Newsletter Spring 2006
Newsletter Spring 2006
Newsletter Spring 2006
Spring 2006
Healthy Colors 3
Copy Cats 3 (The Reams Biological Theory of Ionization [RBTI] Fruits and vegetables (and some other foods)
was developed by Dr Carey Reams, and utilizes data come in a delightful variety of colors that add
Carbon Monoxide 3 from urine and saliva analysis to determine indi- excitement and interest to the diet. Beyond the
Short Legs & vidualized mineral ratios required for ideal health.)
pleasing sensuous contribution is the nutri-
Heart Disease 3 Most popular approaches to wellness involve tional attribute of each color. Color is a fairly
New Products 4 some sort of immediate or ongoing detoxifica- reliable clue to the nutritional pigments that
tion. A simple search will reveal a large num- provide protection against the ravages of dis-
RBTI Class Ads 4
ber of health-oriented websites promoting ease and aging. A diet containing fruits and
various detoxification philosophies and/or vegetables with a variety of intense color is
programs. One could assume by this that de- almost certain to provide copious amounts of
Activated B12 toxification is essential for obtaining and health-promoting nutrients.
There are two coenzymati- maintaining personal health and wellbeing.
Thus, the question: Is detoxification Red
cally active forms of vita-
min B12, methylcobalamin (cleansing) necessary to good health and, if so, Red colors are usually the result of carotenoids
and deoxyadenosyl cobala- is there a correct way to detoxify? or anthocyanins. Foods especially rich in red
min. Daily Activated B12 is carotenoids include
the only supplement we Detoxification simply refers to the process of tomatoes (lycopene)
have seen that contains removing toxic (poisonous) substances. In and peppers (lutein
both active forms. Vitamin humans, it refers to the removal of toxic sub-
B12 (in the methylcobala- and zeaxanthin).
stances from the body tissues and organs. So- Beta-Carotene
min form) is essential for Lutein and zeaxan-
the use of folic acid in the called toxic, or poisonous, substances found thin are important
synthesis of biomolecules within the human chemistry come from two pigments for filter-
and reducing homocysteine primary sources—either externally (from food ing out blue light in
levels. Deoxyadenosyl co- and/or the environment), or from the body Lycopene
balamin is most important the macula of the
for preventing nerve dam- itself, generated by improper or inefficient eye and preventing
age due to B12 deficiency. chemical reactions. macular degenera-
Daily Activated B12 pro- tion. Lycopene is a
vides optimal protection RBTI’s Perfect Health
“Go by the numbers” and “Why guess when deep red carotenoid
against deficiency with just
one small capsule per day. you can know for sure,” are probably two of that has been shown Anthocyanin
the most often quoted statements of Dr. Carey to protect the eyes,
but is best known for preventing prostate can-
Daily Mfg., Inc. A. Reams. Dr. Reams was referring to the
cer (men who eat a lot of pizza have a lower
4820 Pless Rd. mathematical exactness of the numbers gener-
ated from urine and saliva analysis and placed risk of prostate cancer because of the tomato
Rockwell, NC 28138
into the RBTI equation. Dr Reams developed sauce). Anthocyanins are red flavonoids
Phone: (704)782-0700
found in many fruits such as grapes, raspber-
Fax: (704)784-8400 the RBTI equation during his diligent and
Information: (800) 782-7326 timely research, in the early 1930s, while at- ries, cranberries and vegetables such as red
cabbage. Many red fruits, such as pomegranate
Order Line: (800)868-0700 tempting to find an answer to a neighbor Continued on page 2 Continued on page 3
Page 2 Health Caps
child’s health dilemma. He always gave God credit for guiding thrown out of the body. Perfect digestion, only allows
him to the RBTI equation that mathematically characterizes the the proper mineral types and amounts to be incorporated
perfect body chemistry. It is the RBTI urine and saliva mathe- into a cell, while all other unnecessary and/or toxic ele-
matical exactness, that taught Dr. Reams how the human body is ments and metals are rejected because they do not fit the
designed to continuously detoxify itself, as an integral part of perfect frequency configuration.
being fed and cared for properly. 5 Finally, Dr. Reams found that a human body, with high
reserve mineral energy, replaces every cell within six-
Reams Discoveries Connecting The Perfect months, regardless of cell type or its longevity. A per-
Detox Only With Perfect Health fectly healthy human body is designed to replace its dif-
ferent cell types within 180 days of their initial construc-
1 Each species of biological life lives on a unique molecu-
tion — of course some cell types are replaced faster than
lar frequency, humans having the highest frequency
other types — but all ultimately die within the 180 day
among all plants and animals. Plus, Reams found the
period. Therefore, in the properly nourished body, de-
female gender to have a slightly higher frequency within
toxification is an ongoing process. Toxic minerals are
the specie group.
rejected and excreted, and older unhealthy cells contain-
2 Before any essential mineral element can be perfectly
ing toxic elements are soon replaced by healthy non-
incorporated into a high-energy human cell, it must first
toxic cells. This is why Dr. Reams maintained that de-
be placed on (i.e., tuned to) the perfect base frequency of
generation is nothing more than premature aging, which
the specie (in this case human) as well as to the sub-
is simply the body’s way of telling us that it does not
frequency of the organ-tissue of its destination. This
have optimum mineral intake to replace the dead and
process, under the direction of the brain, begins in the
dying low mineral energy cells with high mineral energy
digestive tract, continues in the liver, and is completed in
healthy cells. By the way, it is important to note here the
what Dr. Reams referred to as the “transformer glands.”
significant correlation Reams discovered: That cal-
3 Dr. Reams discovered that three substances are initially
cium’s role in soil chemistry, if properly regulated, pre-
and absolutely required for the liver to fulfill its role in
vents plants from picking up toxic heavy metals for the
the frequency-tuning process: a) the correct amount and
same reason.
type of water, b) the perfect amount of oxygen, and c)
the exact types and amounts of calcium. In fact, Reams The Perfect Detox
found that the human body requires more calcium, by To understand what Dr. Reams is saying through his RBTI dis-
weight and volume, than any other single mineral. coveries, is to know that the only true and perfect detoxification
4 Dr. Reams also discovered that calcium controls how all is to perfectly feed and care for the human chemistry according to
other minerals, good and bad, are allowed to enter into the RBTI mathematics of perfect health — known as the
the cell, both during its initial construction and during its “numbers.” Only according to these RBTI numbers can the body
continuing life cycle. That is, all other minerals, benefi- perfectly rid itself of the off-frequency dead, dying and toxic cells
cial or toxic, are intimately related to calcium availabil- and replace them with the on-frequency high calcium non-toxic
ity during the cell’s building and maintenance phases. cells within the 180 days. The body, in perfect health, will not
When calcium is optimal during cell building and main- allow toxic heavy metals into its structure because they will not
tenance phases, all other vital mineral elements, if prop- fit or conform to the perfect human frequency according to Dr.
erly available, are incorporated into the cell’s structure Reams.
perfectly. Furthermore, if toxic mineral substances are RBTI Conclusions
present during any part of this construction and mainte- It is at the cellular level that the human body is either fully alive
nance process, they are rejected and are not incorporated or toxic and dying. No amount of fasting, starving, heating, cool-
into the cell’s structure because they cannot fit the re- ing, chelating etc., etc. will force the body to remove and replace
quired frequency. In other words, if the digestive chem- toxic, dead and dying cells. Only a body, fed and cared for ac-
istry is perfect (i.e. no biochemical indigestion due to cording to that individual’s own RBTI test numbers can truly
nutrient deficiency) during cell construction, correct maintain a totally natural high calcium, high mineral energy on-
amounts of all other vital and beneficial mineral ele- frequency non-toxic structure, even in the midst of a toxic envi-
ments take up their rightful positions in the cells, while ronment.
the nonessential and/or toxic elements are rejected and
Health Caps Page 3