UGExam Policy 1547705546
UGExam Policy 1547705546
UGExam Policy 1547705546
1. Professional Examinations
a. The University professional examinations shall be held only twice in each
academic year (i.e. Annual and Supplementary) for each class of the
b. There shall be five professional examinations for MBBS and four for BDS
c. All professional examinations shall be held in the constituent/affiliated colleges/
2. Conduct of Examinations.
The Controller of Examinations shall be responsible for the preparation of the
examination calendar and the conduct of all examinations during an academic year.
3. Examination Schedule/Date Sheet
a. Date sheet of all examinations shall be prepared by Controller of Examinations in
consultation with the colleges/ Institutes at least three months prior to the
commencement of annual examination.
b. The University shall publish the examination schedule of written and practical
examinations on NUMS website with a copy to concerned institution.
c. In case of unforeseen circumstances, Controller of Examinations may change the
date sheet.
4. Eligibility for a Professional Examination.
A student shall be eligible to appear in a professional examination subject to fulfilling the
following conditions, namely:
a. Registered in NUMS and has studied the prescribed courses in the academic year.
b. Attended 75 % of the lectures, demonstrations, tutorials and practical or clinical
work, both in-patients and out-patients. For clinical subjects, cumulative
attendance of all clinical years shall be considered
c. Paid the prescribed examination fee.
d. Paid all college / institute dues for the current academic year
e. Has no major disciplinary case during the current academic year
5. Submission of Examination form
a. Meeting the pre-requisite to be eligible to sit in an examination, every candidate’s
examination application form and prescribed fee shall be forwarded as per
University registration number through Head of Institution (HoI) to the Controller
of Examinations at least 6 weeks before the commencement of the annual
b. Whenever completed Admission Form or the fee is received after the due date,
the candidate shall pay double the normal fee provided that such application and
fee is received at least three weeks before the commencement of the
c. Controller of Examinations shall ensure that the candidates’ documents are
correct and shall forward admit cards to the institutions, at least two weeks
before the commencement of examination for issue to individual students.
d. The Examination Directorate shall process the examination fee submitted by an
institution to Finance Directorate.
6. Internal Assessment.
a. Weightage of internal assessment shall be 10 %, each for theory and practical, in
MBBS and BDS Professional Examination.
b. The Internal Assessment shall comprise of monthly test / PBL / assignments /
stages / sub-stages / ward tests / OSCE etc
c. The Internal Assessment record shall be kept in the respective department of the
College / Institute and after approval of Principal, a summary as per University
registration number shall be furnished to the Controller of Examinations, at least
two weeks before the commencement of final examination.
d. The result of all the class tests / tools which contribute towards IA will be
displayed to the students during an academic year.
e. The same internal assessment shall be counted both for annual and
supplementary examinations. The students who are relegated, however, can
improve the internal assessment during subsequent year
f. Internal assessment tools of any subject may be changed after the approval of
respective FBS
7. Annual Examination
a. The weightage of Annual Examination shall be 90%, each for theory and
practical, in MBBS and BDS.
b. The examination comprises of a theory paper and practical/clinical examinations
as per PM&DC regulations and the Table of Specifications(TOS) of the
c. The gap between two consecutive theory papers shall not be more than two
d. The Theory Paper shall be of 3-hours duration, held under the arrangements of
the university. It shall have two parts; MCQs (30%) and SAQs/SEQs (70 %) for
the year 2018. It may be changed after the approval of Academic Council.
e. Allocated time for MCQs for 2018 shall be as under:
25 MCQs - 30 Minutes
30 MCQs - 40 Minutes
40 MCQs - 50 Minutes
45 MCQs - 60 Minutes
f. Each MCQs shall have four distractors
g. The distribution of SAQs/SEQs as well as MCQ difficulty levels for MBBS and
BDS annual examinations is as under: -
Class Subjects MCQs (%) SAQs/SEQs (%)
C1 C2 C3 Total (%) C1&C2 C3 Total
1st& 2nd Anatomy
Years Physiology 10 (40%) 10 (40%) 05(20%) 25 (28%) 07 (78%) 02 (22%) 09 (72%)
MBBS Biochemistry
Pharmacology 16 (40%) 16 (40%) 08 (20%) 40 (30 %) 06 (65%) 03 (35%) 09 (70%)
3rd Year Gen Pathology 15 (37.5%) 15 (37.5%) 10 (25%) 40 (30 %) 06 (65%) 03 (35%) 09 (70%)
Forensic Medicine 06 (25%) 13 (50%) 06 (25%) 25 (28 %) 07 (78%) 02 (22%) 09 (72%)
10 (25%) 20 (50%) 10 (25%) 40 (30 %) 07 (78%) 02 (22%) 09 (70%)
4 Year Special Pathology 10 (25%) 20 (50%) 10 (25%) 40 (30 %) 05 (55%) 04 (45%) 09 (70%)
ENT 06 (20%) 12 (40%) 12 (40%) 30 (33 %) 04 (45%) 05 (55%) 09 (67%)
Internal External
OSPE /OSCE/Long case/short case etc
Examiner Examiner
Log book/Practical Notebook
25 25 40 90
8. Internal Examiner
He/she shall be Professor and Head of Department who has been involved in teaching
of the class being examined for at least six months and has delivered 50% of the total
lectures. Second preference shall be Associate/Assistant Professor who is involved in
teaching of the class and posted there for one year. Third preference shall be a
recognized Professor of the subject.
9. External Examiner
He/she shall be a Professor/Associate Professor of a recognized Medical/Dental
College or at least an Assistant Professor with three years teaching experience in the
relevant subject.
a. There shall be two regular semesters in an academic year, Fall and Spring of
16-18 weeks (inclusive of 1 – 2 weeks for exams) and an optional summer
semester of 9 weeks. The spring semester shall normally start in January with
its examinations in May. The fall semester shall start in August with its
examinations in December. The summer semester shall be offered as an
optional semester of 9 weeks duration between 1st week of June and 2nd
week of August to make up for academic deficiencies depending on the
availability of staff. A student will be allowed to register only in 1-2 courses of
up to 08 credit hours for remedial work. The contact hours will be doubled in
the summer semester.
84 3.93
83 3.86
82 3.80 A-
81 3.73
80 3.66
79 3.60 B+
78 3.52
77 3.46
76 3.40
75 3.33
74 3.24 B
73 3.16
72 3.08
71 3.00
70 2.88 B-
69 2.77
68 2.66
67 2.58 C+
66 2.50
65 2.42
64 2.33
63 2.22 C
62 2.11
61 2.00
60 1.88 C-
59 1.77
58 1.66
57 1.57 D+
56 1.48
55 1.39
54 1.30
53 1.23 D
52 1.15
51 1.08
50 1.00
Below 50 0.00 F
11. Computation of semester GPA/CGPA. –
a) GPA is a figure ranging from 0.00 to 4.00 and to be used to indicate the
performance of a student in the semester.
c) Cumulative Grade Point Averages (CGPA) is a sum over of all courses in all
semesters (courses credit hours x grade point earned)/total credit hours of all
13. Academic Deficiencies. A student who obtains one or more of the following
grades in the semester result shall be considered academically deficient:
a) CGPA less than 2.00 for UGs or/and
b) 'F' grade in any course or/and
c) 'I' (incomplete) grade in any course.
14. Award of Grade “F”. “F” grade is awarded on the basis of:
a) Academic failure i.e, below 50% marks in the course.
b) Attendance less than 75% (85% for nursing students) in the subject.
c) The “F” grade so obtained can only be cleared by repetition of the course
whenever offered.
15. Award of Grade “I”. An incomplete “I” grade will be awarded by the faculty only in
exceptional cases only when where beyond the control of a student such as serious
accident, family tragedy, serious health ailment, etc. The grade will be approved by
the concerned Dean provided the attendance of a student is not less than 75%. The
student will be given a proper grade after examination as per NUMS grading policy
without prejudice to the previous grade “I”. In case a student fails to make up the
required score, he will be awarded an “F” grade.
16. Recommendations for academic deficiencies. The Dean/HoD will review the
semester results of deficient students and recommend any one of the following
actions namely: -
If a student gets 'F' grade, he will be required to repeat the course or its
recommended alternate, if any. However, “F” grade obtained earlier will also be
recorded on the transcript. Undergraduate students may be allowed to repeat a
course in which he has obtained grade below “C”. In such a case, both the
previous and new grade obtained will be recorded on the transcript. However, only
the better grade shall be used in the calculation of CGPA. Maximum number of
courses that student may be allowed to repeat in an eight semester’s degree
program is less than and equal to six (≤6). Course may be repeated/improved in
summer semester or when the course is offered.
18. Medical Certificate. Medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner duly
endorsed by the University Medical Officer is acceptable for the examination
purposes in the University. There shall be no re-sit of the missed examination for
the student.
19. Permission of writer for special students. A visually impaired student may be
allowed to attempt the mid/final examinations of the University on braille/
computer/any other means of facilitation. In case a student is physically
handicapped/visually impaired, he may apply to the head of the respective
department (with medical certificate as proof of his disability) for permission to
engage a writer in tests/ examinations of the University two weeks before the start
thereof. He will be allowed 45 minutes (maximum) extra time to solve the question
paper. The qualification of the person who acts as writer of a handicapped student
must be at least one step lower than that of the student. (e.g. for level 6 student, the
writer should be at the most of level 5)
20. Damaged/lost answer script. In an exceptional case where an answer script is
damaged, lost or destroyed due to unavoidable circumstances, then the student
may be given the following options:
i. Average marks shall be awarded to the student in that subject/course.
ii. If the student so desires, he shall be given another chance as a special
case to take the examination in the relevant subject/course in the next
21. Preparation and issuance of academic transcript / detailed mark sheet. –The
Examination Department may issue two types of Transcripts i.e. Interim and Final.
i.Interim transcript: Interim transcript shall be issued to the students who have not
completed their program. It will show the grades of all semesters which a student
has completed along with GPA/CGPA. It will also show program status.
ii.Final transcript: Final transcript shall be issued to the students who have
completed their degree requirements. It will show complete academic record of the
students along with GPA/CGPA and program status with academic honor, if any.
iii.Duplicate Transcripts: The University shall issue one original copy of the interim
and final transcripts. Students may request for additional copies on payment of
prescribed fee. Each type of transcript shall depict transcripts definition and legend
on its reverse side. Payment of the prescribed fee will apply for the issuance of
original or duplicate transcripts.
22. Format of Final Transcript. The final transcript for the award of degree includes
following information on its front side:
i.Name of student, father's name, date of birth, registration no. /Roll No.
ii.Name of the program
iii.Date of admission into degree program
iv.Semester wise break-up with dates
v.Subjects detail along with credit hours
vi.Type of enrollment – full time or part time
vii.Picture of the applicant be printed on transcript date of completion of degree
viii.Mode of study – regular or private or distance learning
ix.Online result verification key/id (front side at the end of the transcript)
x.GPA/CGPA and overall percentage against earned CGPA (at the end of the front
side of transcript) for semester based programs
23. Award of degree/duplicate degree. Degrees shall be issued against payment of
prescribed fee. NUMS will generally distribute degrees through formal convocation.
Urgent degree can be issued upon the request of student on payment of special
fee, if any. Duplicate degree may be issued (with completion of all requirements) to
a student in case the original degree is lost/damaged or in case of change in the
name of candidate. The duplicate degree shall be signed by the Controller of
Examinations only.