Unified Prefixes List

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Comprehensive List of Prefixes (Unified)

Common Prefixes
Prefix Meaning Examples
anti- against antibiotic, anticlimax
auto- self autobiography, autopilot
co- together cooperate, coauthor
dis- not, opposite of disagree, disappear
en-, em- cause to encode, embrace
fore- before forecast, forewarn
in-, im-, il-, ir- not indirect, impossible, illegal,
inter- between interact, international
mid- middle midway, midterm
mis- wrongly misjudge, mislead
non- not nonstop, nonverbal
over- too much overestimate, overreact
pre- before preapprove, predict
re- again rewrite, rebuild
semi- half, partly semicircle, semiannual
sub- under submarine, subconscious
super- above superhuman, supervise
trans- across transport, transform
un- not, opposite of undo, unequal
under- too little undervalue, underestimate

Prefixes from English Lexicology

Prefix Meaning Examples
anti- against antisocial, antonym
contra-, contro-, con- against contrary, controversial,
de- opposite, reduce decrease, degrade
in-, im-, il-, ir- not inability, incorrect,
immature, illegal, irregular
mis- wrong, mistakenly misspell, misinform
non-/n- not nonsense, never
over- upper/too much overall, overbalance
re- again/back react, retell, repeat
un- not, reverse unscrupulous, untie
under- lower, not enough underestimate, underfoot
ex- out export, exile
extra- outside extramural, extramarital
infra- below infrared, infrastructure
inter- between, among international, intermission
peri- around periscope, perimeter
pro-/pur- forward, before, for proceed, pursue
retro- back return, retroactive
sub- under, below subnormal
super-/sur- above, beyond supervise, surface
trans- across transplant, translate
ultra- in an excessive degree, ultrasound, ultrasonic
ante- before ante-meridiem
post- after postpone, postgraduate
pre- before premature, preliminary
semi- half, partly semi-circle, semi-colon
mono- one/single monoculture, monotone
bi- two bilateral, bigamous
tri- three triangle, triangulate

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