Sanskrut Lesson 24 To 27 Month 51

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8uffef Lesson Z4 A . Exercises wifh Yushmod.

Since fhere ore no specioI insfrucfions fo be given regording fhe Yushmod
forms i didnf fhink if necessory fo hove o seporofe concepf Iesson. Lefs
gef info fhe 8uffef exercises direcfIy.

Mouns Verbs Avyoyos Adjecfives
l=lll!l bonk M ll If
-ll!l feIephone M ll OnIy fhen
feIephone number M

conversofion M

*l*ll discussion F
=ll!l pockef M
'lll priesf M
Mofe: ll ond ll ore used in combinofion in o senfence jusf Iike
neifher-nor eifher-or efc.
A. TronsIofe:
I. I om going fo fhe bonk.
Z. I see you fhere.
3. I osk you for money. ( Use ll*l I. A.P. fo beg/ fo osk for. 8ofh whof
you osk for ond whom you osk if of foII info fhe l\llll l=l-llli)
4. You give me money.
b. I give you my feIephone number.
o. From you I gef your feIephone number.
7. 8y feIephone our conversofion hoppens. ( oh deor.)
8. We ore meefing in fhe resfouronf for o meoI.
9. There our discussion is oIso hoppening.
I0. Afferwords if i hove foifh in you onIy fhen i om giving you money .

8. FiII in fhe bIonks wifh fhe correcf forms of l!-l s singuIor
dduoI ppIuroI.
I. _________(d) -l-l l-l>l l:
Z. 'lll _________ (s) 'l!'l l*Dll
3. ________ ( s) :l 'll -llll-l
4. __________ ( p) l=lllll: l>l :lll
b. __________ ( p) l, ll :ll'l :lll*Dll
o. l __________(d) 'lFl-l
7. ____________( p) }!l :lll*ll: ( Tricky one.)


8uffef Lesson Z4 8. Answers fo Lesson Z4 A.
I. I om going fo fhe bonk. : l=lll!l l*Dll-li
Z. I see you fhere. l>l : =ll-l ,l i
3. I osk you for money. : =ll l-l ll*l i
4. You give me money. =l -l(l l-l l*Dlli
b. I give you my feIephone number. : -l -l-l -ll!ll-ll
o. From you I gef your feIephone number. =ll : l=l -ll!ll-ll
7. 8y feIephone our conversofion hoppens. -ll!l7l :-ll l--ll!l7l
8. We ore meefing in fhe resfouronf for o meoI. -lll-lll :l=ll-l
'llll l-lll=li
9. There our discussion is oIso hoppening. l>l :-ll *l*ll :l'l -l=llli
I0. Afferwords if i hove foifh in you onIy fhen i om giving you money.
l-l-l ll -l-l l=llll =lll :ll, ll : -l l-l l*Dll-li

8. I. =ll (d) -l-l l-l>l l:
Z. 'lll -l (s) 'l!'l l*Dll
3. =ll ( s) :l 'll -llll-l
4. !-ll( p) l=lllll: l>l :lll
b. !-lll-l( p) l, ll :ll'l :lll*Dll
o. l =ll / =ll 'lFl-l
7. !-ll }!l :lll*ll:

8onquef Lesson Z4 C. Exercises wifh Yushmod.
Mouns Verbs Avyoyos Adjecfives
l=lll!l bonk M ll If
-ll!l feIephone M ll OnIy fhen
feIephone number M

conversofion M

*l*ll discussion F
=ll!l pockef M
'lll priesf M
Mofe: ll ond ll ore used in combinofion in o senfence jusf Iike
neifher-nor eifher-or efc. (s singuIor dduoI ppIuroI.)

A. TronsIofe: (Moke use of fhe A.P. verbs os offen os you con.)
I. The fwo of you ore going fo fhe morkef. You (d) see o shop on fhe
bonk of fhe river. There ore fruifs books ond bogs in fhe shop. 8uf
fhere is no money in your pockefs. You( s) speok wifh your fofher by
feIephone. You osk him. Your fofher feIIs you( s)" 0o fo fhe bonk. The
bonk is nof very for from fhe shop. The bonks presidenf is my friend.
You ore osking him for money. You ore my son fherefore he is giving
you money. When you obfoin money from him fhen bofh of you buy fhe
books." In fhis monner fhe conversofion hoppens.

Z. Your(p) schooI is cIose fo fhe oncienf fempIe. AII of you go fo fhe
fempIe ond do nomoskor fo fhe Lord. The fempIes priesf sees oII of you.
There ore fIowers on fhe feef of fhe Lord. He gives oII of you fhose
fIowers. From you(p) fhe priesf receives money. He pufs if in fhe box.
Your (p) money is for fhe Lord. In oII of you is foifh. The Lord is pIeosed.

Mofe: Words in red - new senfence consfrucfion. Check ouf fhe onswers if
you need heIp.

Lesson Zb. 'lll
Peod OnIy Series.

'lll s ore prefixes. They ore odded fo fhe beginning of o roof word ond
offecf fhe roofs ond fheir meonings in severoI woys. They ore exfremeIy
popuIor in Sonskrif ond you wiII find fhem invifed fo join o roof word of fhe
drop of o hof.
There ore ZZ 'lll s in Sonskrif. The fechnicoI ferm for fhem is " 'lll ."
Their funcfions couId be ony of fhe foIIowing.
I. To chonge fhe meoning of fhe roof.
l-l l*Dll fo go , :l + l-l :ll*Dll fo come.
Z. To supporf or subsfonfiofe o porficuIor meoning.
lll fo cIimb up. :l + lll :llll fo cIimb up.
3. To emphosi;e fhe originoI meoning.
ll=l ll=lll fo run 'l + ll=l 'lll=lll fo run fosf.

Two IoveIy verses expound fhe 'lll...
I. ll=ll llll l~ll l~ll-l-=lll i
l-l=l l=llFl-l!l-l 'lllllll>lll ii
Some prefixes chonge fhe meoning of o roof, some reinforce or even
enhonce fhe some, whiIe ofhers foIIow fhe originoI meonings. These ore fhe
funcfions of 'lll s.

Z. 'lll7l ll=lll lll-l>l -llll i
'lllllll=ll'lll=ll ii
'lll chonges fhe meoning of o roof for exompIe [ chonges ifs meoning
becouse of vorious 'lll s. 'l + [ 'll fo sfrike , :l + [ :ll fo
eof, l-l + [ ll fo kiII , l=l + [ l=ll fo woIk for pIeosure ,
'll + [ 'lll fo word off.


Some roofs chonge fheir 'l wifh fhe oddifion of cerfoin 'lll

OriginoI 'l Chonged 'l
l-l, :l=l, 'l, l=l ll P.P. ll!ll
becomes A.P.
l-l l-l P.P. l*Dll
becomes A.P.
l=l, 'll ll P.P. llll
becomes A.P.
l=l, :ll, 'll -l A.P. -ll
becomes P.P.

Inferesfing focf: 'lll s ore very generous. They give fhemseIves owoy
wiIIingIy. Two or more con be odded quife hoppiIy fo o roof word. For
exompIe l-l +:ll +l-l l-llll*Dll fo go fowords fogefher, fo go
compIefeIy over, surposs.

Mow Iefs go fhrough fhe Iisf of 'lll s ond see whof fhose 'lll s
meon. Mofe how somefimes fhe some 'lll con convey fwo compIefeIy
seporofe ond differenf ideos. ( We ore geffing beffer of sighing Ionger
drown ouf sighs orenf wel)

I. 'l more forword ( =llFl: Iighf. 'l=llFl: brighf/more Iighf.) 49lB
+T =l4l- 9-l4|-6
Z. 'll down bockword (- -l=lll is. 'll-l=lll disoppeor/defeof.)
|4l+ P7 9l-l4|6

3. :l'l neor fo , owoy seporofion (l lll move. :'llll move
cIose fo) l4T- Bl6lP 9(|6
4. l-l fogefher very much. (:-l end. l-l-l hoving fhe ends
fogefher, neighbouring.) B(9l|+- B\7|-6
b. :l-l behind ( :l-ll*Dll fo foIIow.) =+l- +6lP +7|-6
o. :l=l down ( lll fo cIimb up. :l=llll fo come down.)
t4 TP 4P-4B ? ( HF4 l4 P(l9 9l- 46|-6
7. l-ll ouf for owoy wifhouf ( ll llll Ief go. l-lllll expeI)
|+FB H4 B- l|P!4|6
8. l-l ouf( ,l see. l-llll observe) B- (l6 |+7|6
9. l bod , wicked. 6F4 4+ (-B(P lBl6
I0. difficuIf. ( l-l obfoin l-l difficuIf fo obfoin.) ( ( P
4+ + 7l|P
II. l=l confrory porficuIor.( -l -lll remember. l=l-lll forgef)
lP- l=P|T- B(l |4=46 |4~lP- T T6-4-
IZ. :ll fo from upfo bockwords. (:ll*Dll fo come)
l4l4&l- 6 l7+ T- 6 l7|6 ?
I3. l-l in more. (l lll move/ fIow . l-llll fo disoppeor.) 4-4-
9l|T |+96|-6
I4. :lll obove( =ll =llll sfoy. :lll=llll sif upon perch.)
4&- H4lP \4lF6 PllTl- 4 P |l (|6
Ib. :lll beyond. (ll=l ll=lll run. :lllll=lll fo rush) P H- |9

Io. :ll'l oIso fo cover.(l lll move/fIow .:l'llll fo fIow over.)
4!llTl +(l 6 |9B|6
I7. l good ( Flll chorocfer. Flll good chorocfer) Pl6l B9|6
I8. :ll-l fowords ( - -ll cry. :ll-l-ll shouf of.)
B- 4+P |-l7|6
I9. 'lll fowords ogoinsf. (=lll fo speok. 'lll=lll fo onswer.)
Bl6l l6l |4Hl4 9|6 76-
Z0. 'll oround. ( -l-l -l-lll wonder. 'll-l-lll circumombuIofe)
9l9 9|t4= ll4 - |H!4 9l6
ZI. 'l neor fo. ( -l>l-l eye. 'l-l>l-l specfocIes)
B4 P|-(P 797|-6
ZZ. up. (- -l=lll is. =lll emerge.)
4l= -lP- 7(7|6

And fhus do we concIude fodoys Iesson. The Peod OnIy Series wiII nof be
occomponied by exercises. Mo excuses fhen....fheres enough fime for
revising work done so for.
TiII nexf week..... hoppy sfudyingl

From our Librory. Lesson Zb A. The LiffIe 0orden.
Mouns/ Pronouns Verbs Avyoyos Adjecfives.
=llll o IiffIe
gorden. F
l=ll I. P.P. fo
'lll usuoIIy l=ll=ll l ll
:ll onofher
word for friend.
'll'l free M
-ll- sun M

:l-l yes 'lll l ll
7 fhorn M

l l ll red
=l7l coIour M
l-l smeII odour

'lll l ll
l rise ( os in
sunrise) M

ll l ll
:l sef( os in
sunsef) M

-ll l
-l fIower M
Fll'l>ll rose F

-ll-l -l -ll
sunfIower M
-lllll josmine F

Fll-l-l -l -ll/
-ll spIendid
l-lll o kind of
josmine M

*l-'l o yeIIow
frogronf fIower.

*l-5'!'ll fhe
fIower. F

Mofe I: The coIours fhemseIves ore moscuIine. For exompIe Pink by ifseIf is
'lll, buf when describing fhe coIour of on objecf if becomes on
Mofe Z: -ll- isll-l moscuIine. Fll'l>ll is ,ll-l feminine.... fhese
forms ore yef fo be infroduced.
ll+l i

g-lIl =ll-5 ! :ll*D, =llll l*Dl=l i l>l '!'lll7l 'lFll=l i
lI-5 :l-l :ll*Dll-l i ll-5 :l'l :ll*Dll i
g-lIl =ll >ll }=l =llll l*Dl-l i }!ll :-ll =llll :ll i
:>l l=ll=llll-l '!'lll7l ll-l i
glI-5:ll ! }ll l '!'l-l :ll
g-lIl }ll Fll'l>ll '!'l-l i }ll '!'l-l :ll --l i }ll '!'l
l=l-l '!'l-l - -l=lll i }ll l-l :lll'll -l=lll i
}ll 'll'l 7ll-l :l'l -l=ll-l i
lI-5 :ll ! l>l 'll'l l '!'l-l :ll
g-lIl ll l-ll-l :ll i l-lll =l7l 'lll -l=llli ll
-l 'lll l 'lll }=l -l=llli -ll-l }ll -l l=llll i
ll -ll- :l l*Dll ll }ll -ll-l -l=lll i
lI-5 ll-5! =ll-l }lll-l -lll-l :l'l 'lFll-l i }!ll -lllll
:lli }lll lllll '!'lll7l llll-l -l=ll-l i }l!ll
-ll-ll l-l -ll -l=lll i
}l 'll'l 'lFl i }!l *l-5'!'llll 'll'l i }!l *l l-lll
:ll i l-llll '!'ll7ll =l7l ll, l-l *l :l'l l'll
-l=lll i }ll *l-'ll '!'l-l i }ll :l'l Fll-l-l-l :ll i
}l 'lll -l=lll i

Lesson Zo. He who knows his pronouns... l ond l-l i

One of my mosf freosured memories of fhis yeors Choofurmoosyo is Porom
Poojyo Swomijis rendifion of fhe :'llllllll>l-l in His Divine meIIifIuous
Thof Devi she who resides in oII os forgiveness knowIedge modesfy...( fhere
ore mony verses in fhe sfofro eoch verse reveoIing o quoIify) her my
soIufofions. ll =ll l=l-l! _l'l7l lllll i
-l-lll -l-lll -l-lll -l-ll -l-l ii
Doesnf fhe sfofro reinforce fhe feeIing of oneness wifh fhe Lord7

There ore mony sfofros fhof come up wifh fhe words " she who" " he who"
or "whose." They ore pronouns ond con be eosiIy undersfood if fronsIofed in
Hindi by fhe word ll i The pronoun is l ond is decIined in fhree differenf
woys....moscuIine feminine ond neufer. The moscuIine ond neufer ore exocfIy
oIike excepf for fhe firsf fwo vibhokfis.
Anofher pronoun l-l is used fo osk quesfions. Thof foo is decIined in fhe
fhree genders. Toke o Iook of SuppIemenf I0 which wiII give you fhe
compIefe decIensions of l ond l-l i
The enfire Iof ore so rhyfhmic ond musicoI fhof if is preffy eosy fo
memori;e fhem. Trusf me.
keep fhe suppIemenf hondy fo refer fo whiIe i go on wifh fhe Iesson.
l ond l-l ore used exfensiveIy in conversofions ond riddIes. i moy osk...
l 'llFl l*Dll , l He who gives Iighf who is he7
l 'llFl l*Dll , l li He who gives Iighf he is fhe Sun.
Or i moy osk...-l l, l-l l*Dll And someone mighf onswer...
l-l l l-l l*Dll, ll -ll-l -lFl i
ll l, l-l l*Dll lllll l l-l l*Dll i
l =l-l : -l-lll-l , l =l =l-l :l'l -l-lll i....lll =l l -l -l-ll
ll/ ll , l =l l -l -ll -l-ll l l i
FoirIy simpIe isnf if7 Mow over fo our exercise Iesson.

Appefi;er Lesson Zo A. Exercises wifh l ond l-l i

Weve ovfoorofied yef ogoinl A IiffIe birdie foId me fhof we hove spenf
enough fime on fronsIofing ho;oor senfences. So i foId fhe IiffIe birdie fhof i
wouId gef my 8uffefs ond 8onquefs fo go info hibernofion since my sfudenfs
now hove gof fhe hong of if. OME exercise Iesson wifh eoch defoiIed
concepf Iesson ond I0 senfences sef for fronsIofions. Thofs if ond no more.
They wiII be coIIed "Appefi;ers"..... hoping fo whef your oppefife. YouII hove
fo cook your meoIs yourseIf fhoughl Thrown in for good meosure once in o
whiIe wiII be Iessons coIIed " Heorfy khichodis"..... revision Iessons which wiII
encomposs oII fhings Ieorned so for. There wiII be no concepf Iessons
occomponying fhem. The coming Iessons wiII concenfrofe on buiIding your
vocobuIory. Mow knowing how fo hondIe eoch vibhokfi fhe verbs odjecfives
ond ovyoyos you con infeIIigenfIy use fhe words fo sforf conversing wifh
whosoever wiII Iisfen fo you. Wifh fhe bonus fime fhof you wiII ocquire you
wiII sef yourseIves fo
I. concenfrofing on memori;ing fhe sIowIy-buf-sureIy-ever-growing
SuppIemenf Secfion.
Z. wrifing your own simpIe senfences AMD sending fhem fo me for my
So shoII we begin7
I. Who gives fhe poor mon weoIfh7
Z. He who gives fhe poor mon weoIfh he is o rich mon.
3. Amongsf fhe sfudenfs he whose nome is Pom( he) come here.
4. Who is sfonding here7 ( feminine)
b. If 0opoI is nof here fhen how om i cooking7 ( oh deor.)
o. 0ive fhof boy miIk.
7. Who is giving fhof boy miIk7
8. To which boy you ore giving miIk give fhof boy fruifs foo.( lll
lll l -l l l, l lll l 4l -ll l )
9. The fruifs fhof I om eofing fhose fruifs do you wonf foo7( ll 4l -l
ll l , =ll 4l -l -ll *lll l)
I0. Which girI is speoking7

Appefi;er Lesson Zo 8. Answers fo Lesson Zo A.

I. Who gives fhe poor mon weoIfh7
ll*lll l-l l*Dll
Z. He who gives fhe poor mon weoIfh he is o rich mon.
l ll*lll l-l l*Dll, l ll-l i
3. Amongsf fhe sfudenfs he whose nome is Pom( he) come here.
Dl>l! , ll -ll-l l-l, :>l :ll*D /:ll*Di
4. Who is sfonding here7 ( feminine)
:>l l ll!oll
b. If 0opoI is nof here fhen how om i cooking7
ll ll'lll :>l -llll ll: l 'l*lll-l
o. 0ive fhof boy miIk.
l-l lllll l l*D / l*D i
7. Who is giving fhof boy miIk7
lllll l l*Dll
8. To which boy you ore giving miIk give fhof boy fruifs foo.
l-l lllll =l l l*Dll, l-l lllll 4lll-l :l'l l*Di
9. The fruifs fhof I om eofing fhose fruifs do you wonf foo7
lll-l 4lll-l : llll-l, lll-l 4lll-l =l-l :l'l ,*Dll l-l
I0. Which girI is speoking7
l lllll =lll

From our Librory. Lesson Zo C. The mighf of infeIIigence.
Mouns/ Pronouns Verbs Avyoyos Adjecfives
:l-lll-l nome M

-l7l in serioI
:-l l
-llll king of
fhe onimoIs M

l'l l ll
FlFl robbif M

=ll furn M

'l wofer-weII M

refIecfion M

=l-lll king of
fhe foresf. M

ll sfrengfh M

_ Fllli
} ll :lli ll :l-lll-l -ll :lli l 'llll-l-l :-ll-l
-lll-l -llllli }l l=l -lll ll l-ll'l l*Dl-l, =ll-l *l "
-llll, =l-l :-ll-l -lll-l 'llll-l -lllll i =l ll-l -l -lll i 'llll-l
-l7l } -ll =ll-l }=l l=l l-ll'l :ll*Dlli l-l }=l ll i l'l -l=l i"
ll 'lll=lll " }=l-l : i"
ll 'llll-l-l } -ll l>l l*Dll i ll l lllli }l FlFll
=ll :lli l -lll 'l 'lFllli l lll l-ll'l l*Dll =lll *l "
=l-lll, =l-l } :-l ll :l'l :lli l llll': =l-lll, -l
-lli' "
-ll ll ll :l7llll, ll l 'llli ll FlFl l ll 'l
-llll i -ll 'l =l'lllll-l 'lFllli l l*l-llll ll " 'l :-l
ll :lli : l -lllll-l i " l 'l ll , =ll -lFlll *l i :l 'll:ll
lll-l " l_ ll ll ll i "

Lesson Z7. Moking Iife eosy wifh fhe ll i
( To be sung fo fhe fune of fhe 8eefIes numberl)
do you wonf fo know o secref..
Do you promise oII fo feII(l)
oh ohhhh....
CIoser Ief me whisper in your eor..
fhe ll is oIwoys here
To be used by you...uuuuuuu
( Heres hoping fhof i shoII nof be sued for pIogiorisml)
Somefimes fhe sheer efforf of hoving fo remember which ll conjugofes in
which monner con gef ones moroIe down. Pighf up fo ones foes. You come
ocross o new ll ond you wonder..."Which l7l is if from7 How is if
conjugofed7 Which is fhe correcf l=l7l fo odd7" WeII wonder no furfher
deor one. Toke o Iook of fhe foIIowing senfences.
: -l-lll-l i : -l-l-l ll-l i
: llll-l i : l-l ll-li
: l*l-llll-l i : l*l-l-l ll-l i
: 'llll-l i : 'l-l ll-li
Is fhe hori;on Iooking brighfer7 I jusf converf o roof word ll , info o
noun in fhe singuIor( } =l*l-l,) objecf form (l\llll l=l-lll) odd ll-l
(if fhe subjecf is "I") ond VOILAl I om doing nomoskoor. I om doing foIk. I
om doing fhoughf. I om doing worship. Sounds obsoIufeIy ridicuIous
fronsIofed in EngIish buf in Sonskrif if is fhe done fhing. AccepfobIe foo.
Wifhouf o doubf. Trusf me. So : lllll-l , becomes : ll-l ll-l |
SimpIe .
Your discovery fodoy: ll s con be converfed info o noun ond o verb os weIIl
Your quesfion fodoy: Con ll s be converfed info ofher fhingomojiggees 7
My onswer: Woif ond wofchl

There ore miIIions of words we ore oIreody fomiIior wifh. We use fhem os
nouns every singIe doy . -ll-l , :ll-l , -ll-l ,-lll-l , =l7l , -l-l-l,

l*l-l-l, l-lllll-l, Fll-l , ll-l, -l-lll-l on ond so forfh. Jusf odd
fhe -l fo your noun odd fhe ll-l ( onIy if you ore using fhe ll , : of
course ) ond your senfence is reody.
Why didnf i feII you fhis before7 Theres o very imporfonf reoson..... Much
os fhe ll simpIifies senfence sfrucfures if robs fhe Ionguoge of ifs
sweefness // used !oo gcnctous/y. How offen con one use ll-l ond sound
Iike o schoIor of fhe some fime7l Therefore ifs besf fo reverf fo fhe
ll onIy when you ore unsure of o verbs conjugofed forms.

This wonder ll ( 8. U.P.) shoII now be reveoIed fo you in oII ifs gIory in fhe
SuppIemenf secfion . Jusf fhe l ond ll fodoy...fhe presenf fense ond
fhe imperofive mood...... PIeose refer fo SuppIemenf II. Is if righf in fronf
of you7 Here goes......
Presenf fense exompIes:
Lefs foke fhe word ll-l-l ond use if wifh fhe ll . ll-l-l is fhe
noun form meoning "fo wrife." ...
: ll-l ll-l i I om wrifing.
l ll-l lll i He is wrifing.
=l ll-l ll!l i You ore wrifing.
=ll ll-l li The fwo of you ore wrifing.
And so on ond so forfh.
Do you see how when forming senfences fhe form of fhe noun os in
whofever if is fhof one is doing does nof chonge7 If remoins fhe some
whefher I you or he does fhe wrifing or fhe cooking or fhe eofing or fhe
cIeoning. Jusf moke sure fo mofch fhe ll wifh ifs correcf verb form.
Imperofive mood exompIes:
=l ll-l i You wrife.
l =ll ll-l =ll-l Moy oII of us wrife7

Over fo fhe Appefi;er exercise now.
Appefi;er Lesson Z7 A. Exercises wifh fhe =l lll.
How obouf o quick Iook of "fhings we do fhrough fhe doy Iisf. Thof shouId
heIp you buiId mony senfences of your own.
Mofe: These words ore nouns ond nof verbs.

brushing feefh.
fo wosh/cIeon
woshing foce
woshing honds
woshing cIofhes
'll-l-l 'lll
eofing o meoI
drinking wofer
drinking feo
Iooking offer

'l'l7l =lll =l'lll on "ofher fhings you wouId Iike o Sonskrif word for" Iisf fo
me. We couId sforf compiIing o Iisf ond puf if up in fhe SuppIemenf
secfion....if wouId be very usefuI reference moferioI.
TronsIofe using fhe =l lll wifh fhe words fhof hove been underIined. Wifh
fhe resf pIeose moke conjugofed forms of fhe lll
Mouns/Pronouns Verbs Avyoyos Adjecfives
=ll=l sfory-
feIIer M

:l-lllll Eose M

l=ll-ll'll The
Ionguoge. F

I. In fhe morning I do fhe brushing of feefh I foke o bofh offer fhof I
do my jopo ond oIso fhe worship of my Lord.
Z. Eof wifh me.
3. I feII Modhov " TeII Sujofo fhose books fhof ore fhere in fhe
cupboord fo do fheir counfing .
4. In fhe evening fhe sfory-feIIer sifs neor fhe free ond does fhe feIIing
of o sfory.
b. If I fhink in fhe Sonskrif Ionguoge fhen wifh eose I om speoking in
fhe Sonskrif-Ionguoge.
o. When fhe feocher is coIIing fhen fhe boys ond fhe girI from fhe
pIoyground run fowords fhe schooI.
7. The mofher soys " Lofo sfop pIoying. Sfudy now." When Lofo heors
fhis fhen she cries.
8. The priesf does fhe Lords poojo everydoy.
9. When our 0urudev comes fhen we wosh His feef.
I0. The feocher wrifes on fhe bIockboord. The sfudenfs reod.
Afferwords fhe feocher does fhe wiping of fhe bIockboord.

O.k. so i cheofed. i hove puf fwo or fhree senfences comoufIoged in one. OId
hobifs die hord....wiII sfick fo jusf I0 senfences in my nexf Iesson. i promise

Appefi;er Lesson Z7 8. Answers fo Lesson Z7 A.

I. In fhe morning I do fhe brushing of feefh I foke o bofh offer fhof I
do my jopo ond oIso fhe worship of my Lord.
'lllll, : -lll=l-l ll-l, -ll-l ll-l l-l-l-l : l'l-l,-l-l
=ll 'l-l-l :l'l *l ll-l i

Z. Eof wifh me.
-lll l -lll-l l / i

3. I feII Modhov " TeII Sujofo fhose books fhof ore fhere in fhe
cupboord fo do fheir counfing .
: -lll=lll llll-l, " lllll ll , lll-l 'lll-l 'll ll-l,
l!ll l7l-l l / i"

4. In fhe evening fhe sfory-feIIer sifs neor fhe free ond does fhe feIIing
of o sfory.
lllll, l =lll l-ll'l-l 'll=lFlll , llll l-l
lll-l ) lll i

b. If I fhink in fhe Sonskrif Ionguoge fhen wifh eose I om speoking in
fhe Sonskrif-Ionguoge.
ll : ll-ll!llll l*l-l-l ll-l, ll :-lllll-l :
ll-ll!llll =lll-li

o. When fhe feocher is coIIing fhen fhe boys ond fhe girI from fhe
pIoyground run fowords fhe schooI.
ll :ll'l :ljl-l lll ll llll lllll *l lClJ7lll
l=lllll 'lll ll=ll-li

7. The mofher soys " Lofo sfop pIoying. Sfudy now." When Lofo heors
fhis fhen she cries.
-llll =lll, " ll, lC-l -ll . :-ll 'lo-l ." ll lll }ll
:l7llll, ll ll l-l llli

8. The priesf does fhe Lords poojo everydoy.
'lll =ll 'l-l 'llll-l llli

9. When our 0urudev comes fhen we wosh His feef.
ll :-ll =l :ll*Dll , ll =ll ll 'll'llll-l -l i

I0. The feocher wrifes on fhe bIockboord. The sfudenfs reod.
Afferwords fhe feocher does fhe wiping of fhe bIockboord.
:ll'l !7l4l ll-l llli Dl>ll 'lo-l =ll-l i
l-l-l-l :ll'l !7l4ll l--lll-l lll i


From Our Librory. Lesson Z7 C. The profecfion of our counfry.

Mouns /Pronouns Verbs Avyoyos Adjecfives
:l enemy M :=l+ l-l
:=ll*D I. P.P.
fo undersfond.

:l-l7l offock
:ll+ l-l
:lll*D I. P.P.
fo ocquire

ll profecfion F

l7l profecfion

ll-l soIdier M

border oreo. M

indusfrioIisf M

l!l ogricuIfure

producfion M

'l7ll inspirofion

'llFll7l froining

Fl-ll pofriof

Mofe: :l, lll'lll ond l!l ore ,ll-l moscuIine words. Since we
needed onIy o few decIensions i hove infroduced fhe words onywoy. In o few
weeks we wiII be doing fhe compIefe decIensions of fhe ,ll-l moscuIine

word. 0uess which vibhokfis hove been used bosed on fhe ofher ruIes you
hove Ieorned so for.

:-ll Fll ll i

Dlll -ll =l, -l=ll-l llll ll =ll -lll-l :l-l ll-li
:-ll-l :l :ll
3l7ll?l l Fl :-ll Fl :l-l7l lll, l }=l Fl
:-ll-l :l -l=lll i
Dlll 'l- Fl ll-ll ll-li =ll l ll-l
3l7ll?l ll-ll ll-ll-l'lFl! _ =ll-l i -ll! ll-l! *l =ll-l
}=l llll ll -l i
Dlll l-l }ll
3l7ll?l _l l-ll !ll, lll'lll, :ll'll, Dl>ll *l l=l
Fll7l =ll-l i !ll l!l =ll-li lll'lll 'll-l =llll-l i (fhe
indusfrioIisfs increose fheir producfion.... =llll-l is fhe cousoI form of fhe
verb. We hove yef fo Ieorn donf worry obouf fhem righf now. iII
poinf fhem ouf fo you if ever fhey Iond up in our Iessons.)
:ll'll l-l-l 'l7ll l*Dl-l iDl>ll 'llFll7l-l :lll*Dl-l, ll-ll
*l -l=ll-li -ll Dl>ll, :-ll :l'l :=ll*Dl -l =ll
Dlll :l-l =l i :=ll*Dl-li
3l7ll?l -ll Dl>ll, l-l :l'l Fl-lll l i


Summing Up Monfh b.

We hove covered mojor sfudy oreos fhis monfh. 8y fhe end of fhe fiffh
monfh you wouId know
How fo decIine ond use fhe pronoun K.4/
fhof uposorgos when odded fo fhe roof word con chonge emphosi;e
or foIIow fhe meoning of o roof word. ExompIes of uposorgos + roof
words hove begun fo oppeor in our "From Our Librory" series.
how fhe l ond l-l ore used.
fhof frying fo form senfences of your own is fhe onIy woy fo gef
fomiIior wifh fhe usoge of words...especioIIy since Modome Sonskrif
Teocher( 0od bIess her souI) hos decided fo give onIy I0 senfences for
fronsIofion eoch week( 0od bIess her souI even more for fhof.)
fhof fhe ll if mosfered con heIp consfrucf senfences when you
ore nof sure of how fo conjugofe verbs.
fhof fhe "From Our Librory" secfion buiIds your vocobuIory ond gives
you gIimpses of how Sonskrif is spoken ond wriffen.
fhof if you wouId moke o Iisf of words you wouId Iike fo know Sonskrif
words for shed your inhibifions ond confocf me i couId buiId o
wonderfuI dicfionory of sorfs especioIIy for our sfudy circIe.
Everybody wouId benefif donf you fhink7 So sforf keying in.....

O.k. Monfh o here we comel

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