A vapour return line with an isolation valve connected back to the storage vessel or suction line with
iii. Properly designed loading arm shall be provided at the end of filling and vapour return lines for
connecting to the tank truck vessel and the loading arm shall be provided with breakaway couplings
and an isolation valve and loading arm shall be of approved type and be tested as per OEM
recommendations and
alternatively, hoses (hoses having integrated valve in each end fittings, which, if the hose assembly
experience a catastrophic hose failure, shall instantaneously shutting down the flow in both directions)
shall be used;
iv. The hose - coupling or flange joint shall be of Class 300 lb. rating with metallic gasket and the hose
coupling shall be provided with a cap or blind flange by which the nozzle can be closed when not in
v. Weigh bridges of suitable capacity for road or rail movements and mass flow meters for pipeline
transfers shall be provided and the mass flow meters shall be certified for its use with LPG;
vi. A check valve shall be provided in the vapour return line; and
vii. An isolation valve shall be provided before the break away coupling and the provision shall be made
for cold flaring of this section before disconnecting the arm from the tank truck.
2.3.2 Unloading of LPG from tank truck is carried out with vapour compressors using pressure differential
method of liquid transfer in the following manner, namely: -
(i) Each unloading station shall consist of the following, namely: -
(a) Vapour line with isolation valves;
(b) Excess flow check valve and non return valve shall be provided in LPG unloading lines with
isolation valves; and
(c) Weigh bridge of suitable capacity;
(ii) Properly designed loading arm shall be provided at the end of filling and vapour return lines for
connecting to the tank truck vessel and the loading arm shall be provided with breakaway couplings and an
isolation valve and loading arm shall be of approved type and be tested as per OEM recommendations and
alternatively, hoses (hoses having integrated valve in each end fittings, which, if the hose assembly experience
a catastrophic hose failure, shall instantaneously shutting down the flow in both directions) shall be used.
2.5.1 Compressed air:
i. The quality of instrument air shall conform to the requirements as recommended by the manufacturers
of instruments or equipment;
ii. If one compressor is envisaged to run normally, another standby compressor of 100% capacity shall
be provided and when more than one compressor running is envisaged, 50% standby capacity shall be
2.5.2 Service Water:
i. Service water is required for the cylinder washing equipment and leak check bath, compressor cooling
and in hose stations for washing and like other activity;
ii. Water may be provided at a pressure of about 3 Kg/ and if one pump is envisaged to run
normally, another pump with 100% capacity shall be provided as a standby and where more than one
pump running is envisaged, 50% capacity as standby shall be provided.
2.5.3 Emergency Power:
The installation shall be provided with battery or diesel generating set for operating the essential systems such
as the instrumentation and safety systems (gas detectors, automatic fire water sprinkler system) and minimum
lighting during the grid power failure.
i. LPG Pumps shall be designed for handling of LPG and safely withstand the maximum pressure
which could be developed by the product and / or transfer equipment and the pumps shall conform
to API 610 or equivalent;
ii. Check valves shall be installed on the delivery side of all centrifugal pumps;
iii. LPG Pumps shall be provided with suction and discharge pressure gauges, a high point vent to safe
height or flare, and a suction strainer;
iv. Double Mechanical seal with seal failure alarms and trip shall be provided;
v. Anti-cavitation protection through a pressure switch taken from discharge end actuating a low
pressure alarm both in control room as well as local annunciator shall be provided and actuation of
low discharge pressure alarm shall trip the LPG Pump automatically;
vi. Pumps shall be designed to build a discharge pressure such that the pressure at the carousel filling
machine is at least 5.0 kg/ above the vapour pressure at the operating temperature;
vii. Pumps shall have a by-pass valve and other suitable protection against high discharge pressure on
the delivery side;
viii. The electrical motor drive and switchgear shall conform to area classification as per IS -
5572 and belt drives shall be of the anti-static type; and
ix. Provision shall be made for Audio Visual indications of various safety trips in the LPG pump house.
(i) Compressors shall be suitable for handling LPG and designed to safely withstand the maximum outlet
pressure to which they will be subjected and compressors shall conform to API 618 or API 619 or
(ii) The belts used in shall be of antistatic type and fire resistant;
(iii) Compressor shall be provided with the following features as a minimum, namely: -
(a) Pressure gauges in suction and discharge;
(b) Temperature gauge in discharge;
(c) Discharge safety valve and a vent valve, their outlets leading to flare/ safe height outside the
(d) Low Suction Pressure Trip;
iii. Relief valves shall be full nozzle, disc type, closed bonnet carbon steel body with 304 stainless steel
trim and stainless or aluminized steel spring;
iv. For transfer valves, stainless steel ball valves with fluoroplastic seats and stainless steel (SS316) trim
or their equivalent are recommended;
v. Rigid connection should be welded or flanged joint type;
vi. Fluoro plastics shall be used for gasketing;
vii. For pressure gauges, stainless steel diaphragm type is recommended with stainless steel socket and
tip; and
viii. Provision for analysis in line with IS:4576 or IS14861 as applicable shall be made.
2.15 Selection of Electrical Equipment:
(i) Electrical equipment shall be selected, sized and installed so as to ensure adequacy of performance,
safety and reliability and the equipment in general shall conform to relevant Indian standards and
shall be suitable for installation and satisfactory operation in the service conditions envisaged;
(ii) All electrical equipment shall be selected considering the system neutral earthing;
(iii) Electrical equipment including for lighting system shall conform to hazardousarea classification and
be selected in accordance with IS:5571 and they shall betested by agencies such as CIMFR, CMRI,
ERTL, CPRI or independent test laboratory of country of origin for such equipment and indigenous
flameproof equipment shall comply with relevant BIS standard as per requirements of statutory
authorities and all equipment used in hazardous area shall be approved by Chief Controller of
Explosives shall have PESO approval; and
(iv) For details on hazardous area classification, enclosure protection and like other protection, National
Electric Code (SP 30) 5, IS/IEC 60079 Part 1 to Part 11, IS:5571, 5572,) Petroleum Rules, 2002
shall be applicable.
2.16 Installation Lighting:
(i) Sufficient lighting shall be provided so as to enable plant operators to move safely within the
accessible areas of installation and to perform routine operations and in the event of normal power
failure, emergency lighting shall be provided;
(ii) Normal lighting system shall be on 415/ 240V AC supply, whereas emergency lighting will be either
on 220V or 110V DC;
(iii) Lighting requirements provided during the failure of power supply for Normal lighting are intended
(a) to facilitate carrying out of specified operations for safe shutdown of the installation;
(b) to gain access and permit ready identification of firefighting facilities such as fire water pumps,
fire alarm stations and like other facilities; and
(c) Escape route for safe evacuation of operating personnel;
(iv) Under normal operation both emergency and normal lighting shall be fed by normal power source
and on failure of normal supply, emergency lighting shall be transferred to emergency source until
the start of D.G. set within 15 seconds and critical lighting (D.C. supply based) shall be normally
kept ‘ON’ and during power failure, battery bank shall be used to provide power; and
(v) Low pressure sodium vapour lamps shall not be installed in hazardous areas;
(vi) The illumination levels in different areas shall be as per good engineering practice and depending on
the nature of job activities to be carried out the suggested minimum illumination levels for various
areas are as below: -
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 163
Average Maintained
Illumination Level,
Area or Facility
Operating areas (Filling, storage, repair sheds, control areas) 100 - 200
Compressor houses at or near equipment 200
Stairways, platforms and walkways 60
Outdoor operational areas (Process areas, pipe racks, heat 60
exchanger, flare and like other operational areas)
Outdoor Non-operational areas (At grade) 10
Tank farms 20
Main roads and Tank Truck parking area 20
Secondary roads 10
Pump houses, Sheds, Switches 100
Switchgear Room and UPS Room 150-200
Cable cellar Room 70
Battery rooms and transformer bays 100-150
Toilets and locker rooms 150
Control Room General lighting or laboratories 400
Rear of instrument panels, aux. and panel rooms. 200-300
Outside, near entrances 150
(vii) The lighting fixtures on various circuits shall be suitably interlaced so that failure of any one circuit
do not result in complete darkness;
(viii) Switches controlling the lighting fixtures and exhaust fan shall be installed outside the battery
room; and
(ix) Switches of lighting panels installed in hazardous area, shall have a pole to break the neutral in
addition to the poles for phases and when the means of isolation is located in a non-hazardous area,
the switch shall break all poles including neutral or alternatively may break only live poles, the
neutral being isolated by a removable link.
2.17 Installation Earthing:
i. Installation earthing design shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Indian
Electricity Rules and IS: 3043 and all earth connections should be visible for inspection to the extent
ii. All electrical equipment shall be suitably earthed and earthing system shall cover the following,
namely; -
(a) Equipment earthing for personnel safety;
(b) System neutral earthing; and
(c) Protection against Static and Lightning discharges;
iii. The earthing system shall have an earthing network with required number of earth electrodes connected
to it and the following shall be earthed, namely: -
(a) System neutral;
(b) Metallic non-current carrying parts of all electrical apparatus such as transformers, switchgears,
motors, lighting or power panels, terminal boxes, control stations, lighting fixtures, receptacles and
like other electrical apparatus;
any adjacent baffle or tank head, applied as a uniformly distributed load on the surface of the baffle or
tank head and the baffles shall be formed with a curvature of 200 to 300 cms radius;
iii. Each baffle shall have at least 2/3rd of the cross-sectional area of the tank and the baffles shall have
suitable openings at top and bottom and the openings at bottom should allow access to the other side
and the baffles shall be attached to the shell by means of suitably spaced cleats (min. 8 nos.) of
minimum size 150 x 150 x 6 mm thick and the weld between baffle to cleat and cleat to the shell shall
meet the applicable design code requirements And no vessel supports or baffle or baffle cleat shall be
welded directly to the vessel and all such supports shall be attached by means of pad of the same
material of which the vessel is made and the pad thickness shall not be less than 6 mm and shall not
exceed the thickness of the shell material.
iv. Each pad shall extend at least 4 times its thickness in each direction beyond the weld attaching the
support and each pad shall be formed to an inside radius not greater than the outside radius of the vessel
at the place of attachment and each pad corner shall be rounded to a radius of at least 1/4th width of the
pad and not greater than ½ the width of the pad and the weep holes and tell-tale holes if used shall be
drilled or punched before the pads are attached to the tank and each pad shall be attached to the tank by
filler material having the properties conforming to the similar filler material used for welding of the
vessel and the baffle shall be located away from SRV to facilitate ease of access for fitment / removal
and safety of SRV.
3.2.8 Safety Appurtenances:
LPG tank truck is provided with them following openings or nozzles, namely: -
(i) Safety Relief valves;
(ii) Excess flow check valves in the liquid and vapour lines and pressure gauge nozzle;
(iii) Pressure gauge (Provided in the vapour space of the vessel);
(iv) Temperature gauge (Provided in the liquid space);
(v) Roto-gauge (to measure the percentage of liquid in the vessel;
(vi) Manhole with cover;
(vii) Fixed level gauge;
(viii) Drain point at the bottom; and
(ix) Liquid or Vapour manifold Safety Relief Valve (SRV):
Each tank truck is provided with two or more SRVs for providing the relieving capacity under excess pressure
and the SRVs are mounted on the top surface of the vessel either in the recessed fittings or at the shell level
with head projecting out and in the event of an accident causing the tank truck to fall off the road and topple,
there is a possibility that Safety Relief Valves which projects out can hit against a hard surface and get
damaged or even come out of the nozzles as adequate protection as envisaged in the rules has not been
provided and to prevent this from happening, the following measures shall be adopted, namely: -
i. The SRV of an LPG tank truck shall be provided in a recessed cup formation and alternatively, it may
be equally protected by providing a guard all rounds as per the CCE approved procedure for
ii. SRV shall be replaced by a new SRV every ten years and if found defective during any of the earlier
yearly inspections, it shall be replaced earlier;
iii. Unstamped (Uncertified) SRVs shall not be used;
iv. At the time of yearly inspection or each opening, the threads of the valve and coupling shall be checked
by an Inspection Agency or Competent Person using “Go” or “No Go” gauges and SRV shall be
tightened to the required torque specified for its size so as to obtain minimum engagement of 5-6
threads by hand tightening and another 1-2 threads by spanner tightening and LPG tank trucks shall
carry SRV certificates issued by Inspection Agency or Competent Persons which apart from test date
and set pressures shall also include the following information: -
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 167
iii. All piping, fittings, pumps and meters permanently mounted on the vehicle shall be designed to
withstand the most severe combined stresses imposed by the following, namely:
(a) The maximum design pressure of the vessel;
(b) The superimposed pressure of the shock loading caused by road movements;
iv. All piping, fittings and equipment shall be adequately protected to minimize accidental damage which
may be caused by road accidents or overturning and all trucks should be provided with suitable height
barriers on the drivers cabin if the height of the bullet exceeds the cabin height;
v. The engine and exhaust system together with all electrical generators, motors, batteries, switch gears and
circuit breakers shall be efficiently screened from the vessel or the body of the vehicle by a fire-resisting
shield or by enclosure within an approved fire resisting compartment;
vi. When any of the safety appurtenances referred to in paragraph 3.3.8 is mounted forward of the rear of
the driving cabin the cabin can be considered to act as an acceptable shield, provided the back, the roof
and the floor of the cabin are of fire resisting construction for the full width of the cabin, without any
openings in the back or roof, and that the back extends downwards to the top of the chassis;
vii. When the cabin construction does not conform to the requirements mentioned clause (vi), a separate fire
resistant shield should be installed extending upwards without any openings from the top of the chassis
to the top of the vessel;
viii. In any case where windows are provided in the shield, they should be fitted in fire-resistant framing with
wired glass or other heat resistant material and shall not be capable of being opened;
ix. When any of the safety appurtenances referred to in paragraph 3.3.8 is mounted to the rear of the cabin,
it shall be contained wholly within an approved fire-resistant compartment;
x. In any case where the fuel used to propel a vehicle gives off a flammable vapour at a temperature less
than 65-degree C, the fuel tank shall not be behind the shield unless the following requirements are
complied with, namely-
(a) The fuel tank is protected from external blows by stout steel guards or by the under frames of the
(b) The fill pipe of the fuel tank of the vehicle is provided with:
i. an arrangement facilitating breathing of the fuel tank and preventing spillage of fuel in the event of
overturning of vehicle; and
ii. suitable locking arrangement;
(c) The fuel-feed apparatus placed in front of the fire resisting shield is used to lift the contents of the fuel
xi. The fuel tank is protected by stout steel guards or by the frames of the vehicle;
xii. The fill pipe of the fuel tank of the vehicle is provided with a cover having locking arrangements;
xiii. Fuel feed apparatus placed in front of the fire-resisting shield is used to lift the contents of the fuel tank;
xiv. The electrical systems shall have, as far as may be applicable, the same safety features as detailed in
preceding clause;
xv. Tyres shall be of the “anti-skid” type;
xvi. There shall be a clear space of at least 15 cm. between the rear of the cabin and the front of the vessel;
xvii. The rear of the vessel shall be protected by a robust steel bumper and such bumper shall be-
(a) attached so that collision stresses will be transmitted to the frame work of the vehicle or, in the
case of an articulated vehicle to the frame work carrying the wheels of the vessel;
(b) situated at least 7.5 cm to the rear of the rearmost part of the vessel providing complete cover to
the body; and
(c) extended on each side of the vehicle to, at least, cover the maximum width of the vessel;
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 169
xviii. The maximum weight of the liquefied gas for which the vehicle is designed should not exceed the
difference in weight between the unladden weight of the vehicle and the maximum gross weight
permitted for that class of vehicle under the applicable transport laws or CCOE licensed capacity; when
such law is applicable;
xix. The vessel shall be conspicuously marked to show the product which is being carried;
xx. Two portable ISI marked 9 kg. DCP fire extinguishers shall be provided on each vehicle, one on each
side and should be accessible from outside the cabin and another DCP extinguisher should be kept in
the driver’s cabin and all extinguishers (minimum 3 nos) should have the marking indicating next due
date for pressure testing;
xxi. Pressure relief valves shall be tested every year by competent person and certificates or records
maintained and the functioning of excess flow check valves should also be checked once a year;
xxii. All pressure gauges, level gauges and temperature gauges should be calibrated once a year;
xxiii. Tank or bullet mounted on the chassis shall be hydrostatically tested every 5 years through competent
person and Certificates or records maintained In this regard and if the chassis is not suitable for taking
the load the tank or bullet should be removed and tested separately;
xxiv. After maintenance or repair job the LPG tank trucks are to be purged by water displacement by LPG or
inert gas;
xxv. Driver of the vehicle should carry TREM card and route-map with detail locations and contact agencies
in case of an emergency;
xxvi. Checklists for Bulk LPG tank trucks are given in Annexure - I To Chapter IV of this Schedule; and
xxvii. The spark arrestor shall be welded to the exhaust pipe of the prime movers or horse and spark arrester
shall be of a type approved by the CCOE Any alternate spark elimination system duly approved by
CCOE shall also be accepted case exhaust of diesel engine is based on design having electronic
fuel management with unit injectors and electronic control unit coupled with turbo charger and
intercooler arrangement, no separate spark arrester to be provided.
3.2.10 Painting:
Vessel external surface shall be sand blasted and painted with two coats of red-oxide primer (as per IS: 2074
Part I) and two coats of enamel paint (as per IS: 2932 Part I), of the colour stipulated by statutory authorities.
(i) Except for driving crew and oil companies officials during emergencies or leaks or accidents, no other
person shall be carried on the tank truck;
(ii) Vehicle shall be constantly attended by the driver or his assistant;
(iii) The vehicle shall be halted at a safe place;
(iv) Vehicle shall be equipped with Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) as per Central Motor Vechile
(v) The vehicle should be parked with the consent of the occupier in an open yard or enclosed premises
subject to the Factories Act, 1947 (......of 1947);
(vi) The driver should take all reasonable precaution to ensure that the vehicle is parked in safe
(vii) The driver of a vehicle carrying petroleum product shall be trained in the properties of the material
carried, the handling method applicable to the grades being carried, in the use of the fire extinguishing
equipment carried on the vehicle and in the emergency procedure to be followed and the training to
drivers should be in line with syllabus under rule 9 of The Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989 and such
training should be provided by any Government approved agencies for this purpose;
(viii) All necessary steps shall be taken by the owner or loader of the vehicle to ensure that the driver is fully
aware of, and understands, all instructions;
(ix) As a precaution against any accident or emergency that may occur during carriage, the driver shall be
supplied with instructions in writing in the form of a safety instruction booklet;
(x) The nature of the danger presented by the dangerous substances carried safety precaution to avert such
nature of the danger shall positively be ensured;
(xi) The appropriate action shall be taken and medical treatment shall be given in the event of persons
coming in contact with the dangerous substances being carried or with any substances which might
escape there from;
(xii) The measures to be taken in case of fire and in particular the extinguishing methods or agents or groups
of extinguishing methods or agents not to be used shall be ensured;
(xiii) The measures to be taken in case of breakage or deterioration of packaging or spillage of the dangerous
substances, particularly on the road shall be ensured;
(xiv) The instructions relating to this paragraph should be in local language, Hindi and English;
(xv) The system of Transport Emergency Cards (TREM) shall meet the requirements; and
(xvi) The emergency kit to be carried with tank truck shall contain wooden wedges of various sizes, Teflon
tapes, non-sparking tool, sealant compound, low temperatures gloves, goggles, threaded brass caps,
first aid box, flameproof torch, gaskets, studs, and such equipment;
i. To ensure that any package or truck carrying dangerous goods is recognized from a distance, the
recommendations include a labelling system and the recommended labels are diamond shaped i.e. they
are in the form of square (25 cm x 25 cm) set at an angle of 45 degrees and the upper half of the label is
reserved for the pictorial symbol representing the nature of the risk, different symbols being provided
for each of the classes and the number of the class or division should be shown in block in the bottom
corner of the label unless the substance in question presents more than one risk and any other text
inserted optionally in the lower half of the label should be printed in black and should be confined to
particulars indicating the nature of the risk and precautions to be taken in handling;
ii. Every goods carriage carrying any dangerous or hazardous goods shall display the class label both in
front and in the rear in a conspicuous place;
iii. Every goods carriage used for transporting any dangerous or hazardous goods shall be legibly and
conspicuously marked with an emergency information panel;
iv. The display on vehicles of the descriptive names or prescribed “correct technical names” at national
and international level of the chemicals or petroleum products in letters not less than 50 mm high;
v. The display on vehicle of special signs or plates denoting that dangerous goods are being conveyed or
plates bearing special code numbers (HAZCHEM) which may identify the substances or reveal its
hazardous property or indicate what action should be taken in emergencies;
vi. The name and telephone numbers of the emergency services to be contacted in the event of any fire or
any other accident in letters and numerals that are not less than 50 mm high and the name and
telephone number of the consignor of the dangerous or hazardous goods or of some other person from
whom expert information and advice can be obtained concerning the measures that should be taken in
the event of an emergency involving such goods; and
vii. Every class label and emergency information panel shall be marked on the goods, carriage as stipulated
in the Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989 and shall be kept free and clean from instructions at all the times.
3.4.1 Marking:
Vessel Identification Plate:
Each vessel shall have a non-corrosive metal plate permanently affixed by brazing or welding on the rear
dished end in a place readily accessible for inspection and maintained legibly and neither the plate itself nor
the means of attachment to the vessel may be subjected to impingement by the tank contents and the plate
shall be plainly marked by stamping or embossing or by other means of forming letters to the metal of the
plate with the following information in addition to that as required by local regulations, namely:
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 171
4.1 Design of Installation:
i. In order to meet the larger requirement of commercial customers, it may be necessary to connect a
number of cylinders to a manifold so that the required quantity of gas at requisite pressure can be
obtained and the multi cylinder installations shall be designed as per IS:6044 (part I); and
ii. A suitable site for cylinder storage room shall be selected as per the layout considerations.
4.2 Requirement of Cylinder Bank and Burners:
i. While deciding at the size of the manifold, it should preferably be designed for higher no. of cylinders
to accommodate for increase in consumption in future; and
ii. Size of the cylinder storage room shall depend upon the number of installed cylinders designed for the
layout of the manifold (parallel or linear) and the cylinder arrangement in the storage room (Standard
or staggered) and enough room shall be provided for easy access to each and every cylinder.
4.3 Connections for LPG cylinder Manifold:
i. All the cylinders at the customer’s premises shall always be connected to the manifold wherever the
installed cylinders at the premises are more than four;
ii. The cylinders should not be left unconnected or stored elsewhere;
iii. Additional cylinders which are to be kept loose, can be stored as per stipulations in Gas Cylinders
Rules, 1981 and but, such cylinders should not be stored in manifolded room;
iv. Each arm of the manifold shall have a control valve and to each arm of the cylinder manifold
cylinders shall be connected through a pigtail;
v. For ‘SC’ type valve cylinders, it is necessary to use an adaptor to connect the cylinder pigtail and the
distance between the nipples on the manifold to which pigtails are attached, depends upon the type of
cylinder arrangement required i.e., standard or staggered and the staggered arrangement is to be used
when availability of space is limited;
vi. The flexible hose or pigtail shall be in the same room and its length shall not exceed 2 M;
vii. Flexible hose or pigtail shall not pass through doors, windows, walls, ceiling (or) floors; and
viii. The pigtails shall be accessible for inspection.
4.4 Location for Manifold Installations:
i. Manifolded installations up to 40 kgs LPG can be installed on any floor. Minimum floor area required
5M 2;
ii. Manifold installations not exceeding 40 kgs. of LPG may be installed in doors on any floor within the
same workspace provided the minimum distance between two such installations is 3 M and the floor
area for each installation should be at least 5M 2 and the aggregate quantity of LPG in all such
installations does not exceed 200 kgs;
iii. Manifolded installations not exceeding 80 kgs. of LPG may be installed indoors on any floor provided
the floor area is not less than 12 M2 for such installation;
iv. Manifolded installation not exceeding 80 kgs. of LPG may be installed indoors on any floor area
provided the minimum distance between the installations is 3 M, the proportion of such installations
to floor area is one installation per 12 M2 and the aggregate quantity of LPG in all such installations
does not exceed 200 kgs;
v. Small manifold (i.e. Total capacity up to 320 kgs) can be accommodated within the building and for
bigger manifold (i.e. capacity 321 to 1000 kgs), a separate shed away from the main building shall be
provided keeping adequate safety distances as per IS:6044 (Part I).
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 173
vi. For manifold capacity requirement of more than 1000 kgs, separate installations each not
exceeding1000 kgs. shall be provided; and
vii. The manifold (header) pipeline shall not have any joints to extend its length.
5.1 Loading of Tank Trucks:
Check for following in a tank truck as per statutory regulations before accepting it for filling, namely: -
i. Provision of two safety valves, level gauge, Internal Valve with Excess flow check and control valve
on liquid and vapour lines, pressure gauge, temperature gauge on the vessel or bullet and fire screen
between cabin and vessel is provided and for this purpose, cabins with metallic back cover without any
opening will be considered as fire screen (Provision of 2 nos. of 9 Kgs. DCP Fire Extinguishers).
ii. Fitment of Spark arrestors of approved quality and no leakage in exhaust silencer pipe exists and
manufacturer's name plate with date of testing is fitted on the vessel. Valid Explosive License and RTO
certificate is available. Approved drawings of vessel are available and blind flanges or caps are
provided on vessel. Availability of Earthing cable. Bonding between vessel and chassis and between
flanges is satisfactory. Earthing or bonding point is available. Third party inspection or test certificates
for vessel or fittings are available. Liquid or vapour line valves are in good condition.
iii. Driver must be trained for hazardous goods transportation and their driving license or certificate must
have RTO endorsement for hazardous goods transportation;
iv. In order to prevent accidental movement, the handbrake and wheel chocks shall be firmly on and the
engine shall be stopped;
v. When discharge is in progress, the driver shall remain at his vehicle in such a position as to be able to
stop the discharge immediately in an emergency;
vi. A visual check shall be made of the surroundings, the tank and connections for unusual or dangerous
vii. Warning notices shall be displayed and suitable fire appliances shall be available for instant use;
viii. Bonding leads shall be connected before making the hose connections and shall remain connected till
the hoses have been removed and perfect bonding contact should be ensured;
ix. When operations are commenced, a further examination for leakage at connections shall be carried out;
x. No person shall smoke while on or attending such a vehicle;
xi. No article or substance capable of causing fire or explosion shall be carried on such a vehicle;
xii. Move truck to the loading bay or weigh bridge and record the weight of the empty tank truck;
xiii. Place the truck on loading bay and place choke blocks at front and rear wheels and keep the truck in
neutral mode with hand brakes "ON";
xiv. Stop the engine and switch off all electrical equipment. The master switch shall be put off immediately
after parking the truck in position and no electrical switch on the truck shall be turned “on” or “off”
during the loading operation;
xv. All persons should leave the driver's cabin;
xvi. Make earthing connections of the vehicle at specified point to the fixed grounding system;
xvii. Connect liquid and vapour lines suitably with the loading point and crack open valves on loading and
vapour return lines and inspect hoses or arms and connections for leakage and loading shall start only
when the system is leak free;
xx. Liquid level may be determined by roto-gauge or fixed liquid level gauge and percentage volume to
be filled shall not exceed 85 % at ambient temperature or the allowable filling limit as per PESO
whichever is lower;
xxi. Where weigh bridge is used, it is necessary to determine the density of the product being loaded to
avoid excess filling in terms of volume and the weigh bridge shall be periodically calibrated and
stamped by Weights and Measures Authorities;
xxii. When the filling operation is in progress, the pressure within the tank truck vessel shall be observed to
ensure that it does not approach the start-to-discharge pressure of the relief valve. Filling rate may be
regulated as required; and
xxiii. The couplings may then be removed and plugs or caps may be replaced on the tank truck valves and,
then, Re-check tightness with soap solution.
5.2 Unloading of tank trucks:
xi. Connect the filling hose or loading arm and vapour return line hose or arm to the wagon and ensure
that the flare connection valves are closed;
xii. Ensure that the header is charged with LPG and the bulk loading pump is running;
xiii. Open the tanker filling line valve and vapour return line valve;
xiv. Check the system for leaks;
xv. Open the valve on the vapour return line, therefore, slowly open the valve on the filling line and
increase the valve opening and gradually open the valve fully and ensure that filling is up to safe
filling level keeping in view temperature factors and take mass flow meter readings if used;
xvi. Once the filling is over, close the wagon filling and vapour return lines valves and also valves on
filling and vapour return lines at the loading point;
xvii. Open the valve on flare line connection to both feed line and vapour return line slowly while
depressurizing to avoid ice formation, then, close the flare line connection valves;
xviii. Disconnect the filling and vapour return line arm or hose connections from the wagon and replace and
tighten the plugs on filling and vapour return lines.
xix. Close the top cover of the wagon and seal it properly and remove earthing connections;
xx. Release the hand brake of the wagon;
xxi. Release all the wagons on the loading points in the lot;
xxii. Check the gross and net weight at the weigh bridge; and
xxiii. Use loading arms for loading and unloading operations.
i. Ascertain that the liquid discharge valve and the vapour valve within the tank wagon cover are in the
closed position;
ii. Open the port covers in the side of the dome shell, if exist, then, unscrew the plugs in the outlets of
the vapour valve and the liquid valves using a box wrench and such operations must be done slowly;
iii. If there is any sound of escaping vapour or if there seems to be pressure behind the plugs, the pressure
shall positively be allowed to relieve itself past the threads before the plugs are entirely disengaged;
iv. If the vapour discharge continues or if there is evidence of a liquid discharge, the valves should be re-
v. With the plugs removed, screw pipe nipples into the outlets of the valves after first having applied a
modest quantity of sealant to the male threads, keeping the sealant away from the end of the thread
and tighten nipples with a pipe wrench;
vi. Connect the two-liquid transfer unloading swing arms or hoses to the nipples attached to the liquid
discharge valves and connect the vapour or equalizing swing arm or hose to the nipple attached to the
vapour valve and in most of the cases, such connections will be made by means of either a ground
joint union or a hose coupling;
vii. In the event, a ground joint union is used, no gasket will be required and if a hose coupling is
employed, ensure that the appropriate gasket is in place and make sure that they are secured tightly by
appropriate means;
viii. After the vapour and liquid hoses have been connected and before any valve are opened, the valves on
the tank wagon are crack opened in order to apply pressure to the hoses or loading arms as a test for
ix. If any leak appears, the valve should be immediately closed and corrective measures applied;
x. Recheck the lines and connections to make sure that they are connected correctly;
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xi. After the liquid and vapour lines have been secured and tested, both liquid education valves should be
opened slowly and completely, then, open all other valves in the liquid line working from the tank
wagon to the storage tank.
xii. If the tank wagon pressure is higher than that in the storage tank, do not open the valves in vapour line
or operate the compressor and when the rate of liquid flow drops to an unsatisfactory level with the
storage tank filling valve wide open, open the vapour valves between the tank wagon and the storage
xiii. At this point, make sure that the control valves at the compressor are in a position which allow the
compressor to draw vapours from the storage tank and force it into the tank wagon, then start the
xiv. When the tank wagon is held at a pressure of 2.0 to 2.5 Kg/ above the storage tank pressure, the
tank wagon should be emptied into the storage vessel;
xv. A flow of gas instead of liquid through the sight-flow glass in the unloading line indicates that the
wagon is empty of liquid, then, recheck it by opening the sample valve in the tank wagon dome;
xvi. When the tank wagon is emptied of all liquid, stop the compressor and close the liquid valves
beginning at the storage tank and progressing to the tank wagon;
xvii. If the facilities are so arranged that vapours may be removed from the tank wagon, the pipeline at the
compressor should be arranged so that the compressor will draw vapour from the tank wagon and
force it into the storage tank;
xviii. In this operation, the vapour should be discharged below the surface of the liquid in the storage tank
to hasten the liquefaction and, in turn, help prevent excessive pressure in the storage tank;
xix. Restart the compressor and when the tank wagon pressure is reduced to about 1.5 - 2.0 Kg/,
stop the compressor and close all the valves in the vapour line;
xx. After bleeding off the pressure in the unloading arm or hoses, disconnect both the liquid and vapour
lines and replace all the plugs in the tank wagon valves and the unloading fittings;
xxi. Recheck sample valve, gauging device and thermometer well to determine that they have been
returned to their original condition and are closed tight and lower the dome cover carefully and lock it
in place with the locking pin or secure by appropriate means;
xxii. Remove bonding connections;
xxiii. Reverse or remove and replace the "Flammable" placard with "Dangerous - Empty" placard;
xxiv. Remove the "Stop – Tank Wagon Connected" sign and wheel blocks;
xxv. Any defect observed in the tank wagon should be noted on the appropriate forms and routed in
accordance with acceptable procedure;
xxvi. Notify the railways in writing about release of wagon and ensure that it is removed from the siding
xxvii. Gauge the storage tanks, within the installation, which have received the LPG to determine that the
liquid level is appropriate; and
xxviii. In the event of LPG received on weight basis, the tank wagon may require weighing following the
completion of the unloading operation.
5.3.4 Procedure for Degassing of LPG tank Wagons:
The following sequence shall be followed, namely: -
i. During degassing operation on a spur, all loading or unloading operations on that spur shall be stopped
and earthing to be ensured even on the degassing bay before commencing the degassing;
ii. Sampling valve should be opened and vapours allowed to escape fully;
iii. The plugs of liquid and vapour reduction valves should be unscrewed and then valve be opened;
iv. The method adopted to make the wagon free from LPG is to fill the wagon completely with water and
allow to overflow for an hour and then pump out the water after 24 hours and alternatively, steam or
inert gas can be used for degassing;
v. Remove the manhole cover and in no case the heating of studs/bolts shall be adopted to open them and
if required, rust remover solution shall be used;
vi. Check thoroughly for presence of LPG vapours inside by explosive meter and repeat the procedure if
explosive meter shows presence of vapour inside;
vii. Ensure that the barrel is completely dry in case water filling or steam purging method of degassing is
viii. A safety instruction checklist should be exhibited at the degassing station containing all relevant points
in the degassing procedure;
ix. Degassing operation should be discontinued at the approach of thunder storm and all valves manhole
covers and hoses disconnected to make the wagon ready for removal; and
x. Disposal of sludge from the LPG wagons should be transported away from the siding in wet condition
and disposed of in safe manner.
Checks required to be carried out before allowing entry of tank trucks inside licensed area:
i. TT has suitable spark arrestor of make and design approved by CCE, Nagpur, properly welded to
ii. Carries 2 nos. 9 Kg. DCP extinguishers in easily accessible and removable position with if;
iii. Truck No. date of checking and charging painted on it;
iv. Quick closing manifold valve with lever indicating close and open status;
v. No visible dent on the bullet;
vi. Whether tyres fitted is in roadworthy condition;
vii. All junction boxes are properly sealed;
viii. Any loose electrical wiring or terminal, if found is remained;
ix. Electrical wiring is insulated and provided with suitable over current protection;
x. Truck is self-starting;
xi. Readily accessible master switch for switching off the engine is provided inside the cabin; and
xii. Leakage from any fittings or joints is repaired.
Checks required to be carried out before issuing loading memo (During the course of unloading
i. Height barrier provided as per specifications;
ii. Fuel tank is protected by means of stout guard and fuel tank cap is locked;
iii. Paint of bullet is not peeling off; and
iv. First aid kit is available.
Checks required to be carried out on random basis minimum one day, once in a month:
i. Internals of fire extinguishers in good condition;
ii. Carries TREM CARD, instructions booklet detailing instructions on handling emergencies enroute;
iii. Carries route map;
iv. Carries TERM card;
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iii. Tare weight of the cylinder shall be set or transferred to filling machine where the cylinder is to be
iv. After introduction of cylinder on filling machine LPG shall be filled into the cylinder through a filling
head connected to LPG supply source;
v. The filling pressure should not exceed maximum working pressure of cylinder i.e. 16.9 kg/cm2 at 65-
degree C;
vi. When the gross weight (Tare weight + Net weight of LPG) reaches the targeted weight, the filling shall
stop and filling head shall be disconnected from the cylinder; and
vii. After filling, the cylinder shall be removed from the filling machine.
i. All filled cylinders coming out of the carousel shall be weighed for ensuring 100% check weighing;
ii. Accuracy of the check scale shall be verified by using standard weights at the beginning of the shift
and subsequently at suitable intervals;
iii. Maximum permissible errors on net quantity declared by weight shall be in accordance with the Legal
Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011 and as amended time to time.
iv. On check weighing, the cylinders that do not meet the norms under Legal Metrology Rules a referred
to in Clause (iii) shall be segregated for correction of the net weight quantity of LPG in the cylinder;
v. Cylinders meeting the net weight specifications of Legal Metrology Rules referred to in Clause (iii)
shall be proceeded for further checks for valve defect; and
vi. Daily record for underweight and overweight cylinders generated shall be maintained.
Checks shall be carried out for the following categories of leaks, namely: -
i. Leak detecting equipment for valve or “O” ring shall be calibrated to detect leakage beyond 0.5 gm/hr;
ii. Defective ‘O’ rings identified, shall be replaced with new “O” ring and again checked with O-Ring leak
detector before dispatch;
iii. Valve Leak cylinders shall be sent for replacement with new valves which shall be re-checked for valve
leak before dispatch;
iv. Cylinders having leaks through valve-bung threads shall be segregated and sent for valve replacement
and if bung is damaged and leak re-surfaces after valve replacement, such cylinders shall be segregated,
valves shall be retrieved after product evacuation and cylinder shall be degassed and scrapped;
v. Cylinders without valve or O-Ring leaks shall be proceeded for further checks for body and bung leak
at water bath and such cylinder shall be capped prior to dipping in test bath water;
vi. Leakage from the cylinder body, either from the parent metal or from the weld joints is identified at
water bath and such cylinders are sent for evacuation, valve removal and deshaped for scapping;
vii. Daily record of leaky cylinders generated should be maintained at the plant;
viii. Suitable tags or markers should be used to identify different categories of leaky cylinders;
ix. Valve defective cylinders shall be capped with safety caps until they are evacuated;
x. Body leak and bung leak cylinders shall be evacuated on priority immediately; and
xi. Only those cylinders found passing all above weight and leak test checks shall be processed further for
i. Cylinders shall be sealed with PVC seal or Aluminum seal and such seal shall have identification
mark of oil company and preferably name of plant;
ii. The sound filled cylinders that pass through all quality control checks, are then sealed at the sealing
unit and all sealed cylinders ready for dispatch shall meet the various marking norms as laid down in
Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodity) Rules, 2011 as amended time to time; and
iii. The cylinders can be directly loaded to the stack trucks and dispatched or can be sent to filled cylinder
storage shed for loading into stack trucks at a later stage.
6.9.1 Purging:
Cylinders received from manufactures or after statutory testing or hot repairs shall be purged before filling to
purge air from the cylinders and introduce LPG in cylinders and in purging, the air is sucked from the cylinder
by means of a vacuum pump and the pressure inside the cylinder comes down below the atmospheric pressure
0.35 kg /cm2 absolute= (-)0.65 kg/cm2(g)) and such cylinder then immediately filled with LPG vapour to bring
it back to at least atmospheric pressure (i.e. a pressure of 1.035 kg / cm2) but not above working pressure of
cylinder i.e. 16.9 kgf/cm2 at 65 degree C and in such process, the entire cylinder space is occupied with LPG
6.9.2 Evacuation:
i. Before evacuation it must be ensured that bonding and earthing connections of the filling gun and
equipment are proper to dissipate any static charge that may develop due to flow of LPG;
ii. Evacuation procedure will depend on the type of equipment provided and due to such dependency, the
Manufacturer’s manual should be referred for operating instructions;
iii. Cylinders profusely leaking and over-filled cylinders shall be evacuated first and all cylinders with
valve leak shall remain capped till evacuation and valve change;
iv. After product evacuation, the cylinder shall be depressurized to pressure near atmospheric pressure by
cold flaring the residual pressure through a flare line extending 1.5 m above eve of the shed;
v. Provision for evacuation of all type of cylinders being handled shall be available at the Plant;
vi. Provision shall also be made for evacuation of valve pin stuck or broken LPG Cylinders through use of
suitable adapter; and
vii. All LPG has to be evacuated into the LPG vessel in closed loop and there shall not be any vented out of
LPG at the Plant floor.
6.9.3 Cold Repair of Cylinders:
Cylinder having defective valve and with bung leak shall have to undergo valve removal and valve re-fixing
operation and the valve leak and bung leak cylinders are repaired as under, namely: -
i. on-line valve changing machine shall be used to change the valve without evacuation as per the
procedure laid down in the operating manual of the manufacturer and alternatively, cylinder shall be
evacuated of its product and thereafter depressurized to near atmospheric pressure through cold flare
before opening the defective valve;
ii. Before fixing the valve, suitable jointing compound shall be used and the jointing compound shall be
compatible with LPG, water and metallurgy of cylinders and valves;
iii. The valve shall be tightened to a torque of 20 Kgf-m +/- 2 Kgf-m by the valve screw or unscrew
machine where the specified torque level is pre-set;
iv. The torque limit (20 Kg-M. +/- 2Kg-M.) set on screw or unscrew machine shall be verified by using a
torque wrench for the machine’s correct setting;
v. The cylinders identified for the bung thread defects shall be segregated, recorded and further declared
as scrap; and
vi. Cylinders marked for valve replacement and valve removal alone shall have suitable identification
mark to prevent mix up and ensure proper segregation.
6.9.4 De-gassing of Cylinders:
If the cylinders are identified as unserviceable during the operation, the same shall be degassed after
evacuation and the unserviceable cylinders shall be evacuated and de-pressurised to atmospheric pressure and
the valves are removed from the cylinders after de-depressurizing and the cylinders shall be filled fully with
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water and allowed to overflow and thereafter shall be emptied out by inverting.
6.9.5 Defective Cylinders:
Cylinders with defects like, foot-ring (bent or broken), valve protection ring (bent or broken), body damage
(dent or cut or pitting) and like other defects, should be segregated for cold or hot repairs depending upon the
6.9.6 De-shaping or Disposal of Cylinders:
Any cylinder which fails to pass examination as per IS: 16054 or IS: 15966 or test or which loses in its tare
weight by over 5 per cent or which for any other defect is found to be unsafe for use , shall not be filled with
any compressed gas and shall be destroyed by flattening it as a whole or after being cut into pieces in such a
manner that the pieces cannot again be joined together by welding or otherwise to form a cylinder and the
concerned plant must maintain record of cylinders which are scrapped for disposal with details line
manufacturer’s name, Serial No., Original test date, age profile and like other particulars.
6.10 Handling and Storage of Cylinders:
i. Handling and storage of LPG cylinders, whether empty or full, shall in compliance with the
provisions of the Gas Cylinder Rules, 2004;
ii. The owner of a cylinder shall keep for the life of each cylinder, a record containing the following
information regarding each cylinder, namely: -
(a) Cylinder manufacturer’s name and the rotation number;
(b) The specification number to which the cylinder is manufactured;
(c) The original hydrostatic test or hydrostatic stretch;
(d) Cylinder manufacturer’s test and inspection certificates; and
(e) Number and date of letter of approval granted by the Chief Controller;
iii. Purged cylinders shall be handled in the vertical position at all stages of operations and handling;
iv. LPG cylinders shall not be dropped, rolled on body and shall not be subjected to any violent contact
with any other cylinder or object cylinder shall be moved by rolling on its foot ring or on conveyors or
hand trolleys and the telescopic conveyors shall be provided for loading or unloading of cylinders
from or to the trucks at loading or unloading point;
v. Belly rolling of purged cylinders either filled or empty is strictly prohibited;
vi. No attempt shall be made to heat the cylinders for normal operation;
vii. The safety cap shall not be removed from the cylinder valve until the cylinder is taken up for filling or
any other operation and such cylinder should be refitted as soon as the operation is over and safety
cap shall be fitted while the cylinders are passed through the washing unit and water bath;
viii. Cylinders shall never be thrown from a height even though sufficient padding on the floor is
ix. Any cylinder having body leak, bung leak, bulge, fire ravaged or spurious shall be evacuated
x. Cylinders requiring repairs other than valve leak shall be degassed for repairs; and
xi. All cylinders referred to in Clause (i) to (x) shall be clearly identified, with markers, to their nature of
defects and shall be kept capped during storage.
6.10.1 Handling during Loading and Unloading Operations:
i. Cylinders shall be loaded or unloaded without dropping them or subjecting them to any excessive
ii. Telescopic conveyors shall be used for this purpose to extent possible;
iii. While loading operations, the Filled cylinders or empty cylinders in use shall be stacked in vertical
position in stake trucks up to a maximum height of 2m; that the maximum height and overall gross
weight of the truck does not exceed the Registered Laden Weight (RLW) fixed by Regional Transport
Each facility shall have a documented operating manual including operations, maintenance, training
procedures, purging and record keeping based on experience and conditions under which the LPG facilities is
operated, and a documented maintenance manual and each facility shall have written operating, maintenance,
and training procedures based on experience, knowledge of similar facilities, and conditions under which they
will be operated.
7.1 Basic Requirements:
Each facility shall meet the following requirements, namely: -
i. To have written procedures covering operation, maintenance, and training;
ii. To keep up-to-date drawings of plant equipment, showing all revisions made after installation;
iii. To revise the plans and procedures as operating conditions or facility equipments require;
iv. To establish a written emergency plan;
v. To establish liaison with appropriate local authorities such as police, fire department, or hospitals and
inform them of the emergency plans and their role in emergency situations;
vi. To analyse and document all safety-related malfunctions and incidents for the purpose of determining
their causes and preventing the possibility of recurrence;
vii. To follow the maintenance philosophy that, the activities should be identified that would be
contracted to third party contractors for maintenance and support;
viii. That the activity supervisors shall be identified according to the level of supervision required;
ix. That the referred to in clause (viii) supervisors are given Safe supervisor training by designated staff
and then they are put on the job;
x. That the contractors staff shall be engaged in toolbox talk given on relevant topics, which are held
with the Contract holders and owners; and
xi. That the OEM service engineers are involved in critical overhauls for better quality assurance and for
first time activities.
7.2 The operating manual for LPG storage, handling and bottling facilitiesshall include standard operating
procedures shall include procedures for the following, namely: -
i. Bulk handling, bottling operations, maintenance, inspection and fire protection facilities;
ii. Determining the existence of any abnormal conditions, and the response to these conditions in the
iii. The safe transfer of LPG and hazardous fluids, including prevention of overfilling of vessels for the
proper startup and shutdown of all components to ensure that each control system is adjusted to
operate within its design limits;
iv. The monitoring operations; and
v. The emergency preparedness and handling.
7.3 The operating procedures manual shall be accessible to all plant personnel and shall be kept readily
available in the operating control room and the operating manual shall be updated when there are changes in
equipment or procedures and all LPG plant components shall be operated in accordance with the standard
operating procedures as per operating manual.
7.4 The periodic inspections and tests shall be carried out in accordance with generally accepted engineering
practice or recommendations of Original Equipment Manufacturer to ensure that each component is in good
operating condition;
7.5 Each facility operator shall ensure that when a component is served by a single safety device only and
the safety device is taken out of service for maintenance or repair, the component is also taken out of service;
7.6 It shall ensure that where the operation of a component is taken out of service, which could cause a
hazardous condition, a tag bearing the words “Do Not Operate,” or the equivalent thereto, is attached to the
controls of the component and wherever possible, the component shall be locked out; and
7.7 Stop valves for isolating pressure shall be locked or sealed open. These shall not be operated except by
an authorized person.
8.0 Maintenance Manual:
8.1 Each facility operator shall prepare a written manual that sets out an inspection and maintenance
program for each component that is used in its facility.
8.2 The maintenance manual for facility components shall include the following, namely: -
(a) The manner of carrying out and the frequency of the inspections and tests should be specified in
respect of the component;
(b) All procedures to be followed during repairs on a component that is operating while it is being
repaired to ensure the safety of persons and property at the facility;
(c) That each entity shall conduct its maintenance program in accordance with its written manual for
facility components; and
(d) That in addition to as specified in clauses (a) to (b), the history card of all critical equipment,
instruments and systems shall be maintained.
8.3 Maintenance Workflow:
(i) The objective of the work flow is to provide an integrated proactive and reactive work plan so that
repair work is minimized and reliability and availability are optimized and the maintenance execution
begins with the receipt of a work request and concludes with the close out of the work order;
(ii) The correct prioritization of work and proactively preparing activities through high quality work
preparation, combined with accurate scheduling, will lead to a more stable work environment and
such stable work environment will reduce deferments and breakdowns, improve integrity and safety,
and provide additional job satisfaction and ownership to technicians;
(iii) The management and control of day-to-day maintenance on all process units and utilities of a site is to
(a) support for a maintenance strategy based on doing programmed maintenance on time;
(b) safe, healthy and environmentally sound execution of maintenance work;
(c) availability of equipment; and
(d) business efficiency;
(iv) The designated person for issue of work permit shall verify the execution of preparation activities
before issue of the work permit;
(v) Maintenance work shall be undertaken in accordance with work permit requirements;
(vi) Inspection personnel should be notified on time at which moment witness or hold points set;
(vii) A verification of the HSE requirements should be carried as the maintenance execution includes HSE
review and a toolbox talk as outlined in the work permit or work pack;
(viii) The maintenance supervisor should ensure that a toolbox talk is held before work commences;
(ix) Upon completion of the job, the job site should be left safe, clean and tidy and any excess materials
should be returned to the stores and tools should be cleaned and returned to the workshop or put away
in the correct storage place;
(x) On a daily basis, the progress of work should be reported and if the work is not completed, it should
continue the next working day after taking requisite permission and approval from work permit
issuing personnel; and
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(xi) The work permits duly signed shall be returned to issuing authority on completion of job, removal of
all material from site and handing over of facilities to user and after completing like other formalities.
8.4 Maintenance Strategy:
i. The facilities should be designed for minimum maintenance intervention;
ii. The maintenance requirements should be clearly defined in writing and further optimized based on
maintenance strategy reviews using tools such as reliability centred maintenance, Risk Based
Inspection and Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM), after detailed equipment specifications are known;
iii. The criticality of the equipment shall be taken into account during the maintenance strategy selection;
iv. Appropriate diagnostic tools and staff competencies shall be provided to facilitate rapid fault finding
and rectification and also to provide opportunistic maintenance during outages;
v. Maintenance strategies shall maximize non-intrusive and online data acquisition to support planning
and analysis;
vi. Special Critical Equipment shall have OEM defined performance standards which shall be periodically
tested and verified; and
vii. Structural and pipeline survey and painting shall be done on a regular basis.
8.5 The entity shall prepare a written plan for preventive maintenance covering the scope, resources,
periodicity and like other requirements and the corrective measures should include the preventive
maintenance, scheduling, execution and closure;
8.6 Each facility should have well defined system in writing for identification of spare part,
rationalization and optimization to minimize any supply chain or logistics constraints and risks;
8.7 Well defined Roles and Responsibilities matrix in writing should be available in respect of each
machine as well as activity to be carried out in the workshop and the procedure for Audits and Review of the
workshop shall be documented and adhered to.
(i) Each facility shall have written inspection, testing and commissioning program in place.
Inspection shall be done before commissioning during installation as well as during regular
operation of the LPG facilities;
(ii) All documents related to design, installation procedure of the respective vendors and the
manufacturer’s instruction for pre-commissioning and commissioning of the equipment, systems,
instruments, control systems and like other system shall be properly maintained and followed;
(iii) Inspection shall cover the review of test protocols and acceptance criteria that such protocol and
criteria are in accordance with the protocols and acceptance criteria specified in line with OEM
specific requirements;
(iv) Inspection shall cover that the equipment is installed in accordance with design, and any
deviations there from be documented and approved;
(v) All safety systems are installed inspected and tested as per design or OEM requirement;
(vi) Inspection shall cover that all safety devices are installed and are in working condition as per the
design or OEM requirements;
(vii) Inspection shall cover the verification of various safety interlocks and ESD provided in the
(viii) Inspection shall cover the adequacy of sealing systems;
(ix) Inspection shall cover the electrical systems, check its integrity, earthing resistance, bonding and
like other technical requirements;
(x) Inspection shall cover the integrity of mechanical and rotating equipment;
(xi) The integrity and efficacy of gas detection, fire protection and fighting system, and connected
equipment shall be covered in the inspection;
(xii) Inspection shall cover the efficacy of corrosion system;
(xiii) Inspection shall cover and review the mechanical completion records that the PSVs are of the
correct type and sizing as per the P&IDs or data sheets;
(xiv) Inspection shall cover location of inlet pipe-work to relieving devices in relation to potential
restrictions (e.g. above liquid levels, vessel internals, and like other restrictions);
(xv) Inspection shall cover and review P&IDs to check the position of isolation valves for relieving
devices, their capacities and the inspection has to confirm by review of all vent locations
(atmospheric vent from drums or equipment seals) that they vent to safe location and in the event
of liquid carry over will not discharge to areas that may cause a hazard to personnel;
(xvi) Inspection shall review the area classification layouts and associated studies to confirm that all
possible hazards have been appropriately considered (including possible migration), the
hazardous area drawings correctly account for the actual location of the sources of release the
hazardous areas have been appropriately defined in writing;
(xvii) Inspection shall cover that all ESD devices move to their safe condition on loss of system output,
hydraulic power or instrument air and all ESD Valves and actuators shall remain functional
following an explosion or under fire conditions for a sufficient time period to perform their
intended function;
(xviii) The maximum allowable back pressure and minimum design temperature of the relief system
shall be checked for suitability for the highest identified flow rate;
(xix) Control System shall include all status monitoring and actions to and from the control rooms;
(xx) Inspection to cover the escape and evacuation passages;
(xxi) Inspection shall cover the emergency communication system for its effectiveness during
emergency situations; and
(xxii) The inspection frequency table shall be developed for all safety interlocks, alarms, trips,
firefighting equipment and system, detectors and like other safety equipments in line with OEM
guidelines or specifications, checked and records maintained thereof and the typical inspection
frequency for various safety systems, interlocks is provided below -
Typical Inspection Frequency
Item Minimum Frequency Remarks
(1) Excess Flow Check Valve of TT loading Once in six months
(2) Jockey pump start or stop pressures Once a week
(3) Main fire pump set pressure Once a month
(4) Earthing interlock test in TT Once a week
loading/unloading gantry
(5) ESD system in control room Once a month
(6) Alarms and trips in pipeline transfer system Once a month
(7) Leak detection system of pipeline transfer Once a quarter
(8) Pipeline transfer high pressure or low Once a month
pressure alarms
(9) Low pressure alarm in fire hydrant in control Once a week
(10) ESD in pipeline transfer system Once a month
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(11) Emergency Push button or Break Glass in the Once in two months
(12) Heat detector functionality test at each Once in a quarter
(13) Electric siren interlock test Once in a month
(14) GMS alarm Once a month
(15) Sprinkler system check for blockage or Once a quarter
(16) ROV emergency shut off tests Once a month
(17) Jetty ROV closure tests Once in a month
(18) ERC or Breakaway Couplings Once in six months
(19) Manual Call points Once a month
(20) High level alarms in Control room Once in a month
(21) High level switch (85 %) Once in three months
(22) Radar Gauge calibration Once in five years
(23) Servo Gauge calibration Once in five years
(24) Mass flow meter calibration Once a year
(25) CP system potential check by reference Once in quarter
(26) Interlock Carousel and vapour extraction Once a month
10.0 Safety Management System:
10.1 The organization should establish a safety management system which shall be an integral part of the
overall management system and Safety Management System (SMS) should be based on PDCA (Plan, Do,
Check and Act) cycle which comprises of-
(i) Policy setting which includes policy, corporate acceptance of responsibility, objectives, requirements
and strategies;
(ii) Organization which includes structure, accountability and safety culture, involvement of the
workforce, systems for performing risk assessment;
(iii) Planning and execution which includes operational standards and procedures for controlling risks,
permit to work, competence and training, selection and control over contractors, management of
change and planning and control for emergencies and occupational health;
(iv) Measuring and evaluating which includes active monitoring, recording and investigation of incidents
or accidents, auditing and handling of non-conformities; and
(v) Continuous improvement which includes review and application of the lessons learnt and Safety
management system should not degenerate into a paper exercise only, conducted solely to meet
regulatory requirements.
10.2 Elements of Safety Management system:
Safety management system should include at least the following basic elements, namely: -
i) Safety Organization, - which denotes that leadership and management commitment should be clearly
visible in the SMS and management should develop and endorse a written description of the company’s
safety and environmental policies and organizational structure that define responsibilities, authorities,
and lines of communication required to implement the management program. Management should
review the safety and environmental management program to determine if it continues to be suitable,
adequate and effective at predetermined frequency. The management review should address the
possible need for changes to policy, objectives, and other elements of the program in light of program
audit results, changing circumstances and the commitment to continual improvement. Observations,
conclusions and recommendations of management review should be documented;
ii) Safety Information, - which denotes that comprehensive safety and environmental information for the
facility, which include documentation on process, mechanical and facility design, should be developed
and maintained throughout the life of the facility;
iii) Process Hazard Analysis, - which denotes that the purpose of Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) is to
minimise the likelihood of the occurrence and the consequences of a dangerous substance release by
identifying, evaluating and controlling the events that could lead to the release. Process hazards
analysis should be performed for any facility to identify, evaluate, and reduce the likelihood or
minimize the consequences of uncontrolled releases and other safety or environmental incidents and
human factors should also be considered in this analysis and the process hazard analysis should be
updated and revalidated by a team, having requisite back ground, at least every 5 years after the
completion of initial process hazard analysis and recommendations resulting from the process hazard
analysis (PHA) should be completed before start-up for a new process or facility, or modification in
existing facility;
iv) Operating Procedures, - which denotes that written down operating procedures shall be available
describing tasks to be performed, data to be recorded, operating conditions to be maintained, samples to
be collected and safety and health precautions to be taken for safe operation and operating procedures
should be based on process safety information so that all known hazards are taken care of and the
human factors associated with format, content, and intended use should be considered to minimize the
likelihood of procedural error.
The operating procedures shall provide plant specific instructions on what steps to be taken or followed
while carrying out Startup, Normal operation, Temporary operation, Normal shut-down and Emergency
operation and shut-down. Manuals of operating procedures shall be made available to the employees
and training shall be imparted to the operators on operating procedures and they should be certified as
competent. When changes are made in facilities, operating procedures should be reviewed as part of the
management of change procedure and in addition, operating procedures should be reviewed
periodically to verify that they reflect current and actual operating practices. Operating manuals should
be certified as updated by authorized and competent person every year;
v) Safe Work Practices, - which denotes that the entity shall maintain procedures that address safe work
practices to ensure the safe conduct of operating, maintenance, and emergency response activities and
the control of materials that impact safety and such safe work practices may apply to multiple locations
and will normally be in written form (safety manual, safety standards, work rules, and like written
form) but site-specific work practices shall be prepared and followed and in cases where an employee
believes that following a procedure will cause an unsafe condition, one shall have authority to stop
work and get permission to deviate and such deviation should be documented for future analysis.
vi) Training, - which denotes that the training program shall establish and implement programs so that all
personnel are trained to work safely and are aware of environmental considerations, in accordance with
their duties and responsibilities.
Training shall address the operating procedures, the safe work practices, and the emergency response
and control measures and any change in facilities that requires new or modification of existing
operating procedures may require training for the safe implementation of those procedures and the
training should be provided by qualified instructors and documented. The training provided to contract
personnel should include applicable site-specific safety and environmental procedures and rules
pertaining to the facility and the applicable provisions of emergency action plans. The entity should
verify contractor training utilizing a variety of methods, which may include audits of the contractor’s
environmental, health and safety training programs; and operator observation of contractor work
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vii) Management of Change (MOC), - which denotes that there should be procedures to identify and
control hazards associated with change and to maintain the accuracy of safety information and for each
such MOC, the operator shall identify the potential risks associated with the change and any required
approvals prior to the introduction of such changes and the types of changes that such a MOC
procedure addresses shall include:
(a) technical;
(b) physical;
(c) procedural; and
(d) organizational.
and changes in such procedure shall be considered permanent or temporary changes and the process
shall incorporate planning for the effects of the change for each of these situations and such procedures
should cover the following, namely: -
(a) The process and mechanical design basis for the proposed change;
(b) An analysis of the safety, health, and environmental considerations involved in the proposed
change, including, as appropriate, a hazards analysis;
(c) The necessary revisions of the operating procedures, safe work practices, and training program;
(d) Communication of the proposed change and the consequences of that change to appropriate
personnel and the necessary revisions of the safety and environmental information;
(e) The duration of the change, if temporary; and
(f) Required authorizations to effect the change;
viii) Contractors, - which denotes that when selecting contractors, operators should obtain and
evaluate information regarding a contractor’s safety and environmental management policies and
practices, and performance there under, and the contractor’s procedures for selecting subcontractors
and the entity shall communicate their safety and environmental management system expectations to
contractors and identify any specific safety or environmental management requirements they have for
Interfacing of SMS of various entities (operator, contractor or service provider, subcontractor and third-
party) should be ensured through a well written bridging document. Entity shall document the clear
roles and responsibilities with its contractors;
ix) Assurance of quality and mechanical integrity of critical equipment,- which denotes that
procedures should in place and implemented so that critical equipment for any facility is designed,
fabricated, installed, tested, inspected, monitored, and maintained in a manner consistent with
appropriate service requirements, manufacturer’s recommendations, or industry standards and entity
shall maintain inspection and testing procedures for safety-related equipment and human factors should
be considered, particularly regarding equipment accessibility for operation, maintenance and testing;
x) Pre-startup Safety Review, - which denotes that before a new or modified unit is started, a systematic
check should be made to ensure that the construction and equipment are in accordance with
specifications; operating procedures have been reviewed; hazards analysis recommendations have been
considered, addressed and implemented; and personnel have been trained and it should be ensured that
programs to address management of change are in place;
xi) Permit to Work (PTW) System, - which denotes that PTW system is a formal written system used to
control certain types of work which are identified as potentially hazardous and essential features of
permit-to-work systems are the following, namely: -
(a) Clear identification of the person, who may authorize particular jobs (and any limits to their
authority) and who is responsible for specifying the necessary precautions;
(b) Training and instruction in the issue, use and closure of permits;
(c) Monitoring and auditing to ensure that the system works as intended;
The audit program and procedures should cover the following, namely: -
(a) The activities and areas to be considered in audits;
(b) The frequency of audits;
(c) The audit team;
(d) How audits will be conducted; and
(e) Audit Reporting.
The findings and conclusions of the audit should be provided to the management. Management should
establish a system to determine and document the appropriate response to the findings and to assure
satisfactory resolution. The audit report should be retained at least until the completion of the next
LPG Installations shall have well defined in-built fire prevention and protection system to mitigate any
exigency and the requirements of fire prevention and protection system shall be as specified in the
succeeding paragraph of this Chapter.
(i) The single largest fire risk shall be considered;
(ii) All LPG storage Vessels, Cylinder Storage or Filling or Repair Sheds, LPG Pump or compressor
Houses, remote operating valves or motor operating valves on LPG lines Bulk Lorry and Tank Wagon
Gantries shall be fully covered by medium velocity water spray system;
(iii) Fire Protection Facilities shall have fire fighting access, means of escape in case of fire and also
segregation of facilities so that the adjacent facilities are not endangered during the fire; and
(iv) Heat Detectors for detection of fire for automatic actuation of medium velocity water sprinkler system
shall be provided and the QB or EP detectors shall be placed directly overhead or inside the hazard and
in areas without specific hazard, detectors shall be placed evenly across the ceiling or with maximum
spacing of 3 meters inside the shed and any other detectors if provided shall comply with the design
The Fire Water pumping requirement for medium velocity spray system shall be calculated based on
minimum spray density as 10.2 LPM/Sq.M of the exposed surface or area to be cooled, in case of LPG
Pump or compressor it shall be 20.4 LPM/Sq.M.
11.3.1 Storage Vessels:
MV sprinkler system with automatic heat detection having remote or local operated deluge valve with spray
density of Minimum 10.2 LPM/ Sq.M shall be provided on all above ground storage vessels. For water
flow calculations aggregate surface area of all vessels within distance of 30 Mts. from the periphery of
the affected LPG vessel shall also be considered as single risk.
11.3.2 Sheds:
MV sprinkler system with automatic heat detection having remote or local operated deluge valve with spray
density of minimum 10.2 LPM/Sq.M shall be provided in the entire shed including the loading or
unloading fingers. For spray water calculations, the shed can be divided into suitable number of zones,
each served by independent deluge system and the adjacent zones shall be operative around the zone
under fire and the same shall be considered as a single risk and the width of a zone shall not be less than
10 meter except of the zone on either end of the shed and as there is no storage of cylinders in the
loading or unloading fingers, spray system can be taken as separate zone within dependent deluge valve
to optimize the fire water requirement.
(i) Water for the hydrant service shall be stored in any easily accessible surface or underground lined
reservoir or above ground tanks of steel, concrete or masonary and the effective capacity of the reservoir
above the level of suction point shall be minimum 4 hours aggregate working capacity of pumps and
where make up water supply system is 50% or more this storage capacity may be reduced to 3 hours
aggregate rated capacity of pumps;
(ii) Large natural reservoirs having water capacity exceeding 10 times the aggregate water requirement of
fire pumps may be left unlined;
(iii) Storage tank or reservoir shall be in two inter connected compartments to facilitate cleaning and repairs
and in case of steel tanks there shall be a minimum of two tanks;
(iv) Isolation valves shall have visible indication for open and close condition;
(v) Suitable over pressure relief mechanism shall be provided in the hydrant line against thermal expansion
or sudden closure of valves so as to ensure the pressure in the line never exceeds its design pressure,
even in transient condition; and
(vi) Fire engines shall have provision for high coolant temperature and low lube oil pressure alarms.
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(c) Places where above ground piping is likely to get damaged mechanically, particularly in the LPG storage
area where water supply lines are laid for feeding sprinkler deluge system; and
(d) Where Frost conditions warrant and ambient temperature is likely to fall below zero deg. Centigrade,
underground piping at least 1 meter below the ground level should be provided, alternatively, for above
ground pipelines, water circulation to be carried out.
(iii) For Fire water ring main laid underground, the following shall be ensured, namely: -
(a) The Ring main shall have at least one-meter earth cushion in open ground, 1.2 meters cushion under the
road crossings and in case of rail crossing, provisions stipulated by Indian Railways shall be complied;
(b) The Ring main shall be suitably protected against soil corrosion;
(c) In case of poor soil conditions; it may be necessary to provide concrete or masonry supports under the
pipe line;
(d) Ring main made of composite material can be used and shall be laid underground only.
(iv) Fire water ring main shall be sized for 120% of the design water flow rate and the velocity of water shall
not exceed 5 meter per second in fire water ring main. Design flow rates shall be distributed at nodal
points to give the most realistic way of water requirements in an emergency;
(v) In case of sea water service, the fire water main pipes shall be concrete mortar lined internally or other
suitable coating material shall be used;
(vi) Hydrants or monitors shall be located considering various fire scenario at different sections of the
premises to be protected and to give most effective service and at least one hydrant post shall be
provided at every 30 mtrs of external wall measurement or perimeter of battery limit in case of high
hazard areas and for non-hazardous area, they shall be spaced at 45 mtrs. intervals and the horizontal
range and coverage of hydrants with hose connections shall not be considered beyond 45 mtrs;
(vii) Hydrants shall be located at a minimum distance of 15 mtrs. from the periphery of storage tank or
equipment under protection and in case of buildings this distance shall not be less than 2 mtrs. and not
more than 15 mtrs. from the face of building. Provision of hydrants within the building shall be provided
in accordance with IS: 3844. Hydrant or Monitors shall be located along road side berms for easy
(viii) Double headed hydrants with two separate landing valves on 3"/ 4" stand post shall be used and all
hydrant outlets shall be 1.2 mtrs. above ground level;
(ix) Monitors shall be located to direct water on the object as well as to provide water shield to firemen
approaching a fire And-
(a) the requirement of monitors shall be established based on hazards involved and layout considerations;
(b) the location of the monitors shall not exceed 45 mtrs from the hazard to be protected;
(x) Hydrants and monitors shall not be installed inside the dyked areas;
(xi) LPG tank wagon Loading or unloading facility and Tank Truck gantry area should be provided hydrants
having multipurpose combination nozzles for jet spray and fog arrangement and fire hydrants located at
a spacing of 30 mtrs. on both sides of the gantry. The hydrants and monitors shall be located at a
minimum distance of 15 mtrs. from the Tank Wagon or Tank Trucks measured from edge of the
(xii) Fire water monitors shall be provided with independent isolation valves;
(xiii) Hose box with 2 nos. hoses and a nozzle shall be provided at each hydrant points;
(xiv) The deluge valves shall be located outside the kerb wall at a safe distance in case of LPG spheres or
bullets and 15 meters away from the limits of LPG cylinder sheds and a fire wall shall be provided for
the protection of deluge valve and for operating personnel;
(xv) The fire water deluge valves shall be kept outside the kerb wall at a safe distance in case of sphere or
bullet and located 15 M away from limits of other sheds or vertical shadows of spheres and a fire wall
shall be provided for the protection of the deluge valve and for personal protection of the operator; and
(xvi) Pipes made of composite material shall be laid underground.
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(b) Detectors shall be placed at critical locations in LPG sheds (filling, cylinder storage, testing, evacuation,
degassing, cylinder loading or unloading fingers including packed trucks (covering at least cylinder
thereon), excluding trucks carrying unpurged cylinders, which are under cylinder loading or unloading
operations and like other operations) bulk tank truck and tank wagon loading or unloading gantries, LPG
pump or compressor house, piping manifold, repair sheds and like other locations at bulk tank truck and
tank wagon loading or unloading gantries detectors shall be provided at least in 2 tiers. Upon actuation
there shall be alarm in control panel, LPG pumps and compressors would trip, ROVs (wherever
provided) on LPG supply and return lines shall close and the deluge valves on fire water sprinkler
system will get actuated;
(ii) In case, Quartzoid Bulbs are used for detection, the same shall be designed to blow at 79 deg. centigrade
(max.) and Quartzoid Bulb network shall be maintained with plant air at a pressure not more than 3.5
kg/ and shall be such that the discharge of air through one Quartzoid Bulb will depressurise the
system to actuate the deluge valves;
(iii) In case of Electro pneumatic (E.P) heat detectors, it shall actuate the deluge valve in any of the following
conditions, namely: -
(a) Rate of rise - 10 °C/min of temp.
(b) At 79 deg. C (max.)
Explanation- for the purpose of this clause, the EP detectors shall be divided in groups and alternate detectors
shall be connected in one circuit. Two detectors from two different groups shall function/ operate for
actuation of sprinkler system.
(iv) Water spray nozzles and heat detection system shall be of approved type and duly certified for the
(v) The actuation of detectors shall initiate the following, namely: -
(a) Opening of deluge valve of the affected zone as well as adjacent zones;
(b) Audio-visual alarm indicating the affected zone at the fire pump house and manned control panel. The
control panel shall also have status indications for deluge valves with facility for actuation;
(c) Fire siren of 1km range;
(d) Closure of all Remote Operated Valves in affected facility;
(e) Tripping of main power supply barring the emergency power;
(f) The water spray from all nozzles within 30 seconds; and
(g) The fire water pump shall start based on their set pressure to supplement or to maintain the fire water
pressure in the ring main.
11.10.2 Additionally for each deluge valve suitable systems like push buttons and like other systems for
initiating all the above actions shall be provided on remote operating panel and further similar system
like push buttons and /or air release valves and like other system shall also be provided for each deluge
valve locally in the field at easily accessible position placed at a minimum distance of 15 mtr. from the
protected facility and in case, the zoning concept is used for MV sprinkler system, the concerned zone
shall be marked on each of the push buttons and in the field, manual bypass valves of fire water deluge
valves shall also be provided.
11.10.3 The performance test certificates, after installation in respect of spray density, flow rate, response
time for each facility to be protected, provided by manufacturer shall be maintained at the LPG
Installations and verified once in 6 months and records maintained thereof and further, all spray nozzles
shall be inspected for proper positioning, corrosion and cleaned, if necessary, at intervals of not more
than 12 months or earlier based on actual experience.
11.10.4 Care shall be taken in positioning nozzles so that water spray does not miss the targeted surface and
reduce the efficiency or calculated discharge rate.
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11.13.3 The fireproofing of LPG storage vessel should be decided based on the risk analysis keeping in view
local considerations, availability of water and societal risk.
11.13.4 The fireproofing of LPG storage vessel shall be decided based on the fire safety analysis, keeping in
view local considerations, population density, availability of water, societal risk and fire protection
measures provided.
11.13.5 Fire proofing provided on the vessel and supporting legs shall be adequate to protect the shell
material from overheating and consequent failure. The minimum rating for fire proofing shall be as
under, namely: -
(a) LPG storage vessel & connected lines upto the fire safe ROVs: 1 hrs;
(b) Supporting legs of all above: 2 hr.
Note: - Fire proofing is not required for diagonal bracing, including tie rods, or redundant members that are
not necessary for supporting the static loads.
11.13.6 Before fire-proofing application, protected metal surfaces shall be prepared through such means as
sand-blasting and corrosion-protective primers. Particular attention shall be given to the top junction of
the fire- proofing with the protected metal to prevent water ingress. Fire water line to each sphere should
be so routed that it is not exposed to direct fire. Such fire water line is to protect it from failure in the
initial period when water flow has not commenced. It is recommended that riser should be located away
from bottom ROV. The horizontal run of the Fire Water line may be buried if fire engulfment cannot be
avoided otherwise. Fire proofing shall include connected LPG lines and pipe supports within 15 M of a
storage vessel or in the drainage paths.
11.14.1 The fire protection equipment shall be kept in good operating condition all the time.
11.14.2 The fire fighting system shall be periodically tested for proper functioning and logged for record
and corrective actions. In addition to routine daily checks or maintenance the following periodic
inspection or testing shall be ensured.
11.14.3 Fire siren shall be tested atleast once in a week.
(i) Every Pump shall be in test run for atleast 30 minutes twice in a week at the rated conditions as per
OEM Guidelines. Suitable provision should be made in fire water pump house to ensure that during test
run of any individual fire pump fire fighting system of entire plant continues to be in auto mode.
(ii) Once in a month each pump shall be checked and tested and the shut-off pressure observed and logged,
in addition the pump performance shall be ascertained;
(iii) Each pump shall be run continuously for 4 hours at its rated head and flow using circulation line of fire
water storage tanks at least once a year and observation logged;
(iv) The cooling line of fire engines shall not require manual intervention and the line pressure inlet-outlet
shall be as per OEM to avoid bursting of water jackets;
(v) Fire engine and fire pump rpm should match to get rated performance and fire pumps should be operated
as rated rpm to get desired /rated head and flow; and
(vi) The Jockey pump operation shall be checked periodically and frequent start or stop condition of Jockey
pump indicates that there are water leaks in the system which should be attended promptly.
(i) The ring main shall be kept pressurised at 7 kg/ with the help of one or more jockey pumps;
(ii) The ring main shall be inspected for any visual leaks, detects, damage and corrosion at least once in
week and relevant records shall be maintained; and
(iii) All valves on the ring main or hydrant or monitor valves shall be checked for leaks or operation and
lubricated once in a month.
(i) All deluge valves and sprinkler system shall be operated and checked once in a quarter for correct
remote operation performance of each nozzle and effectiveness of system in total;
(ii) Testing of sprinkler system in the sheds shall be carried out by closing the outlet of the deluge valve for
correct remote operation once in a quarter; and
(iii) The strainers provided in the Fire water sprinkler system shall be cleaned once in a quarter and records
In case of a Reservoir the same shall be cleaned once in 6 months or earlier as and when needed so that there
shall not be any foreign particles or fungus or vegetation in the reservoir.
Facilities to make up water during fire fighting shall be provided and if borewell is or are available within the
Plant, yield from there should be recorded on quarterly basis for each borewell.
The gas monitoring system shall be designed considering small leaks (leaks which have secondary closures)
such as mechanical seals failure and like other thickness sampling point left open, gasket leaks, hose
pinholes, valves gland leakage, drain point left partially open, TSV’s relief discharge in manifold area,
filling and evacuation hoses leakage and the Gas Monitoring system shall provide early warning on
buildup of dispersed gas concentration below the LEL limits.
(i) The detectors for the gas monitoring system shall be strategically located in LPG Bottling Plant at all
facilities close to the potential source of leakage; and
(ii) The detection control equipment should be provided in the control room for continuous monitoring even
during power failure.
The control equipment is not required to have automatic corrective action capabilities on sensing
leakages as this is basically a warning device, but, in case of any specific recommendations made in the
risk analysis or HAZOP studies, the same should be implemented.
Appropriate field and remote annunciation system shall be available to ensure that all the alarms
generated, both, audio and visual are reported to the plant personnel, who are authorized to take
corrective action and depending on the deployment pattern of the plant, the alarms both, audio and visual
can be repeated at additional location to ensure corrective action is taken.
(i) The behavior of the gas leakage governs the positioning of the gas detector, and as LPG is heavier than
air, the height of the detector should not be more than 0.3 M from the mounting level,
(ii) The pre-dominant wind direction should be considered with respect to the potential source of leakage to
ensure positioning of the detector on the downstream side of the wind direction;
(iii) The detectors especially the catalytic type should not be positioned very close to the potential source of
leakage to avoid poisoning of the detectors (temporary malfunctioning) and the detectors should be
located at least 0.3 meters away from the potential source of leakage;
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(iv) In case of infra-red detectors, the same shall be installed on the downwind side ensuring the path is free
from obstructions and in case any additional expansion or construction if undertaken, the detectors will
have to be pre-positioned.
(v) The minimum detectors facilities- wise are as given below, namely: -
(a) Storage vessels (above ground) – 1 No. top and 1 No. near bottom ROV. one each near water draining or
sampling points;
(b) LPG pump house 1 No. in pump house and 1 No. in manifold;
(c) Filled cylinder shed - 2 No., Valve change shed – 1 No.;
(d) Empty-cum-filling shed – 2 Nos. near carousel, 1 No. near evacuation unit tank, 1 No. weight correction
unit, 1 No. at Valve changing machine without evacuation; TLD – one at each manifold and at ends;
(e) Tank wagon gantry – 1 no. for every two bays or 30 m whichever is less at bottom, and additionally,
some detectors at selected locations shall be provided at the top of platform.
Note: -The number and location of the detectors required over and above the minimum requirements specified
in clause (a) to (f) shall be as per the specific requirements identified in the risk analysis or HAZOP
study report and the location can be decided by assessing the behavior of gas drift and consequential
safety risk;
(vi) The inspection and testing shall be as below, namely: -
(a) The gas monitoring system shall be kept in good operating condition all the time;
(b) The inspection of the system shall be done at an interval of 1 month in which the gas shall be released at
all the detectors and the performance of the systems shall be established;
(c) The calibration of the equipment shall coincide with the monthly inspection schedule every three months
for calibration of the gas detectors and the calibrated gas with known and certified level of concentration
shall be used;
(d) The drift in the sensitivity of the individual detectors shall be recorded in maintenance history log book
during calibration and the detectors with abnormal or wide drift in sensitivity; and
(e) The plants should have at least 2 Nos. spare detectors for each system maintained at all times to facilitate
immediate replacement of defective detectors.
(i) Every operating company shall develop, implement, and maintain a written training plan to instruct all
LPG plant personnel with respect to the Carrying out the emergency procedures that relate to their duties
at the LPG plant as set out in the procedure manual and providing first aid
(ii) Permanent maintenance, operating, and supervisory personnel with respect to the following, namely:
(a) The basic operations carried out at the LPG plant;
(b) The characteristics and potential hazards of LPG and other hazardous fluids involved in operating and
maintaining the LPG plant, including the serious danger from frostbite that can result upon contact with
LPG or cold refrigerants;
(c) The methods of carrying out their duties of maintaining and operating the LPG plant as set out in the
manual of operating, maintenance and transfer procedures;
(d) Fire prevention, including familiarization with the fire control plan of the LPG plant; fire fighting; the
potential causes of fire in an LPG plant; the types, sizes, and likely consequences of a fire at an LPG
plant; and
(e) Recognizing situations when it is necessary for the person to obtain assistance in order to maintain the
security of the LPG plant
13.2 Each operating company shall develop, implement, and maintain a written plan to keep personnel of its
LPG plant up-to-date on the function of the systems, fire prevention, and security at the LPG plant.
13.3 The Refresher programs for training of all personnel shall be conducted at an interval not exceeding
2 years to keep personnel current on the knowledge and skills.
13.4 Every operating company shall maintain a record for each employee of its LPG plant that sets out the
training given to the employee under this section.
13.5 Each operating company shall ensure that LPG plant personnel receive applicable training and have
experience related to their assigned duties and any person who has not completed the training or
received experience shall be under the control of trained personnel.
13.6 For the design and fabrication of components, each operator shall use personnel who have
demonstrated competence by training or experience in the design of comparable components and for
fabrication who have demonstrated competence by training or experience in the fabrication of
comparable components.
13.7 Supervisors and other personnel utilized for construction, installation, inspection, or testing must have
demonstrated their capability to perform satisfactorily the assigned function by appropriate training in
the methods and equipment to be used or related experience and accomplishments and further their
capability shall be assessed periodically.
13.8 Each operator shall utilize for operation or maintenance of components only those personnel who have
demonstrated their capability to perform their assigned functions by successful completion of the
training as specified and possess experience related to the assigned operation or maintenance function.
13.9 Corrosion control procedures including those for the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of
cathodic protection systems, shall positively be carried out by, or under the direction of, a person
qualified by experience and training in corrosion control technology.
13.10 Personnel having security duties must be qualified to perform their assigned duties by successful
completion of the training as specified.
13.11 Each operator shall follow a written plan to verify that personnel assigned operating, maintenance,
security, or fire protection duties at the LPG plant do not have any physical condition that would impair
performance of their assigned duties.
(i) Each entity shall provide and implement a written plan of initial training to instruct all permanent
maintenance, operating, and supervisory personnel —
a) about the characteristics and hazards of LPG and other flammable fluids used or handled at the facility,
including, with regard to LPG, low temperatures and flammability of mixtures with air;
b) About the potential hazards involved in operating and maintenance activities; and
c) To carry out aspects of the operating and maintenance procedures that relate to their assigned functions;
(ii) All personnel of an LPG installation shall be trained to carry out the emergency procedures that relate to
their assigned functions; and
(iii) All operating and appropriate supervisory personnel of an LPG installation shall be trained to understand
detailed instructions on the facility operations, including controls, functions, and operating procedures;
and to understand the LPG transfer procedures.
13.13 Personnel responsible for security at an LPG plant shall positively be trained in accordance with a
written plan of initial instruction to-
i. recognize breaches of security;
ii. carry out the security procedures that relate to their assigned duties;
iii. be familiar with basic plant operations and emergency procedures, as necessary to effectively perform
their assigned duties; and
iv. recognize conditions where security assistance is needed.
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13.14 All personnel involved in maintenance and operations of an LPG plant, including their immediate
supervisors, shall positively be trained in accordance with a written plan of initial instruction, including
plant fire drills to-
(i) know and follow the fire prevention procedures as specified;
(ii) know the potential causes and areas of fire determined;
(iii) know the types, sizes, and predictable consequences of fire determined;
(iv) know and be able to perform their assigned fire control duties according to the procedures and by proper
use of equipment provided;
(v) marine; and
(vi) TT Crew.
13.15 Each entity shall maintain a system of records which —
i. provide evidence that the training programs required by this subpart have been implemented;
ii. provide evidence that personnel have undergone and satisfactorily completed the required training
programs; and
iii. records shall positively be maintained for one year after personnel are no longer assigned duties at the
LPG plant.
13.16 Each TT crew of a vehicle carrying LPG shall undergo training which shall include but not limited to
the following, namely: -
(i) In line with syllabus under rule 9 of The Central Motor Vehicle Rules 1989 and should be by any
approved Govt. agencies for this purpose;
(ii) The emergency handling as per as per PNGRB ERDMP Regulations;
(iii) The characteristics and potential hazards of LPG including the serious danger from frostbite that can
result upon contact with LPG or cold refrigerants;
(iv) The use of fire extinguishing equipment carried on the vehicle and the emergency procedure to be
(v) For hazardous goods transportation and their driving license or certificate must have RTO endorsement
for hazardous goods transportation; and
(vi) Use of emergency kit and First aid box.
SCHEDULE – 2 [see regulation 6(2)]
(v) For any expansion beyond the specified limit, the provisions of Schedule - 1 shall be applicable;
(vi) Predominant direction of wind and velocity shall be considered;
(vii) Longitudinal axis of horizontal vessels (Bullets) shall not point towards other vessels, vital process
equipment and other facilities;
(viii) Storage vessels shall be located downward of processing units, important building and facilities;
(ix) Storage vessels shall be laid out in single row within a group; and
(x) Storage vessels shall not be located one above the other.
The following aspects shall be considered while establishing layout of LPG storage vessels, namely:
Area below the storage vessels (Bullets) shall be free from vegetation and the property shall be graded with
the slope of 1.100 (towards one side) away from the pipeline manifold. PIPING:
Piping manifold shall be away from the vertical shadow of the vessel. Spring loaded quick closing valve with
fusible link or Rov to facilitate immediate closure in the event of emergency, if any, shall be provided in
the LPG liquid line of each vessel between excess flow check valve (EFCV) and pipeline manifold. SURFACE DRAINAGE
In order to prevent the escape of spillage into the main drainage system, surface water from the storage area
and from the manifold area shall be directed to the main drainage through a water seal designed to avoid
the spread of hydrocarbon. GROUPING:
Vessels shall be arranged in a group and total volumetric capacity of the group shall be limited to 235 Cu. M.
Inter-distances as specified in Table-I and Table-II in paragraph 1.1 shall be maintained. Top surfaces of
all the vessels installed in a group shall be on the same plane so that the safety blowout from them do not
affect each other.
1.4.1 LPG tank lorry loading or unloading gantry shall be located in a separate block and shall not be
grouped with other petroleum products.
1.4.2 Space for turning with a minimum radius of 20 meters for tank lorries shall be provided commensurate
with the capacities of the tank trucks.
1.4.3 LPG tank lorries up to the maximum of 2 Nos, at a time should only be taken for unloading.
1.4.4 Adequate permanent protection for TLD pipeline island shall be provided and the minimum width of
such pipeline island shall be 1 metre.
1.3.1 LPG Bottling facilities should be located at a safe distance from other facilities with minimum ingress of
trucking traffic and upward wind direction with respect to bulk storage. There shall not be any deep
ditches in the surrounding area to avoid settling of LPG.
1.3.2 Bottling section shed shall be of single story having asbestos roofing and open from all sides for
adequate ventilation to ensure quick dissipation of LPG Vapour in the event of leakage, if any and, RCC
roofing shall not be used. Anti-static mastic flooring conforming to IS-8374 shall be provided in the
LPG filling shed or cylinder storage shed to avoid frictional sparks. Anti-static mastic coating up to 1.5
meters height from bottom of the supporting columns in the shed shall be provided.
1.3.3 Stacking area for empty and filled cylinders shall be marked specifically and the cylinders shall always
be stacked vertically in two lines. Plant should have one shed each for filling and storing of filled or
empty cylinders.
1.3.4 Valve changing operation should be carried out in a demarcated place within the filling shed itself.
1.3.5 Cylinder storage shall be kept on or above grade and never below grade in celler or basement.
1.3.6 Filled cylinders shall not be stored in the vicinity of cylinders containing other gasses or hazardous
1.3.7 Escape routes shall be specified in LPG sheds for evacuation of employees in emergency.
1.3.8 There shall not be any trapping of personnel in LPG sheds by conveyors, cylinders and other facilities
and If such trapping cannot be eliminated, it should be kept to the minimum and in such place sufficient
arrangements for escape routes to be provided.
1.3.9 Minimum illumination of 100 lux shall be provided in the cylinder filling area or other operating area.
1.3.10 Water drains from cylinder filling areas to outside drainage system shall be provided with water seals
(near the plant boundary).
1.3.1 There shall be road, all around the various facilities within LPG storage, handling and bottling facilities,
for accessibility of fire fighting operations.
1.3.2 There shall be proper industry type boundary wall all around the Bottling Plant.
Utilities consisting of Fire Water Pumps, Admin. Building, Motor Control Center, DG Room, Air
Compressors, Dryers etc. shall be separated from other LPG facilities and to be located as per the area
classification as specified in Table-I.
The features of safety or security system for the different areas in the LPG Bottling Plants shall be as
follows, namely: -
(i) The hand operating or electrical siren should be provided to sound the alarm in case of fire or
emergency, if any; and
(ii) Manual push button should be provided at 2-3 strategic locations to bring to halt all the operational
activities in the event of any emergency.
(viii) Considering radiation levels in the event of a fire, Hydrant or Monitors or Control valves shall be located
at a safe distance from hazardous equipment or buildings.
Fixed water spray or sprinkler system shall be installed in LPG storage area. Tank lorry unloading area, LPG
shed and in the pump or compressor shed, if any.
(i) Portable fire extinguishers (only ISI approved) shall be located at convenient locations and shall at all
times be readily accessible and clearly visible;
(ii) The maximum running distance to locate an extinguisher in working areas shall not exceed 15 meters;
(iii) The top surface of the extinguishers shall not be more than 1.5 meter high; and
(iv) The fire extinguishers shall be provided at various as under, namely: -
(a) LPG storage Vessels 2 Nos. 9 Kg. DCP;
(b) LPG Cylinder Filling or 2 Nos. 9 Kg. DCP per 200 sq. M area;
storage shed
(c) Tank Truck loading or 1 No. 9 Kg. DCP Fire Extinguisher in each Bay and 1 No unloading gantries
50 Kg, Mobile DCP Unit per gantry;
(d) Office or Canteen or At least 2 Nos. 9 Kg, DCP Extinguishers in each Bldg.;
(e) MCC or DG Room or Min 2 Nos, 4,5 kg. CO2 Extinguishers in each room or 100 HT Room
Sq. M area and 4 sand buckets with a stand; and
(f) 100% spare CO2 cartridges and 50% spare Dry Chemical Powder i.e. DCP shall always be stored in the
The Dry Chemical powder used in the extinguishers shall be potassium or Urea based or Sodium Bicarbonate
as per IS:4308 and the expellant gas i.e. CO2 should be of food quality. HOSES, NOZZLES AND ACCESSORIES:
(i) Reinforced rubber lined hoses confirming to IS:636 (Type A or B) shall be provided;
(ii) The hoses of 15 meters standard length shall be provided with gun metal or Aluminum alloy male and
female couplings of instantaneous pattern;
(iii) 50% spare hoses shall be stored in the LPG Plant;
(iv) In addition to the nozzles provided in the hose boxes, 4 Nos. triple purpose nozzles shall be provided;
(v) Fire Hoses: 50% of no. of Hydrant points;
(vi) Sand drums with scoops: 20 Nos.;
(vii) Hose boxes: 1 No. for each hydrant point;
(viii) First aid box: 2 Nos. each;
(ix) Explosimeter: 2 Nos.;
(x) Siren: 1 No.;
(xi) Red or Green Flag: 1 No. each; and
(xii) Hand gloves:
(क) Leather lined asbestos hand gloves for cold working: 2 pairs.; and
(ख) Rubber hand gloves: 2 pairs for MCC room.
(i) Electricity operated Fire Siren shall be audible to the farthest distance in the plant; and
(ii) Manually operated fire sirens shall also be provided at strategic places.
(i) The fire protection equipment shall be kept in good operating condition all the time; and
(ii) The fire fighting system shall be periodically tested for proper functioning and logged for record and
corrective actions and in addition to routine daily checks or maintenance periodic inspection or testing
shall be ensured.
(i) Every pump shall be subjected to test run for atleast 10 minutes minimum twice a week; and
(ii) Once in a month each pump shall be checked and tested and the shut-off pressure observed should be
logged and the pump performance shall be ascertained also.
(i) The ring main shall be inspected for any visual leaks, defects, damages and corrosion; and
(ii) All valves on the ring main or hydrant or monitor valves shall be checked for leaks or operation and
lubricated once in a month.
(i) The sprinkler system in the sheds shall be tested once in a month; and
(ii) The strainer provided in the fire water sprinkler records maintained and the system shall be cleaned once
in a quarter and record maintained.
In case of a reservoir the same shall be cleaned once in 6 months or whenever needed so that there shall not be
any Foreign particles or fungus or vegetation in the reservoir.
3.9 Make up water:
Facilities, to receive make up water during fire fighting, shall be provided.
4.0 Additional minimum safety requirements on design, layout, storage, loading or unloading,
operation at LPG storage, handling and bottling facilities:
(i) For all Aboveground Horizontal bullets with the total volumetric capacity up to 705 Cu. M. shall be used
for storing LPG and in case of mounded storage (all vessels) the total capacity shall be increased up to
1058 cu M;
(ii) For combination of mounded and aboveground vessels, the total capacity of 450 MT shall be permitted
with maximum aboveground storage capacity 100 MT; and
(iii) The maximum filling in single shift shall not exceed 50 MT.
The requirements under this section are minimum additional safety requirements for the LPG storage,
handling and bottling facilities meeting the requirements as per 4.0 and the all other provisions of
Schedules 1.0 and this Schedule shall be applicable.
4.1.1 There shall be minimum 3 nos. of vessels in each case 4.1.2 Confinement or Grading shall be as per
Schedule 1
4.1.3 The operation of facilities should be restricted to maximum two shifts operation.
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such standards do not cover the buried or semi buried refrigerated LPG storage facilities. The
requirements under the provision of Schedule -1 shall be applicable after the point LPG is no longer in
Refrigerated State.
o. “Minimum Normal Operating Level” means minimum liquid level that will be maintained during normal
operation of the tank and the unusable volume of liquid below the minimum normal operating level is
known as Heel;
p. “Net Working Capacity” means the volume between the maximum normal operating level and minimum
normal operating level;
q. “Overfill Protection Margin” means capacity (tank height or volume) between the maximum normal
operating level and the design liquid level;
r. “Pump Column” means a pipe column to house a combined vertical pump and close coupled electric
motor and such column itself protrudes through the outer tank roof;
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s. “Primary Liquid Container” means parts of a tank system that contain the liquid during normal
t. “Primary Vapour Container” means parts of a tank system that contain the product vapour during normal
u. Process means any or any combination of the following, namely: -
(i) “Boil-Off” which means the process of vaporization of refrigerated product by heat conducted through
the insulation surrounding the tank;
(ii) “Design Pressure” which means the maximum gauge pressure permissible in the vapour space above the
product of a tank system in its design condition;
(iii) “Rollover” which means the spontaneous and sudden uncontrolled movement of a large mass of liquid
from the bottom to the top surface of a refrigerated storage vessel due to an instability caused by an
adverse density gradient due to presence of stratified liquids of different densities and rollover can cause
a sudden pressure increase and can affect vessel integrity;
(iv) “Set Pressure” which means the gauge pressure at which the pressure relief device first opens;
(v) “Set Vacuum” which means the gauge pressure at which the vacuum relief device first opens;
(vi) “Sweetening” which means the introduction of LPG vapour into the tank; and
(vii) “Purging” which means the replacement of one gas or vapour by another in an enclosed tank system by
displacement, by dilution, by diffusion or by combinations of these actions.
v. “Secondary Liquid Container” means parts of a tank system that contain the liquid in the event of
leakage from the primary liquid container;
w. “Seismic Freeboard” means the design height above the maximum normal operating level to minimize or
prevent overflow or damage to the roof due to sloshing of the liquid contents during a seismic event;
x. “Stratification” means the possibility of the creation of layers with a less dense liquid overlying a heavier
one, when liquids of different densities are received in the same tank and, unstable stratification may
also occur when the liquid in the lower layer becomes less dense due to heat input, while the liquid in the
upper layer becomes heavier due to the evaporation at the surface and such unstable situation can relieve
itself with a sudden or spontaneous rapid mixing process (Roll over) which occurs in tanks as a result of
a density inversion;
y. “Refrigerated Tank System” means storage in a vessel or tank artificially maintained at a temperature
below the nominal ambient temperature and such vessel or tank includes the combination of a primary
liquid container, together with secondary liquid container (if any), insulation, vapor container,
appurtenances, instrumentation and all other associated elements and the product is stored at their
respective boiling point depending upon the constitution at near atmospheric pressure;
dome roof tanks are used to store the liquefied gas at or below its boiling point and the tank is designed
to ensure the functions specified in the succeeding paragraphs 4.3.1 to 4.3.4.
4.3.1 Liquid Retention:
The storage tank shall be capable of withstanding the hydrostatic load of the liquid and low temperature of the
propane, Butane or LPG.
4.3.2 Gas Tightness:
Tanks should be tight enough to prevent any evaporation losses and also to avoid ingress of air and
4.3.3 Thermal Insulation:
Thermal insulation shall be provided to limit boil-off rates and to avoid cold spots on the outer shell.
4.3.4 Thermal Stresses:
Under normal operating conditions, the tank is subjected to variation in the temperatures and also during
start up, tank temperature is required to be brought down from ambient to refrigerated temperatures and
sometimes the tank may require deriming for various reasons like repair of internals, modifications and
like other reasons, as such, the tanks shall be capable of withstanding the heat variation. The detailed
requirements of Refrigerated Storage Tanks has been specified in paragraph 6.0 to 6.16.3.
i. A vapour recovery system comprising of positive displacement compressors, LPG condenser and liquid
receiver is provided to maintain refrigerated LPG tank pressure and the auto-refrigeration system
compensates for heat gain in the tank, headers and in-tank pump heat;
ii. Large capacity refrigeration compressors called Flash Compressors are operated to handle large-scale
refrigeration requirement during ocean tanker receipts and smaller capacity refrigeration compressors
called Boil-Off Compressors are used during normal course of operations to maintain tank temperatures
at required levels;
iii. The vapor extracted during the operation specified in Clause (ii) is compressed and then re-liquefied by
condensing in condensers or chillers and the condensate, intermediately stored in condensate receivers,
is then pumped to separate buffer storage tanks thereby completing an open-cycle auto-refrigeration
process and the liquid returned to the either refrigerated storage tank or above ground tank as per the
designed process flow; and
iv. Refrigerated storage tanks and refrigeration systems are designed to maintain normal process operations
during routine maintenance of equipment, and to assure plant safety under emergency conditions and
sufficient sparing of equipment is provided so that any single piece of equipment can be removed from
service while maintaining normal operations.
4.5 Flare System:
(i) The terminal shall be provided with flare system to enhance the plant safety and the flaring is done only
as a final solution when the normal Boil or Flash compressor are not available to meet the requirement
and the flare is connected to the tank pressure vent valve to provide sufficient time for operator
intervention in case of pressure rise and hot flare shall be provided in view of LPG vapour being heavier
than air and no mercaptan is added in the refrigerated product;
(ii) Flare System is very important considering the following, namely: -
(a) Automatic release in the event pressure develops beyond the design pressure;
(b) Manual venting through ROV and Control Valve during vapour purging operation while commissioning
the terminal; and
(c) Since there would be two types of release, one low temperature and other higher temperature the flare
system shall have properly designed knock-out drum.
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5.3 Grouping:
The Refrigerated LPG Terminal may consist of the following basic facilities, namely: -
(i) Refrigerated LPG receipt line to shore terminal;
(ii) Refrigerated LPG Storage;
(iii) Pressurized LPG storage facilities;
(iv) Boil Off or Flash Compressor, condensers, chillers;
(v) Process Area;
(vi) Heating or Blending or dozing facilities;
(vii) Flare system;
(viii) Utility Block (Air Compressors, De-mineralization plant, Boiler Room and like other utility blocks);
(ix) Fire water Storage and fire water Pump House;
(x) LPG loading or transfer facilities Road or Rail or Pipeline;
(xi) Control Room;
(xii) Administrative Block;
(xiii) Workshop;
(xiv) Warehouse;
(xv) Electrical Substation; and
(xvi) Laboratory.
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(iii) To prevent the accumulation of flammable material under or near a refrigerated LPG tank, the ground
under and surrounding the tank shall be graded to drain any spills to a safe area away from the tank;
(iv) In respect of Dyking (Dyke wall), the following shall be taken into account, namely: -:
a. If Dyking around the vessel is to be used for spill containment, the dyked area shall be designed to meet
the capacity of single largest tank in the dyke. Effective containment capacity shall be after considering
0.2 m of free board;
b. The grading of the area under and surrounding the vessel shall direct any leaks or spills to the edge of the
dyked area and the grading shall be a minimum of 1% slope and within the dyked area, the grading shall
cause spills to accumulate away from the vessel and any piping located within the dyked area;
c. Each refrigerated LPG tank shall be provided with its own dyked area and the holdup of the dyked area
shall be at least 100% of the volume of the tank;
d. More than one tank may be enclosed within the same dyked area provided provisions are made to
prevent low temperature exposure resulting from leakage from any one tank from causing subsequent
leakage from any other tank and when dykes are used as part of the spill containment system, the
minimum height shall be 0.5 m, measured from the inside of the dyked area and where dykes are higher
than 1.8 m, then, provisions shall be made for normal and emergency access into and out of the dyked
enclosure and the height of dyke shall not exceed 2.0 m excluding free board of 0.2 m;
(v) The edge of a dyke or kerb wall, impoundment, or drainage system that is intended for a refrigerated LP-
Gas container shall be 30 m or more from a property line that can be built upon, a public way, or a
navigable waterway; and
(vi) The ground within 7.5 m of any aboveground refrigerated LP-Gas container and all ground within a
dyke, impoundment, or drainage area shall be kept clear of readily ignitable materials such as weeds and
long dry grass.
5.8 Marking of Tanks:
Each refrigerated storage system shall be identified by the attachment of name plates readily visible and
accessible which shall contain the following details, namely: -
(a) Manufacturers name and serial number;
(b) Design standard;
(c) Maximum LPG filling level;
(d) Liquid volume of the tank when filled with LPG to the maximum safe level;
(e) Maximum and minimum design pressure;
(f) Maximum and minimum design temperature;
(g) Density of the LPG for which the tank is designed; and
(h) Year of construction and test.
5.9 Piping, Valves and Equipment:
(i) Piping, valves and equipment for handling refrigerated LPG shall confirm to the low temperature
requirements and to be suitable for use at the temperature of the application and shall be designed for not
less than the maximum pressure and for minimum temperature to which they may be subjected;
(ii) Cast iron shall not be used for piping systems handling refrigerated LPG;
(iii) Screwed joints and compression fittings shall not be used in piping for low temperature Propane, Butane
or LPG service except for the instrument lines downstream of an isolation valve;
(iv) All the welds of Propane, Butane or LPG service line shall be tested as per ASME B31.3 Chapter VI and
records maintained for future references; and
(v) Piping systems and their supports shall be suitably insulated or protected for fire exposure conditions.
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Plans for the proposed facility should specifically address the impact of vapour clouds and radiant heat
flux on plant facilities and adjacent properties and the intrinsic within this approach is the selection of
storage concept; separation distances and proximity to property lines; site topography; soil conditions;
and ground water conditions and a review of the site may identify constraints or provide opportunities to
utilize specific features of site to the benefit of the facility. The rate of heat generation from a large pool
of burning liquefied gas is significantly higher than that of a similar pool of another oil product and in
order to limit the radiant heat flux on the surroundings to acceptable levels it may be necessary to reduce
as much as possible the area of the pool of spilled liquefied gas through the selection of containment
6.3 External hazards include the following:
(a) Environmental hazards including earthquake, lightning, wind loading including hurricane typhoons or
(b) Snow and ice loading and tsunamis;
(c) Ground conditions, weak strata, liquefiable layers, lateral spreading, and presence of caverns, voids and
(d) Flying objects, and equipment following a process incident;
(e) Pressure waves due to vapor cloud ignitions from the process plant, adjacent plant, process equipment,
and Carriers including facilities located outside the boundary limits;
(f) Operational and upset conditions including spillage and leakage of product;
(g) Maintenance hazards;
(h) Fire hazards from adjacent tanks, dykes, relief valves, sumps, jet fires, and plant areas; and
(i) Proximity of tanks to external uncontrolled sources of ignition such as ground flares and other flares.
6.4 Internal hazards include the following:
(a) Leakage of product from the inner tank;
(b) Overfilling of the tank;
(c) Over or under pressurization of the tank due to process upset;
(d) Rollover leading to over pressurization of the tank;
(e) Major leak (i.e. The complete failure of the inner tank);
(f) Minor leak (i.e. Partial leakage from the inner tank due to a postulated defect);
(g) Fatigue and cyclic loading of key components (e.g., annular plates);
(h) Corrosion;
(i) Failure of pipe work attached to the tank bottom or sides;
(j) Instrumentation failures.
6.5 Safety Improvement:
If the assessment of risk identifies risks that exceed acceptable limits, then, positive measures (action) should
be taken to reduce the level of risk to an acceptable level and the typical mitigation measures may be as
follows, namely: -
(a) Selection of alternative containment concepts (i.e. Migration from single containment to double or full
(b) Improvements to process equipment selection;
(c) Substitution of a metal roof on a full containment tank with a concrete roof;
(d) Increase in safety distances (separation distances) to limit impact in respect of vapor dispersion and
radiant heat flux;
(ii) The pressure relief valves should be adequate to relieve the worst case emergency flow, assuming all
other outlets from the tanks including that of flare are closed;
(iii) When a closed inner-tank design is used with an outer vapor-tight shell, the outer shell shall be equipped
with one or more pressure or vacuum-relieving devices;
(iv) Each refrigerated LPG tank shall be provided with a sufficient number of pressure-relieving device set to
discharge at no more than the maximum allowable deign pressure of the tank;
(v) Tanks that may be damaged by internal vacuum shall be provided with a sufficient number of vacuum-
relieving device set to open at not less than the vacuum design pressure;
(vi) A sufficient number of pressure and vacuum relief valves shall be installed on the LP-Gas container to
allow each relief valve to be isolated individually while maintaining the full relieving capacities
(vii) Factors for consideration for sizing of pressure relief valves are as following, namely: -
(a) Liquid entering the tank at maximum rate;
(b) Maximum possible boil off assuming failure of boil off compressor;
(c) Effect of radiation from an adjacent fire (tank);
(d) Effect of possible hot product intake in the tank;
(e) Flow of hot liquid or vapour in the tank assuming failure of vacuum protection system;
(f) Effect of possible mixing of products; and
(g) Operational Upset, such as failure of a control device; and
(viii) As a minimum, the pressure relief valves shall be sized to discharge vapor in case of refrigeration system
failure to maintain the refrigerated storage tank pressure within the design limits for at least 24 hrs.
6.10.1 Product Mixing:
(i) Loading LPG into a partially full refrigerated LPG tank where LPG being loaded has a different
composition than the existing tank content can cause generation of huge quantities of vapor and if this
condition can exist, the vaporization rate can be calculated and included in the sizing of the tank pressure
relief valves;
(ii) The vacuum relief devices shall be sized to relieve the flow capacity determined from the combinations
of the following factors, namely: -
(a) Maximum possible liquid withdrawal rate;
(b) Maximum possible vapour withdrawal rate (assuming the compressors fail to trip);
(c) Rise in barometric pressure; and
(d) Reduction in vapor pressure as a result of filling with sub-cooled liquid;
(iii) No vacuum relief capacity credit shall be allowed for gas-repressuring or vapour make-up systems;
(iv) Reduction in the vacuum relief capacity to allow for the rate of vaporization resulting from minimum
normal heat gain to the contents of the container shall be allowed;
(v) The pressure and vacuum relief valves must be provided with stop valves with spare positions and
interlocks so that inspection or maintenance can be done without opening the tank to atmosphere and
without reducing the relief capacity below the design requirements;
(vi) Inlet and outlet piping connections to relief devices shall be included in the selection and sizing of relief
(vii) A manually operated full opening stop valve shall be installed between each pressure and vacuum safety
relief valve and the LP-Gas container;
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(viii) All stop valves installed between a relief valve and a container shall be lockable or sealable in the fully
open position;
(ix) Emergency Pressure relief valves shall discharge directly to the atmosphere;
(x) Precautions must be taken to prevent icing on relief valves and care must be taken to ensure prevention
of possibility of freezing up of vent or flare system; and
(xi) Care must be taken to ensure prevention of possibility of blockage due to liquid in lines of vent or flare
system, therefore, such lines should be free of pockets and slope towards a knock out drum.
The tank foundation shall be designed to prevent 0°C (32°F) or lower temperatures from penetrating the pad
and soil and such limitation shall be accomplished by ventilation, insulation, heating systems, or any
combination thereof and heating elements, controls, and temperature sensors shall be designed for easy
access and replacement while the tank is in service. Foundation heating systems shall be provided with
temperature monitoring and controls. The design of the supporting structure shall consider loads
resulting from the thermal gradient across the supporting structure, foundation, and piling due to the
temperature of the contents of the vessel and the thermal shock from accidental spills.
6.11.1 Insulation:
(i) The tanks external insulation and cladding shall: -
(a) be weatherproof and capable of withstanding direct impingement of the cooling water from any fixed
deluge system; and
(b) be impervious to the ingress of moisture and the insulation shall comprise or contain a vapor barrier shall
be weatherproofed;
(ii) Insulation and weatherproofing to be fire retardant and steel surfaces covered by insulation to be
properly coated to prevent corrosion.
6.12.1 Temperature Indicators or Level Indicators or Pressure Indicators:
(i) Each tank shall be fitted with thermocouples or equivalent temperature indicating devices for use during
cooldown and operations and temperature Element shall be provided in skin at uniform interval of the
tank shell at different heights for correct representation of temperature of product inside;
(ii) Temperature element is also required to be provided at Tank bottom at different radii in uniformly
distributed manner to avoid temperature stratification during commissioning.
6.12.2 Level Indicators:
(i) Each tank shall be provided with at least two independent means of determining the liquid level and the
same shall be provided with isolation arrangement so that they can be replaced or repaired without
taking the tank out of service;
(ii) Such tank shall also be provided with high level alarm and a high-level trip system which shall be
designed to stop all liquid flows into the tank to prevent over-filling. The high-level trip system shall be
independent of both high-level alarm and of liquid level gauges; and
(iii) Double containment and full containment system shall be provided with means for detecting and
removing the liquid leakage in the annular space.
6.12.3 Pressure Indicators:
Each tank shall be provided with at least two Pressure Gauges or Transmitters and the same shall be provided
with isolation arrangement so that they can be replaced or repaired without taking the tank out of service
and the pressure indicators shall also be provided with local display.
6.12.4 Sampling Connections:
If sampling connections are required, they shall be installed on the tank piping rather than on the tank.
(i) The system shall be in line with the design code of the refrigerated storage; and
(ii) Reference shall be made to API 2000 and API RP 520, Parts I and II, for the proper design of pressure-
relieving devices and systems for process equipment used in liquefaction and vaporization facilities.
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(iii) The extent of Fire Protection shall be determined by an evaluation based upon sound fire protection
engineering principles, analysis of local conditions and hazards within the facility and exposure to, or
from, other property and include, as a minimum-
(a) the type, quantity and location of equipment necessary for the detection and control of fires, leaks and
spills of LPG, flammable refrigerants or flammable gases, all potential fires non-process and electrical
(b) the methods necessary for protection of the equipment and structures from the effects of the fire
(c) fire protection water system;
(d) fire extinguishing and other fire control equipments;
(e) the equipments and process systems to be operated with the emergency shutdown (ESD) system;
(f) the type and location of sensors necessary for automatic operation of the emergency shutdown (ESD)
systems or its subsystems;
(g) hazard area identification and communication system (Walkie Talkie or Paging Units).
(h) the availability and duties of individual plant personnel and the availability of external response
personnel operating an emergency; and
(i) the protective equipment and special training necessary by the individual plant personnel for their
respective emergency duties;
(iv) Procedures developed for handling emergencies shall include-
(a) shutdown or isolation of various equipment in full or partial and other applicable steps to ensure
that the escape of gas or liquid is promptly cut off or reduced as much as possible;
(b) Use of fire protection facilities;
(c) Notification of public authorities;
(d) First aid;
(e) Duties of personnel; and
(f) Communication procedure in case of emergency;
(v) Pre-incident planning which forms part of site emergency plans should be prepared addressing likely
and realistic scenarios to define personnel responsible for addressing an emergency, communication,
determine operational actions required for isolating plant and equipment, quantify the fire or vapour
cloud dispersion, set priorities for fire fighting and quantify extent of fire fighting capacity required
(equipment and resources) to control the incident effectively and the updated emergency response
plan shall be available in the operating control room.
(vi) All personnel shall be trained in handling flammable products, use of portable, mobile and fixed fire
protection equipment, first aid and breathing apparatus and training should expand to cover
Emergency response to the use of fire protection equipment and the refresher training of personnel
shall be conducted periodically.
(vii) The planning of effective fire control measures shall be coordinated with the authority having
jurisdiction and emergency handling agencies such as Fire and Mutual Aid arrangements that are
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(vi) Vessel containing liquids that are subjected to metal overheating and catastrophic failure from fire
exposure and not otherwise protected shall be depressurized by the ESD system;
(vii) Initiation of ESD system shall be either manual, automatic, or both manual and automatic, depending
upon result of evaluation performed in accordance with fire protection facilities. Manual actuator shall
be located in an area accessible in an emergency and shall be located at least 15 meters away from the
equipment and marked distinctly and conspicuously with their design function; and
(viii)Communication shall be provided between ship and terminal control room and interlock shall be
provided between the ship and the Jetty control Room and the provision shall be given in the jetty for
the such interlock facility. During unloading operation, the terminal operator shall take control of the
unloading and in addition to automatic shutdown system (ESD), the terminal operator shall be in a
position to initiate shut down of unloading.
(i) Hydrocarbon detectors shall be installed near all potential leak source of LPG vapors e.g. on the top of
the vessel, tank dykes, manifolds, pump house manifold and like other leak sources Hydrocarbon
detector of proper type shall be selected and also shall be proof tested and shall be maintained in good
condition. The Hydro Carbon Detection System shall provide early warning on buildup of Vapour
concentration below the LEL limits. Such detectors shall be placed in a way that entire possible source
of leaks and collection of products is continuously detected and alarm is set at 20% of lower explosive
(ii) The areas including enclosed buildings that have a potential for flammable gas concentrations of LPG
or spill of flammable refrigerant and fire shall be monitored;
(iii) Continuously monitored low temperature sensors or flammable gas detection systems shall sound an
alarm at the plant site and at a constantly attended location and flammable gas detection systems shall
initiate such alarm at 20 % LEL of the gas or vapour being monitored; and
(iv) The Fire detectors shall initiate an audio and visual alarm at the plant site and at a constantly attended
7.4.1 Power Supply:
The supply to the system (control system such as DCS, PLC, control valves, Txs) shall be through a reliable
online uninterrupted power supply. (online UPS).
7.4.2 Architecture Components:
(i) The main architecture components shall be-
(a) Hydro Carbon Detectors;
(b) Field Transmission units or Signal scanners;
(c) Control system or PC with printing option for alarms;
(d) Display;
(e) Annunciation System and like other system;
(f) Cables, hooters, repeater, Power Supplies and like other devices; and
(ii) All the components installed in the hazardous area shall confirm to the Hazard Area Classification
applicable and shall be certified by PESO or Authorized lab by the country of the origin.
(vii) Portable high expansion foam generators suitable for coupling to hydrant hose lines for isolated LPG
spills, may also be provided;
(viii) Fire hydrants shall be provided along the main fire header at suitable intervals in the process and storage
areas and fixed foam or water monitors may be provided around the process areas based on requirement;
(ix) Water Spray System shall be provided for process area housing condensers heat exchangers, evaporators
and blender with spray density @ 10.2 lpm / Sq. M;
(x) Refer Annexure A1 to this Schedule for typical water Calculations in Refrigerated LPG terminal.
(i) Portable wheeled fire extinguishers suitable for gas fires, preferably of the dry chemical type shall be
made available at strategic locations;
(ii) Fixed fire extinguishing and other fire control systems that may be appropriate for the protection of
specific hazards, are to be provided;
(iii) Vessels, equipment, structures, cables, safety critical instruments and like other devices, that are likely to
be exposed to LPG fire radiation shall be provided with a passive fire protection in the form of fire
proofing insulation or water deluge for the duration of the hazard. Fire proofing shall be executed as per
appropriate standards. The extent and duration of passive Fire protection shall be based on the HAZOP
(iv) For Embrittlement Protection, Equipment and structures shall be protected by insulation or appropriate
metallurgy selection against cold shock and failure due to a spill of LPG; and
(v) CCTV cameras shall be provided at the critical points for continuous monitoring such as Flash and Boil
off Compressor house, heaters, condenser, refrigerated tank dyke, Top of refrigerated tanks, LPG storage
Vessels, LPG pump house and blender area, Flare, process area, cross country pipeline transfer area and
like other critical points.
(i) Personnel shall be advised of the serious danger from frostbite that can result upon contact with LPG or
cold refrigerant. Suitable protective clothing and equipment shall be made available. Low temperature
suits or hand gloves shall be worn when carrying out emergency repairs or maintenance and the
provisions of this clause shall also apply in case of exposure to flash fires as well;
(ii) Those employees who will be involved in emergency activities shall be equipped with the necessary
clothing and equipment;
(iii) Self-contained breathing apparatus shall be provided for those employees who may be required to enter
an atmosphere that could be injurious to health during an emergency; and
(iv) A portable flammable gas indicator shall be readily available, for the reasons that LPG and hydrocarbon
refrigerants within the process equipment are usually not odorized and the sense of smell cannot be
relied upon to detect their presence.
In refrigerated LPG installation the product is stored either in pure propane and pure butane form or in
premixed LPG (i.e. mix of propane and butane conforming to IS: 4576) at their respective boiling point
(i.e. - 42 deg C for Pure Propane, - 5 deg C for Pure Butane and – 25 to – 28 deg C for LPG depending
upon the constitution) at ambient pressure. The area wise operations are as specified in paragraphs 8.1 to
8.1 Storage Tank Operation:
8.1.1 Receipt and Storage:
(i) Before receipt of any parcel in the refrigerated storage tanks, it is required to be ensured that the receipt
lines to be maintained at the temperature of the receiving product and such maintenance is normally
done by re-circulating the product of the same specification already available in the storage tank;
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(ii) Receipt operation should be carried out in a way so that storage tank pressure and temperature can be
maintained within the limit and the same may be accomplished by operating the refrigeration
compressors. The storage tank pressure and temperature are the key parameters for this kind of
installation, which should be rigorously monitored by operational personnel to avert product loss due to
auto-flaring or pop-up of SRVs on excess pressure; and
(iii) After completion of receipt, the receipt lines need to be evacuated by pushing compressed vapor from
the refrigeration compressor discharge.
8.1.2 Dispatch:
(i) Specially designed submersible In-tank pumps are used for dispatching of product because of very low
NPSH availability. The levels of product to be monitored while starting and during the dispatch
operation. The Tank pressure and temperature to be continuously monitored during the dispatch
operation as there may be pressure rise due to re-circulation of product or pressure decrease due to faster
evacuation of product; and
(ii) Before start-up of pumps, it is to be ensured that all the discharge valves are in closed condition. The
recirculation valve to be put mandatorily on auto mode.
8.2 Compressor House Operation:
i. The refrigeration compressors play very important role in keeping the pressure and temperature in the
refrigerated storage tanks under control and the compressors to be run on need basis as per the
requirement during receipt, dispatch and even when there is no operation to maintain the pressure;
ii. The compressors referred to in clause (i) are very big compressors normally run by HT motors with lot
of safety interlocks and normally the capacity of the compressors may also be varied seamlessly as per
the requirement; and
iii. The compressors referred to in clause (i) are positive displacement types, hence the discharge valves
should mandatorily be in open condition while starting the compressors. The cooling water supply and
control air supply as per the specification must be ensured. The lubricant supply should be ensured
before starting.
8.3 Process Unit Operation:
The process unit consists of following operations, namely: -
(a) Condensation of the Refrigeration Compressor Discharge;
(b) LPG Condensate Transfer unit;
(c) Heating Section for heating the refrigerated product to ambient temperature;
(d) Steam Condensate Transfer Unit;
(e) Blending of Pure Propane and Pure Butane for manufacturing LPG;
(f) Odourisation; and
(g) Vapour Pressure Analyser.
8.5 Heating Section for heating the refrigerated product to ambient temperature:
(i) The refrigerated product pumped from the storage tanks is heated through Heat exchangers using LP
Steam as the heating medium or by any suitable alternate heating mechanism such as hot air, ambient
air, water and like other mechanism. The steam or air or water heating process is normally a multistage
process where product is passed through more than one heat exchanger. The hot product is routed to
blending section for further processing and the steam condensate in case of steam heating arrangement
(i.e. LP Steam converts into water by releasing latent heat to the refrigerated product) is collected in a
Steam Condensate receiver. The Steam condensate is subsequently pumped from the receiver to the
Demineralised Water plant polishing unit for further processing; and
(ii) The whole system of heating of product is associated with safety interlocks and alarms to ensure desired
temperature of product at the heating section outlet for safe operation.
8.6 Air Preheater System:
Tube bundle shall be provided for increasing the surface area of the product during travel and all tubes
shall be covered with fins and subjected to forced draft air from the fans operating at fixed or variable
RPM to maintain the required temperature at the outlet.
8.7 Steam Condensate Transfer Unit:
The unit consists of a Steam Condensate receiver and Condensate transfer pumps and the steam
condensate is transferred by the pumps at regular interval preferably in auto mode interlocked with the
level of receiver to DM plant condensate receiver tank for further processing.
8.8 Blending of Pure Propane and Pure Butane for manufacturing LPG:
The heated product (i.e. Pure Propane and Pure Butane) is blended at specified ratio in blender with the
help of automatic flow control valves for making LPG conforming to IS:4576 and the property of the
blended product is checked through online analyzer for meeting IS:4576 and subsequent feedback
control mechanism. Blending conforming to IS: 4576 is compulsory & hence necessary measure should
be always in place to check the composition meeting IS: 4576.
8.9 Odourisation Unit:
The LPG is extremely inflammable and it has no odour, as such the detection of any leakage of LPG is
very difficult and for this reason, the LPG is subsequently passed through odourisation section where
Ethyl Mercaptan is dosed @ 15 to 20 PPM immediately after blending for identification of any leakage
at the downstream in line with IS: 4576. Proper deodorizing agent i.e. Sodium hypo chloride or sand or
mask or any other deodorizing agent to be provided at Dozing unit.
8.10 Buffer Storage Operation:
The product transferred from Product condensate receiver is stored at buffer storage in pressurized
condition at ambient temperature and subsequently the product is evacuated by pumps and sent to
blending area for further processing.
8.11 Flaring Operation:
Normally the of installations like flaring operations are equipped with hot flaring facility And the flaring
is usually avoided as it leads to loss of product and whenever required flaring shall be resorted to control
the pressure inside the refrigerated tanks. Flaring can be done through flow control valves by operator or
it may be done in auto-mode as per the system presets. The flaring is of extreme importance as this is the
last resort to maintain the pressure inside the tank and it avoids any untoward event due to pressure rise.
8.12 Control Room Operation:
There is lot of operations to be handled simultaneously for running the of installations Like control room
operations, for this reason, a central control room is provided to facilitate all the operations from remote
and from a single location. Control Room houses DCS based or equivalent automation system shall be
provided where from all the commands can be initiated, controlled and all the parameters can be
monitored through single window system and the system shall be backed-up with UPS of suitable
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(x) Pressure and Vacuum Relief Valves shall be inspected for corrosion, blockage and like other inspection
and tested annually and records maintained. In-situ tests shall be permissible;
(xi) In respect of Refrigerated LPG lines inside the terminal, NDT shall be carried out once in three years at
selected windows and records thereof shall be maintained and Hydro test of the concerned section shall
be done after any hot work; and
(xii) In respect of Process Unit, Equipment and fittings shall be inspected and tested as per the OEM
9.2 Storage Tank:
Such atmospheric above ground refrigerated tanks are designed for life time without any appreciable
maintenance in respect of regular maintenance is required regarding external painting, insulation,
external cladding, calibration of valves, transmitters, gauges and like other purposes and for any other
maintenance in this type of tank, requires complete de-commissioning of the tank.
9.3 Compressor House:
The regular maintenance requirement of the compressors is as following, namely: -
(a) Checking of lubricant level in the gear box;
(b) Checking of lubricant level in the oil separator drum;
(c) Checking and cleaning of the vapour suction filter;
(d) Checking and cleaning of the Oil Filters;
(e) Cleaning of Intercooler, after-cooler heat exchangers;
(f) Calibration of Safety Valves;
(g) Insulation Resistance Checking of Motors;
(h) Greasing of Motor Bearings;
(i) Checking of Alignment between Motor, Gear Box, Compressor as applicable;
(j) Checking functioning of solenoid valves and control valves;
(k) Maintenance Painting of the equipment; and
(l) Major overhauling of the compressor as per the period specified by OEM.
9.4 Process Unit:
In respect of Process Unit, the following are required, namely: -
(a) Periodical cleaning of Condensers;
(b) Periodical cleaning of Pump Filters;
(c) Periodical cleaning of Heat Exchangers and Vaporisers;
(d) Periodical testing and calibration of safety valves;
(e) Periodical maintenance or overhauling of mechanical valves;
(f) Periodical calibration of gauges and transmitters;
(g) Statutory testing of Heat Exchangers and Condensate Receiver Vessels;
(h) Periodical Calibration of Vapor Analysers;
(i) Maintenance Painting of Structures and equipments;
(j) Periodical calibration of metering pump of odourisation unit;
(k) Periodic testing of redundancy of the Digital Control System (DCS) and Programmable Logic
Controller (PLC) system;
(l) Periodic checking of various parameters of software programs and
(m) Periodic checking of all interlocks and logic for effective functionality.
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 241
5 API 2350 Overfill Protection for Storage Tanks in Petroleum Facilities, Third
19 ASTM C764 Standard Specification for Mineral Fiber Loose-Fill Thermal Insulation.
23 IS:1893 IS 1893 (Part 1) (2002, Reaffirmed 2007): Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design
(Part 1)- of Structures.
24 IS 3043 Code of Practice for Earthing.
25 IS 5571 Guide for selection of electrical equipment for hazardous areas.
26 IS 5572 Classification of Hazardous area having area having flammable gases and vapours
for electrical installation.
Fire Water or Pump Requirement Calculation
A. Medium Velocity Water Spray System (MVWSS):
Area of Spray Hour Cu
Area of Single Density Mtr per
Area or Area or adjacent
Sl. No. Location size size largest zone zones (LPM) hr
1 Tank Truck Loading or Unloading Facility 30 15 450 0 10.2 275
(a) Refrigerated Tank Surafce area 35 20 2198 2198 3 791
(b) Refrigerated Tank Roof area 35 961.6 961.63 3 346
2 (c) Refrigerated Tank Total area 1137
3 LPG Pump House 20 10 200 0 20.4 245
4 Compressor House 30 20 600 0 20.4 734
5 Rail Loadinf Facility 30 15 450 900 10.2 826
6 Process Area 20 15 300 0 10.2 184
7 Horton Sphere 18 1017.4 2034.7 10.2 1868
8 Shed 40 12 480 960 10.2 881
Single largest area covered by Medium Velocity Water Sprinkler System is Horton Sphere: 1868;
Water Requirement for operating 2 nos. Monitors @ 144 Cum/Hr: 288;
iii. Total Water requirement (as specified in clauses (i) and (ii)): 2156 Cum/Hr;
No. of Fire Water Pumps Required (410 Cum/Hr capacity): 2156/410=5.3 Say 6;
No. of standby pumps required: 2.
Explanation: At least one standby fire water pump shall be provided upto 2 nos of main pumps. For main pumps 3 and
more, minimum two standby pumps of the same capacity as the main pumps shall be provided;
Total number of Fire Water Pumps Required (6 + 2) = 8;
vii. Total No. of main Fire Water Pumps Available: 6;
Fire water storage tanks capacity required for 4 Hrs fire fighting (6 x 4 x 410): 9840 Kl; and
Minimum two nos of tanks shall be provided.
[See regulations 6(4)]
A cavern for storage of petroleum and LPG is a large cavity either existing or created underground. The
caverns are considered the safest means of storage and beyond certain volumes, caverns are cost
effective, compared to surface storages. In view of their inherent advantages, the underground caverns
are being used by a number of countries for storage of hydrocarbons viz. crude oil, petroleum products
both for commercial and strategic purposes. Based on the experience from Scandinavian and other
countries, underground cavern storage of crude oil, LPG and like other substances is much safer than the
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above ground storage such as steel tanks, pressurised spheres or bullets or refrigerated tanks and like
other devices. Some of the major advantages of underground cavern storage are listed below, namely: -
(a) Underground storage is safe from warfare, sabotage, terrorist attacks, earthquakes, storms, and like other
(b) There is no risk of leakage;
(c) The project is environment friendly;
(d) Caverns require less land area than surface storage facilities;
(e) The natural landscape and scenic beauty of the project area is not affected as the major installations are
located underground as compared to above ground storage facilities;
(f) They can be used as buffer or strategic storage for the country; and
(g) For large quantity storage, underground cavern storage is cheaper as compared to above ground storage.
Underground storage also needs little maintenance and the underground storage have long life as
compared to surface tanks.
1.1 A number of methods exist for storing petroleum/ petroleum products underground and a few have been
enumerated in the succeeding paragraphs 1.1.1 to 1.1.4.
1.1.1 Underground Rock Cavern Storage:
A cavern is an underground facility consisting of one or more galleries excavated in rock either through
a vertical shaft or by an access tunnel. Location and geometry of such facilities are selected based on
availability of favourable geological setting and geo-mechanical properties of the rock. The stored
product is prevented from escaping by the principle of hydro-geological containment. The cavern is
located at a depth where the water in the surrounding rock creates a counter pressure exceeding that of
the stored product, thus preventing its migration outwards. Underground rock caverns are used for
storing petroleum and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).
1.1.2 Salt Leached Cavern Storage:
Rock Salt usually occurs either as extensive bedded salt formations or as salt domes. In such favourable
salt formations, huge artificial underground caverns are created. Such caverns are solution mined. Water
is injected to the required depth below ground through a bore hole and controlled leaching is carried out
by progressive dissolution of the salt formation. The resulting brine is removed and disposed either
through surface evaporation or by injecting back into deep sub surface formations. The caverns are
usually cylindrical in shape (several hundred metres in height and several tens of metres in diameter) and
may have a volume of several hundred thousand cubic metres. The cavern shape and volume are
determined by deployment of sonar survey. Cavern stability is monitored by periodic sonar surveys of its
geometry and continuous surveillance of acoustic emissions (seismic monitoring techniques).
1.1.3 Aquifers and Depleted Fields:
A porous and permeable geological formation (the reservoir) can be used to store natural gas provided it
fulfils conditions by virtue of the geological setting such as the following, namely: -
(a) The reservoir should be overlain by an impermeable stratum (the cover) to prevent any upward
migration of the gas;
(b) The formation with structural or stratigraphic control should ensure lateral containment, for example in
the form of an anticline;
(c) The formation should be situated, at such depth (between 500 and 2000 m) so that the range of pressures
attainable in the reservoir is compatible with that of the transport system; and
(d) The formation may be a depleted oil or gas field or an aquifer, which has never held hydrocarbons. For
storage, the gas being compressed and injected in gaseous state into the reservoir, it displaces the water
and occupies the pores in the rock.
1.1.4 Abandoned Mines:
Disused mines can be converted to underground storage as long as these comply with the strict stability
and leak-tightness criteria and the necessary rehabilitation work is done. Large quantities of liquid
hydrocarbons can be stored at reasonable cost using such method and it can also provide an attractive
method for storing natural gas.
(g) “Logging” means measurement of any physical parameter versus depth in a well;
(h) “Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP) (for a rock cavern)” means maximum value of the pressure
of any fluid contained in a cavern which can be accepted in normal operation and maintenance;
(i) “Modeling” means generating the image of a structure from the information gathered;
(j) “Numerical Simulation” means computer simulation of a system;
(k) “Permeability” means capacity of a rock to allow fluids to flow through its pores;
(l) “Petroleum” means any liquid hydrocarbon or mixture of hydrocarbons and any inflammable mixture
(liquid, viscous or solid) containing any liquid hydrocarbon;
(m) “Porosity” means volume of the pore space (voids) within a formation expressed as a percentage of the
total volume of the material containing the pores;
(n) “Saturation” means percentage of pore space occupied by fluid in the material;
(o) “Subsurface Safety Valve” means valve installed in tubing or casing beneath the wellhead for the
purpose of stopping the flow of gas in an emergency; and
(p) “Tubing” means a pipe or set of pipes that can be screwed, welded or flanged together to form a string,
through which fluids are injected or withdrawn.
Construction of cavern, storage of petroleum in cavern and all associated facilities require specific approval
from concerned authorities and the enactment, regulations and other laws inter alia applicable in this
respect are as under, namely: -
(a) The Environment Protection Act,1986 (29 of 1986);
(b) The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,1974 (6 of 1974);
(c) The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,1981 (14 of 1981);
(d) The laws relating to Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) as applicable for the time being;
(e) The Factory Act, 1948 (63 of 1948);
(f) The Petroleum Act, 1934 (30 of 1934);
(g) The Explosives Act,1884;
(h) The Indian electricity Act, 1910 (9 of 1910);
(i) The Manufacture Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules,1989
(j) The Hazardous Waste management and Handling Rules, 2003
(k) The relating to Municipal corporation or Town planner or Panchayat as applicable for the time being.
5.1 Long-term containment of stored products:
The storage facility shall be designed to ensure the long-term containment of the stored products and
if pre supposes, -
(a) adequate prior knowledge of the geological formation in which the storage is to be developed and of its
geological environment;
(b) acquisition of all relevant information needed for specifying parameter limits for construction and
(c) demonstration that the storage is capable of ensuring long-term containment of the stored products
through its hydraulic and mechanical integrity; and
(d) That no other installation or activity shall affect the integrity of the containment and vice versa.
(iv) The casings carrying the pipelines shall be protected against corrosion in case of casings installed in the
shafts. The material selected for the casings shall withstand the highest pressures that could be
encountered during worst case scenarios; and
(v) In case of pipelines installed in boreholes, the methodology of avoiding leakages from behind the
casings shall be clearly spelt out by the designer.
7.6.4 Instrumentation:
(i) Following instruments or fittings shall be provided, namely: -
(a) Two water level measurement gauges of independent operating mechanism with inter-lock with water
pump for starting and stopping. The audio-visual alarm of the gauges shall be provided in control panel.
Interlock with product pump, in case, water level going beyond maximum permissible level, the product
pump shall trip; and
(b) Two product level measurement gauges with independent operating mechanism with High Level Alarm
set at 95 %. The audio-visual indication shall be provided on control panel. Further, High High-Level
alarm shall not be set at more than 97 %, with interlock with incoming LPG pumps. On actuation of
High High-Level alarm, the pumping in cavern shall stop and all incoming shut down valves shall close;
(ii) The capacity of seepage water pump shall be commensurate with maximum seepage rate envisaged in
the design and 100 % identical stand by water pump shall also be provided. In case more than one pump
is used, 50 % standby pumps shall be provided;
(iii) Temperature and pressure gauges representing the entire cavern (as envisaged in design) shall be
provided; and
(iv) Minimum 2 nos. of Safety valves of adequate capacity shall act as impulse to initiate shut down of
7.6.5 Shut Down Valves:
(i) Each emergency shutdown valve shall be capable of activation from the on-site control center as well as
from control room and in addition, from field location which shall be easily accessible during
(ii) Each emergency shutdown valve shall be an automatic fail-safe device that automatically closes for pre-
set conditions;
(iii) Each emergency shutdown valve shall be closed and opened at least monthly;
(iv) Each emergency shutdown valve system shall be tested at least twice each calendar year at intervals not
exceeding six months. The test shall consist of activating the actuation devices, checking the warning
system and observing valve closure; and
(v) If an emergency shutdown valve system fails to operate as required, the cavern operation shall be
immediately suspended.
(i) The construction plan shall be defined at the design stage and shall include the following, namely: -
(a) Method of access (whether shaft or inclined access);
(b) Method of ensuring rock remains saturated with water during construction;
(c) Method of excavation (drill and blast, road runners and like other methods)
(d) Type of rock support, structural reinforcement and grouting works required; and
(e) Method of isolating the cavern (location of concrete plugs);
(ii) Water curtain bore holes shall be charged at least 20 Metres ahead of the main cavern excavation face;
(iii) The excavation method shall be designed to handle or accommodate the following, namely:-
(a) Access of men and material into the cavern during construction;
(b) Movement of all equipment required for the underground works; and
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(iii) During air test, all piezometers around the cavern facilities shall be monitored and any abnormal
fluctuation shall be analyzed;
(iv) When several caverns are involved, each cavern shall be pressurized in turn, the other caverns being kept
at atmospheric pressure;
(v) A test report shall be generated; and
(vi) All relevant data concerning the tests (such as test records or quality assurance documentation) should be
made available before acceptance.
10.3 First hydrocarbon filling:
(i) The first product filling shall take place only after successful completion of the air pressure test;
(ii) Purging with inert gas before first filling; and
(iii) During the first product filling, the part of the caverns where the product is in the vapour phase shall not
lead to any explosive mixture with air.
Note: - Typical testing and commissioning procedure for LPG caverns is attached as Annexure – B3 to this
11.1 Operating principles:
(i) The Operating manual shall be prepared based on approved operating instructions, safety procedures,
best practices and experiences of operating similar facilities and such manual shall cover start-up,
normal operations, emergency conditions, shutdown and maintenance operations;
(ii) The management should employ operating staff of suitable ability and experience and the management
shall ensure that such staff are trained to carry out their duties in a safe manner;
(iii) Safety training shall be given and updated as necessary; and
(iv) Safety audits shall be conducted on a regular basis.
11.2 Maintenance:
11.2.1 Maintenance procedures:
The operator of the storage facility shall: -
(a) Possess approved maintenance procedures, including procedures for cavern maintenance;
(b) Maintain the gas storage facilities in compliance with such procedures;
(c) Keep records necessary to administer such procedures;
(d) Update such procedures as experience dictates and as changes in operating conditions require;
(e) Execute routine inspection and maintenance schedule for surface and subsurface safety equipment shall
be prepared by him;
(f) Periodically check every safety device to ensure reliability of functioning properly; and
(g) carry out periodic instrumentation calibration checks, at a frequency depending upon the required
accuracy and special attention should be paid by him to gas detectors, legal metrology equipment and
cavern level instruments, which can be used to cross-check each other.
The operator of the storage facility shall: -
(a) possess established emergency procedures, including procedures for the safe operation or the shut-down
of the storage facility or parts thereof, in the event of a failure or other emergency, and safety procedures
for personnel at emergency site;
(b) possess documented emergency procedures to deal with product releases, including mitigation of the
release, notification and protection of operating personnel, notification and protection of the public, and
communications with community and regulatory bodies;
(c) test the procedures for operating personnel at frequencies determined by such factors such as the
condition of the system and the population density;
(d) document the test results and recommendations; and
(e) possess a programme in place to demonstrate so that the personnel are familiar with the emergency
13.1 A comprehensive manual containing program and practices shall be developed for existing cavern to
manage cavern integrity taking into consideration of various consequence due to operations or failures.
13.2 The integrity management program framework shall take into consideration continual or periodic
assessment and an evaluation process as to its effectiveness of the current health of the cavern and
associated facilities to prevent any failure in future.
13.3 To maintain safe operating conditions in case of an adverse condition detected, cavern should be shut
down until the required repairs are completed and clearance for operation is given.
13.4 Corrosion monitoring shall be periodically carried out and in case, the values are beyond acceptable
limits as given in design, necessary corrective action be taken.
13.5 The integrity assessment during the lifetime shall consist of an initial (base line) and continual
A rock cavern, which has been inactive for three years or longer shall be considered to have been abandoned
and shall be plugged unless otherwise authorized by environmental authority and plan for plugging the
cavern shall be prepared for submission to appropriate authority in this regard.
The laboratory tests on intact rock samples shall include, but not limited to the following, namely:
1. Index Tests:
(i) Specific Gravity;
(ii) Bulk Density (Wet or Dry);
(iii) Water Absorption;
(iv) Water Content;
(v) Porosity;
(vi) Slake Durability;
(vii) Swelling Index; and
(viii) Hardness and Abrasivity.
2. Strength Tests:
(i) Point Load Test;
3. Compressibility Tests:
(i) Elastic Modulus and Poisson's Ratio;
(ii) Uniaxial Compression; and
(iii) Dynamic Modulus.
4. Petrography-Thin Section Study and Rock Composition.
5. Chemical Tests.
6. Geochemical Analysis.
7. Water Quality.
8. Permeability.
9. Joint Roughness Coefficients-Kn and Ks.
10. Sonic Velocity.
BIS Codes
(Underground Structures in Rock-for reference)
Sl.No. Code No. Part or Year Reaffir Description
1. 7422 Part 1 1974 Symbols and abbreviations for use in geological maps, sections
and subsurface exploratory logs:
Part 1: Abbreviation.
2. Part 2 1974 Symbols and abbreviations for use in geological maps, sections
and subsurface exploratory logs:
Part 2 : Igneous Rock.
3. Part 3 1974 Symbols and abbreviations for use in geological maps, sections
and subsurface exploratory logs:
Part 3: Sedimentary Rocks.
4. Part 4 1985 Symbols and abbreviations for use in geological maps, sections
and subsurface exploratory logs:
Part 4: Metamorphic Rocks.
5. Part 5 1992 Symbols and abbreviations for use in geological maps, sections
and subsurface exploratory logs:
Part 5: Line symbols for formation contacts and
structural features.
6. 11358 1987 Glossary of terms and symbols relating to rock mechanics.
7. 1892 1979 2002 Code of Practice for subsurface investigation for foundation.
8. 4453 1980 Code of Practice for subsurface exploration by pits, Trenches,
drifts and shafts.
9. 6926 1996 2001 Diamond core drilling-site investigation for river valley projects-
Code of Practice.
10. 10060 1981 1999 Code of Practice for subsurface investigation for power house
11. 11358 1987 Glossary of terms and symbols relating to rock mechanics.
12. 14396 Part 1 to 1996 Argillaceous swelling rocks-Methods for laboratory testing.
13. 10782 1983 2001 Method for laboratory determination of dynamic modulus of
rock core specimen.
14 8764 1998 - Method of determination of point load strength index of rocks.
15. 7746 1991 2000 Code of Practice for in-situ shear test on rock.
16. 10082 1981 2001 Method of test for determination of tensile strength by indirect
tests on rock specimen.
17. 13047 1991 2001 Method for determination of strength of rock materials in
triaxial compression.
18. 12955 Part 1 1990 Code of Practice for insitu determination of rock mass
deformability using a flexible dilatometer:
Part 1: Volume Change.
19. 12955 Part 2 1990 Code of Practice for insitu determination of rock mass
deformability using a flexible dilatometer:
Part 2 : Radial displacement.
20. 9179 1979 2001 Method for the preparation of rock specimen for
laboratory testing.
21. 14395 1996 2002 Guidelines for monitoring rock movement using probe
22. 9143 1979 2001 Method for the determination of unconfined compressive
strength of rock material.
23. 9221 1979 2001 Method for the determination of modulus of elasticity and
poisons ratio of rock materials in uniaxial compression.
24. 10050 1981 2001 Method for determination of slake durability index of rocks.
25. 11209 1985 Specification for mould assembly for determination of
permeability of soils.
26. 5529 Part 1 1985 Code of Practice for In-situ Permeability Test:
Part1: Tests in Overburden.
27. 5529 Part 2 1985 Code of Practice for In-situ Permeability Test:
Part2: Tests in bed rocks.
28. 13946 Part 1 1994 Code of Practice for Determination of rock stress:
Part 1: Using Hydraulic Fracturing technique.
29. 13946 Part 2 1994 Code of Practice for Determination of rock stress:
Part 2- Using USBM type drill hole deformation gauge.
30. 13946 Part 3 1994 Code of Practice for Determination of rock stress:
Part 3: Using CSIR or CSIRO type cell with 9 or 12 strain
31. 13946 Part 4 1994 Code of Practice for Determination of rock stress:
Part 4: Using flat jack technique.
32. 12608 1979 Method of test for hardness of rock.
33. 7317 1993 Code of Practice for Uniaxial Jacking Test for deformation
modulus of rock.
34. 12634 1989 Method of determination of for direct shear strength of rock
35. 13030 1991 Method of test for laboratory determination of water content,
porosity, density and related properties of rock materials.
36. 14436 1997 Method of test for laboratory determination of resistivity on rock
37. 12634 1989 Method of determination for direct shear strength of rock joints.
38. 13372 Part 1 1992 Code of practice for seismic testing of rock mass Part 1: within a
39. 13372 Part 2 1992 Code of practice for seismic testing of rock mass Part 1: within a
40. 10785 1983 Method for determination of compressive and tensile strengths
from point load test on rock lumps.
41. 7292 1974 Code of practice for in situ determination of rock properties by flat
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 259
42. 10060 1981 Code of practice for sub-surface investigation of powerhouse sites.
Design or Construction
43. 10270 1982 2003 Guidelines for design and construction of pre-stressed rock
44. 11105 2004 Design and construction of Tunnel plugs- Code of Practice.
45. 11309 1985 2001 Method of conducting pull out test on anchor bars and rock bolts.
46. 13414 1992 Guidelines for monitoring of rock movements using multi point
borehole extensometer.
47. 12070 1987 Code of practice for design and construction of shallow
foundations on Rocks.
48. 13063 1991 Code of practice for structural safety of building on shallow
foundations on rocks.
49. 4756 1978 2002 Safety Code for tunneling work.
50. 4081 1986 2000 Safety Code of blasting and related drilling operations.
51. 7456 1994 Rock drill shanks and chuck bushings- Dimensions.
52. 6066 1994 - Recommendation for pressure grouting of rock foundation in river
valley projects.
53. 9012 1998 Recommended Practice for Shotcrete.
54. 13365 Part 1 1998 - Quantitative classification of rock mass guidelines:
Part 1: RMR for predicting of engineering properties.
55. Part 2 1992 2001 Quantitative classification of rock mass guidelines:
Part 2: Rock mass Quality for prediction of support pressure in
underground openings.
56. Part 3 1997 2003 Quantitative classification of rock mass guidelines:
Part 3: Determination of slope mass rating (SMR).
57. 11315 Part 1 1987 2001 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock
Part 1: Orientation.
58. Part 2 1987 2001 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock
Part 2: Spacing.
59. Part 3 1987 2000 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock
Part 3: Persistence.
60. Part 4 1987 2000 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock
Part 4: Roughness.
61. Part 5 1987 2001 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock
Part 5: Wall Strength.
62. Part 6 1987 2001 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock
Part 6: Aperture.
63. Part 7 1987 2000 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock
Part 7: Filling.
64. Part 8 1987 2000 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock
Part 8: Seepage.
65. Part 9 1987 2001 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock
(i) Before commissioning the storage facility, the gas-tightness of the storage galleries must be tested with
compressed air according to a procedure developed for underground rock caverns to meet the same
requirements as aboveground pressure storage vessels;
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 261
(ii) The test consists of recording pressure changes over time which must coincide (to within the
experimental error) with the pressures calculated for a non-leaking cavern. Pressure changes must be
caused solely by air temperature variations in the cavern, air dissolved into the seepage water and, if
applicable. water level changes in the pit and
(iii) The test is performed before filling the cavern with LPG for the first time.
(i) The test consists of injecting compressed air. In the case of two caverns, injection of compressed air into
the second cavern can be done, totally or partially, from the first compressed cavern;
(ii) Once the test pressure is reached in the cavern, temperatures are allowed to stabilize. This waiting period
is minimized by using water coolers to bring the injected air as close as possible to the initial cavern
temperature. The test can start after a period of stabilisation. The cavern is considered to be stable when
no temperature recorded by any cavern transducer is changing by more than 0.1°C per day. This activity
typically requires four days;
(iii) The cavern test pressure is set with reference to-
(a) hydrogeological parameters; that is to say-
(A) hydraulic potential at the cavern roof,
(B) shape factor; and
(C) hydraulic safety margin;
(b) operating conditions that is to say-
(A) maximum working pressure; and
(B) safety valve settings.
3.1 instrumentation:
(i) Pressures and temperatures are recorded every hour during the test;
(ii) The specific test instrumentation required is as follows, namely: -
(1) Three-wire platinum Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD), resistance 100 ohms at 0 °C, tolerance
1/3 of IEC Standard 751 class B, Le. +0.1 °C at 0 °C (installed according to attachment);
(2) Pressure Standard with digital display for measuring pressure at top of vent, repeatability 50 Pa at test
pressure, with calibration certificate;
(3) Digital barometer with an accuracy on measured values of 20 Pa, with calibration certificate;
(4) Real time acquisition and recording system (Programmable Logic Controller);
(5) Microcomputer for test control, data storage and data reduction;
(6) One instrument measuring temperature in test shed, accuracy ± 0.1 °C;
(7) One RTD in the vent line at wellhead to measure the air temperature during compression, accuracy ±
1°C; and
(8) Dial pressure gage, scale 1.5 MPa, accuracy 5 kPa (1), at wellhead.
(iii) The temperature transducers are installed after final cleaning of the galleries, just before closure of the
access works;
(iv) Each instrument cable is brought out to the surface in a single length without splices or junction boxes,
through dedicated casing provided in the operation shaft. The 3 wires of each RTD (item #1) shall have
the same impedance, lower than 10 ohms. Each RTD cable is shielded and the 3 wires of each cable are
(v) A shed sited as near as possible to the shaft is used as the control centre for the test. The shed will have a
solid floor and the temperature inside will be controlled around 20°C. Stability of the shed against
vibrations must be ensured and circulation of heavy vehicles around the shed shall be restricted;
(vi) The instrument cables are connected to the acquisition and recording system in the shed. All the cables
shall be clearly labeled and
(vii) For cavern pressure measurements, temporary piping is installed from the equilibrium casing to the
control centre.
3.2 Test Procedure:
The steps in the pressure test are to-
(a) prepare the caverns and fill access tunnel with water;
(b) pressurize the caverns with air;
(c) allow temperatures to stabilize; and
(d) run the test.
3.2.1 Preparation of Caverns:
(i) When all construction works in the caverns are finished (including final plugs), a designed volume of
water is injected in each cavern and then pumped out in order to-
(a) Fill the geometric traps to get an accurate value of water seepage flowrate during the acceptance tests;
(b) Check water level measurement equipment;
(c) Check that the water seepage pumps work properly; and
(d) Check that the product pumps work properly;
(ii) Alternatively, the pumping of the water seepage can be stopped during a sufficient period of time in
order to have 3000 m3 of water in the cavern;
(iii) Before starting the cavern compression, some information is required, such as the following, namely: -
(a) The geothermal temperature inside the cavern (from the RTDs);
(b) The water seepage flowrate, and
(c) The cavern volume vs depth curve (from the galleries photo profiles), including the sump and the
3.2.2 Access tunnel or Access shaft water filling:
(i) After the storage, caverns are closed and all the access (operation shaft, access shaft, access tunnel)
begin to be filled with bacteria free fresh water before the compression of the caverns. The water shall be
injected at a flowrate sufficient to assure that the rise in level is not less than 10 m/day (i.e. 75 m along
the access tunnel). When the water reaches a level of 25 m above the crown of the cavern, the
compression of this cavern can begin, provided hydrogeological parameters are satisfactory;
(ii) During the simultaneous access tunnel or access shaft water filling and cavern compression, the height of
water above the crown of the cavern will be set at 102 % of cavern pressure + 25 m,
3.2.3 Cavern Compression:
(i) Air is supplied by a bank of compressors, for 24 hours continuously until the cavern pressure test;
(ii) The compressed air is injected through the vent line, and the number of compressors shall be adapted to
produce a pressure increase in the cavern around 1 kg/ cm2 per day. A backup compressor is mandatory;
(iii) The compression rate may be reduced in the event of abnormal evolution of the pore pressure in the
rockmass, or the piezometric behaviour;
(iv) Air is supplied from a bank of compressors. Wellhead air temperature is kept close to the geothermal
temperature with variation no more than 2 oC, using temporary air-cooling system;
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(v) The cooling system may be required to start or stop several compressors at different times, in order to
meet the above requirements specified in preceding clauses and to minimize the stabilization time;
(vi) During such stage, the following readings are taken every hour, namely; -
(a) cavern pressure, from the pressure standard;
(b) atmospheric pressure, on digital barometer;
(c) compressed air inlet temperature;
(d) temperatures from cavern RTD's;
(e) test room temperature; and
(f) volume of water pumped out of the cavern using the meter at the wellhead, and at the same time,
water level in the pit, pressure cells (with an automatic system, the readings of the pressure cells are
taken every hour);
(vii) The control of the air inlet temperature shall be performed by a thermometer just after the air- cooling
system, and by an RTD on the vent line just before the wellhead;
(viii) Once daily, piezometer levels and water levels in access works (shaft or tunnel) are recorded (The
frequency of the piezometer level records can be adjusted during the compression phase);
(ix) For cavern pressure measurement, the connection shall be made to the pressure measurement
(equilibrium) line of the cavern and not to the vent line;
(x) During the test, it is necessary to have the following information, namely: -
(a) Status of the seepage water pumps: in function or not in function (signal ON or OFF); and
(b) Level switch E+H information (signal ON or OFF),
3.2.4 Stabilization Stage:
(i) The temperature stabilization stage lasts about four days, and is considered complete when no transducer
records a temperature change in excess of 0.1 oC per day and per RTD;
(ii) The following are recorded every hour, namely: -
(a) Cavern pressure, from pressure standard;
(b) Atmospheric pressure, from digital barometer;
(c) Cavern temperatures from RTDs;
(d) Test room temperature; and
(e) Water volume pumped out of the cavern and water level in the pit;
(iii) Daily readings are taken from the piezometers and water level in the access works (shaft or tunnel). The
frequency of the piezometric readings can be adjusted during such phase. Readings are taken hourly
from the pressure cells in case of automatic system;
(iv) In case of transient phenomena in relation with the hydrogeology, it will be necessary to increase the
duration of the stabilization phase; and
(v) If cavern pressure measured at shaft head goes below the test pressure, it will be necessary to restart
compression and to repeat the stabilization stage.
(a) Cavern pressure, atmospheric pressure, cavern temperatures (RTDs), test room temperature, test shed
temperature to correct cavern temperature recordings, and if required sump water level (nominally the
level at which the seepage water pump stops) volume of water pumped out of the cavern; and
(b) All piezometer levels and water level in access works are recorded daily and the pressure cells are
recorded twice a day. The frequency of these readings can be adjusted on the site.
(i) At the end of the gas-tightness test, the caverns contain pressurized air;
(ii) It is necessary, before the first LPG filling in the caverns, to inert the caverns to avoid creation of an
explosive mixture;
(iii) As soon as the calculations from test measurements have proved the gas-tightness of the cavern,
preliminary operations before start -up can commence;
(iv) The procedure of such preliminary operations is as follows, namely: -
(a) Fill the cavern with water to a level to be defined according to actual cavern geometry given by profile
(b) Inject nitrogen in the remaining air space with simultaneous removal of water;
(c) Fill with water up to the same level to flush out the air -nitrogen mixture; and
(v) After the procedure specified in clause (V) is successfully completed, the cavern will be ready to receive
liquid propane or butane (with simultaneous withdrawal of water).
4.1 Water Filling:
4.1.1 Water Quality:
(i) During the water filling operation, the cavern can be filled either with water from the natural
environment (river, lake, sea and like other natural environment) or with fresh water from a specific
network (city water, fire system). For example, a mixture of seawater with fresh water can be used;
(ii) With natural environment source, the injected water must satisfy the following criteria, namely: -
(a) Quantity of suspended material < 20 mg/1 and such figure corresponds to maximum suspended material
fixed by the LPG and seepage water pumps supplier (to be confirmed at Detail Design stage);
(b) maximum bacteria content specified as below, namely: -
(A) total aerobic bacteria : < 1000 bacteria per ml;
(B) total anaerobic bacteria : < 1000 bacteria per ml;
(C) sulphur reducing bacteria : = 0 " “; and
(D) slime forming bacteria : =0 " " ;
(iii) In case of water with silt content greater than 20 mg/I, a filtering system is required and in case of water
containing bacteria, a sodium hypochlorite treatment is required.
4.2 Procedure:
4.2.1 Single cavern:
(i) The water is injected into the cavern through a metering system (accuracy < 1 %) via the filling line
and the water flowrate does not exceed 1000 m3/h;
(ii) The upper water level in the storage is defined according to the cavern crown geometry. Ultimately a
small volume of air remains under the crown. Such small volume, called free air volume shall be
determined by a specific operation just before the end of the water filling;
(iii) A known volume of water (installation and supply of a flowmeter, accuracy 0.1 %) is injected in the
cavern for about two hours at a rate not exceeding 50 m%;
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(iv) The pressure inside the cavern is the test pressure at the beginning of the water filling and such
pressure is lowered to the minimum operating pressure at a pressure drop around 1 kg /cm2 per day;
(v) The air is evacuated through the vent line (the air flow is controlled by a valve fitted on the vent line)
down to minimum operating pressure at a maximum rate of 1 kg/ cm2 per day. Silencer to be used to
bring down noise below permissible levels.
4.2.2 Two Caverns:
(i) Identical procedure but for optimisation is possible;
(ii) During injection of water in cavern A, the air removed can be injected in cavern B until the test pressure
is reached in cavern B;
(iii) During such phase, cavern B acceptance test can be completed and if the test and calculation show that
cavern B is gas-tight, depressurization can commence at the rate mentioned above; and
(iv) Cavern B can be filled with water coming from cavern A, during the dewatering and first LPG filling of
cavern A.
4.3 Measurements and controls:
(i) The water filling provides an opportunity to cross -check the volume or level calibration curve drawn
from the profiles scanning;
(ii) During the water filling phase, the following measurements will be performed every two hours, namely:
(a) The volume of water entering the cavern using the meter on the water filling pipe;
(b) The water temperature near the filling point at wellhead;
(c) The temperature in the cavern using the temperature probes installed in the cavern;
(d) The water level in the cavern with equipment used for measuring the LPG level during operation;
(e) The cavern pressure with pressure standard; and
(f) The atmospheric pressure with digital barometer;
(iii) At the end of this phase, the exact free air volume of the cavern, corresponding to the upper water level
in relation with the cavern crown geometry, is performed according to a specific operation; and
(iv) All piezometer levels, pressure cell readings and water level in access works are recorded daily.
4.4 Injection of Nitrogen:
Before the initial filling with LPG, the volume of air remaining in the cavern will be inerted by injecting
gaseous nitrogen at ambient temperature.
4.4.1 Procedure:
(i) Nitrogen or other inert gases like CO2 is injected through the vent line, with simultaneous removal of
water at a maximum rate permitted by the water pumping and such maximum pressure variation in the
cavem is lower than 1 kg per day;
(ii) The quantity of nitrogen to be injected shall be 1.5 times the free volume of air in the cavern, in order to
reduce oxygen content to 8 %;
(iii) The required equipment for the nitrogen injection shall be-
(a) vaporiser, to transform the liquid nitrogen into gaseous nitrogen; and
(b) flowmeter and thermometer, to follow the quantity and the temperature of the injected nitrogen;
(ii) If it appears that LPG delivery is not possible at a sufficient flow, it will be necessary to adjust the water
flow according to LPG flow, in order to maintain the cavern pressures above atmospheric pressure;
(iii) Before starting such operations, all safety equipment, detection and monitoring instruments shall be
ready to use; and
(iv) Operational safety procedures shall be applied at this stage.
5.2 Measurements and Controls:
(i) The following parameters will be monitored every two hours namely: -
(a) Cavern pressure on pressure standard;
(b) Mass of LPG injected in the cavern;
(c) Water volume pumped out from the cavern; and
(d) LPG and water levels in caverns (water level being also given by plotted curve from water filling).
(ii) The water evacuated from the cavern with the LPG pumps is sent to the sea, via a drainage system
(water pond) equipped with gas detector to detect the first traces of LPG in the discharged water;
(iii) Before the water has reached normal operation levels, and before traces of LPG are detected in water
(more than 25 ppm), the LPG pumps will be replaced by the seepage water pumps and the water shall be
sent to the stripper prior to being discharged;
(iv) The storage will be operational when the water level reaches the normal operation level; and
(v) During such operations, a control valve and a flow totaliser are necessary on the dewatering line.
All temporary works and equipment required for performing the test shall be checked and certified by
authorized person in this behalf before initiating the cavern acceptance test and such drawings shall
include the following, namely: -
(a) The temporary connection for air pressurization of the cavern;
(b) The temporary works for air depressurization of the cavern;
(c) The temporary lines for water injection in the cavern including the metering unit;
(d) In case of two caverns, the temporary works for cavern B water filling from cavern A including
metering unit,
(e) The temporary connections for nitrogen injection; and
(f) The temporary connections for first LPG filling through the vent line.
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