Prefixes & Suffixes
Prefixes & Suffixes
Prefixes & Suffixes
-able/-ible liable / that can be of /capable of Renewable , washable , disposable , believable, responsible
-ai /ial has the property of personal , industrial , financial , critical , musical
-ant quality or state / full of assistant, distant, important, pleasant, ignorant, relevant, tolerant
-ary like / connected with / belonging to legendary , imaginary ,necessary , secondary, voluntary
-ic having the property of / connected with heroic , economic , automatic , periodic , allergic ,fantastic
-ify make …./cause…. -verb- clarify , justify , purify , solidify , classify , qualify , verify , identify
-ish like / similar to / of a nationality childish , girlish , mannish , Spanish , British ,foolish
-ist person with specific knowledge. optimist , typist , specialist , stylist , socialist ,novelist , dentist
connection / function / disposition / character detective , destructive , impressive , massive ,productive , creative ,
/quality / tendency / inclination active , attentive , passive , relative ,addictive
-ity state / quality or condition sanity , ambiguity ,, ability , purity , fraternity ,dignity
-ize / -ise bring about a state or condition / make modernize , colonize , advertise , summarise , analyse
-ness quality / state of being -noun- kindness , openness , darkness , awareness , happiness ,greatness
-ship State of having a specific position leadership , relationship , championship , citizenship, membership