Airport Mod 5 BT
Airport Mod 5 BT
Airport Mod 5 BT
Docks : Docks are enclosed areas within or near harbour which will be considerably more than the weight of the
for berthing of vessels to facilitate loading and floor itself. This unbalanced excess load is transmitted
unloading of cargo and passengers or for repair of ships. to the side walls, by actual or virtual inverted arch action,
Docks are classified into two categories: Wet docks and being resisted by the weight of the side wall and the
(Harbour docks) : Used for berthing of vessels to horizontal pressures behind it. Heavy reinforced floor
facilitate loading and unloading of cargo and passengers. sections may become necessary, if the soil is soft or
Enclosed area is wet Repair docks : Used for repair yielding, as intensity of this load may reach as high as
of vessels. Enclosed area is dry. 2600 kN to 3000 kN per running metre.
Classification of wet docks Dock filled with water: This condition imposes the
1. Wet docks in Tidal Basins : Harbours are prone to be greatest load on the foundation. The horizontal pressures
affected by tides, which may cause changes in the water behind the side wall are more or less resisted by the
level. Tidal basins are partially enclosed areas of water, water pressure inside the dock. The inverted arch action
which are approached by open entrances and are subject of the floor will be absent under this condition of loading
to fluctuations of levels, due to tidal variations. In tidal and the full weight of the side wall less loss due to
basins with permissible tidal range (4.5m), vessels are buoyancy along with the surcharge loads, will have to be
berthed alongside piers taken directly by the foundation.
Advantages:Speedy and unrestricted arrival and 2.MARINE RAILWAY DRY DOCK / SLIPWAY:
departure of ships Costly arrangements like lock gates Marine railway is an inclined railway extending from the
for the closing of entrances are not required shore well into the water as well as the foreshore, to
Disadvantages: If range of tide is more the operations enable a ship to be drawn up clear out of the water. The
are seriously affected o Fluctuations of water levels will essential parts are a cradle, which moves up and down
cause the rubbing of sides of ships against the berths on inclined track and the track itself being supported on
2. Wet docks in Enclosed or Impounded Basins : an unyielding and firm foundation or pile foundation.
Docks or wet docks are enclosed and are shut off by The use of this type of dock is no doubt economical but
entrances by locks to maintain a fairly uniform level of is limited to vessels of not more than 50000 kN.
water. Where tidal ranges are very large, docks are i) LIFT DRY DOCK : This is a substantially constructed
formed by enclosures The water level in these platform capable of being lowered into and raised from
enclosures is maintained at constant level by providing water. Raising and lowering are accomplished by means
locks and gates of hydraulic power applied through cylinders supporting
Advantages: The uniform level of water is maintained the ends of cross girders carrying the platform
which is very convenient for handling cargo .It increases ii) FLOATING TYPE DRY DOCK : Floating dock may
the commercial activities of ports . It prevents rubbing be defined as a floating vessel. which can lift a ship out
of the sides of ships against the quay walls of water and retain it above water by means of its own
Disadvantages: Costly arrangements have to be buoyancy'. It is a hollow structure of steel or reinforced
provided for locks and gates . More time will be required cement concrete consisting of 2 side walls and a floor,
for entry and exit of ships with the ends open. To receive a ship, the structure is
Classification of repair docks sunk to required depth by ballasting its interior chambers
1.GRAVING DRY DOCK : this stands still like a grave with water, the ship is then floated into position and
of dead body hence it is named graving dry dock. It is an berthed. The dock is raised bodily with the berthed ship
excavated chamber having, side walls, end wall, front by unballasting the chambers by pumping out the water.
opening with gate and a solid floor. Side walls are two i)Types of floating docks : Rigid type floating docks ,
in numbers constructed in form of 2 m steps of concrete Self docking type floating docks ,Self docking offshore
or masonry covered with granite stones on exposed type floating docks
surfaces. The side walls, house galleries at higher levels FORM & ARRANGEMENTS OF BASINS AND
to house pumps (likely to be damaged by entry of water) DOCKS
and culverts at lower level to drain out unwanted liquids. 1. Approaches to basin and docks : They should be
The outer side provided with batter or stepped to sheltered and of adequate length , Navigable ( dredging)
increase width at base to make wall stable, against worst 2. Depth of docks and basins : Should be capable of
combination of loads accommodating the largest vessel likely to visit the port
FACILITIES TO BE PROVIDED AT A GRAVING 3. Shape of docks and basins : formed by straight lines
DRY DOCK: i. Rectangular shape: The length and breadth could be
Lifting, Compressed air supply, Supply of fresh water, adjusted to give the maximum quayage. ii. Diamond
Electrical power supply, Supply of salt water, Pulling shape : For the same perpendicular distance between the
equipment, Anchoring facilities in form of bollards. long sides, the long sides could be conveniently
CONDITIONS FOR DESIGN OF GRAVING extended. iii. Inclined pier type : It consists of a number
DOCK : of projecting piers into the basin or dock.
4. Location: Docks could be located, on inland ports of sinking and raising of this caisson is done by ballasting
rivers, at estuaries or on open sea coast and un ballasting respectively. This type does not require
5. Internal arrangement: Separate docks are usually any gate recess or machinery for moving.
required for different kinds of cargo , E.g. Coal and oil OPERATION OF LOCK GATES AND PASSAGE
should be dealt with separately away from general or A lock is a device used for raising and lowering boats,
food cargo ships and other watercraft between stretches of water of
6. Other Aspects : Availability of fresh water to replace different levels on river and canal waterways.
leakage and fouled water from docks. (cleaning) Basic construction & operation
,Approach channel has to be frequently dredged • A watertight chamber connecting the upper and lower
DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF BASIN OR canals, and large enough to enclose one or more boats.
DOCK WALLS The position of the chamber is fixed, but its water level
(1) Design conditions : Dock empty to withstand can vary. • A gate (often a pair of "pointing" half-gates)
pressure of back-fill. Dock full with back-fill removed. at each end of the chamber. A gate is opened to allow a
Thickness at top should be sufficient to resist the shock boat to enter or leave the chamber; when closed, the gate
of contact with ships. Dock walls have to carry is watertight.•A set of lock gear to empty or fill the
additional concentrated loads like crane foundations and chamber as required. This is usually a simple valve
capstans or bollard fixtures for mooring ships. (traditionally, a flat panel (paddle) lifted by manually
Surcharge loads in the shape of loaded vehicles or trains winding a rack and pinion mechanism) which allows
on the quay adjacent to the wall . Water front side of water to drain into or out of the chamber; larger locks
dock wall must have fenders to protect the wall structure may use pumps.
from impacts of loaded ships. The principle of operating a lock is simple. For instance,
(2) Design loads : L.L Live load ,D.L. Dead load, E.P. if a boat travelling downstream finds the lock already
Earth pressure ,S.W.P. Static water pressure, Dy. W.P. full of water: • The entrance gates are opened and the
Dynamic water pressure ,U.P Uplift pressure , I.P boat moves in. • The entrance gates are closed. • A valve
Impact pressure due to ship. is opened, this lowers the boat by draining water from
(3) Effect of loads : (i) to slide forward (ii) to rotate about
the chamber. • The exit gates are opened and the boat
the front toe (iii) to sink at the toe due to increase in moves out.
pressure above the bearing capacity of the soil (iv) to
develop tension in the joint. i) The opposing force
exerted by the earth in front of the toe; and (ii) the
strength of soil.
Vessels can enter docks either directly or through locks.
In either case, gates are provided for the dock entrances.
The types of gates used are:
Wooden or iron gates : Wooden or iron gates are
adopted for locks. The former type is described in detail
under lock gates. An entrance to a dock takes less space
than a lock and it requires only one pair of gates instead
of two. Also, the lock requires a special chamber. An
entrance restricts the admission of vessel to periods
round about high tides only. On the other hand, a lock
enables vessels to enter the dock whenever required,
provided approach channel permits them to do so.
Caissons : Two kinds of caissons are employed: (i)
Sliding caisson (ii) Ship caisson.
Sliding caisson : It consists of a box shaped steel
structure stiffened internally with proper bracing. It is
provided with steel keels sliding on smooth granite floor.
Instead of the keels, the caissons could be moved on
rollers and rails. The entrance is opened by hauling the
caisson into a recess provided in the side wall of the
dock. The caisson also serves as a bridge across the dock
Ship caisson : It resembles the outline of a ship in cross-
section and is constructed of steel with stiffeners at
proper intervals. It is floated into position and sunk into
specially prepared grooves in the dock sides and sill. The