This document appears to be an exit exam for a course related to ear, nose, and throat (ENT). It consists of 20 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of anatomy, examination techniques, common pathologies, and diagnostic tests related to the head and neck. There is also a bonus section with labeling and short answer questions. The exam is assessing a student's mastery of key ENT topics as they complete their training.
This document appears to be an exit exam for a course related to ear, nose, and throat (ENT). It consists of 20 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of anatomy, examination techniques, common pathologies, and diagnostic tests related to the head and neck. There is also a bonus section with labeling and short answer questions. The exam is assessing a student's mastery of key ENT topics as they complete their training.
This document appears to be an exit exam for a course related to ear, nose, and throat (ENT). It consists of 20 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of anatomy, examination techniques, common pathologies, and diagnostic tests related to the head and neck. There is also a bonus section with labeling and short answer questions. The exam is assessing a student's mastery of key ENT topics as they complete their training.
This document appears to be an exit exam for a course related to ear, nose, and throat (ENT). It consists of 20 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of anatomy, examination techniques, common pathologies, and diagnostic tests related to the head and neck. There is also a bonus section with labeling and short answer questions. The exam is assessing a student's mastery of key ENT topics as they complete their training.
1. Bulges in the soft palate or pharyngeal walls can indicate an
a. Abscess c. Aneurysm b. Mass d. All of the above 2. Palpation of the base of the tongue, soft palate and pharyngeal walls can trigger a. Vomiting c. Gag reflex b. Coughing d. None of the above 3. Findings of bifid uvula accompanied by midline lucency of the soft palate and a notch on the posterior hard palate is consistent with a. Peritonsillar abscess c. Mucocele b. Submucosal cleft palate d. Incomplete cleft palate 4. Cobblestoning of mucosa in the posterior oropharynx as seen in allergic rhinitis, infection, and reflux indicates the presence of a. Submucosal lymphoid hypertrophy c. Carcinoma of the pharynx b. Retropharyngeal abscess formation d. Normal findings 5. The small yellow spots in the buccal mucosa known as Fordyce spots indicates a. Viral infection c. Bacterial infection b. Allergic reaction d. Normal 6. These are painful white ulcers that can be on any part of the mucosa but are commonly present on the buccal membrane a. Leukoplakia c. Aphthous ulcer b. Behcet’s disease d. None of the above 7. A bony outgrowth along the lingual surface of the mandible is called a. Torus palatinus c. An ossifying fibroma b. Mandibular tori d. Fibrous dysplasia 8. The sound is louder when the fork is by the canal a. Weber negative c. Rinne positive b. Weber right d. Rinne negative 9. Conductive hearing loss causes the Weber test to lateralize to the side with the conductive loss, because a. less competing background noise is detected through air conduction b. bone conduction is better than air conduction c. the sound travels faster through bone conduction d. none of the above 10. Extraocular movements provide assessment of the following: a. Oculomotor nerve c. Gaze-evoked nystagmus b. Trochlear and abducens nerve d. All of the above 11. A smooth submucosal nodule in the oral cavity may denote a. Mucocele c. Carcinoma b. Ranula d. Ameloblastoma 12. Cancers in this subsite of the oral cavity are commonly asymptomatic until locally advanced a. Floor of the mouth c. Retromolar trigone b. Hard palate d. Anterior 2/3 of the tongu 13. More worrisome for a precancerous condition a. Oral thrush c. Erythroplakia b. Leukoplakia d. None of the above 14. The oropharynx includes the following except a. Pyriform sinus c. Base of the tongue b. Vallecula d. All the above 15. Yellow or white concretions in the tonsillar crypts which often causes halitosis a. Sialolithiasis c. Lymphoma b. Tonsilliths d. Tonsillar hypertrophy 16. A normal structure that can be seen in the examination of the subglottic area that is seen inferiorly to the anterior commissure, sometimes mistaken for subglottic stenosis a. Hyoid bone c. Thyroid mass b. Thyroid cartilage d. Cricoid cartilage 17. The posterior triangle is bounded by the following except: a. Trapezius c. Sternocleidomastoid b. Sternum d. None of the above 18. The anterior triangle is bounded by the following except: a. Omohyoid muscle c. Digastric muscle b. Sternohyoid muscle d. Sternocleidomastoid muscle 19. Cervical lymph node level IIA and IIB is separated by what structure; a. Sternocleidomastoid muscle c. Digastric muscle b. Omohyoid muscle d. Spinal accessory nerve 20. The following nodes are contained in cervical lymph node level VI, except a. Delphian c. Postcricoid b. Paratracheal d. Perithyroid
Bonus: I. Label the structures below:
II. What was your unforgettable learning experience in ENT?