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Indigenous Sheep Production in Ethiopia: A review

Article · January 2012


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Mammo Mengesha Erdaw

Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research


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Mengesha and Tsega

                 Indigenous Sheep Production in Ethiopia: A Review 
  Review Article M. Mengesha1* and W. Tsega2
 Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 
 Addis Ababa University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 


Received on: 23 Sep 2011 
Revised on: 7 Nov 2011 
Accepted on: 24 Nov 2011 
Online Published on: Dec 2012 

*Correspondence E‐mail: [email protected] 
© 2010 Copyright by Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch, Rasht, Iran 
Online version is available on:


Research results and facts of indigenous sheep production were reviewed with the aim of delivering rele-
vant information for the beneficiaries. The common production system used in Ethiopia was the extensive
type, which was characterized by small flock sizes and the flock being periodically devastated by diseases.

Some indigenous sheep groups of the country were characterized and their names were designated from
their commonest niche areas. There are large variations in phenotypic characteristics of indigenous sheep in
the country. Social cultures and beliefs of most of the community have been highly attached and attracted

by these morphological variations of indigenous sheep in Ethiopia. Consequently, those sheep endowed
with attractive coat-colors have always exceeded market values of their counterparts. There is also a genetic

variation between and within sheep populations of the country. Moreover, there is also a generation re-
sponse for selection. Although indigenous sheep producers have many opportunities, they have also many

h i
constraints that affect productivity. It can be concluded
  that breeding and improved production programs
for the local sheep should incorporate the production objectives and trait preferences of the society. Pres-
ence of diversified phenotypic appearances of local sheep shows the genetic potential for improvement.
Hence, this huge gene pool should be used for improvement through good management and traditional se-

  lection together with genomic technology.

A r
KEY WORDS  Ethiopia, indigenous sheep, production systems. 

INTRODUCTION holder crop livestock and pastoral production systems

(Kosgey and Okeyo, 2007). The annual off-take rate for
Ethiopia has around 25 million sheep (CSA, 2007) and they sheep is estimated to be 33% (EPA, 2002) with an average
may be grouped into about 14 traditional sheep populations carcass weight of about 10 kg, which is the second lowest
(Gizaw et al. 2007). They are also found widely distributed of the sub-Saharan African countries (FAO, 2009). Carcass
across the different agro-ecological zones of the country weights of sheep, therefore, need to be improved to the de-
(EARO, 2000). Moreover, sheep production in Ethiopia is mands of the market.
based on indigenous breeds except Awassi-Menz cross- Indigenous sheep in Ethiopia have a multipurpose role
breds that contribute less than 1% of the population. De- for smallholder farmers as sources of income, meat, skin,
spite low level of productivity due to several technical manure and coarse wool or long hairy fleece. They are also
(genotype, feeding and animal health), institutional, envi- a means of risk avoidance during crop failure. Thus, in-
ronmental and infrastructural constraints (Tibbo, 2006), creasing the current level of productivity of sheep is essen-
indigenous sheep breeds have great potential to contributing tial to meet the demands of the ever-increasing human
more to the livelihoods of the people in low-input, small- population. On the other hand, by improving the productiv-
Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science (2012) 2(4), 311-318
Indigenous Sheep Production in Ethiopia

ity of sheep, export earnings as well as the income of the The country has around 25 million sheep (CSA, 2007)
household will be improved. There are however, a number and this again grouped into about 14 traditional sheep
of constraints that affect the productivity of sheep such as populations (Gizaw et al. 2007). The average holding of
mortality, feed scarcity and inadequate indigenous breed sheep per household in Ethiopia ranges between 3.7
utilizations to production. Various scholars from different (Abebe, 2010) to 31.6 (Getachew et al. 2010). This all
corners of the world have been advising that the perform- makes Ethiopia’s sheep population the second in Africa and
ance of indigenous sheep could be improved through man- sixth in the world (Demelash et al. 2006). Ethiopian
agement and there is also potential for genetic improvement indigenous sheep are not exhaustively described breeds, but
through selection. have distinguished morphological differences that are found
Moreover, sheep production provides an opportunity for in every corner of the country.
smallholder farmers that requires low initial capital and is There is variation in morphology and genetics. Moreover,
able to use the marginal land as well as crop residues for there is enough evidence that such sheep types of a country
feeding; additionally, care-taking of sheep can be carried have genetic variation that may allow for selection.
out by any family members. Similarly, Getachew et al. In most of the native flocks, adaptation is a pronounced
(2010) stated that sheep enterprise in Ethiopia is being used phenomenon. There is also a strong relationship between

as a cash income and provides social security in the bad sheep types, ethnic groups and production systems of a
crop years. In general, there are many scientific findings country. Generally, this huge resource of the country should
that have been conducted by various researchers on the
biological and socioeconomics of indigenous sheep. How-
ever, a comprehensive review of such results has yet to be
be properly utilized by implementing the headway options
and experiences across the world.
According to Gizaw et al. (2008), a nationwide and
comprehensive characterization of Ethiopian sheep
Therefore, reviewing such previous works of sheep pro-
duction in the country and also some related findings from
other countries seems to be crucial to deliver information to
the beneficiaries. Based on this outlined background, the
o f
populations was initiated in 2005. It is confirmed that there
are large variations in morphological appearances, body
conformation and matured bodyweights, coat colors and tail
types of native sheep. These groups are short-tailed, long-

objective of this paper was to review the research findings tailed, fat-rumped and thin-tailed types. Moreover, the
and facts and thereby to deliver relevant information to the morphological variations may be due to the variations of

beneficiaries. qualitative genes in the indigenous gene pool of the flocks.

Most of the related research findings of indigenous sheep Similarly, different scholars agreed that every qualitative
in Ethiopia and some related issues from other countries trait of an animal is affected by a single gene.

were reviewed. Consequently, coat colors, wattle, horn, beardless and extra
Sheep production was described. Various reports of re- variations between and within indigenous sheep of Ethiopia

r c
search findings that focused on characterization of indige-
nous sheep were also reviewed. Reviewing was based on
the production systems on which sheep were reared at times
of the original data collections. Findings of morphological
are common and diversified.
Based on reports of various scholars, there are
productivity and performance variations of indigenous
sheep breeds. Milan et al. (2011) from Serbia reported also

characteristics of indigenous sheep and their distribution
were also reviewed, depicted and sourced. Moreover, re-
search findings on genetics of indigenous sheep that have
been reported by various scholars were also reviewed and
that environmental factors have important impacts on
performances of sheep.
The variations in performances of sheep in Ethiopia are
also aroused from within and between breeds, and across
the agro ecologies. Therefore, it shows that there is a
genetic potential and the poor performances also be
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION improved by management of indigenous sheep. The details
of reviewed data of indigenous sheep production and
Outlined description of the indigenous sheep productivity traits were collected and depicted containing
Indigenous sheep in Sub-Saharan Africa are described as their parallel reference sources in Table 1.
the poorest in population growth and performance in the Moreover, the genetic variation for indigenous sheep
world (Abassa, 1995). They are diversified in breed types may be basically attributed by a geographical situation of a
and have an association of specific breed types with country. Isolation, natural and artificial selections may also
particular ecological zones (Peters and Thorpe, 1989). contribute for this variation. As a result, some indigenous
Ethiopia has a diverse sheep population and its distribution sheep groups were characterized and their names are also
is paralleled with its diverse ecology. designated from their commonest niche areas.

312  Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science (2012) 2(4), 311-318
Mengesha and Tsega

Generally, the characterized indigenous sheep breeds Moreover, Tsedeke (2007) reported that the average litter
(types) of Ethiopia and their designated names are Horro, size was estimated to be around 1.70 per ewe for Arsi-Bale
Menz, Arsi-Bale, Simien, Tikur, Wollo, Afar, Black Head sheep, but the litter size per ewe of Menz and Washera
Somali, Farta, Bonga and Adilo. The details of genetic sheep is around 1.11 (Dibissa, 2000; Taye et al. 2010) in
characteristics of indigenous sheep are shown in Table 2. Ethiopia.
Some productivity parameters of sheep and goat are also There is an average birth weight variation across the
shown in Table 3. country. Mukasa and Lahalou (1995) reported that average
Gizaw et al. (2010), who studied genetics of indigenous birth weight in Ethiopia is 2 kg, but, Milan et al. (2011)
sheep in Ethiopia, stated that there was genetic variation reports the average birth weight of sheep in Serbian is about
between and within all pairs of sheep populations in the 3.37 kg. Moreover, from the reviewed data, the minimum
country. and maximum average weaning weights of sheep were
They have adaptive divergence in morphological reported as 8.13 and 15 kg (Kassahun, 2000) and (Berhe,
characters. Yakubu et al. (2010), on the contrary, who 2010), respectively in Ethiopia. The milk yield per ewe of
studied indigenous sheep in Nigeria described that the Ethiopian Afar sheep is 224 mL per year (Getachew et al.
genetics of indigenous sheep types haven’t been purified 2010), but Pacinovski et al. (2006) reported that there was

through artificial breeding and the estimates of genetic around 1.09lr for an Awassi sheep breed from the country
distance between them is closely related. However, Kunene of Macedonia.
(2010), from South Africa reported that there is a genetic
variation and polymorphism within the Zulu sheep breeds.
Major indigenous sheep breeds of Ethiopia, unique, features
and distributed niche areas with number sheep per
Based on the reviewed literature, the maximum feed
conversion ratio of sheep was 15.6 (Sultana et al. 2010) in
Bangladesh; whereas, the minimum was 4.7 (Price et al.
2009) from South Africa. However, Mengistie (2009), from
household are depicted in table 4 below.

Traits and productivity of indigenous sheep

Although Ethiopia is the second in Africa and sixth in the
o f
Ethiopia reported that the average feed conversion ratio and
daily body weight gain were 38.40 and 1.175 kg,
respectively for Washera ram lambs. Moreover, Getachew
et al. (2011) reported that the average daily weight gains

world in sheep populations (Demelash et al. 2006), and carcass weight were also around 126 g and of 16 kg,
indigenous sheep are poor in performances. Ethiopian respectively for feedlot growth and carcass performance of

indigenous sheep are characterized by slow growth, late Washera sheep in Ethiopia. From the reviewed data, the

maturity and low production performances. The mean minimum average daily body weight gains of sheep were
carcass production of such sheep is estimated as around 10 reported as 0.07 kg (Kassahun, 2000) in Ethiopia; whereas,

kg (FAO, 2009), which is low as compared to the average the maximum was 0.32 kg (Price et al. 2009) in South
of sub-Saharan countries with annual off take rates of Africa, respectively.

r c
around 33% (EPA, 2002). The productivity of local sheep is
low with high mortality of lambs (Tibbo, 2006). The low
productivity of indigenous flocks can partially be attributed
to the low management standards of the traditional
The minimum and maximum average matured weights of
sheep were also reported as 21.6±9.3 and 41.5±2.0 kg,
respectively (according to Abebe, 2010) in Ethiopia.
The dressing percentage and carcass weights of Ethiopian

production systems. However, provision of vaccination,
improved feeding, clean water and night time enclosure
relatively improves the production performance of
indigenous sheep. In addition, skins of sheep are important
by-products of small ruminants in sub-Saharan Africa
(Wilson, 1992) and contribute to national revenue in most
sheep were reported to be 42.5% and 11.0 kg (Berhe, 2010)
and 55.55% and 18 kg (Wood et al. 2010) from Bristol,
respectively. Moreover, Berhe (2010) reported that average
carcass weight of Ethiopian sheep was 10-12 kg and the
annual mortality loss of sheep is also estimated around 14-
16%. Sandip (2011) reported, from India that the dressing
countries. percentage of the Shahabadi Sheep ewes were 39%, which
Indigenous sheep have various unique traits, of which, is low.
those having an economic importance were reviewed. In
this review, the maximum age at 1st parturition (months) of Distribution and improving schemes of indigenous
sheep was 23.77 (Alexandre et al. 2008) at Martinik- sheep
Guadeloupe and the minimum was reported as 12.7 Sheep are highly adaptable and distributed across a broad
(Tsedeke, 2007) in Ethiopia. range of environments. They can utilize a wide variety of
According to Berhanu and Aynalem (2009a), average plant species and are thus complementary to cattle and
lambing interval and annual reproductive rate of Ethiopian camels. Sheep generally do not compete directly with these
sheep were 262±53.4 days and 1.88±0.44, respectively. cattle and camels for feed.

313  Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science (2012) 2(4), 311-318
Indigenous Sheep Production in Ethiopia

  Table 1 Parameters and the mean values of indigenous sheep traits

Parameters Mean values Rearing system Source of references
Body weights at birth (kg) 2.5 Intensive Mukasa and Lahalou (1995)

Hassen et al. ( 2004) and

Body weights at weaning (kg) of sheep 14.83 Menz and 8.30 Menz Traditional
Niftalem (1990)*

Body weights gained in 365 days of age (kg) of sheep 24.67 Intensive Reviewed by Kassahun (2000)
Daily body weight gain in 365 days of age (g) 62.15 Intensive Reviewed by Kassahun (2000)
25.3 Horro and 6.4 Washara sheep Intensive Tibbo (2006) and Mengistie
Pre-weaning mortality rate (%)
32 (ewes) and 38 (rams) Intensive Kunene (2010)
Average body weights at matured age (kg)
33.50 Semi-intensive Kassahun (2000)
15.0 Menz sheep Intensive Mukasa and Lahalou (1995)
Age at 1st parturition (months)
12.7 Arsi-Bale Traditional Tsedeke (2007)
8.4 Menz sheep Intensive Mukasa and Lahalou (1995)
Lambing / kidding interval (months)
7.8 Arsi-Bale sheep Traditional Dibissa (2000)
1.70 Arsi-Bale sheep Traditional Tsedeke (2007)

Litter size Dibissa (2000) and Taye et al.
1.11 Menz and Washara sheep Traditional

High cause of morality (%) 53.6 (pneumonia) Intensive Tibbo (2006)
Morality rate of sheep up to the yearling (%) 50.50 Intensive Tibbo (2006)
Average losses of sheep (%) 34.6 Extensive Tsedeke (2007)

Average daily dry mater feed intake (g)

* Shows respectively reported data.

134.4 Horro and 59.10 Washara sheep

f S Semi-ntensive
Gojjam et al. (1998) and Taye
et al. (2009)*

Table 2 Genetic characteristics of indigenous sheep

Traits / Parameters

e o
Mean values Sources of references

Genetic distances between sheep groups

Wattle Beard Coat color

The genetic diversity
Phenotypic diversity (%)

c h
0.005 0.18
Yakubu et al. (2010) (n=636)
Kunene (2010) (n=76)
Kunene (2010) (n=76)

Number of alleles per sheep populations 5.87 to 7.51 Gizaw et al. (2007) (n=672)
Polymorphism contents 0.283 to 0.852 Niu et al. (2011)
Genetic differentiation 0.04 to 0.111 Niu et al. (2011)

Heterozygosity value 0.66 to 0.75 Gizaw et al. (2007)

Average heritability estimates of weights at:

birth weaning Yearling Post-waning

0.24 0.135 0.24 0.11 Tibbo (2006)
0.068 0.18–0.26 0.20 0.22 Mandal et al. (2010)

  Table 3 Some productivity parameters of shoat

Traits / parameters Values

Weaning weight 15 kg

Yearling weight 22 kg

Carcass weight 40-45% of empty body weight

Annual direct losses from mortality Sheep: 14-16% and Goat: 11-18%

Adapted from Berhe, 2010

314  Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science (2012) 2(4), 311-318
Mengesha and Tsega

Table 4 Major indigenous sheep breeds of Ethiopia, unique features, distributed niche areas and holding per household 
Major indigenous sheep breeds (types) Tthe unique features Main niche-areas / agro-ecologies Sources

Simien, Tikur, Menz and Wollo* Short fat-tailed Sub-alpine (>3000 m.a.s.l) Alemayehu, (2004)
Washera, Sekota, Horro*, Arsi-Bale* and Farta* Long fat-tailed Highlands (1500-3000 m.a.s.l) Alemayehu, (2004)
Afar and Black Head Somali Fat-rumped Arid and semiarid (<1000 m.a.s.l) Alemayehu, (2004)
Bonga and Adilo, Thin-tailed Lowlands (humid) (>1000 m.a.s.l) Alemayehu, (2004)
Parameters Mean values Rearing system
Main purpose of rearing sheep (%) 98.9 (for sale) Extensive Tsedeke (2007)
7.4 extensive Tsedeke (2007)
Average holding of sheep per household (%) 31.6 Menz and 23.0 Afar Extensive Getachew et al. (2010)
17.77 Extensive Gizaw et al. (2008)
* Symbol is to showing the possibility of finding a breed in other agro-ecologies.

Gizaw et al. (2008) reported that there is high morpho- (Demelash et al. 2006). Moreover, Ayele et al. (2003) re-
logical, ecological, ethnic and production systems diversity ported that livelihood of smallholders in Ethiopia is highly

of indigenous sheep distributions in Ethiopia. dependent on the cash income from livestock and livestock
Compared to goats, sheep lay down more subcutaneous products. However, Nwafor (2004) reported, from Gambia
and intramuscular fat from surplus energy (Wilson, 1991).
There has been a tendency to over-emphasise the low pro-
ductivity of indigenous breeds without due consideration of
some important characteristics of these breeds.
that the prices of sheep and goat are not determined by
weight, rather by the general appearance of the animal,
market site and season of the year. Moreover the same au-
thor reported also that there is no grading done and sale is
Lebbie et al. (1992) and Getachew et al. (2010) from
Zimbabwe and Ethiopia, respectively reported that to
improve the sheep production, selection and evaluation of
the best animals should be concentrated on the traditional
o f
by head count. Moreover, Gede et al. (2005), from Indone-
sia reported that sheep fattening on the basis of rice bran
supplementation is explored as a feasible innovation for the
lowlands. The trend of annual growth rate as well as the per

sector. capita consumption of sheep and goat meat production was
Generally, livestock improvement programs targeting 0.5 as compared to the total 1.3 in Ethiopia (FAO, 2009).

smallholder farmers need to incorporate existing traditional However, Berhe (2010) presented that mutton per capita

herding, breeding practices, trait preferences and the consumption is estimated to be 2.8 in the country. The In-
multiple roles of sheep. stitute of Biodiversity and Conservation IBC (2004) of

According to Kunene (2010), the phenotypic and genetic Ethiopia stated that sheep are playing an important role in
diversity between the indigenous sheep may indicate that the livelihood of resource-poor farmers, providing a vast

animals based on phenotypic as well as genetic

r c
there is an opportunity of genetic exploitation by selecting

characteristics. Improving schemes of indigenous sheep in

the country should incorporate the niche areas and agro
range of products and services such as meat, milk, skin,
hair, horns, bones, manure and urine for cash, security,
gifts, religious rituals, medicine, etc. In the subsistence sec-
tor, farmers and pastoralists depend on small ruminants for

ecologies. Moreover, improvement plans for indigenous
sheep should also consider socio cultural believes and
ethnical interests of the country.

According to Ayele et al. (2003), the current knowledge on

much of their livelihood, often to a greater extent than on
cattle, because sheep and goats are generally owned by the
poorer sectors.
Sheep and goats are relatively cheap and are often the
first asset acquired by the community.Sheep and goats con-
tribute a quarter of the domestic meat consumption, half of
livestock market structure, performance and prices is poor the domestic wool requirements, and around 92% of the
and inadequate for designing policies and institutions to value of semi-processed skin and hide export trades
overcome perceived problems in the marketing systems of (Zelalem and Fletcher, 1991). The increased domestic and
Ethiopia. Moreover, Gede et al. (2005), from Indonesia international demand for Ethiopian sheep and goats has
reported that farmers possess minimal marketing informa- established them as important sources of Inland Revenue as
tion and usually complain about the prices they receive for well as foreign currency. This increased demand also cre-
their merchandise. Small ruminants represent an important ates an opportunity to substantially improve food security
component of the Ethiopian livestock production system, of the population and to alleviate poverty. Farmers prefer
providing 12% of the value of livestock products consumed sheep that have brown coat colors and are valued as good or
at the farm level and 48% of the cash income generated excellent breeds.

315  Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science (2012) 2(4), 311-318
Indigenous Sheep Production in Ethiopia

Sheep can naturally adapt wider agro ecologies and are tributed for the presences of diversified phenotypes and
hardy enough to resist harsh environment. Moreover, estab- genetic of local sheep.
lishing sources of sheep is simple, compared to large ani- Some communities from different parts of the country
mals, and needs low capital; thus, improving this huge re- have been attaching their social beliefs and life-safeness
source will enable improvements to be made to the liveli- with the morphological characteristics of indigenous sheep
hoods of the poor farmers in Ethiopia. that are used at home. Such beliefs of the society on the
A marketing channel refers to the sequence of enterprises morphological appearances of birds are creating influences
and markets by which produce is moved from producer to on the market values of matured sheep. Thus, any breeding
consumer. Sheep and goat marketing agents, in Ethiopia and improved production programs of local sheep should
include: producers, country buyers (farmers, cooperatives, therefore incorporate the production objectives and trait
small traders, butchers, etc.), big traders (wholesalers), and preferences of the society. Moreover, different scholars
export abattoirs, live animal exporters, brokers/agents and indicated that the presence of diversified phenotypic ap-
consumers (ESGPIP, 2011). pearances of local sheep showed the genetic potential for
improvement. Hence, this huge gene pool should be used
Constraints and opportunities for improvement through traditional selection together with

Sheep production and productivity in Ethiopia is con- genomics technology.
strained by many factors such as scarcity of feed, lack of
infrastructure, high mortality rates, inadequate veterinary
coverage, poor quality products and low average reproduc-
tive rates (Ehui, 1999; Tsedeke, 2010). However, high re-
productive wastage is the major constraint of sheep produc-

Abassa K.P. (1995). Reproductive losses in small ruminants in
Sub-Saharan Africa: A review. ILCA Working Document.
tivity, which also greatly reduces selection possibilities;
thus, improving the frequency of lambing and reducing
mortality should be the emphasized schemes of sheep pro-
duction. Sheep have higher survival rates under unfavoured
o f
IDRC, Ottawa Canada: Accessed 1 Nov. 2011. Addis Ababa,
Abebe Y. (2010). Assessment of small ruminant production sys-

conditions and are widely adapted to different agro- tems and on-farm evaluation of urea treated wheat straw and
climates. They can found in all ethnic groups and produc- concentrate feeding on sheep body weight change in Burie

tion systems. Woreda, West Gojjam. MS. Thesis. Haramaya University,

Importantly, because of their small body sizes, small ru-
Alemayehu M. (2004). Country pastures/ forage resource profile,
minants have lower feed requirements that allow integration

of them into different enterprises. Moreover, in addition to
requiring a small initial investment, flock numbers can be opia.htm.

r c
restored more rapidly because of their fast reproductive
rates, and they are also suitable for meeting subsistence
needs (meat and milk) of the smallholders. Furthermore, a
pressure of exotic breeds on indigenous types is much less
Alexandre G., Coppry O., Bocage, Fleury J. and Archimède H.
(2008). Effect of live weight at slaughter on the carcass char-
acteristics of intensively fattened Martinik sheep fed sugar
cane supplemented with pea flour. Livest. Res. Rural. Dev. 20.

considerable (FAO, 1991).

for sheep, than other species including goat, where the con-
tribution of crossbreeding and breed substitution has been
Accessed 6 June. 2011.
Ayele S., Assegid W., Jabbar M.A., Ahmed M.M. and Belachew
H. (2003). Livestock marketing in Ethiopia: A review of struc-
ture, performance and development initiatives. Socio-
economics and Policy Research Working Paper 52. ILRI (Int.
Livest. Res. Inst.), Nairobi, Kenya.
Population growth and performances of indigenous / native
sheep in Ethiopia is poor. On the other hand, small rumi- Berhanu B. and Aynalem H. ( 2009a). Reproductive performance
nants, particularly sheep are one of the expected livestock of traditionally managed sheep in the south western part of
species that serve as income sources of smallholder farm- Ethiopia. Livest. Res. Rural. Dev. 21. Accessed 19 Sept. 2011.
Berhe G. (2010). Animal and Plant Health. Directorate-Ministry
Therefore, emphasis should be given by researchers and
of Agriculture and Rural Development of Ethiopia. Presented
development bodies to balance the indigenous sheep popu-
on: Dialogue on Livestock, Food security and Sustainability A
lation dynamism and improve productivity. Ethiopia has side event on the occasion of the 22nd Session of COAG, FAO,
diversified agro-ecologies and ethnic groups that may at- Rome on 16 June, 2010.

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