Mat206 Graph Theory, July 2021

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Reg No.

Fourth Semester B.Tech Degree ExaminationJuly 2021

Course Code: MAT206

Max. Marks: 100 Duration:3 Hours

\ (Answer all questions; each qaestion carries 3 marlcs) Marks

-:f What is the maximum number of edges in a simple graph with n vertices? 3

JustiS your answer.

There are 25 telephones in Metropolis. Is it possible to connect them with wires 3

so that each telephone is connected with exactly 7 others? Why?

Show that all vertices ofan Euler graph G are ofeven degree 3

Explain strongly connected and weakly connected graphs with the help of 3


Prove that a connected graph G with n vertices and n-l edges is a tree. 3

How many labelled trees are there with n vertices? Draw all labelled trees with 3

3 vertices.'

Define planar graphs. Is IQ, the complete graph with 4 vertices, a planar graph? 3

Define fundamental circuits and fundamental cut-sets.
Construct the adjacency matrix and incidence matrix of the graph .

l0 Defi ne chromatic number, What is the chromatic number of a tree with two or

more vertices?

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(Answer onefull qaestionfrom each module, each qaesfion carries 14 marks)
Module -l
ll a) Define complete graph and complete bipartite gaph. Draw a graph which is a
complete graph as well as a complete bipartite graph.
b) Explain walks, paths and circuits with the help of examples. 7

rz a) Define isolated vertex, pendant vertex, even vertex and odd vertex. Draw a 7
graph that contains all the above.

b) Prove that simple graph with n vertices and k components can have at most
\ (n-k)(n-k+l)12 edges.
Module -2
t3 a)


Find the unioru intersection and ring sum ofthe above graphs.
b) State travelling salesman problem. How it is related to Hamiltonian circuits? 5

14 a) Prove that in a complete graph with n vertices there are (n-l)/z edge disjoint 7

Hamiltonian circuits, if n is an odd number and n 2 3 .

b) For which values of m, n is the complete graph K-,n an Euler graph ? Justi$
your answer.

Module -3
15 a) Prove that a binary tree with n vertices has (n+1)/2 pendant vertices. 7

b) Using Prims algorithm, find a minimal spanning tree for the following graph. 7

l6 a) Write down Dijkstra's algorithm and use it to find the shortest path from s to L

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b) Plove that every tree has either one or two centers.

Module -4
l7 a) Define cut-set. Prove that every circuit in G has an even number
of edges in
coflrmon with any cut-set.

b) Constnrct the geometric dual of the graph below

18 a) Prove that a connected planar graph with n vertices and e

edges has e-n+2
b) Let G be a connected graph and e an edge ofG. Show that e is a cut-edge
and only if e belon$s to every spanning tree.

Module -5
l9 a) Explainfour colour probren using the concept of chromatic number. 5
b) Let B and A be the circuit matrix and the incidence matrix of a graph G which 9
is free from loops, whose columns are arranged using the same
order of edges.
t Show that 6Br:94r:9 (mod 2).
20 a) show that chroniatic polynomial of a tree with n vertices is pr,(,tr) :
7Q'- 11n-t
b) Define path matrix of a graph. Find the path matrix p(x, y) for the graph below.


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