What You Have Learned About Handling Data
What You Have Learned About Handling Data
What You Have Learned About Handling Data
handling data
You have learned how to put values and labels into a spreadsheet;
draw graphs and bar charts that show the values in the spreadsheets; Activity World of Lizards graph
do calculations using spreadsheet formulas; and sort data into order.
World of Lizards is a pet store that
The activities on this page will let you see how much you have learned.
specialises in pet lizards. It has three
different types of lizard:
1 Name one advantage of showing data as a graph instead of a list of numbers. 1 leopard gecko
2 green anole
3 blue-tongued skink.
Here is a spreadsheet which shows how many lizards there were in the shop
2 Name two different types of graph. each year. Use the skills you have learned to make this spreadsheet.
5 the line that shows how many green anoles there were in the shop.