ESD2 User Manual - Unlocked - Removed
ESD2 User Manual - Unlocked - Removed
ESD2 User Manual - Unlocked - Removed
First of all, thank you for purchasing ESD2 series frequency converters of our company!
ESD2 series frequency converter is a simple and smart frequency converter, which can control AC asynchronous Chapter 1 Introduction of Frequency Conversion ...........................................................1-2
motor by V/F, and is suitable for simple places such as assembly line and fan. This manual introducesthe configuration 1.1 Name of each part of frequency converter ..................................................................1
function and usage of ESD2 series frequency converters. 1.2 Inverter Model and Technical Data .................................................................................2
Please understand the safety precautions before using this product. When using it for the first time (installation,
1.3 Technical Features of Frequency Converter .................................................................2
operation, maintenance, inspection, etc.)
1.4 Installation Dimensions of Frequency Converter ......................................................2
Please read this manual before series frequency converters. Equipment supporting manufacturers please send
this manual to the end user along with it for subsequent reference. Chapter 2 Description of Control Loop .................................................................................3-4
2.1 Control Loop Wiring Diagram ..........................................................................................3
2.2 Control Terminals and ...............................................................................................................4
Function Description
Notes: 2.3 Terminal Screen Printing ...................................................................................................4
2.3.1 Screen printing of external control terminals ..................................................4
In order to illustrate the details of the product, the legends in this manual sometimes show the state of 2.3.2 Screen printing of power board terminals ........................................................4
removing the housing or safety cover.
Chapter 3 Key Description ..........................................................................................................5-6
When using this product, please be sure to install the shell or cover as required, and operate according
to the instructions. 3.1 Introduction to Operation and Display Interface ......................................................5
The legend in this instruction manual is for illustration only and may differ from the product you ordered. 3.2 Description of Function Indicator ...................................................................................5
Due to product upgrade or specification change, and in order to improve the convenience and accuracy
3.3 Key Function Description ...................................................................................................6
of the manual, the contents of this manual will be changed in time.
If you need to order the instruction manual due to damage or loss, please contact our regional agents Chapter 4 Function Parameter Table ....................................................................................7-16
or contact our customer service center directly Chapter 5 Error Codes ...................................................................................................................17
Chapter 6 Communication Protocol (the following data are all hexadecimal) ..............................18-21
6.1 RTU Mode and Format ......................................................................................................18
6.1. 1 Format per byte in RTU mode .............................................................................18
6.1. 2 RTU data frame sequence diagram ...................................................................18
6.2 Description of Read-Write Function Code ................................................................18
6.3 Description of parameter address of communication protocol ..................18-21
6.4 03Read Function Mode ..............................................................................................20-21
6.5 Write Function Mode ........................................................................................................21
Chapter 7 Warranty Agreement .................................................................................................22
Chapter 8 Product Warranty Card .............................................................................................23
1.2 Inverter Model and Technical Data
Chapter 1 Introduction of Frequency Conversion ESD2 series frequency converter has convenient speed regulation, good hand feeling of potentiometer
knob, optimized structure, forced air cooling, strong electromagnetic compatibility, complete parameter
1.1 Name of each part of frequency converter functions, instrument installation, external operation panel, large low frequency torque, optimized P W M
complete protection function and fast response.
1. 3 Te c h n i c a l F e a tu re s of F re q u e n cy C o n ve r te r
Plastic casing
◎ The output frequency range is 0-300 Hz;
◎ The operation panel has its own speed regulating potentiometer ;
◎ Built-in P I D regulator can realize closed-loop regulation;
Signal terminal
◎ Built-in P I D regulator can realize closed-loop regulation;
Panel sticker
◎ Multifunctional open collector output;
◎ Suppor t analog input 0-5 V;
Main terminal
◎ The V/F cur ve function can be set arbitrarily to meet the requirements of special occasions;
◎ Use the Shif t key to view real-time parameter s,
◎ Adopt a new generation I P M module with complete protection functions;
1. 4 I n s ta l l a ti o n D i m e n s i o n s of F re q u e n cy C o n ve r te r
Fan W:53mm
Table 1-1 Frequency Converter Model and Technical Data Hole spacing
Power supply capacity Output Current Adaptive motor 89,5mm
Input Current
Inverter Model
-1- -2-
Chapter 2 Description of Control Loop 2. 2 C o n tro l Te rm i n a l s a n d F u n cti on D e s cr i p ti o n
X (X1, X2, X3, X4, X5) to COM
INPUT, 0-10V level signal,
Multifunction Input X3 Active when intermittent shorting
Active low, 5mA.
(Common side: COM)
analog input
Multifunctional programmable
open collector output,
Multi-function programmable The process is OUTPUT, maximum load
terminal input Digital Output Y1
defined as a switching value currentNo more than 50mA.
output terminal with multiple
functions, Common side: COM
2 . 3 Te r m i n a l S c r e e n P r i n t i n g
Figure2-1 2.3.1 Screen printing of external control terminals
-3- -4-
Chapter 3 Key Description 3. 3 Ke y F u n ct i o n D e s cr i p ti o n
3.1 Introduction to Operation and Display Interface Table 3-1 Key Function Description
Name Description
Under the shutdown display interface and the operation display interface, you
》》 can move right to cycle and select display parameters; When modifying
Function indicator light parameters,You can select the modification bit of the parameter
Hz Frequency unit
V Voltage unit
-5- -6-
Function Factor y
Name Content Set Range Settings Change
C h a p t e r 4 F u n c t i o n Pa r a m e t e r Ta b l e Code
For occasions requiring silent
operation, appropriate mention 0.05~4.0KW
The symbols in the menu are described as follows can be made The high carrier 6.0KHz
F0.08 Carrier frequency frequency meets the requirements, 5.5~11.0KW Model Setting ○
Indicates the parameter that can be modified in any state; but the carrier frequency is increased 4.5KHz
○: Indicates the parameter that cannot be modified in the running state; The rate will increase the calorific
value of the frequency converter.
◆: Indicates that the parameter is actually detected and cannot be modified; 3.0KHz
◇: Indicates that the parameter is "Manufacturer Parameter" and can only be The frequency converter accelerates 0.1~6000.0S
Acceleration time
modified by the manufacturer. Modification is prohibited by the user. F0.09 from zero frequency to the maximum 0.05~4.0KW Model Setting ○
output frequency Take time 7.5S
Function Factor y 5.5~11.0KW
Name Content Set Range Settings Change The frequency converter decelerates
Code 15.0S
F 0 Group-Basic Operating Parameters
F0.10 Deceleration time from the maximum output frequency 15.0~30.0KW
Model Setting ○
to the zero frequency station Take time
0: vector control Runtime frequency
0:Operating Frequency
1: Reser ved F0.11 instruction
1:Set Frequency
0~1 0 ×
2: V/F Control Note: UP/DOWN Benchmar
F0.00 Motor control mode 0~2 2 ×
This parameter cannot be initialized
please modify it manually F 1Group-Motor Parameters
-7- -8-
Function Factor y Function Factor y
Name Content Set Range Settings Change Name Content Set Range Settings Change
Code Code
0.00~Upper limit In case of motor oscillation, set F2.28 to select
F2.08 Hopping frequency
Set hopping frequency, hopping frequency 0.00 ○ effective, turn on the oscillation suppression
Oscillation suppression function, and then adjust by setting the
F2.09 Hop frequency range frequency range 0.00~Upper limit
frequency 0.00 ○ F2.28 coefficient oscillation suppression coefficient. Generally, 0~1000 100 ○
The oscillation amplitude is large, and the
oscillation suppression coefficient is increased
The amount of manual torque increase, Model by F2.29
F2.10 Torque lift setting which is set relative to the Percentage of
motor rated voltage.
0.0~30.0% Settings × 0: Automatic control mode
1: The power-on process runs all the time
Torque lift cutoff 0.00~Motor rated
0.00~Motor rated frequency.。 frequency.。 15.00 × F2.29 Cooling Fan Control 2. Fan action with temperature higher
than 50 ℃The fan does not operate
0~2 0
The set frequency is below 0: Operate at the lower frequency limit below 45 ℃.
F2.12 the lower limit frequency
Rate-time action
1:Zero frequency operation
2: Shutdown
0~2 0 ×
0: full frequency seven segments
FDT Horizontal set value
FDT lagged value 0.00 Hz~Upper limit
F2.30 PWM Mode Selection 1: Full-frequency five-band 0~2 0 ×
F2.13 FDTHorizontal Setting frequency 10.00 ○ 2: 7 to 5
0: Invalid
-9- -10-
Function Factor y Function Factor y
Name Content Set Range Settings Change Name Content Set Range Settings Change
Code Code
Terminal function 0: Terminal Run command invalid on power-up F 4 Group-Protection Parameters
F3.07 detection selection
1: Terminal Run Command Valid on Power-on
0~1 0 ○
at power-up This parameter is used to adjust the ability
of the frequency converter to suppress
This function code is to set the frequency
modification rate when the UP/DOWN
F4.00 Voltage limiting factor overvoltage during deceleration. 0: off, 1 to 101 20 ×
UF/DOWN Terminal Encountered the motor coefficient setting
terminal sets the frequency, that is, the 101 with large inertia
F3.08 Frequency
Modification Rate
UP/DOWN terminal is shorted to the 0.01~50.00Hz/S 1.00 ○
COM terminal by 1The magnitude of the The overvoltage limit level defines the time
frequency change in seconds. F4.01 Overvoltage limit level of overvoltage stall protection Operating
370/700V ×
voltage of
LED bits: X1 logic select
LED ten bits: X2 logic select
Accelerating current This parameter is used to adjust the frequency
LED hundred bits: X3 logic select
LED thousand bits: X4 logic select
F4.02 limiting coefficient converter during acceleration 0: off, 1-100 20 ×
Ability to suppress overcurrent
0 indicates positive logic, i.e. the connection
Input Terminal Valid between the Xi terminal and the common The current limiting level defines the
F3.09 Logic Setting (X1-X4) terminal is valid, and the disconnection is 0000~1111 0 ○ Accelerating current current threshold for automatic current
invalid F4.03 clipping level limiting, and its set value is the percentage 50%~250% 160% ×
1: Indicates inverse logic, that is, the relative to the rated current of the
communication between the Xi terminal and frequency converter.
the common terminal is invalid, and the When the number of obstacle resets is
disconnection is valid Fault automatic set to 0, there is no automatic reset
F4.04 reset times
function, only manual reset, and 10 0~10 0 ×
means that the number of times is not
F3.10 Reser vation — — — ◆ limited, i.e. countless times.
0.00V/0.00mA~ Automatic fault
F3.11 Ai1 Input Lower Limit Set AI1 Lower Limit
0.00 ○ F4.05 reset inter val Set Automatic Failure Reset Inter val 0.5~25.0s 3.0s ×
Ai1 Lower Limit The lower limit of AI1 is set to correspond to
Output phase-out
F3.12 Corresponding Setting the setting, which corresponds to -100.0%~100.0% 0.0% ○ F4.06 Setting Input Phase Default
Protection Factor
0.0~20.00 10.00 ○
Percentage of upper limit frequency protection coefficient
0.00V/0.00mA~ Constant speed This parameter is used to adjust the ability
F3.13 Ai1 Input Upper Limit Set AI1 upper limit
5.00 ○ F4.07 current limiting of frequency converter to suppress 0:off,1~5000 0 ×
coefficient overcurrent in constant speed process.
Ai1 Upper Limit Set the AI1 upper limit corresponding
F3.14 Corresponding Setting
setting, which corresponds to - 100.0%~100.0% 100.0% ○ Undervoltage
This function code specifies the allowable 50~280/50
Percentage of upper limit frequency F4.08 protection level
lower limit voltage of DC bus when the
frequency converter works normally. ~480V
180/360V ×
Ai1 Analog Input Signal This parameter is used where the AI1 input
F3.15 FilteringWave time signal is filtered Reason, in order to 0.1~5.0s 0.1s ○ Overload pre-alarm The current threshold of overload
constant eliminate the influence of interference. pre-alarm action of frequency converter
F4.09 level of frequency
is set as a percentage relative to the 0~150% 0~150% ○
F3.16~ converter rated current of frequency converter.
Reser vation — — — ◆
The delay time between the output current
Overload Prealarm of the frequency converter continuously
0: Idle
1: Frequency converter in operation
F4.10 Delay of Frequency exceeding the amplitude of the overload
pre-alarm level (F4.09) and the output of the
0.0~15.0s 5.0s ×
Open Collector Output Converter
F3.21 Terminal Y Setting
2: Frequency Converter Fault 0~18 2 × overload pre-alarm signal.
3: Frequency/Speed Level Detection
Signal (FDT) Group F 5-P I D control parameters
4: Frequency/Speed Arrival Signal (FAR)
5: The frequency converter is running at 0: given by number
zero speed The PID assign amount is given by a number
Reser vation
F3.22 6: Frequency converter overload pre-alarm — — ◆ and set by that function code F5.01
7: The frequency converter is ready for F5.00 PID given quantity 1: AI1
2-6: retain 0~8 7 ○
operation input channel 7: given pressure (MPa, Kg)
8: Output frequency reaches upper limit 8: panel potentiometer
9: Output frequency reaches lower limit
10: Communication Settings
F3.23 11: Alarm Output (Continue)
Reser vation
12: external failure shutdown
— — ◆ Use the operating keyboard to set the given
amount of PID control. This function is valid
12 to 18: retain only when the PID given channel selection
number is given (F5.00 is 0 or 8). If
F5.01 Set a given number F5.00 is 8, use as pressureGiven the force, 0.0~100.0% 50.0% ○
F3.24 Y Output Delay Time Delay from the change of the state of the 0.0~255.0s 0.0 × this parameter is consistent with the unit
of F5.04.
switching value output terminal Y to the
F3.25 Y OFF Delay Time change of the output 0.0~255.0s 0.0 ×
F3.16~ 0 AI1
Reser vation — — — ◆ F5.02 PID Feedback Input
1:Reserved 0~1 0 ○
F3.20 Channel
-11- -12-
Function Factor y Function Factor y
Name Content Set Range Settings Change Name Content Set Range Settings Change
Code Code
If this machine exceeds the time defined by
0: Positive effect
When the feedback signal is greater this function code During the interval, the
thanPIDThe given quantity and requirement correct data signal was not received, Then
of Inverter Output Frequency Decreases Communication the machine thinks that the communication is
PIDRegulation (i. e., reduce that feedback signal). F6.04 Timeout Detection out of order, and the frequency converter It will 0.1~100.0s 10.0s ×
F5.03 characteristic 1Negative effects 0~1 0 ○ Time be determined according to the setting of
When the feedback signal is greater than communication failure action mode Whether to
PIDThe given quantity and requirement of protect or maintain the current operation; This
Inverter Output Frequency Rise
value setting For0.0When, don't do itRS485
(i. e., reduce that feedback signal).
Communication timeout detected.。
This function code is used to set the frequency
converter as a slave PassRS485Weight of
0.0~6000.0 frequency instruction received by interface
F5.04 Sensor range 0.0~6000.0(MPa、Kg)
10.0 ○ Coefficient, the actual operating frequency of
F6.05 Proportional linkage this machine is equal to the local work Energy 0.01~10.00 1.00 ○
PIDThe speed of adjustment is increased coefficient code value multiplied byPassRS485Received
by proportion The two parameters of
F5.05 Proportional gainKp1 benefit and integration time should be set to 0.01~10.00 2.00 ○ by the interface Frequency setting command
value. In linkage control, this The function
For fast adjustment speed, it is necessary
to increase proportional gain and decrease code can set the operating frequency of multip
Small integration time requires slow le frequency convertersThe proportion of.
adjustment speed and needs to be reduced
F5.06 Integration timeTi1 Small proportional gain increases integration
time. General sentiment In this case, the
0.00~10.00s 0.10s ○
differential time is not set.
0: Invalid
1: Normal sleep
F5.07 PIDSleep selection This method needs to be setF5.08~F5.
11Such as specific
0~1 1 ○
F5.10 Sleep delay time Set sleep delay time 0.0~6000.0s 100.0s ○
F5.11 Allen Su delay time Set awakening delay time 0.0~6000.0s 1.0s ○
0.00 Hz~ Upper limit
F5.12 PIDSleep frequency SettingsPIDSleep frequency frequency 20.00 ×
F5.13 PIDPressure given F5.00=7Time asPIDSetting quantity 0~10.0 5.0 ○
F 6 G r o u p - R S 4 8 5 C o m m u n i c a t i o n Pa r a m e t e r s
F6.00 Protocol Selection 1: Compatible with DeltaMAgreement 0~1 1 ○
Communication baud 0~4:Reservation 5:9600BPS
F6.01 rate setting 6: Reserved7: Reserved 0~7 5 ×
0: No verification (N,8,2)For RTU
F6.02 Data Format 1: even check (E,8,1)For RTU
2: odd check (0,8,1)For RTU
0~2 0 ×
-13- -14-
Monitoring Parameters
Function Factor y
Name Set Range Minimum unit Settings Change
Function Factor y Code
Name Set Range Minimum unit Settings Change
Code Software Upgrade
d-20 Date(Month,Day) 0~1231 1 0 ◆
G ro u p D - M o n i to r i n g Pa r a m e te r G ro u p a n d Fa u l t Re c o rd
d-21 Reser vation — — 0 ◆
d-00 Output Frequency 0.00 ~ Max Output Frequency 0.01Hz 0 ◆
d-22 Type of third failure 0~21 1 0 ◆
d-01 Set Frequency 0.00 ~ Max Output Frequency 0.01Hz 0 ◆
d-23 Second Failure Type 0~21 1 0 ◆
d-02 Output Voltage 0~999V 1V 0 ◆
d-24 Latest Failure Type 0~21 1 0 ◆
d-03 Bus Voltage (V) 0~999V 1V 0 ◆ Operating Frequency
d-25 at Current Failure 0.00~Upper limit frequency 0.01Hz 0 ◆
d-04 Output Current 0.0~6000.0A 0.1A 0 ◆ Output Current at
d-26 Current Fault 0.0~6553.5A 0.1A 0 ◆
d-05 Motor speed (RPM/min) 0~36000(RPM/min) 1 0 ◆ Bus voltage at current
d-27 fault 0~999V 1V 0 ◆
d-06 Analog Input AI1 (V/mA) 0.00V/0.00mA~10.00V/20.00mA 0.01 0 ◆
Module temperature
Analog Input AI2 (V) d-28 at current faultC℃ 0.0℃~+110.0℃ 0.1℃ 0 ◆
d-07 (Reserved) 0.00~10.00V 0.01V 0 ◆
Analog Output AO1 (V/ Inverter status at current fault0~FFFFH
d-08 MA) (Reserved) 0.00~10.00V 0.01V 0 ◆ BIT0: Run/Shutdown
BIT1: Forward rotation/Reverse
Pulse Input Frequency BIT2: inching
d-09 (Khz) (Reserved) 0~60.00KHz 0.01KHz 0KHz ◆ BIT3: DC brake
BIT4: Reserved
d-10 PID Setpoint (V) 0.00~10.00V 0.01V 0.00 ◆ BIT5: PassVoltage limit
BIT6: Constant speed frequency reduction
d-11 PID Feedback (V) 0.00~10.00V 0.01V 0.00 ◆ d-29
Inverter status at
current fault
BIT7Overcurrent Limit
1 0 ◆
BIT8 ~ 9:00-Zero speed/01-Accelerate/
Current Count Value
d-12 (Reserved) 0~65535 1 0 ◆ 10-Deceleration/11-Uniform velocity
BIT10: Overload pre-alarm
Current Timing Value (S) BIT11: Reserved
d-13 (Reserved) 0~65535S 1S 0 ◆ BIT 12 ~ 13Run command channel:00-Panel/01-
0 ~ FH BIT 14 ~ 15Bus voltage state:00-Normal/01-
Note: When expanded into binary, it means Low voltage protection/10-Overpressure protection
d-14 Input Terminal Status from high to low 1 0 ◆ normal/01-Low voltage protection
d-30 PIDPressure setting 0.0~100.0(bar/Kg)
/10-Overpressure protection 0.1 0 ◆
0 ~ 1H
d-15 Output Terminal Status Note: 1 indicates that output terminal Y 1 0 ◆ d-31 PIDPressure feedback 0.0~100.0(bar/Kg) 0.1 0 ◆
is active
Accumulation of inverter
d-18 operation Time (h) 0~65535h 1 0 ◆
Software Upgrade
d-19 Date (Year) 2019~2039 1 0 ◆
-15- -16-
Chapter 5 Error Codes Chapter 6 Communication Protocol
(the following data are all hexadecimal)
6.1 RTU Mode and Format
Fault code Name When the controller communicates on Modbus bus in RTU mode, every 8-bit byte in the information
is divided into 2 4-bit hexadecimal characters. The main advantage of this mode is that the density of
Fault Code
characters transmitted is higher than that of ASCII mode at the same baud rate, and each information
Err01 Po w e r M o d u l e Fa i l u re must be continuously transmitted.
Err02 Overcurrent in accelerated operation 6. 1. 1 F o rm a t p e r b y te i n RT U m o d e
Coding system: 8-bit binary, hexadecimal 0-9, A-F.
Err03 Overcurrent in deceleration operation Data bit: 1 bit start bit, 8 bits of data (low bit first sent),
stop bit occupies 1 bit, parity bit can be selected.
Err04 O v e rc u r re n t i n u n i f o r m o p e r a t i o n (Refer to RTU data frame as sequence diagram)
Error Check Area: Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
Err05 Over voltage in accelerated operation
6. 1. 2 RT U d a ta f r a m e s e q u e n ce d i a g r a m
Err06 Over voltage in deceleration operation
with parity
Err07 Over voltage in uniform operatio
Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Par Stop
Err08 Over voltage during shutdown
without parity
Err09 Under voltage in operation Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Stop
Err10 F re q u e n c y c o n v e r t e r o v e r l oa d
6. 2 D e s cr i p ti o n of Re a d - Wr i te F u n cti o n C o d e
Err11 Motor overload
Err13 O u t- of- p h a s e o n o u t p u t s i d e
03 Read Register
Err15 External Device Failure 6.3 Description of parameter address of communication protocol
Err16 R S 4 8 5 C o m m u n i c a t i o n f a i l u re
function instruction address definition data meaning instruction R/W
Err17 Reser vation 0001H:Shutdown
-17- -18-
function instruction address definition data meaning instruction R/W function instruction address definition data meaning instruction R/W
2106H Output Voltage (1 Decimal) R
00: No exception
2107H Analog InputAI(two decimal places) R
01: Module Failure
2108H Reser vation R 02: over voltage
03: Temperature fault
2109H Reser vation R
04: Frequency converter overload
210AH Motor speed R Read out trouble
05: Motor overload R
code description 2100H
210BH Reser vation 06: External fault
07 ~ 09: Reser ved
210CH Reser vation R 10: overcurrent dure acceleration
210DH Inverter Temperature (1 Decimal) R 11: overcurrent dure deceleration
12: over-current in constant speed
210EH PIDFeedback value (two decimal places) R 13: Reser ved
210FH PIDSet value (two decimal places) 14: under voltage
2110H Reser vation R
2111H Reser vation R 6. 4 0 3Re a d F u n ct i o n M o d e
2112H Current Failure R Inquir y information frame format:
2113H Reser vation R Address 01H
2114H Input Terminal Status R
Function 03H
2115H Input Terminal Status R
BIT0: Run/Shutdown Starting data address
BIT1: Forward rotation/Reverse
BIT2: inchingBIT3: DC brake 00H
BIT4: ReservedBIT5: Overvoltage Limit Data(2Byte)
Read Run/Shutdown BIT6: Constant speed frequency reduction
Parameter Description BIT7Overcurrent Limit CRC CHK Low 6FH
BIT8 ~ 9:00-Zero speed/01-Accelerate R CRC CHK High F7H
/10-Deceleration/11-Uniform velocity
Data analysis of this section: 01H is the address of the frequency converter
BIT10: Overload pre-alarmBIT11: Reserved
03H is read function code
BIT 12 ~ 13Run command channel:00-Panel 2102H is the start address
/01-Terminal/10-Communication 0002H is the number of read addresses, and 2102H and 2103H F76FH are 16-bit CRC validation codes
BIT 14 ~ 15Bus voltage state:00-Normal
/01-Low voltage protection
Response information frame format:
/10-Overpressure protection
Address 01H
-19- -20-
Analysis of this data:
01H is the address of the inverter Chapter 7 Warranty Agreement
03H is read function code
04H is the product of read entries * 2 1. This product will be guaranteed for 18 months (except for exported/non-standard machine products)
1770H is read 2102H (set frequency) data under normal use environment (without moisture and dust) from the date of purchase by the user from the
0000H is reading data of 2103H (output frequency manufacturer.
5CFEH is a 16-bit CRC check code
2. This product will enjoy paid lifelong service from the date when the user purchases it from the
6 . 5 Wr i t e Fu n c t i o n M o d e manufacturer.
Inquir y information frame format: 3. During the warranty period, a certain maintenance fee will be charged for damage caused by the
following reasons:
Address 01H
a. Machine damage caused by errors in use and unauthorized maintenance and renovation;
Function 06H b. Do not operate correctly according to the procedures listed in the "Product Manual" provided by our
20H company;
Starting data address
c. Product damage caused by force majeure such as earthquake, fire, feng shui disaster, lightning strike,
abnormal voltage or other natural disasters;
Data(2Byte) d. Product damage caused by improper selection of transportation mode or invasion of other external
01H forces during transportation after the user purchases the product;
CRC CHK Low 43H e. Failures and damages caused by obstacles other than machines (such as external equipment factors);
CRC CHK High CAH 4. The manufacturer has the right not to provide warranty service under the following circumstances: a.
When the user fails to pay off the purchase price according to the Purchase and Sale Contract signed by
Analysis of this data:
01H is the address of the inverter both parties;
06H is write function code b. The user intentionally conceals the bad use of the product during installation, wiring, operation,
2000H is the control command address maintenance or other processes from the manufacturer's after-sales service provider.
0001H is the shutdown command
5. If you have any problems during use, please contact our agent or our company in time.
43CAH is a 16-bit CRC validation code
Address 01H
Function 06H
Starting data address
Number of Data(Byte)
Analysis of this data: If the setting is correct, the same input data will be returned.
-21- -22-
Chapter 8 Product Warranty Card
U n i t A d d:r e s s :
Company:Name: Contact::
P a r t N o .:
Information Dealer Name:
Re p a i r m a n :