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Impacts of General Chemistry as an Applied Subject to Grade 11 STEM Students in

Camarines Sur National High School






Submitted to:


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Practical Research II

Senior High School

Camarines Sur National High School


June 2022

Table of Content

Abstract ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4

Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

Statement of the Problem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

Hypotheses --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

Significance of the Study ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

Scope and Delimitation ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

Locale of the study ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11

Risk Assessment --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12

Conceptual Framework ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14

Notes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

Methodology ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

Research Design --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

Research Instruments --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17

Experimental Procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17

Statistical Tools ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18

Data to be Gathered ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20

Notes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20

Data Presentation, Interpretation and Discussion ----------------------------------------- 21

Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation ------------------------------- 21

Bibliography ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24

Appendices -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25

a. Data and Statistical Analysis --------------------------------------------------------- 25

b. Documentation ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30

c. Communication Letter ---------------------------------------------------------------- 31

d. Financial Report ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 32

e. Journal ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32

Biographical Sketch ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34


The purpose of this study is to see how General Chemistry affects grade 11 stem

students at Camarines Sur National High School. As a result, a survey guide

questionnaire was used to collect qualitative data from the survey in order to assess the

impacts of General Chemistry on grade 11 stem students in Camarines Sur National High

School (CSNHS). There are a total of 22 students participants studying with Stem strand

in Camarines Sur National High School. Using a statistical method, the researchers will

also learn how they feel while studying General Chemistry as an applied subject in grade

11. The findings revealed that many pupils have difficulty studying general chemistry.

It also revealed that the majority of students devote a significant amount of time

to studying General Chemistry; while some students choose to abandon the topic, the

majority of students want to learn more about this applied subject and believe that it will

benefit them in the near future. Researchers discovered that the participants' profiles came

from various sections, indicating that this subject does not affect just one group. The

majority of the participants have had some difficulties understanding this, but still believe

it is significant in the grade 11 stem strand. As a result, the researchers advise teachers

and the Department of Education to establish a program aimed specifically at grade 11

Stem Students at Camarines Sur National High School in order to increase motivation

and access to learning General Chemistry.


The Problem and Its Setting


Education encompasses both the act of imparting knowledge with others and the

act of receiving knowledge from others. Education also refers to the knowledge gained

through schooling or instruction, as well as the teaching institution as a whole. The

system of education here in the Philippines actually last 14 years before; it was 6 years

in primary school, 4 years in secondary school and, 4 years for higher education that can

lead students to their bachelor’s degree. On May 15, 2013, President Benigno Aquino III

signed Republic Act (RA) 10533 into law, marking a watershed moment for advocates

of educational equity. The K+12 program includes kindergarten as well as twelve years

of basic education, including six years of primary school, four years of junior high school,

and two years of senior high school. K+12 aims to provide mastery of skills for lifelong

learners and prepare them for career opportunities by adding two years to the current

educational system. The program also contextualizes lessons for students by explaining

concepts using local culture and the students' respective mother tongues. The education

system also prepares graduates to acquire mid-level skills, which will provide them with

more opportunities even on a global scale. Year 2016 marks the start of the first batch of

K+12 students in the Philippines, where they must choose which strand to pursue in order

to make their college life a lot easier.

Every school in the Philippines has four academic strands: Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), Accountancy, Business, and Management

(ABM), Humanities and Social Science (HUMMS), and General Academic Strand

(GAS). STEM strand is intended for students interested in pursuing college degrees in

science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This strand prepares students to use

these majors to solve real-world problems and advance national development. The ABM

strand would focus on the fundamental concepts of financial management, business

management, corporate operations, and accounting in general. HUMMS is designed for

college students who want to major in journalism, communication arts, liberal arts,

education, or other social science courses. GAS is used for students who want to be

involved in more general areas of study rather than more specific fields of study. It is

very adaptable within one strand to a wide range of opportunities and challenges. There

are also many non-academic strands that concentrate on your talents and skills.

In order to prepare students to be in a good strand, an almost a hundred’s of grade

11 students chose STEM as their strand to begin their senior years at Camarines Sur

National High School (CSNHS). It is known for its benefits for students. It can improve

students' knowledge and challenge them particularly in applied subjects like General

Chemistry. General Chemistry is an applied subject for 11th grade students in Camarines

Sur National High School. Chemistry is a branch of science that is about the concerned

identification of the substances that make up matter; the investigation of their properties

and the processes by which they interact, combine, and change; and the application of

these processes to the formation of new substances. Chemistry is an important branch of

science that investigate the structure of matter, composition, properties, and the

interaction of elements. The said subject allows students to comprehend what is going on

around them. Many students struggle to understand General Chemistry because there are

so many lessons that need to be learned. The topic evolution is the primary reason General

Chemistry is so difficult. Before you can fully understand another topic, you must first

fully understand several others. It's important to remember that memorization isn't the

most important factor here. It’s also because of a lack of focus, concentration, and lack

in educational support system, some students struggle greatly with General Chemistry. It

entails a lot of important details. When a student lose focus, even for a brief moment,

he/she may miss something that will cause you to struggle greatly to grasp the concept.

According to (Herron, 1996), students face the following challenges: "A lack of

understanding of familiar words used to convey meaning in chemistry; a lack of

understanding of technical terms introduced in the study of chemistry; ascribing a

familiar meaning to a common word used in a technical sense; using everyday language

in chemistry."

The purpose of this study is to learn about the impacts of General Chemistry as

an applied subject of grade 11 STEM students at Camarines Sur National High School

(CSNHS). Also, it focuses on how students adjust and prepare themselves to understand

the General Chemistry lessons. To determine and investigate how Chemistry works, to

learn about the struggles of the students with this applied subject in Grade 11, as well as

how learners can manage their time to consume understanding General Chemistry. This

research is sought to answer the following question: (1) Does Chemistry have an impact

on the students’ physical and mental health? (2) What are the most effective methods for

learning Chemistry?


The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of the applied subject

General Chemistry on grade 11 stem students at Camarines Sur National High School.

This attempted to provide answers to the following questions:

1. What is the impact of the applied subject general chemistry on Camarines Sur

National High School's grade 11 stem students?

1.1 Does chemistry have an impact on the students’ mental and physical


2. Are the students struggle to understand and learn chemistry?

3. How students adjust and prepare themselves in learning the subject?

3.1 How they manage their time to understand chemistry?


This study aims to understand and identify the impacts of General Chemistry as an

applied subject to grade 11 STEM students of Camarines Sur National High School. The

following are the study's hypotheses.

1. The most effective methods for learning Chemistry.

2. Differences in student emotions before and after learning Chemistry

3. Chemistry's impact on students' daily lives.

4. Results of student understanding of chemistry lessons.

5. Students' responses to Chemistry challenges.


This research helps to understand the impact of general chemistry on grade 11

stem students, specifically how grade 11 stem students engaged with the general

chemistry subject at Camarines Sur National High School. The purpose of this study is

to better understand the impact of general chemistry on grade 11 stem student

participation at Camarines Sur National High School, specifically the following:

I. Grade 11 STEM Students of Camarines Sur National High School

This study will give a knowledge on how the world works. How they can improve

their insight in chemistry subject, and provides them with skills that increase their earning


II. Stem Teachers

This research will assist the teacher in identifying the student's weaknesses and

strengths in the general chemistry subject. Teachers serve as facilitators in the reader


III. Future Researcher

This study will give insight and interesting ideas of future researcher to deal with

their topic related to the impact of general chemistry as an applied subject to grade 11

stem student in Camarines sur national high school.

IV. DepEd

In this study the DepEd will be notified the learners in the grade 11 stem student

are having trouble with chemistry.

V. Local Government of Naga City

This study may facilitate understanding between the impact of general chemistry

subject and grade 11 stem student to employ necessary steps to improve the skills of the

student in Stem strand.


The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of the applied subject

general chemistry on grade 11 stem students. This includes identifying the students'

difficulties in learning, comprehending, and dealing with the subject. Furthermore, this

research presents the students' perspectives and opinions on the subject of chemistry.

This study limits its coverage only to grade 11 stem students of Camarines Sur

National High School. This study is intended to provide readers with information and

insights. To answer the study’s main purpose and problem, surveys, in-depth analysis,

and investigation are used.


The research was carried out at Camarines Sur National High School Peñafrancia

Naga City, Camarines Sur. The school where hundreds of Grade-11 students are enrolled

to begin their senior year. According to our research, students in the grade 11 STEM

strand are experiencing the effects of general chemistry as one of their applied subjects,

so we decided to conduct our operation with students in the grade 11 STEM strand at

Camarines Sur National High School.

Figure 1: Students in Camarines Sur Figure 2: Map to find Camarines

National High School Sur National High School

Figure 3: Image of Camarines Sur National High



We should identify the threats and decide who might be damaged and how

throughout the risk assessment. Assess the hazards and make a precautionary decision.

Keep track of your discoveries and put them into practice. Review and revise your

assessment as needed.

I. Hazards

a. Many students in SHS struggle with general chemistry as an applied subject.

However, they are attempting to find solutions to move forward with this


b. Some pupils have problems in understanding or do not understand topics

right away.

c. They are also students that dislike chemistry or do not have the word

“chemistry” in their lexicon.

II. Decide who might be harmed and how

a. This is a contentious subject. It is uninteresting to the students.

b. In this subject, students who have done but lazy. They are the ones who may

find it challenging.

c. Students who are uninterested in the subject may be affected as well. This

information may be more difficult for them to comprehend.

III. Evaluate the risk and decide on precaution

a. In this instance, each student values their time. We must be able to manage

our time because it comprises hectic days.

b. Students should avoid mental health as an adversary since they may be

unable to focus on this topic if they have mental breakdowns. We must be

able to manage it in order to have a greater understanding of the situation.

IV. Record your findings in a risk assessment and management plan, and

implement them.

a. There are several aspects to consider when implementing a management

strategy, such as time management.

b. One of the most essential things to do is to maintain mental wellness.

c. Some pupils are uninterested in chemistry, but I am confident that if we

study it well, we will succeed.







The diagram depicts the impact of general chemistry as an applied subject on

students in grade 11 at Camarines Sur National High School. The arrow point health

defines an issue concerning the student's mental health, as well as the impact of general

chemistry on their mental health. The arrow-point of managing their time to understand

the general chemistry subject is time. And how long does it take to recognize the

chemistry lesson? If a student has been struggling to learn chemistry for a long time. The

main topic in this diagram is the general chemistry subject arrow point, while the health

and time are linked in the general chemistry subject. Chemistry is a vital science that has

applications in a wide range of fields. Each grade 11 stem student has unique strengths,

limitations, talents, and understanding of the subject of General Chemistry. The purpose

of the study chemistry subject is to learn about the impacts of general chemistry subject

on grade 11 stem students at Camarines Sur National High School.


Out of all the suggestions, researchers chose the title "Impacts of General

Chemistry as an Applied Subject to Grade 11 STEM Students in Camarines Sur National

High School" because we wanted to investigate how students adjust to learning this new

subject. How they will gain a better understanding in order to devise a strategy to make

this subject easier for them. As you can see, the majority of our goal is to compare and

contrast the perspectives and experiences of students who have struggled with General

Chemistry. We also want to know how they manage their emotions in difficult situations.

Our research aims to explain the purpose of our chosen study and contribute to the body

of knowledge in the context, to fill an information gap, and to create and test a solution

to an existing applied subject in Camarines Sur National High School grade 11 STEM





A qualitative research design was used in the study. This design is used to

describe qualitative data obtained from unstructured interviews with open questions. This

study gathered data by conducting an information survey or form on the Impacts of

General Chemistry as an Applied Subject to Grade 11 STEM Students in Camarines Sur

National High School

Data Gathering Procedure

In order to have a systematic data gathering procedure, the researcher arranged

the information gathering. The researcher constructed the survey questions to serve as a

guide for survey and creating their questionnaire to meet the needs of their target

audience. The survey was made up of appropriate questions adapted from relevant of

general chemistry subject produced by the researchers. The first instrument is the stem

student of grade 11 in Camarines Sur National High School, we select the random

respondent from grade 11 stem student in Camarines Sur National High School to

respond the survey questionnaire. The researcher picked a 1 section from grade 11 stem

student in Camarines Sur National High School. Next the survey questionnaires were

then given to the respondents who had been chosen section. Then, when the respondents

had completed their responses, the online survey responses were collected.


To answer all of the objective questions, researchers used a survey or an interview

guide questionnaire made up of the respondents' profiles. The first instrument will be

grade 11 STEM students from Camarines Sur National High School, from which the

researcher will select a student who will complete the survey questionnaire. The survey

consisted of pertinent questions adapted from relevant General Chemistry subjects

created by the researchers. The most effective methods for learning General Chemistry,

differences in student emotions before and after learning General Chemistry, the effects

of Chemistry on students' daily lives, the outcomes of students' understanding of

chemistry lessons, and finally, student responses to chemistry challenges every student

who participates in the survey will receive a copy of the questionnaire from the

researcher. The online survey responses will be collected when the respondents

completed their responses.


The current study explains the effects of the applied subject General Chemistry

on Camarines Sur National High School grade 11 stem students. The questionnaires used

by the researchers were survey-style and consisted of twelve items. We will be able to

find out and answer the problems and questions posed in this study using survey type

questionnaires. Such as their time management, the effects of the subject on the students'

lives and health, the students' struggles and problems in learning and understanding

general chemistry, and so on. The findings of the studies in this study had a positive

impact on students.


Our survey was completed successfully. We only had 22 responses to our 12

questions, but everyone of them probably thought about the impact of general chemistry

as an applied subject in CSNHS. Food, clothing, shelter, health, energy, and clean air,

water, and soil are all basic human necessities that require general chemistry. That is

based on internet research, but we now have a greater grasp of how chemistry affects

CSNHS students thanks to our poll. The survey samples that we conducted are listed


"Have you ever found it difficult to understand a general chemistry lesson?", only

13 students (51.9%) voted only occasionally, and 9 students consistently voted yes (40.9

percent). We can see that students rarely have difficulty with this subject. Second, "Does

your teacher inspire you to improve your performance?" every time, 7 students (or 31.8

percent) voted yes and only 10 people, or 45.5 percent, voted every now and then. "How

much time do you dedicate to general chemistry classes on a daily basis?" was the third

query. Within 1-2 hours, 50% of the people, or 11 people, voted. and 8 people (36.4%)

voted after 2-3 hours. Only 3 students voted in 3-4 hours, accounting for 13.6 percent.

"Do you still want to learn more about general chemistry?" was the fourth query. 68.2

percent voted yes (15 students). They wish to study more, yet only 6 pupils voted,

accounting for 23.7 percent of the total. There was only one kid who voted no.

"Do you think General Chemistry as an applied subject truly benefits us a lot?"

was the inquiry. " There are 14 students who voted yes, which equals 63.6 percent. There

are also 4 students who voted no and 4 students who voted maybe, totaling 18.2 percent.

Also, "Are you one of those pupils that has difficulty understanding some of the technical

terms?" There were 6 yes votes, for a total of 27.3 percent. There were also 2 people (or

9.1%) who voted no, and 63.6 percent (or 14 people) who voted only seldom. "Do you

think General Chemistry will be useful to you in the future?" 17 students (77.3 percent)

voted yes, while 5 students (22.7 percent) voted occasionally. "Have you ever considered

giving up on this subject?" was the query. Only two people voted yes, accounting for

9.1% of the total. The 12 people who voted no received 54.5 percent of the vote, while

the 8 people who voted occasionally received 36.4 percent. Thirteen students answered

yes to the question "Are you motivated to learn more about general chemistry?" (51.9%).

Also, in response to the query, "A general subject is a complicated subject for you." Yes

voted by 9 students (40.9%). Five students (22.7 percent) voted no, while eight students

(36.4 percent) voted maybe. Finally, 4 students (18.2 percent) voted yes and 8 students

(36.4 percent) chose maybe on the question "General chemistry is an easy subject." NO

had the most votes, with 10 students voting no for a total of 45.5 percent.

The interview or survey went well. We discovered what each student's chemical

problems were. We also figure out what their opinions and feelings are on the matter and

the struggles that they been experiencing learning General Chemistry.


The researchers create survey-style questionnaires to distribute to the chosen

respondents. This school year's respondents are grade 11 stem students from Camarines

Sur National High School. Male and female students between the ages of 16 and 18.

Researchers used survey-style questionnaires to collect data in order to provide open-

minded options and avoid bias in data collection. Also, to encourage respondents to be

cooperative and at ease when responding to the survey.


To form the methodology, we divided it into sections. Determined whether the

research design will be developed using qualitative or quantitative methods. The survey

procedure and how to conduct it in data collection. A risk assessment is also carried out.

Furthermore, we only identify the risks. The survey must also be planned, which falls

under the purview of Instrumental. We are now anticipating the survey that will be

conducted on the following chapter in this section.


Data Presentation, Interpretation and Discussion

Summary of Finding, Conclusion and Recommendation


This study was conducted to examine the Impacts of General Chemistry as an

Applied Subject to Grade 11 STEM Students in Camarines Sur National High School.

Data were collected using a survey-type questionnaire to determine whether there are

significant differences between each students struggles and understanding the subject.

The survey, which is composed of 12 questions, made by the researchers gained 22

responses. Researchers received a positive feedbacks and answers to the questions that

made this study reach its purpose and goals.

Within the 22 responses that were collected, 40.9% of the students find the subject

general chemistry a complicated subject and struggles to understand the lessons. Also,

majority of the students wanted to gain more knowledge about the general chemistry.

Though they struggle to understand the lessons, they know the importance of the subject

and how it can help them in the future.

The Impact of the Applied Subject General Chemistry on Grade 11 Stem Students

of Camarines Sur National High School has been greatly felt that it can be considered as

an advantage for these students. It emphasizes the basic scientific principles and their

application in the development of life science industries that will make the students to

become more competitive in their chosen fields.


There's no doubt that many students find general chemistry difficult. According

to our survey, many students still want to learn new things. 15 people out of 22 replied

yes. They are interested in learning more about chemistry. This is a favorable result

because they are still interested in learning more about the subject.

When it comes to students who almost want to give up on this subject. 12 students

voted NO, for a total of 54.5 percent. With this result, researchers can state that we are

still hopeful about this. They genuinely want to learn. According to us researchers,

general chemistry is a difficult subject that many students struggle with, but it can be

acquired with study and perseverance. We are confident that we can all comprehend. This

is a problem that many people are concerned about. All that is required is dedication and



I. To grade 11 STEM students in Camarines Sur National High School

A successful student learns to study more intelligently rather than harder. This gets

progressively true as you progress through your education. Grade 11 stem students should

devote more time and attention to general chemistry. According to the survey form,

students are having difficulty learning and understanding general chemistry. We

recommend that students set aside time to study assignments and complete homework

exercises in order to gain a better understanding of the general chemistry subject. Provide

you with everything you'll need to improve your learning skills. Our study skills

resources for grade 11 stem students in Camarines Sur National High School cover

themes such as active listening, reading comprehension, note taking, stress management,

time management, testing, and memory.

II. Camarines Sur National High School

The principal of Camarines Sur National High School should encourage students

in grades 11 to work more closely with general chemistry professors to better grasp the

topic. Students can begin to comprehend the learning process with the help of methods,

and teachers have strategies to teach the student to learn and understand the lesson in

chemistry quickly. Students can employ ways to overcome their weaknesses and achieve

their full potential. Students learn the importance of adapting their approaches to different

assignments using flexible thinking skills. Teachers should also use learning technology

to gain a better understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses, and to create

scenarios in which both are addressed on a regular basis in the context of assignments,

homework, and assessments. Each student has their own skills, weaknesses, talents, and

understanding of General Chemistry. They can also make use of the processes already in

place, particularly the Organization of Stem Strand, while also encouraging students to

find alternative methods to contribute to the organization of stem strand.

III. Future Researchers

Future studies may concentrate on the impact of general chemistry on stem strand

students, particularly those who are still young. In Camarines Sur National High School,

they investigated the impact of general chemistry on grade 11 stem.


Why study Chemistry - Chemistry and Biochemistry. (2022). UW-La Crosse.


Cardellini, L. (2018, January 10). Chemistry: Why the subject is difficult? Educación


The Philippine government works to implement its K-12 programme while raising

educational standards. (2015, September 19). Oxford Business Group.


Why study Chemistry - Chemistry and Biochemistry. (2022). UW-La Crosse.



A. Data and Statistical Analysis

We needed analytical data to construct the data contents for our

investigation. This type of research requires perseverance and patience. Based

on the survey we performed, we can determine which pupils dislike General

Chemistry and which students have no interest in it. What challenges do they

face in dealing with this issue? The findings of the survey we conducted are

listed below.

Question no. 1

Question no. 2

Question no. 3

Question no. 3

Question no. 4

Question no. 5

Question no. 6

Question no. 7

Question no. 8

Question no. 9

Question no. 10

Question no. 11

Question no. 12

The graphs you're looking at show the results of our poll. Camarines Sur

National High School STEM students provided all of the responses. All of the

respondents have complete faith in themselves, and this is based on their personal

responses to our questions.

B. Documentation

The first and last virtual meetings to discuss what we intended to accomplish to finish

our research paper.

The number and sections of students who took part in the researchers' poll.

C. Communication letter

May 28,2022
Mrs. Sulpicio C. Alferez III, Ph,D
School Principal
Camarines Sur National High School
Dear Sir,
We grade 11 stem students from section STEM 1 as part of our practical
research requirement for our topic, would like to ask for permission to conduct a
research study entitled “Impact of General Chemistry as an Applied Subject to
Grade 11 STEM Students in Camarines Sur National High School”.
Your favorable action to this request will truly help us in the completion
of our research work. Rest assured that all information collected will be kept
private and used solely for research purposes. We hope of your positive response
on this humble matter. Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly
Thank you very much.
Respecfully yours,

Nikki Jane M. Mariano
Mayghan Velos
Sittie Waina Sultan
Jessamhel Maleniza

Reccomending Approval:


Practical Research 1 Teacher
Mr. Sulpicio C. Alferez III, Ph,D
School Principal

D. Financial Report

Researchers did not use any funds to conduct this study, so there were no

expenses. The researchers conducted the study on their own time. All materials

were obtained from open source and publicly accessible sources, such as articles

found on the internet. All data was obtained at no cost.

E. Journal

When our teacher informed us that our research would be qualitative,

students began looking for groupmates. The rule is to form groups of 3-5

people; however, my group only has four people because we don't know anyone

else. Our group started brainstorming alternative titles for our study, and once

all students received the research format, researchers started working on their

study. We had our first meeting to pick which title we should use out of all of

the recommendations; throughout this discussion, we fought for our own titles,

discussing the merits and arguments for leaving our titles. We decided on the

title "Impacts of General Chemistry as an Applied Subject to Grade 11 STEM

Students at Camarines Sur National High School" at the end of the conference

because we researchers are also affected.

Each member of the group is new to study, members struggled to divide

and comprehend the pieces. Researchers are also having difficulty carrying out

their jobs as part of this study because no one has the necessary experience.

Finding students to engage in a survey that the researchers created is also one of

the researchers' challenges; finding references is the most difficult aspect, so we

researchers did our best to construct this research. Despite the difficulties or

hurdles, researchers work together to complete the research process. We divided

each part of each chapter of this research so that each member has a task to

complete in order to complete each chapter. Because of some issues, some

members require more tasks than others, and each member understands the


We always ask for recommendations from each other at each meeting so

that our research is loaded with everyone's ideas, and we always set a date to

pass each part so that we can move on to the next chapter. Making research is a

difficulty for each member because no one has done it before, yet researchers

manage to complete this study on their own. This study assesses our trust in

each other, as well as our patience and belief in each other's abilities to make

our learning much easier if we work together.


Nikki Jane M. Mariano was born in Naga City, Camarines Sur, and is 17 years

old. Her parents' names are Imelda and Samson Mariano. She has two older sisters and

is the youngest in the family. Nikki enjoys the taste of coffee as well as the sound of rain.

It provides her with comfort and peace. She enjoys watching dramas and stanning Stray

Kids as k-pop idols. Nikki wishes for better days and years for her family and herself;

she enjoys traveling to new places, going out without a plan, and simply going with the

flow of her life. She has a lot of difficulties, but she always manages to survive.

She attended Don Manuel I. Abella Central School (DMIACS) for her elementary

education and graduated with academic excellence. She chose to spend her Junior and

Senior years at Camarines Sur National High School (CSNHS) in order to experience a

new atmosphere and make new acquaintances. She is now in her senior year and has

chosen Stem as her strand so that she can continue her aim of becoming an aviation or

marine engineer.

Mayghan O. Velos is 17 year old born on September 30, 2004. She lives in

Barangay San Felipe, Naga City. She is the youngest child of Mr. Efren A. Velos and

Mrs. Nenita O. Velos.

She is a student of Camarines Sur National High School (CSNHS) from the

academic year 2017-present. She is now a Grade 11 STEM student. Furthermore, she

finished her primary education at Rosario V. Maramba Elementary School (RVMES) in

Barangay San Felipe, Naga City on the academic year 2016-2017.

Sittie Waina H. Sultan born was February 23, 2004, In Lanao del sur Mindanao,

that girl is 18 years old. She is the 9th member of the 12 sibling children of Mr. Calic

Sultan and Mrs. Badria Sultan. She is pure muslim and her religion is islam. Waina like

to travel the word to make herself happy, and currently she is playing golf. She loves the

nature vibes and chill vibes, and investing right now a book for herself. She is 18 years

old and wants to work for herself, but she is now working in her family's business on the

ground floor of Bichara Mall while studying. She wanted to manage her family's

business. Waina's parents want to teach her how to manage the business for the future


She attained her kindergarten years at San Rafael Elementary School and

graduated with academic award. She finished the junior high in Camarines Sur National

High School. She is now pursuing her senior high at Camarines Sur National High School

taking STEM strand.

She is Jessamhel P. Maleniza was born on March 16, 2005 at BMC Hospital.

She is now 17 years of age. The Eldest daughter of Rammel and Jessica Maleniza. You

can call her Sam or Samel. She is from Zone 5, Quinale st. Tabuco Naga City Camarines

Sur. She has four siblings, the three of them are all girls and one of them is boy. She love

to dance, sing, paint, draw, and play with her guitar. Right now she is a member of

Camerata Kultura, a choir goup here in Naga City.

She studied in Tabuco Central School when she was in elementary. She

graduated with Academic excellence on every school year and always belong to Top

students during her elementary days. And now that she is in high school, she chose

Camarines Sur National Highschool. It is in Peñafrancia Avenue Naga City. She always

joined in different contests such as poster making contests and dancing competition. Now

that she is in SHS she take STEM for her to take architecture when she is in college. She

wants to be an architecture someday.


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