2000 Palavras Mais Frequentes em Inglês
2000 Palavras Mais Frequentes em Inglês
2000 Palavras Mais Frequentes em Inglês
2000 Keywords
This is a list of the 2,000 most important and useful words to learn at this stage
in your language learning. These words have been carefully chosen by a group
of language experts and experienced teachers, who have judged the words to be
important and useful for three reasons:
Words that are used very frequently (= very often) in English are included in this
list. Frequency information has been gathered from the American English section
of the Oxford English Corpus, which is a collection of written and spoken texts
containing over 2 billion words.
The keywords are frequent across a range of different types of text. This means
that the keywords are often used in a variety of contexts, not just in newspapers
or in scientific articles for example.
The list includes some important words which are very familiar to most users
of English, even though they are not used very frequently. These include, for
example, words which are useful for explaining what you mean when you do not
know the exact word for something.
In order to make the definitions in this dictionary easy to understand, we have written
them using these 2,000 words. When we needed to use a word that is not on the
list, the word is shown in small capitals, with an explanation of the word’s meaning.
The 2,000 keywords are shown in the main section of the dictionary in a different
color from other words, and are marked with a key symbol . These keywords are
an excellent starting point for improving your vocabulary.
Names of people, places, etc. beginning with a capital letter are not included in
the list of 2,000 keywords. Keywords which are marked in the dictionary, but not
included in the list are numbers, days of the week, and the months of the year.